
watch insidious 3 full movie

Saturday, December 30, 2017

(josh snoring) (creaking) mom? hey, sweetie. what are you doing up?come here. i don't like my room. no? that's know, you're stillgetting used to it. i can't sleep either.

what are youlooking at? some old want to see? do you knowwho that is? no. it's me. it doesn'tlook like you. (laughs) i know.but that's me.that's your mom. i was a kid once, too,believe it or not.

you're old now. how old do youthink i am? really old. oh. have a guess. probably at least, uh, 21. (sighs) i wishyou were right. show me a pictureof when dadwas a little kid. you know,i wish i could.

but i don't thinkwe have any. he's really hopelessat keeping photos. show mea picture of wheni was a little kid. you are a little're wonderful. (cali crying) you certainlydidn't cry as muchas your little sister. but she's up,so let's go.get some breakfast. billing department. let me play.

i want to play! i'm eating breakfast! billing department. careful. foster: i needa bowl, mom. i don't want to play soon.i want to play now. dalton: no, no, no, no. here, here. it's too small. well,just make it work.

speak to an agent.speak to an agent. oh, man, what? every time i thinki've pulled you out, (grunts) you grow back in. god. good morning, guys. speak to an agent! i'm an agent. yeah, hello,i would really like

to keep the old numberif that's possible. dude, don't eaton the floor, foster. but i'm pouring my cereal. can i have itby the end of the day,please, because i... yes. okay. thank you. foster,can you pleaseget up off the floor? cap's loose. what is this?is that wax? we have no actual fruit?we have wax fruit?

god damn it. and, honey,if you wannalook at my books, please don't leave themall over the floor. i didn'ttouch your books. bye. see you, dad. see you, buddy. you're notgonna take theboys to school? i can't today. bye.

are you gonnapick them up? i can't.i got a pta meeting. i totally forgot. why didn't you tell me? i'm sorry.oh, no, no, no,don't cry. don't cry. i'll see you guys. bye. (renai playing piano) renai: ♪ yeah, i'm looking west ♪ always been looking that way

♪ i'm gonna get it all happening ♪ just can't do it today ♪ yeah, i'm looking west ♪ i'm gonna be somebody ♪ i just can't be her today ♪ (cali cryingover baby monitor) (crying) it's okay. (creaking noise)

(ladder rung breaks) (sighs) josh: hello? daddy! hey, buddy, slow down... whoa! this is awesome! share it with your brother. okay. share with your brother.

come watch tv with me. all right.look at this, babe.nice job! yes, it's getting there. getting there? it looks awesome. thanks. hey. hi. (grunting)

(door creaking) have you seenmy box of sheetmusic anywhere? uh, i don't know, babe.i know we packed them. i packed them.i know. i just...i can't find them. i think the moversmight have put themin the dining room. come here,baby girl, come here. it's not inthe dining room. i've unpackedevery single box,and it's just vanished. i can't find it.

we'll find them.we'll find them. (grunts) (wood creaking) (cooing) (dalton screaming) dalton, honey?where are you? stay here. foster,stay with your sister. dalton? josh: dalton!

dalton! (screaming continues) renai: hey! josh: what? hey, hey. hey. (stops screaming) what happened? did you fall?did you fall off the ladder?honey, did you fall down? yeah.

are you okay? what are you doingclimbing the ladder? honey... sorry. sorry. what hurts? what hurts? my leg. all right. can you move it?can you move your leg?is that okay? oh, man.what happened to your head? oh, gosh!

scraped it. okay. (panting) honey, you cannotcome up here, okay?do not explore anymore. it's very dangerous, okay?it's off limits now. i'm sorry, mom. okay.'s okay. it's okay. can you stand on it? be careful. i think so.

i got you. come here. what are you doing?you scared us, buddy. you were just doinga little exploring? dalton: yeah. renai: so, no moreexploring up there, okay? dalton: okay. yeah, you may bea superhero, buddy,but you're not invincible. you gotta be careful,all right? good night, sweetie.

so were youputting boxesaway upstairs? don't, josh. i just hate feelinghelpless. sorry. i'll figure outa way to lockthe door tomorrow.'s dangerous, you know. maybe we shouldjust put him ona child leash. i'll stop atthe pet store tomorrow. i'm sorry i was pissywhen you got homefrom work today. no, didn't notice.

i was tryingto do some worktoday and then cali woke upafter a half hour, and... and she wouldn'tgo back down, and i just didn'tget anything done. i just want things to bedifferent in this house. mmm. i just hadsuch a bad day. i'm scared nothingis gonna change. it will,i promise you.

we've just gotto give it time. thanks for letting metake some time towork on my music. come on,i want you to do it. i think i havea couple of good songs. i mean,not all of them,but i think... you know,there's a few thati can do something with. i love all your songs. shut up. you do not! i do. stop it.

which one'syour favorite? ooh. you should writea song about me. they're all about you. like how cool i am. like,"he's the coolest guy..." no, no, no, no, no. no, no, no.shh. quiet. "big muscles!"

"really, really pretty!" shh, you'llwake up the baby. (mumbles) shh. foster, can you finishyour eggs, please? hey, cali. can you gowake up dalton, josh? hey,mr. sleepy-pants. get up. (chuckles)

hey,'d better getout of that bed or your mother'sgonna kill us both. dalton, come on, gotta getready for school. hey. hey. dalton. dalton. dalton.dalton. dalton! there is no brain damagethat we've detected. technically, yes,he's in a coma. he doesn't react to stimuli.he has no sleep-wake cycle.

but there's no braintrauma or infection.his scans are all normal. to be honest,i've never seenanything like it. but he can'tjust not wake up.i mean... there's gotto be something. i'm sorry. okay, what do we do? does he stay here?do we... we'll conductsome further testing. it's only beena couple of days.

it could takea little longer for... (pager beeping) excuse me a minute.i have to step out.i'll be back in just a moment. dr. sercarz,how long willthe tests take? (ecg beeping) nurse: okay, so whati've done here is i've inserteda nasogastric feeding tube. to get the lengthof the tube thati'm gonna need, i measure fromthe tip of thenose to the earlobe

and down to thexiphoid process,which is here. then i usuallymark that offwith some tape. and then youneed to lubricatethe end of the tube that i'mgoing to insertabout four inches. and then i justslide it in like that. i have to make surethe end of the tube is curvedand that his headis a little bent, a little bent back. and then we usuallyhold it in place withsome surgical tape.

and that's it. (voice echoing)if there's any problems or any bleeding,just call me, okay? (indistinct) (playing) (plays wrong note) (static on baby monitor) (whirling noises) male voice: there's nothing you can do. nothing you can do.

(indistinct whisperingon baby monitor) (chuckling) i want it! give me it!give me it!i want it! i want it...(roars) now! hey, hey,'s okay. it's okay. it's okay. what's this? an award.

that's today's date.did you get this today? honey,why didn't you tell us? i know it'shard right now, but thingsare going toget better, i promise. i'm gonna showthis to your dad. it's fantastic. i'm scared, mom. scared of what? can i change rooms?

why would you wantto change rooms? i don't likewhen he walksaround at night. (beeping) (radio static sounding) (thudding) something really weirdhappened to me today. huh. what? i heardthis noise comingfrom cali's room. it was onthe baby was like voices.

and i ran up hereand i had a look, but there wasno one in there. (chuckles)it was probablyjust interference. those things arealways picking upsomebody else's signal. i don't sounded so clear. it was likethis whispering. it scared thehell out of me. i was at the piano,and i could hear iton the monitor, and i turned upthe volume and...

(banging on door) who the hell is that? (banging repeats) hold on. stay here. who is it? jesus. hello? (beeps)

(cali wailing over monitor) oh, my god!josh! josh! josh! please.someone's in cali's room!someone's in cali's room! there's someone there!i saw somebody! he was standing right there!he was standing right there! there's nobody here. i saw someone! (alarm blaring) okay, okay,take her, get foster,go in dalton's room.

(alarm continues blaring) foster! what's going on? the alarm's gone off! (alarm stops) (breathing heavily) (alarm stars blaring) god damn it! (school bell ringing)

thanks, guys. i'll see you tomorrow. (exhales) hey,'s me. um... they just told me,i've got to, uh... i'm gonna have tostay late tonight to... i gotta grade some tests,and it's gonna bea while so, um... you don't haveto wait up, okay? i'll be homeas soon as i can.i love you.

(car horn honks) did he respond toany of the new tests? no. no, he didn't. but we have togive it time. i've seen coma patientswith a much longerinactivity time suddenly startmaking noises. he's not in a coma. they don't knowwhat to call it. they don't knowwhat to do with him,

so they'vejust given up. i feel likethe universe is just trying to seehow far i'll bendbefore i break. well, the universepicked a fight withthe wrong chick. that's okay.i got it. thank you. (phone chimes) renai: (on voicemail) josh, where are you? i need you to come home now, please.

it's 10:30. mmm-hmm. you've beencoming home lateevery single night. in all the yearsyou've worked at the school, you've neverhad to do that. why all of a suddenare you staying back late? you know,i don't like it either. i was grading tests.i mean... what choice do i have?

i've got to paydalton's bills. josh. i'm scared.i'm so scared and... i'm scared.he's my son, too. you don't understand.i'm scared for dalton. i'm scaredof this house. there's somethingwrong with this place. i'm not imagining it.i can feel it. it's like a sickness.

ever since we've moved in,everything's just gone wrong. you thinkour house is haunted? i don't think it.i know it. things movearound in hereby themselves. i walk into the kitchenat night to get a drink,i can feel eyes on me. i can't be in therealone anymore. i need you.but you're never here. where are you? i told you.i was grading tests.

that's not what i mean. you're not herewith me in this situation. you're justavoiding it, like everything stressful,whether it's thisor parking tickets. oh, god.stop saying that, okay? i don't avoidstressful situations. i'm just dealing with itin my own fucking way. fine. deal with this! (door closes)

(screams) (panting) oh, god. (floor thudding) josh? (screaming) (screeching) (renai screaming) renai?

renai! what, what, what?what is it? there's someone here. there's someonein the room! he was right there,i swear! don't you darenot believe me. (crying) please.please, believe me. i swearhe was right there. i do, i do.i do believe you.

i just don't knowwhat you want me to do. i want to leave. please.i want to leave this house. i can't spendanother night here. please! please, help me! okay, okay, okay. we're going. lorraine, please,you shouldn't be doingany of this. just sit down. i'm perfectly capableof putting a few things away. i did it for joshhis whole life.

i know,but i feel terrible. i think it's you whoshould be sitting downby the looks of it. i can't believeyou got josh tohold still for a photo. what i can't believe isthat we are doing thisall over again. ridiculous. you must thinki'm crazy. nobody, not me or anybody,knows what you'regoing through right now. whatever you have to doto get through it, do it.

and you don't have toapologize for anything. (soft music playing) (record scratching) (tiptoe through the tulips playing) ♪ tiptoe through the window ♪ by the window, that is where i'll be ♪ come tiptoe through the tulips with me ♪ tiptoe from the garden ♪ by the garden of the willow tree

♪ and tiptoe through the tulips with me ♪ (song stops) (door squeaking) (child laughing) (dalton'sheart monitor beeping) (laughing playfully) your faith can it, you know. hello. this is the first lineof a joke, right?

a guy comes hometo find his wifewith a priest. uh, this isliam martin. nice to meet you. he's actually a veryold friend of mine. this is my husband, josh. what's going on here? i should be going. thank you so much. thank youso much for the tea.

this thing fromthe other house has followed us here. i saw something today. i thought it wasa little boy. i followed itinto dalton's room. but it wasn't a was something else. so what? you justbrought a priest into get rid of it? i didn't knowwhat else to do, josh. come on, renai.

when's the last timeyou went to church? what's happeningto renai is real. i've seen it for myself. i came todaybecause last night i had a dreamabout this place. i was in this house,but it was late at night. i was afraid. i went into your bedroom, but you were both asleep. i knewi was asleepin the dream,

but i could feelthat someone was awake in the house. i wentinto dalton's room. there was somethingin there with him. it wasstanding therein the corner. i asked it,"who are you?" and it saidit was a visitor. i said,"what do you want?" it said, "dalton."

i can stillhear that voice. what? what? it's here! what? (bangs) jesus! oh, my god! josh: okay. he's okay. please! please,help him! please!

i know someonewho can help if you'rewilling to ask. i'm specs.this is tucker. i'm renai. hi. you must be josh. yeah. hi. that wasn't psychic.elise already told meyour name so... where is elise? she sent usahead to do somepreliminary tests.

helps weed outthe nut jobs. hmm. (blows) renai: what is that? tucker: it'sa trifield meter. measures dc fields and the naturalelectromagnetic environment. yeah, sometimesold wiring can leakinto the atmosphere. it causes hallucinations,changes in energy.

it's a little moreimportant than that,but whatever. the tech stuff'snot really relevantto you guys anyway. it's all veryrelevant, actually. (machine pulsing) (static) (specs gasps) starfleet series one. it's hard to find. should havekept it in its box.

this device measureschanges in uv light. i makeall this equipmentmyself, you know. renai: it's impressive. it's not that hardif you knowwhat you're doing. yeah,that one's basicallya modified toy. i'm gonna needsome time aloneto concentrate. this field is...look, the body ismade up of energy. where doesthat energy gowhen we die? we can call elise.

now. (knocking on door) (laughing) i wasn't surethe doorbell wasworking. i'm sorry. that's fine.come on in. mrs. rainier? no, mrs. rainieris my mother.just call me elise. i'm josh. i knew that.

you've grown sincei last saw you. since you last saw me? your mother and ihave been friendsa long time. elise: well, hello. this is my wife, renai. how do you do? hi, thank youfor coming. thank youfor having me. can we get youanything, elise?

oh, no, i'm fine,thank you so much. we took trifieldand emf readingsof the whole house, all the wiring,alarm clocks,radios, toasters, tv, record player,fuse box, nothing wentoff the chartsexcept for the... and the previous home? um, tucker hadn'tmonitored that yet. you know what?don't even sweat it. i'll makemyself available.

i'll get on thatthis afternoon. yeah, but i'll haveto come, too, because who's goingto operate the equipment? well, strictly,i could do it without... yeah, but i needto oversee... yeah, but it's not... that's fine, gentlemen. i don't thinkbad wiring isthe problem here. um, may i walkthrough the house?

renai: sure, of course. your other childrenare with lorraine, right? yeah, they are. steven,do you haveyour sketchbook? yes. yes, i do. good. 'causewe're gonna need it. what do youneed that for? um, she tells mewhat she sees,and i draw it. it's the mostimportant partof her process.

that's debatable. it's not debatable. it is,but whatever. leave the light off. hey, dalton. you are a veryhandsome boy. your momand dad are here,so don't you worry. (creaking continues) elise: the face...

specs: what? blood red face. legs. black body. (scribbling) (whispering indistinctly) slow down. his feet are black.his legs are black. what is it?

oh, my god. (continues whispering) and pitch black eyes.they're like two dark holes. he has hoovesfor feet. and longspidery fingernails. elise, what's... hey, what is that? i'm not sureif you're readyto hear this yet, but unfortunately,i can't waste any timeeasing you into it.

i want you to know,this is what i believe, and it may contradicta previous medicaldiagnosis, but... you called me here,and i'm taking that as an acceptanceof my readings. yes? yes, go on. your sonisn't in a coma. falling off a ladderhad nothing to dowith this. his physical body's here. but hisspiritual body is not.

and the reasonthese disturbances, they followed youto a new home, is becauseit's not the housethat's haunted. it's your son. i don't understand. have you ever heardof astral projection? yes. it's out of bodyexperience or something? i like tocall them travelers. you see,these are peoplewith the ability

to leave theirphysical body and to travelto different placesin astral form. now, dalton, he is a very accomplishedastral projector. he's beendoing it in his sleepfor a long time. he has been sincehe was very young. and he's unafraidbecause he thinksthey're dreams. and it's thatvery lack of fear that has led himto travel too far.

and to become lost. lost? lost where? in a place thati call the further. what?what does that mean? the further is a worldfar beyond our own, yet it's all around us, a placewithout timeas we know it. it's a dark realmfilled with the torturedsouls of the dead,

a place notmeant for the living. that's where dalton is. and the problemis that with hisastral body gone, he's just left uswith a physical body,an empty vessel. and there areentities that know thisbecause they can smell it. that's why they'regathered around him. are these the thingsthat i've been seeing? they're all tryingto get insideof his physical body simply because they...

they crave life, the chanceto live again. but there areother entities who are malevolent and have a moreinsidious agenda. and then,there's this. a demon whoseeks dalton's bodyfor one reason, to causepain to others. he is so desperateto possess dalton,

and he's the closestof all the entities togetting inside of him. what do you meanthe closest? because these entities,they can't just walk intothe bodies of the living anytime they please. to cross overfrom their realm, it takes takes energy. but the longer thatdalton's astral body is kept awayfrom his physical body,the weaker the link gets. the easier it isto possess him.

is thereanything we can doto bring dalton back? there's somethingwe could try. it's a little unorthodox. but i would needyour complete trust. no, no, no. i'm sorry,this has gone too far. what? no, please, said you wouldgive her a chance. i have given hera chance, honey, but i can't havesomebody cominginto our home and telling usthat the reasonour son is in a coma

is because his soulhas floated off somewherein another dimension. we're gonna bring herall the way here and not even considerwhat she's saying? i did this to make sureyou could feel at ease.and if it helped, great. i've listened tothe dog and pony show.i have seen the drawings. but to bringdalton into it, no. but why is our sonstill in a coma? why can'tthe doctors tell uswhat is wrong with him?

how did the voiceof reason becomethe bad guy here? don't you see, renai?you want to believe.anybody would. you don't believe me!you don't believe me! i moved houses for you. what do you mean,i don't believe you?i'm on your side here. but this,this is dangerousand exploitative. you guys comeinto the home ofa seriously ill child, and you make sometenuous connectionbetween him and the images my wifeis seeing, and voila!

tears validate your power,and thank you very much,that will be $600 please. thank you for coming. please. please. thank, i really understand. please. thank you foryour hospitality.good luck. oh, jesus! sorry to waste your time. josh: where are you, buddy?

did you go somewhere? no, you're right are right here. can you hear me? i know you can hear me,but you gotta show me,okay, buddy? you gotta show methat you can hear me. (sobbing) what's most importantis that you realize no two attemptsare the same. i'm going to becompletely honestwith you about the results.

if there's nodialogue established,i'm gonna tell you. tucker: these still cameras are rigged to pick up any changes in the atmosphere, both electrical or temperature-wise. don't be alarmed if they go off. elise: you're gonna see a lot of confusing things, things you don't understand. but do not question themand do not speak in any way. i want you to knowwhatever i saywhen i'm in tune is going to beat a very low won't hear any of it.

but steven'sgonna write it down. he's going repeat itfor you. okay? dim the lights, please. (whispering) we are callingout to you, dalton. elise: tell us you're safe. tell us where you are. tell us you're safe.tell us where you are. can you hear us?answer us. elise: who's there?

who's there? dalton, it's yourmother and father. we've beensearching for you. i can't see in here. dalton... dalton,you don't need to see. follow my voice. follow my voice, dalton. dalton.why aren't you... why aren't youtalking anymore?

(whispering continues) if they hear me,they'll hurt me. who will hurt you? who will hurt you, dalton? the man (heart monitorbeeping rapidly) with fire on his face.

dalton, can youfind your way out? there is no way out. follow my voice, dalton.follow my voice. be quiet. they'll hear you. they won'thear me, dalton.follow my voice. they heard you. mommy and daddy.

help. help. help me, help me, help. you bitch. (both screaming) (heart monitor flat lining) (gasps) (all grunting) specs! leave this vessel!

leave this vessel!leave this vessel! leave his body! tucker,turn on the light! leave this body now! come here, dalton. son. come here. he's alive.he's alive, oh, god. he's alive? jesus. honey.

tucker: three cameras.around the clock.we got nothing. but i did find thison the video. take a look. you see that? i went through it. frame by frame by frame. (door bell rings) who's that?

i'll get it. hi, lorraine. mom, what areyou doing here? elise: i asked yourmother to come over. i calledher immediatelyafter the session. why? there's somethingwe must talk about. lorraine,have a seat. go on. tell him.

tell me what, mom? the reason i knew to callelise in this situation, the reasoni know her so well, is because i called hermyself once, years ago, to help you. what are youtalking about, mom? it's no accidentthat your son isa gifted traveler. the ability washanded down to him.

by his father. me? no, i don't do...i can't do that. when you were about eight,you suffered night terrors, these awful fitsof pure fear. you were terrifiedof an old woman you said used to comevisit you at night. i dismissedyour stories. i... (sighs)i told you to grow up.

and theni saw her for myself. at first,i thought it wasa camera problem. and theni saw her again. in each photo, she got closer and closer and closer to you. finally,i was so frightened,i found elise. do you rememberany of this,honey, do you?

no. i... i don't. suppressing your memoryand your abilityto astral project was the onlyway to stop herfrom getting into you. but in the backof your mind, you're still afraid tohave your picture taken,aren't you? i kept thosephotos hiddenfrom you ever since. i advised lorraineto hide them, to stoptaking your picture,to just let you forget. who is she?

a parasite. she befriendedyour astral body and thendrew you outinto the further, just as daltonhas been drawn out. i'm so sorry, josh. i didn'twant to make youremember all this. i do itfor the sakeof your son. your son is out there. and you arethe only one thatcan bring him back.

and with whatwe saw tonight, i would sayhe doesn't have muchtime left to wait for you. renai: you've always been stronger than me. you can do this. i love you. please come back. elise: rememberwhy you're traveling and keep one footin this world. do notdraw attentionto yourself.

if they realizeyou are not one of them, they will come foryour physical bodyin this world. ready? i don't know whati'm ready for,but... okay. (ticking) close your eyes, josh,take a deep breath,and relax. with each breath, let the lifearound you fadeinto the background. just listento the tickingof the metronome.

focus on the spotin the centerof your forehead. the universeis deathless. it is deathless becausehaving no finite self,it stays infinite. a sound man,by not advancing himself, stays the furtherahead of himself. it's useless.i have no ideawhat i'm doing. (voice echoing) now you're outside. let my voice be your guide. keep a steady stride.

into the further you go. (exhales) he's in. wait! (woman crying) (crying continues) i'm lookingfor my son dalton. (whistling) (whistling stops) (gun cocking)

where's my son? tell mewhere my son is. (gun firing) what's happening to him? help him, elise!please! you're strongerthan they are, josh. you can beat are are the one alive. get away from me! daddy?

oh, god! buddy! oh, my god! oh, buddy. daddy. oh, buddy, it's okay. it's okay. it's's okay. oh, god. daddy, look.i'm chained. okay. okay. okay. face me, buddy.face me. come here. we'll get you out.we'll get you out,buddy, okay?

daddy's here.daddy's here. oh, god. okay. it's okay.listen to me. look at me. none of thisis real, okay?this is not real. look at me.look at my eyes, buddy. none of this is real.we're going togo home, okay? you gotta help me. there's one. oh, my god, dad.he's looking.

come on, baby.stay here, baby.come on, stay with us. (snarling) he's made contact. grab the light! he found your son. i know it. well,then wake them up,for god sake! i can't.he needs to find us. i'm scared, dad.

no! stop! please, elise,do something! (bulbs shattering) renai, you mustcall out to him. josh. josh.follow my voice! follow my voice, honey. get away! get away! come back to us! renai: follow my voice, josh.

daddy! listen,i think it's mommy! josh, come back to me. follow my voice. josh, follow my voice. follow my voice, josh. (scraping) there's somethingin there! in there! elise! steven, lorraine,go check on dalton. go check on dalton.

go check on dalton now! (heart monitor beeping) (specs screaming) (baby monitor emits static) (static continues) they're crossing overinto our world. elise: tucker! no, you have to shinethe light on josh. come on!

let's go around back. shine the lighton josh! on josh! tucker, on josh! you've gotto call him back! renai: josh! josh! josh! come backto us, josh, please! josh! josh!come back, please! come on, dad! come on,he's right behind us!

we have to go! i'm rightbehind you! go! you. what do youwant from me? i'm not scared of you. i'm not scaredof you anymore. you can getaway from me. get the hellaway from me!get away from me! get away from me!leave me alone!

please, please, please! come back to us! follow my voice! follow my voice!please, honey! josh, come back!come back to us! get the hellaway from me! please, josh, please,come back to us, please! follow my voice!follow my voice! please! josh, please! come back, please! leave me alone!

(gasping) i've got dalton.he's awake! oh, my boy! he's okay! he's okay! josh: we did it, buddy. you're back. you're back. dude, i got someamazing shots. you're gonnawrite a book, and my photosare gonna be themain selling point.

not the mainselling point, but they'lldefinitely be important. they will be important. a picture's wortha thousand words. yeah,but words are wortha thousand words, too. you're really hungry,aren't you? and i'm tired, too. you're tired?no, you can't be tired. yes, i can.

no, you've been asleepfor far too long.and you know what? i'm never letting yougo to sleep again. you showed me a new world. no, i didn't. you've been therebefore, remember? well, let's hopei forget again. guess i don't needthese anymore. nothing. i'm gonnaget rid of these.

all right. (sighs) why did you do that? why would you do thatto me when you knowhow i feel about that? why? why? why? why? why? no, you're not tired. in fact, you're nevergoing to sleep have to stay awake for the rest ofyour life, with me. (choking)

(josh yelling) you bitch! can you watch him,lorraine? sure. elise. josh! josh! josh, where are you? josh! honey, please! josh!

oh, jesus. josh: renai, i'm right here.

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