
full movie barbie

Friday, March 24, 2017

hello lords and ladies. welcome back to cartoon hangout, your placefor all things cartoon. as i said in my powerpuff girls video yesterday,i'm trying to quickly catch up on reviews. in order to achieve this i will be only brieflycovering the rest of the ben 10 reboot episodes i hadn't yet got to until today. with that said let's get to the reviews. first up is the episode "animo farm." you'd think animo would make an appearancein an episode named after him, but nope he's only tangentially responsible for the eventsof this episode.

what events are those? ben being captured by some of animo's on a farm chores? i don't really even understand the purposeof the farm and it doesn't help the episode is iffy at best. for a series trying to be more comedic, you'dthink they could do better than a cow who delivers corny cow jokes and a buff pig withanother pig for an arm. the only thing i found remotely amusing wasthe literal wolf in sheep's clothing. the designs for the accidentals were cute,but once again i'm left feeling as if i'm watching an entirely different show insteadof ben 10.

and this time it's not a compliment. next up is "clown college." i will say this about the episode. it's one of the better ones this reboot hasgiven us. right up there with "waterfilter." which i guess has become my standard for whata good episode is. it doesn't hurt that it brings back zombozo,one of my favorite villains in the franchise, but it's also a pretty funny episode. from old people forming a giant badmintonto, well, more old people.

i'm just disappointed that zombozo's gangwere absent from the episode. speak of the devil and he shall appear. animo may not have appeared in "animo farm"outside of a statue, but he definitely makes his presence known in "something i ate." well, barely. his scheme to melt down gold in the bellyof his beast ends up getting max eaten, so ben has to take a page out of jonah's bookand venture in. it's a fairly typical ben 10 episode coupledwith the reboot's added comedic layer. and it does work more or less.

some of the bits meant to tickle your funnybone didn't really leave me cracking much of a smile, but there were some comedic momentshere or there. such as graymatter's descent through the esophagusor even animo being denied any last words at the end of the episode. that being said i still didn't quite likethe episode. it wasn't bad, it was just okay. nothing to write home about. we're now, what, nine episodes into this rebootand we're finally get a halfway decent new villain in "rustbucket rip?"

but what about the lake monster in "waterfilter"or the alphas in "animo farm?" you may ask. nah, none of those were really that good. i mean, unless you count the lake monsterfrom the original ben 10 as a great villain. billy billions may be just another evil richkid trope walking, but he has some cool toys and it was nice seeing him go toe-to-toe withben's alien forms. billy could make a fun new recurring villainif the writers want him to be, in the same vein as princess morbucks in the powerpuffgirls. nothing else to the episode besides that. oh, did gwen do something this episode besidesdistracting max in the least interesting way

possible? then yeah, we're done here. mediocre episode, decent villain. next. so we reach the final review of the video,"ben 24hrs," the sneak peek we saw a month or more ago. is it just as good as we all thought it wouldbe? well, it's fun i'll say that much. ben ends up sleep walking and jumping fromone alien to the next.

and from gwen's dialogue in this episode,apparently this is something ben hasn't managed to do as of yet in the reboot. so that aspect of the episode was pretty cool,although ben is basically the 'villain' of the episode seeing as he wrecked the amusementpark. i'm okay with ending the video on this episodeas it's probably the best episode of the bunch i've reviewed today. it was funny and...well, i guess that's allit was really. not every bit of it was funny and there werea few moments that were hit, so based on past episodes i'd say it was above average.

and those were my quick thoughts on theseepisodes. if you noticed, i definitely slowed down aswe moved from episode to episode and that was for one main reason: i got bored. some of these episodes were okay, others weremediocre, one was good. and that accurately sums up this reboot. average, at best. it says something that, while i didn't enjoyall the powerpuff girls episodes i reviewed yesterday, i had more fun reviewing thosethan ben 10. i'm serious when i said that i more than oncefound myself staring blankly off into space

while watching this bunch of episodes. i'm still not prepared to write the entirereboot off completely, as we're now only a fraction of the way through the first season(and there's always the chance season 2 improves on season 1 if it gets renewed), but it'sa weekly struggle to sit down and watch more episodes. do you share my opinion on these episodes? let me know down below. thanks for watching and take care.

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