i write a column for a daily newspaper. in other words, i'm an endangered species. daddy bird!!! with three deadlines a week, i'm always looking for a good story. does anyone actually read the newspaper anymore, mr. wren? - wow!- *giggles*, i'm sorry! what brings you to the party? *phone ringing* it's porter wren oh hello, porter wren
- did you roofie me last night?- ah, no. there is something that i would like to show you. it's about your husband's death? yes. simon crowley was found in the rubble of a demolished building. i still can't figure out how he got in there. the place was all locked up and he didn't have a key on him. why me? you found that little girl.
unless there was another reason why you came by. what can i do for you fellas? you, sir are having an affair with ms. crowley. you liked watching me, didn't you? she is psychologically clever, you know what's going on? tell me the truth. i've told you everything, i promise you. i had a strange pacient come visit me today. oh yeah?
wich was very beautiful never make contact with her again, you understand? open the door! mommy! a man forced his way into the house with a gun. i will not let my children be a part of this, porter. if you do not call off your goons i will go down in a glorious ball of fire and i will take you with me. are you really going to play this kind of a game?
it's only a matter of time. you scare me when you say that. i'm gonna be with you until i die. how do you feel about that? terrified.

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