anna here. who is it? keep him alive till i get there. one of musa's men. i see. put him in a box andsend it back to musa. he does not understand business. anna seth! cops! run! it's inspector prakash!- tell 'em upstairs!
cover the boxes. where's that man?- mirani, find him. where's that man? are you trying to frighten me? i know he is here.- then go... find him. he is not here, sir.- go, find him. he's rotting in the gutter.- you'll rot in the same gutter. it's rare to find an honestman in india. treat him well. go on, get some proof. iwill come with you myself.
you won't come, anna. i'lldrag you to jail myself. and remember... yourluck won't last forever. this is musa's work. first he sends his manthen he informs the cop. i'll fix musa.- no not you. send kishen. stop! musa! you are the first man toreach me alive, kishen. i've always wanted to meet you.
now you've met me. sure, i have.- what do you say? give him this message i desire peace. peace? bullshit! what's this worth? two bucks...?that crooked son of a bitch! inspector prakash? oh... tell him to call824331 , it's urgent. you meet him today.- no, not today. why?
ah, yes, your brother comes backtoday... why don't you say so? remember when we first met... your father dead.. ..your brother crying, and you... get lost! i am hungry.- don't worry. i'll take care of you. what's your name? karan. what's yours? paro. like to feed the pigeons?- yes give.
this is my brother kishen. this is mine, prakash. here. you take some too. leave my money alone.- trying to frighten me? don't hit him.- you beggar! you here too? we don't beg! papa had a farm.- why come to the city then? to earn money. money? for that youneed guts. you got guts? my brother can do anything!
anything! see that man? rob his bag and run! let's go. coward! my brother is not a coward. he can do anything! show him. run! show them! run! you sure did run that day. i had too. my brother was hungry.
you're all childhood friends... ..tell karan to speak to prakash. no, anna... keep karan out of this mess. mess? i see.. well don't blame me ifprakash gets killed someday. prakash has raided our godown at sewri. where is the stuff?- here! look at this! heroin in the oil tins! speak up!
don't kill me! i'll tellyou! tonight, at sea... check that car out. stop here. it's mirani. give him a joy ride. well? the section's hot. prakashknows about your stuff. and send my share with abdul tonight. prakash knows about tonight. let the stuff remainunder the water tonight.
tonight it comes out and prakash goes in. the cops will be with him. when he's alone.- how? when he meets your brother. then he'll be alone. no cops. leave my brother alone. stop! stop! where were you? i looked all over! all the others left andthere i was, all alone.
six years in americaand no one welcomes me? no music, no flowers, no friends. you've grown up.- where were you? i'd gone to buy your ticket.- ticket? what ticket? you're going to delhi just now. delhi? for what?- i've fixed up a job for you. job? what's all this? i haven't met paro andprakash. how can i go away? why isn't prakash here?- he's not in bombay.
and paro?- she's in poona. i know! shall i tell you something? we wrote to each other everyday! you're still so childish!- more so more so. i'm glad i came back. there i was rotting in america. my brother, paro andprakash! they're all here! hurry up. you'll miss your flight. stop picking on me. you're just likea nagging wife? - exactly!
indian airlines regrets to announcethe delay of flight ic182 for delhi. the flight is expectedto take off 2 hours later. the americans are right. our flights are always on time! what are we going to do for four hours? now home! i need a bath.then i'll go and meet... not meet paro andprakash. i'll go to delhi. you'll go, won't you? of course, i will. havei ever said no to you?
for you! remember this tune? remember what you told myprincipal about paro...? you introduced her as my future wife! he later asked me who she was. i simply said she's a girl. andhe asked what my brother does. i said he must be busy...whatdo you, by the way? we run an edible oil factory! we've made it big!
imagine the slums of dongri...and this apartment at malabar hill! your room. it stinks, because ithas just been painted. it isn't a stink... it's a fragrance! the fragrance of my brother's love! the fragrance of paro's love! paro? wow... and delhi?!i won't go to delhi! paro's a teacher now.she'll soon be here. i must give her somelessons in love, mustn't i?
you aren't going away forever!the moment things cool down... cool down? what is that?- nothing. c'mon. idiot! don't tell memy room's stinking too! it's terrible. you'vealways done the hard work. from now on, i relax. you work. yeah, sure...- i mean, you relax. i work. i'll relax, the day youbring paro home as your bride. she's a good cook, too... chicken-biryani! mutton palao!
feeling hungry?- yes.what will you have? bhelpuri! you stay here. i'll get it... freshenup. you've got to go. now you're after me like...- like? like an over indulgent father. go and have a bath. kishen?- he's not at home. who is it? i'm inspector prakash.
prakash! you! karan! when did you arrive? this morning!- you could've told me... kishen told me you weren't here. let's meet. yes, let's meet. get paro also. she's returning this evening from poona. let's go and receive her together! yeah... okay! let's meet...- same place, as usual.
sure! same usual place! brother! prakash is here!i'm going to meet him! stop! karan! stop, karan! why is abdul following my brother? if anything happens tomy brother, anna seth... are you blind?! karan! i'm afraid.- don't be afraid! i'm here! don't leave me alone!- never!
hey! mister, you're notallowed to enter this place. blind, eh- yes... yes. help me, sir!- sure... i'll help you. i'll help you to jail.- thanks... er... i mean, no! karan!- prakash! blind, eh? wow! a jeep, a gun a real cop! and you?... yankee! well, you look it!- what?
a dump cop! you have become whatyou had set out to be. the day i became a cop...i missed you very much. i'd have embraced you!- so do it now! i was very lonely without you, karan. why were you? kishen was here. wasn't he? yes, he was. i want totalk to you about kishen. and i want to talk to you about paro! look what i've got... a wedding ring!
you'll let me marry her, won't you?- well, you ask her yourself. why ask? i'll just look intoher eyes and slip the ring... she'll be dumbstruck! she'll coyly ask me, "what is this?" i will then look deepinto her eyes and say... you will have to marry me now, paro! you have worn the ring, after all! i will then take her hand in mine and... this is not paro's hand it's mine!
it's a friend's hand. who?... why? anna's men have killed him. karan's brother works for anna. i think karan deliberately.. ..called prakash aloneat his brother's behest. paro- don't touch me! you were his closest friend! why? why did you do it?
why did you call himthere all alone? why? how could you...? prakash has been shot dead. what?! it happened before my eyesand i couldn't do a thing. he had called earlier.he was talking about you. what? he was killed beforehe could say anything. take it easy.
the commissioner was askingme all sorts of questions. he said i deliberatelygot prakash into a trap. deliberately? what for? it'd be easier to kill him.- didn't you deny it? i did! but the copssaid you were behind it. me! i've seen them all!- who? those guys, who opened fire on prakash. your ticket is booked!you're going to delhi.
to delhi?- yes! prakash is dead... and delhi?- what will you do here? i'll help the cops.- they don't need help. but prakash needs it!- prakash is dead! but i'm alive! i'm very much alive! i'll find those three killers! i'll see that those bastards hang! paro, please talk to me... believe me! i have nothingto do with prakash's killers.
take my advice. stay clear of the mob! i've seen their faces... stay clear of the mob! who are you?- lqbal. who? sit down. i'll explain. i know them all. youand your brother too. the minister told the press thatprakash was shot by the c.i.a. where's anna seth?- praying for his dead wife.
this is the day hiswife and his kid died. anna seth! iqbal? ...i see. that bloody cripple. abdul! tell him he's only a cripple! this time cut histongue off. silence him! how's karan?- he still hasn't recovered. no doctor can help him. you have to find your owncure. you have to forget. didn't you see? i waspraying for my wife and kid.
she had,cars... a home... ...but... she killedmy son, burnt herself... so! i didn't sit and cry! see? nothing! you have to forget... you have to. what's a friend in frontof your wife and kid? it's okay... it happens. tell him that anna hasasked him to forget it. he burnt his wife and child alive... ...and told the world... she was insane.
she killed herself and my child. from that day, he's terrified of fire. how do you know? i was an informer foranna. ran errands for him. i used to take messages back and forth. one day he sent me to musa... who's musa?- his brother by profession. bitter enemies, the two of them. drugs, prostitutes, gold,liquor dens, gambling..
..they control all the rackets. one day anna sent me to musa. musa said, "leave for me. take this money" anna heard of this. we are into dishonest things,lqbal! but we do them honestly! buy a new leg with musa's money! after all people have elected you. you have won the elections.we got the votes, remember? it's a small favor. do it.
karan! what's it? yeah,i'll come immediately. why did you phone? you lied to me that prakash was not here. you knew prakash was going to be killed. that's why you wanted me in delhi.- it's a lie. is it also a lie that youpack heroin in those oil tins? who told you all that?- look at me and talk. your mind is being poisoned!- all this money is illegal! you have met lqbal thecripple, haven't you?
you control the booze dens?- leave me alone! you pimp! you sell women! you're a killer! you kill for money? yes! it's true! it's true! i know it's true i just wanted to hear it from you. then hear some more. let me talk! the day i bought your school textbooks...
that day i first sold heroin. the day i sent you to boarding school... that day i set up a booze factory. and the day you went to america... ...that day i sold five women! i pimped! remember? remember when it all began? do you remember? i'm hungry.- don't worry. i'll take care of you. remember?
i was a kid then. and was i an old man? that's when it all started. run... run... rob his bag... show himwhat you can do! run! i haven't stopped running sincethen. and not just for myself. for me? i never wanted all this! then give it back to me! give me back my childhoodspent starving on the streets...
my endless nights spentin countless jails... whole wasted life... can you give it back to me? go on, hurry up! she's here. paro, i wanted to talk to you leave me alone my brother is involved.i've found that out. he says he did it for me.became a criminal to educate me.. to give me a better life,he has killed many innocents.
he says he did all this for me. but i never wanted all this. i don't know what to do... shall i kill myself? no! i've somehow taken theshock of my brother's death. wherever you go now. i'll come with you. what is it? that man... he was in the car... karan! stop!
you killed prakash! how dare you touch my brother! i would have slit his throatif he wasn't your brother. what's going on? no one touches my brother! abdul! kishen's brother is like our own! which is why he's alive!or i don't spare anyone! karan has talked to the commissioner! you had better talk to karan...!
it's not his fault. it's that girl. make her understand then. everything will be okay, karan. so long as you are with me.i can take on anything, paro. i will always be with you. karan! i'm scared! don't be scared, paro. i'm here with you. don't leave me, karan.- never, paro! i'll never leave you. hello? who's on the line?
he'll die someday! make me a double. quick! why doesn't he understand?! this is the man. abdul khan! plays the flute and slitsthroats with equal ease. wait till i get the evidence against him. you will testify, won't you?- yes. he works with your brother.- i know.
you will have to identify himin presence of a magistrate. you'll have to testify. good,... mirani, get abdul here. this man will testifyagainst him tomorrow. tomorrow... morning... it's a cop killing! they'll hang me! then silence him! he's my brother!- so what? no father, mother, brother, sister.
no one comes in the way ofbusiness... abdul, see to it. no! he's my brother! i'll handle him! i see... i see! come with me... all this hard earned moneythreatened by one kid. i'm alone in the world. after me, it's all yours. either he keeps quiet or he goes... take him to the launchmake him understand. if he doesn't shoot him! go!
anna seth, i... if the brothers get toosentimental kill both of them. you want to die, don't you? come along... i'll kill you! what are you going to say?- when? can't you understand?what will you tell the cops? you called me here to tell me that? they'll kill you they'll kill paro too. this had to there's no escape.
blood will be spilt for blood,my blood for all your sins. for every family yourbullets have destroyed... a bullet is waitingto destroy your family. this had to happen one day. stop blabbering! get away from here! run away, afraid? don't run away. save your life. there's a murder here one bothers! no one cares. some people care.
some people fight back. prakash fought back, didn'the? what did he achieve? where did he reach? you can't fight with men like anna! he's bought everyone off! he's bought you too?- yes! me too! but he hasn't bought me off! i'll see prakash's killers hang. all of them including you!
you'll see me hang?!- yes. you'll see your brother hang?!- yes! how long do we remain here? till you decide not to testify! how can i keep quiet? would you keep quiet ifthey had killed your friend? tomorrow if they kill me, willyou keep quiet? watch the fun? why did you ever come back?!- where else could i go? my roots are here.
you're not going to listen, are you? let's go back! okay. keep this you'll need it! use it, when the time comes. i'm not coming home. why? - i'll go to paro. i'll drop you come.- no. i'll manage. here, keep this. i don't needit, i don't want to kill anyone. don't be stupid! keep it.
karan! run! brother! he needs a nurse. i don't know anyone here, doctor.- all right. i'll send one. i will leave now. dr. mehta... what happened?- he's alive! now?- i told him, i'm sending a nurse! forget it. remember...
...our fields had dried... ..there was no water... remember how we landed in this city? you, me... and father... father died. and left you in my care. don't open the door. don't open the door! catch some sleep.- no, it's alright.
please don't disturb the patient. let me see.- no! i said i'll see who it is...!- no! karan! don't! karan... i've been... i won't testify. who is it?- paro. what are you talking about? they tried to kill kishen!
they'll kill all of us.- let's call the police! what could the police do? theykilled prakash in cold blood! we believed in certain things once... you promised not to be scared of anyone. you don't know these people! you're not alone. i am with you. you must testify tomorrow. they are more powerful thanministers, judges and even police! our country's only hope is withthe common man who will fight.
you're not just fightingfor yourself today. you're fighting for all thosewho can't defend themselves. will my brother be safe? you'll be protected don't worry. why don't you just arrest anna? his hands are clean. what hashe done? where's the proof? he hasn't killed anyone.he didn't kill prakash! but he burnt his wife and child alive... since then, he's scared of fire.
you can't put this phobia intojail! officially, it's suicide. no one testified! they were too scared. no witness, no proof! magistrate's here, sir. do as i told you.- okay. recognize anyone? now look here! recognize this nurse? she's my woman. your brother escaped that day.
you say "yes" today. she'llcut his throat, understand? get lost! go! brother! brother! what is it?- where's the nurse? must be somewhere around.what's the matter? remember me... i'm anna! you get out, karan! paro sent this ring back! she doesn't want to see you again.
she doesn't understand anything! you know that nurse inhere. she works for the mob! if i had said yes, they wouldhave killed kishen. wouldn't they? they would. what have i against you?- then why did you try to kill me? you would have done the samein my place. your brother... forget it. look, come back. leave my brother alone.- my word of honor. c'mon. greetings, abdul!
running away with your tongue thesedays, eh? we'll have to stop it. why are you thinking of? nothing! don't think too much. relax! i've decided what to do... i'll take up a job. what? that's great news!i'll fix up something... i'll fix it myself.- you? how? i'll fix it... you'll see.- do you know anyone?
yes, i know someone big. well, be careful. joina good established firm. you've come from america. it's a good company.- what's the salary like? well, i get a car, all the perks,may be a house like yours... what are you doing here?- abdul, take him. he says he wants to work forus. or he'll go to musa... iqbal has told him everything! well, if he wants to joinus, he has to prove himself.
he knows what to do?- i've told him. we all have to go through's simple you've to kill a man. kill him neatly and you pass the test. then you become one of us. what are you staring at? that's rama... recognize him? you have only three minutes. iqbal? you? oh... so it is you theyhave sent. to kill me!
karan can't kill. i know that. so do i. he's young and stubborn,let's humor him, i thought. he can't pass thistest. here, light this. i can't kill you, iqbal. you have to pass this test. you're fighting for all of us. how can i kill you, iqbal? then let's get out ofhere. give me that gun. put your hands up walk out!
tell them i'll kill youif they try to stop me... c'mon. give me the gun! stand up... put your hands up! well, time's up. he can't do it. relax... i knew it! thank god! well, that's nice. very nice. anna's call for you. is this what i educated him for? i didn't want this!
who wants all this? i had other dreams! far away from the city.far away from the noise a small house by the river side... green fields all around the blue sky... thesun... ...birds flying... karan, paro, their kids...playing in the open fields... ...a world full of happiness.. okay! don't run away!at least save your life!
people are killed hereeveryday! and nobody cares! no one can do any harmto the likes of anna! he has bought them over! but i'm not up for sale! i will see that prakash's killers hang! and you too... if youhappen to be one of them! is musa there? heard what musa is up to? he's buying wilson off...
he's staying at hotel rock, room 339. take francis... knock somesense into him. break his skull. can i go? you? come here, come here... here take this. francis rings the bell. musa opens the door,you shoot him. got it? let him do it. let karan kill musa. not you. okay? you've got to kill him. you know that?
you've got to kill him!take out your gun. chicken! here they are, let's sit down. it's closing time, sir. your order? beer? - yes. and some fish fry. why so nervous? it's your first murder, isn't it? the first time is usually a problem...
later on, it's quite easy. this doesn't work!- what? it's locked, you fool! here you are watch her go now. they're up.- get ready. fire! fire! press the trigger, you bastard! why didn't you kill him in the room? run now... get out of here!
they've killed francis!someone had informed them... i'll find him whoever it is! it's not you, is it? or your brother? i'll flush the traitor out. no, i'll manage.- no, not you! abdul, you go find the bastard! angels in the skies heardthe prayers of the children. but do you know what they saw,once they descended to earth?
what did they see? they found children starved and naked,.. .. begging on the streetsinstead of being in schools. they found the rich robbing the poor. they found people killing one another! murderous cries had rentthe air. kill! kill! kill! the angels had panicked!they rushed to jesus christ! they asked christ... there's a call for you, madam.
memorize your lessons. i'll be back soon. paro? i want to meet you. ever since you havereturned my ring, i... i want to explain everything, paro. there is no paro here! this is a school! is this rama? yes, it is him. hey! can't you see or what? i can see, i can see! can'tyou see we're reversing?
will you run me over then? why did you park your scooter here? don't touch me!- i'll show you! here take this! keep this money work for me. inspector mirani here.- yes... what is it? greetings, anna.- yes, abdul? mirani sent this photo. rama and musa! my own man from my village betrays me!
how much did he buy you for? you killed your own man for money! i made no deal, anna believe me! you son of a swinewho's this? your father? let me explain!- explain! musa kidnapped me! really? when?- yesterday. why was he giving you money? to trap me.- and you got trapped?
he tried to implicate me.- let me kill him! no!- why not? what my brother can do. i can do better. i didn't kill francis. i know that but you killed prakash. no one came forward to testify... how could they? they were scared. you're not human. you'reanimals. sick! dangerous! you control the cops,the judges, the ministers.
who will stop you? someone has to. that's why i killed francis! now i'll kill you... where's paro?- upstairs. what are you doing here? come with me. leave me alone. there are kids here. let go of me.- come with me. i'll yell!- yell! scream out loud!
tell these blasted kids, i'm a killer! i've killed two men! yes... yes. come with me iqbal showed me the way. i met musa. i killedfrancis with his help. then i killed rama!- you've changed a lot. i couldn't forget the waythey had killed prakash. the way he suffered.. ... the blood, those bullets, the pigeons
it drives me insane. i'm going to kill all of them.- no. you're different fromthem! you're not a killer. i am! there's no difference. i remember my father... ...a humble, innocent farmer. so honest he would rather diethan steal a single grain of wheat. and both his sons killers. let's go back to the village...
we'll start a fresh life. there, i'll teach the kids... teach them to handle guns and swords. to kill people don't teachthem your ethics and morals. don't say that! you'll walk the same path again... we'll walk together. all my life i wanted tobe with you... forever. but now it's impossible.
i'm leaving, paro. icame to say good-bye. mirani phoned lastnight. news about musa. wants one lakh for it. he's becoming greedy. meet him. i'll see him tonight then. so, mirani upped your rate, eh? what do you have that's worth a lakh? you'll see. c'mon out with it.
francis was killed by one of your men. one of our men? who's that? kishen's brother... karan! what? say that again? it's true. he killedfrancis with musa's help. that innocent looking creep... that son of a swine!i'll cut him into pieces! he and his brother!you're a good man, mirani. you'll get your one lakh.
you bought this man for one lakh. and he sold you for five lakhs.that's business, isn't it? you! what are you doing here? here! ... here's wherei stood with prakash... ...when your car stopped... no, you've forgotten? can't remember a thing?let me remind you. i was planning to get married. hey, you crazy loon.- yes, i'm crazy!
i was quite sane when i came here. i wanted to live my life... forget your life, it'sdeath for you, you traitor! don't run away! you'd forgotten, hadn't you?i'll remind you. we were standing here that day, i didn't hold agun. i held my wedding ring. i was talking of mymarriage when suddenly... not yet, you don't die so easily.
there's one more bullet for you. you shot prakash thrice, remember? you're free to start a fresh life. musa gives his word of honorno one will know a thing! karan! didn't you say you wanted toteach the children in the village? paro come back to the villagelet's leave the city forever. is kishen there? thisis his brother, karan! your brother.
tell him i'm dead! he's not here. your brother is dead! let me see. tell my brother i'm getting married! your brother's getting married. yes?- i'm getting married. so?- i must talk to you! tell anna! he's yourguardian let him fix it!
i'm quitting, anna. i'mgoing to the village. village? yes. come home. i've got to see you. says he's quitting annagoing to the village! you're quitting anna?- yes. and getting married?- yes. when?- tomorrow. i knew it! i knew youwould return some day! look at what a grandwedding i hold for you!
you're really quitting anna?- yes. swear it on my head! it's true. i'm really quitting anna. i'm getting married.- what made you change?! paro has brought aboutthe transformation. god bless her! come let's have a drink. our family will continue! i've even thought of a name for your kid. siddharth... he willbring peace to the world.
siddharth?- yes! he will call me uncle! we'll have a house by the riverbanks where siddharth will dance... i will dance at your wedding, too! "the seventh holy circleof pure love is marriage" a new life begins today. let yesterday flowdown the river of time. you are now one soul.come, tie the sacred knot. i see the sun shining inthe soul of your brother.
the girl is blessed andfortunate. may your life be happy. all i want is for them to be happy. we will all be happy.- and together for ever! oh, hell! i had to makearrangements for your wedding night.. i forgot... i'll be backsoon. panditji, you carry on. now place your handsover the sacred fire... what the hell are you doing here? abdul is dead.- who did it? musa. sent his body in our box.
look at musa's message of peace. abdul, i promise. i'll bury him with you. can't trace musa, anna seth. then get his wife, his kids. ah, karan... congratulations... i may be late. no, you go... we'll findmusa by the time you're back. okay, i'm coming karan. i'll be back soon.- give him some flowers from me.
i must get musa. musa met me. he wants tomeet you at his petrol pump. why didn't you tell me? he didn't want kishen to know this. what's up, brother?- i'll tell you later. they're waiting foryour blessings. go ahead. say something, panditji... look, with the settingsun ends the old year. start a new life together.with all the love and affection.
so much money! you too start a new life, panditji. go to the gateway, get drunk,dance on the streets, freak out. musa does not want war.- then why did you kill abdul? i didn't kill anyone. i justsent your box back to you. happy new year! then who?- i've given him my word of honor. i will not mention his name.- who was it, musa? who? well, the man who killedfrancis killed abdul.
rama killed francis with your help. well, the man who killed rama then. karan! does kishen know? that poor guy doesn't know a thing. didn't i tell you i'darrange something great? far away from the noiseand traffic, be happy. i'll come in the one else will disturb you! here... is it okay? tell me if there isanything else you need.
you are now one of us.. gitanjali express! tickets to the village. be happy forever. i'll go, but i'll come back... job is not yet done. remember how anna burnt hiswife and kid... i dream... i dream of burning him alive justlike that... in his own home...
no! not today... don'tsay those things today! listen, i have to tell you... not today, it's your wedding night! now go. we'll talk tomorrow... okay? kishen. musa here anna'sheading for your brother... everything will be all right, you'll see. c'mon. faster! shut the engine.
we'll name our child siddharth. he'll bring peace to this world. you can't escape it. just as you have shedthe blood of innocents... ...your own flesh and bloodwill be slaughtered one day. for all the bodies youhave riddled with bullets... ...someone will killyour own people someday. that's how it always wasthat's how it will be. what did i have againstyour brother? nothing!
a poor homeless kid wanted tostudy. we sent him to america. it was beyond our means then. but still.. kishen's brother... ..our brother studiesin america it felt good.. came back said i wantto work for you. okay. now see what he has done. here. light this. how could i stay silent? you think i liked killing him?
you think i didn't think of you? i thought of you. but business, kishen... business. in business no one is anyone's brother. no one is anyone's son. i told you to finish him off... you didn't listen. ikept quiet for your sake. if you had killed him thenthis would not have happened. well... that's life. that's life.
anyway forget it. come back to us. no! don't be a fool! or i'll kill you too! you belong to me... ..he was your brother.. any oneelse, i would have burnt alive! "my job is not yet done" "remember how anna burntalive his wife and kid" "i dream of burning him alive,

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