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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

come on. get ready.come on, fast. pick up your luggage.don't leave any luggage back. don't be lazy. c'mon quick, girls. get down quick. c'mon girls. fast. don't make noise. hurry up. "drink up people. you needan occasion to drink." where is the guide, mr. raju?it's surprising. "i would say that..- hello!" "that you should bathe in it. -excuse me. - what is it madam? what?

who is raju guide here? raju guide is sitting in frontof you and speaking to you. and a very good morning toyou madam. now standing. everyone is waiting on the stationfor you and you're here come on hurry up.- this is the station madam. the train is standingright behind you. and you don't understand.- idiot. c'mon girls.- hey girls look patal ganga. that's patal ganga, thehighest peak here.

now sit down. sit down. stop! stop the bus my dear. listen to me. this bus will stophere for just 10 minutes. and anyone who is hungry can eat. and those who want to relievethemselves can do so. in the meantime i'll getsome water for myself. god knows what kind i'll get here. thieves. i won't cometo this area again. they sell alcoholat such high rates.

oh! why are you sitting on the road? what are you doing? ifthe bottle had broken. who would pay for it your relative? hey suraj, where have you been? i haven't seen you sincethe last two days. the last two days. you areamazing, uncle raju. why? - you were sloshedyesterday at the bar. i had to take you on my shoulder. you took me home on your shoulder?- yes.

that's why i felt like i knew you. because i have been carriedon your shoulder before. but don't worry i am quite fit now.- i can see that. do you have a big partyon your hands now? it's not a party. it's a groupof girls from mumbai. and i have the contractto take them around here. but where are you going now? i was going to the city now,but my bike just conked off. i don't know what'swrong with my bike.

i am going to take the girls around. and i will show themsuch places that.. ..they will be stunned.- what are you doing? come quick. it's getting late.- i'm coming. she doesn't understand. ok bye.- we'll meet again. come on girls. get in. i hope there's no one left.come on take a turn here. stop the bus. stop the bus. so she just missed her bus.- stop the bus. - hey!

stop the bus. please stop that bus. please! please stop that bus! stop that bus. help me. i am here from mumbai.- madam, i'm sorry. i would like to help you but my bike.- please get me on that bus. if i don't get in i will neverbe able to go back to mumbai. my bike is.. - please stop that bus. do you want to catch the bus?- yes.

right now. - yes. - then don'tregret this later. - ok. then come on. help! help i don't wantto catch a bus. help! is there someone around? help! help! help me! help! help! - bus. enough! the bus! kiran, where were you. c'mon.

"i am a crazy lover." "you a girl like fairy." "we met alone like that.. beloved" "a new magic just happened." "i just felt my heart slipping." "the weather sang to me." "we met alone.. beloved" "what i'm feeling.. what is it?" "what is this feeling."

"my love, tell me." "oh don't increase my restlessness." "the rain gods live in your hair." "you have a stylish walk." "you have a bloom in your cheeks." "you have made me fall in love." "you have made my heart restive." "your lowered eyes." "this style will take my life."

"your breath is fragrant." "there is imp in your eyes." "and fun in your talks." this is 'yahan gira' falls. come on going to the mountaintop. and coming down rolling. go on up and come down fast. hey mister, where areyou sending my girls? this is a very famous spot. it iscalled the 'yahan gira' falls.

oh!- look, she just fell down. oh my god.- now that she feel here. it will be called'yahan gira' falls. fool! god knows wherehe's taking us. c'mon girls we'll lookaround ourselves. idiot! stupid! - this is a very nice spot. - oh shut up. where are you going kiran?- i'm coming. just wait a minute. i'll come down. hello!

are you fine? did you miss your bus? if you have then i amat your service. - no! you style of helping is different. thanks.- why are you thanking me? i had fun too. this place is very beautiful.- yes i call this place heaven. but the guide raju doesn'tknow how to show it. oh why are you blaming him?he just makes a living. but if you want to look atbeautiful spots like these..

.,.then i can show you around.- why are you a guide? no not a guide, but the pride. i know these locations quite well. look at it from my point of view. what are you showing me? the goddess temple hereis very beautiful. would you like to see it?- yes why not? let's go then.- no, not today. do you see that mountain?- yes.

behind that mountain a littlebelow is the goddess temple. it takes a whole day togo there. if you want.. can we go tomorrow ifyou have the time? tomorrow! what am i doing tomorrow? yes i'm free. so be ready at 5.- i'll be there. - ok. by the way i'm suraj.- kiran. - kiran! hey when did you come here?- just now. i was ready quite early. soi thought i'd wait outside. shall we!- c'mon.

wow sooraj this reallyis a dangerous place. so are you afraid?- no, i don't get frightened. but you are really very lucky that youcan stay at such a beautiful place here. i did get a boon.- isn't it? but you look very happy today. i am happy.why aren't you happy? i am very happy. what happened to you? you said you don't get frightened.

ok! i am very sorry. kiran! look! bungee jumping.- you were joking. aren't you ashamed ofteasing me like that? i will not go anywhere with you. kiran, don't you want to seethe goddess temple? - no! fine i'll go. you can come after me. this is for you.

do you know what did i ask for?- don't tell me. people here believe that ifyou tell them your wish. it never gets completed.- oh. what are you thinking? - i wasjust thinking what you wished. that she shouldn't takeback what she's given me. isn't it? but you toldme what you wished for. because it wasn't my was a prayer. then what was mine?a prayer or a wish? suraj! listen to me suraj.

kiran thanks your jacket. no keep it. and then you haveto go home too. - ok. then i'll leave now.- so early. have a cup of coffee.- actually i'm late. and my parents must be wondering. but about coffee, we canhave it some other time. but we should have that time too. we are leaving tomorrow morning. are you leaving too?you didn't tell me.

if we speak of going before,then it hurts doesn't it. then why are you telling me now. because i want to meet youbefore going tomorrow. let's have that coffee. where were you? where are father and mother? go and have you dinner. it must be cold already. father it was because i wentto the goddess temple.

you can go anywhere.have i stopped you before? we are all into ourwork the whole day. it's only at night that we wantthe family to eat together. and share each other'ssorrow and happiness. i am sorry father. do you know how frightenedyour mother was? you could have informed earlier. you could have calledsaying you'd be late. then she wouldn't havebeen so worried.

you left early today.look at the time now. do you know what thoughts we have? i am really sorry father.won't happen again. ok. go and have dinner.- you come too. no i had dinner already. i know none of you have had food. c'mon father.- ok, let's have dinner. 'hey!' suraj! suraj wake up quick.- what happened?

your father is not well.- father! what happened?- i don't know what's wrong. call up the doctor.- something. no nothing will happen to you.- suraj if.. c'mon mother let's takehim to the hospital. c'mon father.- slowly! - careful! come on the girls are here. kiranyou too. - we'll be late. kiran, c'mon we'll be late. c'mon. c'mon kiran.

"why do people fall in love." you can meet him now.- thank you. "the one who loves will know." "the world is crazy after love." they took the firsttrain in the morning. they gave alcohol to last a month.- uncle raju! come with me.- what? come with me.- but my drink! my booze! suraj! suraj stop.

look if those girls had stayedin a hotel we could have.. ..found her address, but theystayed in a private bungalow. how can we get their address?- why can't you? there will be a manager, or the ownerwho could have their address. the same thing don't understand. the owner stays in america. and the keys are withsomeone in mumbai. whenever people come here,he sends the key with them. and then he takes backthe key from them.

and these servants.- the same thing again. they come with the partyand go back with them. what can i do now? where did you bring me? hey suraj! suraj you don't understand. you are a handsome can get so many girls. look, do you know what this is? 50 girls are coming herethis evening from delhi. this is the list of the girlswith their address and pin too.

and i will give it to you, youcan have fun with the girls. and i promise from nowon that no girl.. ..can leave dal housie without telling me. this is my promise. see this. oh god what have i done.i think i drink too much. i have to stop drinking. this is kiran's letter. hey!

sorry my friend, it just flew off. "when someone enters theheart without a sound." "a lover stays in the heart." "lighter than dew.."- "love! love!" "thicker than colours."- "love! love!" "a cup of nectar.."- "love! love!" "a unique poison."- "love! love!" "like the words of tulsidas."- "love! love!" "like the river ganges."- "love! love!"

"the most pure.." "the most pure.."- "this craziness.. love." "this craziness.. love." "love! love!" - "this" - "love! love!" suraj!- yes. suraj come up.father is asking for you. coming. yes father you called for me.- come suraj sit down. have tea.

i have been transferred.and i have to choose.. from delhi or mumbai. 'a group of girls iscoming from mumbai.' 'i have the contractto take them around.' mumbai!- why mumbai and not delhi. we have many relatives in delhi. and the boy we have chosen foraasha is also from delhi. and then aasha willnot be far from us. look, if you want to beclose to your relatives.

then you should maintain a distance. so tell me son why do youwant to go to mumbai only? i will get admission ina college in mumbai. and it will be betterfor my career too. why didn't you say so before? i would have you admittedlast year itself. you know i can't live without you. do what you think is right. if that's the case then we are on to mumbai.

fresher! first day at college.- yes. you will have to dowhat we say today. right guys? - right! you can escape us butwhat about these girls. you will have to come backto us. isn't it? - yes. hey what a guy. look at this guy. hey my bag. bag!

i beg you. please, please. hey what are you doing?don't do this. - fresher! please!- fresher! fresher! .. ..fresher! what do you want? put this ball in thebasket and go out. hey hit him on the head.- hit him. - get the ball. get it. get up boy. get up.- fresher! - fresher! fresher!

so now you know. c'monthrow in the basket. c'mon boy. come on boy. get him. go from behind. fast! fast! yeah! are you having fun, my dear? fresher! fresher! c'mon get up boy. time out. time out.

one minute.- time out boys. i like it boys i like it. come on, boy come on. that was amazing. hey man. c'mon why areyou so angry with us? this was just fun. all this happened to us too. and me. me i fractured my leg.and this fellow..

..was in the hospital for a month. but we are very good friends today.- yeah man. so will you be friends with us. hey c'mon. let's be friends.- c'mon. i told you we are friends.- c'mon. rock! billy! diana! ali!neil! ronnie! sam! suraj!- boom! "friends, we want fame." "have to do something great."

"we're here to study." "our ambition is high too." "where do you find acollege like this." "whether it's history or geography." "they're deceivers." "we study at night." "but in the morning they take flight." "think! why is this professor angry?" "we left his class.we've erred."

"we know.- we know" "that he'll punish us." "the ball is in the basket." "think what should we do now?" "this is a problem!" "bring that ball down." "friends, what is happening?" "don't ask why it aches." "why is he crying?"

"come let's make him laugh." "here juliet!- juliet!" "and romeo met." "and friends, everyone's heart bloomed." "have to do something great. "our ambition is high, too." "where do you finda college like this?" hey he's at home. hey suraj!- suraj! - suraj!

suraj! hey you're not ready's our team's selection. and you're still at home.c'mon get ready. where are sam and billy? we have to pick them on the way. at least you come down.- you go, i'll come. hey quick. i'm waiting for you.reach there quickly. yes. you go i'll come. everybody here. everybody please.

come here. who's inthe shower? come out. so the team for this yearhas been selected. is everyone here? all right, here is the team. rohit agarwal!- yes sir. ronnie d'souza.- yes. gurmeet singh.- hey. suraj saxena.- yeah! asif ali. - yes. - balwindersingh sabarwal. - yes.

amar shah.- sir. - aurindo.- yes. ravi kumar. sobrato roy. subodh shetty. paramjeetsingh. babbi. - yes. raja vajpayee.- yes. jaswinder singh.- ok. and sameer rane.- yes. yeah! ho! ho! i knew we would be selectedwhen we played the match.

suraj you gave such a good pass.- hey it was nothing. hey the pass, pass wasa beautiful pass. he's started it again. if not for that pass then wewouldn't have passed today. great pass suraj. ah ha. yes you really proved you areour friend. thanks buddy. hey no thanks in friendship.- sorry. no sorry either. hey we should have a party today.- yeah! yeah!

yes my love. waiter!- yes ma'am. what do you have in your hotel? we get many things in the hotel. i'll recite the menu for you. a slap, that's not back handed. a punch, with butter. a kick without shaking your leg. wow.

hey sam you always recite poems. why don't you recite one today. say something.- yes please do. i not just recite a poem.i'll recite a couplet. look the sky is kissing the earth. and the earth on kissingthe sky is dancing away. what a poem.- thank you. i didn't have any other way.. know about you.

father was transferredand we came here. i was sure i would find you here. after you left dal housie,it felt so empty there. and i looked for you in allthose places we went to.. ..where we spent lovelymoments of life together. you weren't there but ifelt your presence there. my whole life and goalhad become you kiran. when you weren't there i hadso much to say to you. and now when you are before me.

i love you kiran. i love you very much. what do you know about me suraj? who am i? where i stay,what family i come from? without knowing anyone,understanding her. you are making a decision suraj. no, i haven't made a decision.i fell in love kiran. and if you feel that iam not worth it then.. i don't have the courageto hear you say no.

if you want.. "they talk but.." "they tongues don't talk." "this story.. is toldwith the eyes." "locking eyes.."- "love! love!" "blooming flowers."- "love! love!" "the mirror of waves."- "love! love!" "silent prayers."- "love! love!" "thoughts of your lover."- "love! love!"

"your lover's heart beat."- "love! love!" "this craziness.. so the 18th of this month is fixed.- absolutely. hey you didn't have anything.have some more. no sis-in-law. don't worry about it. we'll leave now. wait for sometime. surajmust be coming over. be happy. look suraj is here.- hey where are you going?

come and sit please.- you made us wait so much. i am sorry uncle. i waslate at college so.. no dear everything about themarriage has been decided. the marriage is on the 18th.and aasha will.. ..become a bride and come to delhi. that is such good news. pleasedo wait for sometime. no son, we're late.we came from delhi today. we have to go back tomorrow. we have to meet our relatives here.

or they will be angry with us too. then we'll leave too.- fine. come! congratulations. it's empty. you didn't marry yet and you'regetting angry already. where were you till now? didn't father tell you we hadguests coming over today? sorry! - don't laugh ori'll break your teeth. but i'm very happy today.- why are you happy?

why am i happy? becauseyou are getting married. and you'll leave this house forever. and we'll have peace inthis house again. - what? come. catch me. what did you say?- come here. hey aasha,.. ..what can i do if you areof marriageable age? don't butter me up.- ok. will there really be peaceafter i leave? - yes.

fine i'll go and never come back. do you feel like crying?then why don't you cry? ok! here hit me. ah!- did it hurt? i will not tell youwhat i was going to. you were going to say something.- yes. so tell me. tell me. please tell me. please..please.. tell me. fine you slap me too.

i'm in love aasha. in love. do you know suraj, i made myfather run like this too. my dad is very nice.- and your mummy. she's no more. but i regret that i didn't getto spend much time with her. i'm sorry. but dad never let me feelthe absence of my mother. he takes care of me. so tell me when are you coming home?

aasha wants to meet you.- when you tell me. on her engagement. aasha saysthat till she doesn't.. ..see the face of thebride coming home. she won't get married herself. she wants to see your facethe first thing that day. then i will surely come. so now tell me how muchdo you love me? enough! "hey bride, swing in the garden."

"the groom will give you a push." "and you give the swinga push sometimes." where is kiran.- have patience. she must be coming. "hey bride, swing in the garden."- suraj's girlfriend kiran! "the henna is her as a token. "the henna is her as a token "hey, beat the drums.." "come let's dance.

"the bride's father dances." "the brides mother dances." "and look the bride'sbrother dances too." "come dance with us girls." "come dance with us." "take heed, my love." "take heed.." "dance and show me, lover.- lover" "look in to my eyes, love.- love."

"dance and show me, lover." "look in to my eyes, love." "it's my sister's wedding." "come dance with me love." "don't come close to me, lover.- lover!" "don't tangle with me, love.- love" "don't come close to me, lover. " "don't tangle with me, love." "stop this craziness, love."

"don't take matters further." "dance, dance.- oh dance." "dance with joy.- dance! dance!" "my heart says, fly away." "and meet the rainbow." "colour like a diamond." "and beauty like liquid gold." "and beauties like liquid gold." "don't lose this wealthof beauty, my lover."

"don't lose it like that lover." "hey go away you liar." "don't praise me falsely." "go and give someone else.." "your heart.." "don't throw tantrums, lover.- lover." "don't be so proud, love.- love." "don't throw tantrums, lover." "don't be so proud, love."

"you are so tall.." "but you don't have the brains." "a crazy lover.." "that's what your brother is." "you're brother is crazy." "till you are single, my love." "you'll be a menace." "so now that we havethe opportunity.." "come let's get married."

"make me your bride, lover.- lover." "get married to me, love.- love." "make me your bride, lover." "get married to me, love." "if you want to get married." "wear the turban and come hey boy." "sitting in a palanquinsister's leaving." "look she's leavingher parents back." "one who was ours hasbecome someone else's."

"the one who grew up in our arms." come on son, let's go up. you go i'll come. hey suraj! you are fine aren't you. leave me alone for sometime. ok. c'mon.- put him in the car. take him. look, i've been telling you..

look why have i beenforced to come here. so that you meet these people. this is mr. sk khanna. he is abig industrialist of the city. he can buy anyone and seeit to anyone he wants. do you know him? he is mr. kelkar. the municipal order and the city's.. ..water supply can be cut off. then people will yearnsfor even a drop. and he is mr. raut.the police commissioner.

and he can send anyone out ofthis city and jail anyone. he can either ruin someoneor make someone's life. he is shri patil, the home minister. this is mr. gokhale, the biggestlawyer in the city. he doesn't take time inmaking the false true.. ..and the true false. and he is the chief minister. he is a very big man. peopledon't dare to look at him. i don't need to sayanything about him.

whatever you said wasnot necessary too. why have you broughtme here like this? so that you know yourstatus and limits. do you know who's mr. chaudhary? who chaudhary?- chaudhary ranvir singh. shiva.. greetings mr. chaudhary.- greetings mr. cm. greetings. suraj saxena.

mr. cm you start your meeting. mr. chaudhary will be there shortly.- come on. what relation do youhave with kiran? what relation i have with kiran? that's my personal matter. when other's get attachedto our name then the.. ..matter becomes ours not others. because kiran is theonly daughter of.. ..chaudhary ranvir singh.

yes. kiran is your daughter. i didn't know.- stand right there. mr. chaudhary, the thingis that kiran and i.. if you want to stay alive,then leave this city. you have committedthat crime where.. can be punished with death. i know people like you. youtrap rich innocent girls. and for people of your statuslove is just a game.

just a deal.- love is not a move, mr. chaudhary. it's just a bond that bindsthose in love. - shut up. leave this city otherwisei'll make it.. ..impossible for you to live. not just this city, i canleave this world too. if kiran wants me too.- hey stop talking rubbish. i give you 30 days time. if i see you in this city after30 days then you alone.. ..will be responsible for thestate of your family and you.

i have seen your power.heard your threats. and i know your status andaim too, mr. chaudhary. 30 days. in 30 days youwill give me your.. ..daughter's hand in marriage. and that's my promise to you.- shut up. you must have heard of love. but you don't know thecourage love gives you. and love rules the heart,not power and status. you are very innocent.

you don't even realisewhat i can do. you are very lucky. lucky that i'm giving you 30 days. 30 days. fine. 30 days. this love is very odd.the more i meet you. the more i feel myself goingfar away from you. love is like that. the mind doesn't hearwhat the heart says.

and when the mind says something. then heart doesn't agree becausethe heart can break. what? hey! - mother and aashalike you very much. really? and what else did they say?- nothing. nothing? they like what i like. andmy happiness is theirs. so are you happy?- come here.

do you know kiran from the timeyou've come to my life. my life has become beautiful. whenever i meet you i drown inyour lovely talks. - really? i love you. do you know my dad and youare similar? - meaning. meaning? my dad and you love me very much. and dad is scared of mymarriage too. - why? because i will get marriedand go to another home.

that is why.- but you have to.. yes i know i have toget married someday. i will have to go to another home. this daughter is his life suraj.- you are my life too. c'mon i'll take you to meet myfather today, suraj. - today. no not today, some other day. nowadays i see papain an odd tension. it's quite odd but i see thesame thing on your face too. really, both of you are alike.- yes.

you have put yourselfin a fix kiran. - why? two men who are alike in your life.what will you do? simple, i'll love bothdearly. isn't it? i love you kiran.- i love you too. i love you! "yes my fascination.- fascination!" "was useful to me." "fascination!" "oh my fascinationwas useful to me."

"you have my name onyour lips today." "you have my name.." "yes my obsession.." "oh my obsession was useful to me." "my wishes.. my heartfelt wish." "you heard it.." "i swear.. my innocent love." "i feel for you when i saw you." "i was restless for you,many nights."

"not one night passed with peace." "i needed you.." "i wished for you." "and i found you." "yes my obsession.- obsession!" "obsession!" "tell me, oh please tell me." "what intoxicant do youhave in your love." "i felt shaky withouteven drinking."

"what magic have you done?" "come into my arms.." "let me hold you." "and take a lovely sip.." "of these lips." "new restlessness." "new love.." "and new every joy." "yes my obsession. -obsession!"

shankar is the tea ready.- yes sir. then go inside.- yes. kiran met suraj today. om shiva. mr. chaudhary i don't thinkhe wants to leave this city. i have nothing to do with the boy. but i have to get my daughterout of his clutches. deshpande bring aboutsuch a situation.. ..that he is forcedto leave this city.

here take this sister. brother, how must is the ladyfingerfor? - rs. 20 a kg. give me a kg.- yes. how much did he say?- here take 20 rs. 200 rs a kg for you.- no, sir it's 20 rs a kg. madam, i'm sorry but ladyfingeris 200 rs a kg now. have you gone crazy? youjust said it's 20 rs. now you are saying rs. 200 a kg. aren't you ashamed?

fine how much is the cabbage for?- 400 rs a kg. why are you answeringme? keep quiet. my job is to say that whateveryou buy is 10 times more. fine i will buy it at another shop. you can go to any shop. thenext or the one after that. go to any shop in the will find the price.. ..increasing by 200rupees. what can be done, madam?mumbai is an expensive city. but if you want vegetablesand everything else.. low rates then you willhave to leave this city. and if you do then mr. chaudharywill send free.. ..ration to your house every month. chaudhary! what do you mean by that? ask your son, suraj who mr. chaudhary is? rock, i'm speaking to you. do you know what they'resaying at home? that you don't haveto go to college. what enmity could surajhave with chaudhary?

whatever the enmity.suraj is our friend. and if anyone touches him thenwe'll cut off his hand. hey ronnie, don't talkabout your heart. use your brains. hey rock who has the courage.. tangle with ranvir chaudhary. rock! why don't you say something? are you finished?you have said enough.

you've said a lot today.i am tired of listening to you. if you don't want to come, don't. i will go to my friend.- rock! you call yourselves friends. rock will go. he will definitely go. here you go sir. hey who are you? -hey what happen? here take this.

get lost . hey my money ? what is this?- hey. who are you ? why all this?- we are you're well-wishers. mr. chaudhary has employedus to harass your family. but why? what have we done to him? you have harassedmr. chaudhary's daughter. and mr. chaudhary can'ttolerate that. mr. chaudhary's daughter.but i don't even know her.

what are you saying? suraj knows. and he dreamsof marrying kiran. kiran is mr. chaudhary's daughter. old man, you are askingfor death by getting.. ..into a fight with mr. chaudhary. what is it, father? no,nothing son. nothing. i am coming. leaving this city isgood for you health. and the last resort too.

otherwise you meet peoplelike us often. understand! now get lost.- hey! suraj! no suraj.- let me go father. no, listen to me's dinnertime. and i'm quite hungry.come let's have food. come on son. come on. come on suraj. dinner is ready. coming mother. suraj, come on dinner is served.

look suraj it's yourfavourite again. make something i like to sometimes. last month i made your favorites. now be quiet for another two months.- two months. you eat my dear. - at leastthe chapatti is my favourite. what is it son? where are you going son? i'll be right back. don't leave the table like that.

you are insulting food. but.. no, buts come and have food. come. come and have food. come let's have candle light dinner. coming! whose is knocking on the doorearly in the morning? milkman! milkman! dear suraj, call the diaryand order for milk.

the phone is dead. suraj, what's this?you haven't changed? the match is about to start. what's the matter? coach half the team willnot play if i play today. who will play in the teamand who will not play..'s my decision and not theirs. go and change quickly. but sir..- no, i don't want to hear anything.

you will change and come outin two minutes, all right? hi suraj! c'mon suraj, c'mon!- c'mon, c'mon! c'mon! javed. yes, come on, come on. what's happening? by the time the game finishes.. ..both your legs willbe broken, understand!

what's this? this is fowl! cheating! cheating! cheating!cheating! are you all right? c'mon, let's teach them.- yeah! run! run! run! c'mon! c'mon! come on, yes, pass. there..- take the ball, c'mon! c'mon! c'mon suraj!

fowl! what is this? this is fowl! c'mon give it to suraj!give it to suraj! suraj go forward! c'mon, c'mon. give it to suraj! yes,yes, c'mon, c'mon! give it to suraj! come on suraj! suraj, go! c'mon suraj!

come on suraj! come on! give it to suraj! give it to suraj! oh shit! yeah! well done. i'd have enjoyed if you hadjust played on the ground. it was not your intentionto play there. here, it's not mine. you wanted to breakmy legs, isn't it? now the one who has both hislegs will walk out of here.

robin! no!- yeah! "we are crazy." "for love." 'we will never lose." "we will play." "the game of hearts." "o my love." "nobody has won."

"against us." "nobody has ever won against us." "challenge." "i swear, it's a challenge." "we swear, it's a challenge." "in the entire universe." "there is no one like us." "we are." "not afraid of the world."

"we will." "love always." "we will love." "in the game of love." "we will be tested." mr. chaudhary, this time.. dad! have sweets. and you too.

dad, have sweets. very good, you have brought sweets. this is very tasty. it's tasty, isn't it?- yes. but you didn't tell me whyyou brought the sweets? today my friend.. wonthe football match. dad, he played fantastically. you too would have been surprisedto see his game. the opposition team threatenedto kill him.

but still he continued to play. he struck goal after goal. dad, it was great funand i enjoyed it. why are you not eatingthe sweets? eat. dad, i am really happy. i am throwing a bigparty for my friends. i am going, ok. bye.- ok dear. keep patience. nothing is left now.

you said you wouldmanage everything. now you tell me what to do?just a little rice is left. it has become very tough now. wherever i go, chaudhary's menfollow me like a shadow. when i go to purchase something,they snatch.. ..the purse and all the moneyis given to the shop keeper. i am upset. i don't know what to do. you will have to do something. if suraj knows this, he won'tbe able to tolerate it.

rock, at this hour? come.- i have a surprise for you. surprise?- c'mon on guys. what's all this?- hi suraj. have you seen? have you seen? how happy suraj is seeingyou all here? rock, i'll recite a poem for him. and that would bring a smileon his face, dear. dear sam, try to understand.- ok. rock, what's all this?

chaudhary's men can stopyou from purchasing.. ..consumer goods. but hecan't restrict the city. so, you all.. thanks dear.- look, no thanks in friendship. c'mon. ho-ho. did you see that? these children have comein the form god.. tell us that goodnessnever ends in this world. i am very happy.. to see thereare better parents than us..

..who inculcate such goodvalues to their children.. ..because of which humanityis still alive. prakash saxena.- yes. come, sir has called you. morning sir. prakash saxena.- yes. you are under arrest.- for what sir? because you have exchangedsome secret documents.. ..of our country withother countries.. are under arrest.

sir, you are mistaken. i am.. with whom are you fighting? if you had made yourson understand.. ..perhaps you would have escaped. now rot in the jail like a criminal. but sir, i haven't done anything.. i know mr. prakash saxena.. a middle class mannever earns money. he earns only respect.

you have earned enoughrespect, isn't it? now distribute it inthe market. take him! move! move!- but.. listen.. look.. father. what have i done? a son is successful when a father.. known because of his son. you have taught me this. and i brought you shame.

you are being punishedbecause of me. if chaudhary named our love as sin.. ..then papa, i havecommitted the sin. i should be punished.not you and my family. saxena, your son is right. neither have you committeda crime nor sin. yes, you have committed one mistake. you are the father ofthat arrogant boy.. ..who didn't obey my orders.

and saxena, this is not theend. it's the beginning. you don't have any idea of the end. you could have madeyour son understand. perhaps your golden dreamswere locked your mouth. your son crossed his limitsand you supported him. today, i have snatchedeverything from you. your job, respect, self-respect,everything! but saxena, there's still time. make your crazy son understand,if you can.

take him away from mydaughter and this city. i'll give you back everything,everything. just one nod can give your familythe permission to live. till now, i heard of gods andsaw him in the form of idols. but today i have seen him. good. you will give us thepermission to live? mr. chaudhary, you are underthe wrong impression.. ..that i have lost somethingand you'll return it. what have i lost?

i have lost nothing beforemy family and my conscious. you can't snatch anybody'sself-respect. i am not ashamed forwhat my son has done. he has loved someone. he has faith in his love.and he has the guts.. fight against theenemy of love like you. i am proud of my son suraj. if there was a son likesuraj in your fate.. too would have heldyour head high with pride.

it seems like the wholefamily has gone mad. saxena, the ego of a poorman is not his weapon.. ..but his death. and you don'tknow ranvir chaudhary. it's enough mr.'s enough. we know very well and your power. we are not egoistic.but we are confident. and confidence can shakebig mountains, then.. ..a small hill like ranvirchaudhary is nothing. you can't break us.

neither kiran is a missionfor me, or any achievement. she is my prayer and worship. nobody can snatch my rightto worship, nobody. saxena, if i lose my sense, thenthere will be destruction. only destruction. before the time runs out, bringyour son to his senses. or you will be a loser. give the papers of thebail application. here it is.

pawar.- yes sir. leave mr. saxena.- yes sir. papa, forgive me.- no dear, it's not your fault. you are angry with me?- don't talk to me. what do you think of yourself? that you'll fight aloneand win the world? what do you want to prove? tell me. tell me, what you want to prove? that you are great? thatyou have lot of courage?

kiran.- don't touch me. i hate you! hate you. dad has been very cruel to you. and you tolerated it silently. you have a lot of patience. you have suffered alot because of me. and you hid everything from me. and you never thought of.. i tried to tell you many times.

but what to do? when i sawyour love for your father.. ..and how much you respected him. how could i tell you, then? i know kiran, that thereis a bond between.. ..your father and you. suraj, what kind of bond it is? i don't believe he isdoing all this to us. i will never meet him. never. do you have faith in me?

do you have faith in our love? then you'll have to respect.. ..your father's emotions and love. suraj, i am scared. i can't live if i lose you. crazy girl, i will neverlet this happen. suraj, you don't know him. i know him, very well. he loves you very much, isn't it?

and the a human havingthis emotion.. ..can't hate anyone forever. come, it's getting late.i will drop you. you were two and half years of age.. ..when i took this photograph. that was your firstday in your school. and you were crying. deshpande said it is normal. every child cries on the firstday of the school, because.. is for the first time theyare separated from parents. but i couldn't bear the tearsin the eyes of my daughter. i decided to open aschool in our home. and i sat in the schoolwith you daily.. ..till the time i sawsmile on your face. dear, whenever i had to faceanything challenging.. ..i just had to look at your face. i used to get power from you.. and every power of theworld bowed before it.

then why can't i seethat face today? why can't i see the face which.. ..made ranvir a ranvir chaudhary? dad, i am still standing therewhere i used to stand. then why don't i havethat confidence, dear? dear kiran, you haven't hidden.. ..anything from me till today. because you haven't done anythingwrong till date.. ..for which i should be ashamed of.

but today you are standingwith your heads down. suraj is that mistake thati can forgive even today. dad, love can never be wrong. but the man can be wrong! dear, i have seen nakedtruths of life. i have seen life. i have seen all kinds of people. i can see the right andthe wrong more than you. the one whom you are callinglove and affection..

..that has got nothing todo with the truth of life. i know, i know you won'tbe happy with suraj. and seeing you unhappy.. ..i'll never be ableto forgive myself. i always wished you tohave a good life, dear. then why i am scared, dad? suraj respects you a lot. and he believes, a human havingthe emotions of love.. ..can never hate anyone forever.

if you keep love to yourself,it will become selfish, dad. and my dad is not a selfish. dad. i am still there wherei used to be before. good mr. chaudhary, very good. everyone has supported you. till the time you spoke, nobodydared to blink an eye. actually, i was very emotional. i can't express the bereavementcaused by..

..the earthquake of gujarat.and i am very happy.. ..that everyone contributedwhole heartedly. we have collected rs. 20 crores. mr. chaudhary.- yes. excuse me. just a minute.- excuse me. yes.- suraj is leaving the city? you are asking me or informing me?mr. chaudhary, i am sorry. but i read it in the newspaperthat's why i am asking. which newspaper?- lok jagran.

what's written in it? it's written that whenyou came to know that.. ..prakash saxena is injail, you went to.. him personally.- what? and you have even said thata patriot like him.. ..can sacrifice lifefor the motherland. and can never thinkof betraying. look. deshpande, deshpande!- yes sir. who is the owner of lok jagran?- mr. taneja.

i told you thousand times,that my name.. ..should not come in anycontroversy in paper. then how did this happen? and that too in prakashsaxena's case! sir, i don't understand. deshpande, people have startedraising their voices. mr. chaudhary, thatwill be silenced. rock.- where are you since morning? i called at your home,but nobody attended.

the room is locked since morning. i don't know where fatherand mother have gone. it has never been lockedlike this before. i am afraid, that..- mr. choudhary? hello. i am coming! i am just leaving! chaudhary's men have beaten billy!- billy? where is he?- in hospital. - come. no, no, you wait here, maybe your parents will come.

i'll call you after meeting belly.but you too call me. take care. where are my father and mother? what did you do with them? tell me where is myfather and mother? catch him! tell where are my parents? i will not leave you! save me! save me!

leave him! leave him! tell where are my parents?i'll not leave anyone! suraj! suraj, what areyou doing? he will die! leave him! he will die! leave him! he will die! he will die! leave him! suraj! - i will not leave him!i will not spare anyone! suraj, listen to me! he will die! what did you do? tell mewhere are my parents? tell me where are my parents?- suraj!

your parents are with me! suraj, your parents arewith me! they are safe! they are safe. they are safe. what did you think?that you are alone? the fight you have startedoutside i'll take it home. suraj, you are not alone.i am there with you. i have searched all overthe city. and you.. kiran, let's go home. let's go home.

"the storm of love." "nobody can stop it." "the world may stop." "but love will never stop." mr. chaudhary, there is no trapfor love. it's just a bond. mr. chaudhary, kiran is yours. and today she will go with you. but as my remembrance. which you.. you will returnto me with your blessings..

..and with my nuptial thread. nobody can separatekiran from suraj. no one. what happened, suraj? whatare you thinking about? the difference between theprinciples of life and truth. sam, i was sure mr. chaudhary.. ..would understand ourfeelings gradually. whatever happened todaywas not right. it shouldn't have happened.

suraj, what will happen now? i have lit a fire. now what will happen? it will explode! "colourful, rainbow." "my love is a rainbow." "my love is like a rainbow." "colour my veil, o rainbow." "seven tunes make the music."

"seven skies and seven seas." "seven births and sevenrites of marriage." "i'll fulfill all theseven promises." "i'll be there alwayswith you, my dear." "hey shiva!" "one, the colour of your love." "the colour of your love is one." "one colour of my affection." "one colour of this cruel world."

"one colour of our craziness." "craziness! craziness!" "one colour is rebellion." "rainbow, rainbow." deshpande.- yes sir. i don't want to see surajhere after in this city. understand.- yes sir. go and look upstairs. the room is locked!

where is suraj?- i don't know, sir. you don't know? where is suraj?- soor.. suraj.. i don't know. his.. his bike is there. may be..he is somewhere around. why are you damaging suraj's bike? what has bike done to you? where is suraj? what are you watching?! beat the scoundrels!

run!- don't leave them. ronnie! - suraj, chaudhary'smen are looking for you! rock and sam didn't tell, sothey started beating them. run from here, suraj! run!- come with me! at least tell us now,where is suraj? you have come late andhe is late to tell you. no deshpande, i came lateand you are late to go. beat the scoundrel! catch him! catch him!

where did he go? where did he go? search for him there! come! search him and don't leave him! what happened? whyyou all came back? sir, he is not their upstairs? did you search thoroughly? did you search every room? where did he go? didhe fly somewhere?

did he vanish into the air? catch him! catch the scoundrel! there up! come up! beat him! take out the scoundrel! beat him and throwthe scoundrel out! suraj, beat him! beat him! beat him suraj! beat him! suraj! beat him!

deshpande, what about suraj? mr. chaudhary, i can'ttolerate this anymore. mr. chaudhary, you have won. i lost. you want me to leave thecity forever, isn't it? chaudhary, i am going. but not alone, i am taking your daughter. come mr. chaudhary. i knew.. you would surely come. where is kiran?

i am asking you where is kiran? what did you think? that kiran is with me? mr. chaudhary, if i hadto do this with kiran.. ..then i would have leftthis city much earlier. i have left her with you, isn't it? then you tell me, where is my kiran? kiran is not yours! don't tell me that kiranis yours! understand!

or shall i make you understand again? "this obsession.." "this obsession.."- kiran is not yours! make him understand! kiran can't be yours! never! because he is not eligible for her. where do you stand? what is your status? tell me!

why are you quiet! you are not the suraj who gives light to the universe. and my daughter kiran.. not the ray whichcomes out of you. you are suraj just for namesake. and she! she is ray of my life! you can never get her! mr. chaudhary, my son hasn't lost. he didn't retaliate and that'sthe way i brought him up.

my son can't lose. dear suraj, get up. get up dear. mr. chaudhary, kiran is my prayer, she is my worship. she is my love. that's my obsession. nobody can snatch her from me. not even you.

you.. can't do anything! today, you will haveto give me kiran. or you will give me death. no chaudhary! no! "he will fight with the god.- love! love!" c'mon! shoot! leave me! shoot!- no chaudhary! i said, shoot me!

"when he is adamant.- love! love!" "he will do anything.- love! love!" "the craziness! the craziness!" "the crazy guy, the craziness,the craziness!" kiran, did you see all this? this is all craziness, my dear. he is crazy! i never thoughtsomebody else.. ..can love my daughter more than me. you were right daughter,you were right.

i don't have any more strengthto come between your love. suraj loves you very much,go daughter! go! hey..

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