
f p j full movie

Friday, March 17, 2017

we are today, launching the website of federation paulista of judo. it is very important this toolbecause it will be able to offer the community of judo through social networks a greater and greater understandingof relationshio that occurs within the judo in brazil. we are a long time in judo without information. through newspapers only some associations had knowledge. with this new tool and new collaboratorsfor sure we will have a very important breakthrough first because we're gretting with the help of judoaovivo transmit in real-time many competitions.

and not only that, then you can trackwhat happened in the competition. because it is made available on the site of in return to say because the judoaovivowas the first to do this in brazil and that i want to record in federation paulista of judo. ours thanks to your team and all claudiney. because without the help of judoaovivo maybe not so many people would know us. i would like to ask the whole community of judo in sã£o paulo or in other states and even in other countries that you enter on the websiteof federation paulista of judo

with goal of having a close relationship and that we may disclose the judo in its essence and their quality.

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