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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

my greetings to all the residents. hi. hello.- hello. hi. my name is mukhtiar singh. neither am i a sikh,christian, hindu nor a muslim. just a human being. all i will say is that i am notthat good that i can be called god. i am not that bad thati can be called a devil. i am not here to seek your vote.

i know i will get them.- yes. you will have to vote for me.- we will. friends, everyone rememberswhat mahatma gandhi had said. speak no..- evil. see no..- evil. hear no..- evil. is that's what's happening?- no. it's just the opposite.- yes. it's true, right? then speak up.

it was mahatma's dream.. move aside! give way! after gaining independence.. peace should be restored.- move aside! give way! i am here to fulfil his dream. i will..- mr. mukhtiar.. calm.. calm down. with that your speech ends. let's go to the police station.

we are here to arrest you. long live!- mukhtiar singh! what for? the list of your crimes is long. we will have timewhen you get locked up. we will let you know. something official has come up. i'll be back soon. long live! - mukhtiar singh!- move aside! give way!

s.p. karan singh. karan singh, it's me, dinanath. your men have arrested mukhtiar. it was bound to long will you save him? listen to me.. hello? he hung up! yes, mr. dayal..- we need to win the election at any cost. how are you, mr. dayal?

i am doing great.tell me, how you doing? i am fine. you are here to meet the c.m.? yes, you know it has been a few dayssince anokhi devi has gone missing. all the villagerswish to meet the c.m. but he isn't at home.- really? sir.. call for you. see you later, then.- okay. yes?

yes, dinanath? they have arrested mukhtiar. call karan singh. he is acting funny. i will call the commissioner. do something, please. the s.p. is calling. who s.p.? why aren't you answering my phone?

and why did you arrest mukhtiar singh? him? he is a criminal. he murdered anokhi devi. what nonsense! anokhi devi is alive. let him go. sir, we risk our lifeand arrest such criminals.. and you always come and let them go..

because he is either your friend,brother or nephew.. - shut up. i will suspend you right away. you cannot suspend us, sir. yes, but you can surelyget us transferred. i feel like stripping off your uniformsand sending you home right away. there will be a day when wewill either surrender our uniforms.. or make sure youare stripped of yours. you let go of mukhtiar singh? why? do you have a problem with that?

mr. singh, he murdered anokhi devi. do you have any proof? nirbhay and nishchay arrestedhim because they had proof. you got them into trouble. they listened to you and made a.. ..mistake of arrestinga politician like mukhtiar singh. what were the consequences of that? they were transferred to line duty. you are here every daywith someone's sob story.

one day you will die tryingto solve someone else's problem. it's a small will give up suddenly. please take care. everyone's machinewill give up one day. the only differenceis when people like me die.. there will be millionsattending our funeral. whereas people will be paid to attenda funeral of a corrupted cop like you. tell me what willyou take to keep mum? i will get you a nice deal.

i will talk to dinanathand get you the maximum i can. you can keep half ofit and i'll keep the rest. should i address you as an officer,a broker or a pimp? being an on duty cop in uniform.. are leading anhonest man towards perfidy? this lecture is not goingto make any difference to me. i hold enough powerto arrest you for any crime. tell call a constable. there is a room vacantin agra's mental asylum.

if you want, i shall book it for you. until anokhi devi's case is resolved.. neither will i rest in peace nor willi let the likes of you rest in peace. my friends, a brave coprisks his life and arrests a.. ..criminal like mukhtiar singh. and the s.p. lets him go scot-free. if the s.p. arrests someone.. the politician behest,the commissioner gives him a call. this is our system.

we have gotten used toendure torture in silence. we all will have to raise our voices. we will have to rekindlethe fire inside us. long live..- manoj singh. if we have to solveanokhi devi's case.. and if you agree.. then i suggest this caseshould be handed over to the c.b.i. yes! hand it over! because there is no crime inthis world that cannot be exposed..

..if the government wishes to do so. if the respected chiefminister can hear me.. then i wish to tell himthat anokhi devi is your daughter! chief minister's daughter.. ..anokhi devi has beenmissing since the past 10 days. but he is keeping mum. what nonsense is this!- stop it! i will stick to what i have said.i shall repeat what i said. c.m.'s daughter wasraped and he is keeping mum.

look sir, he is saying it again. look how he is talking.- look how he is talking to you. sit down. calm down, all of you. calm down. please have a seat. this is not right. you shouldn't have linked mewith anokhi devi in front of everyone. i am not linking you with anyone, sir. i am just repeating what you had said. five years back when youwere the opposition leader..

bhomli devi's rape had causedan commotion in the assembly.. do you remember whatyou had told the c.m.? these were your words. every daughter in thiscountry is c.m.'s daughter. and it's a shame that this casecannot be resolved in your presence. the public suggests thiscase to be handed over to the c.b.i. i concur that every daughterin this country is c.m.'s daughter. but i disagree thatour police is incompetent. still, if all of you want thiscase to be handed over to the c.b.i...

then i have no objection to it. i will discuss this in the assembly. "truth alone prevails."- thank you. the c.m. is scared. he knows all the senior leadersof the party are supporting us. forget it. we will make bansilal mehrastand as independent candidate. the c.m. will lose. if he loses,he will no longer be the c.m.

'there is a lot of upheavalin rajasthan's political.. ..scene because of anokhi devi.' 'in a cabinet meeting the c.m.has decided that..' '..her case should behanded over to the c.b.i.' c.b.i. officer satyaprakashmishra will investigate this case. 'today rajasthan royals..' this is a conspiracy by the c.m. he has purposely handedthis case to the c.b.i. the media welcomes you, mr. mishra.

do you think you will be ableto do what the police couldn't do? will you be able to find anokhi devi? look, one needs the policefor such types of cases. sir, i've heard youare retiring in 60 days. will you be able tosolve this case in 60 days? if one is determined even 60seconds are enough to do something. but i request the media not to hype.. ..this case and presentit as a breaking news. this can ruin the case instead.

thank you.- thank you, sir. sir. may i come in, sir? come in, s.p. karan singh. have a seat.- okay. thank you, sir. i was looking at your records. how did you like them, sir? you are going through a bad phase.

here's the file of anokhi devi's case.- keep it there. what kind of a woman was anokhi devi? she was a loose woman, sir. she was known for luringpeople with her moves. she was a singer and a dancer. missing person's photos getprinted in the newspaper every day. no one pays attention to them. but a well-known politician'sname is being linked with this case. hence this case has become so big.

which politician? what? you must be feelingembarrassed to tell me. no.- no, you must be. fine, i'll tell you.your friend dinanath. if this file wasn'tan official record.. ..i would've tornit apart long time ago. this file is a character certificateof a corrupt officer like you. no, sir.

you think i am a fool?- no. you gave me this file to misguide me. you are making an accusation on me. i am not accusing you.i am putting a charge on you. two police officers risked theirlives and caught the culprit mukhtiar. what did you do? without filing a f.i.r.or a case, you let mukhtiar go. mukhtiar is a decent man. yes, sir.

you too look like a decent man. you may go. wait a minute. have a seat.- okay. sir. next time when i call you..- yes. it will not be to seek help,but to investigate the case. you may go now. may i come in, sir. come in.- thank you. come, mr. mishra.please have a seat.

you will have to handle anokhidevi's matter very delicately. there is too muchpolitics involved in it. but i am confident that youwill solve this mystery quickly. i will try, sir. if you have decided that thiscase should be solved then it will be. i just want inspectors nirbhayand nishchay who know this case well. unfortunately s.p. karan singhgot them transferred to police line. if you can transfer s.p.karan singh to police line.. and send both of themto me then it will help.

you will get whatever you want. 'he placed us in lineand now he got placed in line.' long live..- dinanath singh! welcome, mr. dinanath. you got s.p. karan singh transferredin spite of knowing that he is my man? you know how many proofs c.b.i. officermishra has against karan singh? i'll advice you tokeep mum for a few days. it will do you good. c.m., you know i am one ofthe four legs of the chair you are on.

and you know that athree-legged chair is unstable. there is still time for the election,you can test my claim of you want. don't threaten me. i respect your seniority. if i am used to sittingin c.m.'s position.. ..then i also have experienceof sitting in the opposition. fine then,prepare to sit in the opposition. let's go. we are fortunate to get an opportunityto work with you and learn.

you are here becauseof your abilities. thanks anyway. i was just reading the newspaper. who is manoj singh? sir, manoj singh knows about anokhidevi's case even more than the police. sir, actually, the governmentwas forced to handover.. ..this case to the c.b.i.because of him. have you met him? yes, sir.- yes.

are you shamsher singh's sons?- yes, sir. i knew your father.- okay. your bravery talesare as famous as his. you two are handlinganokhi devi's case? we are here with regards to the same. sir, if we get your help,we'll find our destination. i want you to listen to something. listen to this. 'hello, i am anokhi.i think mukhtiar will kill me.'

'if anything happens to me then..' that's anokhi devi's voice. 'and listen..' but sir.. i know this evidence isn't enough. but.. you are well awareof mukhtiar singh's deeds. if you can get him arrestedthen we will know the truth. sir, we arrested mukhtiar singh..

but at a politician's behest s.p.karan singh let him go.. ..without filing any report against. you two will not faceany obstacles henceforth. dinanath isn't scared of the prison. humans go to prison not animals. the day i am arrested, there willfall short of prisons in this country. i have 50 lakh supporters. he will send me to prison. scoundrel! sir, this is the numberyou asked me about.

this is banaram's number. okay. you may go.- sir. banaram? - banaram isanokhi devi's right hand, sir. find out where he is.- okay, sir. i..- tell me where's the cd?! tell me!- i don't know where the cd is.. tell me where you have kept it!- sir! sir! why are hitting me? i don't know! speak up! speak up! you scoundrel!- do you see the water down below?

i'll get you thrown in it!it is filled with crocodiles. they'll eat you up. i swear by my mother!- speak up! i don't know where that cd is! you don't know?- i don't know where the cd is. sharma.- yes, sir? come here.- i don't know. listen to me. make him confess. beat him up! i said i don't know.

i am not used to killing mosquitoes. i have always hunted lions. don't make me do it.tell me, where is the cd? i don't know. i don't have the cd. you don't know?- i don't. then who knows?- anokhi devi has it. anokhi devi has it?- yes. chote.- yes, brother? take him to anokhi devi.

go. take him. be careful.- let's go. sir..- yes? you need the cd? come with me. let's go.- let's go. stop the car. please stop, it's urgent. what's urgent?- this is.

otherwise i'll haveto do it in the car. you want to relief yourself?- yes. go and do it. get down. go there and do it. yes. hurry back.- yes. brother.. he ran away!

banaram!- banaram! banaram, stop!- banaram, stop! he ran away. brother, i think he ran away. hi.- hello. is this banaram's house?- yes, it is. is he home? - no. brother hasn'tcome home since the last few days. is it? it's nothing.i had taken some money from him.

i wanted to repay's okay. i'll come some other time. listen.. please wait here.i'll go and check inside. okay. brother! what is it, rano? someone outside wantsto give you money. how many times have i told you! if anyone comes enquiringabout me say that i'm not at home. but what about the money?

what about the money?let the money go to hell. you say that.i'll leave through the backdoor. don't get into this mess.- listen, brother.. hello. you were running away? no, sir. i was not running away. what brings you here, sir? i am here to take you with me. you are such a senior official.

you could've just phoned me.i would've come there. you didn't need to come here.- oh really? you would've come there, huh? where are you hiding anokhi? is she alive or did you kill her? what are you saying, sir? you heard what i just said. i have left no stoned unturnedsearching for anokhi devi. i cried a river missing her.i have lost sight. i am half blind.

sir, you should find her otherwisei'll kill myself here itself. we'll decide later whether you'llkill yourself or we'll kill you. it was your brainchild thatmade a street dancer anokhi stand in.. ..the power corridor. she became so powerful thatit caused havoc from the capital.. haldighati when she went missing. hence tell us the truth.. ..otherwise i'll have tospend an official bullet on you. sir..

which one of you killedsomeone last time? you..- you go ahead. here, kill him.- okay. kill me. kill me, sir.end my life. if i go here,i am asked where is anokhi devi. if i go there,i am asked where is anokhi devi. my life has become miserable. anokhi devi!- calm down. my life has become hell.

shut up! you don't know where anokhi devi is? i don't know, sir. then tell him whatever you know.- calm down. come on. come here. go, tell him. anokhi devi and.. "a knife was used somewhere."

"a bullet was shot somewhere." "a group of spoiltbrats are going somewhere." "what do i say,how i saved my life!" "how i saved my life!" "my skirt.." "everyone seems tobe chasing my skirt." "your skirt.." "get lost!" "a lot of crazy lovers.."

"have been trapped by your skirt." "you made us drunk with your eyes." "otherwise we would'vestayed thirsty." "every locality,every market, everyone is after me." "my skirt is colorful one." "the accountant and the cop,both are contenders." "my skirt is well decorated." "everyone seems tobe chasing your skirt." "we will stay close to your body."

"make us your skirt." "we will love you fromthe bottom of our hearts." "hide us in your body." "you are sloshed." "your intentions are not good." "you won't get a piece of my skirt." "don't hover around me,my skirt is precious." "my skirt won't listen to you." "yes."

"beautiful your eyes.." guru.. i have a unique idea. if anokhi devi joins hands withus then her skirt will cause havoc. her skirt?- yes. or she? you are smart. look, to be honest, i like her. you know her, don't you? you know where she stays, right?

brother, i know in whicharea and where she stays. i know her name,caste, creed, horoscope. everything. that's enough.- it's dangerous. let's not go there. i worship art and artists. stop this nonsense. "i worship art and artists." there is a beaconon top your car, right? yes, there is. when the beaconed car willgo in her area it will cause a scene.

you will earn yourself a bad name. elections are just around the corner. i'll cover the beacon with a cloth. who will notice it in the night? saviour of the poor, dinanath.. to put your pants down, you areready to tight a cloth to the beacon. get this straight. a naked man and a coveredbeacon are never respected. don't get into this mess.

anokhi devi is a deep dark well. i wish to fall in this well. you can survive a fallfrom the top of a mountain.. but you won't be ableto survive the trap of a skirt. after the election.. why after the election? i need it during the election. fine. tomorrow. hello.- hello, sir.

banaram. welcome, banaram. okay.. sit up here.- sit over here. no, i'm fine, sir. not there, sit over here. over here. so you are anokhi devi's bodyguard. you have found a gem.

why don't you give it to me?i'll make your life a luxurious one. hey.. why is he laughing? it's a habit. even at a funeral,his crying would sound like laughter. he watched the show yesterday. do you know who he is? yes, we met at the show yesterday. when someone like mr. dinanath,a party leader..

is so affected by anokhi devi's art.. ..i wonder what mustbe the state of young men. sir, every day a young manfaints and goes to the hospital. because of madam. he is right. you will die. who wishes to live? everyone has to die one day. why don't i havesome fun before i die? get anokhi devi.

sorry! will she come here?- she will. soon she will be an m.l.a.then a minister.. - sir.. and you will be her secretary. she is a wild one can control her. i too have had rich diet. i am strong all over. thank you, sir.may i leave? secretary?- yes, sir?

give him a box of sweets. small one or a big one? a small one for now. then? then..- a big one later. and after that..something bigger. - yes. he likes anokhi devi.- yes. got him. why are you talking nonsense?

i won't meet him. your moves have made mr.dinanath go crazy. you have made a fused bulb light up. a politician hasbecome a fan of yours. listen.. if you want to enter politicsthen this is the first step. after taking the firststep you can soar higher.. from up there,the world will look small to you. you will get a big car, the crowd..

well-known people will look up to you. even the best oneswill bow down to you. what do you say? hello.- hello. welcome, mr. sharma. how are you? you met her? i seek your blessings, madam.- what are you doing? it's nothing.this is what happens in politics. someone or the other is touchingsomeone's feet for some reason.

he too has gotten into a habit. it's worse, it flows in his veins now. when he goes home,he also touches his wife's feet. am i right, mr. sharma?- come on! what brings you here? sir has sent a new car for her. and asked me to make sureshe goes there in this car. what.. what! here, talk to him.

go ahead, talk to him. hello, sir.- hi. this car, these gifts..i usually don't accept gifts. this is just the beginning, madam. i.. i cannot accept it. please consider meas your well-wisher. come here, we'll talk. okay? just sit in the car and come here. i was relaxing in a vest and youhave made me dress up and sit here.

half an hour as passed.when will she come? hello.- welcome. mr. dinanath.- hi. hello.- hi. welcome. how are you?- fine. would you like some refreshments? no, thank you. you have met her?

yes, you were at the show. it's very..- yes. i cannot express was an amazing show. it had gathered a lot of crowd. we put posters, shout slogansbut yet cannot gather such a crowd. and what a crowd.everyone was getting restless. some of them fainted. if someone like you is inthe legislative assembly, i say.. ..then not even a singlem.l.a will be absent.

even if it's rainingheavily or he has fallen ill. they will attend thelegislative assembly session. hello, mr. dinanath.- hello, mr. gupta. i was discussingsomething very important. but it's okay.we'll discuss it later. come, have a seat.- thank you. how are you?- i am fine. do you know who she is? you are a famous dancer.

not a dancer, an artist. even a religious man likemr. gupta knows who you are. he too has heard about you. what brings you here, mr. gupta? there is a school in biravar,i want you to inaugurate it. that's all. with these hands? forget about it. look over there. god has created himwith a lot of affection.

he must have spenta week to create her. and he created me in halfan hour and threw me here. look at my nose. he changed it. make her do it. but mr. dinanath.. you won't even have to gather a crowd. just announce that anokhidevi is inaugurating a school. mother, children,grandparents, everyone will be there.

such a big job.. i can't. this isn't a big job. it's not at all big. you just have to go, cut theribbon and take the envelope of money. banaram, make the arrangements.- okay, mr. dinanath. okay then, i'll make a move. bye. you make an arrangementfor the envelope. one, two, three, four..- long live mr. dinanath!

hello. - hi. i seek affection for the youngones and blessings from the elders. anokhi devi seeks your blessings. she is seeking your blessings,you act like her brother, right? listen.. listen to her. ladies and gentlemen.. ask the tears.. to stop flowing. ask the lips..

to stop staying mum. rekindle the fire within you.. let that fire burn brighter! long live..- anokhi devi! your future is in danger. they are all shouting slogans for her. that's good, isn't it? the more renowned shegets the more i will grow. mr. dinanath made meinaugurate a school today.

i thank him for that. he is a well-known politician. he could've inauguratedthe school himself. but i don't know why he has givenan ordinary artist such an honour. great. i welcome mr. dinanathfrom the bottom of my heart. long live..- mr. dinanath! i seek your blessings, sir.- no, give me a hug. like this.

friends, all of you knowthat anokhi devi rules your hearts. but now she has decidedto join politics. and she will bring glory to our party. i thank her fromthe bottom of my heart. love live..- mr. dinanath! a unique union of art and politics. wonderful. did you notice something? the crowd went crazy.

i thought dinanath might get scaredof the praises you got and will say.. "madam, it's not rightfor you to enter politics." speak of the deviland the devil appears. hello, sir. welcome.- hi. anokhi, today, your speech remindedme of ms. indira and mr. atal. they used to sayladies and gentlemen.. and the crowd would keep quiet. people used to payattention to what they said. your speech today..

i am pleased. hats off to you, anokhi devi. he is on the track. you are a miracle. i want you to leave this rentedapartment and shift into a bungalow. i will make the arrangements. i want to make you themost powerful women in the world. i'll make you an m.l.a. i'll make you a minister.

i will get you a carwith a beacon on the top. there will be armedbodyguards surrounding you. when you'll proceed towardsyour residence from your office.. there will a police vehiclesbefore and behind your car. and the whole city will standstilltill you don't enter your house. there will be a traffic jam. nobody moves.. you are sure that i'llbe successful in politics? you have dinanath backing you.

not that dinanath (god),this dinanath. so..? how did you like the bungalow? how is it? you didn't like it? okay, i'll get another one for you. why are you staring at me? it's such a big house. big people like big stuff.

i want you to live like a queen. the happier you are thehappier you will make me. right? right, banaram?- thank you, sir. you should throw away yourold shoes when you get new ones. got it? no matter how expensive it is. i want to transfer allthe power dayal has to you. i see all the traitsof a good leader in you.

i will make you standfor m.l.a's seat from mertha. it's your home ground. come on, let's get started. very good. keep your leg here. what are you doing, sir? what if anyone sees youapplying nail polish on my toes? okay, so now you have startedgetting informal with me? this is what happens in love.

don't answer it. what happened? it must be one of my men. where are you? i am busy with some family matters. i know your family matters very well. you can do family planning later. come here right away. we need to plan for the state,the c.m. is waiting.

we need to decide on the tickets. that decision was taken long back. the c.m. has a habitto keep calling meetings. tell him that i am not feeling well. i will send a medical certificate. if it is valid in acourt then why not there. stop troubling me. what...! bloody skirt chaser!

you know how a tiger attacks? sir..! yes, sir. you have to make an image.cover you head. all ladies will get influenced. my queen is getting famous. 'he misses no opportunity.' that's it. higher. higher. higher. set the position.

higher. click it. that's enough. you are done. nice. well done. listen, mr. sharma..- yes, sir? these hoarding should be places allover the city within a week's time. huge ones.- it will be done. so big that it should putmadras and lucknow to shame. okay, sir. got it?- yes, sir.

click a private one. mr. dayal.. welcome, sir. how are you? i can see that. i want you to do something. i want degana's confirmed for chaudhary ramniwas. you can take 5 crores. why are you joking with me?

mr. dinanath is like a brother to you. but nowadays you aremore important to him than me. i cannot do it. yes, sir. it will be done.- shut up. i am not saying anything.i will stay quiet. anokhi, politics is a sea of pearls. whenever you dive in, you willsurface with a hand full of pearls. look, politics is aplace where you mint money. hello, sir.

where have you been, my queen? i'm always at your feet. i'm the one who is at your feet. you shouldn't leave, i feel sad. it's the same for me. hey, you will kill me. i will eat you up. come on.. will you do me a favour?

ask away, your highness. i'll lay flat on the floor for you. give me degana's seat'sticket for ramniwas chaudhary. ramniwas chaudhary! that scoundrel? i don't like him. he used to be very close to you.what happened? no one is ever very close in politics. how did you get into that mess? sweetheart..

stop being angry and giveme the ticket for ramniwas. i know his wife. really? is she as beautiful as you are? hey, come on. how can anyonebe beautiful compared to you? give me your hand. a pen? ramniwas.. ramniwas.. degana

go and show it to him. he got the ticket. mr. ramniwas. he has brought 5 crores. hi, headman. how are you? i am pleased to see you progress. it's all thanks to you. no, anokhi.i am ashamed of what i did. please forgive me.

anokhi, please forgive me. what will people say whenthey'll see me sit with a destitute? if you want to talkto me then go and sit there. get up. go and sit over there. i am a nobody. if anyone sees you touchmy feet then you'll be defamed. mangala's wife is giving5 lakhs for the ticket. what do you have to give me? i will give you whatever i have.

that's not enough. this is business. it's time to make money. i will give the ticketto mangala's wife. you should start makingpreparations for the election. i will myself askpeople to vote for you. thank you very much. you are worthless.get out of here! she wants a ticket!

aunt! mangala's men haveput a lock on your house. what's happening? why did your men lock my house? i have the key with me. do you want it? your stubbornness will kill you. you can become rich whenever you want. you possess such a big treasure.

you will ever getwhat you are thinking. fine. give me fifty thousandand take the key. i will repay in instalments. you still haven't given me a penny. what will you do with thehonour you are trying to save.. ..when the villagers learnthat your mother has lost her house? you are great, mahatma gandhi. you can make anyone rich or poor.

i used to yearn for hundred rupees. now i have millions in front of me. papa! i had gone to anokhi's house. you know she has becomevery rich overnight. she owns a big house,a big car, has servants. she has completely changed. what's in this bag? rs. 5 crores.

anokhi has given them. she trusts us. you know she is contestingin the elections. give it back. but why? call her and ask her to take it back. i didn't steal this money. you are from a rich family. you don't know the value of money.

i know what poverty is. i have seen my motherstruggle for every penny. my father passedaway when i was a child. i didn't have money totreat my mother's illness. i have seen her die a painful death. for you this is just paper. but for me, this is god. after a lot of struggle thisanokhi has become anokhi devi. i asked dinanath to give someonea ticket for a m.l.a.'s seat.

i got 5 crores for that. so what's wrong in that? it's a pity.. ..political positions are.. ..being disturbed for moneyand not on the bases of competence. when these people will win and rule.. what kind of a reign it willbe and what will be the policy? anokhi, don't get into this mess. when they didn't spare thiscountry how will stay spare you?

give this money back. what about my ticket, sir?- keep quiet. "what about my ticket?" this is not sweets thati will keep distributing. the headman wants to become an m.l.a. the m.l.a. wants to become a minister. and the minister wantsto become a the chief minister. the chief minister wantsto become the prime minister. everyone has an inch to scratch.

everyone is talkingabout anokhi devi's ticket. i have been opposingthis from the very beginning. i have tried reasoningit with dinanath. he shouldn't get involved with anokhi. but he doesn't listen.he is stubborn. he doesn't listen to me. he does what he feels like. last night i told him when.. ..the opposition has giventhe ticket to lakhan chaudhary..

..then we should give theticket to mukhtiar pehalwan. but he doesn't listen. people think from up hereand he thinks from down there. reason it with him or hewill be shot from down below. he will be framed forcrimes committed by all of us. first let the oppositionparty decide on their candidate. then we will announcethe name of our candidate. if they give the ticket to a niceman then we too shall do the same. if they place a criminalthen we too shall do the same.

we party has a lot of criminals. for mertha they have announcedlakhan chaudhary's name. we too should placea leader with muscle power. and i think mukhtiar isthe perfect candidate for it. anokhi devi will contest from mertha. she has my blessings. anokhi devi won't suffice. lakhan chaudhary isa very strong candidate. you should get mukhtiar.

do you think anokhidevi is a weak candidate? she gathers a crowd wherever she goes. and our party is in the limelight. even if we make a donkey contest,he will win. mukhtiar has made up hismind to contest in the elections. if you don't give hima ticket the opposition will. he has muscle power. a lot of it. think over it. as far as anokhi devi is concerned..

..we will make her contestfrom someplace else. we need to think of herotherwise she will destroy me. look at this! one, two, three, four..fifty and not five. i will have your postersplaced everywhere. anokhi devi will be seenin every lane and juncture. people will lift their headand look at your poster and faint. let me know if there'sanything missing. you have banaram with you.- this is what is missing.

hello.- this is missing. make her wear it on her if you want to. he's mukhtiar. a well-known goon of our area. no one can win the electionin mertha without his support. i am here to tell you thati am contesting from mertha. dinanath will decide that. dinanath cannot make that decision. i am the one making the decision.

reason it with her. you are threateningme in my own house? you are very arrogantabout your power, aren't you? do one thing..- anokhi.. let us both contestas independent candidates. let's see who the public votes for. your pistol or my moves.. calm down, anokhi. why should i calm down?

he is threatening me in my own house? tell dinanath that your madam hasdecided not to contest from mertha. let's go.- bye. what did he say?- sir.. what does he think of himself? let me tell you something, anokhi. let's not get into this mess. mukhtiar knows a lotof dinanath's secrets. he cannot go againstmukhtiar even if he wants to.

i am not a novice either. i have given up everything,i won't keep quiet. be brave. i'll handle everyone. "come closer." "come close to me." "i am getting restless." "my heart is beating faster too." "i can feel the heat."

"come on, place a bet on love." "we both are here." "our hearts are beyond logic." "there is no patience left." "my breath is heart yearns." "come on, quench my thirst." "oh yeah!" "come into my arms." "hold me."

"take whatever you want." "enjoy the warmth of my embrace." "not being restricted by any ties.." "let me love you the most.." "and take everythingthat you possess." why is this trouble here? welcome.welcome, my lion. my brave lion. my advisor! i was just thinking about meeting you.

to tell me not tocontest in the elections? what are you saying? have a seat. the opposition is petrified fromthe time you have decided to contest. but i have a suggestion to make. you should contest fromajmer instead of mertha. there are more muslims in ajmer. it seems difficultcontesting from mertha. you think it is difficult forme to win and your girl, the dancer..

it's easier for her to win? look, you can siton her lap if you want. she can only getyou love and not votes. i have decided thati will contest from mertha. and that's final. where are you going?why are you getting angry? get some tea, please. we will do as you say. you can contest fromwherever you want.

what are you saying, mukhtiar? where are you, banaram?- with the hoarding maker. you always disappear in the morning. don't you have to depositmoney in the bank? i am here to do some work. 'mukhtiar khan's name hasbeen announced from mertha.' 'from degana, ramniwas chaudharywill be janseva party's contestant. 'other contestants namewill be announced soon.' sir, anokhi devi's call.

anokhi devi!tell her i am not at home. he has left his phone at home. look, your madam is here. my? yours or mine,it doesn't make a different. calm her down. hurry up. yes, mr. gupta? what is this game thatyou are playing with me? let's go inside and talk.

we will talk here. we cannot discussthis out in the open. come on, let's go inside. think about what i said,mr. gupta. this will benefit both of us. i will think over it.- yes. no, take your time. calm down.i will find a solution, i promise. you promise?

you guys never keep your promises. will you call him hereor should i go outside? i think she is angry. why are you getting angry, madam? there isn't just one seat,there are 200 of them in the state. if not mertha we will makeyou contest from somewhere else. if needed i'll let go of my position,and you can take it. i'll back out. stop your drama.

if i know how to strip,i also know how to expose others. hey! stop it! i had told you notto play this game. don't chase the skirt.. i have the price for it. i have given her a lot.wealth, money, car.. i picked her up from theground and made her a queen. i have made her rich. if you need more youcan take another 20-50 lakhs.

i am very generous. don't try to lure me with money. i can get many fools likeyou if i move my skirt a little. mind your language! you are a gave me the key to your fate. get out of here. get out!- what are you doing? - let go! hey, old man!- what are you doing! have you seen your face in the mirror? forget a human,not even a dog will go close to you.

get lost! just hear him talk!- banaram, get her out of here! let go of me! you got what you wanted andi got what i wanted. - scoundrel. get lost!- you will be damned! when she had come she used to say,"i make a mean mutton curry." "i'll make it for you." calm down.- she will cook mutton for me! a thankless wretch! calm down.- let go of me.

do you want to get us killed? why are you getting angry with me? all this is happening because of you. what did i do? you were the one who praised dinanath. you were the one who introduced us. he is this, he is that.he is like this. he is like that. have fun now. whatever i did was for your own good.- "for me!"

you should go and question mr. dayal. you will become an m.l.a. you will get a beaconed car. you will become a chief minister. didn't you say such things? mr. dayal had promised me. you should talk to him. he is the one who showed usthis dream. - mr. dayal, yeah right! there he is! why have yougotten me into this mess, sir?

you have a right to be angry, anokhi. if someone cheats or deceives me.. and if i don't get mertha's seat.. then i'll do somethingwhich you cannot even dream him! i just told dinanath thatwhat he did with you was not right. let me show you what all he did to me! the whole drama! come on, have a seat. this is just a trailer.

the film isn't over yet. yes? what happened? what else could've happened? she has made a cdof you using her mobile. i just saw all yourdeeds and poses on bed. that cd will ruin your reputation. your political career will be over. the entire state willbe disgusted with you. you will be criticizedby every household.

forget the daytime, you wouldn't beable to face anyone at night either. and the party you haveserved all these years.. the same party will throw you out. did the old man understand? reason it with him or i will ruin him. he is feeling, talk to him. i made a very big mistake, madam. now, should i come to you to apologizeor will you come to me to forgive me? she disconnected the call.

thank god it's just thephone which has been disconnected. will you just stop your nonsense? anokhi devi, please acceptwell-wishes from premprakash gupta. why are you embarrassing me,mr. gupta. you are elder to me. please accept my well-wishes. you are incomparable.there is no one like you. people of biravar havestill not forgotten you. how are you, mr. dinanath?

what is she doing over here? banaram! anokhi went to the c.m.or did the c.m. call her? i'll give you an advice. touch her feet andapologize in a closed room. stop your think i'll apologize to her? i won't apologize toher even if i am dying. i will die but i won't apologize. it's dinanath.- talk to him. don't be scared.

hello?- did you go to meet the c.m.? yes, i did.- why? i had work.i didn't go there to have tea. look anokhi,the path you have chosen is not right. you will regret it. you are threatening me? i am not threatening you.i am trying to reason with you. what is wrong with you? don't take a wrong stepgetting influenced by others.

come on now,stop being angry and come here. he is getting restless. i slept with herand i invited trouble. talk about anokhi devi andthousands of crowd will gather. hence i've decided thatnot dinanath but dindayal.. ..will be the next chiefminister of this state. and this woman who isbeing refused a ticket will.. the deputy chief minister. the deputy chief minister.

you don't need to beg for a ticket. this woman is meantto distribute tickets. and nowadays moneyis the biggest power. and she holds thekeys to his treasury. now she should act smart andask for 50 crores instead of a ticket. he will give it to her happily. not 50 crores, sir.we are small. a few crores.. we will make do with a few crores too. banaram..

don't think keepingin mind your height. think about your courage and demand. you have the courage of an elephant. if this woman asks for100 crores then too he'll.. ..give it with a smile on his face. but we are not greedy, only 50. think 50 crores from anokhi devi. and i have 40 members with me. when these two unite,it will create a drama in rajasthan.

welcome, anokhi devi. you have done something very unique. a woman doesn't make such cds. when a man acts like a streetwalker,then a woman can do anything. you have changed very quickly. when you can change then so can i. you gave mertha's seat butin the end announced mukhtiar's name. don't i have any honour? i had my posterspasted on the streets.

what do you think of yourself? who are you? look, try to understand the matter. mukhtiar is someonei am helpless about. he is illiterate and uncivilised. he knows a lot of my secrets.why do you worry? i'll reason it with mukhtiarand give him another seat. come on now, give me the cd. if the opposition gets hold of itthen both you and i will get defamed.

and if the people see thecd then you will become famous. you will become the c.m.without putting in any hard work. don't test my patience. give me the cd. it will benefit you. fine, take the cd.and give me 50 crores. 50 crores. you don'teven weigh as much as it does. you are blackmailing me? a deal. i am making you a deal. when you become the will make 5000-7000 crores.

it's business for both of us. i can give you 1-2crores to save my honour. i will take 50 crores. you will have to pay dearly for this.remember that. that's what i am saying. if i become stubbornthen you too will suffer. goodbye. i think we should resolvethis matter peacefully and quietly. i'll buy her andgrow grass on top of it.

threatening me won't help her. people shoot for meeven before i order them to. i will get everyone arrested. i want my bungalow,car, everything back. she wants 50 crores. she isn't even worth 50,000. is this the first timeshe slept with anyone? no one will give hermore than 2000 for a night. go and reason it with her.

your problem is thatyou act childishly stubborn. look, dinanath has bluntly said that hewill have us begging in the streets. think about it.don't get into this mess. we cannot make such big moves. banaram, a horse neverstops in the middle of a race. it races till the end,whether it wins the race or loses it. anokhi has on the battlefield,she cannot back out now. we will take things as they come. sir, she was very stubborn.

she didn't listen to me,hence i left her alone. i don't know anything more than that. you don't know or youdon't want to tell me? when i have told youeverything what's left to hide? may i? it's urgent. keep an eye on him.i don't trust him completely. okay, sir. - yes, sir. hello, mr. mishra. it's me, dinanath.

yes, mr. dinanath? the home minister in delhi,rajdeep singh is my friend. he is also your friend. i have a desire to meet you. will you come here to meetme or should i come there to meet you? you will come here to meet me soon. for the time being iwill come there to meet you. as god wills. look mr. jayant, you help menow and i'll help you the next time.

yes of course. i am with you. sir, the c.b.i.officer mishra is here. ask him to come inside.- okay. see you soon, mr. jayant.- okay. thank you.- bye. just have some patience. bye.- bye. this way, sir.- thank you. this way, sir.

i am so pleased that you came here. rajdeep singh keepssinging your praises. he is my childhood friend. you told me. please be comfortable. how about a cup of tea? i don't drink tea. don't worry, i won't poison your tea. poison has no effect on me,mr. dinanath.

oh what's that statusof anokhi devi's case? what's the progress of the case? we are very close to the culprit, sir. arrest him. i will as soon as you say it. mr. mishra,you are getting off the track. i am trying to befriend youand you are trying to become my enemy. you have been investingfor 40 days now.

you have only 20days before retirement. a case can be solvedeven in 20 seconds. it is solved. i just needto execute the line of action. i will give you an advice. after 20 days you won'thave a beaconed car or any power. you will be walking on the streets. friends that you make nowwill come in handy, not enemies. anyway, forget about it. it's okay if you don't have about a cup of coffee?

the next time. we will have a cup of coffee together,but in my office. the c.b.i.officer mishra will ruin our lives. then let's get rid of mr. mishra. sir, you go to the temple everyday? those who live with their head heldhigh should bow down to god sometimes. sir! how much were youpaid to shoot at him? tell me!

10000 rupees, sir. you will kill someone for 10000? this is the ongoingrate in the market. if i wouldn't have killedhim someone else would have. we will help you if you help us. now it's up to you.- okay, sir. good that you two came here. you have troubled me a lot. go and get my brothers.

we are here because of your brothers. the thing is,they feel lonely in the lock up. hence we are here to get you. you two against my army? nirbhay singh?- yes, nishchay singh? one hanuman was enoughto set the lanka on fire. there are two of us.- yes. and there are 200standing outside as well. do tell him that, nishchay singh.

look mukhiar,bloodshed won't help you. act smart and fight us legally. we are here to arrest youfor anokhi devi's murder case. and we will arrest you. come with us peacefully, sir. otherwise we know howto take officially. - yes. i won't ask whetheror not you know anokhi devi. because i know you killed her. i am interested in thepeople who instigated you for it.

i want to end the crimeand criminal from the root. you have two options. if you help us then wemight be able to help you. but if we go to court,before the court decides a.. ..death sentence for anokhi devi'smurder, i'll kill you personally. you have to make the decision. is it a yes or a no? out! they are your brothers, right?

they have confessed everything. he accepted defeateven before the fight. how can he be my brother? take them away. they've given a statementthat you have killed anokhi devi. it's over, everything's settled. why are you so worriedwhen you know everything? close the file. take me to court.that's all i am saying. not to the court, we willsend you up there, mukhiar singh.

our sir has decided that we willdo your justice, and not the court. i have brought areturn ticket with me. mukhtiar!- yes, sir. we will shove your attitude! it's said that the brawnsare killed by the fools. we can get your killedby any ordinary man. we have many people.- anything else? what's the progresson anokhi devi's case? we are very closeto the destination, sir.

you are brave and talented.- thank you, sir. this way. come, mr. manoj singh. i tried meeting you buti came know that you had gone out. yes, i had gone to myvillage to meet my mother. okay. please have a seat.- thank you. you've troubled the governmentwith anokhi devi's case. in spite of knowingthat well-known goons and.. ..politicians have beenlinked with anokhi devi's case..

so, you didn't feel scaredto raise your voice against them? look, everyone has to die one day. death has been very generous to me. it has knocked on my doora number of times and returned. you are an interesting person. i have heard a lot about you. tea, sir.thank you. shall i make it for you? keep it here. you may leave. okay, sir.- thank you.

i cannot solve thiscase without your help. you please continue.- tell me how i can help you. the information anokhi devigave you about mukhtiar singh.. i would like to hear that. sure. just a minute. here you go. listen. 'if anything happens to me releasethe cd, give it to the police.' what happened next?

either someone took thephone from her or it fell. did she mention a cd? she was going to tellme the details of the cd but.. do you have any cd?- no. but anokhi devi has a bank locker. geeta has the key of the locker. perhaps that cd isin that bank locker. geeta.. does anokhi devi have a bank locker?

yes, i have the locker number. there must be a cd in it.i want that cd. - okay. yes, i understood.i need to give way to him, right? darling, your demands never end. fine. don't worry.i will get whatever you want. let's go for a movie in the evening. wear the skirt i giftedyou on your birthday. okay? tell your mother thatyou have extra classes.

anyway, your mother is very naã¯ve.she won't say anything. hang up. you will get me killed. what are you doing, son? you are talking on thephone while riding a motorcycle. you will die and alsoget others into trouble. stop at the side and talk at leisure.- yes, sir. i am letting him pass.bang into him. yes, let him come. he's bleeding profusely.

hurry up. he is badly hurt. doctor, my father? he is fine. i have given him somethingto help him sleep. go home and rest. no, i will stay here with him. look, you have beenworried since morning. we are here to take care of him. go. come in the morning.

are you sleepy?- no, sir. but you look like you want to sleep. go.- no, sir. we weren't sleeping. go and wash your face.go and have tea. go and have tea. go. karan singh..! you! the greed for power andmoney has made you a scoundrel. what you did is legallytermed as an attempt to murder.

and the police departmentcould've killed you for that. i too could've done that.. . but i didn't want yourimpure body to be covered.. ..with the indian flag after you die. i didn't want policedepartment to officially.. .. mourn after your death andthe flag to be lowered to half-mast. it would've been aninsult to our national flag. nirbhay, take off his uniform. 'there will be a day when wewill either surrender our uniforms..'

'or make sure youare stripped of yours.' sorry, sir.i won't be able to do it. hello, mr. manoj singh. i have sent rs 2 lakhsfor your treatment. don't hesitate if you need more. you inflict the woundand then you tend to it. it's god's will. take it away. it will help him put upsome more hoardings. - okay.

keep the flowers.- okay. banaram said that he leftanokhi devi near tiloraha. and the last call she madewas from somewhere near tiloraha. here, sir. pipping hottea with cream made by pintu. it will make you crazy. have you added opium in it? why will i add opium to it, sir?- have a seat. it's okay.- have a seat, don't act funny. it's okay, sir.- sit!

don't shout. i feel scared. pintu..- yes? are you on duty atnight as well? - yes. did a woman come here on the nightof 1st july, almost 1 â½ month ago? sir, men and women come here everyday. who all can i pay attention to? did something unusual take place?think about it. look at this. this woman. yes, sir.i remember. she looked like her.

some goons took her away. who were they?have you seen them before? will you be able to recognise them? i don't recognise thembut i recognise the car. it keeps coming to mr.dinanath's farmhouse. where is the farmhouse? sir, it's nirbhay singh. there is a roadsideeatery near the highway. some goons took her from there.

where are you now? we are going to dinanath's farm house. call me if necessary.- yes, sir. stop. 'this could be anokhi's mobile.' constable.- yes.. come here. dig here. you want a cigarette? no, i don't smoke cigarettes.

oh, i forgot. you smokebedi (local cigarette), right? here, i'll give you the brand you use. it's bad to smoke.but a lot of people smoke this brand. you used this stickto light it, right? we found this bedi and this stick.. .. from the place where youkilled and cremated anokhi devi. there's more. this stick and thesepieces have your fingerprints on them. i killed her withthe stick or the bedi? fine, assume i accept thatthere are my fingerprints on them.

but with this how can you prove.. .. that if anokhi devi is dead,i have killed her? mukhtiar! hello?- nirbhay, i want to see you. okay, sir.- come over. so, did you say anything? no, sir. he's a hardcore. anokhi devi has beenkilled and then cremated. they must have broughtthe timber from somewhere.

find out if thereis any sawmill close by. okay, sir.- can you explain it to me again? did any of them come on thenight of 1st to take some timber? i don't remember.- look carefully. the one with the yellow turban, sir. are you sure?- yes, sir. he came at night. he woke me up to get it. they took 8 tons of wood. one of them cameback after two hours.

he used my mobile.- really? okay. thank you. sir, my mobile? don't worry.i will give it back. okay? sir, it's me. nathulal. there's some important news. they are taking mukhtiarto court tomorrow morning. jabber singh. yes, mr. dayal?

long live..- mukhtiar singh! long live..- mukhtiar! don't let him escape! lord.. i am going to court. call meif something urgent comes up. - okay. sir, someone courtat mukhtiar in the court. i didn't kill mukhtiar,i got him killed. mukhtiar wasn't my father'sson that i would act as his brother. he would go to court and confess..

..that i killed anokhidevi at dinanath's behest. what would've happened then? i got rid of the obstacle. mukhtiar singh killed anokhi devi. now that mukhtiar is dead.. .. the law cannot do usany harm in anokhi murder case. i am your friend. i have been true to our friendship. do one thing..

send rs. 2 crores to jabbersingh through your secretary. tell him. arrange for 2 crores rupees.- okay, sir. sir, i have some important news. i want to tell you somethingabout mukhtiar singh's murder. that's not important. dinanath and dayal got mukhtiarmurdered through jabber singh. dinanath's secretary is goingto pay rs. 2 crores for that. jabber singh is atmasudha's farmhouse.

this is the right information, sir. i am dinanath's secretary. mr. dayal has sentrs. 2 crores for you. who killed mukhtiar? how many times will you ask me that? how many times do i have to tell you? at mr. dayal's behesti killed mukhtiar.. you are lying. dinanath's secretary gave yours. 2 crores at your place.

no one's name is printedon the money, sir. i only know dayal.i don't know any dinanath. you won't gain anything by hitting me. i am telling the truth. i killed him at dayal's behest. it's possible thatdayal got him killed but sent the money throughdinanath's secretary. it's possible that dayal anddinanath has some personal issues. you never really knowwith these politicians.

i think he's justa pawn of their politics. mr. mishra! what brings you here! i was just passing by when i thought.. .. i should pay homageto this sacred place. and atone for my sins. you and sins? you are what your name suggests. you cannot commit any sin. mr. dayal, one feels bad..

.. when unknowingly hurtsfeelings of someone like you. what is this prayer for?- to atone for my sins. like you. you made mistakes? it's life, mr. mishra. it's difficult. you unwillingly need to get ridof people to make way for yourself. everyone makes mistakes.hence one has to atone. now that you are here..

.. why not put a few drops ofpure clarified butter into the fire? it will purify the fire. please come with me. priest.. please, this way. have a seat. pray for mr. mishra's long life. take this offering. and if needed,give the years left in my life to him. you are doing politics here as well.

you are giving me the yearsleft in your life, that too if needed. okay, i've given the offering.i'll make a move now. priest..- yes? please continue.i'll escort him and be right back. okay.- let's go. bye.- let's go. mr. mishra,i cannot tell you how happy i am. i stay close by.please come with me for a cup of tea. no, i am getting late.

i have a meeting with the the evening. - okay. i have prepared anokhi devi's file. i need to show it to him. this dirty business will continue,mr. mishra. there's a saying in theera of third you got buttermilk.. the era of secondyou got clarified butter. in the dark era, all you get is tea,so have it whenever you are free. you should at leasthave one cup of tea. who penned that?

it's nice.- sometimes.. i drove my own car so i.. that's even better.i'll come in your car. my life will be in yourhands and we will reach home safe. hello?- sir, it's me. nathulal. yes, nathulal. what happened? the new c.b.i.officer has arrested mr. dayal. he has brought him to his office. damn.. okay, i will come.

i praise not your clevernessbut your smartness. that you didn't publicly arrest me. there would've been a lot of bloodshedif you would've arrested me publicly. i had a desire to have tea with you,mr. mishra. if not there then let's have it here. offer me a cup of tea, please. send in a cup of tea.- okay, sir. anokhi devi was amember of your party. you don't feel sorrowbecause she is missing?

i have used all mypower to find her, sir. i made sure that thecase goes to the c.b.i. i pressurized the c.m.and brought you here. you did me a huge favour. now do me another favour. just let me know whetheranokhi devi is dead or alive. oh god. mr. dayal, your bettermentlies in telling me the truth. go and tell him that jansevaparty's leader dinanath is here.

yes, sir.i'll tell him that right away. why do you need to think over it? tea, sir?- give it to him. sir, janseva party's leadermr. dinanath is waiting outside. shall i send him in? make him sit outside. make him wait.- okay. did you tell him?- yes. he has asked you to have a seat.

i have been sitting sincethe past half an hour. - yes. did you tell him jansevaparty's leader mr. dinanath is here? i said exactly that, sir. that janseva party's leader respectedmr. dinanath is waiting outside. but it made no difference to him. he is in a meeting, sir. who is in there? the prime minister? mr. dayal is here.- so? he said if you wish to waitthen you can otherwise you may leave.

leave.- okay. shall i get tea for you?- let the tea go to hell! what nonsense is this! i have been waitingsince the past half an hour! you don't have ten minutesfor janseva party's leader? are you such a big officer? i make and break the fateof officers like you every day. enough. you won't say a word more. what will you do?

we will arrest you for misbehavingwith an government official. relax. we won't arrest you for a pity crime. we won't make the mistakeof arresting you in the.. ..morning and releasingyou in the evening. we will send you to prison for sure,but for a lifetime. oh really? then you wait for that dayand that moment all your life. scoundrel is a littleeducated and he thinks he's..

i have spoken to the solicitor.- okay, sir. go and introduce them.- okay, sir. mr. mishra, you should reconsider yourdecision before arresting dinanath. dinanath has a strong holdon the people from his own caste. his arrest can cause a lawand order situation in the state. sir, i have all the proofs. right from making anokhi devidisappear to getting her killed.. from killing her todestroying all evidences.. dinanath and dayalare behind this, sir.

trust me.i'll take care of everything. hello, mishra is waiting downstairs. is he alone? - not alone. hehas brought a police force with him. okay, let him come. you must be surprised to see me here. please continue eating. do join me.- no, thank you. you have broughta police force with you. to arrest me.

you have brought a warrant with you? i am the warrant. when i want to arrest someone,i issue the warrant on the spot. all the evidences in anokhidevi's case are against you. keep your phone downand come with me peacefully. there will be no peace. this will cause anupheaval in the state! it is not a joke to arrest dinanath. yes, tell me.

what are the orders for us? stay downstairs.- okay. i am getting him. finish your meal then we will leave. 'in anokhi devi's case c.b.i.officer.. ..satyaprakash mishra hasarrested dinanath and dayal.' 'they will be presentedin front of the court tomorrow.' 'apart from being a c.b.i. officersatyaprakash mishra is also a lawyer.' 'he has sought permission from thecourt to fight anokhi devi's case.'

'it rained a littlein jodhpur today..' release our leader! release our leader ori will set myself on fire. long live..- mr. dinanath. you want to setyourself on fire right? go ahead.- no, sir. no. what is your name? satya. do you know him? do you?

no, sir. no. do you know him? mishra, everyone inthe state is my devotee. i cannot know everyone's names. you heard him? he doesn't know don't know him. but yet you want tokill yourself for him. this is the problem withthe people of this country. a common man is readyto die for his leader.

but post independence has any leadersacrificed his life for a common man? you want to be a hero? long live..- mr. dayal! mr. dinanath..- you are eternal! milord, these are recordsof anokhi devi's case. this states how anokhi devibecame a part of mr. dinanath's life. and how mr. dinanath got fedup of her and tried to get rid of her. anokhi devi was a singer and dancer. she met mr. dinanath in a function.

anokhi devi's movesmade him go crazy about her. and to fulfil his lust, hestarted making false promises to her. he even offered her m.l.a.'sseat of mertha to her. it caused a problem when mukhtiar singhtoo decided to contest from mertha. now mr. dinanath was sandwiched betweenmukhtiar singh and anokhi devi. am i right, mr. dayal? it was something like that. milord, unwillinglymr. dinanath had to.. ..give mertha's m.l.a.'sseat to mukhtiar.

anokhi devi was asmart and a clever woman. she knew that mukhtiar knowsa lot of mr. dinanath's secrets. and this is the reasonwhy this happened. hence she too triedto ground her roots. she captured theirintimate moments in a cd. she used that cd to pressurize mr.dinanath. this is what had happened,right, mr. dayal? yes, she had started blackmailing him. i object, milord.

the counsel is forcing mr. dayal toconcur instead of questing mr. dinanath. he is very cleverly tryingto make his points strong. all fictitious stories arebeing presented in this court. that mr. dinanath waslike this and like that. i accept, no matter howmr. dinanath was. but the question isif there is any evidence.. ..against mr.dinanath and mr. dayal because.. ..of which they are brought to thiscourt then he should present them. i'd like your permissionto call banaram to court, sir.

sir, i am anokhi devi's secretary. and i have committed a sin. i should help you kill anokhi devi? no way! i will diebut never do that for you. mukhtiar has sent10 lakh rupees for you. either your life or your sister's. what is it, banaram?you are not hungry? i am not in the mood. what do you think,will dinanath pay me?

anokhi, what we aredoing is not right. let's get out of this dinanath mess. otherwise they will get rid of us. try to understand what i am saying. brother! save me, brother.mukhtiar's brothers will kill me. they are very dangerous.please save me, brother. brother! please save me. i am talking to her, sir.i am with her. i am talking about you. don't worry.

i am talking to her. minister!this minister isn't trustworthy. i will decide whenand where i want the money. we'll take the money firstand give the cd after two days. ask him whether he is okay with it. what have you decided? look sir,what you are doing is not right. hear this.. listen, i have spoken to madam.

we'll take the money tomorrowand give the cd after two days. if you are okay with it then tell me,i'll bring her with me. no, i'll.. i'll bring her with me. i got scared for my sister'slife and handed anokhi to mukhtiar. sir, they got my anokhi devi killed. who killed her? they did? that means you had handedover anokhi devi to them. no. mukhtiar's brothers took her.

then how can you saythat they killed her? whereas you just said thatmukhtiar khan's brothers took her. right?- yes. milord, this is thephone we got at the sawmill. mukhtiar singh calledkaran singh from this phone. and karan singh calledmr. dinanath from his phone. this call was made at 4:15am and theduration of the call was 15 seconds. and anyone can say"the job is done" in 15 seconds. this is the report. thank you.

milord, mukhtiar singh had calledme and said that the job is done. and then i called mr.dinanath that the job is done. we were all involved ingetting anokhi devi disappeared. i did injustice to my uniformand i've been punished for that. milord.. i didn't force her. she is blackmailing me. anyway, let bygones be bygones. the elections are around the corner.

i'll be ruined if theopposition gets hold of that cd. i want that cd at any cost. how will getting one cd help?she will have a master copy. she can make 10-20more copies from it. mukhtiar singh is right, dinanath. hence we need to make amends. do one thing, announce anokhidevi's name for mertha's seat. mukhtiar singh's rogueryis well known across rajasthan. he will win from anywhere he stands.

i had told him to contest from ajmer. i am not used to stepping back. my name was announced for mertha.i'll contest from there. i've announced your name for mertha. but now it is your dutyto get me out of this quagmire. don't worry. i know how to treat a woundbefore it becomes untreatable. catch her, brother. there she is! there she is!

'hello? i am anokhi.i think mukhtiar will kill me.' let go! anokhi? hello?- let go of me! let go! let go of me! help me! help! milord, i have started hating myself. i got my hands dirtyby getting into this mess. good at least you have a realisation.

anyway, according to youmukhtiar khan killed anokhi devi. your honour,i too believe in the same. and all the evidences point outthat mukhtiar khan killed anokhi devi. this case becomes baselessas mukhtiar khan is no longer alive. hence i request the court to release.. dayal and mr. dinanath fromthe charges of anokhi devi's murder. that's all, your honour. the court is adjourned. yes, i am coming with the cd.

hello. you seem to be in a hurry,mr. manoj singh. sir has sent this letterand this cd for you. have a look at itbefore you go to court. who? listen! listen! no! let me go! save me, papa! 'i am not going to leave you, papa.' 'yes, do let me know ifyou want me out of your house.'

geeta! you have always wipedother people's tears. and today there aretears in your eyes? it is my mistake, dear. i am your culprit. no, papa. it's nothing. whatever happenedisn't going to break me. but if you cry then i will die. i will die, papa.

don't get into are a decent man. you have a family. forget all this. she was to go and she is gone. now worry about those who are here. thank you. i shall keep thisadvice of yours in mind. where is the cd about which everyoneis talking about in this case? your honour, i have the cd with me.

i have not one but two cds. i request the courtto not view it in the open. please view it in your chambers, sir. accepted. disgusting. this is tells the tale of my sorrows. do have a look at this as well. no! let go! papa! help me, papa!

no! let go of me! very sad. who is she? she is my daughter, your honour. i got a medal for fulfillingmy responsibility.. ..towards the society,my country and the law. and she got thepunishment for my deeds. read this. i was threatened that if i presentanokhi devi's cd in the court.. ..then my daughter's cd willbe distributed across the country.

being a father i would'vekept quiet but my brave.. ..daughter wiped my tears,gave me courage and encouraged me. your honour,my daughter is a naã¯ve girl. you are a mature too have daughters. you have not one but three daughters. this time you have to be brave. this time take the decisionfrom your heart and not your mind. i have watched both the cds. i am feeling repentantand embarrassed.

but i cannot make a judgementonly on the bases of the cd. keeping in mind the argumentspresented by both the.. ..sides and the evidences, it provesthat mukhtiar killed anokhi devi. and that dayal and dinanatharen't a part of this murder. hence dayal and dinanathare granted bail. you had made arrangements to trap me. thank god the judge was my friend. otherwise you had tried your best. dinanath,even if i get beheaded for you.. will say that it isnot beheaded in the right manner. in the right manner! the damaged you have caused due toanokhi devi will be hard to rectify. i'd still say that you should announcemy name for c.m.'s post for our party. i will rectify everything. i don't have a greed to be the c.m. neither was i greedy forit before nor am i greedy now. when everything is fine,ask me to resign and i will. then you can be the c.m.

if you want to trap me and get tothe c.m.'s post then forget about it. you have been a partnerto all my crimes.. from anokhi devi tomanoj singh's daughter.. you.. long live..- manoj singh! manoj singh!- you are eternal! move back! "truth alone prevails." - long live..- manoj singh! your honour,you must be surprised to see me here.

i have always trustedthe law and our system. the two criminals whowere supposed to imprisoned.. ..who were supposed to bepunished were given bail by you. i killed both of them. your honour,i have just killed two people. if this incident would'vetaken place with your daughter.. would've perhaps killed 200. you can give me anypunishment you want. i am ready to accept it.

it is true thateverybody makes mistakes. but you cannot atone foryour mistakes, you must be punished. hence i resign from mypost with immediate effect. i hereby resign. "truth alone prevails." "yes!"

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