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Thursday, April 13, 2017

"this hallowed home of ours..." "we hold sacred" "here we dreamt our dreams" "like a prayer in a temple" "like a ray from the skies" "here we find succour" "we sing to the glory of our lord" "unto to redeemer of his flock,we pray" jai, you are late!- yeah! yeah! i know!

hi.- hi. how are you? what is up? let's go. finished your prayers?- yeah. any major reason for prayingat this particular time? yeah. my mother prays at this time.- why? my mother back home prays at this time. it's.. it's the only timei get to be with her, you know? you won't get this.- what? wow! 1984 mercedes,v8, 380 ac, top speed.

240 kmph. she is beautiful. is there any other thingyou can talk about besides cars? no, just like music is your life,cars are mine. - okay. designing cars,it is just like making music. everything has to come together perfectly.- okay. then the engine sings. bryan, we are late.- see you. come on.- catch you later. i want to design theworld's fastest road car.

at the heart of the engine is goingto be a w16 or a super charged b12. need to get at least700 horse powers out of it. in order to achieve a topspeed of at least 230 miles per hour. the sound of it is got to sing likethe skyline or maybe the modena. i mean without that is nothing. i like your spirit, jai. but before you build the fastest caryou need to know about the first car. the first car was builtin the 19th century.. lord, take care of ma.take care of om and jagdish too

9:30. get to the factory.10:30. cassette distribution meeting 11 am meeting with rehman.agenda, piracy 2pm. recording the new album3:30pm. shekhar put my agenda on that to find a girl for you ma, there's a time for'll happen in it's own time at times, one must takethe initiative... and in yesterday's newspapersi have placed an advertisement... along with our phone numbers looks like the calls are coming in.- not my call, not yet

yes saraswati batra speaking.three daughters? they have taken computer courses?floral arrangements too? wonderful!- fair great!- tall i see!- tall! gulmohar villa on juhu beach?that huge old mansion? grand!- i see. let's talk later why don't you use this car?- i will, of course i will when?- all in good time. bye!

greetings, ms. asha. namaste, sir. (greeting)- how are you ramprasad? to that usual everyday questioni usually lie everyday you lie?- about being fine you aren't fine how could i?i want to become a singer i took up the liftman's job herein hope that you'd notice me someday i sing extremely well.would you like to hear...? not now.- only in-between floors

that was folk,but i can change it to rap let's talk later i told you. try to understand.i'll try to put in a word mr. om, why did you lodgea police complaint? he's a poor guy because you are a traitorwho pirates my music we toil and make the cassettes. and you make duplicate copiesand sell it in the market! so what's wrong? it's only business.if i make a few cents pirating... i can spare a bit for you your life, mr. om

don't you ever step intothis office. peace mr. om, peace.- get out. let me know if you ever need me it's a treacherous worldand i'm honest i said get lost from here! "k.k mix has got fixed." like that, shekhar? not bad! you should be glad because.. "k.k mix.."

hi, shekhar.- hi. these kk-mix guys are trying topass off a re-mixed old number i want you to hearit before it is released. okay, mr. om is k.k mix, live for you. "the protector of the world." "listen to my poignant songs." this song isn't working shekhar, better give him on another job. he says kk's mix won't work!

what's wrong with my number?- not one, several. the original is a classic.and you... rape...? i have raped so many songs butall my rapes are super-duper hits my liftman can sing better then call your liftman he is mad! he is totally mad! sir, ram prasad. sir.

ram prasad. - yes sir?- here's the moment... you've awaited all your life.if you can sing today... you'll be singingfor the rest of your life sir.. sir.. hello, sir. this is an insult to kk-mix!i have mixed a superhit because i am the will regret it, om batra. om, you have provedyour marketing genius good morning, sir.- good morning.

ramprasad is transformed intothe latest singing sensation rp ram prasad.. rp. all this my friend,by dint of money not because of money. he's capable oh yes, i know your philosophy.- love is mightier than money but love cannot beget you money;yet money can buy love that's why my family is with meand that's why you're a loner you are with me.- because of love, not for money point taken. you win.- thank you.

how's jai? i hope he gets his degreeand settles down mr. ramani, come in with the chequebook.- okay, sir. we've been childhood friends.don't hesitate about money... if it concerns jai's education.he's my brother too. sir, cheque.- thank you, mr. ramani. please sign there.- yes. thank you.- thank you. here's a million. for jai.repayable when able.

come on! thank you. thank you, shekhar. you have taken god's place for meon earth how's jagdish?- jagdish? oh, he's fine i'm sure he's going to make it biggerthan jai, despite his education here he's so fast! not even i can catch up with him.he wants to outpace time you'll know more once the principalhas noted your attendance record

you won't be able to sit for the know. - sorry. do you know how many classesyou attended this semester? what a brilliant record! you will see the principalat nine am tomorrow what is true and what is false,you guys will come to know. sir.. fan.- oh! stop going around with that bunch.- i'll try to, sir good boy. "when my tresses flutter."- so?

jags! i'm dead! dad will kill me!- why...? only you can do something! jags, come on. - please, jags.- you know my dad! please, jags!- jags! - okay! we'll see tomorrow thank you.- okay. thanks, jags. let us go. where are you going?- to class latest printoutof the class attendance

vicky 89%. atul 86%. shanu 90%. nishint 88%. sir, how come? it is impossible. something's wrong with the computer!- who got the printout? you or i...? i did, sir. but.. but.. sir.. let me see sir.- go and check it again. students, go to your classes.

yes, sir.- thank you, sir. but, sir.. jags! guess what happened?- my attendance is 90 percent i have 89%.jags, buddy, thanks! never mind and pay upthe internet cafe. 150 bucks okay, jags! mother, pocket money!pocket money! i need pocket money! you took pocket money five days your obeisances hold on... here's a fifty

thanks, mom. mother.. hang on. also keep this coin what do i do with this buck?- son, that coin... was the first token your fatherplaced at our shrine you're always running out of money.keep the coin. it augur well for you good-luck coin...?- yes thanks, mother. bye. be happy, dear.- love you. coming! coming! coming!

hi jai! how are you? good evening to you.and good morning to me. good morning, jai. how is om? how is ma? she must be standing right thereto hear my letter absolutely right. stop chattering. read on america is a great country.people here are very hard-working this is a land full of opportunitiesif you want to make it in life

all i miss are ma's loveand home-cooked food tell ma that my taste buds are alwaystingling to memories of her dishes jags, take a look, is ma in tears?is she wiping her tears? if it's evening now,om must've changed into casuals my greetings to him. yes ma... om... jai sends you his regards.- may he be happy anyway jags, i can't write anymore.any more of this and i'll cry take care of regards to everyone

jagdish, tell himi'll mail him his money soon okay. hello, good morning. no flashback. what else did jai write?- ma, the letter is over there is no problem.he is okay. are you forgetting something...?om... girl... wedding...? come on son, you won't refuse me, will you?- refuse what, ma? i have chosen a girl for you.- what...?

no refusing she will see you tomorrowat the club you will see her, won't you? after my life guys, gays and girls!presenting my main man, brother om! looking good! feeling great! let us go! jagdish!- careful! what are you doing, jagdish! isn't he looking cute?

give me that hand red is your color! oh god! may no one cast an evil eye!- what are you upto, ma? you are looking good, aren't you?come on! go! go, get her! confidence, om batra!- you are looking very good! you will surely win the girl!- god bless you, my brave one! excuse me! are you here to see shanti?- yes she is there! come on! this way!

ma ends up choosing this one for me? hello.- hi! i am om.- om! i am shanti. i was shockedwhen i heard your name but you are quitedifferent from your name. you too aren't whatyour name suggests (shanti :peace) what to do?god paired us off, did he? om-shanti! let us dance to that! me? no, no!

come on! come on! let us dance!- okay. 'where have i got stuck?' that's a colourful dress this is so cool! you look like a movie hero i wanted to wear a suit. but littlebrother jagdish forced me into this how sweet! we're three of us. jai is the otherbrother. he's studying in america how cute! om-jai-jagdish!it's like a prayer

our photo when we were kids have you ever fallen in loveat first sight? what? i love my family.- cute! music off! i have just chosen my matefor life! and his name is om what are you doing, shanti? he promotes new singers so i think i'll sing for him "i tell you, i love you"

what have i landed myself in?so horribly out of tune "i love you!" now i'd like to hear om saying thatto me in front of everyone okay! okay! okay! okay! if i must, i must i love you.- yeah! wow! 'bakra!' (fooled you!)- fooled you! hi, i am asha. not shanti!there is the camera.

how do you feel?- i feel like a scapegoat big clap for the fool!- 'mother wanted me to marry her.' he is a nice guy. cyrus, this time thefool was quite a simple guy. thank you! i welcome studentsfrom all over the country... who are participatingin this finale of... best of bestgeneration next two teams have made it to the finals

the girls' team from bangalore.and the boys from our college the theme is something yourgeneration doesn't believe in marriage "i'll marry you" "i'll be yours forever" "whatever you want..." "i'll always do, i swear" "oh how i wish..." "you'd make love to meall your life..."

"endless love" "my first romance,my first love..." "without you, my lovelife's miserable" "in the pursuit of desires..." "i too have learnthow to wake sleepless nights" "my love, my darling..." "any girl will die for me" "every girl pines for me" "day and night, i chant your namei pine..."

"i'm dying to take you in my arms" "then tell me, why this distance?" puja from bangalore... where is she?- in the other bus, maybe that bus? hey! thanks! wait! wait! wait! hang on! oh, come on! sorry, i missed my bus don't worry.

you're going to be on that busbefore it reaches bangalore thanks. somehow i don't knowwhat held me back you've taken a liking to me.- i know, from that line in your song at least 15 romances spring upat every college fest yes, and by the end of every fest,every romance has dried up not necessarily wish. what wish did you make?- can't tell you that

please. okay... i just wished some love storieswouldn't end with these fests do you want to reach bangalore?how fast will you drive? hey stop didn't i tell you? you'd get the busbefore it gets to bangalore here we go. have a safe trip.- take care, jagdish. take care.- thanks a lot. bye, pooja.- bye. - bye.

bye, pooja. goodness! the prayers. brother.. i am tanya chopra.- pleasure meeting you. we are one of the biggestbuilders in bombay. okay! okay.- i mean mumbai these days. lovely place.- thank you. just imagine... right here... a skyscraper with a flaton every floor sea-facing balconies onevery storey...

making every passer-by wishhe was here how does it sound?- sounds good! sounds good! but would you take away someoneelse's dream... to make your dream come true? whose dream am i taking away?- my late father's ms tanya, in 20 yearssince my father died... not for 20 secondshave we felt his absence our home is our temple. no onein this family ever forgets that i understand.

so no one gave youa chance to forget? how about me giving you one chance? cheque. please. i've only written in the figure "1".fill in as many zeros as you fancy then you'll seehow easy forgetting is are you joking?or are you illiterate? i'm lettered, but not for sale is it the wrong time on a wrong day? no, you're welcome decision won't change

nice knowing a man who can't bebought whatever the price but if you want to sell thenget in touch with me. sure. are you responding to our ad?- not quite what you assume then?- nothing. i'll see her out. please come.- greetings. this way. om, how did you find her?- forget it, ma good morning, my family.- tell me.

good morning.- and how are you? morning. morning. morning. your exams are around the cornerand you're keeping up at nights what are you upto? studies?or are you at the computer? i make my grade, don't i?in studies, in sports, entertainment i mean i am the ideal all-round student. you ask my principalwhat i mean to the college i need a loan to buy a software.- loan...? yes. loan. i'll pay it back

you will...?first, prove something to me prove...?what did jai prove to you? you're spending millions on him.- cunning! he's using jai don't compare yourself to jai. jai knows where he's headed.he's focussed, he's ambitious what do you want to dowith your life? what i want to do? i want to beat you for me, that will be a happy day.

don't get sentimental.i was just kidding! who can beat you? my loan, please.- get lost you won't marry me without a dowry?goodness! help me... someone help what's going on?- let's take a look how dare you!- she's the one who fooled om watch, i'll give her a taste of fun! right at the wedding altar!how dare you ask for dowry? what happened, lady?- i had to run away from my wedding my fiance's father is greedy!

at the eleventh hour, he demandeda million from my father! no, only 800,000 800,000...?- okay, 400,000 will do and the sad part is, he kept mum don't cry, come with me.- oh no... no... come with me.- let go of my wife's arm! let go of her. this is a shoot.- let her sit on the pillion i'll miss out on my tv programme.don't you watch m-tv? drop me, please where have you brought me?

what do you want! what do you want! why here... in a haunted house?- haunted house! come in i told you, it's a tv's all a sham! i'm faking i'm for real, my mother's for realand my brother is for real but this is not.. om went and got married?- wrong oh my god! i don't believe it!this is a mad house! i warned cyrus...- who cyrus... what cyrus? wait, one minute. let me take this off.- hey, what are you doing?

what happened, ma...? he knows me!sorry! sorry! sorry! my brother's bride.- bride...? do you like her?- bride! yes, bride! but why have you eloped? did your parents object?- only om objected jagdish.. what is going on?- my crew is here. one minute. bring your camera. give me my mike.

who are these guys?- you're watching mtv scapegoat you're watching mtv scapegoatyou are the scapegoat i want you to meet ayeshamy sister-in-law to-be scapegoat this is my brother om!i love him very much. hey, stop it!- and this is my mom. - stop it, jagdish! om! my sister-in-law is here why are you getting excited?- sister-in-law has come! whose sister-in-law?- ayesha, your bride

ayesha? be seated- thank you. your only daughter?- yes lovely...- what...? tree that tree is abouta hundred years old and this is a lovely house and this house is alsoabout a hundred years old even my brotheris hundred years old

can i ask you something?straight from the heart... do you believe in love? do you believe in love at first sight? love's no tv show for fun love is life. love is an emotion... that touches hearts, enthrallsfor a lifetime, forever sorry, did i say something wrong?- how do you manage that candour? i remember the sincerity with whichyou showed me your childhood photo that sincerity i liked.i see that candour in you again

that's because i believe in love. can i ask you one more thing? what will it be for you?an arranged marriage or love marriage? love marriage yes!sorry! sorry! sorry! sorry! thank you, god! yes! yes! thank you! thank you! "one day, i met her..." "and she enthralled me"

"when she held my gaze..." "i was spellbound..." "but she said it all..." "i even tried to get away..." "but when i looked back,there she was, right in front of me" "then i smiled and she smiled back;when i took a step, she came along" "then we became breathless,and a moment stood stilled" "and then, we were in love" "that's our love-story"

"that's our life-story" you are beautiful. oops! well, this is my boyfriend jai.- and this is neetu. 3 months, 28 days and 8 hours agowe fell in love come on! let us go!you're crazy! you know, you have just gone mad!you are great! - jai. why do you drag him everywhere?he won't leave us alone what does that mean?- you're bananas

banana!- oh my god! hello.- hi, baby. yes, mom.- coming home? i'll be home by eight. yes, i'm withjai. brian is also with us. any problem? no problem. just love you.- okay. i love you too. bye. why talk to your mother like that?- like how? so irritably...?- because she irritates me at times, i hate her.- maybe because of the familiarity? maybe.

when you're far from home,you realise... what mother means,what a family means i miss them all so much. wow!- nice. this monkey is hovering aroundall the time... particularly when i'm with you you look upset.- yes, because of you. who me? no.. not at all!you must be kidding. you're seeing my parents today

after we drop brian.won't take long is that okay? now smile and give an okay yeah.. okay!okay! anything for you, my love! watch! the poor thing will fall off.- careful! when will he leave us alone!- watch out! yeah, come along! hi, grandpa!- hi. good! good! good!- good! this is my friend, jai.

hello. you must be from india. how did you know that?- he touched my feet. anyway, i have to get going.neetu is waiting. - okay. mother. are you all right?- yes. thank you. jai, i hope you are not nervous.don't worry. just flatter'll do just fine hi - hi, tom.- ma'am is there.

go on, i'll be right back.- come soon hello there!- hi. hi. i am rita. and you must be... giri should be here soon.let me show you around we built this house a decade ago,outside the city out in the country. smelling cool,fresh air. - it is very beautiful! cool water! right? right.- i guessed it! i guessed it! we're just 20 minutes away from town

and giri loves the hustle-bustle that was lovely!but you know, this is the life for me. swimming, jogging, cycling, cooking! say, what's your favourite dish? chinese, italian, lebanese, continental? indian what?- yes. oh my god! no!- why? you turn out to be exactly like giri

who's giri?- hi, i am giri. my husband! giri saxena. nitu's papa.- jai batra please sit down.- thank you. that's your mummy? i took her for your sister oh come on now! you know giri hasn't changedin these 25 years still the same smalltown boy from muradabad.

you know, the same dress sense! same mentality!- and the same wife! oh shut up, giri! in my stupidity, i tookyour simplicity for sex appeal come on! have some!- thank you. wonderful, jai and jagdish why om-jai-jagdish?- daddy wanted names that... could be said all in one breath.therefore... om, jai and jagdish jai wants to build the fastest carin the world

wow! how sweet! and where would you drive yourfastest car? on indian roads? let's think about thatonce the car has been designed is this flat of yours on juhusea-facing? not flat. villa.yes, it's sea-facing how big is it? nothing too large. some are hard putto make out what's larger...? our home, or our hearts? congratulations to the studentsof automotive engineering.

the student of the year award goes to..jai batra. for topping the universityand excellence in workshop projects. "one day, i found her" "she looked at meand she blossomed like a flower" "in my wondrous seasons,it was an exotic thing to happen..." "a mild drizzleunder a mellow sun" "then i hid under a church awningand she stood under a tree..." "when lightning struck..." "she ran to me,in fear of thunder"

jai batra.- hi. good morning.i am smith from toyota miles. it is a pleasure to offeryou a job in our company. here is the card.- yeah. come and see us in the office. itwill be nice if you work with us. right. bye.- thank you! thank you! landed the job!my project is through i can't believe this! i'm elated you'll see jai here. look intothe camera when you speak

hi om jai... how are you? i'm fine, how are you?- okay, i'm okay what about your results?- they're out hi, jugs. how are you?- fantastic! hi sister-in-law- hi, jai. you look beautiful!- thank you. how have you been?- fine. tell us about your results results? as expected

i topped the college excellent!- wow! is this how you deliver great news?- yes! why are you underplaying? congratulations, jai. i'm so happy, i could hug you!get back to india right away one more good news.- tell me an automobile giant has offered mea job. it's about my project i don't want to lose outon this opportunity so returning home will bea bit difficult

you have bagged such a good offerand that's just as well people with education go outto serve that country i'd rather that you returnedto serve your country daddy used to say, lose your land,and you have lost everything we ought to be together, jai.right now, i need you, jai e-mail from jai? jai! jai has topped his college.- congratulations, son. bless you enough of it, now come home.for five years...

i have only seen you growing upin pictures. now i want to see you om, why did it black out? broken connection, happens sometimes ma told me,at the end of the story... everything works out fine if not, the story isn't over yet i'm home, ma om! bless you, son

jai! oh my god! mummy, why is everybody screaming? "no matter what the time is." "no matter what the season is." "may love never fade from hearts" "unto each othergive strength..." "if need bedie for each other" "in joy and sorrowlet us come together..." "may we never part"

"unto each other grant succour" and om will have a large.. coffee.- coffee! yeah! excuse me.- yes, sir. 3 large white rums. with pepsi- okay sir. with om...?- shut up. i got to talk to him... about nitu. besides, we brothersare meeting up after years let us drink. let us have some fun. that is the spirit!- now you are talking! let's go!

sir.. brother om. excuse me. please come here- yes, sir. it is okay! it is okay!- okay, sir. it's a new drink. i ordered it.- yes, give it a try but i don't take cold drinks.- give it a try, for our sakes yes, brother.- please. please.- please. try it.- okay!

that is the spirit!- okay! cheers, brother.- cheers, brother. cheering a cold drink? it is the new drink after all.- cheers! what drink is this? brother, this is..- ramadi! ramadi?- yes. isn't it good? it is nice!- yeah.

it is nice! very good! ramadi! this drink will become popular isn't she beautiful? very beautiful really? jagdish, just look.she's exquisite what are you staring at, jags?- so beautiful she and ayesha wouldgo along well. i'll talk to ma thank you, brother. thank you.

cheers, brother.cheers. to nitu- to nitu cheers.- cheers. excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. i would like to introduce youto my little brothers this is jai- hi! hi! that's jagdish i tried to evade them,but they forced me to drink some rum but i still love them.

friends, in our times... where will you find brotherswho love so dearly? my brothers are like my limbs yes! get out time to buy a bigger car.- this is the one that stays jagdish...- take care of that kid. he's high playing big brother.- jagdish, you knock mother!- mother!

congratulations!- sorry, mother. sorry, mother.- sorry.. sorry, mother. what's up? tonight, we're happy!- reason being... jai has found a daughter-in-lawfor you really?- i even okayed her. congratulations, mother!- i love you. but who is she? she's a foreigner. but she's indian

say yes, ma.- ma's over there say yes, ma say yes say yes, ma...- one minute! happy days! here again "ornate bangles on her arms" "wedding music on the shehnai" "ornate bangles..." "and the wedding shehnai..." "and henna-dyed feet..."

"it'll be a happy wedding" "happy days are here again" "somewhere betweenrefusing and relenting..." "i fell for this marriage" "sweetheart, she was yoursuntil yesterday..." "now she's a sister-in-lawto me" "there's someone, somewhere for you.marriages are made in heaven" "somewhere, sometime,loving hearts come close" "the goddess of fortunes has cometo make a heaven out of my home"

"to weave glittering, golden dreamsof joys into my life" "my mother is blessing you" "may we never part" "god spare our homethe evil eye" "may never god's face be turnedaway from us" "i swear..." "by my mother's love for me..." "we'll love each other so much..." "everyone in the worldwill be jealous of us"

"whatever anyone says,your writ runs in the family" "we'll stay together forever,you and i have promised each other" jai, say hi to the guests excuse me mrs. saxena,may i have a word with you? yeah, sure. one minute. yes. - ma was saying that you hiredthis huge mercedes? we have some guests who have flownin from america, some from delhi nitu can't possibly take this's going to be very embarrassing look, i hope you is nothing personal.

i would've conceded but... that car is part of many memories,of my daddy, ma and it's our lucky car.i took ayesha home in that car look, i understand all that.really but.. i do! but this one little thingwill break nitu's heart nitu is mature, she'll understand.- try and understand, om jagdish, tell ma to go homeand prepare for the reception uncle sharma! uncle sharma!- jai. - yes, dear. yes?

take nitu home in our car.- that car...? come on.- fine. ayesha.- quick! quick! bye, aunt.- bye, darling! mother.- bye, uncle. brother! your turn now mother, has left, i think.i think she is gone. oh god! i hope not!- yeah, she has gone. come on. let us go! your brother-in-law-cum-chauffeurat your service, dear sister-in-law

hi, sexy. greetings. come on. come on! sit! sit! sit! drive carefully.- i'll try jagdish, hurry up!- get in! come on! move!- move it! batra family on the move. let's go! everyone ready?

be careful. here we go!- bye. stalling... let's take a look jagdish, take a look can't make out a thing here's hoping it isn't clogged dirt.- come on... put to the real test your five yearsof american education. get going well done! congratulations!all the best! nitu, stay won't look too nice

what about fixing a junk car on yourwedding day? does that look nice? my ma had another car waitingdidn't she? oh come on, it's okay.- no it isn't okay jai. and you know it. come on, ayesha. sit. sister-in-law, jai is jacked morning.- good morning. hi, arnav. good morning, jai.- good morning, brother. never expected you to be up so early but i am an early-riser

early to bed, then early to rise and the dark circles under his eyestell us he hasn't slept all night shut up, jugs. which firm have you decided to join?- all three offers are equally good but i'm thinking in terms of...- choose the job that gives you... the best scope of advancement.- i'm waiting for the day... when you'll build the fastest carin the world jai, just do it what's all this?- nothing much

just my stuff, my stockof mineral water, juices my exercise kit, etc.mamma sent it did you have to get itfrom your mummy? we would've bought it for you i guess, that's a mother's when jai was in america... his mother would send over...what do you call those... those sweet gramflour-ballsand the mango pickle so my ma sent me this stuff i hope you don't mind.boys, come on. this way please.

this room. jai baby,do you mind helping them please? careful. juice cartons on the right baby! changing lifestyles your flight was on was your journey? yeah, it was okay. leave the apple. first have your lunch. look, aunt neetu has also come. sorry, i had to change my dress

rice, please.- mummy sends you her regards i am so hungry.- thank you. so much oil! the food also looks too's no good for your health sister-in-law... i hear your dad runsa roadside indian eatery in america roadside eatery? not roadside eatery, a restaurant.and it's his business you wouldn't know, because you'venever stepped outside this town

isn't that so, jagdish?will you please pass the salad? nitu, i made pasta for you why don't you try that?- how sweet! thank you so much! you can try this.- jai, baby, i hope this is mineral water. sister-in-law, pass the vegetables. drink it up, nothing will go wrong.that's the water we drink i think she can't digest our waters,reminds her of american waters quiet, jagdish. one gets accustomed to habits andhabits can only be changed slowly

only bad habits good habits need not be changed, om what is habit?- habit has two meanings... one in india, one in america in america, when youngsters buttinto discussions between elders... it's called freedom.- freedom is nothing bad but freedom is differentfrom decency what was that...?- not indecency decency. which means, manners.- manners...?

manners! i don't believe this!what manners? i don't need to learn mannersfrom you at least, not here in india manners!- no matter. manners apart... there's much you may pick up.just make a beginning jagdish, enough! can we eat now?- sure, when did i forbid you...? well, thanks for a wonderful,wonderful lunch. nitu! come off it jagdish

changing circumstances nitu, i am sorry. jagdish was kidding. i mean he was joking. i can't take family politics.i speak my heart and you know it i can't pull offthis typical indian-bride-act but i'll still tell you likea typical indian husband, i love you these are adjustment problems. my family members love me dearly.but naturally, they love you too let's all go for a sunday picnic

okay? hey! kiss me.what? kiss me.- jai! you are so bad! "when does love happen?" "love happens,when it has to happen" "what means love?" "love is..." "god"

"just feel love" "it's more exoticthan the most exotic" "like a fragrance,love suffuses your breath" "love is whatthe restless heart needs" "love's rhythm is mysterious;love-pangs are strange" "them what is love?" "on listless days,restless nights..." "love's passion is intoxicating" "and it's the truth..."

"believe it or not, at leastfor once, it's everyone's folly" "and it's the truthbelieve it or not, ..." "at least for once,it's everyone's folly" "the thirst for love,you will know..." "when love is on your lips" "so what is love?" come on, jagdish! yeah! knock-knock! you are watchingjags tv and i am jagdish batra. your vj for the evening!

yes, thank you. thank you very much. we are about to present ourweekly programme, "monkey capers" you got to identify the onei'm mimicking. the right answer... gets a chance to dine with meat a world famous roadside inn first character... "ma i told you not to ask for moneywhen i'm going to work" om brother om! you are right, sister-in-law.dinner with me tonight. love you.

number two: "what...? over...? buti gave you pocket money yesterday" mother!- yeah! right. number three... "how old is this house?how old is that tree?" no... not like that!- ayesha number four: "i want to makethe world's fastest car" jai and now, the grand finale! one moment.

hello, mother. yeah, mother. the only thing good aboutthis house is its view! and don't ask about the food here! the urchins are terrible, mother.they keep staring. and the food here,there is so much oil. my god! it is so spicy! nothing like mineral waterin america yeah, mother. no i want to but.. you know what?i think this is disgusting.

personal conversationswith my mamma? ridiculing me in public!how degrading jagdish, that was in bad taste- i was just joking. shut up! that was bad he's walking out om, has jai taken up a job?- not yet i'm asking because i lent you12.5 million for his education amounting now, to 17.5 millionincluding interests and i'm charging you only bank rates.- i know shekhar

as soon as jai takes up a job,i'll pay you back, first of all relax, you're a friend,not a stranger. no tensions the chairman of maruti and iare good friends. if you say so... i can talk to himabout a job for jai jai has several job offers all he has to do, is select.i'll talk to him right away you aren't doing this for're brilliant. and we're duds you can use computers to dig outthe exam papers for us as morals say,one ought to help pals

all right. see me at home tonight inside the university's mainframe!- what frame...? we're inside the university bank.we just got to break into the papers that's right. just got to figure outthe password. - of course you will let's concentrate go on, smoke. it's okay give me some passwords you know.i'll give it a try shakespeare?- madhya pradesh...? - shut up! have you met the managing director?- yes, but he wants me to sign up...

on an 8-year bond.- then sign up you're staying here, aren't you?why eight? sign up for 10 years it'll be over in no time, just likeyour five years in college okay, brother. oh no! thanks to your foolishness,we've lost two chances last chance! please givesensible suggestions remember! i'm doing all this onlyfor you. no one must know, okay? you are too good!

shekhar needs cash. immediately.- i'll sign up tomorrow good night.- good night. what do you mean, you'll sign up?aren't we going back? but om borrowed the moneyfor my education out there you can earn lots more.just mail the money home no american company will give me aloan. and om wants cash, immediately this urgency was never the point.the decision to borrow was his own you knew nothing about it please, neetu! keep quiet!

what quiet! damn it! and you're forgetting something.only a few weeks to go... before your work permit expires.and you got to return before that is everything all right? what wasthat about the work permit? it's nothing, ma. you haven't goneto bed yet? go to sleep aunty.. he must return to americabefore his work permit expires jai, will you step outsidefor a minute? i want to talk to you.- no, mother. its okay.

whatever you got to say,say it in front of nitu she is my wife. have you informed om about this?- about what? about your returning to america.- i haven't told him you ought to.- but he insists... on returning the money right awayand that's impossible it's not possible for me. then make it possible.- to keep this family together... throw yourself into the fires.- om threw himself in the fires too

but i never heard him complain.- when did i talk about om? ma says, in this country those whoput up with suffering are deified neetu please! not gods, we want tolive human lives at least, be a brother to him he gave you strength, made a man outof you. do your duty as a brother i will do my duty, but i'll do itmy way. not the way om wants i am sorry. i must go back to america

mother! one man. he bore everyone's burden,wouldn't let anyone bear the brunt come the time when we ought to sharehis burdens, it's each to his own? no ma! you don't understand!- true son when you were an infant,before you learnt how to speak... i knew your every you're grown up... now you can speak out for yourself;but i understand not a word you say i can't understand. the justification of your demand isnot in question. money, we haven't

just 200,000.only to pay for my studies what's wrong in that? it always happens to me! the buck stops just in timewhen it's my turn the money was there for jaibefore he could ask jagdish, i never discriminatedbetween you and jai i still haven't been able to repaywhat i borrowed for jai's education wouldn't make a difference to borrowanother 200,000 for my education it will make a difference!but i'm not refusing you

i'm only asking for a day or two... once jai has signed his servicebond, all our problems are solved so just relax! no i've worked out another wayto solve all our problems sell this house what! what's wrong with you, jai? there's nothing wrong with me.

sell the house and all our problemsare automatically taken care of yours, om's and mine.- i didn't send you to america... to lose your of selling the house? ma has spent a lifetime here the souls of my father,my grandfather rest here i respect your feelings. but that'syour way of thinking, not mine why is america on the ascent? peopleover there don't think like you what's this america-america about?a short stay changes your attitude? with time, everything must change

dispositions, demeanoursand dwellings what are you saying, jai? quiet!- why? before this place was built... our ancestors must've livedelsewhere. given our disposition... would our house ever been built?- please, don't fight i don't want 200,000.i'll take the course later no jagdish, the mistake was mine!for him, this is a house. not home i sent him away to boarding schoolto give him a good education i sent him to america, to make a manout of him. he never stayed at home he can't comprehendwhat a home means

you're being sentimentalfor no reason please don't mind. but maybe you are against progress.after you've given me an education... you want me to sign an 8-year bond!aren't you impeding my growth? for 200,000 aren't you impedingjagdish's career? how does it matter if we sell this?in your place, i would've sold it come on jai. this house was daddy's dream. om hasmade sacrifices to preserve it what's wrong with you!

jagdish, am i impedingyour progress? am i against jai making progress? this is the india, where son fulfillshis father's dream! he forgets when he lights his father's pyrethe son takes the vow of... fulfilling his father's obligationsand that is what i'm trying to do arnav! what.. i know, you do not concur with me.but can i tell you something? i do not concurwith your philosophy and it has nothing to do with respect.

i have great respect for you,my brother sir.- i hate carelessness, papa. this way.- thank you. if you can't handle it,then why don't you tell me? i will do it.i can't talk to you right now. i will call you after a while.yes, i will do it. i am sorry. i had to keep you waiting. what would you like? tea, coffee...? ms tanya, you wanted to buy my house.- of course, i remember

in fact.. i have still preservedthis cheque lots of zeros. how many more zeros will you add?- sorry i must sell my house,else my family will break up are you still interestedin buying my house? had you not sold it alreadyi'd love to buy it out had i not sold it...?i don't understand mr. batra, your house is no longeryour property

you've sold it already to whom...?- to my fiance if you're interested,you can see the papers take a look...your signatures, aren't they? yes... these are receipts i wrote outwhen i borrowed money from shekhar yes. but you mortgaged your housewhen you took the loan, didn't you? how did these papers reach you? well.. here he is.hi, sweetheart. - hi. shekhar is my fiance.and your house is my wedding gift

hey, om! don't tell me you wantto make a singer out of tanya she can't sing. all she knowsis how to make money how are you?- i'm fine darling. shekhar, you deceived me...?- what deception...? i never imagined! for the moneyyou were grabbing my house as long as i was giving,i was a god? and now i'm a cheating scoundrel? shekhar, please it's..

no, i hate this middle class mentality! as long as you're a do-gooder,everything's hunky dory... as long as i deny myself,as long as i give away millions... without a word! am i to apologisebecause i'm rich, moneyed? so should i apologize for that!i should apologize to him! mr. om is saying nothing of the sort.why are you getting upset? i'm upset because i considered himmy friend he's more than a brother to me and he says i have deceived him?well all right, i have deceived you

why don't you return my money? why not prove that loveis stronger than money? the three of you,om, jai and jagdish come on, get together!pay me back else, vacate your house in 48 hours.i'm going to get a court order do you understand that! and don't come to workfrom tomorrow onwards i want that bloody house. they will vacate the told me, they're men of word

he is jingle bell and he is sandman. papa, uncle jai is leaving brother...- yes jai...? i want to talk to you.- you are returning? yes, i'm leaving if i don't leave, there will bea big problem do you have your green card?- i have it but i might lose my job.- you got my go-ahead besides, what can you achieveliving in this country? go away

at every step lies deceit,friends will stab you in the back oh, my room is downstairs leave, as soon as you have my consent i'll send money.- that won't be needed no, i will send money i love you, mother. i am sorry. okay, jai.- bye, bhabhi (sister-in-law). greetings, aunty. anil khanna. i'm the principalin the college jagdish goes to

i know.- we would like to see his room but..- may we? please. come, sir.- who has come? the principal.he wants to see jagdish greetings. - greetings.- greetings. what is the matter...?- i don't know sir... you...? we must check your computer what is your password?- why sir...?

he wants to know your password saraswati.- what...? saraswati. our mother's name please check it out.- yes, sir. excuse me. our suspicion is true. the paperswere stolen by jagdish's computer okay. atul... did jagdish use this computerto give you the question papers?

i am asking you, atul!- yes, sir. get out! why did you have to do this? someone tell me what he has done.- i'll tell you mrs. batra jagdish used his computer... just like a burglarwho enters homes and steals but this is thievery ofthe educated, done for easy money mrs. batra, i might report him tothe police. but i haven't the heart but he will never gain admission intoany university. that's his punishment

he will never find employmentin any computer company his future... i'm very sorry.- but why did he steal? whatever the reason might've beenonly jagdish can tell you have betrayed my faith in you! not you, all of us bearthe punishment how much money did you makeout of selling papers? even you think i'd do such a thing?i was just helping a friend at least you'd understand that,i learnt it only from you learnt from me? what? thieving?what am i? a thief?

helping friends! is this howyou help friends? by robbing? you haven't a degree,you have no future. you're ruined you are a thief! i am a thief'sbrother. and that's the truth you are a liar! and a bloody hacker! you will achieve nothing in life jai was my weakness,you were my strength but today, you make me have left me crippled jagdish, my son... jagdish!

mamma, where have uncle jaiand uncle jagdish gone away? they have gone out for a while,they're going to be back don't lie to the child om... my son, this houseis rooted on rock-solid foundation jai and jagdish will be back.surely only if we have this house.- what does that mean? as of now, this housebelongs to shekhar malhotra what...?- i borrowed for jai's education then i couldn't he has claimed this house

joys you have always shared will you keep your sorrowsto yourself? why...? because he is om and he wishesto become a god among men high time that you thoughtabout yourself, my son when must we leave this house?- tomorrow morning where do we have togo tomorrow in the morning? rita, they're married. let themtake their decisions in life like her decisionabout getting married mamma, i'm happy i married jai.- great! i'm elated

your mother will never change come on, i am waiting. i am coming.i am coming. bye dear. - bye. bye mom. bye. no doubt you have workedhard and created a miracle. and that's why we hadapproached you initially. but you know, we have a problem though. mr. carter.. you didn't have any problemwith the designs earlier.

but now we have a problem. it does not suit ourtechnical specification. you need to workon the speed and power. thanks for the advice. thank you. an indian will always be an indian. i am not overreacting, neetu! work with their research teams?give up my claim to my design? then don't. but what will you do?- think it over once again jai are you making a mistake?- grave mistake

will you go back to india and provethat om was right and we were wrong? i'm not going back to india i came to this city because this isa midway place. not fast like mumbai nor slow, like our of now, i'm working in pizza hut but someday, i'll build myselfa fast food chain so i got to find myself a job soon.- yes, i talked up a computer firm they order pizzas from us.- when can i meet up? tonight. actually, they startworking from 10 in the night hey, pass the ball. pass the ball.

g four heard lots about you hacking papers frommumbai university is no mean task but man, you did a nice job. hey, got any sex site, laiky? hey, just shut up. we're entering a bank account.the one who pulls off the heist... is entitled to 50 percentof the loot you got it?

the rest is ours. g four's so... you are professional hackers? what are you? baby hacker?- one thing for sure if we're thieves,you're a thief too bloody hacker. grandma, why have we left our home?why have we come here? it was too large a housefor so few of us it was difficult to manage that house. grandma, i don't like it here

if you and arnav would like tolive with your daddy for a while... now that he has school holidays...? are you trying to send me away?like you sent jai and jagdish away? i've no qualms about living with you.i value your sense of integrity om, i can put up with everythingbut i can't bear to see you sad papa, i'm ready come, son.- bye. papa, where are we going?- to see uncle ramprasad sir! sir! come!

come on, everybody! hurry up! hurry up! uncle ramprasad...- ramprasad, it's me stay back.- why don't you understand? he knows me the minister for culture has invitedme to sing at his son's wedding you know that i can't refuse anybody. i can't say no to anybody. well, what brings you here?- you know shekhar and i... have split. what next?- i'm producing an album

that's great!you must do something! great! and i want you to sing.- who me...? how can i sing? you know, i'm on a 5-year contractwith shekhar. i can't break that but i gave you your break.- i got a recording. can't talk much ram prasad, don't do that.- bye, see you. come on! come on!- bye. that's not fair, ram prasad! hey! everybody on your toes rp is here. i can provide you with roomand shelter and this junkyard. that's all i need.

i can't stay here, jai. this is.. nitu, it's only a matter of a while i just feel that are you bonkers? something like this?or, am i just love-crazed about you this is not done, jai. i mean.. no one's crazy. not you. not are my strength, my family else, how long does it take for a manto break under these circumstances? you have reposed trust in me,i'm grateful. thank you i love you. - jai..- i love you.

jai please.- come on, please. what are you doing? hey, you are just mad.i am proud that i love you so much. sorry. yeah, ma'am. i will make that two. pizza hut, good morning. sure. 68 vegetarian pizzas. can i have your address? i'll deliver that order

half an hour. i'll deliver this one happy birthday, sir.- thank you. thank you very much.thank you. thank you very much. pizza delivery.- over there there.- mrs. shrinivasan! so everything is fine? yeah! yeah!- good! good! so, mr. rao, everything is fine?

i hope the meeting is fine. good. excuse me, sir. excuse me, sir.- yeah. sir, please give me one chance.i came to bangalore... hoping i'd work for this company.given a job, i'll prove... how profitable i can befor this company young man perseverance and perspectiveleads to success... not impetuousness and impatience

i've read much about youin the papers. i know your story i'm a fan of yours.for me, you are an ideal i only ask for 100 seconds to provemy capabilities. please... well, your time starts now. thank you. sir,i want to develop this one software.. ..i mean i don't want to.. i know i can develop a softwarewhich can be bigger than windows i want to develop a software..which is anti hacking. i want to write a softwarethat prevents hacking

sir, please don't misunderstand me. i am not a hacker. - but..your 100 seconds are over, young man. sir.. sir, please. stop call me back. five minutes. father and son,together on the street? son, have you quit school?- holidays papa is on holiday too? om, we might not beworking together

doesn't meanour friendship is over? from the new house, i can't watchthe sea. i haven't friends anymore shut up, arnav!- papa, i.. i said shut up! you never scolded me before.- without me... you got no standing on the market.everywhere, you will get a no and what's this? do i see anger?are you taking it out on the baby? change of philosophy? love isn't more powerfulthan money.

brothers... one left for america,one for bangalore you called me a loner, didn't you? and how long have i been telling youthat brothers never stick together brothers together. just verbiage,not in real life yes honey, coming tanya and i are goingto see the architect we're building a five star hotelin place of your house bye, arnav.- bye. - bye. day after day, trying to piecemy life together...

resolving to start life anew... butwhat can i do? it all lies in ruins my.. i just cannot get it. with my five-year old son,i wander the streets. aimlessly i told you! kk-mix is dead!now get out have you come to pay me tributes?where are the garlands, the bouquets? we'd like to know why you haven'tscored an album in four years? what's the reason? k.k-ji. four years ago... i was a star.i was a thief, i stole songs at least i have the satisfactionof not being a thief anymore

so i am not a singer too. thank you. that was kk-mixsuperhit singer and music director no, you haven't comecongratulating me... you've come to rub saltinto my wounds you want to make me realise that mysuccess was my illusion. right...? i've been sitting at home and rottingthese four years. only because of you and doing nothing. just nothing. papa, that same house.- good! sitting at home doesn't kill art.- i'm finished! i can't sing

i am finished! i cannot sing!just finished! now please get lost! go away you're superstitious, kk arnav. i never under-rated your voice,i still don't you can sing a great song again.and you'll outdo yourself... scoring your own music,instead of stealing. i'm sure hey, wait!

wait! wait! what! how...? how can a mind bent onthieving score original music? two lines for you to remember, kk.spring follows autumn and what use livingif you have accepted defeat? hey, you said what...? "what's life lived in defeat?" "lived to the last breath,life lives not in death's fear" arnav! i am searching for you outside!and you are here! "the earth..."

"the skies..." "my heart... all resonatewith the resolve..." "to sing the song of loveeven when i'm heartbroken..." "the song of love..." "for what is life lived in defeat?" "dense black nights..." "will be bathed in moonlight" "somewhere in the dark,you will find a ray" "your life is no journeythrough misery..."

"pick from the thorns on your paththe path leading to your goal" "for what is life lived in defeat?" mr. om, you've starteda music company? yes, i'm offering you distribution forgive me, i don't stocknew labels or small labels kk-mix burnt out four years ago.and what an album, "what's life?" these songs don't sell.and i won't annoy mr. shekhar mr. om ! you...? hello... you don't recognise me?- i remember you very well

can i ever forget a pirate?- that's just as well market news is, no one's willing todistribute your label with kk-mix but i can sell until now, you onlytrusted gentlemen for once, try out a scoundrel i will, if you stop pirating music stipulating terms? even in distress?that makes me feel like agreeing okay, god be my more piracy hi, baby.- oh hi!

come here! and give me a kiss! come on! how are you papa?- fine shopping?- not really where's jai?- at work in the junkyard? are you cooking?- just trying that's so sweet! just look at the way she looks.- can you see beyond looks? i see a bad future for my daughter.- how are you returning?

jai's picking her up in a helicopter.- we'll drop you no! no! its okay, baby! oh my god! look at this! i mean just look at this! what a dump! i'm ashamed! he claims he's buildingthe fastest car in the world! here? what's going on?- i am coming! my poor baby!if you need anything, just come home! okay! we are there for you!- yeah. take care. - yeah. bye, baby. hold on! i am coming!- okay! okay!

oh god. what's the problem? we needn't suffer like this why the hell are we doing this? problem is, you've lived got no idea how difficult life is why should i care? my parentscan give us a life of comfort for your comforts, not mine.- you don't care for me how can you be so selfish! if my determination is selfishnessdo whatever you wish

don't cut that bullshit! are you giving me an ultimatum?- i'm trying to make you see reason i don't want to see reasoni'm not living in this junkyard this is home! not junkyard!- even that line is your brother's get out! i will call you later. yeah. yes. hello shekhar i'm jai. from america yes jai, go on.- is om in?

not right now i'll pay you back whateverom borrowed for my studies raise your hand. yes. - pizza for you.- okay. okay guys.- keep going, girls. keep going.- one. one, two, one. and change.- how much? for you, free.- i take nothing for free

not even from me? what are you doing here! when did you come?wait, i am just coming. i will just go and change. okay. wait. "covertly, covertly.covertly, covertly." i have disgraced my brother.i'll try my best... to make him proud of me.and only then will i go home i'm sure you will succeedin your endeavours i know it sounds dramatic,but i'm with you

no use. only a professional hacker orsome computer genius can solve this good morning. i'd like to see mr. pillai.- he is in an important meeting this is regarding that meeting.- no sir, you can't see him tell him i'll take no more thana hundred seconds call him, he knows me.- okay... the best of our engineers couldn'tprotect our site from hackers. why? please come in, young man. so how can you help meall in a hundred seconds?

if i may use your computer...? 20 seconds. he takes this for a pizza shop,not a software company your 100 seconds are over, young man. my job's over too all in a hundred seconds, this systemcan track hackers and stop them 100 seconds, mr. pillai. 100 seconds. you can check for yourself. puja, i am certain i will succeedin whatever i'm attempting

one minute... it's a wish what?- wish. take this. jagdish, today's a lucky day.whatever you wish will come true what wish did you make? may om and jai be given every wishthey make today what about yourself? i've been given my wish this is the rose you gave me "secretly.."

"secretly, i stole one look at you" "secretly, i have loved you" "secretly, i have prayed for you" "secretly, i have worshipped you" "but you wouldn't know..." "how dearly i have loved you" "oh how do i tell you..." "how, when and wherei gave you my heart" "you wouldn't know..."

"did you hear what i said?" "my love..." "it's you i've chosen.- i love those words" "my dream seems to becoming true" "oh how do i tell you how i feel?" "you've taken the peaceout of my life" "secretly..." "do not steal glances at mefrom afar..." "make me yours"

"in my obsession, i know..." "now we will be together,forever" "darling, how can i keepthis a secret from you?" "you are my lover" many thanks, many many thanks congratulations mr. kk.congratulations mr. om asha bhosle has agreed to singfor our company hey! great man! nearly every artisteis with us

now the list goes.alka yagnik, udit narayan. hari haran,sonu nigam, sunita rao, sukhwindar. alisha chennai and now..the great asha bhosale. everybody, brother! everybody! what worse a blow for shekhar?in one fell sweep... right! this is fun!- rehman... enjoy your victories. don't compareyour successes with others' failures but the man took your house...- i've stopped turning to look back

gupta-ji inform all the singers. they'll geta share of 25 percent of our profits okay, sir.- smart man! surprise! surprise! fabulous place! fabulous! i'm here to congratulate youon your success but i won't lie. it hurt.after all, i'm human hello.- kavita-ji wants to talk. - yes om-ji, kavita krishnamurti's call.

i'll call her back.- he'll call her back the man who worked for me,the man who was my friend... the man whom i financed... is the man who invades my businessand makes me lose money, betrays me but he will always talkof being cultured! outrageous and what has he got to show forvaluing love more than money? slap-on-the-facefrom his brothers a slap on the face! and what do the brothers come outto be? self-seeking scoundrels

i'm right, am i not om?tell me, isn't that true? there are two partiesto the truth one, who can speak the truthand one, who can hear the truth the truth is, love and friendshipare words that mean nothing to you all you know is money's mightbecause... you are devoid of humane feelings.the truth is... men like us can pick up their livesfrom anywhere because we're unafraid of ourselvesfor we do not lie to ourselves but men like you liveonly in the realm of lies

you are afraid of yourself,afraid of your failures the truth is also, that my brothersstill live in my heart what we share isn't only blood ties.what binds us together is emotion of love, of togetherness,and our upbringing i will destroy your dreamsof magnanimity. i'll show you... what money's might slapped shekhar malhotra's ego now i will destroy you. your saraswati audioand your gulmohar villa. i will put to auctionin the marketplace your temple

and i promise you that. advertise the auction- yes sir. i will destroy saraswati audio.i'll make a pauper out of om batra slash prices. i don't care.we have money, he has nothing do you understand that? i don't care if i haveto give the cassettes for free! all right!give them for free! like this! but i want him out of the market!do you get that! i have done it. harry! i am done it!

you are a genius! she works, man! she works!- that's cool, man! this is the happiest day of my life! it works! it works! - good work, my boy! that was excellent! i've done it, om we are going to the boardroom. this is jai batra.he has designed the fastest car i have quoted him 2 million.

now it is up to you to decide. so what's the design worth?- 2 million dollars. can we have a test drive? sure, i'm readyfor the engine tests and what is the name of the car? made in india. congratulations.- thank you. your design has been approved. hello.

shekhar, jai here.i'm returning to india to pay back what om owes you.- sure jai. welcome back to india but don't come to return my money,come and save your house i'm auctioning your house hello. hello. shekhar brother! hello! he was hiding this all along he thinks his brother is worthless? he wants to fight it himself?

why were you hiding this from me? om ! you were a father to me!you were my father why did you tear yourself from me? i'm your jagdish i'm yours! jagdish thanks. cheers. i got something to tell you i have sold my engine designfor 2 million dollars

oh my god! $ oh my god!- yes, neetu! that's great. jai! that's great! don't you want to knowwhy i sold it? for my sake? i mean... for our sakefor the sake of our future yes nitu. but the future for uslies in india in india...?- our house is being auctioned i'm going back to india will you come with me?

please. jai. neetu! jai, take care of yourself your attention please,passengers traveling by air india flight ai1 from mumbai..- yes, sir. that is fine. nitu, you never wantedto marry... someone who was weak,a man without a backbone all along i knew, you werehinting at me

but what are you doing now?jai is a man of substance you'd like him to become like me?feeble, spineless...? look, someone who doesn'tvalue relationships remains a loner you want to be lonely all your life?- lonely...? why, we're with her shut up. what?- i said shut up! 'passenger jai batratravelling for mumbai.. ..please report atthe security counter.' jai...

son... like you make cars... now make a life for yourself the streetcar called lifedoesn't run on a lone wheel takes two wheels thanks, jagdish. once quality is approved, we'llsend it to the purchase department okay.- thank you, sir. have you thought up a name for this?- yes sir

what?- om making money isn't so easy tanya,particularly in our times now is the time when making moneyhas become easier not labour, all it takes is brainsto make money and the three brothershave ample of brains what if they turn up with the money?- then i'll do a volte face i own the house. what i sell it for,20 million or 200 million is upto me you know you are such a.. what are you doing hereso late at night?

after your daddy passed away,i never pieced my life together it's a feeling. in only i could diein that house... maybe i would be re-unitedwith your father can that ever be?- if that cannot be... nothing else can be come. kk...- yes, tell me how much is our bank balance?- about 65 million okay. - okay.- good night.

good night. friends, thank you for attendingthis auction amidst juhu's concrete jungle isgul mohar villa. like a blossom given the money, a priceless pieceof real estate can be yours satya prakash batra, a pakistanirefugee, bought it for 25000 in 1942 i would like the biddingto start from 25,000 let the auction begin one minute mr. shekhar malhotra's floor price...

is in keeping with his paucityof ideas as well as his lowly status what the value of this house isno one knows better than i do 50 million 5 crores. 5 crores, one. 5 crores, two. 55 million 5.5 crores. 5.5 crores, one. 60 million 6 crores. 6 crores, one.

65 million 6.5 crores. 6.5 crores, one. 6.5 crores, two. 70 million well mr. om batra...?is your status lowlier than yours? if you can't bid,why are you still here? get out! get out! 7 crores. 7 crores, one. 7 crores, two. 75 million

i love you, brother. i love you. you're back...? jai has to come back, hasn't he?sorry, i'm a bit late no, not at all.not at all, jai you are looking younger, brother. you're thin.- me...? 9.5 crores. maybe becausei missed the meals ma cooks how's ma?

ma is all right she doesn't know anythingabout this house being auctioned 100 million 10 crores.10 crores, one. 10 crores, two. 110 million 11 crores.11 crores, one. 11 crores, two. 115 million 11.5 crores.11.5 crores, one. 11.5 crores, two. 120 million

12 crores.- jai. how did you make so much money?- sold my design. for 2 million dollars you sold your dreamto give us our dreams? dreams... reality...i've come to know the difference 125 million 12.5 crores, one. 12.5 crores, two. 130 million 13 crores.13 crores, one. 13 crores, two. 140 million- 140 million and one rupee

14 crores, one rupee,one.14 crores, one rupee, two. 14.5 crores. 145 million 14.5 crores, one. 14.5 crores, two. 150 million jagdish 15 crores.15 crores, one. 15 crores, two. jai! you still look likeyou're only from mumbai 15.5 crores.15.5 crores, one. 15.5 crores, two.

i want to touch your feet 160 million 16 crores.16 crore, one. 16 crores, two. 170 million 17 crores.17 crores, one. 17 crores, two. 200 million 20 crores. 20 crores, one. 20 crores, two. 20 crores, three.

you have done it, sir! congratulations, sir. congratulations, mr. sabarwal.- thank you. i have something special for you.i would like you to receive... the papers from the hands ofthe original owner of this property mrs. saraswati batra ma, forgive us we couldn't save our home, not eventhe three of us put together mother, forgive us.we three couldn't save our house.

be it lives, be it property,one day it all ends what survives is love love, that i see in the eyesof my sons my three sons and their lovefor each other. exemplary today, it isn't a homethat i lost... it's a home thati've found once again shekhar, my home isn't in thosepieces of paper there is my home... where my sons stand, whereverthey stand... is home for me

to the world outside, they arethree. to me, they are the same... three names i gave to my love,om, jai and jagdish mr. sabarwal, receive your papersfrom mrs. saraswati batra if you insist that the real ownermust hand over the papers... let the real owner collect them.- you aren't the real bidder? no, i was only bidding for him.- who is he? mr.. jagdish batra. but how did you make so much money?- allow me to tell you i am narayan pillai,ceo of softcell technology ltd.

mr. jagdish batra has developed oma software to prevent hacking his price was the bid pricefor buying the house back so mr. jagdish batra, now i own om.the house is yours i knew... someday, even my bad pennieswould pay me off brother. i wish you all the best. om was right love is mightier than money

i love you, tanya. om...- yes...? i'm not too fluent in hindi.but there's a saying about... the return of a prodigal child. who's this child...? nitu. "on her hand" "and henna-dyed feet..." "on her feet"

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