- what?! - ( overlapping chatter ) ( vocalizing ) that was barelyworth the effort, adagio. i'm tired of fast food.i need a meal. the energy in this worldisn't the same asin equestria. we can only gainso much power here. ugh, i wish we'd neverbeen banished to thisawful place. really?i love it here. for realsies?because i thinkthis place is the worst.
i think you're the worst,sonata. oh, yeah?well, i think you're-- ( groans )i'll tell you one thing-- being stuck herewith you two isn't making this worldany more bearable. ( gasps )did you feel that? do you know what that is? both: uh-uh. it's equestrian magic.
but this world doesn'thave equestrian magic. it does now. and we're going to use itto make everyone in this patheticlittle world adore us. ( music playing ) ♪ we used to fight with each other ♪ ♪ oh, whoa-- whoa-- whoa ♪ ♪ that was before we discovered ♪ ♪ back when your friendship was real ♪
♪ yeah, you just say what you feel ♪ ♪ and the music ♪ ♪ yeah, the music ♪ ♪ gets us to the top ♪ ♪ as we learn how the rainbow ♪ ♪ rainbow rocks ♪ ♪ you can pick up the bass ♪ ♪ and you can play the guitar ♪ ♪ you can bang on the drums ♪
♪ or you can sing like a star ♪ ♪ rainbow rocks. ♪ ( chatter ) - want some help?- uh, no, thanks. we're good. oh, okay. sunset shimmer,over here! ( chatter continues ) ( gasping, whispering ) ( sighs )i had no idea the wholeschool would be here.
quite the eye-catchingadvertisement if i dosay so myself. and it smells like cake. it does?( sniffs ) i used frosting instead of paste. uh, fluttershy,you've got a littlesomething... uh... - did i get it?- not exactly. good afternoon,students. i just wantedto tell you all how pleased i amthat so many of you
are going toparticipate inthe first ever canterlot high schoolmusical showcase. ( cheering ) this is a wonderfulopportunity to raise money for allour after-school programs here at chs. so keep working onthose signs and posters. i think it's going to be one of the most excitingevents we've had at chs
since the fall formal. i am never gonnalive that down. you were pretty badat the fall formal. a demon.i turned intoa raging she-demon. and tried to turneveryone here intoteenage zombies for your ownpersonal army. oh, darling,you have us. and we've forgiven youfor your past-- ahem--boo-boos. to be honest, i'd saythe whole experience
brought everyoneat canterlot high closerthan ever before. one, two, three. ♪ there was a timewe were apart ♪ ♪ but that's behind us now ♪ ♪ see how we've madea brand-new start ♪ ♪ and the future'slooking up ♪ ♪ oh, oh ♪ ♪ and when you walk these halls ♪ ♪ you feel it everywhere ♪
♪ yeah, we're the wondercolts forever ♪ ♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ we are all together ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ now is better than ever ♪ ♪ you can feel it ♪ ♪ we are backand i'm so gladthat we're better ♪ ♪ better than ever ♪ ♪ oh, wha, oh, wha, oh ♪
♪ oh, yeah,we're better than ever ♪ ♪ oh, wha, oh, wha, oh ♪ ♪ there was a timewe couldn't see pastthe differences ♪ ♪ that separated you and meand it left us on our own ♪ ♪ but now you walk these halls ♪ ♪ and friends are everywhere ♪ ♪ we are all together ♪ ♪ now that we areback on track ♪ ♪ yes, i'm so gladthat we're better ♪
♪ oh, yeah, we're better than ever ♪ ♪ oh, yeah,we're better than ever. ♪ ( laughs )i still can't believethat happens when we play. ooh, i've got to lookinto some new accessories. something that looks goodin a longer ponytail. ooh, maybe someclip-on earrings for when i get thoseadorable pony ears. i just wonderwhy it happens. princess twilight tookher crown back to equestria.
shouldn't that mean she tookall the magic back with her? who cares why it happens? it makes my bandtotally awesome. oh, your band? duh, it was my ideato start the rainbooms so we could bein the showcase. plus, i'm the lead singerand guitarist. ( knock on door ) heard you outside.
you guys are soundingreally tight. uh, we're getting there. rarity's stillcoming in a little lateon the second verse and applejack's bass solocould use a little work. they'll get it togetherin time for the showcase. uh, i don't suppose any of our friendsfrom out of town might come? it being a specialcharity event and all. sorry, flash, i don't thinktwilight's gonna be back
at canterlothigh any time soon. oh, yeah. okay. just, you know,thought i'd ask. uh, keep on rocking it. well, someone is quitethe smitten kitten. ooh, sorry. i always forget you and flashused to be an item. it's okay. flash is a great guy and all,
but i never reallyliked him liked him. i was just using himto become more popular. ( sighs )the old me really wasjust awful, wasn't she? - ( muttering )- yup. but the important thingis that you've turnedyourself around. thanks, applejack. but i'm not sure everyone elseat chs feels the same way. woman on p.a.: sunset shimmer, please report to the main foyer. gotta run.i volunteered to show somenew students around the school.
thought it would be goodfor them to get to knowthe new me before they heardall the stuff aboutthe old me. we've still got a few minutesbefore lunch starts, what do you say we do"awesome as i wanna be"? um, rainbow dash, i was wondering if we maybecould play the song i wrote. we'll get to it. hi. are you the girlsi'm supposed to show around? we are.
canterlot highis a great school. you're reallygonna love it. oh, yes. we really sensethere's something magicalabout this place. that's the science lab. computer labis in there. ooh, we're havinga big musical showcasethis weekend. the whole school ispretty much rallyingaround it. a musical showcase?
i'm sure since you're new,principal celestia will let you sign upif you're interested. we have been known to singfrom time to time. hello?we sing, like,all the time. it's how we get peopleto do what we want. - ( groans )- what did i say? what you meant to say was that being ina musical showcase sounds like a great wayto meet other students.
oh, yeah. what she said,i meant to say. that's what i meant...to say. - and what you would have said if you weren't the worst.- you are. - you have to excuse them. they're idiots.- both: hmmph. sunset: those are pretty. where did you-- ( laughs ) sorry.these pendants meanan awful lot to us.
we'd just hate for anythingto happen to them. ( chatter ) - so how was the tour?- i don't know. i mean, these girls,they were-- there was something offabout them. like off like this? or off like this? or-- ooh, like-- maybe we shouldjust let her tell us?
that's just it.i can't put my finger on it. they just acted sort ofstrange around me. maybe someone alreadytalked to them. told them about what i did. ( sighs )so much for makinga good first impression. uh-huh. ooh, that'sprobably not it. this is it, girls. the moment we'vebeen waiting for.
lunch? ( groans )the chance to get ourtrue equestrian magic back. oh, right. our voices arejust strong enough to make them want something so badly, they'll fight to get it. so we're just gonna dowhat we always do? stir up some troubleand then feed off thenegative energy? some plan, adagio.
it won't be the sameas the times before. there is equestrianmagic here. their negative energywill give us the power we need to get this entire worldto do our bidding. but we can get lunch after,though, right? it's taco tuesday. - just follow my lead.- or my lead. my lead. ( vocalizing )
♪ we heard you wantto get together ♪ ♪ we heard you wantto rock this school ♪ ♪ we've got somethingthat is better ♪ ♪ something that changesall the rules ♪ ♪ why pretendwe're all the same? ♪ ♪ when some of usshine brighter ♪ ♪ here's a chance to find your flame ♪ ♪ are you a loseror a fighter? ♪ ♪ me and you,you and me ♪
♪ why don't we seewho is better? ♪ ♪ we don't have to beone and the same thing ♪ ♪ oh, what's so wrongwith a little competition? ♪ ♪ are you afraid of failingthe audition? ♪ ♪ you're a starand you should know it ♪ ♪ now you riseabove the rest ♪ ♪ it doesn't matterwho you hurt ♪ ♪ if you're just provingyou're the best ♪ ♪ battle,you want to win it ♪
♪ let's have a battle ♪ ♪ battle of the bands ♪ ♪ we'll go all in it ♪ ♪ battle, battle ♪ ♪ battle of the bands... ♪ i can beat you. - ♪ battle... ♪- ha! you wish. - ♪ battle... ♪- i so want this. - ♪ battle... ♪- not if i get it first.
♪ i'm going out there,winning the audition ♪ ♪ battle ♪ ♪ we want to win it ♪ ♪ let's have a battle ♪ ♪ battle of the bands ♪ ♪ battle of the bands. ♪ oh, they'rethat kind of off. those three are definitelyin possession of some kindof dark magic. - how else could you explain what happened back there?- don't worry, y'all.
we let principal celestiaknow all about this and those girlswill be kicked tothe curb in no time. last thing she needsis another chs event almost ruined by somepower-crazed lunatic. uh, no offense. ( sighs )none taken. dark magic? i find thatvery hard to believe. those girls came intomy office earlier
and wereabsolutely delightful. perhaps sunset shimmer is just eager to make someoneelse out to be a bad element so that her actionsat the fall formalwill become old news. i could see whyyou might think that, but-- that's not what's happening. we saw all of this go downin the cafeteria, too. yes, but isn't your band supposed to be part ofthe musical showcase?
yes. perhaps you're alljust worried that the dazzlingswill steal your spotlight. the dazzlings? it's the nameof their musical group. that's why they came bymy office earlier. to sign up for the showcase. even sang a little song to vice principal luna and i. - they did?- yes.
and we think havinga battle of the bands instead isa marvelous idea. i can't believe they gotto principal celestia and vice principal luna, too. they've gottento everybody. - not everybody.- pinkie pie's right. we were there whenthe dazzlings were singing and we weren't affected. it was like we wereprotected somehow.
so let's take them down. it's not likewe haven't tangledwith dark magic before and totally whuppedits sorry butt. again. but that was whentwilight was here. there may be some kindof magic inside us, but it only comes outwhen we play music. i sure don't knowhow to use it to "whup anybody's butt."
if only we could geta message to twilight. maybe she could tell ushow to break the spell the dazzlings have caston our friends. well, that's not gonna happen. the portal's closed. ( screams ) and i get the feeling they don't exactly havecell phones where she's from. i may have an idea
how we can get in touchwith princess twilight. when i wasprincess celestia's studentback in equestria, she gave me this. even after iabandoned my studies,i held on to it. deep down, i guess i knewi was making a big mistake and i still wanted a wayto reach out to her. maybe it still works. rarity: that's a book, darling. what do you meanmaybe still works?
it used to be thatif i wrote something here, it would appear inthe pages of a book back inprincess celestia's library. i get a message to her, then she can get a messageto princess twilight. so what are you waiting for?get to writing. huh. been a long time sincei've written these words. "dear princess celestia." excuse me, princess,where do you want all thesebooks from princess celestia?
the library.third door on the left. even this one that's glowingand vibrating? what is it, twilight? it looks like a messageto princess celestia from my friendsat canterlot high. how is that even possible? i have no idea, but it sounds likethey need my help. the way sunset shimmer described them,
i think these new girlssound an awful lot like the sirens. not the sirens! i don't actually knowwhat that is. the sirens were three beautifulbut dangerous creatures who had the power to charm ponies with their music. but to maintain this power, they had to feed on the negativity and distrust of others. the more of this negative energy they consumed,
the stronger their voices became and the farther they could spread their dark magic. i don't think i likethis story very much. twilight: if the sirens had their way, they would have dividedand conquered all of equestria. but a certain star swirl the bearded wasn't having it. rumor has it he found a way to banish them to another world. one where he believed their magic power would be lost. that world must have beenthe one where my canterlot highfriends live.
but star swirl must havesent them there ages ago. how come they'rejust surfacing now? i don't know,but if my hunch is right and it is the sirens who have come to canterlot high, this spell they've cast is just the beginning. my friends need me.i have to get back to them. i hate to burst your bubble,twilight, but the connection betweentheir world and equestria will still be totally cut offfor a super long time.
okay, first of all,if there was bubbleblowing going on, why wasn't i told about it? and secondly,if the connectionis totally cut off, how was sunset shimmerable to get a messageto twilight? ( gasps )pinkie, you're a genius. yeah, i get that a lot. now about those bubbles. twilight: ...and the interval between the two points is defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the separation
between the points alongthree spatial dimensions. - say what now?- duh. she's gonna take the magicin here and put it in there. that'll make the portal open upso that whenever she wants to, she can gofrom here to there. there to here.here-there. - there to here. here to there. there--- we get the idea. now to seeif it actually works. all: ooh.
all: ahh. - don't suppose we could join you this time around?- better not. it could make thingspretty confusing ifcanterlot high all of a sudden had two of all of you. ( all "oh" ) but i still get to go, right? there isn't another one of meat canterlot high. and you never knowwhen you might needyour trusty assistant. mm-hmm.
yes! we won't be gone long. ( overlapping chatter ) and don't forgetto dress well. ready, spike? ready. ( sighs )i'm starting to thinkshe's not coming. all:twilight! ooh. i'm back.
all:oh, twilight. i've got some bad newsabout those new girls. ( all groan ) oh, i do hate that you hadto return at a time of crisis. we have so muchcatching up to do. for starters, a certainblue-haired guitar playerwas just asking about you. flash sentrywas asking about me? ahem.isn't that nice? perhaps you could give usjust the slightest bit ofgossip from your world?
she's gotan official title now. ( mimics trumpet fanfare )the princess of friendship. wow, that'sreally impressive. guess you really wereprincess celestia'sprize pupil. she's even gother own castle. a castle?! you have your own castle?! uh, ahem. oh, lovely.
what's new here? i mean,besides your schoolbecoming the target of dangerous magical creatures from equestria. yeah,so that isn't exactly the only strange thingthat's happened since you left. - ( music playing ) - ♪ ...and i'm so glad that we're better... ♪ pretty sweet, huh? it happens to all of uswhen we play. hmm. my crownwas returnedto equestria,
but some of its magicmust have remained hereat canterlot high. now that we'reall back together, we can use that magicon the sirens. just like whenwe were able to use iton sunset shimmer when she turned intothat horrifyingly awfulwinged monster. no offense. none taken. i'm used to it. they'll never even knowwhat hit 'em.
( grunting ) we've got nothingto worry about nowthat twilight's back. oh, i'm pretty surei could find somethingto worry about. but it won't be the sirens. the sooner we do this,the better. any idea wherethe dazzlings might be? ( slurps )ahh. there's a big party tonightfor all the bands who signed upto be in the showcase. that would includethe dazzlings.
looks like we've gota party to crash. ( sighs )i'm gonna get more punch. twilight? oh, bumped into-- always doing... what are you doing here? you came back forthe big competition, right? something like that. not that there's going to beany real competition.
no one here wants thisas bad as my band does. can you excuse mefor just a minute? ( overlapping conversations ) adagio: oh, no. no one's mingling. it's like there's some kindof underlying tension that could bubbleto the surface at any minute. it's the fruit punch,isn't it? i knew i usedtoo much grape juice. it's not the fruit punch,it's us.
but the punch is awful, too. - what do you know about good fruit punch?- more than you. - do not.- do, too. this is justthe kickoff party, girls. imagine what a tizzythey'll be in by the timethe battle ofthe bands starts. there isn't going to bea battle of the bands. we're gonna make sureof that. all right, girls,let's do this.
friendship is magic. uh, weren't there rainbowsand lasers and stuff last time? i don't understand. we're all together again. why isn't this working? you, uh, reallyneed to go ahead and do that whole"magic of friendship"thing now. i'm trying, spike. i thought the six of usstanding togetheragainst the sirens
would bring out the magicwe needed to defeat them. that's what happened before. talk about throwing downthe gauntlet. this group is obviouslyserious about winning. a little cocky,though, aren't they? claiming there won'treally be a battle. seems they thinkthey've already gotthis thing all locked up. not if the great and powerfultrixie has anythingto do with it. whatever, trixie.
we're the best band at chs. no.the crusadersare gonna win. adagio: i think we may have found what we're looking for. or rather,it found us. magic.don't you see? everyone else has fallen under our spell. but not these girls. these girls are special. it doesn't make any sense.
i should have been ableto create the spark that would help usbreak their spell. that's how it worked before. but to defeat me,you drew magic fromthe crown i was wearing. the sirens' magiccomes from their music... so maybe you have to usethe same kind of magicto defeat them. or maybe not. - no, i think you're onto something.- really? it's when you play musicthat you transform now,right?
yup. ears, tails,the whole shebang. so maybe the wayto use that magicto defeat the sirens is by playing a musicalcounterspell. - you mean like a song?- uh-huh. and in order to free everyonewho's been exposed tothe sirens spell, we'll need them allto hear it. all: hmm. ( gasps )the band competition. that's the next timewe can be certain
everyone will bein the same placeat the same time. guess the rainbooms arethe band to beat. and i believe,you, twilight, just became the rainbooms'newest member. ( giggling ) so what do youwant to play? triangle?sousaphone? - theremin?- ( music playing ) so magical.
i might takea little too long to learn how to playsomething with these. i'll just sing. like as in lead singer? 'cause that'susually my gig. this beingmy band and all. it's our band. and of courseas lead singer. she's the one withthe magical knowhow tohelp us pull this thing off.
okay, yeah, that's cool. i'll just use thisas a chance to hone my already insanelygood lead guitar skills. it's only temporary. and we don't have to winthe battle of the bands. we just have to perform during the first round of the competition. so let's get to learningthat musical counterspell. well, that's just it.i don't know any. ( all sigh )
but i'm sure i couldfigure out how to write one. totally.twilight can write a spelllike it's nobody's business. that's pretty muchhow she got to becomea princess in equestria. technically,i helped finish a spell. and there was a little moreto it than that, spike. yeah, whatever. i've got this. come on. where are you going?
well,last time we were here, spike and i spent the nightin the library. are you crazy? we're besties now. slumber party at my house. status update--okey dokey, loki. hey.i was about to beat you. i doubt it. so, twilight, how's thatcounterspell coming?
huh? oh, uh, good. great. thanks for letting meuse your notebook, fluttershy. i really like the songyou wrote for the rainbooms. thanks.( sighs ) hopefully one day,we'll get a chanceto play it. - ( laughing )- hey! twilight, i think i speakfor all of us when i say i don't know whatwe would've done if youhadn't come back to help us. all: uh-huh.
( doorbell rings ) pizza's here. ( sighs ) don't you want any pizza? ( snoring ) no, that's not gonna work. hey, twilight.you're up late. just looking overthe counterspell. we only getone shot at this.it has to be perfect.
we really are luckyyou're here. that's what everyonekeeps telling me. who could possibly needthis much whipped cream? it must be niceto have everyone always looking to youfor answers to their problems instead of waiting for youto cause a problem. just because everyoneexpects something from you doesn't mean it's guaranteedto happen. but that doesn't stop themfrom expecting it.
which only make things harder because the last thingyou want to do is... both:let everybody down. boulder was hungry. i still can'tget over the fact thatshe's related to pinkie pie. you and me both. ( yawns )i better get some sleep. good luck withthe counterspell. not that you'll need it.
this must be nothing compared to the stuff you're expected to deal with as a princess in equestria. sunset shimmer... never mind.it's not important. no, i have to be ableto do this. i have to. - ( music playing ) - ♪ hey, hey, listen ♪ ♪ we've got a messagefor you ♪ ♪ we're not all alike ♪
♪ but our friendshipis true ♪ ♪ yeah, we're really different ♪ ♪ but we still get along ♪ ♪ so, hey, hey ♪ ♪ listen to our song ♪ ♪ you may think you're in control ♪ ♪ but we're here to prove you wrong ♪ ♪ with the friendship of our music ♪ ♪ with the powerof our song ♪
♪ gonna stomp our feet,clap our hands ♪ ♪ with ourmagical friendship ♪ ♪ gonna stop your evil plan. ♪ eh, that soundedway better than the last five timesyou played it. - ( chuckles )- nope. i think it's pretty obvious what's going wrongwith this counterspell. you're turning what should bethe chorus into a five-minuteguitar solo?
i have to pick upthe slack somehow. are you guys even trying? i'm trying. it's fine.i'll be fine. one more time from the top. or perhaps we could takea short break-- try on some ofthe wardrobe choicesi put together. i'm particularly fondof this one. of course we couldalways go with somethinga bit more modern.
we're trying tosave our school here. enough with the costumes. you can never haveenough costumes. she just wantsto make things fun. isn't that what beingin a band is supposed to be? you don't have timefor any of this. you're supposed to check inat the battle of the bandsin 15 minutes. - ( all gasp )- oh, no! but-- but it's not ready.
if we play the counterspellin the first round andit doesn't work, the sirens will knowwhat we're up to and make sure we don'tget a chance to play it again. then we'll have tobuy ourselves some time so you can keepworking on it. and how do you proposewe do that? we compete inthe battle of the bandsfor real. i take over lead vocals againand we stay alive untilthe finals. we unleashthe counterspell then.
you'll have figured it out by the finals, right? of course she will. twilight sparkle's never meta problem she couldn't solve. - right, twilight?- right. then let's go win usa battle of the bands. welcome to the first ever canterlot high schoolbattle of the bands. i believe i speakfor everyone when i say it is by farthe greatest thing
we have ever donehere at this school. we are so gladour three newest students encouraged us to turn this event into something exciting. but as this is nowa competition, we can only chooseone winner. who is it going to be? you feel that, girls? our true poweris being restored.
( laughing ) adagio: and that's before we've tapped into the strongest magic here. but the rainblossoms--or whatever they're called-- aren't under our spell. how exactly are we supposedto get to their magic? the rainboomsare just as capable of falling apartas anyone else. they just need a little pushin the wrong direction.
i have a feeling everyone here is going to be lining upto give them a shove. ( beatboxing ) oh, yeah.snips and snailsin the house, yo. ♪ they call me m.c. snipsand it ain't no lie ♪ ♪ my favorite foodis like pumpkin pie ♪ ♪ i'm d.j. snazzy snails,i like whales ♪ ♪ when i go to the beach,i always bring my pail ♪ ( beatboxing )
♪ everybody knowsmy favorite coloris orange ♪ ♪ my rhymes are so fly,they're better than, um... ♪ ♪ than an orange, yo ♪ - ♪ yeah, represent ♪- ♪ yeah ♪ what do we--what do we do now? get off the stage,i'd like to leave right now. bam. that just happened. - yeah, we out.- snip and snails outta here. ( feedback )
please do notdrop the microphones. - yeah.- bam. in your face, rainbooms. at least we know one group whowon't stand in the way of usgetting to the finals. let's get ready to rock. wait,where's rarity? ooh, here. i'm here.( panting ) we will be performingin front of an audience. i'm not going to wearsomething fabulous?hmm.
( groans ) remember,we have to be good enoughto make it through, but not so goodwe let the sirenssee the magic within us. they could realize we plan to use it against them. got it.be cool enough to win, but not so coolthat we end upshowing off the whole ears and tailsand rainbows thing. so about 20% less cool. - one, two.- ♪ we just got the day ♪
♪ to get ready ♪ ♪ and there's onlyso much time to lose ♪ ♪ because tonight, yeah,we're here to party ♪ ♪ so let's think ofsomething fun to do ♪ ♪ we don't knowwhat's gonna happen ♪ ♪ we just knowit's gonna feel right ♪ ♪ all our friends are here ♪ ♪ and it's timeto ignite the lights ♪ ♪ shake your tail'cause we're here tohave a party tonight ♪
♪ shake your tail,shake your tail ♪ ♪ shake your tail,shake your tail... ♪ - ♪ so what you didn't get it right the first time? ♪ - boring. ♪ laugh it off,no one said it is a crime ♪ ♪ do your thing,you know you're an original ♪ ♪ your ideas are so funnythat they're criminal ♪ - ♪ ohh, ahh ♪- ( coughing ) ♪ we've just got the dayto get ready ♪ ♪ and there's only so much time to lose ♪
- ♪ so let's think of something fun to do ♪- ( chuckling ) awesome. ♪ we don't know ♪ ♪ what's gonna happen ♪ ♪ all our friends are here ♪ - ♪ shake your tail, shake your tail ♪ - ( gasps ) ♪ shake your tail'cause we're here tohave a party tonight. ♪ ( crying ) ( applause )
ruined. absolutely ruined. rarity, were you tryingto make us lose out there? what--this was not my fault. this was an act of sabotage. yeah, well,whoever did thiscouldn't have done this if you didn't insiston dressing like--like this. we need to sound good. is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?
and what waswith the confetti,pinkie pie? how am i supposed to shredif there's paper stuckin my frets? - it was pretty distracting.- ah! says the girlwho was running froma light the whole time. a light! you still soundedmuch better than mostof the other bands. i'm sure you'll make itto the next round. but it won't matterif you don't have thatcounterspell ready.
you all find a placeto practice where the sirenscan't hear you, i'll keep an eye on thingsaround here. i don't think we shoulduse a classroom. we really need to stopbumping into each otherlike this. uh, you guyshear something? - uh-uh.- uh, no. i said we have to stop-- there it is again.so annoying. why are youacting like this?
i thoughtwe were friends. yeah, and then you decideto come back here just so you can beat mein the battle of the bands. i want this, twilight,and you're trying totake it from me. some friend. - that's not why--- come on, twilight. we've got things to do. you really thinkyou're gonna help them? i bet you have no ideawhat you're even doing. ( snickers )tears already?
this is onlythe first round. principal celestia: the next band to take the stage will be trixie and the illusions. better head back.we're supposed togo on after trixie. you're never gonnaget away with this. why, because you didn't? oh, we know all about you,sunset shimmer. you've got quitethe reputation atcanterlot high. i've changed.i'm in a much betterplace now.
waiting in the wingswhile your friendshave all the fun? oh, yes,you girls are so tight. and yet they didn't ask youto be in the band? probably afraid no onewould want to see them play if she wasin the group. too bad. so sad. adagio: if it's any consolation, no one is going toremember you at all
by the timewe're done. remember, girls,we want to save the good stuff for when our full powerhas been restored. - ( music playing ) - ♪ oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ you didn't knowthat you fell ♪ ♪ oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ now that you'reunder our spell ♪ ♪ blindsided by the beat ♪ ♪ clapping your hands,stomping your feet ♪
♪ oh ♪ ♪ now you've fallenunder our spell ♪ ♪ oh ♪ ♪ we've got the music, makes you move it ♪ ♪ got the song that makes you lose it ♪ ♪ we say, "jump," you say, "how high?" ♪ ♪ put your hands up to the sky ♪ ♪ oh, whoa, oh, whoa ♪ ♪ you didn't know that you fell ♪
♪ now that you're under our spell ♪ ♪ listen to the soundof my voice ♪ ♪ soon you'll findyou don't have a choice ♪ ♪ captured in the web of my song ♪ ♪ soon you'll all be singing along ♪ ♪ now that you'reunder our spell. ♪ ( cackling ) this is it, last roundand you're in the finals. unless you thinkthe counterspell isready to be played now.
don't worry, twilight,finals aren't until tonight. we'll get in a littlemore practice before we'resupposed to hit the stage. - we won't let you down.- all: yeah. you won't let me down. fluttershy: um, i was just wondering, we haven't played anyof my songs yet and-- it's the semifinals. we've gotta do"awesome as i wanna be." i don't know why i even asked.
♪ ...got tricksup my sleeve ♪ ♪ see me dominate 'causei'm powerful and great. ♪ oh! fantastic. you're never gonna topthat performance, "raingoons." you shouldn'tbe allowed to when you have sucha big advantage overthe rest of us. my superior guitar playing and off-the-chartsawesome singing voice? oh, don't be ridiculous.
i mean her. if you were really all that, rainbow dash, you wouldn't haveneeded to bring insome magical ringer to have half a chance. everyone's talking about it. ha! please. i could win this thingas a solo act and everybody knows it. sure, you could.
( coughing ) she's gone! oh, wait.there she is. principal celestia: next up, the rainbooms. - knock 'em dead, rainbooms.- i'll be here. just watching. - ♪ hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey ♪- ♪ awesome as i wanna be ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey,hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ awesome as i wanna be ♪
♪ first you see meriding on a sonic boom ♪ ♪ got my guitarshredding up my latest tune ♪ ♪ there is nothingyou can do to beat me ♪ ♪ i'm so goodthat you can't defeat me ♪ ♪ yeah, i'm awesome,take caution ♪ ♪ watch out for me,i'm awesome as i wanna be ♪ ♪ watch out for me,i'm as awesome as i wanna be ♪ ♪ hey, hey, hey, hey,hey, hey. ♪ now that's the bad girlwe love to hate.
- ( cheering )- i knew she was still trouble. boy: the real sunset shimmer is back. no, it isn't like that. what was that? you were showing themyour magic. i didn't knowwhat else to do. close the curtains.unplug her amp. give us a chance to dealwith the situation. i'm sorry.i just wanted to help.
yeah, well, you didn't. none of this would'vehappened if you weren'ttrying to show off. as usual. good show, "rainbrooms." i especially like the partwhere sunset shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocked out rainbow dashmid guitar solo. it wasn't a fitof jealous rage. if you say so.
ooh, looks likethey've already decided who'll be moving onto the finals. i'm guessing it wasn'ttoo difficult a decision. - huh?- rarity: what can we do? there isn't gonna be anotheropportunity for us to play. and i had the most gorgeousoutfit for the finals. yup, 'cause that'sthe real tragedy here,rarity. that you won'tget to play dress-up. you know perfectly wellthat is not what i meant.
you guys wannakeep it down? - they're about to announce who's moving on.- who are you kidding? you know it isn'tgonna be us. the band that will bejoining the dazzlingsin tonight's finals... the rainbooms. - what?!- all: huh? did they just say"the rainbooms"? this isn't over. congratulations, girls.
you deserve it. seriously?we didn't evenfinish our-- see you at tonight'sbig show, rainbooms. we are reallylooking forward to it. yeah, well,not as much as we are. ( crowd booing, jeering ) this nevershould have been you,rainbooms. this is a travesty. a travesty!
it really is. the rainbooms don't deserveto be in the finals. not when your bandwas so much betterin the semis. and wanted itso much more. alas, this is the wayit's going to be. dazzlingsversus rainbooms. unless, of course,the rainbooms don't manageto make it to their set were held upfor some reason. hmm?( laughing )
check one, two.testing. testing. - testing.- ( feedback ) this doesn'tmake any sense. we were awful. doesn't anybody elsethink it's strange that we're the onesthat made it to the finals? very strange. what are you doing here,trixie? pretty sure the losersare supposed to be up therein the cheap seats.
the great and powerful trixie is the most talented girlat canterlot high. it is i who deserve to bein the finals. and i will not be denied. ( all scream ) see you never. told you someonewould give them a shove. she didn't shove them,she pulled the lever. oh, go back to sleep,sonata.
♪ you better believe i've got tricks up my sleeve ♪ ♪ and i captivate 'causei'm powerful and great ♪ ♪ you'd better believei've got tricks up my sleeve ♪ ♪ see me dominate 'causei'm powerful and great... ♪ applejack: give it up, rainbow dash. you've beentrying at this for hours.it's not gonna open. maybe it doesn't even matterthat we're trapped down here. i don't think the counterspellwould've worked anyway. 'course itwould've worked,twilight.
assuming a certainband member didn't tryto hog the spotlight the whole timewe were tryingto play it. hey, if you wantto tell twilight she's getting a littletoo caught up trying to bethe new leader of this band, you don't have to beall cryptic about it. she was talking about you,rainbow dash. me?! i'm just tryingto make sure my band rocks as hardas it needs to.
all: our band! but why wasn't it working? i should know what to do. how can i not knowwhat to do? how could ihave failed like this? it might've been your ideato start a band, but it's not just your band,rainbow dash. i'm the one who writesall the songs. i write songs.you just never let usplay any of them.
i had the most perfectoutfits for us to wear. again with the costumes. no one careswhat we're wearing. i care, applejack. so sorry if i enjoytrying to make a creativecontribution to the band. hey, anybody hereremember fun?! i'll give you a hint-- it's the exact oppositeof being in the rainbooms! i wish i never askedany of you to be in my band.
- i wish i never agreed to be in it!- both: me neither. ( overlapping yelling ) ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ better believei've got tricks up my sleeve ♪ ( crowd cheering ) try to top that. oh, gosh,i don't know if we can. ( overlapping yelling continues ) stop!you have to stop!
this is whatthey've been afterall along. they're feeding offof the magic inside you. how can theybe using our magic? it's the magicof friendship. ever since you startedthis band, you've been lettinglittle things get to you. i never said anything'cause i didn't feel likeit was my place. not when i was so new to thiswhole friendship thing. i still have a lot to learn.
but i do know that if you don't work out even the smallest problems right at the start, the magic of friendship can be turned into something else. i can't believeall this tensionwas happening right under my noseand i didn't realize it. i'm supposed to be the onewith all the answers. and all i've donesince i got hereis let you down. i don't think anyoneis supposed to haveall the answers. but you can counton your friends tohelp you find them.
i think you already have. come on, we need toget out of here. ( all grunting ) ( knocks ) spike! sorry i took so long. i had to find somebodywho wasn't under the sirens'spell to help me get you out. why isn't sheunder their spell? never takes offher headphones.
come on, y'all. time to provewe've still got the magicof friendship inside us. and there's onlyone way to do it. we're getting the bandback together? we're getting our band back together. - whee!- oh, which version of the counterspell are we going to play? i don't think it matterswhat song we play as long as we play ittogether as friends.
i know just the song. fluttershy's writtena really great one. we're about tosave the world here. personally,i think we shoulddo it in style. - rarity?- i thought you'd never ask. ♪ welcome to the show ♪ ♪ we're hereto let you know ♪ ♪ our time is now ♪ ♪ your time is running out ♪
how are we supposedto play over themfrom up here? ( horn honks ) ( honks ) ♪ feel the wave of sound ♪ ♪ as it crashes down ♪ ♪ you can't turn away ♪ ♪ we'll make you wanna stay ♪ ♪ we will be adored ♪ ♪ tell us that you want us ♪
♪ we won't be ignored ♪ ♪ it's time for our reward ♪ ♪ now you need us ♪ ♪ come and meet us ♪ ♪ nothing can stop us now ♪ - ( music playing ) - ♪ oh, whoa ♪ ♪ i've got the music in me ♪ ♪ oh, whoa ♪ ♪ don't needto hear a crowd ♪
♪ cheering out my name ♪ ♪ i didn't come hereseeking infamy or fame ♪ ♪ the one and only thing ♪ ♪ that i am here to bring ♪ ♪ is music, is the music ♪ ♪ is the musicin my soul ♪ ♪ gonna break out ♪ ♪ set myself free, yeah ♪ ♪ let it all go, go ♪
♪ just let it be, yeah ♪ ♪ find the music in your heart ♪ ♪ let the music make you start ♪ ♪ to set yourself apart ♪ so the rainboomswant to turn this intoa real battle of the bands? then let's battle. ♪ what we have in store ♪ ♪ all we want and more ♪ ♪ we will break on through ♪
♪ now it's timeto finish you ♪ ♪ oh, oh... ♪ sunset shimmer,we need you. ♪ you're never gonnabring me down ♪ ♪ you're never gonnabreak this part of me ♪ ♪ my friends are hereto bring me around ♪ ♪ not just singingfor popularity ♪ ♪ that we won't let it go ♪ ♪ our music is a bomband it's about to blow ♪
♪ and you can try to fight ♪ ♪ but we have gotthe light of friendshipon our side ♪ ♪ got the musicin our hearts ♪ ♪ we're here to blowthis thing apart ♪ ♪ and together, we will never ♪ ♪ be afraid of the dark ♪ ♪ here to sing our songout loud ♪ ♪ get you dancing with the crowd ♪ ♪ as the music of our friendship survives ♪
♪ survives ♪ ♪ we're here to blow this thing apart ♪ ♪ be afraid of the dark ♪ ♪ get you dancingwith the crowd ♪ ♪ survives, survives ♪ ( singing off-key )♪ we will be adored ♪ ♪ we won't be ignored ♪ - ( booing )- ♪ it's time for our reward... ♪ guess that explainswhy these were sospecial to them.
without those pendantsand the magic you broughthere from equestria, they're just threeharmless teenage girls. rainbooms rule!that was amazing. you may have vanquishedthe dazzlings, but you willnever have the amazingshowstopping ability of the greatand powerful trixie. ( groans ) trixie's okay. you know,twilight is going backto equestria soon. the rainboomscould really use
someone to help fluttershy on backup vocals. i also play guitar. we'll see. sure wishyou could stay longer. me, too, but i haveresponsibilities in equestriathat i have toget back to. its citizens need me. but now i can go through the portal whenever i need to. this isn't good-bye,it's just good-byetill next time.
- ready?- ready. "dearprincess twilight, missing you alreadyand hope you'll be back soon. things are definitelylooking up for me hereat canterlot high, but i know i still have a lotto learn about friendship. hope you don't mindif i write to you for advicewhen i need it. your friend,sunset shimmer." - you ready or what?- ready. one, two, three, four.
( music playing ) ♪ once upon a time ♪ ♪ you came into my worldand made the stars align ♪ ♪ now i can see the signs ♪ ♪ you pick me upwhen i get downso i can shine ♪ ♪ shine like rainbows ♪ ♪ friends, you are in my life ♪ ♪ and you can count on me to be there by your side ♪ ♪ and when the music comes alive ♪
♪ we sing our songs to lift us up so we can shine ♪ ♪ and the sound that we hear in our hearts ♪ ♪ makes a crescendo ♪ ♪ and the light that ignites in the dark ♪ ♪ it makes us all glow ♪ ♪ and shine like rainbows ♪ ♪ we shine like rainbows ♪ ♪ together we stand ♪ ♪ as the rainbegins to fall ♪
♪ and holdingour heads up high ♪ ♪ as the sun shinesthrough it all ♪ ♪ shine like rainbows. ♪ no doubt about it, spike. there's definitelysomething strange going onat that school.

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