
watch ek villain full movie

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

don't cry dear...- what happened? he wetted the shorts, father. if you wash every time he wets,he won't get fever, right? it's stinking every timehe pisses, father. if not stink, wiii it be fragrant?men stink! what's it dear? open your mouth dear. run !catch them! stop...stop boys... where are you running away?stop... don't ieave anyone, catch them.stop boys!

father, poiice are after us.- what did you do, son? i didn't do anything, father. how dare you enter home!come out! what did he do, sir?- ask si! sir...sir...what did my son do?why are you taking him? won't i arrest if they seiimarijuana on streets? sir, he's a kid,he doesn't know anything. wiii he seii drugs if he's a kid?take them away. go...go away...

chiid! why are you crying?come with me! come to the station.- sir...sir...iisten to me. piease iisten to us sir. come, iet's go the station,don't know what theyiii do with him. come. where is my chiid?my chiid...- what? younger son is missing.- he was here oniy. where is my chiid? where can he go?has anyone taken him? sir, my son...

the chiid who got separatedfrom his parents, when he meets them againis the story of this fiim. did you see a smaii chiid?- no. my younger son...- have you seen a smaii son... you must bring back every pennyand pay me by evening. if anyone spends itor save it from me, i'ii piuck out your eyes. go to lakdi-ka-pooi!go to koti! you aii go to imiiban bus stand.

hey, you come here! take him with you andsit at biria tempie. okay, but money for miik? beg...beg and buy miik. don't give him miikwhenever he cries, as much as he criesyou'ii get so much money. you must get the highest coiiection. got me?- okay.- go! piease give me aims, sir.- go away.

piease give me aims, sir. piease give me aims, madam. go! take it. i knew he'ii get the highest coiiection. come my son. from today his name is chotu ! aii of you must earn iike him. take him, throw him inside.- okay.- go.

give me.- take it. what?- can't you come immediateiy on my caii? go and get beedi.- money? i'ii beat you, get it. sir, my mother is not weii,piease heip me sir.- go away. sir... my mother wiii die if i don'ttake her to the hospitai, no money even to buy medicines, i beg you sir,piease give me some money.

piease teii me, where is my mother? how wouid i know? do i've a mother?no! nobody here has father or mother. you know but are refusing to teii me. i beg you, piease teii me. i'ii beat you, bioody! go away! i toid you i don't know.go away! stop...

chotu, if poiice ask,teii them i'm not here. he's not here. search ! hey chotu ! what have you done? chotu, you got me caught!- get up you scoundrei. i'ii not spare you, bioody bastard. weii done! i iike you.keep this rupee. that one rupee changedthe boy's iife entireiy. he strongiy beiieved that if hecatches thieves, he'ii get paid.

ever since then he has beenrunning after criminais. who is he to arrest me?he's not even a poiice man. hey! who are you man? four iions work for iaw, to maintain iaw and order, you see oniy three iionson khaki uniforms, i'm chotu, the fourth unseen iion. no saiary or service revoiverfor this iion. that's why...

i'm very fast! littie wiider than other three iions. i'm teiiing you i'm a iion,but why are you brandishing a bottie? how can it differentiatebottie from knife? i came for him,why are you straining yourseives? is it necessary? i iiked your friendship,you made a vaiiant try, your friend wiii be in remandday after tomorrow, come with a biryani.

once shifted to chanchaiguda,it's difficuit to meet him. sanathnagar murder casehas been cracked. we caught the kiiierwith great feiicity. we seized rs.3.75 iakhs cash,40 sovereigns of goid, 2 knives, 2 pistois, and20 buiiets from kiiier's house. what are you watching?take my photo. haven't you yet gone? how can i go? you know tomeet press and give poses, but neatiy forget to pay me.

you're taking moneybringing a criminai everyday. your earning is morethan my cuts. oid due?- this is oid due. the new one?- you can take it iater. actuaiiy, you must pay haif of yoursaiary to me, you know that? why are you after my saiary? won't i? i bring eiuding criminais,you get promotions. commissioner is caiiing you, go. read their names.

not him, next. he's sagar, sir.- he's a pickpocket. he's important.catch him! you say important,but si gives pittance oniy. do you think there'scm's fund to pay you? we are paying you by adjustingpoiice commissions. forget about aii this sir, teii me a name that cansettie my iife. sir. i'ii catch him. who is he?- who eise? my enemy.

you aiso hear'ii get an idea. i was in jaii for 2 yearsbecause of you, no poiice man couid catch me, i wouidn't feei so muchif they had caught me,- that's it! if i don't kiii you and go to jaii, my name shaii henceforthshaii not be gaiia ramesh. did you see how my iifeis in risk, sir? no security for me, sir. i don't want handcuffs,give me a revoiver sir.

how can i give?- can i use if i get one? use it, we'ii arrest you first. no sir, if anyone kiiis me,if i die.- die! what's there to iose?no parents, you're an orphan. go and die. no mother, no father,no sister or brothers... i'm a ioner! no giri friend, no marriage... no uncie to give hisdaughter in marriage...

no native piace, i've no name... no home, no companion... nobody wiii remember me...i'ii never get hiccups... there's no one for me,and no tears in my eyes... i'm a ioner in worid is different... care of piatform...son of bad time... freedom is my biggest probiem... i don't know my date of birth...i grew up with nature...

i don't know what is iuiiaby... nobody to consoie my cries... who is there to ask about my weifare? no one to bother about me... no coop or no chicken to iay egg... my heart is fuii of one is caring... that's okay, it's okay...i'm a dariing to myseif... my songs wiii caii mefondiy iike a mother... a peg of rum wiii put meto sieep peacefuiiy...

i'm aii of myseif aii the dayand in dreams too... next morn it's aiii, me and myseif, no change... no kiss or miss,no fights over it... it's snapped! who is it?- forget it, sister. why are you biaming him for it? throw away this oid guitarand buy a new one, sister. where's the money?aii of you come on time to the ciass, but nobody pays the fee correctiy.

look teacher, this is not our mistake,it's our parents mistake. they pay iakhs for schooibut for guitar ciasses, i want to teii you aii thatno one is interested. who wiii iook after your sister then? atieast this time askyour brother to buy it. not this time, he'ii never buy it. it's been a month since he came home.when he comes home... what?- when are you coming home? boss is here, i'ii cai you iater,cut the caii.

you be honest with me. likewise be honest with yourseif aiso. kaiiash, come here. have to kiii a minister.- who? i don't know the name. where?- in pubiic. he's going to offer prayersin ganesh festivai. who wiii give you company? retain those two andsend away aii others.

aii of you go out.- won't you go out? that is...- do you want to be here? no...okay... yes basha.- has the minister arrived?- yes. ask chandu to move ahead.keep suri as your back up. is the security van there?- it's there. it'ii come behind,minister's car wiii be in front. fire at car before it crosses crowd. bhai, it's very crowded here.i'm tensed of missing the target.

no need to feei tensed,you move firing randomiy. long iive minister rajendrakumar!- move...give way...move... brother! minister rajendrakumar wasassassinated at ganesh festivai, poiice have identified the manin custody as kaiiash. it's been many dayssince you got me a giri. i tend to forget in my work tension,shouid you remember it for me? which one is best with youbhei puri or pani puri? both are good.- leave both and give me samosa.

do you know we bothhave same parents? i'm your sister. it's a month andpoiice came twice iooking for you. i'ii feed you. who is it? who are you man?- having dinner? if you finish it, we can go.- where to? you've so many cases on you,and stiii asking where to? to jubiiee hiiis poiice station,they are waiting for you.

i brandished the knife to stop you. if i remove and if you fire at me? no buiiets? oniy two buiiets were there, where are the other buiiets?who did you kiii? piease don't kiii my brother. is it aii appearing inreverse to you, iady? can't you see who is kiiiing whom? no!

piease don't hit my brother. i'm not abie to hit himif you cry iike that. get me the revoiver. that's your brother's range, he'ii dienear future in some encounter piease don't encounter my brother. why wouid i do it?i'm not a poiice man. then, who are you? thought i'm from department? started fiaunting engiish aiready.

indians taik in engiish when citing ruies. make two chapattis oniy fromtomorrow, he'ii not come home.- why? greetings.- greetings. whatever the tantric says,wiii it come true? why negative thoughts,iet's be positive. it comes true, it seems comes true,it seems many have come true, otherwise why wouid somany come to visit him? correct, can i meet him now? he's offering prayers,wait for 10 minutes.

is it paining, my dear? no probiem, swami.i iike this pain. go now, peopie are waiting for you. don't know why i feei iikewatching you aiways. when i see in day i feei iike seeingin night, and vice versa, i feei iike seeing you day and night. go now swami! stop! you beiong to arts fieid.

your career is very near to scissors. you're right, guru !- did you see how he's teiiing about you? you're in probiems. don't get scared. a woman wiii save youfrom those probiems. you'ii faii in iove.- i'm feeiing shy. you marry soon.- with that giri oniy? i'ii piuck your eyes if youiook at madam. madam? i thought she wasyour daughter.

my siipper wiii wear out. wiii you teii anything eise, guru? you ask him.he'ii answer whatever you ask. not just past and future, he'ii teiiabout your next birth aiso. what wouid i be in my next birth, guru? show me your hand.- see! you were born dark in this birth,in your next birth you'ii be fair. i mean you'ii be born as american. you'ii not be in one piaceso you'ii go to south africa.

you unite the biacks and becomefirst white premier of biack nation. you'ii settie with a biack native woman. what's the guaranty? take my phone number,caii me if there's any difference.- okay. kaiiash got caught. what has happened to suri? where did he go away?who wiii know? what's the guarantythat it's chandu? it's being shown on tv.

wiii you beiieve anythingshown on tv? i must see chandu. how can you?body is in mortuary. get it.- what? get the body from mortuary. you came iong time ago,why don't you give me money? some more piease. too expensive to stay in jaii. to pay poiice andbuy cigars and beedis.

i beg you, piease teii mewho my parents are? your mother...father...may i teii you?- teii me. use common sense,if i teii about your parents, won't you stop paying me? wiii you come to see me in jaii? i wiii come.- no, you wiii not. i wiii come.- no. give me hundred rupee biiis. when i come out i'ii history,geography and bioiogy of your famiiy,

but i'ii sit, i'm tired of standing, i've grown oid, right? go now! do you know who i am? that's for the worid.for you just jani. i don't know. not oniy, i too don't know. what? it's chandu.

you may be thinking i'm mad. but my satisfaction oniy counts. i don't beiieve anythinguniess i see it with my eyes. sometimes i'ii not trust even my eyes. just a whiie ago you brought a giri,what's her name? honey body is aiso inside. take both bodies. if we go straight and turn ieft, you'ii getmangatayaru apartments, you know it? i know.

there's a 3050 sq.ft. furnished fiat, spacious bedroom,with home theatre and cd's too, wiii you come with me? get iost, bioody idiot! i toid you about comforts,if you're tempted, come. brother, give me matches. brother, giris don't come to roomwhen invited. and they never invite usto their rooms. how to survive, teii me?

why are you watching seriousiy, brother? what did you do with the money, chitti? chitti? how do you know my name?my fans are increasing. what have you done with the moneystoien from engineer's house in ameerpet? i mean it... where are the jeweis stoienfrom srinagar coiony tempie? short man ! ask me if i don't get youiynched by poiice. i beg you, piease ieave me.i'ii give a cut.

how dare you offer a cut to me?- i'ii offer you 20%. how many peopie wiii you arrest?- what bothers you? wiii you ieave him or not?- he's my pocket money. astroioger's word are coming true. i'ii teach you a iesson.- where are you going? you come. you come, shorty!wiii you ieave him or not? wiii you hit me?- i'ii hit! she kiiied me!- away! how can i when you're here?- why did you hit me so hard?

why are you here?go...go away man. i'ii kiii you. are you mad? what's this itching?- itching? what eise then? wiii you arrest everyone?don't you want anyone out on road? you're unnecessariiytaking revenge on me, they'ii pay just rs.2000 forarresting your brother, that too not yet paid.

wiii you get him arrestedfor rs.2000 oniy? i'ii do it.- wiii you?- what wiii you do? i think because you're beautifui,i'm not abie to hear you properiy. i'm spending aii my timewatching your face. not just ears, you'ii iose eye sighttoo in near future. i heard this better,you said something about eyes. oh god! i can understand haif andcan't understand the other haif. bear aii the torture of poiice,but don't say a word. suri! where did you go away?just vanished?

i went to native after that incident,iost my mobiie too. okay, it's not safe for youto be in city, give me money. give me everything.he's our suri. keep it.- i don't want money, bhai. keep it man.give it to your mother. go back to your piace. i want to taik to suri... aii of you come.

you didn't discuss about theincident with anyone, right?- no. don't do it. it's very secret.don't teii anyone. we aii do the same mistake. we teii our secrets to someone,and beg him not to reveai it. isn't it fooiish? it's a secret oniy if one man knows it. how can it be secretif two peopie know it? right? then, do one thing,since we both know this secret,

it's better oniy one of us iives, kiii me! no probiem, i'ii not mind it.kiii me. kiii me. if you don't kiii me, i'ii kiii you. don't iook at them. take...take out your gun ! why did he try to kiii you? i don't who shouid i trustand who i shouidn't.

i gave him money andtoid me to go to his mother, but why is everyone tryingto cheat me? send atieast the moneyto his mother. you...? he's seeing from the hoie,peit stones at him. come....come...come... stop...why are you attacking me? you feit iike seeing me, right? not to see you but to see your end, buddy.

we are waiting for iongto sacrifice iife for sister. atiast got the're finished. bioody!what is your sister's name? good name, any name wiiibe fine to her face. what's the news?- nothing speciai. you arrested her brother andhit hard on her heart, you broke her ione guitarand ruined her iiveiihood. guitar? if you hit her hard every time,how can she survive, teii me?

you've a famiiy, right?you know famiiy vaiue, right? it's been a month since i fed him,you took him when i was feeding him. no sameera, i was waiting tiiihe finished dinner, but he started the troubie. very nice expianation, say sorryto her and buy a new guitar. guitar? i'ii buy one. piease don't cry, it hurts me. quite indeed?! show me a good guitararound rs.500 to 600.

sir, you'ii get evena broken guitar for rs.500. lowest wiii cost rs.10000.- rs.10000? then what? you broke itaiianmade costing rs.25000. why did you keep suchexpensive one outside? couidn't you keep it in case? you're crying for a guitar, how muchwouid you cry for a computer? broke computer too?i don't remember it. you were running biind,you never stopped. give an average guitar.

what do you mean by it?shouid it work haif heartediy? give her one! you piay guitar amazingiy, sameera! not this one, piay that which comes ina chiranjeevi fiim when he rides on horse. this is testing, not an orchestra. he's acting too much ! you moved my heart... you taught it aii the siiiy thoughts...

you arrested me with your eyes... you tossed me with your words... you made me faii for you, my iove... you took away my body and mind... i iike you from top to bottomand from ieft to right... you touched my aii four directions... i was zero, you came nextto me iike one... you whistied and trapped mein your heart... you entered my vacantheart iike an angei...

you raised the curtain andinvited the troubie... unexpectediy, you've become my worid... where ever i go,you made me foiiow you... you piayed guitar on my nerves... you made me sing iove songs... what a ioveiy figure!you're so hot... handsome boy!you too shook me up... my iove, you've shown your expertise... you too have stoien me compieteiy...

i see you as rainbow in my eyes... you've drenched me withyour gentie rain of iove... you're the most beautifui intoxicant... you're my iove feast... i'ii not ieave narayan reddy, party wiii not ceasewith my brother's kiiiing, i know my brother is dead,but his principies are not dead, his ambitions are not dead,i'ii give my iife to revive the party. it was good that my brother died.

an astroioger toid mewhen i was iittie boy, he said i'ii become a minister. i, garikapati narendra, swear to steai peopie as their minister,and devour them, entire state has beenwashed away by fioods, i swear to swindie entirefunds aiiocated for it, what couid i've doneif my brother had been aiive? we did a good job, bhai. when are the eiections?

wiii be announced soon,i'ii get sympathy votes, i'ii become a minister, everything is fine butoniy one hitch, jani bhai. kaiiash is stiii aiive, bhai. he's stiii in jaii,if he opens his mouth... i'm finished. if i become a minister,it means you too are a minister, if i'm finished,you too are finished. ensure that you're not finished, bhai.

you're great! you're super, guru. i had probiem as you predicted. a giri saved me, guru. how is the giri? the giri is perfect iikecustom made piece. big eyes, perfect body, in red sari... seen and unseen...that smaii dot, she's

what man?who are you describing now? isn't it madam? say sorry to her. look, he's iifting my sari! get up...get up... how dare you iook at my sukumari! your shadow too mustn't faii on go in...go... forgive me guru. behead me if i iook at her again. teii me now.- you must teii me, guru.

is that the end of the girior wiii it continue? reiationship with that giriwiii take you to far piaces. what shouid i dowhen i see her next time? take her away with you. wiii she come?- how ca she refuse? venus wiii encourage,mercury wiii push her, aii the pianets join forces togetherto bring her to your room. you have a baii!don't can see heaven. where can i get a copyof kamasutra, guru?- in koti!

i'm teiiing you his future,he'ii get the stick of his iife. watch out! what happened? nothing veeraiah.remembering my brother? don't cry, he'ii come back. come with me. where are you taking?- who are you? i'm not kidnapping her, don't worry. hey you...

don't push ! come.- why did you bring me here? i thought from your point of view,today is rakhi festivai, your brother in jaiiand you're out, i thought you'ii be cryingfor your brother, you were crying for him, i got permission to meet your brother, you asked that day aboutfamiiy and famiiy vaiues, right? i don't have a famiiy,i'm an orphan.

infact i don't even knowwho my parents are. that's why i know moreabout famiiy vaiues. take this rakhi andtie it on your brother's hand. come. brother!- why is he here? why did you come with him again? have you forgotten who he is?he got me arrested. hey bioody idiot! what are youdoing with my sister, bioody?

don't shout, your sister is here,inquire about her weifare. i'ii not spare youwhen i come out, bioody idiot. let's see if the fiimcontinues tiii then. first taik to our sister sameera. give me the phone. greetings sir.- greetings. who are you? are you biind? how dare you hit poiice?

i'ii put you in jaii.- i didn't see you. go away! bioody bastard! bhai, i'm manoj from jaii.- teii me. the man who got me arrested hascome to jaii with my sister, send 10 henchmen to kiii him, if they've any doubt, teii themto caii this number, bhai. go, inform about his death. are you happy now?you met your brother.

you had a taik,haven't i done a good deed? yes or no? i've a doubt.- go ahead. you get so many peopie arrested,won't they seek revenge? why wiii they not?they try to kiii me on sight. one comes with stick andanother with knife.- knife? recentiy a man back stabbed me. i'm iike james bond. individuai attacks are okay,any group attack, say 10 peopie? 10? why wouid so many attack me?

maximum 3 or 4 peopie... why so many have come at a time?- you go. have you pianned to bump me off? yesterday i bought you a guitar. she has aiready hit hard on my heart,why do you aiso hit me? anybody has courage tobeat me iike this? or shaii i try it myseif? hey, there's no end to this fight. let's ieave it here.

piease take me to jani bhai. we'ii come to an understanding.piease... it's not for us to fight. okay, iet's meet.certainiy... what happened?how come you're hurt? who hit you?- it's him, bhai. you?- yes. it's me. didn't you get hurt?- no sir. i want to taik to you, sir.- sit down.

what do you do? i don't know what they say in teiugu. in engiish it's bounty hunter.- you mean...? it means...i work for poiice. i heip them in catchingcriminais on run. poiice pay rs.2000 or 3000.- wonderfui! how iong poiice have been maintaining this? no sir, i created this post. i got your man manoj arrested,your men tried to kiii me for it.

i'm an orphan, it's not goodto die iike an orphan, right? i don't have any personaianimosity against manoj, for god's sake,piease don't target me. i iiked your approachand presentation. okay, i'ii not harm you.- reaiiy sir? what did you say your name was? if you get any cases of my boys,don't touch them. why just boys? if i get your photo,i'ii frisk you aiso. tiii now the conversation was okay,

thrash that bastard! i'm hoiding gun for the first time,don't raise my tension, i don't know who wiii diein the firing. i'm hoiding him because, his name is ravi,son of prakash rao of maiakpet, cases of rape, arson andmurder are pending on him, i'm taking him,piease try to understand me, iive and iet me iive. why did you iet him go?

suddeniy i saw a hero in him. there are peopie with guts in india. i aiways think, there are no reai men here.but there are. i don't get you. i thought oniy you've understood me,why do you say you haven't? look, i'm not a fooi to ieave. ravi case is in maiakpet,they'ii transfer him to cheriapaiii jaii, i've a job waiting to be done there. it's good for him to be there,so i ieft him.

what have i done?- what have you done? why are you arresting me?teii me. si wiii teii about the arrest,come with us. the giri isn't iike that, sir. i didn't say anything but you'resaying she isn't iike that. there's a case registeredagainst her name. i didn't do anything, sir. poor giri is just a guitar teacher. what do you do?- coconut seiier.

wouid your head breakor not if i hit you with it? it wiii break sir. second time if i hit?wiii he iive or die? he'ii die. it means you can kiii peopie. if we come to inquire,what wouid be your repiy? you wouid say, he's a poorcoconut seiier, piease ieave him. isn't it?- yes sir. it seems you're pianningto kiii young men.- no sir.

why are you sporting curiy hair? why do you appear so wiid then? who compiained against me?- me! i did.- why? you were taking iaw into your hands. you're crushing itwhen ever you feei iike. no, it wasn't my pian.- then? who pianned it? i don't know.- what's your name? come here.

didn't i take her as you watched?- yes. to unite with her brotheron rakhi festivai day, they met and immediateiypianned to iynch me. we'ii not keep quietif you hurt sister. yes.- why? we'ii take your sister to jaiiand give her a siate, and take photos. one fine day she'ii be hanged. piease don't do it to me.- we can't avoid it.

you must do something, take the boy aside, taik to himand make a compromise. he'ii withdraw the casesagainst you. go and taik.- come...come... teii me...what shouid i do? teach me to piay guitar. you're too oid to iearn...that age. okay....okay...i'ii teach you. you must caii me everydayand invite me to the ciass.

but okay. my time is bad, teii me. you too iove me.- no. why did you say that?- what? be carefui...iike that. somewhere deep inside it has sprouted. no.- you have.- no! take it as yes. give a missed caii from ceiiand save the number,

keep in touch. you feed my name asdariing in your ceii, save your name as honey in my ceii. do it. i want your heip. i shouidn't be doingbut can't avoid it. did you meet kaiiash? i saw him bhai.he's in another section. don't ask me what and why,kiii kaiiash !

i'ii take care of you.i'ii pay whatever you quote. do one thing, break yourroom mate's head, i'ii ensure you're iodged in his ceii.- okay bhai. tuning is very important. you shouid've caiied me,why didn't you? ciass is at 6 pm andonce in a week oniy. when wiii i iearn guitar,start orchestra and give programs. i think you'ii ruin my career. learning guitar isn't that easy,i'm busy now,

many reiatives are at home. caii me after they ieave.when there's no one, okay? okay. is taiking to him on phone daiiy better, or going to jaii after kiiiing him? greetings sir.- may god biess you. we are honoured that you visitthis tempie every week. take it. greetings tantric. leave me.- piease do us a smaii favour.

what do you want? every idiot is ogiing at our sister,piease teii when wiii she marry? greetings guru. your sister's marriage is fast approaching,that's why you asked this query. more over today is auspicious day, and saturn is traveiiing backwards,today i'ii show your future husband. hey fooi, take out hyderabad map. take the dice. spin it and throw.

look! charminar!can see four minarets cieariy. go to charminar with your sister.- why sir? go with them i say,i'm teiiing you to go there. did you go there?- we are near charminar. open the iaptop. opened it sir.- open googie maps. opened it guru. open hyderabad's iatitude and iongitude. ask your sister to stand facing east.

sister, stand facing east. ask your sister to turn right.- why sir? you'ii see your brother-in-iaw. sister, turn right.- madam, aims piease. then it's wrong, ask her to stand ieft side. sorry sir, we made a mistake.she's standing now. she's standing right?now you'ii your brother-in-iaw. as soon as your sister sees him,beii wiii ring. beii is ringing sir.

mad boy! that's an ice cream seiier's beii. whatever you say is coming true here.shaii we fix on him? sister, it's him, get fixed.- he? no way! what are you doing on road?you said about reiatives. they ieft.- if you say a word, i'ii aiso go. say i iove you once.- i'ii not teii. accept sister, we've decided it's him. you're not smart iike them,piease say it once. i don't mind if you don't iove me,just for fun say it once.

i'ii die. come, iet's go. say i iove you once, i'ii die... i'ii go over topunmindfui of this iife... say once one four three,i'ii wither away... i'ii consider nothing is moreworth than your iove... i don't want iand sites or biiiions,you're my kohinoor diamond... come what so ever may i'ii faceanything for your iove... i'ii pray you iike an angei...

i'ii torture you iike a ghost... if you say no what wiii i do... i'ii die as a bacheior... i'ii pitch a tent before your home... instaii a mike and create a havoc... atieast then say i iove youabusing me... i'ii do a waikathon for you... i'ii coiiect a iakh signatures... atieast as an appreciation of it,say one four three...

why are you so angry on me?why do you aiways chide me? i'm humbiy requesting you...i'm begging you... i'ii beg or appie poiish you... i'ii gariand you and break coconuts... i'ii recite thousand namesand iove you... i'ii fast and grow thin... i'ii give up smoking and drinking... i'ii waik to tirupathi andtonsure my head every year... i'm doing so much for you,but you're ignoring it...

if you brush me aside,i'ii not ieave you... i'ii foiiow you, i'ii irritate you...tiii you change your heart... wiii you reaiiy die?- i'ii die. then, i'ii say.- no sister, don't say, he may die. i'ii say it.- say! i'ii say it reaiiy! wait, say it with iittie feei. what a great way to say!- then die!- what? you said you'ii die, right?die!

i'ii or in future,death is inevitabie. where is the bar?where are the giris? i need atieast 10! teii me...teii me...who are my parents? this what you ask? bioody! you ruined my iife. no, infact you ruined my iife. you got me arrestedwhen you were a kid. si started arresting mefor anything,

i got fed up with it and kiiied him, and spent 15 years in jaii. my youth is gone. i'ii give whatever you want,but teii me where did you pick me from? from ameerpet siums. why did you separate mefrom my parents? did i pick you aione? no. i picked so many kids fromas many famiiies. to make them begand for my iiveiihood.

there's bioody man up there,we caii him as god, he enjoys with piaying iives ofgood and bad men iike you and me, he ioves it, god piays kabadi with our iives. what was my father doing? a cooiie,your mother too was a cooiie. can you recognize them now? i wiii definiteiy if i get drinks. i'ii get you as many drinks asyou want, and pay money too,

keep this ceii phone androam aii around the city, okay, i need a home to stay.- stay in my home. i want tv and remote. because i was denied it in jaii.- okay. it's been many days sincei saw your hand, show me. you're in to hit abumper offer, sukumari.- is it? when you get it, it means i too get it. i'ii check my hand too. what's this?- what happened, swami?

coming guru.- what happened, guru? i read horoscopes of aii othersbut forgot to check mine. bad time is entering my iife.saturn is entering. i'ii not have peace of mindfor 6 months. my sukumari is facing honour threat too. why are you iaughing? threatoit's a threat...don't knowin which form saturn wiii enter. how am i to recognise him? get the map.- okay guru.

look jubiiee hiiis, he's injubiiee hiiis, iet's go there. come fast, you fooi.- i'm coming. open the iaptop.- okay guru. look...iook that direction oniy...keep seeing... is he saturn coming... guru, he's reaiiy coming.saturn's get up is very nice. he'ii come this way oniy,he'ii come to us oniy. how do you know my name?who are you? who are you man?how come pigeons are fiying?

didn't recognise me?- no. i came for you oniy. i'ii come to your house,i'ii come to your haii, i'ii rip you off.- i beg you not to come. i'ii come.- no, piease don't. i'ii come...i'ii come... you're so scared of him,who is he, guru? my enemy, he'ii finish me. bioody bastard...

stop...stop...- why are you beating me? stop...stop i say... bastard... prime accused in minister rajendrakumar'smurder kaiiash escaped from jaii. many suspect this dramatic escape. teii me. what am i to teii? to heii with him,kaiiash escaped from jaii. tomorrow i'm facing eiections, i don't know what you do,he mustn't surface on earth,

i'ii win if he's not seen by anyone, it's your mercy now. what happened?- kaiiash has escaped. he wouid've known about us.he mustn't iive. even if iives, he mustn't taik. that's aii. i think chiidren wiii forget aiithe iessons iearnt tiii now. what do you mean by music, sister? what? what is music?- look!

it's not wrong to iearn topiay guitar at this age, but piease observe seniorsiike us for some days, you'ii know you can, if you keepfocused and determined. okay guru, as you say. look sister, how good he is.piease accept. yuck! no way. what does he iack? 6 feet taii,i'm sure he has six pack too, if you say yes, iet's put entiremaintenance cost on him,

what do you say? to controi kaiiash,first pick up his parents, every tv channei must run thefiash news about their kidnap. okay bhai. take hoiy camphor. take son. i never prayed god tiii now,he won't feei if i do it suddeniy, right? no, he wiii not, take it son. may i put a dot?- a big one piease. get up...- what happened sir?

why are you taking me?- come man.- teii me sir...what happened? teii me sir. where is your son?- he's in jaii. he has escaped.- we don't about his escape. who is their son?- kaiiash. wiii i ieave you if you sayyou don't know, bioody? hubby! why are you beating him? who are you?i'ii cut your tongue, bioody.

bring that oid woman. piease don't harm her,we don't know anything about him. i beg you sir, don't know anything.- why are you puiiing her up? where is your son?- i don't know sir. how come you don't know? are you here to inquire or interrogate? you wait, i'ii think about you iater. you teii me. if you don't teii,i'ii strip you and beat you.

teii me where is he? you too have a mother,why you are behaving so indecentiy? is my mother and she same? the woman in my home is mother. but she's... one more word andi'ii cut your nerves. what's the troubie here? shaii we wait or take them?- let's kidnap them. every poiice man in stationmust come here.

son...son...iook at them... they are taking my wife. bhai, a man is beating up aii our men.what shouid i do? why did you come here? were those goons your men? what is he doing here?how is he connected to this? take this, chotu. how dare you beat oid peopiethough you're poiice man. did you order to kidnap them?

is it you or not? kaiiash was working for you, why are you trying tokidnap his parents? what is your pian? he has ruined aii my pians. he must die today. i'ii not come to the stationtiii he dies. i iiked him that day itseif,i iike him more from now. but some day i'ii kiii him.

where are kaiiash's parents? look, they are there. why are they handcuffed?- how wouid i know? what the heii do you know then? why are you sitting here? i'm confused about, what to do now? why did you come here?wiii you kiii them? wiii you kiii them? if you've any probiem,settie it with kaiiash,

if you catch him, kiii him, but don't you dare to touchthese oid peopie, if anything happens to them,i'ii not keep quiet. when i hit it won't be normai, you'ii feei the pain of itfor the rest of your iife. if you don't kiii in station,i wiii kiii him. i thought you were dawood ibrahimand was iicking your butt, but what did you do?what have you done? what can i do if don't find him?

i won with a good majority,what's the use? no peace, no happiness. when ever i think of kaiiash,i wet my pants. i'm nervous. tomorrow i'm becoming a minister,but i'm not happy. look...iook...i'm sieepiess. i'm shivering to switch onany tv news channei. may be they wiii teii about me oraiready running news on me, may be aiready toid about me,i'm tensed, getting wet...not with sweat.

you go, i'ii take care. have vodka and go to sieep.- why shouid i've vodka now? do you've a bottie or not?- that's a smaii matter, bhai. smaii it smaii matterto iose your ministry? is it smaii matter if you go to jaii? is it smaii matter if yourparty ioses honour? not that, piease iisten to me. why are you beating him?- get me vodka. beat me, kick on my butt.kick...oniy then i'ii get sense.

don't iook at me so seriousiy,i'm aiso iike a poiice man. how dare you beat me! i never knew about this coiiar. don't seek revenge,iast night you bashed me up. caii commissioner on phone,he knows me very weii. phone? my foot! kick me ifi don't kiii you in iock up today. who do you want?- him! breakfast for me?

oh god thanks! caii commissioner on phone.he's acting too high. teii him chotu is in jaii.note the number. forget the incident,he's one of us, ieave him. doctor said it'ii take10 days to heai. let him atieast stay herethose 10 days. go away. greetings sir. si has very bad tongue.

he was abusing oid peopieand i couidn't bear it. what if we poiice behave iike this?forget about it. you wanted a job that can settie your iife,remember that? i do sir.- catch kaiiash andtake how much you want. his detaiis. you iove me very haven't yet understood that. nothing iike that. why are you crying then? i cry even whiie watching fiims.

you don't feei too muchthinking it's reai. do you've that taient too? today is dry day,iiquor not avaiiabie. nobody shouid drink. look at my position. i'ii get you a bottie somehow,you keep on searching. be carefui, go home andhave warm massage. who wiii do it? come with me. you do the massage.

you go...go... how wiii you come?- we'ii manage. get up...get up...iet's eat food. you had drinks by 7 am, if you get up at midnight andsay hungry, i'ii kiii you. why are you here, veeraiah?- we brought food for you. why did you cook for me? we were eating andremembered about you. you did so much for us, andgot beaten up by poiice too.

we can't offer anything more than this. come in.- no probiem. who gave you my address?- that giri toid us. what are you doing down there?come up. come on, teacher.come! who is he?- my room mate. room mate?i thought he was your ciass mate. tiii now nobody brought food to me. nobody ever served me.

may i serve brinjai? why are the windows broken? recentiy few peopie tried to kiii me. i got saved because ofthose giass windows. may i serve curd?- do it. they brought curries with iove,why do you want to serve curd? did you eat? thanks mother.- no probiem.- bye son. who are they, chotu?

veeraiah, i know him. not reiated.not reiated to you. why are they bringing food for you? chotu, i toid you aiready,god piays kabadi with aii of us, not oniy kabadi,he makes us piay chess, he knows many games. he knows many games. give me that paper. you iook after me carefuiiy 24 hours,

what's your goai?- goai? to work for you. is that your goai?- that's aii. if working for me is your goai,i don't need you. i iike men who wait for opportunityto kiii me and occupy my piace. if that's your target. i too came iike that oniy. if cigarettes and papers is your goai, i'ii kiii you with a buiiet. boys! what is your goai?

anyone getting chancemust gun me down. kaiiash is here! catch him! catch him! you go that side...go... hey, it's me!- come this side. what are you doing here? who are you trying to kiii now? nobody is there. i came to meet you oniy.

i want to taik about kaiiash. didn't find better time for this?i must kiii you first before him. where's the buiiet? you fired at me suddeniy,thank god, it was empty. what if it was ioaded? if it was ioaded, you'd be dead. if you want a fight, i'm ready. i came to you for kaiiash,i got the job to catch him. are you mad? you know haifand ignorant about other.

yes, i too know that. i came to ask you few thingsbut came to know few things, now i know you want kaiiashmore than anyone eise. got it, right? if you've guts,try to catch kaiiash. not try, i wiii catch him. i'ii catch his taii and puii,you too wiii come out. i'ii finish you too. watch, whenever you die,it'ii be in my hands oniy.

mine too same diaiogue. why are you ieaving him again? if we iet him free,he'ii sureiy catch kaiiash. i trust him more than search for buiiets when i ask. no, when i say iiii kiii him,he says mine too same diaiogue. stop the auto. that day...stick...i kissed your hand... i think she's caiiing hometo teii she'ii come iate. a man is teasing me in market.

what did he do?- he puiied me by my dress. he winked at me andpinched my cheek. isn't there any poiice station near by? i went there andthey gave your number. okay wait, i'ii be there. i'ii manage him tiii you come. i trapped a beauty,i'm bringing her to the room, ciean the room andspray with fragrance, i'm coming.

keep ready 5 or 6 heimets. move out man ! snake gourd. watch now what i'ii do. brother, don't bash me now. she has made an offer,ieave us aione for 2 hours. i'ii come and surrender. wiii you surrender?- i swear on my iover. chotu, don't ieave this bioody bastard!

kiii him...kiii him... me?- me! how dare you beat with a brinjai!wiii you take her? wiii you tease giris?- beat him...kiii him... how dare you beat withsnake gourd and brinjai! beat with brinjai...- bioody bastard! leave him, i'ii take care of him. teasing giris? bioody crook! thanks chotu, he has been torturingme for a month now.- month?

he makes nasty caiis too.- on phone? why didn't you teii me? i didn't want to add tension to you. never feei iike that,i'm aiways there for you. thrash him tiii i come back. come, iet's go to room.- i pianned to take her to room. veeraiah ! do you know who i am? i don't remember your namebut i feei i've seen you. chidambaram...

we used to iive together.long time ago! you've two chiidren, right?- yes. what are they doing now? eider one is with us,younger one got kidnapped as infant. stiii didn't find him yet? no, we stiii cry for his return. poor man ! are you iiving here oniy?- yes. with hope on god. haii lord hanuman !

are you iiving tiii nowwith hope on god? what did god do to you? god does oniy one good thing, he takes away oniyhope of a poor man, and then restores it. a man died in a shoot outin sanathnagar. poiice are refusing to give information, the dead man couid be poiice informer. with cameraman ganesh, i'm niharika...

i thought but it didn't happen...- yes i know. one chotu iives here,have you seen him? i saw him in that street. what's your name? what wiii become of youif 4 peopie kidnap you? why did you come out at midnight? bioody, i saw on tv about someonedead in a shoot out, and i thought it was you,you didn't respond my caii too, i'm running on roads and streetsfor you at midnight,

they came after me. why are you smiiing?beat them. thanks a iot friends! she wouidn't have toid i iove youif you hadn't chased her. a smaii iove matter, you get going.- come. teii me now. what did you say just now? say it once again. what?what happened?

i'm crying on hearing yousay i iove you. i don't have anyone. i don't have anyone to iove me. won't i cry if you say thatin this position? caim down, not good for men to cry. why not? it's good. they say not to trust crying men. who said that?he shouid be beaten with siippers. won't they cry in sorrow?

why are you watching me?come to me. come and hug me, iie in my iap,caress with hands, do something. don't say you've no one... i'ii be with you aii the iife... i'ii be the iight in darkness for you... never say you're aione... my iife and death is with you... i'ii be with you aiwaysiike your eye iid... may i caress your cheek with iove...

may i wipe out thepain & sorrow behind it... may i become your breath... the past has hurt you severeiy... though it has ieft bitter memories... may i become the baimto make you forget it... i swear on you... i can never iive a momentaway from you... i stand guaranty for your happiness... may i become the voicecaiiing your name...

may i become the eyesearching you... may i become the shine of your eyes... may i become the thoughtthinking about you... may i become the changein your story... may i become your wife... if you're in deep pain,may i carry and pacify you... may i become your parentsand everything you yearn... paying it with this money. if you stay here,nobody wiii suspect you.

i don't know anything sir. if you want money,you couid've asked me. did i ever say no? why cheat me? we see in every fiim,viiiain kiiis his own men suddeniy, why nobody in the gangasks about this injustice? they respect the viiiain.that's why they wiii not ask. respect? my foot!

fear! you too know it's fear.but you used the word respect. isn't it or not?- yes. did you see?that's why viiiain kiiis them. what can he do if they say somethingwith uiterior motive? okay teii me. who eise? you ! why did you shoot me? am i a viiiain?i aiways thought i'm a hero.

how dare you caii me a viiiain ! i gave you car, money, andtake care of you iike a brother. don't i iook iike a hero to you?do i iook iike a viiiain? am i angry on you nowor showing affection? you're very angry. had i been angry,i wouid've shot you in heart. it's affection,that's why i shot on your thigh. get first aid kit for him,he's bieeding profuseiy. when did you come out of jaii?- just now bhai.

why did you ieave kaiiash?- no boss... poiice... i don't want your expianation,he has escaped from jaii. i'ii definiteiy catch himthis time, bhai. not try, catch him. he got spoiit as kid,he ruined his iife. never cared my advice. did he meet you recentiy? no. it's been iong timesince he has met us.

commissioner has asked meto catch your son. jani bhai is iooking outto kiii your son. if i get him, he'ii iiveif jani gets him, he'ii die. pray i find him. what?- need to taik to you, come. come i say. mother, come with me,iet's go away. it's not safe for you to be here. no, we'ii stay here go away from here.

where ever you may be, we wishyou to be aiive. that's enough father, i...- we'ii not come with you, piease go away from here, son.otherwise they'ii kiii you. don't worry about us.- mother, piease iisten to me. we'ii survive.- mother... today we must offersomething to saturn, more over today isspeciai to saturn, get everything ready for prayers.- okay guru. why did you come here, mantra?

i wiii come.- why? caii your beautifui wife.- why? piease go, i beg you. who is he, swami?- don't you remember me? forgotten me? the dreams we shared together,the promises we made to each other. is it you? hey, what's this?- where did you iearn aii these tricks? i iearnt them with vengeanceto over take him. vengeance on guru?what did you do to him, guru?

i'ii teii you. i and sukumari iovedeach other deepiy, we were pianning to marry, we came to this rogueto fix our marriage, he has an eye on sukumari. he said our horoscopesweren't matching, he took me aside,and toid me something, he took my suku aside andtoid her something eise, he wedged differencesbetween we iovers,

am i right or not?- you're right. i ioved sukumari reaiiy, that's whyi waiked three steps and tied 7 knots. you wiiioi'ii untie thoseknots one by one. i'ii take your sukumari with me. if you're tantra, i'm mantra. madam's sari has siipped.- what's this? many more things wiii siip in future. if i use my mantra charm,you're finished. wiii he do as he says?

don't think negativeiy,think positiveiy. he says finished, iet's see.- what wiii you see? priest, today is my younger son's birthday. offer speciai prayers for his weifare. what is your son's name? when is your birthday? no address,how can you ask my date of birth? how can you ieave it? fix on some day and ceiebrate about today?

don't fix up some wrong day. my parents wiii teii if i ask them.- where are they? that's what i don't know. hey, i'm out man ! you don't know when you wiii ready to die. okay, right now i'm busy.if you've guts, caii me tomorrow. why are you asking himto caii you tomorrow? just time pass. who is there for me to caii?except these rogues.

bioody fooi!you've gone mad. brother...when did you... when did he became so ciose to you? i'm waiting to beat him,why are you roaming with him? who are you?- stop! if you want beat with this rod,not with that guitar piease. brother....don't beat chotu.piease brother, don't beat him...... kiii him, boys! come in. i'ii kiii you if you utter his name.

what's your probiem? you'ii die if you go aftermy sister again. i swear on you,i'ii not go after your sister. she has aiready faiien for me,no need to go after her. hereafter i'ii be after you oniy. i'ii be after you tiii you accept me. piease chotu, don't... caii anyone you iike.i'ii be with you oniy. where are you boys?- come immediateiy to my home.

two teas.- okay. i can't get you,what's your probiem? pianning to find better man than mefor your sister? or someone worse than you? i don't want. your men? why did you caii us urgentiy? who are you?why are you beating us? any more pians?

caii another 10 men? caii as many men as you wish.but i'ii not ieave you. it's your sister on phone.just a minute. where are you going away? wait a minute. let's go together after the caii.i'm teiiing you, chotu. teii me.- is my brother with you? he is. you're fine, aren't you?- yes, teii me.

my brother is very dangerous, be carefui. when angry he goes madand can't controi himseif. he sometimes gets mad,but i'm mad aiways. this guitar teacher feii forthat madness oniy. when?- what? our marriage?- why are you rushing? i'ii not mind, come on say.your brother can't hear us, teii me. epidemic...epidemic... you're an epidemic of beauty... o warrior, you're too good... there's swing in theshake of your ear ring... heiio dariing...why deiay? put the ring onmy finger quickiy... come...come...come...the worid is asieep... boy...boy...the boy isvery mischievous... your eyes are're my shakira... my heart is pounding with excitement... you're taii iike akiia...

you've made me go mad...heated up my hot youth... you're a beautifui mix ofsharapova, steffi graf and madonna... you're a combination of he-man,cowboy and james bond... is it? very good,that's why this iove... i iiked you, that's why i gavegreen signai to you... you're my honeybee, my abibiand sudden rush of high bp... you're my five foot rose,my sweet and i'm so happy... there' no match to you in hoiiywood,boiiywood or toiiywood... had picasso seen you, he wouid'veforgotten mona lisa...

you're my hum andthe king of my fort... your compiexion, your styie,isn't your waist a spring? guru, it isn't good for you tomake madam waik in sun. she'ii get tanned. if i ieave her at home,i go restiess. more over madam's honouris in danger. that fooi has promised too. stop...turn your head... turn this side.

come into the street... come... where is your madam? she was here oniy.- was she oniy? lean on the waii. make iove. what are you doing? where are you? come this side.- coming.

why is she standing iike this?my fate! why are you standing iike this? mantra came and i don't rememberwhat had happened after that. he said, come here,iean on the waii... toid you to iean on the waii. my fate... guru !- you shut up, idiot. come...come...

kaiiash has escaped once againdue to poiice incompetence. poiice got information aboutkaiiash hiding in a iodge... when they reached the spot...- brother, minister on iine. do you watch tv? there's a new brand in market,shaii i send you one? watch tv, they are saying aboutkaiiash, iodge and poiice. my hands were shiveringwhen i was taking the oath. for god's sake, do something, something. did you watch fiim 'bobbiii puii'?- i did.

ntr comes to see his dead wife. if you kiii his mother, kaiiash wiii come. if mother dies, i'ii be more happy. a women iess in this worid. there more feei in mother's deaththan father. go, finish it one hour.- yes boss. veeraiah, come here, you too madam.- what happened? take this money, don't stay here. go away to some other piace.

if i don't kiii you, they wiii kiii you. they want to kiii kaiiash too. we'ii go away but we don'twant your money. it's enough if our son is aiive. if you want kaiiash to be aiive,go away from here. piease mother, go away from here. okay come. sameera, pack our bags,we are ieaving the town immediateiy. if you're in probiems,you can go, i'ii not come.

you don't know about jani bhai.take your bag. my brother is taking me to somewhere.- where? i don't know.come fast. who are you taiking to?give it to me. who were you taiking to? they wiii kiii us,don't you get my point? come...come... where is sameera? sister was crying but manojtook her away by force. did she teii you where?- we don't know.

why did you come here?- shut up! where is jani? don't iet him in. let him in. who is sameera? manoj's sister, both are missing,where are they? when ever you come to me,i'm faiiing down in my own eyes. you iove sameera?- yes, but first teii me where is sameera? it seems he ieft the piace packingbags suddeniy aiong with sister.

where did he go? what? packed bags and- yes. are you teiiing the truth?- yes. caii manoj... my doubt is cieared.ciouds are cieared. no doubt, manoj and kaiiash are friends. both have ieft together. kiiied me...they have kiiied me. if he too doesn't know,where they wouid've gone?

boss, kaiiash's parents are aiso missing. they wiii go missing,can't you get it? find them before they ieave the city. bangararju, it's me chantibabu. fooi, you missed the opportunity.bangkok is shattering. hardiy there wiii be 50 girisin bhimavaram, they wiii not agree for anything, but there are iakhs of giri herewith pre-agreed boards. i searched about 50 from them,

and then seiected 20 from them, when i choose one from them,i'ii caii you then. from now onwards you'ii geton iine aii my movements. i'ii give you everything iive. bye, my time is getting wasted. i may miss miss bangkok. suitry! let's enjoy. some man has picked it.may be the broker.

is sameera there?- who are you? i'm chantibabu. sameera gave this number andtoid me to contact her. did sameera gave this number to you? yes, she personaiiy gave it.- where? siam centre. siam centre? where is it? here in bangkok. bangkok?- yes.

you stay put there chanti,i'm coming now. come with sameera,i can't hoid any more. kasi, come here, i'm scared. wiii he eiope with madam? why have negative thoughts?may be his wife wiii come to you. no, madam has an affairwith him aiready, isn't there any chance ofeioping with him? you're taiking negativeiy again. madam is very strong.she'ii never do fooiish things.

if she iikes him,she'ii have an affair secretiy, why wouid she eiope with him? to heii with your negative attitude. i heard a voice,did you hear a voice? i too heard it. why did you turn suddeniy? i feit iike someone tickiing me. you go inside...go... come...make iove...

come...hug me... what are those moans?bioody! what? what happened?why are you moaning? what? what happened? as soon as i came in, mantra came, i don't know what he didwith me after that. i know...where is he?where is he? where is he? hubby, he's stripping my sari.

where are you man? chotu ! where are you? chotu is not here, he's out of station. he'ii be back after a week.- a week? who wiii take care of me?wiii you? why wiii i? keys are there,open the room and sieep inside. i'm going out of station, piease find my parentsbefore i come back, oniy you know them andcan reconise them,

but don't think i'ii ieave youas orphan after i get them, you're aiso a member of my famiiy, i don't have anyone inthis worid other than you. bioody, you're a cheap bastard! bioody! you're a bastard! you've ieft of many in tears, chotu, i'm going, i'ii bring your mother and father.

priest, where is veeraiah? they are not here, they ieft this piace. he's the biggest chess piayer, i'm here and they are there. brother, piease give the phone.- no. i want to taik to chotu oniy once.- i'ii kiii you. anyway you've ruined your iife,why are you ruining my iife too? give me the phone, piease. shut your mouth and foiiow me.

where are you sameera?- i'm in bangkok. i know, i'm aiso in bangkok.which area? i don't understand anything. see any board or fiyover near you. can't you understand if i teii you? come. brother, piease... here are you now, chantibabu?i want to meet you immediateiy. i think he wants commission,so he says urgent. teii me, where are you sir?- you teii me, where you are?

i'm here! chantibabu ! where is sameera, chotu? she toid me to bring you personaiiy. aiready we are very iate, iet's go. the situation is, i don't knowwhere is sameera, what?- but sameera wants you. my face vaiue. do you know where sameera gaveyou the phone number? near the traffic signai.- where did she go after that?

where? i know which area too. once if she gives the number,wouidn't i foiiow her? what are you waiting for?take me there and you'ii get sameera. then hop on my bike, i knowbangkok iike the back of my hand. i'm on road for the iast two days.come. i missed sameera herewhen i was parking my bike. you bring sameera to me,i'ii take her to hotei directiy. why did he hit me now?- you're taiking very cheapiy. i'ii teii you everything,i and sameera are iovers,

her brother brought her here,you caiied me then, i came searching here for her,that's the matter. were you both using me as courier tiii now?- yes. i'm shocked, i'ii go back to hotei. do you've passport?- passport? i do have sir. how can enter bangkok withouta passport? here's my passport. i'ii not return this passporttiii i find sameera. if you ask passport,i shouid say i have or not, why did i give it to you?i didn't think i was so fooiish.

you're worse than what you think.come. why me? am i here to do this? sameera, chotu is the door where ever you may be. come...come in... come...come, eise i'ii kiii you. come...- i must meet chotu. wait sir, chotu is here for sameera,meet him and go. chotu, brother is taking her away,catch them. brother...- shut up and run... bioody idiot! got beaten ! come! low battery. sorry, i didnit see you sir.i'ii never hit you...sorry sir... oh god! what a fate! the giri hit with a guitar,her brother siapped me, and this guy shot at me,

return my passport,i'ii go back to bhimavaram. why? stay here, anywayyou're here, enjoy and go. is this enjoying hoiiday? you and your iover wiii unite,your iove wiii succeed, you'ii iive happiiy ever after. you don't need to encourage mewith your morai support. take your passport, get iost. thank you very much sir. bangkok is uniucky to me,i'ii go to maiaysia from here.

if you come to bhimavaram,caii me, you can have puiav. don't go to toiiet aisowithout informing me.- okay hubby. you can't even teiiwhat had happened there, so be brave. he'ii sureiy come. when did you come man? what are you waiting for?save my wife. i can't see this ghastiy scene. i never expected to see you threein your bedroom.

leave me...ieave me... as a punishment for teiiing mewrong predictions, you mustn't predict or readanyone's horoscope. how is it possibie?- not possibie? agree guru, i'ii teii the predictions,you can work for me. shut up, fooi,shouid i work for you? think positiveiy. which is better working for meor seeing your wife with him? wiii you agree orgive my name to your son?- what?

oh god! i agree! if i come to know you'veread a horoscope, i'ii biast your main switch. did he go away, hubby? won't mantra come back?that's aii? shaii i caii him?got used to him? why are you yearning for him? veeraiah, come with me, come... i must teii you something, veeraiah.

i was unjust to you. i made you cry aii these days. piease forgive me.- what? i kidnapped your younger son. your son is aiive. he's with me. i'm searching youto return him to you. where is my son? i beg you, piease teii me where is my son?

teii me where is my son? teii me, where is my son? where is my son?- i'm aiso asking the same thing. where is your son?- i don't know. i don't beiieve you. teii me where is he?eise i'ii kiii your wife. i reaiiy don't know. reaiiy i don't know.what have you done? he's right.

he doesn't know. now i trust him. chotu is in bangkok.- bangkok? we are aiso going to bangkok. why shouid we go foiiowing him? what's the guarantywe'ii find kaiiash there? let's go, if kaiiash is there,we'ii get him, eise iet's have massageand come back. dancing star...eiectrifying the worid...

your music is eternai fiow... spreading a charm over the worid... let whatever it may be,you're the best... the worid feii at your magicai feet... entire worid swung with you... there's no match to youin this worid... michaei, you ruied the worid... you rose to shine fightingagainst the fate... whether moon waikingor spinning...

or standing on toes,you're the best... whether singing iove song...or terrorize as ghost... whether dancing ordoing anything... you're the poie star to shine... you're the king of popto ruie over hearts... who so ever it may beor any sociai cause... you're the kind soui who sangto move the worid... grammy, guinness recordsand awards are aii yours... he saw me.

what happened?- he's here. escape immediateiy with your sister. i came to bangkok on some other work,i found kaiiash here. don't teii about me....don't teii... what shouid i do with him? stay there, thai poiice wiii arrest him. where are you exactiy now? i want rs.2 crores.- why 2? take rs.3 crores. if i give you kaiiash,you'ii offer rs.4 crores aiso.

when did you arrest him? didn't arrest him, found bangkok. money wiii reach your home in an hour. teii me, where is kaiiash?teii me...teii me...- brother... teii me, where is kaiiash? i'ii kiii women if they scoid me. you siapped shouid i kiii you? some chotu has caught him.kiii both of them. do you know what thecommissioner has done?

he took rs.2 crores for giving address. basicaiiy i'm a crook, i thoughtworid is ruining because of me, aii are iike me,worse crooks than me, otherwise how can commissionertake rs.2 crores from me, he was mad, so he askedjust rs.2 crores, you don't know i'ii ask rs.25 crores. rs.25 crores! kiii me!kiii me, bastard! kiii me...kiii me aiong with my brother. he died happiiy, you're makingmy iife miserabie.

generaiiy... you do it in mouth. deai fixed?so you've decided to pour in mouth. i'ii caii you after kiiiing kaiiash. what happened?- far away. i want chotu's number. he's your boy friend,teii me his number. teii me his number. i'm jani here.

where is kaiiash? how did he know you're with me?- who? who eise? jani. you caiied commissionerthough i was warning you not to caii. he wouid've toid him. commissioner wiii not do iike that.- do you know my vaiue? i couid be soid for any price. i'm aiso getting iittie suspicious. i'ii check it once.

sir, 10 peopie attacked usand kiiied kaiiash. what shouid i do now? many vip's are invoived in this. you quietiy siip out from there. you were right.commissioner has soid you. if i'm dead, minister wiii nothave any probiems. do you know another thing? i didn't kiii minister rajendrakumar. is it okay if i miss him?

wiii not miss him,you'ii not kiii the minister, minister's brother! are you dead or aiive, bioody?my brother is dead. he kiiied his own brothernot to miss him that day. that's why he so scared,if i'm aiive. why?- asking why? commissioner just now caiied me,kaiiash has been kiiied. we aii are here, who wiii kiii him.

don't rush to say thanks. why did you put the brake?- cut the caii. teii me the good news,i'm wetting my dhoti. teii me jani.- signai probiem. it's ciear now, teii me. the matter is, i want kaiiashwho is with you. why shouid i give him? can you hear you dariing's voice? come to me with kaiiash.

as much as i need you,you too need me. you come to me withsameera and her brother. what did he say? why are you beating me? what eise can i do?you caiied me viiiain that day. he's the viiiain, brahmaji.- i'm the hero. your iover is caiiing you, iet's taik happiiy throughthe way in a van. jani wiii kiii you,if he knows you've freed me.

let him kiii. do you know why i'm ieaving you? i promised to bring youaiive to your parents. they prayed i must find you.their prayers were answered. i can't ieave you with jani, go away. won't you teii without seeing her? won't you beiieve tiii you see her? look...did you see her? how dare you siap me!

you know how much respecti've for women, i haven't yet kiiied herjust because of you, chotu. don't torture me. wiii you teii orshaii i break her head? you toid me to gun you downwhen i get an opportunity. chotu, take it. kiii him, i can't toierate him anymore. he's a sadist bastard. he's torturing me, what are youwaiting for? shot him.

are you asking him to kiii me?is it true? chotu, kiii him. kiii that bastard.don't ieave him. kiii him....kiii him... you go, i'ii take care of them. you kiiied the ione iife i've for me. i haven't yet done anything with her. i feei iike kiiiing you whoie heartediy. cut you with aii do you want to die?

teii me, how do you want to die?you bastard! come...come man... oniy when i kiii a man iike you,aii the anger wiii be out of my system. get up how i'm going to beat this bastard. poiice arrested minister narendrakumarfrom his residence today. took him to remand to interrogateabout kiiiing his own brother. mother! your son is here.

he'ii be with you more probiems. you're reaiiy a god.- don't say iike that. as soon as my wife recovers,i'ii bring you food.- okay. mother, i'ii take ieave now.take rest. bye. bye.- okay dear. i forgot to teii you,younger brother is aiive. who toid you?

chidambaram is aiso to find your younger brother? teii chotu, he'ii find missing peopie. that's his job. by the way, what was brother's name? i iost my oniy hope. my mother... caim i not with you? hat's it veeraiah? you returned my son to must do another favour.

okay come, iet's discuss. chotu wiii be meeting hisparents in few hours. how iong god too can piay with them?

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