i never dreamed big things. only that both of uswill always live together. under one roof. but the one who gives dream,also snatches away our sleep. kaya and i,also experienced the same. she doesn't even knowwhat she's going to lose today. and i.. i too am dying. we dreamt of living together. but we didn't even geta chance to die together.
it's not that we readilyaccepted our life's decision. we tried our bestto obtain our love. we gave a strong fight to life. but today, we've lost everything. i'm taking awaymemories of those days.. ..we spent together in happiness. i love you. you're unaware of my love for you. you're unaware of my disturbances.
i had never experiencedsuch feeiings before. eyes locked with you.. ..and being in my compiete sense,i remained unaware. ..and being in my complete sense,i remained unaware. it was a strangefeeling of tipsiness. i had never experiencedsuch feelings before. i should thank this life. worship you andconsider you my god. my heartbeats say so.
oh shit! hello, i'm dr. gupta.ranbir shekhawat! that's my wife. hello! - sorry to keep you waiting. ct scan reports have come. and there's noting to worry about. no internai injuries. - thank god. perhaps it's becauseof shock she lost conscience. she'll regain it after some time. thank god!
can we go to her? yes, sure. the boy is aiso there. boy? - yes. the one who was with her. i must tell youhe's aiso very iucky. he too didn't get any injury. things we feared about,has happened. i had told you totell her everything.. ..as early as possibiebut you kept avoiding it and..
the matter reached to this stage. i wish we should havetold her everything before.. i thought,let her chiidhood pass merriiy. once she grows up..- what nonsense?! what if somethinghad happened to her? before it's too late, i.. i'ii tell her everything.- what will you tell me, papa? kaya, my chiid. are you alright, my child?- yes, mom.
i'm fine.but what were you going to tell me? i'll tell you, kaya.you know.. - you.. you please let it be. let me tell her. please.. child, your father's ancestors,has given him.. ..name, prestige, and wealthaiong with one more thing. we never told you about it. you know that we'refrom a royai family. but you don't knowthat our royal family..
..is carrying a burden of crime. this happened around300 to 350 years before. on the other sideof the himachal hiiis.. ..there was a royal palaceof king ranjeet sing.. ..situated right in themiddle of the river pyas. no! no! don't come closer, master. don't come closer. i beg at you. please, don't come closer.
you're his highnessof younger brother. you can arrange for manygirls in a pinch of time but.. let go of me. after two days, i'm getting married. my mother wouid be waiting at home.please let me go. let me go. don't come cioser.don't come closer, master. otherwise, i'll kill myseif. had you not beenmy younger brother and..
..had father not givenme your responsibility.. ..i'd have beheaded you right now. i don't understand whatexactly happened with me. i saw that girl near the river. from then on till her suicide.. ..i don't rememberwhat happened in between. i thought my bodywas not in my control. nonsense!do you know whose daughter she was? of master sachhidanand.
king ranjeet sing. king ranjeet sing.come in front of me. i, king ranjeet singis standing at you.. ..with his headbowed down with shame. because i know it was a sinful act. it's an evil deed and condemning. but i promise you,you won't get injustice. guilty may be a commonman from my subject.. ..or my younger brother.penalty is same for all.
you'll definitelyget the justice, master. can you bring mydaughter back to life? i put my crown in your feet, master. please forgive me. this crown can't consolemy angry heart, ranjeet sing. every father dreamsof getting his daughter.. ..married with a great pomp. to see his daughter married. to see his daughterearn prestige to her family.
my daughter was supposedto get married in two days. but because of your brotheri'm deprived of this happiness. then you give the justice. justice is that.. ..you people have snatchedaway my happiness. and i'd do the same with you. like me, you people wouidaiso not be abie to see.. ..your daughters in bridal dress. i, master sachhidanandcurse you and your royal family..
..that you and your futuregenerations daughters.. ..will never be able to get marry. that's not enough. if any daughter will thinkof getting married, will die. henceforth, every daughtertaking birth in this royal famiiy.. ..will be a cursed girl.cursed girl. cursed girl. mr. bhargav, we're notdestined for this alliance. anybody at my place would be happy..
..to get such a nice proposal. but i'm helpless, mr. bhargav. mr. shekhavat,whatever happened that day.. ..was just an accident. i mean, this is 21 st century, mr.shekhavat. you're still livingin the old world? at least we're living. otherwise,from last 300 years, any daughter.. ..from our family whotried to get married..
..have met death in such accidents. look, mr.shekhavat, it's your wish but.. but what, mr. bhargav? no matter how modern we're.. ..but daughter is always somebody'ssecurity with her parents. think about howunfortunate father i'm. i can't give mydaughter her happiness.. ..inspite of wantingto give her the world. you can call it my weakness.
but out of marriage and life.. ..i'm choosing life for my daughter. goodbye, mr. bhargav. let's go. let's go, kaya. i'm sure we'll met at some point. your life is mine too. i can't live withoutyou even for a moment. where the darkness will spread,we'd settle there. my destination is you.
i want to live and die.. i want to do something.. ..that our love storywould remain immortal. thoughts have frozen today. weather is damp and eyes wet. wonder why and for whatmistake we're punished. all the wounds are deep,moments are frozen. pain will stop. it'll stop..
kaya, i've held yourhand never to release. no force of thisworld can separate us. if our love is true,destiny has to change. the curse should accept defeat. fete will have to favour us. it must favour us, kaya. hi, aman!what happened? what's so urgent? something very strange. - what? come inside. i'll show you.
after giving thering to kaya that day.. ..you had come to the party again. this photographwas clicked that time. so? - so? see.. see this.. see.. oh my god! she's the one who was onthe road before the accident. i hit her.i hit her with my car, man. then what's she doing in the party?
naturally,she hadn't come for the party. i think there's something fishy. i know a man who has allthe answers to such questions. i think we should meet him. theban's and 'i' and 'v'appears iike 'a' and 'j' of latin. the origins of thetheban alphabets.. ..are lost in the midst of time.- but, sir. you were supposed to tellus about the witchcraft today. if you want to taikto an english man..
. .you need to learn english,my dear. if you want to know witchcraft.. ..it's very importantto know theban alphabets. there's a certain mysticalqualities about these alphabets. that's why it's saidthat witches used to.. ..use these alphabetsfor communication. but sir, when will youarrange our meeting with ghost? i mean tell us something about them. not today. tomorrow.
because i'm so tired todaythat you appear ghost to me. so we'll call you in a day. right? so, ciass,see you all tomorrow and please.. ..don't consider this subjectof ghost and witch a joke. it's dangerous business. excuse me, professor pashupati? yes! can i help you? we think only you can.
wow! this is fantastic. for the first time i'mseeing such a clear image. can i keep this image? - sure. but who's this lady? it's a spirit. it's an evil soulconnected with curse. or in other words, yourcurse is connected with that soul. on the basis of myresearch and knowiedge.. ..on this subject, i'd say that..
..this evil body isthe keeper of this curse. it's the keeper of this curse. coffee? we've many cultures.for example the myan culture. sit! they believe that the cursethat goes with the generations. i mean generation curse. how does it work? the one who's cursed and one,who has given the curse..
..leaves the world. but the curse remains allve. for centuries.generation after generation. how? that evil soul leads thecurse to the next generation, right? clever boy! when a curse is given.. ..it gets connectedwith an evil soul. and it becomes its jobto turn it into reality.
that means if you wantto cut down a curse.. ..you finish off that evilsoul which is linked with the curse. clever again. but how do we find out whichsoul is linked with this curse? it's difficult but not impossible. but it's so difficult thatit's as good as impossible. but.. there'll besome solution to it. solutions are found for humanbeings and not for the souls. and in case of such souls, never..
it's better for you to forgether and start a life afresh. got it? no! i can't do this. i won't do this. i'm ready to fight that soul. i know that's not very clever. you can fight somebodyof equal strength. with a visible enemy. but in this, only shecan attack you, but you can't.
it's not your cup of tea. go home. i've come to seek yourhelp and not your advice. if i'll tell you to go toa graveyard at 12 in the night.. ..you'll fear to death. and you want to fight the soul? it's a game of death, lover boy. and i don't want to beresponsible for your death. sorry! i can't help you. have your coffee and go home.
yes, tell me. - open the door.i'm coming upstairs. what new twist now? see this! - urban legends? written by pashupati. it contains all the incidencesconnected with ghosts.. ..that happenedin and around mumbai. it was researchedby pashupati himseif. that means all ofthem are true. - so? here this legend. come with me.
listen to this. national library! october 2003. there was a girl named soniya.a medical student. she always used toprepare for her exams.. ..in library taking a corner table. she couldn't face the exam pressure. and one day she hanged herself.. ..on the beam and committed suicide. she had a boyfriend named rahul.
when he saw sonlya hanging,he couidn't bear it. he too committed suicide. it's said that soniya'ssoul stuck up in the book.. ..on which she had leaneddown before meeting death. even today rahul'ssoul protects her.. ..and that book in the library. and nobody entersthere after evening. nice story.but how will it be useful to us? i'll bring that bookout of the library. - what?
have you gone mad? it's very importantfor me to do this.. ..to prove myself to pashupati. forget pashupati. and how will you find thatbook from such a big library? just like amit. - amit?! who's amit? - here this. he too was a medical student. he and his three friendstried to enter the library..
..just as a part of game. amit entered inside,whereas the rest of them.. ..couldn't gather courageto cross the door. amit had reached to that book. he called up his friendsand he said, oh my god! there she's. on page 133. and all of a suddenthe phone got disconnected. in the morning,when his friends broke the door.. ..and entered theysaw books lying everywhere.
along with amit's dead body. oh my god! that's really scary, man. and you want to do allthis to impress pashupati? i'm doing this notto impress pashupati.. ..but to obtain my love. urban legends!medical student soniya! page 133. you wrote about this book,right, sir? i don't fear death, sir. i fear living apart from kaya.
now you must have understood thati can do anything to obtain kaya. and if you don't co-operate me now,i'd fight alone. and in that case,if something goes wrong with me.. ..you'd be responsible for it. even i can't guaranteethat you would.. ..remain safe in my company. but yes, you can considerthat i'm with you. meet everybody for the last time. because, it's definitelyin my hand to lead you to this path.
but, bring you back,is neither in your hand nor mine. aman! kaya is here. hi! - hi! thanks for coming. i'm going, kaya. there's nobody to lookafter papa's business in london. i wanted to see you before going. i'm giving this ring to you.
not with the hopeof being together again. but as a memento ofour togetherness in past. let's get married, aman. nothing will happen to us. we'll go far away from here. at a place where thecurse would be ineffective. we'll do something. if you want i'd neverride a car again. we'll waik. we'll keepguards and hire securities.
we'll do everything possibie. or.. or we'll nevergo out of the house. we'll sit in a singieroom for all our life. we'll lock it from inside. i'll keep a god'sphoto under my cushion. we'll put on amulet and do worship. we'll do everythingpossible with us. we'll believe in everythingthat people believe in the world. but we'll be together.
isn't it possible, aman? tell me, aman. we can do that, aman. i can't live without you. can't think ofanything without you. without you.. give your heart, your life.. love is everything in the world. even if i obtain a treasure.. ..it's of no vaiue,if you're not with me.
appreciate my love. don't forget that i'm yours.yours only.. can't think of.. the first rule of fight.never consider your enemy weak. and never in this case. when your enemy is an evil soul. when we'll be away from kaya.. ..this worship willbe with her protect her. let's keep it at goddess' feet.
till it'll remain here,nothing will happen to kaya. oh my god!that soul has reached kaya. did you meet her yesterday? - yes. i hope you didn'ttell her the truth. no, in fact i..- did you give her anything? did you give her anything?- yes, i gave her. - what? what did you give her, aman? okay! excuse me! - just a second!
you know what, ruby?i'm not feeling weii. i really think i should go home. don't be siiiy, kaya.the party is just getting started. stick around.you'll feel better. - i know. but, i really feel i should go home. i'm not feeling too good. stop! stop! help me. please.. stop. kaya, think that i wantedto save you from every danger.
i didn't want you to come with me.. ..and something goes wrong with you. but i never knewthat you're not safe.. ..even by living apart from me. kaya! kaya! kaya! - don't touch me. you lied to me. i don't want to see your face. i just don't want tosee your face.. - kaya..
what do you think, aman? only you love me?and my love is nothing? you can sacrifice life for my love. and i.. what am i, aman? if you step ahead inthis battle without me.. ..i'll kill you.i'll kill you and myseif. you understand that? i love you. i love you, aman. i love you too.
when we try to know somethingabout a living person.. ..we start from his birth.. ..and when we try toknow about a dead person.. ..we start with his body's death. meaning? to know about thatsoul we must find out.. ..when and where that soulhad left her body for the last time. this used to be a theatre. 15 to 20 years before,it caught fire during a show..
..leading to thousands of death. since then, it's closed like this? yes! or you can saythe souls living here.. ..didn't allow thework to be finished. that means still.. - yes. that's why we're here. i'm sure we'll find a nobiesoul here who would help us. on this,i've written in theban, help us. the place this ball will stop,we'd find a noble soul there.
it can't be that simple, right? no, it's not. because along with the noblesouls there are evil souls here. i've asked the questionon the name of kaya. so, we'll get the answerwith the name kaya. kaya, you must go inside. kaya, try to recollect. that soul must havetried to tell you something. try and think carefully.
i don't remember anything.i was so scared that.. i.. i.. it could even be a whisper. sometimes a languageyou can't understand. a language that we can'tunderstand but we can feel it. i was standing behind aman and.. ..suddeniy few blooddrops fell on my hand. moment i saw up.. - just a minute. blood? let me see.
it's not the blooddrops on kaya's hand.. ..but a soul talking to us. see this! the symbol that soul hasmade on kaya's hand is this. consolations of lieu.it's also called 'magha'. is it a name? - yes. but of a place. who knows indraprastha's new name? delhi! - patliputra?- patna. - magha? mahipalpur.- where's this mahipalpur?
a small village in thehills of himachal pradesh. the evil soul we're searching for.. ..must have left her body there. we'll come to know aboutthis soul and it's body.. ..only after we reach mahipalpur. let's go. listen! this.. why are you standing there?come here.
take this. i've writtenthe address of the guest house.. ..and rough map to reach there. you must walk straightin the direction of this track. after some distance,you'll find a iake. once you reach there.. ..you've almost reachedthe guest house. and yes! you'll also see agovernment board there. thank you. let's go.
you're iucky that thehot water machine falled.. ..and i had to stop here. otherwise i ieave theplace before it gets dark. you know what?the path leads from forest. after the sunset evena cat appears to be a tiger. and if you walk alone,your own heartbeats scare you. as it is, tourists areless expected in this season. then what's the useof waiting here at night? sometimes, i feel i'mthe only one person allve..
..in the entire mahipalpur. and yes, if you need anything,my house is atop the hill. what happened, professor? something is calling me. which is this place? this is the only place leftin that reminds of magha. it's 300 years old magha jall. magha jall. it says there's nobetter place in the world..
..than jall for somebodyto die and soul to take birth. and the truth we're in search of.. ..is surely behind these walls. i think only this nightis left between us and that truth. kaya! i heard kaya's scream. what happened? what's going on? kaya is nowhere to be seen. - what? what's happening? - amansaid kaya isn't seen anywhere.
what do you mean?- nowhere. she's nowhere. she isn't there, pai. kaya! what's happening? where has she gone? aman, help me. let's spread out. shubh! professor! aman! move! aman, move!
we found her missing.we searched for her in the forest. finally, we found herunconscious in the garden. mr. pashupati,i don't buy your expianation. you know it better thanme why and how it happened. anyways,she was cut off from oxygen.. ..iong enough to cause hypoxia. hypoxia? - she's in coma. no one knows whenshe'll regain conscience. pray that she'd cometo her senses soon.
we've kept her under observation. any improvement,we'll let you know. okay? coffee? - no, thanks. coffee! hello! - aman! aman! aman, help me. kaya! - she's taking me.- aman, help me. aman! please, aman, help me. help me, aman.- kaya, you.. - help me.
aman! she's taking me away, aman. aman, she's taking me away. dr. mehta, quick. oh my god,she's going into cardiac arrest. put her on the egc,hurry up! now. start counting 2 to 50, now. hurry with the paddies.quick. - what's going on? please, move.we don't need you. move. close the door.
aman, come with me. now tell me.who was on the phone? - kaya. what did she say? she said, she's taking me.help me, aman. shit! what an idiot! - what? see.. medically she's in coma.but in reallty, they've a soul. soul has captured the soul. you didn't marry kayaso she can't kill her. but playing this trick.
she won't leave kaya'sbody till she dies. if we want to save kaya's soul,we must save her body. understood? come! come with me. but where are we going? place where wecouldn't go last time. once again we shouldstart with the magha jall. dad, please try to understand. running away from theprobiem is not the soiution.
facing the probiem is the solution. dad, please. i'm sorry. if i'd ieavekaya in this condition, she'd die. only you're responsibiefor this condition of hers. your innocence..i'm a father. a selfish person. i don't want my son to face thesame consequences that she's facing. i don't care my life. - but i do. in my childhood, you had told me.. life is not worth living..
..till you don't havesomething to die for. i'm following your guidelines. i'm not here to discuss with you.come with me. just a minute, dad.i'm ready to come with you. answer to one of my questions. what would you have done,had you been at my place? would you have sacrificedyour love for life.. ..or adopted to sacrificeyourself for your love? i've only one son.
and i love him a lot. take care of him. professor pashupati! what an honour! how are you? - fine, thank you. giad to meet you.myself anil razdan. manager of the magha prison museum. thanks so much.you took out time for us. no formality, please. person like you has come to my door.
is it possible that ican't take out time for you? you do me much honour. - so on whichtopic you're writing these days? energies in places of river. old jalls shut down from centuries.. ..still have some energy. for exampie, evil souls areleft by those involved in crime. i see. - how old is this jall? around 350 years old. it was a summer palaceof king gadh sing.
after his death,his son turned it into a jall. since then, it remaineda jall till the british went away. after that it wasturned into a museum. this is the recordroom i mentioned on phone. these books have the record of.. ..all the prisonerscame to this jall. and some case histories too. there was no properfiling system in that era. so you can find any name anywhere.
you can stay hereas long as you wish. and if you need anythingcall me on my mobile. i'll be there. - thank you. so many books? to find about that souland it's name will take months. we don't have that kind of time. but don't forget thatwe're in search of a woman. and naturally women's namewill be less compared to men. but they're in these books.
till we're done reading all thecase histories it'll be too iate. right. it seems wemust go back to 300 years. what? - from the world's oldestcuitures one is the lnga culture. the people of this cultureknew the tactic of.. ..taking out a soul of analive person and send it to past. kind of astrolatry. i know this technique.but i've never used it. a child can breadth inwater when he's in mother's womb. but he can't do thatafter taking birth.
why? he can breadth in waterthat point in time because.. ..between body and soul. metal has three forms. air. gas! that means soul. strong! solid! that means body. and liquid. water! with the help of this technique,it's possible.. ..to enter into the worldof souls through water..
..that's between soul and body. but we can't breath in water. one breath. only one breath. in this technique,a person can enter into past.. ..till the time he canmanage to hold his breath. one chance, one breath. - i'm ready. ready? - you don'teven know swimming. and talking about going into water? you won't even be able to holdyour breath for even 10 seconds.
let me go. - no, shubh! i can't risk your life. now he's talking it.after introducing me with that soul. he's right, aman. more time we get into water,it'd be better for us. don't worry. i'm here. try to find that soulas early as possibie. but how will i recognizeher from so many prisoners? through this crystal.
in this you'll seeonly women's shadows. try to remember their faces,and their names.. ..or whatever you get to see in it. c'mon. hold your breath. bring him out! something is stopping him.something is there. it's a soul. take him out. do something.
for god's sake, do something. move! shubh! shubh! shubh! are you okay. are you okay? shubh! now how are you feeling? huh? better. okay so try and remember.
is there anythingelse that you have seen.. ..or anything elsethat you have feit. as soon as she turned back,i ceased to feel anything. but before she turned back.. ..i saw a amulet tied on her arm. hmm. amulet. this means if we get ourhands on that amulet somehow.. ..then we shall be astep closer to that spirit. but in order to lay our handson that 300 year old amulet..
..we need to find an alternate way. shubh, i thik we shouldstop this bloody nonsense. this man is moreconfused than we are. one amongst thousand spirits. one amongst thousandprisoners. -aman! one amongst thousands. -please! this professor herewill keep experimenting.. ..and kaya willdie in the meanwhiie. you're not talking sense.
this man is trying to help usand.. - the hell he is he helping us. kaya has slipped into a coma.. ..and we are still milesaway from that spirit.. ..just as we were at the beginningof the journey. - aman please! he can do nothing! nothing! - aman! helpless! -aman! bloody helpless! -aman! come along stranger winds
restless sighs calling out the paths to destination the loving arms are calling you again let us be one my lonely heart calls out my loneliness is searching you i am chasing your shadows
how can memories fade away? my breath is linked to yours my life belongs to you my loney heart calls out you right here.. ..is this a realltyor just my imagination? love is always an imagination. your imagination has kept me allve.
i don't understand. i am here to help us aman. the thing we are lookingout for i know where it is. come close to me aman. come here. i have very lesstime left with me aman. come to me. here you go sir. if you don't mind,can i open it please?
sure sir.why would i mind? - thank you. do you know sir.. ..i got possession of thisamulet after my mother passed away. but it is our ancestral possessionsince seven generations. my great-great grandmotherwas employed in the royal palace. what's written on it? how would i know? give it to me. (ancient language)
it means that as iongas it is around her neck.. it means that as long as it is aroundher neck, it will protect mohini. mohini? but who is mohini? the same spirit whichwe are looking out for. mohini. queen mohini. second wife of king gajsingh. as far as i know.. ..after gajsingh's death.. ..queen mohini was not on good termswith his son king ranjithsingh.
and she spent the lastdays of her life in this prison. mr. razdan, can i get anyother information about mohini? unfortunateiy, the history ofthat period is a iittie complicated. there are no ciear records. i see. is there any additional informationabout mohini that you might know of? i'm sorry professor.i told you everything i knew. if you wish to knowmore about mohini.. ..then you will haveto go to the royal paiace.
here you will find onlythis painting of that period. rest of the antiques are kept 30kms from here in the river palace. whose painting is this? its king ranjithsingh. untii now we were iyingto you to know the truth. but in order to know thetruth we have to speak the truth. this means that to save the girl'slife, the curse has to be destroyed. to destroy the curse,the spirit needs to be destroyed. exactly.
so how can i help you? can we borrow thispainting for one night? look professor,i am a government servant. if anything goes wrong, i'llbe answerabie to the government. moreover this paintingis an antique. i'm sorry. i cannot permit this. in that case, can you permitus inside post-visiting hours? yes. i can do this for you. okay great. thanks.
here, have some miik.it's good for heaith. i'm sorry professor. i was very rude to you yesterday. okay. i forgive you. oh. just like that? so what do you want me to do? piay violins, hug you or cry? if i would have been in your place,i would have left long back. but you are still helping me.may i ask why?
you think only youhave fallen in love? i had a girlfriend too, whom i lost. so when i saw your true love,that's when i decided to help you. really? - no. not really? the truth is that understandingof this universe is my only love. you're here for yourlove and i am here for mine. it's called psychometric.-psychometric? through psychometrics,a person can get in.. ..touch with the dead usinghis psychic concentration.
he can know all aboutthe dead in some time. the entire truth about mohini.. ..can be known only throughranjithsingh's spirit. no matter what happens,don't ieave my hand. the circie of energyshould not be broken. don't let go off the hand! are you okay? are you fine?are you okay? - yes i am okay. i'm okay. i cannot understand these sounds.
piay in fast speed. in reverse. i have waited forthis moment for ages. i have longed to taikto someone for ages. i have wanted to speakabout myself for ages. but i was helpless. but today you have done me afavour by taking me in your controi. i, ranjithsingh, son of kinggajsingh, will today tell you the.. .. of the sin committedby my family.. ..the brunt of which isstill borne by our generations.
please think over it queen. whatever happens cannot be undone. please think about it. if the king comes toknow of this conspiracy.. ..you shall be sentenced to death. my life is a livinghell anyway mantra. my life as a young wife and astepmother is torturous enough for me. we have to kill king gajsingh. if he dies a natural death..
..his son will compel meto live as a maid in this palace. and i don't want a prison.i want the royal throne. and in order for meto gain the royal throne.. ..the king and both hissons will have to be killed. you are my life every breath says so my heart is restless my heart is afire my heart is restless.my heart belongs to you.
my lips chant just one song there is just tale to tell i am singing, my love its your magic i've got no one in this world other than you. queen, the team is here. hall to our queen. the king is heading this way.
when i spoke to you i can't explain the wonder those memories are still fresh i am crazy for you the whole world knows but you don't know listen! oh beautiful your majesty! mantra, ask someoneto inform both the princes..
..that the king is unwell. (arabic) you never consideredme and my brother your own. i always knew this. but i have now learnt thatyou never loved our father as well. i don't think now thereis any scope for iies. what do you think? soldiers! take her away andthrow her in the prison!
take her away! you have imprisoned thequeen your highness, but.. but what, minister? but you and your kingdomare still not safe your highness. be clear with your views. from very reliable sourcesi have learnt that.. ..she has expertise inblack magic and witchcraft. so keeping her allveis extremely dangerous. find a solution for this danger,minister.
yes, your highness. has ranjithsingh been coroneted? how did you know? i saw it. i have also seen that thenew king wants me dead tonight. if you order, then we canbring in a team from kishenganj and.. no! i know that as long asi have this amulet with me.. ..no harm can befall me.
but i want thatsomeone should harm me. no! i won't let that happen. you fool, as long as i havethis amulet, no one can kill me. and till the time i don't die,they will keep me trapped here. they don't understand that.. ..the body can betrapped but the sprit.. to seek revenge.. ..i will have to leavethis body and turn into a spirit. an evil spirit whichhas no match at all.
so cunning that no one can escapeit, leave alone competing with. so dangerous that.. ..the future generationsof gajsingh will tremble.. ..with fear hearing its name. you will help me in this task. help? but how? listen carefully. after they cremate me.. ..you take my ashes and hidethem in a secure and unknown place.
as long as my ashes arenot immersed into the water.. ..i won't find liberation. and if i am not liberated, ..this royal family won'tbe liberated from my spirit. to undo mohini's curse.. ..have to find her ashesand immerse them into the waters. but where can the ashes be? if i was maitri, then i would havehidden the ashes in the paiace itseif. i agree.
the ashes must be there. but we won't be allowedinto the palace during the day. we have to wait until dark. till then lets playthat kaya stays allve. hello uncle. -hello. how is kaya? the same. no change. with your permission,can i meet kaya? yeah.
thanks. without you i can't live i can't think i know everythingabout that spirit kaya. now i shall relieve you of her. i won't let you die. just promise me thatyou won't give up. that you won't leave me.
we can win this battle together,we will. i love you more thanthe whole world kaya. love you so much. our meeting in this life please don't leave me. don't leave me. it is reality there is nothing without you better know this
better believe this my faithfulness don't you test don't you forget that i am yours your very own what happened? where is kaya? she has been takento the operation theatre. but why? what happened suddenly?
i just understood that herskuii is filling with liquid now.. ..which is pressurizing her brain. if the liquid isnot drained out soon.. ..en her brain canbe severely damaged. the ashes are somewhere around here. but where? obviously a place whichremained unnoticed for 300 years. how many pots are usedin a wedding ceremony? seven.
there are eight here. oh my god! our boat. you continue. we have found the ashes. let's go then. give me the ashes! go! go aman! i said go! go! go! no! no! no! aman! save kaya!
aman! the door won't open! try! try hard! aman! go and immerse the ashes. but shubh..i.. aman don't worry about me! go and immerse the ashes. aman! aman! excuse me sister.how is she doing? everything okay? it's difficult to say anything now.
doctors are trying their best. will she survive? the operation is very complicated.we are trying our best. forceps. doctor! she's flat lining! doctor? - is going to live. and the good news is, she isrecovering very well from her coma. thank you doctor. thank you so much. don't thank me.
we have just tried, buti feel someone else has saved her. my hands were surely workingin the operation theatre.. ..but someone else wasactually saving her life. it is said that it is the darkestjust before the break of dawn. but that does notstop the sun from rising. i have reallzed today,that the one who makes us dream.. .. also gives us the strengthto fulfill those dreams. i have realized today thatthe one who teaches to love.. ..also gives the strengthto keep that love allve.
someday somewhere we will meet believe your life is my life i can't stay another moment my heart is clouded by thoughts the atmosphere is qulet eyes are moist don't know what wehave been punished for

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