police officer: unit 40 requesting assistance. we have a possible 211 in progress at the valley trust bank, boyle and kittridge. we have shots fired. dispatcher: all units, officer needs assistance. boyle, north of kittridge, at the valley trust bank. shots have been fired. police officer 2: we're going to need some type of heavy-duty vehicle to do this because we are all pinned down by automatic gunfire.
dispatcher: 15-l-10, advise. you need some kind of heavy-duty machinery to get the officer up. police officer 2: they've got automatic weapons. there's nothing we have that can stop them. (automatic gunfire) (police sirens wailing) police officer 3: shots being fired! shots being fired! dispatcher: suspects heavily armed and wearing body armor. police officer 4: officer down! officer down!
police officer 2: requesting swat. code 3. i'm killing whoever moves! you move,i'm killing you! what are you looking at, huh?what are you looking at? (truck horn honking) police officer 3: swat's just arrived. pilot: we're 30 seconds out, boys. all right. let's rock 'n' roll.
(police siren wailing) (gunfire) this is a table. we have four camerasover the tellers. do we have a visual? almost. we cut their phones? yes, sir. as soon as youget tapped in,let me have it.
10-david standing by, position three. suspect's trying to get in the driver-side door. do not let themget mobile. he's down. god damn it! (screaming) grab somebody.grab somebodyand bring them up here! get up. no.
i said get up! no! let's throw a body outthere and tell themwe mean business. (whispering) street, 10-david.the storeroom is clear,almost to the lobby. man: shut up! 10-david to street. hold your position. 10-david wants us to hold. man: god damn it!god damn it! we hold, they die.
i guess we're not holding. man: i swear to god,i'm going to kill somebody! (gunshots) (woman gasping) (chatter on radio) (car alarm sounds) man: take a headshot. they justcapped eddie! how the hell are we goingto get out of here?
man 2: shut up!i'm thinking! 10-david to all units. we are sending in a secure phone. man: stop whining!i'll put a bulletin your head! shut up. what are they doing? this is rickfrom the lapd. can you hear me okay? cnt has him on the phone.
10-david to the one-four corner. confirm that youhave containment. roger, we're holdingon the one-four corner. confirm that you're holding. officer: (whispering) 10-david, we're holding top of stairwell. man 1: shut up. gamble, street,where the hell are you? why aren't you responding? let's be cool, now.calm down.
i'm controllingthis situation,you understand me? we need to go! woman: no, please. help me. gamble, street.why aren't youresponding? now! man 1: kill that bitchand throw her out front! get that guyoff our fence! man 1: i saidto kill that bitch and throw herout front!
i'm on tv! (hostages screaming) street, 10-david.lobby is clear. two suspects are neutralized. i need an ra unitfor a gunshot woundto a hostage. (sirens blaring) you're goingto be fine, ma'am. ambulance is on the way. got them, right?
(sobbing) (hostages whimpering) jimbo? she'll be okay? i'm not a doctor. (grunts) you're going to be fine.you're going to be fine. mmm-mmm, mmm. boss is goingto tear you guysa new one, huh?
same place he didthe last time,time before that... good luck. i don't carewhat they say. you guys wereheroes out there. that was somecocky shit out there. you know howto play this, right? that woman is alivebecause of what we did. yeah, aliveand suing the cityfor millions. chief saysif he's going to pay,somebody else does too,
and it sure as hellisn't going to be me. come on, fuller.we get two seconds to make... fuller: captain fuller. gamble: captain fuller,we get two secondsto make a decision. you get two monthsto sit there andtear it apart. swat means"special weapons and tactics." where were yourtactics out there? saving a womanfrom getting shot. that's whereour tactics were.
every cop in this departmentknows we did the right thing. sometimes doingthe right thing isn'tdoing the right thing. what the helldoes that mean? velasquez: sergeant... you disobeyed a direct order.end of story. you're both off swat. captain... they're twoof our best officers. well, i'm not sticking themback in the fieldafter a stunt like that. sorry. i didn't knowthat saving liveswas a goddamn stunt.
hey, you'vegot a big mouth, and apparently, you'requick on the trigger, and that is whyyour ass is in a sling. velasquez: captain fuller,if you're going toput them off swat, at least keep themin the division. give them a shotat getting back. fine.stick them in the gun cage.get them out of my sight. (exhales) gun cage? this is total bullshit.
what? i said, "this is bullshit." really? yeah, really. you should consideryourself lucky lieutenant velasquezis standing up for you. yeah, i'm luckyi don't have to workfor an asshole like you... that's it!you're out of here, gamble! you're gone!
get out of here.what the hell'sthe matter with you? street! you stay. hey... give us a minute. please, sit down, hmm? i'll stand. (sighs) look, jim, we both knowthat gamble isa bad influence
on the restof the team. gamble's a good cop. unlike him,you still have a chanceat a future here. you go on recordthat gamble acted recklessly and that you had no choicebut to follow your partner in after he disobeyed orders, and i will make surethat you are back on swattomorrow morning. (sighs) let's get the hellout of here, huh?
i need a cocktail. i'm staying. you're what? what? after that? couple months,fuller will find somenew asses to chew out. we'll be backon the team. fuller is the cockroachof this department, brother. he's not goingto give usany second chance. what are yougoing to do, huh?
piss away all the hard workyou did to get here? piss what away, jimmy? the cage? come on, man. we're better than that,and you know it. you going to come with me? oh. a real partner wouldn'thave to ask that, would he? a real partner would step upto what he did in the bank.
yeah.i saved the hostage. you disobeyed the hold. no, i saved that hostage. you disobeyed the hold! you madethe decision yourself, and you shot a hostage. jesus, brian! wow. you sounda lot like fuller.
is that what you twowere talking aboutin there? did you rat me out? did you cut a dealto get backon the team, jimmy? did i cut a deal? yeah, did you? how many timeshave i covered up for oneof your goddamn stunts? that's what a partner'ssupposed to do. you just picked a paycheckover me, bro. you just picked yourselfover everything else.
you want to stay hereand be fuller's bitch, you go right ahead.i can't do it. can't do it. damn it. god damn it.god damn it, jim! partners for five years. this is howyou want to end it. oh... i didn't end it. you sold me outto the brass.
you know i neverrealized till now howfull of shit you are. fuck you and swat. (shattered playing) ♪ shattered ♪ love and hope and sex and dreams ♪ are still surviving on the streets ♪ look at me i'm in tatters ♪ i've been shattered
♪ friends are so alarming my lover's never charming ♪ life's just a cocktail party on the street ♪ big apple ♪ people dressed in plastic bags directing traffic... ♪ (chatter on police radio) you're a littletoo attached tothat soda, gus. love that stuff. the wife wouldhave my behind if she busted mesucking that down.
why, is shea mr. pibb fan? you knowthe deal, jim. when we got married,i convertedto mormonism. we can't consumeanything that altersour state of mind. we treat our bodieswith respect. and i treat minelike an amusement park. it's the differencesthat make this country great. need them cleanedby the morning, boys. you were supposedto have your gearin a half-hour ago.
what, your boy goingto report me to the captain? just for thinkingyou look goodin that mustache. (laughs) your mom seemsto like it, though. so does your sister. man 1: hey, sarge.welcome back! man 2: look who's back. welcome back, sarge. man 3: what's up, hondo?
man 4: hey, sarge. howdy. what do you need? sergeant hondo?you're back. well, you knowwhat they say, gus. you're either swator you're not. yes, sir.what can i do for you? oh, just a tune-up, but please,don't touch my sights,
and i made somemodifications... to the trigger too. and you are? jim street. street. yeah,we'll leave them intact. i need that backby tomorrow. can do, sergeant. good to see you.
good seeing you. gosh, gus,is that a woody? heck, yeah. that's hondo.he's old-school swat. the gold standardof ass-kicking. sorry, butt-kicking. i guess he's back. i guess he is. velasquez: a week-long series,attacking us top to bottom. and it's allswat's fault, right?
no, the chief'sbeen pretty fairabout blaming everyone. he does want thesebad headlines to end. he wants the old warhorsesto help restore the luster. old? (scoffs) i knowyou ain't talking about me. you've got to shake offthat three-year rustfrom rampart, because i'm throwing youin the shit right away. sooner the better. i want you to put togethera young, kick-ass elementfor me, dan.
you select them.you train them.you mold them. whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa. i know you're not talkingabout giving me five pups fresh out of the gate,are you? because i didn'tcome back to wipe noses. hell, no. now, you worked with t.j.and boxer at southwest. you're up forsupervising them here? that's a start.
now, all youhave to do is findthree fresh ones. only catch is fuller hasto approve the three. what did captain fullerhave to say when he heard the chiefwas bringing me back? hasn't stoppedswearing since. what's yourbrother's truckdoing outside? we're havinga garage salei don't know about? you weren't supposedto be home for an hour.
sorry to screw upyour getaway. look,let's not make thisa thing, okay? we both knew it was coming. it's not likewe were in thisto get married, right? and... you've changed since... well, people change. look, when it was good,it was great, right? that means something.
yeah, thanks. (door closes) gus: damn it! street: hey! hey! i'm going to throwthis thing out. you do and you die. every swat teamin the world's goingto have one someday. it's 50 poundsof scrap metal. (chuckles)
say you've gotsome crazy suspectbarricaded in a house. just chain thisto the back of a truck, shove this endright through the wall... these rods spring outlike fishhooks. your partnerguns the truck, takes the whole wallwith him. and we waltz right inand surprisethe bad guy, right? street: correct. i call it"the key to the city."
patent pending. is that right? right. let me get your m4. (men laughing) hondo:you took the rattleout of the receiver. yeah, new buffer, new gas rings,cleaned the gas tube. i'm surprisedyou didn't starch the sling.
if you want me to show youhow to shoot it, i'm here all week,9:00 to 5:00. shooters, on the line!stand by! ready! (whistle blows) (firing continues) put them on safeand holster. no roll, hondo? how do you knowi didn't?
you didn't, did you? they only roll injohn woo movies,not real life. here's the winner. t.j.: there's a few people that i would like to thank. my fellow swat officers,all of you, thank you for believingin me when the bossesdidn't give me a chance. oh. yeah, that's whyyou're the marksman, and i'm the guy whotells you who to shoot. here you go.i've got you coveredsince i let you down.
tell you what.i've got a hundred here that says that guycan kick your ass. are you kidding me, hondo?come on. he's our gun bunny. oh, well,let's make it 200, then. sure. a couple more lap dancesfor me tonight. want a pieceof this? yeah. don't look so worried.
yo. want to makesome extra money? hey, don't forgetto take your safety off. street, you'd better getyour game face on. don't beat him so badlyi can't get a rematch,all right? i won't makeany promises. it's my money, man. officer: shooters,on the line! stand by!
ready! (blows whistle) put them on safe!holster! here's your winner. ka-ching! yee-haw! i won, baby.thoroughbred. (people talking indistinctly) yeah, yeah.passport, please. sir? woman: next.
bonjour. merci beaucoup. next. you have anythingto declare? i don't know how yougot this through de gaulle. you can't bring thisthrough the airport. qu'est-ce que c'est la knife avec la suitcase? (speaking french) um, for luck, luck.
gift from my father.not dangerous. mail it home. okay. okay, okay. merci. okay? street: hey, gus. yeah? isn't that eternal damnationyou're chowing down there? you can't tell michelle.
isn't she goingto smell the frieson your breath? that's why godinvented mouthwash. she'll never know. gus, you're cheatingon your wifewith fast food. you're right.you're absolutely right. street, you havea driver's license? got a library card. it's good enough. so get your uniform on.you're driving me today.
come on. did you getmy return ticket and papers? flight leaves tonightat midnight. no one knows i'm here? just me. where do you want to go? it's my uncle's birthday. i want to surprise him. if you want me to come byand mow your lawn later,
i'm available, sergeant. i'll keep that in mind.call me hondo. i was a marine,did two years in'nam, recon unit. spent the next fourteaching combat survival. you serve? navy seals, right? that's whatmy file says. so what did you do for them? besides rescue marineswhen they got lost?
you sniper detail,amphibious assault, what? my boat-crew leaderalways said if anyone knew what we did,we'd failed. that's fair enough. so where are we going, hondo? what say we go seewhat the weather's likeover in south central? (speaking spanish) tell us whereyour boyfriend is. look,i don't speak spanish!
tell me whereyour boyfriend is! you're nothelping him any! (continues in spanish) you're not... (door slamming) somebody heregoing to get locked up. r-61-15 in foot pursuit. suspect headed south,west of defiance. one black malein lakers purple.
puerco. puerco? (on radio) repeat! one black male in lakers purple. that's our guy talking.where's he at? (tires screeching) what the hell you doing,navy seal? (spanish punk rock playing) oh, hell, yeah!get on, baby, get on! come on! (whooping)
yee... haw! man: hey, wait! (marching band playing) (grunting) damn, that looked likesome oakland raidersjack tatum action there. what you knowabout jack tatum?get out of here. turn your ass over. put your handsbehind your back.
name's hondo. i don't give a damnwhat your name is. i could've caught himon my own. if you like hard work,long hours, and getting dirtyfor low pay, i got an openingon my swat team. ooh, man. shut up! i don't mind that at all.
pack your bags.you're comingto swat school. (siren wailing) swat school? shut up! don't talktoo much. shut up. don't y'all gotnothing better to do than be hauling anotherblack man off to jail? just perpetuatingthe cycle, ain't you? we'll see how liberalyou are when he'sbreaking in your place. uh-huh.
"uh-huh," my ass. sure you don't wantto sit in the back? i could wear a little cap. i like the viewfrom up here. the cap thing isa nice touch, though. officer burress,southwest division. (carnival music playing) so your test scoresare off the chart, and you've gotall the right references.
thank you, sergeant. can i get a hot dogwith everything and a ginger ale, please? huh? hot dog with everythingand ginger ale. street? same. well, i will havea soy dog, please, on a whole-wheat bun,plain, and a... a tomato juice,if you've got it.
thank you. i'm a vegetarian. i'm a bit curious. um... you've been a copsix years, and you've never hada civilian complaintagainst you? well, i try to becourteousand professional with everyonei encounter. well, the thingis, dave... david.
right, david.um, here's the thing. there may comea time in swat when you've got to geta little dirtybehind a street bust. do you knowwhat i'm saying? how the hellcan i trust a man who won't eata good old-fashionedamerican hot dog? and he's a vegetarian. hondo: i'm looking foran injured officer. name is sanchez,chris sanchez.
room five,in the corner. hey, what doyou need, sarge? you're sanchez's partner? mmm-hmm. (chuckles)sanchez do that? you help? no, sarge. reminds me ofmy third divorce. bad day, huh?
kiss my ass, ese. i'm starting to likethis sanchez already. he spent four years in metro, passed the swat qualsthree times, been rejected by fullerthree times. might be a reason. he's got a coupleof beefs here. hmm. doctor: i'm going to getthe nurse to cleanand dress your wound.
hondo: sorry, wrong room. who you looking for? chris sanchez. i'm chris sanchez. you're chris sanchez? look, if you'reinternal affairs, that guy had double-edgedrazor blades in his mouth. i had to put him down hard. i'm sick and tiredof these bullshit complaints
because some vatodoesn't like gettingthrown to the pavement by a woman. i look likei.a.d. to you? who are you? wait, now, that guy hadabout 100 pounds on you. all brawn,no brains. you didn't answermy question. so you stillwant to work swat? no, i just enjoy applyingall the time.
gas it up.return it. am i looking atanother day ofchauffeur duty? team's almost filled. not thatit hasn't been fun. well, i do haveone more spot. can you think of anybodyi might have overlooked? is this a gameor a test, sergeant? could be a bit of both. yeah, i'm a littleold for games.
so how'd you liketo be back on swat? it's not going to happen. so why you hangingaround the cage, then? it's a job. and swat's a calling. anybody around youfor five minutes can tell you've stillgot the bug. all you've got to dois say yes. it's not up to me or you.i've got a history here.
yeah, let's talk about that. i heard some rumorsabout youand your old partner. did you give him upin fuller's office? because, you know,team membersgot to trust each other. i'm not on your team... and no, i didn'tgive him up. you've been in that cagesix months, shining bootsand fixing weapons, waiting fora second chance.
i've got one, and i'm offering itto you. fuller will neversign off on it. you let me deal with thatpaper-pushing punk. i want you on my team. let me tell you.it's the sauce. if you don't havethe right sauce, what do you got?you know? now, my mother,she used to make sauce.
now you gointo the store, and you buy itin a jar or in a can... oh! alex? alex! nobody told meyou were coming.when did you get here? surprise. happy birthday, uncle. (exclaims)come on, sit down.
sit. bring somechampagne, huh? sit, eat. the chief's making metake you back. he's concerned aboutlosing all his bestofficers to other cities. he thinks i'm one ofhis best officers? but he's given mecomplete oversight, and trust me, you've gotno room for error. (sighs) so i will give youboxer, t.j. mccabe, and this new guy,deacon kaye.
i'm going to have to passthe other two. sanchez is a woman,and street... well, street'son my shit list. hey, i'm on yourshit list too, andi'm the team leader. you work for me now,and it's my team to choose. with all due respect,captain, other leadersget to pick their teams. and you can too.just pick two new people. look.
just give methe team i ask for. you can even call ityour "shit list team." that way,if anything goes wrong, you can putall the blame on me. it'd be just like old times. okay. okay,you've got your team, but when you fail,and you probablywill fail, sanchez goes backto traffic, and youand your boy streetare plain gone.
no, not just off swat, off the force.you feel me? oh, yeah, i feel you. (laughing) okay,i'm leaving now. no, don't go. i have wine and cognacfrom home. come on. i must go.i have a flight to catch. oh, catchanother flight.
let me introduce youto monica. you like this knife? this is my father's knife.he gave it to me. it's a beautiful knife,and she's a beautiful woman. now, why don't you stay,have a good time, and go back tomorrow? listen, i'm runningthe business now. i'm the new boss. don't jokewith me, alex,
and don't ever forget,your father's runningthe business. no, i retired him. he never spokeof that to me. that's becausehe can't speak anymore. (choking) you put your handin my father's pocket... not in mine. if you take my money,i'll take your life. understood?
pas de probleme. mail it to me. (figure.09 playing) ♪ nothing ever stops all these thoughts ♪ and the pain attached to them ♪ sometimes i wonder why this is happening ♪ it's like nothing i can do will distract me ♪ when i think of how ♪ i shot myself in the back again
♪ it never goes away it never goes away ♪ and now ♪ you've become a part of me ♪ you'll always be right here (police siren chirps) ♪ you'll always be my fear ♪ i can't separate ♪ myself from what i've done ♪ giving up a part of me
♪ i've let myself become you ♪ you, you ♪ good evening. sir, may i seeyour license,registration, and proof of insurance? i'm a tourist, you know,i'm visiting the u.s. i have my passportif you want. let me see it. whose car is this?
it belongs tomy uncle. why? you've gota left taillight out. hi. this isbridget the midget, and we're out herein front of the key club on sunsetin beautiful hollywood. i just wonder how it isyou can get inside of there. anyways,we're on sunset boulevard, where anything could happen,especially police harassment. hey, you guys,you're all pigs!
is your uncle's namemartin gascoigne? yeah, so we're okay? there's an arrest warrantin that name, and i have to detain youuntil we can verifywho you are. sir, please step outof the vehicle. you're here awful early. traffic was lighterthan usual. streets must've beendamn near empty. (guns firing)
ali's his sister. and i called bottomson the last one i won. now, you called bottoms,but that's notwhat you got. yo, dawg, what's up? what's happening, man? jim. boxer. so, what did you doto my sister? nothing.
that's not what i heard. i mean,that's not the wordon the street. she's... she's allbroken up over you. don't know why.she left me. dumped.a case of the crabswill do that to a woman. is there somethingabout this teami need to know? what i want to knowis what an assholelike you did to my little sisterto make her leave. she's 28, all right?
and trust me,she's not so little. trust you? ooh, no, you didn't. how's yourlast partner doing? gamble.he trust you too? hey, you want to talkabout this now? boxer: you're going totell me about it? street, street,street, street. hey, street!
you want to talkabout it? come here,come here. don't talk aboutwhat you don't... whoa, whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa. it's not worth it. who else you goingto narc on? who the hell are you? i guess you're notthe prettiest one hereanymore, huh, t.j.? well, sounds like you'veall gotten acquainted.
let's get started. i'll make this simple. lapd swatis the most honored,most respected, and most professionalpolice divisionin the world. (crosstown traffic playing) go, go, go, go,go, go, go. go, go, go, go,go, go, go! ♪ you jump in front of my car when you ♪ you know all the time that
♪ ninety miles an hour, girl, is the speed i drive ♪ you tell me it's all right ♪ you don't mind a little pain police! police! ♪ take you for a drive ♪ i'm not the only soul ♪ who's accused of hit and run that ain't goingto get it. ♪ i can see you had your fun
♪ but, darlin', can't you see ♪ my signals turn from green to red bang. sanchez. ♪ you're just like ♪ crosstown traffic ♪ so hard to get through to you ♪ i don't need to run over you ♪ all you do is slow me down
♪ and i got better things on the other side of town money. ♪ yeah, yeah crosstown traffic ♪ oh, oh, man. ooh! that sucked. what's up, sanchez? man: when you're donewith that one, i've got another onefor you.
(indistinct singing) (gun firing) t.j.'s sitting on two pair,looking for the boat. got it. street, you've gotthree aces. need oneto take t.j. out. winner, winner,winner! all right, deke.let's seewhat you've got. 10 of spades.
spade flush.not good enough. hondo, isn't thata straight flush? hold the phone. six, seven, eight, nine, 10 of spades!straight flush. deke! beats four acesin compton any day. i think it worksin orange county too. hondo: sure you're right.good work, guys.
man 1: clear? man 2: clear. clear. let's go. that's right. swat isa life-saving organization,not a life-taking one. that's why the fbi and secret service come here to train with us. (crashing) boxer: smooth, deke. hey, hey, hey, hey.
i guess if i was deaf,i wouldn't knowyou were here, but while you're laughing,there's lots of peoplethat want us to fail. get it right. clear. suspect,put your hands on your headand come out. come out! come out! come out now! turn around. down!
down, get down. down. yeah. outstanding, guys. huh? huh? you feel that? the team's going outfor beers later. i'm buying. i'll take mineafter we pass. well, fuller's definitelygoing to try and hose us.
good. i'd hateto break a sweat just for a first-roundknockout. hey, we've got a big daytomorrow. save some. i've got plenty. i'm dependingon you to get theseguys through this. i'll cover my end. can i ask you something? yeah, go for it. why'd you pick me?
to piss off the captain. hondo: all right,here's the scenario. there aresix hijackers armedwith handguns and knives in control of that plane. they've alreadykilled one hostage and are threateningto kill the others unless they geta pilot and fuelwithin the hour. there'll be swat officersdisguised as hostages. other swat officerswill be playingthe roles of terrorists,
and they will betrying to kill you. staff sergeantswill be grading us. couldn't give usthe bus, huh, hondo? they always give usthe goddamn bus. it sounds like fuller'sreally got it in for us. hondo: you think? another thing. there are twodynamic entry points. one here beneaththe front landing gear,
one back hereby the baggagecompartment. i'm sure fuller'sgot surprises atboth those entrances. we get bogged downanywhere, we fail. any ideas? there's anotherway in, hondo. there's anelevator shaft here where they bring inthe service carts, and there'sa mechanic's accessright here. man, that's goingto be tight as hell.
how many mencan we fit in there? men? none. all right.work this out. get in there andbreak fuller's heart. what do we got? toy guns. toy guns, sir,toy guns. let's do this. shame you're not playingone of the terrorists.
i'm supposed tobe in first class. man: we've gotcamera three going up? three is set. checked iton the monitor. are you ready? man: oh, yeah. okay, let's seewhat they've got. ready on three. ♪ gather 'round
♪ love, baby, yeah ♪ gather 'round, come on ♪ listen up, we got a lot to learn ♪ yeah ♪ number one time is running out ♪ number two time is running out ♪ number three time is running out ♪ number four let it all hang out ♪ check it out
♪ stay cool ♪ stay fly ♪ number four time is running out ♪ how did you knowabout this place? i've knowna few stewardesses. just a few? (inaudible) stand by.we've got a device. same here.
disarmed. set? here we go. three, two, one. boxer, one down. damn. hondo: deke?
i got one down. mccabe? i got one. sanchez, one down. that's five. there's one more, guys. there's a sleeper.come on. that'll be six. clear?
10-david, this is 70-david.we are code 4, all clear. oh, yeah. wow. is thata new course record? man: good job, guys. please, please, pop. yo, sanchez.i'm in swat now. yo, deke. deke,is that you, man? oh, my god, deke.
tell me that ain't you. you were a seriousbutterball, bro. deke: that's all in the past. i ate here every day,worked here every summer. i ended up lookinglike fat albert. i'm cool. eating righthas me looking like this. (exclaims) man, put that away. hey,put that away.
put another infor me. hey, yeah,break out your money. give me that change. ooh, whoa-oh, hey. ah, so you're celebratingwithout me, huh? mr. kaye,you are the master. deke: like son,like father, right, dad? that was one kick-assdisplay today. sanchez: that's whati'm talking about.
all right, but let'sremember one thing. if that wasa real operationand not a test, one of uswould be callingt.j.'s family, trying to explainwhat went wrong today. one casualtymay be acceptableby department standards, never acceptableby mine. we're clear on that? got you. crystal.
all right.well, let's continuecelebrating tonight, but tomorrow, we're swat. nice. (scatting swat theme song) i love you too. alex: homeland security,my ass. they can'tkeep me like this. i've been patient,day after day, so tell me,what's going on? this is the problem.
your printsdo not match your id, so they're runninganother check right nowthrough the fbi and interpol. interpol, shit.get me out of here. i'm doing everything i can. do more. this is easy.who do we have to pay? you can't solvethis problem bythrowing money at it. then who dowe have to kill? sanchez: come on,guys, it's only 11:00. i got a babysitterfor the first timein three months.
deke: we've been upsince 4:00. that's weak. if i get home by midnight,i might get me some. t.j.? i get homebefore midnight,i'm finding some. sorry, babe. boxer? hey, i knowi'm not getting some. if i don't get home soon,my wife's gonna freak.
you guys suck. you know how hard it isto find a babysitter? yo, street. did you pass? awesome.this first round'son the house. thanks, darling. anything buttequila, please. no? we did good today, huh?
what's it like, the real thing? it's faster. it's a lot faster. you know that guy? used to. aw, fuck. bye. see you.
it's all yours, man. hey. how you doing? oh, man, i am good. heard theytook you back. this your girlfriend? no. no, she's swat. she wha... she's... what... this... this iswhat it's come down to?
busting down doorswith j.lo? (chuckling) you know,i didn't know that theymade bulletproof bras. is it just me,but you know,i didn't know that. what they need to makeare bulletproof condoms big enough tofit your big head. oh, nice.good, i like it. this your girlfriend? cute. no, but you canbe my bitch.
no, man,leave it alone. waitress: here we go. leave it alone. hey, how are you? i'm good. put it on my tab? hey, glad to seeall that butt-kissing'sreally paid off. say hi to fuller for me. (mock kisses)
you should've let mekick his ass. i just saved yours. so youand this guy gamblewere partners, huh? so how long you gotthe babysitter for? just becausei bought you a drink doesn't meanyou get laid tonight. (chuckles)so what doestwo drinks mean? do you wantto come overto my house? (clears throat)that was easy.
it's my kid's birthdayparty tomorrow. tomorrow? uh, kids,birthday parties... i'm hostinga tupperwareparty tomorrow. you, tupperware? yeah, seals inthe freshness. party's completely booked,otherwise i'd invite you. tomorrow, noon. central,open south sally port.
(gate buzzes) all right, gentlemen,take a seat. (spanish song playing) (mouthing) (all shouting playfully) (groaning playfully) you may have won the battle,but you lost the war! (muttering) boy: dad, can i havesome of this?
yeah, go ahead,get it. can i have this too? whatever you want.get it, get it,get it, get it. look at that. a cop who drinksfrench champagne, huh? that is just impressive. i may work in the mud, but i certainly like toplay up in the clouds.
i thought you saidyou'd fix the sink. (swat theme music playing) (on tv) this is lieutenant harrelson, olympic swat commander. (pagers beeping) (pager beeps) (beeps) (on tv) this is top priority. patch me through to all black-and-whites in the area...
i've got to go. kids, come on, come on.it's time to ruin mommy's day. boys: okay. but you killedin the soccer game. baby, i have to go playcops and robbers. i love you. you too. (indistinct speechon police radio) hey, guys.
the reason we are gatheredon our god-givenmuch-needed day of rest is we havea polish hostage. so whatif he's polish? no, no, no.means he's one of those "anybody comes in,i'll blow my head off"type of guy. negotiationsaren't going well. they thinkhe's off his meds. we've beenlobbing gas, and this guy's stillsmoking cigarettes,
popping offshotgun roundsout the front door. (gun fires) man:i want a limo, a 12-pack, and clove cigarettes! i say we go in the back,hard, with shields. negative. guy sayshe has all the doors and windows wiredwith high explosives. come on, greg. look, dan,you wrote the book.i just read it.
any suggestions? i've got an idea. (barking) ready? it's the damn robot aliens. down! down! get down! down! get down! stay down.
you know what?i think he might be polish. (laughs) unbelievable. hondo: like openinga can of sardines. it works. (all laughing) drop fruit of the loomskiin the a-car. deke: damn, man.you need to be sellingthat shit on ebay. i only got one. split the profits50-50.
corner the market.break them downlike a shotgun. "the polish penetrator." hold on, sports fans. i just got a callfrom sheriff's. it seems we've been holdinga high-priority international and didn't even know it. they want us as escorts? you're my newfavorite crew. just get the prisonerto the headquarters.
(siren chirps) this is 9-tom king, transporting inmatesto superior. we've gota black-and-whitesignaling pullover. dispatcher: roger that. what's your 10-20? hollywood and wilcox. 9-tom king, stand bywhile we identifythe black-and-white. roger. 9-tom king, there is a problem
with one of your transports. the unit signalingis probably providinginterception. can you read his patrol number? negative. it's an lapdblack-and-white. stand by while we confirm. 9-tom king,this is 70-david. what's your location? (on radio) 9-tom king, do you copy? what about me, boss?
let's go.get these off. dispatcher: 9-tom king, there is a problem. 9-tom king, do you copy? there it is,on the right. 9-tom king, do you copy? this is 70-david. we're code 6 with the busat hollywood and wilcox. hondo: 114, this is 70-david. we're code 4.
114, this is 70-david. we're code 6 at hollywood and wilcox. (all shouting) (shots firing) get out of the way!get out of the way!get out of the way! out of the car! get out of the car! hondo: put your handson your head! freeze!put your handson your head!
hands up! hollywood, huh? street: on the ground. on the ground! hey! do not move! do not move! move again. man: drama in hollywood today. an explosive and deadly day in hollywood
as a gun battle erupted between armed suspects and members of lapd's elite swat unit. details are still sketchy, but sources tell us there were fatalities, including two los angeles county sheriff's deputies. at approximately1:45 p.m. today,a sheriff's department bus was assaultedby two suspectsarmed with ak-47s in an attempt to break outa jailed detainee. we are awaiting the arrival of alex montel,
the international fugitive wanted in over a dozen countries. montel is wanted oninterpol warrants by more than10 national governments,including our own, in relationship to charges of arms dealing, drug trafficking, extortion, smuggling, kidnapping, and over two dozen murders. female reporter: domestic and foreign law enforcement agencies are already jockeying to interrogate the man
one high-level white house aide has dubbed simply "the catch." (reporters clamoring) i will give$100 million to whoevergets me out of here! let's go. $100 million! news anchor: the family's legitimate business throughout europe and the middle east are rumored to be fronts for their criminal activity throughout the world. the family fortune is estimated to be
in the high hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. i will give $100 million to whoever gets me out of here! 100 millionsound good to me. hell, yeah. (speaking in spanish) are we hot? we rolling? we have limited footage of the dramatic events this afternoon. $100 million to whoever gets me out of here.
(speaking in korean) the family's fortune is estimated in the billions of dollars. an offer of $100 million... who does this guythink he is, huh? anchor: $100 million... hey, ese,are you for realor what, homes? huh?hey, i'm talkingto you, ese. we've been lookingfor this punk a long time. busted taillightbrings him down?that's amazing.
the plan is tohave you escort him to a federal prisonout in the desert. you may want to havepress photographersmeet us at the facility, soon as my boyshand him over. it's a hellof a story, huh? yeah, we'llpass that requestup the ladder to d.c. good. gentlemen,at 1300 hours, an lapd helicopterwill arrive to transportthe defendant.
until we get himinside a federal facility,he's our baby. sergeant howard,your team's gotthe high ground. sergeant hondo,your boys aregoing to provide close-proximity protectionfor the prisoner. copy that. sergeant yamoto, you're goingto set up a perimeteraround parker center. i'm on it. man: piece of cake.
hondo:roger, 10-david.we're coming out. okay, guys,let's get this frogin the bird. deke:what's $100 millionsix ways, box? sixteen-something. man, i'd havefloor seatsat the lakers, put my kidsthrough college, hire halle berryas my yoga instructor. match engine power. rpms match.
gear down now. cover! we've been hit!we've been hit! shots fired. shots fired. anybody see whereit came from? they hit second engine.we are going down. mayday! mayday! mayday!we're going down! everybody okay? sanchez: yeah.
hondo: t.j., sanchez,take the suspect. move! move! let's go! let's go! 70-david to 114.we're coming in. come here. hey, hey, hey! jim! jim! street! keep it together, buddy. keep it together.keep it together.
knock it off.we don't have timefor your personal shit. move him out.let's move! let's go. move! fuller: you tell themwe're under goddamn attack! man: an lapdairship is down. how do you want usto proceedat this point? what the hellhappened? somebody shotour bird down. no shit. how?
my guess is big-bore rifle,probably .50 caliber. somebody who knowshow to use it. we're at a wholenew level here, captain. so where the hellis the shooter, huh? i want this assholeout of here, now. the best bet'sto keep himon lockdown till we figure outwho we're dealing with, sir. man: captain fuller? yes?
i've got the chief of policeon the phone for you. so now we're talkingabout my ass. you draw up a plan,you execute it, and do not screw this up. have it transferredto my office. can't believehow much grief that frog's$100 million offer'sbringing us. you guys ready?you know whatyou've got to do? where's t.j.?
i'm right here, hondo. sorry, man. had some bad thai foodlast night. it's notsitting well with me. hondo: so yougood to go, or what? no, i'm good now. let's go make the captainlook like a hero. be safe out there. i'm headed to the bird. all right,we're moving out.
let's load them up! time to go. put that on. marry me! marry me! (whooping) marry me! (crowd shouting excitedly) hey! come on! hey, come on, now.get out of thedamn street!
wait there. come on, now! (yelling) alex, let's go! get down now! get on the ground! move! i don't know,talk to them. try to make it work.
look, i've hadenough problems for one day,you know? hey, where's mike? family emergency. just let me knowif there's anythingyou need. just try to get us therealive, for starters. my sister's datingsome new guy. boxer: yeah. i met himfor the first timethe other night. good for her.
not really.he's kind ofa knucklehead. you shouldgive her a call. you know, if you want. all right, yeah.maybe i will. velasquez: 10-david to 70-david. word our motorcadehas been hit. any damage? velasquez: terry fargas is dead. hondo: aw, damn.
velasquez: we've got two patrol officers on the table at county. hondo: what's yourlocation, 10-david? right on top of you. that's good to know. t.j., stay alert back there. they're coming out of the woodwork. american greed.
so reliable. another officer's deadbecause youshot your mouth off. that's how i like cops. dead. want to join him? he knew the dangers, no? that's why he signed upto be a police officer. carry a gunin the wild west. like you, cowboy.
would you be sitting hereif this jobwasn't dangerous? anyway, killing himprobably got you20 new recruits. you should thank me. yeah, you're right.i should. boxer, thank himfor me, will you? love to. hondo: we are coming up on checkpoint one. roger, hondo. i see it.
making the turnat checkpoint one. hardcore, sanchez. sanchez: i'm watchingeveryone's hands. empty hand, no weapon,i'm going hometo my little girl, deke. i'm going hometo my brats too. hondo: we are now approaching checkpoint two. boxer: t.j., relax, man. hondo transportedthe president like thisback in '96. no one had a clue.
hey, my friends.i can double my offer. 66 millionfor each of you. all you have to dois let me goright here, and don't worry. i'll find my way home. you got the cash? because we don'ttake a check. alex: come on.be smart about this. what do you make?
66,000 a year? (chuckling)not evenwith overtime. alex: (scoffing) loser. making the turnat checkpoint two. my view of car twohas been blocked. t.j., what's happening? i got a pedestrian in the crosswalk, hondo. i'll be on your tail in about 10 seconds. roger that.
hands where i cansee them, guys.come on. t.j., what the hellare you doing? what the hell does itlook like i'm doing? i'm takingfrenchie hereup on his offer. now, you guysjust be smart. hands up, box.come on. come on, hands up.hands up, box. let's go.let me see it.hands up! let's go! (gunshot)
what the hell was that? t.j.: what the hellwas that, brian? he was goingfor his piece. no, he wasn't! i had it under control! you didn't haveto shoot him! what do you say, jimbo?want to be a cowboy? t.j., street, boxer. car two, respond.
we're catching upto you, sarge. we'll be there in about... officer down! seventh and hope! flip a bitch. flipping a bitch. 10-david. 10-david! do you have a locationon car number two?
move! move! move! roger. car two is stoppedat seventh and hope. gamble: do me a favor. tell fuller it was mewho pulled this off, yeah? street: i'm not going tolet you get awaywith this, gamble. gamble: well, youain't got a sayin the matter, do you? velasquez: suspects appear to be wearing tactical clothing and have automatic weapons. t.j., don't do this!
i got an officer down!officer down!seventh and hope! suspects are enteringthe pershing squaremta station. (playing jazz tune) street: boxer! boxer,hang in there!hang in there. you okay? street: i'm all right.boxer got hit. deke: we're going toneed an ambulance! who did this? boxer: it was gamble.
box!get him up.get him over! it was t.j. and gamble.they've gonedown the subway. let's go hunting. i'm goingto get the kit. take care of him. hondo: street, let's go! sanchez: this is 73-david. this is 73-david. i need an ra unitas soon as possible
to the cornerof hope and seventh. officer down!i repeat,officer down! all right, t.we're in. let's go. hit the juice,grandpa. come on, box. come on, come on,come on! deke: gunshot woundto the neck. medic: vitals?
sanchez: none. come on! let's go! oh... oh... always one step behind.(clicks tongue) hondo: this is 70-davidat seventh and hope. suspects areon eastbound trainnumber 507, headed to metro centerat 7th and figueroa. have the rail unit contact mta and shut down that trainat the next station.
roger that, 70-david. what are they gonna do,take the subwayall the way to mexico? medic: come on,check for secondary wounds. hondo: sanchez... deke, sanchez. meet that train at the next station. 73-david, we copy. you'd betterbe good for it. i assure you,if anyone is, it's me. i want youto set upa perimeter.
nobody comesin the station and nobodygets off a train. yes, sir. you got it. velasquez: rail unit, this is 10-david. i've got my men headed to the figueroa station. now, are you readyto stop that train? man: yes, sir. where the hell'sthis train? never made it.should've been here by now.
sanchez to hondo.the train nevermade it to figueroa. secure the station.swat's got it. hondo: got people. hands up!let me seeyour hands! now! hands. hands! hands. show meyour hands. hands. where are they?
they said they weregoing to kill me. they're not coming back. down the shaft. where'd they go? 10-david, this is 70-david. suspects have enteredwhat appears to bea storm drain approximatelya quarter-mile northof metro center. velasquez: roger that, 70-david. we'll deploy above groundaccordingly.
we're going in after them. this shaft intersectswith the storm drain system. they could popout of any manhole within a five-mile radius. how many manholesare we talking about? six thousand. six thousand? i can't cover 6,000...(groans) r-commander,10-david.
i want you to put that airship down and give mea command post at sixth and hope street, and give mea landline, code 2. hondo: 70-davidto 10-david. 70-david to 10-david. 70-david to 114.do you read me? 70-david to 114. do you read me?
we got no receptiondown here. gamble wants uson an island... he's got it. hondo: stay alert, guys. they went this way. velasquez: we have id'd those suspects. great. who are they? former officer gambleand officer t.j. mccabe. gamble?
as in street'sex-partner, gamble? velasquez: roger. whoa, whoa, whoa. there is some kind ofplan here, right? gamble: there'syour plan, pumpkin. we have got twoswat-trained guysleading this attack. how do we knowthe rest of the teamisn't in on it? because i canvouch for hondo. you willing to bet$100 million on that?
(bats screeching) bingo. you've got to beshitting me. if they're good,this is only going toslow them down, t.j. this was supposedto be simplesnatch and extract. boxer was a threat, t.j. boxer was my friend! he was mine too. stop crying.you can buynew friends.
don't give meany more reasonto kill you. what are yougoing to do,shoot me? you should relaxa little bit, my friend. i'm the money here.don't forget it. we don't have timefor this shit. look, you can go ahead. i know this sucks. let's worry about itin paradise, all right? have we re-establishedcommunicationwith hondo's team?
not yet, sir. 70-david,advice your location, please. 70-david, come in. hondo, where the hellare you? deke: whoa.whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa. what's that? street: it'sphosphorescent paint. deke: oh, yeah? keep your eyeson the wall for more.
gas masks? it's just smoke. we're going to haveto go in blind. what's going on? tripwire. live mine. hondo: whoa. claymore. nasty stuff. street: no shit.
there's an oldindian saying. "where there'sone white man..." "there's more white men." what? do you hear something? that's the problem. come on,we've got to move. hey, y'allsmell like shit. yeah, that'd be a sewer. where's our air?
on track andon schedule. wonderful. t.j., ride with me. come on, guys!got to go! dispatcher: all units in the vicinity of the hawthorne airport... residents reportbeacon lights turned onafter closing hours. dispatch,this is r-commander. deploy all available unitsto hawthorne airport. call the faa for details.
they're going to fly himout of the country,god damn it. 10-david,this is r-commander. get you and your menover there as soonas possible. velasquez: roger that. unit one,what's your status? we are approximately45 miles due eastof point bravo. we have begunour descent. that's a six-minute eta. gamble: roger that.
hondo: ain't this a bitch? a cold, hard one. velasquez: 10-david to r-commander. we are approaching hawthorne airport. hondo: street!how about the claymore? street: shit.i'll be back. deke! (sirens wailing) we have establisheda perimeteraround the airport. additional swat unitsare en route.
van one, van two,you have lessthan five minutes. roger that, 10-david.any word fromhondo's team yet? 70-david is stillout of radio contact. hondo, you son of a bitch. hondo: you sure you knowwhat you're doing? remember when youasked me what i used to doin the seals? hondo: oh, yeah. all right, clear. fire in the hole.
hondo: 10-david, this is 70-david. 70-david, wherethe hell are you? we are somewhere aroundsixth and trenton. we lost communicationin the tunnels.where's our backup? everything i haveis going tohawthorne airport. that's where your friends,gamble and t.j. mccabeare headed. hondo: that's the otherside of town! send a couple unitsto pick us up. fuller: pick you up?
for all i know, you're in on this. i've got a good mind to bring you in. like hell.come on, let's go. all: police! stop the car! (honking) hondo: stop the car! stop the car! stop the car!stop the car! exit the car, sir!
sanchez: you guys are gonnahave to get out of here. police emergency.we need your vehicle. wait, i just havekids in the car. hondo: well, get themout of there! look like it's youand me in the gun cagethis time tomorrow. you know howit is, street. sometimes doingthe right thing ain't doingthe right thing. last car through.
bridge is locked. i thoughtyou couldn't drive. i never saidi couldn't drive. i said i didn'tlike to. keep gettinginto accidents. sounds like they're tryingto fly him out of here. why would they turnon the landing lightsand warn everybody? shit! gamble'ssmarter than that. look, there'sa full moon out tonight.
even a rookie pilotcould landon a night like this. so why'd theypop up back there? i don't know, but i knowfuller's sending every manwe got to hawthorne. did they builda new airportin downtown in the pastcouple of days? i don't think so,sanchez. why? sanchez: that jetto your right. it's flying pretty low,and it's onlygetting lower. deke: that's our boy!that's our boy!
street: he's setting down. yeah, but where? i don't know,but follow that jet. hondo: how wide is thesixth street bridge? it's got to befour lanes across, sidewalks... plane small enough,he might be ableto set it down, if he's got the balls. reducing speed.
this is 70-david.that plane's notcoming to hawthorne. i gave you a direct orderto stand down, sergeant. and i would have, tom, except i saw a learjetabout to landon the sixth street bridge. give me 40% flaps. copilot: 40% flaps. check. sir, we have reportsof a low-flying aircraftin the downtown area. where's the nearest backup? five, six minutes.
i don't thinkyou're feeling meon this, tom. we're going in. (whimpering) oh, god. reverse thrust. copilot: roger that.full brake. this guy's worthevery penny. all right, let's turnthis plane around.
man: 10-david, we just got a report a plane has landed on the sixth street bridge. they what? let's mount up! all right,give me a cardownstairs, now. richard:what... what...what's going on? just got roomfor one of you. richard: i'm notgoing anywherewithout my wife. well, then, don't.
no, no, no. richard! richard! richard... richard is gone,so sit down and shut up. 20 seconds!see you in margaritaville. man: come on, come on,come on! won't you just let me go? (sobbing) please,just let me go! shut her up.
please, let me go! shut the hell up. get us in the air. okay, let's go home. oh, look. they've gottheir own airport security. you've got company! limo broke containment! all right, we'vegot you covered, man. just keep coming.
(rings) boom. son of a bitch! here. what's this? well, that'd bea cell phone. that's the account numberwhere i want the moneytransferred. the bank verifiesthe transfer, goddamn,if you ain't a free man. man: 70-david, be advised there are hostages onboard.
all right, youheard the man. yo! they get that planeoff the ground,those hostages are dead. i need youra-game, boys... and girl. get themoff our asses! just fly the plane.open the hatch. open the hatch! i'm on it!
hondo: hang on, guys. here's where watching the world's most exciting police chases pays off. i got no shot! get this thingin the air! shut the door! shut thatgoddamn door! (indistinct yelling) t.j.: damn it! i hope you've gota plan b, brother.
you stay there.you're fine. gamble! let her go! take a shot, jimbo! sanchez is down! sanchez... (woman screams) go get him. give me more ammo! deke! frog's running!
are you okay? i'm all right, man. (screams) sorry, ma'am.i've got to go, too. (sobbing) no. (sirens approaching) tell daddyhow you want it. (groaning) ahhh!
you're likea goddamn rash. you might wannaget that looked at, brother. how's boxer? what do you care? come on, hondo.just give me that. he's going to make it. just couldn't resist,could you? so what do youwant to do? god damn it, sarge.
(cocking) there's onein the chamber, partner. (horn honking) so how's boxer? got word he's goingto pull through. that's great. remind me to buysome shares in kevlar. good work, sanchez. you look like youneed a band-aid.
somebody else needsa body bag downstairs. yeah. you? nice job. don't sound so happy. (chuckles)still got a problem. he's still here. road trip? road trip. guess you'll haveto fire us later.
hondo: we're hereto transfer custody of la police departmentprisoner number 109672into federal custody. thank you, sir.i will acceptthe transfer. enjoy your new home. try your best to getto know the guys, huh? yeah, 100 milought to buy you a nice husbandin there. where to, boys? home sounds like a winner.
deke: girls like youget guys like mein trouble. you think i should'vetaken the 100 million?(laughing) dispatcher: all units, we have a 211 in progress at the diamond mart, 43, south hope street. shots fired. technically, our watchhas been overfor 12 hours. so? well, what the hell. mount up.
♪ whoo ♪ ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah ♪ yo, here we go oh, collision ♪ a head-on collision ♪ a head-on on the story that was played on television, what ♪ we got what everybody's after ♪ hollywood's fully-automatic soulmaster ♪ yeah, here he comes ♪ god love it he likes the machine-gun
♪ yo, you better check your mirror ♪ hot action's gettin' nearer ♪ blood rushin' to my head ♪ and you'd better watch out for ♪ sweat drippin' from my head ♪ ah, ah, ah-ah, ah ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ looks like it's hot action ♪ jammin' with samuel l. jackson
♪ ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah ah, ah, ah, ah-ah-ah ♪ how do you stay so smooth? ♪ come on, y'all ♪ jammin' with samuel l. jackson ♪ (spanish rock song playing) ♪ s-w-a-t ♪ t-s-o-l-p-p ♪ fading on the corner is a man with a plan ♪ people took a stand 'cause the businessman ran
♪ the streets at night sound just like... ♪ the place where they took the slaughter to the lamb ♪ mama never wanted me to be no cop ♪ voted most likely in high school to drop ♪ now i'm dressed to impress in a bulletproof vest ♪ back in action wearin' swat on my chest ♪ t-s-o-l-p-p ♪

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