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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

smoking and drinking is injurious to health. alcohol consuming and cigarette smoking is injurious to health. in this world i haveloved most only two members. one is sathru,he is dead and second is shruthi i am going to kill her. shruthi. how are bangles?- good, mummy. sister, ear rings. take this. very nice.- so cute.

uncle, do you want water. police! run! take her. take her. brother leave me. please go brother. please go, brother. red salute.

abhi. come minium as blood cosmetic. food is tiger hunted deer's blood redflag is vulture's wings sound in forest lonely roar wings unfolded revolution; in this bad world don't bend your head and go aside friend no one can stop suns light with hand

this war will last long how many days will this kingdom last? papers and writings are not history meaning unrest is our breath it is our revolution revolution. long live.revolution. long live.revolution. long live. let's stop this revolution,brother. long live lets leave naxalism, brother. lets not leave this type of people,let's kill.

brother. this radical life is for people, it's dedicated fortheir change in life. our ambitions are peoples dream, leaving such anambition is stupidity. people. people. people. please don't talkabout them any further. without justice and truthand full of laziness are this people. for them are we fighting?

if they shoot us brutallyalso no one comes to see us. for that people are we fighting? he didn't have food for 15days. he doesn't know when he will die. he is also fightingfor that people only .. ..but no one can give him food. his mother is dead three days ago. they have left hersaying naxalites mother.. ..and municipalitypeople have cremated her.

where are the people? for that people weare crossing our blood .. ..pits from last7 years and fighting. fighting for thesecowards is waste brother. we have fought and became tired,brother. brother, in this world every ism is builtfrom someone's selfishness only. but from truthiness foundationis born this naxalism. if you think you are right,go and mix with people.

red salute. red salute.- revolution. i have fought and fought got tired. sathru's decision gavenew hope to all of us. so for our team and naxalism,last red salute. sir, at a time 20 membersare surrendering, what's the reason? will you have any problemswith naxals in future? how can you live with people,hello please tells me. hello

this is the judgmentcopy we received. in our life we tried to mix upwith people and came to this court. but this court has made usculprits and gave 1month remand. come come. come fast. come. good morning sir. who are these people?chain pocketing or robbers? they are old naxals, sir

mao's means my people only. all of these have surrendered sir. tell me that theydon't know to escape. folks, my dear innocent folks. you may be brother to forestbut here i will be your husband. hey, alias.tell me your original names. hey hey tell me your name? shatru i didn't ask you relationbetween you and me? name?

my name is sathru shatru. not only you,i want to call all of you as shathru. hey shatru, sign there. sign there hey, take first sathru inside. whether i will callyou shatru or not .. .. but treatmentwill be like that only. promise.

you keep. take him, shatru. hey.. tell me truth. you have surrenderedbecause you can't run only no? go. sathru. hey, what a discipline? in our jail queue? very good. order me one tea after wards.very good.

hey, what you have made human beingsand forest beings in single line. no. separation. if you give them this much chancemany influences will take place. more than that naxals influencewill have more effect. what if naxals become normal prisonersand prisoners become naxals. what shall we do?tomorrow onwards change the line. ok. sorry for the interruption. in naxalism social service is okbut in jail only self-service. what?

why are you seeing like that.are you angry. sir is angry. control. control. you have controlled very well. he have controlled as soonas you have place hand on him. who have to control here. i f i want to be in control,he has to be in control. say him. in this world to scare othersthere should definitely be gun, but some don't need it.

urgently shave his head. - yes sir. in most sensation caseof 21 naxals surrender, one of the naxal triedto escape from jail .. ..and died with currentshock yesterday. reasons for escape arebeing investigated by police .. .. and jail departmentis looking into this case. what is this?- why have you killed? prisoners means, they willdo mistake. why complaint on them. why have you killed?- one minute.our is very strong relationship.

every time when i rememberabout your explosives i thought to make aline of you and kill all. but what to do weare government employees. we are little bit slowly. you everyone like you wish, keep explosives and now you mix .. ..with people after getting bored. you get stifunds,rewards and employment. but our familiesshould loose everything.

sir now we are not naxalites,now we are changed. they have changed? are we looking like fools? you people for new lifeor tired off running away.. .. from police camenow to join normal people. not for you there is balancebatch of you in forest. i asked him for theirinformation and he refused. see what happened. he camein next day's news. is it necessary?

i will not leave any one. today he, tomorrow otherand next day might be you. not only you,i also have hit list. completely, i will completely. hey do the work fast. fast. hey what are you talking? why are calm, comrade. to feed to sitting youare not central minister .. .. you are central jail prisoner.

go and wash. do the work fast. hey wash hey you move aside. i will make your sathruto clean all this. sathru come. hey sorry sir. sathru we taught tosurrender before police..

..but didn't think wewill get cheated like this. brother, all the people who scaredof us are now trying to scare us. brother, i was not scaredto live between animals, but living with people is scaring me. its better in forestthan here brother. yes brother. we are sparking lights... our revolution don't have ending hey do work fast otherwise ..

.. they will you andwrite encounter in postmortem. do fast. poems, poems. sathru, your lawyer has come. sathru, what are you thinking? krishna's story fromjail went to kurukshetra. let's see where our story goes. sathru, you got bail. already other got bail yesterday.

i have sent him to hisvillage yesterday by bus. before going to his village,naxals had killed him. they are waiting foryou at your village also, you only decide what to do? go. go. what are you seeing? you are surrendered naxals. our police department orderedto encounter you when time permits. if you go to your village yourpeople only kills you says lawyer. where is abhi?

in interrogation. interrogation means small stamina.. .. test between policestick and his body. either police should gettired or your friend should die. people like youstopping doing crime.. big crime thanstarting doing it. do you know life spanof people who takes gun? it starts when your gun bullet.. ..sees blood and ends whenothers guns bullet sees your blood.

do you know difference betweenyou living with guns in forest and us living with guns in people? just like who runsand who makes him run. how many days will you run? i will give you a job tomake people run, will you do? first leave abhi. we have gone to forest for people, but for that people onlywe have to catch guns again. to live in this world,

we have done many works which fir,laws cannot do. sathru, if you see god devotionand fear for gun comes automatically. that is why i onlytrust bullet than god. if you sweep the targets fixedby us department will be your side, but if you fix targets on your own, you will be target for department. sathru sathru gang name .. .. should be like terror topeople who revolt against government.

good morning, sir- good morning greetings sir. greetings. hey ravi, heard you got promotion.- yes sir. promotion for catchingfour prostitutes .. .. and publishing theirphotos in paper, very good. super. do one thing, write likethis " dogs romance on tankbund." as tomorrow headlines.concept may be new. media is like entertainmentchannel to people like you,

you don't change. go! greetings, sir- greetings. goodmorning, sir- goodmorning. dear swapna.- sir. is that hondacity outside is yours?- yes sir. gift? sir. - good. kd jilani house missing. like this many politicianhas illegal links.

you write about that also and enjoy. not only hondacity,you can buy benz car also. enjoy. sir.- come and sit. yesterday in your paper, i saw "we write truthwithout fear is headlines". good. so write this sir.this is new mafia in hyderabad. write in tomorrow headlines. what are you thinking? if we write this type of news, ourpaper and channel will be spoiled.

will you write or not? otherwise one day i willonly tell truth to people. unlike this write somenews related to entertainment, you will also getname and some money. what do you say? sir, yesterday 9'oclock mywife also asked me same question. dear can you write some news .. .. and get it publishedand buy me some costly saris. then i told, buying saris withthat money means sending.. to some others bed. what brother, are you scared? gun in hand,bullets in guns is only not enough. you need to have guts also. i have pressed gun triggerat my childhood only, fear is not in bhadram's bio-data.. in every step forest roar hey you are dead today. blood drinking lions are there and

hey. i will kill you,if you didn't stop speech. at my teenage, when i am writinglove letter to my girlfriend, someone told there ismuch great thing than love, it is available in forest andsent me to forest, taking red flag. redflag, redflag... he has encouraged my feelingsand send me to forest. i thought they will give guninstead of pen and spoiled my life. if you sing again like that.. bhadra are better, kill this stupid.

if wanted,i will go to jail instead of you. there is small fight in my village,bhadra brother. i told my president, as howpesodent is important to teeth, president is like that to village. then this stupid has entered and said you look like twig,but you are like ak47. all will fear for you. then i felt like heromeanwhile he took me .. .. to forest and changed me as naxal.

after i understood the situation,i don't know to whom.. .. i should so my griefand see my face every day. hey stop. complete colony is in holyand what are you doing? holy. holy. his name is jk. he has name in peoplefor his truth and justice. police has given gunsto kill who revolt them, jk with his politicalpower had brought us into.. .. this war to get his works done.

please come sir. chari, tell vidyapuram, mla is not hearing to us. guy is very speed. telling people's namehe occupied ten acres land. that belongs to our person. he has taken papers scaring him. he is not listening. if this deal is finalized totalseven crores, you will get four,

sir will have two and halfand i will get fifty lakhs. if we have courage we can try. abhi. where is abhi going? deal ok. can he go like that if deal is ok? don't you want to know his details? youth leader, sitting mla. this gun doesn't know only requires maxine.

your boy has more speed,this type of deals require brain. if we have brain this gun won't work. hey, is this nice. nice do you want? no- no sathru.- play if someone wants to cross my door, he should be eitherpoor one or eligible one.

that is why i allowed. sathru, has askedto bring land papers. what's your percentage? will you talk with sathru over phone? hey, who is that sathru. you have run from forest.i will kill you all. whom are you scaring? i have shown fear to manybut i haven't feared for anyone. dear will you come with me?let's play together.

you are my darling? if sathru wants we will takeit may be either papers or life. hey, yadav. who is yadav, brother. me only. i will tell you one secret. before i used to workwith veerappan .. true .. and after his deathi became main target. my name is yadagiri, my motherused to call me yadagiri alias yadav. from then onwards alias yadav.

i have one doubt.- what? - who is this yadav. -yes. who is this alias yadav. he is doing comedy withme while playing caroms. he is doing comedy, stupid. hey, who is this?shooting before i hit him. yadav. what is this nuisance? yadav. come hug me. yadav you are the only personi didn't understand.

i should say this. you don't know emotions, move aside. very happy. you stupid. lean fellow. why are you runninglike that like hybrid dog? sister-in-law. what if sister-in-law. dancing like escaped from floods. first talk this phone.

laxmi, i love you laxmi. i want to see you once. i also want to see you once,brother-in-law. now-a-days,i am remembering you always. whatever stick i see, i remember you. i remember you even thoughi am sitting or standing. for me also same. if i thoughtof you love floods like river, sticks me like dirtand increases like itching. is it true?how are you brother-in-law.

are you energetic likeak47 or weak like rusted gun. i am fine. i am fine one month central jail100 rupees course. yes i am fine. yadagiri is also fine. fine. i am very very fine laxmi. i can't live withoutyou brother-in-law. but dad is trying to marry mewith shop vendor srinu. let's marry. marriage? us? what this stick andthat girl marriage?

dreamed life is spoiled, true life is relationless life this life is waste life this rogue always gives speeches. if give again i will beat you. abhi, sathru brother's phone. that chari has ran with money. asking to catch himbefore he crosses city. hey, yadhav don't know? from s.r nagar third signal.

if you have any doubt call me,i will be there. chari. hey chari. where is chari? i don't know.he came three days back. what happened? he didn't call us and itsgetting switched off when we call. not only now,every time he does like this only. who is this?- my daughter. oh!- mother!

tell chari to give moneyand take you daughter. if this matter comes outyour daughter will die. remember. mom. in life first time ihave caught sruthi's hand .. ..and thought neverto leave it again. now also same i am feelingto not leave her without killing. hey lean fellow.- yes. what will you doif you become my size? i will try to get thin.

will all days be same? for everything time should come. who is that?- threatening calls, brother. who is threatening you? customer care people,i didn't pay bill. he is saying to cut my connection.if you call me again. what shall you do?- will change the sim. yadu. brother, chari's daughter.she will be here till he pays money.

that beard man hasbrought you also like me? eat dear. eat, dear. take this. hay yadu. move i will deal this. eat food. what is this? in andhrapradesh withoutfood many are praying to god, but you are rejecting to eat. do you know one thing?

in streets if kids don't eat food, their mother's scare themby saying yadav will come, i will show you to yadav. that is yadav's power. willyou eat food or shall i beat you? you have hurted not yadav,its yadav's respect. hey tell her about my fore fathers. yes. he has four fathers. hey fore fathersmeans not four fathers. tell her about myparents and grandparents.

stupid, you didn't studyand played games in age. please eat. hey you stop. whether you have comehere as guest or other, but you are the firstperson to our house. we will not eat without you. if you throw this plate,i will bring his plate also. but see him,he has been wear, moving in forests. if he didn't eat oneday also he will die.

if you want we will kill our hunger, but you want to kill him,its your wish. it's in your hands. hey, why are you requesting? hay eat. hey we are talking, you go. i need to sleep early,my sister-in-law will call. you don't feel dear,he is like mirror. if you stand in front of himwith hatred, he will also show same.

but if stand in frontof him with love, he will show you back huge love. due to that love only,i am unable to run away from him. even though i thought many time. what are you feeling? to run away? shall we run away? first you eat your food.later we can run. when.- tonight.

eat. are we running for sure? yes. tonight. stout. get up. hey get up. fast. get up you fatty. again that beardman will come. get up. get up. hey yadu. stupid. what yaduis not getting sleep?

this is not good.why yadu is not getting sleep. it looks very small but ifit goes inside makes many things. i will drink. these stupids gothabituated for sleep. hey what is this likeramgopal varma situation? yadu. i will sip andchange the situation. hey where is my alcohol? hey 47. 47. what?- its coming.

then go to bathroom,why are you waking me. devil came. say yadu is here and it will go. hey you and i know about yadu,how she knows. hey, chicha. hey chicha. if you do like this,i will do like this..... 47. hey 47. this stupid is doing mimicry. he is doing mimicry in midnight.

come lets go and complaintin police station. for going to police stationwe are not abdulkalam's person's. we are dhalam's team. sleep. get up i need to go to bathroom. hey if you drink littlebit more you show me hell. hey where are you going? i am getting sleep. we came jointly, let's go jointly. anyways you have made promisein forest, to live or die jointly.

that is in forest. stupid got habituated to sleep. in forest we allpromised to die jointly, but here if die also no one responds. hey do you know about yadu. hey hey goddess peddammatalli, pochamma. i thought you also has that habit someone stamped me. what happened? has dog bite you,lizard, quarter. what fits, aids, hey

if you try to escape from here,you will not go alive. go and sleep. hey, why are you swinging? go there and swing, not here. shall i go? go how are you? have you come for me? do you like me that much? more than my life.

you are super.superb. abhi brother see. what dear, you have comeall this way to marry him? i have seen him roamingwithout work and for village. at the time of roaming withoutwork he used to love me only, but when for villagehe loved entire village. he has gone to forestand struggled for people, who does not belong to him. so for the struggle he done,i have left my village and came. hay, first do marriage to them.

hey, how ak47 engagement should be?it should be like........ start. yadu brother, planning todo marriage for both of them. make arrangements. come. sit shruthi. i know. after you came i amlittle bit courageous. why have you comebetween these demons? sea will look scary.

but if you search youwill find pearls underneath. see the underneath pearl not sea. radha what dear? talking about sea,are you cooking fish curry? what?- nothing. - what? nothing. i am tellingnot one there are seven seas. people are losingfear for yadu these days. what are you doing here?- brother, i have one doubt? what? you are gettingdoubts only when you see me.

brother, when you are going inside,you look like tiger. when you are coming out, youlook like cat. whats your situation. this stupid is makingme stupid before two girls. see i will take youbihar and encounter. true.- yadu. how many grams is this sacred thread? 5 grams. pack this. - brother, why this much of gold for me. itcan happen also with turmeric piece.

if you tie yellow thread alsoshe will bow head and get it tied. but for you being greatyou need to tie gold only. hey you don't, pack this. hey, how is this saree? hey pack this. hey that is costly sari. yes costly only but abhiordered to buy whatever you like. after marriage i maybecome fatty like you. will my sister-in-law like me then?

your sister-in-law likeyou when you are thin also. she will like youmore when you are fat. i don't know hyderabadis this much big. brother, stop once. someone is following us. lets go bhadra brother.let's go. let's go. bhadra brother. bhadra brother bhadra brother bhadra brother

get up bhadra brother bhadra brother sir. sir. i pray to you sir. tomorrow is my marriage. my sister-in-law came for me, sir. i will go sir.i won't be in this dhalam. came to buy marriage clothes.sir. sir. please leave me. encounter specialistladda has been transferred.. the city today only. as soon as he taken chargehe encountered sathru's gang..

..bhadram alias veerabhadram. mental fellow. he is killing them mentallyand we are suffering here. in hyderabad city criminal,i shouldn't hear criminal word. whatever small mistake maybe i will answer with encounter. after i entered this cityall greeted me with bouquets .. ..but i thanked themby giving dead bodies. this ladda encountercount has started, my target is to cross 100before i transfer from this city.

please bless me to fulfill my target.your fan ladda fallen heros eyelids will not close, will rise throught will not dry, if forest song sounds heart will not stop if revolution light falls we will not stop this revolution hey stop. you used to kill us withyour speeches, don't use that now. no.

when i used to give speech everytime, they used to come and hit me. only small hope that theymight wake up to hit me again. weapon in hand, strong desire in heart its not obstacle to anyones frenzy do you know what hesaid with me "he is mirror, he will look as you see him". but you are looking asdemon for me in every way for me. poor guy.he has kept me food after my mother. have you sent them tomake marriage arrangements?

what you will do with arrangementsthat spoil without even starting. you only have killed him if you talk one more word iwill kill you. broker's daughter. go. do it has done by mistake. i am sorry. this will not happen again.i forgot to tell ladda about you. sir ladda. these are our informers.

they will do works thatour department can't do. you have encounteredtheir guys unknowingly. not mistake sir. i knowingly only encountered. if they do department work thenwhy government is paying us salary. to buy bangles. these all have more than20 cases pending on them. hyderabad fears for this group. these are all most wanted criminals.

i will not leave them sir. i will not open new filetill these file is closed. one is dead in jailother two in jail. kill the remainingwhere ever you see. brother we shall killhim before he kills us. that sp who has killed youand your friends, no one will live. all will die. i am going to killshruthi in one hour. i want sp ladda details.where can we find him lonely?

we can't touch him in duty hours. he is staying in private guesthouse.we can only try in nights. you follow him, we shallkill him as soon as time comes. he is getting transferred in 15days. for every problemsolution is not killing. brother, i will go. stay two days and go dear. every second i stay herei am remembering him only. i came here with manydreams of life with him.

now i am going hearwith full of tears. but my tears won't reach him brother. before dying alsoit is in his hands only. from now onwards itwill be in my hand forever. i will not marry till i die. gun in your hand may not have life, so it doesn't know the value of life. if it knows manylives would be saved. brother please stopthis killing further.

take umbrella, dear. no brother, i don't finddifference between water and tears. doing like this is wrong,but i have mixed poison in that. sorry. sorry. i said jokingly. do you think its joke? you are drinking eventhough i said it has poison. don't you fear for lifeor do you have confidence on me? why have you trustedbroker's daughter? laxmi had told all about you.

without knowing that ihad talked to you roughly. sorry. please can you give your phone one. please. i need totalk with my mother. please. once. mother. how are you sruthi? bye mother. thanks.

my sister marriage has stopped. i don't know where my father is?i am also same. he used to tell cinemadialogues with my sister.. ..that he is not therewithout her. doctor. he is for name sake only ramu. i told my sister thatall ramu's will not be good. but she is innocent. she doesn't have any closeones except me and mother. she used to say,even without father ..

.. i will marry, but not without you. did you feel haring all this? yes. for you talking more. shathru, brother.shathru, brother. shathru, brother you said true brother. its waste fighting in that forest. i also have family here. that is why i camehere in confidence on you. sorry. i didn't thoughtthis would happen like this.

i will transfer thatsp with help of dgp. what's the matter? till now we have done land grabbing,settlements, disputes clearing. but now we have.. .. to kill shalimar mla aziz. this is not correct in this time.let's go. this is 500 crores deal.we all will settle after this deal. then what about deal? this deal is ok for me.

at this time whoever is murdered .. .. it goes on shatru's gang only. phone. mother. how are you? has daddy came? no, dear. that boy has acceptedto marry your sister. what? he acceptedto marry sister. true? how can we do marriageto sister without you? she is also denyingto marry without you.

i may come one day there definitely. but this type of alliance will not come again. hat too, sister like him please mother,convince sister somehow. i will manage, but how are you? can't you even do marriagewithout using gun? who is you to domy sister's marriage? has he accepted after seeing gun? tell me.please. please. tell me. please

i told convincinglyand they accepted. are you scaring us? it became fashion toscare people with dummy guns. will you shoot? shoot us? in marriage,we should fire crackers not guns. who has said no to marriage? hey did you say anything. i have to select music party,many works are pending for marriage. sharlimar mla has beenmurdered brutally in city.

doubt on shatru's gang. today in city shalimar mla has been murdered after completing prayersin nearby mosque, he has been murdered on the way out. i came to talk with you. stop this sir. stop are big leader in people. people stopped believing you.. ..and started believingin leaders like you.

don't trick them sir. don't sir you have now started politics, not only on these people. but also people who came fromforest to live between these people. people feel that these naxalsare cruel animals in forests. but if they come to here, theywill see cruel animals like you here. they are like deerto die in your hunt. pity they are innocent. leave them. out. - you don't change don't change sir.

i will make peopleknow your dirty politics. you are saying i am electedby 6lakhs people's vote, see i will make that 6lakhpeople revolt against you. brother. brother. dharma brother .. killed. on road that sp haskilled him brutally. if we don't kill him ourpeople dying will not stop. tell me one word to start, it only stops withthat ladda's death.

please tell brother. abhi, you have started toforget all who have died. forget. that is only better. god has given us greatboon of forgetting. don't forget to use that. the people who love youtries to catch your hand .. ..get scared seeing gun in your hand. love should dominate fearbut fear shouldn't dominate love.

change abhi. bring ice cube. breaking news. sp has been attached by sathru'sgang. sp has escaped from it. ladda has been attackedin private guesthouse .. .. where he lives hasbeen attacked by bomb. sp has been shifted tohospital and is being treated. mafia in hyderabad.they don't know who they kills. even la can't meet his people.

this is the situationour state is facing now. this government can't evendo anything with old naxalites. today in hyderabad, what hesays is law and he is law and order. then what all of you are doing here? if you don't know how to deal,i will take center's.. hello. for killing you governmenthas given license to ladda. government has issuedshoot at sight orders on you. better if you be underground now.

go to some safe place. we need to meet jk urgently. oh. welcome shathru. there is no time to sit. then? we need your help. government has issuedshoot at sight orders on us. you need to give shelterto us in this time. i have been elected by 6lakh people..

..and i am a honestand truthful leader. i'm sorry. i can't help you. ask me anything else. brother, i will go andtalk with jk once again. what have you talked? breaking news for media. call dgp. we went to jk and asked for help. he didn't hear. this timeabhi has placed gun on his head.

he shouted for help.abhi didn't hear. did you kill jk. are you mad? yesterday sp and now you know what you are doing? yes. at this stage i amgiving you two options. one is safely gettingus out of this town .. ..or else we go in front ofmedia and tell what really happened. these stupid's have liked tasteof forests. let's go, go to forests. come fast.

hey whose is this worn out blanket. this is my jeans. why two bags? if clothesare over we shall tie leaves. whose bottle is this? i have kept everything.rum, beer, whisky, vodka everything. i am talking about scent bottle,drunkard. hey who has called me? please come here yadu brother. coming. what?

shall i tell you one thing?you shouldn't feel. tell me two if you want. do these gold chains match your face? hey shruthi you became like us go carefully. next time whenyou come to city please meet me. take care. bye bring her also. abhi, after we go tosafe place let's leave her.

for destiny less life of me,shruthi had made lot of change. tie bags fastly, it getting late. stupid, each one is your size. as you already have horsesto transport then why me. hey, your voice is rising, stupid. brother. brother. what are you telling about my horses? brother.- how many horses? how many bags? brother.- tell me. i will kill you, stupid.

hey, sathru brother. hey, sathru brother. sathru brother. come on sathru brother. come on. see dhalam is coming. sathru brother. if sathru brother comes myganja crop also becomes tulasi crop. how many governments may change,but no one can touch ganja. come. brother, what is his name? ladda.- ladda or whatever

if he is caught,i will burn him in this ganja crop. brother.- you are dead today in my hands. brother. brother.dear, please leave him. you use the same underwear i use. after i use i will giveit back to you, brother. dear, please leave him. you don't bath till it rainsin forest and i have to use yours? after you using these many days,it only useful to clean cow dungs. you wait.

please brother. you don'tknow how many i used after you? stupid. brother, leave him. i will handle. i am leaving seeing your face, yadu. what are you doing here, go. hey, why are you playing gameswith brother. bones will break. yadu. brother i have small your name yadav. why are you asking like that?do we hang boards? brother,then we shall play small game.

what game? - new game? will it be new?- no, drunkenness. ok, then start. you have it three times and walkthree steps and i agree you are yadu. not three, i will walk 30 much bet. what happened, yadu. what is this one?it is shaking my head. three. hey, yadu tomorrow is my sister's marriage.

i am only all to her. are you feeling bored.then i will stop saying. hey, one thing is true.your gun style is super. what do you want? i want to see my sister once. we shall come back immediately.will you take me? this is not correct time. go inside. abhi, where are we going? hey don't talk and sit.

you don't ever come before me. if you leave me your people.. i will manage. my gift. i have nothing to give to you. i thought to tell you something,but i forgot. i like gun very much. brother. brother. sathru that sruthi is missing. might have escaped.

not escape, he might have sent her. i don't understand, what's happening? for what we came and what's going. due to him only,we have left last security we have. if ladda finds her. shruthi is found. she isnot in house for last month. why? where she went?i don't ask this also. aunty can you get me cup of coffee,i am getting severe headache. please.

i don't ask youwhether you like abhi. i only ask where sathru gang is.tell me. i don't know. if he knows he will not leaveanybody. he will kill everyone. i won't kill. i will give good lifeto your abhi and others also. aunty another coffee. tell me. where are they? we are asking you only, tell me.

you have risked all ourlives for your selfishness. sathru, your belief onhim finally risked all our lives. i don't want to take anyone's life.i am asking for abhi's good only. i only have sent her. don't talk about this further. no one will die becauseloves me that much. she will not tell even he kills her. i will not tell, even you kill me. i like you.

in my life first timei felt that i may become alone. i have slapped younot for leaving her, only because something mighthappen to you when you went outside. never go leaving me alone. what is this? all people will die. todaynight there is festival at village. all should enjoy ganja's smell power. brother, police have come. run. run.

hey you all go. brother, i am afraid. let's go go. please wait one minute,sir. burning hungry and depressing problems are foundation to revolution.we have struggled for change in people,but no use. we only have changed we live with frenzy. revolution long live. if you hear his words one moreminute, you will also become naxals. hey allah, please save our dhalam. all are dead.

stupids i will kill you. don't worry. yadav has bornin place where fear has no place. yadav will not die in anyone's hand.his prestige will remain. go inside. go inside. these stupid's havehabituated to blood. sir please leave me.sir, i pray you please leave me. brother! hey seshu. seshu. brother. - seshu.- brother.

ladda or anything. sathru, all are dead, no one is left.all are dead. sekhar, guns. revolution should long live.before or after, i am naxal only. revolution should long live.revolution should long live shatru, please surrender.i am giving you two options. i will kill you even if yousurrender or if not surrendered. brother, this singlebullet is enough to kill him. no. hear my words. no.

no abhi. no. if one bullet goes from this side, hundreds of bulletscome from that side. control room. control room. operation sathru gang success.everyone is dead. over shruthi. she is responsiblefor all this deaths. shruthi where is shruthi? i can't live in thisworld without abhi.

to save my people, i have becomereason for death of all you people. i have loved only one,more in this world. that is you only. i love you abhi. sir this nallamala forestis dangerous area sir. we need to be careful. this ladda doesn't haveending only encounters.

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