
full movie english

Friday, April 21, 2017

[shimmering tone] - once upon a time, there was a girlnamed elle. [lively orchestral music] ♪ ♪ all elle ever wanted to do was sing. [upbeat guitar music] ♪ most peopleare scared to dream ♪

♪ 'cause what ifit never happens ♪ ♪ i take every chance i get ♪ ♪ who cares if they end uplaughing at me ♪ ♪ la-da-da-di ♪ ♪ i won't lose any sleep ♪ ♪ that is onlyfear of the unknown ♪ ♪ and being alone ♪ ♪ life is always sweeteron the edge ♪ ♪ i'm full speed ahead ♪

♪ oh, no regrets ♪ ♪ when you're unstoppable ♪ ♪ anything is possible ♪ ♪ whenever you are broken ♪ ♪ hope hides in the shadows ♪ ♪ you got to breakthose chains ♪ ♪ and reach outfor tomorrow and say ♪ ♪ what the day will bring ♪ ♪ live each moment ♪

♪ like no one can see ♪ ♪ if you believe ♪ ♪ full speed ahead ♪ [faintly]♪ when you're unstoppable ♪ - what do you thinkyou're doing? i said, what do you thinkyou're doing? is it possible we can getour vanilla lattes today? because they're notgonna get themselves. - right, got it.vanilla lattes.

- listen up, ellie. this isn't fairy-tale land or hicksvilleor wherever you're from. - it's elle,and i'm from nashville. - who cares, emily? this is l.a.,and we move fast around here, so when i ask youto get me something, you better fetch. - i'd listen to herif i were you.

- yeah. - hmm. so why is it that i put upwith her incompetence again? - because her parents diedin some horrible plane crash, and the presidentof our record label adopted her. i think her parents weresome kind of background singers that he managedor something like that. - whatevs.she better watch it. - that's right.

- does this corsetmake me look fat? - no.- really? 'cause i had, like,two m&m's today. - elle, you need to beon point. - i know.i'm just really tired. - an internshipis important business. you said you wanted to workwith me this summer, right? - well, i did,but i just thought-- - well, then work is work.

if it was fun,they would call it that, and you wouldn't get paid. - but i don't get paid. - then you're having fun. - hey, allen? i was thinking,for this next shot, if-- - i'm sorry. i'm sorry.i'm sorry. i'm sorry. don't i hire youto do that? exactly.thank you.

take this. - hey, uncle allen? what do you thinkabout me singing again? i mean, i've beenworking on this song, and-- - no, i think i told you that i don't thinkyou're ready yet. - well, can't you justlisten to it and then just-- - can we talk about itlater? sensation treating youwith kid gloves?

- the kiddest. - great. watch out for the cables, 'cause they'reall over the place. - morning,sleepyhead. - kit?- yeah? - how long was i out for? - just a few minutes.nothing big. i mean, what's upwith sensation?

were they harassing youagain? you know, i don't know why youtake that from them, elle. - they're sensation. i mean, do you knowof another group bringing in moneyat this company? and besides, uncle allen told meto keep an eye out for them. - i don't think he meansbeing their slave. - i can't tell uncle allen,kit.

i mean, i'm the puppyhe didn't ask for and then has to sendto college. he's done enoughfor me. hey, do you want anythingfrom cafe cafe? - no, but you can tell andyi said hello. - why don't you justcome with me and tell him yourself? - no, not gonna happen,okay? by the way,you were doing it again.

- what? - you know,singing in your sleep. i think that's just weird. who does that?sleep-singing. - you knowi don't sing anymore. - well, you need to tell thatto your dreams, because they obviouslydidn't get the memo. - i got to go. - okay, bye.

[machine whirring] [clock ticking] [coffee beans rattling] - order's up. two mocha-choca-lattes. bam. - thank you.- thanks. - have a good one. elle, my belle.

how goes it? - the usual.- nonfat, right? - yeah, they're allon diets. - again? - yeah, i thinkit's wheatgrass this time. - ooh. - or maybe just grass. i don't know.i can't keep up. - well, guess what.

i got them readyfor you. bam! - aw, thanks. - nothing for you today? - not unlessit's on the house. - aw, thanks! - you needto tell your pops to get you a company card. - well, he's not my pops,

and i'm not even reallyofficially part of the company. i mean, i'm not even allowedin the recording studio, thanks to those threesensational devils. - elle, my belle, you're gonna flyone of these days. it's the city of angelsafter all. - then why do i feellike i'm crawling all the time? - it's 12 bucks. - 12?

- yeah, new boss,new prices. [change jingling] - sorry. - [laughing] you know what? not at all. chin up,elle, my belle. you'll get your wingsone of these days. - see you later.

oh, and kit says hello. - you tell her the only word i wantto hear from her is "yes." - [laughs] - hasta la vista, baby. hasta ma-- hasta maã‘ana. [chuckles] oh, man. - ♪ ooh ♪

- ♪ i've never felt so good ♪ ♪ ain't no sad songstoday ♪ ♪ the sun is shiningmy way ♪ - ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ - ♪ kodak can't capture this ♪ ♪ ever sincewe first kissed ♪ all: ♪ there's somethingabout a saturday ♪ ♪ there's somethingabout a saturday ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪

- ♪ let's go dancing,let's get close ♪ ♪ get some dinner,see a show ♪ ♪ let's stay outtill morning comes ♪ ♪ there's something-- ♪ ow!what the heck are you doing? - we're going this way. - how dare you? you think i don't knowmy own routine? - no.

- get this moronoff my set now. now! oh, this is unbelievable. you're so fired.- so fired. - oh, please,get over yourself. isn't that my necklace? oh! - that's me,elle daniels. and my day is about to geta lot worse.

- where's ella? i need my latte, like, now! [slow-motion screaming] ah, ella!ah, ah! - i'm so sorry! - oh, ella, you idiot! i'm melting!i'm melting! - i'm sorry!i'm so sorry! - ah, don't touch me!

never touch me! - [exhales] never touch you? who cares aboutyour stupid video, anyways? hope you fall every timeyou do your stupid dance moves. oh, i'm--i'm sorry. i didn't knowanyone was in here. - it's fine. - i'm just having a bad day,you know?

- it happens. - it's my boss,sort of. she's just so meanfor no reason. - [sighs] - sometimes i wishshe would just do one of her stupid dance movesright off the stage, you know? bullies, right? well, thanks for listening,anyway. - just so you know,

no one cares about your bossor your bad day. and for the record, my mother choreographedthose stupid dance moves. don't bothersaying you're sorry. i can already see it. sensation out. - you've met kit. she's the closest thingto a human being here, if you don't countuncle allen,

who isn't evena real uncle. that's a long story. kit's an intern,just like me. - yes, they have a new videocoming out, and it's gonna be big. "no" is such a harsh word, so i'll put you downfor a maybe. and tell mr. o'brien that theyare big, big fans of his. uh-huh.

- i saw andy today.- and so? - and he said that youshould drink more coffee. - what do you thinkhe meant by that? - uh, maybe he'd liketo see you more? - you know, i just haven't been drinkingthat much coffee lately. it's no big deal. i mean, everybodygoes through phases, and i am just in

a "less drinking coffee" phaseright now. - you are such a dork. i mean, if you wereless defensive, you wouldn't soundnearly as guilty. - every time you talkabout andy the coffee guy, you get all crazy. - that's not true. - really? - okay, got me.

but you tell anybodyabout this, and i'll expose you. i'll tell everybody thatyou're a closet country singer and sensationis your favorite band. - speak of the devils. [lively rock music] would you like me to makeanother coffee run? - no, i think i've hadmore than enough coffee. thank you.

you know, you're luckyyou're not dead meat. thank godthe wardrobe department had another outfitfor our video shoot. otherwise, you would haveruined the entire thing. - yeah, i'm sure. - excuse me, everybody. - oh, hey, allen!- hey, allen! - morning, girls.morning, everyone. i'm sure you're all familiarwith the name kandi kane?

she's our newest client. her online videosurpassed a million clicks, and consideringhow blurry it was, i think she musthave something. so let's dothe usual workup. anuka, i want youin my office in an hour to talk about press. - okay. - and, brooke,i want you to block out

the recording studioall of next week. two songs,seven days. um, by the way, ty parker's coming byfor an interview later. so let's just tryto contain our excitement when he comes. [all laughing and talking] - he's so hot. - ah, tssh!

next. - oh, my god! - didn't you have a ty parker-themed birthdayparty when you were a kid? - yeah, 11. - 11 years old? - no, i had 11 differentty parker-themed parties. both: happy birthday, elle! - make a wish.

- yeah, make a wish. - i love you, ty parker. [applause] ty parker. he started out asthe best friend on some sitcom. one record later,he was a household name. a year later,he had the record of the year. and i and all of americafollowed of him. he grew up,became more than a kid singer.

he was ty parker. there are moments in lifewhen everything slows down, where 100 things can happen in the spaceof a single breath... [romantic piano music] a moment where your heartreaches out across the expanseof space and time and finds another heart beating in time with yours.

thud! - hi, i'm stephanie. i'll take youto allen's office. [giggling] - oh, my gosh. he touched my hand. he--he actuallytouched my hand! - allen, the thing is, my fans are getting olderand more sophisticated.

they're notteenyboppers anymore. - neither are you. - that's just it. i got an offerfrom every label in town to do the same recordi did last year and the year before that. you want to knowwhat i want? a chance to fail. yeah, i want a label

that's gonna let medo something different and not drop me the minutei don't sell a million copies. - i get that.i respect that, ty. and there was a timewhen i even felt that. but trust mewhen i say to you that good intentionsand good music don't always makea good marriage, not without good business. now, i know you've beensuccessful so far--

- look, i'm not worriedabout success, allen, okay? i--i need to dosomething different. all right,no more lip-synching, no more canned beats. just...this is my chanceto do something real. - well, do you realizethat some of your fans won't accept that, that some of themwill leave you?

- i'll get new ones. - yeah, and if you don't? - then at leasti was honest. what do you think? - i think i knowwhy you're here at spunn. - the question is,do i come back? boy, ty, you are notwhat i expected. - i've been hearing thata lot lately.

is it a bad thing? actually, i don't think so. you remind me of the very first bandi represented. - yeah?where are they now? well, they're gone. taken. good music doesn't keepan airplane in the sky. so, um...

you sold a lot of records. you're willingto give that up just to make the recordyou want to make? - i have to. - all right,have a seat. how about this? we'll startwith a baby step. i just signed an up-and-comingyoung pop singer from london, kandi kane.

i think a duet with hercould make magic and money. - allen, i'm tryingto stay away from the pop. - i know. you want to dosomething different. what i'm saying is,do it in the booth with her. she gives you pop. you push back with soul. trust me, ty. do this for me, and then i'll let youdo anything you want

any way you want. what do you say? - well, uh... i mean, i got to thinkabout it. - no problem. - thanks again, allen.- okay, thanks. all right, everybody. that's enough stargazing. now, mr. parker may be returningfor a tour of the studio,

so let's make surehe has full access. - hey, uncle allen, maybe tonight you couldgive that song a listen. - oh, i don't know, elle. i have a lot of work to do, and i'll probablybe home late again. you probably shouldn't evenwait up. - are you sure? i mean,i can make dinner.

- don't bother. i know. you probably will anyway. come on.back to work. - [clears throat] such a hallmark moment. - i'm gettingall warm and fuzzy inside. - warm and fuzzy. - oh, i changed our minds.

i do want more drinks, edna. - nonfat, right? with new competitionon the way, you guys might wantto look your best. - i'm not going to dignify thatwith a response. - me neither. - yeah, come on, girls. we have a sensational new videoto finish. - what's the matter?

- what are you talking about? - you haven't eatena bite. - i'm just not that hungry. - is it about sensation?your uncle? - why does it have to beabout either one? - is there some other dramai don't know about? i don't knowwhat's wrong, kit. - maybe it's your singing. - why would you say that?

- because you weredreaming about it. - no, i wasn't. - yes, you were.everybody heard you. - leave it alone,for the millionth time. i don't sing anymore. - elle, you're good. i mean, you're really good. you know how many girlswould kill to have your voice and your musical ability?

- just stop it. - why would you keep such an incredible talenthidden? you have a gift,a destiny. - destiny? yeah, right. destiny changes every day, and plans change every day. and things happen,and those things change you,

so what's the point? - what aboutberklee college of music? i mean, didn't you havean audition for them for a scholarship? - that was a long time ago. - elle,that was six months ago. you used to want to bethe biggest singer-songwriter on the planet. if you don't pursueyour music,

what are you gonna dowith your life? - i don't know. like, go to a community collegeor something. become a dental hygienist. and besides, uncle allenis knee-deep into spunn records. he can't afford to send meto a real college anyways. - all i'm saying is, if you don't hold onto what makes you you, then you can lose yourself,

and you may not find itagain. wow, confucius. that was deep. - i know, right? it's like, i get my east wisdomfrom the east. [laughter] - what's that? - an entry form. berklee is havinganother round

of scholarship auditionscoming up. - first of all, okay, berklee screwed upmy entire life, and secondly,i thought i just told you. - okay, fine.i will drop it for now. do you want to check outthis kandi kane video? i heard it got 10 million hitsonline. - sure. - let's see.

- ♪ i've gotwhat you're looking for ♪ ♪ boy, you want it ♪ ♪ and i'll be all thatand more ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa ♪ - what is that?what is that? - ♪ just one biteand you'll see ♪ - if you ever wondered what life as a record companyintern was like, this is it.

one of my jobs today is to call every radio stationin the area and requestsensation's record. more callsequals more exposure. more exposureequals more sales. and more salesequals this. - hey, ellen. how's it going? - fine.

- we just finishedour new hit video. it is the best thingwe have ever done. - the absolute best.- yeah. - oh, great. i can't wait to callthe stations and request it. did you need something? - well, we werejust wondering what you were doing tomorrow. - the same as today,i guess.

- how would you like to bea part of a real recording? - are you serious? - uh-huh. come with us to the studiotomorrow. i mean, you would really,really be helping us out. - we know how wellyou know our music, and we really valueyour opinion. - sure.i can do that. thanks.

- no prob. - see ya.- bye. - what was that? - i don't know, but i get to bein the studio tomorrow. - careful, elle. i don't trust those threeas far as i can throw them, especially stephanie. - well, maybe they'returning over a new leaf.

- mm, no. - hey, you knowwhat this means? - if anybody requests coffeetomorrow, you have to get it from andyby yourself. - oh, my gosh, elle! i got to plan outwhat i'm gonna say. i got to go! - you are so pitiful. hey, is this wkla?

do you havethe new sensation single? sensation? late night? - yup. you cooked? more work? hey, you know what? i have a few minutes now if you want meto hear something.

- never mind. it was nothing. [gentle acoustic guitar music] ♪ i want to bea princess ♪ ♪ the fairest all around ♪ ♪ and if you leavemy kingdom ♪ ♪ you're neverreally gone ♪ ♪ i felt your love ♪ ♪ i think i understand ♪

♪ if i skinned my knee ♪ ♪ or found a princeto take my hand ♪ ♪ love will alwaysbe around ♪ and then sensationasked me to help in the studiotomorrow. - sorry? i'm sorry.i was a million miles away. say that again. - you need to go to bed.

- well, you know what?so do you. 'cause i can't have my internsfalling asleep on the job. - but did you hear what i said about sensation wanting meto help in the studio? - yup, keep your earsand your eyes open. magic can happenin that booth. - okay, well, i love you,you know. - yeah, i know you do, kid. - ♪ your love is with me ♪

♪ now ♪ - bravo! very good, huh? - this was it. no matter how tough it had beenover the past few months, this made up for it all. i was finally gettingthe respect i deserved, and i was goinginto the studio. - ♪ sensation ♪

- ♪ sensation ♪- ♪ sensation ♪ - oh, my god,that was great. oh, hi! - oh, my gosh.this is so amazing. - it is, isn't it? this is where sensationmakes its magic. [feet pattering] - so what can i doto help? - i'm so glad to hearhow eager you are.

in the dressing room,there's a small fridge with three different kindsof bottled water. after every three takes,no more, no less, we're gonna needone of each kind. and i'd probably leavehalfway between the last take, because we want you backas soon as we finish. - i likethe strawberry-flavored water, steph likes the lemon,and jamie likes the plain. - yeah.- mm-hmm.

- so you want me to beyour water girl. - [scoffs]no. you get to hold these too. - [coughs] what are these? - oh, these areso we can towel off after each take. it just gets so hotin here. - sweat towels?

- okay, um, yeah. now...[clicks tongue] scoot. yeah, nice dress there. okay, ready? so second take.ready? bigger, better. be alive.ready? - hi, i'm requestingthe new single from sensation.

awesome. i mean, i'll listento any station who plays that song. - nice day, isn't it,elle? - oh, buzz off. i'm really sorry. i didn't mean that.i'm sorry. yes, i'd like to vote. i'd like to pickthe new sensation single

for song of the day. - our ears are burning. eleanor, thanks so muchfor helping today. - well, i'm not surewhat i did that a laundry basketcouldn't do. - aw, emmy-poo,is something wrong? i'm sure there'sa ton of interns that would love to be this closeto actual stars. - you're very lucky.

- but you don't seemvery grateful. ty is inspirational,isn't he? the way he justupped and left. it's hard to imagine what his old labelis going through right now. mm, all that money he took with him. - all that money.- mm-hmm. i wonder what would happento spunn records

if they losttheir biggest act. - you knowwhy they call sensation a bubblegum pop group? because bubble gumcomes cheap. when you go out for lunch... - actually, i brought my-- go pick upthe whole wheat wraps from the storearound the corner, not before 2:00and not after 3:00.

okay? oh, oh, yeah,and one last thing. we have a wardrobe fittingin a minute, and we have to fix some dressesthat, um, yeah, they might fit you, but we have to get themhemmed and fit for us, um... smaller girls. or is that too much to ask from our littlelaundry basket...

esther? - toodles, ellie. [all snapping fingers] - have fun, girls. all: always. - i hope you chokeon a sequin. [lively electronic music] - ♪ i want my nameup in lights ♪ ♪ and that staron my door ♪

♪ i'm gonna go for it,yeah ♪ ♪ i want more ♪ ♪ hollywood ♪ ♪ you're gonna see mein hollywood ♪ ♪ you're gonna meet mein hollywood ♪ ♪ i'm gonna be there ♪ ♪ just wait and see ♪ [electric guitar solo] ♪ come on and meet me in... ♪

[peaceful piano music] so this is what it's liketo be a star in today's world, all the dresses,the hair, and the makeup. it's not the wayi remember it, mom and dad travelingall over the country just to sing backupfor some singer whose last hitwas ten years old. but that didn't matterto them. they loved singing.

- elle, you lookso beautiful. - thank you,miss pembrook. - ready? now, i know how muchyou want to get into berklee. remember, stage frightis all in the mind. you are a star. - are my parents here yet? 'cause i really need them. - they know that,

and you know they'll be herejust as soon as they can. your uncle calledand said they caught the last flightout of philadelphia. will he be coming too? - i don't think so. - oh, that's a shame. aren't you two very close? - well, he's sort ofa part-time dad or uncle, i guess.

he takes care of mewhen my parents are on tour. - well, he soundsreally special. you break a leg tonight. - i will.thank you. - miss pembrook,we need to present you, please. break a leg. - name, please. - uh, elle daniels. - what will yoube singing for us today?

- it's actually a songthat i wrote for my parents. - good. [mellow acoustic guitar music] - uncle allenwasn't supposed to be there. i knew somethingwas definitely wrong. the thing is, when you have a memoryyou would like to erase, the opposite happens. a leak,they said later.

my parents' planehad a hydraulic leak. that stupid planeshould have never been flying. and the worst part aboutremembering those moments is, you can't always rememberthe difference between what really happenedand what it felt like. [soft choral music] maybe there is such a thingas a second chance. maybe kit was right. maybe i could do this.

[dramatic instrumental music] i mean, what harm could it doto submit a song along with the berkleescholarship entry form? after all, there i was in a los angelesrecording studio. and i was all alone. [soulful country guitar music] ♪ you're never really gone ♪ ♪ you made me feelso special ♪

♪ so beautifuland true ♪ ♪ i wishthat i could thank you ♪ ♪ if you only knew ♪ ♪ and i felt your love ♪ ♪ there isn't any doubt ♪ ♪ that your loveis with me now ♪ ♪ it's funnyhow fast things can change ♪ ♪ then you're forcedto pack your things ♪ ♪ and headinto the great unknown ♪

♪ and face this worldall alone ♪ ♪ but no one waits for youback home ♪ ♪ but i felt your love ♪ ♪ and i miss you ♪ ♪ i'm crying out to ♪ ♪ help me make iton my own ♪ ♪ 'cause i felt your love ♪ ♪ your love is with me ♪ - [clapping]

[feedback whines] - i'm sorry. - no, that--that was amazing. i mean, wow. i mean,you play so well too. i mean, you really arethe full package. - [laughs]i, um... - so when did youget in? i mean, wow.i'm just--

sorry, i'm just--i'm going off like this. i'm just really excited. i'm ty parker. - oh.- yeah. i hope you don't mind mejust sneaking in like this. i was in here recordingearlier, and i, um--i... here it is.i forgot my phone. i was almost at the hotelbefore i realized, and--wow.

listen to mejust yammering on. - well, i-i'm... - kandi kane, yeah,no, yeah. i got to be honest. when allen told meabout you, i had no ideawhat you looked like or sounded like. but i think--i think you're perfect. i mean, the look,the sound.

am i talking too much? - i'm... - you don't say a lot,do you? no, i mean,you're tired, yeah. would you maybe wantto get out of here? - go out...with you? - and this is it, the moment i didthe dumbest thing i've ever done.

i turned british for a guy. [with british accent]well, that would be lovely. - well, shall we? - indeed. - ah, perfect. thanks, man.i appreciate it. - enjoy.- ah, will do. so i know this isn't really the most romantic of spots,but...

you're new to america. this was where i shotmy first music video, so i figured maybe we can shootour first music video here. - well,that would be lovely. - you know, i almostdidn't catch that accent before. you're from england, right? - yes, england. i was born there. well, i live there.

i was born there,and i live there. - but not all the time. sometimes i go back, though, to london and other partsof england. - you know, i've actuallynever been there. - oh, you must visitsometime. the tower of londonand buckingham palace... and fog. well, maybe you cangive me a tour sometime.

- i would be delighted. - i'm surprisedyou're so cool. i mean, i'm sure you're usedto fancy restaurants. - you'd be surprised. - well, that's the priceof fame, i guess. i mean, if we'd goneto the four seasons, the place would beswarming with photographers in 15 minutes. have you had to dealwith that?

- not yet, no. - oh, give it time. i mean, the way you sing... you know, say what you wantabout hot dog carts, but they havethe best french fries. you really should dig in. - no, it's cool. mind somewhere else? - something like that.

you're right.good fries. - don't you mean--don't you mean "chips"? - pardon? - fries, don't you call them"chips" in england? - oh, yes, some places. but you know what they say: two countries separatedby a common language. - oh, smart too. - you.

you're pretty,smart, talented, foreign, which is cool. - well, what about you,the dashing ty parker, teenage heartthrob on the coverof almost every magazine? - mm. that sounds betterthan it is. - well, what do you mean? - i can't walkout of my front door without being houndedby photographers.

and the tabloids... don't believeanything they say. - it can't be that bad. [scoffs] i mean, have you everhad someone just constantly telling youwhat to do, someone who thinks they knoweverything about music? - that's why i'm still unsureabout signing with spunn. i mean, allen seemslike a nice guy,

but i just don't knowif he loves music the way we do, you know? i mean, still, he did sayi could chart my own destiny. - that sounds like him. - hmm? you two had a chanceto talk much? - uh, not much, no. i think he's preoccupied with you and kandi's recordingtogether.

- you mean you and irecording together. - what did i say? - you said, "you and kandi." - oh, well, that's justhow we talk in london. we just spontaneously speakin the third person. it's very literary. - well, i guess there's a loti have to learn about you. - you have no idea. - hey, do you want to--do you want to take a walk?

- i am not surei'm dressed for it. - ah, come on. honestly, i haven't been ableto relax like this in months. please? - ♪ your hand reaches out ♪ ♪ everybodyneeds someone ♪ ♪ a shoulder to cry on ♪ ♪ or lean upon ♪ ♪ i'll be right beside you ♪

♪ you can count on me ♪ ♪ there i'll be ♪ - so where did you learnhow to sing like that? - i took a few classeswhen i was younger, and my parentswere both singers. - are--are they back homein england? - uh, no--yeah. just back at home,waiting for me to get back. - you're nothing likewhat i expected.

- oh, no? - i mean, there was a rumorthat you were a little wild. - no, not me. i'm an angel. see my halo? well, i might have heard thatyou were a shallow pop star. - oh, touche, touche. is that what you think now? - so what do you think?

- i think you'reone of the sweetest guys i've ever met. - i think you're the mostbeautiful girl i've ever met. this is gonna bethe best duet ever. [cell phone rings] uh, is that--is that mine? - uh, no, that's mine. sorry, but i have to go. - no, but--

wait. i don't evenhave your number. um, i guess i'll see youin the recording studio. - hi, ty parker.- hey. - i don't mean to bother you, but can i haveyour autograph? - yeah, totally, sweetheart,totally. - please?- what's your name? - scarlet.- scarlet. - ooh!

- there you go. - thank you.- of course. - i--i love your music. - thanks, man.appreciate it, man. - you're just awesome.- thanks, dude. - thanks so much.- thanks, ty. - of course, of course. hey, you guys have a good one,okay? - okay, bye.thank you.

- yeah, totally.thanks a lot, man. - ♪ everybodyneeds someone ♪ - i kissed ty parker. i kissed ty parker? i kissed ty parker! well, i kissed himon the cheek, anyway, but it was still a kiss. and nowi just had to figure out how in the worldi was gonna tell him

that i wasn'tthe famous kandi kane. [laughing]i'm in trouble. - hey! - what's with the outfit? - i'll explain later.- where have you been? - why?what's the big deal? - yeah, apparently, somebody brokeinto the studio last night and recordedover sensation's new album.

broke in? recorded over? - as in, disappeared,not there, gone. dude, somebodyrecorded over it, and your uncleis on a warpath. - recorded over...[sighs] oh, no. - hi, ty. - oh, here.let me help you.

- it's okay.i got it. - hey, do i--do i know you? - no, i don't think so. - uh, but, no,you look really familiar. - no, um, excuse me. i have to get backto work. all right, i'll--i'll see you around, then. nice hat. - huh, uh, you know,

ordinarily,i'd be entertained by that, but do you mind telling mewhat's going on? - i'm sorry.are you kidding me? find a technician. i have a recording studio here and no place to record. [tapping at door] look, i'll tell you what. if you don't havea technician here in an hour,

then i'm gonna finda new company to work with. - bad time? - trying to rememberthe last good one. - well, i think there'sa silver lining to this. - oh, really?can't wait to hear it. - the girl on the recording... - yeah.- it's kandi kane. - kandi kane?are you sure? - yeah, i ran into herlast night.

have you listened to it?- no, not yet. - well, don't worry about it. i'm telling you,i can feel it. it's just like you said. you put us both in the booth, it's gonna be magic. - wait a second.what are you saying? - i'm saying me and kandi kane,the duet you wanted. - allen, consider me signedto spunn records.

- well, ty,that's terrific! that's really terrific, ty. well, great, i'll--i'll have my secretary draw up the papers, and we'll set up lunchfor you two. - perfect.thanks, man. - talk about that duet. - ty parker,as in the ty parker. - for the thousandth time,yes.

- oh, my gosh.this is incredible. oh, he--wait.he thinks you're kandi kane. okay, not onlydoes he not know your name, but he also thinksyou're from another country. - it's a sordid affair.i know. - this is the best. - i can't believeyou're enjoying my suffering. - you had a romantic eveningwith your prince charming. where does the sufferingcome in?

- it's the whole "i lied about who i am,and once he finds out, he's never gonna wantto speak to me again" part. - you just need to tell himthe truth. once he sees it's you, he's not gonna careif you're american, british,or a martian. - well, you seempretty convinced. - well, i've seena million teen comedies

on this subject, and i am an expert. - johnny, man,i really appreciate you shutting downthe restaurant for me, dude. - definitely, ty. anytime you need anything,definitely give me a call. - will do, man.- take care. - thanks again. - oh, i'm so sorryto be rude.

i'm actually waitingfor someone. - me. - no, i'm sorry. i have a meeting.i have to get-- - you have a meetingwith me. i'm kandi. - of course--of course you are. - mm-hmm.- yeah. please, have a seat.

get this thing going. ah... - and that'swhen i told my agent we absolutelymust come to america. i mean,here is an entire country that's barely evenheard of me. how is that fair to them? so we jumped the pond,as they say here. and here i amsitting here

across from ty parker, the hottest starin the colonies. - colonies? - as inthe 13 original colonies. oh, ty,please tell me you're as smartas you are talented, dear boy. because when i agreedto do this duet, i knew there was only one personand one person alone that could share the stagewith kandi kane

and not be blowncompletely out of the water, and that person is you, ty. aren't you gonna eat? - we haven't ordered. and you're gonnaneed to eat. you'll need your strength,ty. because kandi kaneis not just a singer. kandi kaneis a force of nature. [purrs]

and who knows? maybe the studioisn't the only place you and i can playa duet. - oh, kandi,i am so sorry. i have to listen, i would loveto continue this, but i just--i really have to run. i'm sorry. wow.[clears throat]

whatever you's delicious. put it on my tab. i'm just so sorry.i have to go. i'll see youin the rehearsal studio. it was great. - ty?your phone. - ooh, yeah, my phone. thank you so much.thank you. have a good one.

- how did you sleep,honey? - i didn't. - poor thing, you know,you really need to get out of this funkyou're in and just tell the guy. - i wouldif it were just a guy, but it's not. it's ty parker, the guy that i have convincedthat i'm a real singer.

- you are a real singer. - i sing.i'm not a real singer. i mean, i don't havemy own record label, my own entourage,or an intern to boss around. i mean, all i haveis sensation, three girls that would likenothing better than to knowthat i screwed up their record and lied to ty. - i like itwhen you call him ty.

it's like i know him. - you are so not helping. - hey, everybody? - oh! - hey, everybody,can i have your attention? as i'm sure you heard, there was a mistakein the studio. there was some girl in thererecording a song. she was notwho i thought she was.

- see?he likes you. ow! i-i mean, how did you knowit was a girl? - um, nothing. - um, and, well,she's disappeared. anyways, um, if any of you knowwho she is, it's very importantthat i get in touch with her. - say something.

hey! hey, ty,that's a great idea. you know, becausehelping is what people do, and we should all be helpful. so let's do this. i'll be quiet. [whistles] thank you guysfor your time. appreciate it.

- okay, dru,what do you think? - this is not what i want. - what do you mean,it's not what you want? - this is not what i wantat all. it's not my vision.- okay, i tell you what. we're gonna have to havemy secretary give you a call. - no, we haveto talk about this-- - allen,i got to talk to you. - good-bye.

um, thank you. - look,unless i find this girl, i'm leaving spunn records,okay? i'm not kidding.i'll leave right now. - whoa, whoa,take it easy, ty. i mean,we do have a contract. - i'll break it.- for a girl? - it's not just a girl. you said that i can makethe record i want.

- right. - i want that girlon my record. make it happen, allen. - yeah, but she's not the girl. that's the problem, ty. look, let's just doour agreement the way we agreed towith the real kandi kane, and then we'll find your girlfor you. - [scoffs]you asked me to make magic,

and now you're taking awaymy hat. can you just forget aboutkandi kane for two seconds? help me out. - no, i can'tforget about her, and neither can you. ty... if we walk out on kandi now, she will sue us both. you know what that means?

no chance to do your music,with a girl or alone. that would bea total lockdown. now, is that what you want? - it has never been aboutwhat i want until right now. look, i'm finding this girl,okay, allen? and i'm not lettingsome stupid lawsuit get in the way. we've never lookedthis good.

- i know. - this is it. ah! i mean,look at these outfits. no one is going to have these,i'm telling you. i mean, i lookso hot today. i don't know what it is. that facial yesterdaywas just insane. - you always look good.- i know.

it's ridiculous. - i look fat. - go to the gym.skip a meal. it works. - do you like this scarf? - yup, mm-hmm. don't ask me again. i picked it out for you. girls, i mean, seriously,we're gonna, like,

be the fashion iconsof the 2000s. okay, i think we're readyfor shades. pose. hit it!pose! take it down, fosse. slow. that's right. sensation. okay, i'm parched.

what? no water? where is imogene? - i haven't seen hersince lunch. - that is unacceptable. i'll be back. practice! - okay.- one! two! ooh, what do we have here?

[keyboard keys clacking] [footsteps approaching] - ♪ how fastthings can change ♪ - [gasps] that's the songthat recorded over our record. [gasps]no, she... [gasping] no, she didn't! [shouts]

[huffs] girls... both: what? - we have a problem. sensation...out. [electronic whooshing] - what's up? it's your boy danny c.,reporting live from your number oneradio station: zkla!

we in the boothwith my boy t-y parker! what's good? what's good?what's good? - how's it going, man?it's been a while. actually, i got a messagei got to get out. i knew you'd be the guyto help me, man. - oh, man, anything i can doto help t-y parker. platinum-selling artistin the building! - i met a girl. i mean, this girlis a diamond in the rough, man.

i've never hearda voice like hers. more importantly, i mean, i spent the best nightof my life with this girl. and i'm telling you,danny c., this girl is--this girl is beautiful. she's funny. she's got the voiceof an angel, man. - wow, could t-y parkerbe falling in l-o-v-e, love? - oh, well, unfortunately,i don't know much about her.

i don't even reallyknow her name. but i know she's out there, and i knowshe's probably listening, and i want to see if we canget her to reveal herself. you know?- a game or something? okay. any rules? - i got one of her songs, and i want to playthe beginning of it, and if this girl can come inand sing the next line,

i'll take this mystery girl outfor the time of her life, and she'll record with meon my next album. - all right, ladies,you heard the man. here we go. [thumping electronic music] - uh, ah, yeah. next caller. uh, i'm guessing that, uh,that wasn't her. uh-uh, no-oh.

[laughs]next caller. uh, um, you know what? actually, no, no. yeah, we're not lookingfor a rapper. we're lookingfor a singer. thanks, though. sorry, t-y. it looks likewe came up short. - it's all good, danny.

it was worth a shot. - there's one upside. - yeah?what's that? - sounds like once you findthis mystery girl, you really have somethingspecial on your hands, man. - yeah, thanks again, man. - no problem, dude,anytime i can help. i'm gonna get on out of here. you want to grab somethingto eat?

- yeah, i'm starving.- chinese? - yeah, i'm down.- okay, let's do it. you got the beamer keys? - i got the range. - the new range? i'm still in a honda. let's rock, though. - whoo! - ♪ i heard that songon the radio ♪

- so i'd doneabout two gigs there, and that'swhen i told my agent, "if you expect me to playat your club, you're gonna have to pay me." and that's how i cameto america. oh, hello. you must be the girlsfrom sensation. you're so...cute. kandi, we are such big fansof yours.

i was wondering if we could talk to youfor a minute. - of course. give us a minute,will you, lads? what's on your mind? - we heard that you and ty had a meetingthat ended abruptly. - he ditched you. - i wouldn't say "ditched."

- do the englishhave another word for it? - what can i dofor you girls? - we're allon the same boat here. correct? ty is obsessedwith a certain girl. - ah, yes, the mystery girl,my double. - we know the girl. - do you? - it's our stupid intern.

she can't do her job. she can't even fill our fridgewith the right gourmet water, and she sabotagedour record. - she even tried to sabotageyou and ty. - oh, no. - and i just can't take itanymore. it's just so frustrating. - oh, now, now, love. you mustn't let these peopleget to you.

- [sobs] - i know how hard it is to find good helpthese days. - [sobbing]you're right. [inhales deeply] ooh, sensation. [inhales sharply] hey, you're actuallyreally nice. to be honest, i thoughtwe'd be fake friends

because we're on the same labeland all. but maybe we can bereal friends. - you know something? i was thinkingthe exact same thing. but i have to warn you. when it comesto our little intern, we may have to bea little underhanded. - mm-hmm,you girls don't know me yet, but trust me when i say

underhandedis what i do best. - it's hot. now, what did you want? - hey!- this is supposed to be-- - whoa! hi, kit. - hi.have you seen elle? - uh, look nice today. - look, coffee monkey,this isn't about me.

did you listento danny c.'s show last night? - yeah, ty parker was on,and-- - yeah, i know that. i wouldn't have asked youif you heard the show if i hadn't heard the show,would i? that doesn't make any sense. - um, okay, i just-- - can it.come here. - whoa.

whoa, uh! uh, what's going on here? - listen,i need to confide in you. can you be trusted? hey, what are you doingthis weekend, huh? - listen, brew boy,we can talk about us later. - so there is an us. - do you want thereto be an us? - yeah, i thinkthat would be great.

- me too. - yes. cool. - yeah.back to business. danny c.'s show last night,the song... - oh, yeah, love is with me now, right? - that's it. - i liked was good. - of course you was elle.

- get out of here. - it's true. - well, then why didn't shecall in? - well, it's a long story. i just--i need to figure outa way to help my friend out, but i just don't knowhow i'm gonna help her. - well,why are you telling me? - two reasons: one, i've been dying to tellsomeone else this secret.

and two, i've been tryingto figure out a way to start a conversationwith you, and i just didn't thinkthis would be half bad. - oh... sweet. so what are we gonna do? - i'll tell you. missed you today. - i think i need to move on,kit.

- where?greener pastures? - did you hear danny your song last night? - yeah, everyone did. - yeah, especially at spunn. and do you want to knowa secret? - what?- they loved it. - i'm so humiliated. i mean, even if i dogo back to spunn records, what am i gonna say?

sooner or later,ty is gonna see me and find out who i am. maybe i could getplastic surgery. - yeah, that's a great idea. you can get big fish lips,like this, and have your eyebrowspulled to your hairline. - okay, maybe thatwas a dumb idea. - by the way,i wanted to thank you. - for what?

- thanks, andy. - yeah, anytime. good song, elle. - you told him? - i'm afraid so. you know,he actually knows ty. they went to high schooltogether or something. - it's perfect. they're meeting up later.

andy can mention you. it's the perfect plan. i mean, it's about time you started getting creditfor your music, elle. it's beautiful. - whatever. - i have an idea. there's a party tomorrow,some celebration for kandi kane's arrivalto america or something.

- yeah, it's at our house. the real kandi kane shows up,and we crash her party? - yes! ty can care lessabout that english tart. he wants to meet you. he wants the girlthat he met, the girlthat he heard sing, the girl that he fell for. - you know,you might be right.

- i am? - yeah, i mean,look at andy over there. he lights up like a candleevery time he sees you. that could beme and ty. - yes, that is why,my dear, i have the perfect plan. - ♪ l.a., l.a.,people ♪ - ♪ and we just want to party ♪ - ♪ new york, new york,people ♪

- ♪ miami, miami,people ♪ - ♪ las vegas, las vegas,people ♪ ♪ if you want to ♪ - no.i'm so nervous. this is such a bad idea. - this is gonna beso much fun. it's like when juliet finds outromeo is a montague, but they can't be kept apart no matterwhat their last names are.

[squeals] i do read, you know. - okay, well,this is a really stupid idea. - this is a great idea. and, elle, it was your idea, and you look so pretty. i mean, ty parkeris going to find out who the real elle daniels is. you ready?- no.

- yes, you are. too're going. go. go. go. - ♪ new orleans, new orleans,people ♪ ♪ turn that beat up,up, up, up ♪ ugh. ooh. ooh, a diary. mm, no, no, no.

ew, what is this? god. no taste whatsoever. there's got to be something. what is she, a saint? ugh! oh, god. oh![giggles] [gentle guitar music]

- ♪ i want to bea princess ♪ [hysterical laughter] [laughter continues] it's pathetic! - what is going on? - oh, hello, ellie. i love what you've donewith your room. now, i have a question. did you really thinkthat you could pretend to be me

and get away with it? 'cause you can't. so why don't youscurry on back to nashville? 'cause there's nothingfor you here. it's so sad. - it's, i can't believe it's her. - i know.look at this. [giggles] can you believe what peoplewill do to be famous?

i mean, she even triedto pretend to be me. [laughs] - how could you do thisto her? - [laughs]ty, she's nothing. ty! ty! it was funny. funny, yes, funny. - you know, andy said that if i cameto the party tonight,

there'd be this girl here that i'd justnever forgive myself if i didn'tget a chance to meet her. - and? - he was right. why'd you do it, pretend to be kandi,i mean? - i didn't mean to. i honestly didn't.

but then you thoughti was kandi, and that was justso much better than the truth. for the first timesince my parents died, i decided to stand upand sing, and look what happened. maybe they're right,kandi, sensation... my parents. lying to you all becauseof some stupid idea that i thoughti could be a real singer.

- i don't--i don't understand. - they were on their wayto see me, trying to get back in timefor my berklee audition. [sighs] it's because of me, ty. if it wasn't for my singing, my parentswould still be alive. - it is not your fault. do you think for one secondyour parents would want you

to keep your voicefrom the world? do you thinkthey'd be happy knowing that you hadthis incredible gift and you were too afraidto share it with anyone just because you thought you'd hurt someonewith your talent? of course not. that's why they were ontheir way to support you, elle, 'cause they knewthat you had something special.

and they wouldn't want youto throw that away. so do you want to go to berkleeor not? - i do. - come on. then it's up to youto make it happen. come on. let's go. [plants rustling] - let's see how far he'll getwith a nobody.

- i'm so sorry,uncle allen. i mean,i'm sure you heard about the recordingand the mixing board. - yeah, and you ran offwith my biggest client. - that too. i mean, fire meor yell at me. send me to boarding school, but don't look at melike that. - come here.

sit down. do you know how muchi admired your parents? - well, i wasright beside your dad when you were born. could have knocked him overwith a feather. afterwards, he said to me, "now i have everything,allen, my wife, my kids,my best friend, my music." yeah, he loved what he did.

and he made everybody around himlove what they do. and i forgot thatfor a while. - it's okay. - no, it's not okay, because i forgotsomething else too. i always wantedto make music... and then money, not the other way around. elle?

you reminded me of that. that song of yours... - yeah? - it's beautiful. it's's you. - thanks, uncle allen. - i want you to make mea promise. - anything. - no matter what anyone says,

you never stop singing,okay? - i won't. i love you. - i love you too. so... is ty still around? - well, then get him out here. you got to rehearse if you're gonna acethat audition for berklee.

[upbeat pop music] - ♪ i was afraidof sharing my heart ♪ ♪ with someone ♪ ♪ but you gave methe courage to love ♪ ♪ i was afraid ♪ ♪ but you showed mei don't have to run ♪ ♪ 'cause you gave methe courage to love ♪ - ♪ uh-huh ♪ ♪ girl, you gave methe courage to love ♪

- ♪ someone ♪ - ♪ but you gave methe courage to love ♪ ♪ i was afraidof sharing my heart ♪ - ♪ oh, yeah ♪ - this will not's unacceptable! - you have gotto be kidding me! - no, it will not, no, no! - take it easy, everybody.take it easy. - this is completely ridiculous.- no, no, no.

mr. parker is in no positionto change his mind. the duet must go onwith kandi kane. the motion we filedagainst spunn records is explicitin this regard. - okay, listen,can i just please have a private momentwith miss kane? is that okay? - no, no, you cannotspeak to miss kane. - actually, well,you know what?

actually, i don't thinkthat would be such a bad idea. come along, ty, darling.let's talk. now, ty, darling, i know this was alljust a big misunderstanding. - that is not whatit looked like at the party. - what do you mean? - i mean, any chance we hadof performing together was ruinedwhen you hurt elle. - ty, you can't be serious.

she's--she's an intern. - she's a singer. she's--she loves musiclike you and me. - oh, no, no, no. don't put mein the same category with her. you and i do thisfor the same reason, and that is the moneyand the fame, yeah? - that's reallywhy you're here. - okay, let me make youa counteroffer.

the duet goes onas placed, you know? you and i get linkedto the tabloids, just in timefor the release, or we sue, and you and her and this whole littlerecord company will flop like a flan. hmm? i'm sure uncle allenis young enough

to find gainful employment at any finefast-food establishment... or not. - fine.- mm. and you must let goof little orphan ellie. - no, i won't do that. - just untilthe record's released, and then you can chaseany mousy girl through the guttersyou'd like.

- you're really an awful know that? - mm, ty, darling,you might grow to like me. well, it seems that ty and ihave come to an agreement. so come along,mr. walters. - i'm really a big fan,mr. parker. what did you do? - i am so happy for you,elle. ty and elle... both: sitting in a tree,

k-i-s-s-i-n-g. - would you guysstop it already? - no, i will not. you are currently romancingthe biggest singer in the world. and you are gonnablow away the competition today at berklee's audition. both: you are gonna blow awaythe competition at the scholarship auditiontoday.

- wicka-wicka.- boy-ee. - you know, and i playeda part in it all. i should do thisfor a living. - what, meddle? - assist. - uh-huh.- thank you. hey, ty. - what?where? - there, stupid.- well, hello.

- what's going on?hi, kit, andy. - hi. - do you guys mind if i talk to ellefor a second? - please. - uh, outside. - [smooching]'re too close. elle, what's going on?

- ty just broke up with me. you forgot your - i know who's behind this. oh, and they're notgonna get away with it, not on my watch. - what?- let's go. - but i'm working. - i don't care!i said let's go! - okay, going!

i'm worried about this. i just don't thinkit's gonna work. - yes, it is. it's gonna work. - here they come! - did you see the wayhe looked at us? - it's becausewe're so pretty. - you better stickto our plan, or i will tell everybodyyour little secret.

- yeah.- everybody. - oh, don't worry, loves. everything is fine. - good.- good. - sensation...out. - hello. do you happen to haveany messages for brenda smirkle? - brenda smirkle... uh...

oh, yes, miss...smirkle. your mom called. she wants you to call her backimmediately. - okay, thank you,darling. - [sneezes] oh!- what are you doing? i always tell you-- - you--[huffs] - oh, okay.

[screams] - shh! - i can't do this.i can't do this. - you can do it.pull yourself together. - i can do this. [knocking] but what... - [panting] - oh, hello.

- special pastry delivery, compliments of your friendsover at spunn records. - oh, thank you. come in.that's lovely. - thanks. right here? - thank you.yes, please. - oh, sweetheart,i don't tip. i'm european.- what? no-- - bye-bye, thank you.thank you.

silly boy. [american accent]hey, ma. it's me, brenda. mm-hmm. no. - [silently] [camera shutter clicks] - mama, how's tina? mama, she's a 700-pound cow.

what do you expect usto do with her? no, mama, nobody knowswho brenda smirkle is. no...[sighs] we had a real good day today. we even convinced tyto break up with his girlfriend, so she won't be no problemno more. no, mama. nobody thinks a thing,mama. they all think that i'm...

[with british accent]kandi kane, the british starfrom great britain. [with american accent]yeah. the internets are amazing,aren't they? i no, mama, ugh. nobody's gonna thinkanything. by the time anybodyfigures us out, we're all gonna becounting money on a beach.

- hold it, missy. the only moneyyou'll be counting is whenyou're giving back change at the 95⢠store. let's have some explaining to do. you know,i have all of this on video. - [with british accent]mr. sinclair, i can explain. - oh, be quiet, brenda.

- who's brenda? - what is this? - it's kandi's-- i mean, brenda'sgraduation picture. you know, i hear bismarckis quite lovely this time of year. - mr. sinclair, i can explainthis whole thing. - let me save yousome time, brenda.

what you've been doingis called fraud. and the factthat you were poised to make a lot of money doing italso makes it a felony. and i have a suspicion that private conversationyou had with ty in my office also had a hint of blackmailin it. so if you don't wantto continue this conversation with a lot of blue uniformswith badges on it, i suggest you leaveimmediately.

- [huffs] - and as for you three, you're gonna be dismissedas well. - but, allen-- - expect a renegotiationvery soon. - allen, we are sensation. we are the number one-- oh!oh, my god! oh, my god!oh, my god!

- awesome. oh!- ow! - ow. where's elle? - the audition! we got to go!come on, guy! [muffled music] - ♪ oh, how do you do thisto me ♪ ♪ i can't sleep,i can't eat ♪

♪ i'm weak ♪ ♪ is there somethingin the air ♪ ♪ oh, baby,'cause i can hardly see ♪ ♪ and i can barely breathe ♪ ♪ how do you do thisto me ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ - thank you. name, please? - elle daniels.

- and what will yoube singing for us today? - an originalcalled fairy tale. - what's the song about? - it's about followingyour... [clears throat] following your dreams. - very well, then. [pen clicks] i'm sorry.i wasn't ready.

could i start again? - are you ready now? - yes, miss daniels.are you ready? - she was born ready, sir. hi. - hi.what are you doing here? - listen,it's a long story, and i'll fill you inon the details later, but i just want to tell youi'm here for you,

and i always will be. you can do this. - i don't think i can. - hey. okay, elle, your parents wouldbe so proud of you right now. okay, we're allproud of you. i'm gonna back you up. do your thing. show them how it's donein nashville.

- take it easy.take it easy. - go, elle! okay, sorry. - i'm ready. - one, two, three! [lively pop music] - ♪ this worldcan knock you down ♪ ♪ if you get off the ground ♪ ♪ make it hard on you ♪

♪ 'cause you knowthat they will ♪ ♪ they're just scaredthat you'll ♪ ♪ become something cool ♪ ♪ making fun of you ♪ ♪ for living outyour fantasy ♪ ♪ you're a birdthat soars ♪ ♪ above them all ♪ ♪ don't let themclip your wings ♪ ♪ you've takenall your falls ♪

♪ and all your faithis gone ♪ ♪ you try to find a friend ♪ ♪ where jealousycan't find an in ♪ ♪ just thinkof what you'd have missed ♪ ♪ if you'd havegiven up and quit ♪ ♪ don't lose yourself ♪ ♪ by damagecausing you regret ♪ ♪ you knowthat time heals wounds ♪ ♪ don't stop believingit's true ♪

♪ go live that fairy taleinside of you ♪ ♪ you're barely making it ♪ ♪ think all the pieces fit ♪ ♪ you're finally on your way ♪ ♪ nothing can go wrong ♪ ♪ but then a glimpse of doubt ♪ ♪ will bring youcrashing down ♪ ♪ and all the good within ♪ ♪ strugglingto breathe again ♪

♪ something deep inside ♪ ♪ pulls you up again ♪ ♪ nothing can stop you now ♪ ♪ and you've takenall your falls ♪ ♪ try to find a friend ♪ ♪ fairy tale inside of you ♪ [cheers and applause] - easy.easy. [suspenseful music]

- welcome to berklee. - oh, it was beautiful, honey. - elle, my belle! - you did so good. i told youyou could do it. - see that? that's me,elle daniels. and maybe there is such a thingas fairy tales, because we all livedhappily ever after.

[upbeat country rock music] ♪ it's been a long, hard road ♪ ♪ and i've been travelingfor so long ♪ ♪ seen some struggles ♪ ♪ and my shareof did-me-wrongs ♪ ♪ i got my six-string loaded ♪ ♪ got my bags all packed ♪ ♪ on a mission ♪ ♪ i ain't neverlooking back ♪

♪ no matter what ♪ ♪ i'm gonna keep on dreaming ♪ ♪ almost gave up ♪ ♪ but nowi'm still believing ♪ ♪ happy ever after ♪ ♪ is never too far away ♪ - ♪ this is the story ♪ - ♪ no more rainy days ♪ ♪ and no more stormy nights ♪

♪ i'm leaving my fears behind ♪ ♪ and nothing'sgonna stop me now ♪ ♪ this timeit's my turn to shine ♪ ♪ been lied on,cheated ♪ ♪ talked about,mistreated ♪ ♪ knocked down,got back up ♪ ♪ and never felt defeated ♪ ♪ but thisis the time of my life ♪ ♪ my happily ever after ♪

♪ happily ever after ♪ ♪ there were times in my mind,thought i'd given up ♪ ♪ fairy tales, wishing wellswere never enough ♪ ♪ but i stay strong,been moving on ♪ ♪ through life'sup and downs ♪ ♪ now i feel likethe toast of the town ♪ captioning by ♪ no more rainy days ♪ [girls screaming]

- can we have your autograph?- oh, my gosh! - thank you!- thank you! - you guys havinga good time? - thank you! yes! - thank you!- thank you. - oh, my gosh.oh, my gosh. - oh, my gosh! [panting] look at that!

- i know! i know! [squealing] - crazy. awesome. - oh, my gosh.are you ty parker? - yeah.- can i have your autograph? - yeah, sure. what's your name,sweetheart? - erica.- erica. ty parker is signingmy autograph book.

that's so cool. what's your favorite color? do you like green? i love green--or blue, maybe. do you like cherry pie? i love cherry pie. what about grapes?i love grapes. what about apples?do you like apples? what's your favoritekind of car?

do you like bmws? they're so cool. - bye, ty! - wow. [upbeat electronic music] - hey, wzla?oh, cool. hey, do you havethat song you played when ty parker was on? oh, that's so rad, dude,

'cause i would listento your station all the time if you played that tune. big fan. got to's calling me for dinner. ciao. hi, wkla? yeah, listen,i was wondering if you had that songthat they played when ty parker was onyesterday.

oh, cool! well, i would listento your station all the time if you played musiclike that. yeah, she's really good. yeah, do you have that singleyou played cool! 'cause i would listento any station that played that record. okay, i got to mom's coming.

bye. wkla? hey, do you have that singleyou played i would listen to any stationwho played that song. oh, got to's peeking in now. i got to go.dinner's almost ready. oh, i got to mom's coming. i'm done. - ♪ most peopleare scared to dream ♪

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