
duniyadari marathi full movie watch online

Thursday, April 27, 2017

'mumbai, many years ago.hanuman theatre, lalbaug.' wonderful, madam! wonderful! "this january coldburns up my body." "don't take up, darling,a night shift regularly." "my tender body beckons." "beautiful night goes to waste." "how much more do i endure?" "let the siren.." "let the siren of your mills sound."

"listen to her, sir." "accept it quickly." "don't get her wrong." "the girl has gone crazy." "it's night-shift tomorrow." "don't leave this gamein the middle." "my heart is beating is racing." "eyelids are in a hurry." "they are twitching a lot."

"i tried so hard,but the eyelids don't stop." "insane drunkard.this night never ends." "how do i restrain it?" "how do i control myself?" "the cupid is troubling me." 'mumbai, 2010.' how are you, mr. dhanraj? welcome, mr. dhuri. have a seat. your housing loan hasbeen sanctioned.

i'd need your signatures on a form. yes. sign next to the cross marks. and i have to give you a receiptof your advanced payment. i'll be back in a moment. anand, are you sure you wantto take this apartment? of course. actually, dad said,"why don't you try at shivaji park?" he's willing to help us.

i don't want your father's money. sorry. but why parel? because there existeda mill on this land. my father worked there for 35 years. - let's go.- where? just come with me. amazing. anand, why did you bringme on the terrace?

what's up here worth watching? can you see that tenement?- which one? right next to that tall building. the one on the left?- no, on the right. those houses with earthen tiled roofs.- yes. yes. we'd live there. laxmi cottage. if you go straight, you'll cometo the parel t.t. road. my school was there.shirodkar high school. a group of four or fivewould go together.

if we took the shortcut,we'd reach in five minutes. that's the k.e.m hospital. which one?the one with earthen tiled roof? no. that dome-like structure. just opposite to itis wadia hospital. that stone structure. you know wadia hospital?- no. the whole of parel tookbirth in that hospital. the moment a girl gets married..

..she'd register hername over there. that's so funny. yes. i was also born there. the dining hall of our apartmentat shivaji park.. ..we'd all live togetherin a room half its size. mother, father, naru,manju, mohan and i. we all were naughty.we'd wreak havoc. everyone was poor. and what was the name of the tenement?laxmi cottage.

manda.- yes. make some tea.- okay. writer, what are you writing? what can i write in this chaos? mother, give me that glass. listen. don't use up all the water.i just filled it. - okay. 'right arm over the wicket.this is the first delivery.' 'and it's a full-toss.and it was struck..' why are you bowling a full-toss,you shameless?

give me 250gm yellow lentils. give it to me quickly.what's the delay? take this. - what?- the money. give me the rest of the money. idiot, where are you lost? papa..- you'll ruin the business. - no.. instead of ten, you're givingher a rs.100 note, you fool. who's peeing from up there?

oh, god! a wicket has fallen!- 'that's a great delivery.' darn you! keep it close to your heart andlisten to your transistor. i'll burn it in a stoveonce and for all. idiot, come out and look howmuch water you've spilled. mother, i won't cleanit. i'm telling you. give me the transistor. go away. zaheer's wickethas just fallen. we have a chance to win.

naru brought that's not yours. give it to me.- the cells are mine. don't irritate me. mohan, give it to me.i have to listen to 'vividh bharati'. this is a different matter.go water the basil plant. stop this nonsense! is this a house or a fish market? i can't write a linein this madness. all these years,he could write only one line. i'll slap you, manju.- will i take it? - manju!

quiet. let him write. what is he going toachieve by writing? it's no use writing is this house. then find some other place.great writer, are you? have you ever earned evenrs.5 for the house? rane's daughter savita gets rs.75.. ..from the newspaperfor her recipes. don't compare those uselessrecipes to my writing? i'm writing a new play forthe prithvi festival.

it seems we'll watch your playat prithvi (earth) in heaven. why recite sermons to donkeys? there's only money onyour rotten minds. what else do we think if we havea freeloader in the house? if you really feel so bad,then go take up a job. don't talk to me about job again. i'll go away now. all day they talk about job, or job. can't find peace even fora couple of minutes.

give it to me.- manju! manju! manju, give me the transistor. i want to listen to thematch commentary. manju! manju!- oh, mother! sorry.- why are you saying sorry? no, actually..- what? are you wearing only a towel? aunt, you're too talk nonsense. mother! mother!

mother, if a wicketfalls in this while.. ..i'll break manju's legs.i tell you. to hell with your cricket. will you take a leave becauseof the match? - i'm going. give me tea quickly. "give me tea quickly." he's a cricket fanatic.he doesn't care about anything else. nirupa roy, ashok kumar is here. what happened?- i'll tell you.

will you give a glassof water first? manju, come in the kitchen!give your father a glass of water. will mohan's hands rot andfall if he gives it? manju, i'll slap you.- i'll give you a fitting reply. go ask your father first.- go away! - hey! aren't you done with themorning squabbles? they don't let me live inpeace even for a while. you're lucky. the youngestson is not home. where has naru gone?

he didn't give me mutton, ganya.he was acting arrogant. how dare usman do that?did he say that to you? yes. he's become arrogantdue to his mutton business. he refused when i asked him to give. did you tell him i wanted it? i..told him. but he said,"i don't know naru." "i won't give the mutton." he slapped me on my cheek.look at the marks. where?

it doesn't last so disappeared. i told him, "don't argue withme unnecessarily. i'm telling you." "if naru deals with you,you'll be in trouble." so the bearded guy pun..- punched. punched me in my hurts here, you know. there he is sleeping.- darn you! rascal! - hit him! you hit my friend!- brother naru! what happened? i'll butcher you and hang you here!got it? - brother naru! rascal!- what happened?

brother naru, why areyou hitting him? why are you hitting him?- what do you mean why? i sent him to get some mutton.he didn't give it. instead, he hit this kid. rascal! brother naru, listen to me. usman, i'll burn your shop. i won't wait for the riots.i'm telling you. why did you hit him? he didn't say anything.he was bullying me.

he should have said thathe's naru's friend. didn't you tell him? he shouldn't know thati'm your right hand. are you crazy?you want to instigate a fight. he hit me. sorry, usman. okay, now give me 2kg mutton.- pack 2kg mutton. i'll go get a shave.take the mutton home. sorry, usman. sorry, brother.- okay.

sorry, buddy.- make the pieces small. add liver pieces too.- add liver pieces. quickly.- yes, boss. pack this.- what do you call that.. testicles? add testicles as well.- add testicles. don't act smart. play properly. "i was flying a kite.." hi, padma khanna.

what is it, idiot?what did you bring? mutton. aunt, naru has sent mutton. to prepare mutton dry and liver fry. i'll fry my liver andserve it to naru. lunch is ready. listen, have your tea. i'd have brought it much earlier. but usman was acting difficult.

what kind of acting? it's not that kind of acting asin plays. i was just joking. you brought the mutton. who will bring ginger, chilies,coriander and tomatoes? naru's father? i'll get it. i've beendoing that till now. i'll give you all that. the kid had brought do prepare it. we'd also have some.

this greedy woman iswaiting for that. quiet. don't talk nonsense.- she's right. when will "his highness" come? he's in a saloon getting fresh. you too join us over lunch. okay?- yes, fine. i'll surely come. sister manju, the sari is wonderful. uncle.- yes. get your pajama washed sometimes.- go away!

may you rot in hell!- mohan, sit down and have your tea. i'll be late at the office. when don't you go late? take this. drink it quickly, dear. yes, serve tea to the kids.give them lunchboxes. don't give me anything though. have patience. let the working people leave. really? i'm the only one unemployedin the family.

and where is she going so decked up? she's going to learnat chitra's beauty parlor. really?- yes. i'll get paid from thefirst of next month. mother, i took rs.12 from the rack.- okay. manju! manju!- i'll give it to you later. i'd kept the money for the flour.- let her go. let her go. these kids won't listen. you're lucky, girl.

you don't have such nuisance. i've been waiting for thatnuisance since 12 years. oh, god! no. no. listen. listen.i didn't mean.. can't you think before you talk? by mistake..- okay. dharmendra. hema malini.i'm leaving. okay, bye. listen, i'll give you tea. dharam.

"when the train leavesthe station.." what now? i'll be getting the cassette at night.'ek duje ke liye'. what do you mean? drop by at night and i'll tell you. aunt, you're too do that everyday. what happened?- where? nothing. it's nothing. what happened? did you meet the leader?

what about the money? it's been six months since theworkers have got their salary. who will think about retiredworkers like me? but mr. khaitan has saidhe'll pay all the workers. that's what i've beenhearing for six months. only assurances.- i know. but mr. khaitan is a nice man. there's some decency left in him. but his son-in-law isvery cunning. rascal.

i had a couple of jewelryleft till last week. we sold that too. it's the same in every family. you don't get money if you retire. and you don't get it evenif you go to work. only lord pandurang knows whathe's written in our fates. what's that?- read it. where are you going? ganya, come here. come here.- let go of my hand.

what? what happened? - what hasn't?they are taking away our livelihood. this section will be shutfrom tomorrow. read it. hey, what's going on? don't shout. i'll slap you. it's management's orders. how is that possible?- don't ask me anything. then who should we ask? who?- how would i know? sit. sit down.- yes, okay. - sit right here. ganya, call rane.- call rane!

call rane! - call rane!- shut down the machines. call rane!- call rane! sir, look what they are doing. hey, you.- what? why are you puttingup all these notices? who asked you toput up these notices? rane, i was ordered to put upthese notices. i did that. why are you angry with me? you management's broker!

don't hit me.- is the union dead or what? govind.- do you know who you're talking to? you're putting up notices. take this and give it to the owner. let's go.- what are you looking at? rane, tell him. he can't hit me. go away.- darn it. govind, what's the use oftearing off the notice? do you want us to remain silent?

let's talk to the doctor. this is not the way to behave. i think we should take thematter to the police. calm down, son. unions are tough to deal with. you need to think with a cool head. by the way, what is thereaction of the workers? sir, processing workershave become violent. now, workers from the spinningand weaving departments..

..have struck workand are protesting. so let them. how long with they strike work? look, my son..- papa, if we go soft on the workers.. ..they will dictate terms to us.- okay. but let us thinkhow to tackle that doctor. sir. - yes.- dr. sawant and rane are here. okay. think of the devil.- what happened?

the doctor is here.- i see. welcome, doctor. welcome. why are you welcoming me? mr. khaitan, what nonsense is this?- what happened? how could you shut down adepartment with 200 workers.. ..without informing the union? the workers had an idea.- did you ask the union? we informed the old union.- to hell with the old union! did you ask us?

why should we? the mill is's making losses since years. who says it's making losses? compared to last year,34000 meters.. ..of more cloth wasproduced this year. what do i do with that cloth?it doesn't sell in the market. i've not come to talk to you. mr. khaitan, you're fooling us. you're outsourcing theprinting of the cloth.. ..and are shutting down theprocessing department.

don't we know that theyarn goes to bhiwandi? it's your ploy to close the mill. why shouldn't we close it? overheads have gone's difficult to run the mill. let us run it. we'll make more profitsthan you could. are we crazy to give such a hugeproperty into your hands? hey! this mill is not your father's. we shed our blood and sweat for it.

you built bungalowsout of our hard work. govind, calm down.- why should i? what's he talking about? he's living off his father-in-law. doctor, control him. forget about controlling him. just tell me whether you'restarting the department or not. it's highly impossible. fine.

if that's your stand, then nowwe'll fight outside on the streets. you'll regret it. let's go. docs. they've become egotistical! these mill owners havebecome arrogant! they have become haughty! who built this city? these mill owners? no!

you have built mumbai. this city was built due to the hardwork of the mill workers. and these mill owners thinkthat they own mumbai! applause! those rascals don'tneed the mills now. they want high-rises. they want 5-star and 7-star hotels. you are now a disease for this city. that's why they are saying thatthe mills have gone sick..

..and are shutting themdown in a hurry. i've heard that the governmentwill be passing a law. they are coming up with a rule. it is called 'dc' or something. once this rule is enforced,these mill owners.. ..will take advantage of it andsell the mills and the land. these jackals are out to tearthis mill land into pieces. who owns that land? tell me who owns it. their fathers?

the government gave this landon lease to them for 99 years. you provided cloth tothis city of mumbai. these mill owners will leaveyou naked in this same city. shame on them! shame on them! in the past two years,the owner of khaitan mills.. ..forced 700 workers to retire. they have not yet been compensated. salaries of 1200 workerswho work here.. ..have not been paidsince six months.

that's exactly what's going onin every other mill in mumbai. but remember. if you take away our livelihood,we'll not let you live in peace. who says he won't give?- we'll take it, no matter what! my dear worker friends. every mill should have a leader. my associate arvind rane issuccessfully leading at khaitan mills. stand by him firmly. arvind rane, move forward!we are with you!

i helped him get a job in the mill.he has become a big man. it feels nice. long live the workers' union!- he's a good man. what's the trump card? darn it! take care, shirya. take care.we'll win this hand. you're playing cards all the time. what happened at the mill? an attack.

the moment the doctor stands up,everyone goes weak in their knees. here's my ace. it seems we'll get the money soon. we want a party when youget the money. okay? don't count your chickensbefore they hatch. they want to party!- what are you looking at? play the trump card. i'll play it only if i have it. that means we're losingthis hand for sure.

here's your beer.- have a glass of beer. wow!- who have you duped, uncle? sold two rooms in thetenement opposite ours. whose?- parab and dalvi. who bought them? he's a marwari. he paid cash. pandu, i've been asking you to sellmy room since three months. but you've been avoiding me. man, look at the conditionof your room.

the buyer doesn't returnafter seeing it once. give it a single coatof paint at least. i don't have a single do i paint it? my wife earns a little.i live off her. i don't have the salary either. friend, you've waited until now.wait a little longer. yes, the settlement willhappen in a week or two. to hell with the settlement. i'll sell my room andgo back to the village.

uncle, 'beedi'.- remaining 10 paise? i ate a chocolate. is it your father's money?father's money? what are you doing, kashi?why do you hit a kid? shameless!- i value every penny. then stop made her drop out of school. will my father pay her fees? the teacher sent her home becausewe couldn't pay the fees. what can i do? the mill workeris as good as a beggar.

and what will you do in konkan? i'll sell toddy. keep your daughter to sell liquor. it hurts. haven't you done waxing before this? no. so, why are you gettingit done today? i have to go.- who is it? who else?

that same guy opposite our room. jignesh. is it the first time? waxing and all? you shouldn't do anythinglike that the first time. you should have their money first.. ..and then let themhave what they want. not even a kiss?- kiss will do. where are you meeting?

bandstand. manju, here. here! what is it?- sorry. sorry. get in. get in. how are you? what will happen to me? hey, just a minute!- what happened? it's made of gold. 22 carat. imported from dubai.

no. no. don't. don't. listen!- let me. - no! let me do it, darling.- let me go! you jump here like a monkey. and your father doesn't lendus grocery so easily. we've always repaidevery penny we owed. when my father gets the money.. ..i'll throw it atyour father's face. take back your chain.- let it be. - i don't want it. let it be.- i don't want it. - just a minute.

tell my father that yougave me the money. by god. i love you. are you just going to look at me? stop!- what happened? not that.- why? chitra said i shouldn't letyou do everything at first. i should empty your pocketsfirst and then let you do it. what?

no...nothing. today, you can just kiss. hey, get out! 'gopal sharma has been asked tobowl from the opposite end.' 'and dilip vengsarkar..' darn that tengsarkar!- what have i done? nothing. sit here. it's tengsarkar. he takes wrongdecisions at the right time. gopal sharma for miandad?

if miandad doesn't hithim to the clouds.. ..then i'll go rightunder your legs. why are you showing your backside? a left hander bowler is good formiandad. - isn't it? - yes. for instance, ghavri. mohan, enough of your cricket. go keep these lunchboxesat the mill gates. the siren will sound in a moment. she suits to betengsarkar's mother. - why?

she takes wrong decisionsat the right time. but who's this tengsarkar?- get lost, you idiot! come here. come here.- what are you doing, mohan? he doesn't know tengsarkar. why don't you say colonel?- come here, you idiot. if i catch you, i'll break your jaw. mohan, why are you behavinglike a kid? go deliver the lunchboxes. naru is sleeping upstairs. send him.

would it make a differenceif you go? yes! yes! he hit a six!didn't i tell you? hey, idiot! you rascal! he's trying to teach me. why am i speaking to you? naru!- i heard that. i'm coming. are you going to look intothe mirror all day? what's around your neck? chain.

where did you get it from? i got my salary. darn you! there's nomoney in the house. the debtors aren't lending anymore. why did you buy this chain? it's imitation jewelry from dubai. and i paid the grocer's debt. i gave the money to his son jignesh. my good girl.

learn something from your sister. naru! give me the lunchboxes. hey, are you too smart? had you not been elder to me,i'd have kicked you. the police would have taken youaway again. - quiet! quiet! naru, what did you do to the police? nothing, mother. i'd installed the loudspeakerson gandhi's birth anniversary.

the police took me because ididn't take their permission. rascal!- mother, look at him. idiot!- i'm going. manju, give me my t-shirt. here you are. mohan, will you go to the grocer? there you are! mohindersaved our pride. to hell with his cricket! manju.

i'll go myself. 'pakistan lost another wicket.' 'the umpires have declared lunch.' that doesn't look likeimitation jewelry. where would i get moneyto buy real gold? the basil plant outsidedidn't grow on its own. you can see the basilplant growing up. can't you see your sister?shameless! hey, speed breaker!

what happened to him? did he fall down? no, brother naru.i won't do it again. will you tell me what happened?or should i slap you? forget it. father will beat me up. hey, what happened to him? he rented a cycle from ramya's shop. he took half an hour more. ramya beat him up.

don't tell father. otherwise,he'll beat me even more. take these lunchboxes.- yes. keep them near the mill gates. you come with me.- no. - come on! go on. what are you looking at? brother naru, forget it. brother naru, let it go.listen. brother naru. move! brother naru, listen. brother naru.

quiet, otherwise i'll hit you.- naru.. ramya, how's business?- great! are you doing well?- yes. ramya, come here. what is it, brother naru? what brings you here today?- just like that. what do you charge to rentthe cycle for an hour? rs.1. you know that. what about half an hour?

fifty paisa. fifty paisa?- yes. pakya, come here. come quickly. give the money to ramya. give it to him. he rode the cycle half an hour more. did you get the money?- yes. accounts settled?- yes.

you broke his nose. what about that? brother naru, he does that everyday. brother naru, don't hit me. you rascal! how dare you hit my friend! brother naru.- get up! rascal! i'll teach you a lesson! did that teach you a lesson? look, naru, this would provecostly for you. - is that so?

you scoundrel! let him go. come on. if you hit my friend again,i swear i'll chop your hands! let him go! come on! pakya!- coming! pakya!- i'm coming. where were you? where else?taking my father's beatings. what are you doing?

taking a rebound. take that thumbing. after taking that coin,i'll take this one. should i slap you?just do as i told you. couldn't you make such an easy shot? my..- thumb is weak. - right. brother naru, give me a sip. your nose is'll catch cold. it would stop paining.

take it. hey, are you going to play tomorrow?- just a minute. i'm thinking. he's thinking. empty? is this one sip of yours? it was paining a lot. you fool! kid.- yes. get a beer from milton.- okay.

you're not going to play?give me the striker. look at this cut. look at that cut! i'll finish the game now. just wait. great. now take that thumbing. do as you wish. there goes the queen. who is naru?- i am. why? brother parsha has called you.

naru, where are you going? i'll be right back.pakya, play in my place. naru...alone...where.. speed-breaker, give me the striker. beat me up as much as you want. after i leave from here,if i don't break your bones.. ..then i'll die out of shame, ramya. you scoundrel, ramya!you're a goner! scoundrel.- put some sense into him.

don't you understand? rascal! how dare you! four beating up one guy.fight one on one. hey! come here. come here, you rascal. come here. come here! if i slap you, you'll pissbucketfuls in your pants. you keep bullying the poor,brother parsha.

this guy broke his nose andyou have liquor peacefully. hey. brother, they are verymischievous kids. they would dupe you too. are you acting smart with me?- brother.. you beat up that kid?- no, brother.. - get going. get going, you rascal!- no. no. if i see you again,i'll break your legs. what is this?you should have said that earlier.

you got beaten up unnecessarily. i have a reputation as well. i don't bow to anyone. look. if you need anything,then just tell me. okay? here. drink this whiskey. no. i drink only beer. hey, open a lp for him. brother parsha, only one?not for us? hey, pakya.

what happened?- nothing. then why are you staring at me? it's too shiny. it's china silk. made in japan. sold a room to the guardat the customs. - i see. take it home. am i crazy? mother would faint if shehears how much it costs. am i going to take money from you?it's a present. from me.

is it true, uncle?- what? yes. try it out. i'll try it at home.- try it here. if it doesn't fit you,i'll give you another. - okay. give me. it's great! it's great! mother!- shameless. come quickly! he fell down! everywhere there is globalization. but it's expected fromthe mill owners..

..that they should thinkabout the workers. but it's not so easy to closeall mills in quick succession. sir, if you think about it,then everything will be easy. but.. sir, have some.- no, it's okay. - hello. yes, one minute. call for you.- who is it? from the mill. hello.

sir, an electrician fell down. is he dead? - no, sir.he's suffered a head injury. okay. we'll see what hasto be done tomorrow. and please don't disturb me.- okay, sir. so, what was i saying?- globalisation. yes, globalisation. for whom? only for multinationals?let the others die. so you start a multinational firm. mr. patkar, i spent my wholelife running the mill.

that's my business. yes, i'm willing to keepsome departments running. i just need your support.- you have it. during the previous strike,the government was with you. - yes. what else do you want? permission to sell the mill land. mr. mahendra, are you goingto let my government.. ..complete its term? there's discontent amongthe mill workers already.

and if we take this decision,then everything will be over. there's a solution.- what? natasha. mr. patkar,this is a foolproof plan. this is the khaitan mill. a processing unit is located here.- okay. we won't shut it down. all the other departmentshave been shut down. we'll demolish them.

we'll build a huge shoppingmall there. we'll have bowling alleys,restaurants and multiplexes. three towers of 30 floorseach will come up here. residential towers. and we'll have corporateoffices here. we'll make lots ofprofits from this. and we'll clear the workers'dues in a snap. what about the increasein unemployment? sir, they will get workon this project.

shopping malls will needsales boys and girls. so many families willshift in these towers. they will need maidsand security guards. there's enough work, sir. let us earn a little. elections are'll need money for the party fund. mr. khaitan, your son-in-lawis very smart. i'm really scared of him. why are you joking, sir?

sir, can i make you a drink?- sure. - just a minute. let's continue at the pool side. brilliant. i'll just join you.- sure. who's with your wife? relative? dessert for you. after dinner. let's have dinner.- please, sir. rane, don't stop me today.- no, govind. listen to me.

no. no.- govind. govind. you scoundrel.- govind, let go! govind. - why should i spare him?who does he think he is? got 25 stitches on his head. two fractures in the in the hand. waman won't be able towork for six months. did he give rs.10000 as alms? why did he climb upin a drunken state? vaman wasn't drunk.

should i show you thehospital report? the rascal paid money and got areport made that suits him. rane, he's crossing his limits. what can you do? govind, come on. mr. mahendra, you'll have toincrease the compensation. it can't be done. then we'll have togo to labour court. as you wish.- oh, really?

why are you arguing with him? so get out.- hey! - govind. govind. if i find you alone outside.. ..i'll strip you naked and makeyou beg at the traffic signals. govind, let it go. comewith me. come on. he's saying we should go out. rascal, i'll do him in..- govind! govind! govind, let's get out of here.come on. come on.- you stopped me unnecessarily.

i could have ended everything today. i had told you. 'at wankhede stadium, as muddasarnazar gets ready to bowl..' here's the money. sign here. you'll be in deep trouble sometime. i gave you rs.200.and you wrote rs.2000. now sign.- give it to me. why are you so engrossedin this match?

it's the last over of the day.70 runs are needed. if mohinder remains not out,we'll win the match tomorrow. you're mad about, do it. oh, no! oh, no! what's wrong with you?- we've lost the match. he's a fool.. - what was the needto drive on the second last ball? india will win.- what nonsense! there's hardly anybody left to bat.- yet india will win. how? - i'll tell youif you treat me to a beer.

where's my beer? - forget that.tell me how india will win. what do i tell you?the match is fixed. meaning? - listen, the odds onpakistan are 15 to one. the odds on india are 8 to one. who will everybody bet on? pakistan. india will win. the bookieswill make a lot of money. dinkar, what's allthat about 'odds'? listen, if you bet a rupee on indiaand india happens to win.. ..then you will get rs.8.

what if i bet rs.100?- rs.800. oh, my god. what if i bet rs.25,000? 25,000.. you'll get rs.200,000.- come on, get up. rs.200,000.- yes. manju can get married then.- not just that. she could get marriedin a five-star hotel. all the big shots will attend it. naru's mother!naru's mother! naru's mother! naru's mother!

what's wrong?- the police have come to your place. what?- what? yes, there outside. police? at my place?- look. what happened?- is mohan your son? yes. - he has committed fraudof rs.25,000 at the bank. oh, my god. - the case hasn'tbeen registered yet. sir has asked you to pay rs.25,000and get your son released. dislile road police station.- oh, my god.

what do we do now?- your family is ruined. it's my ill luck that i was bornin this family. - listen.. mother, what are you doing?- pakya, what happened? the police were here.- what are you doing? we need to do something. naru's mother. here's rs.2000. come on.- should i come along? i mean i am not feeling well. the men in the dhurifamily are cowards.

come on, manju.- no. that's not case. i will come if the need arises. sir, here's some money andjewelry. let my son go, sir. madam, what do i do about it? at the most, this couldbe rs.5000 to rs.6000. what about the rest of the money? i'll pay it in installments.we always pay our dues. listen, the bank manageris a good man. that's the reason he hasn'tfiled a case yet.

i won't be able to help you atall if you don't get rs.25000. sir, father's gratuity moneyis due in a few days. i'll give it to you once we get it. mohan isn't a bad guy.- i never said he's bad. but i can't help you. listen,go talk to the bank manager once. bank manager?- look, he's sitting there. when did you come to know?- in the morning. i realized it whiletallying the cash. hello, sir.- hello.

sir, have mercy on us..- i can't do anything. i could lose my job ifi don't get the money. how do we arrange for rs.25,000at such a short notice? shut up. sir, please..- listen, madam. at the most, i can give youa few more days' time. okay. all right.- i am answerable too. useless man.- father, please.. mother. mohan.

so, the police released you.- not just like that. i paid rs.25,000.- where did you get the money from? what have you got to do with it? i owed you for being born inthis family. i repaid it. are you going to remain outside?come in. i am going out for ten write a play. don't create trouble till i return. mother, i.. idiot. - mother!- mother!

idiot.- what are you doing, lakshmi? you made your mother go to thepolice station. - mother! you made your mother goto the police station. stop it, mother.- idiot. mother, stop it now..- idiot! stop it, mother. stop it. leave me! because of you,i had to suffer.. mother.. mother, stop it. you idiot!- stop it, mother.

you had promised me you won't.. stop it, mother!- move! move! mother..- leave me! what are you doing?- let him die! go die, you idiot! go die! he has ruined us. he has ruined us.he has ruined us all. don't touch me.- i made a mistake. don't be angry at me.- you asked me to go die.

yes, i'll do that.- i was angry at you. who do i have besides my children? i beat you a lot.why didn't i hold myself back.. mohan is naive. he thought he could get me marriedif he got some money. but he's unlucky.- yes. mohan wants to do somethingand something else happens. he's lost his job.i wonder what he's going to do. forget mohan.- wait.

what happened?- have you got it? it spoils the fun.- no. what if something goes wrong? i am with you. don't worry. but you'll marry me if somethinggoes wrong, won't you? yes. i love you.- wait. wait. what happened now?- switch off the light. let it be.- no. i feel shy. oh, god! glory to lord dattatray!

"shirdi is like pandharpur to me." "sai baba lives there." chandra bhaga and brotherpundlik also live there. brother pundlik also lives there. everyone come and takesai baba's blessings. take sai baba's blessings. father, come home.mother's bleeding from the mouth. come on.- "goddess, help me!" "goddess, help me!"

listen, get the doctor along. take water. slowly.- father, mother won't die, right? come, dear. come with me. i'll give you somethingto eat. don't cry. mother will be all right. she'll be all right. babu has gone to get the doctor. should i call for an ambulance?- no.

everything will be all right, kashi. she'll be free if she dies.- don't say that. brother, ghanshyam turnedout to be courageous. very courageous. that's because anwar'ssupporting him. shoot him in the leg.- let's shoot him in the head. no. shoot him in the leg. if he gets killed, it willbe a police case. wait.- is that gun real?

no. it's a toy, hero. not hero, my name's speed breaker. what are you looking at? take it. but i don't know how to use it. have i learned at birth? look, hold it this way.aim, and then pull the trigger. here.- let's go. - come on. come here.- yes. it's 10,000.- 10..

look, he's yet to come to terms with it. "you took my name,and i came to you." you know what it is, don't you?- gun. it's not a toy. look.- what's that? 'goli' (bullet).- 'goli'? that's not meant to be eaten. where do you put the bullets?- look, there's a hole. hole. - put the bullets inthe hole and then close it. it's called 'ghoda' (gun).

so, the one who runs atthe beach is a donkey. stop your nonsense. where are you off to?- i'll come along. am i off to a marriage shoot? go and order for two bottles ofliquor.. i'll come. let's go. l.p. laxmikant pyarelal. "when one can't.." ghanshyam sir, how are you? you've spent a lot for lord ganeshafestival this year.

i have to. the lord has blessedme with everything. so, i have to do somethingfor him too. you don't have the moneyto pay to parsha. i'll give him. i'll deliverit the next week. the others' too would delay,if i give a week to you. you please speak to him.- i did. boss also told me to shoot you. what are you doing?i will give the money. sister-in-law chhaya, how are you?- i'm good.

tatya.- i'm fine. come on, be quick. keep it there. so, how are you, mother india? what have you brought, naru? not much. some breakfast for all. what have you done?- nothing illegal. it's my hard earned money, mother. where's father?- he must be outside the mill.

he must be gambling.- he won't reform. pakya, gift. this is quarter for the old man.english. naru, i hope you haven'tcommitted a theft. no, mother. i have found my calling. look, stop your cateringservice now. go to the lord ganesha pilgrimagethe next week with father. i'll sponsor the's the money. naru, tell me the truth. you aren'tdoing anything illegal, are you?

no, mother. go make tea. go.- you aren't lying, are you? offer the money to godfirst then. keep it. lord, you have blessed my son.- thank you, mr. god. you have blessed us. listen, have you seen mohan around? mohan is at the neighbor's house.. ..with his sponsor. mr. savardekar. oh, god. these childrenare hardly ever at home. one is always at his aunt's house.

and i wonder what the otherone keeps writing. it's been a month.he hasn't come back. look, i'll sponsor his play now. dear. listen, get a job for mohan. i'll send mohan to dubai. first, send shinde who livesin room number 15 to heaven. why? what has he done?- what has he done? go make tea, please.- idiots. let me tell you what happened.

i asked him to give me rs.11for lord shiva festival. he said he would slap me 11 times.he insulted shivaji. he's right. where will a poorman get rs.11 from for you? so, should we cancel lord shivafestival celebrations? not at all. that's the only festivala marathi man celebrates. why should we cancel it?- what do we do now? listen, get money fromthe shopkeepers. i'll pay if it falls short.i'll sponsor it.

we'll watch'amar akbar anthony' in color. who stars in it?- amitabh bachpan. amitabh gachpan too stars in it?- yes. 'the police will banishyou from the city.' 'i'll make this place mine.anthony lane.' 'tell me. am i right?' 'come on, get the money.' 'you want me to pay you?'- he's good, isn't he? 'i'll make even your father pay.'

manda. come downstairs.- i'm tired. i'll go to sleep now. amitabh bachchan'son the screen. he's too good. uncle, should we stop the show? we'll watch your love story. shut up. idiot.- you won't reform, you oldie. do your work, you fool. come on, dance! uncle!- look, he's dancing. amitabh. look at our parveen babi.

i'll slap you. shut up. shut up. watch the movie. oh, god. who did that? uncle shire, that was have had rotten eggs it seems. it wasn't me. where are you off to, mohan? to the toilet.- go behind the tenement. i'm an educated man. i don'tindulge in nonsense like you all. keep watching the movie.

'so, tayyab ali?'- give way. 'you got my friend akbarbeaten up by goons.' 'tell me. yes or no?' brother naru,mohan has gone upstairs. upstairs.- what have you got to do with it? she too has gone inside.- shut up. you too want to go?- no. then shut up and watch the movie. 'come on.'

'police. call up the police.' 'what are you staring at?call the police.' - nice. 'police. police!' 'you hit my friend in my presence.' mohan, enough. what are you doing?- remove the clothes. hurry up!- are you wrestling with me? be quick, mohan. someone will come. no one will come.the movie has just started.

closer. more closer. hold me. what are you doing?- what are you doing? it's hurting. let it. let it hurt.- you are too much. take me closer.- why are you in such a hurry? i can't hold myself back now.i have waited long enough. it's been 12 years to my marriage. mohan. mohan, i want a baby. i am tired of being abused. they don't invite me to venerations.

not to functions too. they keep me away sincei can't beget a child. i'd been to my sister's daughter'snaming ceremony. i kissed the baby on her cheek.. ..and my sister slappedme hard across my face. my husband is a good man. but god isn't alwayskind to good men. therefore, i want a baby. i want it badly. i want a baby.

what happened, manju?- nothing. i had fritters.that affected me adversely. you've been puking since yesterday. i had the fritters yesterday. i would have beena mother of five.. ..had one child notdied upon its birth. i'm not educated, but i'm wise. don't talk rubbish, mother.- rubbish? the cloth wasn't hung onthe rope the last month.

the menstrual cycle doesget delayed sometimes. the doctor had said that.- which doctor? well.. aslani. aslani told me. come. come with me. no, the dispensary mustbe closed now. - manju! listen.. manju, i'm worried now. tell me the truth. swear ongod and tell me the truth. no, mother.- who did you sleep with? tell me. have you gone mute?

who did you sleep with?- no, mother.. who did you sleep with? who is he? tell me. who is he? who is he?- jignesh. jignesh? who?- the shopkeeper's son. oh, my god. what are you saying,naru's mother? jignesh is a married man.he got married five years ago. he's gone to rajkot toget his wife here.. she turned 17 recently.

his in-laws are very strict. if they come to know about this,we will be ruined. do something. do something,naru's mother. no. i won't do that.- what are you going to do then? go about being an illegitimatechild's mother. let jignesh come.he'd promised to marry me. he's already married.he's gone to get his wife back. let's wait till he returns.- no. you want your pregnancy to bevisible in a couple of months?

i don't know all that.- listen. listen to me..- move. let it be. it's nothing.- what did i hear? i'm talking to her..don't beat her. don't beat her.- no.. you lousy..- don't beat your daughter. i have done nothing wrong.- leave her. move!- don't beat her. she has disgraced us.- i haven't done anything wrong.

don't do that.- tell me. listen to me.- go out. dhuri..dhuri.. you should have diedupon your birth. mohan! mohan! leave me! don't interfere! leave me! leave me! i'll burn her to death! leave me.

i won't go! set me afire. do it. leave me! leave me!- set me afire. father! listen. listen. mohan. listen to father. what do you want?- water. i need water. he wants water.- give it to him then. what are you telling me for?- take water, father. why don't you give it to him?

mother, you don't understand.he should get used to getting up. how will he recover otherwise? rajesh khanna, don't get up now.i'll get water for you. mother, stop that noise.i'm not being able to write a word. go write at a placedevoid of any noise. it's futile telling you.- slowly.. anand. - uncle rane. mother,uncle rane's here. how's everything?- hey, get up. all right.

where are you off to now?- where can i go? to the neighborhood. how are you?- what made you visit us? i hadn't met master.don't get up, master. govind, take a seat.- who's he? he's govind rahate. we bothwork for the union. he stays close by at..rangari badak tenement. is it?- yes. - hello. hello. my son knows you.- is it? who?

his name is ganpat.they call him.. speed breaker. oh, you are ganya's father.- yes. be seated. i'll get tea.manju, give them water. master, how are you? the gate-meeting isn't thesame in your absence. recover quickly.- yes. we have to fight it out now. what can we do if you keep unwell?- water. - yes. manju has really grown up.- yes. she has.

i am unwell, and on top of that,the gratuity money hasn't come yet. mohan lost his job.manju has grown up. master, everything willbe all right. don't cry. don't cry. can i tell you something, rane? yes, tell me. once she gets married,i'll be free. i'm really worried.i have a request to make of you. tell me.

the groom and the bride shouldgarland each other now. tie the nuptial necklaceto the bride. sorry. i couldn't be home earlieron the nuptial night. i have two wives. one is you and the other,the union. the doctor arranged agate-meeting today. checking the papers, files,agreements.. sorry. i apologize to you again. you must be hungry, right?- i had dinner.

okay. that's good.- should i serve food to you? no. i had fritters near the mill. the doctor has arranged forthe gate-meeting.. ..again for tomorrow morning. the doctor keeps asking about me. you look good in that green sari. i wanted to tell you something.- what? i had an affair before the marriage. and i.. - master had told me.- yet you married me.

you were generous. you must have thought you dida favor to me, isn't it? no, that's not the case.what do you mean by that? nothing. i want totell you something. i had decided i would die out ofhunger, without getting married.. ..but i won't marry a mill worker. all my mother has experiencedin her life is poverty, stress.. ..two square mealsand a child every two years. ever since i was sensible enough..

..i've seen her working hard,dying a slow death. today, i have sufferedthe same fate. my heart would pound uponhearing the mill siren. i will have to get accustomedto it now. don't keep staring at me.switch off the light. and get done with what one doesafter marriage. be quick. you might have a gate-meetingto attend. i too have to go to the parlor. saw that? a lovely strike.

will you be able to finish the game? wait. take that one first. good. not that, take this one. the queen. uncle, am i a fool?i understand the game. play. play the way you want to. don't listen to him. i had told you. did you see? uncle, come home for lunch. it's the last board.we need five points to win.

go for lunch. i'll playthe game on your behalf. you do that everyday.- what did you say? nothing.- don't get on my nerves. why would i? brother naru. what's up, naru sir?what's wrong with him? forget it. go for lunch.- what about you? i have already had lunch. "oh, basanti.." naru, where were youthe last two days?

you are here in timefor lunch. come on. what happened, naru? brother, where did youget rs.25,000 from? 25,000? what? where did you get the moneyto bail out mohan from? what have you got to do with it?do your work. you idiot! - have you gonemad? have you gone mad? i am mad? the idiot sold offhis kidney for rs.25,000. what? what did you do..- he's lying.

i am lying! vijay is a ward-boyat rade hospital. you were admitted therefor 15 days, weren't you? oh, god. why? what have you done? nothing will kidney is enough to live. you should have told me!i would've arranged for the money! did you? did you get the money then? did anyone arrange for it? leave me. - everybody wants todo something for the family. don't i feel the same?i too feel like it. got it?

i too feel for the family. everybody thinks thati am not committed. i am's just that i don't express it. brother.- what have you done? why did you do it? hi, dad. what made you comehere all of a sudden? i had to, son. what are you doing? we had decided not to wind up theweaving department, hadn't we? yet you gave the machines away.

dad, it was importantto take that decision. do you realize the consequences? whatever the consequences be,they'll be good for us. son, the workers have got violent. they'll be violent for a few days. but they'll try to dictateterms if.. ..we don't take sucha strong decision. it's necessary to scare them. only then will they agreefor a compromise.

but son.. - chill, dad.let me make you a drink. we'll find a way out. rane, are you going to remain quiet? the workers will go hungry.. ..but there'll be no furtherdiscussions with him. rane, such an extremestand isn't good. you too are favoring them, sir? you too were a worker once.forgot that? what do you want me to do then?

we have only two demands. start all the departmentsin the mill.. ..and get the workers their dues. both your demandsshall be fulfilled. but you'll have to takea step back for that. meaning? - the workers shouldget all their dues. no compromise.but khaitan sir is in trouble. - yes. give the no objection certificate.. sell some partof the mill land.

he'll immediately honor allthe dues of the workers. i promise.- that's it. but all the departments shouldget started tomorrow. tomorrow? right away.tonight. in the third shift. here. - just a few days remain.have sweets. here. have it. have sweets.- remember! this has happened onlybecause of arvind sir! yes!- but where's arvind rane?

he's gone to the court.he'll be here any moment now. what? look there he is! hail arvind rane! arvind rane has done it! enough. enough.- where's govind rahate, rane sir? the papers weren't readywith the advocate. i told him to wait get the papers along. enough. enough. why are you standing out?why didn't you all go in?

the gate hasn't opened yet.- it hasn't? where's the watchman?- he hasn't come. watchman. watchman. deceit! they have deceived us! sumi! sumi! 'hamida. my best friend hamida.' 'the lock-out wasn't called will, today.' 'it will, tomorrow. six monthswent by in that manner.' 'the mills were closingdown one-by-one.'

'it was being brought down.' 'the reason i'm writing a letteris to tell you that i am fine.' 'the childhood memories,that taste of tamarind lingers on.' 'i know you were jealous ofme during my engagement..' '..when you heard that i wouldgo to mumbai after marriage.' 'i always lied to you thati stay in a palace.' 'in a room smaller than ourbathroom, i die a slow death.' 'the paltry income of my husbandwould hardly suffice.' 'but money was required tocarry out menial tasks.'

'it's been four months sincemy children went to school.' 'no fees, no food..i don't know what to do.' 'after all these years,i pity those cockroaches.' 'i have realised how horriblethe insecticide tastes.' 'i really have.' 'suffering through all that..' '..the workers had the supportof dr. aaba sawant.' 'dr. aaba sawant wasreading the paper.. he would usually, that day.'

'all of a sudden, there wasa cylinder explosion.' 'nobody knew if it was an accidentor a planned move.' 'but the worker was stunned.' shirya, where are you offto hiding the stove? no, i'm not hiding it.i'm taking it to get it repaired. what will you cook on it? 'selling the stove, utensils.selling everything in house..' 'selling even the copperand metal in the wires..' '..the worker survived.'

'finally, there was nothingleft to be sold.' do you have a cigarette?- no. the packet's empty. forget it. it's past midnight.let's go sleep. wait, shirya. the childrenmust still be awake. i told them i would getsomething for dinner. i survived the day.- how? i went to my wife's younger sister. she was very angry.i acted shameless. i left only after lunch.- that's great. you're lucky.

shirya.- yes? where does sangeetago to work so late at night? work? what nonsense! she sells her body. not even the vegetable-sellergives my wife a look. come on. let's go home. i'm scared.- why be scared? 'the situation of the workerswas terrifying..' '..and that of their children,a lot more terrifying.' listen, i am really unlucky.i can't see anybody around.

it seems i'll have tosleep hungry today too. i wonder where everybody's gone.. nothing. i've been doingthe rounds since an hour. my legs are really hurting. what else will an unlucky man do? ask pandu. look, he's here. hi, pakya.- what happened to your hand? tell us, pakya.- my father bit me. your father?- he's heavily drunk.

he told mother to serve him food. how could she when thereis nothing to eat? so, father slapped heracross her face. i lost it. i hit him on his face. you father? - i would have killedhim, had my mother not stopped me. he's right. "nothing to eat,nobody to turn to." what about you? - nothing.not even a dog has passed by. great. we have to gohungry today too. the stomach is burning.- hang on.

there's a way. come on. so, useless fellows.what's the time? have your parents thrown you out? thrown us out?they repent giving us birth. who wouldn't repent? drunkard, give me rs.40for scrambled eggs? is it your father's money, you fool? please give us. you have moneyto splurge on drinks.

listen, don't touch my pocket.i'll beat you up otherwise. fool, give him since he asks.- you called me a fool? you idiot! idiot. wait. i'll be back.- where are you going? i'll be right back. what are you looking at? you idiot! what are you staring at?is it my wedding? let's go. there was only rs.75 in his wallet.

we got his chain and watch too.- it must be fake. hurry up. the scrambled eggsseller will close shop soon. 'the scrambled eggs sellerdidn't close shop.' 'but these guys grew hungrier.' 'and then? it was naru all the way.' don't irritate me. tell me.where's the money? no, brother naru.i don't have the money. i swear i haven't takenparsha's money. is his wife lying then?

she forgot her money inthe train. you stole it. tell me where the moneyis and go home. brother naru, i reallydon't have the money. you are getting beaten likea dog for a mere rs.5000. tell me. where's the money? you idiot!- pakya! pakya! i have been observinghim since long. he won't talk. give him to me.i'll make him talk like a parrot. nurse your head first.- it's nothing, brother naru.

the idiot.. i'll kill him!- have you gone mad? take him away. come on.- leave me. don't explain to him. i am telling you for the last time. these guys are beyond reproach. they have just hit you on thehead now, they will kill you. hey, attend to the phone. hello. who is it? shalu?yes. tell me, shalu.

who? naru?- no.. he isn't here.- out. out. he has gone out.- hang up. oh, my god. i just forgot.. what's the matter with shalu? matter? she had called meto meet her. i forgot. oh, no. it's because of him! what do i do? listen, should i go?- what about him? let him be here. i'll be back soon.

you idiot, why are you hell-benton getting beaten? should i find out?- find out? i'll slap you. listen, i'll be back in an hour.look after them. don't let them drink too much. bandya, that's enough. you idiot!- listen. pakya! pakya!- hit him. are you mad? go away. you idiot!- go there. go!

pakya don't leave him. hit him. go away. tatya, go stand there. listen, these aren't boys,they are animals. they'll tear you apart. listen. have you lost it?- hit him! hit him. don't spare him.don't spare him. hit him. hit him. don't you understand? what are you doing?- you idiot.. - go! go out!

where is it? where's the money? my sister-in-law has 1000 rupees. rs.1,000 got spent.- all right. go on. i spent some of the money.- more was spent. all right. where's the rest of the money?- with my wife. shucks. you're making itdifficult to spare you. hey..! keep it down.don't joke with me. don't let him go. shoot him.

pakya.. how come you're late today? i wondered if you were goingto come at all today. what's the matter?- nothing. then why are you so quiet? i need some money. the thing is.. ..that we have to pay father'sdispensary bills. the medicines are also finished. the room's rent is due.

our old lady came homeyesterday and cried. how much do you need?- at least rs.5,000. oh, god! where doi get that much from? i probably have rs.1,000 or so. that much won't be enough. if naru were there,it wouldn't be a worry. where has he gone? he's been in jail for two months. he's been charged with murder.

what are you going to do now? have something to eat.- no. when my husband comes,i'll go home with him. rane came a while back. he's here? he's sitting inside. you're back? you're late. we'll leave.we'll leave in just a moment. the employers have called ustomorrow for negotiations?

got that, manjula? great. is it good news? we must have a son, all right? a daughter means additionalexpenses. have you called us hereto make fun of us? you'll give the workers' pendingdues in four weeks. you'll only give 7% of the gratuity. and we should hand ourresignations to you? even to give this much,we'll have to take loans.

do you think we're fools? you get new cars everyday. you demolish old bungalowsand get new ones built. what a mill workersearns in a lifetime.. ..your four dogs eat that much worthin a month. rane, there's no pointto this argument. i promise you that oncethe mill land is sold.. ..i'll pay the workers'dues immediately. mr. khaitan, we're notsure of getting..

..what is written in this agreement. who is going to believeyou? you've been stretching theworkers to the limits.. ..of their patience forthe past six months. workers' wives have startedtaking up jobs as maids. children have gone astray.many have committed suicide. and yet, you're making fun of us? we deeply regret whathappened to kashiram. in fact, i've even prepareda compensation cheque.

it's in the drawer.take it now if you wish. are we to take the cheque to builda shrine in kashiram's name? if you had given it on time itwould have saved them. greedy wretch. your father may have beengreedy, you wretch. it's quite enough. otherwise, i'll have your limbsbroken and you thrown out. wretched third class beggar. govind! what are you doing?

rogue! you call us beggars?who made us that? rane, no negotiations now.please get out. you'll have to come grovelingone day, mr. khaitan. i say, get out! govind! come this way. it's not enough.- five is not enough? we'll have to finish someone off. he's just a worthless mill worker. still, we have to finish him off.

what then?- seven. five and a half. six, last. what is that?- advance. it's three. take it. hey, varvantya..- yes, boss? call up the lawyer.we have to get naru bailed. varvantya, don't have beer.first, put up the table. 100 from me.- 100 from me. 100 from me. boss parshya, naru.

come, naru. come. sit. have a seat. what's going on, boss parshya? you told me you'd haveme out in 15 days.. ..and left me to rot injail for two months. i was having trouble.- trouble! would i do it deliberately? what trouble, boss parshya? they tortured me twice, you know. 200. you're all right now,aren't you? - yes. i'm okay now.

we've gotten a fantasticcontract for a hit. you'll get at least rs.200,000. what? rs.200,000?- yes. it's a hit for a kill. a kill? so the target mustbe a big-shot, right? no. it's some mill worker. 200..- a mill worker? who? that's what we couldn't figure put in 220. rs.200,000 for a mill worker? it seems the worth of millworkers has increased. brother naru!

brother naru..- what is it? uncle's men talk nonsense. they say you'll be killinga mill worker. - it's true. what are you saying? a mill worker? they're dead anyway.he'll get free of this life. we'll be getting a fine rs.200,000. we'll take your parents,my parents.. ..go to the konkan and settledown there. what do you say? i don't think its okay.- i don't either.

we just have to take the money. money? what money? i won't give permissionin the first place. what did you say? what won't you give?- permission. yes. you'll give me permission now,will you? just because i coddled youas a friend, you'll try to rule me? you fool. it's going to rain.move the carom inside. come on, pick that bottle.come on, let's go eat.

take these snacks.take the coin of the carom. tea. go on.- you, sir? chandu, what happened?- we're just having tea. don't worry. something goodwill happen, you'll see. how?- the case is in court today. rane said the verdict willsurely come in our favour. where's rane?- he was in court all day. i finally told him to go home. i just wish this wholemess would be over now.

the children are getting out of hand.- you're right. i'm also going to get speed breakera job in the mill. in the weaving line. his mother said he's begunto drink these days. how are the children wrong, sir? the day before yesterday,i got drunk.. ..and slapped my son punched me. speed breaker told you have a beedi? govind rahate got shot!- someone killed govind rahate!

someone killed govind rahate! look...forget what happened. don't worry. govind! boss parshya,you should have told me earlier. you crazy boy, i didn't know either! that mahendra didn't tell me before. darn mr. mahendra! that was myspeed breaker's father! his father! naru! naru!- speed breaker.. you wretch!

darn you! you killed my father! i won't spare you!you killed my father! i really didn't know!i swear on my mother! take him away.- you killed my father. hey, let go of him! speed breaker.. they lied to me. i really didn't know!i didn't know it was your father! from now on, we're enemies! i won't spare you, you wretch!

hello? - boss parshya,police were informed.. ..that naru committed the murder. what?- yes. inspector shinde told me. all right.- what is to be done now? hang up now! a new mess. what happened, boss? police found out thatnaru was the one.. ..who committed the murder. how come? - mr. mahendramust have informed them.

darn it?- boss parshya, what about me now? don't worry. i'll handle everything. do one thing.go into hiding for 10-12 days. boss parshya, that.. in 2-4 days, i'll send rs.200,000to your house. come on now, run.police will get here! come one,let's get out of here. come. brother naru, what do we do now? don't pause here. come on,let's go. fast. come on.

let's get out of here. what do we do now, boss? what the heck can we do? all right, come on. move forward,quickly. - yes, sir? what's your name?- ram kadam. kadam. yes. one moment. yes. give him the money.yes. come forward. yes.- this is the first installment. you'll get the next installmentnext month. sign here.

all right.- yes. do it. right. yes. i'll be off.- go on. come, what's your name? dilip waghate.- waghate. hey, what are you doing?you're taking the money? the management isfooling us. listen to me. hey, buddy, we still wantto work at this mill. listen to me. listen. bhosle, you're also standingto take the money? is there anything left now?they're duping us.

think a little. rane, leave now or i'll slap you. what can i say now?you'll slap me? listen to me. ganya, you're also standing inline here to take the money? ganya, this is a ploy of the owners. the verdict will come in soon.have a little patience. listen to me. - just leave,'s you union leaders.. ..who have ruined us. what can i say now? leaders?

you were in the management with me? we fought for them, didn't we? rane, don't make me lose my temper. if you have any sense,go get in line. listen to me, ganya.don't take the money. they're fooling us. rane, i told you not tomake me lose my temper! get lost! mohan, make your brother-in-lawunderstand.

listen!- let him be. what is it? move forward. why are you pacing so much?sit down. don't get angry, rane. calm down. how do i calm down? let everyone else be.even you took money? you stabbed your son-in-lawin the back? rane, your strike wasbound to get stuck. what do you mean by that?

the soviet union has collapsed. you leftists haven'tyet realised that? you can't fight against capitalism. it's time to put marxist principlesto rest. understand? who knows marxist principlesaround here? and they will win, remember that. you've all gone crazyat the sight of money. and the owners aretaking advantage.. ..of that very helplessness.

brother-in-law, why are youyelling your head off? i'm yelling?- rane.. my efforts of nine monthswere laid waste! you couldn't be a little patient? how much more patientshould anyone be? people committed suicide. they got into despicable acts. what else? we should justtake bowls in hand.. ..and go out begging.

he won't even let me beg.he'll starve me to death. you traitor! you wretchedwoman, you.. - please.. brother-in-law, that's quiteenough of your acts now! otherwise, i'll punch you right now. i? i'm putting up an act? i? i'm exhausted doingother people's work. no one thinks me worth anything.i'm acting? he says i'm acting!you're worthless, rane! you're utterly worthless!

you aren't worth anything at all! everything is over now.everything is over now. shameless! dear...sit down. manju, no one values me. enough, mohan! dhuri? dhuri? dhuri?baba, just have a look. dhuri?- father!

dhuri.. dhuri?- father? has something happened?- father! father.. - dear, pleasesay something! get up. baba, i'll go get a doctor! mohan, go get a doctor.- mohan, it's no use. baba.. father. dhuri.- father. mother!

don't cry.everything will be all right. what will be all right, pakya?my father died! i couldn't even gofor his cremation. i'm sitting here terrifiedlike a coward. the wretched police arekeeping watch there. toothy! hey, toothy!- what is it? look at that.- oh, god! go tell naru.- i'm going. brother naru..

the police were keeping watch.i couldn't go there. what could i do?- brother naru.. your mother, mohan andmanju are coming here. here? hit me. hit me! why are youlooking at me like that? i'm worthless. i didn't even come formy father's cremation. in greed for a lousy rs.200,000.. ..i killed speed breaker's father.our govind.

you.. here, take this.shoot me, mother! shoot me. shoot you? i won't let youget out of this so quickly. suffer the fruits of your own deeds. go walking to hell, you wretch! i know i'm going to.i made a mistake. i swear on you,i'll be surrendering.. the police myselfin a few days. father's last rites are on friday. yes. i'll come.i didn't come for the cremation..

..but i'll come for the last rites. but don't perform iton chowpatty beach. police will be keeping watch there. a day earlier, go to vasu's aunt. i'll get there in the morning.- come. it's 'bhakri (coarse flatbread)and fritters. have it. - take it! and spend the rs.200,000.. ..that boss parshyasent you with care. what rs.200,000?

hello?- yes, mr. mahendra. hello. yes, tell me, come you've called? it's been eight days sincegovind was finished off. rs.300,000 have still not arrived. was he even worth that much? he wasn't even worththe advance i gave you. yes, but we had decided onrs.600,000, mr. mahendra. if i pay rs.600,000for a useless fellow.. ..what will become ofmy prestige? or yours?

will you give rs.300,000 or not? we'll see. look, these days,there's a bit of a situation on. and don't call me repeatedly.i don't like it. do you think this is trivial,mr. mahendra? darn mr. mahendra!- what happened, boss? he's gone back on his word.he says he won't pay. let's just kill him. killing him won't beof any use to us. what do we do then?

it's rs.300,000. if you had given it earlier,the old man wouldn't have died. it's because the old man diedthat you got the money fast. what? - my father-in-lawwas a very good person. but he didn't have any foresight. he was stuck in the mill's.. ..and mill workers'problems all his life. it was causing a loss of millions. mr. mahendra, you're amore dangerous man than us.

practical. if you stick with me withoutgetting into minor idiocies..'ll go far. yes, boss. come on, varvantya. he got scared.that's why he paid up, boss. mr. mahendra is a different sort. he killed his own father-in-law. it does well to have such people.. ..neither as friends nor as enemies.

boss, now that we've got rs.300,000.. ..let's go to chanchal.. do you have nothing else to do? we had gone to see herdance yesterday, right? why do you want to go everyday? boss, may i go for a moment? stop drinking so much beer. you're getting older.come back fast. his liver is going tostop working one day.

how did he turn up here? hello, boss parshya. i'll pump you full of bullets.get your hand out of there. naru, you'll point a gunat me now? at boss parshya? you're my friend. get away from me. is that whyyou disgraced that friendship? what are you saying, naru? would i disgrace friendship? look, i've arranged to getyou out of govind's murder.

really?- i swear on my mother. you were going tosend rs.200,000 home. after you left, i went toyour house twice, you know. but the police werewatching so closely.. ..that i thought it wouldneedlessly cause trouble. is it written on myface that i'm a fool? naru, if you don'tbelieve me, what do i.. naru, take this. it's rs.300,000. rs.100,000 for the sakeof friendship.

count it. take it. come on,take it. it's yours. take it. take it. you wretch, you point a gun at me?at me? give me the bag. give it here. what are you looking at?pull the trigger. naru, don't kill me.i'll give you rs.1 million. these rs.300,000. i'll get you thers.700,000 right away. i'll just go home and get it, naru.

fifteen. fifteen. you won't see me around.i'll leave. don't, naru. don't kill me, naru. don't kill me. come on, let's get out of here. pakya shoot him.- get out of here. pakya, here. take this money.i'll be leaving now. i wondered if naru wasleaving without giving us money. what if he was?- i'd have killed him too right here.

"what if he was", indeed! come on. where to, this way? we have this now, right? so come on. "as we go.." are there only two sons, orare any others still to arrive? our younger brother is still to come. if he was going to come,he already would have. please start the rites. mother! mother..

the police are after me.that's why i got late. come, pay your respects quickly. speedbraker.. now, say 'kaav' to the crows. mr. tana duri. here all yourfamily members got together.. ..and completed this veneration. bless everyone thatthey live happily. why? why? why?

why? why? we were friends, right? why? why? tell me, you wretch. why did you kill my father? i swear on my mother, i didn't know. speed.. sorry.. hey, brother naru.. brother naru.. naru.. brother naru! brother naru, get up! brother naru! brother naru! sister manju,tell brother naru.

i'm your right hand man, am i not? usman punched me here. you go punch usman. come on,brother naru! get up! get up, brother naru! brother naru! i was tell me. brother naru,i am alone now.. mohan, make brother naru get up. what.. get up, brother naru!- ganya.. son.. calm down.- look at naru brother.

this life is strange. the police never foundout who killed naru. time went by.everyone settled into their own lives. that day, for the first time,i saw pride for me.. my mother's eyes. where is it? why are you looking here and there? look, it's written here. the play's name is'barfaallela jwalamukhi'.

writer, anant dhuri. producer.. let that be. let the producer be.. you did it, did what you said you would. see, dhuri? our children'snames are in the newspaper. naru, you didn'tproduce your brother's play.. ..but someone did. such a big advertisementhas come in the newspaper. mother, set thenewspaper aside and come with me. where?- i have to get you a new sari.

why a new sari? what do iunderstand of your play? it's fine if youdon't understand, mother. you'll still have to come.- i can't manage it. if you don't come, noteven the play's rehearsals.. ..will take place. i'mtelling you that right now, mother. what do i understand of your play? come on quickly, mother.i have to go the rehearsal too. aunt, when mohan comes,make him some tea. don't worry. i'll give it to him.

come on, mother. come on. mother! mother!- naru's mother! aunt, get water! quickly! mother! mother never came for the play. she was just lookingat the newspaper.. ..when she passed away. baba.. - she toiled hard allher life. she suffered a lot. but she died with asmile on her face. oh, god! how did you all live?

we lived in such a protected shell. but what people they were.alive. full of life. no, mansi. they always livedunder the threat of death. they always lived underthe shadow of the rich. come. - anant,where do mohan and manju stay? manju stays in a tenement room.- and rane? no, rane is still alive. everything happened inpursuit of that case. enough. stop here.

this is our tenement.lakshmi cottage. get up now. put the newspaper aside. i'm serving the meal. i have an appointment at2:30pm at the parlour. you'll yell laterthat the food was cold. sometimes, i think thisman is quite deaf. get up. but.. - you don't listen,even when i say it repeatedly. baba! you're hereafter such a long while! i was busy.manju, this is mansi. my..

i understand.don't start telling me in detail. i have no time at all.come on in, mansi. darn this tap! hardlyany water is coming today. and i had to scrub lastnight's dirty vessels too. then, in the morning,there was the hurry.. prepare's just exhausting. and my husbanddoesn't even try to help. will you have tea, mansi?- no. no? thank god.i have to leave for the parlour.

we'll meet up later and talk,okay? have a seat. you're here aftersuch along time, baba. how come you're hereall of a sudden today? he has come to meet me, not you.gulp it down now. - now.. you forgot the salt again, manju. get up and get it yourself. please give it, manju.- what? every afternoon, i leave workto serve him his meal at home. have his hands broken?

can't he get it himself?union leader. baba, because of this union leader.. ..your sister is going tohave to leave her parlour job. you closed down the mill. now close down theparlour and starve. your sister has no brains.- yes. the high court is going togive its verdict in a month. all the workers are going to repent. no one hasunderstood my worthy, you see.

if they had understood.. ..i wouldn't have thismillstone around my neck. what? what did you say?- nothing, my prince. eat in peace. i'll be off, baba.bye, mansi. - okay. baba, mansi is nice. what did you see in baba? rinse out the plate, dear. will you have lunch, baba?- no, you eat. i'm getting late. i'll leave now.

come later, after the verdict.we'll have a drink then. all right. come, mansi. one moment.- you finish yours. uncle, tell mother. shedoesn't let me have chocolates. why do you ask her?i'll buy it for you. don't, mohan. it spoils the teeth. he's my nephew.nothing will happen to him. come, let's go get it.- let's go. put on a shirt first.- no. it's hot.

shall i give you a kick? come on. uncle is scolding me. mr. mohan. who is it? baba! please come. when did you get here?- a while back. i was visiting manju. your hair has gone so grey.i'll go get something. no, it's a bit late.

who is she?- this is mansi. hello.- you got married? no i mean.- live in? right? what?- you won't understand. i don't see uncle around. he was here. there he is. well, uncle? how are you?- who? oh, god! the writer himself.come on inside. no, not today. some other time.

have you met my son? yes. i had come last time.he has been named naru. naru. i miss him. but doesn't he look just like me? look. look. from this side too. again, uncle?- better late than never. i'll be off now. shall we go, uncle?- put on a shirt first. mother, give me a shirt.- come.

uncle, give me a cigarette. i have just one. let's share. what an amazing place this is. i think it's atomb of living people. after a while, buildingswill come up here. skyscrapers. why are you laughing? tell me. now, we say dinosaurs used o exist. after a few years, people willsay mill workers used to exist. shall we leave? i feel frightened.- come.

do you want to see jignesh?- oh, yes. there he is. anand, where all the children? vaatanya and daatadya werekilled in police encounters. boing is still in jail. pakya works with speedbreaker. they too will die in apolice encounter one day. but where are they? i've heard that heruns parshya's gang.

they stay at parshya's old den. after killing him,they took over his den. their den is supposedly nearthat bridge. near the sealink. parshya's boys nowwork with speedbreaker. do i need to tell you what they do.. ..and what will become of them? wretched beggars! 'we've heard thatspeedbreaker and bantya..' '..were themselvesinvolved in this murder.'

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