'this village is really beautifulwith greenery all around.' 'i was born in this village.' 'my name is..' hey! vaishnavi. be careful, child. i know that. what is it, child? what? i am vaishnavi. 'ours is the biggest familyin this village.' 'if anybody has any problem thenthey come see to my father.'
'sometimes they do come to me.'- it's your mistake. you hit her four times on the headand you give her chocolates. this is my verdict. 'i have two close friends. one ismanga and the other one is subbu.' 'we three studied togetherfrom first class.' 'sorry, sorry, sorry. wewent around together.' 'local government highersecondary school.' eight. useless school.
'after that, its women'scollege at amalapuram.' yesterday one doctor cameto see my father. he wore stylish spectaclesand was looking great. you are telling that hewore spectacles.. ...then how come you see his eyes.wait. wait. wait. 'it's all our fate.' 'we didn't study in co-education.' 'above all, our principal was.. give it soon.
wait, sister. i am giving.- take it fast. donkeys, what are you doing whenyou are having a lecture. go to your class room. 'sometimes few guys usedto come from a college.. ...in the neighbouring villageto flirt with us.' 'whenever they came,they were finished.' devil. 'out lives became black and white.' 'now who will cometo flirt with us?'
'who will call us beautiful girls?' 'there is nobody left.' 'that's why the three of us, manga,subba and i took an oath.' if ever we get married in our livesthen it should be a love marriage.' 'we started looking for good guys.' hey! look over there. hey! the hall is full.bring her here. what do you stare like that.the moustache is big. what if the moustache is big?
if the moustache are big then.. hey! that guy in red colouredshirt is great, isn't he? that guy? go away. he is much better thanyour moustache fellow. she is telling that she likes him.let her marry him, uncle. no, child. this marriage canonly happen if i am dead. then you die. hey! are you tellingyour father to die?
if you say that it's possible byyour death then better you die. don't you have any respecttowards elders.. 'there was a huge fightin their house.' 'nobody seems to agree.' 'we took the decision boldly.' 'they got married to theguys whom they liked.' vaishnavi, tell thismatter to my father. i don't have this luck. shall we fix it?
you are killing me. 'how can i marry the personwhom i don't know?' 'i prayed to god hoping nothingof this kind happen.' sister. sister. sister. what is it? the groom's family agreed. nextmonth is your marriage. sister is feeling shy. 'even god too couldn't do anything.' 'everything is finished.'
don't know how my husbandwould be like. hey! let me ask you something. why do friends come to the marriage? they come hoping that the groomarranges for drinking. but you.. instead of giving usat least some tea.. ...you are drinking alone and tellingus to throw away empty bottles. oh! god. hey! look properly.
the groom is really good. evenif you looked on your own.. ...you wouldn't havefound one like him. he looks like a hero. yes. bring the bride.- friend, he is your father-in-law. move. move. bride is coming. grandmother, you too move. mother, you should buy me thesame jewellery like this. is it, ok? -yes.
what is this in between?give it to me. play the music. don't know how he will sufferfor marrying her. mother, give me the rice. give it. 'finished. my life is closed.' 'my life is closed.' what is this, subbaiah? did your daughter eat wetrice instead of food? "the rain is not stopping"
"i had seen the girl.she is pretty." "holding each others hand." "the feelings are comingout incessantly." "the girl is going toher in-laws house." "the girl is from amalapuram wedsthe boy from amudhalavalasa." "he is the hunk from mumbai." "our queen is the bestmatch for the king." "this match is made in heaven." "the groom is luckyto get our bride."
"his life will turn into heaven." "he groom came to takeaway our girl." talk something to him. what should i talk to him? ask him to enjoy thefirst night here. shut up. "the fields are the witnessto these celebrations." "the sight is feast to the eyes." "this is truly sweet andyou too are aware of it."
"she is standing at thethreshold of the house." "i am alone and couldn't sleep.get me some tea." "the groom came totake away our girl." "come to the maize fields,there is no restriction." "he is the sunlight and isthere is no stopping him." "you should help her inevery possible manner." "she is the best suitable girlfor you and can control you." "i can stay away till thedawn and fight you." go inside.
go. don't act smart. 'they say it's the merit of previousbirth to have a good husband.' 'it's the same in thehusband's case too.' 'my formula which saysthat love marriage.. ...is the best thinghas disappeared now.' are you a rowdy to whistle? is this what a student does? these are all your father's traits.you are becoming a brat. don't spoil my mood early morningelse i would not be a human.
human or nonsense? look, howhe is eating like a swine. who is swine? it is you.you are a female swine. what do you think of yourself? your whole family is the same. good morning. take this. are your parents not at home? they don't have any shame. theyforgot that a small girl is at home. they are going aroundloving each other.
you eat. my parents too had a love marriage. at first they loved each other. that's why they are quarrelling now. these people didn't loveeach other before. that's why they are goingaround loving each other. oh! god. it's getting late.i have to go. you take care. i will take care. see you on monday.
bye.- bye. bye. yes, madam. do you have any urgentwork? sit down. it's ok. tell me, madam. today evening, it's myson's birthday party. you bring your hero along withyour daughter to my flat. today is saturday, madam. ok.
ok, madam- bye-. hello.- shit. let's go. oh! the sound could beheard from outside. mother has come. go..keep it inside. why can't you keep? hey! go away. aishu. dear, there was a superbscene in the lift.
it was similar to a kissin an english movie. so what should i do then? it's my mistake to tell you. i have finished eating. can't you see there is a mirror?openly expressing your feelings. father, look. yes, child. she is born in amalapuram butbehaves like an american. what did you say? what did you say?
what did she say? what did she say? she is telling that youare born in amalapuran. but you are behaving as thoughyou are born in america. open the door. open the door. what! - she's talkingtoo much these days. why do you scold me? didn't learnto speak hindi till now. open the door. why do i need hindi? dear, it's getting late. you become romantic only at night.
cheers.- cheers. can't you give upyour street habits? hey! my outward appearance seemsto be like a class guy. but within me i am total mass. should i suck it? i should feel thekick in single shot. that's it. hey! no double meaning in it. pour. what do you say? if all wivesare like this in the world.. ...then there would be no problem. pour.
no, the quota is complete. you are my darling. just one more. don't be stubborn. you said thatyou have seen some scene in the lift. pour one more peg to celebrate it. i have seen. so i should drink. what difference it makes if eitherof us drinks. my darling, pour. hey! stomach gets burned. give it. i will eat one jalebi (indiansweet) and it would be gone. give that to me.
dear.- yes. hey! my darling, you are takinggood care of me. similarly, am i too nottaking good care of you? tell me by opening your mouth. i am happier with you thanmy mother and father. is it, sufficient? i am the happiest man in the world. don't shout. its midnight.
dear, if anybody is happy then.. he will never do any mistake.0:25:03.433,1193:02:47.295now he will not stop. if i am happy then it's becauseof my daughter and you. hey! where are you going now? i am going to share myhappiness with others. enjoy.- enjoy man. enjoy. thank you. you are caught.
aishu, father has slept. how many meetings should i attend? yes, sir. look, how people arewaiting with kids and their families. has everyone come for the meeting? i shouldn't hear any wordslike mr. paramdhamaih, mr. subbaiah did not come. i have millions of meetingslike these. if an elder person comes.. ...then you should send himimmediately after talking his help.
did you understand? hey! you useless fellow.do as you are told. why do you get irritated? i didn't come for you alone.i have come for everybody. what are you talking? move aside. if i am little latethen everybody starts talking. move aside. rascal. how can you touch herwithout knowing that she is pregnant? how do i know that she is pregnant?
i thought her waist is good.so i pinched her. is it necessary to hold a meetingfor such a small matter? are you eating food or grass? hey!. hey! wait. wait. wait.don't act in haste. don't act in haste. is it ironed? sir, it is ready. hey! you shouldn't cry.
do you know how shamefulit is to me if you cry? ok. anyways, forgiveme considering me.. ...as one amongst you forpinching her waist. hey! you have done everything andcalling yourself as one of us. everybody beat him. oh! they tore everything. sir. since mine is iron bodyso i could bear all this. if it was some other personthen he would have died.
tie it. sir, we couldn't bear watching allthis. and how could you bear it. hey! i have become very popular. with this excuse i canstand in elections. i was beaten by thesepeople many times. i will ask them forvotes with sympathy.. ...and they will makeme chief minister. you will become m.l. a. 's. m. l.a.'s.?
put the shirt properly. the only leader to acceptthis mistake. hail our leader. long live! the village lion. we will meet again in next meeting. the next c.m. the next p.m. - wait. stop.
sir, you leave it. i wanted to ask you somethingfor long. - what is it? you are facing many problems andmeetings each day without any fear. but why do you enter your housethrough back door every day. don't we feel shame in this matter? there is a reason to it. if i go from the main door then myfather-in-law is present there. his nuisance has become more. if i go straight then he willstop and asks me few questions.
and due to them i get angry andi have to think like a criminal. finally my marriage gets spoiled.is that necessary? you are intelligent, sir. for everything you needto have foresight. better know it.- let's go, sir. where are you coming? no, no. our friendship isup to the meetings. there is no chance for you toenter my house and eat tiff in. brother, venkatranga.do you know the matter?
do you know the matter? what is it with you? how doi know without telling? will you beat me for comingto tell the matter? i lost my senses and beat you. go away.- i will not tell you. it's your brother who beat you.tell me the matter. if you don't tell me theni will die out of tension. the matter is.. hey! like earlierstart with brother.
ok. listen. brother, your father-in-lawis constructing a rice mill. instead of giving it your namehe is giving a different name. mangamma! sir, this is the name of thewoman because of whom.. ...you had to attendthe meeting earlier. neelaveni. this is correct. go, sir. you? neelaveni, can't you hear me.
absolutely. i heard bothneelaveni and mangamma. who is she? that matter is irrelevant to you.- answer my question. who am i? father of my kids. and how i am related to you.- husband. and to your father. useless son-in-law.- what did you say? i said you are theeldest son-in-law. you know that i am thefather to your kids..
...husband of yours and eldestson-in-law to your father. i am trying to do justicefor these three posts. but you are discussing thename for the rice mill. yes. what should be done then? shut up. i will trash you. for the sake of this familyi am facing many problems.. ...and doing many sacrifices. but can't you give venkataswamy'sname to the rice mill. nothing, father-in-law.we are just talking.
does he think that i get scaredif he calls me from upstairs? does he consider himself asbrahmanayudu for having moustache? we are just talking, father-in-law. do i get scared if he callsme again and again? talk slowly. why should i talk slowly? talk like that. i will trash you all together. how will you trash us?
is it the way you got trashedin the meeting before? is it that way? did you get that news too? not just that news.i got other news too. children, come here. who beat your father? venkatesh's father and suresh'sfather. nobody can help our father. they are not children.they are devils. your children are like you.
will you name the rice millafter me or not. answer me. we cannot do that. why do you shout in between? you can hear everything clearly.why are you shouting? everything should be told to you. you are scaring us bygrowing moustache. i too will grow moustache. oh! i talked something in haste.hope they might kill me. take it, swami.
child, what is son-in-lawshouting for. father, it's the routine matter. mr. nayudu. what is it, swami? where does vaishnavi's husband work? he is working in a carfactory in mumbai. listen. we will show our youngerson-in-law's horoscope. give it. swami, this is my youngerson-in-law's horoscope.
swami. you got vaishnavi married afterlooking the horoscope. yes, swami. why did you ask that question? nothing. according to the horoscopeyour son-in-law has two wives. why did you say that, swami? i told the fact. hey! where are you lost? look at that guy. he issmart and beautiful.
where could he be from? can't you make out bylooking his face? i think he should be definitelyfrom andhra. hey! sometimes i used to talkabout a guy in my dreams. he is that person. stop your stories. promise, friend. how can i propose inthe first meeting? look, guys can easily find goodgirls. but we cannot find good boys.
excuse me. i was hearingyour words for some time. should i help you? hello, we know what weshould do. you can.. she is more beautiful than you.she is like a teddy bear. if you are not careful then.. wouldn't there be any girlin his life till now? like rajinikanth. rajinikanth. did you see him? he looks jovial.
so there wouldn't be any girlin his life for sure. walk fast. he could be missed. walk fast, friend.he could be missed. he is going. pleasedo something. ok? hey! are you telugu? yeah!- didn't i say? any problem. there is no problem for you.- she's got some problem. wait, friend.
nikki, sir is asking. clearlytell your problem. tell me. l.. i.. please don't mind. no, no. it's ok. tell me. i like you very much. so.. so i love you and iwant to marry you. this is what you wish to tell.tell him, friend. hey! why did she come here? takeher away from here. take her.
hey! hey! actually i want to help you. what? do you love me?shall we marry? your friend is beautiful. tell herthat i am agreeing to this marriage. congrats! i have a small problem. tell us. we will solveany problem right now. only once i got married. so what? give divorce toyour wife and then marry.
this idea is ok. ok. ok. i am too bored with her in life.i will give her divorce. divorce? leave my hand. what? will you give me divorce? if you come again.. go away. i will trash you. what? are you bored with me? that is what you weretelling to her.
listen to me. it was just for fun. you can tell that only ifyou have it in your heart. what? are you acting smart? hey! just for fun sincethey were asking me. what fun? will you giveme divorce for fun? hey! listen to me. how can you think of some othergirl as long as i am there? he!!! sorry girls. if you do this again next time theni will push you out of the train.
we will try for another hero. girls are damn goodin mumbai, isn't it? stop your nonsense. they asked me whether iwas a telugu guy or not. she was dying for you. hello, gautham.- yes, tell me ravi. hello? hello? hey! you get swathi magazine here.i will go and purchase it. i will wait here.
don't go anywhere. what happened? oh!- yes, it's true. what happened next? what will he do then? her age is around forty. what age has got to do with elope? who is it in the middle.. what? how are you?
well gentleman. as itold you earlier," ...european cars arethe best in the world. and what we have done to the europeancar is something fundamental. now let's take a look at what wehave done on the indian models. as we see here in theindia model cars.. ...we don't have enough strokelength for the piston. and hence the torque and power isvery normal for a normal rpm. now what i am going to do here is.. ...i am going to increase thestroke length of the piston.
see, as simple as that. since i have increased the strokelength of the piston.. ...the volumetric efficiency.. sir, they are not suitablefor our roads. and the power automaticallyincreases for the same normal rpm. well, that's about it gentlemen. sir, what you have said is suitablefor european standards. and you don't seem to knowabout the indian roads.. ...and indian attitudetowards driving.
for that we may have to increasethe bird eye of the cylinder.. ...to get volumetric efficiency,torque and power for the same rpm. was it you?- yes, sir. who are you? in what capacityyou say this to me? sir, this is gautham. oneof our chief mechanics. mr. ranganathan. i don't need anymechanic to make designs for my car. you got it. and i mean mechanic. just ask him to get out.
sir, for your information. he isfrom our place. next to vijayanagaram. so? should we discuss an alliance? send him out, sir. mechanic, know your limitations. we are not fools for listeningto a mechanic. just get out of here. i will startonly if the mechanic goes out. l.. i will continue.- sorry, gentlemen. leave me, sir. security. whose vehicle is it?remove it from here.
hey! mechanic. come here. what is it, mechanic? todayyou have come early. is father a good mechanicor bad mechanic? good.. bad mechanic. i will make it tomorrow. mother, did you prepare snacks. what mechanic? are youdone with your ears? how come you are early today? will you stop calling memechanic again and again?
do we call a mechanic as doctor? ok, hereafter don'tcall me like that-. i will call like that. mechanic, mechanic, mechanic. hey! if i beat you then.. i am working as a mechanic andnot as a broker. go away. shit! wait for fifteen minutes. iwill prepare the breakfast. i will fix 2mm in this.you try the alternative.
it should be simple.- cd's, sir. let's try in ansys. let's try this. we are almostthere. we are almost there. i don't think this idea can work. please don't kill my confidence. hello. friend, i am leaving. what is your nagging? why do youkill me like this for marrying you? i am saying that i am coming.
gautham.- sir. your wife called up fourtimes since morning. why don't you talk to her once? i will talk to her. i will call her. i will talk to her. i got it. vaishnavi? what are you doing at this hourin the rain, vaishnavi? come. vaishnavi, please listen to me.
you will get cold if youget drenched in the rain. come and sit in the car. please, dear. your life has become bore with me. there is a problem in the office. let's go to the house.i will tell you. today i called you fifteen times. didn't you feel like attendingto a single call? why did you talk likethat last evening?
i was angry and i talked something. don't tell lies. thatcannot be something. mother, father has committed amistake without his knowledge. forgive him mother, only this time. i pityfather. let's go, mother. listen to me. let's go, mother. should i tell you separately,father? come. they made me to stand inthe rain for their fight. leave me. don't touch me.
why are you angry? rascal, i will killyou if you touch me. oh! it's fun, my dear. fulfill your desire. this is a new experience. what have you taught me? take me into your arms tightly. this is the night of celebrations. come to me.
we can get started now. whatever it is. entice me. "come to me and seduce me. you have gone mad. "i am shivering. "you will get warmth from me." give me some happiness. close your eyes.you will get some fun.
now get ready for some action. oh! it's fun. my dear! it's fun, my dear. should i ask you something, gautham? ask me. shall we change this bed? what's wrong with this bed? its quiet big to roll around.
that's the problem. you are moving away from mein the middle of the night. my hands couldn't find you in night. you should always stay beside me. i should feel your breath always. shall we change it? smalland compatible one. why do you scold me comingfrom nepal directly? hi! ravi. did you call me? gautham, ranganath wantsto meet you. - what for?
he is looking for yousince half an hour. did you call me, sir? sit down.- good morning, sir. what is it?- sir. auto show.. super. super gautham. i have sent your design to r & d. they have approved it andthey sent it to america. from there you got the invitation.that's it. sir, when did you send it?
i have sent it. sir, thank you.- congrats. thanks a lot. thanks a lot. sir.- super, sir. sorry. leena, where is vaishnavi? i will not spare him easily. why?- hey! they are sending me to americafor the designers meet..
...for representing the company. congrats.- one more important thing. i will give my speech infront of the person.. ...who sent me out of the meeting.- how is it? why did you scold me unnecessarily? congrats.- one minute. the reason why we allgathered here is.. ...even though my husbandis of no use.. ...my sister's husband isgoing to work in america.
that's why my father decided.. ...that all of us should go tomumbai and give him send off. raise your hands who wishto come to mumbai. she is talking like a small child. why did you lift your hand? mumbai. mumbai. i am the son-in-law of this house. i didn't lift my hands butyou lifted your hand. bring it down else you willnot have hands to eat.
father, my husband didn'tlift his hand. barring him book thetickets for all. brother, you have done a mistake. what mistake did i commit? girls in mumbai are damn good. if they come across a guy like you.. ...then they will take you withthem and keep for five days. five days? what are you talking? first of all tell themto book the ticket.
i will tell you the matterlater on. - ok. it doesn't look good if itell them so you tell them. there is no problem. somehowi convinced brother. he said that he will come. are you all happy now? there is nothing for himto do over there.. ...if we take him by requestingand convincing. tell him to say hereand attend meetings. what? he is the head of thefamily and a bald person.
he is talking with the respecthe has got towards our family. how dare you talk back to him? book the ticket. so you too will come. yes, i will come. ok, father- book oneticket for him too-. he would be helping usto carry the old woman. carry the old woman? what is there with the old woman?you can carry her easily.
one more important thing.- what is it? after getting down in mumbai.. ...tell your co brother-in-lawto arrange a separate room. then only you can sing allthe duets of your choice. i will sing. i will open. we have come. come. come. come.
hey! how are you? come. grandmother, are you fine.- greetings. greetings, mother-in-law.- greetings, father-in-law. hey! hold the mirror without moving. hey! what's this smell?i cannot bear it. hey! come out. i cannotbear it any more. when i am standing in front.. ...then how can you comeand join in the middle. what is this queue similar to theone in front of ration store?
somebody went insideand not coming out. whoever it is, ifhe comes out then.. it's our brother, venkataswamy. brother.. why did you make so late? who allowed me to sleepin the train yesterday? that's why i slept inside forsometime. can't you bear for sometime? shut up. would anyone sleep inside?
what happened now? two people go inside at onceand get the work done. two? how can two people go in one? go. can't you adjust? hey! you come aside. leave me, brother. it's urgent. what did i tell you?- what did you tell? didn't i tell you to arrange aseparate room for me in mumbai? yes, you told me. buti got this urgently.
what is the urgency? child, brother is asking whereyou arranged for him to stay. why? can't he ask for the same? it's nothing. since you havelot of respect for brother.. ...so he told me to ask you. hey! what is it? i am suffering with my problemand in between you.. i have called you. oh! you?
if you had asked me then i wouldhave arranged for you. come. what's the need for me to come? today you cannot go.come. i said no. today the food is preparedby mother-in-law. uncle, brother-in-law. whydid you sleep on the floor? take the bed sheets. sleep happily. come, brother. i have got aseparate room for you. come. you can sleep happily here. what? i should sleep here?
it's better if you could adjust. what, brother? are you having fun? you are telling us to sleep herewhen we are asking for a room. do you know who they are? they are well seasoned veterans. if i sleep besides them thenmy life will end by dawn. do you know who co-son-in-laws are?- who are they? they are the husbandsof two sisters. what? your wife is youngerthan my wife.
if you have so much of attitudethen what about me. i travelled thousand kilometrestrusting you for coming here. give me a room. what do you say? youwill not sleep here? no. tell him, yes. ok, then start-. what? - go to your village.what is it, brother? i said that i will not sleep here. but did i tell that i willnot sleep on the terrace.
why do you get angry? keep quiet and sleep here, fool. want a separate room after creatingso much of nuisance in the bathroom. should i go now at least? keep quiet, bother. why areyou creating nuisance? yes, over here. stop. move. move. why did you stop here?- this is the building, this building? - after a lotof hard work i found this.
thanks. thanks. as you have told me i brought allthese things to enjoy for five days.. ...without telling to father-in-law,wife and kids. we shouldn't act in haste.we should enjoy well. we must not forget aboutmumbai after leaving. you will not forget for sure. super. that's great. hey! why are you following me? to accompany you.
accompany? hey! brother can handleanything at this kind of places. i will go inside. you stay outside. brother, i will sit inone corner and watch. watch? do you think that somemovie is shown inside? if i hit you then your eyeballs will come out. go. go and sit outside. what? why are you upset? brother's happinessis your happiness. go. go.
go. you are not allowing me to sit insideyour plan will get foiled. go. i came to bombay but ihave to sit outside. open the gate. where are you? brother. why are you running? what happened? they are all doubles inside. you went inside hoping that you wouldfind single but you found doubles.
so you should be happy. i mean in another sense. what? what i am tellingis.. go away. am i not good looking?don't you like me? tell her to give return the money. brother, they will notreturn the money. why don't they return the money?i will not listen to you. collect the money. we gave you five thousand rupees.give it back to us.
five thousand? you will never getfive thousand rupees from me. why are you telling lies?hey! meena, reena. come out. come, quickly. what is this? what is this? how this happened? these people will stay withall of us for three days. they should give fifty thousand. what are they talking? i will tell that.
oh! telugu. they are our people. they are telling you to staywith them for three days.. ...and give fifty thousand rupees. stay with them for three daysand give fifty thousand rupees. that's not possible with me. what is this? i couldn'ttolerate this single one. how can i stay with all of themand give fifty thousand rupees. i didn't touch anybody. keep the respect ofour telugu people.
should i keep the respect of ourtelugu people in this way too? will you keep the respector should i do it. i will beg you. somehow help me. then you should do as i say. what should i do? you get operated and join us. what kind of operation? that type. you mean.
oh! will you end my life? aishu, don't irritate grandmother. come, child. come. bring that chair and sit. its ok, father. tell me. when is son-in-law's flight? ten o'clock in the night. are you happy? well. i am happy.
does son-in-law comeshome after office? yes, he comes. why are youasking that, father? i asked thinking that he mighthave more work to do. he never even works for over time. from house to officeand office to house. this is the first time heis leaving me and daughter. that's why i am little sad. ok, go and do your work. you are still naughty.
father, do you want coffee? no, i will drink later.- ok, bye. hey, baldy, come here! hey, look there! how can we stay calm.. ...when the people workingin this house are too good? did you arrange everything? ready.- we won't miss this time. this time there is no chanceto miss. - do something.
arrange some money telling thatmy brother is going out. ok, brother.- will you ask? i will ask, brother. aishu. aishu.- he has come. child, child. greetings.- what is it? my brother and your co-son-in-lawtold me to ask you for some amount. here, take this. what is this, son? amount.- amount? yes, yes. this too is an amount.
i will trash you. askfor a big amount. brother wants a big amount, son. i will give him. here, take this. how much is it, bother? ticket. why are you givingyour ticket to me? this is your ticket. i will take my ticket beforeleaving for my village. i am giving you this beforegoing to your village.
these tickets are for twenty people. my flight is at ten o'clock. andyour train is at eight o'clock. it is better if you start atsix o'clock. you get ready. what is this? we havecome to see you off. but you are sending usback to our village. its ok..- brother-in-law. - what is it? if you are not in the village thenwho will take care of the village. sister-in-law. is it the right timeto have fun with brother-in-law? when we were living happilyin our village..
...you called us to stayhere for ten days.. ...and now you are tellingus to leave. that was last week. and iam telling you this week. they are bomb explosionseverywhere in mumbai. police will take care of it.you are exploding the bomb. why did you ask us to come? i will stay here fortwo days in hotel. don't i know why youwant to stay here? mother-in-law, uncle,sister-in-law..
no, no. we will go. you are sending away the peoplewho came to see you off. did you call brother-in-law? brother-in-law? why do you callhim like that? he is leaving. come. you too come. rascal, don't come in front of usbefore leaving to some place. sister-in-law, brother-in-law mightfeel bad. you convince him. aishu, bye. i am leaving, father-in-law.
i am leaving, mother-in-law. ok, child. don't feel sad for my leaving.i will call you. bye, aishu.- bye, father. bye- bye-. the whole day you arehooked onto the games. where is your school diary? they asked you to make an insectbox. did you make it? read properly, mother.
parents should make for children.that is you or your husband. where will i go and catchinsects in mumbai. i will be sent out of the class.i will happily play games. what? are you blackmailing me? serious, mother. your father too is not in town. aishu, call securities guard. you call on your own, mother. if you want insectbox then call him.
is the insect box in this, mother? don't know. your father has storedeverything like a treasure.. ...from his childhoodslates to records. let's try and find out. if itis found then it's your luck. i will hold it. i will hold it. it belongs to me. oh! mother, i will cut it.i will cut it. wait. don't irritate me.
wow! oh! insect box. thank you. nirmal, my insect box. 'r. gautham.' 'gautham. b.e. this ismy childhood dream.' 'the reason for thisis my villager ramu.' 'he looks very simple but all girlswere mad for him. i liked it.' 'so i too have decided to workhard and get into engineering.' 'but like other guys i toofell for cigarettes..
...and alcohol in intermediate.. ...and scored less marksin intermediate.' 'but i didn't keep quiet.' 'i forced my uncle to pay thedonation and i got the seat.' 'p.s.b. engineering college,coimbatore.' 'since i came from andhra soeverybody ragged and played with me.' 'from second year, the collegewas under my control.' 'you look like a fool but youbrought rowdies for beating.' aishu, some senior is beating peter.
please, sir. please. leavehim for my sake. please. so much of blood. are you fine? please, sir. leave him.. ...please. let's go hey! we thought that youwould bash his face.. ...instead you hit thebulb in the air. she said no, friend. who is she? telugu mother. she.. she. hey stopyour over acting.
you call all the professorsof the college with names.. ...but now you are giving respectto a first year girl. she told you to stop andyou stopped beating him. hey! catch him. leave me. friend, nobody caught you.why do you overact? this year he is trying for nandiaward. he will not listen to us. come, let's go to lyer shopand drink strong tea. may be he will give it for free. 'i like two things very much. oneis to play football like mad.'
'the other one is alcohol. drinkheavily and go to the flat.' friend, let's go to the hostel. is it here? here? anda senior is beside me. did i vomit? no. you withdrew money from atm. hey! lift him. come, friend. get up.- get up. 'and now i started liking onemore thing as the third one.' pass it to me. here.over here. shoot.
hey! friend. are you tired so early? hey! give it to me. shoot! hey! hold it. hold it. i will hold it. why do you getfrightened? driver carefully. turn this way. turn. yes, i know that. did yousee how fast i learned? aishu, turn this side. let me see. who told you to turn now? stupid.
who is stupid? you are stupid. ok, you leave the hand.i will drive on my own. you look as innocent butyou know many things. i pity your father. hedoesn't know all this. if you tell this to my father.. what will you do if i tell? aishu, let's' go this way. you got frightened.- what for? you got frightened by seeing him.- is he a hero?
don't act smart unnecessarily. he acts smart in frontof you. and not me. enough. stop it. let him get into a fightwith me again, i will.. don't you understand? will yourfather come to remove the stand? if i hit.. teach her properly. aishu, hod is calling you. ok, i am going. don't you know to wish a senior?
i though you are sleeping. you should wish them even ifthey are sleeping. come here. what if you are the daughter ofm.p? do you need to feel proud? come close. with what margin didyour father win? one lakh forty thousandand four votes. how many fake votes are their in it. they are no fake votes in it. oh! well. senior. hey! senior.
yes, friend. what's that job? lakshmi devi's owner. no,it's supervisor. he is senior. i am senior, anandnarayana, b.e. hey! sit down. ok, back to the pavilion. our senior wants a supervisorjob in lakshmi mills. your m.p. father is big man.
so you should come with arecommendation letter tomorrow. that's not possible. hewill not agree with it. you should bring the letter.is it, fine? hey! senior. why doyou sit and piss. can't you piss standing like a man? hey! junior, tell me whetherthey give me.. ...a government job ifi piss by standing. then i will stand and do it. if they give government job to allthe persons who stand and piss..
...then the whole employmentoffice would stink. hey! is it an exhibition?why do you watch like that? what are you doing herewithout going to the lab? sister is calling you. if your sister is calling thensend your brother-in-law. why are you calling all of us? she is not my sister.it is sister aishwarya. sister aishwarya? hey! what's your itching?
letter of recommendation. senior. thanks, friend. thanks.- leave me. leave. sister, friend. go, go. go. i am leaving, sister.- friend, i am leaving. it's nice that you arelistening to me. good. what is it, friend? you gavesome letter to that fellow. nothing, friend.
he said that he wants somerecommendation letter. that's it. from whom? - from m.p. m.p? it's very difficult toget a letter from.. ...an ordinary counsellorwithout paying money. but you got a letterfrom m.p.'s daughter. there is something between you both. tell me. tell me. why do you act smart whenwe are asking? tell me.
if i tell you then you willgo and tell the whole town. is it a shop inaugurationfor telling the whole town? i will not tell to anybody.tell me. tell me. tell us, friend. i am unable to bear the torture. for the past two months sheis following me everywhere. if i go to the gym thenshe is there. - oh! god. if i go to the mechanic shed forbalu, she is there too. - there too? when i go for eating snacks inmayer's shop she is coming there too-.
one day she was carrying tabletswith her.. - what pills? hey! sleeping pills.- oh! sleeping pills? she said that she would die. a girl wants to die because of me. no. no. police will send to jail.- no, no. we will be fixed. that's why i gave herthe permission to love. whom?- hey! me. hey! long hair. today i atesnacks in nayar hotel.
it was not cooked properly.- is it? heavy sounds.- why? i will do what i have said. p.s.b. coimbatore versusk.e.c. tiruchy. who is going to lift thesoccer cup this year! p.s.b. p.s.b. p.s.b. p.s.b.p.s.b. p.s.b. p.s.b. kick off. that's rakesh. beautiful pass. that's gautham. ball is with p.s.b.
that was a marvellousshot. keep rushing. the game looks dangerous. goal. gautham has hit the goal. p.s.b. leads one goal to zero. you can see the jubilationover there. they are on top of their voices. friend, what's the use ofplaying so well. - why? they are loosing but then too theyare encouraged by their girl friends. look over there. sheis eating happily.
hey! now watch. common. common. common. is k.e.c. going to riseto the challenge? this promises to bean interesting game. p.s.b. on the strike. gautham. gautham is close to the goal. superb ball control. oh! this would be a goal definitely.
aishu, what happened? aishu, open your eyes. want some water? bring some water. friend, you are hurrying as thoughyour wife delivered a boy. stop joking and be serious. hey, if we go inside thenwe will become serious. forty people are insidein white dress .. ...similar to the goonsin b. gopal's movie. look, after finding out that theirgirl was hit by a football..
...they are planning to passa bill in parliament.. ...and stop everyone from playingfootball in this town. if they find out that it wasyou who hit the ball.. ...then why will take you and trashyou like anything.- hey! wait. silence. silence. silence. the one waving his handin air is the m.p. good morning, sir. so what is the principalof multiple transform? i will tell, sir.
i will tell, sir.- i will tell, sir. that's ok. you didn'tdo it deliberately. i have done it deliberately. did that rowdy fellow tell that hehas done that deliberately, aishu? shit! did you tell your father? i will tell your fatherand teach him a lesson. peter, don't make it an issue. friend, one puff? if you don't have moneyfor a cigarette..
...then what's the use ofhaving a huge personality. i don't have money.sell one of your kidneys. if you don't have oneand half rupee.. ...then why do you need two kidneys. can't you move aroundwith one kidney? did you pack everything i saidwith hundred grams each? why to take only hundred grams. if you take one kilo each theni will come in the evening. oh! my god.
rascal. i will peel your skin. has aunt left? if you are so eager then whydon't you love someone? you hairy fellow! love is like itching. it feels good whilerubbing but after.. ...rubbing it spreadsall over the body. look, he has started recently. verysoon he will become mr. itch. i went all around the town for thereference book given by sir.
but i didn't get it anywhere. he wants chicken. at last i got it in our library. then he asks for alcohol. he can evendrink phenyl if he gets it for free. well, the seniors' eyes areon you. now you are done. i doubt you. there is something between youboth. tell me the truth. there is something.there is something. common, aishu. tell me.common, aishu.
if you don't tell me then i willtell to the whole college. i will stick posters inthe college saying.. ...that there is somethingbetween you and senior. aishu. hey! friend, what happened to him? sir. - go away. go. go away. go. go. hey! go. go away. 'i had to stand like ananimal in front of her.'
'my ears didn't hear anythingother than her crying.' 'my brain knew that there wasanother road over there.' 'but my conscience didn't seeanything other than aishu.' 'how could i see anything else?' sorry. sorry. sorry.- it's ok. i read all night. but therewas no concentration. please, man. - just shut up! one samosa (indian snack). aishu, order one more tea.
one tea.- ok, madam. signal.. i didn'tdo it deliberately. i got frightened watchinga lorry on the other side. i came running so that nothinghappens to you. and your dress.. i don't have common sense. i am angry with myself. you must be definitely angrywith me. some day.. i am angry. you shouldhave watched me alone. but you made everyone to watch.
do you know something? aishu said that she loves me. you said this earliertoo. you said this. should we believe if youtell us like this? if you watch us thenyou will believe. 'aishu became a part of my life.' 'what i liked in her was that shenever expects me to be different.' 'that's why i like aishu very much.' hey! m.p. babe.
where should i search you? come. sit. where? just like that. causal ride. come. not now. we will go some otherday. i have some work. do we need to find an auspiciousday for this? - come, let's go. a boy who loves a girl wantsto take her for ride. similarly i am too wishingfor the same. what's wrong in this?come, let's go.
why can't we stay differentunlike others? what different? my foot. aishu, i am leaving. wewill meet in the evening. hey! i am too coming. wewill meet later. bye. hey! where are you going? what is this in front of everybody,gautham? - let me go off my hand. what have i got to do if anybodywatches? you are my wife. that is after marriage.let go off my hand. let's go.
gautham, stop it. i am afraid watching you like this. why are you behaving like mad? you have made me mad. please gautham, don'ttalk like that. everybody knows me here.if anybody .. ...tells to my father theneverything gets finished. please, i have to live with youfor hundred years. understand me. common. common. don't stop. wellfriend, this is called a kiss.
he is.. don't know when we get thiskind of chance to kiss. i couldn't understand anything.he is leaving with his phone. and what about you. he is sleeping for thiskind of scenes too. hello?- what are you doing? gautham? one sec. one sec.one sec. one sec. you can marry her. why did you call at this hour?
you are my wife. i willcall you anytime. yes. yes. yes. ok, tell something. i want a kiss urgently. hey! what is this? thisis not enough for me. hey! what are the sounds?- hello. hello mother. hello? hello? hello? hello? hello? one sec. one sec. one sec. hello. one sec. one sec. one sec.
oh god! what? are you settled? didn't i ask you for a kiss? didn't i give you? which one? the one with sounds? i want one in real.that too lip to lip. all such things wouldbe after marriage. what did i ask you? havei asked you for a son? i just asked for a kiss.
i will give it. i will give it. every time you say thatyou would give. anyways leave it. listento me carefully. buy me a mobile andsim card immediately. what are they for? your aunt has becomelittle suspicious. if she confirms thematter and tells .. ...to uncle then everythinggets finished. they will take away my mobile andcut all the phones in the house.
and then how should i contact you. so i should have a secret number. well, now you proved to bea politician's daughter. are you caught? what mother? come out soon. i am coming mother. one sec. what? is this the onlybathroom in this house?
what's your nuisance inthe middle of the night? hello? - hey! you tiny girl. incollege you act like a dumb. hello? what are you doing? hello? hello?- tell me. what else should i tell you? i amasking you for a kiss since long. that one? i am in the mood of.. there is no signal over here. aishu, my lips have become dry.tongue is feeling thirst.
if you could give your beautifullips for some time.. ...then my life would be saved. what do you say? dialogue is good. aftermarriage i will be yours. and then you can do anything to me. for now have patience. you are my sweetheart. until then stop yourdialogues and drama. drama?
what are you doing at this hour,aishwarya? go and sleep. ok, fine. how did he come and go. are you my love? are you an illusion? are you a flower? are you the boon that i prayed for? my hearts yearns for you. are you my love?are you an illusion?
are you my love?are you a flower? "if i am born as a flower,i will adorn your feet. you set my heart on fire. you are my love. you are my life. your arrival has changed my life. our bond is of many births. you filled my life with happiness. let's build a beautiful home. shall we get married?"
i want a place in your heart. i want to spend mylife in your arms. you are a beautiful stream. you are my life. are you the boon i prayed for? aishu. - ice-cream is soldout side and not here. brother, you look at your work. sari and jasmine flowers. oh!you are damn beautiful. do i have the glow of marriage?
hey! what? there is no happinessin bride's face. it is there. don't i know? what'sthe matter? tell me. is our decision correct? the decision is not entirely mine. tell me if you don't like it.i will stop it right now. your wish is my wish. you are everything for me fromthe day i started loving you. for now it's just a sign.
who is this carrying harmonium? he is the registrar. sir, the girl is the daughterof local m.p. sir, the girl's name is aishwaryaand the boy's name is gautham. immediately do the registration. are you all college students? it would be the same if tonsuredpeople like you come. look at him. you are getting married beforecompleting your degree.
we can marry after completingthe degree as you said. but in order to passour failed subjects.. ...we need to spend aroundforty to fifty thousand. you are supposed to livetogether all your life. but you have come atinauspicious time. wait for an hour. i don't believe in them.you carry on. its just one hour. please. hey! let's wait.
common friends, let'swait for an hour. is it a tea bag? can't you see that? you are doing it as thoughyou are milking a cow. is it the same forcoffee too, friend? hey! tell him to give the tea.- give us tea. friends, here take this. today,it's free. drink. hey! you too have it. be careful. it's hot.
is it the holy water from templefor holding it with devotion, aishu? you should hold it like this.rotate and clean it like this. and then drink withouttouching the tongue. if it is touches the tonguethen everything comes out. if it is prepared in our housethen it would be good. but if it prepared here then therewould be some kick in it. because he is using the sametea powder from day one. if it is not good then leave it. do you wish to eat something?snacks?
hey! get some snacks. give them snacks.- snacks? wait friend. he is searchingfor them in his arm pits. once he finds them he will give it. hey! remove your hand. he willnot spare until we vomit. friend, aishwarya is supposedto eat in a star hotel. but she has to eat here today.what do you say? this is because of love, aishu.isn't it, aishu? i am too planning for long tohave a register marriage.
friend, don't act in haste. go and inquire with the registrar" ...whether they perform goldenjubilee celebrations here. ever did you love someone, brother? why do you ask that? aishu was brought up like an angel. she left everything for you. she must not feel that she hasdone a mistake in her life. my voice is not that bad either.
ok, what will you tellif your uncle asks you? that girl was beautiful and.. don't know. if my parentswere there.. ...then they too would nothave brought me up so well. everything was according tomy wish from my childhood. they wanted to marryme in a grand manner. look how he's copying it. after this i will go andfall on their feet. i think they will accept.
is the inauspicious time over? wait for another ten minutes. why? should m.p come here? if you are so intelligentfor eating.. ...uthapa(lndia tiff in) in udipihotel(vegetarian hotel).. ...then how much of intelligence.. ...we should have for eatingmutton in military hotel. i will marry according to yourmethod after m.p's arrival. for now let me marry in my method.
senior, bring the garlands.- friend, take this. take this.- take this too. 'i will be born as yours for ever. sacred thread.- hey! give the sacred thread. aishwarya. you have finished me.you ill fated girl. hey! nobody should be spared.kill everybody. hey! will you beat me?first of all, kill him. don't beat.
don't do anythingto him. stop. stop. don't hurt him. gautham. - leave me. father, tell them. father, please. leave me. father. trash him. remove it.
hey! get in. start the car. start. 'this is my life.' 'i thought my life wouldbe with aishu forever.' 'but i never imagined that timewould separate us so early.' what happened? what happened, sir? don't get tensed. sleep. sleep. child, drink water. 'its not just love thati have for aishu.'
'i have some feelings whichare more sacred than it.' 'i cannot put them in words.' i didn't wish to livewith her all my life. 'if i could spend a singleday with her.. ...then it would beequal to an era.' 'but i don't have that luck.' 'if i could spend a single day withher then it would be equal to an era.' friend, as you said we searchedeverywhere for aishwarya. nobody knows where she is.
hey! what are you doing? hey! listen to me. hey!listen to me. gautham, please. where will you goin this situation? they are stills searchingfor us. don't talk. hey! you are acting in haste. gautham, it's not good togo in this situation. listen to me.- listen to me. hey! come, fast.
uncle. - bring the car.- uncle. uncle. get the car. get the car.- fast. be careful. 'man proposes and god disposes.' 'god said no to my wish but hefulfilled my uncle's wish.' 'a person who says no toa person's last wish.. ...on the death bead is not a human.'
'i want to live like a human.' 'he got me married to a girlby name vaishnavi and died.' 'in the ramayana too sundharakanda(part of ramayana)" ...appears only once.' 'my life is not bigger than it.' father.. hi! my sweetheart. my love. where is mother? is it? come. come.
hey! dear. how's your health? nothing happened to mother.she is just pretending. shall we go out? ok, we will go. i have got only three hours of work. we will eat lunchand dinner outside. after going around the citywe will come back. ok? father, my maths teacher andi are no more friends. wait, child.
it was grand success.- hey! gautham. g.e. is waiting for me.i will get back to you. i am really happy with you. thank you. thank you so much.i will catch you later. hi! uncle.- hey rohit. be careful. sorry. sorry. sorry. sorry. sorry. hey! dear. where is mother? she is not here. ok, come. come. come. come.
my dear, my sweet heart. my darling. we will call mother. wewill talk to mother. mother is late. mother islate. mother is late. hey! wait. hello, gautham. neha here. vaishnavi is busy in the meeting. if there is anything importantthen let me know. ok. just tell her thathave i called her. ok, i will pass the message. bye.
hey! when did you come? one o'clock. why are you going so early? i have lot of work in office. is there any problem? nothing of that kind. there is aclient meeting at lokhandwala. we should fix the locations. madamnimmi is waiting downstairs. send aishu.- ok. hey! dear. wait.
don't know when youwould learn this. everything would be fine. go. i will definitely come.don't worry. ok? bye. oh! god. gautham. it'sme, nimmi speaking. sorry. sorry, madam. oh! should you kiss without any gap? don't know how vaishnaviis tolerating you. anyway, if you are happythen it's fine. if only you could letus stay happy. - why?
yes. it's been ten days sincei have come from u.s. we don't have time to talkto each other leisurely. how can you keep her so busy? me?- yes. she has less work in office.she is doing others work. earlier she used to gohome at five o'clock. now she is not going. isn't there any work. gautham. any problem?
madam. no, no. i am ok. i am ok. ok. if there is somethingthen call me. ok? bye- bye. friend, switch it off and eat.you always talk while eating. who is that madam whomade you upset, friend? mother. mother, giveme the n.f.s. cd. not now-. i want it now, mother.i want it. i want it. don't irrigate me, aishu.
sorry, dear. i don't want it. that's why. mother said sorry. take this. play. are you just changing the channel? does your father tell lies? father never tells any lies.you speak lies. me? you say that you have workwhen you don't have any work.
oh! you found it. does your father really love me? should i ask father right now. like all men he too will tell lies. father! father, i have one doubt. what is it, dear? how much do you love? is it your doubt oryour mother's doubt?
mother's doubt is whetheryou love us or not. and my doubt is howmuch you love us. come, dear. come. it's been six years sincei stopped writing dairy. i felt like writing again onlyafter staying away from your mother. ask her to read if she has got time. father, there is nothing. "new york city is sleeping." i am alone and it's cold.
i am all alone andit's cold out there. i am left alone and i amlooking for the shore. "i am suffering foryou.." "..and missing you. i am alone and it'scold out there. i am left to find the shore. ".. and missing you. i couldn't sleep thinkingabout you. i am getting different thoughts.
my mind is filled with yourthoughts each moment. every moment seems to be an era. "what is this suffering for me?" you are all alone. i think of you every moment. you should know that mylife is in your hands. oh! dear. various thoughtsare crossing my mind. my life is yours. "my mind is filled with yourthoughts each and every moment.
i am sorry, gautham. sorry. vaishnavi, i know thatyou are angry with me. i don't want to hurt youby asking the reason. let it be anything but you don'tstay away from me. please. i am sorry. i will neverdo this again. ok? ok? ok, doctor. greetings. come, sit down. you are aishu's friend?- yes. what would you like to have?coffee or buttermilk.
anything is fine. send two buttermilks into my cabin. how many children do you have? one daughter. tell me, child. whathave you come for? i want to see aishwarya. aishu has come. aishu. child. aishu. child, aishu. giveme the bag. i will hold it.
what i have done was a mistake. but how long willyou not talk to me. aishu.- taxi. i have brought the car, child.we will go in it. child, i am accepting thati have committed a mistake. for that you didn't talkto me for six years. isn't it enough punishment? child, aishu.- driver, start. i am vaishnavi, gautham's wife.
then who am i. where are you, dear? somebody is ringingthe bell. go and see. where did she go? hey! what are you doing inside? hi! gautham. won't you call me inside? sit down. are you fine, gautham?
are you fine?- good. you.. one second. i will do it. leave it. vaishnavi, for seeing me.. i have told her to come. why? because she loves you, gautham. i love you. if you could spend one day..
...then it would have be equalto living together for ages. i don't have that luck. you have written it with your tears. you have written it with sadness. i love your dreams, wishes,experiences. i love them all. i want you too. i want you totally. today your aishu.. hey! dear. today your aishu hascome here for you.
today i and our daughter willnot be there in your life. hey! what are you talking? if we live togetherfor hundred years.. ...and if you think that this singlemoment wouldn't have happened.. ...then there would be nomeaning for our love. no guilty conscious. ok? aishu. aishu, come. mother. hi! vaishnavi.- hi!
sweet, aishu. hi! i got a gift for you.hope you like it. say thank you.- thank you. is it good? it is like you. what happened to aishu? her health is not good. slightfever. we should go to the hospital. ok, i am leaving. vaishnavi, i don't knowwhat you have done.
but looking at your face i feelthat you have done something wrong. aishu's health is not good. didyou take her to the doctor? what happened to you? whydo you look like that? did you and gautham quarrel? no, no. nothing like that. you take rest. i will takeaishu to the hospital. aishu. you and i willgo to the hospital. tomorrow is diwali. we will buy lotof crackers while coming back. ok? common. common.common. good girl.
mother, will you not come. let mother take rest. we will go. madam, i want to sleep for sometimeforgetting everything. you have got sleeping pills withyou. will you give me one? they are in the cupboardin my bedroom. take them. mr. gupta has given this to you. security.- madam. take her to the car.i will be back soon. how many tablets did you take?
two. ok. you relax. i willcome. thank god. let's break this silence, gautham. look at me. i don't want towaste this opportunity. every moment is important for me. don't sit idle. common, cheer up. take me somewhere. anywhere. park, beach, pub,restaurant. anywhere. if you are with me theni am ready to die.
common, gautham. common.common. get up. come, come. come fast. don'twaste time, gautham. common. come, come don't want car, gautham.take me on the bike. i don't have bike with me, aishu. oh! shit! hi! i am gautham's friend.could you do me a favour? i need your bike. i want to go for aride with him. i will be back soon. i will give you my carkeys. take this.
why over here, aishu? today is mine. you shouldcome with me anywhere. ok? hey! come here. what's the need for all these? i don't like to see you informals like a family man. now you are my gautham.let's go. come. wow! gautham. my dream of riding onbike with you has come true now. gautham, drive fast. more fast. today there shouldn't be anybodyfaster than us in mumbai.
did you think of me at leastonce in day, gautham? at least when youcall your daughter. one beer please. greencolour beer bottle. earlier you used to talk more.now you have changed. will you come with me if i ask youto come leaving everything, gautham? i will do that. thank you.- welcome. have. drink. common, have it.
will you drink like thisevery time, gautham? you were doing bottom sup. do it. no. that's not possible with me now. once for my sake. please. good. that's my gautham. wow! i like that. even that too. ah! hey! gautham, m.t.v.grand show in mumbai. and that too when i am here.
gautham. gautham. please,please, take me. take me, please. hey! common. common. common.come faster. need to perform here on the floor. and the winners are.. gautham and aishwarya. gautham. am i looking good? do i look good for you to like me? yes. half.
what is it, half? there's a lot of difference betweenthe aishu i saw in college.. ...and the aishu i am seeing now. they might be. my dress,gait, language .. ...and everything must have changed. my mind is still the same, gautham. am i talking more?i made it a habit. because i had to stayaway from everything. oh! sorry. sorry. sorry.i made you upset.
sit down. sit down. i have kept everythingi knew in front of you. you are going to tasteeverything. ok? i think they might be good.taste them and tell me. this is my special. enough. you? - yes, yes. i too willeat. i too will eat. eat frankly, gautham. i can never forgetthis day, gautham.
talk something. i don't haveenough time with me. please. aishu, i can never forget thisday for spending with you. will you forgive me? what is this like a small kid? what is the mistake which youhave committed to be forgiven? you took me everywherei asked you to take. beach, restaurant, bikeride m.t.v show. you fulfilled all my dreams. do you know why i have askedyou to do all these?
after leaving for australiatomorrow.. ...i want to see you everywhereat beach, restaurant and bike. i should live my wholelife thinking of you. i should die thinking of you. will you at least give methat chance, gautham? let's break this silence. drive fast. it seems there is a traffic jam.it will take some time. where is aishu?
'my dear vaishnavi,i cannot forget you.. ...for giving me pleasant memoriesin my life. thanks.' 'i can understand the sadnessin your eyes as a woman.. ...when you left gautham with me.' 'you have given one dayto me and gautham.' 'but one hour was sufficient.' 'forty minutes of silence, tenminutes of consolation.. ...and ten minutes of talking.' 'and the ten minutes hespoke was all about..
"vaishnavi, vaishnaviand vaishnavi.' 'i could understand yourplace in his life.' 'being afraid we take good care ofthe things which we like very much.. ...thinking that others might misuseit or snatch it from us.' 'but we feel satisfied if it couldbe safe with others too.' 'i am going from here withthe same satisfaction.' 'i should love gauthamin my next life too. but not as aishu but as vaishnavi.' 'thanks, vaishnavi. thanks.'
where is aishu? i want to see her. i have asked you many times whetheryou loved someone or not. when all this happenedin your life.. ...then didn't youfeel like telling me? why did you hide, gautham? vaishnavi, a woman cantolerate anything. but she cannot tolerate her husband'love for another woman at any cost. i have hidden it so thatyou don't get hurt. but when you searched for thatgirl and brought her back..
...i didn't know that to do. i didn't know what to do? father. - hey! sweetheart. see those lights. look there. mother, aunt nimmi gave manycrackers. they are downs stairs.

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