twenty people arereduced to ashes in one month. my father has died.brother has died. i think an epidemic hasspread in our village. why are you so manypeople dying after all? yes? what is our fault in it? the entire village will beconverted into a cemetery. and we can't do anything?! isn't there any remedy? the total figure is 534, siddha.
only this many peopleare alive in the village. vishweshwarai. born in 9 planets, 12 star signs,27 constellations.. ...a valiant will comehere within 48 days. go! go and search himin the north direction. the wind is showingyou the direction. this land will protect you. siddha, nothing will happen to you.nothing will happen to you. go. go soon. go.
whom do i have to find? that man's facewill be very glorious. his glowing facialfeatures will be like fire. a storm! he will run like a storm! but how will i find him? you will hear hisvoice automatically. the birds and animalswill shout in a loud voice. the rain willwelcome him on this land. the soil of this place will dance.
even the slight sound hemakes will also echo all around. the one whom you want to seewill appear in front of you. the sky will enthrone him. the fire will dance tothe tune of his fingers. his touch will put a tilak(mark) of blood on your forehead. even the deathshivers at his sight.. ...whose touch willmake you more powerful! on watching him, even thelittle children will start smiling. on whose touch even a hutwill change into a palace.
go and bring him,siddha. go and bring him. yes. siddha, be careful. do not look into his eyes. call him not with the voice ofyour throat, but that of your heart. if he comes, thisvillage will be saved. nothing will happen to you. go and call him. go. om namah shivai! shoot him. shoot him. kill him.
shoot him. kill him. kill him. come on. let's return. stop! stop! stop! stop! stop. stop. stop!- please stop, brother. how are you feelingon watching this spot? i am feeling hot.- obviously you will feel. think something new.i love this place. i feel like camping here.
no! this is bad. never mind if it is bad. whoever will watch this program,he will go mad. why are you saying this, sir?- then what else, brother? if you tell them to make adocumentary on rajasthan.. ...everyone shows the camels,sand dunes and rocks. - yes. we should cover theentire rajasthan. - how? there is a way. i will show you.- yes. enjoy the breeze. touch theplants and trees. - oh, oh!
we will take thisdesert in our clutches. we will take it in our clutches?- yes. oh, my god! help! oh, my god! i tore theland open and popped up? why are you asking me? ididn't understand it either. i thought i had a heart fail. i had slept on theground last night. it means the land covered you?
i thought i will goaround the entire rajasthan.. ...but after i fell asleep ifelt as if the land was revolving. what?- goodness me! but what is all thisafter all, brother? it is dust, brother. you will get rid of itwhen you rub it off. do not sneeze,babulal, you will die. how do you know thatmy name is babulal? i have come to knowfrom your identity card.
why are you so surprised? are you from mumbai? yes, brother. i have come here tomake a documentary film on rajasthan. brother, actually i reallylove rajasthan's climate. - oh! i am the director andthey are my assistants. huh? where have they disappeared? did they run away when i shouted? a coward can never become anassistant director. - what? we will talk rest ofthe things later. - yes.
go and bring the luggage first.- yes, i will bring it right now. babulal.- yes? will you feel bad if iask something? - no. have you come to thedesert to shoot a documentary.. ...or to do romancewith the heroines? i don't make anyrelations with the girls. - what? by the way, i don't have anyrelations with the girls too. are you that?- what? sir, by the way, for whatwork have you come here?
me, right?- yes. to dry the clothesin bright sunshine. you are not replying anyof my questions correctly. will i replycorrectly if you ask me? do you know hardoike raju?- i love him. he is grandfather's darling.that is my name. so you are hardoike raju? yes. it was a long name, soi kept a short name as raju. how is my name?- it sounds good to hear.
and while uttering it too.- oh! sir, what is your father? i don't have my parents. my grandfather is all i have. he is a teacher. heteaches in school too. he takes the class at home too. honestly speaking, he is a bookworm. if he gives a gift, hegives a pen or pencil only. i was fed up of studying.
there is maid who doesall the household chores.. ...while watching tv. and this is the cook. shecooks while reading a book. and this is the photo of my parents. 'grandfather, take theprogress report. - very good.' what should i tell you, babulal? there was no happinesson grandfather's face.. ...even if i scored90 marks out of 100. 'you have scored only90 marks out of 100?!'
'if this goes on, whatwill you do when you grow up?' 'i have got a job as ataxi driver, grandfather.' 'you have diabetes soi didn't bring sweets.' 'never mind, son. you havebecome self-sufficient.' we had a son after tenmonths of our marriage. i had been on apilgrimage since six months.. ...and a son wasborn to my wife here. i want to make him a doctor. by the way, if you see theold records of me and my wife..
...he will never become a doctor. i will have to givedonations and i need money for it. and if we don't make him adoctor due to lack of money.. ...then he will become adriver like you when he grows up. that's why i haveopened this travels agency. that is the car and this is the key. keep this identity card.all the best. this car is small. don'tyou have a bigger one? my friend owns a transport office.shall i send you there?
you have a good sense of humor.- yes. i want to ask you something.will you mind it? - not at all. ask without hesitation. don't feel bad.- i won't. you were on apilgrimage for six months.. ...then how did yourwife become pregnant? 'no other job is ascarefree as a taxi driver's job.' 'you do not have togive a reply to anyone..' '..or take orders from anyone.'
hey, don't take the right,but the left turn. 'stop your stupid voice, idiot.' from the left?- yes. brother, are youdriving a bullock-cart? drive faster or i will missthe flight. - certainly, sir. 'if you take one more round,your kidney or liver will pop out.' rs. 300, sir.- what? rs. 300, sir. "wretched man, is ityour father's road?"
"i too have the sameright on it as you." "you have challenged abrave man by mistake." "look, i too know to abuse." "goons and criminals salute me." "buddy, i will teach you a lesson." "first your car will be damaged." "all the public willwatch your scene." "i will make yourcondition such today.." "..that you will never beable to drive a car again."
"i will make you pay." "i will make you pay dearly." "i won't come inanyone's hands now." "i drive a taxi. ataxi on the road." "no one is greaterthan me in this world." "no car is better than my taxi." "taxi!" "i have changed thedirections of many storms." "my taxi runs fasterthan an aeroplane"
"taxi!- it's time to go!" "taxi!- yes!" "i will never be scared of anyone." "i will live with my head high." "i will win the game, iwill play all the moves." "i have seen great ones like me." "does anyone have theguts to fight with me?" "i will thrash him so hardthat he will never forget it." "no one can stop my taxi."
"no one has everbeen able to stop me." "no one has ever beenable to block my path." "no one has ever beenable to win over me." "no one has ever beenable to give me a reply." "taxi. taxi." "whenever i rotate the steering." "a feeling of fearspreads all around." "no one ever challengeme or mess with me." "look at me. know me. iwill reach my destination."
"i promise, i will touch thesky with my hands one day." brother, by the way,you didn't tell me.. ...why you have come to rajasthan? who comes without any reason? you think i am mad? i am trapped insome trouble, brother. the name of thattroublemaker is sumita. her height is 5.10 inches. 5.10inches?! - yes,brother. she is like a pillar.
by the way, she looks mind blowing,but she is dangerous. she has played aspecial role in my life. i have met her four times. then what? theautumn arrived in monsoon. meeting no. 1 . we hadmet in a college campus. which college?- to hell with the college. i don't have totake admission there. an amazing earthquakehad occurred when i.. ...spoke to her for the first time.
strange people were roaming around.. ...and on the top of it iwas receiving phone calls. 'hello?' 'welcome to astro-world.- yes.' 'please tell me your date of birth.' 'mine? one minute.' 'brother.- yes?' 'brother from kerela,please walk ahead..' '..otherwise the peoplewill think we are together.'
sure. sure. let's walk ahead. 'it is 9th october.' '9th october? yes. today youwill meet a person in blue dress.' 'and your life will completelychange because of that person.' 'yeah. whatever!' 'hey, my cap.' 'do you want a taxi?- no.' 'shall i carry yourthings to the car?' 'no, no. i will go myself.'
'coffee?- no, thanks.' 'take it. tea?- no, thank you.' 'thumbs up?- no.' 'sweetheart, shall we sit and talk?' 'sir, what should i bring?- bring anything.' 'okay, sir.' 'is this called life?there is no joy or happiness.' 'she has refused flatly. dammit!' 'buddy, stop playing. please.please, i beg of you. - okay.'
'i am sorry. - what are you saying?don't you know to drive?' 'look my car is damaged.- i.. i am sorry..' 'can't you drive carefully?who allotted the license to you?' 'see the condition of my car.' 'what's wrong, brother?why are you shouting?' 'she has wrecked my car.' 'did you dash it?- no, i was just turning it around.' 'you should have done it carefully.- no, i was reversing it slowly..' 'a hard push, but ithas dashed slowly.'
'this is the condition of mycar when she dashed slowly.' 'what if she dashed hardly?' 'hey! she is a girl. don'tshow your manliness at her.' 'understood?' 'i will give him compensation.' 'darling, have you gone crazy?' 'he will rob millionsof rupees from you..' '..in the name of compensation.' 'i am here. i willhandle the situation.'
'all right?- okay.' 'brother, if she wouldhave done purposely..' '..you could have senther behind bars. - yes.' 'but she has done it unknowingly..' '..so take rs. 100or 150 and go away.' 'rs. 100 or 150?!- rs. 500!' 'i know this girl. take rs. 500.' 'brother, it is a car.- i didn't say it's an elephant.' 'settle the matter for rs. 500.'
'it is fine for me,but what about the taxi?' 'taxi? the same which youfind at the railway station..' '..with a black andyellow combination?' 'no, not that. thewhite car of orange cab.' 'goodness me! i am aboutto get a heart stroke.' 'is it written in blue on the side?' 'it is written in blue,but why are you crying?' 'it is my taxi, brother.- what?! it is your taxi?' 'oh, my god! i am ruined.'
'darling has said thatshe has dashed slowly?' 'i am sorry.' 'oh, my god! it is the same blue.' 'damn you! so youpredict the future?' 'hello?- welcome to astro-world.' 'yes. who usuallypredicts the future there?' 'astrologer anil awasthi.- astrologer anil awasthi? i see.' where will i find him now? 'ask anyone his address in bandra.'
'he is very famous?- yes.' 'look, shall i predict his future?- sure.' 'one man in white dress isgoing to meet him in the evening.' 'oh, wow! - after that mr. anilawasthi will walk on one leg.' 'but why? - because i amgoing to break his other leg.' 'damn his prediction.' 'meeting no. 2.' whatdo you call the place.. ...where you park your car?- parking place. yes. parking place. there.
'okay? so won't yourecognize me now? hello! come here.' 'hi.- come here. come.' 'i am sorry, ididn't recognize you.' 'i am really sorry about that day.' 'i really didn't mean to do that.' 'actually there weremany people there..' '..so i got scared and left.' 'actually it's my first accident.i hope you understand.' 'first the glass. secondthe light. third, the dent.'
'thirty abuses from my boss.' 'the total is amount rs. 8,950.' 'you can't escape by saying,'i am sorry. i am very sorry.' 'i didn't know anything.' 'i will pay the amount. bythe way, how much is it?' 'rs. 8,950. give rs.10,000 as the round figure.' 'rs. 9,000 is the round figurefor the amount rs. 8,950, right?' 'there are more roundsin rs. 10,000. - yes.' 'take it.'
'she dashed it again? i am doomed.' 'come out! get down.' 'damn you. come out. come out.' 'how will you be ableto see if you drive..' '..wearing black goggles?' 'my side mirror is damaged.' 'why are you glaring at melike this? will you kill me?' 'are you angry at me?' 'you are too much.you dashed my car.'
'you glared at me.and you will kill me?' 'then of what use am i? loweryour eyes. lower your eyes.' 'otherwise i will gougethem out. lower your eyes.' 'what are you saying to madam?' 'i have not thought of anythingyet. tell me if you have any idea.' 'will i remain silent ifyou will molest this girl?' 'i don't want a drama.you go and do shopping.' 'don't boast about your manliness.' 'a brave man like metoo lives in this city.'
'i will kill you, rogue.' 'i give you one minute's time.' 'if you don't leave from here,you will never be able..' '..to do what you were saying.' 'the god in heaven will punish you.' 'i didn't hear.- i know you have heard it.' 'speak loudly.- i won't say anything else.' 'rogue!' 'he was boasting on seeing a girl..'
'..and he has fledon watching a dagger.' 'you were provoking him,assuming that the matter will end..' '..if i'll be dead.' 'i won't take a bigrisk for a side mirror.' 'how much do you want?' 'i liked you becauseeveryone talks with their mouth..' '..but you talk with money.' 'you think that you willbuy me on the basis money..' '..so take out a bundle of notes.'
'right now i don't have any cash.' 'so will you give me tomorrow?' 'so tell me.. whereshould i meet you, darling?' 'what should i say, friend?' our third meeting was in acoffee shop. that farishta. not farishta, but barista. yes, i know. i know. hello? listen quietlywhat i am saying. okay? hi! - oh my god! have youforgotten to wear your pants?
shut up!- i see. so it is so short? how much?- how much is the calculation? i will check and tell you. i think she has alot of money. sir, pen. two mocha please.- okay, ma'am. but why the mocha? youcould have ordered for coffee. that is also a coffee, sir. you all sell the coffee bysuch strange names. go ahead. ma'am, here.- thank you.
excuse me, sugar? "listen, o' beauty." "you look ravishing." "don't cast a spellwith your eyes, damsel." "your face alwaysblooms in my eyes." "no, no. no, no." "your magic workswhenever i confront you." "it happens in love." "come on, let's go."
"far away." "don't stop. come on,everything is moving on." "unite our hearts.why is this distance?" "we both are young." "you are with me. oh, god,it's fantastic." "the land and sky are dancing." "you are a cool boy." "sometimes when yougive me a problem." "come closer, become my sweetheart."
"come and settle in my heart." "you are my darling.my heart is burning." "i wonder whatwill happen about me." "just chill boy,don't say that again." "what if we have afight in such a situation?" "oh, silly boy, don't say that." will you take us togeological survey of india? yes. please sit. sir, you go, i will reachwithin half an hour. - okay!
hello, dr. paranje speaking.is it director sir? - yeah! sir, the buildingis under renovation. they say there is no one there. but today is a working day.please come, mr. paranje. okay, sir. sir, are you a doctor?- yes. i am feelingexhaustion since a few days. please recommend meanything else besides food. i am not a medical doctor.- then?
i have done phd in geology.then i got this title. there is such a thing too?- yes. what does geology mean?- earth science. the science which informs aboutthe metals beneath the earth.. ...and the rocks above it. i have understood. senior officer is going to come.bring this board down. - yes, sir. slowly. carefully.- okay, sir. yes. i am doing it, sir.- carefully!
yes, one minute. one minute. slowly.- yes, carefully. sir, your wallet? they killed him?! you are shocked just to hear it. then what must be mycondition on watching it? i was terribly shocked. okay! so what happenedabout the other one? how sad! - he was likejunior abhishek bachchan.
he was finished within a moment. you have told me everything,but the reason.. ...that why you havecome to rajasthan. the good news is, thelife insurance company.. ...is giving acompensation of rs. 200,000. the bad news is, it willcost rs. 300,000 for cpr. so shall i deduct rs. one millionrupees slowly from your salary? my salary is rs. 6,000. ifyou will deduct from it too.. ...then how will i survive?
don't talk great things.i will explain it. it was dilawar singhwho fell on your car. there is an insurance of rs.500,000 on his name. he is a resident of rajasthan. i have prepared all the documents. this is a cheque of rs. 500,000. you give it to his wifeand bring rs. 100,000. yes, as if she wouldbe waiting for me.. why will she give me rs. 100,000?
you have done theaccidents and didn't i spend on it? alright. i will give anew car. you go by it. i can never forget the food andgrandfather's scolding of that day. along with forgetting the way inthe desert, i lost my money too. the situation was such that ihad to rob drinking water too. this is my story, babulal. bring two bread, one potatoand cabbage dish and buttermilk. smear a dash of butter to bread. and for you, sir?- no fat. no oil. no spice.
if you have any disheswithout them, then bring them. lord bholenath, where willhe be in the three worlds? bhole! mr. banwari! mr.banwari, have they come? yes. they are arrived, madam. i want to go to party.i am getting late. yes, i know. you dance theentire night, flirt around.. ...and sleeppeacefully during the day. i know what your problem is.
good evening, sir. you had wished me 'goodmorning' in the morning.. ...then why 'good evening' now? you have got a habit of forgetting. what will we do tillthey come, sir? you wear a skirt. i will wear pants.we will dance in front of them. okay, sir. - what else? she istalking about going to a party. her mother is drinking tea. her father is suckingmy blood. and.. - hello?
i will call you later.- sir, juice? you drink it. drink it. hi, uncle.- i am law. father-in-law. hi.- hi. oh, grandfather has come.grandfather has come. mr. dp, you have got a verybeautiful house. - thank you. what about gk?- he is actually out of india. but we can't wait. sorry.- let's go. she is my wife.
hi.- hello. they are our legal advisors. mr. banwari.- sir. oh, it's okay. youhave very good values. it's a beautiful place. bobby, why don't youtake a picture? - sure. mr. banwari, you click it. she always tells me toclick the important photos. because you will not beincluded in the photo.
mr. banwari.- sir? you go now.- what shall i bring? come later. okay? hello, aunt.- she is my daughter, sumita. i am giving her to you. go. are you sure, uncle?- hundred percent. is it your chopper?- yeah! hello? yeah, we are starting now. thank you.
wow! it's beautiful! let's go. how did you arrange all this? if you wish, you can keepthis moon in your balcony too. excuse me!- yeah. hello? yeah? i am alittle busy right now. so call me in the morning.thanks. yeah. hey, sumita.
hey, sumita! hey, sumita, wait! sumita, wait! listen to me. dad.- yes? sumita is missing in rajasthan. that condom packet. i am sorry, dad. what have you done? what didyou think about that girl? a call girl who demands money? i am making a business deal of rs.4 billion with her father.
everything is ruinedbecause of your foolishness. stay out! everyone is useless. is it? is it not there? hello? yes, sir. i am sorry, mr. durga prasad.my son has made a mistake. your daughter will be with youwithin 24 hours. without fail. hey, go and check the work. impractical guys! they don'tknow any planning as well. brother, do you seeany sea in front of you?
it is not a sea, butyour misconception. you mean a mirage?- yes. it means it is a deception. a person's mind is so strange. you have come here justone day ago, right? - yes. that's why you see sea all around.- i see. i have come here sincelast three days. - really? look there. it seemsreally sumita is coming. hey, raju! - brother, itseems she is coming running.
really?- yes. first it seemed shewas coming walking. brother, is it any mirage too?- it shouldn't be. thank god to see you, raju. from last night i just see animals.. ...and not a single human being. please take me home. i'll give you as much money asyou want. rs. 2,000 or 3,000. your round figure, rs. 5,000.
oh, i am so sorry. iam sumita. and you? documentary.- documentary? what are you saying? babulal. how did you come here? that's a long story. i had come here with someoneyesterday in a helicopter. and today i haveduped him and run away. but there is no taxior auto-rickshaw here. what kind of a place is this? you know, the mosquitoes bit me..
...and made me miserablethe whole night. look here. do you know where we are right now? perhaps 20 or 30kilometres away from mumbai? raju, i need a shower badly. by the way, where haveyou parked your taxi? a miracle occurred when youhit me on my head that day. i had to stay in thehospital for three days. the very next day, the unluckyplanet showed such an effect.. ...that two men readyto die boarded my taxi.
i dropped them at the office.they went inside. someone shot themand one of them died. and the second one? oh, my god! this is the highlight. it'samazing. very interesting. he came runningand fell on my taxi.. ...and the taxi sank in the land. i have heard a newshowroom has opened here. i thought of buyinga new taxi from here. and you want a taxi? you willget a camel here, she-camel.
if you don't find it,i will bend down.. ...you sit on me andi'll carry you. you mean.. mumbai is only 20-30kilometres away from here? damn you! pakistan is close by. look here.look at that sign. did you see?- oh! there are such big mosquitoes here. if the snake ofthis place bites you..
...you won't even ask for water. madam, why did youleave the helicopter.. ...and get trapped here in rajasthan? the matter is not so.he had condoms. there were more risks so.. i don't have that too.so there is more risk. please take me to mumbai right now. why are you panicking? accompany me. you will die. - don't scare us.he always keeps on joking.
we will find somerailway station nearby.. ...and we will depart tomumbai from there. - yes. will you go out of herewith my darling? - yes. there is a limit of madness. babulal, while roaming in the sun,you have lost your balance. forget him. you come with me. raise it.- what? raise your skirt. hey, what are you looking at?
her thighs are strong, babulal. we can't build such thighs. come on. come and jump on me.make me a bubblegum.. ...and stick me on the ground. man with small eyes!- i have small eyes? whom did you call that?- leave me. leave me. look! look how sheis glaring at me.. ...and she is standinglike a pillar. i will.. sir! sir! sir! forget it. she isa poor girl. come on. let's go.
i am going home, babulal.- what? i am fed up of her. lord bajranbali! you hit so perfectly. what an aim! that's what i was sayingsince such a long time. do you know how to play football? yes. i was forward in my school. i was a goalkeeper inmy college, you know. really? so stop this.
oh, no! oh, no! you have killed him. babulal, get up! get up, babulal! oh, darn! he is bleeding too. give your scarf.- no, no, why should i? you give him yours. you have hit him andyou are asking my scarf? no, come on, give it quickly.- no, i won't. so you won't agree easily. i will tear it away myself.
what are you doing? youknow how much it costs? idiot! tell me, what happened, brother? she made a goal and you missed it. brother, why is her dress torn up? i have used it. - oh! you usedher?! it means you used her?! there is a lot of sand here. it is very usefulfor the sand sellers. we don't have any benefit, babulal. who named you babulal?
actually my father used towork as an officer in the army. that's why my mothernamed me after his name. okay, babulal, tell me,where your parents stay? my mother is in mumbaiand father is in bihar. sumita, your name is beautiful. it is an old-fashioned name.it is a long name. sumo. it will beshort and comfortable. what is this sumo? shortand simple. call me su. susu means peeing. will it be fine?
sumo is dead. i am trying todownload her in this system. sumo is a witch.- yes. sumo is a she-demon.- fantastic. babulal, we will form asentence out of it. - why not? let's declare sumo's deathday as national holiday. fantastic. sumo's murderer willnot get any punishment. we will give him a reward too.
in fact we will distributesweets to the countrymen.. ...on sumo's death day. with biscuits.- yes. babulal! babulal! oh, god! your dress will bereduced to a bikini.. ...if you will hitbabulal twice more. and i will die within this time. sumo! sumo!- yes? you are looking very sexy.
hey! brother, it seemsto be a school bus. come on, hurry up. hurry up. raju! no one is seen around, brother. the keys are there too. let's go. no, brother, what if itexplodes as soon we start it? - why? perhaps someonehas installed a bomb. darn you!
am i sonia gandhi andyou are manmohan singh.. ...that someone willstop a bus here for us.. ...install a bomb in itand make it explodes? are you a fool? you talk just nonsense. hey, someone is over there. brother, wait. he isdoing something there. i am uprooting the plant. it is such afantastic melon, brother.
my name is babulal. i am tom cruise. what sort of name is it?- my parents have named it. i was a child, so icouldn't object it. by the way, what work do you do?- plant toxins. what?- what? what? i am doing a research onwhether the plants have any poison. so does it contain poison? yes.- it is fantastic.
hey, don't touch.this is very dangerous. it will cause septicif it pierces you. if it enters your body, youwon't get time to reach home. you will be buried here. to take it in a dickey.- it's difficult. in a train.- no. in a flight.- never. fantastic. clever boy. that's why i have brought this bus.- i got it, brother.
he is going. he is going.ask him for a lift. ask him. brother tom. brother tom.- what is it? please give us a lift.- why should i? we will die in this sun.- then die. forget about us.think about that girl. a girl? where is she? where? - such a beautifulgirl is right in front of you. i see. this baby?- yes! she looks very strong.
she can carry you. whydo you want her? please. don't joke. darling, come here.- i see! darling! you people having fun? even she loves plantsjust like you do. - what? hi.- hi, i am tom.. we were affected by her slowly. but he slipped immediately.- forget it, brother. a desert has sandand sand has holes. are you okay?
what can i say? i'll have to. i'll speak. excuse me, sir. youhelp me to get up. you pick it up. okay. may i help you?- hey, don't touch. i will, okay? hey, give me that. tom, listen.
will you give us a lift, please? what an amazing style!- yes. if only she was mine.. ...i would've given her a lift. lift. come. crap! what do say now, babulal? forget it, sir. handle.. - if there's a screw,it'll be loose. and it'll come off.
right?- forget your discussion. help tom first. god! tom. come. road is unruly. if you don't mind,can i kill this girl? what? what did he say? he is thinking of killingmy darling. - you'll kill? if i had strength, iwould've killed her all on my own. but she is strong.
that's why i need help.- but what has she done? what has she done? ifell down in the hole.. ...as soon as she touched me. the second time, i flew upin the air and fell down. sometimes it's inpeople's legs and sometimes.. ...in the tongue. she has it in all her body.- what? iron. she's an iron lady.- correct. i am saying the same thing.
but babulal doesn't agree. let him not agree.both of us do know, right? this is wrong.- what is wrong? she wants to kill me. is that right? how can you know in stray incidents? but what do you sayabout what happened with us? that was not an incident.it was an accident. i will prove it. see.
what is it?- mosquito. what happened? nothing. shano. come here quickly. see, we have guests in the village. let's give them food. you said somethingis about to happen. they are giving usfood without asking. brother?- yes. not everyone is bad.there are good people too.
there are no plants around here. mobiles are not working. something's wrong, brother. not something, brother. i feel everything is wrong. could there be aknife in the carrier? how can she get a knife? she seems like a knife herself. yes, it'll be better if youdo research on plants with..
...fruits rather than thorns. take. take.- thank you aunt. enough! enough.- take. here.- thank you. the food was good, right?- yes. very tasty. it was for free. it had to be tasty. hey, where is my bus, man? hey, where are those people? oh my god!
bus! bus! god! they fed us andtook the bus away. so, babulal. you saidthat not everyone's bad. there are good people too. the hands that fed usstole the bus parts too. - yes. you made tom incur loss.- what? loss, brother.- it's okay. have you read the bookcalled secret? - what? reading people's secretbooks is not a good habit.
i love attraction.- meaning? she has negative attraction. touch her..- you'll burn. hold her..- you'll burn, brother. if you marry her?- sand. oh!- you'll turn into sand. so what should we do, sir?- let's kill her. correct, sir. kill her.i won't interfere. there is a village called girdwara.- yes.
dilwara singh's family stays there.- okay. we'll give them 5,00,000and get one back. - good. and then in the night,babulal and i will.. ...hold her legs and you..- yes. no sir, don't get me into allthese matters. please. - raju! yes, darling. - you wanted togo to girdwara village, right? why, is it in your bag? no, it is here. my lovely staring..
dilwar singh's house? this is the one, sir. i am dilwar's dad. you? come in. come in. sit. after my son passed away, evenhis friends stopped coming here. there are small children at home,and i am old. there is nothing to eat at home. though you don't know us,you came this far to pay us.
you are god for us, sir. you are god for us. after his son died, evenhis friends didn't look back. he's happy that you're helpinghim despite being a stranger. should i ask about your share? how can you ask now? have you seen his state? they don't have enough to eat. how will they pay 1,00,000?
i don't want it. theowner will ask for money. i'll give it. i'lltake a loan and pay it. or i'll take it from grandpa. he's my grandpa after all. it got out of my hands. okay. sit. hey, come here. have fun! go. don't stare. you'll get it too.
"he plays a sweet tune.radha is impressed." "gopis call for girdhar nandlala." "nandlala." "i can't say it." "i can't stay without saying it." "there is a fire that ismaking my heart suffer." "i'm awake all night.sleep eludes me." "this restlessness ofthe heart is my love." "i will tell her today."
"i'll tell her." "i'll tell herhonestly that i love her." "i'll tell her all the secretsthat are hidden in my heart." "govinda." "why doesn't she tell me?" "why doesn't she tell methe secrets of her heart?" "she can't say thatshe's in love too." "she can't stay away.she doesn't come close." "the heart doesn't agree. ican't take this pain anymore."
"today she will speak." "speak." "he has my heart. he's mine." "i love him. i'veto say this today." "dance, dance, dance, girdhar." "dance, dance, dance,- girdhar." "dance, dance, dance.- girdhar." "girdhar plays flute!" "gopala!" "by playing, he steals hearts.girdhar nandlala."
"there wasn't a momentthat was spent without you." "without you." "your dreams aregrowing in my eyes." "my days go by because of you." "i've become yours.i'm lost in you." "now i've to stay inyour arms. i've to stay." "wherever you go, stay in my heart." "darling, it is because ofyou that i deck myself up." "govinda." "govinda.""govinda." "govinda."
"i am radha." will you travel all night tocover three hundred kilometres? don't you have a brain?- sorry sir. babulal. has our car come? yes, as soon as i got network,i called them. they got it.- yes sir. thank god. the carcame at the right moment. good that you got the car.go and get the luggage. - yes. one minute, brother. madam, you too.
brother raju, there's abus stop called abor.. ...which is thirty minutes from here. every evening, a busleaves at five from there. if we miss it, we'll haveto wait till the next day. if you walk fast, wecan catch it. come on. that means, you'll leave us here.- go. what are you saying?- should i give my life? this is the grace ofgod that i got saved. or else, i would'vedied because of her.
sorry, ma'am. don't mind. poor tom's shriek isstill echoing in my ears. what are youlooking at? get the car. nothing will happen this time. brother raju, forgive me. i'm with you.- to see my corpse. speed up. don't leave me and go. babulal! why are you looking like that?
you think he'll come back? that lousy guy will never come back. go and get the bag orwe'll miss the bus too. babulal has become so smart! raju! raju! get up, raju! when the bus was aboutto leave in the evening.. ...someone stabbed him. please help me to takehim to the hospital.
i stabbed him. just a second. is he the one? yes. chatrapati raju. his height is six feet. black eyes.- that's right. there is one toothmissing on the right. everything else is okay. how did all this happen?
i stabbed him on the back. it's an internal injury, sir. there are no blood stains outside. okay, where is the girl? she's here, sir. she's with me. what should i do with him? which swine stabbed me? tell me, who stabbed me? i'll kill him only.
or else, i'll kill everyone. he ran away, sir. if you remain quiet,i'll make this okay. you're attacking me frombehind like a lousy man? your arms can't harm me. these are like toys for me. got it? hey!- hey, kill that swine! yes, you'll try to kill me andi'll just keep watching you. come on. come on. come on. come on.
hit the swine! hit him. will you extract this and hit me?- no! tell me.- no! you swine! if i put this into your palm,you'll have to eat.. ...with your left hand, swine! no! come on, come on. this is your turn. you!
you're their leader, right? if i kill you, all theproblems will be solved. wait, one minute. one minute. come on. did it hurt? i got hurt too. got it? you don't have the gutsto attack from the front. you attacked from behind? here you are.- no!
i am not like you! hey, wait. swine! where are you running? swine! trying to run away! 'you can hear his voice.' 'the five ghosts willshout in a loud tone.' 'the rains willwelcome him on this earth.' hail lord shiva!
'the earth here willdance aggressively.' 'even the smallest sound hemakes will echo all over.' 'the one you want to seewill come to you on your own.' 'the sky will welcomethe one you want to see.' 'the fire will danceaggressively if he's angry.' fire! fire! i want fire! 'your forehead willhave a stain of blood..' '..when he touches you.'
'even death is scared of him.your strength will..' '..increase when he touches you.' 'small kids smile on seeing him.even small huts become..' '..palaces when he touches.' 'you wanted to see him.you saw him.' sir, save me. sir, save me. forgive me, sir. forgive me. save me first. sir!
he's come.- he's come. hail the lord! hail the lord!- hail the lord! have you gone blind?- sorry! sorry! sorry! where are we?- pali. what?- andhra pradesh. tell me, didn't youget any hospital in.. ...rajasthan? you and your driving!
you never use the brakes. it seems there's no gearother than the first one. tell me.- yes. what kind of a village is this? what is it?- everyone in this village.. ...thinks you're god. what?- god! me? you should've told the taxi driver.
but he said that sri krishna was.. ...arjun's driver.- who said that? greetings.- yes. have you startedthe standing program? very nice! very nice! why did you tell thesepeople that i am god? not an ordinary one. you're that god who will protect.. ...five hundred thirty four people.
i've come here to protectfive hundred thirty four people? is there a problem ifthere are thirty five? do you know what you've told them? goddess said that you'll come here.. ...with fire and water. actually i came herein an injured state. i'll leave as soon as i am cured. master! choose a name for my kid. cheechu!
very nice. cheechu.- cheechu! cheechu!- cheechu! but this is not a name. i saidit without a reason. - cheechu! he'll abuse me when he grows up.- cheechu! - cheechu! quiet! god! everyone's gone mad! you're calling me god? i'm not god. got it? you're god!
keep your volume low. will you hit me if i disagree? you don't know. everything that godsays has to happen. for example, will theseflowers shower on us.. ...if i ask them to? the gust of the windis a little too strong! the breeze is flowing since morning. the flowers have bloomed now.
yes. you and your logic! will water flow fromshirdi's sai's foot.. ...if i say so? that girl is doing it. but the fall is that side. he's irritating me. i'll use another trick to test him. that wall will falldown immediately.. ...if i am god indeed.
hey, where are you going? hail the lord! what is this? i asked for the wallto break down and.. ...not to be broken down. flowers have showered from the tree. water flowed from thelittle girl's hands. sidha could break this stony wall. everything that youthink of will happen.
your smile is a blessing. your anger is a curse. your words are prophecies. it's a dark night. ihave taken permission from.. ...teacher gokul. north, south, east and west. i searched in all directions. i worshipped with love.i had no other work. i bent my head andworshipped the master.
my mind and spirit were restless.where will i get god? i looked for him inthree worlds and.. ...fourteen godly destinations. i didn't get him here or there. my inner mind was in a whirl. it was god's miracle.i got to see him. my life is successful. hail the lord!- hail the lord! hail! "hail the anger of the lord."
"hail the lord's voice." "lord shiva is the ultimate saint." "goddess durga's husband.he stays in kailash." "you're an incarnation of shiva." "you help everyone." "you will eliminate our troubles." "you'll help the sunof our happiness rise." "you'll turn thesunshine into shade." "you will have tomake this promise."
"you protect us forever.keep us from troubles." "remove all our obstacles." "there's no othersupport that we have." "lord shiva. play drums." "light new candles of happiness." "earth and sky are moving." "when you use thepotion of your love." "that's why the worldcalls you innocent." "hail the lord shiva."
""hail the lord shiva.sing, sing, sing." "sing along, shiva, shiva, shambhu." "hail the lord!" "heal the world is all we pray." "save our lives andtake our pain away." "hail! hail! hail!" "sing along! shiva!shiva! shambhu on his way!" careful! doctor, please havea look at this kid.
what is it?- she was fine till yesterday. i don't know what happened suddenly. what did you feedher in the morning? goulash, sir.- at night? goulash. that's the reason she is unwell. feed her fruitsand green vegetables. getting all this is very difficult. so why did yougive birth to the kid?
hey, changrez.- sir. come here. check herfever and blood pressure too. yes.- stethoscope. how will you check? send the blood sample to thelaboratory quickly. - okay, sir. 'let them do anything.the kid can't be saved.' 'she will die suddenly.' 'there will be boils on her body.' 'and her eyes will turn red.'
'after that, herrelatives will mourn her death.' 'they will bury her in theburial ground on the north.' where have you come from? from the medical camp at palegaon. send him to tony's office. we'll have to talk to thedean to stop the camp, dad. the dean's assistant is okay. but the dean is stuck in rules, dad. okay. call up govardhan.
place twenty men to cover up. and no violence. iwant it to be clean. this news shouldn't bepublished in the newspaper. there should be notransaction from our account. our men shouldn't talk toanyone and none of our.. ...cars should go there. there should be no useof fax, telex or email. you talk to the dean once, dad. if it doesn't help,talk to govardhan.
didn't you read themorning newspaper? the dean died due toheart attack yesterday. he's no more. henceforth, the assistantdean's signature will be okay. just go ahead. there is a letter. what? we'll have to doaway with the medical camp. they will create a ruckus.- they'll handle it. how much time will it take?
it takes one hourto put up the tent. only fifteen minutes willbe enough to take it out. sir, we'll have to givemedicines to eight patients tomorrow. pack up the equipmentsand load them in the car. why, sir?- it's the dean's order. don't worry. doctor! have a look at this kid. listen, madam.there's no need to worry. this kid is dead.- what?
why are you looking at me like that? the life that she hadwas more than enough. everyone who is born has to die. she has lived for ten years.that is good enough. last month.. how many people died last month?- 25. yes. 25 people died. with her, the numberhas gone up to 26. what is the use of saline now?
i'll remove it. hey, let's go quickly. plants are drying up. and the poor kids are dying. even the tears have driedup after so much of crying. no, veera. don't cry. tell veera to stop crying! master! look at what has happened! have you plannedto settle down here?
come on. quickly geton moving from here. these faces are irritating me. if you put one inch of bandage,one gram of.. ...cotton or even one dropof spirit on him, i'll.. ...kill all of you. you're trying to flee with all yourluggage by calling her an insect.. ...and extractingthe saline from her? where will you go? go. go wherever you want to. swine!
hey! who are you?- chatrapati raju. what? - hardev chatrapti raju!freedom fighter. he's very famous. my grandpa likes him a lot.so he named me after him. you didn't like it? tell me. why does everyone havea problem with my name? dance in anger,master! the angry dance! create uproar!
uproar, master! hail the lord! dance in anger, master! become the ultimate end, master! ujjain's ultimate end, master! why did you stop? shout! what do you eat? where do you get somuch of strength from? your shout made meforget who i am hitting.. ...and why i am hitting him.
a second later, iwould've cut his head off. god! now i understood the matter. all of you will makeme believe i am great. and i'll kill all ofthem and go to jail. and you'll worship me? he's young. he doesn't know. you're old enough. whereis your sense? tell me. do you even know who he is?
sorry, brother. did i chop off your finger? if i am god accordingto you, don't ever.. ...tell me to kill anyone. this kid is dead. you must ask me togive life back to her. "sing along! shiva! shiva! shambhu!" raju. do you really haveinexplicable strengths? quiet! have you gone mad?
i am not shirdi's sai togive life back to the dead kid. that kid was unconscious. she woke up on my touch. everybody isirritating me by calling me god. they've gone mad! if this continues, thisvillage will become like puttaparti. they'll worship mewith flowers and fruits. i'm scared, sumo. so what should we do now, raju?
what will they think? they, right? they had elevated myposition by calling me god. they must be abusingme after knowing.. ...that god has disappeared suddenly. should we go back? they'll build a temple. are you feeling cold? you should take care of yourself.
you should carry ashawl or stole while.. ...travelling in a lorry. the breeze is cold.there's dew on top of it. you'll fall sick. you're not a kid. you should be careful. what's this, darling? what were you doing? dust..- yes, dust. removing..- removing it?
you should've blown air out.why were you moaning? okay, you do all this? oh my god! i am dead! brahmanad swamy saidthat the world is changing. did he mean this? girls will titillate guys. yes? very good! actually you left it atmoaning while you were in this mood. if you were angry, you'vepelted stones at me, right?
how would i knowwhich mood you are in.. ...when you don't know it yourself? hey, i'm talking hereand you're looking away? look into my eyes. what is your intention? i was sleeping herelike an honest kid. what was yourintention of coming close? what did you want to do? what did you..
i came with this intention. since i am a good girl,i stopped myself here. "sunday. monday.etcetera. every day." "have fun! have fun!" "enjoy your today, friend!" "let's love each other openly." "let's shout out today." "the evening of fun has arrived." "there is rum for friends."
"let's dance in this situation." "this young ambience ismaking me intoxicated." "how can senseprevail in this condition?" "come on. you andi should have fun." "we get such a night very rarely." "we don't get friends everyday." "so why shouldn't we have fun?" "who knows whatwill happen tomorrow?" "these moments of happiness,friend."
"why shouldn't wedo what we want to?" "give me. give me more." "give me, give me more." "give me. give me." "give me more." call durga prasad. sir, call for you. hello? i've heard that your daughter is..
...roaming around with a taxi driver. where? don't ask me where. just think aboutwhat needs to be done. make sure that our namesaren't published in the papers. get my daughter-in-lawfrom that taxi driver. i'll forget that your daughterwas roaming around with someone. dad. hey! kill him andbring the girl here.
what did you say? i asked them to kill you andto bring my daughter here. why do you want tokill me to fetch her? take her if you want. tell me, what sort of carever runs without petrol? can a train run without the tracks? there must be bloodshed. these days people yearn for rains. and you want bloodshed.
hey! he is scared out of his pants. i swear. neither am i scaredof him nor do i love this girl. you've taken heraround all over rajasthan.. ...assuming thatshe is a little girl. i know. a little girl. you cansee her figure, right? you'll commit suicide if youhear what i did to her last night. he is talking like that. andyou are standing doing nothing? i am having tea.
darn your tea. one blow and.. the punch was solid, sir.- so.. i had been to the doctorday before yesterday.. ...to get my teeth out. the doctor asked meto come after a week. but he took it out right now. here.- hey.. i guess he has come down to earthafter getting his teeth broken. i took out the teethwithout making him unconscious.
it must have hurt him a lot. he'll be fine if he goeshome and rests for two days. rest assured. i have hired goons from hardoi. ask him to break everyone's teeth. by the way, he has hit only one. there are a lot many. i too am not happy beating just one. i'll beat up the entire crowd.
you were with them, right?- no sir. what are you doing here? i work here.- you are working. how much does a litre petrol cost?- sir. how much does a litre petrol cost? you look like a thief. and you say that you work here.- oh god! get lost. sir, don't beat meup in front of my son.
why have you brought your son? there is no one at home. that's why i've got him with me. such a deed in front of your son. i don't have moneyeven for the school fees. how much has he said thathe'll give you? - 3,000. 3,000?- 4,000. sir. sir, he has kept the 1,000rupees with him as commission. you usurp the kid's fees.
aren't you ashamed?- sir. sir, he gave me rs. 5000. banwari gave me rs.4000.and took rs.1000. you rob poor people offtheir money and live off it. this is no living. you dogs! sir, there is no one there. will he keep quietif there is someone? you are the one who is rich. what coat, shirt, pant and tie! you look like a thief inthese clothes. useless.
i should've abused you.did i? no. right? you abused me by scolding me. now why do i need respect? i give it very rarely. take it when i am giving it?- what's that? respect. are you about to givesomething else apart from respect? you can take your girl away. raju, what are you saying?- i am right.
your father stabbed in the backbecause i went around with you. it is still hurting. so much of violence for solittle love is not right. i beg of you. goaway with your father. go away. go sit in the car. gosit in the car, dear. one strange bodyguard. what are you staring at? i'll strangle you if ever youcome in front of me wearing a tie.
goodbye. i hate you. hate you, raju. all the doctors are leaving. they're taking themedicines with them. and swami too has left us. but god hasn't left us. he is away for something important. he is thinking about us. he'll certainly do this task.
he will come back. okay. so you are back. i would've put out anadvertisement in the newspaper.. ...if you had come today. you should have. there were no telephone lines there. you could've written a letter. wasn't there ink in the pen? old habits don't die easy.
what happened?- nothing. i know you don't have brains. alright. come in. who is he?- gosh! when did you come? don't you know? he is here for me. now tell me. you are here to takeme with you, right? what do you think i am?
i know just three things. driving a cab. bashingpeople up if they mess with me. and do you know the third thing. getting beaten up if theopponent is more powerful than me. what special quality do ihave that you all call me god? if we sow the seed of thisfruit a plant will grow. but you will findthis only to be a seed. but i see a plant. brother, you are still alive?
lay off. don't touch. i'll kill you. you ditched me. i'm really scaredof getting a tattoo. you think i enjoy it. i lost all my fruitsbecause of your sweetheart. i lost my watermelon. i lostmy car. and my job as well. they ruined me bytattooing me on my private parts. i left a week ago. andi am reaching today. who is he?
sitting here like a statue. he thinks i am god.- god? if you are god, whowould the devil be? i did not understand that either. shall we have atest to understand it? give me rs.10.- what? i need rs.10. will you give it? you've started early morning. aren't you ashamed ofbegging in jeans and shirt?
he is asking rs.10 as if ihad borrowed it from him. good lord! will you give me rs.10? keep the change for rs.100. adorations to lord shiva! why did you need to ask for rs.10.. ...from the bike rideralthough we had money? if you ask for rs.10 from the onewith a car, he gives you rs.100. i did not get it.
no one gives money toothers just like that. the second time idid not ask for myself. i thought i would get somemilk for this boy if i get money. he gave me rs.100. brother, now i knowthe definition of god. he is not up there somewhere. he is here within you and me. if someone needs help,he jumps to his aide. you'll get millions, not just 100.
things will happen asper what you had imagined. siddha, look yourvillage means nothing to me. but i'll still help you. you saw a plant in the seed. but i saw the god within me. i'll show you. come on. brother, where are you going? brother, stop. say something.
where are you going, brother? thank god. we would've died if wehad gone any further. we would've died even if we had not. it would've been better if you hadshut your mouth in this situation. speak up, brother. where are you going?tell me, brother. he'll tell us where wehave to go. get him. - whom? hey! who are you?- god.
didn't you hear or are youasking out of ignorance? i am asking out of ignorance. it's better if you don'tunderstand certain things. so what do i do, sir? you came into this world alone,and you'll die alone. can't you jog alone?- yes. friend, see youtomorrow morning for jogging. you beat me whenever youfeel like. who are you? brother, whose singleblow drives you nuts.
i am the one. i have heard thisdialogue somewhere. not drives your nuts, brother. but block your mind. that's an old dialogue. this is absolutely new. but this dialogue came from there. but is he going to like thebeating he is going to get. why did you wrap up themedical camp from there?
are you going to beat the postman.. ...if the telegram has bad news? i don't need this logic. i am asking you something. andyou are replying something else. the dean wrappedup the medical camp. i am just the postman. you won't speak like that. i'll make you talk. i'll cut your legs.and you'll start talking.
leave me. leave me. don't beat me. i'm telling the truth.i'm telling the truth. what he say is true, sir? i don't think so. what are you doing? listen brother tom. mixin some jaggery and eat. and catch the dean. don't consider him an ordinary man. he is the head of the college.
it is very tough to catch him. i wonder if therewill be tight security. will there be security or not?- i don't know. i told you there will be security. we'll have to go in, brother. milkman, newspaper guy,servant, waterman, plumber, driver. whom do we catch? lord, you are no human, but god. lord, what you think of will happen.
great. why should we go in? won't he come out? listen.- yes. are you dean venkat sharma?- yes. what do you want? don't question god? just follow his orders. hey! what's going on? he is kidnapping in front of us. come on, call up the police.
beautiful. fantastic. marvellous. i have made 25 serials so far. but i have never watched aninternational movie like this. someone here is going tocall up the police i guess. you, right? you were so natural. encourage the artist,folks. oh. hello. henu is in the car, right? alright. lock the door and stay away.
sir.- what, brother? what is this serial called? - thalimein khopdi (brain on the plate). what do you mean?- you did not understand? the bull's brain on the steel plate. phew! don't worry. he'll break thecoconut with that rod. mix in some jaggery and feed us. why are you hitting me?
this is not temple that youcan have coconut every day. you'll get somethingelse for lunch today. apple. apple a day keeps the doctor away. i am also a doctor.feed me an apple. you want me to feed youan apple and leave? - yes. should i kill you feeding a banana? darn you! moron! don't hit me. don't hit me. rogue, no fake voices here.
if you do so, i'll finish you off. why have we got him here? what do i know? he told me to move it. dean, why did you send theletter to move the medical camp? i did not. actually g.k had sent it. g.k is to india whatbill gates is to usa. what has he got todo with this college? he is the board member ofour medical college. - so?
there is a rumourthat he had replaced.. ...the dean if he refusedfrom moving the medical camp. that's not a rumour. but it's true. g.k's man govardhan hadkilled the previous dean. when i refused from signing,he threatened me as well. good lord, we'll haveto catch him as well. how many people do i catch? there are no chairs or ropes either. we'll bring chairs andropes with the next guy.
he is really influential. it is not an easy job tocatch and bring him here. lord is the mountain.don't mess with him. you'll be wiped out. you'll bedestroyed. you'll be ruined. his expectations areincreasing by the day. hello. good morning. how did you get here? i reached the gate in a car. it was closed. that's whyi jumped over it. - why?
to meet g.k. i have been workinghere for three years. i myself haven't met him yet. you are an ordinary secretary.you question us? do you know who he is? he is god. if you are god himself,make some miracle happen. brother cracks a mean joke. by the way, we aren't here for g.k. i have heard that a guynamed govardhan works here.
he is a very close friend of mine. we'll call him out,talk to him and leave. please. it's sunday. it's a holiday. jump over the gate and leave. it's sunday. we'll haveto jump over the gate. then you should'vetold this earlier. why were you asking us the details.. ...how and why we came here?
he drove me nuts. don't be enemies with god.you'll go blind. not a problem.- leave me. he is talking trash.- keep quiet. it's sunday. don't we know? it's sunday as if we don't know. exactly at 12.. keep talking to me.don't disconnect the call. get it?- govardhan.
govardhan. a rogue is following me. you are govardhan, right? you are him, right? i'm out of breath, pal.you are him, right? i'm out of breath, pal. keep talking.i'm out of breath, pal. govardhan, i can't run anymore. why are you making merun in the scorching heat?govardhan, i can't run anymore.
why are you making merun in the scorching heat? what do you eat thatyou have so much energy? tell me. are you ahuman or an animal? govardhan, i hadsomething to ask you. please stop. govardhan, are you alive or dead? my whole body is aching. tie him securely. the door is weak.
govardhan made me run so much. i salute his running. my leg is aching badly. darn! he runs well. i can figure out from hisrun that he is a cross breed. your body will float in the airif water crosses into this whisky. yes. please. please. siddha, do you also want some? he is strange.
you've come to know now.i came to know long ago. cheers.- cheers, brother. you saw him. he looks like a recluse. and this is dean. darn the dean. jerk! you do this instead of teaching. ever since i have droppedher at the gas station.. ...my life has been rocked.- really.
shirt and trouser all the time. i never got to see sari orsalwar (traditional dress). i've gone nuts. we are going to call her up. don't take of fence.- i don't want to talk to her. you talk to her. hello.- listen, it's me. why did you call? to apologize to you.
that's not needed. listen. listen. don'thang up. please. - why? i am in a really bad shape. you gave me the kiss and left. but my life has become miserable. i can't sleep at night orbe at peace during the day. i am really upset. i wonder what i should do. listen. listen. areyou there? listen.
how can you leave if i say so? and moreover you said i hate you. your father was nextto you. what could i do? i am really shy. sumo, how do iexplain all this to you? you are laughing.- idiot. you really like it whenyou abuse me in english. stupid.- abuse me all you want. who else apart fromyou will abuse me?
you are my sweetheart, sumo? you change colourslike the chameleon. i can't believe you. say it once again. you keep changingthe topic all the time. say the last portion. call me by my name.- raju. i'll be at your feet as yourpet dog if you call me like that. i'll talk to you later.
what are you doing, raju? what am i doing? i'm drinking. shall i hang up now? sumo. her ã©lan, her level, herstyle is completely different. she kissed me whenwe were in the car. you mean lip to lip kiss.- right. brother don, ever since thenthe warmth of her breath.. what has the warmthof her breath done.. it has driven me crazy.
why are you listening to our story? i was talking aboutfamily and ladies matter. so you should've shutyour ears, isn't it? a decent man like me madeyou run all over the city. and i kidnapped and fedyou biryani (rice dish). so don't you know thatyou must shut your ears? both my hands are tied. how do i shut my ears? he is shouting.- i can see.
he is threatening me. govardhan, you aregiving me an attitude. gosh! what attitude! govardhan, i have a way todo away with your attitude. why are you hitting me forsomeone else's mistakes? tell me. who made it? g'k.- what did he do? he has stated afactory with sumita's father. and many villagers have diedafter drinking..
...the water contaminatedby that factory. what factory?- what do i do? i am an ordinary goon. what will you findout by killing me? go ask sumita'sbrother-in-law banvari. then you'll know. man, he is not sayinganything even after all that. all the intoxication is gone. my head is aching. darn it.
hey! what are you doing? get me a glass ofchilled water if you have. if he'll get a shotfor with those hands. what for? to drink.- what is this? what are you talking about? so the bottle is here. put your leg down. keep it down. what is all this?
you are here toplunder me in broad daylight. do you know whom are youtalking you? - to whom? to god.- he is no god. he is a cab driver. he turned god three days ago. you are talking as if the girlturned adult three days ago. you aren't aware of his powers. he kidnapped a man passing by. no one dared to utter a word. only goons kidnap and not god.
shut up. you know that's whyhe's calling me god. he doesn't know. he is an idiot.- yes. i'll explain to him.- okay. brother banvari, let metell you something simple. you'll be enlightenedthe moment you hear it. then you too will consider me god. come on, make a shot for me.- sure. what is this?- hand.
oh god! o god! - he is hitting you.watch your words. i get it. i understood. hammer. who am i? you are god. as i said. he'll understand quickly. he did notunderstand when he said it. you said it and i understood. relax and sit down. come on, sit.- alright.
for now, we'll strip and talk. don't involve my wife in this. you go in. go in.- okay. you'll have to strip completely. absolutely nothing inside. completely free. what business do sumo'sfather and g.k together do? what do they do, sir? they are big people.they do business.
his father durgaprasad is god.- oh god! he is a crook. he has hired me onlyto hide his misdeeds. where did g.k's son meet sumo? at some function.love at first sight. he'll not get married.he is an absolute loafer. he wants a different girl everyday. the wife is no less. she went around with a boyin rajasthan for three days.
they have beendisgraced in the society. o god! why are you hitting mealthough i am being candid, sir? she was going around with me. hands are right here. but i'm still getting hit. how is this possible? don't ask questions. answer him. i have small desires.
i want another woman withoutmy wife coming to know of it. throw all your desiresinto the drain. okay. what factories do gkhas in pali village? just watch this.hey, just come here. behind the plastic glass. yes. don't worry. it's bullet-proof. we have readied this plastic. it's scratch-proof. and look at this.
fireproof. check it out. test it. lara, call all the secretaries.. ...and ask them tostand behind the glass. i want to check distance.- so sweet. made out of sugarcane. this plastic has beenprepared from sugarcanes. go and keep it there. okay, okay, okay,now it all makes sense?
durga prasad is thiscountry's number one.. ...sugarcane crop owner, right? you are wrong, number two. but she's her daughter. and for that i should marry her? young man, he has sugarcane.. ...and i have a factory. when these two are mixedtogether we prepare plastic. come on, come on, jump, jump.
i like it. marry sumitra. and you can have a mistress as well. where is the factory, tell me?- i don't know. or else i will pound you. no matter what you do myanswer will be the same, sir. listen. what happened? look, raju, my fatherhas turned my marriage..
...into a business as well. don't cry. i am there. i am still alive. i am there. be quiet. enough. nothing will happen. your cheeks are so soft,like the apples of kashmir. the lord is consoling her. you are wrong. soothing her.
he's cajoling her. if you keep talkingnonsense like this.. ...then i will breakthis glass on your head. close your eyes! i didn't mean you. "you are so beautiful." "my love is crazy." "now even i dwell in your heart." "i lost my heart."
"i've lost my serenity." "i can't sleep or stay awake." "what should i do?" "i am not.. in my senses." "you covertly entered my heart." "now i.. think aboutyou all the time." "he runs behind melike a crazy lover." "how do i.. stop him." "the eagerness torments me."
"i am completely restless." "i am so immersed in your love." "that i don't know where i am." "you gradually enter mysenses like a fragrance." "the heart's getting intoxicated." "the heart's making mistakes." so, brother. why areyou looking so dull? now we know where the factory is. lets inform the police..
...and they'll know what to do next. there is something wrong. gk opening a factorythere and people dying.. ...due to the chemicalcoming out of that factory. something is not right. actually gk wants to kill people. that's why he removed themedical camp from there. that means that joker lied.- you are right. he doesn't know the whole thing.
then who will tellus about the rest. why you.. madam, do you want to die? 'sir, you go ahead iwill reach in half an hour.' what happened?- where are you going? brother. seems like govardhanwill get us killed. are you thinking ofbreaking the door down? brother govardhan, take usalong too. brother govardhan
i was kidnapped byhardoi chatttrapati raju.. ...from in front of the office. but i didn't say anything. not for not saying anything. it's because you didn't find him. you shouldn't smokecigarette along with alcohol. it's a bad habit. does anyone elseknow about this secret? why are you following me?
you tell me why you were running. i don't know anything. i didn't ask you anything. you knew that thedoctor is going to die. that's why you didn'tsit in the car that day. anyone that stays withhim will die. - why? when someone's losingmillions will he stay quiet? such high value fora plastic factory? plastic factory is a small thing.
this is much bigger than that.- how big? bigger than my life. they are going toeradicate the entire village.. ...what are you? more than abillion dollars of money. 10 corporate offices,many mp's, ministers and gk. everyone has planned this together. they will eradicate anentire village from the state.. ...before the people find out.
actually this matter beganfrom rajasthan's gidhwala village. while returning from jaisalmer.. ...i and doctorparanjye stayed back there. and that night was 'janmastami'. dr. paranjye was attracted.. ...towards lord krishna's crown. and dilawar singh from the village.. ...helped us in testing that crown. it wasn't made of copper or bronze.
after scraping it wefound that it was.. 'iridium.' 'costlier than gold,stronger than platinum.' 'rarest and toughest.' 'this element is made fromcolliding of asteroids..' '..and from falling from thesky millions of years ago.' 'it has the capability ofwithstanding intense heat.' 'it is used in satellites,nuclear warheads.' 'if it is bonded with bronze..'
'..then you can see its many forms.' 'this metal must havebeen found in rajasthan..' '..and they made acrown of lord krishna.' 'it travels all the wayfrom madhya pradesh, orissa..' '..'ghati' (valleys) andfinally it settled down..' '..in this pali village ofnorthern andhra pradesh.' 'i spent 20 million forsponsoring this research program.' 'but you have given meinformation worth billions.' 'thank you, paranjye.'
'this shouldn't leak out.' 'bury it right here.' 'how can i do that, sir?' 'it is the propertyof the government.' 'it can change the face of economy.' 'we should inform them.' 'what will i get from that?' 'the contract to dig it out?' 'i want the entire iridium.'
it's illegal.- but i spent money for it.' 'that's why i gave you a copy.' 'don't irritate me, paranjye.' 'if you want to live thenlet this remain a secret.' but the doctor didn't listen to gk. he wanted to associate thedepartment of ecology in this research. that's why dilawar singh andhe were murdered brutally. who else?- a taxi driver called raju. does he know about this? - hearrived after the doctor's death.
does he know or not? maybe not, sir.- are you sure? i don't like this word 'maybe'. should i kill him too? you killed two governmentofficers in broad daylight. but this driver is worrying me. do one thing. take him somewhere far from here. and kill him.- yes, sir.
did you ever think thathow did dilawar singh.. ...who earned only2,000 rupees a month.. ...get 5,00,000rupees from the insurance? your cab owners were given money.. ...the papers werereadied and given to you.. ...and then sent to rajasthan. that day when the goonsarrived at the village.. ...they were there tokill you and not sunita. how is iridium connectedwith the plastic factory?
we need plastic to pack iridium. strong plastic. and i have builtthis factory for that. and to make strongplastic one requires sugarcane. and for that it is very important.. ...for durga prasad'sdaughter to marry my son. the village shouldbe evacuated so that.. ...i can peacefully extract theiridium from below the village. but if we evacuate thevillage forcefully..
...the government and themedia will find out about it. we get rid of theresidents of pali.. ...we will have todevelop fear in their hearts. the people of thatvillage are superstitious. we should take advantage of it. we will have to developfear in their water and air. death should makeeven their souls quiver. since then the poisonouswater of the factory.. ...was mixed in thevillage's river and lake.
the people of palivillage started dying.. ...after drinking that water. the entire villageturned into a graveyard. no doctor visited that place.. ...nor did anyonereceive any medication. they wanted the entirevillage to be evacuated.. ...before the extraction started. everything was goingfine until you arrived. gk promised me that..
...he will pay me 1 billionrupees after the extraction is done. you shouldn't tell a storyholding a gun in your hands. you should shoot. and the person should die assoon as you press the trigger. no matter what gkextracts from there.. ...i won't spare him. tell that gk that i amgetting a six foot tall.. ...and two feet broad casket for him. he cannot escape me.
if he's a man, thenask him to come to pali. why? why? why? why? why? you were holding a gun. a loaded one. your target was in front of you. then why didn't you shoot him? i.. i was scared to see him. it was my mistake to trust you.
i am sorry. everyone listen. we have to reach pali in 15 minutes. many people are ready to die. not even a single personshould survive in that village. i have built afactory in this village. and let the poisonous waterfrom it flow in your lake. i thought that youwill leave this village.. ...from the fear of dying afterdrinking that poisonous water.
but you believedsomeone as your god. and he startedprotecting all of you. your god has ruined my entire plan. who is he?- our god. will he save you? the life of every person.. ...lies in every flagthat's posted here. god will surelycome.. to save these 534 lives. how many flags are there?- 544, sir.
and how many corpses?- 10 people, sir. 544 minus 10. 534. you predict the future, don't you? what is your future, tell me. i want this soil. i want the iridium below it. i will have it. can your god stop me?
soon you will be reduced to thesoil you are so eager to obtain. in 15 minutes you will bestanding at the doors of hell. your fame will be destroyed. death is coming in front of you. the sound his footstepswill make your heart explode. your heart will bestuck in your throat. it will be scared evento see a small child. your palms will face the sky. leave as soon as yousee our god. leave. go.
this contains amagazine of 12 bullets.. ...and i also have 50 men. now there are 533 left. lord. the divine sight. i can see it, lord. i am overwhelmed. over.. tears in god's eyes.
so he might bleed as well. 'death is coming in front of you.' 'the sound his footstepswill make your heart explode.' i am not taking anything from here. i only do my business. go ahead, do your business. do it. but you won't ruin a single home. not a single drop ofblood will be shed.
can you do that? business. you will do business. what will you get by digging here? iridium. you don't even know its spelling. rocket andsatellites are made from it. it is very valuable. the people here don't know that. they are crazy.
you know it is moreexpensive than gold. is it more valuable than human life? is it more valuablethan your severed hand? gk. let's do business. i will give you that mountain. will you give me this hand? will you give me this hand in exchangeof this hand? - leave it. leave it.. leave it. leave it. leave it. give that hand. give that hand.give that hand, gk.
'you will be even scaredto see a small child.' fool, you scared me. you think you are godjust because they said so. who said i am god? will god come down just to kill you? i don't need any weapon to kill you. my hands are capableenough to kill you. come on. gk.
come out. 'your heart will bestuck in your throat.' don't kill me. no! no! no! leave me. leave me. leave me. i beg you. move your hands. you are scared ofdeath now, aren't you? where was this fearwhen you killed siddha?
look. you killed him brutally,didn't you? he fell at my feet andbrought me here calling me god. he never looked into my eyes. he looked into my eyesjust before he died. when he was dying therewas happiness in his eyes.. ...and not fear. and you are pleading. i didn't know that youare such a big rogue. if i had known it then that day..
...i would have wished that youdie instead of asking for water. if i am god thenyou will have to die. i curse you. 'you will be startled tosee our god in front of you.' 'you won't be able to see.' 'your palms will face the sky.' lord, the void has been filled. after killingsiddha he thought that.. ...only 533 are left,that was his foolishness.
divine predictions are never wrong. veera. you protected thislife from his clutches. he was still in his mother's womb. he's the 534th life, lord. no one can see whenmiracles take place. and there's no need to seeit after it has occurred. you might not believethat you are our god. but for us you are our god.
lord, this is the apple of your eye. please give him your blessings.

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