"hail lord shiva!" "there's darkness everywhere." "all the tunes have gone away." "happiness seems far away.."- stop it! stop mourning. i've told you several timesstop cribbing. hello? madanlal mehta speaking. who is that?hey, mr. minister! greetings! i had a meeting withthe developer today.
he is ready to redevelopthe mill land. sir, we only needyour permission. who? the labourers?what will they do? what will they do?go on a strike, eh? if they go on a strike,they will be finished. friends, we cannot takeany wrong step now. if we are real leadersof the labourers.. ..we must call for a strike. when all the capitalisthave joined hands..
..to help the workers.. ..why should we keep quiet? strike is the onlysolution left. comrades, it's not like iam against a strike. but there is inflationeverywhere. not just in our country this issue is prevalentall over the world. in such circumstances i feel it will befoolish to propose a strike.
mr. patel, no one wants tostarve after going on a strike. they lowly money lenders forceus to go on a strike. instead of running the mills,they want to shut them down.. ..and then give the plotto the developers.. ..and make money at once.. ..is what they are trying to do. they don't careif the labourers are stranded. agreed. i agree.but tell me this. strike is not the only solution.
what good has the 1980strike done to the labourers? what good has it done to us? instead all the millsin mumbai were shut down. look, people who don't want astrike should leave the party. we want unity. the weak have no place here. we are rightand we must fight injustice. comrades, let me repeat that i'mnot against the idea of strike. i just want to tell you thatbefore we call for a strike..
..we must talk to the nationalmill owners association. by talking to the nationalmill owners association.. ..you mean we must talkto madanlal mehta, right? why should we talk to him? he only understandsthe language of strike. he is the president of thenational mill owners association.. ..so he's unfavorabletowards the labourers. he talks aboutcalling off strikes. why talk to suchan arrogant man?
such men shouldbe shot to death. is it? wonderful! wonderful! they want to shoot me, eh? you must tell them.. ..they haven't madea bullet that could kill me. yes. i am not scared of them.i am not scared! barking dogs seldom bite. sangram, that jadhav. he's a bug.
we wouldn't need very littletime to smash him. amazing, sangram! you were at your best at theparty committee meeting today. all the committee memberslooked at you with amaze. but patel, i didn't likeyour timid attitude. timid attitude?when did i do that? hey! when i was askingto call for a strike.. ..you were talkingabout compromise. no, no, no.no, sangram.
i never spoke about compromise. i was only saying thatwe must do things peacefully. there's no difference betweencompromise and making peace. both brethren. compromise is anotherword for peace. what do you mean by doingthings peacefully? to fall at that pig's feet. that's it, right? pig?- yes.
who's that? that madanlal mehta. president of the nationalmill owners association. you amaze me! you have been bad mouthingabout madanlal mehta. pig and what not. no just that, patel. i also said that he mustbe shot to death. i do remember. iam not high yet.
but.. what's the matterwith you today? the party appointed you as thegeneral secretary.. ..but you talk aboutshooting people to death. not people.i didn't mean everyone. just madanlal mehta! forget it. it's easyto say such things. you can't even kill a snakethat enters your house.. ..and you talkabout killing men. patel.- yes.
let me tell you,i can spare a snake. - okay. but never spare a crazy dog.- what? that madanlal mehta..- yes. he's a crazy dog.- i see. if anyone ever gives mea loaded gun.. what would you do? then i.. i'll shoot him. bang! bang! bang! hey you! are you really..
i mean.. are you serious? can you kill madanlal mehta? wanna place a bet?- bet? you must kill madanlal mehta. i offer youone million rupees for the job. okay? wait! you think one millionis too less? no problem! no problem! i'll give you blank cheque.done?
done! done! done! "should you be killed?should you be spared?" "tell me, what shouldi do with you?" patel, who is he? don't you recognise him?- no, buddy. he's madanlal mehta'sonly son, bipin. really?- yes. why is madanlal mehta'sson at a bar? because he ismadanlal mehta's son.
the truth is thathis father gives him no money. so he awaits his father's death. but tell me would youtake up the contract? not a bad idea. what nonsense! "how do i narrate the story.." "..i'm in loss of words." "in the mist.." "..i washed off my worries."
"there's no light anywhere.." "..the sun has set." "to bring an endto these hymns.." "..there are enough memories." hello, kranti here. this is dad speaking. oh! dad!when did you reach nagpur? just now. i hope you hada comfortable journey.
how is mom? no, it was very comfortable. your mom is absolutely fine,like always. but there is a problem. what happened? i left my pistol with you. what! dad, you are weird. you are so absent-minded. true! your mom callsme absent-minded too.
that you are. but whendid you realise this? once i reached nagpur. dad, if policemen startforgetting things.. ..what can we tell others? aren't you the dcp? retired. it's truethat people go senile at 60. that's why the government wantsus to retire at 60. but dad, why did you forgetthe bag at my place? are you scared?
i know! your husband isa crazy man, isn't he? what are you saying? dad, please.my husband isn't a crazy man. you don't have to tell me.hear me out. these union leadersare very irritating. it's my personal experience. dad, instead of telling meabout your experience you better tell me, whenare you taking away the gun. can i take it next week?
make sure you take that bagfrom my house at the earliest. sure. okay?- bye. oh god! how.. how did this happen? don't know. "colour me saffron." tiger! how are you, my friend? you are hungry, right? dear, if you are hungry..
..you cannot go to sleep.get it? we are going tostarve to death.. ..while those capitalist.. ..will be eatingto their heart's content. those scoundrels havea bulging stomach. that's because they eat money. drink money.. ..and sleep on their money. when they die,they are buried in money.
but you are hungry, right? wait a minute. take this. have it! dear, you must snatch it. you have to learn to snatchin order to survive. take it! hey..come on, have it. you will starve to death,if you don't eat it. you get that? eat it, come on.
soon, there will be revolution. "colour me saffron.." why do you come home so late? dear, there was a centralcouncil meeting today. there was enough workafter the meeting. we solved a very seriousinternational issue today. sangram, you had drinks again? don't do this, kranti. there's no harm in havinga few pegs sometimes.
isn't that what you had said? after the meeting, patelwanted to drink.. ..so i just had one peg. are you sure it wasonly one peg? by one i mean.. i may have takena few more pegs. smart, eh? go freshen up.i will go warm the food. okay, ma'am. what was he doing hereso late at night?
i don't know! i don't know? then what do you know? why don't you question herinstead of questioning me? who's she?- dad's second wife. he's ashamed to call me mom. i'm sorry, madam. butat least you must say something. he would visit me sometimes. but he would come alone.
i see.- darn! i'm stuck in this mess. oh wow! have you madetoast today? yes, dear. i'm too tiredto roll breads today. what adventure had the ladybeen to be so tired? adventure? instead you wentto an adventure. what? what adventure? the meeting.
that's true. our party meetings mean.. ..strategies against capitalist. but was the meeting so long? no! i was drinking at the bar,under the pretext of a meeting. sangram, why are you being rude? that's because you asksilly questions. am i a school going student.. ..to come home straightafter school?
you are a rich man's daughter.. ..and i come from a poor family. that's the reason youreprimand me for silly things. look, i don't meanto mean reprimand you. that's all.i can take care of myself. do you understand?- yes, i do. when did you learn aboutthe murder? i came running,when i heard a gunshot. what about you?
i understand everythinga little late.. ..after everything has happened. constable, you must searchthe place properly. we will find an evidence. you guys! aren't youthe security guards? yes, sir.- were you guys sleeping? but sir, we didn't knowhe was here. he was at his mansion till7 in the evening. - yes. i have no ideawhen did he come here.
it's all a mess. sir, a half-burnt cigarette. i see. four-square. i see. kranti, where is my red muffler? i don't know. don't do this.my throat is aching. the doctor asked to wear amuffler during the winters. but since the last two days,i've been forgetting to carry it.
search and you will find. are you mad at me? for what? absolutely not! but you are right. you are dcp deshpande'sonly daughter. you had a very strictupbringing. you must have married a policeofficer, instead of me. asking me to rectify my mistake? i am just telling the truth.
i am a poor man,from a lower-caste. that's what your dadtold me back then. remember?- i don't remember. but he wasn't wrong either. i may have graduatedwith flying colors but back then i was a joblesspolitical activist. he was a respectable manfrom nagpur.. and you are his only daughter. your dcp deshpande'sdarling daughter.
but dcp deshpande's princessdidn't think twice before getting marriedto a pauper prince. oh yes.- i'm proud of you, kranti. believe me, you have donejustice to your name. i still remember those days. do you? yes, i do remember them. "the mild breeze.." "..the fresh fragrance.."
"the mild breeze,the fresh fragrance.." "..and your company." "come charm me,be my companion." "you are young.." "..and so am i." "let's add new colorsand aroma.." "..to this new life." "you are the music of my life." "you are the new song."
"there are new colorson the flowers." "come into my arms, love." "i want to embrace you.." "..but i feel shy." "it's the spring season." "may our union be blessed." "the mild breeze, thefresh fragrance.." "come charm me, bemy companion." "how can the fragranceseparate from you?"
"let me adorn a garlandon you today." "i walk slow.." "i walk slow,i live in happiness." you lowly party worker! how dare you marry my daughter! i'll teach you a lesson. you scoundrel! rogue! you take advantage of mydaughter's innocent nature? i won't spare you.
dad! you must shoot me first. isn't that a dialoguefrom some hindi movie? so you better stop acting likea father from the hindi movies. drop the gun. the law will hang you to death,if you kill him. law? how dare you teach me law! i am the dcp. so, i ask you to drop the gun. you can point a gunonly at criminals.
and falling in loveisn't a crime. look at her. your daughteris arguing with me. she's your daughter too. she wouldn't listen to you. sing praises for heras she has done a great deed. right. you must bless them.- what are you saying? all right!bless you! bless you! day before yesterday, he saidhe will be going to delhi but he forgot his gun here.
were you aware of it? why wouldn't i be aware of it? it's okay that he trustsme more these days. but i already have severalissues with the police. this bag will only addto the trouble. you have been blabbering. don'tyou want to have your meal? i am so happythat i feel content today. why? what are youso happy about today? darn! i was rushing home to tellyou such an important thing
but i forgot to tellyou the same. i was appointed as the generalsecretary with just one vote. really? congratulations,comrade sangram jadhav! is that it?won't you offer me some sweets? go away! your mouth stinksof alcohol, you drunkard! what is this? i came running to announce this goodnews to you. i would have fallen into a pitand injured my head.
but you.. what do you mean? - i took theshot road near national park. what? did you take that road? so what?i often take that road. but that's a verydangerous road. yes! that road goes througha dense forest. there are several big cats. and the lions have a club there.
women are so silly. but you took that very roadto come home, right? yes, i did! your dad's best friend,madanlal mehta. i took the road behindhis mansion. what!- why? do you feel he will kill me if he spotsme near his mansion? what nonsense, sangram! he surely holds a grudge againstme as i lead the labourers
but he wouldn't dareto mess with me. and if such a situation arises i will be the one to kill him. that's what i saidin today's meeting. sangram, how could you saysuch a thing before everyone? i was only fooling around. the party appointed me asthe general secretary so i was showing off. oh yes! they will surelyannounce the news on tv.
switch on the tv.it's time for the news. okay. 'greetings.headlines for today.' 'the president ofnational mill owners association' 'madanlal mehta was killed today.' 'seven killed in an accidenton mumbai-pune expressway.' 'india lost asia cricket cup.' 'now to news in detail.' 'this evening, the president ofnational mill owners association'
'and the respectablemill owner of mumbai' 'mr. madanlal mehta was murdered' 'in a very old mansionnear national park in borivali.' 'as the killer had shothim from a distance..' '..the shape of the bullet provesthat the killer..' '..had a mauser bake gun.' 'the police are investigating.' 'an accidenton mumbai-pune highway..' that's terrible.
very terrible. sangram, you said you had taken that road. excuse me, sir. madanlal's life was in danger and he receivedthreat calls too. is that true?- yes. that's the reason he wasgiven police protection. then how was he murdered?
what were his guards doing? if a person commits suicidein such an isolated place what can the guards do? what do you mean? you meanmadanlal committed suicide? are you trying to say that? if someone comes tosuch an isolated place keeping the security at bay in spite of knowing thathis life's in danger wouldn't that be called suicide?
does that statement relieve theguards of their responsibility? that's all!please no more questions. please, sir.- allow us to do our job. please! no more questions. sir, please.. sir..- no! but sir, the reporters.. who do you think killedyour dad? did someone had a grudge on him? i mean a businessor a political enemy.
i don't know!please leave me alone! you must question her. can you tell us anythingabout the murder? please! please switch offthe camera. - please sir.. the body is being taken forpost-mortem. please! - sir.. please give us way. no!- sir, one minute. sir.. but sir..- sir, please.. come on, give us way. leave! - allow us to do our job.get going, lady.
come on! place the body. sangram.- yes. what happened? you had abused madanlalin today's meeting. am i right? so what? i always criticize him. but today.. what about today? i said he must be shotas he is a crazy dog! you're amazing! why didyou had to say that today?
but where did i knowthat today.. kranti. please don't tell anyone i travelled from therethis evening. but i hope nobody saw you. i didn't see anyone. are you sure?- what are you trying to say? damn! nothing. kranti, i killed madanlal.
what? - i hope you are nottrying to say that. it doesn't matter what i think. what matters is,what others think. if one of them who heard yoursermon at the meeting may have seen you comingthrough the road only then.. if they send an anonymousletter to the police that will be the end of it. that's the reason ialways warn you
to watch your words. you get carried awayand talk nonsense. darn! i am innocent and we must findsome evidence to prove it. but how can they even accuse you if you are innocent? you think they can'tframe an innocent man? if i cannot prove my innocence everything will go in vain.
but sangram,don't be so disheartened. nothing happened, eh? fool. madanlal was murdered. but you haven't murdered him.that's all. you must go to sleep.it's too late at night. kranti.- yes? why are the dogs barking? who is it?- shut up. stay here.don't you go ahead.
who is it?- jadhav stays here? who are you?- is he home? listen, he's not home. you can come tomorrow. that's all right. i wasasked to deliver a letter. i'll drop the letter. what letter? go ahead, read it.what are you scared of? you read it.
what's written in the letter?why are you quiet? tell me. 'i saw you going to madanlal'shouse last evening.' what does this mean? kranti, it's very clear. someone's actually saw metaking that road. and now he's tryingto blackmail me. what kind of a man is he! kranti, should i go and tellthe cops? - about what? that i took that roadto come back home.
have you lost it? but what's the harm intelling the truth instead of being blackmailedby someone? shut up! i know you are smart. but how long will we bear this? today it's a letter, tomorrowwe'll receive threat calls. hello?- hello. is sangram home? who is this?- this is patel speaking. hold on.- okay.
here, it's patel. so late at night? i'm sureit's about madanlal's murder. hello, patel. tell me. you do know, right?- about madanlal? yes, i just saw it on the tv. but what makes you callme so late at night? it's important,so i had to call. you must meet me at the partyoffice sharp at 11 tomorrow. why? what is this about?
i'll tell you that once we meet. but what's the harmin telling it now? no, i am not permitted to do so. permission? who's permission? the party committee. i see. so you have ordersfrom the party committee, eh? of course. don't forget.tomorrow, sharp at 11. but patel.. hello? listen, it's too late at night.come, let's go to sleep.
news today! news today!buy it! madanlal mehta murdered! read it! let's have fireworks!let's celebrate! news today!please read it, sir. news today! news today! news today! read it! madanlal mehta murdered. madanlal mehta mur..news today.. news today!
borivali police station,inspector mane speaking. good morning, sir.sub-inspector patil speaking. yes, patil. tell me.what's the news? sir, madanlal mehta'sson, bipin.. what about him? sir, he bumped intomy motor bike. i see. he must be drinkingduring the day. sir, he was celebratinghis father's death. sir, he was distributingnewspapers for free.
he fled on seeing me. something is surely fishy. yes, sir. - do this.keep a good eye on him. saku, how much everi supervise you.. ..you only dowhatever suits you. what happened, madam? the ink markon my husband's shirt. it's still there. i brushed it too hard.
but it seems to be stubborn. madam, some stains aretoo stubborn. once there's a markit cannot be cleaned. the shirt may tearbut the stain remains forever. i get it. enough of preaching! here are the clothes, countthem. you are a trouble-maker. madam, you thinki can build a mansion.. ..if i steal clothes from you? there's no point anyway.look at madanlal.
could he take his mansionand wealth when he died? do you know madanlal? yes. everyone knows him. my brother wasworking at his mill. he would representthe labourers at his mill.. ..so madanlal got him firedaccusing him of theft. what are you saying?- but my brother is cunning. he purchased a knife. for what?
to kill madanlal. but before he could do that,someone already killed him. good this happened. speak softly.someone may hear you. what's this?no one's around. no one's expected.- so? why have you called me? sangram, the party hasgiven me all the rights. what rights?
to discuss things with you.- what discussion? cigarette?- no, thanks. yes, you are right. cigarette smokingis injurious to health. but you still smoke. i guess you have quit smoking,since last night. did i say that? but sangram, smokingis really an ill-habit. it's always getsa man in trouble.
what do you mean? several infamous murderersin the world were caught.. ..due to their cigarette brands.you know? have you called me hereto discuss this? not exactly that.- so come to the point. there's only one topic.madanlal's murder. what about that? sangram you very well know madanlal only had one enemyin the whole wide world.
and that's the party. that's known to everyone. but that is a threat to us. what are you trying to say? i was informed last night. what information?- the police are doubting someonefrom our party. nonsense!why would anyone do that? but madanlal's death was anywaysbeneficial for our party.
you are forgetting that.- impossible. instead party would havebenefitted, had he been alive. if we have such challengesbefore us.. ..it encourages to fight back.- you say that now. last night you wanted to shoothim as was a crazy dog. patel, we say things,when we are angry. but i was only saying it. but your talks can bea threat to the party. ever thought about it?
how on earth wouldhave i known.. ..that he would have gotmurdered yesterday? but that has happened. so? what does the party thinki should do now? look sangram.. ..it's better you go'to some place else.. ..until the matter settles. what!- don't be agitated! we are not sentencing youto life imprisonment.
i'm telling you to go abroad. do this. don't travel alone,take you wife along. enjoy. patel, it was never my agendato go on foreign trips. but why are you yelling at me? i was only conveying the partyorders to you. that's it. but why? so that the party facesno hardships because of you. oh, i see!
you mean the party is facinga problem because of me? what about all you?you all have clean images, eh? sangram, are you goingto follow the party orders? to hell with the party. sangram.. - aren't theyashamed to doubt me? damn it!- sangram! san.. hello? who is this? dad!- how are you? i am fine.how are you?
i am very fine. dad, what makes youcall me today? we spoke last night, didn't we? yes, i did call you last night. but i was shockedto hear about madanlal. true. he was your good friend. yes, but he was yourhusband's enemy too. dad, it's true they wereat loggerheads.. ..but everything's over now.
it's not over.it's just the beginning. what do you mean, dad? tell me this.have you kept my gun safe? what i meant is that i hopeyour husband hasn't taken it. dad, what is this? dear, the things i am askingare very important. my gun is a mauser. madanlal too was killedusing a mauser gun. what are you trying to say, dad?
not what i have to say.. ..but what the police has tosay, that's very important. and what doesthe police has to say? dear, the police suspectyour husband. impossible! i just told you, what i heard. but dad, i trust sangram. he can never kill anyone. sure? you are sure, right?then that's it.
and make sure you hide the gun. dad, first you forget your gun.. ..and then doubt my husband. and now you are askingme to hide it. why don't you just take it away? i have to go.i need to cook. listen, are the cops actuallysuspecting sangram? why would they suspectfor no reason? they may have foundsome evidence.
i don't think he cancommit a murder. not our thoughts, but thepolice's findings are important. but what if he reallygets arrested? what would beour daughter's future? it was decided.. ..the day she married him. did you meet patel?- yes. what did he say? he had called to conveythe party committee's order.
and what do they say? they are sending me away.- sending you away? no, i'm sorry. they asked meto go for a tour abroad. i must pack my bags and goon a foreign trip with my wife. i must have fun there. i must come back only whenthe party asks me to. hey.. sangram. true. we going awayfor somedays.. ..would be actually right.
don't you think so? you are such a fool, kranti. if i go abroad undersuch circumstances.. ..not even my friends wouldbelieve that i am innocent. i would be termed as a culprit,in spite of being innocent. that's right. i just received a call from dad. what did my father-in-law say? he has got some news.
what news? they are suspecting you.- what! that's what dad said. i guess everything is over. oh my god! what's that? looks like the cops are here. they.. aren't they comingtowards us? i don't think so. they are coming here!
will you just shut up? no one steps out! we are looking for a criminal. search everywhere! kranti, don't you believe me? they are looking for someone. no. they haven't come for us. why? they must be searchingthe building.
they will come here eventually. why don't they comehere at once? they are here. you go inside.let me check. - but.. you go inside.come on. excuse me, madam.where does mayur apte stay? mayur apte? he stays downstairs. okay, thank you. i haven't done anything.let me go.
come on!- someone please tell them. mom, please tell themto leave me. - come on. come on.- mom, please help me. calm down. i know that. just cometo the police station. mom, he'll hurt me..- come on. you old hag!you want to go with him? mom..- move aside, everyone. move aside. push him inside.- he's been accused.
where are you taking my son? sangram, they have left. really?- yes, they left. they hadn't come for me. the old woman downstairsis crying. why did they troublean old woman? i must check on her. sangram, listen.. sangram, you shouldn'tgo downstairs. - no.
i'll not be at peace unlessi don't enquire about the woman. but.. but sangram..- i'll be back soon. hey! why did thecops arrest him? looks like he has murdereda businessman. really? but he didn'tlook like he could. the police are veryunpredictable. they can spare a culpritand punish a priest. yes, that's right.the police are unpredictable. one can neither be friends withthe cops nor mess with them.
why was she crying? they have arrested her son.- whose son? the old woman, who stayon the ground floor. you mean the boy downstairs? yes, him.- but what has he done? he's been accusedof killing a businessman. he committed a murder? he's only being accused. strange!
he looked so innocent.- what do you mean? you mean he didn'tlook like a killer. right?- absolutely. just like i don't looklike a killer. don't talk nonsense, sangram. kranti, when the cops arrest me people would say the same. sangram, no one arrest youwithout evidence. they will findan evidence someday.
you think evidence just eruptsfrom the ground or something? how will they find an evidencewhen you haven't done anything? no matter what you say, kranti.. ..but..- but what? i always sense..- what do you sense? that i am connected tomadanlal's murder in some way. what! scared, are you?- anyone could have got scared. do you even realisewhat you are saying?
hello?- who's speaking? this ismrs. sangram jadhav speaking. who's this?- inspector mane. is sangram jadhav home?- just a minute. sangram. it's a call fromthe police station. - what! it's some inspector named mane. what did he say?- he wants to talk to you. i am sure..
i am sure he has foundan evidence against me. why do you decidethat beforehand? speak to him. here. this is sangram jadhav speaking. mr. jadhav, you have to cometo the police station. nothing, just to enquire.. ..about madanlal's murder. but.. but what havei got to do with it? we too have nothingto do with it.
but we investigate,as it is our duty. similarly, you must cometo the police station too.. ..as your responsibility. but inspector,i don't understand why do you suspect me! mr. jadhav,had i suspected you.. ..i'd have sent a policevan to bring you. then.. why are youeven enquiring? it's just a formality. okay?
we just need your help.- help? how can i help you? i'll tell you thatonce you come here. please come hereat the earliest. i'll be there in an hour. he's such a scoundrel. he wants me to frameme with his sweet talks. but why will he frameyou for no reason? the cops are justunpredictable, kranti.
listen, you must go there.if something happens.. ..i'll call dad.should it be fine then? if there arises a situation.. ..you think your dad willcome running to help me? why not? he will help you,if you are innocent. you are innocent, aren't you? i'll go to the police station. but at least have your meal.
i've no appetite anymore.- sangram.. may i come in? yes, yes, yes.welcome, comrade! welcome! have a seat. how do you do?- fine. so tell me, how can i help you? help? wonderful! mr. jadhav, it would be a greathelp, if you tell me the truth. okay?- i've no reason to lie.
and i very well knowthat no one lies for no reason. then go ahead.well, mr. jadhav. the night madanlalwas murdered.. ..that night..i mean in the evening.. ..there was an importantparty meeting. right? yes, there was. in that meeting, you..- i abused madanlal. not just abuses.. ..such men are like crazy dogs..
..they should be shot to death. didn't you say that? am i right?- oh wow! you are informed aboutthe inside story. we are not informed,we search it. that's our duty. but who's duty is it to.. ..tell you things froma private party meeting? can you tell me his name?
sorry, comrade.it's none of your business. then i am not answerableto you either. we have several tacticsto make a criminal talk. i am not a criminal! that's what allthe culprits say initially. how dare you! don't you know i am the general secretaryof a national level party? cool down, mr. jadhav. don't be upset.
mr. jadhav. i just needa few answers from you. the sooner you answer them the sooner you can go home.okay? okay, go ahead. that day at the meeting.. ..you said a man like madanlal.. should be shot to deathas he was a crazy dog.. ..is what i said.
that's it. that's it. and that very eveningmadanlal was murdered. right?- maybe. not maybe,he was murdered, mr. jadhav. but did i know.. ..that he would be murdered? mr. jadhav. anyway. now tell me this. where were you that evening?- what do you mean?
i mean after the meeting. i went home after the meeting. are you sure you went home? no, not really. i stopped at a baron my way home. i see. - champak patel and mehas drinks there. after which you wenthome, right? of course!i went home after that. what road did you take?- what do you mean?
the regular, the station road. are you sure about that? i wasn't drunk. okay. so, mr. jadhav.. ..how did you learn aboutmadanlal's murder? i heard the news on tv. i see. anyway. that's all for today. but i will call you again,if i need.
and yes.. ..no leaving the city until themurder investigations conclude. what?- i understand. okay. see you later. hello? sir, this is sangram.sangram jadhav. what's with you, comrade? sir, i want to meet you?- why? sir, i have to tellyou something. my plight.- regarding what?
about madanlal's murder. then you goto comrade champak patel. the party has given champakthe rights to handle this case. but sir.. i am thegeneral secretary of this party. you can investigatethings about me. no! never. the working committee hasgiven patel the responsibility. you should talk to him only. but sir..should i speak to patel?
should i tell my situationto him? so what? sir, he's always competingwith me. i replaced him asthe general secretary. he has a grudge on me. he doesn't want me in the party. and in such a situation.. in such a situation,he trying to frame me. you have to speak to him.that's all.
hello? hello, sir.. sangram jadhav. you had to come to me. i give up, patel.i surrender. you tell me, what should i do! you must have a drink. two pegs down.. ..and all your fear will vanish. then you will starttelling the truth.
are you sayingthat i am lying? - no. you are not lying.absolutely not. tell me, don't you believe me? but you aren't tellingthe truth either. you are saying somethingin between. what can i do to makeyou believe me? sangram, it's notif i believe you or not. the point is if the partybelieves you or not. so what should i dofor them to believe?
the party needs you to writea report on madanlal's murder. report? what report? about the kind of relationshipyou shared with madanlal. your personal opinion about him. how was madanlal murdered? where were you whenhe was murdered? who told you about his murder?that's all. but i have alreadytold you that.
there's no point in telling me. the party wantsa written report. do this. submit the reportat the party office by tomorrow afternoon. you shouldn'tgo anywhere until then. but.. but why shouldi submit such a report? don't. you don't have to. if you don't want to followthe committee orders, it's fine. what if i don't?
the party will have to takean action against you. why blame the party? you are in a hurry to terminateme from the party. you are all thieves! we are thieves, eh? then what are you,sangram jadhav? who are you? murderer? killer?contract killer? - patel! you thief! scoundrel!- he calls me a thief! bastard! you are a thief!
i will kill you! "what wrong have i done?" "my fate ignores me." "the sun has set.." "..but i see someonein the darkness." madanlal? you.. what are you doing here? what if i ask youthe same question? me? i was passing by and then..
then..you thought of coming here. quite obvious. the murderer always comes backto the murder site. you know? but.. but what have igot to do here? i haven't killed anyone. it'll be your loss,if you lie to me. we had placed a bet. if you kill madanlal i promised to give youa blank cheque.
and i always fulfill my promise. look.. i think youhave misunderstand. thank you! thank you very much. i am going to give youa blank cheque very soon. how do i explain it to you? i haven't committed the murder! sangram, why are you late.. who? who are you looking for? you.- me?
i mean sangram. sangram jadhav. but he isn't home.what is this about? won’t you invite me inside?- oh! sorry, please come in.- thanks. aren't you mrs. sangram jadhav? yes. kranti.my name is kranti. and you are..- i am maneka. i am madanlal's widow. i had heard about you..
..but i never got to see you. please have a seat.- okay. how could you have seen me? after i got married.. ..i had no connection withthe outside world. to be precise, i was in a jail. but now,i have attained freedom. what do you mean?i don't understand. you may not know..
..but i used bea famous classical singer. in such a similar concert.. ..i met madanlal. he was known to bea music lover. he praised my singing. i was impressed. and soon i realizedthat i was in love with him. he was older than me. but still i married him.
after the marriage i understood everythingwas imaginary. his love for music the dedication was all a lie. it was a show-off. he actually wanted a slave. who pleases and entertains him. he made me sever tieswith my world. he trapped me in a golden cage.
hello?- is that maneka? yes, maneka speaking. maneka, this is your teacher. is that you, teacher?thank god! i've heard you aftera long time. so.. you marrieda successful businessman.. ..and forgot about your teacher? teacher, no one can forgettheir teacher. it's impossible for meto forget you.
whatever i am todayis all thanks to you. instead you have forgotten me. you haven't called me last year. wow! why not?i called you several times. but you never answer the call. how is that possible?i am always home. dear, don't be offended.but i am telling the truth. your husband answeredthe call each time. he always saidthat you weren't home.
what? did he really say that? never mind. i got to talkto you today. i feel good. how are you?how's your family life? it's going good. have you quit singing being busywith household chores? how can i quit singing? it is my life. i will quit singingonly when i die. well-done, dear.
you're my onlydedicated student. hey..- what are you doing? i told you several times not to talk to useless people. i don't like it. he was no useless man.that was my teacher. - teach.. that good for nothing teacher? please don't speak illabout my teacher. he's a pauper.
should i call hima king instead? please, madanlal. stop judging peopleby their wealth. please, please.. if you have money,you have everything. you married me for money, right? it's all a misunderstanding. i fell for your sweet talks. i fell for the fake love.
had i known your realself before i would have evaded your wealth. do it now! come on! do it now or wheneveryou want. you can disown this and go backto your moneyless world. the moneyless world. oh seven syllables i have offended you. please forgive me.
"the shattered dreamsin my eyes.." "..suffered all the pain." "there's no sun anywhere.." "..there is no lamp." that night i decidedto leave the house. i didn't want anything from him. i just took my guitar with me and left in a car. when i was leaving fromthe mansion..
..i saw madanlal's shadowon one of the windows. i thought it was betterto tell him that i was leaving. i decided thisand entered the old mansion. on climbing the stairs.. ..i heard a gunshot. i went upstairs running. he was lying in a pool of blood. i happened to scream. i chased the killerto the balcony.
and i saw.. no, kranti.i am not accusing sangram. it's a fact.but don't you worry. i never going to tell thisto the cops. because by killing a monster sangram has done a good deed. the happiness and blissi should have experienced as madanlal's wife i experience that beinghis widow.
and sangram has a big share.. ..in giving me this happiness. this is too small a gift.. ..to the returnhis favour, dear. but please don't say no. please take this. what do you think of my husband?a contract killer? a contract killer or a shooter? whatever you just said..
..make you never saythat before anyone again. i, sangram jadhav's wifecan confidently tell you.. ..my husband is not a murderer. he hasn't killed madanlal. you must find the real killerand give him the reward. i request you to leavebefore he comes here. but.. - please, leave. tiger! tiger! tiger! bahadur! bahadur!
coming! yes, sir? where is tiger? men from the municipalitycorporation took him away. took him away? why? he bit a boy fromthe neighboring building. they reported it. didn't you do anythingwhen he was being taken? why didn't you stop them? what could i do? if a dog bitessomeone, he will be taken away.
all right, go.- okay, sir. sangram, what is this?where were you all this time? i don't know.- what do you mean? kranti, will you makeme a cup of tea? now? so late at night?- yes. i have to get to work soon. what do you have to do now? first, serve me some tea. okay, i will do that.but at least freshen up.
sangram, i hope you wentto the police station. yes.- what did the inspector say? you came home late. i was worried about youall throughout the day. i called at the policestation eventually. but the constable saidyou had left long back. that made me worriedabout you even more. i was waiting for you. i didn't realise,when i fell asleep.
here. my throat is aching. i looked for it everywhere,but couldn't find it. i'll look for it again. you may have written my initials on it, as usual. that's it. it won't go missing. whoever finds it,will bring it to me. but where would have i kept it? kranti, please answer the call.- yes, i will go check.
hello? who is it? yes, he is. he just came home.i'll call him. sangram, you havea call from patel. coming. hello? yes, tell me. look, i know we are fighting,but we are still friends. but there are no friendships,when it comes to the party. so you must preparethe report at the earliest. okay. but tell me this.
can the committee not functionwithout the report? or is it that you have to talkto your friend late at night? look friend, i am talkingabout for well-being. it's about your life and death. oh i see! is it aboutmy life and death? how is that? sangram, the police havefound a muffler. wow! they found a muffler, eh? that's very good.
the police will findwho's muffler it is. it was my duty to inform you,so i did. but you must preparethe report at once. it will be done by morning. did the police find a muffler? yes. probably, they havefound my missing muffler. how is that possible? kranti,should i tell the police? about what?- that i have lost a muffler.
you have to promise me that you will not do that. but kranti, let's at leastsee the muffler that the cops have found. no.- wait, let me ask patel. but sangram, listen to me.. hello.- hello, patel. yes.- sangram speaking. yes.- sorry to disturb your sleep.
never mind. tell me. you said the cops havefound a muffler. yes.- describe the muffler. what do you mean?- i mean.. what color is it? i have no idea.but why do you ask? i'll tell you.- sangram, don't. look patel, one ofmy mufflers are missing. i can't find it sincetwo days. - okay. i think someone has stolen it.
but i feel someoneis trying to frame me. why do you say that? why didn't the police findit the first time? no, the police had found itat the first time. what!- yes. but earlier.. they didn't revealit deliberately. but where did theyfind the muffler? near the murder scene.
hey! do you really feelsangram killed madanlal? i don't know.but in the whole act i was successfulin framing sangram. but how does this benefit you? how will i benefit? you are a fool. if people aresuspecting sangram.. ..it will of course benefit me. sangram may or may not bearrested for madanlal's murder..
..but thanks to this murder.. ..he will have to resign fromhis post as the general secretary. and the next step.. ..is to lay off champak patel. congratulations!you will be general secretary. thank you. here.- this isn't the one. i found this, when i waslooking for the red on. but i never used this.
my red muffler has been missing. look at the initialyou stitched on it. i mean, if the policehas found the red one.. sj. they wouldn't taketime to realise.. ..sj stands for sangram jadhav. but sangram, you said that.. ..you forget to carrythat muffler everyday. how could your mufflerbe there?
sangram!what's happening to you? kranti, i feel.. no! i mean i am very sure. about what? i think i have killed madanlal. what! have you gone crazy? exactly! exactly!something similar, kranti. at the time.. i may havegone crazy at that time.
i had lost control on myself. the party had appointed meas the general secretary. i was on a high. so.. so i was makingtall claims to patel. then.. later,i took the short road near national park. that's when.. that's when i may have wentto the old mansion. there.. there i mayhave seen madanlal
and i may have got agitated. and i may.. i.. i.. sangram! sangram! sangram, don't talk nonsense! where did you finda gun to shoot him? fool! girl.. your dad's gunwas here, right? it's still here. wait.wait, let me show it to you. sangram! sangram!- wait.
you see that? i may have dropped the muffler,when i was trying to flee. sangram, what are you saying? if someone hears you, they willthink you committed the murder. i really committed the murder. darn! but.. but why ami telling you this? i must tell this to the police. no, sangram.don't think such things. don't you end yourlife like this.
you have to promise me. move away. let me do my work. no, sangram. i will not let you do this,even if you have to kill me. move aside or i will kill you. shoot me! come on! at least i'll be free from this.shoot me. it already has a bullet less. of course!
i have used itto shoot at madanlal! no! no! no! not you, i killed madanlal. yes! i killed madanlal mehta. i killed madanlal mehta. no! no! no! no, this is impossible! kranti, don't lie justbecause you want to save me.
no, sangram. no. i really have killed madanlal. kranti.what have you done? why? what for? i'll tell you.i'll tell you everything. i'm tellingthis only to you. i cannot confessthe truth at the court. sangram, i hope you knew madanlal
and my dad were good friends. yes. i was aware of that. we were loveand we married each other. my dad didn't like it. that's the reasonhe didn't visit us. that's when madanlal came to see me when you weren't home. thank you, dear.
so, how are you?- i am fine. how is family life? but sir, what makesyou come here? dear, just because yourdad is mad at you.. ..doesn't mean i shouldbe mad at you too. thank you, sir. i am happythat you're visiting me. you came to such a shabbyplace for me.. dear. if you marry a poor man.. ..you will stayin a shabby place.
but never mind.what does your husband do? he's jobless,but he's looking for a job. how qualified is he?- he's a science graduate. wow! but a degree is of no use. don't you worry.i will find him a job. really?- yes, but you shouldn't tell him. you shouldn't tell him. he's the union leader.
he will be agitated.. ..if you takehelp from a capitalist. you mean the assistant chemist'sjob at the factory at ghatkopar? thanks to madanlal. kranti! did we survive becauseof the monster's generosity? how could you hand meover to a butcher? but once you got the job.. ..you got too involvedinto the labourers union. there was strike and shut down.
it was impossible for meto stop madanlal. but i couldn't stop you either. but then one day.. when you were out of stationfor party work.. ..madanlal came home. what!- and.. he forced me to come outfor a dinner. did you go with him? i gave him excuses.
but he wouldn't listen to me. he said.. he said.. i am like your dad. what's the harmin coming out with me? and.. and i went out with him. there.. there he offered me a drink. i think..
i think he spiked my drink. because i felt dizzy. look. take a lookat these pictures. take a look at thesepictures. it's stunning. what if i show themto your husband? what would happen? don't worry. don't worry. i'll not show these picturesto your husband. but you have to do a job.
i think i may havetaken your red muffler. and i may have droppedit in a hurry.. i am sorry, sangram. you.. you gave him an easy death. look, kranti. whatever you told me.. ..keep it between us. you should never say thisto anyone else.
but what about me?who should i live for? what would i do? trust me. we human beings are likepuppets in the hands of destiny. from birth to death.. ..we just hop fromone option to the other. we toil, we stumble. and.. a piece of paper.. ..or a muffler..
..can disgrace us forever. but sangram. the muffler may be yours.. ..the police wouldn'tactually know that. the muffler may have theinitials you stitched on them. even a child can understand thatsj stands for sangram jadhav. so why haven'tthe cops come yet? they should have comehere by now. they may be cominghere any moment.
come on, hurry up. we must create a mess now.- what do you mean? should we elope? yes. elope to some place.. ..where the cops can never come. one bullet for you.. ..and one for me. what do you mean?sangram.. dear! didn't we liveall this time..
..hand in hand,in each other's arms? so what's wrong in dyingin each other's arms? okay. i am ready to servethe punishment. wake up. hello! mr. jadhav,inspector mane speaking. we have a good news for you. what is it?- we have found madanlal's killer. the murder was committedby a business rival. a shooter was hiredfor the same.
we have caught him. we have also found amoser gun with him. there was onlyone bullet missing. he confessed that he usedit to shoot madanlal. tell me, who killed madanlal. yes, i killed madanlal.i killed him. i killed him.i shot madanlal. i shot madanlal! inspector, are you telling..
how is it possible?- yes. not only possible,but it has happened. now mr. jadhav, relax.sweet dreams. kranti! kranti! kranti! kranti! hey.. dear, you didn't kill him. you are innocent. the bullet was notfrom your gun. someone else killed madanlal. and you thought, it was you..
kranti! kranti.. dear, i swear by you.. i swear i am tellingthe truth. look. look. only one bullet was shotfrom your gun. and i.. i shot that at you.. madam! madam! i have the muffler with me. i'll drop it, do collect it.
'a man, from birth..' 'hops from one option to theother, being scared of death.' 'he toils, he stumbles.' 'but a muffler..' '..or a piece of paper..' '..can disgrace him forever.' 'whether he is at fault or not..' '..man is helpless atthe hands of his fate.'

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