hey, brother!they have come out of the church now i need to go till paradise. please wait for a while it is just once a weekthat we get to see them so close whom? the 'angels of rose villa'keep watching, they will come now! hey, move aside! what is going on there? these men willeven drink their blood now give it to me, enough of seeing it.- it is not good.
some creatures turn upto watch pictures these girls look so ravishing! hey, move aside!let me see it too. photo of annie is not too clear she is old now you should see her earlier pictures!no man will sleep in his own house... even now! do not play the fool give me back my mobile
i am going to your house nowi will give it there i will kill you!- hey, wait! let her go. do not create a scene if she files a case,we will all be hanged! it is a problem nowshe will ruin my family yes, it will be ruined sir, stop! look here.beautiful girls... no...- okay! oh this is that guy!it is only now that i saw his face!
what is it, angel? this is of your brother. he does not come to the junctionto drive the auto rickshaw he comes there to click photosyou know that we are having a real tough life ask him not to disturb ushe should never click snaps of any girl with this! oh, my god!what have you done, girl? do not shout you, mother and daughter, go check,if your son has kept a camera in the rest room is not there anyone aroundto set this girl right?
i am here!please do not move the boat please do not move the boati need to get in too stop screaming...just come quickly yes, i have reached...you can move now! what is this?- what happened to you? have you decided to getdrowned today? my legs slipped off! wonder where suchcreatures come from this is the 1st time i am getting on a boatthere are no boats in my place
where do you come from? rajkumari (princess) no, i meant to ask you,where you belong to? that is what i answeredrajkumari! have not you heard ofgodhumalanka, bobbarlanka? go east from those places,rajkumari city, it is very famous so, where is the 'king' off to? i have got a job hereat cochin port. at 'simon sea foods'...have not you heard of it?
yes... oh god!there is a ship! oh god!what am i seeing? see that brother'foreigners' just keep quiet!where have you come from? there! foreigners again!what complexion! like the color of rice fritters! hello! will you just shut up?
have we reached? i will let you know when we reach but, till then if you utter one wordi will drive into the backwaters you have been shouting fromthe time you got in okay! i will not sayinga single word! i have lost my temper... what is it, sicily?do not curb your laughter laugh out loud tell me what the joke is,if it is a good one, i can laugh too
you have been admiringyourself for so long oh! you do not admire yourself,so let me at least do it do your work, girl big brother oh, big brother drinking a lot, is it?hey, only women around! hello! who are you? it is me... i am abhi.- abhi? the one whom the reverend has sent
reverendwhich reverend? reverend paulose from rajkumari,who spoke to you yesterday he has sent the letter also with me oh i seetrouble in this form, is it? come here he is my own personi will be around here we will meet later- hey, come here coming! i will give you a tight slapyou, buffalo! come here.
did the reverend send you hereto embarrass me in front of my employees? come! sit down you seem so familiar to mei have heard about you from the reverend that is the reason i recognised youthough i am seeing you for the 1st time the reverend has written everythingabout me in the letter you do not look so innocentlike what the reverend has written believe me, i am a decent guy since the reverend has sent you... and you have come with all your stuff,you can stay here
it smells so bad over herehow can people stay here? this is not a companymanufacturing perfumes! i will stay in your house yeah, very nice or else, in some lodge will someone else comeand pay the rent for you? this place is famous for touristsso, rooms will be damn expensive what will we do?okay! there is a place... an old bungalow that i won long agothe top floor of that house is vacant
you can live there yeah, come on like that i had lit candles for mother marybefore i left from home there are 3 ladies living downstairsover there,,they own that house oh i see i will have someone to talk toi will not feel bored you do not have to relieve your boredom that wayyou should not go anywhere near them once my work is a bit eased out,i will come and set things for you you can just tell me the routei will get there
it is a little far away.- it is okay, i will reach there what is the name of the place? 'rose villa' is not that over, annie?- no! i forgot to ask angel to get some white threadwe should ask her to buy a mobile phone we can tell her about things we have forgotten,when we remember them again tell her soon then, the ghost of grandma, helenwill get into her guess she is back
hello annie! where is mercy? what do you want?- nothing we are neighbours, but it is beenso long since we spoke in person... been really busy with business! everybody knows what you are business is, eddyyou have brought one woman here for that too oh! meena...she is a distant relative of mine we have been warning youfor quite some time now if we see cars coming there in the nights,we will complain to the owner of that house
please do not betray melet me just live on is this the only job thatyou could find? not for me...for meena she is beautiful and healthy toothere are lot of tourists who come for it she gets the money she demands toothen what is the issue? did you know?meena is going to buy a car you people can buy one too,if you want to i will set things ready for you shut up and get lost!- not that...
get out, eddy. angel will behere any minute now you can fear her... even otherwise,she is not your mother right? then why do you fear her?she is the one who kept you both locked hey! what business do you have here? i just came to place an orderfor a cake. that is it! i have told you not to step in here eddy uncle...- get lost! forget about annie...- angel! poor soul, mercy!why does she have to remain like this?
she needs a life too!- you dirty rascal...get lost! dear! let me...get lost i tell you! i do not want to hear anything, get out!- i did not mean it... go away!- why are you pushing me out? get lost!- wait! i will kill you the next timeyou step in here just listen to me, dear- come inside, angel! you wait and watch...one day i willtake out these aunts of yours even you, if need be.mark my words!
i will give you off to foreigners,who are drugged and drunk! for free!you devil! you are acting smart with eddy, is it?- angel, no! oh! my head! i have lost my eye you girl! i will give younot only to foreigners... but also to sheiks god is our refuse and strength andever present help in trouble... this is the house is it?- yes
how much is the meter charge?- rs.40 oh! that is a bit too much- that is the rate on the meter what a meter that is, brother?okay hello! come in...come.- hello! give me the tabla this is not a tabla,it is a guitar, brother one has gone insidethis cannot just be ignored like this what are you going to do? let them do anything they want.we need not bother.
leave it, angel!do not worsen his revenge do not worsen his revengewe never know to what level he can go mercy, you do not talk. hello..police station! simon sea foods...- simon sir? yes, he told me thathe will accompany me here i told him it is okay why do we call ourselves 'men',if we cannot locate this address? that is true
i hate to live in a lodge or hosteli can be on my own if it is a house did you like me, sister?i will be here with you guys for some time is it a package? yes, can be like that but, the minute i am bored,i will go back home between us... decide the rates you can consult that with simon he did not mention abouta man being here i am an unclei just come here sometimes
okay! where is my room? i want to take a shower...freshen up! do not be in a hurry, dearit is a package, right? there is lot of timesmall brat angel, dinner is readylong back. come! why are you standing here? i want to see the copsarresting that rascal you come herewe need not bother about all that get out of here- please do not throw that, brother
you are making a fool of me?you do not know who eddy is that auto rickshaw guy fooled me,i came searching for 'rose villa' you...- hey, stop! that is 'rose villa' stupid game theauto rickshaw guy played with me stop and get lost! i will hit you the next time i see you here.not 1 or 2, but there are 3 there go! gobble them! i got into a soup
i told the auto rickshaw guy that,i wanted to go to 'rose villa' he played the fool with mei went into the wrong house why?what is the matter? why are you here? i have come to stay here.- out...out! simon has sent me herehas not he informed you? get out, i say where will i go at this hour? do not throw stones at meis this girl out of her mind?
sisters, try to make her understandi have actually come to stay here! did you make the phone call?- yes! sir, this man is creatinga scene here what is your problem?- sir... i am who are you?- rajkumari... some specimens just decideto create problems come on move! take him in.- sir, what is the mistake i did? leave me, sir! simon asked me...- come on, move! seafood simon saidme to stay here.
he has called them cakes are ordered for birthdays,whiskey, beer and food is served... people are invited to celebrate but, when asked to pay for the cakes,they delay and find faults and many excuses...here what is it, annie? what happened? simon was here- what for? stop it!
i am abhi.from simon sea foods! simon has sent me... remember me?last night... you did not introduce yourselfhow can you just go off like that? please listen,let me tell you is there a problem? angel! stop it! no...- are you mad? with whose permission,have you allowed him to stay here? then, what to do?
should we say 'no' to simon?this is his house your dad had mortgaged it to him. simon has never come here to askfor his money, or to shoo us off that is because he is a gentlemanhe knows what we are going through when he comes and requests us,how can we deny him? tell me! it is nothing for youi have to face people outside it is only in this house,that i can find some peace i will never allow anyoneto destroy that i do not like it!i know what to do
angel...- angel, no! annie... angel...annie annie!- annie... go call the doctor soon it is because of mental strain do not look at me like thati will give you one tight slap i was in the midst oflot of work in the hospital! uncle!- thank you!
where is this guy?is he there upstairs? shall i talk to simon about it? no need, i can shoo himout myself do not create further problems consider, there is no such portion in the houseyour haste and immaturity is the problem i have got an important matter to discuss with youthink properly and let me know it is for the 3 of you what is your plan?continue living like this? that is not done
someone has enquired about mercy.i mean, a marriage proposal. tell us who it is one, mr. justin he is a widowerneed not deny it because of that he is got no kids or other liabilitiesfrom his 1st marriage i know him for several yearshe has seen mercy in the church they have no other demandswe only need approval of mercy. sorry, uncle. leave me! mercy- just keep quiet
mercy, please!- no, angel. will our problems get solved,if i get married? what if the person islike your dad? how can everybody be like that? i know but if i go off from here,how will you take care of annie all alone? it is you who needs a life nowthat is all annie and i dream of! your life, your future yes...your lives, your future
that is all i was bothered about too.kids of philip are my kids too it is only because of that love and affection,i came and told you about this proposal you people have to decide whatever it is,do not ruin your lives! what is it? me...abhi... from the top floor!violin... it is amazing! i heard itand thought to meet you... please do not talk like this, angel
he is not that sort of a guyhe is innocent innocence to a large extreme yes!i know him too well i know him too well.anyway, i will just talk to him hey, you have started to botherthem so soon. is not it? that girl, angel had just called now it is true that i peeped when i heard the violinshe plays it so beautifully! you peep into the room of girls at night,to hear someone play the violin! you better not go there anymore!understood?
i have spoken to the owner ofthat bar hotel after a while,take that... guitar- yes! go play it to them if they like it,job is done okay, i will make this work sir, your good name please.- jack nice! i am eddy. hey!get lost! what is it, you swine.what do you want?
get lost! do not make me angry!get lost! they are new, brother! stop it!stop the music! hey, that is hari. dangerous! go, get lost!brother, did you recognise him? who is it? he is the one who isstaying at 'rose villa' look at the way he islooking at us
mercy!it is me hari calling... come out, you bloody woman!- no, angel... angel!- i should conclude today. angel, stop!- come out! no! let him stand there and talk anythingyou need not go there now move away, annie if we lose once,we will lose forever just listen to megive me that knife mercy, i have told you not tolet in any man, other than me
send him out whoever he isi will finish him off oh no,the devil has come for me angel, just listen to me.- do not go there. angel stop! get lostdo not create a scene here i will not and youget lost from here. let him outlet me see him what do you want? you!i want you! will you come with me?
hari, please!we loved you like our johnson. you need not be grateful for itbut, please do not torture us like this grateful! forget it her father, peter beat me like a dogbecause i touched mercy once remember one thing if a guy walks into this 'rose villa',it should only be after i have walked in hey, brotherthey are coming do not create problems by standing herei am leaving time will comei will come back
remember that what is happening here? answer me before you leave it is our family problem.you do not mind. get lost i am goingdo not try to scare me listen, brother! do not createa scene here like before i have heard of the stories about youwhen the previous sub inspector was here if i get you in my hands,i will break your backbone
go...get lost! i will see! i will take care.you go and sleep. hey therewhat is the problem? should i interfere? oh no!the devil is coming again! you have put me intothe cave of a tiger, brother even if it smells here, it is okayi will stay here, somewhere inside the office did hari do anything to you?
he will get it from me,if he acts funny even yesterday,i was really irritated by his conversation but then, i just left it that is good! otherwise he would havemade you look like a rotten sardine hari was a boy from the slums he was kept as a helper at the bakeryat 'rose villa' he grew up therehe misbehaved with mercy he was shooed out that very dayhe is well known gangster in town now he does not fear even god
oh no!me... you do not worry!he would not play the fool with you hari knows meyou just have to tell him you need not keep walking anymorei will buy you a bike a new one? it is not a brand new onebut it is in a good condition do you know how to ride one? yes, of coursefather paul taught me ask him about iti will fly on it
hey!what is it? what man? are you blind?- do not hit me! leave me... cannot you see?- it is not my mistake, auto driver... do you know who this is?- who is he? he is the one staying at 'rose villa'he is our friend! lift him up- oh god... my leg! you are rejoicing my fall, is not it?you will get punished! who asked you to come here? father paulose used to tell me thatno matter how high you go...
you will have to come downfor your reward can i have something to eat?could not buy anything because of my fall i am in real pain and hunger there is nothing made here too.sorry! do not talk so heartlessly, angel i have only sprained my hand and legthere is nothing wrong with my nose i could smell meatgravy from here very good! i do not wantto give it to you. go! sister!
get out of here- yes, i am going if i die starving you will betaken to jail - get lost! angel!- who named her angel! poor soul!he must be really hungry let him be hungry why are you so angrywith him? do not be toosympathetic with him he will also misbehaveif he gets an opportunity to he is men!
all of them just wait foran opportunity, to embarrass us do not forget that just pray that he moves out soondo not give him even water till then father paul used to say that if someone is coming ready to kill mehe too will only love me before he leaves who is this father paul? he is the vicar inmy church in rajkumari we are good friends actually my dad is the one who gave halfthe money required to build the church there
people respect me because of that my house is the biggest onein my place bethlehem...my mom named itgood one? i do not have to make money,by working in the seafood factory... or by playing the guitarin some hotel my dad is very rich but i will not touch his money it is so satisfying to earn your own moneyand live on it, is not it? will angel walk in now?
i do not want to be the reasonfor you to get yelled at she will get back late she is gone to that hospitalto get the medicine of annie. there is nothing wrong with annie just some of her tacticsto be lazing around no medicine or magic is requiredi will show you right now no, abhido not touch that angel does not likeanyone touching it that is her life
it is violin of rose,mom of angel! hey, this cannot belongto anyone cannot keep it astheir own property this belongs to anyonewho knows music father paul keeps telling me thatthere is something called music therapy a magical medicinethat can even save us from death magic wand for that magic is the 'violin'i am going to heal aunt annie now are you listening? do not spoil it
nice!- thank you... i will leave! sorry to have played on your violinand for entering this house oh flowers adorned by dew dropsgently stroked by tender fingers of soft sunlight swaying gently on wavesand tripping on leaves coming this way as sweet drops of nectar fillevery flower come to sip them oh little birds come write out words of wisdomlike drops of dew on blades of grass like lines out of poetry as the wide blue sky watchesas spectator from above
slices of dark thunder cloudsare splashed with colors as water wavelets softly splashedaround the feet in those rhythms floatingaround like a feather as twilight slowly fadedand finally hid sadness utterly useless as we live this insipid life, come live andawake to moments of rare happiness with me oh flowers adorned by dew drops gentlystroked by tender fingers of soft sunlight locking up beautiful eyeswith lashes standing guard on pages somewhere unseenby the blue sky
on wasted earth asroots go in search flowers of spring fulfillswith magical chants and as wicks burn brightdispelling darkness unbidden to bask in the darling lengtheningbeams of moonlight lovingly now come away with me eat slowly it is yummyit is so tasty does he eat here too?- who? back home peoplecall him 'little boy'
no one knows him as 'abhi' whom do you have at home? me? i have nothing.i have got no one god has been stingyto me that way but, we have someonewhom god has actually sent for us for the people of rajkumarifather paul! he is the one who brought me upin the church orphanage but, it is poverty over there too nowi try to help as much as possible i want to work and helpthe father in some way
but what to do!it is always hell for the poor abhi will help if youtell him, right? who?he himself is an orphan but, abhi told thathe is from a very rich family he is got a big housecalled 'bethlehem' oh dear god!i will die laughing today yes, he stays at 'bethlehem'but that is not his house it is a home for the aged and orphansthat is where his father is right now they were in mumbai beforehe was a famous musician
but what to do?he was a drug addict finally his mom lefthis father and went off he was too small then somehow heand his father reached our place they have a house there but that is been left locked for longand it is all spoilt now treatment of his fatherrequired a lot of money he is come to work in the seafood factoryjust to retrieve all that money he will not tell this to anyonebecause he does not want anyone to pity him abhi, you have a guest
guest?for me? hey! josewhat is this? chicken...- not that how did you reach here? yeah, i did what have you told these sisters?your papa... not 'papa'it is 'daddy' right that is how i call himhe is just forgotten everything daddy?what is it?
come on! hey, wait!let me tell you you have lost weight and lost colorwhat happened? why are you pushing me like this? who asked you to come here now? simon had called father day before yesterdayasking him to send someone here what for?- donation for bethlehem is ready so, i was sent to get thatthought i can see you as well - come here what stories have you told them?
keep quieti will kill you have you told them anything? i know you too wellwill i tell them? you can continue to live in style hey, so many foreigners around!all wearing shorts i was really taken abacki want to see around the place if possible i want to go backwith a foreigner oh god! you dirty creatureand this leg piece... a chicken leg- this is too much!
hi... hey, look at himhe is too much you are spoiling your lifeby body building and speaking dialogues guys are enjoying in 'rose villa' oh god!what are you doing? we would have diedfalling down now have you told your people thatyou will return back safe? what, man?- oh god! let us not stand here they are problem makersshows on their faces
abhi, is not it? leaveleave today itself! from rose villathat is my playground do not play over therei do not like it understood? what if i do not? who are you to tell me to leave?simon has to tell... what are you doing?do not hit him! leave himdo not hit him
what are you doing? enough!he will die leave him! save your life go back homeyou swine! you need not get worriedseeing all this. it is common for us. this is different to eat apples afterbeaten by someone... take rest...i will inform simon uncle yes, he such a great person...
the first blow waswhen he mentioned the name of that man let me know if you need somethingi will be there downstairs angel! i am thinking i will move out from herewhy create problems unnecessarily? are you scared? no, i do not want tocreate problems for you you moving out will not solveany of your problems if you move out nowit is victory for hari. do you know howjesus was put on the cross?
she meant to say thatyou will be put on a cross like that why do we have to come hereto get hit by some gangster? it is just dialogues for her it is we who will get hityou should move out from here soon no, jose... angel and her aunts should notlose in front of anyone what are you planning? it is love! he is beginning to fall inlove with angel
as you thoughtit is not like that i do not know whether it is love,respect or reverence but, when she comes near me,smiles at me, talks to me... i feel something! that is the feeling of lovegod gives signals like that to love each other divine love she should not knowthat i feel this for her if she does, she will think thati am just like all other men i do not want to lose the love andfreedom, i have in that house
oh! damn it... brother! i am angry... you do not have toget angry again even if you dodo not show it on this bottle i am... abhi, dear! do you knowwhy i am still single? that is becauseyou did not find a girl who? me?- yes, who else? what do you know?
there was a time when, fathers and brothersof all the eligible girls in cochin were making a bee lineto my house oh! your house is a liquor shop or what,for people to queue outside since morning? get lost! you piece of grass! abhi, you shouldnever lose your love that will be a lossthat you can never get back later angel is a good girlshe is gone through lot of hardship in life what happened in rose villa? that is another story
problems started afterpeter got married to rose first jackson, brother of mercyleft home fighting with peter! then their father,philip passed away after that, rose villa was ruled by peterhe was a drunkard and fraud the day that incident happenedwas 8th birthday of angel. stop it! you too disturb melike your mother. go inside... rose...hey rose! damn it! this is too much!
cannot you answer me when i am calling?- what do you want? hey, i want little water. enough of drinking. we are celebratingbirthday of angel today guests will be coming nowplease do not insult us i know it is the birthday of angel. but i am celebratingfor something even better you know...marriage of mercy is fixed leave me! rose...no!- mercy, please! no... - mercy please!- mercy!
mercy, listen to me!i will never give you away to anyone leave me!- i said leave me! leave me!- peter, what are you doing? happy birthday! many many happy returns of the day cut it! do you know that my birthday is alsothe day my mom killed my dad? the day i became an orphan! i co-operated with everything todayjust to keep my aunts, annie and mercy happy
that day my mom had gifted me a violinthat was last gift form my mom for me just like what you did today my mom suffered frommental disorder in jail she killed herself by deliberatelyhitting her head somewhere i could not even cry when i heard about itthose pending cries is my music people whom we haveloved have only hurt us fear of accusations,people around, everybody! what are you thinking of?this mood does not suit you one bit where is all the boldness?
bold?i am not bold that is the state of mind createdby all the sadness in me that is true! people who have lot of worries,do not confide in people, i am like that too! father paul keeps telling me that i laugh, make others laugh,talk big about myself and fool myself if we think of the past and be sadwe will only have sadness in future too father says this too do not you have anythingto say for yourself?
what is there to say? there is lots i want to talkbut i am not able to one thing is true, i swear hereafter, whether happiness or sadness,i am there to share it with you if you let me angel, you did not say anything see...see how happy she is so many birthdays have gone pastwe have not gifted anything to our angel, is not it? yes! we should...
we will make her a dress for christmas this year.something that nobody has seen before... when she is wearing that for christmas dinnerwe should make abhi stand next to her our christmas giftshould not we? mercy, he is comingask him good morning, sister!bye... abhi, i want to go to elluruto get material for a dress i will get it if you give me your list you fool! i have to go and select it. i will get delayedif i go by the bus or boat
i need to get back before angelgets back from her violin class why are you hiding it from angel?is it a surprise? how will you go?shall i get a helicopter? shall we go on this bike? oh! that is the reasonyou are being so nice! go ask simon forhalf a day leave today should i go, aunt annie? yes, you should- okay! get ready not coming in?- no, i am not
load is expected todayso simon will be searching for me where are you both coming from? broad daylightso, people will not suspect is it? my dear boy, you look so busy!do not give me too much of work this... talking nonsense, you rascal!i will kill you! leave me if you hit me againi will slap you and break your ears mercy, why do you want totravel on this in the hot sun?
i will arrange amercedes benz for you, my dear hey, i will kill you! why are you so angry?you took her to sell somewhere! no, leave him!- you bloody! you took care of them like a treasure,all these years see for yourself now! she is gone out with him,when you were not around! ask them where they both were so, now people around knowabout the ladies of rose villa! do not create a scenehere anymore
go in go in, i say! seen enough, right?go! it is because aunt mercy told me...angel... angel! please listen to me!angel, wait! what is it?are you crying? no... me i have told you men shouldnot cry like this god is gracious!
your wish will be fulfilledyour dad will start walking again come, let me talk to you have not i told you aboutmusic therapy? shall we stop allopathyand try that on him? dr. george thomas hasalso suggested the same music within antony hasnot faded away that is the reason he respondswhen you play the guitar music is 'gift of god''music therapy' is a miracle where god himself can come and heallet god, himself come here, is not it!
what is gone wrong with you?a lifeless smile on your face nothing at all, father do not tell me it is nothing jose updated me onthe events in cochin do not play hide and seek with mei can find out for sure when you are upset so, how far have things progressed? god, i just hope it is a shepherd (samaritan)who has come to give some donation looks like your dadand i have got a new friend let me go see, or else, they will leavethat poor soul in the courtyard itself
meet me before you leave the piano in the chapelhas something wrong with the tones you have to check it out.- okay! papa, did you hear whatfather paul just told? you will be healed soonthen we can go back to our house you... here... alonei do not want that do not stare and scare me aunts, annie and mercy told youwhat happened that day. i am... where were you?- with my dad
you could have told usand left, is not it? what for? you just shooed me off withouteven enquiring what the matter was what else do you expect me to doin that situation? tell me i have told youeverything about me, right? you told me that you will be with me in joyand sorrow! and now what? do you know, how tensed i wasbecause you were not around? angel do not call me
do not get angry, angel when you were not aroundnot near me i...my... cannot hold it back anymore i cannot live without you all what i ever wished fori shall gently sing to you, encore a tune that can be heard by you alone all the wishes you wished and moreto wrap close around my heart like a tune never heardbefore till this day
as we sleep sweet dreams of the early mornin one amongst those islands of stars we met each other forthe first time today as we slipped and slid alongwith the flowery breeze wrapped in a blanket of slumber let us journey together in search those lonely shores of love as the fine strikes of lightningmelted gold and the lovely moonbeamsadorned as gem stones turned into the ring we exchanged
as all the seven colors of the rainbow we strummed with our fingers and turned into lilting notes of music as we sing the endless song of love oh no! all wearing small shortsit is a sexy sight! hi! what complexion all 3 of them have hello! shall i also comealong with you? it is okayif you are not interested hi! looks like she will fall for mecoming with me... to rajkumari?
is this a guy or a girl? oh no! my travel expenseshave not gone wasted hi! walking with her husband lucky man!- what is it? oh god!my time has come! please do not kill mei will go back oh god!- whom are you searching for? been watching you walk aroundlike a dracula in search of blood
my cousin- what? kusuma kumarishe is a nurse in london i was just wondering if there is someonearound here who knows her swear on god you are a clever brat get on the bikeget on, i say okay, i did lost all the thrill i haddrooling over those foreigners oh! jose!come in
why are you like this? mercy, do not worryi have not come to pick up a fight fear?why should i fear you? hello angel!- hari, what do you want? nothing! came to seea friend of mine which friend?- abhi we meet at the hotel everydaywhat music he plays i will fall for it(i fell for it) aunt mercy
abhi!- abhi... your friend has come to see you oh my god! come down here, my friendare you dancing? what a style! hello! when did you come, jose? hello! just... now, abhi. abhi! do not youknow this friend? know me? tell herthat we are the best of friends
hereafter, you can meetyour friends outside. please clear out! she deserves a tight slap i am leaving, you pork let me take leave, my friend when did you befriend him?- what friend? then why did you come on his bike? if someone holds a knife to your neckasking you to get on it... one might even climba coconut tree, if asked to! i was scaredluckily, angel did not lose her cool
she would have hit him with the violin,if she had it in her hands what is your plan, jose? it is christmas season- so what? i have heard that lot of foreignerscome to cochin for christmas last time i could notsee them properly i have borrowed moneyfrom kumar shop to come here you corpse! these foreigners arenot your sisters, right? only indians areour brothers and sisters!
i have also studied in a school i will live it up, this christmas how is it?- very nice aunt annie... she will come here now you go therei will just come too - okay! where are you both hiding?where is aunt annie? what is the matter?- there is something come here, aunt annie.
come.- what, dear? where are you taking us?come with me... there is somethingi will show you where?- look at this how is it?this is the rajkumari style this is the plan by abhi.i never expected it to look so beautiful he is nice, is not it, aunt mercy? what about me?am i here to pick grass? abhi, are you leaving now?
angel is not back yet? she has to deliver the cakesthat have been ordered she will be late- shall i leave now? we thought you will be herewith us for christmas i will be back soon, aunt mercy just that i want to spendsome time with my dad i will be back as soon aschristmas is over... sure! there will be a surprise for youwhen you get back here our christmas gift for youyou should accept it happily
hey, come soon let me leave for now see, they are comingcannot bear to watch them like this hey, look mangoes! mangoes? yes, foreign womenwhy call them that? i am going to call them 'mangoes'look at them, my dear! can you just keep quiet? why are you pissed off with me if you could notbid farewell to angel before you left?
i do not think she is got the love and affectionthat you have for her or else, she would havecome before we left do not simply sit andblabber nonsense you heard aunt annie saying thatshe had gone to deliver xmas cakes listen to this if you want to when people are in lovethey even forget their own mothers then, how candelivering cakes be priority? do not sit here and stagnatethe boat will leave now hey, look there, my dear!
thought you must have lefti forgot something thank you! cake is not it?father paul loves cakes sorry, this is for father of abhi. no luck for father paulto eat a cake keep it!at least, let your dad have it this is for you, jose- oh! what luck for father paul come, the boat is leaving angel, i am leavingsee you next time
merry xmas- thank you shall i leave now? come soon happy christmas father! do you know whosent this for you? angelyou will like her a lot shall i ask her if she will join us?she will agree, right? she will agree! then we will bring all ofthem here to our house
you, me, angel, aunts annie and mercywe can all live happily together where there is music all the timeit will be fun, is not it? dear! what is this? you are sharing love of your angelonly with your dad? we are here too angel had sent your cake with himdid not you give it to father? c... c... c... cake?which cake? not c... c... cake!xmas cake from when did youstart stammering?
tell me the truthwhere is the cake? oh! that cake! it fell frommy hand into the backwaters he just forgot about iti am telling you the truth it went into the backwatersbelow your head, is not it? you, liar! yes, how long can i resist my temptation,when i am carrying such a delicious cake? i just ate that cake go file a case against meif you want to when it comes to food,this father always has to find fault
oh god! when will there be an endto his temptation for food? give this cake to everyone, father you go and give it yourself give it to mei will give it to everyone you want to push this toointo your backwaters, is not it? give it to father his stomach is not like the backwatersit is like a sea arabian sea!let him eat hey!mother mary!
shall i tell him our good news? what is it, father? that team had come herei told you about the music therapy and then?- they were shocked to see your dad their perception about your dadis much higher than what you and i know! your dad is a magician... who has mesmerised a wholegeneration with his music dad... god is with us, dear
for people like antony who have music in themcan be healed sooner with this therapy they will come here after new yeari am confident that your dad will walk why such a smile? what is happened to the 2 of you? happy christmas my dear angel!- merry xmas! what is that? our xmas gift thank you...annie, i love you! we will call you when abhi comes hereyou must wear this and come out
angel... aunt annie call the doctor soon nothing will happen to you! line is not going through go and get a taxi soon, fast! oh, nocannot go this way, sir shall we go the other way?- no this is funi will just come now, okay
hey!move away get lostdancing in the middle of the road stop here! thank you, happy christmas! thank you, sir.happy christmas! angel! aunt annie! is it a surprise? i have got back sister mercy
no more surprisesi have come back i will find you angel...annie aunt! angel! where are you? it is a real surprise, is not it? aunt annie, i am really hungrycome soon oh god! mercy... mercy! what is this?who is it? tell me!who?
abhi, she thought to give you surprisebut see, how her condition is now? what happened?why are you like this? where is aunt mercy? mercy... mercy! tell them not to take hertell them not to take my mercy away my mercy! do not take her away... that is him, sir sir, why are you taking me?- get into the car
i do not know anything, brother.i swear, brother! hey, you! hey'sir' is calling you sir, he is innocent it is not enough if you say itwe should be convinced too that is why he is been brought herelet us enquire and find out we will conclude after that.- sir, once... you can leave for now, simonwe will inform you after we enquire brother!
mr simon, move! abhi! he did not speak a wordso, i had to whack him once he is not a thingyou can leave now little brothertell me what happened tell me the truth i have not done anything, sir! or else i would not know anything you went home for christmasso, when did you get back?
i came by the last boat why? whom do youhave back home? only my dad what was the reason for you to hurry backinstead of celebrating christmas with your dad? me... tell me brother i was asked to come by whom?- sister mercy you refer to her with so much of respecthow could you rape and kill her?
very bad! i did not do it, siri will never do it, sir she was like a mother to me it is not me, sirnot me it is him for surei saw it with my eyes donna saw it tooyou do not know him the very day he landed here... he came to my houseand tried to get donna he was not sure of whetherhe wanted angel or her aunt
that is what i have heardanyway, lucky guy! i need to go meetsomeone at the palace where are you going? come here!- sir... then what?tell me i told you, sirthat boy is not a nice guy you know what? some time back, this lady, mercy, who diedwas seen with this guy on his bike on their way back from somewhereafter some sleazy affair i asked him about itshould not i ask him?
after all, we are neighbours as soon as i asked him about ithe got furious he hit me terribly of late, there has been somethingfishy going on there if we go ask or try to find outwe get labeled as 'criminals' ourselves why create problems unnecessarily?gentlemen should also survive, right? yes, of course! so, what time did you seeabhi walk into rose villa? 8:00 p.m
what about you?cannot you hear me? 9:30- 9:30? eddy, why is she lying? you said 8:00 p.mshe says 9:30 p.m or is it you, who is lying?who is correct? after 8, it is 9, is not it? after 9, it is obviously 9:30 yes, of course!then 10, 10:30, so, you saw someone in rose villa at 8?- who was that?
to tell you the truthi have not seen anyone playing the foolin spite of having been caught tell me the truthstop crying tell me the truthor else, i will kill you playing the pimp and destroying a familyof respectable ladies, you dog! meena told mewho went to rose villa i will write his horoscope for him hari! stop it
fluttering wings disappearinginto the distance like birds in flight loneliness still remained within mein the fading hours of daylight while violin strings awoke my senses memories interwoven with forgetfulness playing between light and shadethrough the window bloom and fade silence like a brokenpuppet slept beside me somewhere as leaves were laden with thetear drops of the winter night falling softly abhi, i am scaredwhen i think of angel if something happens to meshe should not be left alone
we lived for her and she for us but now, there is no one trustworthyto give entrust her to the person who realised thatyou both love each other very much... without conveying it to each otherwas mercy! this is the christmas gift thatwe had treasured for you it is... angel! she has gone through a lot in lifeshould not be that way anymore i am giving her to youwholeheartedly! take care of here. abhi, do not go for that hotel job anymorepeople of hari are all over there
i am scared, abhi.please! what is this? what mistake have we doneto fear him like this? please! i safeguardedher all these years... but it took me only a minuteto lose aunt mercy do not worrynothing will happen to us we should not lose anything hereafter do not talk unnecessarilyand upset aunt annie too let me go
good night abhi...- good night! good night...- good night! oh god!i am eddy damn ityou would have got hit now why are you so late? i have to reach here inhiding, is not it? that stupid sub-inspector is all determinedto arrest you no matter what he is too dangerous if he arrests youhe will arrest me too
brother, meena has leftmy income is down the drain brother, can you try going torose villa once again? things are easier now it is only mercy who is deadangel is still there you just take her like a little birdand give her to me i will live my life with that you corpse!what did you think of me? you mixed cannabis in my liquor,and made me do it i loved mercy!
i have still not gotten overthe pain in my heart brother... that... i will slaughter youget lost...you corpse! tell me brotherwhat is up? i told youi am leaving this scene just listen to whati have got to tell you i have to abscondno, that is risky just send me a boat who is that, pig?come out in the light
come if you are that bold!come... who is that?no... where were you till now? what happened?abhi! do not make a noise. i hit hari! is he dead? i do not know abhi, why are you like this?
it is for our aunt mercythis is the least i can do i cannot lose... you... i am scared we should liveshould live for many many years yes, we have to live you bloody woman, angel!it is been too long one is gonenext is your turn i will ruin your life...- angel! will hari be dead?- i does not need help of hari. you devil! anyway, they are going to live together.but, why this hurry now, annie?
our family doctor is like my dad to mehe has also approved of it you are the only one aroundto approve of it for abhi it is not long sincemercy has passed away so... i am sure she will only be happy about iti know it what happened to mercyshould never happen to my angel however close he is to usin front of others, he is only a stranger here! nobody should look at ussuspiciously anymore abhi should live herewith all the right! people should not see rose villaas a place, where there is no man
please simon i am just like mother of angel. i am thinking of you as father of abhiand talking to you that is... not an elaborate wedding right here, at rose villa, where soul of mercyis also present, just a small ceremony an engagement rest of it, you can plan with father of abhi, simonand father paul and have it anywhere you want what do you say, abhi?
you have to decide i am ready for anything two rings have to be boughti will get that let that be my giftwhat should i tell annie? i will obey anything thataunt annie tells me to but, i need to tell my dad before thati want to see him do not delay thatlet that happen soon i want to see his dad too,get his blessings can i too go with abhi?
this is our 'bethlehem'my home i have told you thatmy house is bigger than 'rose villa' you be herei will go get my dad let me see how he reactswhen he sees my angel! angel!do not shudder one look at you and i knowit is angel standing here you are the little angelwho has swooned away my boy by playing the violin abhi and jose have told so much about youthat you are very familiar to me now
do you know who i am? father paul yes, smart girl! where is he? gone to call his dad... he is left you alone hereand gone away? come with me, dear dad, this is angel you have come to takehis blessings, right?
take itthis is my dad papa he can understand everythingbut, he cannot bless you with his hands i have told him so much about your musiche is looking forward to listening to it, is not it? fathermy dad! father, look!my dad! i told you that god himselfwill come down see the power of musicjesus, praise be to you! angel...angel, open your eyes
hey! you thoughti am dead, you swine! i had decided to stop all of thisit is you who has pulled me back again you thought i would not recognise youin the dark? angel! open your eyes...it is me, abhi calling leave me! leave meangel... leave me...- will you escape! i will not let you go...- leave me hey, do not come to me!
no... hari, listen to me! i want save her. i want to save angel.do not come to me. angel!oh god... doctor... my angel...how is my angel? your angel is fine... she is sleeping now
annie...- i have not told her anything what is it, doctor? how can i tell him thatangel will not be alive for long now? oh jesus! brother!what did this doctor say just now? what is it, doctor?i need to know... tell me what the doctortold you, brother tell me...just tell me, brother i bought this for both of youwhat do we do with this?
angel!she will not come back again who told you thatshe will not come back? doctor, you are lying, is not it?you are lying, is not it, brother? she will come back angel will come backif i call her we should exchange these rings you forgot, brother she promised my dad thatshe will go back to see him again we are supposed to get marriedat the church in rajkumari
it is our weddingwe have to go back, brother! this is her life if i call her with this, she will wake upfrom even the deepest slumber i know iti will call her she will wake up if i call her abhi!- no, i know she will wake upif i call her abhi!- simon... he...
there is very little time remaining let him be with her we should do at least that muchfor them, is not it? angel, all that you had desired for,all that we dreamt about today is our wedding daywake up, angel! i love you angel!

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