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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

dear viewers our today'scouple is special. as if there are nospeed-breakers in their life. when, where and howtheir life's journey.. ..has been adventurousand how it has reached here.. .. we shall see now. and in this journey,we shall see their struggle.. ..with the valuesof the marriage system. so let's welcome rohit and aadya! we welcome you both to our show!

so let's start! first, starting withthe lighter part.. ..yours was a love marriage. for how long haveyou two been married? 3 years. 3 years! approximately, 3 years! 3 years, 5 months,12 days, 2 hours, 35 minutes.. ..and 10 seconds!

what do your folks do? i mean, what was theirreaction to your marriage? actually, there was no reasonfor objection from my family.. they were always worried about me. they would say,.. ..when on earth will yoube responsible and behave mannerly! now that i have,they are not here to see it! if mom and dad wouldhave been there,.. ..they would be so happy!

really? since my parent's divorcei take my own decisions! my dad never has issues! mom is a little different! she had loved my choice! rohit, do you get alongwell with your mother-in-law? oh my god! we get along so well, that thereis no scope for such a question! we usually visit herboutique once a week.

have all the people in theworld stopped selling clothes? why did you have to come here? but i want to buythem from here itself! relax dude,mom is not coming here today! how do you know? i know! her chances ofcoming today are almost zero! sure? - yes! then buy whatever you want! please bill this on me,the full amount.

oh! what a pleasant surprise! what are you doing here? i should ask you this question! no, but still... excuse me,madam, your bill is ready. bill? what's happening here? she herself said,you have to take the money! so you'll take money from her? no!

i am paying! okay! please! - please! sir, your card isn't working. no, that's alright! their machine must be out if order. that's alright, happens sometimes!don't take it to heart! isn't it true, aadya? i don't blame you, isn't it, aadya? and all this belongs to you!i mean both of you'll! isn't it aadya?

what do you both do for a living? i own a company.i mean, we both own it. we have two more partners,sandeep and deepak. they are our friends. we design website, takeinternet programming assignments. in general, we do a lotof hard work related to software. so our goals are set. and we makea lot of efforts to achieve them! "a lot" means a lot, right! and aadya, what about you?do you work?

compared to his, my workis more responsible and serious. i am a teacher in a pre-school. i teach very importantthings to very small children. a bunny.. ..a bunny.. a ball of cotton.. ..he had a bet with a tortoise! running very fast,reaching the hill top.. ..that's the race we'll have!

you always ask whywe still have her here,.. ..for this very reason! we still wonder if she isan over-grown kid or a little lady! would you do this? you are the most ideal couple!so many people envy you! let's see what people closeto you have to say about you two. rohit and aadya are so romantic,so romantic, so romantic... forget fights,they don't even taunt each other! they just don't fight!

yes, she has tried so hard,but still no success! rohit and aadya are so romantic... rohit and aadya livein a marital heaven.. ..and we live in marital hell! ro-man-tic! they meet each other as ifthey are meeting for the first time! they are sweet, very sweet!they are so much in love... ro-man-... wow! i must say,you guys are the perfect couple!

if everything wasgoing on so well,.. ..when and how didthings start getting bad? sandeep, is rohit there? he left 20 years ago! he is still not back home! he was supposed to beback in the afternoon itself! when he left, he said somethinglike i'm getting late,.. ..but don't worry! late! when he is late,he drives very fast.

i hope he is alright! hey wait, listen to me! so something is reallywrong with rohit! no dear, first calm down! first say that nothingis wrong with him! see, nothing is wrong with him!don't be tensed for no reason. but what's the use of you saying it? where should i look for him?i really can't understand! rohit!

mrs. shalu.. - what happend? did you see him? no! - where has he gone? mrs. tendle was telling me.. ..that he parks hisvehicle at the next corner! why? because he has more customers there! c'mon, should wego so far to get 'bhel'? not the 'bhel'seller,i'm asking about rohit!

why? where is he? that's what i don't know! be careful! i hope he come s back! but why are you talking like that? did the two of you'll fight? hey, come home soon! ok, i got to go!if he comes back let me know! and if he doesn't, still me know,and i'll let the others know! what's going on?

i'm teaching them to swim! rohit, i am serious. i had come here to paythe society maintenance bill. and i saw these guys preparingfor the championship. i actually came here at 4,and he had a nice game,.. i waited for some time! sometime! its 7! we have been playing for 3 hours!

wow, what stamina! i had almost lost my mind right now! did you get lost or faintedor someone kidnaped you! hey, such things don'thappen with us aadya! that's funny right? you'llunderstand this when i disappear! and then i'll stealthilysee you suffer. this can happen, right? yes, yes yes! sorry, sorry, sorry!

this is convenient!talk crap n then apologise! look, don't touch me! dare you pick me up! gotcha! i'm not coming home with you! ok, we are going home! dude, the queen! got here right here, in my arms!taking her home now! leave me! - no!

rohit..rohit.. - aadya its sunday again!what's special about today's party? chears! - chears! glad you got engaged!we actually doubted you and sandeep! still, you guys are great! thanks! are you making us senti...? still, you managedso much in such less time! actually,i was planning a party for you guys!

ya right! that's alright! we'll geta party when his son is baptized! or when his grandson is promoted! or when his great grandsoninvents a new space craft! hey! but still, that girl's great! stay away! actually, your parents havea looked for a much better girl.. ..than you couldhave possibly found!

and she is also independent. wow! so she'll romealone leaving you back! let's cut the crap!do your choices match? oh i love soap opera! feels like all these thingsare happening in our lives itself! hey do you watch'kay sangoo kunkvala'? you too? - me too! you know,that digvijay is so stupid! he left the poor vasundharafor that bitch kamini!

yes, she is so bad! dare you say a word againstdigvijay! it's not his fault! in fact, in thursday's episode,vasundhara gets to know that.. ..kamini uses black magicon him to divorce vasundhara.. ..and fall in love with herself! oh god! i've missed so many episodesbecause of the engagement! we had to go to deepak's home town! at times i wonder whyi got engaged to this guy!

so, what else happenedin the last week? oh god! so many thingshappened in the last week! ya! you lost track of time. ok! the last time we met,.. ..things were finebetween sharad and nisha. c'mon, nisha is my friend,not yours! i'm telling you,they have decided to part way. these days the rate ofdivorce has increased a lot. i have this friend sharadwho's getting separated soon!

his wife nisha is rohit's,.. fact,the whole group's good friend. my uncle is a lawyer.he gets a lot of such cases. you won't believe it, but my unclefought 125 divorce cases last year! he attended my engagement party.he was so emotional.. ..he said, darling ifyou ever need me, let me know. i'll come home and get you divorced! in that case it'sbest to not get married! correct! i too thought the same.

felt like everything was hopeless! but one thing gave me the strength!rohit and aadya. the two are outstanding! they remind me of thecakes in catholic weddings. the dolls on the cakeresemble them so much. they are always happy. c'mon! then what's the fun? no offence, aadya.don't misunderstand me.. guys are doing great.

but there is no fun inbeing understanding all the time. even silly fightsare enough to add spice. that's so true! patching up stuff increasesthe love between the two. i mean, i'm not marriedbut that's just very general. the party was good. deepak was happy. the food was good too. rohit, we have made ourlife very boring and tasteless.

are we going tolive this way forever? you really don't enjoy mycompany any more, right? - look. right, right! - look, look, look! most of the times i do. what do you mean by that? look here aadya. what exactlywould you call spice in life? oh my god!rohit you're so philosophical! means imagine howpathetic the situation is! you are extremely unhappy with me!- hey look here!

i'm doing great.don't assume i'm unhappy! and why are you screaminglike a mad mare! okay, sorry. see, we are done fighting! oh yes! we have made ourlives very simple and easy! nothing is unexpected anymore. even butterscotch ice-creamhas so many obstacles in it. you're useless! so am i! we don't even debateon whether we should fight.

oh crap! - oh crap! whatever it is,we need to find a way out. yes! don't pretend to be smart. no, seriously.- seriously? -seriously! i know it's may not be outstanding,but what's the harm in trying? what? - you rememberwe played a game in college! 'kho-kho'. not 'kho-kho' my sweetie,'valentine's day'!

we would already know there willbe a big fuss on valentine's day. so we used to distributethe days of the week. one day you gift meand another day i gift you. we had worked so hardto get things in place. it was so much fun! hey, you remember the pinkfrilled bag that you gifted me? wow! done? - no! we had so much funthe whole week that.. ..there was no need tocelebrate valentine's day.

how stupid of the rioters! that's the same thing.that's exactly what we'll do now! distribute the daysamongst ourselves. monday, wednesdayand friday are my days. tuesday,thursday and saturday are yours. on our respective dayswe mistrust each other. we suspect each otheras much as possible. our, "honey i trust youcompletely!" won't work anymore. suspect each other anyway,anywhere, anytime and anyone.

stretch it as far as possibleand make sure we fight. let's experience thefun in a false fight. the opposite personcan defend himself, right? obviously or howwill the fight start? and we'll see the varietyof fights on sundays! hey, watch out! rohit, it was all finetill we were in college,.. ..but now everyonewill know about our fights. so? let them also know thatwe are not such a sweet couple.

that includes our friends too. oh, i never thought about this! on sundays forget-together parties.. ..hey aadya,.. ..on sundays we'll tell ourfriends we have patched together. they'll be satisfiedthat they could advise us. and we can play thisgame whenever we want. give me a five! ok! - final? final! so when do we start?

why delay it?tomorrow is monday. it's my day. i'll be so good, so good at it... rohit, will everythingreally be fine? i don't want to lose you. are you crazy? nothing will gowrong. we are not really fighting. we are just having fun, ok? but, aadya,if someday i get very furious.. ..and come home drunkand hit you with a belt? then i'll kiss you and say,"please don't".

man, you're crazy! what will we do? hey, we've decided to fight, right! ya, so let's sleep soon. - come! "the wind is wet.. ..the hail has kissed the earth.. ..the air is reckless.. ..drinking the wet raindrops!" come here love, come here.give me a slight hint!

the wind is wet.. ..drinking the wet raindrops! air blowing in every touch, bluefeathers around the shy is flooding! you are in me and i am in you,the world is drenched in us! come here love, come here.close your lovely eyes! rohit, rohit, get up! rohit,the night end when the day starts! you should get up! getup honey, get up! shit! shit! shit!shit! hey come here, come here!

what were you doing,what were you doing right now? when? - where were your hands now? where? they are right here,hanging down my shoulders,.. everyone else! why? you were strangling me, right? yes, i thought it must be hurting,so i thought i could press it! shit man! crap! screwed my mood up! come let's sleep! what happened?

what had we decided? what, what did you say? you accuse me ofsomething so worthless! rohit, bloody dog,don't you have any shame? yes! come here! come, come on the battle field!come, come! shame! if i was dead here, nothingwould be left to feel anymore. you directly kill your husband!are you a woman or what! what did you assumewhen you married me?

now that your caught,you think of such answers! get lost! gone! hey,don't leave the battle field! hey, come here! yes! yes! - don't dance! get down, get down! ok, now fight! fight! look, when i was wakingyou up by your shoulders.. call it your neck!

don't laugh,fight with me seriously! look, i'm so serious. if we are not following theplan seriously, then there's no use! hey, fighting is so much fun! but if we fight more seriously,won't it be more enjoyable? but i'm helpless.i'm not used to talking against you! next time, while fighting in public,even if we have to.. ..kill each other wemust be able to do that. hey wait! stop her! wait!

you two there! you two go there! go ahead, fast!don't let her run away! don't let her run away! why did you stop me? what do i do whenyou don't listen to me? i don't even want to see your face! ok.. ..but look here..

i've bought a goldennecklace for you! real gold. just wear it once, please! why don't you wear it? i don't even want a loafof bread out of your black money! wait! listen! listen to me please! satyavan doesn't like being refused! even i'm sawitri,let's see what you do. you are my loving wife.then won't you listen to me?

this will fit your neck so well,like the magazine in a revolver! instead you shouldhave bought a color.. ..i would put it roundour neck and leave you home! wear this necklaceor i'll through it away! look, that's the gutter.there, throw it! throw! i'll really throw it! - then throw! no i won't through it!it's the symbol of our love! i'll use your love ascoal in my stove and make roti! let me go now, i got work!

and if you want to create a scene,then sell tickets to the show! people will at least watch it! sawitri, wait wait, slow slow!there's breaking news! ok, what does that mean? real smoking news! madam, i shouldn't say this, butwhy do you scratch people's wounds? as if you are some saint! ok, now listen!some thing's wrong today! since morning,rohit and aadya have been fighting!

they have even thrownutensils, four! four? - look i've made marks! don't lie! they might fight with god but theycan never fight with each other! seems like you can neversee other people happy! if i'm lying, i'll turngreen right here in front of you! weird people! i just met mrs.shalu now;she was very excited! she said you guys were fighting!- yes! - you and sir were fighting! that's nonsense!i asked her if she had lost it!

she'll make up such stories,i tell you! what is this? that's breakfast! - sawitri, juststay quiet! i can see what this is! what's in it? - there arerice flakes, onions, tomatoes... i can't eat this!- reasons to skip breakfast! what is so funny? tell me,where did this hair come from? why don't you ask the hair? you put it in on purpose, right!tell me the truth! the truth! no sweetie,i guess the rice flakes have hair!

i got them in thesame bag as the shampoo! at night she told me.. .."rohit, the anti-dandruffsolution is so poisonous!" you put the poisonous hair in myfood! you wanted to kill me, right! i don't make silly planslike these like you do! you know how to change the flowof argument! directly say, "leave"! sir, forget it!it's too a thing to fret about! look madam's laughing! how long can i ignore it?she wants my insurance!

she asked my agent if she canget the money only in an accident?.. does accidentinclude food poisoning? hey don't get this out now!i haven't done any such thing. i speak out whatever i feel,right on the face! what do you mean?i say something on the face and.. ..something else behind the back? no sir, that's not true,but you talk more than madam. sawirti, just stay quiet! rohit is so popular!- so? everyone loves him! - so?

what's the big deal forhim to be good on the face? hey you directlyabuse my personality! yes. look here! you married me, right! or did you drink theanti-dandruff shampoo? even i was blindedby sweet rohit's sweetness! sawitri, if i had to be insulted,i would hire someone for it! can i do that job? that's the way i am!

but i've not seen a boringand confused girl like you! what does that mean? i know, where should i look? 'confuse'?'confuse' means, what's going on,.. ..where did it start,when will this end! do you understand any of this? no, not at all! - that's 'confused!' and boring?- boring water is turbid. come, come this way.

boring means, now that i'mangry and don't let you talk.. ..and interrupt you,how do you feel? - bored! that's it! boring means tired? aadya, i'm bored now! but i can't control. then learn to control. boring means bored,confuse mean can't understand. and control means? sir!

is this an office or a circus?i have such samples in my office! hi! - welcome ms. naina! you are the only one whocomes early, everyone else is late! should i organize a grandwelcome for you? and sing? hey prashant, hey!is your laundry man ill? should i pay for his treatment? should the clients countthe creases on your shirt? sandeep! please comb your hair! someone might get lostin that jungle up there!

deepak! - i'm dead! i'm here!- don't behave like a dimwit! i feel like i am dreamingwhile i'm drunk! guys, be smarter! naina, you come late to office!let there be some smartness in you! this is an office,not a public park! what's up with him? what happened? - nothing! is your mood not fine?- no, look its awesome! is there some serious problem?- what problem? why are you so pissed?he just enquired!

deepak!should we share everything? same chat, same mood? no, that's fine ifyou don't want to tell! hey let's leave andwork on tomorrow's presentation. take care. i'm saying it to myself! why did this happen?i really can't understand! god knows whose evil eye is on them! i think someonehas done black magic!

that's so bad! that's so, so bad! by the way, what's happening? what do i tell you, madam!- just tell me what happened there! but promise me you won' tell anyone!- you think i can do that? if i tell you, it'll be morning!- enough, don't be too smart! no, i won't tell anyone,now tell me! when i went there theyhad a heated argument! they were yelling at each other! regarding what?- regarding anything!

sir found madam's poisonousstray hair in his food! ya? really! yes! aadya mixed anti-dandruffmedicine in rohit's food! but she looks so innocent!- who do i swear on now? ok, so what happened next?- i'll tell you, but don't tell anyone. didn't i tell youi won't tell anyone? get it out once and for all! aadya mixed tip20in rohit's food! - what! and rohit threw the same plate backat aadya! they had a huge fight.

really? - have i ever lied! then rohit actually threw petrolon her and tried to set her on fire! luckily, sawitri reachedthere and the danger was averted! poor girl would have died! butshaym, don't tell this to anyone! don't tell this to anyone! no, no, no, no! the black cotton is spun..'s your turn now,the lighting claps! it's your turn now,the lighting claps!

spread your wings and dance! hello! - hey, it's rohit here!- yes, say! how is aadya's mood since morning? she's fine, there she comes! wait! sameera,don't get her on the line! but why?- because i want to talk to you! what's her expression now? expressions! ex-pre-ssion! hello sameera..

she is a little exhaustedand she is thinking! exactly! what is she thinking about? ok, probably thinkingif she should have coffee! no sameera, learn toread the person's face! - but! ok, tell me, is she looking around? why are you asking me this? is she looking for someone or.. ..making sure noone is looking at her? oh god! i can't understand all this!she got a call!

good, very good, very good!just keep a look on her! hello! today you calledme in the afternoon! aadya, how was rohitwhen he left from home? normal. why? she said normal!- that's a tricky answer! everything is according to plan! hello, aadya...!- yes say! i'm listening! listen. we are worried about rohit!- oh, you're so sweet!

sweet, she said sweet! see, who is this sweet boy?i am talking to you! aadya, rohit's mood is badsince morning, do you know about it? so, what do you mean,i spoilt it, his mood? she is talking about mood!- mood! what about it? aadya, rohit is not answering well,you are also doing the same! i'm doing what i want! - see,she doesn't care about me anymore! call him! - even he is on a call!- what is he saying? he was in a trance. - what did he do?- why don't you ask him?

i'm done now! - she is done now! so the romance on the phone is over! romancing on the phone! has anyone ever donethat neglecting work! sameera, for the sake ofour friendship! keep a watch on her! keep a watch. he said, keep a watch!- i heard! now what's left to hear? aadya, your phone will fall!- it's all over now! aadya! what are you doing?

there's no meaningleft for anything! aadya! they were such a happy couple!still they fight! then what about people like us!- now what's left anyway! rohit and aadya are fighting?impossible! i'm scared about my engagement now! someone else would be believable,but rohit and aadya! yes, i know! it makes you so restless!but you can't do much! you can't interferein someone's personal life!

we rule! madam, the game has just started!this is just the trailer! the movie will shakethem completely! the real fun starts tomorrow! "since the game is on,i can't wake you up. wipe it off once you read it!" good morning savitri. done? the school is over?what's going on? nothing! what? when?

this is not some competition!answer me! what's going on? since you were not here,i asked her where you are! ok, so why are you gestaculating? should i tell hereverything that i do? and we have a habit oftaking bath every morning! ok, i understand!but why are you so furious? we take bath! so that's what she told me! ok! so do gestures explainso many big sentences?

with so many gesturesall you said was "taking bath"? ok, listen.. - rohit! stop fooling me! and stop this flirtingat least when i am at home! madam! why are you assuming things!it's nothing like that! shut up! have i asked you!and from tomorrow, wear a black coat! i've appointed youas his lawyer, right! you guys go on! i'll take bath! and you!

i wonder how you assumethe world to be stupid! oh god! we talk soloudly while fighting! what do you think? he is calm! - how willwe know him mood? shit! naina! may i come in? may i sit? now will you ask me before peeing? ok, i'm leaving!- then why did you come? you'll be irritated!- if you irritate me, i will!

nothing!our office work is going superb! we are getting 3 morenew contracts! - yes! aren't you happy? why areyou in a bad mood these days? sorry! even you can notice, right! the world sees! everyone notices! always suspension and doubt!my wife! how can i survive? but why are youtalking about survival? i don't feel like going home!

again the same fights!screwed up moods! if i come to office, she doubts me!million questions! how do i live? what do i do? oh god! never imaginedyour problem to be so serious! what's happening? i'm trying to teach myheart to smile even in sorrow! hello! - hey rohit.. hello! - hello, where are you? where will i be? - how do i know?

at work. - rohit,what exactly are you doing? what do people do at work, aadya? you don't want to tell me! that's what i am asking,what's going on? should i give you a list? we are making a websitefor a film production house! who's talking? who's next to you? naina! naina, don't you know her? she was there for the party!

what's she doing in your cabin? we are working!don't irritate me at work! i scratched your wounds, right! wife is at home,so you are a free bird! who the hell do you think i am? am i some garage workerto have stepnies everywhere? i'm at my wit's ends now! you will be! now that you're caught! here, a helpless lady is exploited..

..and you supportthat chauvinist male? all men are the same! do you have a club? doesn't matter if you don't knowthe man, you will still help him.. ..light his cigarette,push his car and leave his wife! and you call yourself a teacher!what society will you create! ok, i agree! so if you are so sure,why don't you collect proof? i'll start right away!sir, can i get a half day?

leave immediately!don't wait and don't look back! thank you. "why jump in other's issue?" "just walk casually." "fish dance without water." "frogs should sing." "how did it happen?things turned topsy-turvy." "i feel i'm going mad." say! - i've beencalling you since long.

i thought you died! oh my phone was silent. i don't know what'swrong with you guys! actually, i just don't understand! but why? since you left from office,aadya has been following you around. not just that, she has alsoclicked a lot of pictures of yours. this is too much. i'll talk to her! aadya come out! aadya come out!

it's so easy to boss around!you could have come in! i heard you were followingme and took pictures! what i do in my freetime is my problem! but didn't you take pictures? how do you know they are yourpictures and not something else? didn't you take pictures?- yes i did, so? how do i look, is the face clear? hey, sawitri! what is her problem?

i had to prove thati don't talk crap! you will pretend to be so simple,so innocent! but i know your true colours!look, i have proof now! now what shouldi do to convince her? adya..- whateveryou do is useless now! i'm irritated! i shouldn'thave come home! i'm going! sir, wait, wait! take that closer one! rohit sir! come here!

hey get up! please sit! hey get up! please sit! so, mr. rohit, how did youcome here today? something new? nothing! wives! each one has tofind his own way out! but... hey, this is the best solution! you become calm andit all seems like a circus!

i'll tell you onefundamental truth! - say. i'll tell you in a joke. there is a lion!- hey, we know this one! there was a rat! didn't he just say a rat! both are there, there's a big heard. no, not a heard! so the rat attends a lion's wedding! looking at the rat danceat the party, other loins wonder.

obviously, must have seena dancing rat for the first time. so the lion who was wonderingwent to the rat and asked.. ..why are you dancingat a lion's party? now the rat must be wonderinglooking at the talking lion! please shut up! this is a joke! so the rat replies,i was a lion first. i became a rat after marriage! hey, let's start playing! so should we trust our wives or not?

there is no rule of the thumb! so what do you do? ok, i'll tell you. for the past 6 months my wifeis attending stitching classes,.. ..but she hasn't stitched onebutton for me, but did i doubt her? you should be able to do this! not just this. look my wife get perfumesvery often, but i don't ask! wow!

i'll tell you. my wife boughta new computer on our anniversary.. ..and our son uses it at night! no, but now it's all stopped. let's play! you guys are great! - my wife!- no no, i wouldn't do that! i would wonder.. ..from where she got themoney despite being a housewife? or, does someonegive her perfumes or.. ..she uses them to hidesomeone else's perfume?

or, in spite of taking stitchinglessons, if she doesn't stitch.. ..what lessons were they exactly?or was there a class at all! but you guys are great! i should learnsomething from you'll. you are teachingme to be a good human! rohit, no doubting your wife now! but she paid fees every month! but you are great! she must have saved money!

whatever it is, you are great! the perfumes are at home,so i must check her purse first! but how will you do that,you are great! rohit, rohit there'ssome problem at your place! aadya, aadya!- hey is this the moron? who is this poor 'chiranjivi'? hey you rat! dare you trouble my sister,i'll beat you in one fight! who are you? what fight? who sister?i don't know your sister.

hey! - no my brother, don't do that! don't make your sister a widow! will you be happy tosee your sister this way? don't let the firein the relationship go out! whatever it is, he is my husband! look, she is telling you!see how large hearted my sister is! your heart is softer than butter! your useless husband torturesyou and you still care about him? are you practicing a play?

hey, what practice?i'll empty all the bullets in your head! but who are you? i'll tell you.this is my husband satyavan. i had called him here to talk to you,but everything went haywire! come, let's go!enough of your drama! how's that possible! my sister has proof!here's her mobile phone! does anyone want tosee the pictures? - me, me! hey badly, come here!

hey, when did you go out with him? you! - what nonsense? can't you see there'sa shopping bag in my hand! hey next picture is shaym, come here! is this her evening walk or what? now he understood. take. you lied to me! you go for stitchingclass or bhatarnatyam class?

hey, didn't i tell youbharat is my school friend! do one thing, take this revolverand solve all your problems! my brother,will you listen to me one last time? we'll find a way out,but please leave now! or the world will say,the brother ruined his sister life! brother! sister! - brother! - sister! you made me very emotional today! you need a lot of talentto make stayavan cry!

and you! if he does anything wrong,come directly to me! i won't come! hey! come out! if you again irritate me,i'll shoot you. then you'll be up there. you can carry onwith your affairs there. hey, i didn't signalyou to start. go out. clean the house. c'mon, go out. c'mon, everybody.

no, sister.don't do that. c'mon, hurry up! he's touching my feet. yeah! we fought so well! c'mon. no! no! not here, bedroom! c'mon! c'mon! - rohit! rohit, take this out. - pull this. your shirt too? wait! bring scissor!- shout! everybody should hear.

scissor! rohit! rohit! oh! c'mon! rohit, c'mon!- control, adya! control! control! i feel very sleepy.- i too am very tired. let's sleep! - yes. c'mon! i lost allthe energy in fighting. i feel so hungry. - i'm so tired. hey, we didn't eat today. welcome back after the break! once again welcome today'scouple with applaud.

rohit and aadya. you planned something verystrange and also followed it. i must say you're great. now don't drag it andtell us what happened next. we never realized how theentire week passed that way. then i truly realizedhow the days pass away. yes! but we were somuch involved in this game. we doubted each otherin every ways during that week. you linked my name with many women.

not just once but ten times. don't say shalu or nisha! don't say anything. smarty! you claimed to be in mylove and had affair outside. we were so involved thatif anybody comes to us.. ..we started thinking negativelyabout his appearance. i saw you with thatcunning sharad many a times. frankly speaking we hadonly one thought in mind. doubt. but we really enjoyed that week.

and then it was the day.. - sunday! sunday! why do you laugh? it's live. one that follows saturday. little up! surprise! what's this? - don't say anything now. you both are so inspiring and loving. now stop fighting. you're so fortunate that yougot to experience this meeting again.

c'mon, patch up now!- please.. - c'mon. please! please! just a minute!- deepak! - i'll walk on water. very good!- no! - what no? see how i walk. come.. come. - what? see, how i walk. deepak! - sandeep! see i came walking.- yes. - of course! but it is my time tobecome sentimental today. i should thank you a lot today.

were you really thinking of divorcing? i felt suddenlyeverything was shattering. moment i see him,i used to lose my temper. and what if when heused to see you? - same. we used to fightfor every small reason. and the reasons were just meaningless. example?- let go of it. i don't remember. i have a friend.her husband took an extra sim-card! he didn't inform her.

she said thank godhe didn't have extra house. once he was caught,he started giving excuses. he used to keep all his calls secret. she never used to get a hint. once his phone rang.and she asked him. he had only one answer. what? - nobody. it was regarding work. okay! take care!

whose phone it was?- nobody. regarding work. if it was regarding workwhy did he leave the place? god! i get tensed. why did i doubt itto be nisha's phone? and rohit is not tellingme everything in detail now. god, let's not aadya cometo know about it till the end moment. today i spoke to dealer. finally she'll have her own car. he would have definitely toldme had there been somebody else.

i don't want to spoil thissurprise by telling her now. i want to give her a big surprise. i want to see her happyface with eyes wide open. it is not good to doubt rohitunless anything is confirmed. is my mind really affectedby the drama of last week? still, rohit didn'ttell me whose phone it was. what happened? where had you lost? i've an important meeting today. wish me luck.

are you returning late today?- no, i'm at home. oh! listen!i'll return early. okay? - yes. fine, i'm leaving.- okay. - i'm leaving. i'm leaving. - go! what? now what do you want? listen! i don't losetemper so easily.. ..but when i losei don't respect anybody. decent people stay here. c'mon out. c'mon! - sir! sir! don't get angry.

i've called him. - why? listen! i told himthat you've patched up now. and he danced so muchthat i was tired of laughing. now he'll drink a lot in happiness. that's why i broughthim along with me. he came to congratulate both of you. hey, tell them. - 21, 56, 24. brother-in-law!enjoy and have fun. i'm very happy. now satyavan hasbrought a gift for you.

will you give it after i die? take this. open it and see. no, let it be.- what's this, brother-in-law? but! - sit down! open now. no! i hope it won't explode. in my presence. are you scared? no enjoy! enjoy life! no need to feel scared. sit down! don't get scared. enjoy! open it.

rather i'll open it for you. hold this! a special item for you. i'll give it to you. these days you're showingtoo much of power. will you do anythingbecause i don't object? listen! this is my fulland final warning to you. don't hit me now. i'll hit you. what will you do?tell me what will you do?

don't hit. let go of. whatever it is.he brought it with love. now let go of it. let go of it. go! - yes. you too please calm down, brother. you had enjoyment, right? now shall i leave for theoffice if you allow me? - yes. yes, you go. all the best. go! sister! wish me too.

i've taken an importantassignment today. actually, from tomorrowonwards festival days are coming. and no matter how much i wish.. ..but i won't be ableto take up any assignment. sorry, sister. move away! you idiot! oh! god! rohit will you drop me to the market? fine, you go. i'll go.

nisha sharad phathak.- there comes nisha's name. you need to wait for some more time. some more time? - yes. sorry! i urgently called you. yes, but will you tellme what has happened? no! actually,i should have waited for you.. ..somewhere outside. but i am tensed, i lose my sense. then i come here in the bank.

atmosphere here is so cool. people look at us and smiles.and that token bell. it sounds so nice. what are you saying?tell me why did you call me here? yes, i'll tell you.but extremely sorry. actually, i could havecalled you in some restaurant. but i don't know what happened. i suddenly recollected the bank. never mind. this is the best place.

i don't mind.but tell me what has happened? tell me! c'mon, tell me. tell me. what happened? tell me? god! i felt everythingwas going on nicely between you. that means she hasagain dropped a stone. i too had such stage in life. i was confused whether to carry on.. ..with the marriage or not. now i get stomach acheeven by recollecting it.

am i right? why do you tell this to security?come out. you speak anything anywhere. my tarot cards weresaying something else. they were right.and mine too. thank god! build a bungalow of yourtarot card and stay in it. they're useless.we have patched up! - no. really? so you came here for enquiry? who's she? is she your replacement?

good! it is very good! very practical. mom, don't you have any other work? work is our routine. but no matter how muchyou try to patch up.. ..i've clearly seen yourbreak up in my tarot card. you'd never realize the happiness of.. ..driving away husband from life. all the men are same. imposter,selfish and opportunity finder.

like a jackal.your rohit too is one of them. jackal. rohit! i'm tryingto tell you something. you know what?actually, i want sharad. but our divorce hasreached to the final stage. that's why i say idon't want to patch up. actually, i should stopinterfering in sharad's life. but i can't stop myself.i care about him. that's really nice. that means your bondingis still intact at some point.

that means you can reunite. yes. sharad wanted a beautiful wife. and who did he get? myself. it is nothing like that. look at aadya!she's so beautiful. - yes. and look at you find any combination? but she wants only me.- but that's not true in our case. you stop talking negative first. and promise me that you'llsit and talk with sharad once.

once.. okay. once again thanksfrom my heart. bye! god, i don't pray. sorry. but i thank you thatmy wife is not like her. aadya is so different. cool! hello! - tell me. how are you? - what? i mean where are you?- where could i be? at home. sure? - 100%. why?

let's go. - what happened?- nothing. just like that. hello! - hello! give condom! - what? - condom. condom. - what? - give condom. oh! it seems you'retaking it to the office. i'm going home. - oh, i see. take this.- okay. - wait. i'll wrap it in paper. no need of it. keep the change. yes, tell me.- sorry. i called up again.

i didn't hear you properly.where are you? at home. did you hear it now?- yes. clearly. any work? - not at all. what happened?why are you so angry with rohit? let it be, tell me why did you call me? i hope it is nothing serious.- take this. let it it to anybody on his birthday. give me a pain reliever.- why? are you taking it home? no, i'm going to the office.

but just now you..- will it be so complicated.. come to the medical store? wait, i'll give you. i doubt that nisha ishaving an affair with somebody. with rohit. what? did you say something? no, nothing. look, as much as i know nisha.. ..i don't think it's her fault.

and if there's,then that guy must have provoked her. imposter! selfish! opportunity finder. all the men are like jackals. moment they find a helpless girl,they start wooing her. i'm afraid for you. shut up! actually.. actually,i'm like a bird wearing shoes. i mean they do puton shoes for show off..

..but they can't carrythe load while flying. i mean..i mean i hope you understand.. ..what i mean to say. i mean, actually.. you speak to nisha.she'll understand you. you must take care. rohit is lucky. deshmukh's rohit, i hopeyou don't want to tell me anything. aadya! do you wantto tell me anything?

those who don't have a wordlike honesty in his dictionary.. ..should not speak about it. you don't even have thatdictionary in your library. and your library is already locked. and you've hidden it's key. at least i've the keys to my lock. but your lock isbrought from the trash. it has become rusty. you'll know it whenit'd strike your head.

aadya, take your words back.- no, i won't. aadya, take your words back.- you think i fear you? aadya! - rohit! do you know?- yes.. - you know what? - yes. do you know, rohit?- you can't think of it, don't you? go to hell!i don't want to speak to you. i too am not interestedtalking to you. liar! - imposter! boaster! - opportunity finder!

shameless! - jackal! there was a jackal.he was hungry for prey. he was looking for anopportunity to woo girls. he was an imposter and selfish,looking for prey. he found shalu and radhain the neighbouring house. better than them was naina,his best friend. he was also trying toentice my friend sameera. but nobody listened to him.he failed to entice them. he lost a prey from his mouth.

then he found a right direction. he found a helplessgirl looking for support. he forgot everythingand got busy wooing her. now he found a preyhe was looking for. i want mother. from last couple of days,our married life is very disturbed. sameera! i'm quite surethat rohit is after somebody. you've a married life.. ..then why would aadyalook for a support outside?

she seems me everyday.i'm not that handsome. i should have got marriedwith a mask on my face.. ..with just two holes for eyes. then how could you've breathed? yes, one more for that. then how would you eat? i could manage. but he'svery handsome. what about that? what's going on between you? aadya! i tell you something.

you need to have a break. what break are you talking about? nothing much. you're prejudicedabout the look, right? thinking about it all the time? now even sunday'sget-together appears routine. let's do somethingdifferent this time. let's arrange a niceprogram this weekend. beautiful climate. open air.

and in the company of our mate. then see how you forgetyour quarrels in all this. "find out where it is stuck up.or take halt here." "it's green around. why bother?" "you've a point. even thepath becomes easy by such talks." "it's a half built road." "our car is spoiled.let's push it a little." "god is a biggest director of drama." "it's such a miraculous world..

..that nobody knows how they meet." "he gets a queen or she gets king." "otherwise ace is higher than all." "come, meena! super sheena." "big boy! lazy girl!" statue! both of you speak with each other. nisha, no! nisha! nisha, no! sameera, both of us aregoing to share a room, right?

when rohit is there? not at all. you really feel so? - yes, of course. today you stay together and enjoy. of course? otherwise what'sthe use of coming so far? but, rohit! rohit will definitelyunderstand you, aadya. and we came so far for a change,right? - yes. nothing'll share a room that's final. okay? - rohit will get angry.

why would he? will people stop walkingwith the fear of earthquake? aadya! even he would wishyou to do something that you like. yes! rohit is practical. - yes. he must be wishingthis to suddenly happen. you don't keep your problems within. shall i explain rohit? best way! - yes. did you see? how excited rohit was?

i should take classes how to eat clay. everything is spoiled. and sharad! i'm giving him so manyhints and suggestions. but he doesn't react at all. but i don't want to separate.i think i'm too late now. had i got this sense before.. ..this matter wouldn'treach to divorce. tell me. should ithave reached to divorce? hey, who am i talking to?

what are you doing? i'm playing thisgame for peace of mind. there's nothing confusing in it. i'm a problem. not you, i'm a problem. i mean at my home. these days we don't get along well. i don't know why. to get out of that situation,we came here and it's same here.

that's why i'm playing this game. it needs to much concentration that.. can't think of anything else. then you are relievedfrom all the problems. you also try it. i won't be able to do it. - why not? look, concentrate on magnet.balance it. you can automatically control. try it. wait! i'll show you.

nisha! slowly.. slowly.. ..start from thebottom and bring it up. rohit, slowly. slowly! little down.little up! little up! little more. exactly! right there. - yes, i know. as you say. happy? it's really were right. it makes you forget all the problems.

ah! i'm experienced! listen to me. now you hold it. open the door the door now. who's it?- your wife aadya. open the door. rohit, open the door. rohit! open the door.what are you doing, rohit? rohit, i said open it. open the door. why areyou passing time? open the door.

i'm trying. - rohit! i think it is jammed.- rohit, open the door. it's locked. - rohit! will the door itself lock?open the door, rohit. rohit! rohit! aadya! - aadya! what happened? what happened, aadya? a funny incidence. rohit and nisha were in a room.

and the door automatically got locked. what? - and now bothof them are stuck inside. god! now i'd.. leave me! - push it. - come here. what's going on? - leave me. this has happened because of you. aadya, please don't do that. are you alright?sharad is asking that.

bring the master key. did you see whatdoes break mean for him? first of all, you keep quiet.- open it from outside. will it open by your anger?why are you doing this? i don't want to speak to you.- listen. leave. how will they come?please come. c'mon, let's see what'shappening in inside? rohit?! rohit! are you okay? - rohit!

nisha! - thank you! thank you very much.- finally the door is opened. please come here. - yes, sir. this lock.. it alwaysgets locked like this, right? he means he wants to know.. ..are there any otherroom with such facilities? no! it has never happened before, sir. we were playing a game. - wow! this is called a flop show.

we made a great plan but it is flop. naturally! what did youexpect in sharad's presence? nisha was also there. things could have spoiledeven because of her. don't speak nonsense. why will things spoil because of her? nothing is wrong betweennisha and me, okay? and what if sharad and aadya too.. ..have nothing wrong between them?

why can't i hit the target? for that, you need to look straight. otherwise,you won't be able to hit it. you know what?until you open your eyes.. ..and look at the things properly..'ll keep missing the target. from so long i'm trying to tell you.. ..just sign those papers. you need to teachthat man a good lesson.

right mr. lawyer? why don't you say something! mom, i still don't feel anecessity of doing anything of this. think about it,is there really a need? yes there is. as a lawyer i'm telling you.. ..recently these casesa rising again and again. finally, it's a decisionabout your well-being. have i ever demanded anythingunreasonable from you?

take this one advice from me.. ..and you'll have a better future.. ..after that you're freeto take your own decisions. this one signaturewill change everything. you and your husband'slife will change completely. what he is saying is exactly true. aadya, look you canunderstand what he is saying. without thinking a lot,just sign immediately. once you get the propertyof your useless father..

..then just watch howeverything keeps changing. once you get moneyyou achieve stability. and even rohit wanted tostart a few companies right.. ..he can even do that then. but mom... aadya, i know there issomething wrong between you two.. ..but once there is money,the mind becomes cool and calm.. ..that there willbe no reason to fight. we were talking aboutimproving things right..

..look at how rohit is thinking. but what is this? divorce papers sent by rohit. really? but he beat you in this. mom, is this a competition or what? but how did this happen suddenly? suddenly he came gavethese papers in the morning. i was stunned,i couldn't understand anything.. ..and when i asked him..

..he started beating round the bush. he said are you shocked thati sent the divorce papers first? i asked him what has happened.. ..and he said i do notwant to discuss any further.. ..on this topic and he left. ok, he has cleared his stance,so what have you decided? me? i'm nothing less. i'll divorce him and teachhim a lesson, just watch. but how did i notsee this in my cards?

aadya, please pick up a card. don't pick this up, pick up a card. what happened mom, why are you sad? who me? not at all. will you please tell me what happened? aadya, you must be careful. some male close toyou might betray you. hello, yes.just a minute, please hold. yes, sandeep,why did you call me so late?

i'm still in the office. yet? have you seen the time? when you left,the program that we were working on.. ..i'm still at it.and now i'm about to complete. but i don't have enough space.. ..should i work on your computer. yeah, sure go ahead. i'll clear it tomorrow. there isn't much space.i will have to delete something.

tell me which folder i should delete. aadya. yes, what do i do? delete it. i don't need that anymore. it's old. just delete it. you are doing it or should i do it. by when will you do it? great. once your workis done then we'll party. goodnight.

dear god, at least let meget an election ticket this time. ok let's begin. go get water. ok i'll get have it. i'll arrange for water. eat! don't take tension.oh, sister! its you. c'mon, seek blessings. not mine. god's. over there. you seek blessings. brother! - yes. do something, brother.- ask me what do you want?

i can even give my know that. what should i do with your fingers? yes, that's right.then what should i do? - i want bun. take it. save me, life is in danger. what? when did it happen? i'm sure rohit is in love with nisha. idiot! shameless! not to you. you eat. and he keeps lying.

his tongue will rot.- then how will i eat? not to you. you carry on. and now, brother. he'll become a pig in the next birth. i didn't say anything yet. sister, it must be something bad. otherwise,you wouldn't have come to me. brother, now he hasgiven a contract to kill me. what?

who dares taking contract in my area? you mean you shouldhave got this contract? brother, now i don't guarantee him. you know what, sister? i can crush him between my fingers. but i'm's a month of festival. that's why i'm helpless. murder, skirmish,contract, i can't do.. hey, come here. he's my son.

i can't even pinch him.say hello to aunt. - hello! but, sister, i promise you. the day this month gets over,i'll kill rohit. but what if he getsme killed before that? can you give him poison?- what are you saying? then strangulatehim under the cushion. you would be able to seehim struggling before dying. is he an animal thati'd enjoy seeing him dying? then what else you cando other than waiting for me?

but what if he.. i've a you know to use gun? - like this? like this. give your scarf. it's very big. - is it? chhotya, give your gun. c'mon. this is okay. give your scarf. keep it with you. madam has brought a gun. - what?

for what? - to kill you. meaning?- your life is in danger, sir. my husband has given her gun. if you don't believe me,go and check it yourself. what are you searching? - lotion. is this that lotion?- where did you find it? the place where you had hidden it. rohit! - will you kill me? leave me, rohit.- i won't spare you. - no, rohit. no!

no, rohit! no! - i won't spare you. this is another gun of satyavan. now the battle actually begins. hey, your leg is coming into my area. your hair are flowing into my area,i didn't object. they're falling. hey, we're in the same party.then why do you shoot me? is there any scope of winning? really? - then eveni can play a different game.

why did you shoot me now? you started with it.- you actually started with it. you accept it or not.but you had started with it. but i too won't spare you so easily. see, how i make you payfor every sin you committed. yes, go ahead. papa?! papa! water! where's rohit? - i sent himto fill the fuel tank of my car.

he'll come. where will you go at night? stay here. i've many works. sit down! i had to run around a lot. and yes, by the way.these are the documents of.. ..the plot i transferred on your name. i'm sorry, papa.actually i didn't want.. are you mad?i know your mother's odd nature. i know her since many years.

by the way,i wanted to ask you something. i came to know it through sudha. are both of you taking divorce? what's going on, aadya? as far as i know both of you,your relation is not so weak. has sudha decided to break it up? don't blame's not her fault at all. things had gone so far that.. rohit had started with it.

he sent divorce papers first. now what do you expect me to do? have you ever openly talked about it? we spend so much energy in fighting.. ..that we forgot howwe can speak normally. this is not the answer to my question. i asked you a simple question,did you speak.. ..with each other on this topic? i knew it.

what's this? you're so matured. once! once you sitand talk face to face. i tell you,you'll come to the solution. it's very hard tomaintain a married life. but a small useless mistakecan lead to it's break up. tell me is your relation so cheap? aadya's mother. don't talk about her.god knows what does she eat? it's final that quarrelingnature is in blood.

she uses her mind so much. god needs to create a specialplace for her below the hell. i'm sorry i forgot she's your wife. no! it's alright. i can't speak that. but somebody is sayingit with true feeling. i liked it. but i tell you something. it's not that easy.i've gone through it. i've endured everything.

you lose all your senses. doubts, misunderstandings, quarrel! but there's onlyone reason for all this. communication gap. it's not importantthat who started with it. at this point,its very much important.. ..that who brings end to it. and i think,you must bring an end to it. see you. - papa!

stay back! - no, i've many works.some other time. perhaps, after your quarrels are over. it's good that we decided to talk. yes, but let's finish eating first. if we'll discusssuch hot topic before.. ..we may miss the lunch. tandoori! great! you're not eating it?- it's the month of festival. since when did you startbelieving in all this?

from this year. have you added somethingdifferent in this? yes, i've changedthe quantity of spices. why? you didn't like it?- no! i didn't like it. i'll just come! it's not a castor oil but juice. this is mine. this is yours. drink it. i'll bring the napkin!

aadya! aadya! aadya, you have to brave. what's the use of crying now? several times i toldyou that this man is a fraud. had you listened to me then.. would not have to see this day. i'm not saying it just like that. i've a sixth sense. and don't think my tarotcard are just useless.

they accurately tell me everything. right from my personallook till the outside world. it tells me everything correctly. stop crying, aadya. go! go and freshen'll feel better. i'll serve meal. stop it, aadya. stop it. listen! go! go, freshen up! go! good girl. sorry! actually electricityis never cut off at this hour.

deepak, did you see howmy life is filled with darkness? even the electricity providersare becoming partial. rohit! i'm really sorry for you. we never imagined anythingsuch to happen in your life. it's beyond my imagination. slowly! drink it slowly! this is nothing. poison.. this is nothing. in the college sheused to always tell me..

..let's go there and there. now where shall i go? no! no! now i won't speak with any woman. nisha! woman! hello! who called up? if it's rohit, tell himto personally come and speak.. ..if he really has guts.

it was sharad. he said he patched up with nisha. people are so strange. let it be. who are we to interfereif they want that? take this. but, if.. ..sharad and nisha have patched up.. ..then were rohit and nisha in affair? congratulations!

hearty congratulations! c'mon. once again a party! sharad and nisha patched up. but my life is shattered here.they've patched up. but i'm not angry. i'm happy for sharad and aadya. nisha! sharad's nisha. - yes. nisha! nisha! sharad! i'm very happy.

very happy. it's such a big word, isn't it? "god, what should i do?" "this is my heart's condition." "love is really something very bad." "it has shattered life." "why sometimes eyes become wet?" "why sometimes hopes fail?" "sometimes heart becomes emotional."

"sometimes.. " "sometimes,wind takes away the clouds." "sometimes the shores are dry." "why sometimes heartbecomes emotional?" "why?" "why i'm lost? i can't believe it." "when will you realize my state?" "why sometimes we miss the tune?" "why sometimes the target is missed?"

"why sometimes the hands slip?" "why sometimes?" "the relations thatwe actually wanted." "where have we lost that love?" "nights passed away.nobody realised it." "why only moonlight is left?" "this heart is crazy." "now nobody will come in life again." "sometimes the memories died."

"sometimes the bonds break." "sometimes, heart thirsts." "sometimes.. mom, i'll just come! great! you really go'll feel better. go. i'm going to that house. i spoke with the lawyer. he wants the evidencesalong with the date.

and that are in the diary. it's there. it's sunday. rohit deshmukh musthave gone for a party. i'll go and get that diary. i know i was afteryou to end this relation. but ever since you're here,i've noticed that you're not aadya. you've lost your soul. till date i was seeingyour life in my ways. in my adamancy,i had forgotten that you..

although you're my daughter,you've your personal life. you can have your opinion. aadya! i want my daughter back. you speak with rohit once. mom, i'm getting late. sorry! our get-togetheris stopped because of me. i'm always carrying dull face. shut up! leave it. i'm going.- rohit?! - sandeep, let him go.

kill me! - you kill me. - you kill me. kill me. - you kill me. are you hurt? will you kill me? will you? you were following me. what were you doing in the darkness? why should i tell you that? you're waiting to separate, right? i'm waiting? - then?

you sent divorce papers.- who brought lawyer at home? when? - then what wereyou discussing with mom? he had come to get mysign on my papa's plot papers. my god! that means youweren't giving me divorce? my god! - are you hurt? yes, my heart is hurt. isn't it? - yes. then you should have asked me. did you ever speak to me?

you had friends likenisha to talk with. what nisha?nisha and sharad have patched up. don't you know? then why were youplaying hide and seek? why didn't you tellme whose call it was? when? - at deepak's house. hey, idiot!i had booked a car for you. so i was talking to a dealer. car? - idiot!

you're a number one idiot.are you hurt? my heart is hurt. - heart is hurt? shouldn't you ask me?- i was very angry with you. and i was also angry with you. shirt! my shirt..- you should have said sorry to me. how much you used to care for me? you gave contract to kill me. i? when did i? you had brought gun.- i was scared of you, you know?

what if you had shot me? what if you were shot? - yes. i'm not a sharp shooter, you know? you should have told me thatyou want to resolve this issue. i? i should have told you? you didn't take a step forward. then how do we resolve it? it won't won't.. everything is over now. we're so foolish!

stupid! idiot! we fight for people. and now we have ended up here. what happened, aadya?was there an earthquake? no! i mean yes. we were playing a video game. i knew. i told her theymust be playing a videogame. you know what?she has a habit of confirming. didn't i tell you,they'd be playing videogame? so? is it over?

yes. at least for now. okay! so a daughterwill be named sadhya.. and boy will be 'tari'. c'mon! - c'mon, let's go. it's really very tiresome to fight,you know. people come to see us fighting. rohit and aadya! you're great! i mean you're unique! and the unique couple ofthis year is rohit and aadya.

thank you! thank you! - thank you! for the first time in life.. ..we have got somethingfrom others, right? otherwise, we need to toil for things. it could have hurt my leg. you told me to clap. should you suddenly do it?i just raised hand. you expect me to keep my hands down?i must clap. you don't know how to behave?

i too am confused.what are you saying? that's why i don't take you anywhere. "look, the pipes have blown." "look what was expectedand what has happened." "i fasted so much,still this confusion was created." "and i got a betel nut in hand." "nothing is left in hand now." "curtain is raised and i lost sense." "i was told he's handsome."

"now don't turn back.look straight. take a firm decision." "while walking togetherwe do get pushed." "still life is clourless without you." "i'm your porter,when you go for shopping." "let go of should be rocking." "love and quarrel shouldbe a part of life." "i've filled coloursin my married life." "forget all the complainsand come together." "let there have spacefor quarrels in life."

"also add some spices in it." "let the life be memorable."

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