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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

with the announcementof polls to parliament, parties in the state are busywith seat allocations. ruling swayamshakthi party hasbeen winning few seats regularly, chittoor constituency is one of them, with sitting mp mahendra naidu, former mp seshadri naiduclaiming for the seat, political weather hasturned hot here, enmity between the two familiesis going on for few decades, this enmity has resulted in manyconflicts and bloody clashes,

but for some time now, with activebrokering by the party bigwigs, with ticket given to each familyon rotation basis, peace has been restoredin the region, breaking this peaceaccord of rotation, mahendra naidu who won thelast elections with bumper majority, with rumours that ruling partywants him to contest again, the tension has reached the peak, we have to wait and seeit is consequences. swayamshakthi party office, chittoor.

i was an mp of this constituencyfor 30 years, now i have retired fromactive politics, i am a well-wisher of you both, who so ever may get the seat, i will ensure that theother man gets justice. tell then minister. high command respects you both, last four elections we have wonwith vast majority here, you both are responsible for it.

no need of prologue, minister. tell us, who is going to contest here? priest! why are you interestedin politics? why not? remember that formerpm narasimha rao was also a brahmin. tell us. high command has decidedto nominate mp mahendra again. bloody! seshadri naidu must get the seataccording to the rotation policy. cms survey results saypeople are not with him.

that is why we had totake this decision. elder one and middle one, get up. you did not give me the ticketsaying people are not with me, i will prove that they are with me. our constituency is peacefulfor the past 25 years, let it remain peaceful,it is good for everyone. shake your hands! i am getting late for my prayers,i will take leave now. okay.- okay guru.

we will not accept party decision. how dare you! he will become mp only if hegoes out from here, father. who was that? am i a eunuch? come...come...i will take you to task... come i say! brother-in-law! i have been kidnapped. we will come wearing slipperswhile entering thorny area.

leave him.- untie him. how dare you kidnap me?do you know me? i will hack you!i will hack you all! who will untie my hands, your fathers?- come on boys! i remember your dirty faces.i will not spare anyone of you. first i will kill your children, then i will molest your wivesas you watch, and then kill you all,bloody bastards. may be you were all bornto me only.

have you left me, my husband? you came here as live-inson-in-law with love on me. how am i to live here without you? calm down... i did not kill him wantonly, sir. he was abusing us wildly,we beat him. we did not expect he will die. let him die, seshadri canonly raise dust nothing else. by the time we completehis obsequies,

they must mourn a deathin their home, before we change these clothes,we must finish them. i will not remove my vermilion dotuntil someone is killed in their home, promise me, only theni will let you cremate his body. if you say you cannot, then i will burn alive inmy husband’s pyre. lost mp seat, lost 100s of croresworth mining contracts, now lost brother-in-law too,i am sure he will be furious on us. mahendra and his brother killed mybrother-in-law unable to harm me or my sons,

they started it after 25 years,i will put an end to it. i will see their end. he cannot do anything, uncle. he may not harm us, what if theyattack our people living outside. uncle is right. 25 years ago to take vengeance on uskilled our relative living in madras. we must take necessary precautions. what should we do now?- get all our near relatives here. by tomorrow morningeveryone should be here.

get going.- yes boss. shall we bring ajay also?- no need. he is in no way connectedto this house. just because you do not accept,the relationship will not break. whether you accept or not,ajay is your brother’s son. i did not accept himwhen my brother was alive, now that he is dead,i do not care about him. if anything happens to ajay,you must not be responsible for it. think about it.

she is right,if anything happens to ajay, not only will we be responsible,we will lose our face too. okay, get ajay also. ajay is coming! he is coming! run boys! close the gate! you are finished today.- why are you running away? stop. ajay is beating us.

how dare you tease girlsusing your mlas fathers’ name? bloody idiot! why are you getting angry?village farmer! do not abuse him! he ploughs, sows, raises crops,harvests it, cooks it, you are a dog who eatswhen it reaches your plate. come...come... what is this fight? move! who is it?

sir, he is teasing girls. stop the fight! stop it i say! question papers. fast! get out fast. am i not telling it to you?stop it i say! if you continue fighting,i will resign as principal. i am leaving you since principalhas threatened to resign.

if not i will... boss, i am helping you, give me a party.- okay done. you must not go sir, without you thiscollege will lose it is sheen. you must not go sir! all of you go and study. learn from ajay.- yes sir! who banged on my doorwhen i was meditating deeply? your elder paternal uncle wantsyou at home immediately. i will not come.

why should i come? did you ever respect me asmahendra naidu’s nephew? no, at least showed any pityas an orphan without parents, not even that, why should i come then?i will not come. they will invite me for festivals only, did they ever think of meon other days? not even that. why should i come?i will not come. he is not inviting you for festival.

they will kill you, your wish now. but still i will not come. what to do? shall we go brothers? there is no boundaryto birds in the sky there is no routefor fishes in the sea there is no placewhere wind not reaches why should only we have the rules? why should we fear anyone?

we are king to ourselves you live only once do whatever you want to do experiencing it is the only passion devil-may-care nobody teaches wind do not live a life of burden it is an ocean filled withbillions of dreams who so ever may earnany big money

who so ever may rule the roost? who so ever may develop body? it is all ours...buddy do not care about anyone never bow before anyone never beg with anyone our self-esteem is our power i am a wastrel of wastrels i mix water with my drink

come, let us wipe outthe narrow boundaries if a girl looks at you if she smile at you if she makes a mischief gesture you take it lightly, brother if your love ditches you if people you trust betray even if they take away everything nothing will happen to you, brother

happiness is betweenpast and future who knows what is in storefor the future live with a smile,only your shadow is your companion how many times do i haveto tell you i do not want food? it is two days sincemy husband is dead. not a dead body inthe opposite camp. there is no value for me here,no use of me living anymore. aunt....aunt...- leave me. killing relatives of himis easy task to me,

will it satiate our fury of revenge? it will calm only on killingmahendra and his brother. that is why i kept quiet.- but they were not quiet, right? if they were angry on us,why did they kill our uncle? yes father, let us not showany mercy on them. then, go to their place andkill anyone you lay hands on. there is no one inthe village to kill. they woke up long before you. all have reached mangapuram safely.

what if they are in mangapuram?is it any impregnable golconda fort? more than it,soldiers saved using spears, but here people stand ashuman shields to protect mangapuram. is it so strong? let me test it. i will come back home only afterkilling at least one person there. stop... stop!- stop son! when you fight equals you need touse brain more than physical power. get inside.

are you also afraid of that place? priest! tiger takes 2 steps backto lunge forward 3 steps. at opportune moment,i will pounce on them. i swear on lord venkateshwara! have all our people reached here? are you asking me or the lord? look, sisters and sons-in-laware coming. sisters and useless sons-in-law.welcome. why did you bring us here urgently?what is the matter?

festival is still far away. does not look like invitation for festival,but brought to police station, did not even allow to wearpant properly. dividing property? i will tell you later,have children come with you? all have come?- has ajay come? if ajay comes, i will not stay here.come. i will not agree to let him stay here.- i am going away right now. check if food is ready.

why is everyone so angry on ajay? not anger, furious. his father brought dishonourto the family, he ruined it completely. we know how much hehad troubled elder brother. sisters are sharingmahindra’s sorrows. fearing they may to get sharein property if they do not it now. what the hell are you blabbering? look, ajay is coming!

grandpa! aunts! uncles! are you all doing well? who is your uncle? i will not agree if you call me uncle. i will kill you. hubby! brother is coming. elder uncle and junior uncle,are you fine? we have not called you here forany festival or celebration. tensions are running high here,

fearing someone mayharm you instead of me. if tensions are high here,why did you bring us here? it is difficult to give securityto each one of you. if it is our village,outsiders will not enter. that is why brought you all here. how long should we stay here?- as long as we ask you. any problem? you need not worry,take it as 10 day holiday! no need to tell the kids about this,

one more thing, nobody must go out of thevillage without my permission. understood? go and have food. he gave bad news andwants to have food. we face this troublebecause of his doings. i too have the same feelings. uncle, let us go around the village. hey brainless elder uncle!

will you say who is uncle to me? keep away from me. i do not know myself how crook i am.- but i know it, uncle. it seems you own two hotelsin guntur, what is the matter? is it true?- shut up. it seems you lent money to someonewithout uncle’s knowledge on high interest, it seems you kept quietwhen he cheated you. is it true? first you tell me,what he said is true?

no, you tell me if he is true.- i am asking you to tell me first. he said about guntur matter,is it true? i do not have patience,i am dying with you only. tell me how much you lost?- my wish, my money... hello senseless middle uncle. will you not keep quietif i call you uncle? you do not know about me. if i remove the glasses,i am not a human at all. even if you do not,you are not a human, uncle.

tell him to go away. you too have a mouth,why can you not tell him? you have a big mouth!- do i have a big mouth? if it is not big,you think it is small... may your mouth get paralysed!- why are you cursing me? are you talking too muchbecause i am in your home? i am stopping with speechbecause it is my home. hello, shameless younger uncle! will you kill me if i call you uncle?

i do not talk to idiots.- but i do! it seems you were troublingpeople as mp’s brother-in-law, and they beat youcovering up in darkness. who told you that?- who else? your wife! is it true?- do not i have any other work? you are diverting the issue.- you are diverting it. how would he knowif you do not tell him? will you believe whatever he says? uncle! where is girija?

if you utter my daughter’s name,i will kill you. hey girls!- get lost idiot! i am coming! hey gita! where is your husband?already divorced? he has gone to us, you buffalo.- on job or escaped? if you open the mouth... that is okay, do you remember aboutthings we had before marriage? i too have a similar dress.i bought it in kalamandir. who called me an idiot?of course i may be an idiot!

but if you call an idiot as idiot,no idiot will take it easy. if he is quiet, he will be a foolish idiot.come on tell me. it is me, what will you do?- what will i do? whatever has to be done,god has already done with your face. talking to you is like talking to bull. poor girl! do you talk to only bulls? are you a buffalo?and you...? if you trouble me,you will regret for it. i am already regrettingto see you so closely.

do not trouble me, if you do,you will lose honour, you will regret for it. anyway...where is girija? you need someone else.- who? how dare! teasing girls! they are not girls, very hard nuts.look again. i will see your end. you cannot even see anythingbeneath your stomach, how can you see my end?

go!- you go! where is girija? sister girija! take offering, father. she is not my daughter, my parenting. she is first in beauty and humbleness. i will marry her to an nri,watch out, she will go long way. where will she goif you marry her to nri? in two years, she will get pregnant.

in three years she will grow fat. you both are not co-brothers,but jackals. sister, come here. we must send back ajayto vijayawada. i want your support.come fast, sister. it is better to have water standingthan having pepsi while running. will you stop your remix proverbs? today he is finished, swept off. what is your problem?- what a great act sister!

docile at home andtomboyish outside. if you want to go to pubs,if you want money, you need to act docile at home. you have great talent, my goddess! you will come well in life. what is this ajay problem? do you remember the dose yougave to ajay during last festival? top and bottom would have got burned! wound would not have dried yet.

hey girija! will you put thornsunder my butt and wound it? i will not leave you girija! you cannot harm me! aunt! come dear. i will come if you promise not to cry. it will not stop evenif you say no, come. are you fine sister gayathri? mother, look at him!

will not you ever change?you are always like this! what is this son? you have grown so thin.- wait...wait...! speak now! are you eating well in hostel? i do not feel shy,i am having a go at food. you visit for some festivaland go away. do not know how you are living there? i am happy-go-lucky guy!please do not cry! looks like you are teasingall the guests.

there is no other way to talk to them. either i must tease themor they must scold me. tease them to hell. but do not trouble muddukrishna. your uncles dote on good with him. okay, i will try. meowing without moustache... greetings sir. sir!

she warned to stay awayfrom muddukrishna. that is why i am thinking ofshaking hands with him, what is your idea?- good idea sir. if i shake hands with himand he does not respond to it. if give my hands to him andif does not return my hands...? i will be sad, right?- indeed sir. will not i get angry if he does not respondproperly for my shake hands? how dare he insults me withoutresponding to my hand shake? you fool!will not you shake hands if i offer?

you are dead meat today!i will see your end today. you silly fellow! no monkey tricks withmonkey god hanuman! i cannot jump because i have eaten full. these stunts are performedby experts. your jumps and my walk is same. you have been beating me sincechildhood, this settles all that. my towel! i must only beat you.- you must not beat me.

what is this rule?you crazy boy! you are eating like a gargantuan. what will you do man? will you beat me with volley ball?- yes, you fool. two things i hate in this world! one is you, two is english filmswith censor cuts. i will take you to task later. where will you go escaping from me?no way from there. where are you getting up?

if you are a monkey, i am a please... leave my hand...leave my hand...leave... what is this? if you hold me,it means you are saving me, and if i hold you,it means i am saving myself. you bloody! one rupee coin!- that is mine! my name is not b. saroja, but girija! do not hit me, i cannot rub also.

did you see what ajay did? look uncle!ajay is teasing me. ajay, come here. do you know what my father saidon his death bed, uncle? did not say anything! bharath, ajay is doing too much. i have given him long ropeof hundred mistakes, 99 are finished, 1 is balance! after that he is finished.

did you hear this ring tone?childs cry. let me hear.- play it. true, he came with a sword, sister. where is he?- come. you disturbed me.- he was here only. thank god! no dear. if they know i am your friend,they will tonsure my head, and stop serving me food,

that is why i am scolding andliving a hell as if i am enjoying it. please do not feel sad,my little brother-in-law. i am getting angrywhen others scold you. leave the elders,but that muddukrishna, he looks down upon us likeaustralians treating indians there. we must teach himwhat is social justice. i have another scheme for it.- cash exchange scheme? it did not work out. i will design a rajeev t-shirt scheme.

brother-in-law!look, what i have got for you. what is it?looks very cheap. why are you saying like that?do you know what is in it? what is in it? moddukrishna! (dullard krishna) nice! thanks big boy!- please wear it. why are you so affectionate on me? perfect fit.

is it good?- how nasty it is? how nice it is! one more present for you. what?- do you know for whom this is? ajay!- ajay? look, what is written on it. big fool! ajay will wear this andbecome a big fool. how is it?

this t-shirt is for you, have a blast! wear it now.- here? i am little shy with boys,i will change in room. all of you look here!he is a big fool! what is on your t-shirt?- muddukrishna. on my t-shirt?- big fool! muddukrishna...big fool! muddukrishna....big fool! what is this, he is callinghimself a fool?

we are not aware of him as muchas he knows himself, right? i will beat you. i will ask you two questions, uncle. first one, you know it. second is... it is not that important. mahendra and his brother arecoming to quarry tomorrow, you asked information, i gave it. do not add this sin to my account.

kill him! do not leave them. brother-in-law, inform doctor that,we are coming there. people at home must not know this. this time, we must attack his home. but we must not go, i will send a rat. because rat can enter placeswhere an elephant cannot. sir, junior boss is going out. sir!- go with him.

if anything happens to him,take it as you all are dead. go! with him. elder son, middle son...go meet yogi. - yes father. come. do not you have manners not to enterroom while changing clothes? i saw everything from the keyholeand then entered. tell me why you are here? aunt called you in the cattle shed. okay, you go. i like green very much.

your long skirt is also green. you! why did you enter my daughter’s room? leave about it, uncle. she removed her half sarion seeing me. find out why from her.- true? did you remove yourhalf sari on seeing ajay here? not that father...- did you remove it or not? i removed it but...- removed it?

it is all your parenting. yes, i taught her to remove sariif any man comes into the room. hey you go out.- i lost a chance to scold him. why are you scolding me for her deed? green is good,if you give it, i will go. you will know it.- i know, that is why i am asking you. for everything you accuse me. if i get angry i will beat you.- beat me, i will take you to task. will you beat me?

he is irritating me, father. will you give him your half sariif he irritates you? yes, i taught her to remove sariand give if any man irritates her. mother! you go! come to the cattle shed.- you go, i will come. cattle shed? he is calling to cattle shed,you say you will come, i am... got a tight slap!

bull! - it is not a bull, it is a cow.- you stop it. i will kill him in a day or two. if you kill him for this, what would you do for hisprank in gita’s marriage? what did he do? shut up! why rake up past? you keep quiet first. tell me what did he do? gita’s marriage wasgoing on one side...

he took her to the room andasked her to elope with him. is it true, gita? please, let us elope, listen to me. it is true, forget it. come here. what brother?- you know this? i do not know. sit here, i will tell you. you fell down, that is the matter.

what a good prank! i will put a simple riddle,will you answer it? come on ask me. what is it that comes closerwhen called up on, with hand on cheek,shout loudly, what is it, brother? with hand on cheek,shouts loudly? i do not know, you answer it. sure? - sure.- come closer. it is you, brother.

you are dead today. you will die today in my hands.- oh ghost! do you have sense?- what happened? how dare you ask gita to elopewith you while she is marrying? what is your problem?for not asking you? who will dare to scratch you?no man with sense dare touch you. except some fool! stop, i can imaginewhat had happened, ajay would have teased you andyou are rushing to beat him,

am i right?- right. why? you are seeing girija with love,but she is looking at you like dog, do you know what you should do tomake her look at you with love? what should i do? give this rose to ajay.- to ajay? what is this twist? this is gandhigiri.there is a twist in the story here. if you give this rose to ajaywhile girija is watching, girija will see a munna bhai in you,

after that love, then marriage, after that a child with your features... whatever you say?no man will ever love you. there are many to love me. even my physics teacher ogles at me.- oh god! a boy gives me flower every day. look, a boy is giving me floweras you watch. what is this friendship brother?- shut up!

what happened? ajay is teasing girija.- yes uncle. tell him to come down. you will get a stick now. will you lie that i teased you?now i will really tease you. coming. oh god! so she is k.vishwanath film at homeand k.raghavendra rao film outside. i will show her ajay film!

yuck! off late heroines havebecome like club dancers. will not their dads see these pictures? uncle, look at my bum! looks like our girija!- not like girija, but wearing a shorts. oh god! look she is holdinga glass in hand. glass is filled with drink, look! cries of enemy issweet music to ears! where is he?- upstairs. bash him up! i will kill you today andcall a press meet.

o my dear, my two plaited beauty i am worse than you do not cross my path do not spoil a good boy come to me...naughty come to cat walking beauty..,thin waist do not rock my life if you do not want to talk to me

if you want friendship,i am a hero man if anyone dares go against me,i will take his life your eyes are double barrel gun do not fire at my little heart you are thin baby taliban your shouts cannot scare me,andhra shahrukh khan will you come to a film? film.., film.., ntr film! will you see his filmand dance like him?

sword fight like kantha rao i was born before you,challenging me stop getting smart with me i am a good man in appearance dealing with me is tough stop acting naive and innocent i am a man, do not incite me,it is loss to you only that is all! why are you so dejected?watch out now!

play! what is exactly is your problem? the exact problem is,sister loves roses. we did not know thisand gave it to ajay. as repentance, i have filledsister’s room with roses. she asked who sent it,i said muddukrishna. i did not take out a print,muddukrishna did it. why would he do it?- i do not know, go ask him. if sister asks, tell it is you.

muddu! is it you?- yes, it is me. grandpa! girija is slapping me. i took up to a print, why did youimprint your hand on his cheek? bloody fool!you damaged my image. i did not damage it, in fact helped younot to manage it anymore. now you can happily bewhat you are. why are you botheredabout my character? because i like your real characterof doing what you like. if i am wrong, please forgive me.

if it is big sin, still forgive me.what to do? sub jail, chittoor! brother is coming out. brother! why did he go to the jail?- brother hit dsps son. move man!dsps son how dare you beat me with ball? do you know who i am?i will kill you. how dare you beat my son?book a case and arrest him. brother many happy returns.

many happy returns?i am coming out of jail. not from switzerland. brother, our bus is ready,let us to go our village. i did not spend 3 monthsin jail to go home silently. 3 months...3 is burning inside. it is boiling! what shall we do now?shall we finish dsp? not dsp! jayamma, it is 3 month gap...- move away! it is 3 month gap...- leave me, fool!

trouble has erupted again betweenyour brother-in-law seshadri & mahendra. if you stay here, you will die,go to your village. who will dare kill me?come in please... shut up...idly is steaming! we can come back before it steams.come in please. how can we go in?my husband is inside. whose husband? your husband? no, your husband.mrithyunjaya naidu. uncle! what is he doing here?he is coming!

nephew! you came her straightfrom jail, right uncle? yes, i came straight here,never stopped at anywhere. uncle, you are also burning inside, right? heat is unbearable.- bloody idiot! did you see boys?uncle is real man! i came here to clear that doubt. tell me uncle, when shall webump off that mahendra? he must give us a chance first.- how shall we do it?

at an opportune timewhen there is no one around! why do you also say timelike my father? i will leave this eatery only after killingat least one man in mahendra’s camp. me too! children! hey! get me only one...dozen bottles. have a go! hey cool drink for you. muddu, cool drink for you.

cheating girl. i hear dts sounds inside,my urine bladder is full. dear, cool drink for you. my hands are busy,pour into mouth please. pour girija! wait! it is houseful! i thought of teasing himbut caught up with this fool. come on pour it!

it is houseful here too! each one should have a bathroom,only then country will be clean, and body too! what are you doing?- giving it a water wash. cool drink with your handsis like intoxicating liquor. come on pour girija! i do not know what to do,let anything happen. my style is different! get up, telugu warrior!

unzip your pant! to free the body, urinate out! pour correctly, girija. just now i knew it is so happy. into my mouth? red half sari! but her! it is coming after your red dress,move aside! where is your half sari?- ajay stripped it. she is thanking god forajay stripping her half sari.

my fate! it is all your parenting. yes, i taught her to thank godif anyone strips her half sari. shut up!there is nothing worse than this. somebody pissed on my face. this is worse than that. if your uncle knows you put thecloth on the statue, he will kill you. you know about the statueand the story behind it. your father left this housebecause of him only. stop, uncle!

it was not ajay’s mistake. bull chased me seeing in red sari,he removed and threw it. it fell on the statue. if he had not done that,i would be dead by now. you are saved becauseof girija today, if you do anything likethis again, i will kill you. no, i must thank you.- yes, you must thank me. if i had not saved your life,your statue would stand next to it. i can never understand you.

he will not meet anyone. tell me who has to die,how much advance? how much after job is done? mangapuram 10 kms call him. hey ajay! come here. why did you call me? take is my happy birthday. but i do not see happinesson your face.

just wishes will not do, she is crying becausethere is no cake also to cut, get a cake from the town. uncle will beat meif i go out of the village. find someone else. i will kiss you,if you get me a cake. tell him like that. girija, do not talk to him. your father told me to seethat you do not talk to him.

tell me if you need anything. it seems girija will kiss anyonewho brings cake from the town. i will get it. i will change dress. after bringing cake,i must brush the teeth. but i do not know to drive. ajay, you come with me.- why me? when i go at 120 kms speed,who will carry the cake safely? come with me. he is going overboard.will take him to task.

about the kiss, it is for you only. getting into romantic mood,fallen in love? nothing like that. how many people did youkiss by betting? i want to be good,but you never allow it. even if i do, when i think aboutgita’s matter, i want to kill you. you are angry aboutgita’s matter, right? okay, i will tell you the truth. that day, i did not call gita to theroom, in fact she called me.

please listen to me.take me somewhere and marry me. it is not big deal to take you. if i take you, they will neverforgive me in this life. even that is not stopping me. they will say like father like son. i do not want them to say it. open the it...what is she doing in? - open the door. what should i do now? looks like everyone inthe family will know it.

open the door, gita. come quickly,what are you doing inside? gita, i love you, let us elope.please listen to me. will you elope with my daughter? okay? clear now? brother-in-law! how come you are here?uncle will kill us if he comes to know. i did not come just like that,i have a love message from sister. for you only, sister sent it.

he has gone into coma. brother-in-law! half sari message. oh dear! feeling shy already! a pining that is heart breaking... tell me my it pangs of separation in heart? is it bliss to forget yourself? laugh it out open out your secrets though surrounded by hurdles

in the hidden honeycombs i came like a dragonflybut found honey in my lap millions were after me you took me awaywith just one sight let me taste the sweetness ofyour song and kiss, come dear what is this anxiety?what is this overwhelming feeling? i am having strange feelings i have seen your virgin beautytoday only i have arrested you in my heartwith my manliness

i was like a statue,i was cursed one i have seen love hidden deep inside i have become queen in your heart ebullient youth is askingfor new tastes take revenge on my thin waist your structure is ravishing appear romantically to me till yesterday i said many things,called you informally today i am standing silentlyunable to say anything

that is normal, dear,it is called as love it brings two hearts closer i discovered myself in your eyes i opened my heart for you only come on dear, scold me i smiled when you cried i discovered nowall smiles were for you my love has blossomed,under the sari your pink cheeks havenarrated the love tales

oh god my secrets!do not open it with a green half sari,you trapped me i have not had much good times in life,show it to me now i was waiting for you tochange your route i took you to my routeand changed you ajay, stop in that eatery,savouries are tasty here. will not you get tasty savoury at home? stop the car man. jayamma, an omelettewith fresh laid egg.

i will burn you with freshly burnt spatula. come here boys! take your hands off him. which place are you from? which place i am asking you? why do not you talk to me?are you dumb? have you lost power of speechin the fear of seeing me? bloody! i will thrash you! bloody wastrel!why are you talking too much?

i will stab you, why do you wantto know our details? i will cut it.- what? you asked me who am i?i will tell you. mahendra naidu’s relative. you...!mahendra naidu’s relatives. i blurted out in emotion.get out from here fast. go...danger! catch them! start the vehicles!

watch in the front! how did you let them to godespite so tight security? come i am scared!- what to do now? where will you go now? save me... away... sit here...sit here... brother, please...please, listen to me once...

just once please. brother, they are kids. settle it between elders,leave us kids. please brother. please brother, kids...please leave us, brother. i am telling you, please leave us. leave me! they spilled chili powder into my eyes! dare beat now!

are you fine? come! that family is mine,they are my people! you have to take on me firstbefore you reach them. remember that! like father like son! he too never cared about the family. you too have become like him. uncle, please listen to me.

what is there for you to say?- brother-in-law! take him away, why are youcalling him brother-in-law? kick him...kick him andthrow him out. he took the children out.kick him. please listen to what i say.- shut up! we are done with you,never show your face to me again. go away! though we were so many,we could not kill one man. we could not becausewe were too many.

yes, we took it easy becausewe outnumbered them. he hit us softly butwe took it hard. shut up bastards!do not tell this to anyone at home. he too never cared about the too have become like him. unable to harm us here, seshadri gotour relatives killed in madras, he is the man who did it.move away. move, kill him. uncle, you will kill him now,what will happen in future? they will go to another placeand kill our relatives,

we will start with him and wipe outentire clan of seshadri. what will they do then?move away. before you kill their family,they will kill few in our family, who gave you or them the rightto sacrifice lives of innocents? what do you want us to do? you want us to leave himand sit like eunuchs. why are you talking to him? he is inspired bypuchchalapalli sundarayya. he removed reddy from his nameand he removed naidu.

he too donated like him all thewealth he got as his share. he made slaves to become bossesas we watched. he is misfit in our family.throw him out. want to kill him,go ahead kill him. kill him but remember one thing, the moment he dies,i will stand along with seshadri naidu. when he comes to knowabout this killing, he will kill at least one manin our family, i will become that one man.- do not listen to him, kill him.

stop! you know very well about him. when he says, he will do it. will you let him die willingly? go! uncle! stop... uncle... brother! we are done with you forever. never show your face to me again.go away!

son that is your family. they may say you anythinggetting angry on me, you do not care about it, never leave that home. this is my last wish, son. everything happened because of me. uncles are not listening to me.something may happen to him. do not worry sister,brother-in-law will be safe. he beat 20 people,he can send another 20 into coma.

but i am not scared about that. i am scared of anything happeningto us in his absence. do not stop, get going! breaking news! popular politician mahendra naiduof chittoor district, his family was attacked with bombssimultaneously at home and on him. but all of them escapedwith small wounds. grandpa always told you area well-wisher of both families, that is why i have come to you,

if there is problem, they have tosettle it between themselves, what is this trying to killwomen and children? i have tried to tell themin many ways, seshadri says they started it,i will finish it. not they, i will finish them. such a big feud for killing one man, if you do anything in rashness, and if anyone gets killed again, it will become a deadly neverending battle of death.

uncle! remember me? i do not have any necessityto remember anyone, let it be anyone,he must only remember me. are you here to fight me? when two fight, it is fighting, you do not call it fightif one beats up another, you call it thrashing.- you mean, will you thrash me now? i will beat you so that you will not get up. will you thrash me so thati am useless for anything?

are you useful for anything? same thing my concubine too told me. you have a concubine too?- did you see face? why are you diverting the topic?who chased us yesterday? seshadri naidu’s youngest son. where is he now?- how would i know? he will be in some hospitalgetting beaten up you. go and find. look down!

tell me. if you promise to leave me,i will give you an idea. will not you tell without promise?this is not option, this is a threat. tell me...tell me...- i will tell. seshadri naidu dotes his daughter. he loves his son-in-law very much. his son-in-law is coming in a trainfrom bangalore to see her. if you want kill him. brother, you are giving me an idea,

i am sure a big army will be therein station to receive him. if take away the knife,i will tell you another idea. you kill him is the earlier station. how will he look like? hey stop! is it pure water or bore water?- pure bore water. never cheat customers.- are you seshadri’s son-in-law? yes...why? - look there,people are coming to kill you. come on...- who are they?

your father-in-laws enemies,if they get you, you are dead. run away!- my bag is in the train, i will get it. you want bag or life? i did not know my father-in-lawhas so many enemies here. they belong to other state. then, tirupathi venkatesha,kanipakkam ganesha. lord! why did you let my wifetake birth here? brother, run without seeing behind. you too come after me.

he is coming amidst blasting bombs. i think his body is bomb proof. send us away, we will face our fates. it is not safe to be outside now.- is it safe here? this house has been bombed,there is no safety here also. anyway, it is not good for you toplay with our lives for your politics. did not you think about this whenyou sought favours from me? i will do what i have to,sit tight here. guru...

seshadri naidu, mahendra hascome to compromise. purushottam naidu will call youfor a compromise. do not let the opportunity go. it is good for you andyour supporters like me. will mahendra givehis mp seat to me? who is he to give me?is he cm or high command? will he give seat?tell him, we will take it by force. yes, father.we will not spare him. did you hear my sons?

i will spare them only when my deadbrother-in-law comes back alive. let bygones be bygones. do not worry about past,watch what is unfolding in future. has his ground shaken witha bomb going off on his head? from tomorrow a bombwill go off every day. tell him to keep watching it. excellent brother!you spoke like a great man! sir, son-in-law is not in the train.- what happened? only his luggage is there.

did you search entire train?- we have sir. it seems son-in-law is missing. by now he would have killed him.- whom? - that guy! what if he misses himand gets caught? what if he gets caught and tellsthem i gave the information? whom?- to them! so, i will go and tell them thathe has kidnapped him. by the way, who is this he?- i will tell them who is that he? so many are here, find thewhereabouts of son-in-law.

father-in-law! son-in-law! what happened son-in-law? i almost died reaching here. tell me clearly, brother-in-law.did anyone tried to kill you? not just one but many tried to kill me. they threw bombs at me,they gave me a tour of chittoor. though i am a software engineer,they behaved very hard with me. god came as brother andsaved me in time.

who is he? he said he is enemy of your enemy.- who is the enemy? you look like a kid,what is your enmity with him? mahendra naidu ismy father’s enemy. i share not only my father’s bloodbut his enmity too. brother, superb. what is the enmity betweenyour father and mahendra? my father and mahendra wereonce close friends, my father used to look after hisbusiness interests in hyderabad,

once a building built by my fathercame crashing down, he accused my father did it, after some time real estate crashed, my father was accused of doing it too. what is the connection betweencrumbling real estate and your father? that is what my father wentand asked him. what did he say? he asked him but did not get any reply. he was beaten up and sent to jail.

i came to mangapuram to askwhy they sent my father to jail? - then? when i went there, house was empty. then i came to know they are hidingin fear from tiger seshadri. with no other way to go,i went back to railway station. at the same time, his peoplewere after brother’s life... mahendra naidu’s mankidnapped son-n-law. me only? they tried but brother saved me.- which brother? this brother!

this brother? how did you save my brother-in-lawfrom a big gang? i feel from their inquiry that they arenot happy about saving your life. yes, i too feel the same. at least you tell them, father-in-law. let him be anyone, he saved ourson-in-law, so he is our man now. that is not the main issue, main thing is how did theyknow about his train journey. find that first.

son-in-law, come to see my grandson.come. - come brother. where are you going man?what is this twist? he says you saved his life.- ask him. cannot you tell me? this is not a threat, just a question. what is the use in killing him? i am here to kill the family head himself. kill head of the family?- will you dare stop me? i will tell him now.- i will also tell him.

what will you tell him?- that you gave the railway station idea. you have afflicted me like swine flu. i have already booked seatfor you in kindergarten. brother! how is my son? very handsome! absolutely no resemblance with you. he resembles elderly man. i will take leave now.- have food and go, brother. my stomach is full aftermeeting the elderly man,

this is enough for this life, this is my last meeting. hold him, lakshmi. stop...stop...stop...why did you say last meeting? i saved your life,so they will not spare me. they know all the details about me.they will kill me. by now people would be waiting forme in bus stand and railway station. how can you go now, brother? no problem, i saved your life,i was lucky to meet lion,

this is enough for this life. stop brother. father-in-law, he save my lifeand put his life in danger, please save him, father-in-law. if he is so scared,let him stay here for few days. your order, i will stay sir. father-in-law said, your life is safe can stay here bravely. arrange for his stay here.- should i do it? you heard it right, come.

what is your scheme?- you want coaching? are you staying here?- elderly man asked me to stay. do you know why i hit you?- i do not know. to tell you that, i suspect you.- cannot you say it with mouth? hereafter i will keep an eye on you. do not smile like mad man, hold it. this is common to me. do you know why i hit you?- i think you too suspect me. not only that, other than menobody should sit in this chair.

got it? you know about that chair, right?why did not you tell me? you said you will run over them,to let you know them i keep quiet. actually people here...- please do not touch that bottle also. why? - when elderly man kills mahendra naidu,saved it to celebrate then. that is it! i knew they were fools butdid not think they were so foolish. you may not know this,my brother-in-law is crook, my brother-in-laws sons areworse crooks than him.

flash news!- what is it? i am worse crook thanthey all together. brothers are suspecting him,stay with him and find about him. i am totally confused. what if i kill ajay? you do not have that capacity, uncle. he went that side,when did he go this side? who is it?- brahmam...parabrahmam. check the fancy number!

is it you brother? i did not see your fancy numberin tension, brother. i told you to chant my namewhenever you feel tension. this tension is giving meloose motions. a boy is giving me jitters. stop the rhyme and tell me his details. brother, you must come here.- i will come. - when? heroes will not come first or last, they will come at the right time.i am a real hero.

oh my god! why is he coming here? hey das! what happened to you?why do not you talk to me? what happened to him? somebody hit his head,brain damaged. did not you see in films, if you hit onhead again, he will regain memory. right! where is the baton? looks like it will work,hit him whenever anyone is free. you come brother. hit him.

who are you? what is this brother?- why did you get worried on seeing das? who are you really? he is...- stop! do not tell me stories, tell me,who you really are? i will tell you the truth, listen calmly.- tell me. mahendra naidu is my paternal uncle. after that...- stop! i will tell the rest. you came to the station to leave,your people attacked me there,

you saw it and saved me, you are great! what would have had happenedto me if you were not there? it seems lord rama hadone such brother then, now, only i have one such brother.- yes brother. - in the form of you. how easy my job would beif everyone here is like him? i will remove god screensaver frommy computer and use your photo. i do not know why, on seeing yourface i felt like saving you, brother. by the way, what are youdoing here, then?

will you kill my father-in-law? if i had that idea, my entry stylewould have been completely different. why did you come here then? i will make them not to attack us.- how will you do it? do you know about this family? my father-in-law murdersas easily as drinking water. he goes to dargah to offer prayersand says his sins are washed. elder son, he beat his angellike wife and sent her away. not only that, he has a concubine,irony is that her name is sheelavathi,

elder son and second sonhave drinks together always, if anyone turns against them,they both join to kill him, and second liked a girl, her father and my father-in-laware friends, they were playing chess in the marriageand had a problem in the game, check!- no! why are you playing cheating game? why did you spoil the board, buffalo? second son beat his father-in-lawfor calling names.

how dare you scold my father! with that marriage stopped. what next?his story started all over again. if these two are like this,how can the third son be normal? forget about said about some dargah! my father-in-law believes mastan baba. got any idea? your infant son is having fever. hail mastan baba!

at least one man inthat family must die. peer sahib, come in. how are you seshadri?- i am fine. my grandson is having fever. my son-in-law wants you toward off evil eye cast on him, so i called you here. where is the child?- it is with him only. come. go out...go out...move away... satan! go out!

go out satan! move away! here is the satan! come out....come out...come out... who are you?how dare you call me a satan! i am calling you, come out....- you bloody! lady satan has hit me. go out satan! go! go out!

will you lie if i pay? what did you say?- what did i say? i will pay rs.5000, will you lie? i will pay rs.500, will you lie?- you said rs.5000 earlier. i said that to test if you fallfor money, you do fall for money, now you are bargaining. you are a magician.- i know it. hold this! there is a satan in this house.

i sent it out from the door, but itentered again from the window, a bad thing should have happenedhere but it was not conducted, am i right? - yes sahib, following traditionsmy sister should have become a widow, but we have not yet done it. that is why satan is refusing to go. is not there any way to send it out?- there is a way. even if you sneeze, there is. a good function must happenhere by full moon day, till then no bad thingmust happen here.

nobody in the house musthold a weapon. nobody’s hand must get wet with blood. must not kill anyone. full moon day is 1o days away,we cannot wait till then. we have a plan to wipe outentire mahendras family. if you have a plan, wipe it and sleep on it. impossible! must make it possible.- why? for the infants health you must do it.

impossible.- then i am going away. you wait.- me or him? not you sahib!i will do anything for my grandson. i will arrange for his cradlingceremony in 10 days. forget about guns, sickles,bombs for next 10 days. be peaceful without any fights.- okay, now i am leaving happily. yours is in mine hands.- hold it and come after me. can live peacefully for 10 days. who is there?- sir.

call mrithyunjaya naiduwherever he may be. he must be here by morning. go. if becomes here, you are finished. let him come, i will take care. sir, i am rangaiah,father wants you at home. i made a vow to come home onlyafter killing one in that family. peer sahib has told us not todo any bad thing for 10 days. my father believes blindlywhatever anyone says. he wants you at homebefore morning.

then, i will go tonight andkill someone in that family. do not tell about this to my father. come on boys. i must go to my village immediately. alert! enemy has entered village alone.- come on! go that side. if i leave him, he will kill my people, if my people get him,they will kill him. you are the only one whohas soft corner for me,

that is why i called you through giri, he must be here for sometimefor our family’s safety. - okay. be careful.- okay sir. meet girija before going.- i will meet later, i have work. she is crying for you. that clothes are here,i came to pick it... you have come anyway, stay here. your aunt is very sad. stay but without doing any mischief.

what are you looking at?go and sleep peacefully. now that you are here,how can we be peaceful anymore? he is shameless, we neckedhim out, but he is back here. though we are abusing himon face, look at his smile. where are you coming?go to sleep. come. come. who are you searching? blanket. have you started it all over again?

what is this kiss? i will get down slowly,i must get used to it. you smiled, i will go now.- where to? i must go, i have urgent work. why did you come if you had to leave? to see you smile. okay, go. but do something before you gowhich i can never forget. girija! i always think of you only

girija! you are my breathe girija! you are my desire i gave my heart to you i am means you you are my heart you rule my thoughts you are mine, i like you you gave meaning tomy happiness i see you and love as same

you are my dream always my eyes see only you i hear your voice onlyin the wind whatever i say, you are on thetip of my lip always i am living in your love world you are my dream girl,the girl i love deeply" you are taking over my every cell shall i wake up every morningin the warmth of your arms? may i live all my life in thecool moonlight of your love?

though it was written on the wall,i saw it today only whether you agree or not,i was born for you only trust me i am not myself anymore i will be with you in all my births am i not your heart, soul,love and everything? shall i become a part of your life? i accepted this beauty withboth hands as my luck may i worship your loveas gift in my heart hey stop!- brother!

where were you yesterday?- i went out, brother. why did you go outwhen you fear for life? brother...- why did you come back again? no, i will tell you....- why do not you answer me? why are you coming on me? uncle sent me out.- is it true, uncle? when did i sent you out? why are you lying now uncle?did not you send me out? why should i lie to them?

my brother-in-law is crook.his sons are worse crooks than him. promise, uncle sent me out. uncle, tell them or elsei will show it to them. stop...stop...i had only sent him out. i sent him to get medicinesfor my aches. why did you lie then?- my pain is in a place i cannot tell openly. you? looks like my brothers-in-lawmay kill you. please go away from here, brother.

they have plenty of free timeso they are concentrating on me. cradling ceremony isjust 4 days away, they will be back to theirold ways immediately. i will shift their focus to keepthem off weapons for the life. how will you do it? i will make these bachelorsinto family men, i will get them taste the family life.- how will you do it? i will follow the british rule. first i will divide them, then rule them.- i will watch all this.

check the number, its fancy number. you promise to come,will not you come till i am finished? look next to you. your fingerprints will fall on me. why did not you come with 10 men? only pigs come in groups,parabrahmam will come solo. where is the fool you told me about? look there! till now ate my brain,now he is eating an apple. did you call me unableto kick out this kid?

you do not know about him, brother,he can sell sand in desert. i can sell ice in himalayas.- he will sell us together. - shut up. how much you have in your pockets?- rs.500. how much is this? rs.750?- what is the difference? rs.250. if you are a fool, i am an idiot. uncle, just now arriving? uncle!- coming. hey kid! it seems you aredoing too much here.

who are you getting irritatedwithout any introduction? my elder brother,he has come ananthapur. is that why he is so hot? no jokes with me, i will change lives. do not get angry, elder uncle.- he is calling me uncle. he is like that, he develops relationshipsbut does what he wants to. you do something.- why are you irritating uncle? you come uncle,let us have a drink. will besome scheme in it.

what scheme will be there in whisky?you are too much uncle. where is the whisky?- there... he thinks i am also a fool like you. what is this uncle?- shut up! do you think i do not knowabout that bottle? do not i know elder one will beatif anyone touches it? you sit first, let us talk later.- i will sit. i know touching that bottle or sittingin that chair will invite trouble. not that chair, this chair, uncle.

why are you sittingin this chair, uncle? no nephew...actually... brother, it was not uncle is mistake. true? i thought otherwise. uncle sat without knowingin brothers chair, second brother slapped uncle, uncle fell on the bottleand the bottle fell down. hey shailendra! what will happenif anyone sits in that chair?

lost a bottle and uncle got slapped. bloody chair! you said there is no scheme. you wait...said there is no scheme. this is not a scheme,it is a scam, uncle. what is the difference between the two? if i plan it is scheme,if you get trapped, it is scam. i think must increase the dose. you came making great statements.- come closer. - what?

he slapped me! he is bad, moreover using a scent too.that is why we get bad smell. where is he going with scentand gaudy outfits? where else? to his concubine. we must turn his attention from herand bring his wife home. how to bring her here?- somehow we must do it. you mean? someone go to the ayurveda doctorand get medicine. i will bring, sir.

do you know who he isand where will he be? i will know it sir.- okay, go. what for sir?- for something....for my knee pain. do not announce there it isfor seshadri’s knee pain. go. if doctor is not there,get it from his wife. - okay sir. sir sent me.- why? to send you awayfrom here or kill you. i do not believe it, he knowseverything happening here. then listen it yourself.

hello sir. - what?- is the job done? - no sir. - why? he has slept after having drinks,she is here. she is not listening to me. she is scolding andwants me to go out. even after taking my name?- yes sir. hit her head with a boulder andthrow her body in the lake. i will take care of the consequences. i am thinking about doingsomething bad in vow period. but still you do not worry,i will think of something.

okay sir. boy, leave me,i will leave immediately. take it! she is faster than me. play.- i am dropping. why are you beating, brother? you lost rings with someoneand taking that anger on us. how dare you slap me?- brother, please stop fighting... please do not fight, brother.

why are you watchingtheir fight like a movie? do not you have sense? you have grown like bulls,why are you fighting? do you have any sense?have got any common sense? what is this fighting among yourselves? i am here only,if you need, call me. this is also your scheme, right? this is not a scheme,just warm up. is there more?

brother, you would not mind, will you? brothers are fighting among themselves, son-in-law is crying in fear ofsomething happening to him. you have grown so big,still fighting like kids? not worried about son-in-law in home, not worried about somethinghappening to the child. always worried about son-in-law. is he more to you than us? indeed he is more to methan you, shut up.

compared to you shakuniis very innocent. do not praise me, i fell shy, uncle. hold this.- okay madam. will you eat orshall i break your head? eat man, she will really do it.- will you eat or not? i will eat. do not play with me. that is it.- eat. if you do not eat, you will die with hunger.

open your mouth. brother, i will make a drink for you. do not worry brother.- i am not worried. i am a tiger. sir too said this, my elder son is tiger. trust me, when i said bull or buffalo,second son rebelled against me, elder son never protested, that is why i love him, he said this. when you love him so much,

why do you always doteon daughter’s child? i bravely asked him if brotherschildren were not his grandchildren? my leg is paining,can i sit on chair, brother? okay sit.- okay. elder son sent awayhis wife and kids, i can show affection onlyif they are here, he said like this. there is truth in what he said,right brother? if wife and kids are here,sir will respect you, brother. you are right.

you stand on it,i will manage the rest of it. we must tell these guysthat ajay is a cheat. this is the way to send him out. elder one! hey sheelavathi!how dare you steal my rings? you must get slapped! i think he is in different mood,let us go. he slapped you andyou slapped me. get up, freshen up,have breakfast and sleep again.

father! brother! your brain isdouble extra-large. will not you shake handswith me, uncle? no! no! there will besome scheme in it. what scheme?what will be there in a shake hand? always suspecting! sister-in-law, here is the ring. i told you there will be some scheme,you did not believe me. go and give it to brother,tell me if he does not fall for this.

strangers only take,only near ones give. brother, your brain is notdouble extra-large, it is triple. no way, is not there any endto your schemes? you keep quiet. come not there anyend to your schemes? with your grace elder oneis happy and settled, if second one gets married,he will live with your grace. yes...- how is it possible? you are in for bigger trouble.

you guessed it right, uncle. ajay is no ordinary guy, he will steal ring withoutthe finger knowing it. no use in getting drunkand sleeping like log. use your brain. brother, i will make your drink. no water please.- liver will get damaged, brother. elder brother hit you in public, it is not paining me,

sir chided you in public,it is not paining me, but you gave up your love for sir,that is paining me, brother. get up. why, brother?- sit in the chair. there are many who claimto be great here. you gave up your love for your father,you are really great, brother. they do not realise this,they never see it. if you want them to realise it,you must say yes to whatever i say. what is it?- you must marry the same girl.

only then they will come to know. if there is any problem,you are very strong. impossible. i slapped both sheand her father. i will get their acceptance, brother.- how will you do it? you will make him a fool that is all.- uncle, you keep quiet. brother, you write a love letter to her. but you must write itwith your blood. super idea, brother.uncle! with love to my dear shailaja...

fantastic brother! there must be strong words to end it. write, it is written in your blood. uncle!- great uncle! this love letter is writtenwith my blood. brother, deliver it toyour sister-in-law. sure brother.uncle donated blood for your love. will not you thank him? thanks uncle.

what happened, brother? i beg you,i will leave this place now. i cannot handle him anymore. i agree! but father must agree, right? i will get his approval, you do not worry. how will you do it?he slapped my father. he will do it, he has great manyschemes under his belt. he is no ordinary man.

greetings sir. we are calling fromseshadri naidu’s residence, you are invited for tomorrowscradling ceremony. tell them i will not come. then you please be onthe line for a minute. he will talk to you directly. please do not hang up the phone. how will you make him speak? sir, your last son mrithyunjaya isrefusing to come to the function, you talk to him once.- give it to me.

what man? it seems yourefused to come to the function. how can you stay awayfrom a function in our home? though i have so many,you know i love you the most. forget about the function,i am eager to see you. come once.- okay. are you coming sir?- i am coming. he is coming.tomorrow is the function. my plan has reached the climax. my last days are numbered.

what if i elope with jayamma forever? greetings! sir, look there!- look! there! i am very happy.i feel, is it really my home? sir, do you want this happinessto continue always? it must stay like this. then i will suggest something,you must not get angry. i will not get angry, tell me.

let us leave thatmahendra naidu’s family. i mean let us not spare himbut leave his family. but let us finish mahendraand his brother. but innocent other family members.... if we do anything,they will not keep quiet, sir. now our home is happy withdaughters-in-law and kids, if anything happensto anyone of them, will this happiness be there, sir? seshadri, what the boy says is true.

think over it. elder son, second son! i have decided not to harm anyfamily member of mahendra. father-in-law, you are a great man! brother! are you really saying this? or are you possessed by any devil? i have not decided to sparemahendra naidu, his family members only.listen to me. do not try to teach me,let better sense in you prevail.

i have been watching you allsince last 10 days, everyone in home has changed, forgotten about a death completely, elder one is after his wife, second one is romancing that girl, you are happy with your grandson, all have forgotten about revengeand celebrating happily. shut up. i am feeling sad for yourhusband’s death.

i have not forgotten about the revenge.go inside. beau!- 90% problem is solved. nobody will come afterour family anymore. you can go back to your homes.tell everyone there. let anyone go anywhere,i will be here only. waiting for you. no... i will not listen,i will be there wherever you are. i will always be with you only.

happy-go-lucky! full mass! twist dance! romance is pulling metowards it hot chunnis are unstoppablewith desires you are major, i am major it is danger if you and meare near each other let us tie the knot andchange the future have a blast!

young man’s temper is raising my pulse is racing upin anticipation why hesitate says my x-ray vision you will taste the bliss why are you rushing for it? do not hit a sixerwhen you get the chance get jasmine flowers in advance go for it with full throttle let us tie knot assivamani plays the drum

let us tie the knotat the earliest just kiss me once no boyish mischief with me i do not know anything forgive me for coming late.- anyway you came, that is enough what are you doing here? do you know him? who do you think he is?he is mahendra naidu’s nephew am i mahendra naidu’s nephew?

he has mistaken mefor someone else he is the man who beat meand junior boss. bloody bas... brother, listen to me. brother, your last brother is safewith us in my village. brother.- got caught, brother. catch him! do not leave him. catch him! it seems seshadri naidu’s sonis somewhere here only.

search and kill him! our people have cometo know about you. i will take you to the outskirts of village,escape from there. let them come, i will take care. calm down, they are many,if they find, you are dead. come fast! come this side. uncle, not beat him. kill him...- please listen to me.

uncle no!- uncle no please do not kill him... move! you ask him to stop. you are kids, stay out of it,go home. go! then act like elders! ajay hid him here,if you kill him now, it will be back to square one. brother, please listen to me. i do not think we will go alive from here.

i have hope, ajay will save us. shut up! how can he save us?- you shut up! who do you think has beenprotecting us till now? not your brothers orbulls they are raising. it is ajay! you are playing with our livesin the name of revenge. ajay is fighting with themrisking his life. i have added fuel to the firewith great schemes, will you put off that fire andbring peace to the feuding families.

now i can see the hesitation ofarjuna on seeing the kaurava army. you think you are the director,no just an actor, we are the real directors. i will tell you a news before you die. we killed garika naidu. this constituency either goesto mahendra or seshadri. should not a third manraise up the ranks? do not i desire to be an mp? do not i feel like making money?

that is why i added fuel to the fire. you will die here andmrithyunjaya will die there. i did not stop losing out. i kept quiet to know your intentions. you say we...who else is with you? tell me. will not you?- i will tell. purushottam naidu! he promised to make me an mpand run the show from behind. he told me about you stayingin seshadri’s house.

he made me to open this with them. i do not know,i got stuck between you both. sir, he is the real culprit. today you are dead. sir, you are an elder person,listen to me. what are you waiting for?kill him. come on! had i feared death,i would not have entered this place! come on...bloody! stop!

seshadri, here is your son. if you believe we had killedyour brother-in-law, we are ready to faceany punishment. uncle, garika naidu was notkilled by our men, he killed him! catch him, brother. shailendra, stop!why are you killing him? hand him over to your aunt. come son, let us go home.

uncle, one minute. i know grandpa,you are behind all this. if i tell your name,they will kill you in minutes. i do not want that to happen. you must live rest of your lifewith a regret that a boy spared it. i want that only. retire from life also alongwith active politics. if not i will kill you, grandpa.i will do it. bye guru.

we have become kinsmen. greetings mp! greetings.- mp! is it nice to hear? that is ajay’s victory story. when he could so much,why did he do like that with gita? okay, issue has come to this point,so i will tell you the truth, gita called him to the room andexpressed love and proposed to elope. why do not you say something? silly girl! he would have lied to you.

he asked me to elope with him. really?- i swear on mother. skirts, half saris and saris! what happened to her?- she knows about us. knows! i was young and ignorant! she was little beautiful then! you were not in full form then,i mean! why are you leaving as if it is over?

that is right! you must also see the peoplewho made this film, right? see it happily! hollywood or bollywood,i am a star! a monday or sunday, i am happy i am ready always for any fight a hundred note!it is mine brother that is mine. how can you prove it?

100 is printed on it,gandhi photo is on it down, there is governors sign. take it. he remembers everything. hot sun or rains uncle, i will tell you something,do not get tensed. what is it?- do not get tensed. do not beat me, i am sad.- why are you sad? do you know who came to my room inwhite sari and sporting jasmine in hair?

who came?- nobody came, that is why i am sad. why not give your daughterin marriage to me? - you. going to london, europe. forgetting it is never forget those behind this after earning millions,if you do not give any charity if your parents do not see you drunk any place any time any time any day

though there are any number of stars,ntr is the best taj mahal is best thanany biggest building chilli bajji is best comparedto pizzas, burgers and sandwiches

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