
night watch movie full

Thursday, July 6, 2017

[eerie, warbling music] ♪ ♪ [haunting instrumental music] - i can't believe you havedone this to my husband. - i am truly sorry, mrs. block. - sorry? you made him looklike a clown. - i was as stunned as you were,mrs. block. - [shouting indistinctly]

this will have consequences,mr. tovar. you will see. [wheels rattling] - [sighs] jesus, mary, and joseph, girl. - good morning, mr. tovar. - you made mr. blocklook like a punk. what were you thinking? - i was tryingto make him look nice.

- i'm sorry? - younger, maybe. - mr. block wasn't young. he wasn't nice. he wasn't skinny, and painting his face upain't gonna change that. - i'm sorry. - our job is to makethe deceased look good for the families.

now, i got a loton my mind right now, and you're not makingthings easier. [tapping fingers] - first eyewitness accountsof this grisly development came from people who wereunderstandably frightened and almost incoherent. - aunt lou. - morning, junior. - you got a minute?

- always for you, junior. - aunt lou, i'll tell you. i've just about had itwith that girl. - mm. service didn't go well? - no, it did not. dyeanne cosmetized the bodyfor viewing. i thought she was ready. needless to say, mrs. blockwas none too pleased.

- three strikes? - well, yeah. - all right. i'll give dyeanneher two weeks' notice. you just pretendlike you don't know anything. - i just got too muchon my mind right now. - of course you do. - thank you. - oh, got the del amoswaiting in your office,

and i set up an interviewwith a really nice young woman looking for a job. - two appointments this morning. - junior, she'sa mortuary school graduate. you really should meet her. real i know she can't replacebobby kimball, but if you get along with her, she could do bobby's work.

- penn institute? - that's right.graduated from p.i.m.s. - you didn't say anythingabout salary, did you? okay. no more appointments this week,right? - computer says... nope. - i got to gocheck on something. i'll be right back.

just give the del amossome more coffee and a magazine or something. - oh, you know i will. - thank you, lou. - national guard over there, and then we'll be ableto give a more definite view. - thank you very much,chief mcclellan. this is bill cardille,wic-tv 11 news. [crow cawing]

- oh, morning, gerald. - morning, russ. - i'm just getting started here. - i see that. russ, whose car is that? - oh, yeah.i was gonna tell you. uh, this guy came by. - what guy? - i don't know.

- russ, did this gottshok guysay anything? - uh, he just handed mehis card, said he was gonna look around. - and you just let him? - he seemed real official.i don't know. i thought you were expecting himor something. i mena, he's from the state. - where'd he go? - uh, the cemetery.

the old hill, i think. - oh, hell. russ... keep that cage locked! - i'll, uh, keep it locked... gerald. jeez, it's not like something'sgonna walk out of here. [hawk screeches] [dramatic music]

[pen clicks] - [gurgling] [dramatic percussive music] [yelling and growling] - [screaming] - get off of him! - [gasping] help me. - i'm sorry, mr. gottshok.

i truly am. - what? - i didn't mean itto be this way. [crunching] russ! russell, i told deliveries right now. - okay, stop, stop, stop, stop. did you find the guy? - yeah, i found the guy.that's all taken care of.

no deliveries from themuntil further notice. - but they're withthat company. - i know what companythey're with. you just go tell 'em. - okay, i'll go tell 'em. i don't know. he doesn't want you hereright now, so... sorry. what's with the bloody shovel?- what?

- the bloody shovel.why do you... - gophers. forget about the damn shovel,will you, russ? have you left that dooropen today? - what?uh...uh, no. - think, boy. - yes.for a couple minutes. i went insideto get some water. - shit.

- shit! that door locked now? - yes. - give me your keys. - what is the big deal? it couldn't have been openfor more than a couple minutes. [solemn organ music playing] - [coughing] - morning, folks.

i'm gerald tovar, junior,funeral director. - francis del amo. my wife, honey. - well, that's a sweet name. - it's nice to meet you,mr. tovar. - how are you folksthis morning? - can't complain. - um... i'm sorry.there's, uh...

there's no smoking in here. - [sighs]right. - so, uh, what can tovar and sonmortuary do for you? - well, dad's in a nursing home, and they said it could beany time now, so we thought we should makea plan. - ah, a pre-need package. we have a few to choose from. if you like, later, we can lookat a casket selection.

we have mainly half-couches-- steel, fiberglass, wood. i like a nice oak myself. [chuckles] - well, we don't exactly knowwhat dad wants, but he's always beenvery frugal. - cheap. - i see. well, i don't necessarilyrecommend it, mrs. del amo,

but our most economical modelis our cloth-covered casket. we call it the minimum casket. basically fiberboardcovered with black felt. dignified.very affordable. - mr. tovar, i-- since dad never really talkedabout it, and now he can't expresshis wishes, we were thinking... - cremation.

- did i frighten you?[chuckles] - no, it wasn't you. something happenedback on the road there. we stopped to speakwith some men. our driver told usthey weren't men at all. he said they were corpses. - so, cristine-- - uh, cristie. - all right, cristie.

i see you got references.that's good. - if you don't mind me asking,mr. tovar, where did you getyour mortuary training? - right here, on the jobwith my daddy. i, uh, didn't really plan on it. things just sort of worked outthat way. - so you took over the familybusiness here from your father. - yeah. daddy worked with bodiesover with his daddy

back in their czech hometown. can't really pronouncethe name. i'm the first tovarborn over here. - and this is the only mortuaryin hinzmanville? - yep. yeah, we got a corneron the market, one-stop shop. lookit, uh... we can start you outas an apprentice,

if you want the job. - i do.thank you. - you start today? - sure.i can start right now. - good. things ain't fancy here,but they'll do. of course, i'm gonna haveto supervise your work at first. - of course. you also offer cremations here,don't you?

- eh, you know,we don't, uh... we don't do too much of that. but we got an oven. i'll take you overto aunt lou. she'll tell youwhat your salary'll be. pay's low to start,but it's fair. lou will get youa set of keys. certain rooms are off-limitsfor right now, so you won't have those.

- hmm. thank you, mr. tovar. - you can call me gerald. that's our cold room. follow me. - men steal dead bodies. - why did you drive like that,you fool? we might have been killed. - worse than that, monsieur.

we might have been caught. - dyeanne. i want you to meet cristine--uh, cristie forrest. - hi. [emphatically]i'm dye-anne. - uh, nice to meet you. cristie. diane? - dye-anne.with a "y" and a "e."

- dyeanne here has been with usfor about three months. she's still training. not ready for embalming workjust yet. you two can get to knoweach other as you work on mr. hadley. [beeping] i've got to gocheck on something. dyeanne, you show cristiewhere everything is. - okay.

so once we wash the body,we massage the muscles. breaks up the rigor mortisin prep for embalming. - i heard he was meth head. o.d.'d. - well, they all getthe same respect once they get to us. go ahead and work on the bicepa little bit more. - i know how to break rigor. - oh, i'm sorry.

by the way,gerald didn't tell me where you went to school. - junior's seriously gonnafire me. - junior? - i don't even knowwhy it matters. hours totally suck. - mm-hmm. you mean late nights,first calls? - no.

i love working alone. late at night. it's the rest of the time,during the day, with people. [metal screeching] - lord... [flies buzzing] [footsteps] - hey, dye...

oh. whoa. i am sorry. i thought you were dyeanne. - that's okay.i'm cristie. - this is a cristie forrest. the new ass-istantfuneral director. - you make it sound so formal. i just started. - it's nice to meet you.

have you seen gerald around? ain't no worries. ah, so...later, dyeanne? - i'll text you. nice to meet you, cristie. - [moans softly] [lock clicking] - the prodigal brother returns. - gerald.

- harold. guess i'm supposedto be surprised. - wow. you look different. you lose some weight? - well, i guessi'll leave you two boys alone. imagine you gota lot of catching up to do. - nice to see you again,aunt louise. so...

you're padlockingthe crematorium now? - we've got some issuesin there. guess we need to talk. - can i just add, gerta, it seems god poured his bucketof rich natural resources down here on the heartlandso that in his wisdom, he could make wise useof his blessings in the hands of the greatdown-to-earth patriots who value hard work.

- what's on the tube, lou? - oh, that sister sara. - sister sara?really? - that has been forgottenon our own doorstep here. as we all know,on top of that... - did you talk to dyeanne yet? - not yet, junior. you know i will. - can you turn that up?

she is tremendous. - ugh. - patriotic americans. well, gerta. i, of course, refudiatethose who would say that because the formervice president lacks a pulse in there thatthat makes him-- as the lamestream mediais so very fond of saying-- one of the walking dead.

or, um, a zombie also. - do you smell it? - smell what? - the whiff of kook. just got a little strongerin here. aunt lou, do you understandthat woman? - teabonics. - okay, can laugh all you want. mark my words.

that woman is the faceof the new movement. - become a teabagger,have you? hmm. you do know what teabagging is,don't you? - [chuckles] - that is an inappropriate term. - now, gerald...[giggles] - well, guess everyone lovestheir own kind of misery. - the lamestream medialoves to ignore the values...

- america. - refudiateand are here to tell 'em we are no longer listening. this is what happens when the constitutionstarts shaking her fist. - nobody comes around here. it's off-limits. - you haven't touched it. - dad's office.

you haven't touched itsince he died. - no, i come in hereevery now and then just to be by myself. - [groans] oh, hey. is it still in there? - daddy's broomhandle? heh. - oh, that brings backsome memories.

- daddy let you play with it,did he? - now, now, harold. not a toy. this here is worth some money. - oh. i remember this too. dad's old mini fridge. - well, i don't think there'sanything in there you'd want. - huh?something to wet my whistle.

i'm not picky. as long as it's not diet. oh... what have we found? - go ahead and take it. it's not diet. - you're's not. [sighs] now, that hits the spot.

[exhales] - you got that dull,useless look about you, harold. - well, it's nice to see youagain too, gerald. - what brings you back? you get tired of treatingthe doggies and the kitty-cats? no, i... i closed the veterinary clinic. - oh? - i had to.

i need money, gerald. - okay, harold. - no, no, no, no, no, no. real money. - well, little brother.[laughs] you got oil on your tinfoil if you think i got any money. - now, look, gerald... you inherited the mortuary,the house,

the real estatethat it's sitting on, not to mention the farmhouse. i need money. and i will challenge the willif i have to. - you gonna start that shitagain, are you? i haven't seen you in ten years,and you come in here and... you didn't even cometo daddy's funeral. - i was in a bad place then. - what makes you think

i'd give a half tovar like youany money, even if i had any? damn it, harold. i'm sorry. listen, you caught meat a real bad time. we're still brothers and all. nothing's changed there. why don't you let memake it up to you? come on downto the old place tonight.

i'll fix you supper. we'll talk about it. - you'll fix me supper? [scoffs] [laughter] unless you'd ratherfish something out of that old mini fridge. - that's a close one. [laughing]

- that settles it then. be back here at 7:00 tonight. we'll drive out together. - all right, brother. all right. [keys clatter] [knocking] - okay if i come in for a sec,gerald? - well, you're kind ofalready in, russ.

what's on your mind? - the door. it was only openfor five minutes, i swear to god. - i believe you, russ. listen, i, uh... i got a lot on my mindlately. oven room's broken.just hired a new girl. work's backing up.

you might have noticeda little odor creeping out. - well, let's just keep thatbetween you and me for now. you with me? - sure. um, but the crematorium... the oven doesn't work at all? - well, let's just say that fire doesn't work for me,russ. - say, russell...

- you got a brother, works over atthe henry cooper place, right? - oh, yeah. that's my twin brother, owen. he's kind of a slacker. he has, like, a's gross. well, why don't you go outand wash the caddy? and, say, russ? - yeah?

- don't forget your keys. and stay out of that oven roomuntil further notice. you got me? - i got it. you got everything laid out,disinfected? - yes, mr. tovar. - mmm. you smell like menthol. - my special cologne,just for you.

it's always niceto look at the face of somebody god took a little extra time on. too bad this ain't one of 'em. all right.let's get down to it. you got all your tools here. you got your mouth formersin a box over there. got your eye caps. now, if you run out or you can't get the eyesto close just right,

use superglue--old trick of the trade. - i did not know that. - to close the mouth,i don't have one of themfancy injector guns. just good old-fashionedneedle and string. - i actually havemy own injector gun. - well... that's fineif you know how to use it. and by the looks of you,you do.

now, the trocar. my daddy called itthe embalmer's spear. you always want to be carefulinserting the trocar, especially if the departedappears to be gassy. that's one more reasonwe wear our face shields. oh. oh, yeah. i have something to attend to. dyeanne, you help cristie.

cristie, you go aheadand set the features. [mechanical whirring] [click] [clicking] [fast-forward whirring] [fast-forward ceases] [liquid dripping] - [growls sharply] [wheezing]

- come on. dad's t-87? - yup. - ho! - get in. - what did you do? - what didn't i do? [engine turns over] that's daddy.

take your time. i'll be in the house. [door creaks] [line trilling] - you remember wherethe dining room is. - oh.yep. - hello. hi, mr. tovar. yes.

i understand. jerk. - why? was that gerald? - junior got tied up. wants us to go aheadand embalm the body. he'll check your work later. i'm supposed to be your... helper.

- hello, ladies. - hi, russell. - oh... i think i knew this dude. [chuckles]yup. yeah. i bought grassfrom this guy once. what happened to him? - pretty sure he died. - so, dye, we on for lateror what?

- got to take careof this guy first. - right now? - you mean,"embalm mr. hadley." - i can wait around for a bitand come back. oh, no.i'm cool. i was around a couple of thesewhen bobby was here. but don't stand too close. - he's not gonna barf. - yeah, it actually takes,like, a whole lot

to make me sick. - whnz news time, 8:00. in local news,for you fans of sister sara, on her new book tour, makes a stop tomorrowat the hinzmanville mall, where she'll be signingher new book, gettin' in there. bound to be a crowd-- - well, that's enough of that. hope you don't minddrinking a beer with your eggs.

- coffee would have beenpreferable. - i'm out of coffee, and there's not a whole lot elsein the house. or water.i got cold water. - bottled water? - just regular tap water. i never drink tap water. - afraid of what's in it? - you think fluoride is the onlything they put in the water?

- [scoffs] - perfect paranoia... is perfect preparedness. - well, what suits youdon't usually suit me. that's the way it's been,isn't it? something like that. you really haven't done a thing with this house either,have you? - look around, little brother.

this is your$1-million showplace. just can't get past it. - dad's death?yeah, i know. - he's everywhere i look. i just wasn't ready for it. spent 30 years in that placewith him. - maybe it's betteryou just sell it, gerald. the mortuary, the house,let it go. - you'd like that.

- live in the here and now. - the here and now sittingin front of me wants money. demands money. but i don't much care. i got big problems. - the oven in the crematorium? just get it fixed. ain't that simple. give me that beerif you're not gonna drink it.

- fine. look. i'm here now. let your brother help. - you think you want to knowmy problems? - absolutely. - well, shit.i'll tell you. [bombastic rock music] [sputtering laughter]

- oh, it was a good ideato take a break. i thought you'd show up with,like, beer or something. - [laughs] - this was a good idea. - this is good stuff. - [coughs] - [giggling] - zombie? - i didn't call him that;you did.

i don't know nothingabout zombies. - okay.okay, okay. wait, let's get this straight. so you're telling me that there are corpses at the mortuary, and they're moving? - at the crematorium. yeah, they're moving.

some of them are getting up. - okay.okay. um... so let me ask you. do they move fast,or do they move slow? are they shamblers,or are they sprinters? - well, they move real slow,harold. they're dead. - romero zombies.

whew. wow. i believe i will havethat beer now. no, no--i'll get it. you stay put. - you have reachedthe law offices of boyle, snyder,and wright. if you know your party'sextension, press it now. [phone beeps]

- hey, dan, it's harold. uh, listen. i think i have what we needto deal with my brother. i want you to look intomental incompetence, and i will call youat the office in the morning. thank you.bye. [liquid drips and fizzes] [camera whirs] [psychedelic rock music]

- why did you say you gotkicked out of school again? - i didn't. - she's a necro. what is that? - i like dead people. [snarls playfully] - you mean, like, for sex? - you should--you should have another hit. [ember crackling]

[music distorts and fades] [music resumes] - [moaning] yeah! that's awesome. - yeah! - jesus, gerald. how could this haveeven gotten started? - daddy had a side businessgoing for years...

a government deal, medical waste. - federal government? - daddy would accept stuffthey didn't want to report, they'd roll on in, and he'd just burn whateverthey brought along. got paid in cash. - really? - shit-storm started about...

now, a couple of weeks ago. that company delivereda real thick body bag. and? i have heardabout incidents like this, as a matter of fact. government crack. - crack? this ain't about drugs,harold. - no--no. no. no.

it's an anachronism,gerald. initials. look, "c.r.a.c." stands for "corpse reanimationcover-up." don't you readthe grudge report? cover-ups! socialist-run internment camps. area 51. that ring a bell to you?

jesus. and zombie outbreaks. pittsburgh, 1968, and then in '78. and louisville in 1985, and again in pittsburgh in 1990. they say that one was verysimilar to the outbreak in '68, only more gory. pittsburgh.

pittsburgh:that is where it all started. according to the grudge report, that city is zombie capitalof the world, and hinzmanville'snot that far away. - how do you know so muchabout this shit? - on the internet,so it must be true. - jesus, harold. even i know you can't believe everything you readon the internet.

i mean, let meask you something. where'd you hear this about everything on the internetbeing true? - on the internet. - so what do you think,i'm a drunk or a crazy? - oh, no, no, no. - well, i'll show you. - cristie? hey.

you okay, cristie? - you okay? - i told youwe should have told her. - you've done "e" before, right? - "e"? - ecstasy? russell put it in the cokes. - hey, you're cool. you're cool. you're cool.

you just need to chill outfor a little bit. - if you don't believe me, we'll go over to the mortuaryright now. - come on,'s late. you've been can't drive. - you can drive a stick shift,can't you? - of course.yes. - there you go. when we get over there,we'll both sober up real quick.

- all right.fine. but we're stoppingto get coffee. i want youat least a little sober so this isn't a totalwaste of time. - close that. - [gags] [vomits] oh, my god. [retches]oh, my god!

what-- [gags] oh, that is rank. - put a dab under your nose. - wha-- gerald, there must be100 bodies in here. - i figure you'rea second amendment kind of guy. i'll stick with my shovel. - a shotgun?

you're giving me a shotgun?why? what are we walking into here? - just stay right behind me,harold. - if you're tryingto shock and awe me, mission accomplished. - careful with that thing;it's loaded. - right, right. ugh. [murmuring]

what is this? - they're from thatteabagger express bus accident. happened a few days ago. you probably heard about it. - i did. i had no ideathey were brought here. oh, no. these are good americans. - the good dick armeywho was at the wheel

drove 'em allright into a ditch. - oh, no. - things started coming back tolife about two weeks ago. few days before that, the company brought out thisnew protective-like body bag. there was somethingreal strange, real corrosive in that bag. daddy accepted everythingthey brought him, put it in the fire real quick.

- but you didn't do that. - something special, isn't it? - gerald-- what? this has a method... gerald, why didn't you just burnthese bodies, get rid of them? - fire.

- you weren't around,so you wouldn't know. daddy always handledthe cremations. i couldn't even help him. i tried, but i never could. - okay, so you--you--you just... took the bodies and the money? - this wasn't everabout the money. - okay, okay.

- when daddy passed, i just kind of lost itfor a couple of weeks, and a couple of weeksbecame a couple of months. and then, you know,things just pile up on you. i guess i'm what some peoplecall a procrastinator. - right.right. - anyway, come on over here. - jesus! holy!

what... the... fuck is this? - it's bobby kimball. - why is he up therelike that? - bobby's special,like the son i never had. worked with me here for years. when the time came, i was gonna give everythingto him.

but that all got shot to shit when he got torn in halfby an 18-wheeler, like you see him now. - but...[gasping] why is he tied up therelike that? - when the others came back, i figured maybeif i tied him up, i could control him... if he came back.

- gerald, he's dead. - back from the dead. mm-hmm. see, when they come back, they come back real slow. - slow? so slowyou don't hardly notice it. i thought i was going crazy. and then i borrowedthat video camera

from our girl, dyeanne, recorded all night. put the tape in,didn't see nothing. no movement. wasn't until i accidentally hitthe fast-forward button that i saw one of 'em move. so i had time to dealwith my living corpse problem. i just had to keep an eyeon things, get 'em under control.

late at night, i'd fire upthe chain saw and deanimate 'em. [chain saw buzzing] well... gerald, that soundslike a good, creepy story, but you ought to listento yourself. you sound like a crazy person. now, frankly, all i see hereare a bunch of mutilated bodies that should have been burnedor buried a long time ago. - god damn it.- really--

- i show you all this, and youfuckin' don't believe me? - whoa, gerald. - i got the cameraright over there. come on.i'll show you! - battery's dead. - we'll go to my office.i got more tapes in there. - gerald,, no. - harold--- no! i'm done.

i've had quite enough. it's been a long night. i'm going to my motel. your shotgun. jesus, gerald. never a goddamned zombie aroundwhen you need one. you in here? junior? - oh, lord.what a stink.

- what are you doing hereso late, dear? you shouldn't be in here. - well, i forgot my purse. i was on my way backfrom the casino. i drove all the way out therefor nothing. can you imagine that? so anyway, i came back, and i thought i heard voicesin here, so i...

junior. what's going on in here? all these bodies, i-- oh! [screaming] [shrieks] [gunshot] - aunt lou! aunt lou!

- i... - oh, sweetheart. i'm so sorry. come on. - [wheezing] - come on, you.come on. - [sobs] - come on.let's go. - come on, dear.

i'm gonna take you onover here. we'll--we'll set you downon the old couch. ah, you're gonna begood as new. lay on down here. there you go.oh, there you go. now, you leave that alone. - oh, junior. i don't understand, junior. i got bit real bad.

[moans] what was that thing? was that some, like--some sort of crazy person? shouldn't we be goingto the hospital? why aren't we goingto the hospital? - i can't take youto the hospital, lou. i'm pretty sure they couldn'tdo anything for you anyway. and i sure as hell knowthey wouldn't understand. - understand?

are you sayingthat thing killed me? - you just lay your headback now. close your eyes. rest. i'll be back in a while. and everything will be... just the wayit's supposed to be. you get some rest now, lou. [projector humming]

- why is thisall happening now, daddy? i tried to do everythingjust like you wanted. [muffled thumping] [keys jingle] aunt lou? [gasps] - just up here. - gotcha. oh.oh, my.

this is where you bringthe deceased, huh, deedee? - i told's dyeanne. - well, i have to tell you. i'm not a big fanof being around the dead. i'm all about the living. making a difference. but i do want to thank you bothfor gettin' in there and giving me a ride while the limo manwaits for the, um...

- "tow truck" is the wordthat you're looking for. - do you have purell? and a diet coke? excuse me, a diet coke? - let me go check. - thanks,'re a sweetie. and a bendy straw. - help! oh, my god!oh, my god! there's something wrongwith aunt lou.

- what's happening? - [gasps] - what the fuck? - [yelling] - shit!- [shrieking] oh, mother-- fuck--fuck it! - somebody help her. - come with

- stay the fuck back.[grunts] god.what is she doing? whoa, whoa, whoa.what the hell's wrong with her? she looks likeshe's fucking dead. - i don't know.- hey, hey, hey! stay the fuck back! - you've got--you've got to stop her! - get the fuck back! [aunt lou hissing]

- russell, here, use this. - [grunts] - be careful! - be careful?i'm a little-- i'm a little busy right now. [grunts] [chemical hissing] - [whimpering]oh, god. jesus christ.

- oh, why the heck would thatcrazy lady in there attack me? everybody likes me. - aunt lou? no idea. it's almost likeshe was a movie zombie. i mean,that's what they look like. - well, i don't get in there and watch those kind of movies. too morbid.

whoo. i'm feelinga little dizzy there. - in movies,they act like aunt lou did, and they crave brains. - sorry.what did you say there... about what the ghouls crave? - brains. - brains?oh. [solemn instrumental music]

- whew. [woman screaming] - what the hell? - oh, god. - oh, christ, dyeanne. what the hell is happening? - i don't see her anywhere. - the crazy bitch killed her. - look, i don't knowwhat's going on,

but we need to find her,and we need to lock her up. - uh, the--the crematorium. yeah, i've got keys. it's got the strongest door. whatever it is,we could put it in there. it'll be the safest place. there's nothing but a bunchof stiffs in there. let's get the fuck out of here. [clattering]

- it was meant to be. when he came back, i knew. - you... you... dug dad up? - daddy came back fastafter i gave him the taste, faster than the others. some of 'em took days. you see,i knew there was a reason

i wasn't supposed to burn him. he had it in his willto be cremated, but i didn't do it. i brought him up hereto be with me. and now he's back. - you dug dad up, and you gave him someof that fluid from the bag? - life's blood. - dad, it's harold.

- i wouldn't get too close. i didn't before,but i believe you now. - seeing's believing, harold. - but it doesn't solveyour problem. what are you going to dowith all the others at the mortuary? this is serious, gerald. people are in danger. what about aunt lou?

she's family. - no, she got bitten. pretty sure she's zombifiedby now. my god. what have you done? what are we going to do? - i brought daddy back, harold. right now, everything elseis kind of foggy. - okay, okay, okay.

okay, okay... clear heads prevail. i think that we can keepthe authorities out of this. and we won't burn them, gerald. but we've got to keepthat crematorium locked. do you understand me? locked and locked tight. and then... we go green.

- what are you talking about,harold? - maggots. maggots, gerald. i know where i can geta lot of maggots. i'll help you. i will help you... but not for free. - i have to get somethingin return. daddy's old briefcase.

there's $30,000 in there. that's all i got. - but-- that's a start, but it is not enough. - what do you want? - gerald, what do you know abouttissue harvesting? human body is worth $200,000 when it's divided upand sold to companies

who buy human tissue. here's the beauty. you get rid of your problem, and you go into the tissueharvesting business with me. - tissue harvesting? - yes! the maggots get ridof the bodies that are too far gone, and we take what we wantfrom the rest.

and the new clientswho come in, bones, gerald,are very valuable. for the funerals, we're going to have to replacethe bones with, uh-- now, i'm just thinkingoff the top of my head here-- p.v.c. pipe. who's gonna know? - and you want to do thatout of my mortuary? -'s perfect.

- that's desecration. i want no partof disrespecting the dead. - [laughs]gerald! that's what you have been doing! - protecting daddy's legacyis what i'm doing. - [laughing] - i ain't no grave-robbing,tissue-grabber. - papa! - well, little brother.

you won't be coming back again. i'd like to help you, but i'm afraid there's no curefor that bite. this is a good spot for you... with family, at home. - gerald, pick up. [cell phone ringing] cristie? now's not a good time.

oh, jesus. calm down, calm down. listen.stay put. i'll be thereas quick as i can. look, cristie, i know thisprobably ain't the right time, but there ain't no right time. we got to deal with dyeanne. - what do you mean? - she's coming back.

- she's coming back? like aunt lou? - yeah, like that. when you called, you saidyou and russ were attacked by some frothing-at-the-mouthcrazy bitch, right? well, same thing'sgonna happen to her. - what are you gonna do? - this ain't dyeanne anymore. want you to get out of here.

go on into the other room,and don't come back. go home. [doors clattering] [shotgun clicks] [chemical fizzing] holy hell. she didn't deserve that. - we have to go get russell. - get russell?

i thought you said he got pulledinto the oven room. he's dead. - we don't know that he's dead. - don't you even care? - of course i care. russell didn't deserve iteither. - don't you want to even try? - if i thought there washalf a chance in hell, i'd go in there and get him.

- isn't there a chance? - ever used a gun? - well, you pull the trigger. we're gonna go inthrough the back here. i'm thinking most of 'emwill be up near the front where they grabbed russ. - why did you havethis cage installed? - security. - why would you put a metal cagein front of the back door

of a crematorium? - keep your voice down. - what happened here? - that's gonna have to bea story for another time. let's just go get russ. stay right beside me. - oh, jeez. - stay focused on what's ahead. breathe through your mouthif you can.

if you use that, make sure you aimfor the forehead. [low moaning] i don't see russell. - me neither. - gerald... - oh, that him? he's still alive. - cristie, that ain't him.

just a corpse in a russell suit. - he ain't been deadfor too long. you can tell by the color. seems like his mind's tryingto hang on, but that ain't russ. now that we're in here,i can't watch him like that. - put an end to it. then we're gonna getthe hell out of here. - gerald, look!

- [hissing] [gunshots] - cristie, shoot that thing! shoot her! cristie! - [growling] ah! yah! [blood spurting]

[low hissing] [body thuds] cristie, where are you? - ack, get off! - god damn it, bobby,get off of her! get out of here, cristie. go on. i'll be right behind you. - [breathing heavily]

- come on inside. i'll fix you up. - [sobbing] - i'm gonna sit you down. - you're in shock, cristie. you need to get some fluidsin you. - thank you, gerald. - here you go. drink this.

it's warm,and it may not taste so good, but it'll do the trick. - what is it? - it's one of themenergy drinks. - [moans] like red bull or monster? - something like that. go on.drink it. it'll make you feellike a new woman.

i promise. [gasping] god!what did you give me? [groaning] [panting] you poisoned me. - not poison, cristie. life's blood. you'll see.

- no! - you're special. wasn't no accidentyou came here to me. i can see that now. [whimpering] - when you come back,i'll take care of you. [muffled whimpering] - don't you worry, now. [nostalgic rock music]

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