
full movie english 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

subtitles manually transcribedby [subtopian] for may i invite you allto join me in a toast? yes, you can. one year down at uniand we're all still breathing. - chin-fucking-chin.- chin-fucking-chin! yes, thank you. we'll be celebrating later right, gemma? oh, jesus christ. oh, it's going to be a bumpy rideto heaven and back.

get off me! chris, i've seen you in the won't be reaching heaven. - screw you, eleanor.- without your beretta? - just shut the fuck up, all right?- she's only winding you up. - you're so easy.- shh... i've got another announcement. i've got a placementwith grolier & gaunt. hey, well done, dude. six months in edinburgh,starting in september. edinburgh.

it's the top six practice. oil rights,shipping, all the high-powered clients. it's in scotland, paul. smile, everyone! it's not ideal, obviously, but... it's only a train ride least not america or something. - you could have spoken to me first.- yeah. uh, no, i just found out this afternoon. but look, look, look, you're right,i should have got you alone. - what's up, guy?- cue the lap dog.

ah, lukesta, what's up bro? so... - what've you got for us?- i've got all sorts. how's about a drop of the white stuffto kick us off? - paul first, definitely.- oh, no, i shouldn't do it. - well, that's the whole point, mate.- yes. - go on.- okay. - been a good night?- yes. keep up the good work. boy-o.

- what's up, felix?- nothing's up. - you should make a move.- on gemma? end of term, mate, anything goes. that's not true, actually.certain things definitely do not "go." no matter how much you may want them to. it's just a matter of confidence. and this is an areawhere i may be able to help you out. i'm so horny. come on, let's do it dirty,any way you like.

- hi, gemma.- hiya, felix. - can i have a word?- okay. i mean, obviously,you're out of my league, but i thought i'd askjust for clarification purposes. ask what? if you'd like to go out with me sometime for something like a coffee or a film? sit. paul.

i don't think of youin the same way as you suspected. but i'm surethere's someone out there who does. you just have to be braveand keep looking. okay, great, thanks. seriously, you're very sweet and polite. unlike certain people i know. so why do you go out with him? truth or dare, everyone. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6...

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... yeah, yeah, get over it. truth or dare, mr. gimp? truth, probably. - "um, truth, probablah."- truth it is. be nice. so, felix... tell me... if you had a golden ticket...

and you could pick any girl... or any guy... to take upstairs for a very quick, no strings attached,no questions asked shag... who would it be? in fact, here... it is. your "free shag" ticket. who's the lucky girl, felix?

who is it, felix? i'm sorry. i want to play, i want to play, come on. come on, let's play,truth or dare, bitch? you and me. put your knob away, chris,we're just mucking about. - truth. do i look like a muck to you?- no. - so why're you pissing on my patch?- i was just... - ahem, i was just playing...- "i was just-just..." - just playing the game.- oh, just playing...

- you fancy your chances, do you?- no. no? well, we better find outwhat's on offer, then. - i think gem should know.- just leave me alone! you little shi... are you okay, felix? i mean, fucking crying,the big fucking girl! you fucking crybaby doll,get off my fucking fanny! that was intense. - you are such a bastard.- and your point is?

yeah, walk away like a little girl. cheers, geeze. yeah. so how was christmas? pretty boring. it's good to be out and about again. - you didn't come to mcginty's.- no, i couldn't make it. - okay.- how was it? gemma was there.

so? - i'm just saying is all.- you know she chucked me, right? yeah, i heard. i am kinda kicking myself. she was one sweet shag. and they said romance was dead. but it was all that bloody felix's fault right, but that was months ago. - you sure it's such a big deal?- yeah, it was to her.

said she'd seen the real me,blah-fucking-blah. i tell you what, i wouldn't mindlanding another couple of punches on that twitchy little face of his. so why exactly are we goingto his birthday party then? i don't know. free booze, good times, the usual? hisparents supposed to have a fuck-off pad. yeah, it's huge. proper country house. old man's a judge.

kind of hoping she's gonna be there. ♪ "ready to die" ♪♪ cordelia fellowes & justin goulay ♪ ♪ come on in and take a seat ♪ ♪ and let me get you something to eat ♪ ♪ you must be tired from lack of sleep ♪ ♪ with all that death and all ♪ ♪ some might scream and send you away ♪ ♪ but i'm just as happy ♪♪ for you here to stay ♪ ♪ till the time comes for my dying day ♪

♪ 'cause i'm ready to die ♪ ♪ please don't rush your decision ♪ and the petrol, please. it's, uh, ahem, â£35.59. ♪ ideally i'd like it to be payment ♪ ♪ but give in mind my selfish ways ♪♪ and hedonistic things ♪ i feel like sex-on-a-stickin this outfit. lucky for paul. you'd think.

he's been back a couple of days nowand we still haven't, um... - think he might've lost interest?- in you? hard to believe, right, honey? - "the hautbois family own..."- it's the hautbois family. - "hautbois family..."- yes. "owns extensive propertiesin cambridgeshire and suffolk." "cedar chase has been the family seatsince the 17th century." "the grounds..." "include a private lake and severalhundred acres of manageable land."

bugger me, they're loaded. what's this sudden obsession with money?it's not like any of us are paupers. well, el's father filed for bankruptcyover the summer. shit! i'm so sorry. doesn't buy you happiness though, right?i mean, look at mr. gimp, case in point. oh, he's all right. he's kinda cute. in a sweaty, loser kind of way. uh, i know he brings out the maternalin you girls or something, but honestly, i think...i think he's a creep.

oh, you should write thatin his birthday card. did, uh, you just usethe word "maternal" to describe me? ♪ "time fades" ♪♪ tallulah rendall ♪ ♪ you can lie for nothing ♪ ♪ you can lie for free ♪ ♪ until your days grow old ♪ are we sure this is the right place? ♪ and your lines grow thicker ♪ ♪ than the echo in your head ♪

♪ as you lie watching your life ♪ ♪ she turns to pass you by ♪ ♪ as time ♪ ♪ fades ♪ ♪ and your time (time) ♪♪ fades (fades) away (away) ♪ woo! cor, my main man. - you all right?- yeah, to see you. - hello, boys.- hi there, gem.

- and hi, chris.- hi, luke. you guys been here long? just got 'ere. so, uh, where's the party? hello! here we go. hi there, we've, uh...we've come for the party. - the house is closed up.- uh, we can see that, mate. we're friends of felix.

- friends of felix?- it's his birthday. you want the keeper's cabin. you'll have to follow the trackthrough the woods about half a mile. right, uh, thanks. you'll have to walk. the track's too rough for city cars. oh, okay. "welcome to the country, folks." - is it just me or is this a bit spooky?- it's just you, pussy.

- what's that?- do it! it looks firm enoughif we walk on the edge there. - uh, sod that, you're carrying me.- what? shoes, 300 quid, come on. down you go. spoken like a true lady. paul, be careful! luke, my shoes!quickly, before they fall in the mud! - oh, my goodness!- ugh... elegance. elegance! hop on.

right, here we go. so... how've you been? good. great, actually. - you?- okay. course has definitely been an eye-opener really? yeah, you meet all thesedifferent kinds of people.

i mean, most of 'em work their arses offto get what we just take for granted. makes you realise you're notquite as special as you once thought. bloody hell, chris,that was bordering on self-deprecation. is it working? you haven't changed at all, have you? - what's the matter?- not funny... great. hi. - i'm justin.- ding dong.

- felix's brother.- hi. sorry about the mud. - hi, i'm gemma.- nice to meet you. i'm chris. all right, mate. right, um... to explain,there's been a bit of a cock-up. uh, felix was due back yesterday,but he ended up getting stuck abroad. - in chile, of all places.- chile? y-yes, i know, it's bizarre. uh, he'sbeen volunteering on a hospital project,

having a fantastic time, by all accounts the birthday bashwas meant to be a surprise, and... well, then, his flight got cancelled. i've been ringing aroundputting people off, but i haven't done a very good job of it evidently. so, there's no party? i'm really sorry. but look, there-there's plenty to drink,plenty to eat, um, places to crash.

youre more than welcome to hang out heretonight, in fact i hope that you will. i know that felix would approve. come on, uh, let's do this.uh, luke, it is, uh, luke, right? yeah, that's right. grand. grab six glasses, my friend.i'm cracking open the bubbly. let's have a party, then. - he is horny.- he's okay. look at him. he's like a cage fighter,all wiry and feral. - and rich too, don't forget.- ah... he's perfect.

if only he wasn't talkingto your boyfriend. what boyfriend? you do actually love paul, don't you? honey, right now,i can't even remember his name. so what do you do, justin? - i'm an army man.- wow, respect. - seen any combat?- afghanistan. three tours. can't seem to get enoughof the blood and dust. so you're with eleanor, right?

for my sins, yes. though, i'm not...i'm not convinced it's going anywhere. - and we've done it but considering i...- are you and gemma an item? - got back...- why? you interested? no. no, she's not my type.she's right up felix's street though. yeah, right. what's the joke? you think she's too good for him? well, he made a move at the end ofsummer term. didn't work out too well. - nitrous?- yes, please.

no. more booze for me. seems all right? "seems" being the operative word, mate. this will cheer you up. shame felix can't be here,he's always talking about you guys. yeah. i mean, you're his friends, right? yes, we are his very, very,very good friends, aren't we? good old mr. felix. so, tell us about chile.musta been a big decision.

uh, the family thought it woulddo him good. toughen him up finally. make him big and stronglike his big brother. oh, my god. you have to feel's like a rock, gemma. you'll have to excuse her. - she isn't house-trained.- no, seriously, come on, have a big... - i'm so sorry.- that's all right. i'll sort it out. my god. go on.

oh, sorry. hi, there. you've got a lot of scars. i've been in a lot of scrapes. what about that one? that was teenage experiment. wanted to see if i could take the pain. and could you? comfortably.

we're gonna do some balloons. i've got a better idea. truth or dare? dare. any suggestions? i think we need tosex this party up a bit. - what do you think, boys?- yes. i can do sexy. eleanor...

i dare you... to give gemma... a long... hot, wet kiss on the mouth. - tongues?- absolutely. excuse me, do i get a say in this? - no, no, no, no, no...- rules of the game, babe. oh, yeah, i've still got it. and i hope you're notexpecting me and chris to do that.

we don't need any of that queer shit. yeah, that-that-that's what i'm saying. i get enough of that in the army. okay, stop being weirdand spin the bloody bottle. truth or dare, gemma? um... i don't know, truth. will you take me back? - this is not the time.- it's the perfect time. truth, gemma. - i love you.- oh, shit, chris.

give me another chance. you know you want to. no! sorry. serious buzzkill, chris. - i say the moment's passed, mate.- yeah. i choose truth. - felix isn't in chile.- so... where is he? well, what happened wasthat he hung himself.

what? he hung himself. right here, from that crossbeam there. - is this a joke, mate?- no joke, mate. it's what happened. i'm in afghanistanstewing in sweat and fear and blood. and when i get home, my kid brother'sfound swinging from the rafters. the groundsman cut him down. true story.

but this is terrible. it's been hushed up, naturally,16 generations of french catholics. suicide's about as shameful as it gets,not to menton a faggot cop-out. so why are we here? i need to get the bottom of it. family honour's at stake. i need to know what happened. there's no party and it's just us, and what, this is some sort of set up?

you're his friends. i thought you might be able to help. - come on, paul. we're going.- i can't drive. i'm pissed. there was a partyat the end of the summer term. i think somethingmight have happened there. he topped himself,'s sad but it happens. i don't see what we can do about it. and you shouldn't have got usto come here under false pretenses. that's just out of order.

this was in his pocket. did any of you send it? this is the key.this is what drove him to it. "truth or dare, bitch!" what does this mean? i mean, you're his friends,you must have some idea. i've heard enough of this.i'm leaving. who's coming? - but we can't take the cars.- yeah, well, we can take our chances. i'm not finish yet, chris.

well, i am. step aside. i can't do that. - oh, my god!- just take it easy, take-take it easy. - justin, don't!- don't what? do this? this is what happenswhen people don't follow orders. luke, chairs, bring them. do it!

justin, i don't know what it isyou think we've done but really, you've got this wrong,all wrong. we haven't done anything. - you need to stop this.- gemma, quiet. eleanor! gemma! take a seat. this is it, isn't it?this is why we're here? i said take a seat. luke! their hands. bind them. no phone calls, people.use some bloody common sense.

luke, bring over the other chairs. snap to it! then collect up their car keysand their mobile phones. there's a lock box on the workbench. chris... i know you're waiting, mate. picking the right moment. this is not that moment. i'm quicker than you and i've got a gun.

and, uh, i absolutely won't, i need you to get up slowly, and you'll go to that chair, with yourhands behind your back, and sit down. can you do that for me? you don't have to say anything. just nod if you're cool. i just need you... on that chair. you brought this... on yourselves, guys.

but it can all be over very soon. i just need one of you to own upto sending the postcard... - and then we're all done here.- we don't know who sent the postcard. - please, we don't know.- he doesn't care if we know or not. he just wants to screw with us. - don't you?- you got a few moments to talk it over. i'll be outside. but i'll be watching. luke...

with me. did you send the postcard, luke? no way, man. i hardly knew your brother. no offence. i'm just a "party guy",i bring the drugs and mix the drinks. shallow as fluck, seriously. they should be thanking you, luke. if you hadn't have helped out,things might have got a bit more...

messy. you're a good man. this business with the postcard. i don't know, maybe you should just... - let it go.- i can't do that, mate. i need answers. you can see that, right? yeah, i mean, you're obviouslyupset about what happened. i am upset, luke. i'm very upset.

i don't have to play these games. of course not. this is fucking fucked up. it's what you said, chris. "truth or dare, bitch!"it's what you said to felix! what are you trying to say? - that i sent the postcard?- well, i know i didn't send it. you bitch,you're gonna set me up, aren't you? - you're gonna tell him about the fight.- calm down, chris.

- don't tell me to calm down!- chris! shut the hell up. that arsehole is going to get us killed! he says he didn't send it. he said, "truth or dare, bitch." did you? it's not a secret. other people heard.they could've passed it on. yeah, but you're the one that said it. so what if i said it? why the fuck wouldi write on a postcard for christ's sake?

- it's because i chucked you, isn't it?- what? i said it was 'cause ofthe way you treated felix. i said that was why i was dumping you. - shit!- i didn't send the postcard! if chris says he didnt send the postcardthen he didn't send the fucking postcard end of discussion. all of us are in deep shit here.all of us. now let's focuson getting out of here, okay? now keep twisting at your tape.

gaffer's strong but it stretches. oneof us might be able to work a hand free. so tell me about the party. - whatcha wanna know?- did you see felix there? yeah, i-i saw him. did you talk to him?did he seem all right to you? he was good, you know? he was fine. chris mentioned something with gemma. uh, felix fancied her.

i told him to go for it, you know.i said, end of the term, anything goes. - you think she was out of his league.- no way! he just needed to be confident,'cause that's what the girls like. just a bit of confidence. so you sold him drugs? it was just a couple of lines,i swear, i was just trying to help. that was en error of judgement. i'm just a "party guy." gemma, there's a workbenchjust a few feet behind you.

there's a drawer.there may be some tools we can use. okay, i'll try to reach it. there'll be a phone line as well,i heard the main house. probably a burglar alarm too,so we need to... we need to get the police here if we canokay, how're you doing? you okay? better than you, babe. i'll be okay. you thinkchris could have sent the postcard? maybe.

but really, i-i-i don't know. can i count on you, luke? of course. might get a little hairy. i don't want you getting any ideas. absolutely not. i just wanna get through this. we all do. good man.

luke. none of us sent the card, justin. seriously... this hasn't gone too can just set us free, walk away. no one will talk. you have my word. here's the deal... someone owns up to sending the postcard - i let you all go.- and if no one owns up?

- well then, we play truth or dare.- you're full of shit, man. and we'll see who's full of what. pick one. truth. who do you think sent the postcard? - i don't know.- i want your honest opinion. honestly, i don't know. big bastard! let's try that again.

in your honest opinion, who among the people gathered heredo you think is most likely... to have sent the postcard? chris. oh... oh, gem. i'm sorry,i didn't know who else to say. well, she doesn't know, justin.she's saying it because she's scared. gemma dumped chris because of felix. - maybe he wanted revenge.- that's ridiculous.

while we were drivingyou just said you wanted to hit him. - yeah, i wanna hit everyone!- did you send the postcard? i did not. fuck! wait. what was... what was the postmark?what was the date on the card? 7th september, london. i was in fucking spain, you tossers,three whole weeks. paul, paul, you can vouch for me. the first week of september i couldn'tgo to the lakes because i was in spain. he's right, he was in spain.

you could have got someoneto post it for you. oh, come on. you could've got your mum to post it. idon't bloody know. you wanted an alibi. - maybe you sent it. you're blaming me..- bullshit! oh, it's you. you sent it! don't listen to him.chris, just fucking admit it! enough. i want a confession. we'll keep playing until we get one.

truth or dare, chris? dare. you fuck. dare it is. one moment. luke, luke! - luke, what the fuck?- help us. - i can't, i can't.- please. we used to call this... the "acid test." easy to improvise.

very, um... useful for motivating prisoners. this next part... isn't terribly pretty, i'm afraid. open up. now, this is much easier... if you relax. just leave her alone, you bastard! two containers.

one's tap water. one's battery acid. you have to choose. that's the dare. no, i'm not going to. tell me who sent the postcard. - i don't fucking know, all right?- chris, i'm going to pick a tap. if you choose, gemma's got a 50-50chance of surviving. if i choose... she's got absolutely none at all.

now left... or right? - you're a sick man. you're psychotic.- oh, come on, tough guy. you can do it. - you're a fucking psychopath.- who sent the postcard? if i knew, you really thinki wouldn't tell you. i don't know. five seconds, chris. five... four... please, don't hurt her.please, she hasn't done anything wro... three.i'll give you a hint. i'm left-handed.

left-handed, left-handed. two... - r-right. turn the right tap.- he's messing with you! it's up to chris. he's saying leftso that you'll pick right. maybe it's becausei don't wanna hurt gemma. you don't care who you hurt. one. left. - i choose the left tap.- left tap turning on.

good call, chris. babe, babe, i'm sorry.i'm sorry, babe, he made me choose. i supposea date's out of the question now. i'm so sorry. he made me choose,all right? he just made me. round, and round, and round it goes... where it stops... nobody knows. all right. i'll play.

why us? why you? why us five? why did you choose us? a photograph by felix's bed.five faces scratched out. - your faces.- that doesn't prove anything. - fucking hell, a photograph.- it was good enough for felix... it's good enough for me. the fair eleanor. who do you thinkshould take the test next?

no one. no one should. you have to choose a friend,or take the test yourself. - who're you gonna choose?- fuck you! 5 seconds... 4... 3... 2... chris! - i'm so sorry.- now that wasn't so hard, was it? sorry. i need a drink. please.

look in the drawer of the workbench.find something you can use as a weapon. something small enough to hide,a s-screwdriver maybe. - he's too fast.- no, no...not when he spins the bottle. when he spins the bottles,he's distracted. if you can get his gun, this is all over i don't know, mate. he's going to kill us, luke. and when he's killed us, he'll kill you.didja get that? he'll kill you. shall we?

it was me. i sent the postcard. i confess. you were in spain. i wrote it before i left. i got my mum to send it, as an alibi.e-eleanor was right. i'm sorry, chris. you convinced me the first time aroundsomeone else is going to have to own up. for fuck's sake, somebody please! - come on, don't go all gay on me.- fuck's sake.

- please, no!- man up, fella. do you want the truth, justin? your brother was a creep. - no, that's not true!- yes, it bloody is! a creep! a weirdo, all twitchy and desperate. - i thought you were his friends.- he didn't have any friends. no one liked him. none of us. so you just watchedwhile chris pushed him around?

i didn't see the fight. but i saw felix. he was upstairs in the bedroom. eleanor was going down on me and... - felix was watching us.- what? i was getting a blowjob and felix wasstanding in the doorway staring at me, with my dick out. i told him to get lost, naturally. "get lost, you bloody queer!"were my exact words, i believe.

are you saying my brother's queer? are you sayingthat my brother is a faggot? i'm saying i don't know who sentthat postcard, and i don't fucking care! none of us cares... about felix. we just came for the free booze. - left or right, paul?- go fuck yourself! left or right? - left.- left it is.

bastard! no! you bastard. paul was right. we weren't felix's friends, not properly but i did speak to him on the nightof the party and he was gentle, justin. he was vulnerable and lonely,but he had a kind soul. he wouldn't want this. you didn't know him at all.

he wouldn't want this cruelty.i'm sure of it. perhaps you're right. i'll accept part of what you say. felix was flawed... crippled, even. but we came from the same line.we were forged in the same fire. this weaknesswas not what he was made of. all this is in his name. but if he was watching,he'd be sickened by it.

we are a proud family, gemma. people like you can't understand that. shame drove him to do what he did. and pride demands paymentfor that slight. his pride, my pride. - please.- enough talk. time to play the game. hello. hello-ah.

friend of yours? it's jonesy, open up! get rid of him. i'll be listening. luke, luke, what's going on?i've been calling you for hours. - sorry, man.- not a sound, people. thought it's gonna be somecountry house megabash. no, it's a total one here. just a few losers. - well, i may as well come and say hi.- seriously, you don't wanna go in there

seriously, i do.i've been on the road three hours. 20 pound carried from the station, treading through this mud,to follow your fucking gps. plus, i've got a shitload of gear thati'm supposed to be shifting tonight. can't let you in,'s a private party. is this some kinda wind-up.what's going on, luke? n-nothing. - are you standing me?- no. that's it, isn't it? you're busy sellingyour gear, so you don't need mine.

you've got it all wrong, mate.- shh, it's fine, fine. let's call the boss,see what he thinks, shall we? for-for fuck's sake, jonesy. just, this shit doesn't grow on know what it's like. i'm on hold on your tip-off... just go away, just go! i was just explainingabout the private party. this isn't... not a problem... get a cab be careful.

why don't you join us? i wouldn't wanna intrude.maybe, uh, maybe another time. - guide me.- swivel round and rock back. yeah, that's it. okay. come inside, i insist. quick, come on. you can do it, come on. just go for it! gem! fuck! let's see how you like it.

gem, listen to me. focus. there's a saw. feel with your fingertips i can't reach it. - don't kill him!- can't just let him live, can i? - please!- weakness, luke! weakness! gem... come on, you can do it. reach. tell you what...

three bullets left. 50-50 chance of getting a live round. if he lives... i'll let him go. - you want me to sh-shoot him?- wake up, luke! i'm giving you the chance to save him,or you can point the gun at me, but you'll only get one chance,and if there's no bullet... well... it's all over for you.

- please, please don't shoot me. please.- it's not up to me, sunshine. decision time, luke. me or the fag? either way, it's 50-50. time to pick a side. five seconds... - no!- three... two... - one.- please don't, please, luke, luke... - no, gem, gem, run, run.- but what about you and paul?

there's no time. gemma, run, please, go! fuck. she could... s-she could've cut us free. tools, weapons. we-we could have fought. we could have run away. you can't run anywhere, babe. you did well, luke. you showed guts. oh, you keep it. you're inthe family now. i trust you with it.

- what if someone finds out?- trust me, luke. we're some distance above the law. once this is all over... we can just disappear. lie low while my father's peopledeal with these loose ends. your father knows about this? this whole business has shamed himmore than anyone else. my duty was clear. restore family honourby any means necessary. - what?- i knew he had my back.

he doesn't want to lose another son. did you send the postcard, el? no. - did you?- no. glad we got that cleared up. this is the last leg. you're almost there. i need you to be strong. yes.

hmm? i think my hands are nearly free. guard them! oh, my god. felix. - cut us free, luke.- i don't think so. what? just do it, you little turd. - i killed jonesy.- and what, hey? what, you think i'm gonna tell on you?luke, luke, look at me, look at me.

i don't carehow many people you've killed, okay? as long as it's not me, and as long asit's not paul. now come on, cut us free. have you enjoyed what you've seen? i hope you're satisfied! i know... i know i let you down. i should have stepped inwhen chris went for you but this... you could have talked to me. i'd listened.

what is it? i saved him. cut him down. would've been better to let him die. his brother's gone crazy.we need to call the police. got no oxygen going to his brain, see... 'cause of the rope. half of it died it don't hardly work no more. better off dead, i reckon.

i need to call the police. master justin saidhe didn't need no help, cocking bugger. step away from the bed. you look after him, right? that's your job. to keep him alive. so, if you just put the gun on the bed, and leave the room,you'll just be doing your job, right? please... just go.

i need a phone, felix. good boy. shit. justin can help me. - he says his family will protect me.- and you believe him? he's an army man.loyalty means a lot to him. excuse me, luke, in caseyou hadn't noticed, he's demented! he's obsessed with a fucking postcard! and you're on the list, remember?

you are one of the scratched-out faces. when he's finished us off, luke,you're going to be the only one left. you sent it. you sent the fucking postcard. - shut up.- luke, for fuck's sake! why? i don't know! i was with jonesy, and we were just looking felix up on the net,just a something to do. and his family was so stinking rich.they just wound me up!

people like me have to duck and die, forthese blue-blood types have got it all! it was just a laugh, you know? a little note to remind himthat he wasn't so important after all! not that he felt that way,as it turns out. - you utter prick.- oh, it was just a postcard! how was i supposed to knowhe'd bloody kill himself? you couldn't have known. he must have been unstable... like his brother.

it wasn't your fault. see? - did you do that?- let go of me. - truth! did you do that to him?- he did it to himself. i sat by him for days, weeks. i knew that he was still alive inside. i knew that he'd be ashamedof what he did, ashamed of his weakness. i knew that he'll tell me who's to blame imagine being like felix...

paralysed, powerless!you'd hurt whoever you could! you wanted felix to name names.we were the last people to piss him off. but it doesn't justify his suicide. and it doesn't justify this revenge. but it's a bit late now. she's a pretty girl. i can see why you liked her. just one kissand then we'll go and join the others. what would you do without me?

lukey. i'm dying, mate. i'm dying. just don't know that. i've got holes in me. i'm losing blood. it's not rocket science. i need a doctor... or i'm dead. one call, luke.

give me one phone call, that's all i ask just... just to give me a fighting chance. i'm begging you. that's it. what're you doing? luke, focus. we need... we need a phone, luke. sorry, man. sorry.

this'll ease the pain. - get away from me, you fucking coward!- i'm trying to help! give me some. what have you ever done for me? everyone knows i'm a bitch, can't tell me i'm not paying for it. what do you want? coke, speed, anything. you might as well have the good stuff. fuck you!

leave me. just get away from here. get help. paul, paul, paul... stop being so bloody noble, okay? help me, please! make an effort, paul, please! hey, mr. gimp. still got one bullet left, soldier boy.

use it. good idea. you're magnificent. i'm not finished yet. let's just go. i want a word with felix first. he's crippled now.he's bloody paralysed. just let him be. - wait in the car, paul. i won't be long- no, no. just go, please.

sorry, what was that? - i can't hear you.- leave him alone. shut your trap, ugly! gemma. oh, no. this is all your fault. think about it. when exactlydid felix string himself up? the night after the party? the night beforehis big brother came home.

truth, felix... who were you afraid of? who made you so fucking scaredthat you'd rather die? than have him find out what happened. show me with your eyes, felix. show him. what's this about, brother? it was meant to be a fucking joke. a little prank...

to teach my lazy arse boyfriend a lesson i was drunk, felix was willing. a little too willing. that's what this is about. isn't it? he hanged himself! my dad's company went down the pana few months ago. not that you'd give a toss, justin. but i thought that just maybethe hautbois family could help out.

i sent felix an email... very polite... wondering if, uh,he could talk to his family about refloating my dad's company. an investment to be clear.not a fucking handout! that said... i did remind him... of the night we shared together. and howit would be a tad embarrassing if, uh...

well, if anyone found out about it. which is technically blackmail,i suppose, but whatever. i filmed it. you see? suck it. i think we can all agree. that the truth hurts. here. this will help with the pain.

thanks for the party, guys. she's dead. get lost, you bloody queer! oops. we're done here.

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