
drishyam hindi full movie watch online

Saturday, April 22, 2017

ticket one ticket for manjalipara. i've to get down here. "hello, yes, i'm on a journey." i'll call you once i reach there. one arakunnam. one arakunnam please. do you've change for rs.1000? let me see.

a very reputed company.i know many people working there. i'll give you the change. get down here. here's the change. what do you like to have?tea or coffee? i've not come for food. where's the police station here? "sir, are you a policeman?" yes i've been transferred to this station.

that new building is the police station. yesterday was its inauguration. oh i see! home minister and many officials had come. "that small building,"was the old police station. a rented building! normally all policemen have tea from here. what about your family? "my parents are in hometown,"at perumbavoor.

what i meant by family wasyour wife and children? "no, i'm not yet married." oh single! the unmarried and those living here"without families," take 3 square meals from my hotel. "you can also," let it be... see you then. a good policeman! is s.i there?

yet to come. what do you want? "i'm antony,"being transferred to this station. where were you working earlier'_ernakulam. s.i will come wait inside. hello rajakadu policestation. "s.i has not come, sir" "he has gone for a meeting with rdm, sir" i'll convey when he comes. how about your stay?

isn't he george kutty? yes yes! seems to be an innocent fellow! how far is his case? calling him innocent?!! how many of them know the truth? and those who know it are shocked. george kutty chetta! - what an amazing chase!- no!! not that better.

direction is not that good. hero who drives the carshould have little more shots. only then the audience will have a thrill shall i ask you something serious? why can't you direct a film? what was the response? a few of them gave money. "that policeman sahadevan,""as usual, he was trying to threaten." "when i go for collection,"people are waiting with too many complaints.

"and mangalathu thomachhan chettan," his t.v screen still flickers. didn't we make a personcheck it a few days back? didn't you say it's his t.v's defectand he has to repair it himself? yes. i told him but he called your father names. have you come back silentlylistening to them? i too called names. well done! you're smart!!what did you remark?

"i said no point calling his father names," because he doesn't know who's his father! you...? didn't i tell the fact?aren't you an orphan? you really don't know your father is it? this fellow.. hey raghu.. where has he gone? here i'm coming.

how much?- rs.12. yes brother. where were you for a long time? i told you many times to stayat shop when customers are there give them tea. "raghu, my usual one." have policemen left? yes they already left. our pulli(tiger) has to come.

you mean sahadevan? they are waiting for him. who are they?for what purpose? their condition is too pathetic. they belong to this place only. they have an only son. their son borrowed money at high interest"from some finance company," for agricultural purpose. and also paid interestpromptly every month.

there were no expected yields. hence he couldn't repay the interest. sahadevan took away my son two days ago. only if i settle the principal"and interest, he will be freed." who said? -finance company. sahadevan is their accomplice. couldn't you take this matter to s.i? he threatens to kill my son if i complainagainst him to his seniors. "even if you complain also,"no positive results would be there.

it must be an influential finance company. will uninfluenced peoplelike us get justice here? don't we have a court here? no point in suing against them. finance company hasn'tdetained their son. but a policeman had taken away his son. there are no proof also. a court needs evidence. "i think if you file habeas corpus,"it'll work out.

how? "father, all of them are aware of"officer's interest in this case. nobody knows where basheer is! "basheer who escaped from jail," "if we move a writ, stating that""officer has grilled basheer illegaly," who will move? basheer's mother. there's one way!!! there's an advocatesukumaran nair in thoddupuzha.

meet his junior mathews. i know him personally. tell him your problem in detail. i shall also inform him. "george kutty, is there any point"in filing a case? "it's not an ordinary case as you think," but habeas corpus. when teenage girls elope"with their boyfriends," normally girls' parents file such a caseto get back their daughters.

"that's," if he moves a habaes corpus that"somebody detained his son illegally," immediately court will order policeto produce the concerned personat the court earliest. "no matter how influential you may be," because police will be in troubleif they don't abide court's order. very good idea! "if my guess is rig ht,"case may also not be required. "advocate sukumaran nair should callsahadevan,"

and inform that habeas corpus will befiled if his son is not freed. he'll be freed at once. "don't think, go immediately" "hello, mr.sahadevan is coming." "if you stay here any longer," i'll getgood business but your money will go. you better leave through the back door. did any elderly man andwoman come here? -no. then where did they go? "raghu, what's today's special?"

nothing special! same as usual. okay then get me four dosas and chutney. only rotten dosas and chutneyavailable all the time. couldn't you make any other special dishes? oh my dear sahadevan sir!don't i need money for all that? yes you're right. most of the customers eat on credit. and half of them won't repay my dues also. what else could i do?

"that was intended for me, right?" oh no my dear sir.i just said the truth. "including you,"all policemen owe me a huge sum. i am not getting even half of that now!how else could i? this is my only bread and butter. you mean to say that only policemenare eating on credit? even george kutty eats on credit. what about that credit? i also eat on credit but repayat the end of every week.

okay then i shall also repay your money. check and tell me my balance. oh no sir. you can repay ininstalments later. why are you afraid? "when he's ready to repay,"grab it immediately. otherwise you may never get it. "hello, you don't meddle in this." we'll settle it between us. oh a mediator!

tell how much i have to pay that would come around rs.4500. only this much? i'll settle these in a single payment. and problem will also be solved by that. consider this money as my commission. now my due is settled! commission for what? our police station has turned intopeople-friendly police station.

government has already issued order tobuild new police station. new police station is goingto come up there. work will start soon. i'll get you business from these workers. that's the commission that i told you now. this business will notend up in a day or two. but this business will lastfor 8 to 9 months. "'l'o be honest,this commission is too less." still i'll adjust it for time beingas we are in good relationship.

this is what is police! you didn't like it? "no, i didn't." because you are a policeman and"he a poor man, he didn't back answer you." "in the absence of any other hotel nearby," "whatever work happens there," naturally all workers willcome here to take food you don't have to get himany business for that sake. what if we policemen strongly warn themnot to take food from here!!

you don't try to teach this sahadevan. get one strong tea.."raghu, get him his usual one." "george kutty, how are things going?" what to say sir!we're somehow running our lives. it seems new police station is coming up. there is a chance for youto get good business. that deal is already confirmedand commission is also taken. who took commission? what's the difference between ordinarypolice and people friendly police?

don't you know? off late there wasalso an article in the news paper. will an uneducated read newspapers? "sir, i'm a poor illiterate!" and we don't gain general knowledgejust by reading papers he's rig ht. "apart from that corruption," sexualharassment and murder in news papers. people friendly police adoptsa new police culture. people help police to deter crimes. "in short, to bridge the gap"between police and people.

oh! will it happen! will this work out in our place? nowadays criminals are increasingin our police department itself . that is very less percentage that's true. "which ever department may be," "you can find some criminals,"like finding worms in poison. i'm an ordinary citizen. "according to my vision,"police should be peoples' savior.

we should feel secured whenstepping into police station. but what happens here. even a person who hadn'tcommitted any mistake steps into police station with frig ht.. you're right george kutty. "here, it is dominated by"people friendly police. georgekutty chetta! georgekutty chetta. yes tell me. is the advertisement design okay?

georgekutty chetta!- tell me. advertisement! increase the font size of mobile number. it should also be readable to old people "it should stay at least for 10 second,"only then you'll have reading time. you're receiving a complaint. only bad things willslip out of your tongue. would anybody else call usother than complains? doesn't my wife call here?

she's also a complaint box. "enough of talking, pick up the call." "whoever may be, tell them i'm not here," and ask for the matter. hello rani vision. shucks! what's this! who was it? parapalli thomacchan! it seems amplifier near his houseis not working since 3 days.

didn't i ask you to change it the same day? i forgot.- then you deserve his abuse! - then you deserve his abuse! here's the other one. pick it up.- you pick it up. you pick it up. pick up the phone and say i'm not hereand ask for the matter. "hello, rani vision." yes... you mean georgekutty chettan?

oh no! he's not here. do i've to convey anything? yes sure! i'll surely convey it. it's not a complaint but a request. who? puthampuzha sankaraettan! what's it? are you going to telecast adult film tonight

"he's paralysed, isn't he?" only left side is weak buthis right side is quite strong. hey you. "dear, where's mother?" "she must be in kitchen, father." you woke up early? test paper father! "okay, go ahead and study." "if you keep the front doors open,"won't the thieves enter?

do thieves come to rob in the morning? this generation thieves are too clever. they very well know that dump-asslike you would only think this way. is the hot water ready for my bath? go and see in the bathroom. are you also coming to take bath?- shucks! get off! where's ann?- staining before the mirror. how much ever we tell? so long to dress up?

anu dear. coming mother. hasn't our ms india's makeup over? look at the way she butters him. you won't do and also tease others who do. was it raining near your officelast evening? no. did it rain here? "no. i called up several times,""but was not reachable," that's why i asked you.

one rain is enough to make your phone dead. "father, can't you get a mobile phone?" "when the range is neither there nor here,"then what's the point? "if you get range,""will you buy a mobile, father?" probably. i've already selected a mobile. - must be a second hand ?that's for sure. you never asked me the reason for calling. i'm not interested.

"yes that is true, you're not interested"to take care of your family. sitting at office and watching films"round the clock, is enough for you." we three ladies are staying at home alone. "at least having that in mind,"you should come home in the night. but you're least interested.- oh please stop. i said that simply. i'm interested. i'm very much interested. tell me why you called me. "tell me dear, why you called me." we plan to go to thoddupuzha.- thoddupuzha?! why?

for a shopping- shopping?!! what shopping?!! to get few dresses. just 6 months back we got dresses.what about those? they're completely torn and faded.- so quickly? yes. i told you to buy from good shop. "but you said,children would grow faster?." we can purchase them oftenif bought at cheaper rates? "in that excuse,"you got me sarees of poor quality.

did i say so? yes father you said."-true, i heard you saying so." "agreed, but why thoddupuzha?" "good shop is close by,"let's purchase from there. "no way. it's not only for shopping,""we also wish to have biriyani," "watch moviein an air-conditioned theater," "mother, what about ice-cream?." yes that also. we've many such wishes. "men who always stays out round the clock,"

won't be able to read the minds ofwomen confined to kitchen. we also have many wishes. "i go out as a part of my job,"and not to enjoy. "if you are confined to home,"it's a part of your job. "when a girl gets married,""and becomes a wife and a mother," her life is totally confined to home. that's her responsibility. and it's not an adversity or pain. you should've a mind to understand it.

you learn this from samyuktha. which samuktha? samyuktha! samyuktha varma!biju menon's wife. she got married at the height of fame! still she leads a life as agood wife and a good mother. learn from her. "whatever i say," immediately you cite examplesfrom film and film actors your mother couldn't answer my question.

it's not that i can't answer you.- okay then answer me. you tell me what's wrong in my saying! 'this samyuktha varma's husbandbiju menon is really a smart fellow... he earns money in crores "samyuktha has servants,"car and driver? he gives a luxurious life to her. "apart from that,"they also go for overseas trips often. "a few days back, as biju menonwas held up with work," he sent samyuktha andhis son alone to america.

that's how loving husbands should be. well! they consult herto go for overseas trip!!! "what mother said is right, father!" it was mentioned in vanitha(women's magazine). don't ever get that magazine here. heck with that vanitha! you know how they travelled? in aeroplane. "to go to america, instead of anaeroplane," can we take an autorickshaw?

"father, would we go to america any day?" let's end this topic here. we'll go for shopping on saturday. - to thoddupuzha!if it is thodupuzha!then thodupuzha always pestering for shopping! why are you digging here? for making a compost pit. why are you taking so much pain? isn't it enough if you ask2 or 3 workers to do this?

are you aware of the wagesthese days for scooping soil? "if you put some fertilizer,"there's no need for this. foolish like you wouldonly think that way. "be roman while you are in rome,"instead of that? you know what earth worm is? i know and i've also seen it. "during my childhood,"to bait fish for the prey if i just scoop the soil with spade,you would find many earthworms "even if you dig 10 cents of land now,"

you're lucky enoughif you get at least one. it is this chemical fertilizerthat destroyed them. ultimately what happened! all sorts of crops are"affected by diseases," just to make our jobs easier. how do you gain so much knowledgewhen you don't even read news papers? it's not necessary that we willgain knowledge by reading or studying. we should've an observatory-mind things happening around us?- hello! no need of your long speech.

i too saw the film - ividam swargamanu. "in order to save workers? wages,""when i saw you suffer," i felt pity on you and asked. "yes indeed! only with such savings," we bought these 5 acresof land and our house. it was a barren land and i..- please don't repeat that story again. i and our children are fed uphearing this story. "of late, you're boasting too much?" this is not boasting

"being born as an orphan,""it's my honour, self confidence." it's you who brags. me- a 4th std pass ? beingteased by you- a tenth std fail? "whatever this 4th class man earn ofhardwork," you spend it by shopping. the way you speak it looksas though i go shopping every week. i hardly go out twice a yearand get few dresses. is that what you calledas a mega shopping. okay i shall put an end to that also. and walk without clothes this way.

what's so funny? i was just imagining youwalking without clothes you dirty fellow. i must be blamed to come and talk to you. "if you do back breaking work,"you can eat till your teeth breaks i don't want to eat till my teeth breaks. oh that's it! hey monicha! what are you looking for? just like that?

didn't you go for the collection today? "yes, i just reached after that." tomorrow is rent collecting dayin the building. did you inform them? - yes i told themand then went for collection. new police station work has begun. "the one, who's standing there,"is the engineer. "had you studied well, you could've"also become an engineer wearing a tie! who is advising me?!at least i've studied up to 10th class. what did you say?i needn't become an engineer to wear a tie.

"you come to office,"we've to check accounts. one tea please. "raghu, one tea please." how long will it take to complete the work? around 5-6 months. it's profitable if thework is completed soon. "george kutty, come here." he's soman!contractor of new police station. i'm sub contractor. i take up civil work.

main contractor is a different person. what are you doing? i'm'!? he's george kutty. cable t.v operator. his office is at upstairsin that building. and he owns that building also. george kutty cheta!your wife called up. asked whether you're coming homeor staying here? tell her that i'm staying here.

are you staying here at night? some days i stay here. he's fond of films. he sits and watches films at night. don't you've a t.v at home? he's joking. somebody must be here at night. particularly while raining. people would call in caseif there's any power cut or line defect.

some responsible person should be here. "if we can't provide good service," then people will notpay money stating that reason. he didn't tell you the entire thing. "if cable doesn't work between 11pm &1am," then all youngsters and"oldies will pounce at him," and then it would festive of abuses! you be quiet! let me explain him.

"only during that time, in fashion t.v,"few obscene scenes are shown. is it appropriate to talkill of our own people? what did i talk ill of them? let everybody know thatour people also have feelings. "okay soma, let's talk in detail later." i'm going home. i've severe headache. you take care.- okay. foolish boy didn't understand anything. that bedroom scene is over is it?

foolish boy understood everything. what was the scene today?- i will tell you. you can't enter that easily. tell me. what was the scene today? bedroom scene or bathing scene. move! it was rape scene. probably you may require that today. is this all necessary at this old age?

who said i've become old?i still feel 17 at heart shall i tell you something? you tell me dear rani. shall we exchange our jeep andget a maruthi car? this is the regular habit of all wives. taking advantage of husbands? weakness. i'm not that sort of a husband.i'm not an idiot. i know to bridle my emotions.mind your business. heck with her maruthi!

playing the fool with me. "if you want maruthi,let's go for maruthi." shall i ask you something? yes george kutta. a second hand car is ok?- no. new car costs high. don't go.- leave me. hey where are you? "even if i told several times,"

"father, did you come last night?"- yes! why did you come last night? "you shut up and eat, come quickly." why are you getting angry? "he rarely comes home at night,"that's why i asked. "you said you won't come,"then why did you come? i've come to book a maruthi car. we're buying a maruthi car. "really, father?"

really?yes, yes. let's not buy maruthi car. we'll go for audi what? audi! "that's a car, father." a stylish car. cheaper than maruthi? oh my father! it costs around 40 lakhs.

jeez! is it made up of gold? this is the reason you'veto read news papers how am 1 benefitted mowing oithat“ reaming papers? it's not chat“ but ant“. anyhow it won't suit us right?maruthi is enough for us. when are we buying it? try to eat and go fast. are you not taking bath today? i don't feel energetic today.

how can you dig a compost pit today? i don't have any stamina for that. my entire stamina is exhaustedlast night. "i meant to say, i rode bicycle"for a long time last night. that's how my stamina got exhausted. "mother, what have you decided"about nature club i told you yesterday? i said no yesterday itself. "father, see what she says."it's too bad. what's the matter?

nature club organizes a campat thekkady next month. hundreds of students from differentcolleges and schools are participating only two students are selectedfrom our school. i'm one of them. what are you gaining from nature club? "in that time, you can sit and"study something useful. "father, see what she says." true knowledge is not the onegained only from text books. india belongs to crores of people whoare affected by leprosy,

hunger-struck, pimps and illiterates" when only touching that biggest india'ssoul will gain some practical experience is the real knowledge. "unwise people like you whofailed 10th grade," should possess some senseto understand it. should possess some sensibility. you should need sensitivity too superb father. "okay, as you've sense,send her for the camp."

but also give her rs.1800 as fees. how much? father!- is there any benefit in this? don't talk like this! ok! haven't you people started? go quickly.shouldn't you reach school on time? don't play mischiefin children's presence. anju is matured enough tounderstand things. "no, she hasn't understood anything."

actually i wasn't aware ofall this when i was her age. you talk as if you areaware of many things now. "the rainbow will hold up the umbrella," giving shade to the heart "with play, laughter, stories" and the sweetness of mischief are a mother-bird and two young ones i can't see them to my heart's content "these dear ones, full of merriment"

"wearing the shininggolden rays on forehead," with the flapping of wings madeonly by laughter. rain of coquetry showered by memories. in my heart beats honeyscatters and spreads. "rain will come again and again," sunshine and snow will come. the male bird croons "come near, come near" without swaying in the wind

to be together isn't there a lovely nest strung with the threads of love am i not with you always? i got this idyappam maker for you mother. why did you buy this'i already have one here. that's old type. but we've not made idyappam since years. what's it georgekutty?

a small joke. she really didn't get it for you. "no, it's for her only." i stopped her from buying. already 3 similar makers are at home. not similar ones. must be a different type if not similar. irony is that we've not madeidyappam last year. don't lie george kutty.

we made it once last year. three makers for making once in a year! how can you expect me to be quiet? and was adamant in getting another one. in fact it's the nature of women. even her mother is no way less than her. "wherever she goes," she comes back with earthen fish pot. another one too.

milk boiling vessel! "gets vessels for boiling milkfor 2 members," "then a separate one for 3 members," one with whistle blowing and other one"without whistle blowing," there are many such vessels here. "we ladies will take care of kitchen," you people needn't bother. "brother-in-law,"it's long time since i saw you. i often come here butonly you wouldn't be seen here rajesh.

we ourselves don't see each other. he's the prominent leader ofruling party now. what's that in your hand' manifesto?! "no, notice!" mullassery rock quarry which is about to resume to be bannedfor being a threat to the village what's this about? "around 15 kms from here," there's aquarry works in mullasery village government has deterred the functioningof quarry for timebeing.

now the owner is trying hard to resumeits function through court. we are planning to organize amass peoples' rally against it. rajesh has become a greatsocial worker is it? it's better to call him asgood politician rather social worker. he and his friends were running behind for the approval of functioningof rock quarry. "after the function of rock quarry,""18 months later," a personal feud arose betweenquarry owner and the mla here.

and they themselves hinderedthe functioning stating environmental issues. what else could that pathetic owner dothere after investing huge money? can't he do fish farming? fish farming in rock quarry! "at the middle of that quarry,"there is a deep big pond. he can do fish farming there. that's rajesh. "your father is rig ht! rajesh,"you've a good political future.

"she wishes," to move children tost.joseph public school. educating children in a very good schoolis an essential thing nowadays. it's a very reputed school georgekutty. "yes, but already they are in"english medium school. i don't understand what's wrongwith that school. st joseph school has 100% resultssince last 15 yrs this time also no 100% resultsfor their school. but our school had 2 ranks this time.

"see, problem is not with the school." two children who weren't good"at academics, failed." what's the mistake of the school? it's a disease of all parents"of this generation," "to send children to school with fame,""pride and high fees," and talk of its greatness. she's also affected by that. brilliant children will study inwhichever school they are. am i right?- yes you are right

"you're not ready to investmoney in it," that's why. "in that case, i could've got them"admitted in government school. "did i do so? i didn't, right?" i've got them admitted in english mediumschool which has necessary facilities. i've no money to show off before others. you have your own justificationfor whatever i say. "in this generation, we'll have to"show off and live before others. only then we'll have some respect. be a roman while you are in rome.

george kutty isn't awareof all such things. immediately she'll come up with thisproverb for whatever i say. "if you wish me to be like others," then i should've taken dowryfor marrying you. "father, why all this?" good robust bananas!!!children may like it. they don't need it! that's why i sell out bananasripening in our field. doesn't matter.similar thing happens here also.

how much can both of us eat? we normally sell it out here. are you about to leave?- yes!why? certain things which i couldn't"afford to offer at your wedding," do you mean about the dowry? i just spoke of it to win over herin argument. have you taken it to heart? "no, never." "still george kutty," i had come up with this proposalsince i liked rani.

"due to some financial lossin the business," "you weren't in a positionto conduct a marriage," saying that you rejected my proposal. when i pestered you several times saying"rani is enough for me and not dowry," finally you agreed. actually i was benefittedfrom this marriage. "being an orphan, i got a father,"mother and a brother. you may be right. "according to us,""you're not only rani's husband,"

but like an elder son to this family. we're happy to see that songrowing with hard work. we doubt that you are taking too muchof difficulties and hard work but feel that you've forgotten to livein the midst of hard work. if you pointing out this"because of my stinginess," there's also a reason for that. i too know it. you wish to buy that theater. rani must've told you!she's really sickening!

what's wrong in telling? shouldn't a father be aware ofson's difficulties? i don't have any difficulties. i've saved some money. "and if i approach for a bank loan," be careful when you take loan from bank. i'm the man who lost in businesstaking loan from bank. so you please don't approachfor a bank loan. "no that's,"

please obey this father's words. we middle class farmers won't havetoo much cash in hand. "a little away from here, there's 1.5 acres of rubber estateon the river bank. i can't go there and look afterthe agriculture moreover rajesh is in politics. "a rubber tapper whichlies useless here," "many times, i thought of selling it." i will give it in your name.

what is this father it's not my sole decision. "it's decided by me, tracy and rajesh." you always win over us with your love. let us also win at times. what are you thinking of? you shouldn't have told your fatherabout purchasing the theater. oh my dear georgekutty! they are notoffering this just because i said. they are worried that they've not offeredus anything since our marriage.

"when we marry off our daughters," "even if grooms deny dowry," won't we give themwhat we ought to give? this is also similar to that. i feel that i am getting more thanwhat i deserve. nothing like that georgekutty. our life is going to be as bright asthat full moon. let's buy the theatreselling this property. appoint a manager for cable t.v.

and you could walk proudlylike a theatre owner. it'll not work out if i appointsomebody else. i myself have to take care of it. you're not going to reform. "when the country runs,"you should run in the middle. you always have time only tothink about running. okay you run for sometime on that road. i'm going to sleep. you'll not reform how muchever i advise.

"georgekutty, your tea." will you agree if i say something?- what's it? tell me whether you agree or not. "tell me what it is,then i'll think it over." what's this? read it. a divine family retreat inthoddupuzha church! "on saturday, 2nd augustfrom 8.30 a.m to 6.30 p.m" it's my long time wish.

to be take part inkacharapalli father's divine retreat shall we attend?- i can't attend. "if you really insist,"then take children and go. "no, we don't wish to go alone." "divine family retreat means,"all members in a family should take part. "father, i've a doubt." why hartal today? how can your father know whenhe never reads papers? because of petrol price hike.

"how did you know it,without reading paper?" those who have brains needn'treally read papers "due to petrol hike, you shouldn't saythat" you won't buy maruti car. i feel as though you've lost trust in me. it's because it's you father. you don't worry about it. there's no connection between buyinga car and petrol price hike. don't we have to put petrolfor a maruti car? why petrol for a car parked in the shed?

you took rs.1800 and didn't tell meanything about nature club camp? how was your camp? fantastic! students from many partsof kerala were there. "in the daytime, classes about the"importance of protecting the nature. "in the evening, music and dance." and then the camp fire at night. what's that? "your father didn't understand that,"you explain to him.

"mother, have you understood?" haven't you seen people lightingfirewoods sitting around? that's called camp fire. playing different games andsinging sitting around. did you perform anything? i was asked to sing. english? oh no! malayalam song! haven't you learnt english songs?you could have sung that.

few students sung english songs. it was really good. we can never beat them in song. may be they're from st.joseph's school. "no, they are not." they are almost similar to us. they are students from somereputed school in ernakulam. they always communicate only in english. all are from reputed is judge's son.

don't we often see aflat advertisement on t.v? that flat owner's son.. and one is ig's son. he's a rogue. he always walks behind girls capturing girls' photos andvideos in his mobile. did he take your photo?- yes. why did you pose for him? "i didn't, but he had taken my snap."

you should've warned him. he'll never listen. "when somebody complained against him," sir shouted and made him stop that. "haven't you come across in news papers," how many girls have committed suicidebecause of such photographs? what could i do?why are you getting angry with me? you should strictly tell him not to take. what about the photos we take instudios and marriage halls?

why have you become so foolish? that's taken from an ordinary camera. but only nude photos are taken on mobile. "father, see what mother says." "okay, that's how you've understood it?" oh my dear mother! photos taken on mobile arealso ordinary ones. it is then transferred tocomputer and modified. you can change any photo

"father, mother thinks thatshe's always right." you don't take it seriously! just consider it as the arroganceof a 10th failed fool. a 4th std passed intellectual is with methat's more than enough foundation slipped down because of theplaster of building has worn out. it's lying in this conditionsince a long time. couldn't get laborersfor such minor works. so i've not rented this room. "if you demolish it, then it would"require just one day's work.

i will demolish it but you have toprovide me workers to bulid. "today, we're removing the"wooden planks from concrete roof. flooring work would begin frommonday in police station. "after it's done,we'll do it the next day." isn't that okay?- yes. i shall take's time for evening tea. i'll also come with you. "mr.soma n, please wait." how much do i owe you?

i've eaten from your money several times. i thought of repaying that now. what did you think of? that s.i would take me to taskif you complain to him against me. don't try to displease me onsomebody's behest. i also give one share of thecommission to s.i. so it's pointless to complain it to him. it's good if you are good to me "othewise, i'll put an end to"your project here.

we also know s.i suresh babu quite well he'll not support you for allsuch cheap activities. what's itching you? "yes of late, i've too much of itching."i'll have to consult doctor. "come then, i shall scratch it for you." yes i'll do any odd jobs for money. move away. "georgekutty, i'll get youone day in my hands." i'll settle my scores that day.

don't create trouble sir. had come like a tiger andgone like a mouse. why are you taking trouble for me? he's a shouldn't have got his wrath. why should i be afraid of police? i've not flouted law till such time. and don't intend to do it in future also. give me oneone is enough. listen to me. i'll go home and give you.- i asked you to give.

"wait, you'll get it from me." "anju, is your house close by?"- yes you recognize me?va run? lucky!! you've not forgotten me? why are you here? i actually came to see you. "mother i'm hungry,get me something to eat." i'll give you right now. have you purchased the items?

sister is coming behind with the items. flattened rice is there. take it. hasn't your sister come yet? you told me thatshe was coming behind you we were together up toxavier uncle's house. then i ran and came home. where did she go? "mother, all that purchased from the"shop are in the room. are“?

anju... yes mother. "anju, what are you doing inside?" how many times did i call you? couldn't you respond me? may be she was listening tosongs from ipod. i've kept your coffee there.take it if you need. she has frightened me unnecessarily. don't get afraid.

nobody has seen this video other than me. and nobody would see it also. "not only that, i shall delete it""in front of you, okay?" "but if you want me to delete it,"then you?ll have to fulfill my wish. i've something to talk to you anju. i'll come to your backyard at 11 tonight. "anju, you'll have to come out." "no, i won't come." i won't come.

shucks! why are you crying for? i've not come to trouble you. "if i really want to do,""i can show this to my friends," upload it in internet. did i do that? why? because of the love i've for you. "so as i said, you'll have to"come out tonight. "no, i will not." "tomorrow, if it comes in the internet," i'll not be responsible for thehumiliation faced by you and your family

"if you think,"you can solve this issue silently. if you try to inform your parents"or don't come out tonight," no! i've hope that you won't do like that. please varun! please don't trouble me. okay then let's meet tonight at11 pm at your backyard. why are you lying down?you didn't have coffee? i don't need it.let me lie down for some time. i've headache. how many times have i told younot to hear songs through that ipod?

that's why you have headache. shall i give you medicine? no need mother.let me sleep for a while. okay then you sleep. "dear, why don't you take dinner?" you know what's the time now? heavy rain! will be in trouble? you shut up! always talk nonsense! okay then i take leave.

you'e an umbrella?- yes then go. "anju ,you did a foolish thing." still you didn't understand theseriousness of it. doesn't matter!you'll realize it immediately. varun please! don't trouble me. actually i was notinterested to trouble you. but you ditched me. you'll feel for it.

51in! we're poor people!we didn't disturb you in any way. then why are you tormenting us? don't you have a mother and sister? don't destroy my daughter's life. "it's not me who does it, but it's you." you see this! "just because you interfered," tomorrow the entire worldwould see this in internet.

son, please don't let us down. then the whole family hasto commit suicide. okay i shall delete it. "but in return,"i need your daughter for few minutes. no i won't permit. leave. don't devastate our family. don't torment us. she's a young girl!don't ruin her future!

okay i won't ruin her future. "in return, it's enough"if you fulfill my wish. yuck! who dirtied the floor? rani... father. what happened? rani? tell me what happened. oh! no!

daughter shucks!! varun?!! mother. tell me.- phone is dead. how else could we inform this to father? till dawn how are we.. yes. you come. daughter... what happened?

what shall we do now george kutty? i don't know. my hands and legs are trembling. actually i was not so frightenedwhile burying him. i somehow got the courage to do it. was it a mistake that i buried him? "no, you were right!" we needn't get so tensedif we had informed police. it was i.g's son who was killed.

they'll ruin our family. "our daughter's future," but i don't think i can bear this tension. you don't lose hope! we've not harmed anybody deliberately. i'll not let anybody ruin our familywhich i brought up with hard work. nothing will happen to us. "father, look here," i got this from that room.

a car's key! his car is parked somewhere around here. how do we find it out? it's a yellow car. did you check that room properly? come. where did that guy fallafter being hurt? there! what are you looking for?- blood!

not even a drop of blood hasoozed anywhere here. "you said he hurt his head, right?" perhaps there's no external injury. we've to clear all these things from here. here is his sim! he can use this numberand locate us easily. check area of travel of this sim card. they can trace the.. we could "identify all the numbers,"

"to trace the outer,"call duration is not enough. where was that second cell deactivated? "based on the signal strength," location is just half km within the radius. "until i come back," you people should neithergo out nor call anybody. "whoever sees from far,"should assume that nobody is at home. you got me? where are you going georgekutty?

i've to find out and move the car quickly. come back quickly. we're alone here. don't panic! i'll return before night. what's it dear? this father is with you dear! "whatever it may be, tell me openly!" i'm afraid to go to jail. you going to jail whenyour father is alive?

that'll never happen. this is your father's word! enough of counting! give me. it's not sufficient thomacha! r5300 is it? it's 300 if concerned person is present"at home during passport verification," otherwise double the amount. "as i went to church on sunday," you can go to church anytime you like.

but gulf isn't like that. how much is your amount?- rs.70. please don't squeeze the juice ofpoor people!! let us also live. you take rs.50. that's enough. okay then isn't that georgekutty? i think so. did he change his vehicle? where does he stay?

one which you see there isgeorgekutty's land. hello! yes prabhakar! there is no change!board meeting will begin at sharp 12 noon. they are not like our indians!they are very prompt and punctual. okay. okay. the number you are trying toreach is switched off! shucks! where did this varun go? his mobile is always switched off.

he switches off the mobile justbecause you call him often. i've told you many timesnot to disturb him. give him some freedom otherwisehe would turn rebel. i agree to your point. freedom is necessary.but there's also a limit for that freedom. "in varun's case, it's been exceeded." can easily get spoiled if given"too many comforts like," "laptop, internet connection,""credit card, car." why such comforts needed for a student?

you know how much washis expense last month? 26000 rs. he purchased afew dresses and shoes last month. he showed me the bill. then what? he's taking advantage of your"blind love towards him," and i'm totally upset thatyou couldn't even realize that. i too saw that bill. what was mentioned in that bill? "6 pants, 6 shirts and two pairs of shoes."

"when i checked in his room," "i found only 2 pants, 2 shirts"and one pair of shoes. that was a fake bill. what did he do with that money? he's committing some fraud. so you checked his room again? yes. that's the reason he walked away. you don't give him any privacy.

that's why he hates you. why children require privacybetween parents? only those who intend to concealsomething needs privacy. that's what you don't understand. what a pity! it's my long time wish to attendkachirapalli father's divine retreat. take your car. what do you want sir? a mobile phone.

new piece is it? no second hand. it'll be better if i get afull charged one. check this sir. how much does it cost? 90o! please put this sim card! "no sir, absolutely not." i'll go to delhi by this evening's flight.

just 2 days meeting. okay thank you sir. can you reduce its volume? there's a rock quarry in"mulaserry village, just 15 kms away." "wait here, i'll be back now." oh you'!i thought you wouldn't come today. how is the collection? not bad! moreover it's rainingfor past 2 days. "because of that,business is quite dim."

i won't be here tomorrowand the day after. you take care of the things here. where are you going? i'm attending a divine retreat. divine retreat'!! it's a long time wish of rani. only now i found time for it. "okay then, see you." georgekutty chetta!do you've any problem?

why do you ask like that? i can see some changes in yourbehavior and character. now there's no change in mybehavior and character. on my return if i find"things helter-skelter," that time there'll be changes as you said. now it's okay. it's father. where were you for such a long time? we were terribly scared.- don't cry!your father is back.

"father, you don't leave us and go alone." "no, i'll not." what did you do with that car? i've cleared it!you don't be upset of that. where did you move the car to? i want to bathe! get my towel! are you not tensed georgekutty? why? a yflllngster?

no youngster had come here. and we've not met any youngster. "- but va run, "-who's va ru n? i've never heard about such a person. hereafter we'll have to react this way. fear and tension will land us in danger. i just understood it sometimes back. i came here after going to office. "on seeing me, monichan asked me"if i've any problem

when a young boy could make out"the changes in my face," what about others then? did he doubt you? he sniffed that there's some problem. "but when i reacted normally," his doubt disappeared. so bygones are bygones. behave as normal! "father, what did you do to that car?"

"hereafter, there are many things"which you should know and know not "things which you should know," you have to understand itand act accordingly. don't try to know about the thingswhich you?re not supposed to know. get ready for a journey tomorrow morning. to where? we have to keep aloof for two days! you can also heave a sigh of relief then. "if anybody asks you, tell them that"we're going for a divine retreat.

but the divine retreat wasover yesterday. are you on a long journeywith your family? have you purchased this new bus? a second hand one but not too old. for a divine retreat in thoddupuzha. what's this georgekutty?you keep the money inside. is it fair to ask you to buy theticket in my own bus? "shade, shade, where are you?" "shade, you are far away"

"in the veil of darkness, are you near?" "are you not with us on the way?" "will it clear during the dayor on the lap of the moon?" "or will the story continue?" "unbidden, my grief accompanies me" did you search for unknown shoresdo my sorrow and tears follow "like a shadow even to the shore you go""shade, shade, where are you?" what's this rani?how many times did i tell you? i am trying to forget it'but i am notable to george kutty and never can i.

you have to and you must forget it. "'l'o prove this incident, the police has"only one evidence and that is our fear. i am trying hard to save our familyfrom being ruined. "so, please trust me and stand by me." one more thing. get bills for all purchaseswe make from today. "like meat, fish, vegetables,""books, pencil or whatever.." "shade, shade, where are you?"

connect me to cyber cell. "whatever i spot in the eyes" "is it the truth or made up stories" "when you searched for the unknown," "you saw scenes of reality" "am i no longer myself?" "even when i stood by you," "was i unaware of it?" madam, varun's phone signal,

"travels from kerala to mangalapuram,""then udupi via goa," "it reached kolhapur, near"pune and it indicates j.p powar nagar in kolhapur. actually that's an industrial area. his phone was switched off there. he has friends in goa and mumbai. he must have perhaps gone for abash with his friends. don't worry. only car was found. who saw the car?

children who were bathing here saw it. it seems it happened a coupleof days back ? - yes madam!! it might bearound 2 to 3 weeks. "excuse me, did you search in this pond?" yes sir. nothing happened as you fear. "don't give way for media and publicity,"please wrap it up. "last call made from varun's number," "was on august 2nd at 7.18 p.m," to number 9645019578.

"at that time, phone signal was on idukki,"at rajakadu near a tower. "later by 10.15pm,"phone became out of coverage. again next morning phone was onthoddupuzha town's range at 9.24 a.m then again it was switched offin kolhapur near mumbai. "based on the details we've collected now," i think let's stop our enquiryoutside kerala for time being. locate the details of the numbervarun spoke lastly. ask him to come inside. from the account number you gave

cash was last withdrawn on"august 2nd at 10 a.m," from an atm at thoddupuzha. how much was the cash withdrawn?-"rs.20,000." 20000?!!why does he require so much of cash? "sir, i've a doubt." the mobile which was out of signal on 2nd, and the mobile which regained signal on 3rd, are two different mobiles. having two different imei numbers.

he might have withdrawn cashto get a new mobile. no. it's just three months sincevarun bought a new mobile. so there is no possibility ofbuying a new mobile. geeth a, our son is in trouble. sir!! "hey monicha, what's this?" panchayat building tax! when did i ask you to pay it?

that's? already three weeks are over. it's not 3 weeks! didn't i tell you the next dayi returned from divine retreat? this is varun prabhakar. i.g geetha prabhakar's son. this boy is missing. phone record indicates that he wasin our town on 2nd of august. this was the car varun had been using.

maruthi zen! kltaa 1734 this car was recovered from rock quarrysituated in mullasery panchayath. thangaccha! has your childrecovered from illness? feels better sir.child will get discharged tomorrow. very lucky! stop. give me rs.100. i don't have sir. you would surely have moneybecause your child is at hospital. look here..check this pocket.

i altogether have only this. rs.20?!!! go . give me half packet of cigerrate. "sahadeva, don't you like to have tea?" no. i'm running behind acomplicated case. which case? yellow colour maruthi zen wasrecovered from rock quarry pond. which rock quarry? "near thoddupuzha,from mullassery village."

how's it connected with policemen here? "nothing in particular," we were instructed from i.g office toenquire if anybody knows about this car. i.g can just sit and pass an order. but it's we who suffer to find it out. i and mr.madhavan arein-charge of this enquiry. see you then. what is this?quite unusual! oh no i just felt so.

"sahadevan, you don't drag him"into this unnecessarily just because you have"personal grudges against georgekutty," you shouldn't do this. "i saw him taking that car,"with my own eyes. "not only that, he was shocked"when i mentioned about the car now. just wait and see! if he has fear inside,he will turn and see. now what happened? how's georgekutty connectedwith i.g's son? sahadevan and george kuttyare not on good terms.

perhaps, sahadevan,making use of this opportunity showing his anger on george kutty? otherwise it could be a misunderstanding. might have seen a personresembling george kutty. george kutty is really aninnocent fellow. i too know georgekutty well. but when sahadevan is"so confident about it," "sir, on 3rd of this month,""on a sunday at 7.15 a.m," i went to irittathara thomachhan's housefor passport verification.

i saw georgekutty there. children come here. 'this saturday, that was on 2nd of august," where were you children? we had gone to thodupuzha for adivine retreat. when did you return? "next day, that was on sunday." at what time? around evening.

where was it held? in thoddupuzha. where in thoddupuzha? para..- in paraipalli church! retreat was at paraipalli? next to a hall near the church. "georgekutty, what's all this?" "so police will come, right?" they would surely come.

but not sure when they would come. "more the delay, more is the relief." but don't get agonized. regarding that youngster, they don't havea clear picture of what happened to him. they have no evidences too. they'll try their best to create evidences. "they may frighten you," they may even talk lovingly? they may perhaps hit me or mother.

they will walk out silentlyif they don't get any evidences. for that we've to stand in unity. "whatever happens,"we should stick to our statements. can i trust you children? will they hit you and mother brutally? you don't worry about that. "when you do any mischief,""aren't we hitting you?," just think that way. "father, i'm terribly scared."

you don't have to be.go and sleep peacefully. go. how can you prove thatwe weren't here on saturday? somebody must've seen you atyour office and sulaiman ikka's hotel. yes somebody would've surely seen me. then how can we prove thatwe weren't here? an unexpected thing has happenedin our family. there are only two ways in-front of us. strongly resist or unconditionalsurrendering.

in our conscience, as we are not guilty ? my mind doesn't let mesurrender for no reasons. so we are trying to resist. it's an evasive game. we may win or lose. but i can assure you one thing. you and my children won't be jailed. it wasn't evident that it wasgeorgekutty. that day you also admittedthat you saw him.

when you asked whether thatwas georgekutty, it was true that i also had a doubt. but i can't admit this firmly did you see? even i didn't see clearlywhether it was georg ekutty chetta n. like he said, i too had a doubt.that's all. are you sure whether this was the car? i saw a similar yellow car there but not sure whether it was the same car.

do you have firmness in anything? what do you say? i didn't notice the number. but i'm confident thati saw a similar yellow maruthi zen. there are lots of yellow maruthi carsin our place. one retired professor stayslittle further away. he also owns a yellow maruthi zen. yes right!we would've perhaps seen his car. we'll decide that

any new fax message?- yes sir. from ig office. in nature club campwhich i.g's son participated last month, two students from herealso participated on behalf of st.michaelsenglish medium school. their names and addresses are given below. one, anju george isgeorgekutty's daughter. didn't i already tell you sir? now see! there's nothing to think about it.

if you catch hold of georgekuttyand give him hard blows, he'll surely spill the beans. this news shouldn't getleaked for any reasons. what's the time now?-11.30 am teacher!- yes. anju, you're wanted by the principal. to prove this incident, the police hasonly one evidence, and that is our fear. so forget it and be cool. police are not aware ofwhat happened in our house.

with circumstantial evidences and few lies,they'll approach us. we've to respond them without fear. under any circumstances,don't deny that you don't know varun. and hide only the incidents thathappened in our place. may i come in madam?- yes come in. anju, this is s.i suresh babu. he has something to ask you. you're georgekutty's daughter is it? do you know him?

isn't he varun? how do you know varun? nature club organizeda state camp last month. i got to know him there do you know anything elseabout this varun? i know he is i.g's son. did varun tell you? no, i heard students gossiping. only acquaintance or beyond,

i just know him that's it. he got to know me the wayhe got to know others. then how could you remember him so well? varun was quite famous in the camp. there were also certain issues. what issues? varun was taking photographsof everybody. when he photographed areputed lawyer's daughter, she created a big issue.

after that camp,have you seen varun in your place? no. what's the problem sir? we were told that you had seen him. who told you? varun? yes . no sir, varun is lying. did varun, come to your houseon 2nd of this month? to my house? no.

when was the day you said? on the 2nd of this month. that was on saturday, 2nd did you get me? we weren't at home that day. where did you go ? there was a divine retreat inparaipalli atthoddupuzha. we had gone to attend that. who all had gone?- my father, mother, sister and myself. next day evening.

was divine retreat for two days? no, it was one day retreat. we stayed in a hotel andreturned only after watching a film. this young guy varun is missing. we also have proof thathe was in our town on 2nd. as he was known to her,i just wanted to check whether he met her. no sir, i've not seen varun after the camp. okay thank you.-you are welcome sir. you can go to your class.

you are georgekutty's wife, rig ht?"- yes. it's quite unusual to see youat home at this hour. principal informed her thatyou had been to school. she got scared and called me home. when i went to the station,i was told you are here. that's why i rushed here.what's the problem sir? i came for an enquiry.- let's sit inside. georgekutty, you know this youngster? no sir.

you know him?- no sir. have you seen this car? no sir.- you? georgekutty, let's be open.that'll be good for both of us. that's what even i wish. this young man in this photo,varun prabhakar, is the only son of i.g geetha prabhakar. he's missing since last 25 days. during nature club's state camp,

he got acquainted withour elder daughter anju. we've proof that he had come toour place by this maruthi zen. police recovered this car from thequarry pond in the mullassery last week. we had come here for 2 reasons. one, your elder daughter knows varun. two, sahadevan had seen you"driving that car. you drove this car in front ofirattikara thomachhan's house. that day i was standing onthomachhan's frontyard, for a passport verification.

what we policemen came tounderstand from this was, that youngster had been to your house. but we were not here on august 2nd. we had gone for a retreat andreturned only on 3rd evening. this is enough. now everything is okay. what other proof do you require? don't laugh georgekutty. we never mentioned about thedate that youngster came, or the date you took the car.

but your wife mentioned itwithout we asking for it. georgekutty, why are you smirking at us? you mean to say it's all absurd!! i don't smirk at anybody. why should we smirk at policemen? she's still shocked!she hasn't still understood anything. didn't i already tell you thatprincipal phoned her? regarding a case, you had gone to school, called anju and enquired her thoroughly.

principal informed her. you know the nature of the present schools, if it is known that any studentis connected to any police case, schools tend to panic fearing thatmay cause bad reputation to the school. may be that was the reasonprincipal called her, and enquired about the details you asked. she was totally nervous and called me. that's how we learnt about these dates. on august 3rd sunday,sahadevan says that he had seen you but?,

you didn't give an answer. what's the point of me answering it? everybody knows the displeasurebetween me and sahadevan. whatever i say, sahadevan will not agree i'm not asking this for sahadevan's sake, but i want to know the truth. i shall tell you sir. if sahadevan says that he had seen me, one - he must be lying,

or ? it must be a mistaken identity. because on august 2nd, saturdaysince 8 am, till august 3rd, sunday 5 pm i and my family were in thoddupuzha. no sir, i'm sure thati've seen him only. from 2nd when you left till 3rd,the day you came back can you tell me in detailwhat all had happened? i'll tell you sir. on the 2nd, we left by the"morning 5.30 bus.

was it raining when you returned? yes sir, it was raining heavily. rani and children were drenchedin the rain, and got fever and cold too. children missed their classes for 3-4 days. don't you think there's something fishyabout preserving the bills, sir? first time i'm coming across a mankeeping even the bus ticket safe. we belong to a middle class familystruggling to make both ends meet. at the end of every month,we total all the bills, to find out the additional expenditure.

okay then, s.i sir has come. i'll call you later. how many acres are there altogether? 5 acres, sir. it was a blunder thati mentioned about the dates. -yes! since you explained them indetail along with proof, they believed, didn't theygeorgekutty? according to the evidences they produced,whatever you told was nonsense. i swear that i saw him.

if you give rough treatment to georgekutty, he'll come out with truth. anyhow let's inform i.g. isn't it better, if we first nab him,get evidences and then inform the ig? did policemen trust our words? i don't know dear. will policemen come again? they'll come dear. what's his name?- george kutty

are you sure that he drove my son's car? i don't remember the number. but i was sure that itwas yellow maruthi zen. are you sure that it wasgeorgekutty who drove it? yes i'm very sure of it. but they claim they were inthoddupuzha on 2nd and 3rd. sir, may be they're lying. you also said that they'veshown you the proof for that. it's true that he has shown ushotel bills and bus ticket.

but not sure of its genuinity. if this person is telling the truth, then george kutty's story'sevidences are fake. that'll not be a problem for usto find it out. after all he's an ordinary villager, who doesn't even possessa high school qualification. we can guess the strength of hismanipulated evidences. so georgekutty, his wife and all theevidences, to be present here tomorrow. yes madam.

don't bother about the protocol. you can leave,i can take care of myself. why have you come early in the morning? police nabbed georgekutty and his family. my lord! we left at 5.30 a.m by a private bus. why don't you have the ticket of that bus? it was one of georgekutty's friend's bus. he didn't allow us to buy a ticket.

when did you reach for the retreat? it was almost 8.30 a.m divine retreat started by thetime we reached. divine retreat was startedby the time we reached. when did you reach for the divine retreat? we'll be in trouble if all of ussay the same thing. for example, the time, i and mother will tell the exact time. but being children, it isn't necessarythat you should know the exact time.

i don't know the exact time. divine retreat started by the timewe reached. what time did the divine retreat beginafter you reached there? police will twist and shoot up questions. so listen carefully to thequestion and then answer. but your parents said that retreatstarted in half an hour after they reached. police will lie telling father said this, and mother said that. don't ever change yourstatements hearing that.

no, retreat was started bythe time we reached. georgekutty isn't seen here. they would've taken them inside. they have reached. what's the problem sulaiman?i don't understand anything. they are not letting us inside also. we've to get inside. nobody is allowed now. they're georgekutty's in-laws.

i can't allow them whoever they may be how can you stop us?my son-in-law is in your custody. move away and stand. open the gate. oh my son rajesh,no? later on we had food in a hotel. which hotel? i don't remember the name. what food did you have?

biriyani. what did your father,mother and sister have? they also had biriyani. your sister said thatall of them had fried rice. may be she would've forgotten. all of us had biriyani. i remember very well. who said?it's a rumour. no, no?i'm in a meeting.

i'll get back. call is from asianet news it seems they heard we've arrested a family forinterrogating in connectionto our son's disappearance. just leave it. mr suresh, what do you think about it? it's not as we thought. they are very tough. not only their statements are one,

but also stand firm by it particularly his second daughter. to be honest, that child astounded me. that's it. even that child is too strongin her statement. don't you find something strange in it? i too felt so from the beginning may be they're telling the truth. and this man must've gone wrong.- no no.

one thing is confirmed. they know something about varun. but their statements are,it's a cooked up story. a cleverly manipulated story! but it won't sell here. since we came to know that they're lying, why don't we go for a lie-detection test? who made you a policeman? it can't be done just like that.

you need a proper court order for that. in that case, let's get court order. court needs exact proofto prove that accused is lying but here, all evidences arefavorable to them. i've an idea to smash their fake story. all the characters in their storyshould be present here. suresh, do you get me? madam, i understood. and one more thing.

in case he's lying that he had gonefor retreat on 2nd august, then he must've been in this town. if so, wouldn't he have gone to his office? of course. similarly, is there any other place"he regularly visits? yes, a hotel next to our police station, he consistently comes there.- very good! bring the office staff andhotel owner immediately. they should leave from herehoping that we believed their story.

you get me?- yes madam. to be honest, i was nervously seated"before the policemen. anyhow god has protected us. everything has ended. rani, nothing has ended. they'll come here again. they'll come again? for what? brother-in-law,actually what's the problem?

at least be open to me. all families would havesomething personal to hide from others. rajesh, so please don't ask meanything more. rajesh, i need your help. what should i do? i know georgekutty since his childhood. he's really an innocent.very innocent. i never asked for his conduct certificate. just answer only what is ask

on last 2nd, that's on august 2nd, how many times did georgekuttycome to your shop? he normally comes twice a day. for evening tea and dinner. some days, he never comes for dinner. i can't say it exactly you were asked how many timeshe had been to your shop on 2nd? he must have come twice on 2nd also. oh yes!! no sir, i'm wrong.

georgekutty wasn't here on 2nd. he had was gone to attend a divine retreatin a church in thoddupuzha. at first, you didn't tell this? no sir, i suddenly remembered. georgekutty talked to me aboutretreat last day also. what did georgekuttytell you about retreat? he told it was a very good divine retreat. he was telling us the storiesfather shared in his speech. what stories?

a story of a king who subjugated it'srival kingdom through love and patience. when did georgekutty returnfrom the retreat? next day. i don't know sir. he didn't come to office that day. did he call you in the middleof his journey? yes he called me on the morning,on the day he left. between 9: 10 a.m. how come you remember it so well?

because i regularly come tooffice at 9 a.m. and then sweep and clean the office. at that moment, i got his call. what did georgekutty tell you? he has asked me not to keep that day'scollection at office,but take it home. you know them?- i know sir. did they travel on your bus of late? yes, 4 or 5 days before. when did they travel before that?

before that? yes, on 2nd of this month. where were they going? it seems to attend someretreat in thoddupuzha. yuck! are you sure that they stayedin your lodge for a day? yes sir. is he a regular customer? then how come you remember them so well?

i require a double room. it's 650 + tax. i've stayed here before also.i was provided a room without tax. may be it was without bill?- i don't need a bill. is this hotel safe tostay here with a family? why don't we look for some other hotel? madam, families do stay here often.. only after showing them the room,"they agreed. do you remember when they stayedin your hotel?

i don't remember. did they tell you why they've beento thoddupuzha? have you checked his register? yes madam. they maintain two registers. georgekutty's name is inone of their registers. they checked in at august 2ndand checked out next day at 9.30 a.m. why are you maintaining two registers? why you are dumb struck?answer her. we maintain two registers forbilled and unbilled customers.

don't you know it's against law? how could you remember themso well even after so many days? can we easily forget our good customers? are you the owner of this hotel?- yes. why? we've not tasted such delicious biriyaniin recent times. our food is the best in this town. not only your food, i've not come across any another hotelwith good cleanliness and best service. sir, bill.

what are you doing sir? i'm running a small businessand also take care of farming. biriyani was super uncle. is it? thank you. what's your name child?- anu which class are you studying?-6 th class. have you come to thoddupuzha for shopping? we came to attend divine retreatheld in parapalli yesterday i can understand when you say thatyou remember a customer.

but when you also remember the purposeand date of his visit, then there's something fishy in that. i remembered because he told me. a businessman will remembera good customer... you wait out.- what is this man? if he and his family were at home"on 2nd and 3rd of this month," then how could he meet them atthoddupuzha? that confuses me too madam. geetha, may be their statements are true.

i doubt whether this man is lying. no sir, i didn't lie. i'm damn sure it was georgekuttywhom i saw that day. i'm ready to quit my jobif it's proved otherwise. have you contacted the fatherwho conducted the divine retreat? father was in mumbai.must've reached today. call him. madam, by the way you say, i feel he has attended the retreat.

otherwise it's difficult for the oneto tell it so correctly. because, the stories and other thingswhich i shared in that retreat, was not shared to any one by me. suppose it could also have beenshared by someone who attended retreat i don't think anybody can tell to himin such a detailed way two nos. where's father and anu? this is digital projector. i'm planning to set up atheater in my place.

very good idea!! because we're moving to thetimes of digital cinema. not only that, maintenancecost is also low. my family. do you remember when they came? i think it was 3rd of this month. how could you rememberthis date so correctly? he watched the film sittingin projector room. he also told me that he attended theretreat and stayed in some lodge.

get away you. come here. our son? nothing will happen to him. we'll surely find him. but you don't lose hope. is our investigation movingat the right path? yeah, i think so. but till this time,we never got any favorable evidences.

all evidences are favorable to them. see prabha, i'm not telling this"based on the evidences from a person's conversation and behavior, we police can easily identify whetherthe concerned person is lying or concealing. because we trained for that. evidences may be favorable to him. but he's lying. i can feel it. perhaps, it may be the mentalstate of a mother

who enquires about her son'sdisappearance. otherwise i underestimated him. he has much more intelligencethan that of a 4th grade villager georgekutty is really akind hearted person. i verified his past. he had come to this placethirty five years ago. provision store, video library,automobiles, real estate,etc he grew up dealing withmany such businesses. there isn't any filmwhich he hadn't watched.

though he studied up to 4th grade, he can speak malayalam, tamil,english, hindi, languages he learnt these from films. can an ordinary man do all this? cinemag! it's an important link. ticket..ticket. when you come acrosshundreds of people a day, it's not strange for youto remember one family.

but remembering their purposeand date of journey, it is really odd. he travelled in your bus on last 3rd. and also told you he was returningfrom the retreat held on 2nd. how could you still rememberwhich was told 25 days back, that's what is madam's question. i don't remember whateverhe told me that day. just now it was you who told usabout the retreat held on 2nd. what i meant was,

he told me this when we met recently. recently means, since 3-4 days. where did you meet him? uncle! where are you people going? don't you recognize me? georgekutty, don't you recognize him? didn't we come for a"retreat here on last 2nd,

next day on 3rd he was the conductorin the bus which we travelled. yes got it. we attended retreat on 2nd andreturned by an evening bus on 3rd, conductor of that bus.sorry, i couldn't suddenly recollect. come children. has the show started? not yet. are you alone?haven't you brought your family? no i came alone.

i had come for a retreat on 2nd. that's why i had come with my family. too many expenses when taking a family out. next day, on 3rd, after shopping, watched a film here, had food athotel and left home that evening. you just imagine how much couldbe the expenses. hey murali, you never took fare from us when we travelled for a retreat on last 2nd. but today you'll have totake the fare from me.

oh no georgekutty.- you'll have to. madam you tell him. greetings!- yes greetings!it's long time since we met. long time? didn't we come here next dayafter attending the retreat on last 2nd? to tell it accurately,"it was on 3rd of august. he never met me after that madam. not that many days. didn't i tell you the next daywhen we returned from the retreat? when did we go for the retreat?

on saturday, august 2nd. when? 2nd of august, on saturday. we returned on 3rd that was on sunday. the very next day, on 4th of august,that was on monday, didn't i ask you to pay the tax? the strength of his patiencechanged king's mind. so all of us should learn to forgive. a very good story. how did you know this georgekutty?

didn't i tell you about theretreat we attended on 2nd, it was on 2nd of this month, on a saturday, it was one of the storiesfather shared in the retreat. hello, no, it's not madam's number. yes called up from this number only. who's that? father kacharapalli whom we spoke to. tell me father, cd?

those who paid and booked for cds, are asked to collect fromchurch's office within week's time. i spoke to the concerned authority. but his name wasn't mentionedin the booking list. perhaps he could havebooked in a fake name. everything could be right. but none of these statements, mismatch the evidences to prove thathe was not on town on 2nd and 3rd, it was almost 8.30 a.m.

retreat was started bythe time we reached. i think it was on 2nd of this month. georgekutty wasn't here on 2ndof this month. he sat in the projector roomand watched film. he told me this when he met usfew days back. you didn't take fare from mewhen we travelled for retreat. i came for a retreat on 2nd with my family. he just recreated that day. don't you get it?

he recreated the days of 2ndand 3rd of august. what is the importance of cinema? visuals. nothing else can be recorded so profoundlyin our mind other than a visual. journey on 2nd and 3rd wasn't just acooked up story by them. they really executed it. the fact is they reallyexecuted that journey. that's why their story didn'tfizzle out during our interrogation. had they gone for a journey on 2nd and 3rd,

their journey on 2nd and 3rd, was recreated on some other day. may be on next days? next days means, monday and tuesday. madam, his children hadn't gone toschool since monday to wednesday. we also enquired him about that. georgekutty said they got drenchedin the rain while returning and his wife and childrenwere down with fever. then he also showed us themedical shop bills.

those bills are fake ones. is it hard to get a fake medical bill? even otherwise, he plays this gamewith too many bills. but lodge register on 2nd, bus ticket and matinee ticket dated 3rd, how could they be fake ones? those are original ones aren't they? that's also an important point, madam. here's where we underestimatedthe 4th grade georgekutty.

i know how he did it. on 3rd morning, georgekutty left for"thoddupuzha by varun's car. after taking a parcel from a"vegetarian hotel there," he bought a mobile phone,"then inserted varun's sim in it, and he threw it insidesome national permit vehicle. may be after that he abandonedthe car in rock quarry pond. then he again entered a restaurantand without anybody's notice, he took a bill for 4 biriyanis. on that very same day, he purchased4 tickets for matinee show in thoddupuzha.

later boarded a transport bus,bought 4 tickets and returned home. he went to his office that night, and made monichhan believe that he'sgoing for retreat the next day. next day on 4th, he travelled inmurali's bus with his family, and made him aware thatthey are going for a retreat. after reaching parapalli at 9 a.m, they spent there till evening. during that time only he must havecome to know about the retreat cd. and booked for it on somebody's name.

that evening, georgekutty and his"family reached the lodge. after he somehow averted the managerfrom there for some time, he added his name on 2nd. then on 4th, he forged his handwriting, and booked a room on some fake name. after taking dinner from a wayside eatery, next day, georgekutty again makessomeone to buy the parcel" from the same vegetarian hotelhe bought on 3rd. after being checked out from the lodge,

had biriyani from the restaurant andbecame friendly with the restaurant owner. then they went to theatre and gotacquainted with the projector operator. he boarded the same bushat evening for returning home, and created an atmosphere to getfriendly with the conductor. after reaching home, some day or the other the entire familywatched the retreat cd of father. he discarded the bills of 5th, and instead, showed us the billshe collected on 3rd. four or five days later he againpresented himself before them,

and engrossed the dates in their minds. the real fact is, all were giving falsestatements without their knowledge. he's mocking at the entire policedepartment. but we've no evidences to prove this. our's is just a theory. geetha, if whatever you say is true, then where's va run? why did he go to him? we should make that man answer that.

come out.. what are you people doing?where are you taking them? what are you trying to do? move fast. ask them about the issue.i couldn't understand anything. o lord! isn't there anybody toquestion them? my child. father, ask them not to take them,- hello? get off you.

why did policemen take them? even i'm not aware of it. i don't understand anything. do something immediately. i need your favor rajesh. if police takes us again, you'll have to call certain peoplewhom i mention. hello, is it asianet news? where's my son?

i already told you that i'm not aware.we weren't at home. do you think police department are fools? we understood the journey youexecuted for creating evidences. why did my son come to meet you? what's the relationship between you both? i've not met varun after the camp. no point in telling lies any more. it would be better if you tell the truth. otherwise there'll be a changein our way of interrogation.

i swear i don't know. it'll be good for you to tell the truth. whatever we said is true. we're not aware.that day we weren't there, sahad eva?- yes madam. - oh no!!- hey tell the truth, hey move away and stand. won't you tell? i'll make you spill the beans.

sir, please tell him to stop. please ask him not to harm him. tell the truth man! sahadeva, stop. we don't know.. come here, let me see whetheri can make you tell the truth. where's va ru n? where have you people hidden him? tell the truth.

tell what you did to madam's son. they've brought varun's friend alex.ask them to stop it. that's enough, stop it. come.- come with me. tell the truth man!- sahadeva no, move away. sir he? i say move. georgekutty, please say whateveryou know about that va run.

why are you getting beaten up this way? i really don't know anything. what's the problem?why are you getting beaten up this way? you know this girl? i don't know aunty. alex, we knew that you and varunwere together in the camp. varun is missing since last 26 days. this girl is somehow connectedwith varun's missing. so better tell us whatever you know,it'll be good for you.

uncle, i really don't know anything. i know you called himlastly the day he was missing. when i asked you few days back,you denied it. if you are going to maintain that lie, then our way of interrogating will change. to tell the truth,when i called him that day, he never told me his whereaboutsand the purpose he went okay what's the relation betweenthis girl and varun? you know it.

hey better tell the truth. i'll tell you. he'll say. dude! send this to my mobile. oh no sorry! i'll not send you this. what's this? please send. very sorry, i can't send this. i've to fulfill a purpose with this. shucks!

madam, people have crowded outside. i don't know how they learnt about it. few media and channel people are there. it seems they want to see you. i don't wish to see anybody. not even a kid should enter this compound. call more forces if you require.- yes madam. geetha, things are getting more worse. yes! it's time to end this.

all of you stay out. sahadevan, stand here. i came to know about your video. where's my son?- sir, i don't know. i swear. sahadevan,-yes maã©am i want to know the truth. tell me- i don't know. where's that boy? i said i don't know.tell me.

otherwise i'll kill all of you. you won't tell, wont' you? you know the truth, speak out. are you hindering a policeman? we are not aware sir. get up and come here.. you won't speak out ah? if i hit them anymore,they would die. if you don't wish for that,you tell the truth.

otherwise i will beat them to death you want me to do that? you want it? sahadeva please tell us if any of you know anything. where's anumol? shucks! my child!- no tell me, didn't the boy in the photocome to your house? i don't know. i want to see my parents.

stop crying and tell the truth. then i shall take you to your parents. tell me, don't stir up my anger. i'll kill you, mind you. no father, let's reveal everything. otherwise they'll torture anumol. he's too cruel! i'm terribly scared. i shall admit the crime.

that would end up everything. did we struggle hard for this? did we bear all their tortures for this? you people will not be jailed.that's my promise "if i couldn't keep up that promise,"then you won't see me alive. "our anu, they would.." they won't harm her. you don't have to worry about that. she'll manage!

tell the truth.- i don't know uncle. i want to see my mother. "geetha, let's stop this." let's wrap it here. what we're doing is against rules. what about our son then? don't we've to enquire about him? yes we have to enquire in some other way. at least spare that little girl.

he tortured them so brutally. still were you able to get any information? if they are really innocent then"geetha, we may have to regret." may be he had mistaken. you won't tell the truth is it? "no, don't kill me, i'll tell you." "leave me, i want to go to my father."where are you taking my kid? to show the place where youburied that boy. your game is over georgekutty.

you can spend time withyour family in jail. no one can save you even if they think. put everybody in the jeep. hey move away.. please let us inside. georgekutty is my son. "whoever it's, nobody is allowed to"contact the accused. accused? what's their crime? you'll come to know it.

we know that policeman sahadevanis settling his scores. actually what's the problem sir?- even we are not aware of the issue. 'they are my daughter, and son-in-law." few days back police held themand interrogated them. for what?- it seems i.g's son was missing. who are you? he's my son. it's a falsely implicated case. everybody knows about georgekuttyand his family well.

they were leading a decent happy life. they are trapped in a false case. "one who is standing near s.i, is that""sahadevan, the main cause behind this." i told the truth out of fear. did he hit you? yes i was terribly scared. doesn't matter child. are you angry with this father? "no father, are you angry with me ?"

"no dear, what you did was right." father?.rajesh did you see? that policeman sahadevan hitmy daughter brutally. that sahadevan tortured our familyfor an uncommitted crime. "sahadeva, no." he's sahadevan. don't dare touch them.- who are you to say that? he hit my child. "i'll hit more, what will you do?"

kill that bastard. come on come on. "child, did policemen torture you?" you tell them without fear. nobody will harm you tell them. "dear, tell me.." following the missing case of "i g geethaprabhakar's son varun prabhakar," georgekutty and his family haveproven their innocence. "following this incident,""at rajakadu police station,"

police constable sahadevan has been"suspended for enquiry," s.i and other policemen connected"with this case have been transferred," dgp has ordered the ig geetha prabhakaranto go on leave. "based on the pubic interest petition," if police wishes to interrogate"georgekutty and his family in future," special permission has to be obtained"from court, district court ordered." geo rgekutty... i.g geetha prabhakaran resigned. "georgekutty, if we think over,"hasn't their life become miserable?

what wrong have they done? "even though she's a top i.g," "beyond that, she's also a mother." "actually, aren't we the ones"who've cheated them? you think so because of thegoodness of your heart. just think the other way. had the same tragedy happened"to our daughter because of him," wouldn't that mother try toprotect her son? she would surely try.

nobody can define theright or wrong in this. it's the nature of human to be selfish. our dear ones are precious to us. "if we think in other way," we can't live. so let's forget this at our convenience. "georgekutty, when did youclear that body?" "on sunday night, when i returned"after clearing the car. where did you move that to?

let that secret not be knownto second person in this world. it would be buried along with me. your safety lies in it. did you hope that anumolwould stick to it without revealing? "to be honest, all my calculations"went wrong here. i never even expected that three of youwould stick to it so firmly.. anumol could have revealed ita little earlier. poor child. you suffered a lot because of me.

what's this?you did this all to protect us? "father, police has come." are you going to torture them again? why have you come here?- we like to meet georgekutty. did you have court order? what's it sir? what's the problem?"oh nothing, you can leave" "nothing, you people can leave" let me change the dress

"without any pride and prestige of power," today geetha is just a motherdesperately yearning for her son "when we, living with no hope of""having any children," "were suddenly blessed with a son," we pampered him so much?and now we stand before you feeling guilty. "when we pondered pen-mindedly," we realized one thing. "whatever has happened to my son," we are the ones who"are responsible for,"

not bringing him up on the right path. "ever since we realized that,"we were yearning to meet you. knowingly and unknowinglywe tortured your family a lot. pardon us. i beg your pardon for everything. "before leaving for america tomy brother's place," we felt like knowing whatactually happened to varun. because each and every phone calls?and every calling bells seemed ? like his voice in our ears.

with its hope? "and its disappointments unbearableto us," we are forced to ask you. do we still have to wait for him? we can understand it. you may not have trust in us. i can understand you.we apologize for troubling you. "come, let's go." you're great people. i am not broad-hearted like you.

i'm just an ordinary man. with a small world consisting ofmy wife and children. that's my family. i've not even dreamt of aworld beyond that. "in to that privacy,"came an uninvited guest. a guest who was able toshatter our family. he never gave ears to our pleads. in a situation not knowing"what to do, out of panic," a small mishap happened.

after making sure thathe would never come again we sent away that guest. "even though it was not deliberate,"we shattered your dreams. we too wished to fallat your feet to beg pardon. and we did it hundred times in our hearts. what else can we do? "like everybody, for me too"my family is important. i'll go to any extreme for itnot to get shattered. 'there in front of me,"everything is right only.

please pardon us. hey s.i is calling you. "sir, i'll leave my bag in the"quarters and come back. "sir, this is georgekutty." i know. i've seen a lot in t.v and papers. sign here. here. i know you have the pride offooling the police. only till that boy's body is recovered.

i would be here for 2 or 3 years. never mind. i'll find it out. "no sir, i've never considered"policemen as fools. "instead, i've considered them as"protectors of the people. that's why i strongly believe that you and this police stationwill also protect me. removal of planks from the roofwill be done today. should start the flooring work ofpolice station from monday.

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