
watch world war z full movie online amazing!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

how world war z should have ended *gasp*(coughing) nurse! mmmhmmm? you aint brad! i need to know what happened. tell mewhat's going on out there. oh lord, we got zombies. can't you tell? zombies!? you mean like the walking dead? mmhmm. well these don't walk so much as run... or eat human flesh, but they are zombies!

i guess.and they are tearing up the place! at least the zombies are leaving alone everybody sick in these hospitals. we got enough problems to deal with in here! wait! what do you mean they're leaving sickpeople alone? what'd you think i meant when i said they're leaving sick people alone? i need to use the phone. do phones stillwork here? of course they do, baby! oh! so people who are sick are notbeing attacked? mhmm. there should be like thousands ofexamples,

in america alone? mhmm. okay. thanks rick! okay we figured it out. falsealarm, gerry. we do not need any more. soooooo. all right then! all non essential personnel on the chopper to be shipped back home, aaaaaand! bye bye! where's karl!? how did you get off the helicopter? mmm. that's good cola.

(singing)i'm just a lonely brad pitt. i'm just a lonely brad pittin this hallway. hey knock it off! that's my song. sorry. who said that?!

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