i can't do this, mom. be brave my child. keep praying. "satnaam vahe guru, satnaam vaahe guru." hey, sonali!what the hell are you upto? do we ever go offline? are you nuts? the keys are right here.can't you wait a bit? i can wait. the baby can't! thank god!
"we are crazy.....and carefree." "we are silly.....we are naughty." "we travel in style." "we make noise." "we fix everyone’.....broken dreams." "we are combustible.....and young." "totally stubborn.....our dreams, our dreams." namaste brother bunty. just 2 minutes, please.
"we move without hesitation..." "..even in the face of fear." "we are mature..." - 'evening inaamdar sir.- how are you, sonali? great! what's up, girl? let's go, you glutton. namaste taai. how is everything?
fine. "let it break,let it get away.....let us loose." "let us fall and get up again.....let us steady ourselves." "if someone opposes us.....we will cross the bridge then." after dominating markets in telecom, refineries, healthcare and agriculture... ...the fortune 500-listed shining corp. is now dominating broadband internet. we bring you an exclusive interview with shining chairman narayan singh vaghela. friends. if you want to be born,we have hospitals. if you don't want to be born,we make condoms.
if you want to die, we haveair-conditioned crematoriums. we are here to meet your every need. and if you can't afford it,we'll finance you. if you are with us,we are with you all the way. in life and beyond,we'll always be together, shining! eat it! the people of india and the shining group are lovers. and when a third person comes between us, it's just not very enjoyable. it is...a love story, dear.
the internet business is all i know.at least give me a job in your company. madhavan. you won't fit in here, mr. shetty. so please, go home. "it is a love story, dear". holy shit! more viruses? tons of 'em. so what now?
how do we get rid of the virus, sada? actually, we'll have toreformat the hard dicks. so, did you take care of chanda ji's virus? still some left. be gentle with it. hey sada. have you seen any shiningpeople in our area? they're like shadows.they don't have a face, only guile. - jayyu, check now.- yeah i'm doing it. - who's the rookie?- jayyu hired him.
without asking me? i've never seen him in our area. area? he's not even from our country. bangladesh? fully illegal. jayyu is going toget us into deep shit. raghu. sonali dattaram tandel? roll number 43!
how've you been? good. and you? fit. taai didn't tell me that you were back. i didn't even tell her. i just showed up. last night. after eight years.just like that? yeah. just like that. i hear you've becomequite famous around here. yeah right! but it's going good.
- swing by the centre sometime.- yes, i will, definitely. so...how long are you staying? it's not our job to give speeches. so i'll just say a couple of words. thank you, sonali. it's not our job to give speeches either. we are a "social service". our friend, sonali is an even bigger"social service". didn't bunty pandey run a gang?
social club. and his brother, sada.he works with you? he's like my son. sonali is the reason,the guys from our neighbourhood... they do good work. that's all. thank you. and my job is to only give speeches... which is why i told sonali... that i would invest in her centreon one condition.
it should help the community. i educated my son, raghu, in america. i told him too, we need to make maharashtra reach the heights of america. i called him back home.and here he is. it's great time for mumbai. long live india and maharashtra. kiddo. come visit sometime. anytime. why? are you itching to hit me again?
let's go. taai. can i come by this evening? - why?- i wanted to talk to you about shining. now raghu's back. he will handle it. raghu's back for good? yes. raghu will handlethe business from now. understood? - can i get a ride?- sure. raghu! careful!
relax sis. he'll handle it.he's your son after all. have you forgotten whose daughter she is? what the hell is this? stop ripping me off.give me a bigger bunch. keep all of it. i'm going back to my village. all these years we kept driving you northerners out, you wouldn't leave. doing mumbai a favour, are you? how do i compete with these big companies and their supermarkets?
i can't afford to sell any cheaper. drive them out first! hey, mr. america, you're back! - how are you?- dad, we're going to the office. first, you'll have to step into my office. what's all this? that's my portfolio. check it out.the deadly riots of bhiwandi. that's me driving out the southies.
all for your mom's party. oh, this here is fromthe hindu-muslim riots. i'm in every picture. throwing stones with a towel around my face. riot specialist, datta tandel. the amount of stones i threw,you could build a bridge. drink? wrong number.chingam, get some tea. raghu's here. yeah i know, the spelling is wrong. - we were busy so we just...- relax.
none of these guys finished college.just like us. have a seat.give him a chair. yes, sir. how are you? you shouldn't get an error.i'll look into it. hey nutjob! they're still getting connection errors in aquarius. jayyu was looking into it. - what happened?- did you go to aquarius? - i'm going.- why are you still here? - i told you, i'm going!
what's keeping you?a date with your mom? keep my mother out of it. screw your mother! you're ruining our reputation and i'm supposed to just shut up? you want me to worship you, asshole? hello sir. five minutes.you'll be online. sada go. aquarius is my building.i'll go. my ass, you will!
go! and who signed off on this rookie? no need to go. - i've fixed it.- what? - how did you do that?- and that too sitting here. just did it. who's speaking? yeah, this is sonali tandel. if they want to meet,it'll have to be at my office.
who was that? she wants me to come to her office? you're quite the badass!why worry about shining? it's not shining. then, what's the problem? - why'd you come back?- what would i do there? obama wanted to makeme his son-in-law. i said, no thanks.i'm married to india. so, what's the problem?
look, your mom owns 60% of the centerand i own phourty. forty. phourty. - four...- screw the phourty! your mom said you'llhandle the business from now. mom's a politician. and what are you? you tell me. - what's happening?- same old crap.
- how are you?- i'm doing good. remember the hindi examfrom 10th grade? probably not. i remember it.the last test i ever took. there was phrase in there. "two swords cannotshare the same sheath". the sheath is yours,and so is the sword. but your sword is blunt. meaning? meaning, you need someone to sharpen it.a manager.
so what does the "sword sharpener" say? don't wait for the enemy. face him,in his own style. what? - nothing. you look great.- you want me to change. you'll look great even in a burkha.let's go. baba, tell her. i brought my car. don't you want to be there in a schwees? you've got an m.b.a. - this little shop of your's...- mr. bose.
it's her company.i'm just a manager like you. okay, boss.listen up. game over! find something else to do.you've got a week. what the hell is he saying? you - have - one - week.(in marathi) you think it's a joke? bombay burger!specially for you. we attended the meeting.note that!
raghu, make her understand. we'll shut you down andrub your noses in scum. bring it on bitch! just try! i'll smash your face. i'll cut your nose off asshole! bangladesh is whooping australia!unbeleivable! basically, they'll try to screw us over.we have to be ready. to get screwed?
be serious. - i am serious...- just hear her out, jayyu. calmly. we'll drown in their ocean. we'll swim in it! sonali, this is us! shining is building an office nearby. their toilet is as big as our office! dude, chill! stop harping on shining.
just remember.even a tiny, little ant... ...can make an elephantdo the disco. it's all about biting the right spot. learn! optimism. bobby, you were saying... sir, we've used warning, negotiation, punishment and division. i'm sure you've heard ofthe art of war. ramayan. go on.
so we've turned every stone. we've almost taken controlof all of mumbai's internet lines. - what was that?- all of mumbai... before that! almost... almost is almost.and whole is whole. it's not the same thing. when i was a young boy... my mom used to make mefilter the rice.
and if she found evena single piece of dirt in there... ...then all i got for dinnerwas a glass of water. and that's why i can afford a $2,500 drink,that you can't even afford to smell. warning, negotiation, punishment, division, and then - "almost"! i want the whole city, you twit!all of mumbai! so... let alone a computer... i've never even used a calculator. but, my computer says thatthis cable internet...
it's like that thing between a motherand her child. what is it called? what is it?that tube... yes, the cord! every home that our cables enter,will be under our control. and i want every single home! get your act together. get rid of these fancy clothes and enter the bullring, mr. english-medium boy! "one glimpse.....and you by my side." "i live to please you."
"you are my guide.....i have found you, i am complete." "just need to see one glimpse of you to live this life." "yeah i just need one glimpse." "every moment without you feels like eternity." "i roam around like a nomad." "i am like half a sky." 'can’t stay away from you." so, the cable centre iskeeping you quite busy. i'm just helping sonaliout a little.
don't get too entangled.i have bigger plans for you. sonali cable will be huge one day. but that girl won't get anywhere. come on, mom.we've grown up together. needs can easily turn into habits. and bad habits are hard to break. "just need to see one glimpse of you to live this life..." "..yeah i just need one glimpse." whoa!
love story? please continue. - and you'll watch?- yeah! you pervert! how are you? (in incorrect marathi) it's, "how are you?" (corrected marathi) mrs. pawar, i'm hoping you will understand the reality. our company is not just india's leading corporation. in fact, it's world renowned. does it matter to the goat if the butcher's knife is studded with diamonds?
but mrs. pawar, we are vegetarian. well, we're anything but vegetarian. look taai, when the government constructs roads... ...homes, shops, factories have to be sacrificed. they must make way. right now, in this city,we are the government. when not in power,we are the devil. and if we lose our cool,your ass will burn! but ma'am, i thought, you'd understand the importance of this project. and i thought you're here to compromise.
first, you throw a ridiculous,one-week deadline at raghu. and now you follow it up with a threat? and a vegetarian one at that? dada (brother). get him out of here. - what's up?- bobby bose met mom. - that twit! and?- she drove him away. - really?- listen, i have to go see her about this. yeah, carry on.i got this covered. there's a party at home this evening.you'll be there, right?
what's so funny? trapped in the net like a fish. couldn't you have pickedsomething else to wear? so what if it's mom's?this one's on our team. - nice?- very. our team will never win, sona. it doesn't matter what you wear. meena "taai" pawar will neverlet you marry her son. oh please!we've known each other for 20 years.
it's just matter of naming our relationship. name it what you want.you'll always be tainted. the tainted daughter of a slutwho left her family in the lurch. i don't want to ruin my make-up. - should i make you another drink?- nah. i'll help myself. so, this is how you drinkin bangladesh? i'm not from bangladesh.i'm from kolkata, west bengal. yeah, and i'm from korea.sada kimchi! hey sada, just drink man.
leave him alone. he's a real geek.works magic with the computer. a solid technician. - how does it matter where he's from?- it matters, jayyu. it matters to sonali.she's our boss. hey romeo,jabbo's on her way. what are you drinking? - someone's smokin'!- hot huh? bring out the whip!
what a diva! who's that bomb? guess who. oh, zooni!mr. mattoo's daughter. my, how you've grown! everyone does. weren't you studying in america? i got my masters in computer sciencefrom m.i.t. degrees are useless in mumbai.
you need guts! she's going to join mr. mattoo.she's the future of race net. look, mr. mattoo. who's mr. motoo (fatso)? that's not how we say it in india. he owns race net.and we sell race net broadband. a crook with a fancy hat. what's with your...hat? i fell.
where? in life. give me a break! i've promised mr. mattoo that we will sell race net broadband exclusively. yes, taai. especially after whatthose shining guys did today... help me out in the kitchen, will you?let them talk business. all good, kiddo? it was. taai, i'm glad you turnedshining down.
mr. mattoo does not needto know everything. think before you speak. and if you can't,then just keep quiet. sorry, taai. it's okay. zooni and raghuwill take care of everything. their friendship started in america,and will continue to grow. they're well-matched. you were having troublehandling the pressure.
so i asked raghu to step in.and here he is. he loves you very much. when i see you two together... it feels good. i always wanted a daughter. think of me as your daughter. you are a daughter to me... and a sister to raghu. this phone call is the last pacifier i'm shoving into your mouth.
no more "almosts". - got it?- no "almosts". you're my witness, madhavan. sona. why are you crying? where are you off to? to see gannu. bhau sir. what a surprise.the big ship himself! we ships come and go.you're our harbour.
tell me.what can we do for each other? a small problem needs fixing.something my morons couldn't handle. i'll take care of it. my respects, bhau. anything urgent? mistakes are better rectified early. did i do something wrong? rights and wrongs aretwo sides of the same coin. let's go inside.someone's here to meet you.
to meet me? how are you, taai?(perfect marathi) don't gloat.just take her blessing. meena, give him your blessing. keep going. - why are you here?- to take you home. don't make me swear in front of gannu. why have you blown a fuse? because you're fused to that witch.
the least you could've doneis told me earlier. i was on standby for youall these years. are you nuts?zooni and i? yes, zooni and you. your stupid american friendship, your rich-ass wedding... and whatever she pops out after that. get lost! did mom say something? will she ever miss an opportunity? whatever she said...
- ...i've seen it with my own eyes.- bullshit! she's mr. mattoo's daughter,so of course i know her. and i met her once in disneyland. she was on top, i was below, on that thing... she was on top? and you under her?hollywood style? this is ridiculous.there's nothing between us. and there's nothing between us either! and anyway, according to your mom... i'm your sister. just give me my phourty percent.i'm quitting the business. the end!
yes, mr. naulakha. of course, we can install wifi all over your building. i'll have jayyu work up a quote. you were saying... raghu, i'm seriously quitting. good call. what do you mean? shining guys pulled muscle.bhau called mom. - what now?- we have to meet bobby bose again.
you go meet him with that witch, zooni.go flaunt your english together. the centre is your baby, right?will you abandon it? - they'll take you down. you'll go offline.- i'll slap you! okay. now finish your idoland let's get going. - she's a loose cannon.- meaning? - a wild one.- and how do we tame her? - using her boyfriend.- and what about him? he'll play. if the price is right. even god needs an offering.
about our last meeting...sorry. the deal is that nothing changes, really. except that you'll sell shining broadband. you'll work for shining. top salaries and a mind-blowing settlement scheme for... - and what will happen to race net?- they'll get shut down. shining will be the solebroadband provider in this city. please come. just look at that. mumbai's largest ganesha idol. 25 feet tall. and right beside it, a common man's tiny version. barely a foot tall.
both are paraded together. they mean the same to everyone. nobody pushes the small one aside. each idol has space, respect and value. and value is what i'm giving you. we're offering $160,000. in one bloody paymentand a fat bloody... three thousand relationshipsare not for sale. raghu, your mom owns a 60% stake.
owned. now it belongs to me. i respect what ms. meena pawar wants. but sonali and i get the final say. sonali. there won't be any more meetings. meet, cheat, do as you please. you can't hide from gannu. all hail lord ganesha! why, sonali?why did you behave like that?
didn't raghu explain thepolitical pressures? meena, how can you expect these low lifes to understand such things? - look at her family...- keep my family out of it! which family? what... just shut up! she's come a long way on her own. don't forget you're in her office. and if i were you,i'd apologize immediately. after the damage she's done,you want me to apologize?
i would apologize. now! dada. an apology is in order. but... raghu, sonali and i need to talk. oh mom. i can't handleany more miscommunication. i'm good here.go on, talk. - leave!- leave! sonali, you can't have what's not yours,can you? absolutely. but what's mine, i can't let go.
can i? let go of raghu, sonali. raghu?i was talking about the centre. and in raghu's case... i don't really need to hold on. and if i have to... then it just wasn't meant to be. "jaani janardhan or john." "a celebrity or don."
"giver of happiness.....giver of food and water." "who is the king of mumbai?" "gannu rocks." "strength to the weak.....faith to the lost." "lord you give.....peace to every being." "whether it’s a mountain or an anthill.....everyone dances at your will." "good, bad or ugly.....a pauper or a prince." "a mansion or a hut in chembur." "a plate spun from sugar or made from gold."
"they bow their heads for the vermilion." "for you they all come together." the center means everything to you, doesn't it? correct. just the center. ever wondered why? i don't know. it's late. shall i? "gulal" (coloured powder).
weren't you leaving? i'm already gone. me too. "i want to kiss you.....and feel our love." "when you are by my side this calm descends on me." "this is the start of our romance..." "..our silence says it all." it feels just like home.after the durga festival. totally empty.
you mean west bengal? kolkata? bangladesh. khulna. where did you fall? it's your turn today.why are you so pissed at your brother? let it out. he branded you? since then, he has a thing for hot stuff. lighten up, man! you know why the centermeans so much to me?
why? it takes me inside people's homes. - i love that.- why? because...homes have a fragrance. a mother's fragrance. which my home will never have. this isn't even a home. three thousand homes.three thousand! our homes.
let go! what the hell! yes sir there was a little problem. please check now. you should be back online. kiddo. we'll move you to private.it's five star. - a room with a sea view.- great. sonali will take care of you. she's like my mom. can i kiss you too? bring it on.
he's been watching too many soaps. mummy. looks like raghu took care of your virus. wow sada, you ripped his pants off! you almost bit his butt off. what did you expect?that i'd sit him down and worship him? they destroyed our centre.it's no joke. sonali, hold my hand. - i'm cold.- get the doctor.
are you okay?look at me! where's b.d.? somewhere safe. my locket? the nurse has it. just keep talking to me. what wrong?talk to me! sonali. green. what's green?
it's over. no! i think i'm going offline... shut up asshole!we never go offline! "why has the season changed?" "..my heart feels a little empty." "someone close has left me bereft.....left me." yeah, mr. bobby.we have a tiny situation. sweating with the ac on?are you ill?
"my fate cries.....at my life." "there is a wave of sadness in every breath." "it feels like a illusion.....all my dreams broken." enjoy your vacation. "how is that i melted into.....my own shadow." "i am still in shock." it was a mistake.say sorry. "in your heart.....let me buy some space." "i can only spend on the dreams.....which remain."
"a little house of hope.....come kindred spirit." "stay as my companion.....throughout this life." "this is what i had desired." 'it all ended with a stroke." won't you kiss him? it was shining, wasn't it? i get it. - they were your men.- stop it! let it go.it was an accident.
don't make the same mistake. keep your head down. - i'll take care of...- don't touch it! inaamdar sir. any updates? sonali, be patient. let taai handle it,or it'll just get worse. he was just a kid.how much worse can it get? a lot worse. my centre was attacked.my technician was murdered.
won't you file a report? any suspects? yeah. bobby bose fromshining broadband. any proof? the case being handed over to youis proof enough. look, you're a good girl of the hood. so, stay that way. i'm not such a good girl thati can't see the filth right in front of me. my free internet hasreplaced your viagra pills.
- throw her out!- back off! please continue.this is sonali's internet service. it won't leave you limp. - up your's!- get out before i arrest you! get back to work! back from hiding?you shouldn't have bothered. believe me. i was locked in. you could've broken the door down. and i did!
try to understand. this is totally out of our league. even an ant can make an elephantdo the disco. it just has to bite the right spot. remember what thisasshole used to say? so, we have a quote fromanother provider. the committee hasn't decided yet. this is impossible, sir.that too without an advance payment. we'll do it.
within a month, your entire colony will be wifi-ready, including the 300 new flats. think before you commit.let us know if it's beyond you. sir, you wouldn't have called us if you didn't think we could pull it off. no bank will lend us money.and i can't ask mom. - where do we get the money?- i don't know. you're the "sword sharpener".figure it out. so, here's the deal. we defer 3-months pay. and work sundays too.
i'm selling everything i own for this. and as soon as we get paid,everyone gets a 3-month bonus. and...a partnership. but we don't have time.in or out, let me know now. i'm broke, so i can't put in any money. but i can figure something outfor the next three months. i'm in. i have a little money saved up. "these pennies of desires......these pennies of courage.'
"these pennies of courage.....of strength." "we twist around in rhythm.....in courage." you're our customer. and i'd like to remain so. this place is important to me. - you wanted some cash?- yeah. for what purpose? you lack the bandwidth tohandle the purpose. "life enchants me.....the colors of life."
"life frightens me.....the burdens." "time surrounds us.....with intrigue." "listen to me.....we are formidable." "we are the heat of the flame.....the smoke." what's this? i thought we were short. just take it. the "sword sharpener"always delivers. didn't they teach you in b-school that business is sweat, and a little blood too? not really, sir. then learn now.stop shitting your pants.
now that you've stirred the hornet's nest,be a man and ride the heat. he's fine. don't worry. i want to see him. just for a minute. you selfish witch! just like your mother! how many more will you kill? if anything happens to raghu... i'll make sure you beg for death.
get out of here! sona! she insulted you?did she hit you? she reminded me of mywretched childhood. nothing i'm not used to. that's it! you're not goingout there on your own. i've come this far on my own.do you even realize that? why isn't jayyu answering his phone? what the hell, jayyu? i never thought you, of all people,would stab me in the back.
when have you ever thought of us?about what we wanted. now that you're getting screwed,you want to partner up. and earlier? remember?you treated us like crap. how can you say that?you installed our very first connection! i'm installing their first connection too.the difference is... four times the pay.weekends off. and this company t-shirt. we could have had all this too.raghu had it all planned out. sonali, does raghu have to worry about his meals, or pay off loans?
does he have to worry aboutrats in his home? don't dangle that carrotin front me. even his mom had to give in.raghu can't do shit. these people killed sada. - yeah, but we're alive.- they killed sada, jayyu. look, i can find you a job too. raghu wasn't the target. - the hit was on the girl.- and she means nothing? relax.
bhau, foot-soldiers like sonali's father helped you reach where you are. and now the same man's daughteris easily dispensible? where's the justice? son, doormats exist to be stepped on. it's time to grow up.do what's necessary. meena, how long have you been part of the state assembly? nine years, thanks to you. i've done nothing.our party rests on your shoulders. but, it's time to aim higher. i'm announcing the lower house candidates next week.
i want this mess cleared by then. let it go, sonali. go out on your own terms. what do you see in her raghu? love's a bitch right?and i'm blinded by it. but what about you?what do you see in sonali? she's what you were 30 years ago.and you can't handle it! that's nonsense! - she's nothing like me.- but she's everything to me.
my phone and keys. shetty, i need four technicians urgently. please. i bought the equipment withmoney from race net. - why didn't you tell me?- you wouldn't have agreed. - i would've sold my home.- it's not that simple. we need corporate support.zooni can arrange it. - you've been seeing her again!- oh please, not that again. it's either now or never.we're in deep shit. - you're not seeing her?- no, i'm not. trust me.
you swear? i swear. try it. it's healthy. healthy, huh? - yeah.- yeah? sonali, our investmentis not an interference. nobody will come in-between you and your customers. that's a promise. - i'll read it later.- i've already read it. as i was saying, these shining assholes have to pay.
you know, how the americans do it? stripping down huge corporations. yeah zooni, talk to your lawyers.maybe we... as i was saying,these shining assholes... we don't need to worry about shining. i've just got a text from singapore.it's really, really good news guys. our parent company and shining have entered into a strategic partnership. so, technically,we are all part of shining. what the hell is she saying, raghu? race net has been bought by shining...
so now our customers will get the best broadband service out there. - shining broadband?- they are the major partner, so...yes. and you're themajor partner in my company. i just found out myself! i can't believe you sold sonali cableout to shining behind my back! here's your oscar. did you study business in america or acting? or are they the same? i had no idea, sonali. - but i did.- what did you know?
that you too would stab me in the back. i love you. you're so full of shit. if only my dad had been there for me,i'd have gone to college like you. i swear on my slut of a mother,i would have seen this coming. bhau rao has announced his party's candidates for lower house elections. the names on the list have surprised political experts across the country. meena taai. i sacrificed everything for the party.
i did so much for bhau. instead of nominating me,he kicked me out of the state assembly. do you still thinkbhau is calling the shots? he's nothing but shining's puppet. just like you, they broke sonali. and me too. no, son.they can't break you so easily. i won't let them. your turn.
bobby. still at "almost" or do we have the whole of mumbai? it's the last phase, sir.another few days. you've changed, bobby. you avoid looking me in the eye,like a petty pickpocket. - what's the matter?- nothing at all, sir. it's definitely something. i'm the only onewho can beat me at my game. you dare laugh at me? i don't want bail.i'm going back in.
you're lucky i'm back.sign here. don't leave mumbaitill this is over. are you kidding? i'll never leave mumbai and neither will the city leave me. - let's go, dad.- i'll be right out. hear me out. who ordered the hit on my daughter? inamdaar. tell me. can we at least talk?just for an hour. an hour? i had given you my life.
i was just saying, come home this evening. let's talk about you and raghu. but i thought we were siblings. talk to her. i've never seen him sober before.we should do something about it. we reap what we sow. let's not make things worse. you're drinking tea? i've quit. i've quit using your motheras an excuse.
just like that? sona, your mother didn'tabandon you. i took you from her. she used to say, "datta, you stink more of blood, than booze. give up this life." but...i gave her up. where's mom? she killed herself. their helpline doesn't help at all. i get the same voice on every number.
"press 1 for hindi, press 2 for english." nobody listens to us. and then they ask me tofile a complaint online. i haven't seen my grandson's face in weeks. don't leave. i can't help you.i've lost everything. narayan vaghela was born in a small village where his mother... ...supported the family by making"khakhras". mr. vaghela believes... a $2,500 drink for madhavan, a $2,500 drink for bobby and a $2,500 drink for me.
to "all of" mumbai! and to bobby's nose,which is now "almost" a nose! hey bd. so how did you becomesuch a computer whiz? sada. i was a hacker in bangladesh. i can break into any systemand wreak havoc. you might come in handy some day.have you told sonali? hell, no! i don't want any trouble. i just want to lay lowand settle down with jabbo. and i don't want to lose friends like you.
you call yourself a friend? sonali? how did you find us? sada sent me.whom you abandoned. he was like a brother to me.but i got scared. they're too big for us to take on. bd. if they are the big tree,then we are a small axe. b.d. can you see me? i worked like a dog for taai's party. the stones i threw, the buses i burnt,remember?
come to the point. the balls you have, to puta hit out on my daughter! raghu is the one who was hit. thanks to sonali. is that why meena taaiwants her to marry her son? being sober doesn't suit you. you're damn right, asshole! sonali, raghu called.he wants to help. so he can betray me again?
i'll do anything for my brother.if only he were alive... sada is alive, and very mucha part of our plan. you'll have only ten minutes to execute the plan. hit 'em hard! i'm with you on this. but you can do this without breaking the law. have you ever seen an elephantdance to an ant's tune? neither have i.but i will tomorrow. just a routine check.she's one of ours. hello! do you have an appointment? - i have a bomb!- what? stop!
where's the girl? a girl here?haven't seen one in ages. who the hell are you? i'm sonali dattaram tandel. how'd you get up here? i walked right in. what do you want? my job, which you took away. so i figured, i'd swing by and...
...blow you up! sit down!there's some time. have a seat. i never imagined i'd even beable to stand in front of you. you were my hero once. and now? a big zero? lesser! just because you couldn'tcontrol your business. just because you couldn'tcontrol your greed.
greed defines business. sorry sir.customers define business. you should know better.what with this huge empire of yours. but i can't blame you. you're all aboutone-night-stands. like those guys who hit on girls,and tell them they love them. and once they screw them,they won't even take their calls. you get it, right, girl? your "love story" is similar.
once the customer is in your bed,what choice is he left with? he keeps punching numbersto a robotic voice. and is forced to pay fat bills.and what do you do about it? you enjoy your khakhras (crackers). go on kid. let it all out.i'll humor you. don't touch it! shining khakhra. the only khakhra every indian must eat. enjoy. the other khakhra is made byan old woman in her home.
like your mother used to. and your point is? that both, your mother and i justwanted to earn a living. we're the same person. and you... you screwed me! think about it.what does that make you? answer me! what on earth do you want?
everyone dances to your tune.now, it's your turn. i'm the ant that'll makeyou do the disco. this is for sada. bobby, you bastard. you swindled millions from shining while buying race net. if vaghela finds out,what will he do with you? zooni, vaghela greenlit the hit on sonali. and this isn't his first hit. he's mademany such problems disappear. nobody can touch him. he's got cops, politicians and the media in his pocket. but i have vaghela in my pocket.i have proof of all his illegal activities.
bhau. if one fights back,ten more will follow. no vaghela. i'll handle sonali tandel. enough of handling. just kill her!bobby will take care of the money. so, this is your "bomb"? just a sparkler.you'll hear the fireworks soon. and i dare youto put a hit out on me again. watch your back.because this video is already on youtube. - this is not true.- oh, it's not true? don't send your lap dogsafter me next time.
step in the ring yourself.i'm waiting. you'll never have all of mumbaito yourself. hey kid! wait up. work for me.you'll control all of mumbai. mumbai can control itself.you better prepare for the lawsuits. you've messed with the common man.and he is very angry. let her go. you let her walk in like she owns the place, and now you want to be heroes? morons!
this is the beginning of your end. this thing...you...tube... buy it. i've got a huge mortgage to pay. so do i. which is whyi prefer playing defense. will i get blacklisted?arrested? - or...- anything can happen. after all, it's a love story, dear.
why did mr. vaghela wantto meet so urgently? what's there to explain? it's all in this file. this will kick up quite a storm. do you think sonali tandel had a hand in meena taai pawar's expose? that bitch and her drunk father.they can't touch a hair on my head! looks like sonali hit a nerve. after sonali tandel's shocking expose of shining corp's illegal activities... ...the company's chairman narayan singh vaghela was taken into police custody.
shining broadband's licensehas now been suspended. this comes as good news for small entrepreneurs fighting corporate greed. any word from raghu? no news is best news. who's the rookie? no idea. jayyu brought him. without asking me?he'll get us into deep shit again. what the hell!who did you hire now? you? what are you doing here?
never question the "sword sharpener". some connections never go offline. - let go.- look at me. do you believe me now?i had no idea what zooni was up to. so what do you want now? same thing you do.partnership. phipty-phipty. will you marry me? first, go shave!
"ant ant ant." "don’t underestimate this little ant.....give it a chance." "its is tiny but such a charmer." "but if you mess with it.....you will get what you deserve." "once an ant gets in..." "..it can make an elephant dance." "a sway here.....ant ant bang bang." "a sway there.....ant ant bang bang." "its gonna get tough..... ant ant bang bang."
"what are you gonna do..... ant ant bang bang." "in this crazy world.....nothing matters." "whether one is pooror filthy rich." "the valiant surviveand the cowards die." "an ant can climb a mountainand an elephant can dance." "a sway here..."

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