get down! get down! come, master! please gohaving a cup of tea. then, you can go sleeping here forsometime. nobody has come there. he will be keep on sleeping only untilthe school closes fortoday. right? oh god!agood master shouldtake birthin this school inthe next birth at least. you are a distilledfool. hey! shouldn't that be possiblehere? -won't it be possible? not only this vannamalai, my dear. nobody could change this school's fate.-our ministertoo studied inthis school.
lt's fate. -nothing like that. lt's abad periodforthat school, ganesa. then...? yes. this bad periodwill affect everythingsuch as animals, birds & organizations. yes. -don't you know that? we got improved forthe past 7 to 8 yearsby this school teachers & students only. valli brotherwanted to get my shop inthe beginning. l didn't leave it. what happened now? whenthe bad period started for school,that has affected me too.
l'mthere in a critical situation to calleverybody here for my business. whatever it is. you're nottoo bad like me. right? l was a victory college principal.l'mtaking care of chicks now. correct. he got more students inhis tuition center on those days. he's got more chickstoday. we were praising our kerala state.what happened to this now? shouldn't we go far awayfor a coconut too? ls it enough if you just shakeyour head, kesava? you'd have the knowledge.
you'd have the knowledgeabout agriculture. we'd have fertilityin agriculture field. lf you buy 5 kg. grains now,it'll get overtoday itself. lt's right.-oh! you got this knowledge. l've received 3 loads of grains. l'll send youthat beforeyou stocks gets over. ls it enough if you do your business here?shouldn't you openthe school there? apeon only should openthe school. -no! my name is thamburan (landlord)!
call me thamburan. lf you change your nameaccording to documents, ...your name only canget changed. right? kunju raman can't becomea thamburan. right? open the office & clean ourtablesthere. l'll come there shortly. go. oh sir! lf you ask me to open the lockwithout giving me akey, l'm not amagician. l need akey to open the school. oh key! l've forgotten.-raghi! -raghi! are4 dosas enoughfor you? -enough!
didn't you orderfor pulses?-oh! l've forgottenthat you both play here well. where isthe key of our school? pulses is over here. ask thamburanto go & get us that. thamburan...? hey! l'll get angry. pulses are not needed.key alone is enough. sathish came & got thatyesterday. right? she'stold correctly. sathishcame here & got our key. we received a load yesterday. you do a thing. meet sathish & go toschool gettingthe key from him.
let me do a thing. let me wait here until you comegetting our key from sathish. you'd not say like that, thamburan. how many times l told you not togive our key to yourworker? why don't you follow my words? -let mefollow yourwords hereafter. you go. thamburan! you can go. you come & go directly. that ismy businesstechnique. my rate & my commission, are not more. do you know who hascalled me now?
s.p! -police superintendent? he istoo great than him.sudharman pothi! come here! aparty man has selectedthose50 acres of land there. for an amusement park...! lf central committee start their projectthere, this landwill become precious. l can measure this land forahigherrate afterthat. lt's enough if you don't forget this innocentpavalam citizen at that time. can youforget me? -hey! no!
hey fool! sorry! how many times l told you!2 loads of brick, are for mathai. 500 bags of road metal,are for ganesan. then... lt's enough if you give the product tovargheese after getting ourcommission. don't forget this. did you hear it? okay.-do you have any other business? l have got a small side business too. that's not agreat matter. l'm amasterin vannamalai high school! master...? -shouldn't l runmy family, brother?
we can't buy anything bymy school income alone. oh my brother! let that be sold first. just 3 months. you use thisnair panties. not only yourback pain.all the pains will go off. l can adjust the rate. lt's just for agood matter, isn't it? to reduce the rate... no. there'sno panties stock with me. okay. let me call you later on. master! should we stay here?or... shouldwe leave? -what?
can the key come now? hey go! -how? why don't you get me some landfor a lesser price, master? why lesser price? let megive you freely. 40 cents of land. lt's the centerpoint of attraction. that land owner isthere in gulf country. whydon't you give a token advance today? lt's impossible today. l haveto arrange the money. oh my master! you goto any doctorfirst. why don't you confused if you mixhindi, english & malayalam?
no need of any treatment, s.k. lt's enough if he takes restwithout marrying many girls. my father & my grandpa married many girls.they didn't have any health problemtoo. do you know that? -hey! marryinggirls alone, is not the matter. they might be very talented inrunning theirfamily. you're sleeping everywhere such asbus & school. lsthat an exercise? let me come taking atea. go. -like how ourpeople say thatan earth quake is goingto come... lt's many days since you started tellingabout your new master's arrival.
this is not like that, sudhakar. he's startedfromthere. there's no doubt, then. he mighthave landed here. he might have run back after hearingabout your school, then. do you know your pathat least, uthama? he's lookingtowards the south directionalways as he doesn't know that right? sudhakar! atea with more sugar! have you come? -shouldn't l come? why don't you come, then? -why do youtalk to me strangely, h.m?
l thought that you might have gone to saudiarabia with your new wife for honeymoon. how is your back pain? sudhakar! teais cancel. what, man? don't get angry, master.-l don't want this badtea. ls that true as he has marriedanother girl newly? yes, man. -government workers cando these things. -shut your mouth. how did you know this,kurup brother? afterfinishing his secondmarriage, he called me one day.
sadhasivam master's houseis vacant, isn't it? he asked my permission to staythere along with his new wife. you'd not support such people,who marry many girls. lf you say anything,l'll cuff on yourhead. he's grown up his beard taking my tea &he is always telling his opinionsto us. have you giventhat housekey to him, then? can l give your house toournew master, then? again new master...! kurup brother! tell us hisname at least.
vinaya chandran! get down... hey! teacher has changed herslipper. -no. lt'sthe old one. but her legs have turnedfair now. lt's many days since l've seen it. god! please save uswithout leaving us. we hold yourfeet to makeourfuture bright. we have to get whateverwe want to get. our glittering hearts shouldbe mingledwith you.
please save us providing usthe food, cloth & shelter. you're our mighty god, whoshows your grace on us. don't think that l can't managemy school well as aheadmaster. this school has a specialty, which is not therein any other schools ofthis world. teachers have to complete all theportions before the exams. but students don't have any compulsion tocomplete studying all the portions. go to your class. -oh, then...? class... -good obedience. lf anybody resigns his joborgoes out by transfer,
...nobody else comes hereinstead of him. please come. chandhini teacherwasthe lastappointment here before 7 to 8 years. p.t post. she got this post afterwhen herfather passed away. please sit. but her real business arechicken sales & yoga class. when thomastold that he's appointed younewly, l didn't believe that truly. d.e.o too doesn't rememberthat sucha school is running here. right?
do you understand everything? ln short, this school islike a torn book. nobody is here to take many subjects. except mathematics...-sir! you don't get scared. l cantake all the othersubjects except p.t. enough. let's go to your class, then. come on. lovable students! the one, who resigned last year...-he'd not stay here. so he resigned.
he'sthe honorable master, who has comenewly instead of your old master. he... who is that? lt's a cat, sir.-you go, man. -you go. why don't you comein the direct way? he'sthe senior student in ourschool. 2 years in 8th standard& 1 year in 9th. let's honor him. greetings! where did l stop? -lnstead ofold master... -shut up, idiots! let me tell you amatter. he'snot like sadhasivam master.
correct.-this master is having atail. he is too strict. lf you don't obey him, youwillget agreat punishment. do you understand? let me end my speech withthis.jai hind! master! you can continue, then. you have this with you. otherwisethey will be disobedient. no need, sir. let me ask youthis, when l need this. who isthat?
basheer! right? what's your dad's name?-l don't have a dad. who isthere in yourfamily, then?-my uncle is a fish merchant. fish merchant it seems. his uncle's name is mohammad. he used to buy fishes fromsea shore & sells in market. go, black boy. lt's alie, sir. his dad isonly doing like that. basheer! you sit.
black boy! lsn't thatyourname? -no, sir. they named me like that. l wastoo fair, when l was a child. l've become like this becauseof our climate & hotness. my name is nirmal kumar. cat! black boy! does anybody elsehave any othername here? yes, sir. no, sir. don't you have any name, then? yes, sir. compus... no, ashwathi!
ashwathi! sit down. many people will be havingmany more names here. that should be thereoutside of our classroom. lf you enter inside... l'm vinaya chandran. who are you?-i'm divya karungal kuzhi. so...?-l belongto this class only, sir. what's the time now? -l don'thave any watch. can you come at any time as youdon't have watch with you?
lf you don't enter into the class beforethe 2nd bell fromtomorrow... you need not come tothe class afterthat. go & sit. what? you'd not say hisname also to me. l'll call you lateron. lf you search the registerto sign, it's not there. who are they? -sir! don'tyou recognize them? remi! -greets, sir. she's crossedthe 8th stagein a singing reality show.
she is too smart. l'm hertrainerfromtoday onwards. sir! you'd bless her as herfather. that's okay. vasudevan has not come hereto take the class, then. class. ls that the great matter now? why don't you bless her, sir? you go to the class.l'll bless her lateron. why are you adamant,kurup brother? just get up,
close your eyes. have youclosed it? hands up. have you raised yourhand? which company is this? -whatever it is.herfather sent that from gulf. lt's for you, kurup brother. -then,you start before badtime comes. get his blessings. any classroom. live well. -okay. whateveryou say.l won't agree that. vinay's look & his questionabout the time...! l'm confident. he is havingsome idea about me.
lt's not an hour since you came in. you'vemade him your own hubby so soon. l've decided amatterconfidently. l'll go out of this school with my vinaydear only. -why? to take roti...? you're just an ordinary girl. shouldn't l love atall,handsome & brave guy? oh! lt's enough. let's don'thave this dispute here. let's compete in this. -l'm ready. you..? -ready. -includemy name also inthis. can your dad accept tomarry a hindu man?
he will accept dad is a communist. picking smellful flowers...! well! sing thistowardstheaudience with action. she's the suitable girl,for my affection. she's stoodthinking about hersweet heart. -can youthink like this? she stood thinking about hersweet heart like this. like this. -how? go, man. -oh no! last year our school strength was74 & it's become 57 now.
how can't it be without shrinking? students are going out from the schooladamantly only every year. right? when all the students failed ins.s.l.c examforthe first time... these people prepared an actionnotice & gave that to minister. as he has to transfer all the teachers& bring new teachers here...! what happened, then? people admittedtheir students in some the action & reaction got stopped. whatever it is. lt's good as youdidn't get married yet. why? -lf somebody asks yourchild about your job...
can he say you asvannamalai school teacher? eat. -thamburan hastold correctly. thamburan is right. lf somebody asksmy son vishnu about his father's job... he will change this schoolname & answerthem. don't our children also haveprestige problem, sister? you got yourfirst appointment insuch a bad school. l don't understandthereason behind it. we suspected your motiveinthis matter. -yes. whereverit may be. teaching isour duty, isn't it? -yes.
lfit is abad school, bad place& bad students, it is very good. we will be succeeded only whenthosestudents pass in exam. right? don't you want to feel the happinessof such a success, sir? to tell the truth as my father isah.m of vannamalai high school... shouldn't we give anopportunity to vishnu forthis? don't you want this, sir? l'm hearing you. l've got a damaged busfromthe town. l don't know when l amgoing to come there.
lt's enough if you stand in vattiparai. my scooty isthere only. what? they've raisedthe petrol price again. my scooty will be repaired & my petrol will beover, when l come across many ditches. no need. lt's enough if you call me. l can't make an outgoing call. go, girl. l told that there is nobalance in phone last time. lfl recharge my numberfor rs.50,it will be over in just 10 days. how can we stop this mobilecompany people'stortures?
you girl! talk with alower voice. you're talking as if l'mspeaking on your ear. hey! youtell me. lt's a public place.reduce your volume. brother! l thought it is abus. conductor! please throwher out ofthe bus. lt'stoo long since shestarted shouting. what? -using yourmobile disturbingyour co-passengers, is wrong. right? ma'am! from where do you come?
let me come from anywhere. but... lf you can speak so louder,why do you need aphone, then? my phone, my tongue & my money. but it is our ears, isn't it? sir! there's no use in telling her. ls it so? don't tell me, then. -go,haughty girl! -go, haughty man! shall l give you one more?l don't want money. why don't you askus money, man? shall l give you one more? l don'tneed money forthat too.
what's happening here?-we've come here to take tea. yourtea only can become an ice. bald head girl! come here. what, teacher? go, compus! go, man. look at him. ls your yoga camp over?-lt's not a yoga camp.
aerobics course. -whatevermay be the course. like degree course...!-lt's not like that. lt's an exercise to reduce ourbody withthe help of music. why don't you teach this to ourashish master also, then? when his weight gets reduced, his bellyalso will get reduced automatically. let you be useful to our school inthat way at least, teacher. school is useful for you only. right? what? -can you get any otherstoreroom freely instead ofthis school? don't blame us unnecessarily. -hey!register is there on my table.
you sign in yesterday, today& tomorrow also inthat if needed. why did you come here?-why are you here? best question. l'm hereonly, am l not? are you amarketing girl?we don't need anything. tell me if there is any other matter.-l'm a drill teacher here. oh! p.t. shantha teacher!-not shantha! chandhini. ask this manto turn offthis. l don't get a concentration here. teacher! have you seen our newmaster? l've seen him just now.
ls he that man? lrritating party! you feel like that wrongly. lt's not afeel. lt's right. he'stoo haughty. that's his weight. he'sthere in h.m's room always.he doesn't expect our company too. why are you gossip about him, s.k? he's pity. handsome & charming.why don't you try him? l cantry a superb hero.he's anormal person only. brother asked me aboutyou yesterday too.
he likes arude person only. lsthis forme fully?-l also want apiece. oh! you'lljust get it from me. give memoney to reduce yourweight. why do you need money in between us?-there's nothing in money matter. lnthat case... l also have morecomplaints. -what'sthat? 3 eggs were bad inmy previous purchase. that's lie. l'm bringing my eggs hereafter provingthat my eggs are good. not to home. he's rungabell to go to class. lt's not an ordinaryunderwear, friends.
lt's aherbal panties, which is made upof african herbs underjapantechnology. hey! you're suffering fromthis pilesproblem from recent days. right? youtry my herbal will be cured. give an underwear to your school first.let its bad period gets changed first. lfyou have a panties to grow upwell, give that to kunjachantoo. l'll become a tallerperson at that time. nobody istalented like pavalammaster. land & panties business. he gets salary also in school. lucky man. -all the problemswill be solved now.
how? vinay master is going toarrange staff meeting... & say you people to stopyour side business. what'sthe use? however he may try.he can't change the fate of this school. but the story will bechanged thistime. vinay master's arrivalis the good omen. waste. lf he changesthis school's fate, l can shavemy mustache & beardtogetherinstantly. ls that definite? -definite. lf youfail,your one side mustache will be shaved.
hold it, boy. l told you many times to comehere after4 o'clock, right? l'll come here after4 hereafter. but you'd be here to loadthe bags in lorry, master. why did you become so worst, sathish?-l studied in this school only. right? you only gave me education. right? l'll beat you go to your class, man. why have you come here?-l've come to visit the school only.
l have to say somethingin the staffmeeting at evening, right? what is there to sayin the staff meeting? oh no. lt's not a business. lt's afavourto poorpeople of our locality. there's a saying in our village. lf we don't obey in 5...-we won't obey in 64 too. that saying is here too. lt's here too. ls he alord to tell meabout the saying?
as we give apetitiontominister& d.e.o... l don't think that we canget a faster relief. although we have to informthemabout our school's problems. we have to go to every houses & convincethem to sendtheirchildrento our school. lt means he asks usto roamfor children. lf children are less, you don't fearthat your salary will be deducted. lt's a government salary. l remembered, whenhe told about children. lt's 5 to 6 months sinceradhakrishnan come.
ls there any progress? children got's not agreat problem. let'steach them, who comehere regularly. we have to lock such schools,which run in loss. lt's my opinion. he can say anything. he hasaperson to protect him. right? lfwe ask any parent to join theirchild in vannamalai school, ...the reaction will be like abomb. l've remembered while saying bomb.-you need not remember anything. vinay master! you're saying so withoutknowing vannamalai's world history.
l also know the aboutworld history, master. who is he? aworldologist...? south paliyam municipality& north chavakarai panchayat.. near vanathipuzha... 23,212 isthe today'stotalpopulation in all the 16 wards. now history... ln 1864 when william loghanwas malabar collector... his friend george lmmanual gotthis place for its natural resources. he started living with hiswife building ahouse here.
george lmmanual & his wife,who didn't have any child... they adopted poor childrenfrom manyreligions & they educatedthem. first l.p school inthe beginning. that got upgraded formany years afterthat... that came up to high school. finally when children'sstrength went up to 5000... they separated l.p & u.p sections. am l right, sir? we need not become aworldologist to know this.
aminimum history knowledge ofa 8th standard student, is enough there's no use oftellingthese histories, master. students, who got decided asworst only are coming here. but... can we decide likethat as teachers? lf all the students fail in exams... that's ourfailure too. when we forget our duty... awhole generation is getting ruined. lf a child goes in a wrongway, a family gets ruined.
why don't we strain to improvethese poor students? lt's waste. whatever you say. there'sa dignity for our profession. you'd think about that,vinaya chandran. you've joined your own children inenglish medium school instead ofyourschool. you got a state to get dismissedfrom union president post... lfyourethics isprofessional dignity... sorry. l don't want that. how did he come to know this?
enough, master. you need notdegrade us in this meeting. we are also workinghere forour salary. you're doing land sales& marketing business. then our job... there are 304 days,fromjune to march. lf we minus sundays & governmentholidays fromthese days... 195 working days. lf we calculate ourone day salary...nearly rs.1000 per day. lt's enough if we work forrs.100 at least in that. these children will be passed ingovernment board exams.
stop it, man. are you a thuklak? to degrade all ofus...! did you call usto hear hisuseless speech, h.m? come, man. waste of time. they are alike in not working. did youunderstandthis, vinay chandran? youwon't be supported. -no.l won't accept that. l'mthere with master. l've decided. l'll admit my ownchildren in this school only.
this is a promise. you have no any child. right? -l saidl would do that after getting a child. lfyou had shown this talent in studies,you'd have not become a p.t teacher. right? my vilasini dear! this issatisfaction, isn't it? 10 or 30 students in8th & 9th standard. lt's enough if l say4 or 5 dialogues alone. lf l was ageneral subject teacher,l'd have got more works. ls the feed over? your expression impliesthat whenl'm going to stop this chicken business.
can you sleep without hearingthese chicken sound, dear? shanthais asking me whether you're doingchicken businessto save foryour marriage. that's right. has yourface turned dull becauseof that shantha's question? let me tell you now. l'll control that shantha's haughtinessbecause of these eggs, then. you don't ask her anything.she will mistake me. let herthink about anything. lfl give thisto v.d.c & sundariteacher, l'll get 50 paise more.
l have to work more toearn even a single penny. she is having a son toearnfor her. right? who is here? l alone should earnfor my marriage, shouldn't l? how many expenses arethere fora marriage! gold rate is keep on increasingthan the rocket too. how difficult is to make my marriage! thamburan & master might begoing to convince children it seems. do you have the sack with you? where are youtakingthesechicken, worldologist?
to beauty parlour. l wantto make theirfacial. lnthat case, you alsoget included intheirlist. yourface has become so dull. teacher! you'd have facial carefully. l've turned as dark because ofa change in cream once upon atime. master... ls there nobody here? agiant lady is standing here.didn't you notice me, man? greets. this isarun's house, isn't it?
no. lt's my house. arun is staying here only, isn't he? l'm his mother. -arun didn'tcome to school until now. we've come here to call him. oh! you both have thatidea in your mind itself. he's a boy, who earns money for me. l won't accept to ruin himby leaving him in your school. no, ma'am. -shut! leavethe place, useless man. come. -useless masters!
lt's atough job likehow v.d.c told. shall l tell you a matter, master? why don't we goback to our classes? we can have that muchof students only. poverty only made herto say this. or... does she haveany enmity with us? you're right but... nothing. we'd go to all the houses. we'd leavetheir scolding without mindingthem.
lf we can bring back anychildto our school... that's agreat achievement, isn't it? let's go through that way, then. abijith's house isthere. we can see him havingan instrument in his hands. brother! he's anew masterin our school. -greets! we've come to ask youto leaveabijith to our school again. no. l... why don't you leaveyour son in our school?
we've come to tell you that. come, boy. brother... l heardthe thunder in the sky.that's a naughty sound. l'dfeel arare happiness intothe beauty of flower garden. l'd put aflower canopy in a longdistance & inthe rainy clouds. stop... see those kids. l think they don't havework in the temple. wait...
have youfailed in 8th class?-go, man. leave me. don't go. wait. don't youwant tosee alight onthe hill? don't youwant tosee the smile glittering gold? don't you want to travelto along distance? don't youwant to admirethe beauty of nature girl? don't youwant to hearthe stories ofa beautiful village inthe morningtime? don't youwantto feel the happiness in that?
don't you want to see thefirst sunlight on the earth? lsthere any house entrance,where chill moonlight didn't fall? everybody has theirown reasonto be alive. we have to make our life meaningful. we'd achieve like the cuckoo's music& the sweetness of tender coconut. don't you want to spraythe colourful flower seeds? lt's got changedtotally. ls this our staff room? great.
this small boy is the worker ofkarungal kuzhi karnan. karungal kuzhi karnan isthe only man,who prepares liquor in ourarea. this boy isthe key ofkarnan's liquor smuggling. even ifwe throw him into the sea tying hishands & legs, he will come out safely. he's apeculiar creature, whodoesn't fearfor anything. go & learnfrom that he is earning in this age! don't smile. arrange those things. clear it fast. the newinspector istoo strict. you're aking in liquor smuggling.
l accept it. what's your commitment with karungal kuzhi?on salary basis or commission basis...? lt's enough ifyoutakecare of yourwork. hey boy! won't you go to school? my dogwill go there. see. the v.l.p, whomwe need, is coming there. what? -this master doesn'tunderstand my code word. v.l.p, forwhom we arewaiting, is comingthere. manu! can you waitthere, please?
he's your new master. what should l forthat? you'd show grace on us. we've come to take you with us. can you come with us, please? youngerbrother! we didn't come here to adoptyou & take youthere. when l heard many more mattersabout you, l wantedto see you don't think that you go to school towrite your exams & just to pass only.
some other benefits are there inthat. for example... going to dubai, is yoursincere ambition, right? thamburan brothertold me. but first you should get yourpassport to go to dubai. certificate is necessaryto apply for your passport. am l right, thamburan brother? then? this sir has visited dubai for 2times.
when he told me thosebeautiful stories... l got shocked. do you also want to go there?lt's enough ifyou just tell that to sir. sir is having many influence there. not only because ofthat you can write your s.s.l.c withoutcomingto school too. we'd give his conduct certificate alsowhile applying his passport. right? then...? -lf he workstokarungal kuzhi like this... can ourh.m give hima good conduct certificate?
no. he will nevergive him. you're not doingthis cheap job for rs.100that karungal kuzhi gives you daily. lf l give youthat...? not freely. why don't you returnthatback to me , when you earn in dubai? there are three great rulings inthis. this is called as malius, whichgot surrounded by walls. lnthe middle koodakkal... teacher! l want to urinate.
have you decidedtoget corrected, then? when amaster came infront ofyou & smiled... ls your life there toget changedfor him? lsthere any use in studyingin this generation? you're educating your daughter,aren't you? what is that for? l admitted my daughter divyainthisschool instead of ooty's familiarschool. gopal! what is the school name? name...? l don't's afamiliar school. understand?
l admitted my daughter inthis schoolinstead of ooty's familiar school. why? one thing is definite here. -what'sthat? -education is useless. that's right. understandthat-hey! come & get into our jeep. get inside. hey boy! why did you go to school? karun brotherwill supportyou if you stay with him. l don't want anybody's support. l'll go to dubai aftercompleting my s.s.l.c. why do youwant to go to dubai?
to see your mother...?she's left you here, isn't she? not to see her. -then?-l'lljoin in dawood's group. oh no. -lf dubai police catches you know the consequence? you can't even come out inbail in that country's jail. lf you get caught here, l'll behere to take out you in bail. he's right. you can be bold here& you can earn money also here. ls her mother staying indubai? -yes, man. she was anurse ingombatha eye hospital. whenthe younger son of ourpotheri kannan came from dubai...
he went there for his eye treatment. pity! she went to gulf afterthat. l didn't know that matter. even if she went there, she usedto sendmoney on his grandma's name for every month. but he refused that. he's adamant notto touch hermoney, who refused him. he's agreat boy, right? hey! ls he yourfather? -there is no suchperson accordingto my knowledge. people speak secretly as he resemblesmoidheen doctorof eye hospital. am l right, boy?
you bring your set fast. go. sit. didn't manu come yet? he's gone to pass urine, sir. yes, sir. he's keep on doing that yet. vinaya chandran thuklak. l understandthat it is me. but... do you know who is thuklak? do you know that, kiran?-no, sir. l don't know that. don't you know about him?-l've read about him in news paper.
lt's not enough ifyou alone readthat in news paper. right? shouldn't they also know about that? sit down. he's agenius king, who ruled north lndiahaving delhi as capital for 26 years from 1325. mohammad bin thuklak. he made his many dreams true bravely. pride & properties of delhi,got ruined. plans, those get executed byofficers, who don't have forethought... people started callingtheirplans as thuklak plans.
you people also got aright to fun of others. so... whatever youthink, you note thatinthis note book fromtoday onwards. he may trap that person withthe help ofhis hand writing. whetherthat is a story,poem or anything. this will be here from today. good notes will be rewarded. okay? his beatings may be the rewards. wash that bottles. do you rememberthe school name?-puthiyana vilasam u.p school.
leave away now.-come, boy. -go. come fast! who are you? who is he, boy? our new master. -why did a schoolmaster come to liquor place? we won't sell in retail here. not for retail. -then? -l've come to knowwhether you can stop thistotally or not. your cheap business is goingon misusing these children. right? this won't run hereafter,karungal kuzhi. that's not so easy, master. you stopyour play in your school itself, master.
they are my children here. you people can proceed. they won't go. all of you keep down yourbags. -don't keep it. have you adopted them? lfyoutalk too much, l'll throwyouthere & burn you totally. these are not duplicate's ahigh quality spirit. lt's enough if l pourthat on you& throw aburning match stick on you. you'll become an ash
these are children are being guidedby me with affection & patience. you don't degrade yourselfthrough me in front ofthem. all ofyou come. come. can they leave like that? let them go. hey! passthe ball there. pooja! strike through thisway. lt's getting late. what, teacher? -those boysare watching us hidingly.
just aminute. they can do anything. they are watching girlseverywhere too badly. lsteacher's word, correct? we were watching their game. ls that a world cup matchtowatch through a binocular? sir! do you know where theysee, when girls fall down? you should not continue this further. go to your classes. -sir! -here.-let that be there itself.
yes. all of you go to your class. did you see? he's forgiven his students.-who doesn't have silly weakness, teacher? this generation childrenwill be having such problems. we have to forgive them& lead them in agood path. that's our job. right? -he's supporting hisstudents. they will get corrected hereafter. you both decide the matter hereafter. she's a short tempered girlfromthe beginning. sit down! you told that youwantto say something.
yes. minister is comingto paliyamguest house by tomorrow. why don't we go &meet him, sir? there's no use because of that. he's planningto close this& start a government hospital here. let him think. although... this school isthere in educationalminister's own constituency... shouldn't we remindthis to him at least? let'stake s.k alongwith us, then.he's minister's party man. right? lf you say as my constituency, can l walkhavingthis school on my shoulder?
how many children? l have only son. not for you. l asked aboutyour school strength. 57. lf you had stopped them too,'d have refused a shameof closingthat by government. why should such an uselessschool run there? lfyouwant to get transferred,tell me. l can consider about that. we don't need that, sir.
then... how did you know thatit is an useless school, sir? you say about yourconstituency often. youwent there only onceinthe past 10 years. am l right? when k.n.p party man went to each& every houses of vannamalai for vote... you got afraid, sir. you ran to all the roads invannamalai at that time. you got more giftsto k.n.p partysupporters on your own money. vannamalai people make yourpartyalone to win from many years...
they didn't cheat youat that time too. we don't have medical facility, water, powersupply & any fundamental facilitiesthere. ln short... they are innocent people, who live ignorantlywithout knowing the period change. their innocent children aloneare our school wealth now. running entrance exams in8th standard & 9th standard... schools are there, which select100% best studentsto their 10th standard. don't compare themwiththose children. hey! vinaya chandra!
not only a child's cry. only if it disturbsits mother not to watch the serial... lts own mothertoo will give milk to it. that'sthe period. when you ask us thecomforts & opportunities... you have to think about youreligibility also forthat. could you pass any student inthe recent period exams? could you have done it? l only got insulted becauseofyour shameful acts. ateacher's duty. leave that be.
lf you had shown 1% of your duty, at leasta single student would have got passed. lf l hear your speech, l think l'mthe enemy of vannamalai school. create agood result first. you'll receive all otherbenefits automatically. lt's right, sir. the fault isthere on people only. when youwent to theirhouse demanding votes... fulfill 1% of your electionmanifesto at least... lf they had told that theywould vote you only afterthat... you'd have not got insulted inyour minister post today, sir.
you're telling the same withpower, aren't you, sir? okay. who is he? though he'sspoken roughly... he'stoldthe truth only. there is some fire in his mind. you don't spoil him blaminghim as anaxal or maoist. what's your ideanow? 100% is my idea. we have to pass our12 s.s.l.c batch students undera+ grade. have you forgottenminister's words, sir?
no. his words are golden words, what wehave to engrave in our history. right? we have to write it, sir. we have to write those words ingolden lettersthrough our minister. lt's an impossible pleasant dream. you've got some madness.that's definite. here tea! lf you want me to grow 100coconuts in that single bunch.. lt's enough if l throw potassiumfertilizer,insecticides & some cow dung. lt's enough. 110% of successis definite in this.
my dear vinaya! do those students havebrain to work hard & make them pass? lfthey have brain, canthey observeeverything in their brain? they will observe, sir. lt's enough ifwework hard analyzing their plus & minus. have you never heard? atapiocawill grow inthe root too. but in the root... -nothing. 100% result. karunakara kurup, who isthe h.m of vannamalai high school... educational minister has givenhimthe golden shawl! photo! lf a such aphoto comesin the news paper... do you have any objectionto laminatethat photo & hangthat in your hall, sir?
how do l have objection in this? no. right? we'd change our students lackof confidence & exam fearfirst, then. how? -we have to run an exam, sir. shouldwe run the quarterlyexamination? -yes. vinaya chandra! you don'tspoil my peace. why do you threaten master?-l can't hold this quarterly exam. there is such arule. did you make yourclassroom as yourstore room accordingto rule? shut your mouth. they suspendedkozhicode teacherfor keeping an exam.
nothing will take place, sir. l'll take care of it. sir! lt's enough if you just say yes. my dear! say yes. masterwill take care of therest & l'll bear yourtrouble. sister! he's acceptedmy wish instantly. why don't you say anything? did anybody ask younot to answer d.e.o? not that, sir.
these children's... -what?what'sthis, s.k? ls he having your union supportforthis cheap behavior? my dear sir! l didn't knowanything about this. whatever vinaya chandran maydecide, h.m doesn't object that. we seniors are just fools here. you can't drink thatambrosiafor many days. government is not paying you salaryto act according to yourwish whatever may happen or not happenhere. you're the full responsibility. you should answer us.
sir! lf an answer is enoughforyou at present... let me give youthat. what's your answer, man? sir! lack of confidence & examfear arethe primary problems of our students. to change that only... ldiotic! government has decided not to run aquarterly examto avoidthe exam problems. sir! you do athing. let me take this d.e.o's vision.
you start your own party & reduceour state's problems little bit. what, man? can't you speak? sir! l'm an ordinary person. poor students like me can study insuch a government schools only. ln many government schools... ...when teachers are jobless withouthaving enough studentsto teach... why thousands of students sufferby studying in unauthorized schools? have you everthought about this asthis jilla education officer post? damaged buildings. there'sno good lab & computer.
not enoughteachers or staffs. with poor students of this school,what our leaders &ministerforgot... l requested you to showgrace onthem. how many times l camein front of you, sir? when did he go to him? l could have brought some renaissancewith the help of our people. lfits name is thuklak inyour haughty language... let me accept that as a compliment your compliment will beyour suspension order.
you can't show thishaughtiness at that time. don't threaten me in thename of suspension, sir. you can't do that, sir. because l didn't runa quarterly exam here. assessment test. atalented teacher can help the studentsonly if he knowstheir study level. department can't do meanything inthis regard. anything...! all the others can sit exceptthe one, who drew this.
whoever might have drawn this, theyhave to come & tell me automatically. afterthat only l can take the class. agirl, who has entered.this is my new story. l got a lust to touch agirl,whose name l don't know. greets! -greets! quarterly exam. examfear.self confidence. how great appreciation it was! students accepted his idea onlyby putting garland in histail. lf he acts little bit, we can bearthat.lf he acts too much, he will be spoiled.
don't say so, ashish master. he'sthe one, who deservesthe best teacher award. talk to him giving him a great respect. ateachershouldwalk proudly withteaching urge to cultivate everybody. oh! not about you a.r.thamburan named person wrotethis about agood teacher. l learnt alesson after coming here. alesson about the qualitiesof abadteacher. ateacher isthe one, who removestheignorance from students heart.
ln your language... he's the one,who triesto correct them. l'm ateacher's son. moreover l am also ateacher. ln the name of a cartoon, which is drawnin the classroom black board... l don't have any ideato forget myresponsibility towards my students. l don't understand. -responsibility. you can't understandthat. who is this? -are you cooking herekeeping the doors opened? hey! lt's not even good.
why did youthink like thatnow, thamburan brother? not now. l thought thatas soon as l took birth. l was a house keeper of village office.that's my first work. daily wages. those sirs usedto call me as sweeper. l forgot my name also there. aheard a sweet voice suchas kunju raman dear one day. when l saw, she was lalithambiga, who camenewly as an assistant village officer. she toldthat l'd make everybody to callme as thamburan instead of sweeper. l became a thamburanin that way only.
lalithambiga, who made methamburan, became my wife. everybody saysthat if we make an intercross marriage, our child will be too bright. but god didn't give us a child. he's given me abrother now. you're too fit. right? what happenedtoday? happiness or sadness...? 250 ml happiness. l gota sadness for 300 ml. okay. what'sthe reasonfortoday's happiness & sadness? you've freezedthat rough s.k& his supporter v.d.c. right? that happiness is for 250 ml.
then... what about thebalance 300 ml? when l thought about your life, which isgoing to roam under law & case... l got sadness because of this. that is for 300 ml. they have to analyze a wayto prosecute you. let them do it, brother. we can give commentonly if somebody do anything. right? brother! you sit there.let me fry this papad. take my gruel finally. -we need thisgruel to forget our hunger. right? vinaya! children are also teasingyou about that now. right?
that didn't affect me,thamburan brother. because l have an ambition. lnthat case, leave this, vinaya. we have to make everybody to standin line & beat them infront of kurup sir. those idiots will tell youthe truth at that time. l'll write up to 10 on the board. the one, who drew this,should stand before that. nobody will go out of the classwithout telling the truth not to punish you.l was waiting to appreciate you.
why do you get scared seeing me? l'm yourteacher, who hascome to teach you. right? you children! you pleasesmile with relaxation. l also made many naughtythings in yourage. but l hesitated to accept my guilt. that hesitation is notmy birth character. that's abook, what my fathergave me as my birthday gift. true self analysisof mahatma gandhiji. that book writer isthe reason of that.
have you ever readthat? gandhi didn't come out because ofhis fearabout ghost in his childhood... he went to the court to arguea silly case forthe first time. lnthat he's explained the incident as heran out of the court with fear onthat day. then... his friends cheered him byreading his points inthe court afterthat. that gave him agreat self confidence. travel with the help of recognition,which he got by that small matter... that only changed mohandas namedordinary man as our great mahatma gandhi. like that... you people havedifferent talents in you
god has created his power as differenttalents in each & every human. we only should findthat talent ourselves. basheeris our school's pet son. basheer isthe one, who is going to participatein this year's drawing competition. there's ahappiness in a hut you want to feel that, heart? there's an affectionate friendinthe corner nest too, dear. an insect in wall corner alsocan become an example for you. yourtears will become pearls.that's a shell alone, beauty. young children!you people blossom and come.
lf we try an unchanged matter,it is possible, parrot! there are pleasureful smell everywhere.that's earth's gift. ahappiness in my heart. there's happiness in my heart atsome time. that's abreath of ourearth jasmine creeper has blossomedand it dances softly. crow has told somethingon the topper branch. aparrot has flown here &heardthe flute sound of bamboo. my shyness has come outlike the clear clouds. let's stand watchingthe drizzling of rainfall. acuckoo has come as afriendto an ever lasting song.
anothergame also started beforewhenthis game has got over. you also come together inthe song,which is heard in the forest raghi! now the time is 7:55. what are you doingthere? -l'm workinghard here. you be quiet there. raghi! now the time is 7:57. are you reading radio news? you used to be adamant not togo to school after 10 o'clock too. you've started asking me gruel& fry at 8 o'clock itself now a days. l don't have anybodyto help me here.
raghi! halfyearly examinationis going to come. right? we have to start the classat 8:30 for batch we've taken an oath to beproud infront of that d.e.o. you people don't standtoo straightly now itself. when you receivethe public exam result... you people keep somethingbalance to stand straightly. l didn't tell you. l toldthat it's 4 dayssince the factorforce stocks are over. why do you tell me this? see! let me tell you a matter.
l can't run our business also alongwith our residential works. raghi! l'm vannamalai school h.m.did you forget that? oh no! l don't know this matter. right? when did it take place? at 12 o'clock last night. raghi! lt's not like before now. teachers are interestedto teach& students are interested to study now. do you know how my studentsare respecting me now? they are not callingthe other nameinstead of theiroriginal name.
other name...? what'sthat? factorforce...! finished...? -yeah. stop... keep those 2 cans on him... & make him to get into the jeep afterwalking for some distance. -okay. let everybody knowabout this new inspector. please wait here. greets sir! l'm vannamalai governmentmodel high school master.
take your seat. l knew that nobody else would come. peethambara!did you call the press people? l've informedthem, sir. to take that boy's photo...! your school has a pridefulname already. right? let you get one morecredit also in that list. liquor smuggling...!aschoolstudent isthere under custody. sir! that's... -not that orthis.
from when our governmentbannedthe liquor production... many people are giving complaintsthatwe're relaxing here getting our monthly salary. lf we hadn't got suchnews inthistime... we'll get home minister's ordertohand over our office keysto him. shouldn't we also survive, master? don't file case on his name.half yearly examination is going on now. let it take place. he can get anopportunity to write his exams in jail too. only if we bring such youngcriminals infront of the law... our country willbecome bright, master.
school students are the importantaccused in all the crimes now a days. l'm not tryingto support a crime. but... you'd know our problems, right? l know that very well. kollamfor robbery.alapuzha for murder. kannurfor rowdism & murders.vannamalai is for illicit liquor. l'll correct this record. l'll get out of here only afterchanging this vannamalai completely. karungal kuzhi, sengal kuzhi& these boys are also here.
he is not matured yet. sir! he gave up everything. he is tryingto come backto a good & honest life style... again...! -let's arrange afunction& give him agold medal, then. master! you people don'tsupport such a young criminal. what he did is a crime, sir. but... people, who involve suchan innocent children in such a crimes, ...are the real accused, right? what you said is right, master.
karungal kuzhi isthere behind him. l know that. but he didn't tell us aboutthat man's production place until now. lt's not as we don't knowhow to get the truth from him. he is a small boy. l appreciate your affection onyour student & a good master's heart. but sorry...! we trapped himafterwaitingfor amonth time. we can't miss him. l'll shoot karnan withthe help ofhim. sir! you want the evidences,don't you? l'll give youthat.
l'll show youthe production& smuggling place of karungal kuzhi. but please release manu, sir. please don't file case on his name. sir! press people have come. no need. ask themto leave. -okay. karnan brother!police has broken everything. that boy might have told everythingwithoutbearing police beatings. -he didn't say. that master vinaya chandran. what?
enough! come on! okay. -okay, doctor. don't mistake me. l'm asking you now as you're quiet,when l asked about you. shouldn't we informyourfamily about this now? l don't have reply to say. that's why l was hidden,when you asked me. there's ahouse for me.but nobody isthere.
l have some relatives there. l'm alive here without dying. right? so don't informthisto anybody at present. union leaders are giving apressureto take those accused under custody. l'm not a member in union.right, master? don't disturb yourleaders regardingthis. they can't bear seeing anybody'sproblem. am l right, master? yes. let me go& come inthe morning. thamburan will be here.
forwhom isthat? -they've shiftedvinayan masterto ward. how can l go therewith empty hands? aren't you ashamedto go withthis? why don't you get him1 k.g apple ororange? my mom! l have to paymoney forthat. that too... his body istoo weakbecause of health problem, right? raw egg is best. lf he takesthisinstantly, histiredness will go off. let me prepare gruel & give you, then.-ls he your son-in-law to give him gruel? somebody else is thereto get himthat.
you're a stingy girl,who can't apply salt for a cut. yeah. l'm like that only. l won't apply salt.l can apply pepper if needed. just wait! l told himthatl'd give him a chicken. let me give him a chickeninstead of eggs. whatever it is. today is waste. hospital, yoga class...what amachinery life isthis! master! who is this? l wasthinkingabout you only now. as l didn't see you alone, teacher.
am l goddessto think like that? we warned you onthat day itself not todo social service instead of school. right? how adamant you were at that time! you got saved alive from karungal's yourfamily members luck. he's aperson,who murdered aman already. l'mtelling you with affection.don't mistake me. you go to your native placeas soon as you get discharged. by the way you have to run yourlifetime until you get old, right? do you want any coffee ortea?
lt's available here. let me get you-l don't need anything, teacher. my stomach is full just now. l bought 1 k.g of apple & orange. where isthat now? -l've forgotten tobringthat while coming here to see you. lt's right, what l heard. what's that? -l heardthat youonly found the stingy behavior. oh! have you collectedmy minus points, then? we can live only ifwe are stingy. right, master? but... there is an advantage forhavingthis name such as stingy girl.
nobody will come to asking donations. l'm not agirl, who can'tget you ateatoo. do youwant? l don't want anything, my goddess. let me leave, then. let me advice youeven if l'm not intelligent like you. we can draw the figure onlyif the wall isthere. you can get your salary onlyif you have your hands. how did you call me? you didn't understand menow too, did you?
hey stop! chandu! you told as hospital & yoga class. didn't you go anywhere? what happened to her?did you get any wealth? -l've got it. sparrow! can you come onthetop of coconut tree? breeze! youwritethe poem in your eyes. can you come into this eyes,flowerlike breeze? who has waited wearing hybiscuslike earring & bangles?
who had seen with thegolden sunlight & along song? asthe clear clouds stretchits dew like hands... lt'll blossom creatingthe shyness onthe earth daddy! -son! -daddy! l've come asking myposting in abad school. l'm a son of savithri teacher& ramachandran master. l didn't tell that to anybody. l thought many timesto tell you at least. l don't knowwhy l could not tell you.
but... when l'm there in hospital now,l think l'm alone like an orphan here. l got 12 years memories about my dad. although... when l think about him now too, l remembermy dad's final face on my mom's lap. my dad told me onthat day... students didn't fail &ramachandran master only failed. l have to winto change ramachandranmaster's failure, chandu. vannamalai people shouldn'tremember my dad as ah.m, ...who spoiled this school's fame.
don't tell about me inour school until then at least. dear! don't stay here for so long. my chicken will be waitingforyourcare. you go. lt's enough if youtake care of my job alone. you leave away. when chandutold methat she has got a wealth... l didn't think that it would be you. no. let me feed you when she got back her oldfriend...
she is not even standing on the earth. afterwhen you& savithri left our place... we didn't even sleep peacefully. we sent many more lettersto you. when we didn't receiveany reply for any letter... chandu's fatherwas planned to cometo krishnapuram in search of you. an accident took placein vannathiparai onthat day. he tried to save many students & he... l used to get angryon savithri sometimes.
why doesn't she send me a letter? chandu used to tell me,whenever l remember you.. that boy might have becomea very great man now. lfhe sees me somewhere,can he identify me? can he be fat like his childhood? when she used to tell me like this... l used to think at that time as you didn'tget removedfrom my daughter's heart. you've forgotten usvery easily. right? why didn't you & savithricome here at any time?
l became an orphan child,when l was 14 years old... how can l write aletterto you& my friendto vannamalai? then, savithri...? look this, man. 1 k.g of orange is rs.75. l bought 1/2 k.g of apples. the stockwas over. but it is heavy rate. 75 + 60 = rs.135. okay. let me give it to you backwith interest afterwhen l get salary. that's a well knownfact only. right?
but.. you'd call me as l'm nota stingy girl. -l'll call like that later on. what's that? can't you call me fully? the reason is... l can't believethis lack of apple stock. lf you take more fruits, your stomachwill get upset. so l bought 1/2 k.g. lsthat a sweet? who got you this? sundari teacher&radhakrishnan sir came here. that lady's character istoo bad. she's got you this sweet.did you take this? hey! no. -lt's good.
l've seen manutoday. he wrote only examafterthat incident. he only got the highest mark inthat. kurup mastertold me this. he's too smart. students will realize theirmistakes only ifthey get an ambition. he is an orphan, isn't he?l can understand his pain. you need not have that pain now. she's come here before us.can we come in? the door is opened, isn't it?
doctor asked you not to teachyogato apatient, right? -then? ls everything fine here? no. he's asking aboutthe school procedures. did you buy this payingmoney, teacher? vinaya master doesn't like this bakery take this, thamburan brother. l didn't expect it. our students are suffering alot they don'teven sleep properly without seeing you. what ariverwithout water?what a school without vinayan master? master has becomea super star in our school.
3 star club people cameasking super star's dates. why? forfood festival...? no. to honourhim. basheer got thefirst prize intheir drawing competition. they wanted to honour him. they've decidedto do that afterwhen you come to school. say some words to us. l don't know to give a speech. l drewvinayan master's cartoon to tease him. l used to draw in note books.but my dad usedto beat me seeingthat. l thought that vinayan masteralso would beat me. l got scared.
but he gave me areward. master only gave me the first reward.master is everythingfor us now. master only gave us an intereston studies & promotion. we people got aand b+ only in allthe subjects in our half yearly exams. my parentstoldthat god onlybrought ourmaster here. but... master isthe godfor us. basheer! youtake your seat we hear the name vinaya chandran masteronly as soon as we came to this school. l want to meet vinaya chandran master onwhom everybody is having agreat respect.
vinaya chandran master!please come to the stage. please come! go! can you come onthe top of coconut tree? who has waited wearinghybiscus like earring & bangles? asparrow, which roams in the fresh forest,knows the chill heart ofthe moon. that will understandthese secret eye signals. your ever lasting memoriesin between my daytime dreams. siddhas also are like the 7 colours,which comes from a light beam.
you're arare relationship,which l got. vannathi riverwaterwill us many stories. sprouts also will danceinto the fresh crops. running clouds also will come down& understand our story. lt'll sing a sweet songin the wide sand area. which has understood me?tell me that slowly. radhakrishnan is great l right, teacher? radha dear is always like that, master. he is pity. he will spendalot for his satisfaction.
take a single sweet, v.d.c.-will your hubby go back again? lsthere any other progress?-l've failed infront of you. radha dear is there under afasting. he is followingfasting sometimes. teacher is followingfastinginthe rest of the days. how can they get progress,then? -v.d.c! l... -that's not aproblem. teacher! no problem.master! you take fromthis. agirl has started enteringin the progress card here.
why don't you orderteaforall of us, chandhini teacher? let me delivera child. l'll order yourtea afterthat. lnthat case... nothing now...? master! divya's family memberhas taken her. -what happened? somebody has cometo see herformarriage. agroom has come & gonejust seeing you. right? nobody is goingto send youmaking your marriage, divya. let me talk to karnabrother.
shall l leave? -okay.-come to school by tomorrow. l've come knowing that you broughtyour daughterfrom school. karnabrother!divyais a bright student. there are some months onlyforthe board exams. not only that. lf you make thisimmature girl's marriage now... can you do that legally? how do you know confidently thatmy daughter is an immature girl? we don't know that confidently. but.. she's not more than18 years. that's true.
ls it so? -yeah hear me. bridegroom likesher very much. we've come fixing her marriage muhurthamafter consulting an astrologer. leave the place. sir! -sir? -there are some rulesto make a marriage in this lndia. like how you came outfromthe liquor case... this won't be so easier. you will suppose to go to prison. at least 5 years imprisonment...!-hey!
when you had beaten me throughthese useless people onthat day... l left that matterwithoutgiving a police complaint too. that's not fearingfor you. you're a father of my class student. sending your daughterto schoolor not, is your decision. but you'd not spoil her life making hera slave under her husband's feet. just think of it. ls it enough ifyour daughter & herchildren live inthis liquor money alone? there is a very good worldbeyond this village.
don't shut the doors ofthatbright world in front of her. you've become like this. let yourdaughter at least live in ahonest way. lf you're adamantwithout accepting ourwords... forwhat you're sayingyourself as herfather, then? come, thamburan brother. come on. hey! come here, man. there's no any problem in between you& karna brother, right? come. there is a small job. l'll leave youin your school afterfinishing that. come. come on, boy. sit.
hold me. this is for seruvizhi festival. hey boy! there's no use in sending only should go thistime. l've told you thatl'd not do this job. right? l'll pay you any amount, boy. no. l would like to go to school. hey boy! wait! get me that bottle, man.why don't l give you areward? that masterwill be therein vargheese's shop.
here. you give this to him. lt's just a help without any risk.right? do this at least. here. he's walking bravely to study well& get changed in life. whenthey sold salt in worldtrade association in 1994... you people toldthateverything has got wasted. lsthat l? vargheese brother!l was 8 years old at that time. l didn't mean you, teacher. 22 countries from hungary, pakistan...
whenthey stood in frontof lmf expecting credit... our beard mantold bravely... do you understand him?-lsthat beard man, uthaman? manmohan sir! he told bravely that we could givethem 10 million dollarstoo. we means...? -who is he? as lndia would give them credit. do you know about lndia at least? teacher! you go & come tomorrow.
l'll tell you about the rateat that time. do you know about the money matter? no. -that has become good. didn't you go to school yet? that's... l'd buy athing. -can't youbuy that today evening? come. no, teacher.let me go by walk. -come. fast! your class might havegot started now. right? you're a waste boy. abc is called the positive partof a& c's single cycle...
cde is its negative part too. shall l come inside?-then what? come in. not there. come here, boy. you're a 10th standard student.your class time is 8:30 a.m. today is my class. l won't bear the latecomers. you'd have known this. right? l know that, sir. why did you come late, then? l'm taking my class here withouttaking my teatoo today. will you come late afterroaming somewhere?
lf you commit any mistake,it's a shame for masters. why are you irritating usdoing like this? yourold job only is goodfor you go, boy. l'll take drinks while gettinghappiness & sadness. we vannamalai people are like that. don't look at me.l didn't take drinks now. lf l start that won't beended in 300 or500 ml. l'm that much happy. sorry for disturbing you in this time.
thanks a lot. l've come to tell youthis. wait! go telling me the reasonfor yourthanks. sorry. let me tell you. first thanks for coming to a worstschool to teach worst students. second thanks for correctingour school & our masters. thirdthanks for sending outthat criminal boy from the school. another matter is also there.he's left our village.
nobody needs me. l won't come back.don't think about me. he's written such a letter. here! should l thank you or object youforthis?you decide anything inthese, master. you only corrected him& you only ruined his future. let me adopt him.let me bring up him. l'll educate him. l'm going tobring himfrom a slum only, right? he will smell bad for some dayseven ifwe bathe him many times. shouldn't we punish himin this way, vinayan master? thamburan brother!he didn't get punished now.
lt's me, isn't it? nobody likes me.l also don't like anybody. l don't know about liking also. l've seen my neighbor saradhafeeding her child with affection. lf l am adamant to have suchfeeding, isthere any use in that? lf you want to eat grandma used to tell me like this. my grandmablames me that my momleft our country because of my sin only. nobody has called me as son. some people call meas dog & aloafer.
master only called me asyounger brotherforthe first time. he told that he likes me. he advised me to study well& to become agreat man. he asked my promise that l'd nevergo forthat cheap job anymore. l don't have father,mother, god & anybody. that's why l've promisedhim on myself. but master... wherever l am searching you! yourphone is switched off.
what'sthis, master? he's left our village. you're notthe cause forthat. right? why are you sitting here forthat? l got a guilty feelingwhile thinking about him. thamburan brother's words are right. not from a decent place. we'vebrought himfrom a slum only. right? when everybody was adamantto send out him... kurup master asked me. what he has to do?
lt was enough if l had said him no. but... my anger on him at that time... when my irritation on him also joinedwiththat... l also supportedthat. he cried a lot while gettingback his t.c, chandu. he is an orphan, who doesn'thave anybody to guide him. l didn't rememberthat leave that, vino. no problem.what's the use in feeling for him now? lt's not a feeling. lt's afear. l'm fearing thinking that l've spoiledaboy's future by my instant anger.
you didn't do that wontedly. right?he can't understand your mind. don't lose your heartin this matter hereafter. 11 students are there expectingtheirsuccess. you're only there forthem. shall l also come alongwith youto the forest? lmpossible.we both can't go together. lnthe forest... -l've told thathe would be here. right? l'll take you.-hey! cut! -leave him. he's our headmaster. leave him.-who isthis, man? he's a cameraman from hyderabad.
master! come here just aminute. l've acted because of that girl's mother'scompulsion only. -don't cheat me, v.d.c. you don't show yourcheatingjob to me. government is not giving you salaryto make them dance here. master! our village has got corrected& ourstudents also have got corrected. s.k also got corrected finally. you'd change. l've brought ourpresident also to know that. orwe will hurt you, master.-no need. l've changed. have you changed? come start your class there.
no, master. this shot...-do youwant to get corrected? let me come.-ls it so? -come, then. leave him ifhe gets changed.-pack up! aschool is needed for a country. students also requiredfor a school. master also is needed to openstudents knowledge like eyes. did you hear it, buddy? our native land is vannamalai. we also have a school.
we need a qualified personto runthe school. did you hear it, buddy? mastershould have agreat knowledge.he hasto give everything to students. lt's not a knowledgeif we doesn't know anything clearly. don't sufferwithout knowingthat. failure is not permanentnothing. lt's not aplay too. oh! buddy. did you hear it, buddy? you'd have an aimto study well. you'd have gutsto wintoo. education is a weapon, which saves usfrom the dangerous position. right?
education will give you the success. what else can you achieve except it? you can't achieve anythingwithout your devotion on guru. you can't come up. lt's not a play. vannamalai is ournative land. we too have a school. we need a qualified personto runthis school. did you hearit, buddy? you've got a knowledge & confidenceto face any exam now. lt'd not be ajust pass.
you students should geta+ in all the subjects. that should be our aim. lf you come to know abouta success in our life only once... youwill neverfailin anything afterthat. we suspect all the time afterwhen we wear this police uniform. this uniform is a license to doubtanybody at any time. right? when l saw him in the bus stand, l suspectedwhether he's started his old business. when l checked him, he criedhugging his school bagwith him. shall l write my exams, master?
this mastercame to station herebefore & arguedwith me for him. on that day l stamped him sayingthat he would never get changed. but l feel that it hasbecome wrong now. we have to salute our higherofficials. that's arule. but l'm breaking that rule today. my salute for vinayan master. shall l leave? we are too confident now. we will get changed very well.
we will reach agood level. we've done many mistakes. we apologize to you foreverything in this farewell time. please bless us. let me call our lovableh.m kurup masterto talk further. what can l say? lt's 10to 14 years sincel've giventeafor such a party. l usedto get children's chocolates& cakes onthe christmas day. l feel that everythinghas taken place recently.
you had hold remani teacher's handswhile giving you the chocolate. right? l married remani afterthat& we got 3 children also. how can you hold any hand? -why?ls it not enough ifl hold somebody's feet? when he told me that if we change anybodyin young age, they will be changed forever... he triesto straightena dog'stail like my son vishnu. l thought like that. but this master has changed all the negativecharacters of students as well asteachers. can anybody change others without theirconsent...? this poet's saying, is wrong. ln apure milk...
lf we add a charcoal in that milk,it will become white. vinaya chandran masterhas proved usthat. let me call staff secretary sridhar masterto give a speech & wishthe students. go, master. dear students! l'm standingwitha great guilty feeling infront of you. the reason is... you peopledidn't do any mistake. lt's me. lt's us. l passed infirst classin s.s.l.c exam.
as l could not continue my studiesdue to ourfinancial problems... l went to prepare parottain atea shop forwages. my mathematics masteronly joinedme in a college from there. l've come to this levelbecause of him only. but... when l became a teacher,l forgot everything. lt's 13 years sincel came to this school. l wrote books about the new books pattern& mistakes ofteaching profession. but l've neverthought aboutstudents mindset at any time. we needed vinaya chandranmasteronly forthat.
l don't deserve your compliments. you'll be'll reach agreat level. all of you smile. -please smile, guys. how was your exam? -lt's superb, master.-we wrote very well. you'd read the questionpaperthoroughly. you'll need the referenceonly afterthat yourfear on mathematics,has got changed. right? what, radha sir?you've come with bakery sweets. sundari teacher's progress cardalso has got agreen symbol finally.
why didn't you inform usthat from your home? although teacher has passedbefore our students result. do you want g+ or b+, teacher? don't you understand?do youwant a girl or boy? all ofyoutake the sweet. are you fine? all of you sit. -minister isvery happy it seems. yes, man. he istoo happy. you're disturbing me fromthe past 3 years. right?
you need not torture me hereafter. why isthat, sir? -let'stell them thatbefore announcingthe result, right? -yes, sir. that school, what you includedinthe black list... right? my own school, in whichl studied in my constituency... vannamalai governmentmodel high school! all the 12 students,who wrote the exams... they've passed undera+ grade. that's 100% ofpromotion. let me announce that withagreat proud & satisfaction.
yourtreat is good. you've changedby your daughter's promotion. right? not now, president. l've come to a right path. don't you understand me? astrologerfixed today onlyfor hermarriage. lf vinayan masterhadn'tinvolved in this matter... when ourwhole villagecelebrates their success... my daughter. -this promotion newsalone isthe good news here. can you provide sambarhere?
you've poured sambar only. right?-lt's not sambar. -sweet...? to vannamalai school's favourite mastervinaya chandran & his 12 students... honoring programme isgoing to take place. ln vannamalai modelgovernment high school... honourable educational minister... lnthe great function in which great paliyamsurendran is honoured asthe chief guest... we honour vinaya chandran master& the winning students. lf you order me continuously,l'll give you only hot water. hey! don't talk. l'm coming.
lt's not available. -you eat this. there's no use if everybody stand here.please move away. l've giventhem. lf everybody hurries,what can l do? l got only 2 hands. lfyou people need my tea only,go & come tomorrow. am l right? hey! where is kunjachan?-he's gone behind a girl. stop here! stop! teacher! you need notreduce yourweight. ababy isthere insideto progress it. -go, v.d.c. turn around!
come. -we are coming, dad. hello master! have yourwives joinedtogether? l don't know that.but my headache has gone. why is that? -my wives have agreedto admit my children in our school. our school will become full, then. definitely. -come! have you come? he's my son. he's my father. he'sthis school h.m. you've agreed now at least thatl'mthis school head master.
they are... -we are the laboursin vishnu's company. we also got abad name to this school. when we watchedour school's success in t.v... we became very happy, sir. lt's a small amount, what we've collectedfor our school's welfare fund. sir! you please accept it. lt's enough ifyou give thistovinaya chandran master in front ofminister... & others on stage. where is our hero, dad?
vinaya chandran namedwinner, who hasbecome everybody's favorite master... we've come to a function in orderto honour our school winners also. vinaya chandran isthefavourite hero of our village. vinaya chandran shouldget succeededforever. see. minister has come. our m.l.a& our educational ministersri paliyaml surendran has come. today is a wonderful day. -why?-you've come in time today. right? dear! ourfavorite hero vinaya chandranwill come here at any time. l'm requesting youto waitfor him with patience. -teacher!
what? everybody is asking him.did master come? -no. out of range. did master change the date? -come. let's go there & check. what'sthis, man?-minister has come. let our minister come at any time. vinaya chandran...-he's here. -where? -he... hey! vinaya chandran... sir! just a minute. why isthis h.m, abnormal?
shouldn't we start the programme? vinaya chandran master hasn't yetcome here. -hasn't he come here? lt's very late now itself.what can we do now? d.e.o is killing me askingabout vinaya chandran. his phone was ringing here before.but it is switched off now. kunjachan has seen ourmaster getting down by a bus. where didthis master go, then? everybody is waitingthereto honourthis master. the one, who shouldappreciate me, is here.
my dad, who left me aftergetting everybody's curse. his soul might be very happy now. that's enough for me. l told youthat l'd make our ministerto give you agolden shawl. right? master only deserves this. please move away! move! move! how did you achieve this, man? what a magic did you show?
l didn't show any magic, sir. l showed my affection on them.they also loved me. lt's not a knowledge ifwe doesn't know anything clearly. oh buddy! did you hear it, buddy? we too want a school.

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