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Friday, April 28, 2017

hello! are you a working woman? yes. we both are unemployed, is it okay? searching a job for 5 years?very low marks? sorry, low talent. your answers are all off the mark. sorry...sorry...sorry... - vasu, l got a job.- is it? didn't l attend constables' selection?

- who are you, enchantress? - come...come i say... go to school regularly, otherwise you'll end upuseless like him come...come l say... attending another interview,carry on...paper... attending interview again, vasu? stop, get me a pack of cigarettes,l'll pay you a rupee. will you get me one?

the hot pot burnt my hands,i dropped it... went bad ways andtouched my heart... the beast that ruied mehas been tamed... angei of peace now presidesin the tempie of my heart... sorry father. l said no but he didn't listen. father, vasu too hasn't eaten anything. what a nasty local brew! hangover is still continuing,

would like to have buttermilk? leave it if you don't want. l saw dosas near my bed,did seenu keep it there? teacher! l need ₹.100!l want to buy application. l don't have. don't lie, you would've drawnsalary yesterday. l can't give you. why?

my money my wish. am l not watching it? my tv! would any man live here? who said you're a man? am l a dog then? dogs obey orders. l'll also find a job someday. only fools live in dreams.

what have you achieved in your life? same school and same teacherfor 30 long years. he's talking about success in life. l'm bearing you for 25 years,isn't it a great achievement? do you atleast own the briefyou're wearing now? a son is on who looks afterfather in his old age, not the one who still hangs onhis shoulders at this age. you've spared me becausel'm still working. otherwise you would've crushedme to death in my sleep.

my eye sight is diminishing. l can't stand for 10 minutes too, legs and knees are paining, coughing all the night, do you know how many timesl visit the hospital in a month? sons like you are just forconducting funeral rites. take it, ₹.100 you had asked. buy application or enjoy drinks, or go to any woman...

go! oh my application! will you die if l touch you?come on touch me. going to office? slow...go slow...ramu, go slow... overwheiming visuai deiight... a rare opportunity... an angei on streets... it's wonderfui and magicai...

when she sees me,my heart starts beiieving god... a sieeping iive statue... a shyness that can biossominto miiiions flowers... a curse to eiiminateman's heart... an iiiusionary thirst tooverpower the inteiiect... the happiness of seeingher is enough... i need a heart a to iiveafter that... giri of my dreams isstanding right before me... is she a heroine outfrom some epic?

i'm watching her again and again... my iegs which wander aiwaysnow wish to standstiii... my heart too yearnsto stay put here... what happened to me?what had hit me? my heart has broken topieces iike mirror... a waiking poem wentpast seeing me... and i'm standinghoiding back tears... rain iashed at me... asking me unanswerabiequestions...

forgetting the beginning and end... i disintegrated at your feet... i discovered the moments of a manfeeiing shy after seeing you... the burnt forest has rejuvenatedand has come back aiive again... is she your iife partner?.god wants an answer from me... surprised...astonished... siipped...tripped...scared...frightened... born again this moment... merging with you andiosing myseif...

ls the world coming to an end? hey vasu. coming...l'll come very soon... l must study...please... coming? where? are you drunk? has he gone mad? oh god! hi, l'm keerthi,

welcome to software solutions lnc., mr. balu will explain the procedures. wasn't she great? excuse me? are you okay? no, l feel l know the answersbut l can't remember them. think patiently without tension,you will get it. okay? excuse me!

thanks. what? what happened? lt seems my son haspassed the written test, still has to pass groupdiscussion and oral test. lt will not be there,don't believe it. foreign direct investmentis great boost to lndia... due to software agreementtourism and trade developed... transparency lnternational says... lndia is at 17th place ininternational corruption...

our gdp was 9.2 0/0 in jan 2007... goldman sachs bank report says... lndia will become the secondsuperpower within the next 20 years... yeah, she's correct, lndia is the second fastest growingeconomic country in the world... yeah...yeah... lndia is spending moremoney in agriculture... now lnternet has reachedeven remote villages... but still inflation isbecoming very high...

lndia, china and russia sharestwo thirds of the global growth. yeah, l agree with her. - actually...- wait! yes... but still there is a... you speak now. say something more thanjust a yeah. quiet! mr. vasu, what?

l can't speak well in english. then, speak in tamil. speaking in a group is importantnot the language. ls it insulting to speak in tamil? we were born in tamil nadu, right? speak in tamil, no problem. don't waste time,you've courage to speak, right? this society has beenformed by all of us... today it's working involuntarily...

lf we increase the foreign exchange... our exchange rate will increase... software companies played a crucialrole in raising lndian economy... what now? lt seems he has passedthe group discussion also. wait...still there's an oral test. he says he's tensed andhas called me there. can he get the job if l go there? how many more exams?

last, personal interview. anyway, you'll fail. no need to waste time here, come, let's go home. will you shut your gob? talk to me respectfully. why did you call me here then? who called you here? you called me, right?

you said anyone with younow would be helpful. l said anyone not you! l left my work for you, l must beat myself with my slipper. sorry, l'm wearing shoes today. what? good afternoon madam. my father. - hello.- say hello.

she is going. say hello. madam! hey girl! did he really pass those 2 exams? yeah. come. why do you suspect me?do you think l'm fit for nothing? you were fit for nothing till now.have you done anything properly? mr. vasudevan... go.

l may or may not get the job. but when l come out,l shouldn't see you here. get lost. how will l get the jobafter seeing your face? what's the main use of foreign key? difference between'while' & 'do while'. what is multi-threading? don't worry if you don't get this job. lt's not an easy task for youto reach up to here.

come. let's go home. father, l got the job. father... can we have coffee? father...this way. ₹.15000 for the start. after a year, it'll be ₹.25000. l'll also be sent abroad for training. after a long wait...

first l must get you some good clothes. what you are wearing is non-sense. retire from your job.take rest at home. why do you have to trouble yourself? stop the bike. what is the matter, father? - rascal.- have you gone mad? yes, l haven't gone've gone mad. how could you ask me to retire?

as soon as you got the job,you're bossing over me. you'll go to work and want meto stay at home & serve you. l don't depend on anyone. l don't want any dog's mercy.l will work till l die. the day l borrow money from you,will be the day l'll kill myself. look, you shouldn't talkto me from tomorrow. the relation between us is over.that's all. get lost. why are you getting angry?what did l say wrong? l want you to stay at homeat this old age.

- you mad man.- you idiot. get lost. - you oldie! gone nuts!- get lost. - you will repent some day.- l know. go. what about the scooter? you take it. can't bear beggars' torture! ls it an office or a monastery? why did you apply sacred ashon your forehead? lt's sacred ash.

who is going to work here?you or god? erase it. you look like a mendicant.erase it. applying the sacred ash doesn'tmean you're a good man. lt's written on your facethat you're a rogue. enough. come with me. trying to look handsome. she is different kind.will you come? keerthi, your trainee. what's your name?

don't you remember me?the other day... hello, what's your name? vasu. oh! lt was you who spoke in tamilin the group discussion... yes you remember now? look, l said that to encourage you. but here, everyone speaks in english.learn quickly. okay. here. these are the basics.go through it.

lf you have any doubts, ask me. why are you standing here? hello. this is not a schoolto spoon-feed you. excuse me. take your file. oh god! what are you, man? why do they send such people to me? these will teach you the all night. take it. careful. there are 4 books. be careful.

l want them next week. lf you damage the books, l will kill you. go by an auto. no car. okay? ramanna, you can go. office car is for me.not for personal use. madam. are you like this always? can't you smile sometimes? nothing. go. go.

hey, what do you think of yourself?l'm your superior officer. - you better behave...- lt's road not your're not my trainer here. okay? this is an independent country.l can talk anything l like. - hey...- calm...relax. try to's good for your health. bye. say bye. stupid. did she see me?did she see me?

did she see me?or was it my imagination? l heard a thunder strike my heart. shit! no matter how much ever l try,l don't understand. what's wrong, sridhar? what happened? could somebody tell mewhat happened for god's sake? he crashed the entire system. who are you? trainee sir.

- who is your trainer?- me sir. you...?then you are entirely responsible. why did you put him on theproject without proper training? ls this any play groundto play as you like? you stupid careless woman! lf you don't like to work,stay at home. how am l going to deliverthe project by tomorrow? can you go & answer them? sir.

lt's my fault, sir. you stupid! ldiotic fool! l will ask the trainer's her responsibility. everybody get the hell out of here.out! baiu, caii the ciient & informthem about the deiay. - they wiii object.- i know. what do you want me to do?do as i say. hey, what's happening? what are you doing?

listen, you are not supposedto work here. lt's so simple.why did you cry for this? smile atleast's good for health. a little...l see a small smilein the i dream so many in a second...when you iook at me... i feei iike touching the sky... i see many deiusions... i'm hesitant in beiievingthose deiusions... since i'm hesitant i quiver...and my feet start to fly...

you changed my iooksand my iifestyie... you taught me newwords to speak... what are you? love or god?i'm confused... when someone caiis me...i think it is you & turn back... my thoughts stay cioseto you everynight... and makes my nightsgo sieepiess... it's a feeiing i never feit before... when i try to unearth the secrets... it's iike seeing a voicanociad with snow...

the river heips the trees to bioom... wiii the river know theiove of those trees.. or wiii it ever understand it... or wiii the iove remain as anunfuifiiied dream on the banks? if there is a giri for you,and if she ioves you... you can fly in the skyand forget yourseif... aii the unfuifiiied dreamswiii come true... fiower can't smeiiits own fragrance... mirror has no eyes...

she might understand your iove... later she might accept your iove... tiii then, iet things takeits own course... l was a goner in my life. she took me to great heights. you must see her. you will become jealous. this is her mobile number. you must call & tell her.

tell her that vasu is indeep love with her. also tell her that l've scribbledher name on the walls. what else...? tell her that l will dieif l don't get her. also tell her that she is my pulse.say something. and ask whether she also loves me. she will say 'no'. but don't leave her untilshe accepts my love. one more important thing.

l'm not aware that youhad called her. are you planning to send usto jail & you escape? nothing like that. lf there is any probleml can solve it. you keep talking to her andl will keep the meter ticking. vasu, just now l remembered thatthere is an audit in my office. l've to go. yes. l've dysentery.l'll have to go to the doctor. bye vasu.

lf you don't call her now, don't ever see or talk to it? what bloody friends! vasu, try to understand. lt's about your life.lf l blabber something... ganesh is very brave. he will talk to her & makeyour love a success. look, he is our friend. we must look after his needs.okay.

l'm's too late. bye. come...come. hold the receiver properly. heiio. heiio, who is this? talk. hello. yeah. heiio. who is this? we are calling from lclcl bank.we give free credit cards.

we will deliver the card at yourdoor step. thanking you. what the hell did you talk! l'm shit scared. what can l do? lf someone comes to know this,it's shame on my part. as a policeman, if l do such a thing,people will spit on my face. leave me. look, do something andconvey my love to her. - l'm unable to sleep at night.- what do you want me to do?

look, if you don't tell her,l will bury you here itself. hello. l'm vasu speaking. l'm ganesh, vasu's friend speaking. oh god! l told her my name. he is in love with me.he loves you. l will die if l don't get you. he will die. what else? scribbled your name on walls!

he has scribbles your nameall over his room. l don't know that l'm calling you. you don't know. oh my god! vasu doesn't know that l've called you. l haven't seen him for thepast one month. no. l don't know who he is. tell me whether you love him or not. l'm not a police constable.

l'm a beggar in railway station. you mean to say thatvasu is in iove with me. that's it. she understood, vasu. babu... if vasu has the guts, teii himto express his iove to me. you want me to express love in person?here l come. - l love...- do you've a friend named ganesh? hello. do you have a friendnamed ganesh? l...

l don't know. l've no friends. how can l have a sillyfriend named ganesh? no chance. thanks. where were you last night? last night l went home & my grandmother died... l went to my village sincemy grandmother died. l was not in madras at all. somebody is using your nameto make hoax calls.

be careful. who is that? madam, l will handle it.l'll handle it. what did he say on phone? he said that you've gone mad andwere admitted in a mental asylum. ls that what he said? you have to go to australiafor a new project. 3 people are selected including you. who are those 3?

you, balu sir & sridhar. no. l'm not interested. - leaving you here...- what? l can't stay there leaving you all here. okay. - then, look after the projectstill we come back.- we...? are you also going to australia? of course.l'm the project manager. - which country did you say?- australia.

australia.l want to see madam. l want to see australia. l don't believe that l am going abroad. l will also come, madam.l will also come. - you said you can't stay leaving them here.- oh no! l can stay. who are these people to me?they are scoundrels! l can stay for any number of days. l can stay there all my life.

please...please take me. then we will be leavingin a couple of days. how many days? ln a couple of days. couple of days. hey...! keep your feet on the ground. lf not, you might fall down. jealousy!

hello teacher. you've been working forso many years. have ever you crossed chennai? no. me going, man. aeroplane. australia. do you know the spelling of australia? - hey you!- country brutes.

my money. my underwear. foreign brand. how wiii you know?you use oniy ioin cioth. enjoy! you? next to my seat...!what a surprise! wear your belt. - l wore it at home itself.- oh god!

the seat belt not your pant belt. give me. useiess guy! never boarded a flight in life? l'm seeing a flight for thefirst time in my life. any drink sir? drink...? okay! one quarter whisky with sodaand ice. good mix. o my gosh! how do people consumethis lousy drink?

l had to do all thisfor the foolish balu. take it, feeling shy at this old age. carry on! god! these people... l don't drink, you know? promise? sorry! lt's okay. hi! how are you?

we heard you're doing a great job! l can't understand lndian english,and you are too much. go and ask permission. - how can l sir?- go.- sir...sir..- go l say! madam, we rarely cometo a foreign city, shouldn't we take a tour of the place? what are you we going todo in the hotel room now? okay..okay...where shall we go? balu sir suggested club...

what club? nothing, youngmen...want to have - you go to the room.- l'm also a young woman. come, l'll also have fun with you. - what a great dancers!- what's all this nasty dances? don't say it's nasty, it's sin. one must be fortunate to see all this, l never had seen anything like this,l beg you to allow us enjoy it. enough! why are you still acting?

why don't you also enjoy it? l'm not interested in all this. leave it. just tell me. one who really loves a girlwould not like to see all this. any girl would appear like his lover. how can l? do they appear like your lover? hello...enough!

what are you having? orange juice. order one for me. no you... why is the road bumpy? l'm your senior officer asking you,answer me you pig! answer me! has she come to sense? no, you had...

come, let's play! okay, how many drinks did you have? did you finish the entire bottle? rascal! l asked for orange juice,but he gave something else. dog! l'll beat...l'm coming... l'll not spare him, rascal! l'll kill him and go to jail, watch out! leave me, l'll kill him... - you can kill him tomorrow.- rascal, leave me.

hey! who are you? good question! l'll not spare him alive. l'm coming...coming. - you don't know about me...- how to leave her in this condition? - looks she may run out of the room.- l'm coming... l'll take leave now,will you lock the door and sleep? l'll run out! what am l to do now?

sleep here...there! shouldn't come here!l'll kill you. be attentive in this. l want to sleep. good night! hi! are you single? buy me a drink! hey let's go out man!

your place or mine? shattering my heart, flooring meand waiking away...o my diva! waiking away after iightingfire of passion...o my sweet bird! o my peacock! o my enchanting cuckoo! come and tiii my fertiie iands, o my iove! weed out the shyness... heart wiii yearn the more you see... youthfui zest wiii yearn for experience...

there's no piace in my heart... the one who took hasn'tyet returned it... i don't want your iove,come to seek soiace in me, my iove! caress my cheeks and taik abouttaies hoiding each other's hands... love is once in a iife time affair... life or death is with her oniy... it's once in a iife time chance... you'ii be a ioser if you gethooked to sentiments... mesmerised me with just a iook...

took away my heart... man's iife is aiwaysfiiied with sorrows... if we know, we'ii go away... if you go away, we'ii come to you... what's in a woman's heart even thewoman herseif doesn't know it... i ioved oniy you...i'ii iive with you oniy... if you understand the iove,a flower wiii bioom in the rocks too... having dream is your right... i'ii know my piight when thedream is shattered...

my day and night beiong to you... i'ii sieep in peace... keerthi...please...just got carried away. please, don't mistake me. l planned to tell you but... keerthi, l love you so much. l know l'm not qualifiedenough to love you, but l can take good care of you. lf you become my wife...

l'm getting married next month. don't lie. don't make fun. l'm telling the truth. lnvitations are also ready. l was about to invite you. what are you saying? please, don't joke. just now my life seemedto be getting better,

even thought of it isgiving me shivers. you must love me,no other choice. don't talk like a mad man. what do you think of me? all this modernity you seeis just a mask! a mask l wear for this job! because l love my job. my family is quite different. very strict.

lf my grandpa comes toknow all this, he'll kill me. l can't accept love... why should l explain you? please, leave me alone. these eyes... no, l'm sure you love me. don't act. take your hands off me. hands off me!

- sir!- yes. he's harassing me. hey! who are you man? what's your problem? why are you torturing that giri? show me your passport and visa. what son?how was your australia trip? don't you want to eat? switch off the light and go.

leave me alone. lf you don't want to eat,you must tell me earlier. l've cooked for you too,it'll go waste. take as much as you want. what happened?am l not asking you? can't l be alone for sometime? why are you irritating me? tell me, have you lost your life? yes, indeed l've lost life for a girl.

the love l had for her...very deep...lost everything. a girl rejected your son! she's getting married in near future,what am l to do now? shall l jump in happiness? tell me!'s love! what do you know about it? lt's all over! life is over.

l'll be with you till death. what to do? lt's all my fate. - sir...- l don't need any further explanations. this must be finished within2 days, mind you. okay sir. greetings madam. l'm vasu's father. in office? i didn't send him. he's here.

he's talking to keerthi madam. l shouldn't praise my son, he may look indifferent, but he's a very good man, l never saw him go afterany girl till now, he likes you, it's not ordinary liking, he adores you. love! how do l know all this?

but l never saw him cry. he's dejected and cryingafter you rejected him. lf my son is crying,what for l'm here as his father? l can understand your situation, l don't want you to lovehim immediately, just reconsider your decisionby giving him a fair chance. lf it's okay to youl'll talk to your parents... don't you have sense? how could you talk like thisto a girl you don't know?

aren't you ashamed? your son is blabbering nonsense, excuse me, what's your age? can't you think twicebefore talking to me? lf you torture me again,l'll call the police. please leave me alone. your son has already hugged me... people is office are gossiping about us... you know l'm getting married,why are you torturing me?

you're not humans at all. your son got two marks shortin the interview, l felt pity on him and recommendedhis name for consideration. what a way to show the gratitudeby father and son duo! you look aged and respectable, you are behaving irresponsiblylike a rogue. he talked to out of affection on me. he's elderly man,can't you be little patient with him? why are you abusing him?

what nonsense? you come in a line to ask,should l keep quiet? this man is asking like a fool... hey! hey, one more word against him, what? l've been watching you, you're going overboard, bloody, how clearly you talk now, touch your heart and say,don't you know l was following you?

don't you know l was ogling at you? just a second is enough! can't you find out a man watchingyou from a kilometre? why are you acting innocenceknowing everything? lf you don't like, say it clearly, if not, say sorry,l'll marry a foreign groom, you're a local, say your status is notup to the mark. why are you over reactingfor a silly thing?

trying to get sympathy in public. let's forget the differencesbetween us, say sorry to my father. l'll call the security. security. one word, l'll burn your face with acid,say sorry to him. say sorry to him! hey... leave him...

come...come...let's go vasu. do you drink everyday? no, occasionally when l'm sad. don't get addicted to it. lt's not good for health. shall we go to a hospital?your face is swollen. lsn't she a strong girl? who asked you to go there? l would've been fine in two days.

you can find many on streets. ls she the only one girl? leave it son. no dad, she slapped you know l don't mind going to jail killing her. did she slap me?no, in that melee l was slapped. think from her side. yesterday son and today father. lf we force her to love,anybody would get angry?

why are you supporting her? she's a good girl, l can see it. don't want food? l've brought biryani. no son, my head is reeling forhaving drinks after years. l am going to bed. you eat. hey leave me... do you think that l've grown old?

people are still ready to give theirdaughter in marriage to me. still having such ideas at this age? it paining? no father,you had to face hardship for me. vasu... father! you got furious when she slapped me, do you love me so much? why are you asking it, father?

okay, don't answer it, leave it. l asked you unwittingly. no father... go to sleep. - father!- go. why did you call us earlyin the morning? my father is dead! l'm confused. l don't know, he died in his sleep.

money! you need money for funeral. l have money. my money, l want to conduct thefuneral from my money. father! what have you cooked? we are from llc, your father hastaken policy for ₹.1 million please sign this. from lclcl bank...deposited₹.1 million in your account. l killed you father!

you wouid be aiive had i notchased that giri, right? hey, get up! vasu... hey, have you gone mad? what happened to you? l killed my own father. he had a natural death. for that will you be sit like this? sit at home without going to office. did you eat anything?

hey vasu, come on eat! l'm talking to you, eat! vasu, come on eat! take it, eat! come on eat! how long will you starve? do you also want to die? come on eat! vasu... l've to go to my native place urgently.

some land problem, and my marriage too. how can l go leaving him alone here? he may go mad. l'll take him to my house. no, your house too small, already yours is a large family. vasu, will you come with meto my village? forget madras for sometime.

mine is a large family of 40 memberswith uncles, aunts and cousins. come, it'll give you solace. go vasu, stay peacefullyfor few days. take care of him well. l'll come after taking leave. what are you searching? geetu hasn't come yet. has she boarded another coach? train is about to leave.

buddy, be careful. vasu, call me if you need anything. bye...bye... careful...geetu! hold this! be careful! thank god! you be careful. oh geetu, he's vasu.

my best friend. she's geetu, l told you about. l mean keerthi! my aunt's daughter, my future wife. you wanted to meet her for long time. why are you still standing here? come in, come on. hey vasu, where are you going away? listen, l'm leaving.

are you mad to jumpfrom a running train? you're going home happily to marry,no need of extra baggage. shouldn't you be happy? don't live in past. come with me. listen to me,my arrival will create problems. why are you fussing for everything? lf you consider me as friend,come with me silently. or else l'll cancel the marriage.

come here for a minute. wait, l'll come. come l say! - come.- listen... lf you object,l'll forget our friendship, come. - bag...- come silently. why is he coming with us? do you know him? know about our family, right?

what if any problem crops up? why are you all talkingabout problems? l'll take care of everything. keerthi, his father died suddenly. he's devastated. lf l too leave him, he'll go mad. when did his father die? about two days ago. poor man died with an heart attack.

o baby... you're so sexy... go on, you touch me... fire in eyes... fiowers in heart... you're in me... but discarded me from you... baited with your beauty...o iady! i got trapped and cried...

i touched the iightning...o iady! it burnt my fingers... come on...come on... we'ii make it... let's go! you ieft me in piecesand shambies... poisoned my iife withvenomous iove... my iove, what was my mistake? i was at your feet iike a devotee...

my friend, iove is a flowingriver of tears... what's the use of iearningwith ciosed eyes? o maiden, you forgot me... but prick my heart iike a thorn... i was born again man by you... today i'm dead and out... you raised hopes in me... you dashed them yourseif... the sin of ioving you todaywiii haunt aii my iife...

don't ask the reason forbreaking a heart with iove... fiowers wiii never bioom seekingthe permission of roots... you ieft me, o my iady! you vanished when i wasstiii searching you... love is a wiid forest stream... i was iost in it... o're so sexy... o baby...go on, you touch me... why didn't you introduce herall these years?

l asked her so many times, but she refused to meet my friends. she is proud of her intelligence. my grandpa is very orthodox man. he want us to study andsettle here only. he said marriage immediatelyafter our studies. we said no and escaped to madras. he's furious on us. so, please be careful.

sister-in-law, look who is coming. keerthi... please come...let's discuss there... as you say, sir.. greetings, grandpa... grandpa... seek his blessings.. krishna, why are they fallingat my feet?

that old mad man died long back. don't get emotional, sir.. they are in madras doing good jobs, what would they do here? did l ask your opinion? no, isn't it? why do you interfere then? who is he? - my friend, grandpa.- what? friend, grandpa... ln our house... ln our house? he has come to stay in our house.. to stay? lsn't a monkey not enoughin this house? look at his costume...looks like a beggar! - hey krishna, l shouldn't see him again.- okay father. she is looking gorgeous, isn't she?yes...

as keerthi is a motherless girl, everyone dotes on her. take it... move... move... - sister, first have horlicks...- hey, don't want.. - have it, sister...- have it, dear... move aside... l didn't seemy daughter-in-law properly. - father...- hey, move aside... komalavalli, you like 'adhirasam',l've bought it for you specially.

have it. next year, have a child and give itto your mother-in-law. come in. hey, komalavali...? my grandma's name. keerthi's original name. to avoid getting teased,she changed it to a fancy name. looks like she hasn't seen any man before. oh my god! who are you, man?

how dare you sit on this? - oh my god...- get up... grandma, no... why did you sit on this? move away... move... oh my god! l don't know to which casteand religion he belongs? he has ruined my vow. hey, get me some water.. oh my god! oh lord perumal!

he defaced my holy place. - bring water...- coming, grandma. make it fast... take it don't know to which castehe belongs to?! hey, please dude.. have you brought me here to die? go to hell with your traditions. leave me.. hey, she is my grandma...

she is little mad.. please adjust for her. ls she a mad woman? she beat me black and blue... lt's enough, anandavali...enough.. my name is pooja. that is... l got it, man... got it... the entire family seems to be mad.

hey, what's this? why are you standing in this posture? l should take bath, shouldn't l? for that? here, this is how we take bath.. no bathroom.. catch it. remove your dress and wear it. whose size is this?

l'll have my bath tomorrow morning. hello, you can't step into housewithout taking bath. grandma will abuse you. hey dwarf! lf l give you a slap,you will fly away. l can't wear this loin clothand take bath. then take bath without one. oh no! sir... sir... looks iike he is in deep sieep.

sir, piease get up... sir, it's me only. don't beat me. what, man? get up, sir... no one should sleep hereafter the rooster crows. hey, please get out of here. sir, please come... lf grandpa knows, he won't spare you. what's this?

thank god!atleast they're serving coffee... please have it. - what's this, man?!- herbal juice.- what? grandpa's order to drink this onlyin the early morning.. lt will clean the stomachs. okay, start. 10 minutes walk. lt will help to use the pot. - oh no!- come on...

squatting will help it, - why should we go for a walk?- come on, man... oh no... don't worry... lt's okay... it's okay... lt's okay... shit! gas! where are we going, man? don't you want to go to toilet?

everything in open toilet. how many toilets can we buildfor this large family? don't pester me with questions..let's finish our work.. nothing will come in thischill weather! can't even know if any snake passes? seenu... hey seenu... sorry sir... - hey seenu...- what man? what next after it's over?

leave the piace. as it is? where can l clean it? hello, what? l should clear my doubts, shouldn't l? - hey seenu...- wipe it with a stone. later on, iet's wash in the river. ln this darkness, how will l get a stone? dangerous family! shit!

sir, close the nose and take a won't be cold. vasu, please... l want to talk to you personally. please don't look at me like that. l feel like dying. l can understand your pain. because of me...your father... l killed a good man. - l'm not qualified to seek pardon also.- please don't cry...

people here may mistake us. why should l forgive you? lt was our mistake. without knowing about you... only after visiting your place,l realised... you're the soul of this entire family! how can you love meignoring everyone? won't they think bad about you? l've understood.

don't confuse yourself. you're not responsiblefor my father's death. he suddenly had an heart attack. we couldn't do much. already, he had 2 attacks. early morning, he died peacefullyin his sleep. not everyone is blessed with it. now he might be singinga duet with my mom up there. lf my stay disturbs you,do tell me...l'll leave this place.

no, it's okay... your staying here isn'ta problem to me. okay then... go carefuiiy... it's siippery. - how long will you take to eat this?- lt's enough... - eat've become lean...- one more.. if your mother is aiive,won't she force you? eat... - have water...- enough.. what do you want?

seenu... he has gone to fields with didn't go with him? after taking bath, l just dozed away... - ask raju to take you there.- okay. - have it... - oh no...- just have this... how many times l've to tell you? - stomach is full.- eat properly... - excuse me..- listen to me... l feel shy to ask this to you...

l'm hungry.. do you have anything to eat? oh no! what's there to feel shy in this? this is also your home, isn't it? why all are simply standing?serve food... you go and prepare dosai... go... - aunt, make it fast...- you come... be seated... l'll serve you hot. come on...

why are you simply sitting? don't you know to look after a guest? go and serve him all the dishes... please come... - serve him fully...- oh no! lt's enough... - lt's enough...- don't utter a word.. eat. no, mother...l can't have everything... we won't allow youto have half food.

- have it fully...- have it... - have it, my son...- serve him... serve him. oh no! lt's enough... serve him more...- no, it's enough... - don't utter a word..- have it fully...- no, it's enough. tell me about your parents.. l don't have anyone. my parents are dead.

have it... you shouldn't say like that...aren't we here for you? hereafter, you're also like our seenu. every year you should comehere for your vacation. understood? this is godavari's order! have food... stomach is full to the brim! why did you go to kitchen?

who gave you permission? hey, wait... - didn't l warn you not to come inside?- oh no! grandma... please don't beat me...grandma, just hold on... oh my god! l'll... - you sinner...- don't beat me... - l'll hit you hard...- just a minute...- what? pure air... beautiful place...

aroma of this soil... how can they leave everything and go? what ever you say... nothing can becompared to city life. you know... technology... here nothing, man... yes... yes... good smell... small kids are working hard... are you simply watching them?aren't you ashamed? do the field work...

me? here?? no.. l'm from city. - no village work...- so what? you want to eat foodwithout working? you may be a guest, it's okay. but you should knowyour manners as well. get down and work l say...go... moreover dark glasses, a blind beggar...

hey, is your grandpa well educated? he holds ba degree of that period. what's the use? he should've got workers to do brutes! ls your grandfather a miser? lt's all my fate to come andsuffer over here! what are you murmuring over there? nothing... no grandpa...

he is saying that we shouldn'tdo all this work. only labourers should do this. he says you're a country brute. not only that, he abused youas a miser and fool. lt seems you're a psycho.and making us tensed. you've grown up with little brain. yes grandpa. l also heard him... yes grandpa... yes... not even my father slapped sinners!

what type of family is this!to hell with them! fraud... 420 family... how did a snakeguard grow here?nonsense... fearing me? that's good! - run away... come on...- ls vasu so cheap? all disappeared... can snakeguard make hissing sound? got scared of a snake in this young age?! - vasu uncle, get up...- what happened?

nothing grandpa... he got scared seeing a snake. by seeing a snake,did he got scared?! our children used to play with snakes... city?! technology?! live long. stir well. sir, are you fine? just now l broke your lawyer's handand coming straight to you.

how dare you send a notice to me? you old man! - l'll ruin your...- hey shut up, you rascal! that was my ancestor's property. you brought it on lease andnow planning to usurp it? better leave this place...else l'll call the police. police? charging on me?? greetings, madam.

wow! junior hearty greetings to you.. lt seems your grand daughterhas also come here. why are you provoking my desires? sign this paper... l'll take leave. else... what you will do? l'll misbehave in public. not with you... with your womenfolk!

want to explain in brief? hey, how dare you talk like this?! l won't spare you alive!hey, leave me... how dare you talk to him like that? hey, leave me... lf l talk decently, won't you heed me? hey, what? what are you looking at? l'm watching you for a long time... hey, who are you, man?why are you supporting them?

hey oldman, are you running a brothelhouse with your women? lt's my father's watch.keep it safely.. l fear only snakes...not pigs like him. hey, he is such a big man... why did you talk like that? seek his pardon. sorry... please forgive me... bow your head andseek his pardon. - forgiveness??- ask...

oh my god! please forgive me... l've asked his pardon... l think he hasn't forgiven you. sir, please tell him thatyou've forgiven me... else, he may beat me to death. - get lost!- thank god! uncle, excellent performance! - okay... okay...- superb, uncle... - move... move...- what do you want?

move... - his hand is bleeding...- oh no! l didn't notice it... - okay give it to me...- l'll apply the medicine.. what can you do?give it to me... show your hand... - no, it's okay..- keep quiet... it's bleeding... keerthi, hold his hand. hold it... can't you hear me?hoid his hand..

lt's enough... mother, he's wounded here also. show me... lt's okay... l'll go to my roomand apply medicine. sir, what should one doto have such a body? one must grow first! hey, what are you doing here? - what are you doing here?- you inquisitor... go... they are calling you...

this isn't fair.. welcome, anandavalli. - pooja.- yes pooja.. what's the matter? l'm an open type girl. very modern... l can't hide anything. l liked you very much themoment l saw you. after that, when you saidthat there is no one for you..

l liked that frankness.. when you got scared for snake,l liked your innocence. above all, when you daredto fight for our family, l liked your braveness. so... so?? l think... you think... l love you!

oh my god! l don't know what to do... l go out of the world when l see him...l feel shy... sister... sister, you should only help me. there is no one to share... you're my only hope! tell me the matter. - l think...- you think... l'm in love with vasu, sister.

- what?- yes sister. the guest who is here,l meant him only. - hey...- yes... l think l guessed it right. you should convince our grandpaand help us to get married. not immediately... only after your marriage...let's say after 3 months. marriage?! what do you mean? no... it's all wrong...

- what's wrong in that?- l don't know all that.. - you shouldn't love him. that's it.- why? no means no... l don't like it. l don't need your opinion.l like him. please sister... don't you love me? you should help me. l'll marry him and have many children...thank you! oh my beloved!oh my secret lover...

pooja... she is an innocent girl... l know. lt's just infatuation. she will realise it soon. no problem... okay.. - call me when you have food...- sure. oh lord narayana!i bow to your hoiy feet...

grandpa, won't you talk to me? get lost, you donkey! didn't you leave me? please grandpa... hereafter l won't go anywhereleaving you. l swear on you... - next who is going to sing?- godavari aunty... - yes aunty...sing...please...- hey no... l've a bad throat.seenu will sing for me..

- oh no! aunty...l can't sing.- brother, sing... seenu, all are asking you, aren't they?come on sing... don't refuse your fiance's request.sing... oh no! look, uncle is feeling shy... hello mister, calling you only...come on sing... what do you want meto sing about? lt's your wish... sing about your wife... hey, l can't do with this...

please don't make fun of me.. he is a good singer. - uncle... please uncle...- hey buddy, please sing... hey, don't talk rubbish...l'll take leave. hey, please help me, dude... they can't bear my voice...please dude... sing for my sake...okay, he is ready... now my friend vasu willsing on behalf of me... about keerthi...

look, how beautiful she is! sing about her! hey, come on... sing... aii are waiting...come on sing, buddy.. has the beautifui cioudsturned into a giri? piaying with me aiways! you bring back manymemories to the fore... and my heart goes restiess... why don't you speak a word?

why don't you give a singie giance? you're aiiuring're iightning... a fire that ieaves anyone cominginto contact with you in tears... oh damsei, teii me the truth... your smiie makesother women jeaious... this angei resides in a tempie,not in a house... i can see the footprints of goddess... dearth of words to praiseyour beauty... i'm just siiding asideciosing my eyes...

i'm experiencing joy in tears... you've won aii our hearts... from where did you iearn this trick? you trapped me with a wink... you ordered me to carry youin the paianquin... i'm iiving for the dayto tie the knot with you... what wiii happen to my iove? wiii it get stamped by your feet? oh no! lt's raining... run fast...

she was fine. she didn't wake up. she was longing to see keerthi's marriage. doctor, do something. l've tried my level best. she is old, isn't it? don't know what desireis holding her back? she is nearing her death. they also tried a use...but still she is alive.

she loves milk sweet, isn't it?give her. hey, stop it...all of you get out from here. she is alive, isn't she?why are you mourning? get out. doctor, ask everyone to leave the room. lt's suffocating... please... okay, all of you leave the can cry later. go... all of you please go out. grandma, l've entered your room. won't you get up and beat me?

you feel like laughing, aren't you? no one cared you when youwere moving around. now they want to fulfill your desires. what can we do, grandma? even l was also like them. but after my father's death... l realised his value. l don't know about them... but l like you very much.

l swear... whenever you chased me with a stick... ...l remember my father. grandma, every year l'll definitelyvisit this place. what else do l've here for me without you? think for a while... l'll leave it to your choice then. - mother... mother, are you okay?- grandma, what happened? l'm seenu, grandma.

- mother, your lakshmi is here.- mother, look at me... grandma... take a iook... sir, shall l read the invitation? just a minute... have all our family membersassembled here? yes father. hey vasu, can't you hear me?are you deaf? come here...he is going toread the invitation.

come and sit here... look there... hubby, we are going to buy saris..can you come with us? no way! a thorn pierced into my leg,l can't walk, please move. please move... - seenu...- raju, bring my bike's key. l want to make a call to my office. hey, somebody accompany can we women go alone?

where? to buy saris. will you come? okay mother. let's go... he has agreed to come with us. what man? go... you kind of you! - bye, buddy...- go... go... get inside...

- all of you get inside.- get inside. - aunty, we will also join you.- okay, make it fast. joiiy. how long we have to go? why do you bother?shut up and come... hey, first you shut your mouth...hey, don't quiet... why are you falling on me? keep your hands away...come this side... show me that colour...the one which is above...

didn't get me? l meant that sari. show me that yeiiow sari. what sir? have you come with women to buy saris? be seated. lt will take time.only god knows when it'll end. l'm here for the past 2 days. - vasu... vasu...- coming... - yes... border is nice..- where were you? will this colour suit keerthi?

no colour willsuit her perfectly. when she wears a red sari,a matching blouse, adorning flowers, she'll look gorgeous. what's this, keerthi?you are standing stiii. let's select this one. - don't want... iet's take that sari...- hey wait... leave me uncle...leave me uncle... leave me uncle... - vasu, please take her to loo.- leave me, uncle...

- over? - no...- okay then... uncle, wash... do l've to do even this? - be careful...- lt has become dark... sorry sister. oniy 3 baiis were bowied. - not 4...- 3 baiis were oniy bowied. - uncie, run out...- no... i'm teiiing you, isn't it?

come on... take one more run... take one more run... he is not - father, oniy toid me, right?- am coming... lt seems she wants to check her mails. can you please take her to the town? no sir... children are here... l'll take care of take her. come on, vasu...let's go... come..

lf you want to check your mail,go ahead.. why are you caiiing me? listen to me...come with me... where are you going? l'm going to the town tocheck my mails. why are you taking him for that? how can l go alone? l've informed father. let's go, vasu.

get inside, vasu...quick... - hey... wait... l'll also come...- why? l also want to check my mail. you go alone... - sister... please... please...- hey, shut up! move... you come out... l'll drive myself. where are you going? come... why are you hiding here?

i don't know... why are you sweating? oh no! why your hands are shivering? i don't know. sit down. - who pinched me?- who? - who hit you?- who? - who bit me?- who? who has broken me?

once upon a time there was aninnocent king near paighat... he was a chiid at heart... king of paighat hasan innocent queen... she was gorgeous in a sari... who is she? there are fruits and miikin the bed room... it's the king and queen'shoneymoon night... king asked the queen,what is honeymoon? queen asked the samequestion to the king...

why is it so? the books he read never mentionedabout honeymoon... there wasn't any schooito teach him this... i don't know much aboutpoetry or arts... i never had any giri in my iife to iovetiii you came... - who is it?- who? you stay outside.l want to talk with vasu. l say go... hey, is it about my love?

yes go... you're my lovely sister! thank you. talk to him. stand little away. lt has become serious. you talk to her and put an end to it. poor girl! she may cry. just leave it...

everything will becomealright after some time. you don't know about pooja. she is very adamant. lf my family comes to know this,they won't spare her. please... better talk to her now. okay... l'll do as you wish. pooja, wait... listen to me... you've mistaken...

pooja, hoid on for a minute... help... help...somebody help us... somebody help us...please... why did she do iike this? oh my god! pooja... pooja... doctor... help... - pooja...- hey... oh no! pooja is gone!l killed her! first l killed your l killed my sister...!

- l'm a sinner!- hey, you stupid... will you please shut up? - pooja...- just shut up... shut up... - pooja...- hey, be quiet...shut! l say shut up! give me your hand... - what?- give me your hand... oh my pooja...

again, if you make noise, l'll kill you! press... hey, why are you beating her? oh no! my pooja, are you alright? why did you do like this? oh no! what can l do now? pooja... keep quiet... will you atleast love me now? hey, how old are you?

tell me... 15 years old. 15 years old! why do you fall in love while studying? this isn't love.this is attraction. hey keerthi, isn't she beautiful? - lsn't she beautiful?- yes. lsn't she beautiful than you? go and see your face in the mirror.

round face, good're a ravishing beauty! 5 years from now men herewill go mad over you. everyday, you'll get atleast10 love letters, then why me? shahrukh khans and salman khanswill be at your feet. do you want to die beforeseeing all this? come on die... l'll help you... are you sure l can get man like you? lnfact much better than me...

answer to my question... - will he make me smile like you do?- yes... - will he be good like you?- yes... you won't even remember me then. okay then... let's go... ls she really more beautiful than me? please... l feel better... sir, what a surprise!

we all have come to attendthe same marriage. we didn't know while travelling. - ensure to reach by 7 am tomorrow.- okay sir. - where do you work?- ssi. - really?- even my friend works there. - really?- hi, buddy! you take care, raju. hi, ganesh. - what's this, vasu?- are you all keerthi's friends?

welcome... - he is keerthi's bridegroom.- hello... my friend, seenu! he is keerthi's fiance.he's the groom. lsn't he smart? keerthi's fiance. - say 'hi' to him...- hi... you all may be tired...take some rest. my house is in the next can stay there itself.

- raju, take them...- okay sir. let's go... hey, where are you going, man? l'll also stay with them andhave good time... anyhow, you will be busy here.. - hey, tell him...- yes... yes... okay...l'll come there tonight.let's play cards. your clothes...? your clothes are in the room.

l'll take it later. let's go. oh maiden! return my soui... it's enough... piease ieave me... i'm crossing my iimits. hey keerthi, not yet asleep? you have to wake up early.go to bed. tomorrow, by this time,marriage would be over. it's enough... no more tears...

enough of bearing this iove pain... i was inside the came iike breeze... you touched my soui anddweiied in my heart... i iaid on your became my bed... today you made me cry... oh my damsei!love is innumerabie pain... every pain is murmuringyour name oniy... if you want to experience pain,faiien in iove... - vasu...- please...

please forgive me... without my knowledge...l crossed my limit... l'm also a human being, ain't l? l tried my level bestto control myself... you're the bride... lf anyone see you here,it will create a problem.. come... l'll take youto your house. oh! now l understood... when you were after me,l didn't care you.

are you taking revenge of me now? you will directly say 'l love you'.what bothers you? women need to think a lotabout it before deciding. we need time... but once if we get fixed,we will never retract. to hell with you! you will take your own time to reply. do you want me to sit likea dog longing for you? hey, is it a business deal?to finalise...

this is a matter of life.. days pass in a fraction of second... whatever it is, you owe a reply. to hell with your love! ls this your love?! tomorrow you're getting married, and noware you expressing your love to me? from the day l saw you,l'm dying here every moment. can you feel that pain? when your grandpa includedmy name in your family list.

l got fixed from then. that they're everything to me! think for a while. l came here like an orphan. but now l've got a grandpa,grandma and a big family. above all, those childrenlove me so much. now if l ask them to get memarried to you... they will die, won't they? they may spit on me saying,'did you come here for this'?

above all, my friend seenu... he brought me here for solace. now do you want me to ruin his life? l don't mind losing you, but l can't live without them. ls this your final decision? what's left for me to say then? l'm missing a man like you. that's my bad luck.

will you marry some other girl? this is enough! bye... you could've told me this earlier... l wouldn't have loved her... lt's paining me now... hey, what are you talking? - there is nothing between us...- hey... hey... you both hugged each otherin the middle of the road...

don't fool me... hey, don't talk rubbish... by was happened... you don't worry.she will marry you only. how is it possible? she loves you...but marry me? - who will she sleep with then?- hey... what are you talking, man? don't involve me in your personal matter.

better talk to my grandpa. l don't know what you will do. tomorrow our marriageshouldn't take place. lf you try to escape. l will kill you! to hell with your sacrifice! what about you? will you come home or go with him? what a good friend you are!

- make it fast...- okay... - hey...- please don't say anything... lf l'm here, the entire familywill get ruined. come fast... let's leave this place before dawn. hey seenu, it's going to dawn. go and take's getting iate... hey, catch me... hey, where are you going? both of them say the hymn.

hey, where is he? sir, where are you going? seenu stopped the marriage suddenly. grandpa! the old man got so angrythat he consumed poison. doctor says his conditionis very serious. everyone at home is crying.please come. come. you idiot! where were you?go inside. leave come with me, vasu. come.

don't move from this place, got it? tell him. tell him l say. lf l come there... tell him. you scoundrel! tie the auspicious thread. hey vasu... l'm here only. tie the auspicious thread.the auspicious time will elapse.

what are you thinking about?tie the auspicious thread. beat the drums. l'm already wife is in madras. l agreed for this marriagebecause of grandfather. please forgive me. the old man must have got theconsent of the groom. youngsters who go to thecity get spoilt. answer me, you rascal.tell me. l will kill you if you come closer.go back.

why did you do like this?say something. tell me. - l will kill you.- don't beat him. how dare you do like this? no sir. don't beat him. tell me. you rascal. - leave me.- stop it. as an elderly man,how could you beat him like this? do you know the truth? - keerthi...- what truth?

trying to protect me? get lost. lt's my grandfather who is beating me. you're a stranger.don't interfere. beat me, grandfather.beat me, grandfather. - will you beat me or not?- keep quiet, seenu. why should you both bepunished for my fault? what is your fault?lt's all my fault. they are enacting a beat me, grandfather. - no. lt's me.- shut up.

you shut up. you didn't say it when youhad to say it. will you beat me or not, grandpa? no. lt's all my fault. beat me. - no. it's all my fault. beat me.- beat me l say. - you keep quiet, seenu.- you keep quiet. you both keep quiet. - l will tell you.- l will tell you. no. l will tell you.

vasu, you tell me. what seenu said is a lie.he is not married. go on. l know keerthi long back. we both work in the same office. first, l fell in love with keerthi. and now, she is in love with me. seenu came to know all this. lf you all agree,

will you get her married to me? why did you do like this? tell he telling the truth? tell me. aren't you ashamed to beat a girl? you keep quiet, father. she is like this becausewe pampered her so much. we can solve our issue later. first chase that dog out andthen think what has to be done. lf people come to know about this,our honour will go to dogs. the villagers will spit on us.

why is everyone talking as they like? give me a rope.l will hang myself to it. all these problems are because of me. as an elder, you shouldn't say that. chase that evil out.everything will be alright. seenu will not go against us. lf you dare to touch me,l will chop your hand. why is everyone shouting? what wrong did we commit?

did we both elope? not to hurt this 70 year old man, we are standing like deadleaving everything behind. what happened now?can't a girl fall in love? can you make any girl swear that she has never fallen in lovewith anyone before marriage? lf you want your wife not to havefallen in love with anyone, no man will ever get married. seenu wanted me to ask her hand.and l did it.

l know there will be problems. but l never expected youto manhandle me. your family is one whichl admire & love the most. now, l'm your only problem.l will go away. l will never step into this house again.l won't cause any trouble. l want you all to be happy. like always, l want to seeyou all smiling. got it? asking for your girl's hand is wrong.

will you come with me? l won't mind if they aren't with me. but l can't live without seeing you.l can't live without your yells. l'll take good care of you.will you come with me? sarada... 6 months later... haven't you cleanedthe threshold still? why do you sleep so long?you rascal! lazy goose! stop. where are you goingwith empty hands?

take a bucket of water. l've to tell everything to this's all my fate. oh god! why did you push me intothis unorthodox house? why is the toilet stinking? you scarp!what did you eat last night? lt stinks. shit! and moreover you've hung yourbrief like a wall painting. unable to bear all this,l've to take bath in temple ponds. can any woman stay in your house?

oh god! what's my mistake?l'm suffering a lot staying with him. l was very happy in our house. he mesmerised with his talkand brought me here. listen to rascai! oh god! what more do i have to face! l'm talking here and... vasu uncle... mother-in-law, how are you? she used say that she's very orthodox.

but she came here when he invited her. can we come inside? what are you staring at?get inside. sir...sir... l get angry on seeing you. l wish to beat you. l'm very old now. like them, l couldn't changemy attitudes just like that. l didn't want an entire familyto cry for this old man.

my friend lives in mylapore.l will stay with him. give me sometime.l will try to change. they're here to stay with youfor few days. take care of them. sir... an entire family has come here for me. l've only one request. can l come to your placeif l want to see you all? - hope you didn't forget anything.- no.

take this. well fed family, the list contains items everyone want, buy them immediately. subtitle by ringo

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