hi! amar sent this for you. amar! he has sent it for you. somebody shouldlove me for a moment. even if it's fake. amar! see this useless tv! you don'tunderstand polite language. i don't know what all things...
take your medicine on time. and today pleasedon't eat junk food. lost vagabond traveler. why do you wander around lost? my heart, smile. enjoy life. why is the earth round? why are thereproblems in the world? smile and laugh.forget your sorrow. learn how to be happy.
keep your footfirmly on the ground. life is a deceit. endure it. keep your foot firm on the ground. what is good? what is bad? what is right? what is wrong? if you think about all this,you won't be able to live. vishwanath! did you see iplcricket match last night? yes! what girls! it was great!
girls! did you see dhoni?he was hitting sixes! our players are in all the teams. i don't understand whoseside to take. it's so confusing. this is not confusion.this is called fusion. - fusion? of indian andinternational cricketers! this is the future of cricket. got it? i don't think he understood. sir!
boss has called you. you have still not met boss? good morning, teacher! amar! rohra file... done?- yes. tally? good! take this.complete the credit list. in order of priority.
sir, i have mydoctor's appointment at 5:30. i had to collect some reports. i am suffering from astomach problem, sir. 5:30! two hours beforethe office finishes. if you have to go,then you have to go. thank you, sir. listen! complete the file. take it home.
complete it throughout the night. and take these files. take it. complete credit list ofthree years. take it. you said you have to go, right? and listen! send water for me. yes, doctor. ms. swati, doctorhas called you inside. hi! how are you?
i am good! do you know? i wasjust talking to priya? yes! what happened?- to whom? to you, dear. this is thethird time i am seeing you here. nothing. stomach problem. what did dr. khan say? he said get your gastro copy done. this is what dr. khantold my husband too!
ulcer in the stomach. here. but after doing the test,do you know what the result was? stomach cancer.that too second stage. sorry to hear that. okay, mr. amar, doctoris calling you inside. no, i am just bored. forget all that now... my report... - yes, yourreports have arrived. it's... you said it's ulcer.
yes. i did say ulcer.- yes. mr. kaul, it's... a little, alittle more complicated than that. do i have stomach cancer? mr. kaul, you should havecome to me much earlier. you want to have a glass of water? please. you mean to say ihave stomach cancer? i'm sure there is somemisunderstanding, doctor. maybe the reports got mixed up.it frequently happens.
did you double check? how can i havestomach cancer, doctor? i am only 37 years old. i never smoked. i never drank. i don't eat spicy food too, doctor. my maid at times addsmore pepper in the food. but mama too eats it. shedoesn't have any problem. look, mr. kaul. stomach cancer is frequentlydetected in the late stage.
many times it'sdetected in the 3rd stage. and by then it's very late. unfortunately this is whathas happened in your case too. at that stage there is verylittle medical science can do. are you sure? i am sorry, mr. kaul. how much time do i have left? the world seems forlorn, still. my dream, so innate.
within the shimmer ofthe city lies darkness. sorrow is hiddenbehind every smile. if this is true then let melive each moment to its fullest. and smilingly iwill say to sorrow. goodbye! life, don't meet me as a stranger. worship isincluded in every prayer. why are you woebegone? cheer up!
do you know,you have so much work left? cool. so you didn't do thework i gave you yesterday. no, right? sir, i am not well. look, mr. kaul. this is an office. it's not a kg classroom. that you said sir, i was not well.my stomach was paining. so i didn't do my homework.
god! namdev! sir, namdev has gone to theairport to pick up your wife. i see. come here. he can't do anything.he is messing up everything. go. handle it. do something.- i will do something. come. listen! i had ordered for juice!
find out whetherit has come or not. were our problems less, amar... ...that you have putus into more trouble? what did boss say? this is last year'soutstanding account. the credit list hasto be checked. got it? that too within an hour. his father is in delhi.with a sword in his hand. you have spoilt my mood.
really!somebody makes the mistake... ...and somebody elsehas to pay the price! my day is ruined! come on! tonight i willalleviate your sorrow with rum. toast?- toast. the cure for our sorrow.let's go there. great! give me my rum. sir, the stock got over.
shall i serve youanother brand? it's good. another brand! fool! change your wife,your house, car... ...but never change your brand. got it? a brandshows a person's stature. what will you understand? go and tell themanager that jagtap has come. and he has said to serve hisbrand from the stock at the back. go.
i swear, sir. therewas only one bottle left. i just served it to a customer. shall i give you a punch? my brother's friend is anexcise inspector! got it? i will shut down your bar! sir! you can have mine! i gave it to him. why should i take it from him?he seems to be a simpleton. leave!
come on! i just had a pack.- wow! what are you looking at? i'm looking for an'l' board. learner. already you are drunk. i'm drinking for the first time. before dying i wanted tosee what it tastes like. if you have not drunk thenyou have not lived your life. maybe that's why i am dying.- give me ice.
i would have died ifi had not got my brand. thank you. you seem to be the type of manwho drinks when he is tense. why are you tense? mister, i just told you.i am going to die. why are you harping about dying? i am going to die.they all are going to die. his death is written in my hands. give me one...- pass me the coke.
are you drinking forthe first time? - yes. do you smoke?- i don't smoke. girls? once i watched a bluefilm when i was in college. have you ever gambled?- never! have you ever fought with somebody? in the 5th gradei pushed my friend. he had taken my lunch. it's better you die.
i mean look at me. my liver has shrunkdue to drinking. still i come here everyday. ask him. look at me. i have a wife at home.still i have two girlfriends. one in kandivli.and the other in antop hill. saw my guts? i took a loan of 3.5lakhs from the bank.
i have not repaid a penny. i forged my father's signature... ...and seized aplot worth 30.5 lakhs. you look likemunnabhai film's jimmy shergil. woebegone! not a coward. but a dying man. what do you want? what should i do? i want that you learnto live before you die. like this.
sir, i want a long vacation.because i am going to die. how irresponsible of you, mr. kaul! at the time of year ending,life ending! who will do the work? who will do it? who will do it? i said samosa (fried snack).and not laddoo (sweet). mama! you won't reform even after dying. you are making a list?make it! make it! make your things to-do list.
what have you done in yourboring life besides this? drink more! boring man! this is notthe effect of liquor! it's the effect ofyour boring life! but who are you? don't you recognize your face? i am you. i admit that grammar is not proper. but i can't give you abetter introduction.
you see... i am you. relax! relax! relax!mr. amar kaul! this had to happen someday. the man who liveswith his own self... ...finally talks tohis own self too. i won't live forlong to talk to myself. i heard you are going to die. did you tell mama? she won't be able to hear it.
yes, which mother would beable to hear her son's... she really won't beable to hear it. her hearing aid isnot working properly. even if she heard, shewon't be able to understand. if she understood, shewon't be able to tolerate it. fine! fine! did you tell vivek? what's the use of telling him? he never supported me in life.what will he support me in death?
fine. tell me. what's your plan? will you somedayjust place your head... ...on your own lap and die? no. i will fight. you will fight? i see. with whom? the doctor? no. death. all your life, youcouldn't fight with life.
and you will fight with death! look, you died a long time ago. got it? and this... its justthe printout of your death. what do you mean? i mean... what listwere you making just now? buying bottle gourd. not zucchini. giving the account to boss. buying hearing aid battery formummy. repairing the geyser. sitting on the donkey.blah! blah! blah!
a person will die ofboredom by reading your list. so what should i do? tear my clothes androam around naked? and shout...i am dying! i am dying! sister, i am dying. brother,i am dying! i knew... nobody will understand. but you are... i am 37 years old. i remained an accountsmanager all my life.
i didn't marry. don't you know what allthings i endured in my life? you are not born with adestiny like shah rukh khan. fine. whatever little godhas given you... enjoy it. what are you trying to say?what do you mean? i mean to say, according to me,your biggest ambition in life is... ...repairing geyser urgently. look, i too have many ambitions. there are many things in lifewhich i want to do. - like what?
like... i want to buy a new car.i want to take a foreign trip. and... that's it! now you have understood! make its list. 'things to do... ...before i die.' new car. wow!
foreign trip. that's better! and love... iove... airbag, sir. front and back. cup holder. cigarette lighter. integrated rests on rear seats. and yes, powersteering and power window. for your safety. my safety?- yes.
sir, if you want, i willtake you on a test drive. no! what's the price of this car? sir, you can take the car bygiving a down payment of one lakh. and the rest in installments. emls. how many emls? sir, for 48 monthsmeaning four years, 18,907. four years is too long.any shorter term? yes, sir. two yearswhich is approximately...
yes! 35,215.- shorter than that? one year. don't you have anyplan for three months? sir, we don't have anyscheme for three months. you see, i want to repayit all within three months. okay. i will just check. it will be around3,15,000 for one month, sir. and it's not a veryadvisable thing to do. 3,15,000!
i think i will have touse my provident fund. i will meet you later.- okay, sir. thank you very much.- thank you so much, sir. pleasure, sir. thank you. thank you, man!- fantastic, savio sir! excellent! i want to learn kal hona ho's title track. kal ho na ho! every moment... that one!- oh! that hindi film!
very nice! sir, will i learn this?it's my big wish. no worries, man.i will make you a rock star. in seven months. savio will make you arock star in seven months. sorry, savio sir. but can'tyou do it in three months? fool! what do you think? i am sitting here and runninga crash course or something? you thought you will come,put the guitar in your pelvis... ...and become elvis!
playing the guitar is an art. no matter how muchtime you take, it's less. sorry, savio sir. there are ways to go there.why don't you understand? since the time ihave become sensible... ...i have been going to dance bars. i've got work! i've got work, mr. amar! please! concentrate!give your time!
otherwise, i will be in trouble. please! concentrate on your life! listen!- yes, sir! did you get the files? yes, sir. namdev just kept it here. fine. it should befinished by tomorrow. tomorrow? but sir... hello. you too! he says andyou listen to him. he orders you aroundand you do his bidding.
he exploits you and you get scared. people suppress theweak ones. got it? like button, bell etc. this is amar kaul's problem. people bully him andhe allows them to. what? nothing. hang on! what?- nothing.
you fool! you are a coward!do something! got it? otherwise... i gave the car loan fileto boss. what's its status? you ask him. okay. i will ask him. sir... car loan...- it can't be done. why, sir?- what do you mean? have you seen thestate of our city?
there is so much traffic. it takes me one andhalf hour at least... ...to come here from shivaji park. and so much pollution! i don't want to addto the city problems. mr. kaul, before asking for a loan,think how much money... ...the company hasearned because of you. first earn and then ask for a loan. be an asset to thecompany and not a liability.
nothing. then go out.and throw this in the dustbin. make the report and bring it. i have to send the report tothe headquarters by evening. sir, would youplease take a look at it? i want you to give it a look. let's have a look. take it outside. sir, here. good morning, sir!
good morning!- good morning, sir! sir, i sit here. where is it, mr. kaul?where is it? here is acme chemical file. and...- yes. this... what! you deleted this! no. now i have deleted it.
permanently. mr. amar kaul! i amgoing to cut you into pieces! mr. dasgupta.- yes. nothing! nothing! god, i don't wantanything from you. i just want my husband! what do you mean left it?do you get jobs easily? don't do anything good! now what will you do?
i will buy a car, mama. poor saloni! i just want my husband's love! amazing, sir. you organisedyour finance so quickly. being an accountmanager has some benefits. congratulations on your new car!- thank you! just sign this insurancecover note. then we are done. here.- excuse me! does it take you twoweeks to repair a car's ac?
i have been calling at yourservice centre since long! no response! is this howyou treat your customers... hi.- hi. i want to see my carright now! come! sorry about that, sir. at times there is overload of work.- its okay. do you know him? yes. congratulations, sir!- thank you!
key of your new car!- thank you! congrats! this is my favourite colour! red! excellent choice, sir! here! now shall we go for a test drive? sir, now what test drive?now the car is yours. but i didn't drive it. no problem. come.let's go for a drive. sir, actually my shift is over.and i have to go somewhere.
that's even better.i will drop you there. no, no, sir!- in the new car! no, sir! it's out ofthe way! let it be! it's okay. i insist.if you don't mind. okay, sir. because you insist. i will just come, sir. one minute. thank you! sir, the car which you havebought... very good choice. sir, this car's rackand steering wheel...
...are perfect forclose manoeuvring. i can see. hey! shameless! blind auto driver! i have just bought a car.gradually i will learn abuses too. sir, all this is common. sir, do you know, you havea cd changer in this car? yes?- yes. there is a four way speaker. hang on, sir. i will show you. if i say that...
just a second. hello. yes. yes. okay. okay. i will see you. alright. bye. sir, drop me ahead to the left. my boyfriend is waiting for me. sir, not here. ahead. near ccd. that's it! he is right there. thank you for the ride, sir.- you are welcome.
you stay here? no. actually we have come hereto see a house on rent. anyway, sir. congratulationsonce again! remember that your car's firstservicing is after three months. okay. thank you so much,sir. see you. come on! let's go! hi!- hi! who's he? that's a friend who dropped me.- right.
okay. ready?- yes. alright. i should have bought a bike. you fool... forget a bike.even if you had got a boeing 747... ...still you would nothave enticed her. did you forget neha? neha. amar kaul's first love. and amar kaul's second love too.
and amar kaul's third love too. you fool, do something soon.you don't have much time. o my god! mama, what are you doing? how come my heart is so big? mama, this is not your heart.this is my stomach's x-ray. your stomach? what happened to you? nothing. a small problem, mama. problem is not in thestomach. its here.
you and your superstitions. i should get my x-ray done! the maid which you have kept... ...we don't come to know whenshe comes, adds chillies... ...in the vegetables andwhen she goes away. it means today again somebodydidn't eat food. mama, let's do one thing. today we will have dinner outsideand we'll go in our new car. our car?
yes, mama. our new car. my son! well done! let's go.- come on! god! you are great! you have done a great deed,son! very good, my son! you have bought a fabulous car! your papa used to... isn't it good, mama?- yes. let's go and have dinner.
let's have some delicious meal! put the seat belt, mother.- belt. belt! belt!- mama! mama, it's a belt! it will get stuck. mama, don't worry. okay! okay!- yes! mama, if you wear the seatbelt then even if... ...there is an accident,still nothing happens.
i see!- okay! i will die when i have to die. very good, my son! very good! brown girl in the ring. are you calling a waiter! fast, man! you shouldn't be scared of theguitar. you should strum it. so much time you are taking.i have to go now.
i have to reach at 6 o'clock. but sir, now its only 3 o'clock. i don't own a car like you, man. i have to change two buses andone local train to reach there. vasai is far away from here. let's go. will you dropme to the bus stop? savio sir, forget the bus stop.i will drop you to vasai. i just needed a smallfavour from you. you said that your niece worksin a telephone company.
i wanted somebody's numberand address, savio sir. you can't do anything! you can't! amar kaul! neha! i couldn't recognise you! really?- yes. liar! amar, i am so excited tosee you! look at you! how much weight you have lost!how did you do this?
i still can't believe it!what were you doing here? me?- yes. i came to meet somebody. anyway. it's a great surprise. do you remember shraddha society? of course! and you rememberthat watchman gangaram! every night he usedto drink and sing... do you remember? we had put his bottlein the water tank.
you hid it there. yes! whatever! and what was that secretary'sname, he was so grumpy. uncle tandon! yes! he was saying... kids! today the watertastes different! o god! whose call is this?- you have not changed at all! you too! hello!
yes. i am coming to meet you. i am just reaching, mother. okay. bye. how is your mother?- fine! she will be so excitedto see you, amar. here? yes. just up! up! left! come on! let's go inside! what are you hiding?
you like this flowera lot, don't you? you used to put it in your hair. so silly i was, wasn't i?! mummy!- my child! how are you? had your meals? what did you eat? maggi.- you had maggi! you had maggi! say hello to uncle.- hello. uncle, what is your name? amar.
and what is your name?- trishana. trishna. not trishna. trishana here. is she harassing you?- no! not at all! when did you get married?- in 2000. you know, varun, my husband... ...he is an investmentbanker with icici. banker weds banker.
capital gain. mother, look who has come! aren't you the one who fell inour colony's gutter on holi? it was the first time that a firebrigade came to our colony. with a long rope three men enteredthe gutter to pull him out. mother, you too. here, dear.- no. eat it quickly. amar, you have not eatenanything. eat it.
my appetite is full. so amar, what do you do? i was an account manager ina pharmaceutical company. i left my job a few days ago. between jobs. are youplanning to go abroad? this is what i am planning. amar won't say anything. he was our colony's secretive guy. he used to do everything secretly.
you know, every evening,we used to meet... ...in the compoundof our building... ...and we used to play dumbsheras(game). that guessing game. yes. i know. we playedin delhi too. not like amar and me. i was the master. and amar wasthe partner. right, amar? he would give the clue.i would guess. i would guess. he wouldgive the clue. we were just too good, varun!just too good!
yeah! undefeated chumsof shraddha society. correct! correct! youdon't believe me! give him any name. give him any movie's name.and see how he does it. neha, you too. amar, just relax. we will showthese people from delhi. okay, ms. mumbai! come on! four! hindi!
second word! bye! bye-bye! hindi! hindi! hindi! alvida (goodbye)!kabhi alvida na kehna! excellent!- saw that? amar says everything withoutsaying anything. here. have kulfi (lce-cream). i remember. you likeit a lot, don't you? aunt, you too...- eat it.
come! come! come! she is tired! amar, this is for you. isn't this when we allhad gone to aksa beach? when was this? you know we had gone for building'spicnic. remember? adi had bought a new camera. and we clicked this photograph. it's so sweet, isn't it?
so nice! this...- it's for you. i have another copy. thank you, neha.- you are welcome, amar. i am pleased to meet you all.thank you for the dinner. do keep in touch.- of course. now don't vanish again.- i won't. promise. bye.- bye. so mr. lover kaul!did you tell her?
yes! you are bluffing! againyou couldn't tell her! you are a coward! you can't do anything! coward! coward! coward! coward! i want to say something to you. my daughter... is really sweet. my husband... is very nice. this rain... is really nice.
this house... is great. amar! three words! english! third word! me! me! you! you! you! first word. i. jhulka. gun master g9!- who is this?
it's the season to sing. sing and play. to bring a smile on a sad face. to make smiling faces cry. this life, this world.its all ours. of crazy people. old friend. gun master!- g9! i love you!- you are mine!
gun master g10! where thehell have you been, man? i am in mumbai. howare you? foreigner! it's been such a long time!how have you been? i am fine. did you get married? yes, i got married. and you? we must meet, amar. hello! hello! amar! hello, amar!
rajiv!- yes. you want to meet, right?- of course, man! fine. i am coming. you are coming here?- of course! wow! when?- very soon! i want to meet you. hello! hello, amar! it got disconnected. who was that? amar kaul. my school friend.he was my best friend.
i told you about him, didn't i?he is coming here. i cannot tolerate cold easily. excuse me, ma'am. keep it down. do it in this. excuse him. he is travellingin a plane for the first time. but, he has hit two birdswith one stone. a foreign trip... and rajiv jhulka. amar and rajiv,best friends since childhood.
best buddies and pals. rajiv, you keep the bigger one. thank you. - welcome. thank you, amar. you keep the bigger... - youkeep it, you keep the bigger one. they shared everything in life. everything! except... for their fate.
excuse me, sir. my friend likes them a lot. yes, the flight has landed. he should be coming out now. g9! i have come for you! how are you? i am fine, how are you? rajiv jhulka, chutney and bread.
amar kaul, where is my rice? why have you become so thin? but you look so fit. i am a doctor,i have to maintain myself. why are you wearing a sweater?is it going to snow here? you know mummy, you are going toa foreign country... ...wear the sweaterand the suit too. look, what i brought for you. tamarind sweets.
you like them a lot, don't you? you like it. and how is sister-in-law?- she is fine. wow. - welcome. such a big swimming pool!- it is a lake. we can go swimming in the evening.do you want to come along? you forgot, i stilldon't know swimming. and this... the water is spilling fromthe pot... seems completely indian.
fishes. - there is a tortoise too. it is such a splendorous house. is it yours? - yes. seems like people oftenfall ill here. take a seat. so, you have arrived. that's my wife, aditi.- sister-in-law! no, no. aditi, that's amar.
nice to meet you. take a seat. - you sit too. amar kaul. rajiv and i werein the same school. and, in the same society too. shraddha society, vile parle.remember. vile parle, east. and now, rajiv has come so far. how did you do all this?how do you feel?
i didn't do anything,it all happened. to tell you the truth,amar, everything is fine... ...but there is no fun livingin an unknown city. we miss india a lot. we yearn so much to speak hindi. don't worry, now i have come here. i will talk only in hindi.- promise. don't you come to india? i do, sometimes.but i don't get time from my work.
oh yes... you...- i'll be there in half an hour. you are a doctor too.both of you are so busy. such a big house. you don't get time. amar... - what happened? i will have to leave,there is an emergency operation. oh yes, it is your duty. please, of course.- you will be okay? of course.
i have set up your room upstairs. i will show him around. - okay! bye, see you. we will meet in the evening.- of course. we will drink. bye! - see you. this is my first foreign trip. really. i never travelledout of india before.
is it for business or any work? no, i just came to meet g9! rajiv! - oh yes. i call him g9! gunmaster g9! gunmaster g10! both of us werevery active members... ...of the mithun chakrabortyfan club. we would never miss any ofmithun's movies.
first day first show. rajiv and i! he is my best friend. and, you should meet yourbest friend sometimes. that's why, i came here. and... this is my passportand some money. if you can keep them safely...- of course. amar, i am so sorry. i didn't even ask you anything.
would you like to have something? tea, juice. no, no, no sister-in-law,don't worry. i have eaten in the plane. they feed you so much,that now i have developed gas. but, just get me a glass of water. of course, i will be right back. amar, i have kept water for you. thank you sister-in-law!
salvatore. are you sure?but salvatore is... cancer medicine. your friend is sufferingfrom cancer. oh god. but, why didn't he tell me? don't you see, rajiv? see what? you haven't met him for 12 years.
and now, suddenlyhe wants to meet you. so, what are you saying? don't you remember,my uncle had arrived? i am missing my nephew!i am missing my nephew! and ultimately, what did he say. free treatment for kidney failure. free doctors. stop it, please! amar is my friend,he is not like that.
and if there is any problem,if he doesn't have money... ...we can afford it, can't we? calm down!why are you getting angry? i was just... did he eat? i will call him but pleasedon't say this in front of him. amar... - i am not hungry,you have your food. the world seems lonely, still! darkness withinthe shimmer of the city.
sorrow is hidden behindevery smile. and smilinglyi will say to sorrow. no, no you go! i don't want! not interested! you go! see, i don't want! i told you! i am not interested. i don't want! please go. i am so sorry!
see... i didn't mean it. this is life! it was about to end in four months. then why all this? things we did and things to do. new car. foreign trip.guitar. rajiv jhulka. it's a joke. everything is a joke.
why am i doing it? why? i know... i know what to do? sorry, mama. you don't know whathas happened with me. everything is going wrong. o god, what is this? she doesn't even let medie in peace.
i told you to leave me alone. good sandwich. where am... i from? i am from india. mumbai! do you know mumbai? bollywood. yes, bollywood! somebody should love mefor a moment.
someone expresses his lovefor just two days. hello, rajiv,this is amar speaking. where are you, amar? that day you left just likethat without saying anything. sorry... i was... but,i am absolutely fine. and i am having a lot of fun.don't worry about me. but, do you knowhow worried we are. we have been lookingfor you for three days now. where are you? just come back.
there is no time leftfor me to come back. my flight leaves in the evening.- what do you mean you are leaving? i saw you after 12 years,how can you just leave like that? you are needlesslygetting emotional. there is nothing like that, rajiv. just come back home, okay.please. look, i wanted to meetyou and i did. i wanted to see a foreigncountry and i did. this is my life's mostmemorable trip.
and, i am very happy. and i want to go back happily. i have given sister-in-law my passportand money to keep it safely. will you please bring itto the airport? give my regards to sister-in-law! there is no time, otherwisei would i would have personally... okay, i will be there. god! - what happened? is he alright?
he is leaving. somebody should loveme for a moment. where is my shirt? for me! even i play the guitar. i like it, thank you. i go back, to mumbai. i go back. no, i never come back.
what is this? it is a strange place.- your passport, ticket. oh yes, passport, wallet. rajiv, there's some money missing,did sister-in-law... do you want some money? i was just joking. you traveled so far to meetand in this condition. and i'm really feeling sorry. fine, on that note, treatme to a coffee.
you keep the bigger one. it's an old habit. do one thing. cancel your ticket,and come with me. there are manycancer specialists... ...i will get your treatment done. trust me.- rajiv, what are you saying? you are a doctor too.and where are you from? you are from india.
the best doctors in theworld come from india. india is great. don't worry. don't worry! did sister-in-law like thebag i brought for her? fax me all the reports thatthe doctors give you. i will consult my friends. fine.promise. fine, now i will leave.
the flight has been announced. i might miss the flight. bye, amar. bye buddy. okay, see you gunmaster g9! see you g10! you said it. bye. keep fighting.
hey, lover boy. tell me something,do you remember neeraj paudwal? 3rd a! the one who didthe horlicks ad. my photo is in the papers! look, my photo is in the papers. has your photo ever beenprinted in the newspaper? see, you still remember. he never let me forget. because of him, i wouldthink everyday...
...when my photo will be publishedin the newspaper. but, there is a point in this. when your photo is publishedin the newspapers... ...your saga can continueeven after you are dead. isn't it? photo... on... the front... page. when all of this has happened... ...then, maybe this dreamwill come true too. may be.
have fun. goodbye, lover boy. why are you looking at, savio sir? it is an imported one,i have brought it for you... ...absolutely duty free.- thank you. but i prefer whiskey. i always say, when thespirit is so white... ...something is not right. but, what i can do is...i will give it to mario.
he will like it very much.if you don't mind, that is. who is mario? my younger brother. the one who lives in vasai.keep quiet. why are you getting tense?i am going to meet him today. doesn't your brotherever visit you? in '87 he fell offthe local train... ...and lost both his legs. poor man.
but, now he is fine and cranky. and after two glasses of vodka...he'll be flying man. do you have only one brother?- yes. only one. savio! and mario! brothers in arms. action. why are you staring at that aunt? take a look at me.
i have a car, bungalow,bank balance. i have laptops, computers. mobile phones, 10 mega pixels. and then, i have yourpunch line too. i have a mother too. actually, because of theparade every morning... ...outside the police quarters... ...mother cannot sleep. and that's why, these daysshe sleeps in my house.
because i have an ac! i speak english. cut! cut! cut! what happened? great sir.- arun. - yes sir. sir, it is getting a bit loud. loud! hello. you have to be a bit loud,it is a t. v serial. t. v serials have to be loud.
even the ac is not working here. but still please attend to it. if you do it a bit subtly,it will be really nice. hello. who is this? you have called on this number?- who is this speaking? i... can i talk to vivek kaul. sir is in a very importantdiscussion. call him later. look, tell him thatit is very important.
i told you, he is in a veryimportant discussion. do one thing, leave a message. no, i want to talk to himpersonally, no message... if it's so important,then send your resume... ...and your photographs,everything in the office. do you have the address? what nonsense? he has become sucha big director... ...that he can't even talk tohis brother for two minutes?
selfish person. go to hell all of you. has the connection got cut off?what has happened to our t. v? this is too much now. this amar... he doesn'teven charge the battery. and all the... i... i... have mother. i know that she is constablekallu's mother. chintu's mother. pappu's mother.
but mother is after all a mother.you are strange. suresh sir, just a second. sorry. give sir the script.- yes. yes, tell me.mama is fine, isn't she? okay! it's very hot. and there is a lot of traffic too. how is your shooting going?- fine. mama watches your serials a lot.
where is mama? she has gone to the temple. vivek, why don't youkeep mama with you? keep her with me! why? is mama feeling toaffectionate towards me? she is your mama too. and she feels like stayingwith you too. look, mother is growing old... ...and we have someresponsibilities.
just a minute, brother.it is your responsibility too. which responsibilitydid you fulfill? who broke the relations?me or you? just forget what happened? vivek, it happens.it happens in a family. it happens in every home. brother, your family doesn'tthrow you out of the house... ...for one mistake. and what was the mistake?i didn't do anything wrong.
i married the girl i loved. and dorice and i are very happy. i agree, whatever happenedwas very wrong. and i am happy to know that youare very happy with dorice. but, what about mama? listen to me. i want mama to stay withyou for a few days. brother, but i don't want it. why don't you?
why don't you want it? isn't it your responsibility? aren't you her son? that's strange. what has mama done for me? and you tell me.you are my elder brother... ...why didn't you takea stand for me? why didn't you support me? mama didn't like dorice.
so, why didn't you sayanything on my behalf? mama and you threw meout of the house. that's it. what else could i do?throw mama out. she is stubborn andyou are stubborn too. and i have to suffer. like i have to sufferthe consequences. don't i want toachieve great feats? the big director.
brother, is this whyyou called me here? i have left my work to come here! and you will always be a loser. till today you could neverdo anything for yourself... ...and you can never doanything either. you want money, don't you? tell me if you wantsome money for mama. i will send a nurse,i will send some money! just tell me.
you just wasted my timeby calling me here. listen. i don't want your money. i don't want your favour either. i am telling you this, because... ...after me, mama willbecome very lonely. i won't live much longerto be with mama. and she can't livealone in this flat. do you understand what i am saying?
if you don't, then think aboutit and try to understand it. i won't live much longerto take care of mama. but no one in our family history... did you take a second opinion? it has happened, vivek. but are you sure, only two months? let it be, two months. 21/2 months. what difference does it make? the point is idon't have much time.
and, irrespective of whateverhappens to me... ...what will we do with mama? you know, only you can handleher insanity other than me. mama is... does she still strugglewith the t. v remote? everyday. she can neverrecognise any button... ...except for that of the shirt. whether it is the remote button,the phone button...
...or the lift button. you remember, when she took us... ...to papa's officefor the first time. maalamaal towers, 19th floor.- yes! and, as soon as sheentered the lift... ...she pressed four buttonsconsecutively. the lift stopped working. and after that, she pressedthe fire alarm too. that was the most embarrassingday of papa's career.
and the fire brigade arrivedin 10 minutes... ...and you were cryingaway like a girl. but, i was justseven years old brother. but i remember, you heldmy hand and said... ...don't worry, i am there. i will not let anythinghappen to you. how old were you? is your mathematics weak? i was 11 years old.- 11!
no, i won't let you die. i won't let you die, brother. you won't die brother. mama, what is he doing? lie down quietly. who says you have stomach cancer. that fake doctor andyou know nothing. baba, please carry on. he is a very learned sage.
nirmala, your aunt.he has cured her. mama, aunt nirmala had gastritisand not stomach cancer. and, what do you have? keep quiet. she was so scaredbefore coming here. and now, she plays tennis. mama... stop it now, mama. all this is of no use.
nothing is wrong withyou, understood. we have already faced... ...the biggest bad luck ofour life 20 years ago. when your father passed away. bad fate doesn't follow all along. understood that. and that too, because somefake doctor has said it. listen to what your mama is saying. nothing has happened to you?
come on, change your clothes. come with me. where? there is a witch doctor in vashi. who conducts by-pass surgerywith his fingers. fingers... i told you, nothingis wrong with you. look, take a look at him. can anyone say that anythingis wrong with him.
mama, i...- amar! get up, son. listen. we will use the lift. there is no time to waste. look at your hand. is it raksha bandhan (festival)? yes sir. i have made bonds withmany witch doctors. look, this red one...swami vibhuti prasad.
this, the nagadewalebaba (sage), aatish. this is the witch doctortrimbakeshwar maharaj (sage)... no, he had given this ring. ganteshwar maharaj. i don't know, sir. one life, so many baba's! but, since when did youbecome so superstitious? not me, sir, my mother. and she is not this superstitious......she just recently became one.
any problem in life? yes sir, life is my problem. that's why, i came to learnguitar from you at this age. in muqaddar ka sikander,he went with a smile. i want to go playing. mother! my mother! dear mother... mama. fate will change.
the bonds of sorrow will break. even gods yearn for you. you are full of blessings. my mother! my mother! we will be fortunate again. life will be filledwith joys again. with you, i am not afraid. very nice. how did you like it, mama?- what?
my song, my first performance. i didn't hear it. this useless, vivek.he forgot to bring the battery. vivek.- brother, why are you telling me? i asked you to get the battery. i will have to do everything. mama, give that to me. put on. i am the most innocent.
i am your dear son. life is very complicated, mother. you are amar's entire world. your scolding seems so nice. whenever you catch my ears,it hurts, my mother. my mother! mama, where are you going? that... he has come,i am going there. who, the one at vashi or at virar?
he is a godly man. go up, he is all alone. brother! i am here. where did mama go? she has gone to meetan electrician. do you know what thiselectrician does? he mixes many herbs... what isthe frogs younger one called? tadpole.- tadpole.
he thrusts it inside the tadpole'smouth... all the herbs. and after that, he thrusts thetadpole in the patients' mouth. and after that, the tadpole... ...does a world tourof your entire body... ...destroys all your ailments. even cancer. can you believe this? come on, come inside and lie down. i am fine, gopi.
i like it here. you know, in the beginningwhen i bought this flat... ...it was because of this view. and i thought that, everyday afterarriving from the office... ...i will sit here comfortablyand have coffee. and how many times did i do that? not even once. i would come here onlyto dry my towel. and i would see only thestain on the towel...
...and nothing else. and now. and now, i sit hereas long as i can. for hours. see that fountain. it opens up every eveningat 5 o'clock. and at the same time... ...children come there to playfootball on the ground. and that basketball court.
only on weekends theyplay basketball there. other times, theyuse it for skating. and also fight sometimes. same like you. life is so beautiful,isn't it gopi? rajiv, this is for you. amar left it for you. for me. you remember, he wouldalways complain...
...that no one evergifts him anything. but he made sure that heleft gifts for everyone. everyone. wow. for his music teacher savio he hasleft an honorarium, his car. he gave him his car. and the girl, garima whosold him the car... ...he has given himhis house on rent. you were giving something to neha. his childhood memories!photo album.
and for his boss das gupta,he has left behind his guitar. by the way, this is not for me. this is for a lady called... i am just the courier boy. he must have made a list.what to gift someone. he had made a list. his last list. things to do. new car. foreign trip. neha.
guitar. boss's boss. mama. rajiv jhulka. love.photo on front page. not bad, 9 out of 10! 10 out of 10! just a minute. look... he had alreadyarranged for this. do you have pen?- yes. on 3rd page, isn't it? can i keep this list?- yes.
what are the 10 thingsi want to do before i die? firstly, your family...leave them happy. leave them comfortsand securities... ...so that they don't haveto face problems after you. firstly, i wish that...i want this to happen. that, there should be peacein the entire world. there are no more bombs,people live life peacefully. whatever i would do, wouldbe very close to... ...what amar kaul does, becausei figured out that...
...if i was going to end my life. now even i wouldwant to actually... ..more than anythingto set things right. before i die, i want... ...go to a place wherei never went before. i want to do something beautifulfor my parents. i want to do somethingfor my mummy and papa. get together with all my friends. who i have been in touch withever since i was a child.
one week get together,before i die. i want to live life. i want to have kids. two kids, and... preferably twins. adopt a girl along with it! make people laugh. make my mother very happy. i am trying to bea very good father. i would like to be... friendswith my son and my daughter.
when they are 25-30!

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