ohh! help! aah! oh, no! no! mommy. mommy! julie... go back.
stop it! julie, ru-- daddy! it's all right, baby. it's all right. i'm here,i'm here. ok. he won't come back,will he, daddy? no, baby.he won't come back.
no, no, no. promise? i promise you. unless his lawyersget a stay, ronald thompsonwill be the first to die under the state'snew law. yeah. it works. leave it.go to steven peterson. steven peterson,editor of news today,
and his daughter. what are we using? him blubberingin the limo. his wife was raped and murderedin front of his kid. he has a right. can't we usesomething else? it's good stuff,friend or no friend. ok, we go with it. give methompson's lawyer.
aren't you finished? art takes time. less artand more product. we airin 53 minutes. ronald thompsondies in 72 hours. get me the pieceon time. local stationsare screaming. right. oh, julie...
mmm, julie... time togo to school. that a girl. do i have to? what doyou think? come on.out you go. mr. peterson,miss sharon's on tv. thank you. aah! daddy, help!
what? it's freezing. you scared me. tell your husbandthere's no hot water. yes, mr. peterson. here's sharon martin with a look at the growing controversy surrounding ronald thompson's pending execution. thank you, roger.
since before the biblical injuction to trade an eye for an eye, societies have debated the morality and wisdom of capital punishment. should a civilization protect itself by taking the lives of murderers? unless his lawyers get a stay of execution, ronald thompson will be the first person executed here in 28 years.
the facts are simple. two years ago in carley, an exclusive new york community, nina peterson, was raped and killed while her 8-year-old daughter watched. 19-year-old thompson steadfastly maintains that nina peterson's real killer escaped before he arrived,
and peterson's daughter mistook him for the murderer. psychiatric studies of criminals indicate that usually homicide is an act of passion. a murderer won't consider the death penalty at the time. it seems the man who killed peterson's wife wasn't deterred by the threat of losing his life. thompson's lawyer, civil rights advocate... julie, move it! coming!
some more coffee? no, thank you. you ok? hot. sharon's comingtonight for supper. ooh, youdon't like that. on a scaleof 1 to 10? five. she gaveyou an 8.
eight? you lost oncongeniality, and you can'ttwirl a baton. got yourarithmetic? uh-huh. yourlunch money? that's tomorrow.hi, mr. perry. hi. how's mrs. perry?
pretty good.thanks for the card. say hi. i'll come byafter school. wonderful. i'm here formr. peterson. sharon martin. yes, irecognized you. did you? miss martin for steve. you saw the showthis morning?
i did. angry? i am. we're both inthe news business. if there's a story, we cover it. ronald thompson'sexecution, that's news. not me and julie. you pulled that tear-jerk shitjust to sell dog food. and news today magazine
won't coverthe execution? not the same way. there won't bea blow-up of his mother begging the warden,"don't kill my son!" that's unfair. you're a reporter,not a goddamned advocate. i'm a goddamnedhuman being. we keep going overthe same stuff. i know.
give me a hug. i love you. i'm still planningon dinner tonight, if my invitationhasn't been rescinded. of course not. julie will be happy to see you. how about you? i'll be happy whenall this is over. how is julie?
rough. i already told the luftsyou were coming, so, uh... i better come. i guess you got to. take the earlytrain with me? i can't.i'll drive up. i'll see you tonight. cheerful?
well... tired? no, not really. race youto the gate. on your mark,get set, go! [honk honk honk] hey! i'll beright there! can we driveher home? sure. come on.
how are you? fine, thank you. have a good day? yep. great. last call fromthe kitchen, julie. no, thanks.i'm not hungry. i'll get some wood forthe fireplace before we go. miss sharon called. she'll arrivein a few minutes.
i'd stay, but we'dmiss the beginning of the movie.do you mind? no. no problem. are you sure, honey? all right. i wonderwho that is. it's early forsteve peterson to be home. would you reachme my pills?
which ones? the cortisone. you're sure? yes. thanks. somebody wasmoving out there. bill lufts,probably. trying to findwhere he hid his last bottleof rotgut. roger?
yeah, it is bill lufts. mm-hmm. there's plenty of foodin the refrigerator. have fun. mindy. here kitty-kitty. mindy, it's timefor supper. mindy? oh, mindy.
where were you? [squeak] ah! mindy,not up there. [telephone rings] hello. hello, baby. hi, daddy. i'm in grand central.
is sharon there yet? no. everything ok? yes. remember thathistory test i took, and i forgot to study and thought imessed up on? guess what i got. 42. no. 94. i couldn'tbelieve it.
that's terrific,honey. did mr. lufts fixthe hot water yet? julie? dad, when willyou be home? at 8:00, if thetrain's on time. one minute, dad. ahh! julie! daddy, help!
[doorbell rings] hello? julie. mrs. lufts? anybody home? say anything,i kill the kid. find anything? he entered throughan upstairs window. steve.
those people left mydaughter all alone. i know how youmust be feeling. the hell you do. we got your wife's killer.we'll get this guy. we'll get yourlittle girl back. how well do youknow sharon martin? what do you mean? how committed is she to saving ronaldthompson's life?
could shehave taken julie? is it possibleshe's being used by the anti-capitalpunishment people as a meansof saving thompson? no way. ok. then we'll treat thisas a double kidnapping. i'll be outside. please!i can't breathe! to get outof here alive,
keep yourmouth shut. i seen the windowoutside was open. i came in, went upstairs,and shut it. that was the firsti knew of it. knew of what? nothing. i saw theopen window but thoughtnothing of it then.
maybe i should've. do you thinki should've? did you tell anyoneyou were going out? i can't think. no. i don'tthink so. wait a minute. three, two, one.
peterson residence. hello. sharon martin, please. it's formiss sharon. who is it? who's calling,please? my name's kerner. she knows me. say she's goneback to the city. i'm sorry, mr. kerner,she left. she's gone backto the city.
thank you. you're welcome. hey, there'sone over here. go watch. come on. mmm! don't makeso much noise. mmm! mmm! what was that?
i don't know. i heard it again. there's somethingin there. hey! get awayfrom that damn truck! i'll kill you! that little girl willdie if you get cute. don't scream,don't yell, or nothing. wear this sonobody recognizes the famoussharon martin.
let her outof the bag... you be nice to me. hmm? i'm going toshow you something. please... the little girl. you can haveanything you want. i know, sharon. i know i can haveanything i want.
i just threw up. it's ok. you want tostay alive? just sit tight. you don't move. i can kill youwhenever i want. huh? what will youdo to us? i'm scared.
so am i, honey. oh, god,so am i. hey, you! what are youdoing down here? none of yourfucking business. listen, you pussy. what do you gotin that bag? i got a bottle.you want a drink? i was in the united statesmarine corps 27 years.
i had a pension anda goddamn jeep of my own anytime i wanted it. i don't needyour bottle, pussy! i bet you gotno pecker. let's seeyour pecker, huh? pussy? pussy?! [ring] where?
this wasin my mailbox. be carefulwith it. i got your daughter and the girl. if you want to see them alive, it'll cost you $182,000. don't call the cops. don't play hero. tomorrow at 10 a.m., be at the phone booth
i'll kill this kid if you try to job me. don't be stupid. oh, baby. thank you,mr. perry. if there'sanything i can do... do you recognizethat voice at all? that's an odd sumof money--$182,000. that's exactlywhat julie inherited from her mother'sestate.
could've hadaccess to probate. it wasin the papers. go ahead.pick it up. this iswilliam kerner. it's imperative weinterview your daughter concerningthe testimony she gave. i'm sorry.that's not possible. i can understandyour reluctance, but we're talkingabout a man's life.
i'll geta court order-- get your court orderif you want to, but you can'tsee my daughter. fuckin' lawyers. mr. peterson... we just wanted to sayhow sorry we are. let us know ifyou need anything. hold it up more. stand back.
what are you doing? dirty scum! oh, my god! oh! what didi tell you? we didn't doanything! stop it!stop it! understand that? you never hada real man!
[beep] how much didyou demand? money? yeah. none ofyour business. i'd like to knowwhat we're worth. when will youget the money? you know whatthis is? your scienceproject?
it's a bomb. you're not serious. don't leave us in herewith that goddamn thing! stay away from the door,and you'll be ok. i'll be back. julie, come here. help me get thisstuff off the table. shh. it's an olddumbwaiter.
a what? a dumbwaiter. it probably goesto a restaurant. they sent dishes hereto be cleaned. i wonder if it works. i've gotto put you in and see if ican pull you up. oh, good girl. i can't doit alone.
we'll pulltogether. in you go. put your backagainst this wall. keep your handsout of this area. when you get there, just get somebody's attention. scream, yell, i don't carewhat you do. are you ready?
ok, pull up. good girl. just workwith me. oh, god, please,let this work. are you ok? i'm ok. have you reachedthe top? yes. i think so.
can yousee anything? there should be an opening. there's a little door with a wall behind it. yell, honey.yell, scream. i'm trapped in here! anyone! i'm goingto lower you now. wait.
i think i see something. what is it? it looks like a tunnel. oh, a tunnel? can you fitinside? i guess. well, try, sweetheart. there's no way outup there. aah!
stop it! run, julie, run! no! mommy! no, leave me alone! what happened? julie, ru-- shh. honey, it's ok. you were justhaving a bad dream.
it was him. him? who? who do you mean? the man whokidnapped us. he's the one whokilled my mother. he killedmy mother. but you said in courtthat ronald thompson, the other man, did it. but when ronaldthompson came in,
the other manran out. but you wereso sure, julie. it wasthe flash bulbs. i couldn't see. and then mr. thompsonwas there. oh, god. they're goingto execute him, and he was innocentall the time. how you doing, champ?
are julieand sharon ok? they're all right. listen to me. i want the moneytomorrow at 2 a.m. no new bills. no consecutive bills. nothing biggerthan a 50, right? have it in a unitedairlines flight bag. wait, wait!
i need some proofthat they're ok. forget it. listen, why are youdoing this to us? just let them go-- [click] did you get it? we're gettinga read-out. there's notenough time. we only gota manhattan exchange.
sorry, steve. got some change? get your handsoff me. i told you whati got for you. i got something for you, man. give us your wallet or we kill you, man. go on, cuã‘o. if you want it,it's yours. policia! policia!
anything broke? are you hungry? yeah, me, too. i could really gofor a cheeseburger with lettuceand tomato. yuck! yuck? what'syuck about it? all of it. oh, yeah?
what would yourather have? 3 scoops of mochachocolate chip ice cream. oh, it's terriblefor your complexion. it was my mother'sfavorite. is your motherstill alive? father? he died when iwas your age. i'm sorry. yeah, so am i.
boy, whata funny guy. he used to drivea red convertible. told corny jokesall the time. hugged me a lot. still miss him? oh, yeah...especially when i do something verywell, you know? do you missyour mother, honey? what would it taketo make you like me?
you need an olderwoman friend. i like you. what happened? what do you care? you should reallywash it first. water. do you havea handkerchief? i'm all right. lean your head back.
you know whereyou are now? uh-uh. you're right underthe oyster bar. i washed dishesat this sink. they got an elevatorthat's secret. it was franklindelano roosevelt'sprivate elevator taking him to hisprivate railroad car. you've gotsoft hands. gahh!
julie, run! sharon! run! run! come on! run! ok. we're goingdown this way. take my hand. keep as quietas you can. keep going!run that way! you all right?
look here. please help us. we're lost.do you understand that? lost? please,we've been kidnapped. got any money? yes...i do. i've got money. you'll get it.
just pointthe direction to get out. here, here'sa quarter. and a dollar. that's all i got. let's go. i'm detective taggart.these are wanted people. he'snot a cop! you haven't gotmuch upstairs. i didn't do nothing.
what aboutthat tape? it's clean. [knock on door] you can'tcome in here. kerner. what'sgoing on here? it'sa court order. where'syour daughter? i've got a rightto talk to her
in your presenceor the court's. she isn't here. i won't buy that. there's beena kidnapping. you can't con meby hiding her. that's obstructionof justice. i won't worry aboutfinding a phone. i'm paying the ransom. if youwant my daughter,
just hopethey let her go. hi, willie.how's the boy? artie. want a beer? yeah. thanks. what happenedto you? is julie ok? they're stillall right. well, what do yougot to tell me?
mr. peterson got themoney this afternoon. it ain't markedor nothing. cops will be crawlingall over, like you said. what didi tell you, huh? who was right, huh? what's the matter? i don't trust them. they'regoing to catch us! no, they ain't.
you ain'teven scared? what can they prove? they'll neverfind the bodies. willie, we can't leavethose broads alive. want another beer? you said youwouldn't hurt nobody. we can't leaveany witnesses. how aboutsome egg salad? there's some freshfrom the deli.
julie's just a baby.you can't hurt her. i said i'd help you, if nothinghappened to her! germans makeyour best egg salad. you're crazy! i got cheddarin here someplace. i won't letyou hurt her! hi, mister. yeah?
you owe mefor two weeks. keep the change. i won't let you. you won't let me, huh? how wasthis delivered? in the mail slot. i thoughtit was a demo. punch it up. vic, you'reon your own.
ok, kid, go on. talk. hello, daddy? this is julie. we're ok. pay the man so we can come home. ok, peterson. there's your proof. bring the money tomorrow at 2:00 a.m. to the parking lot at 9th and 49th. come alone. no surprises. no cops.
otherwise your daughter, your girlfriend, and loads of people will blow sky-high. ever beento arizona? they've got this magazine, arizona highways, showsall these places. when iget this money, i'll get a place there. get a ranch.
i'll raise horses. i love horses.they're dynamite. no chickens. jesus christ,i hate chickens. they're dumbshits. no more. "no more, please." no more, please. a lot will changewhen i get this money.
when you got money, you can give everybodythe finger...right? regular. no sugar. that's very nice. i'd like to go tothe bathroom, please. please. what are youlooking at, huh? you know, don't you? i hate you.
you killedmy mother. so why did you tell themit was thompson? i thought it was. too badfor him, huh? why did youkill my mother? it was partof the deal, kid. it's got to be. oh, the hell with you. get in the bag.
help her do it. why? insurance. i don't want to. it's ok,come on. where arewe going? we ain'tgoing no place. what willyou do with-- i don't like you.
you're alwaystalking high and mighty unless you want something. you think you'rebetter than everybody. somebody ought totake you down a peg. oh, please! that's how youtake them down, sharon. that's how. oh... peterson? listen up.
daddy, you there? julie?what's going on? don't hurtmy little girl. i've gotthe money. take your carto the subway yards at queens boulevardand 68th street. don't tellthe cops. any tricks,i'll kill your kid. go ahead.
unit one. where are we going? how oldare you, kid? 11. you gota boyfriend? i know you're here. come on out. i'll take youto your daddy. help me.please, help me!
take iteasy, honey. he won'thurt you now. help. help me, please. we'll get you. all in good time. good time, good time. wait, wait. it hurts.
pssst! you're dead meat. come on, move it! sharon?

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