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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

oh god! someone murdered himin such a classy apartment i do not know what to say... he was such a nice manthey killed him... nothing is been stoleni do not know the motive no one is safe these daysthey were so happy...! what will i dowithout you, my son? i had such wonderfuldreams for you! ram?

ram! janani...janani? madam, do not do itlisten to me, please is curd rice enoughfor this afternoon? anything is fine, mom are not you late for school? there is still time, dadthe last bell is only at 8.45 do you have towait for the last bell? and get your feet off the table!

son, i have packed chicken curryand fish fry for lunch is this enough or do you wantsomething crunchy with it? no thanks, momthis is enough okay, make sure you not give it all away to your friends she is asking you not to sharewhat are you looking at? will anyone believethat he is my son? mom, drop sumi in school just for today,i have special class - it is only 5 minutes, take her!- she is not even ready yet, mom

here! ram! it looks like it will raingo and get dropped in the car if i go in the car,i will get no respect, mom at least put on a raincoat a raincoat!? what happensto my image then? i will reach schoolbefore it rains excuse me, may i help? thanks, i have been trying for so longi have not been able to fix it these cycle chains are like that!but all girls sit and ride them

- done- thanks! - which school?!- thank you hey! which school is uniformis maroon with white checks? - i think it is avm, dude- dumbo, avm is green and white right? do you know, da?maroon with white checks? why do you want to know? - shut up- i think it is bala laka lok no, no...

it is vidyaniketanmy sister studies there does she at least look good? why did you eventalk to that monkey? like you are somegreat looker! get lost!! do we have to pick upthis old man? where are you taking me? it is a big deal thati even brought you along shut up and wait yuck! i can only seeboys coming out

- maybe she left- who, dude? in the morning, in the rain,on the road, i saw her oh! magic momentfirst nice figure, checking outmaybe tomorrow love - nice- thanks dude that is herlook! that is the girl - she is not that great, dude- not the shorty, the tall one! look to your left i was talkingabout the tall one only

the shorty actuallylooks good, dude did you listen to the songsfrom kushi movie? all the boys are singingthat hug me, hug me song what is it? what? turn around and bendturn around! girls looking at youis something great, bro they are not lookingthey are glaring she is laughing

she is leaving! bro, climb on! quick! let is follow herand find out where she lives - come!- i have project work, i am going what a loser!come, we will go bye, sumi!go carefully! - did you study about electronics?- i have not even started as yet! we have a test on fridayi am scared is there a revision test on thursday?

oh god!oh! do these 2 not ridetheir cycles at all? we might as well walk for this shut up and come! dude, let me give you an idea from tomorrow,we will follow them from here i have asked for a scooterso many times started your lament? you have to go to the u.s,we must save money for that

same lecture, daily! - i do not even want to go to the u.s- i would go happily if i were you - yuck! she attends extra classes!- i know, right? we made a mistake! we should havefollowed her sister instead! we would know where she stays then! no, dudethis is better than that dude, listen to me! do not do whatyou intend doing

now i will be reading the revisionresults for the week i will call you all one by onecome and take it it is a big deal thati even come to school and you made mecome and sit here! you should be...get lost! - this boy is actually studying, man!- do not feel bad, bro i deserve it all! who would cry if she did notcome to tuition class? - this is the right class, is not it?- yeah

- we have come to the right place?- yeah - we did not join a wrong class?- no, no dude, please! you bought me 2 hours early. look, you can comesit next to this girl i do not want any girl, let me go what will you doat home anyway? shut it! brilliant! - thank you, sir!- thank you, sir!

why are you stopping here? do your relativeslive here or something? i do not knowwhere she is taking me next! what are you doing?come here! you are in 12th grade and you still do not knowhow to wear a tie when will you learnall these basic things, ram? thank you, sirthank you, sir why are you late?the vp is going to yell!

it was dad is fault! he kept going on all sentimentallyabout ties and everything at least your dadknows what a tie is my dad thinks it is a hand-kerchiefand puts it in his pocket! brilliant, dude! the 2 fields are atright angles to each electric fieldand magnetic field! so...hey! you!yes, you! get up! get up, get up, i say!

not you, son,you sit down next to him! you!get up! buffalo! i am talking to you!you do not know how to get up? - me, sir?- why the doubt? get up define electric dipole tell me! you arewriggling around like noodles... we do not have time for this tell me...look at his face!like an old 5 paisa coin tell me, now!do not you know?

i do not know, sir you shake your head so quicklywhen it comes to not knowing buffalo! why did you come here? your mind has to be herewhen i take class you came to study, did not you?or did you come to look at girls? - damage!- sit down, sit down! these people come here for funand i am wasting chalk pieces for this next time you pay forthe chalk piece yourself janani!

i am coming, mom!why are you doing this? - i can plait my own hair- i am sure...come, sit down sit down, i am latei have to go to the us embassy who is going to cryif we do not go? just because your sister has settleddown there does not mean we should you do your job andget 90% in your exams you focus on doing just thati know what is best for you - good evening!- good evening, sir all of you have comeearlier than me for once

it is very surprising - sit down- sir, you are late! who was that? buffalo! today we will talk aboutenergy released in fission let us calculate the amount of -we could have come10 minutes later, dude buffalo! do not you knowhow to say excuse me? excuse me, sir yes, say it after coming into class!how will these boys ever learn?

talk to me!bro! look at me! get lost! look they have comedo not know where they will turn do not come this way again!aiya! what kind of look is that? hey! get up!what are you looking at? i have been noticing youfor a few days now not you, buffalo, you sityou! get up - state gauss law! answer me- gauss law, sir? then what?your mother-in-law?

- yes, gauss law!- he does not know gauss is law, also known asgauss is flux theorem is a law... ... relating to the distribution of electriccharge to the resulting electric field it also states that the electric fluxthrough any closed surface... proportional tothe enclosed electric charge -anything else, sir?- very good! sit down do not sit next to him!he will spoil you make him sit next to herit will be easier - did you pay the fees, son?- yes, sir

wonderful! and this buffalohas not paid for 3 months! where is the moneyfor my chalk piece? it is a big deal thati am even coming here, sir! who is asking you to come?i am asking you not to come! i will pay your tuition fees!take it and leave! i am standing here and screamingand he is not even paying attention to me! all of this happenswhen you try to get a girl, dude take down notes these teachers pickon boys for time pass

shankar, tell him not to drag me alongwith him and ruin my studies also do not joke! she looks beautifulin a uniform, does not she? that day you said she lookedbetter in casual wear - uh oh, did she hear us? - wait for 2 minutes, i will come- why? - just wait- bro, it worked! let is leave now janani, janani! let us stand 5 stepsaway from here

- hi- your name is ram, is not it? why do you follow mewherever i go? listen ram, this kind ofcoming wherever i go ...and waiting for meto leave is bad, do not do it if someone sees itand tells people at home will become a big issueso i hope you understand - okay?- one minute... i will not wait for youor follow you or anything just give me your phone number

i am talking to you sodecently about this and you are behavingso indecently understand...okay? you are making fun of me! india is number 1 cement india is premium cementram cements! - good evening, sir- good evening students go to page 133 why is that bench empty?which pain has not come?

- new guys, sir- oh okay bridge rectifieris shown in fig. 9.16 d1 ...d2...d3 and d4! on your lips, i seea half-smile, honey that is enough...really! your smile, my deariemade my pulse race rapidly you made my darkness glow you humbled my egoand made it bend and bow

profess your love to memy kurinji flower...a rarity my love for you is true i will make sureyou will never feel blue! till the ends of the earthi will follow you if you just say yesi will give you the moon too i will walk behind youat the distance of your shadow that moment of idolatryi captured as poetry oh sweetiehoney bunch, come to me you etched your name in my soulyou made my pulse lose control

oh sweetiesugar cube, come to me you etched your nameinto my soul oh sweetiemy nectarine, come to me you etched your nameinto my heart tell me that you love me you are my kurinji...a specialty! my love for you is always true oh sweetie 481-20-23not writing it down?

such things will getimprinted naturally i think that is her dadlet is get out of here what happened?why are you walking? where is your cycle? there was a puncturei left it at the shop- okay, you go home, deari will come - go- dude, get out of here! son, why are youfollowing that girl? no uncle, i was at tuition class

-are you with him?- no sir, i do not know him. your parents struggledsend you to school and you follow girlsaround like this are not you ashamed ofyourselves? street rats... if i see you here again,i will not let you go in 1 piece get out of here! what is it, sumi? we are late! let me go!i need to put my books in be careful.

go slow. why did you come here?go! i needed to saysomething important is it not the slap you gotyesterday enough? if they see you hereyou are dead...go! just one little thing pch! okay wait outsidein that road next to class i will come and talk to youokay? okay!

- 1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute- what? i love you okay go, i will see youin the evening okay1 minute, 1 minute...1 minute -aiya! what is it now?- if you could tell me you reciprocate... i will tell you in the eveninggo! no, no pleaseplease tell me now is this some new techniqueto corner the girl outside her house and force her to say yes or no?

it is not case you do not i do not have to waitlike an idiot in the evening?! that is why... i do love you - now, go!- okay dude...she saidokay to you?! i do not believe it!it is a medical miracle! i am talking to you, dudehe usually never listens to me today, he will not evenremember i am here

at least give me some moneyfor an auto! i will go home! please! - hi- hi! that is what i thought we are like idiotswaiting around for them listen, i have not stood like thisand spoken to anyone before yeah and i stand under treeseveryday and talk to different girls! - why did not you come for tuition?- we are in love now? there is no point see, do not come nearmy house again like that

- if my dad saw you...- i already got slapped, remember? ram, i feel like all of this is a dream my dad is very strict, ram and my mom is been tryingfor 5 years for an u.s visa i will definitely go therefor higher studies then you ca not say is he tricked me, ditched me you ca not scream at me, writepoetry and curse me and all that you will come back, will not you?i will wait for you - okay, i am going now- that is all?

what else? there is not evenan i love you or anything i will tell you wheni feel like saying it then you do notfeel it now? okay will you take mefor a round on your bike? i like bike rides a lot kumara! my man will not leavewithout me shall we go-

- go straight and then come back- go straight and do not come back please! that is my seat! why are you braking atspeed breakers like that? you yell at us when we brakeand when we do not! how is a man to goover a speed breaker then? okay, okaytake an u-turn - is that okay?- yes let go of my cycle, you pig! like it is some amazing cycle!get out of here!

- look at his face! - hello?- i love you i love you tooi will talk to you later? - come up to your terrace- what? no way! come to the terraceokay? bye! ram, ram! wait! crazy girli am going up- janani you freaked me outram! what are you doing here?

i came to seehow your terrace looks! if someone sees youit will turn into a big problem i could not bewithout seeing you, janani please ramplease get out of here if someone comes, i will diesumi is standing guard downstairs super! if someone comesask her to warn us oh! sorry...sorry...sorryshe ca not speak, can she? she has not been able tohear since she was a baby that is whyshe does not talk

but she lip reads andunderstands what we say oh! like ajith the actorfrom the movie vaali no, i meant she canunderstand easily... yes, like ajith from vaali okay go ram!it is very risky! okay, i will hold your handfor 2 minutes and go your 2 minutes is upram, now go 1 minute...1 minute...1 minute - 1 minute is also over, ram- 30 seconds! please!

ram, go ram janani, i feel like stayingwith you forever do not you feel that way? i do, ram, i feellike always being with you - but understand-- that is enough go 1 more minute i will see you at tuition tomorrowdo not stand here, go! - janani! i love you- i love you too

sandhya...? and then? she kissed me on the cheekand ran away with whom?i mean, where did she go? - she went back home- why? - because-- ram! he never changes this walk of his! - chemistry...12!- okay, sir you said you did not studyand got 12 marks!

betrayer! - i feel strange, dude- why? bad stomach? that is not it, dasomeone like me is in love i have seen it in the moviesi have seen it at the beach i have even seen it in our classbut now, i am in love with a girl! - you know what the beauty is?- what? she loves me too! - kumaran!- go bro, you said you did well sir!

why have you writtenall the questions in the answer sheet? what the-! why did you writeall the questions in your answer sheet? sorry sir, his mistake!he will correct it next time, sir it is all my bad luck!you could have at least put some mark is this what you meantwhen you said you did well? shut up! it is all because of youdo not provoke me - ram!- yes, sir...why r, after k? here!maths - 7 7, sir? wow!it only totals to 5

he does not know math himself - maybe i should just marry her- oh good lord! - ram!- sir! - physics - 86- thank you, sir get marks like 10 and 12in other subjects but here you got 86! - i go for tuition class, sir- ldiot! attend class for all subjects but janani has to do the same!! i will go, sir, i will go! - hello?- hello?

mom, put the phone downit is for me! - okay, son- hello? how many times do i yellhello into the phone? my mom picked it up!have you left for tuition? that is why i calledi ca not come today my dad suddenly planneda trip to tirupati i am leaving right nowit will take 2-3 days to come back janani... janani! whom are you talking to?the car will be here in half an hour

your dad is yelling! no, mom...i am asking lavanyato take notes for me in class - come soon okay, i ca not talk nowi have to go i will call youfrom a pco, okay? - hello? janani?- i will miss you - i will miss you too- okay, bye! hello! - where are you going?- bathroom

there is a bathroom in the hotelcome, let is go! you are halfwaythrough your meal! - hello?- sir, is your father there? - it is for you- i know!! hello? - hello? janani?- ram? - i miss you- i miss you too when will you come back? i keep staring at the phonelike an idiot!

ram, i ca not talk for long where are you calling from?is there a number? no, it is some thirumala venkatrama...some guest house... you ca not call here janani? you know how muchi missed you these 2 days? - my mom asked me what i-- janani! ram! my dad is calling mei have to go! love you, bye bye! come silently you ca not even get to t nagarwithout a license

- dad?- what is it, da? i need to ask yousomething important - it is a life matter, dad- what life matter could you have? i need to go to tirupati, dadkumaran is people are going - that is why i thought i would also go- why all of a sudden? i wanted to pray to god tomake me pass my 12th grade, dad you do not need all thatyou can study well and pass, now go i have tried calling him 5 timeshis dad keeps picking up the phone idiot...i wonderwhere he is roaming around

we circled around the templeand came here i saw thatwas not he with you? he will never listenwhen i say let is stick together! unless we leave nowhow can we reach home by 8:00 p.m? is this not the place we agreedto meet after the pooja? we will leaveas soon as he comes ram! where didyou go, you pig? do you knowhow many times i called? no janani, it was to see you-

okay, listenare you going for tuition? yes i am leaving noware you coming? - do not go- why? - will you come to my house?- huh? my dad, mom and sumi are stayingat my aunt is house in thiruvallur they will be backonly in the morning i came home sayingi needed to do record work - if you are free, come home- really? come exactly at 6i will leave the door open for you

if the next door lady sees youshe will tell mom and i will die okay...okay - i love you- i love you...bye! you pig! do you knowhow many times i called you? where did you go? i know i said i will meet you in two daysyou know how i felt? i thought you would bewaiting near the phone i came to see youin tirupati by bike i asked at the cottagewhere you stayed

they said you hadleft that morning i should havejust waited by the phone sorry! -are you crazy?- yes, about you! do not give me this film dialog! - why did you come to tirupati?- to buy sweet laddus! i got you laddus!tell me...why did you come? your eyes...i could not be withoutseeing your eyes, janani they are that beautiful

is your beauty from within...eyes, limbs or glow of your skin? or in the finger beautifullylingering all over me! divinethe way your hands clasp mine? love of my are beyondeverything in my life, my beloved! my beauty, you give a complexto the word beauty in all respects! you and your roving eyesspeak volumes and appraise you wave magic on mecrossing every boundary into you i perceivei wear my heart on my sleeve to get into the groovei am making my move

let our lips get pamperedprimal and unhampered close your eyes, come closethis is the ultimate lethal dose within you shall i explore?can i share you hard-core? to merge into my heartshall i show you the art? your beauty is from within...eyes, limbs and glow of your skin! come in, madam - where is janani?- she is in the balcony she has not eaten anything she keeps cryingi feel terrible

you are staying here all alonecome stay in our house, dear! or go stay withram is parents ram is right here, mom he is here...i will notleave him and come but he has left you and gone! i have given eeshwar some foodplease eat something i will call you madam, please do not!listen to me... careful!come with me...

why did youask me to come here? i feel like everyoneis staring at me here! my mom gotthe u.s visa, ram they are getting ready to leave i have to go what will you do? ram...i told youwhen we were in school... i have to go, ramram! please say something it is my parents lives too, rammy mom has struggled a lot for this

go! ram! do not do this!you said you would wait... i am not saying anythinggo...go, janani! - ram- go! just go ram! wake up!janani has come! - get lost, she is gone to the u.s- get up! she is here kumaran, get up, da what are you doing here?did not you go to the u.s? what happened?

i asked you tocall your sister and- what are you doing there? aiya!oh no!! why did you do this?why did you?! tell me! tell me! - i only burned my passport- how many years did i... why did you burn it!?why? why? are you insane? mom, i am in lovewith a boy called ram if i told you i am not coming... would have emotionallyblackmailed me 3 of you goi am not coming - janani...for me- do all this later okay my mom hit me,i am not going back there - marry me right now-are you kidding? your mom hitting you is notreason enough to get married! plus you should not haveburnt your passport - you should have explained calmly- you are right, dude

no, you are not right! kumara! keep yourmouth shut! come! if people got married every timetheir mother slapped them... ...i would get married everyday hey, come! we will go smoke!what a good idea?! - ram? what is it, da?- i do not know what to do at all slipper you! i have thrown awaymy whole life for you and you do not know what to do?

- you better marry me right now- you might as well have gone to usa! do not i have to talkto my dad about it? did i talk to mine? try talking to him! did not he say anythingabout you burning the passport? he did not even talk to me he locked himself inside his room janani, give me 1 day is timei need to talk to my dad about it - ram?- janani! i will not hurt my dad

i understand that you have hurteveryone in your family just for me but you have to understand too my dad is never evenraised his voice at me janani! please give mejust 1 day i will talk to my dad about itand he will talk to your parents that is the right thing to do - if your dad does not agree?- then we will do what is wrong - mom, mom, please- you go talk to him - please come with me, mom- just go talk!

dad? i need to talk to youabout something important tell me - it is a life matter, dad- come, sit go, da! finally...! your mom was worried aboutyou roaming around after college you have become responsible now - see, now the company has 12-- do not saw me to death, dad

am i sawing you?!what kind of language is this? when you went and played cricketin the ground next to your school you picked upsuch stupid language! dad, i want to marry this girl straightaway?no love or anything? i loved her for 5 yearsand now we want to get married i did not know this - that girl is parents?- they did not agree...please talk to them we cannot do all that, son

if they do not agree,i ca not force them dad, i am in love with this girl do you understandwhat i am saying? i need to marry her if you need to marry herthat badly, do it it is your wishbut you ca not stay here after that - you have to get out- but... okay, i will goyou keep what you earned but give me all ofgrandpa is inheritance!

how can youtalk like that, da?! this is real lifenot reel life! what is the pointin struggling all our lives what will janani and i do? i want to be happywith her, dad all ways...always! who is this girl? she is this girl... i know she is a girli do not doubt that!

- what is her name?- janani, dad she is a very nice girl, dadshe will be good for our house she cooks very well also listen, if her parentsagree, i am fine with it i will come for the weddingbut if they do not, it is up to you i will get you both a flat buti will not come to the wedding it is okay! you cansee her in the album!! i am sorry, dad...i did not know what to do are not you ashamed, janani?

for 15 years your mom waitedoutside the u.s embassy and for whom?for herself? you buried all 3 of our livesand found 1 for yourself i will stay inside, janani sorry, dad!i am sorry, dad! i did not know what to dowhat i did was wrong! i will just die, dadi will die! i want ram, dad leave it, dad!let it go!

i do not like is good only here sumi! you get married to that ramwe will not stop it but i am not able to forgive youi do not know how to go...go stay there we wo not come thereand you do not come here you can leavewhenever you want a wife walks into your lifeyou got to toe the line! even if you see a glam-dollyou must show no design

when friends land up at homeplay the host, that is enough even if you are not wrongzip your lips, though it is tough! come on, girls where is it? 1+1 2love so true before...a buddynow going steady! girl + boy couple titanic that created a ripple my precious impulsemy life is only pulse

without being a dragwaltz through life zig-zag! come on, girls! come on, girls!! - okay?- it is crooked, sir that is my dad - is it okay?- it is too big, sir are you janani?i heard you cook well?! do you cook better than me? we will see!

youngsters these dayslike posh apartments like this sir, i really love janani she is not eatingor sleeping properly i ca not stand it, sir if you could just forgive usand come and see her once... - please, sir- leave sir, even when i was a childi have never fallen at anyone is feet my father never used to allow it he believesall human beings are equal

i have not even fallenat my parents feet please, sir, i beg youi will fall at your feet please come and see jananifor my sake, just once i know we have hurt you but i also knowyou want her to be happy i will keep her happier thaneven you ever would, sir do not get me wrongi do not know what else to say, sir please come see janani, sir that is all i askplease

son... we will come shall i serve?-no. thank you, da! you do not have to, sonit is okay - we will see you later- yes, please do okay, dad hey sumi,come home often - leave some for me too- oh yea...

why are not you wearingsari or jewellery or anything? i ca not do all that are you wearingtraditional clothes? what happened to you? we made it! it is our house!our bedroom! our first night together! somehow we madeour dream come true 5 years ago you were in the middleof a road in the rain with a cycle chain

i should havejust driven right past you i would have been a happy man - why are you slapping me?- just wait and see... memorable first night this is... - no- shut up and come yeah okay - i love you, janani- i love you, ram i will not ever hurt you i will never letanyone else hurt you

i know, da love that your eyes declaredprecious moments shared can the clock is hands turn backa boon that ca not backtrack? are you appeased?why this urgent need? do you want more...fulfilled to the core? can we regain our timespent so sublime? can i bear this awful painfirst time emotional drain i found you in the moon farawayit is true, girl, to gallivant everyday you torment me without protocolkilling me softly, girl, you enthral

love that your eyes declaredcherished moments shared i need her glance, a tranquilizerlike shade to a worn-out traveller my soul-mate! if you are my soul so steadfastyou will come before i breathe my last a balm that does not scaldi want this captivity unrivalled i want only you,girl, my sugar cube! i found you in the moon farawayit is true, girl, to roam with everyday love-light in your eyes declaredtreasured moments shared are you appeasedin this urgent need?

do you want more...satiated to the core? can my soul bear...woh...oh...oh...! madam, you have visitors madam, we have gotthe post-mortem report sir?1 second... why can you nottalk about it later? now is a bad time... ask her to call mein a few days if it is possiblebring her to the station

or we will come backgive her our condolences do not, madam! do not! there was neveranything unusual, madam he would come at 8:00 a.mand leave at 6:00 p.m perfect gentleman for the past 15-20 days or so,he is been coming with shankar sir. but they are best friends, right? he is gone out of townhe said he would be back in 10 days do you knowwhere he is gone, aunty?

he knowsmore about ram than i do he was staying at our housefor the past 10 days i have not seen him since the daybefore my husband died he did not even turn upfor the funeral do you doubt my son? no uncle,i do not mean it that way i will let you knowif he comes, leave now do not tell my wifeshe will not be able to take it uncle...did you talk to ram...

janani, last time ram came homehe said he wanted to change ...his shares and propertiesto your name instead of his i do not understand anything, dear janani, when i think about howthis is my last letter to you... ...i think about the years, months,days and seconds that i have wasted i do not have much timei have to go otherwise it will go wrongi have lots to say...but... most people do not geteverything to work out the way ...they want in their lifebut for me, it did

almost!now it is all gone i love you, jananiif i hurt you, i am sorry i did not mean toi love you...i love you okay, do not stay alonego stay in your parents house shankar take care of him i love youwill you give me 1 last kiss? - hello?- hello, uncle tell me, dear you told meram came home that day?

- yes- was shankar with him? yes, he was why?what happened? hello?janani? what happened, shankar? what happened thatmade you run and hide? you knowsomething that i do not tell me, shankar please, shankar i beg you to tell me

do you not thinki deserve to know? you only knew1 side of ram, janani there is another sidethat you do not know i have seen it remember when you told himyou were leaving? when you got your us visa? that is when kumaran saidhe was leaving too to singaporebecause he had got a job ram could not take itkumaran was his childhood friend

you were his whole life when both of you suddenly lefthe could not digest it she is also gonehe is also going dude, you have beencomplaining for an hour battery must be dead look at her does not it seem like she is saying'i am going to leave you' at lease she told me he is going without even a word!that is why i really ca not take it

- he did not even come to drink- bro, come here! coming, sir! - give us 1 packet- why just 1? does not he want 1? she gave me soup andyou are giving me chickpea salad? - soup case, are you?- i loved her for 5 years! i treated her like 'her highness'and she left me high and dry!! what a royal dialog!! it is just another soup caseall girls do this

shut up! what do you knowabout his love? i know all about it, brother! fritter stall padmaditched me too! but if i sat herefeeling bad about it ...will my sandal’ sell itself? take your money and go yo boys!i am sing song soup song

flop song why this murderous mutiny, dear? rhythm correct why this fervent fervour, dearie? maintain please why this lethal game, di? in the distance, moon is lightshining bright, so white! moon is backdrop is the nightnight is black with an exclusive right why this deadly anger, dear?

why this hellish fury on a spear? girl with a white skinbut heart black within! our eyes meet and clashmy future...a backlash! why this red hot pepper rage, dearie? why this plunder and pillage, di? dude, take down notesalso snacks with my quotes! pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan do not ruin my tune! soooper, buddy...readyready...1 - 2 - 3 - 4...!

wow! what a change-over, dude okay, tune change kai-la glassonly english...! glass in my handscotch as planned eyes filled with tear life is emptygirl is entry life shifts to reverse gear!, oh my love!you dumped me and how!! holy cow!i want you here now

god! i am dying nowand she is heart-break song for boyswe do not have a choice why this temper tantrum, dear? why this vehement violent sphere? why this ranting rampage, dearie? why this kolaveri, kolaveri, kolaveri di?!! flop song! ramcome here, ram if you cross this seayou can come to me

come, ramwill you not come to me? come! ram, what is wrong with you?!why did you do this? i do not knowi was intoxicated... so? this is how you behave?you would do anything for janani? - she will be happy only there!- hey...! i thought he was behaving like thatonly because he was drunk so i took him to kumaran is houseand we made him sleep everything was normal

and then you both got marriedand kumaran went to singapore and then i did not seeram being ram at all i spent a lot of time with him one day ram is officefaced a big loss ram is dad was very upsethe came home all tensed - tom! hey, tom!- poor thing! why are you taking it out on him?come, tom...good boy, good boy i am already in a bad mood3.2 crores loss! pch...tom!tom, behave yourself!

- tom, no!- tom, come here, tom! tom! idiot! do you have any sense?it hurts. he keeps irritating me dude, i do not like howyou are behaving that is all i can say ram! ram! he is dead! what will you tell janani?

sad! dude, let us take itto the hospital hospital... he is like a child to hershe wo not be able to take it! please do not tell janani, dude what do you mean would i not tell her? what if she asks you where he is? i do not know! i do not knowwhat i do when i am angry!

help me, dude we have todo something...please hey! you are back?mom asked a lot about you oh! hey, shankar! how was work today?you look tired are you okay? i will go change andget dinner ready - janani, where is tom?- what do you mean 'where is tom'? you came here before medid not you see him?

no, i did not notice you did not notice?what is this, ram? - i was tensed about work- tom! tom! where are you? tom! why are you just sitting there?get up and search, ram tom...tom...! shankar?can you please help us? are you really searching? ram? i looked all over the flat

i asked the driverto look for him outside he is not there, ram!where could he have gone? no...i left the door openfor a while when i came in how can you say thatso calmly, ram? do you have any sense?tom is like my baby where could he be?what will he be doing? - no, janani...i was stressed- go! i want tom! sorry, jananiit is all my fault it is all my fault, it is my fault!

ram! do not cry! it is okay...i am here!do not cry! please relax that is when i knewsomething was wrong with ram... his anger, his sorrow...his sudden unexplained happiness i thought i would help himbefore you noticed it sounds to melike bipolar disorder but i ca not be surewithout seeing the patient what does bipolar disorder mean? in 2 poles...2 extremes but this does not meanit is split personality one extreme is depressionthe other is mania in the case of depressionpatients will be sad loss of appetite and sleep they will feel really guiltyfor small things in fact, it might evenlead to suicide in the case of mania, they getangry for the tiniest of things sometimes they feel happyfor no reason

it is called grandiose thinking for example, the patient mighteven think that he i she can lift a car and they might suddenly getviolent and try and beat people up they could evenbeat themselves up you ca not really saythere is a reason for this. anybody can getthis disease at any time doctor, it can be cured, ca not it? you ca not say it that simply sometimes the diseasecomes once and then leaves

but in some patientsit may repeat they need to be medicated for long bring the patient to meand i will check it out but do not say anything about this say something elseand bring him and i will check it out my blood ran coldwhen i heard what the doctor said i thought i would somehow tell ramto go see the doctor i called him overto stay the night

that is when i realizedhow dangerous he was what did you want to talk aboutthat was so important? i have not stayed evenone night without janani she felt so bad but she let me comebecause it is you cheers! why are you so silent?we are hanging out after so long and you look likeyou are haunted by a ghost it is not area bit different these days

do you realize that? your emotions oscillatebetween joy and anger you are only humanif you get happy and angry, right? right, shankar? no, dude, you over-do itit is a bit... what? are you calling me crazy? that is not what i meant!you are a bit abnormal... - abnormal?- dude! do not get angry... then? if you talk like this?what do you expect me to do?

no dude...that day also,you were so violent i went and saw a doctor that day... enoughdo not say anything more - dude, please listen to me- stop it... no, he said something aboutsome bipolar disorder or something - if you come with me 1 time...- stop it - listen to me!- stop! calm down, ram!calm down -a man with a grey t-shirt- we did not see anything

- how long have i been like this?- for a few days...i am not sure - does janani know?- no, i do not think so when she is around, you are-dude, let is tell her about this what do i do now? i told you beforethere is a doctor i know - let us go see him!- we will... am i insane? do not talk like that!it will be okay... do not worry

i am scared, da i need to conduct some tests after we do thatwe can take the next step by tests you mean...blood tests? scan? no, no...nothing like that you need to answera questionnaire truthfully and then we will proceed when i saw the doctor is face,i realized something was wrong bipolar peoplewere usually violent

and manic or sad and silent but he said he would never seenanyone who showed symptoms ...of both at the same timeram is condition was severe he asked me to somehowask ram to get admitted dude, he said you needsome more check-ups but he said it was bestto get admitted - we should tell janani-- no, no! please! how will she love meif she sees me like this? she will only be scared of meplease let is not tell her

i understand...but if what happenedto me happens to her next time? can you take that? i am sorrybut i have to tell her she cannot even take itwhen i get an ordinary fever she will not eatand she will keep crying how will she handle this? and if i get admitted?what happens to her then? she has to look aftera patient like me and go to and frofrom hospital to home...

do not talk like thisshe would give her life for you i know...that is whati do not want her to do knowing that he was notable to control himself he was scaredto be alone with you what is this, da? ram?what is this? i took a vow to goto sabarimala i can see thatbut why did not you tell me? it suddenly struck me

janani, shankar will staywith us for a week his house ownersuddenly kicked him out sorry, jananii said i would stay at a hotel - but he would not listen- no, no... feel right at home - how is your hand?- better it does not look like youfell down from the stairs it looks like you got beaten upby a bunch of men shankar, i have kept pillowsand sheets on the sofa for you ram, are you not coming in?

no, janani, i am goingon a pilgrimage, right? i have to sleep alone leave me alonego away...go love, i can suffer in silencego...i do not need your presence i am a zombie, the living deadlet miles distance us instead all the places you touched...go, love, i have been scorched! love, the minutes i stayed awaywere meant to keep you at bay just leave me and go, sweetiego in search of your bodhi tree! distorting my destiny you choseyou gave me grief, love adios!

i suffer here on my own,go, my love, i need to be alone i am alive for your sakegirl, my life is at stake! if you show me love is gifti will never forget the benefit the times we spentwithout dissent... not there a wayfor that life to replay? together we took delightin exploring many a night are not we destined to seefirst ray of sunlight joyously? my dear, leave no tracego away from this place if my love you do not perceivethen it is your loss, love, leave

though my dreams did shatteryou stood by me, now disappear because ram did not get admittedthe doctor was worried... ...that he would notget proper treatment however much he forced ram,he was unable to convince him one day, he calledand gave me an injection he said i should use itif i could not control him my parents have come backfrom out of town i will be back in an hour maximumyou take care of yourself - what is happening, ram?- what...janani?

all of it!why is shankar staying with us? whatever it is, you can tell meit is okay - it is nothing, janani- do not tell me it is nothing, ram do you not thinki am noticing things? you are not sleepingin the same room as me you are not talking to me you do not even smileat me anymore, ram you do not think i know you?i have known you for 10 years! you have never been like thissay something, ram!

-are you having an affair, ram?- how can you talk like this, janani? you do not evenmake love to me anymore can you treat meany worse than this, ram? i love you, ram i ca not scold youi do not know how to! come inside and sleep, ram i knew you did not like itbut i continued staying at your house i had no other choice i knew you would noticedram is odd behaviour

but only i knewhow upset he was that he could not doanything about it he wanted to work things outbetween the two of you despite ram is protestsyou forced him and took him out ram had his treatment that day that is why he lied to you ...and sent you awaywith some silly excuse hello? excuse me?i am talking to you! what is your problem?

it is nothing, it is trivialplease leave it no, but he is very tensed about it your friend only started itbut it is okay...leave it no, it is his fault!okay, i will apologize - please just go- you ca not just indecently hit anybody sir, your man onlycreated the problem what did he do? he was the onebehaving indecently i ca not just stand therewhile he misbehaves with my wife-

hey! - what is wrong with you? hey!- lift him up! is this a cinema fight?!hold his head up hit him therehit him right here hit him properlythere is no blood what an idiot! what are you doing? leave him!what is wrong with you? hit him 4 timesand leave him

- is that enough?- no, it is not why? he hit me in front of a girlit was humiliating - then scar him for life!- okay, bro leave it! let me go!leave me go run.listen to me ram...! ram realized that if you could nothandle him getting hurt... would not be ableto take this in your stride even if you got teary eyedram would feel choked when i saw how affectedhe was by your tears that day ...i knew he would never tell younor ever get admitted what are you looking at? - can you see anything there?- what? - what are you saying?- i can see something dude, there is nothing therei am getting freaked out maybe we shouldgo to the hospital

no! no hospital!no need- i was kidding,there is no one there ram, do not play with medo not lie - no i was not-- listen to me - let is go to the hospital- no hospital, buddy i was simply sayingthere is really no one there - i am not mad- okay, okay, calm down no need to go to the hospital water...water for the medicine

i knew ram was lying the doctor had saidhe would have hallucinations and he didi told the doctor about it he said that we would haveto start shock treatment ram why are you so late? - i had work at the office- is that true, shankar? he does not knowhe just came when did youleave from the office?

just now...about15 minutes ago you are lying, ram!you are lying to me - i will leave-- wait here! where are you going? wait! i called your officethey said you left at 7:00p.m! it is 11:00p.m noware you going to blame it on traffic? open your mouthand say something, ram! - say something, say something, ram!- janani, janani do not! do not do this this is between uswho are you exactly?

you keep your placeand stay where you should be - hey!- what? then what? you will hit me?hit me, hit me! come, dalet is leave them alone why are behaving like this? i know you will notdo anything wrong but something is happeningtell me what it is, ram! why are not you letting me in?i just want to be there for you ram!look at me, ram

i just want to be there for you i am sorry, shankari did not mean that ram! da, ram...!what happened? why are youstanding like this? hey, ram! let us get admitted i do not remember anythingsince the hospital visit the doctor said this might happendue to the shock treatment ram, it is getting worselet us get admitted

i would rather diethan have her look at me differently yes, die - dude...- no, think about it - that is what is right- do not talk like this i am there for youyou are talking like a mad man i am, are not i? - i did not mean it like that- it is is okay dude, do not cry everything will be alright

will you do something for me? - dad...?- ram? what are you doing here so late?all okay at home? dad, i have somethingimportant to tell you it is a 'life matter', dad if you say it is a 'life matter'... is janani pregnant? come, sit what is it?tell me

- dad- hmmm? i want all my shares andproperties transferred to janani... ...can we do that? why? everythingokay at home? do not misunderstand janani i know about my girlyou do not need to tell me - can you change it, dad?- no, it does not seem right dad, i feel likeshe is lucky for me- do not talk about luck and all

it seems wrong whose name are half your shares under? tell me...whose name? your mom i ca not win with you i will do it 1st thingin the morning you go now okay, bye ram, please do not talk aboutlife matter anymore

no, dadi will not dude, i will be fineyou go home i cannot leave you alone right now no, it is okayi will lock myself in the study - you go home- no, i will not if you think about suicide or- i am sorry, my friendi am sorry for everything you have done a lot for mebut i have to go now even if i had a brother...

that is when i last saw himafter that... thank youthank you... i am going now you either kill heror kill yourself quickly! decideyou die or she dies i love you, janani!

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