stories of chandama...tales of sorrows and pain of fellow citizens... corner stone’s of our lives' edifice... bridges that connecteddream and reality... that which melted away thedifferences of rich and poor... a never ending treasure of pleasure... it's always the stories of the people... castles of glass... tales of others' is our lives' corner stone... today it is before you as it is...
but it won't be so in future... it has been showing the power of truth... few days in sunshine...few days in darkness... they tell you to live 100 years... father! got up, baby? what day is today? sunday is still two days away, dear. you kept maths home work book in bag?
your tablets?- yes, i have. how many tablets you've to take? after lunch one big and one small tablet. if water is empty drink fromchithra's bottle, don't drink water anywhere else. i'll come at 4 pm to pick you up, okay? shall i go?- are you going to hospital today also? would doctor aunt givea shot of injection? why?
you don't drink when i ask youto have health drink, right? if you don't have health drink, you may faint again as you faintedduring prayer last week, and doctor aunty will give youa shot of injection. i'll have horlicks every day from tomorrow,i don't want injection, father. okay, i'll tell her kavya has becomevery good girl, no more injections. getting late, go.- bye, father. i think its 9 years ago swathi told me. someone is coming to call you as father.
i feel like taking her into my handsjust recently. already 8 years have gone past! rs.500 for check up and medicines. another 5 for any tests if they suggest. if i draw rs.1000,balance will be rs.20000. if she has fainted,it could be weakness. if you make anyone pray for 20 minutesin hot sun, anyone can faint. let her fuss to eat, i'll her to task. nothing will happen to her,you start the story.
what shall i write? life...life... life is as beautiful as it is terrible! how happy it is...may get late to return from doctor. must take something to eat for kavya. apple? i'll take apples. do i've the experienceto write about life? how about writing somethingwhich i know...
can people understand what i know? they are the readers, so i've to writewhat they can understand. at the most i've to write their stories... but whose story should i write? look around you! even the most beautiful fantasies areborn out of real life experiences. in this multitude of people,every one has a story. there are many twists andturns in every story. many experiences in every turn.
sir, please give me alms! go away! didn't you find anyone else? she's from political family,you'll get into trouble. would anyone give up the girlhe likes fearing troubles? is it good to put life in risk for that?did you see her body guards? okay! if she walks into classwithout seeing me, i'll do as you say. what if she turns back to see? no way i'm giving her up!
what's he, boy? how many times should i tell them? i'm venkateshwara rao here, editor. venkateshwara rao?which venkateshwara rao? 'wanted bride' venkateshwara rao!- is it you sir? got any marriage proposal? how can i get? you printed my adsomewhere in a corner. but still am i not placing ad inyour paper for 5 years now? how can you get a loyal customer like me?
please take care, sir.- sorry, sir. i'll publish tomorrow on front pagein bold letters this is between us, can you getmarried by placing ads in papers? time must come for anything. should time come?don't know when will it come? mother! did you go for your jog, son? just now returning home after jog.and you called me. don't lie to me early morning,tell me the truth.
not yet, i'm going now. why don't you show interest inyour body, son? i and your father are trying to getyou married before you're 30, why don't you take interest son? if you cross 30, not even god canget you married. mother, just now a man saidyou can't marry till time comes. is it true?- true, son. why didn't you tell me earlier?- what? that marriages don't happentill time comes for it.
have you gone mad early morning?cut the call. won't i get married till time comes? i've aadhar card...a flat in jubilee hills... i've software job...and good bank balance too.. who would give his daughter inmarriage to me? i don't see anyone... i'm having bad dreams,won't i ever get married? there's no one in my hometo offer me a coffee... what's this, o lord! i've full faith in you...
i've prayed you only... prasad, give me the minutesof yesterday's meeting. i didn't see you, sir. go! what's this, sir? there's hot shot girl right before you,and you're searching the entire world. come, let's marry right away. i've work, please go, anitha. what did you say, sir?
but still i'll marry only you. you're saying this to tease mewhy would you marry a man like me? you're missing the logic, venkat.how am i to tell you? all men outside are rogues.no safety or security. if i marry you,you'll never see another woman, you've good bank balance,life and medical insurance, you've got everythingneeded for good life! basically you're a well settled man. only a wife at home to light lampis what you lack!
i've the lighter to light it, right? there are many lamps in my house too. but there's no lighter to light them. venkat sir, all are rogues... god's special and rare creation! you've to change a lot, venkateshwara rao. why do you comb like that?why do you get ready like school kid? what are those colourful threadstied on your wrist? this is lord shiva's amulet,swamy gave for my early marriage.
you can't get married if you goto swamijis, venkateshwara rao. you must chase hot shot girls like her. oh my god anitha!how can anyone marry her? who is asking you to marry her?just promise to marry her. they'll take of everything else. isn't it wrong to lie? wrong...indeed it is wrong. not yours...i'm wrong for advising you. send by 10 am, okay?- okay, madam.
please come, lakshmakka. are you fine?- i'm fine with allah's grace. take it. i'm captivated by you,listen to me, god... do you need any help? yes, the shampoo i'm usingis affecting my hair. would you suggest a good shampoo? why can't you get in ashraf's shop? take this imported one.
by the way your hair is very beautiful. it'll become more beautifulusing this shampoo. you praise very well. what can i say?anything free is always attractive. is it? what else can i get free here? tell me...tell me i say! what are you doing? what's the problem? leave me...what if anyone sees us!
nobody is here. someone may come.- let them come, let's see! i'm talking about romanceand you're closing your eyes. okay, with eyes closed too.but i'll take what i'm here for. please take your imported shampoo, madam. write it in account.- yes. where did you go, chotu? you promised to come early,why did you come so late? did i come at right time, brother?
what nonsense are you talking, kid? you came late and say right time,come on, pack groceries. uncle, priest is calling you. i'll take care of lunch.- okay. hey girl! is saritha there? i'm saritha, tell me, what's it? not you, elder saritha. oh my grandma! wait, i'll call her. who is it?- that uncle!
hey, that's my toy. when did it happen? 11 days ago. how did he die?- cancer. they diagnosed it 2 years ago. we knew it before. i'm came here a week ago. had i knew i would've come earlier. priest is calling.
i'm staying in my old home. i'll call you after settling down. bye. please have food and go.- i'll come later. sir...sir...please...please give me alms, sir! please give me alms, sir! i topped the state in iit becauseof your blessing, mother. not my blessings son, it was possiblebecause of sri vidhyanikethan. your future has been protected.
will you always puff me? would your grandpa get it? get it. cancel it. stay here, i'll call you. what are you doing here? reverse the car. lisa, car is ready,want me to order a sandwich. call me after sending someoneto subway and kismos do you remember that or not?
that was 10 years ago. after you india has seenten top models, you know that? be happy for gettingat least these jobs. he's a pain. car is ready. you go out. what's that? ria...why did ria come here? you want me to believe it.
i'm asking you, dk. it's better to be ignorant of few things. it's better to be ignorant of few things dk, i'm asking you! listen...listen... i don't know if you canunderstand this or not. it's better for you to find anotherplace at the earliest. it's very difficult to take mother withnow as my transfer is due in 2 months. think of it.- how can i get visa for mother instantly?
it'll take at least 2 months to file papers. already my year holidays are over.- don't get tensed unnecessarily, sons. i'll come with you, i'll stay here. how can it be possible, mother? construction will start in 2 or 3 months. now i remember,i forgot to talk to you about this. papers are on that table,please hand it over to them. i've decided not to sell this house. why did you come back to square one?
not just ours, they're building apartmentsalong with four back side plots. if you don't sign now,the proposal would fall through. if you stay with me for 6 monthsand with him for 6 months, apartments would be ready by then. we'll get two flats, you can stay in oneand rent another one. ajay, getting late for flight. think over it again, mother. mother, i'll drop ajay in airportand go home. they've to attend school tomorrow,come kids.
get up! give! give it, man. 5hey, get up...get up... so arrogant? i'll leave you unfitto beg also, bloody bastard. take out money. if you get proud,i'll bring back you to earth, bloody. come. tell me.
bloody life! next? in exactly 10 months, my life is over. what's your age?- 19. if you think life is over 19,i'm 50 now, what about me then? that's okay, tell me the real thing. tell me, bro! will you father always sit at threshold?like a street dog. street dogs are better,they chase vehicles at least.
my father never even allows me to move. eyes of every man is here only. oh god! the devil is here, she has seen us. has it dawned to you, boys?i was waiting to have your glimpse. won't you let us live? won't you let any girl live in this place? how many times i've warned to breakyour legs if you dare enter this street? stop your bloody acts! to hell with you, boys!
can't you understand if i say once?aren't you humans? why are you going overboard, old woman? as if your granddaughters are world beauties! just two minutes are enoughto elope with anyone of them. bloody! will you elope with her? will you elope with my granddaughter? do it, let me see.- you come inside, grandma. yes, i'll do it, i'll elope with heras you watch. you watch it.
please listen to me, grandma.why are you arguing with him? girls, go inside. i'm facing all this flak becauseof you girls, go inside. you'll never come good in life,you'll get ruined, you rogue! how are you, sharma?- what do i lack? i'm doing fine. if you select a girl from these photos,my job is done. i'll meet you again in yourchildren's marriage only. what do you say? what are these?
these are premium photosof my marriage bureau. premium? they look like mothers of kids! you're trying to fix someone for me, sharma. i'm meeting you because my mother says, please don't waste my time showingsuch nasty photos to me. look, marry before you're 30. if you reach 30, not even godcan help you to marry. nature will not support you. world will suspect you've defectand start ignoring you.
i don't have any defect, you can go. i know that but the societyat large doesn't know that, right? i've told you what i know,rest is as you wish. bye, if you do like this you canonly attend marriages not marry. i didn't expect you'd come. i told you on phone that i will come. you said the same in about50 earlier calls too. i didn't get time from my work. you can't time if you're busy.
looks like you've remodeledthe entire house. you haven't changed a bit. looks like you've gone aroundthe world as you told me. no, not yet. i've to seemany more places. i want to start with india. what did you do in americaall these 30 years? have 30 years passed since we met? they both are my daughters. they're my executives.
background is my company. i've handed over my companiesto my daughters, i'm planning a world tourstarting with india. what about your wife then? she's from europe. even after marriage and two kids, she couldn't give up anything, i thought it was good of herto leave for my kids. i never thought of marrying again,
enough about metell me about you. what's there?a typical indian middle class family. two sons and after their father's death, they're fighting aboutwith whom mother must stay! i mean two loving sons, right? did you get like that?- no? have you kept these photos so carefully? how much you've changed, saritha? 30 years, mohan.
there will be change. we'll get into trouble unnecessarily,please don't do it. shut up, how dare thatold woman scold's me! give me the letter.- one minute. whom should i give it? the middle one is more beautiful,give it to her. stop...stop...stop... what's your name? gowri!- what?
take this. take it i say! i told you to take it. this is old ad. this is also old ad. is she not yet married? poor girl! i'm sure this is new ad. i think i'm the first caller.
i saw your ad in thematrimonial page, sir. please tell me your details. my name is venkateshwara rao, sir. i've finished engineering andworking in it field for 7 years. the company you work is presmart! you're native of narsipatnam, right? yes, how did you know that, sir? are you still not married? you came to see my eldest daughter,i said no,
next my second daughter,i said big no, now my third daughter?please leave us alone. i'll never say okay to you. i'll not place an ad in paperfor my fourth daughter. hang up the phone! no, please listen to me once. brother...brother... haseena sister is at the endof the street, she's coming.
you can't do this job alsoproperly, chotu. i told you inform when she leaves home,okay, you go inside. i'll take care. oh god! you look very beautiful today.- thank you. happy birthday to you. it's very beautiful! give my gift now. i fooled you, right?i was just making fun. tell me, where are you taking me out?
let's go around the city. chotu, look after the shop.- okay, brother. has the journey started today... like a memorable sweet story... excitement is touching sky...happiness is following like shadow... dreams are accompanying...come what so ever may... truth becomes story,stories become truths... like this story... in the long journey,won't there be lurking dangers?
like reality... like word and silence havemerged to become one... a desire has taken overmy heart today... first time i've experienced that thereare desires that body can't hold... you're like dream in my open eyes... what are you to yourself? do you at least know answerto this yourself? wherever you may goor wherever you see.. will there be a dawn at midnight?
nobody can stop the dawnof a new morning... like the fate... heart is mad! what's this never ending indebtedness... has it met again to becomea companion... affection will unite sky and earth... won't it be spring all your way then? why is she ignoring me? to hell with you! what's that stare?
every young man gives hungry stares! mother!- what? i'm going to market,tell me, what do you want? what will you bring?bring whatever you like. okay. go fast. what can we do? modern times, bad times! silly crows! who is that? who is that rogue?
if you've guts,i dare you come out, bloody rogues. what happened, grandma?why are you shouting? who are you scolding? some bloody rogue is playing with me.- come inside...come. i told you to come in.come in. bloody rogues don't havedecency or respect. come inside. bloody rogue!is your end time nearing you? without even considering me old woman,what's that nasty thing you do?
to hell with you! please come, grandma.- why should i? may you be cursed!do they feed you in your home? to hell with you!may you get ruined! did you fight with dk? i don't fight with assholes. they cancelled your two contractsand replaced you with priya. who else would he take then? you don't have one offer in hand.
i don't think you'd getany new offers too. your financial situationis also too bad. you can't afford hotels anymore. okay, i'll not do it. i said i'll not do it.please talk to me at least now. don't ever do this again. how many times i've told youfather won't agree? let me talk to him once,only then we'll know, right? i said not now.i'll tell when time comes.
not a rupee less than rs.12 lakhs. talk to him and fix itfor rs.8 lakhs. i'm telling you what he said. can you get such a fine housein prime location for this rate? you're right but talk tothe owner once again. lord! what's this? i'm brahma, the creator! i'm also helpless, venkateshwara rao. you're 30 now!i too can't arrange your marriage.
please me alone, son. lord! if i don't get married before 30,would i face so many problems? take rs.523.- just a minute, sir. take this and give me rs.1000 note. of course, you're in a meeting. i'll call you myself. yee, mother. are you studying?
no, just seeing a magazine. i wanted to ask you something, dear.- yes, tell me, what's it, mother? your uncle hussain visited uslast week, he gave us a photo. his name is ahim khan. he stays in dubai. it seems he owns two cars also. they say he's earning big money. uncle told me not tolet go off this proposal. should i've to go to dubaiafter marriage, mother?
yes, dear. no hurry.think and tell me. eat. where do you roam till midnight?what to you do? i'm asking you. bloody idiot!what the hell are you doing? your father is working hardday and night to send you money. with hope that you'd studyand help him. do you really study or not? idiot! can't you hear me?
whose bike is that? tell me! house owner has told usto vacate the place a month ago. i told you to find another house,did you find? why this cheap dependent life?why don't you kill yourself? that will end all our problems. you crook!why don't you drown yourself? may be it's risky!think over it once again. she's playing dramaif we're like good boys. this is the right way for her. you stay here.- okay, you go.
he's very dangerous. don't know what would happen! don't know what would he do! you go...go...be careful. i'm tensed. he jumped! looks like he's caught. who is that? leave me.
come...come...- where are you escaping, man? who else is here? who is it? what are you looking at? would you like to touch?come...come i say! getting late, come and study inside. hi! please sit down. on hearing kavya fainting away, i've a reason to call herfor check-up, sarathy.
got kavya's reports. my doubt has come true. it's about blood bone marrow. you mean like swathi had...cancer... when we diagnosed swathi,her cancer was at stage 3. kavya's hasn't yet developedinto cancer. it's better for he to start thetreatment as early as possible. it won't even be like cancer.it won't cost much too. at the most rs.4 or 5 lakhs.
father! no injection today, right? no, dear. i told them kavya has become good girl,no more injections. thank you, father. not yet slept, dear? i'm unable to get sleep,will you please tell me a story, dad? it's late night, please go to sleep. please daddy, tell me a story. once upon a time in a place,there lived a cow.
cow used to go to forest to graze. there was a tiger in the same forest. tiger saw the cow andpounced on it to eat. then, cow said tiger don't kill me, i've a little calf, it would be hungry, i'll give milk to it and then... imagination would take you away from reality. how far one may go in imagination,he has to return to the world of reality. in this real world that is notimaginary, we do feel hungry.
you get sick. men are born and die. if you don't have the capacity to live,you must've the courage to die, 1if you don't have courage to live,you need money to live, i'll not do the same mistake again,i'll not live this world of imagination. we can't provide personal loanwith these documents. your property is already under loan. moreover you don't have a job.so we can't sanction loan. tell me. it's been long time since we met.
what's the news? if you don't mind for meetingfor a necessity, i need rs.5 lakhs urgently. rs.5 lakhs? why do you need it urgently? my daughter...- ravi, please come in for a moment. just a minute, i'll come back. would you like to have coffee or tea? no.. recently we bought some land in guntur.
i spent money on it.- okay, bye. people who talk with irritationare darkening hearts. though i resist or desist it... this is my duty and responsibility. that's the only way available to me. the pen with which i started,i must end this with pen only. what brings you here, sarathy? have you written any new stories?- yes, sir. looks like you've written only half.
read it sir, if you give advance,i'll complete it. advance? how much? rs.5 lakhs... rs.5 lakhs? if you want advance rs.5 lakhs,how much you want as full payment? i don't need anything,rs.5 lakhs full and final payment. i need money urgently, sir. how can i pay for incomplete work? i don't generally insist on paymentunless it is very urgent, sir.
you finish it, i'll talk to sirand help you. will you do it?- i'll do everything i can do. tell me, what should we do?- break his limbs! bloody fool will get sense.- mother, keep quiet. you read those letters, right? he jumped wall and enteredour home at midnight. there are 3 girls in home. we've been living with honour,now we've become talk of town. who would marry her?
idiot!- you wait. will honour be restored if you beat him? if you don't have any objection,let's marry them off. i can see only this way. if you want to save your honouror to stop others doing like this, no!- marry them off. i'll not marry her. shut up...shut up... oh my dear, your life is ruined!
she's a model! why would a model come to our street? no, she's not a model. yes, she's like a model.- yes, she is. come fast! tell me, madam. you've coke?- yes, madam. what else? one. how much?- total rs.140, madam.
no need. madam, please give me an autograph. one autograph, madam... did you see your face? one autograph please, madam. lisa smith! india's top most model once, but now, she was seen buying a coke anddiary milk chocolates in an ameerpet shop. people who have seen her say she walkedinto this middle class apartment complex.
what lisa smith doing in thismiddle class apartment? how long has she been living here? let's see the details after a short break. owner's rate is rs.12 lakhs. would you like to see the house? they're tenants here,they'll vacate the place in a week. where's your mother, boy?- went to work. if it's rs.10 lakhs...- he’ll not accept a rupee less than rs.12 lakhs. bhavishyavani astrological centre
please come, sit. not able to marry, swamy. do you say time hasn't come yet? i know everything. you don't need to tell me anything. your name is a god's name.he has more than one wife. yes, my name in venkateshwara rao.- i know. you're almost 30 years old.- yes, i'm 29 now. you're worried for unable to marrythough nearing 30.
you're right. please show your hand to swamy. i can understand everythingon reading your palm. your bad time is at peak now. do you say time for my marriagehasn't come yet? don't worry. though it's difficult to escapefrom the affects of bad time, it is not impossible, we'll offer special prayers on your namein chidambaram temple of tamil nadu,
please leave your detailswith my disciple. when will time come then, swamy? time is nothing, it will comeand go at my order. swamy, your fee? swamy never touches moneywith his hands. put your fee into this. just rs.100! bad time isn't ordinary bad time,it's very tough and horrible, we've to offer sacrifices inchidambaram temple,
it'll cost rs.4000! rs.4000?i didn't bring so much money. we accept credit cards too. fantastic! how did you capture it? please forward this to me. not now, there's still time for it. i've blocked space opposite to the lift. spencer’s people arepressurizing me, bhai. if you pay advance quickly,it would be good for us.
i'll somehow pay advance by monday,please confirm it for me. sure?- sure. then, let's meet on monday. okay, sir. i'll take leave now.- bye. what happened to your boss, chotu? he looks worried. why are you dull, ashraf? don't you know it?- it seems you got a dubai proposal. is that the matter?
everyone in colony is discussing about it. so what?just got a proposal, that's all. i didn't marry him, did i? today proposal has come,tomorrow marriage will be fixed. i've been telling you for long time,i'll talk to your father. what will you talk to him?dubai man owns two cars. he has a house and money too. all you've is shop, that too rented one. what will you talk to him?
listen to me, i'll talk to my fatherfinding an opportune time. please be little patient. did you find any job, son? no. i thought you'd change at leastafter marriage. it's waste to feed you andnow one more mouth to feed. will she work in day time? she sits in the same placeentire day till she sleeps. i don't have the means orpatience to raise two adults.
better you find a place of your own. my culinary skills! give me the cup, i'll keep it. i'll take it.- no. no, give it to me. i'll go. have breakfast and go. no, i'll go. what happened to you?
you tell me... is it about last night's incident? did i force you? no.- then? sit here. by the way, what's your problem? you may have been in americafor 30 years, this may not be big thing for you, but i've children,
they too have children. 30 years ago, parents forceda marriage against your wish. now you say children, tomorrow you may another reason, when will you live for yourself? what do you want for yourself? i don't want to miss you second time. decide before that. whether you give me the opportunityto see this world with you,
or is this the last for this life! i've come from us. call me when you're free.we can discuss the details. my son is really lucky to findsuch a beautiful wife. no, my daughter is very lucky. that she found such a good proposal. if you give daughter-in-law's passport,we can get a visa to dubai. sure. my son will send flight tickets.
haseena will go to dubai aftermarriage, right? look, my son has called on phone. yes son, how are you? we're fine. we're discussing about your marriage only. marriage date is fixed. yes son, talk to her quickly. dear... if my father comes to know this,he would kill me.
nothing will happen, renu.don't get tensed. you like me, right? i like you so much! renu, just do as i say,i'll take care of the rest. okay? do you think she'll come?- i'm sure she'll come what's the next plan? we'll go a tour to north india for a week, by then trouble would break out here,
her father would never accept this, if we go to media, they'll arrange the marriageunder media glare. what if the girl refuses marriage? we'll threaten to leak he video to media. she'll accept with no choice. oh my god! you're not an ordinary man. on reaching hyderabad,call this number. he's ramana, it seems there arevacancies in municipality.
pay him little every month. be careful. forget it, you got married,you got a job with municipality, everything that happenedto you is good, right? my foot, brother. i'll get something to eat, clean it by then. i don't know. wash this plate.- i don't know. will you please make some tea?- i don't know.
will you please wash my shirt?i've to wear it tomorrow. doesn't she know any work? why don't you send her to some work?- i don't know. she won't do any work,she sits in one place entire day. this is a problem every manfaces in his home. let's go. wait, let's have something.i'm hungry. isn't she cooking in home?- no, she has gone to parents' home. did you've a fight?- no.
then?- 9th month. you said got married for 10 months only,you fight each other every day. how can she be 9th month pregnant?so fast? that's different andthis is different, brother. happy birthday to you fromagrigold insurance. you're 30 now, we're maturingyour insurance policy, sir. i'm busy now,can you please call me later? you're 30 now venkateshwara rao! you've entered 30th year.
what club? i mean elders club. since life has come down to 60,you're already 30 now, it means half of your life is over. if you finish the balance 30 years,you can pack your bags to leave. if you push off 15 more years, next is old age club andthen retirement house. from there straight to... not a rupee less than rs.12 lakhs!
not possible for rs.10 lakhs. can i see the house? how many times will you see it? where are you coming, ashraf?- i'll meet your father right now. don't create trouble, go away from here. no, move away, i'll meet him.- please go away. come with me. can't you understand if i say once?i said my father will not agree. i'll know the answer onlyif i ask him, right?
why don't you understand me, ashraf? why don't you try to understand me, haseena? how am i to understand you? 0got a very rich proposal from dubai. please don't ruin it. would this dream show the dawn? would this pain ever leave your heart? would any story end like this only? the world that you see,is life really so strange?
won't it change every minute? shall i call? shall i call or not? shall i or shall i not? now? shall i or not? shall i or not? rs.10 lakhs?- no way! life is nothing but twists and turns... does anyone know this?
every man has a story... god written loyalty... every heart swings like a boatcaught in high tide... whether it is any sorrow or dejection... will the stories written by godare like this only? would anything you thinkhappens in real? even if heart wishes... a dream that bloomed like first love... we ruined your life with this marriage.
she's too young girl. she couldn't take the extreme pain. take your daughter. she has left her like an orphan. what an injustice!she wasn't even 16 years old! enough of going to college,hereafter study from home. ...30 years! all these are just excuses. you may think this is naturalin this profession.
a luxury apartment in hi-tech city... car in garage... that's what i'm asking you, why? sit in the car. why are you sitting there?sit in the front seat. i'm keeping the luggage,sit in the front seat. now you the get the realthrill of dubai. how are parents, sisters andbrothers there? let's go straight to dhera, from thereto burjuman, we can talk there. okay?
go back! you said own?- yes. when are you shifting? take the papers. i've signed it. i'll apply for visa tomorrow, mother.it'll take two months. till then stay with brother. i... don't think about me, sons!take care of your jobs and health.
by the way, i'm going out. i'll not be back in 2 years. if construction is over by then,please inform me on phone. take care of children. study well, children.- okay, grandma. don't trouble parents.- okay. father! is grandma going out of station? okay, done for rs.10 lakhs.but one single payment. no installments please.
when do you want? tomorrow morning at 9 am. though its morning, still asleep, idiot. stop the bike. is this your bedroom to sleep till now?get up! this old is dead, call municipality people.- okay, sir. got up, dear? holiday for school, dear. you play in chithra's house,i'll finish my work and come quickly. okay?
finished? how could you finish it so quickly? okay, sir has gone to usto meet his son. he'll be here in a month or two. i'll talk to him as soon as returnsand call you. okay? two months? i don't have that much time. i've come thinking you'dpay me immediately. is it 10 or 15 thousand to give instantly?
rs.5 lakhs. you're not new to this business, sarathy. they don't come to a decisionwithout taking time to think. i'm requesting you shamelessly. please try to understand me, sir. there's nothing i can do byunderstanding you, sarathy. i too work here for my salary. please don't say like that,i don't have any other way. please don't make say again andlose the respect i've for you.
i said i'll call you, please be patient. do you want tea, sir?- get me some water also.- okay, sir. are you doing fine, sir? i'm fine, raju. how is your daughter?- fine, sir. bye, sir. you don't have to cometo hospital from tomorrow. there are many who used cinemafor politics and hit big time. affirming the relationship politicsand films with a marriage,
capital city is about to witnessanother big function, malkajgiri mp nagella madhusudhan reddy'sdaughter renuka, is marrying famous film producermekapati ramesh babu's son mekapati ravi. in a specially erectedmarriage canopy in hi-tech, with confirmed attendance by cm,govenor narasimhan, speaker navin chandra, and big film stars, producers and directors. greetings, sir.- are you fine, ashraf? i'm fine, sir. i've delivered the groceries, sir.- okay.
why did you come? where's chotu? poor boy is sick, sir.bye, sir. are you fine, sarathy? i'm fine, how are you, saritha? how is your daughter?- fine. looks like you're going out?- to watch a film. are you coming from office?- yes, sir. where is kavya? she's in school.- send her after she's home.- okay.
got late today?- meeting in office. what happened reallyon the day the beggar died... please tell me a story, father.- sleep dear it's 11 pm.. i'll sleep only if you tell me a story. okay, which story you want? king, queen and ant story. long long ago in a thick dark forest, so thick that ants too couldn't enter, one day king went to that foreston hunting expedition.
when crows and ants couldn't enter,how could king enter forest, father? please tell me rabbit story.- what about ant story? no, tell me rabbit story. you mustn't stop me midway,i'm warning you. there was once a rabbit in a forest, is this also the same forestwhere ants lived, father? no, this is different forest.just rabbits lived there. would king come in this story also to hunt? that’s' different story,this is different story.
is this forest also so small thatcrows and ants also can't enter? do you want me to tell the story or not?- okay, tell me. there was once a little rabbit in a forest, one day it saw moon, this old beggar is dead, call municipality. sarathy wrote the stories of liveshe saw in his life. god wrote his story!

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