
brothers full movie watch online

Thursday, April 6, 2017

welcome everybody come welcome welcome to the party welcome welcome. say hi. say hello. welcome to the party. don't you want to know what'sgoing on at the party. welcome scream loudly! i'll charge you the feesof the patients..

..who run away becauseof your screaming! scream! 'this is dr. ghungroo.' 'despite owning sucha large hospital..' '..he couldn't fix his own neck.' 'yes. that's his ailment.' 'his neck turns automatically..' '..and people misunderstand look at this.' good morning, sir. -good morning.

i'm here to apply for the jobof your personal secretary. i see. idiot. what a strange and foolish girl! she's not foolish,but a decent girl. ghungroo,whenever a girl slaps you.. can be sure she belongsto a respectable family. shall we go? 'dr. ghungroo is going to meeta girl for his nephew, rajiv.'

'he has refused more than500 alliances till date.' 'because he wants a very honestand decent family.' 'and he has his own style tojudge how honest a family is.' whether you accept our proposalor not is up to you.. ..but i can't deceive decentpeople like you. i'm a doctor by profession.. ..but i also carry outsome illegal work. and my nephew is the greatestloafer of all. liquor, gambling, races, drugs!

frankly speaking.. ..we don't deserve such decentfamily like yours. what happened! are you shocked? this jodhpur coat i'm wearing isto show you how decent i am.. ..was too tight aroundmy neck and.. ..preventing me from speaking up. you talk of illegal work! we are neck deep into all sortof illegal activities. there's no greatervillain than me.

well done, pundit! wonderful! this is nothing! my father is behind barssince six years. do you know that minister's son?what's his name? whatever! we used to supplydrugs to him. -yes. mr. haridayal?-you're right! -yes. wonderful!great! -he's my real father. mother, tell him. great, pundit!what a family! wow!

and as far as licentiousnessis concerned.. daughter is alwayson page three. now that's interesting! times are such, mr. ghungroo. if a girl doesn't have halfa dozen boyfriends.. ..then she's not considered hot.-correct! you're right!but she doesn't look so hot. don't insult me like this, uncle. you want to see?

then see! you are great.-look at her! isn't she hot? oh, god! aunt. why did you slap the pundit? because we want a family whoserelatives have never been.. a police station,let alone to jail. let's go! -such backward people! 'he wants such a decent family..' '..which has a totallyclean image.'

'hence his nephew rajivis still a bachelor.' okay! try baby! urinate! try! try! okay, make an effort!make an effort! very nice, baby! very nice! you're great!i was trying since two hours.. ..but you made him do it intwo minutes. saw that? the girl he marries wouldbe very happy in life. this poor guy is readywith his bat..

..but nobody wantsto bowl to him. there are several whowant to bowl to him.. ..but his uncle, dr. ghungroo,is a terrible umpire. he keeps refusing all theproposals that come his way. why are you teasing rajiv? come here all of's time to cut the cake. come on! -come on! -let's go!yes, let's go. -come on. -let's go. rajiv, take care of my childrenas well. -okay. hey no! no! -no! -you're holdingthe rocket the wrong way, dear.

it might hurt him. it might get into someone'shouse. hold it straight. uncle, this is my rocket. if i hold it with an angle onlythen will it go straight up. look, if you hold it straight,it will go straight up. all right. i will light it. gopi, get back! uncle! fire! fire!

there's smoke.someone call the fire brigade. uncle, what have you done?you've caused the fire! hey. please somebody help! help! help! please, help her. help. please help.-is somebody trapped? our friend, sanjana! please helpher! -please, help her. uncle,why don't you too go in there?

you have caused the fire! -what?-what? he caused the fire!-he's to be blamed! what? he caused the fire!-this uncle here! -gopi! go. go, save her. i'm going inside. i'm going. it's been so long!why haven't they come out? i think he's getting her!-he is coming! yes! he is coming!-oh god, he has come!

i don't know what happened. sanjana, what happened? poor guy! come on, let's go! why is there a smileon uncle's face? what happened in there? hey! fire! what? -fire! hold in. i am coming. okay?

come, aunt! i've noticed since twodays you've been.. ..thinking about that girl a lot. you're in love! yes. for the first time in my life,i've felt about a girl.. ..that she is made just for me. i close my eyes and sheappears in my mind! i open them and i see her.

i feel like thinking abouther all the time. aunt, pray that i meet herjust one more time. you'll surely meet her. but we should pray that herfamily is very decent. brother, everything is clear!come over. 'this is uday shetty,sanjana's brother.' 'he wanted to be an actor,but he became a gangster.' 'but whenever he looksinto a mirror..' '..the actor within him awakens.'

'his only dream is to getsanjana married..' '..into a respectable family.' 'but why would a guy froma respectable family..' '..marry a don's sister?' 'so, they have their ownstyle to talk ..' '..about the alliance torespectable people.' god has given us everything. wealth, fame and respect. our status in the cityis such that..

..if we go to a house with aproposal, we won't be refused. all we want is a decent familyand a nice groom. but the pundit didn't tellus about your business. didn't you tell themabout our business? what could i tell them?-sanjana airways! oh yes! sanjana airlines! sanjana textiles! yes, sanjana textiles. we're into a wholelot of businesses.

a lot! -we're well established. we handle the businessesover the phone. boss! there's good news for you! not one, but two!you will be happy to hear it! this family is alsogoing to flee! sir, there is good news!your one phone call did it. the dhansukh jeweller's murdercase which was against you? it has been closed. the witness knew that if hetestified against you.. would wipe outhis entire family. the builder has also withdrawnthe police complaint. he wants an out ofcourt settlement. he has already paid 20 million.. ..and he'll pay the remaining30 million in court. come on! faster! faster! sir, who were those people? go ask them! they had come with a marriageproposal for sanjana.

they didn't come! i had called them from mumbai!i had made you lie about us. which decent family isleft in this city.. ..that have not beggedbefore me and refused? sorry, sir. i was so excited..-what do you mean by excited? can't you understand where i am,who i am talking to.. ..and what i am talking about?control! control, uday! ballu prasad, tell him whathappens when i get angry!

i have an artificial limb.i was a good hockey player. once when brother uday got angryabout something i said.. ..he broke my leg withmy hockey stick. but he's good at heart.he took me to the hospital. he got me operated, got me a newfoot, gave me this stick.. ..gave me some money and..-enough! that's enough! now tell me what shouldi do about you? i had thought if i gaveyou two good news.. would pat me on my back.

just.. sir. sir, forgive me! control! -sir, forgive me! ladies and gentlemen! this famous painting was paintedin 1995 by sumit chatterjee.. ..and we start the bidat 50,000 dollars. so can i hear 51,000 dollars?can we? 51,000 dollars! 52,000 dollars! 55,000 dollars!perfect! 60,000, dollars!

65! 70,000 dollars! anybody else? okay, so it's going for 70,000dollars. this was bid no. 13. and now, ladies and gentlemen.. ..i present the lastpainting of the day. oil on canvas, by ahmed raza. a very world-renowned artist,as you all know. and the name is, burning desire! "when i miss you.." " heart pines."

"o my beloved." "i am in love with you." "you are my love and life." "i am lost in your thought." "there are desires inthe heart for you." stop! get out!-mister, what's going on? nobody moves! come on, get out!

come on! freeze! -freeze! - what happened? freeze! don't move! -freeze! nobody will make a move! freeze! mister, what's going on? -can'tyou see my boss is painting? boss? what kind of nonsense is thisto cause an accident.. ..and make a painting out of it?-who is this crazy boss of yours?

okay! okay! sorry! sorry! oh my, god! this is majnu. who is this majnu?-he's a famous don. you're very lucky! the day i use the brush,i don't use the gun. or else, you were a goner! no. all i wanted to say was.. ..what was the need tocause an accident.. ..because painting is a workof one's imagination.

that's for the bad painters! i paint it directly as i see it. it is also called live painting! last week, he was stoppingeveryone on the bridge.. ..and asking whether theyknew how to swim. the one who said he did wasthrown into the water. boss wanted to paint a personwho was swimming. don't move!or else, you'll be dead! if boss's painting turnsout to be bad..

..then your family willmourn over you. he has no family! they too are here? -yes! he is still unmarried. do you want to die a bachelor? this is too much! he has made acartoon out of decent people! don't move! -i'm slipping! sleeping? -not sleeping! stupid!slipping! -i'm losing my footing!

i want a full backgroundof this decent guy! immediately! boss, forgive me now!how much more do i have to run? brother uday,i've been calling since long.. ..but you have switchedoff your mobile phone. today, i have finished off f.m.hussain. what? -brother, look there. looks like the partyfrom india has fled. brother, can i ask you something?-yes.

is sanjana your real sister?-she's more than a real sister. of course, but is she reallyyour real sister? you're enquiring because i'mdark and she is very fair.. ..aren't you? -shankar shetty,my father married twice. yes, father married twice.. ..but sanjana hasn't evenbeen married once. what do you mean?she will marry only once! you're right.she hasn't even married once! but now, she will.

the solution to your problem liesin that painting of mine. can you see that guy? which guy? the one sitting on the bonnet. where is the bonnet? under the guy. that guy is very decent. decent. these decent guys are very bad.they have no decency. that's why i'll solvethis matter myself.

i'll get the guy's backgroundtomorrow. and i will talk to his familyin my own style. you should not get in my way.-god help us! go on. ever since we openedthis boutique.. haven't shown meits account even once. i'm going to the beauty parlour.that's it. go on!whenever i take up the accounts.. run away to thebeauty parlour. squander my money!

hello! -mr. ghungroo,how is your business doing? business is good! very good! i'msitting on a hefty profit! won't you share yourprofit with us? send four boxes immediately. this is a boutique. you get ladies dresses here,not empty boxes! you fool! a box means tenmillion! ten million. oh i see! ten million?and you want forty million? did your parents leaveit with me?

you fool! i'll send you to hell! do you know who youare talking to? this is majnu! i hope you'veheard my name before! of course, i have. you just toldme twice that you're majnu! so what should i do? hey smarty, have you gone mad? looks like i may haveto kill you! i am asking for protection money!do you understand? all right!so you want protection?

do one thing. get me 40 million.i will protect you. and if you want to get beatenup then call again. if i don't change your gender.. ..i'll stop calling myselfdr. ghungroo. now hang up! he's instead threatening me. get out of here! get out! -theshop has closed down forever! stop the work here! move! move! -get lost! get out!

what are you doing? -come on. what is happening? -this shophas closed down forever. what's going on, brother?-you will change majnu's gender? remove those clothes! and you remove those drapes!-take it out. fast! yes!now, you do look like a woman. black, yellow and blue! come on. take him away! majnu!

majnu, i made a mistake. i thought someone wasfooling around.. ..with me on the phone. really. if i had known you were on thephone, would i talk that way? what did you say? what do you mean by that? what do you think of me?-brother! brother, you are fine.this is my problem. not just you,many have such a problem.

moreover, your populationis ever increasing. listen, you fool! i am listening. tell me! i want 50 million by tomorrow.get it? but you had said 40 millionover the phone. that was over the phone!now boss has himself come to you. who will pay the travellingcharges? brother, 10 million arethe travelling charges? all right.

thank god, he didn't haveany snacks on his way.. ..else it would have been 60million. -it can be 60 million! if you don't deliver 50 millionby five tomorrow evening.. ..your family of three wouldbecome family of six! make him understand! how is that possible? if each one in the family ofthree is cut into two pieces.. ..then how many would that make?six! let's go!

no entry in the lane of love. no, no, no. no entry. there has been one moremurder because.. ..extortion money was not paid!-today morning.. broad daylight,in a busy market, in public.. ..the famous buildershyam agarwal was.. ..gunned down by three people! we at 'kal tak' newschannel were the.. ..first to break thisnews to you..

..that the infamous underworldgangster majnu.. behind this massacre! he has committed many murderssince childhood! not only children andold people but.. ..he hasn't even sparedthe handicapped! it's surprising.people earn so much. they should give someto these poor chaps. will they take all themoney to heaven? 'law, police, administrationare helpless.'

will you cause me a heart attack? you were going to causeme an attack! you screamed as if majnuhad threatened you. he did! in broad daylight! he came to my shopand threatened me! majnu will surely killme by tomorrow. majnu! -yes. our majnu? majnu threatened you?he's just a kid! just a kid!

do you know him? he is like a son to me,mr. ghungroo! really? -yes! you should have utteredmy name once! instead of demanding money.. ..he would've offeredyou cold drink and money. no,i don't want anything from him. and neither do i wantto give him anything. you are so naive! come on,get ready and come with me!

you'll see, the moment he seesme, he'll fall at my feet! why are you chanting my name? why are you getting so personal? do you think i'm indebtedto you since.. got two of my men married? our wives have run away! he got us married to such girls!-yes. haven't you earned a lot of moneyby arranging such marriages? you too arrange for 10million by evening.

and you? -yes. you stupid fool! now you will not pay me 50,but 60 million! get it? -yes. start your game. -okay! you've brought me toa wrong place again. i brought you here?you brought me here. because of you i have to payextra. you brought me here! even i have to pay now! salutation!salutations, sir! -salutation!

salutations, sir!salutations, sir! is he saluting or sellingsomething? salutations, sir!-he's the security guard here. he didn't salute our boss once. boss has given him thepunishment of.. ..saluting everyonefor six months! salutations, sir! this is boss' private jail. they are undergoingpunishment here.

what was his crime? he got fewer balloons onboss' birthday. -idiot! he said he finds it difficult toinflate them. -give him one kick. his punishment is to inflateballoons until the next birthday. and what will boss do to him? this guy is a doctor, isn't he?-yes! boss will open a clinicfor him here. yes, he would be the doctorand also the patient! he'll be given knifeand scissors.

and would be asked tooperate on himself! brother, i couldn't run away. but you still have time. go straight to uday shetty. he's the only person whocan solve your problem. angel? -uday shetty? he's well known in the city. everybody respects him.even majnu! really?

he increases 10 millionin our every meeting. and the wrong thing is he callsit protection money. protection money? i have earnedthis money in many years. please save me from theseruffians, sir. i am in deep trouble. get up. -i.. -don't worry. don't cry. -okay. -brothershetty, did you call me? majnu, what are you up to? you call up anyoneand ask for money!

mr. ghungroo is my..-don't give me so much respect. why not? even biscuits arehonoured these days. and you are a serve people. you know i treat the poorfree of charge.. ..that's why my hospitalis running a loss. look! he's such a great doctor.and you? what? sir, i didn't know that youknew him. -knew him? friend! he's my friend! then he is our provider.

it was a mistake. what is going on?i don't understand. your job is done. you can leave. shall i hit him? i feel like it. i will always be indebted to you. it's not a big thing.-yes, it is. no! -you're my saviour! there's still some decency inthis world. -it was nothing! you..-but if you are really grateful..

..then do something for me. just order me. order. i have a younger sister. -yes. she's beautiful. -okay. she's of marriageable age. now i get it. people respect me so much that.. ..if i go with a proposal toany house they won't refuse. all i need is a groom.

who is decent, honest and belongsto a respectable family. who can keep my sister happyall her life.. -mr. shetty! we should have met long before. i have a nephew. yes! he is decent, honest and belongsto a respectable family. wonderful!-i may not be as rich as you. but we are very respectable.-listen! pundit, we'll think of thewedding date later. let me find out what he thinks.-but you have my consent.

you give your consent? -yes.-then so do i. you've given me your word.don't go back on it. i'm a respectable person. my wordis like writings on stone. i won't let you go back on it.i won't.. mr. ghungroo! wait, please! i want to tell you somethingabout shetty! what will you tell me, pundit?i've seen it with my own eyes! he is not human but god. uncle.-thank god, i found you here!

come on, pundit. come along!it's an auspicious day. it's a very inauspicious day.take my word. -come on. uncle, what is it?you look very happy today. i have fixed your marriageinto such a family.. ..if you hear about ityou'll be dumbfounded. right, pundit? tell him. my god! what a great personis mr. shetty! if you ask me, he's the mostdecent person i've ever met. he's not a decent man!he's a murderer!

his day starts with the sound ofgunshots! with gunshots, sir! and his night is not over untilhe kills a dozen or so. what are you saying? -i swear! shetty is a don! don! -yes. godfather! -godfather! majnu and uday have deceived youto get their sister married. you don't get it..-i am sick and tired now! i don't know what to do!i am so unlucky!

so unlucky! -rajiv,you've broken the steering wheel! o' god!what will happen now, uncle! rajiv, do something, please!-i am so unlucky! what can i do! oh god, help us.-look ahead. watch out. come on. aunt, what happened? forget your aunt.where's your uncle? where is uncle? uncle is safe! he is safe.

uncle! what do i do? son, stop the car! how do i stop it?the brakes aren't working! the brakes aren't working!-i will get a heart attack. aunt.i will do something. hold on. we will not move! we won't move from here! hey.. we won't move!

you have to move!the brakes are not working! we shall die, but not move!-move! -move! move! -move! son! move! move! son, faster!go faster! don't stop! faster! -what to do?i can't fix the steering! aunt, hold the legs!hold the legs. not yours, but his legs! -okay!

what are you doing? rajiv, don't leave my hand!rajiv, please! your uncle.. -my whole familywill be wiped out! son, do something! uncle, don't worry!i'll do something. be careful, rajiv. be careful. son, what are you doing? what are you doing!-i'll try to stop the car! be careful! careful! -rajiv.

stop the car! son! -rajiv. stop the vehicle! rajiv! boss is here! -boss is here! "these petals are like rose.." "charms are intoxicating." "people are wooed by my style." "they give life for me." "so come and enjoy together."

"your lips are luscious." "the heart wants toenjoy its nectar." "the lovers are floored." wonderful. "when the wine flows.." "..everyone gets inebriated." "your charm is thetalk of the town." "i cast a spell on the heart." "everyone is crazy for you."

aunt, don't look like that. all these people have come toenjoy, play and sing and dance. they are not hereto plan how to.. ..get away from gangsterslike us. taunt us! you too can taunt us! if we had stayed there,either we would be dead.. ..or you would have beenforced to get married. he didn't think beforefixing the alliance. he is thinking about it now.

he has never been a goodjudge of people. she's absolutely right! if i were a good judge.. ..would i ever get marriedto her? good judge! stop this domestic dispute!stop it! i am in deep troubleand you both.. ..are fighting with each other! just think what wouldhappen to me now! how can i? how can i think?

i just can't thinkin her presence. i have to go away and thinkof something. -okay, go. we are losing so much moneyand i can't concentrate! i know when we went over there.. uncle, i'm so sorry! -no problem. stupid! dirty old creep! -old man.-how shameless! listen to me.. 'ghungroo,whenever a girl slaps you..'

' can be sure that shebelongs to a respectable family.' these half-naked guys! rajiv! i've thought of such a good ideathat they cannot harm us. what? -yes. -i have foundsuch a girl who i've.. ..been searching for since years.-forget it! you.. -you've found anew problem for me! don't touch!-she's is not a problem.. ..but a solution to your problem.understood? -do one thing. make her fall in love withyou and marry her.

i will apologise to shetty!-what are you saying? i'll tell him i wanted my nephewto marry your sister.. ..but what can i do?my nephew deceived me. he had already got marriedthree months ago. even if he is the biggestdon of the world.. ..will he get her sister marriedto an already married guy? just take a look!look at this girl! uncle, i don't want tolook at this girl! aunt, you know why i don't wantto get married. tell him!

how do i explain to him?-i don't want to listen anything. i don't want to.. -look at thegirl, son! look at the girl! the important thing is shebelongs to a respectable family. wow. if sanjana looks atthis painting.. will lose her respect! don't worry about sanjana. we're here for a changeand to enjoy. if i don't enjoy with these girlsthen how will they sing.

"o' foreigner, don't go away." "don't leave me. don't leave me." what a great song, boss! that was fun! wasn't it? ladies and gentlemen!do not move! please do not move! we've just got newsthat terrorists.. ..have planted bombs in thisplace. -bomb! -bomb! bomb. -look.. there's a bomb.-stop! please don't run!

for god's sake! -run! -we don'tknow where the bombs are. maybe, one is under the table!-oh, god! maybe in that ball! -get back! and because of your stampedethere might be a blast. the bomb-squad is on the way. nobody will move fromhis or her place. stop him! -"i see your eyesin the morning sun." what's wrong with him? hello? -"until you catchme in the falling rain."

sanjana, he's the same guy!in the fire incident. where are you going? "and you come to me in a summerdream." -excuse me, listen! remove your headphone. -"keep mewarm in your love embrace." he will surely put us in trouble! hey! -stop him! listen! stop!-"and it's me you need to show." no! "how deep is your love."

"i really need to know." "because we're livingin a world of fools." stop, please! stop! "let me kick this.." -no! no! -"..ball now." oh no! saw that! we made a foolout of you so easily. sorry! sorry! thank you, friend. -it's okay!-ladies and gentlemen!

frankfinn, the world's numberair-hostess training institute.. organizing frankfinnsmart woman contest. the girl who can foola guy twice.. ..will get 50,000 dollarson behalf of frankfinn. and this glittering trophy! what are you waiting for?your time starts now! yes! can i help you? hi! sanjana,maybe you didn't recognise me.

why wouldn't i? aren't you the same guy whopulled me out of the fire? sanjana,now you are embarrassing me. in fact, you had saved me. i had fainted and youhad pulled me out. and it's no fault of mine. anyone would lose hissenses on seeing you. you're so beautiful! what's the date today?-1st april!

are you making me an april fool? no! i swear,i'm not joking! i'm really.. can i help you? i'm taller.i'll help you! okay. whenever i get close to it,a breeze blows it away! it's a girl's won't come to you so easily. really? i will not restuntil i get this drape. wow! you did it! amazing! this is nothing.

sanjana, it's long! too long! hey! -sanjana! that's enough! you're too much! you're too sweet! too sweet. you are sweet too. look at this! look! uday shetty! oh, my god! your nephew can'teven entice a girl.. ..and this uday shetty iscalling me up repeatedly! i don't know what to do with him.

we can do nothing but pray. oh god, please help me! i.. what kind of help is this? where did he disappear? listen! oh god. peter! -sorry! get lost! peter! he's with us..

hey you.. what are you doing? hey.. go back. hey you! what are you doing? get him. go.. hey, come on. nice place! brother uday! yes, majnu!-is everything all right? trouble up there andtrouble down below!

i can't find ghungroo! i searched his shop,house and hospital. and when i call him,he doesn't pick up. i'm getting nervous.come back immediately! how can i, brother uday? who will look after sanjana? don't worry about sanjana!her friends are with her. they will look after her.come back immediately! i'm going to kill this ghungroo.

not my shoe! let's go. picnic over. who is it? hey, you idiot! if you want tocommit suicide then jump! or should i help you with it? are you judging the fallby throwing the shoe? why are you holding it?throw it in the water. yes, alright.let's look somewhere else. sanjana, get ready! he is coming!

where is he? okay! behind me? i hope she doesn't makeme an april fool again! no, she is blindfolded.i will pass her by quietly. left, left! -caught you! right, right! grab him! catch him! caught you! i caught you! it's you!actually we were just playing.

it's all right. are you mad at me?-no, absolutely not! it looks like you are.-not at all! and why wouldn't you?we had made a fool out of you. it's nothing like that.i too like to play pranks! i can also do it.but i didn't do it on you. really? -yes. then we will get along well.-okay. come on, shall we have coffee?-yes.

no, i won't have coffee with you. come on, please. -you havealready made a fool out of me! come on. -i can't go. -sanjana! where is your necklace?-where is it? it was around my neck!-was it too expensive? it was worth about 3 million.-let's search for it. look there! -look there! come on! must be here somewhere. did you get it? -it's not there.

did you find it? did you get it? why don't you search there? -yes.-there. -there. -shelly. sanjana, look there.your necklace is lying there. there! there it is. thank god! you found it! i'll get it. hey!we won! -well done! -sanjana! where did he go?-where is he? -did he drown?

i don't know. come on, girls. sanjana! what are you searchingdown there? -you! did you lose your necklace again? it's just.. "you are tall and fair." "your beauty casts a spell." "i am crazy for you."

"the eyes always search for you." "the heart sighs for you." "your tresses are like nights." "your eyes are expressive." shower your love on me,sweetheart." "you are unique." "the heart is crazy for you." "i can't spend a momentwithout you." uncle, i'm leaving.

rajiv! where are you going?you'll put us in trouble! why? what happened? -nobodyshould know we are back in town. stay inside. -uncle, i'm goingto meet sanjana's brother. you had said i shouldget engaged quickly. oh yes! yes! you're're right. i've also found out fromsanjana's friends.. ..that sanjana's brother isa big shot of the city. once your alliance is fixedwith his sister.. ..he will deal with majnu andshetty. why should we?

go my son. go on. go from there. okay. bye, aunt. -bye. all we need is a decentand honest groom. my search has ended today. i like you very much and yourfamily likes sanjana. nothing could be happierthan this. brother, sanjana's birthday ison the 13th and i think.. ..we should keep the engagementon the same day. how can we make all arrangementsso quickly?

arrangements? all you have todo is print some invites.. ..invite some people and ordertwo rings. what else? looks like you are in greaterhurry than me. brother, if there is some problemthen.. -no problem! no problem, sir! no problem! you can never have any problems! not one, not two but i havethree good news for you. i'll listen to it later. firstmeet sanjana's future fiancã©. hello. -hello!

meet me before leaving. understood? -yes. what happened, brother?what happened? it is very strange. during our times, parents usedto fix all this but.. no, it's no problem. i'll introduce my family toyou whenever you want. two days later is the openingof my new hotel. i'm throwing a party.

bring them along. -yes,sure. i'll surely bring them. who are all these people? because of my business.-security? yes, security. if someone tries to harmyou then they will.. lay down their lives! or take some. why do you ask? nothing.actually, there was a guy..

actually there are two guys. they are giving me a lot oftrouble. -who are they? they are very big people. tell me, i'll bring themdown to our level. since we are goingto be relatives.. ..your problem is my problem. by the grace of god, nobody cantrouble us in this city. tell me, who are they? -it'senough that you're willing to help. now i'll talk to them myself.

talk to them. or else let me talk.i'll talk to them on the phone. majnu..if you had comeseconds earlier.. ..i'd have introducedyou to the groom. what groom?-the one who sanjana loves. i have fixed the engagementon the 13th. what will happen to theguy in my painting? remove him from the paintingand make a building instead. what are you saying,brother uday?

i worked so hard toget to that guy. now you want me to forget him? but that doesn't meani should marry.. ..our sister into any family. you don't understand. i couldn't explain to youproperly how decent he is. look, sanjana loves this guy. and his family too likes sanjana. things have fallen in place.

you should forget that guy. sir, i just can't controlmy excitement. -don't. i shouldn't ask this but i can'thelp it. -that is right. i don't understand whichguy you are selecting.. ..and which you are rejecting.-come on, i'll show you. sir. what is it? did i saysomething stupid? i'm sorry. dr. ghungroo,the alliance is broken. what are you saying?alliance broken.. what are you saying?you're breaking the alliance?

you disappeared afterfixing the alliance.. ..with brother uday, didn't you? no, i had gone to makearrangements for.. ..the engagement andthe marriage. so i was a bit late. -too late! my sister has fallen inlove with someone else. i apologise on behalfof brother uday. sorry? thank god, i got rid of.. my nephew will be shocked!

can i ask why did you abductmy uncle like this? those who don't answer our calls,we abduct them like this. what do you think? -rajiv! they have brought mehere to tell me.. ..that they have brokenthe alliance. broken the alliance? -yes.-understand the situation. but uncle, they could havesaid it to us politely. they could've easily saidsorry to us. -hey! -what? let him speak!

he has been hurt.come on. speak up. thank god you brokethe alliance.. ..or else we would have done it. because i love someone else andsoon i'm going to get engaged. rajiv! -uncle, just a minute! do you know who they are?-who are they? they are very rich people. they can buy you andwhat is his name? shetty! -yes mr. shetty!

they can buy out ten guys likeyou very easily! -yes. majnu, now do you understand? that's why we had disappeared! in order to plan how we can getrid of gangsters like you. what would the sister be likeif the brother is a gangster? and what would theirparents be like? i wouldn't have gone with thisalliance even if i were dead. majnu,you abduct anyone you like? remember mr. majnu,someone else can abduct you too.

hey, you're talking too much!nobody can even touch my boss! nobody can touch him? i touched him. if anybody touches me you'llbe in deep trouble. don't try to touch me! here, i touched him again!what will you do now? rajiv!-hey, who is supporting you? do you want to know?would you like to talk to him? take this. here's my phone.should i dial his phone number?

would you talk to him? do you have the courage? whathappened? are you tongue-tied? hello! look here! i touched him for the third time.-rajiv, don't touch him! you'd be inviting trouble!don't touch him! listen, mr. majnu! if you ever try to cross my way..'d have it fromme and my relative. and this is my first andlast warning to you.

let's go, uncle. let's go. i touched him again. looks like a big-shotis supporting him. but who could be more powerfulthan majnu and uday? only one bush! -yes. how are you mr. mayor?-very good. hello, sister-in-law. -hello. mr. shetty,you've built a magnificent hotel. it's because of your good wishes.

it's very nice of youthat you came. boss, there are only decentpeople in the party. only white-collared peoplehave been invited. so that amongst them brother udayand i may also look decent. very good! do you think you'd look decentjust by having a shave? sanjana! -hi! -how are you?-i am fine. i got an invitationfor the engagement.. ..but where is rajiv and hisfamily? -they'll be here soon.

uncle, can you see the grandeur? i pity the guy who fell inlove with shetty's sister. uncle, it is a bad thing. one shouldn't make fun ofsomeone's misfortune. more than the boy,i feel bad for the family. they will regret it for therest of their lives. that is for sure.-ghungroo? -yes. aren't these the same peoplewhose proposal we had refused? kapoors, the criminals!

let go! mr. ghungroo? what are you doing in this party? my nephew's marriage has beenfixed with the sister of.. ..the person throwing this partyand who owns this hotel. hello. -is that so? -yes. mr. ghungroo, this is amazing! you've found a very decentfamily! -absolutely! if you had to acceptthis proposal..

..then what was wrong with ours? let's go! don't know whatthey think of themselves. what did he say?what did he mean? nothing, uncle.just don't pay attention. he's just jealous.come. let's go. kapoors, the criminals! -come.let's go. just a minute! i'll justtell him! okay? -pardon! the party's really great! brother, rajiv's family is here.-really?

hello! -hi, brother! brother, this is my uncle and..-uncle, this is my brother. ghungroo! -uncle! are you okay?uncle, are you okay? is there a doctor here?quickly! -rajiv. -ambulance! aunt, why isn't he regainingconsciousness? i don't know, rajiv.ghungroo! -uncle! what would i do? what would i do by regainingconsciousness? what? the alliance which we wantedto get rid of..

..i didn't know itwould hound us. now.. sanjana is the sister of don,uday shetty! -what? oh, my god! again? rajiv! rajiv! -son! yes. doctor, please check me. that ghungroo is a greatervillain than uday and majnu. if he could, he would makeus dance to his tunes! he had to go unconscious!

do you know what he said when i.. ..had gone to break the alliance? 'i wouldn't have gone with thisalliance even if i were dead.' 'what would the sister be likeif the brother is a gangster?' 'that's why we had disappeared.' 'in order to plan how we can getrid of gangsters like you?' didn't he run away to getrid of a criminal family? i will set him free. vallabh, come on!get the car! come on.

let me go! -brother uday,just listen to me! -let me go! don't forget, it's the matterof our sister's life. she loves that guy! if you kill his uncle,this marriage won't take place. she's not marrying his uncle! you are just blabbering in anger! relationships are going to getcreated. you are his in-law! but who am i? nobody! i can do anything. anything!

yes, you can do anything. go, do anything.but make him understand.. ..who uday shettyis and what i do? what i'll do if iget really angry! take this! shoot his head off,like this! -brother uday! take this gun! -i have a gun! i'll handle him insuch a way that.. ..he'll come with his nephew'swedding procession immediately! but you control yourself! don'tworry. i'm going right away!

control! control! control! control uday! control! control! majnu is no lesser.he'll set everything right. control! hey, smarty! get up! give me a gun! hold my coat. i'm telling you forthe last time. get up or else you'llsleep forever.

'i won't get up even if i die.' you won't get up! where are the bullets?-in this coat-pocket. and the gun on the other pocket! have you taken a contractto kill me? if we get into trouble.. ..before you couldload the bullets.. ..someone would kill me! got it! boss, who can kill you?

if i keep the bullets and thegun in the same pocket.. ..then you may go ona killing spree! here are the bullets. boss has loaded the gun. you still have time.get up or else.. 'my name is ghungroo,but nobody can mess with me.' boss, he's not responding! but it is my responsibilityto wake him. remove his trousers!

strip him naked!-all right, boss. no shame in getting nakedin front of a doctor! now strip the doctor! do it! boss,he's already an immoral person. even now he is doing this. boss, forget this middleman.let's get the main guy. we are gangsters,mobsters and thugs. does that mean our womenshouldn't get married? you love sanjana, don't you?don't you?

will you leave herin the lurch now? listen, smarty! the inviteshave been distributed. the whole city knows about it. if the engagement doesn'ttake place.. ..what will happen tobrother uday's image? to hell with uday's image!my image will be tarnished! what.. he means his image willbe destroyed! ruined! tell me.

will you wake your uncleor should i kill him? give him whatever drugs you anything! but come to the engagementceremony along with him! or else, i will blow awayyour entire family. blow away? how will you blow them away?-like this! look at that! look up! you, your uncle and your aunt.. ..will struggle likethose pigeons!

aunt! me! what is this that i hear? you fool!did you shoot at his uncle? what could i do, brother uday? the old man was actingunconscious. old man! can't he show somerespect? -old man? will you address his uncleas 'old man'? old man? don't forget, that old man isgoing to be my relative.

what was the needto shoot at him? i thought if i scare him,he might get up. ask him what if one of themhad struck my uncle? what if one of them hadstruck his uncle? my mistake! sorry! he is saying sorry! -brother! for how long should iface the trouble.. ..caused by your mistakes? did i tell you to shoot?did i? i didn't!

why did you shoot? and what about thatmatter when he.. ..had threatened to kill uncleand was making these gestures? what kind of gestures were youmaking? what does it mean? how are you going to killhis uncle? like this? we've got an alliance withso much difficulty. we've found such a decentand honest groom. will you break that alliance? i'll kill you! -kill me! kill me!

but i will not spare the onewho gets you worried. what..what should i do with him?-brother, please! what should i do with him? what? i can't even kill him!-because he loves me very much. ballu, tell us what he had done! tell him!-i have an artificial limb. i was a good hockey player. once when i said something badabout brother uday by mistake.. ..majnu broke my leg withmy hockey stick.

but he's good at heart. he took me to the hospital.-enough, ballu! he got me a new foot!-enough! heard that? he's good at heart. he can't see me tensed.why do you worry so much, majnu? sanjana's engagement willtake place on the 13th. rajiv is a sensible person. he will bring back his uncleto consciousness. he'll pacify him and bring himalong. don't worry. okay?

then ask him. will he bring his uncle to theengagement or should i? now you can bring him, mr. majnu. my uncle is like my father. i can't tolerate ifanyone insults him. i love your sister verymuch and i always will. but i will not marry at gunpoint. excuse me, brother. i'm leaving. if you want to stopme, you can shoot on my back.

rajiv. rajiv, i apologise on his behalf. a brother has come begging forhis sister's happiness. i apologise for all the badthings we have done to you. -yes. being in this bad professionmaybe.. ..i could not understandpeoples' sorrow. i am repenting for those sins. i'm tired of being refusedby everyone.. ..for my sister's proposal.. ghungroo. this is my last chance to bringhappiness to my sister. so please don't refuse. this is how you bring tears inyour eyes without glycerine. manage the drama from here. mr. ghungroo, i've never seentears in uday's eyes. but today,after seeing tears in his.. ..eyes i can say onething for sure. if you don't stop these tears,a tsunami will hit this city.

look at him. now he won't be ableto live peacefully. control, majnu, control. if he doesn't survivethen who will? who will! only you can stop this calamity. stop the time.. our brother has already leftitaly to attend the engagement. which new brother is this?

someone greater thanme and brother uday. you can say he's the godfather. rdx! rdx? "if you see me coming,better step aside." "a lot of them didn't.and a lot of them died." die! die! and die! what the..

these dolls fire when youwant them to fire. i've brought this gift formy two brave brothers. thank you, sir. hey, lucky? -yes! where the hell do you thinkyou are going, son? going with my friendsfor a drink, dad! there's a party on tonight. i hate your parties, dad.just cut it! sorry, know, he is half mad. -yes.

not half. he's fully mad! send cover for him. -okay, sir. you! go after lucky! go on!-okay boss. at last your sister's marriagehas been fixed. yes, sir.-your worries are over now. then, even my worries are over. there will be terrific singingand dancing in tonight's party. but we've not made arrangementsfor that, sir. not to worry, uday.

i'm still alive. guys and girls!it's time to rock! may the gods bless these lovers. and make this alliancelast for a lifetime. come on, everybody! go! go! "god willing.." "o god.. god willing.." "in the world of this heart.." "'re welcomed."

"o beloved." "o sweetheart." "may we never separate." "the promise of lovewon't be broken." "the bond of heart won'tbe shattered." "when i came close to you,loneliness was driven away." "i am in your thoughts." "you are my desire." "you are my hope."

"may we never lose our love." "the sigh of love unitesthe lovers." "my loyalty is a gift to you." "for you is my life and love." "may nobody plunderour dream world." i'm ruined!i'm doomed! i am devastated! oh, god. i say what wrong did i do to you?-silly girl! that you deceived me?

why did you deceive me? sister, stop tickling me!-sister? my god, he calls me sister! sinner, i'm not your sister.but your wife! i don't even know you!when did we get married? and did my uncle allowus to get married? stop. uncle, what did you promisebefore the villagers? that you'll come to takeme when i grow up. i have grown so muchwaiting for you.

how much more do i have to wait?-ishika! tell me! is this girl speaking the truth?-what can this liar say? i have brought the proof with me.look at this! this is me. this is my husband.and that's his uncle. brother uday, i'm not at fault. my sister had got them married. i didn't know she would comehere after so many years. i think this is god's wish.

did god come down ordid he call you up? mr. ghungroo.. ..everything happens as wewish and decide down here. take her away! -oh, god.-get out! do justice to me!is somebody there to help me? only he can get you justice here. he is above everyone over here. control uday. i must have been blind!-stop! where are you going?

why didn't i see the emperorsitting over here? your majesty, have mercy on me!have mercy on me! what does she mean? ask what is the meaningof that word? your majesty, i beg of you togive me back my husband. and if you can't doit then i have no.. ..other option butto kill myself. justice will be done! i will do justice to you.

boss, justice has been done. she has to be thrown out. -majnu! don't forget i am still alive! uday! on one hand are your sisterand her happiness. and on the other are thisgirl's tears. -yes. on one side is your sister'sengagement. and on the other is thisgirl's husband. -yes. as i see it..

..this girl's position isstronger in the eyes of justice. this engagement..cannottake place. no! -brother uday, why are youtormenting this poor guy? i feel like emptying allbullets into rdx's head! but what's the use of doing so? he survives after beingshot six times, thrice. and after getting up he says,he is still alive. i'm dead! that girl showed himsome respect..

..and he thinks heis the emperor! and left our sister to suffer! majnu,my father used to hold my.. ..hand and take me to the temple. there was something writtenon the wall of the temple. humans have to facethe punishments.. ..for their sins in this live. all my childhood memorieshave washed away.. ..but i still remember thatwriting on the wall.

i feel my sins are stoppingmy sister.. ..from attaining happiness. ishika, you're not onlyhis sister-in-law.. ..but also rajiv's good friend. what have you done? sister, i was told this allianceis being forced upon you. brother-in-law lied to me.-wow, uncle! you're so cool! you've deceived my love. if you were not happywith this alliance.. should've flatly refused.-why create such a huge drama? this is not my stubbornness,but my compulsion. i had promised your mother. promised her? my sister had madeonly one mistake. she had married intoa criminal family. and for that crime,she had to suffer all her life. death was so painful thatshe died is sorrow. she handed you over tome and had said..

..that her son should be broughtup away from crime. i don't have any objectionto this alliance. but i have my reservationsabout the relatives. so you're not opposed to thealliance, but the relatives. what if sanjana'sbrother gave up.. ..crime and becamea decent person? uday shetty? yes uncle, uday shetty! if that happens i'd happilyget you married to sanjana.

i'll dance in your wedding.really. but what if you couldnot reform him? then i'll myself getrajiv married.. the girl whom you choose. and i will also dancein his wedding. are you crazy? i'm not goingto be a film director! i have small kids.want to make my wife a widow? sir, explain to him.-what should i explain to him? i am myself not goingto be the producer!

underworld don,uday shetty is the hero? and a fake film shooting! -if he finds out he'llshoot us with real bullets! that's right! i will try to ensure that hedoesn't kill you. -you'll try? you'll try? she'll not just try,but she gives her guarantee. she means she guarantees!-that's right. sir, all the arrangementshave been made.

mr. suniel shetty has alsoagreed. -suniel shetty? yes. he's in the same hotel. really? -when we toldhim our love story.. ..he said it's all right.-he is suniel shetty.. ..she is sanjana shettyand that's uday shetty. if we have to reform him then hewas ready. -all that is fine. but uday shetty thinksyou are married. what will you do about that? i'll explain to my brother thatit was his uncle's ploy.

yes.that's it. that's the end of it. the first shot? it's today.welcome. welcome, please. suniel shetty is also here?-yes, he is the hero. rajiv, why don't you tellyour director friend.. introduce my brotherto suniel shetty. that's not such a big thing!come on. -look here. i had told you earlierthat i'd not do.. ..this film withouta bound script. the script is ready.-where is it then?

in here. -all right! mr. suniel shetty,this is uday shetty. what is the problem? -shetty andshetty! i will talk to him. hello! -hello! -i am uday shetty.-oh, i see. one by one.what are you trying to say? do you doubt my ability? no sir, you are a great director!you are a genius! but script.. no ifs and buts! -you'reshooting with me tomorrow..

..or else you're out of the film.-that's it! okay, sir. as you wish. bye. goodbye. -what do you think? if you don't work with mewould i go bankrupt? mr. shetty. sir! -get lost! i'll make this film without you!-what have you done? if there is no star then howcan we make the film? from where will we get a hero?-i will! i'll pick someone.. ..from the streets and makehim a star! idiot!

hey you, come here! you! -he?-male look over there! over there! he'll look good with sunglasses. now you are my hero! i have got him! what? -a star! what are you doing?he can't do it. -why? why not? he doesn't know acting.he can just.. -keep quiet. shooting?-my eyes are like a camera!

and this camera has recognisedthe actor within you. am i wrong? -actually i am.. tell him. actually, brother wanted to workin films since childhood. i knew it! -brother, come asidefor a moment. excuse me. brother, what are you doing? -youcan't tolerate this man! -why? he is crazy! he was talking sorudely with mr. suniel shetty. but he won't with me.i can tolerate him. no problem.-do you have the time to do this?

i have all the time forthis kind of work. unload the tools. -okay, sir. who is it? -brother! duttu, unload the tools quickly.-okay, sir. who is mr. uday amongst you? hello mr. uday.i'm purushottam, alias pappu. i am the new municipalofficer of this area. i hope you know that thishouse is illegal. do you know whom it belongs to?-to rdx.

and i also know who he is. this country does havea legal system. don't be afraid.i just look dangerous. but i am good at heart. i workwithin the limits of the law. if you have any valuablebelongings then take them out. i am going to demolishthis house. friends, go help him demolish it. okay, boss. come on, guys! -sir, shall ihelp you? -sure, why not?

did you unload the tools? -yes.-come on! brother, what are you up to? is the film's hero givingyou a complex? ballu, tell him. -yes. i have an artificial limb.i used to be a.. -not that. tell him what happened at thefilm's inauguration. -inauguration! something unbelievable happened. the director removedsuniel shetty.. ..and took boss as the hero.-yes.

he said he can pick anyonefrom the streets.. no! he said he is not pickinganybody from the streets.. ..but he was signinga very famous actor. he's a great director.-brother majnu.. ..boss's photograph has alsoappeared in the papers! give it to me! -here you are. look at this. but what's this other thingprinted over here. donkeys will also raceamong horses?

cucumber! what's burning? what? what is burning? issomething burning? -no! i can smell something.majnu, get up! turn around. look,there's smoke coming from here. will you mess up withbrother uday! i had told you this houseis illegal, not me. why did you break my bones? come on. pick me up.

action! -buy some potatoes! buy some onions! buy some potatoes! -cut it! wonderful!what a wonderful shot! wow! note down what i say. i'm presenting this worldwith a great actor. keep it up! well done! let's prepare for the next shot.send the crew ahead. okay, fine. come on.

wow, brother! you were great! you are so talented. amazing! sanjana, won't you say anything? brother, i had thought youwouldn't be able to do it.. ..but you've done it so easily! right, rajiv? -look here. -what? what a terrific dialogue!-yes, recite it. i have neither sold a potatosince morning nor half an onion. since morning..-i have neither sold a potato.

neither sold a potato.-nor half an onion. brother, what profession haveyou taken up? -film acting! no, i was talking aboutthe other profession. you were born only to act! wow! i have neither sold a potatosince morning nor an onion. half! -yes, half an onion! this shot.. -excuse me,sir. -he is calling you. madam wants to meet you.-which madam? the heroine of your film, sir.-welcome.

please, come. "i am crazy for your charms.." "..and your style." come on, sir.she is miss isha. -hello. superb! mind blowing! fantastic! nobody would believe thisis your first film.. ..and first day of shooting. i'm glad to meet you, uday.-same here. hello. i hope you don't mind me callingyou uday. -no. not at all.

madam, your shot is ready.-she's coming. yes. look uday, don't feel bad. -no. but i was going to leavethis film. -why? because when i found out thedirector had removed the hero.. ..i wasn't very comfortable,you know. -i know. but when i saw you act!oh my, god! i mean,the way you said that dialogue. buy some potatoes,buy some onions. i've become a fan of yours.

i just study actorsand try to act. i want your autograph. -oh yes! pen! -yes. here you are. thanks! -welcome! it would be fun to work with you.-real fun! welcome! bye. -bye. welcome. welcome. boss. -yes? looks like this heroinehas fallen.. love with you. -shut up! "i have experiencedthe power of love." boss! take care! dad,i'm in love with your daughter. now,nobody in the world can stop me. brother, you look great! don't i look wonderful?-fantastic! what are you doingat my shooting? brother uday, i have fixed ameeting with d'silva today.

i've also called simonfrom singapore. it is important for youattend the meeting. all right, we'll pack upafter the next shot. let's meet him. if he agrees thenfine or else we'll kill him. rajiv, looks like we willnever get married. after he gives the shot,he will go and do his other job. sanjana,once you had told me your.. is afraid of horses? yes. why?

why so many horses arebeing brought here? the director has changedthe shot. -why? earlier,you were supposed to come on.. ..foot to ask forthe girl's hand. yes. -but now you'll come onhorse-back with 25 men. horse-back? -but how can he dothat? he can't ride a horse! i can handle a gun, but it'sdifficult to handle a horse. it's not difficult, brother. mount the horse and it willtake care of the rest.

the old shot was betterwhere i come on foot. why don't you explain to him? brother, you know if i try toexplain to the director.. ..being a crack-pot,he may stop the film. do you want the film tobe stopped? -no! -then? tell me, which horse do you like? that.. any horse will do. yes, ready! sound! -take 7!

action! -come! this is too much! stop! cut it! -this is.. the girl's father is here! can't you see such a huge man? you have to stop the horse here.get down. walk to him. ask the father for his daughter'shand in marriage. it's so simple! -but it doesn'tstop! what do i do? the horse won't stop by itself!

you have to stop have to pull the bridle. let's take one more shot. comeon, stop. the horse's bridle.. is sound ready? sound! take 32! action! -come on! why are you going ahead of me?i.. -where is he? where is the hero? where is he? cut it! where are you?

here i am. over here. what are you doing overthere in the middle? the bride's father is here. but the horse doesn't listen.what can i do? what do you expect us to do?cancel the shooting? why.. -take the horses back! hello! yes, we're coming!we're coming in half an hour. don't make me angry!

now watch how their meetinggets cancelled. brother uday is still stuckwith his shooting. why did you let d'silva leave? couldn't you make him waitfor half an hour more? which stupid person isbarking out so loudly? we're working here and he..get out! throw him out! director, relax. relax? -we're stuck withthe shot and people.. ..are talking nonsenseon the phone!

listen to me! -you keep quiet!-forget it. let him be. why do you let such people in?take the shot. take 57! action! i have come to ask yourdaughter's hand. please. cut it, man! cut it! what are you doing? -i'm downon my knees asking her hand. is this how you willask her hand? without stopping the horse,you will jump, fall down and ask?

will he give his consentfor the marriage? not on us but at least havemercy on the horses. please, just one shot. please. you, take back the horses. listen.. -what stupid herohave i taken in my film? that horse must alsobe thinking what.. ..a fool is riding him. -relax. stupid fool! brother majnu!

brother majnu!-brother, please! -who.. rajiv, move aside.whom did you call a fool? brother uday?guys, stop all this shooting! stop this shooting!stop it! -brother! you red matchstick! don't hit me!-uday will beg to the father? people beg of him.he won't allow them to marry? no, it's not a matter of begging. sometimes the horsehas gone ahead..

..sometimes stayed back?can't the father go to uday? the problem was.. -where is theproducer? -brother, he is here. where is the oldie? -what areyou doing? -brother uday! stay here, i'll check it out. stop. i don't know the name ofthis horse. stop! well done. who did all this? your brother majnu! he beat upthe director and the producer! look here! -they were kicked,punched and beaten with shoes! noses,jaws and heads were broken.

look at that!he has destroyed everything! he has also destroyed yourdream of being an actor. director, say something! pack up. -pack up? the film is discontinued.-discontinued. pack up, brother!you are finished! he is jealous of me! majnu! once a thief.. ..always a thief!

in the same way,these guys will never reform. sanjana. i like all these five girls. now i leave it up to you todecide whom rajiv will marry. we had one chance of reformingbrother, but majnu.. sanjana,these guys are just like crabs. if one person tries to reformthe other forces him back. i guess it is our fate! no, sanjana.. majnu willnot decide our fate. but we will decideabout his fate. your name is wrong, mr. majnu. in fact, your name shouldstart with a 's.' yes, my real name is sagar.-there we go. can you pucker your brow? did you fall in love with a girlwhen you were 18 years old? don't feel shy. look up! can you again pucker your brow?

like this. does that girl's namestart with 'i'? remember her? -yes. yes? -iravati! -iravati. sanjana,the brothers of the girl.. ..with whom he hadfallen in love.. ..had broken his legs and i right? they had just broken the arms. my legs broke because i felldown in the gutter.

that's honesty! because of iravati, you enteredthe crime world, right? -guru! because her father asked you tobecome famous and earn money.. murdered someone whiletrying to earn money.. ..and so you ran awayonly to reach here. all that was in the past, rajiv.what about the future? that love will re-enteryour life. what will happen to thekids then? -what kids? she has four kids!

if she comes in my life again,what will happen to her kids? no.the kids will remain with her. iravati will not comeback in your life. a girl like iravati willcome in your life.. ..and her name willstart with an 'i.' just a minute.can you pucker your brow again? no, don't scare me!just a little. yes. there! she should havebeen here already! all right, now i got it.

these paintings! why do youhide these in the house? take them out. brother, they will get wetin the rain outside. i don't mean outdoors. i mean insome exhibitions or auctions. moreover, when will i be ofany help? i'll help you. i'll help you to auction them. and because of your art,you may, you know.. will find the girl witha name starting with an 'i.' thanks. -easy! easy!

all right! and now, i present the paintingof a new artist, mr. sagar. well this painting is called,rocking horse! we start the bid at 10,000 dollars! 12! -14,000! 16,000! -16,000 dollars! -18,000! 18,000 dollars! -22,000! -22! 25,000 dollars! -25,000 dollars! 25,000 dollars, one!

two.. -50,000! let's see if anybody goes ahead!50,000, one! 50,000 dollars, two! 50,000 dollars, three! sold! this painting is soldto miss ishika. 'laila!' "juliet, o romeo." -thank you. "juliet.." -miss ishika.. ..what did you see in thispainting that others didn't?

love! i can look at the paintingand tell that.. ..the artist is a lovable person. there is a lot of lovein his heart. i mean look what a lovelymessage he.. ..has given through his painting. yes. -if one animal can carrythe burden of another.. ..if it can love it so much.. ..then where has love disappearedfrom our lives?

well said!-i really wish he were here. i wish i could meet him.-miss ishika.. ..your wish has come true.the great artist is amongst us. mr. sagar pandey! you too come with me! -okay. thank you.-mr. sagar, meet miss ishika. superb! fantastic! i mean,mind blowing painting, sagar. i hope you don't mind me callingyou sagar. -no, i like it. why would he mind it?

i've bought paintingsof great artists. it's my passion, you know. but after seeing your painting,i have become your fan now. thank you. i want your autograph!-"juliet.." do you have a pen? -pen.-sorry, i forgot to carry it. "o lover boy." -here! "i am your juliet." looking at the paintingi had thought..

..a mature person musthave made it. but you're quite young! bye. boss, looks like she hasfallen in love with you. boss, you've created anexcellent painting. just the vermillion is missing. yes. it's me. i am fine. and you? sagar, i'm terribly restless.

your painting doesn'tlet me sleep! you may think i'm shamelessbut i think.. ..i've fallen in love with you. "juliet. romeo." if you don't believe it thenlisten to my heartbeats! ishika,it's the same here with me. i'm awake just to makea painting for you. i have also fallen inlove with you. -liar! let me hear your heartbeats!

oh, my sagar! you are so sweet! it's my birthday tomorrow. why don't we spend theevening together? just you and me! what is it?you've already started to dance? just reach italy tomorrow! italy! -yes.. uday has fixed ameeting over there with rdx. what happened?aren't you happy? -yes.

is there a problem?-a very big problem! it's ishika's birthday tomorrow. we've made plans to spendthe evening together. the matter has gone so far andwe didn't even know about it. everything is happening secretly!very good! rajiv. -yes. do me a favour. read uday's palm andtell him that.. ..tomorrow's plans are cancelled.

no. -that his life is in danger. mr. sagar, don't feel bad.. ..but i should tell youthat i never lie. by the way,you have created this problem. the shooting was goingon smoothly.. ..and you unnecessarilybeat up that director! if the shooting were going onwould uday cancel this shooting? would he go to italy? -no, never! rajiv,isn't that director your friend?

please start the shooting again. do you remember youhad slapped him? he is very stubborn.he will never listen. why won't he? he surely will!come on! -yes boss. this is what i don'tlike about you! why do you get angry oversuch a small matter? you can lovingly pacifythat director. rajiv,now you don't get upset with me. should i pacify him lovingly?i will.

by the way,love is also so lovely! "i get oblivious.." "..seeing your aura." "o beloved..such is your charm.." " shining dewdropin sunlight." "since i met you,i'm not myself." "what spell have you cast!" "your face is glowing." "your tresses is like night."

"o darling,i can give my life for you." "not just heart,i can give my everything to you." "you are valuable to me." "everyone knows thatyou're mine." "what have you said, dear?" "your charm makes me crazy." "it casts a spell!" "you know what's in my heart." "you have taken my life."

"you are in my thoughtsday and night." "you are in my heart." sanjana weds rajiv! sanjana, i still can't believethe impossible has happened. but i had full faith in you. in order to acquire your love youwill surely win this battle. get up! -lucky! -what do youthink of yourself! -lucky, listen.. lucky, listen.. -look.. how dare you straighten upour men, majnu and uday!

they were misled.listen.. -lucky, listen.. what do you.. sorry, lucky! sorry. how dare you hit rdx's son? i'm going to kill you!-lucky, no! sanjana, move aside!-i'm going to finish you! sanjana, move aside! -rajiv. you want to shut down ourbusiness! -lucky, no! lucky, listen to me. -please,stop. -you spoiled our men?

it will hurt you. -let go! i'll kill you!-lucky, let rajiv go or else! or else what will you do? -willyou shoot me? me? -i'll shoot! shoot me! i won't spare him! lucky, stop! -what? i shot up.. i have shot him. i have killed lucky. did you hear me?

let's go. he's still alive! brother! look, i'm here.everything will be all right. where's the party? -bring him. sir.. -rajiv, don't worry.i will take care of it. here's the party. sorry! hello. -sorry!

who have you shot? -sorry. brother, actually.. -i'll tellhim everything. sanjana, quiet! i made a mistake. control! -the party's gone. uday, we all will be dead. how do we tell rdx that his son.. sir, don't worry about mr. rdx. i have solved that problem. i have told him hisson has been..

..shot and he's in this hospital. oh lord! -you fool! why did you tell him? why? get lost. -i'll kill you! he wants to kill me even now! no, this is just a wild reactionbefore the end. what do you mean?-it means his time is up. and he can die any moment now. that means mr. rdx won't geta chance to talk to his son.

so now we can tell him anything,but the truth. whatever you say, uday.this girl is very intelligent. but doctor,he will surely die, wouldn't he? i can guarantee it! should i call up the crematoriumand make a booking for him? dad! let my dad come! uday! majnu! look into my eyes! tell me, how is lucky? he is.. -no more.

this is impossible! sir! -sir! sir, have you also left us? i'm not going anywhere! i'm still alive! take me to lucky. son, mr. rdx may comehere anytime now. is everything ready? -uncle! uncle, is everything okay? -yes.

lucky? finished! -confirmed dead! i am still alive! i'm not dead! i'll kill each andevery one of you! oh, god! -stop! 'i have an artificial limb.'-he can run, uncle! you also run! catch him! -what happened?didn't you lose your leg? how come you are okay?-i always had my leg. brother uday has setme up for a reason.

if he wants to scare anyone,he calls me up to tell my story. now run ballu! -yes, run! run! why are you stillholding the logs? i will cremate him wherewe catch him! hey man, what are you doing?cycle! my cycle! -move! please. he has taken my cycle! why did you come out withthe cycle? -he stole it. lucky can kill someoneor get killed.. ..but he can nevercommit suicide!

stop! stop, lucky! sir,do you think we will lie to you? don't you trust us? lucky! why did he commit suicide? that secret has alsogone with him, sir. hey! hey, my phone.-just a minute. hello! -lucky ran away fromthe crematorium! -ran away? what the.. -who ran away?

the priest, who was supposedto conduct the cremation.. ..ran away on hearing your name! catch that fool! yes. heard what boss just said?catch that fool! what? catch that fool.okay. take this. fool. dad, i'm alive! i'm alive! dad!dad! -how did your dad come here? not my but lucky's dad!there he is going in that car!

dad, i'm here! dad, i'm here! i told him many times! why is he taking his dadto the crematorium? he told everything to rdx!-don't hit him! but rajiv, what should we do now?-we'll go home! let's get to the crematorium! who says lucky isn't here? i can't see him! where is he? he is standing right before me!-no! do you think i'm crazy?

i don't want to be thesacrificial goat! brother-in-law,i would have lied instead of you. but rdx has lost hisson not a daughter! and a sad father will directlyfall on his dead son's chest. yes! -no. i won't! i won't! you can leave now! thank you, priest. -may god.. with the glasses on! this was bound to happen.

he was going to form an alliancewith the underworld. mr. ghungroo! but i can't see auntand rajiv anywhere. nobody must have informed them. aunt, mr. ghungroo is no more. lucky, talk to me. talk to me, lucky. what was lacking in my love? lucky, my son!

no uncle, you can't look at him! why can't i? because it was lucky's last wish!-yes. last wish? why did lucky say such a thing?-why? i will tell you. can we ever lie to you?-don't you trust us, sir? he came this way! what happened?

your uncle is great! he has taken all our troublesupon himself. -look at that. uncle! -control! uncle! -rajiv, control. why is he addressingmy son as uncle? what has happened, uncle? not your son,he is addressing you as uncle. everything will be fine.-what happened to uncle! rajiv, control yourself.-how did this happen?

but why is he crying so much?-he is lucky's buddy. buddy?-he was lucky's best friend. i will pacify him! rajiv!no! no, son! -uncle is dead! no, he is still alive!-who is still alive? lucky!he is still alive in our hearts! lucky still lives in our hearts! uncle is still alive.okay? -sir.. lucky! -where is he?

he is hiding somewhere here.-who? majnu! uday! -yes. why are the logs falling? even the pyre is callingout for the dead body! yes, sir. control! oh, lord! -come. -i'm dead! side, please! take it easy, aunt. -ghungroo! control!control, rajiv! -aunt's here.

aren't you ashamed? payal? were you trying to crematehim without informing me? and then you pass signals?you are asking me to stay quiet! let me cry at least on this day. i am totally ruined! why is this woman breaking herbangles here? -i am ruined! who is she? -she is thewife of the dead body! wife of the dead body?when did lucky get married?

why didn't he tell me? -maybewe'll never find about that secret. rajiv may surely know aboutthis secret. -yes. rajiv, you tell him. what should i tell him? this girl belongs to arespectable family.. ..and they got married. the girl's parentskept a condition.. ..that until the son's father.. ..that is you,leaves the underworld.. -rajiv..

..they can't meet each other eventhough they are married. right? what else can i say?-okay. enough! that's enough! fine.-sorry. -go on. uncle, shall we carry him there?-yes, sir. shall we take him?-pick him up carefully! may his soul rest in peace!-careful! may his soul rest in peace!may his soul rest in peace! are you really goingto cremate me? may his soul rest in peace!

we've covered you.get out quickly! get out quickly!get out! may his soul.. come on. quickly! -careful. - hurry up.-may his soul rest in peace! why me? when did you come? i was the first to come here. you were crying with yourhead on my chest, sir. over your chest? -yes, sir.

in sorrow nobody knows whois crying on whose chest. sir. he is alive! ishika, look, he is alive! this is called true love! poor woman! lucky's death hasdriven her crazy. lucky? lucky, who? light the pyre and set us free.please.

may his soul rest in peace!-come on. quick.-may his soul rest in peace! miracle! miracle! -yes, miracle! miracle! -miracle! miracle! miracle! -lucky is alive. run! how did all this happen, lucky?what happened? it's a long story, dad. dad look,what they've done to me? they are all idiots! they shot me!dad, they tried to burn your son!

they tried to burn me! welcome! welcome, my friends! welcome! ranvir dhanraj xaka! the other name ofterror and death! you have conspired toburn my son alive. sir, we didn't know lucky washiding under the pyre! -yes. is a pyre a hiding place? sir, will we ever lie to you?

if you ever speak of trustand belief then i'll.. all this has happened becauseof me and because of my love. if you have to thenpunish me not them. rajiv,the punishment has been fixed. you had played a game with us. now we will play a game with you. passing the parcel! when the music stops whoever is.. ..holding the parcel has to sing.

isn't that the game?-that same one! brother rdx, my wife and i.sorry.. -what? say hello to him! -hello. we are experts in this game. but i have changedone rule in it. along with singing you also haveto dance. -we know the variation. when the music stops,whoever is holding this parcel.. ..will be thrown intothe valley below! "be won't get a second chance."

"no matter where you hide, thislove will find and floor you." "floor you.." sir, your man! black man. who told you to join this game?-this man! no! -shut up! sorry. sorry, sir.-rules are rules, my friend! i can't go back on my word. you have to die. as per your information thereshouldn't have been anyone here.

but there's a party going on!-"dwell in the heart.." sir, what should we do now? we'll do what we came here for. but sir,there are many people in there. all of them are criminals.each has a bounty on his head. do one thing.let the house fall in the valley. we can count the totalbounty later. "dwell in the heart.." "there it bursts!"

oh.. lucky! are you crazy? he was not passing it to savehis lover so i took it. but you stopped the music atthat same instance, dad. this is not fair! mr. ghungroo, what will rdxdo now? -what can he do? he had said rules are rules!right? -yes. correct, mr. ghungroo! in the underworld, rdx is wellknown for bestowing justice.

once he says something,it is the final word. majnu, rdx has never gone backon his word. and he won't now. but if he goes back becauseof his son.. ..then his image will betarnished in the underworld. brother, it takes a lifetimeto earn respect. but a single moment isenough to lose it. and since lucky is holdingthe parcel.. ..that moment has arrived. parcel! parcel! parcel!

sir, if you want to changeyour decision then do it. we can understand.this is your son. your blood. nobody will tell this to anybody. what do you mean? to tell or not to tell.. if there is cheating in thisgame then i won't play. i'm leaving.-uncle.. -justice will be done! i will do justice. i know,if i let my son stay alive..

..then i would lose respectin the underworld. but i would lose respectif any one.. ..of you leaves this place alive. rajiv! -rajiv! what have you done?it's still hanging there. sir, it will fall.-what if it doesn't? run! ghungroo! help me!

help me! help! dad. oh no.. go that side. go! oh, god! uday! -isha! isha, come here! give me your hand.give me your hand. -no.. leave my hand! leave my hand!

my hair. it's going this way. don't run in panic!you'll take the house down! come here!-brother uday, thank you! take care of your sister-in-law!-don't worry! get in the middle! he bit me! majnu!-darling, come into my arms. majnu, take care of yoursister-in-law! -yes!

come in the middle! come here! i'll do something! i'll help you! -do something. majnu! -sir, i was tryingto break the pot! -dad! i'll kill you if you touch myson! -everyone come in the centre! centre!everybody get in the centre! lucky, i'm coming! uncle,not behind, get in the middle. sanjana, this way.-come on, sanjana. in the centre.

stop. hey, be careful. dad, he tried to rip my head off!shoot him, dad! stand in middle! -okay. everybody, get in a line.-everyone stand in the middle. lucky, cover your face!-hey stop! -lucky! please.. take care. please. centre! come here!

welcome everybody come welcome. now what? hey you fool! what are you doing? no uncle, no!-rdx, have you gone mad? oh my god! i found it! i found a sprayto kill the honeybees! hey.. there.. me too! -over here! over here! all right! thank you! thank you!

my eyes! oh god! i can't see! i am blind! what has he put in my eyes! my eyes are burning! wear these goggles!your eyes will stay cool! if you lose your eyes, how willyou see me? -i can't see. dad, where are you? uday, i say just kill this rdx. somehow push him in the valley.

if he survives then we won't. who is this? majnu! -i am majnu speaking. he is lying.sir, your majnu is here. how will this help? nobody will survive!we are doomed! come on, dad! dad! sanjana, go ahead!hurry up! -but rajiv! don't worry about me. just move!

son, you are my relative!when is my turn? careful, sanjana.-ishika, where are you? forget ishika!all of us will die! -come on. let everybody die!but she must survive! kill everybody!-come on, darling! son, will my turn come afterthe house falls down? move! lucky, come on! careful! get down. now, get down.

are you all right?-welcome, isha. daddy! daddy, save me. daddy! somebody save my son! somebody save my brother, please! somebody save my son!-please, save me, dad. let's go. -rajiv! rajiv, stop! rajiv, come back! come on. help me!

brother! -rajiv! stop him! rajiv! don't be foolish!-i can't live without him! rajiv, stop! help me, dad! dad! help me! dad, do something! dad, do something!i don't want to die! i will fall down. dad! no! rajiv! -lucky! careful!

i'm slipping!i can't hold on any longer! if he is punished for my sinsthen i will hate myself forever. what do you mean? -he did notshoot lucky, but i did. but he took the blameon himself so.. ..that i may not faceany trouble. lucky, grab the rope! -yes.i got it! i got it! yes! -yes! towards the door! coming!

careful! -slowly! go on! my son! no! -no, sanjana! -let go of me! sanjana! -i don't want to live! sanjana..-i don't.. -come on. -rajiv! i want to die! -no. sanjana!-rajiv, you cheated me! -sanjana! you betrayed me! -sanjana, stop!

i'll never forgive you!i'll never forgive you! sanjana. why did you slap me? lucky, you are so lucky! -enough.enough. dad, i owe my life to him! rajiv,good deeds are always greater.. ..than bad ones. you have won rdx's heart! ask me! what do you want? you should also leave thisworld of sin and crime.

there is nothing to gain from it. this world needs love not hatred. decorate this city like a bride! why? because.. ..i will myself get rajivand sanjana married. is your leg okay, sir? along with them,get us married as well. we have also fallen in love, sir!-yes.

that's all right. but firstintroduce me to the brides. buy one get one free! majnu, why are you holding yoursister-in-law's arm? leave it! what are you saying, uday?i really don't like jokes. what nonsense? -let go offyour sister-in-law's arm! i am not joking! you are holding your sisterin-law's arm! -she is my isha! she is my ishika!-isha, tell him! ishika, explain it to him!-come on, tell him!

tell him! -rajiv, tell them. what actually happened was sir..just a minute. -these two guys.. sir.. run, sanjana! run! why did they run away?-i'll go ask them! brother uday,why are they running away? they played such abig prank on us! i may have changed,but i will not spare rajiv. if you do, i will not spare you! god has given us everything.wealth, fame and respect.

all i need is a bride! rajiv! welcome to the party "taste the intoxication of love." "nobody knows what willhappen in future." "come and dance with me." "this heart is crazy for you." "don't pine me.come and dance with me." "it's time to make merry." "don't you want to come."

"welcome." don't you want to know what'sgoing on in the party.

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