hey... give me your number...damn it! number... oh come on! heard about the delhi lawsuit? our leader should be... naveen tyagi! his number is 26... the others are useless.
not a chance. this time you won't get bail. are you serious?sir, please take a good look. one look is all l need. who is your lawyer? girdhar sharma. - girdhar?- yes. - forget the bail.- why? he has a forgetting sickness.
he doesn't even rememberwho his client is. he forgets his own client! let's say... you're hoping for bail and...- yes. girdhar petitions the judge fora death sentence. don't say that! there has to be some option. there is. hire a new lawyer.
lf you wish l'll represent you. and l'll also waive my feesfor reading your palm. tell me. mr. sharma, have some sweets. go on... take it. - today is ma'am's birthday.- thank you. go on... - thank you.- jolly, give us too. l'll be right there.
take your seats...ma'am is here. take your seats. you may proceed with the case. your ladyship,the case can wait a bit... today is a special day. today is your birthday. happy birthday, ma'am. that's all well and good... lt is my birthday but it isalso work as usual, right?
- yes.- proceed. your ladyship... who in our districtdoesn't know dr. harphool? only at his clinic canpeople expect decent treatment. there really is no case. the police and mediahave sensationalized it. sensationalized it? a 14 year old boy operated ona pregnant woman. and you're saying there is no case?
what l really mean is...this whole thing is fabricated. l agree the boy was presentin the operation theatre but... the doctor performedthe operation himself. ma'am, he's just a child. he's innocent. he's a child. he insisted that he wanted to watchthe operation being performed. so ma'am, to keep his child happy,the doctor let him in. but...
the boy didn't touch the patient. what do you want? we want bail. ma'am, we don't have toomany doctors in our district. lf you imprison the doctor,we're all doomed. mr. gupta, should l grant bail? no, absolutely not. the fact is the doctorwanted his son to be featured... in the guinnessbook of world records.
and so he let his 14 yearold son perform the operation. these photographs were takenusing the doctor's cell phone. look at this. what is this? these pictures were takenon his cell phone. then he not onlythreatened the lady... but also used hisinfluence to stop her... from lodging a policecomplaint for a month. he misused his power and position.
that's why l filed a pll. think about it, ma'am... what if something had gone wrong? what if? - nothing went wrong.- what are you doing? ma'am, l have performed more than150 c-section operations and... and all of themwent without a hitch. that doesn't mean you will getyour 14 year old son to operate. l got him to operate, so what?
no... ma'am, no other 14 year old boy.. in the world hasever achieved this feat. he's getting calls fromamerica and london... while his own countrymenwant to put him down. no wonder,lndian doctors migrate overseas. nobody appreciates talent in lndia. you accept that your sonperformed the operation? ma'am?
no...no, ma'am. that's not true. he's a doctor,he's not used to life in prison. he's stressed becausehe was imprisoned. he said that out of anger. you should brief your client well. doctor this is a court. no one apart from l canget angry in here. l'm rescheduling the hearing.tell me when...
ma'am, l'd appreciate ifyou would grant him bail. lt's your birthday today. start the day on a kindnote and you'll be blessed. yeah, yeah... but i won't grant bail today. let the police carryout the investigation. please, ma'am. the judge will repent. when will you get bailand return home?
dad, don't worry. l will manage the clinic. l also performeda tonsil operation. how did it go? lt was successful. l'm proud of you. one day you will win thenobel prize. you look so pale.you've lost weight. doctor... sir...
what is it? don't worry. at the next hearingyou will get bail. trust me.hello. you said that at theprevious hearing too. well, i am trying. l don't control the outcome, do l? next time you will get bail. l'd appreciateif you'd pay my fees.
fees? the worst mistake l did wasto appoint you as my counsel. today the local court refuseddr. harphool's bail application. we have with us advocatemahesh gupta who had filed the pil. mr. gupta, why don't youexplain the court's ruling to us... well, dr. harphool wantedto achieve a guinness record. gupta has hit the big time. he would sit outside thecourt counting the hours. tell me...
one pll and he's become a star. dr. harphool's lawyer was tryingto get bail by offering sweets. listen... recession has hit town. typewriters are being stolen. lock your chamber without fail. okay. see you later. don't you thinkyou are over-reacting?
everybody has to struggle.you are not the only one. you know what my dad says... he says, the lawyer that persistswill eventually succeed. easy for your dad to say that. he represents the government. even if there are no lawsuits,the government pays a salary. work if there's a lawsuitor enjoy the free time. great! why do you think youwill succeed in delhi?
why not? lt's the capital of lndia. all the best lawyerspractice in delhi. the supreme court is in delhi. my brother-in-law is there. mark my words,l will make it big in delhi. lf you are that confident,go ahead. sandhya...where are you going? hey sandhya... listen.
sandhu... lf l leave, will you cry? you're going to delhi, not america. lt's two hours away from here. l know but... you will get emotional, right? sandhu... tell me... listen, stop calling me sandhu. lt's sounds like someone fromthe men's hockey team.
sandhu! can't even call out my name. and your temper is back! you're saying thatbecause you're angry. l know, you will miss me. after all, l am your boyfriend. as if you are the only one! lf l wish it,l can get a line of suitors. yeah, right.
this is meerut. the guys over hereknow just one thing. hang around,sleep around and vanish. you won't find someone like me. you haven't evenlet me kiss you yet. and l won't.l'm not your personal property. you've become quiteneedy these days. l think we were betteroff as strangers. "as l walk down your lane."
"l see you drying upclothes on your terrace." "you get me gazingat you for real." "but oh! how you fakeshying away right on my face." "well then, we're betteroff as strangers, i guess!" "as l leave forhome after college." "you follow me ridingyour godforsaken scooter." "l just smile atyou for no good reason." "you balloon up to cloud nine." "let's remain strangers,its for the better."
"you're right, let's remainstrangers, its for the better." "strangers." "god, l so wish your fathergets hit by a speeding truck." "gets all plastered from topto toe, with every bone broken." "l visit your house pretendingto wish him wellness." "and we behave asstrangers just the same." do you want to file an affidavit? sir, can i help you for bail?l won't charge a lot - no.- give me one chance.
can l represent you? do you want bail? what a jinx!we're here to get married. jolly... come here. what's up, sir? l need a favor. don't refuse,you will get 1000 rupees. this is new.
cops are paying lawyers. last week we capturedsome terrorists. we arrested four... but the chief told themedia there were five. they have to be presented in courtand the media is waiting outside. what has that got to do with me? l need one more man,to present before the media. your face will be covered.and your photo taken. that's it. have you lost it?
l'll get in trouble. you don't have to go to the court. don't refuse... please or i'll lose my job. the chief is outside. lf l didn't have to pay rent,l'd have refused. now that's more like it. come on... take him in.
jai hind, sir. get dressed soon. who are you? lashkar-e-toiba. l'm laugh-e-toiba! these five terrorists were presentedbefore a special court today. their faces mightbe concealed but... they cannot hide their evil designsand ulterior motives. with cameraman, ashok singhal...
this is vinay katiyal, tez khabre. - good morning, mr. kaul.- good morning. - how are you, jolly?- l'm fine. l'd like a cup of tea. right away. listen, tea for jolly. what's going on? jolly, how do you spell affidavit? affidavit?
dosen't it start with an 'e'? do you know? - write...- yes. s-e-x. a-f-f-l-d-a-v-l-t. - wow.- thank you, vasu. this is vasu. he earned his llb in rohtak. didn't you find anythingbetter to do than to study law?
lt's a noble profession. fighting for the truth.helping those in need. l don't think there'sanything better than this. - tea?- yes. mr. kaul,one more cup of tea, please. hello, brother-in-law. so, what's going on? swatting flies and wasting time... same thing that l did in meerut.
stop worrying. remember, every lawyer has his day. you should persevere until then. and someday you will also becomea star lawyer. remember these words. alright, see you later in court. - okay? bye.- bye. star lawyer! 7516.
last year 7516 accidentstook place in delhi. but how many of thosecan the people here recall? but if you believe the mediareports of the last six months... it seems that only oneaccident took place in india. the so called land cruiserhit-and-run case... which involves oneof the most respected... and law abidingfamilies of the city. all accusations levied bythe prosecution were proven false. first of all...
rahul dewan's nameonly appeared in the flr... two days after itwas first filed, why? lt's never been proven that rahul dewan was presentat the accident site. never! also there's no eye witness. and, before l forget... where is the imaginaryland cruiser... in this great landcruiser hit-and-run case?
ln fact, according to sub-lnspector rathi's report... the accident was caused by a truck,not a car. the investigationreport is with you. fine!l have the report. ln the past six months... the prosecution and mediahave created a frenzy... but there is not one single proofor evidence, nothing. this lawsuit has no merit. the only case here is the victimizationof my innocent client...
rahul diwan. your honor... the prosecution doesn'tthink rahul dewan is innocent. l don't care whatthe prosecution thinks. l demand evidence. do you have any? where is the land cruiser?where is eye witness? there's only one perceptionhere that's being exploited. since he is rich,he must be guilty.
the media trials held outsidethe court don't need any evidence. let me remind you, mr. prosecutor,that this is not a media trial. this is a real trial. only one person can passa judgment in this lawsuit. and that's our honorable judge. you still haven't lost touch of yourpassionate speeches, mr. rajpal. l'm impressed. thank you. prosecution...any further submissions?
your honor,if you could grant us some time... l'd like to reinvestigatea few points. more time? 35 million lawsuits arepending in indian courts. let's come to a swiftdecision on at least one. alright, you may sit. ln the light of evidencepresented during the trial... this court holdsrahul dewan not guilty. - yes.- strange.
the court is adjourned. congratulations, mr. rajpal. amazing... l want to wish him. sir... l am a big fan of yours. my name is jollyand l'm also a lawyer. sir, i didn't learn as muchin my three year law course.. as l learnt in thepast five minutes.
l'm from meerut andl want to be just like you. - brilliant!- may l go? yes... good luck, sir. l have no words to thank you,mr. rajpal. after all rahul isthe future of our family. lndeed. and such mistakeshappen when you're young. but that doesn't mean you spendyour life in the court or in prison.
l completely agree with you,mr. dewan. everybody makes mistakes. and frankly, the government hasn'tmade the footpath to sleep on. - yogi...- yes, dad. mr. rajpal,your full and final payment. thank you very much. dad insisted that l give thisto you today itself. what's wrong?any problem? we had decided on another figure.
true, but you won the casein six months. exactly my point. your boy is backhome in six months. - come on...- yogi, make it 30. here you go. happy? when you asked me to represent you,you were ready to spend millions. and l have to keepa lot of people happy, mr. dewan. well with this you can keepa lot of people happy.
so please keep itand don't be greedy. mr. dewan... thank you so much. l'll take your leave andtake care of your health. bye. ls it true? you have filed a pll? why are you ruining your career? - please sit...- sit...
we'll talk, but sit. relax. when you wanted to file an affidavit,you called me a dozen times. but you didn't even ask me oncebefore you took this decision! would you have permitted me,if l had asked? l'm not crazy. l won't advise youto ruin your life. can't you see? open your eyes...read the newspapers.
this case has beenscrutinized all over the media. didn't you tell me,that one day l will get my due? well, now is the time. l don't want to miss thisopportunity and be a loser like them. now l get it. you think this pll willmake you a great advocate. you think the media will throng aroundyou and you will hit the big time. right? lt's not that easy.
lf it were, these advocateswouldn't be here like losers. they are probablystill contemplating. or probably askingsomeone wise like you for advice. but l filed the pil. lt's simple. the question is,who makes the first move? your honor, a music director toilsday and night like a goldsmith. and after creating a song withall the effort and hard work... if someone steals it, it'sa heinous crime against a musician.
your honor,even i'm saying the same thing. music director sangeetlahiri has stolen the tune... from my client sargam kumar. and for that he must be punished. this is the six month oldscratch recording of the tune. once you listen,you will know which is original. even l have a cd. listen and decidewhich one is original. hold your horses.
what's going on here? l have 29 casesin my court for today. rape, murder, corruption. and you want me to listento your music performance? what is your name? sargam kumar, sir. sing. sir? sing your song.
"l'm ruined." that's enough. very good, sit down. sir, sangeet lahiri. yes. what are you doing?you will lose the case. you can't do it! your honor, i rememberthe composition of the song and... l request permission to sing it.
that's enough! l must say,you are a very good singer. thank you, your honor. actually,it's a hobby since childhood. l also have a small local band. birthdays, anniversaries...we perform anywhere. - but i don't understand one thing.- what? you have the fileregarding the case. then why did you ask meto get these files?
lf you could figure that,you would be in my shoes. listen, a lawyer shouldhave many files on his desk. lt gives the impressionto the opposition... and the judge thathe has done his homework. lmpression! l hope you have done your homework. l've heard that judgetripathi is very strict. okay, let's see. so... mr. tyagi...
yes, sir. why did you file this pil? the police had completedits investigation. l'm sure even thejudgment was well thought. why do you want a reinvestigation? your honor, i'm sure youread last friday's times of india. the report clearly states that thepolice tampered with some facts... and critical evidence waswithheld from the court. eye witness interviewshave appeared all over the media.
but not one of themwas called in to testify. sir, ndtv had a one hourspecial coverage about this case. and the star tv series'we the people' had... hold on, just a minute... what did you say your name was? jagdish tyagi, sir.but everyone calls me jolly. where did you get your law degree? meerut law college. weren't you taught that...
the court doesn't accept mediareports as admissible evidence? then why are yougiving me that lecture? you filed this pll? you've typed 'apple'instead of 'appeal'! and 'prostitution'instead of 'prosecution' there are fivemistakes in every line. filing a pll is a prank? do you have anysubstantial evidence? sir, i need some more timeto put it together.
you should've already done that. why are you wasting our time? sorry sir. l'm rescheduling the hearing. you better have theevidence in place by then. otherwise you'll find thispll in the garbage bin! so, jolly, not going home? ln some time. excuse me, sir?
are you jagdish tyagi... jolly? you have filed a pllin the rahul dewan case? yes, do you havea problem with that? no. l'm glad you did. my name is albert pinto.l hail from goa. l have a small business... and l often cometo delhi in this regard. l was in delhi on april 20th...
the day of the accident. as l was returning homeafter watching a late night film... l saw the accident take place. l am the only real eyewitness in this case. why didn't youcome forward until now? why didn't you do anything? sir, that night l did everythinga concerned citizen would do. l rushed to the police station... and told theml saw the accident take place.
- l also lodged a complaint.- do you have a copy of it? you are aware that a lot of wealthypeople are involved in this case. l was told that lwould be called if necessary. l kept waiting. no one asked me anything,no one called. nothing. when l heard that you have fileda pll, l mustered some courage. l mean... there is someone who hasthe guts to stand up for the truth.
and here i am. will you testify in court? of course l will. and why not? l'm willing to gothe distance for the truth. trust me, l am with you. advocate jagdish tyagi... ..who had filed a pil in theland cruiser hit-and-run case... has created a sensation bysubmitting an affidavit in court.
this affidavit states that mr.albert pinto is the.. only eye-witness ofthis gruesome accident. the court has acceptedthe affidavit and... ordered rahul dewan'scounsel tejinder rajpal... to be present at the next hearing. mr. rajpal... l've heard you... only accept lawsuits presentedin the supreme and high courts. lt's an honor tohave you in my court.
oh please!l've been a little tied up. - sir, tea.- move the fan in my direction. - so... so good to see you.- okay. yes, sure. delite builders, in noida...belongs to your relatives? brother-in-law. right. the future city is fabulous. yeah, it's wonderful. your honor?
are you looking at something there? yes, l was looking at asmall three bedroom apartment. a three bedroom apartment only? you deserve a villa. ln fact, judge chatterjeebought one. - your honor, may l call the witness?- wait a minute. you know judge chatterjee... the property rates are very high... leave it to me...l'll put in a word.
consider it done. mr. rajpal...one more small request... sir, may l call the witness... -albert pinto...-can't you wait for a few minutes? what's your hurry? sorry, sir. lt's not a problem, no big deal...can be arranged. we'll catch up later. so... tell me.
my witness is the eye witness,albert pinto. - what eye witness?- l've given the affidavit. who is albert pinto? sir. okay, what are you doingstanding over there? stand in the witness area. yes, that's the witness box. are you an actor? your name seems likeit's from the movies.
no, sir. - albert pinto.- yes. so, according to youraffidavit you testify that... on the day of the accidentyou were present at the spot and... you also saw rahul dewan. correct? tell me, mr. pinto,when did the accident take place? april 20th. what was the time then?
sir, it was past midnight,l think... 1 :10-1 :15. what were you doing there? sir, i was returning homeafter watching a late night film. which film? jodha akbar. a copy of the complaint... hotel bills and movie ticket stubshave been submitted to the court. - yes, mr. rajpal?- sir. do you wish to say somethingin this matter?
sir, first of all, pleaseinstall an a/c in the court room. lt's so hot in here. you work here all day...l mean, how do you do it? l just do it, mr. rajpal. l put in an application twomonths ago but to no avail. you should be gladthere's a fan in here. coming back to the case... what do you have to say about this? frankly, l was busy.
l was in shimla attendingmy neice's wedding, so... l haven't seen the affidavit. l'd really appreciate it ifyou gave us another day. l'll give another date. l hope you don't have an objection. no objection, your honor,but only a request. lf you could order rahul dewan tobe present at the next hearing... mr. pinto could identify him. that could speed up the process.
this is a court, mr. tyagi.you can't speed up anything. and l don't understandon what grounds... is my client beingfurther victimized. mr. rajpal, i'm here. leave it to me. your client isnot being victimized. anyway, l'm sure the boy isbored sitting at home... let him visit my court. l am giving a further date.
the court has ordered rahul dewanto be present at the hearing. your comment? we'll respect the court order,what else? and, what if mr.albert pinto identifies him? meenal, if you ask silly questionslike this, he might identify you. do you know the evidence he has? do you? a cinema ticket...jodha and akbar? come on, meenal,ask some smart questions.
mr. tyagi... do you consider today'scourt proceedings a small victory? yes, of course. lf the court has ordered him tobe present, one thing is certain. many critical points in thiscase deserve to be reinvestigated. sir, we have a special programon this case in our studio tonight. can you attend? of course, i'd be glad to. - will you send a pick up?- thank you.
certainly, sir. - sir, a photograph please.- okay. what's this, mr. kaul? this is your chamber. but mr. kaul... this is a big lawsuit. you need a decent office. the media will want interviews... you need to make an impression.
and so, the canteen isshut to make room for your chamber. mr. kaul,l can't afford to pay the rent. who asked you for rent? do you think l'm that petty? - but, mr. kaul...- no ifs or buts. you will carry out your work here. l'll send tea. this is great. congratulations on the chamber.
what's the deal with mr. kaul? don't you know? have you seen the photoon his counter... a girl's photo? who is she? she was mr. kaul's daughter. a cop's son raped and murdered her. the evidence was stackedagainst the cop's son. rajpal represented him. he turned the whole thing around...
and the cop's sonwas freed in six months. while mr. kaul has been running thiscanteen for 15 years in this court. he is surrounded by judgesand lawyers but... he couldn't get justicefor his only daughter. you could say that you arethe balm for his wound. tell me, are you comingto meerut tomorrow? - yes.- sure? okay, bye. whom do you want to meet?
do you have a letteror do you want advice? my dad is not at home. l'm sorry. you don't have to say sorry. lt's only been three months...since we last met, right? there's nothing to be upset about. don't be emotional. l'm crazy to get anxiety attacksand become upset. l'm sure you've foundsomeone else in delhi.
what nonsense! l apologized... pardon me. are you going to torture me? you want to kill me?break my neck? go ahead. jolly, let me go... you think only you missed me,and l didn't miss you? l didn't miss you? l couldn't help it...
l was trying to settle down. l have a gift for you. - can l open it?- of course! l will hit you! lt's a shaving kit. - to hell with your gift!- what's wrong? don't you like it? l couldn't come empty handedto ask for your hand in marriage. l had to get somethingfor your dad.
after all he is myfuture father-in-law. you mean it? l kept my word likel had promised you. ls that so? jolly has grown a little wiser. jolly has becomeadvocate jagdish tyagi. people in delhi look up to me. and why won't they? you're fighting a big lawsuit.
jolly... you know what... l want to see your 'objection,my lord' argument with a judge. so, come over. next week is an important hearing.you will like it. - sure?- l got something for you... where did l keep it... here it is! "my beloved is.." "my beloved is very sweet,handle him with love."
"may you do notdo anything today.." "..but take a booze and dance." "take a booze and dance." "may you live in any city.you must taste this drink in life." "lf heartbroken ortroubled by your fate.." "..it relives youof all the tensions." "take a sip and be my chick." "l'd be your hero." "o frenzied, you never knowwhat blotto and gist it carries."
"slowly and stealthily,your illness increased." "baby milk isrecently stopped.." "roam around the lanesand fall down the gutter." "your beloved is.." "your beloved is very sweet,handle him with love." "do some other chores as well." "go, take a booze and dance." lce? no... thanks.
we have time. ln a few days we willfigure something out. l don't believe this. that pinto guy will identifyrahul at the next hearing. and all you cansay is 'don't worry'. mr. rajpal, i've got to admit,l am nervous. and l'm nervous becausel think you aren't confident. l am confident. l have to admit that thatguy has got us thinking, he has.
l don't understandwhy are we still thinking. l mean, l suggest...let's buy this jolly. mr. dewan... please... please don't use your head onmatters that you don't understand. - who is this jolly?- exactly what l'm saying. - who is this jolly?- who... who is this jolly? - why are we even thinking?-no, no. what... he is nothing.he is nobody. l can ruin him withone text message.
one bloody sms, that's it. then, do it. lt is this albert pintothat is the problem... honest bloody lndian. he thinks it's a cakewalkto testify in court. lt is this witness that has got themedia interested in the case again. that's the problem. pinto! what's up?you wanted to see me?
nothing important. l thought i'd have a word with you. tomorrow is the hearing in courtand l'm anxious. l know. all you have to do is identify... rahul dewan in courtandeverything will be fine. actually, l wanted to ask you... what if l refuseto identify rahul dewan? will it be a big problem?
what are you saying?! no, i mean, what if l... you know, turn hostile in court? turn hostile? l know it's difficultto stand up to them... but we're doing thisfor a noble cause. we want justice for the deceased. justice? are you reallyfighting forjustice?
you are using meto advance your career. let's get to the point. the dewan family hasoffered me a deal. 20 million rupees. you get 10 percent. and tomorrow no matter what l say,don't say a word. what do you think? deal? you are unbelievable!
l thought you were a... but you're making a mistake. the dewans' are worthmore than 2 billion. 20 million is loosechange for them. take me along withyou to negotiate. let's renegotiateand ask for 50 million. rajpal is afraid you will testify. - 50 million, huh?- yeah. - rajpal is afraid?- yeah.
he's afraid of you? you are so naive! you think... the rajpal who orchestratedthis entire plan, is afraid of you? l'm no eye witness... l didn't watch any film... l didn't stay at thehotel or go to the cops. l work for mr. rajpal. rajpal sent you to me?
shocked? he likes doing this. you've just begun your practice. you will have many moresimilar experiences. but you are lucky. ln two months you'vebecome popular in the media. l've heard you'vealso got a chamber. congratulations on the success. think about it, jolly.
even if you refuse,l will turn hostile in court. but you get 2 millionto play along. what say? 2 million. smart decision. here is your advance. the rest will comeafter the case is dismissed. okay? and, one more thing...
send an sms to rajpal...to say thank you. he will like that. lt was the maharashtrastate versus gokhale. and the presidingjudge was ranade... hang on... here's your money, mr.rajpal and... please get my son out of this mess,once and for all. what's this? this is the cheque for 3 millionwhich you had given me.
l will take this back only whenrahul is completely free of this mess. thank you so much, mr. rajpal. vivek, keep this safe. yes sir. and vivek... you don't be greedy. you are a genius, sir. l agree. l only demand what l deserve...
and nobody calls me greedy. there you are. you said you wouldpick me up at 7 pm. your phone was also switched off. lt's good that vasu picked me upfrom the bus stand. l still need to learn. l have a lot to learn. l was under the impression that... l held the remotecontrol in this lawsuit.
but hats off to rajpal. brilliant. l am impressed, mr. rajpal. no wonder the worldbows down to him. brilliant! he is unbelievable. what's wrong?l don't understand. l still don't understand... whether l've lostor gained with this deal.
what deal? remember albert pinto? he works for rajpal. what?! they struck a dealand everything is over. and we got 2 million. lt's a loss! jolly, it's a loss! the idiot conned meand took everything.
l could've got at least 5 million. lf pinto had to identifyrahul dewan, rajpal would call me. a big loss! but this wasn't my game,so what's to lose. lf pinto got 20 million... we've got 2 million! and sandhu,2 million is a lot of money. look... here's the 200,000 advance.
why did you do this? what's got into you? all your hard workfor this lawsuit... was only about a deal? and the six laborerswho died that night? fighting for theirjustice is meaningless? why are you screaming at me? what have i done? should l let go of an opportunityto make some money?
lt's my profession. you are a lawyer by profession. what you are doing now makesyou a broker. what's wrong with being a broker? l am a broker. you think l'm dreamingof winning this lawsuit? l'm not that stupid. fate gives me a chanceand l should let it go? l'm not doing this for myself.
l'm doing this for you...l'm doing this for our future. what have i demandedfrom you, jolly? a mansion, a luxury car...was it just my dream? did i tell you to come to delhi? why are you blaming mefor your weakness? even if l accept that youare doing this for me... tell me something... what have l demanded fromyou that you stooped so low today? what are you talking about?
who has stooped low? and if you can'tstand this broker... why don't you find yourselfan honest man to live with? what did you really want? to be featured in the newspaper,fame, interviews, right? you could've achieved thatby honest means too. lf you still have any sense left,think about it. you've lost big time in this deal. no, that's not him.
mr. pinto, you've written inyour affidavit that... you saw rahul dewan that night. are you sure this personis not rahul dewan? well... i'm sure it's not him. l saw a picture in the newspaperand l thought i could identify him. do you realize the importanceof your testimony to this case? l do, sir. but l can't accuse an innocentperson for the sake ofjustice. right.
do you wish to say anything? no, your honor,l have nothing to say. please be quiet. this is a court room,not a theatre. mr. tyagi,your witness is turning hostile. you could lose this case. say something. okay, fine. l guess the two partieshave agreed amongst themselves.
that saves the court's time. l'll set the datefor another hearing. we'll see how it goes. very good! people will cite you as anexample of success. very good! l thought you wouldget about 700,000 rupees... but 2 million is mind blowing! you've done it.
some day you will bea bigger lawyer than rajpal. how do you know? such deals never stay hidden. by now it would'vespread like wildfire. l hope i did the right thing. lt's a genius master stroke. you leave. mr. kaul, today... - mr. kaul?- no...
sir, would you mindstepping away a few feet? my family and lsleep here at night. albert pinto the key eye witnessin the rahul dewan... accident has turned hostile and... the pll has once again lost steam. seems like another victoryfor. tejinder rajpal. what's shocking is that... ever since albert pintoturned hostile in court... neither he nor his lawyerjagdish tyagi are traceable.
his silence as mr. pintoturned hostile is a mystery. this whole incident sheds lighton one fact... a poor man's life is cheaper thana rich man's vehicle. well known bollywoodsound recordist... mr. jagdish tyagi...good afternoon, sir. l've come from batra automobiles,to deliver your car. here are the keys to your car. lt's second hand but brand new. let me show you the features.
power steering, power windows... and of course, the engine.lt's amazing. step on the acceleratorand you'll zoom to 100 in no time. you'll love it. and the color is fabulous too. what... what are you doing, sir? always this tie withthis suit, please. why do you have to be emotional?
consider yourself fortunate that... you are fighting a case againstme this early in your career. for every case l've won... the opposition lawyers havehung my portrait in their chamber. they send me gifts for diwali. sibal, his first casewas against me, you know that. slammed him,slammed him completely. and he's always been so grateful. this is for him, by the way.
people will say that... since he is fighting againstrajpal, he must be good. lt makes their career. 2 million is a significantamount for a lawyer like you. keep it. my thoughts are a little different. lf other lawyers can make a careerout of losing to you... defeating you willtransform my life. l haven't even begunfighting this case.
and yet that's what you think. you're a nobody. what can you do? l hail from meerut. lf l want to,l can turn your life upside down! emotional fool... jolly you... goddamn it! l don't get you anymore. l told you not to file the pil,but you ignored me.
and when things arefalling into place... you've returned the2 million to rajpal? have you sold yourcommon sense at the town fair? think about it. sandhya will come back in a fewdays and everything will be normal. think practically. to hell with practicality! l want to fight this case. will you help me?
so, you won't relent? fine... so how may i help you? don't you have goodcontacts with delhi cops? after the accident took place, rahuldewan's car was recorded on video. that video tape wasn'tpresented to the court. l want that video tape. lt is difficult but... one man can do it.
guruji. greetings to all senior officersfrom sergeant ram gopal varma. please take your seats. let's begin. tonight we're bidding for a postingat the sadar bazar police station. and l've been ordered thatthe base price is 2 million. moreover,l've received a special order... to select officerswith a clean image. let's begin the bidding.
3 million. 3.5 million. chauhan, didn't you hear, he wants'officers with a clean image'. the cbl is investigating youin the gurgaon land grabbing case. as if you are a saint, gupta. what about thehawala racket you were in? mr. chauhan, you have four childrenand yet you're behaving like one. washing each others dirty linen. unbelievable!
let's start witha clean mind, okay? 4 million. another 'clean image officer'gets in the ring. he was released onbail six months ago. a rape case is pending against him. and what about the guysyou hang out with... want me to divulge the details? gupta, don't force meto spill the beans. lf you have the guts, bid.
don't gossip like women. 4.5 million. 5 million. - 5.5 million.- 6 million. - 6.5 million.- 6.5 million. 6.5 million. yes, now that's solid bidding. but it's a tie. lsn't there any officer with a cleanimage who can match their bid?
- guruji...- yes. how about me? mr. bhatnagar,l attended your wedding. very good. what's the case against you? guruji, delhi university, 2006.a case of eve-teasing. eve-teasing? that's not even a charge! step forward please.
you were charged for eve-teasing? please come ahead. mr. bhatnagar, the policedepartment is proud of you. - do you know that?- no, sir. l'm walking aroundfeeling good about him. 6.5 million going once... twice, thrice! sandeep bhatnagar,deposit the amount next week and... collect your appointment letter.
- okay?- thank you. yeah, right. now hold on... sandeep bhatnagar,sadar bazar police station. round of applause. come. - hello, guruji.- hello, bhanupratap, how's it going? pratap... oh yes, pratap, the lawyer. your work will get done.
you just need to pay 500,000. we can't afford that. some concession, please. so, tell me what can you afford? guruji, 100,000. come on! guruji, he's a new lawyer,fighting an important case. please don't refuse. our only hope is you.
l know you never refuse the just. that's fine but you'veput me in a quandary. do you fight dowry related cases? yes, guruji. fine, let's do this. 100,000 as down payment right now. and for all the dowry cases that comeyour way, l get 15 % commission. don't think, there's no time. lt's the new moon festival.
my wife is hungryat home waiting for me. alright, guruji. good. here's the cash. wednesday you may collect the cd. mohan...wait. drop me off on the way. what did you do? 100,000 and a year's commission... l'm being honest forthe first time in my career.
let's give it all we've got! your honor, can l askwhat's going on in this court room? ls this a new gameafter albert pinto? what's this cd gotto do with this case? you honor, l don't think mr. rajpalhas watched this cd carefully. - vasu, rewind it.- yes. enough. dl-5c-b-3101... this car is registeredto yograj dewan.
we have submitted the registrationand purchase related documents. you may check the same. switch on the lights. your honor, i would liketo call the constable... who recorded thiscd as the next witness. l am sorry, your honor. l think kids these days learnlaw from hindi feature films... and become lawyers. may l present this,may l present that...
are you invitingpeople for your wedding? someone please tell himthat before you call a witness... you need to give advance notice. to the court aswell as the defense. and you can present a witnessonly after you have permission. your honor, i know it's my mistakebut... l'm requesting you... present the witnessat the next hearing. your honor, i have put in a lotof effort to get this witness here. please, l beg of you.
don't be stubborn now. - please, sir.- mr. rajpal is your senior. lf you learn some regulationsfrom him, it won't harm you. rules and regulations are meantto aid the law. don't allow them to be usedto bury the truth. lt's these loopholes that help peoplelike rajpal manipulate the law. what did he say, manipulate? no one has ever beenso disrespectful to me. what do you mean?
l will teach you aboutrespect after the case is through. hold on... mr. tyagi. what do you mean, later?tell me now! stop this! l'll slap you so hard, all yourdescendants will turn out deaf! how dare you talkto me like that, idiot? l am here to sort it... don't you dare insult.bloody buffoon! your honor, please tell him.l will beat him to pulp.
where's my gavel? you don't even give tea on timeand now you can't find the gavel? lf this is how you wantto come to a decision... please fight outside the court. don't ruin the dignity of my court. mr. rajpal,you are a senior lawyer. l pick up so many things from you. sir, how could you lose your cool? you're right...
l got carried away. - l shall be a little more careful.- yes, you better be. you can go now. mr. jolly... what are you doing here? you should be an actor. 'l'll slap you so hard, all yourdescendants will turn out deaf.' this is a court. and in here, a lawyer's imageis everything, do you get it?
you've just begun practicing law... why are you ruining your image? you can't fight acase by being emotional. sir, i'm a lawyer, not a clerk. l'm fighting for the truth. lf l do get emotional,how does it matter? you are so good with dialogues. you are fighting for the truth? what happened to you the day...
albert pinto turned hostile? were you observing silence? young man... the law may be blind,but the judge isn't. he can see everything. now you may leave.l'm sure truth is waiting for you. and if you find it,give my regards too. l can't eat anymore. things are getting out of hand,mr. rajpal.
every time we think it's the end,something new comes up. how did they get the cd? we trusted you, mr. rajpal. mr. dewan, have some faith in me. everything willbe fine in a few days. but nothing is right, mr. rajpal. that so-called lawyer... managed to get the cd fromlnspector rathi's police department. and you're still saying,give me some more time.
how? we have not spared any money... but it's getting us nowhere. we gave pinto 20 million,but how did that help? why bring pinto into this?he did his job. - why not bring pinto in?- he did his job. that money is not wasted,by the way. lt's not about money, mr. rajpal. this is tarnishingthe family reputation.
l understand. lf you don't mind... do you want us to consultsome other lawyer? l mean, l can speak to kapil... or... mr. jethmalani... - are you doubting my ability?- no, i don't. but at my age, l don't want tosee my grandson rotting in prison. we want you to deliver, mr. rajpal.
l can't believe this. what the heck! let's go. you think you're smart, huh? just because you're featured inthe media, you think you're a star? don't know how totalk to your seniors? this is merely a warning. lf you insult mr. rajpal again,you will regret it. give mr.rajpal a message from me...
beat him up. you want to insult mr. rajpal? don't spare him. hit him. he wants to take on rajpal! your honor, last time heplayed a cd, in fact a film... and tried to be the hero. l admit the land cruiser inthe cd belongs to my client. l also admit that the cd wascreated on the day of the accident.
but that accident hasnothing to do with this case. ln fact,it is a sheer coincidence... that both accidentstoo place the same night. and that's why...l'd like to call my client's... - what's he name?- kamlesh rawat. kamlesh rawat.as witness please. hurry up. tell the court whathappened that night. your honor, i was returning homeafter dropping off rahul at a party.
12:30-01 :00... an empty road and a new car...so l picked up speed. at one turning l couldn't controland the car struck a divider. what did you do then? l called mr. dewan. he scolded me and instructed meto lodge a complaint with the cops. what happened atthe police station? there the insuranceagent shot footage of the car. that's the origin of the cd.
using images from this cd in themedia, is a ploy to trap my client. and he is trying to be the heroby playing this cd. l have the police report copyand the insurance copy. you may leave. wait a minute.stand right there. l'd like to ask a question or two. l'm trying to learn from you. okay... how long have you been driving?
about 15 years. 15 years is a lot of experience. how did you manage to smash... a expensive car onan empty road at night? like l said, the road was emptyand l was speeding. but how fast... 60-70 kilometers?not faster, right? come on, sir. lt's an luxury car, it runs at60 kilometers in the first gear. and which gear were you on?
third gear. l was drivingat a speed of 100-1 10 kilometers. third gear, huh? mr. rajpal,you didn't prepare him well. l've caught his bluff. your honor, this man is lying. the car we're talkingabout is automatic. lt doesn't have manual gears. how could he be drivingin the third gear? your honor, the car documentshave been submitted.
he is nervous because thisis his first time in a court room. my request is if you could takehis statement in the next hearing. your honor,he is nervous because he is lying. you are lying? you know it is anoffence to lie in court. l said, squat and hold your ears. cluck like a cock. your honor, i'd like to bringanother aspect to your notice. l've been pressurizedto drop this case.
l've been gettingthreatening calls... and l was also attackeda few days ago. sir, this is a very serious matter. l mean, look at howbadly he's beaten up. we do fight in court... but we shouldn't tolerateanything like this. then why did you send the goons? l sent them? your actions willget you beaten up.
but l have nothing to do with this. don't act, rajpal. you sent the goons,now be a man and accept it. ls this the way somebodyspeaks to a senior counsel? why are you fighting again? l have also installed an a/c,be cool. mr. jolly, i agree withmr. rajpal that you need security. no, no, sir.l don't need security. l just wanted to tell you,that's it.
l'm sure you've heard,health is wealth. l will order the police toarrange for your security. because if somethingwere to happen to you... we'll have to dealwith another case. right, mr. rajpal? jagdish tyagi... mr. jolly? yes? sergeant haldiram, your bodyguard. lt took 30 minutesto find your place.
l'm tired... of walking... can l get some water? "l had gone to pray andwas forced to observe a fast." "ln scooter.." "ln scooter's fuel tank..""putting all his tensions.." "wearing goggle,with nice haircut.". "look at him.." "everyone, look at him.."
"look, the crowwants to be a swan." "there will bechaos in the jungle." "mr. chaube! mr. chaube!" "mr. chaube went to be choppe.." "..but he returned as mr. dube." "what rate do we give him?what price you'd get for him.." "..when our coin is fake." "look how his fairskin became dull." you look good.
why are you hiding behind make up? you don't like it? l'm trying to hide my hideousness. l'm sorry, sandhu. kashmiri pulao, l made it. how's the kashmiri pulao? hey vasu. l found an eye witness in the slum,you can meet him tomorrow. not tomorrow, l'll be right there.
don't move, l'll be there. l have to leave. l'll have dinner and then leave. and then i will drop you offat brother-in-law's place. a little more. - where is he?- there. this is advocate jagdish tyagi,jolly, my boss. l told you about him. what do you knowabout the accident?
l know everything, sir. lt happened before my eyes. the deceased were relatives. l personally kept thebodies in the police vehicle. you have to say what you saw. that l can't do. l'm a daily wage laborer. lf l skip work to appear in court,l won't have money for dinner. lt's tough for thepoor to get justice.
you don't get justice,you have to fight for it. lf everyone starts to think likeyou, more accidents will follow. six people died that night,next it could be eight. but someone has to take a stand. fine! but l can't do it. why should i be the scapegoat? l told you everything i knew. but l won't testify in court.
why did you call me here at this hour,if you're afraid to tell the truth? stay as you are. whether you testify or not... l will find the truth. you think you willfind it in delhi? go to gorakhpur,that's where you'll find truth. what's up? are you heading out? - how does it matter to you?- lt does.
right now everythingabout you matters to me. open his bag. don't touch my bag! don't tell us what we can't do! you can't go anywhere tonight. leave for gorakhpurtomorrow morning. how do you know about that? how do i know? he's asking, how do l know.
we are your shadow. where you go, whom you meet... what you eat, drink...we know everything. haldiram! that's why l was given security. you're not a child, are you? you're smart enough to figure that. let go of the gun. don't you recognize me?
l'm sub inspector satbeer rathi,special branch. lower your weapon. l know you and that's why i said,let go of the gun. l stepped out for a few minutesand you pulled a gun on mr. jolly. you do the dirty deedsand blame it on us. mr. jolly, i'm not an informant.l'm your bodyguard. and as long as my bodywill support, l will guard you. l said leave it. okay, l'll do it.
leave it. don't try to move. sir, please leave. l said leave,l'll stand guard here. by the time you get there, thepolice would've done their task. sadakanth mishra? everybody stand up. lt's okay if you don't respect thejudge, at least respect the law. there's no respect in lndia.
great... thank you. for once can l have warm tea? can you do anything right? yes, mr. tyagi... what would you like to say? thank you, sir. l'd like to call upon... the investigating officersub lnspector rathi. and we had submittedadvance notice about the witness.
okay, call him. - yes, stand there.- yes sir. how're you, mr. rathi? all good. you are the investigatingofficer in this case? can you swear that youcompleted all your tasks honestly? l investigated all thefacts honestly and diligently. these are the names of thepeople who were killed that night. can you read them to the court?
read. yes, go on.this is getting interesting. kunwarpal, anjani singh, jodhsingh, krishna paswan, jeevan... mr. rathi. lf l tell you something,promise me you won't laugh. ever since l took up this case,l see them in my dreams. they say you didn'tinvestigate honestly. ln that case,why don't you call a ghost. he will tell you the truth.
that's what l want to do. because you declaredone of them dead. victim number six, sadakanthmishra is alive, your honor. and sub lnspector rathi declaredhim dead in the police files. l wish to call on the most importantwitness, sadakanth mishra. l object!here we go again. you can't present awitness without advance notice. your honor,l know l haven't given notice. but if l hadn't done this, thewitness would never make it to court.
another story. this is a court proceeding. this is not a localvillage gathering... where anyone canwalk in as they please. your honor, this is thelast chance to know the facts... to know the truth. okay, sit down. we'll get to the truth later. your truth can wait, sit down!
go ahead and call the witness. - sir!- thank you. mr. rajpal,l'm permitting it, so it's done. mr. tyagi, l'm allowing youto bring the witness. but rules are rules. you cannot call awitness just like that. l am permitting it. lt's alright.go on, bring the witness. sir, the rules don't permit it.you have to give advance notice.
mr. rajpal, i know the rules too. you know... l am permitting it...end of discussion. according to supreme courtguidelines, it is not right. you cannot call such a witness, howcan you call such a witness, sir? excuse me? l said, how can youcall such a witness? - how can l?- yes. mr. rajpal, this is my court,not your club.
you get it? here only l can. and l am doing this. this is illegal. mr. rajpal, stop interrupting me. no...you are in contempt of court. contempt of court?l am making an objection. there's something illegaland l'm in contempt of court? mr. rajpal, why are you arguing?
l said, sit down.please sit down. l will not sit. mr. rajpal, i am ordering you...just sit down! sit down! right now! - l cannot believe this...- that's enough! lt's not the end of this.l will go to the bar council. l am going to makea big stink of this. this cannot go on.
- l cannot believe...- l said, that's enough! not one word. l said, shut up! l don't want another word from you! silence! ln my 30 years of my career... that such a thing hashappened in court... - l cannot...- l said, silence! this is my court.
shut up!and just shut up! l'm sitting here now, sir.l am down. get me a cup of tea... and also for mr. rajpal. damn your stupid tea. so, mr. tyagi...what were you saying? l want to call uponsadakanth mishra. move, please. what's your name?
sadakanth mishra. how are you related to this case? l am the sixth person thatallegedly died in this accident. what? can you tell the courtwhat happened that night? sir, we were sleepingon the footpath that night. lt was my sister's wedding. we were to leave for ourvillage the next morning. l was woken up by a loud sound.
lt seemed as ifa bomb had gone off. l opened my eyes and sawa luxury car on the footpath. my relatives were writhing in pain. l couldn't figurewhat had happened. a boy got out of the car. he was shaken. l thought he would help... when l woke up again...l found myself in the hospital. lnspector rathi had come to see me.
do you remember the numberof the truck? no, sir. lt was a car. you are dreaming of a car. the accident was caused by a truck. lt was a car. don't you understand? get up and l will explain. he took me to the morgue werethe bodies of my relatives lay. l told him that lwas telling the truth.
but he wouldn't listen... do you think l'm fool. and he threatened to kill me. l will kill you. no, sir... please let me go. how can l let you go? l will get paid to kill you. but l'll get nothingif l let you go. l have money with me.
l gave my savings of 30,000... and the jewelry l hadbrought for my sister to him. a cop helped me to a train forgorakhpur and i went to my hometown. sir, i request you to callupon the accused, rahul dewan... so sadakanth mishracan identify him. l object your honor. l'd like to cross-examinethe witness first. overruled! you will get your chance.
sit down. rahul dewan... please step forward. stand there. sadakanth mishra,take a good look at him. ls he the same boy whowas driving the car that night? he is the same boy whowas driving the car that night. amazing! with all that happened today...
l didn't even realizethat its time for lunch. we'll resume after lunch. l request the court toreschedule the hearing... because l have an important matterin the supreme court... if you don't mind. you have the option ofsending a junior counsel. but the court willissue it's verdict today. sir, did everythinggo well in court today? where is he?
sir, he is locked up inside. get him out. who is he? sir, ramakanth shuklafrom gorakhpur. not ramakanth shukla, you idiot. sadakanth mishra,the guy who limps. - hey...- why are you beating me up? couldn't you tell me who you are? you didn't let me talk.
take him away. mr. rajpal, sir... confirm three things for me. ls the name correct? he is from gorakhpur? ls he telling the truth? you let him go for 30,000 rupees! lt was a mistake, sir. sir, please...
the 30,000 will makelife hell in court! - l thought you...- what? - you had worked out a plan.- plan? - sir, it was a mistake.- l don't want to see you again. before the court canissue it's verdict... mr. rajpal,please conclude the argument. first of all, i'd like to thankmr. tyagi for filing the pil. lt was only afterthe pll was filed that... new facts, new evidence,new eye witnesses emerged.
but none of these factscan hold my client guilty. but your honor... l have to admit...l am a little worried. l'm worried... because people in thiscourt room seem to be in a hurry. lt seems that the peoplehave already decided that... rahul dewan isresponsible for the accident. everyone seems to be in a hurryto send rahul dewan to prison. but before we do that,let us examine the facts.
the investigation reportstill doesn't tell us... what really happened that night. there is some confusion,your honor. the police report says atruck caused the accident... while the prosecution andpeople say it was a land cruiser. police report states thatsix people were killed... while the prosecution andpeople say that five were killed. now that brings adead man back to life. and we have a dead mannow walking in this court...
who becomes the only eyewitness in this case. ls this some kind of a joke? but prima facie one thing is clearthat the police were incompetent. and as a part of the judicial systemit is my recommendation that... the strongest action betaken against sub lnspector rathi. lt is people like him thatgive the department a bad name. lt is due to people like him that thepublic rubbishes the investigation. you've made a joke out of it. set an example of him,once and for all...
for the entire police department. my client shouldn't bepunished for rathi's failure. which brings me toa very important question. your honor, is this court willingto send my client to prison... on the basis of abotched up investigation? and make no mistake,this is a botched up investigation. with this laughableand hilarious evidence. because if this happens... it will be the darkesthour in the history...
of the judicial systemof this country. as for the five people that died... my deepest sympathies. but if you sleep on the footpath... you risk being driven over. that's the harsh reality. the rest, your honor... l leave it to your wisdomand your fine sense ofjudgment. mr. tyagi, your submission.
for the first time,l agree with mr. rajpal. lf you sleep on the footpath,you risk being driven over. lt is true. l want to ask mr. rajpal... ln fact, l want to ask everyonepresent in this court room... l want to ask you, your honor... that these people whosleep on the footpath... who are they... where do they come from?
they don't have a roof on theirhead, they have no work, no money. then why do they cometo our beautiful city? to tarnish its beauty? but these malnourished,poor people have a right. and that's the right to justice. which neither mr. rajpal, nor younor this court can take away. because it is our constitutionthat gives them this right. the constitution of india. but when it comesto theirjustice...
the doors ofjustice slamshut on their face. they are made to appear in court,hearing after hearing... they are given assurances,promises... but justice? they don't get justice. high on both alcohol and wealth... driving at a speedof 120 kilometers... is young and innocent rahul dewan. young and innocent...
who killed five people. and mr. rajpal says, is it a joke? no, sir,let me tell you what is a joke! ln the last eight months... mr. rajpal has changedthe land cruiser to a truck... if this case drags for six more months,he will make sure it's a train. and if it the case continuesfor a year, l am sure... mr. rajpal will convinceeveryone that... this man is shah rukh khanand not sadakanth mishra.
and for lack of evidence,you will have to accept it. that is a joke, your honor. this is a joke. footpath is not meant for sleeping,isn't that what you said? but mr. rajpal, a footpathisn't meant to be driven on either. trying to teach me law! l've often heard since my childhoodof the wide reach of the law. and l've often heardthis line in movies... 'the arms of the law are long.'
that is rubbish! and if the arms of the law are long,then rahul dewan is in front of you. sentence him to imprisonment. prove that the arms of thelaw are really long. please don't take it to heart,your honor... but outside this court roompeople laugh at you. people send jokes about you on sms. people say you can be bought. your honor,your reputation is at stake.
please do something. and don't do him any favor... just give him his right. that's all i want to say. welldone, sir. silence!sit down. that was a nice speech. mr. rajpal, jolly is special. there are two aspects to this case.
the first aspect is... the first aspect is... that the police didn'tperform their duties diligently. and for that, this court ordersdelhi police department to... suspend sub lnspectorrathi with immediate effect... and to start investigativeproceedings against him. now the second aspect. l must say that... many facts weremanipulated in this case.
you have to agree thatyour client is at fault. l mean, if he wasn't at fault... there would've been no need tomanipulate the facts. everyone presentin this court knows... that the accident wascaused by rahul dewan. but l am the judge. people's thoughts and my feelings...can't influence my judgment. l have to pass the judgmenton the evidence. and the evidence...
at the very first hearing,l know who is guilty. l sit here waitingfor the evidence. that someday theevidence will arrive. roads are dug... buildings reach the sky... but l don't get any document... nothing which l can acceptas real evidence. the evidence doesn't comeand the guilty walk away free. this is how it has always been.
but not today. not today. so... in pil number 48693... the trial,state versus rahul dewan. this court finds rahul dewan guiltyand sentences him... and sentences him under section304 of indian penal code. lmprisonment for seven years. your honor, this is bizarre. how can you pass this verdict?
do you realize that this will not holdfor even two minutes in a higher court? do you realize that l will goto the higher court? that is your right. you may go to the high court,supreme court... the president of lndia, the media,anywhere you want to go. but... today... mr. rajpal,your client will go to prison. you may sit down. the detailed judgmentwill follow soon.
congratulations! "tell me if i'm wrong." "lf it comes to spending.." "..anyone woulddeclare himself broke." "but even the penniless would.." "..have a bank accountin switzerland." "they call others thiefand ask for a share from it." "but if they get achance to commit theft.." "..they would grabthe opportunity."
"tell me if i'mwrong." - not at all. "tell me if i'm provoking someone." not at all. not at all. not at all. not at all.- not at all. not at all. "water and electricity arein shortage but not the chicks." "when the king is foolish,his kingdoms has no future." "politicians havefeast and go to bed." "democracy isacclaimed everywhere."
"they say india is shinning.." "..when the elections nearby." "and the innocent peoplegets nothing but the price hike." "hey, move, watch out, sir." "people get social on internet." "but care a leastabout their neighbours." "everyone boastsabout charity and all." "get dressed as sage.." "..and move about in cars."
"ln return of hugeamount of fees.." "..they give you a pieceof paper called your degree." "and college says, now goout and find a job if you can." "everyone talks about.." "..romance and lovefrom their hearts." "lf you need him,everything is fine.. " "..otherwise chew them likea chewing gum and spit away." "hey, move. watch out, mister! "

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