come on, fast! be careful. quick! quick! come fast! come! quick! fast! madam! sharad is aninternational businessman. why did the goons beat him up? i don't know. how are you related to him?
actually.. he and i are friends. he is..- oh! i understood the situation. i'm ravi joshi, a press reporter. don't worry, madam.he will be alright. he will be okay. we would've been in a hugeproblem if you hadn't come. thank you. you were a great help. it is okay, madam. i've to go now.- thank you. i have to report this news.i'll see you later. dr. prasad!- yes, sir!
the man that was admittedin our hospital just now.. ..is no ordinary man.- yes. he is an internationallyrecognized business tycoon.. ..mr. sharad! so when they mediacomes to know about it.. ..the whole country willknow that he is admitted here. so, we have to be very careful. if we give him goodtreatment and keep him safe.. ..we'll get good publicityand a good reputation.
doctor! mr. sharad's bloodgroup is not available anywhere. oh my god!do one thing. contact all the blood banksin bangalore city. - okay. come, let's go and see the patient. okay, sir.- hurry up. doctor! mr.sharad's blood has been arranged. really? thank god! who is it? 'god! i'm an orphan.but you never let me feel like one.'
'i've been dreaming ofbeing a doctor from childhood.' 'and that dream isgoing to come true today.' 'god! i will becomea doctor and serve people.' 'this is my desire.' 'i've been selectedfrom my college for..' '..indian economy forum.so i'm going to bangalore.' take this. 'god! i can with thisonly with your blessings.' 'a new place and new people.'
'i don't know what to expect.' thank you, sir. thank you. sign here.- okay. hi!- hi! welcome to the forum.- thank you. you are from? mysore.- okay. swati. one sec.- okay.
madam!- yes? all the facilitieshave been arranged for you. the forum will start from tomorrow.okay? - yes. there's a functionin our college today.. ..for the students whoare going to receive merits. so you can join them.- uh.. auditorium? go straight andthen you take a right. thanks. - okay?- my letter? bye. - thank you.- good luck.
dear students! silence please! excuse me.- hmm? may i?- yeah, please. thank you. can i have your attention please? today is the annualday of our college. and to award thestudents with merits.. ..we have with us educationminister mr. krishna. please welcome him witha huge round of applause.
a hearty welcome, sir. okay. firstly,the third rank goes to miss sahana. congratulations, sahana! well done! well done! well done, dear! well done!- thank you, sir. now the second rank goes to ram. congratulations mr. ram. and the first rank goes to.. one minute, sir.
the first rank goes to sharad. wow! what's the matter, principal? why isn't anyone clappingfor the student with first rank? why are you standing so quietly? sir, that student..- yes? he is mental. he is mental? you should cut hisname from the list and..
..expel him from the college. sir, he does everythinglike a mental man. - oh! but very brilliant guy. the last two principals triedto expel him from the college. but it didn't happen.so, they opted for vrs. that's why even i'm notable to do anything. - oh. sir, he has thetalent of 100 people. very talented rascal. huh? is that so?
who is that mental,brilliant and talented student? principal!he is really mental as you said. is this the wayto come to a function? i can't even see his face. sir, the one fallenon the floor is not him. he is not the one? then who is he? rocking star! rocking star! "rocking star! rocking star!" principal! is he a police officer?
sir! i just came to knowthat he is a police officer. keeping it here is common style. keeping it here is sallu's style. but i want to start a unique style. "rocking start!" our principal sir! i'm sure he told youmany things about me. that i'm mental,loose, crack and so on. yes.
i'm sure he also said thati'm very brilliant and talented. i'm a blueprint that lordbrahma made with precision. i don't get along with girls. and i don't get alongwith the ones that trap girls. that's why i thrashed him. listen, son.- yes, sir? forget about him.take your prize, son. take this.now give it to me. wow!- tell me one thing.
i'm sure you worked veryhard to get the first rank. you don't look like an ordinary guy. but even then,nobody clapped for you, son. is that so?- yes. claps? they are clapping becauseyou are our guest today. i don't need the applauseof people that don't like me. when everybody clapsand whistles loudly.. ..without any selfish motives,without knowing who we are..
..or where we come fromand just focus on our talent.. ..that is genuine applause. i can hear such applause, sir. "rocking star!" thank you. thank you. thank you. when did you jointhe police department? what? me? police? who said that? there's no needfor anybody to say it. we understood it afterseeing the police uniform.
this is.. ..for my mom. hello! sharad here. "we boys are like water." "we will get mixed in everything." "girls are like bombs." "they will explodefor every little thing." "what's the super truth?all you listen to me. - tell us."
"love is useless.be careful. - is it?" "everything goes waste." "lord brahma is very brilliant." "i'm his blueprint." "i'm uncontrollable current." "i can give a shock with my finger." "i don't spray deo on my body." "why do all the girlsstill run behind me?" "i don't wear branded jeans."
"why do the girlsstill say 'i love you'?" "what should i do, abdullah?" "lot of confusion." "boys are like flowers." "they are in bloom all the time." "girls are like snakes." "everyone they bite just dies." "i drink just alittle and get drunk." "then i sing horriblywithout any tune."
"but girls dance to that tune too." "love is like a sweet chocolate." "but sometimes itis like a spicy cutlet." "sometimes it is a blank slate." "i don't want to go in that route." "i'm afraid i'm too handsome." "or my mom wouldn't puta dot to ward off the evil eye." "and she says.." "my son is very cute."
"there are fiery coals in my eyes." "i can burn you with one look." "if i say.." "hey! stop your nonsense!" "what is this reaction?" wow! you look very happy. hmm. the food in yourhostel is very delicious.. ..just like in my hostel. wow! good. good.
i wanted to ask you something. who is that sharad? why is everyone inthe college jealous of him? madhu! madhu! madhu! madhu! madhu! stop! listen to me. swati, you joinedthe college just today. why are you curious toknow about that mental man? nothing of that sort.
he looked like an interestingcharacter. that's it. he is an irritating character,not an interesting character. he is allergic to women.he can't stand love. but that he beat up a guyfor misbehaving with a girl. - yes what was that about? oh dear! i'm glad i'm notvery interested in that mental man. otherwise i would've becomethe senior most patient.. ..in a mental asylum by now. why so?
i have a good friend named sheetal. she is very beautiful. one day she decided topropose to that mental man. sharad!- hmm? i love you. something is blocking my ear.i can't hear you. what did you say? say it once again. every guy in the collegeis interested in me. but i'm not findinganother guy like you.
please. accept my love. i love you. am i the tenth one?- huh? according to me,at least four guys that chased you.. ..must've become drunkards by now. three guys must'vebecome crazy with shock. i'm sure the remainingtwo are being seen.. ..in doordarshan channel every day. what are you planning to do with me? nothing of that sort will happen.
i'm in love with you very seriously. all of them were waste candidates. what a way of putting it? after the candle is burnt,you will say its fire was waste. this is the new fashionthat girls follow. fashion for girls,tension for guys.. ..when it becomes too much,it results in emotion.. ..after the emotioncomes rat poison. so i maintain distancefrom all these things.
sharad! it is not enough if theguys have love in their hearts. they should have moneyin the pocket before their heart. this is what girls likeyou want these days, right? nine guys were crazy about you. did you ever buy a chocolateworth 50 paisa for them? you know what? i neverhave 50 paisa change with me. bravo! but i never askedanything from them.
i used to take whateverthey brought for me.. ..just because i didn't wantto hurt their feelings. that's it. sharad! why are you making me beg? what should i do now? should i jump off thisbuilding or push you down? sharad! you are joking, right? you girls throw a pestnamed love onto the guys. and after that guys appearas clowns to you, right? is that what happens?i didn't know that.
i will break yourhead with this brick. love my foot! get lost! oh god! why did he do that? who knows? your hair will turn greyif you think too much about him. forget about him and flirtwith other guys. that's better. good night. interesting character. 406! you didn't giveme clarified butter.
406? you are an inspectorand i'm your constable? you asked me to become a policeman. i asked you to become areal policeman, not a fake one. i didn't ask you to weara hired uniform like this.. ..and scare all the people. mom, look at whatall i had to endure.. ..when i wore thisuniform just for one day. imagine what will happento me if i wear it my whole life.
you can see me in it toyour heart's content for a week. after that i will return it. quickly serve clarified butterto me. i need to catch a thief. you are going outof control every day. your father is crazy.i hope you don't go mad too. everything is a joke to you. darn! by the way, where is dad? i'm sure he is on cabletv right now. go watch him. this is what happenedat lord rama's wedding.
i'm saying this becauseyou are suffering from.. ..planet jupiter's wrath right now. so, you have to take offeringto lord shani every saturday. ah! today dad is busyruining lord shani's name. yes. he has no other work. instead of givinga good future to you.. ..he is busy tellingothers about their future. so this time.. you and your father.
i'm not able to handle you both. even i'm not able tohandle this city's traffic. the astrologer is here.so who is on the tv? it is a pre-recorded program. forget that.why are you dressed as an inspector? it was mom's desirethat i become a policeman. oh i see. look, sharad.don't listen to your mom. do you know why i'm saying this?
it is true that i fellin love with your mother. but it was necessary to marry her. but i listened tomy mom and married her. and my fortune turned forworse the day i got married. now i'm going around tellingpeople about their fortune. is this what happensin a love marriage? your life became betterafter marrying me. i'm just joking, kaushalya. forget about our life now.
i've studied your son's future.it is very bright. i guarantee thathe'll rule the world. dad!- yes? can i ask you a question?- yes. listen carefully and then answer me. would my principal considerthe fact that i came first.. ..and select me forthe indian economy forum? what can we do? yes, sir. yes.- we have no choice.
he is the college topper. the management hasasked us to select him. but the biggest problem is that.. ..this forum is happeningin our college this time. yes, sir. internationally reputed celebritieswill come here. - yes, sir. the arrangements shouldbe absolutely perfect. - yes, sir. understood? - okay, sir. it is a matter of our reputation..
principal sir! quiet. one minute. you can go now.- okay, sir. what happened, sir?did you think of me? what is this? you didn'tshow respect to me before others. and now you are givingme so much respect.. ..when nobody is looking. i will never understandyour character. that's how i am, sir. different.
i don't how to belike everyone else. sir, everyone keepssaying bad things about me. but, bad men are rulingthe world right now. what do you say? okay. forgive me. you have been selected for.. ..development ofindian economy forum. here is the letter. huh?
wait a minute. you are a brilliant student.but unfortunately.. ..the forum is happening inour college this year. - very good. students from variouscolleges will be coming in. reputed persons from manyinternational companies are coming. i will view your handsas your feet. - oh. please don't attend the forum. because this is aboutthe reputation of our college. then why didn't you select me?
i had no choice.you are our college topper. so i had to take that decision. look! please withdraw from it. save our college. oh. you want me to commit suicide,not murder. don't worry, sir.our college's honor and reputation.. honor and reputation.. it is more fun to ruin it thanto reduce it. i'll definitely go. what?- go sit there.
my dear students.. ..welcome to theforum of indian economy. the main objectiveof this program is to.. ..use the new ideas andnew techniques of youngsters.. ..for the developmentof our country. there will be threerounds in this program. the biggest mnc companiesare waiting for the best plan. you can do a project in anything. medical, engineering,commerce, any degree.
but remember this. your idea should helpthe country's economy. our first candidate, tejas. good morning everyone, i'm tejasvi. and i'm here to explainabout my project plan. i'm from hubli. and thisis the most complicated project.. ..what i'm going toexhibit in front of you. this plan is regardingindustrialization of our india.. ..which requires millionsof money for the betterment of..
..our infrastructure industrieswhich we cannot afford. thank you very much. our next candidate, mr. sharad. mr. sharad from global college. hey, look. he is sleeping. what is it to you? be quiet. mr. sharad! i will callyour name just three times. after that you will be eliminated. please call him. wake him up.
are you mad?let him sleep. watch the fun. what are you saying?- mr. sharad! he is calling him.are you waking him or not? wait. sit quietly. i'll wake him up if you don't. i'm not going.- okay, i will go. swati! swati!- mr. sharad! global college! sharad! sharad! mr. sharad!this is the last call for you.
sharad!- mr. sharad from global college! wake up. present, sir! thank god! look at him. crazy guy. crazy. the thing is, i had toomuch breakfast this morning. okay, what do i need to do? talk about your project.
okay. my name is sharad. 'vanijya shastra.' imean i'm a commerce student. everyone came on stageand lectured for half an hour. we have to invest millions,we should do business.. ..this way, we shoulddo business that way and so on. but nobody said wherewe will get the millions from. that's why i fell asleep. i won't take too much time.i will tell you a simple thing.
it is very easy to takeinvestments in our country. oh! how is that? what's the populationof our country? 1.2 billion. yes, this is what we are good at. even if we collect onerupee from each person.. ..we'll have 1.2 billion rupees. where will you find abigger investment than that? interesting.but how can we make that happen?
select me for the next round.then i will tell you. wow! very clever. what a plan! superb! okay, okay, okay.all the fans please calm down. wasn't it good? that's not a good plan. only you liked it. nobody else did. that was a very good project,mr. sharad. last but not the least candidate.miss swati.
all the best. hi! i'm swati.i'm a medical student. as mr. sharad said ourcountry's population is more. so we can use that as man-power. it is important to improvethe health of our people. in order to do that we haveto make sure that every facility.. ..is available in everypart of our country.. ..so that any person, rich or poor.. ..is able to get thatfacility anywhere in india.
okay, thank you very much. your results will beput up on the notice board.. ..or sent to youin the form of an sms. thank you once again.you all can leave now. swati!- hmm? why did you go wake that mental man? he would've beeneliminated from the forum.. ..if you hadn't woke him up. no, madhu. that's not true.
we now know what ideashe has because i woke him up. i think he is quite brilliant.he gave such a simple solution. now you understand? we would've missedsuch a good plan.. ..if i hadn't woke him up. hmm. you are right. you did him a huge favor,did he at least thank you? no, but i'm sure he is thinkingabout what i did for him. sharad, wake up.
hmm. hmm? sharad, wake up. sharad!- hmm! dad!- what is it, sharad? you and mom,it was a love marriage, wasn't it? yes, it was a love marriage.she forgot about that. why are you thinking of it now? you want to know ourlove story at midnight? no, dad. after you sawmom for the first time..
..did she appear in dreams,in the mirror and water.. ..to harass you like theancient enchantress mohini? exactly like mohini, my son. she harassed me in the pastand she is still harassing me. even if i die tomorrow,she'll continue to harass me. after all she is mohini. the same thing is happening to me. you too?- yes. mohini?- yes.
who is that girl?- huh? no one. go back to sleep. i will go. huh? go to sleep?he is asking me to sleep? i'll go bring lordhanuman's amulet tomorrow.. ..and tie it on his hand. he is asking me to sleep. first time. something has happened.
why can't i sleep? i don't know what actually happened. you woke me up. forget it.i will go thank her tomorrow. i've to talk to him tomorrow. hmm. - hmm. where should i search for her? i don't know anything aboutthe girl that i met that day. why is it so important forme to find that girl to thank her?
idea cancelled. - hi! hi! thanks. what for? yesterday i fell asleepand you woke me up. for that. what are you saying?why thank me for that? it's okay. 'what should i talk about?' i'm swati. medical student. hello! hello!- sharad.
i know. i know. shall we go for coffee? no, no, no. i can't have coffee.- no? okay. coffee produces heat in the body. shall we go drink sugarcane juice?- huh? sure. you know, sugarcane juiceproduces more heat than coffee. hmm?- hmm. is that so?
that's good. youngstersneed heat in their bodies. - huh? hmm. so, say something. what should i say?- about yourself. why? actually, i've been listeningto your project from the first day. you are different, special.. ..i mean you look likean interesting personality. so, i'm a little curiousto know about you. what college are you from?
mysore medical college. but why? look, you live in mysorethat is 140 kilometers.. ..away from bangalore. and you find mypersonality interesting. but in my college noone likes my character.. ..right from theprincipal to the peon. forget that. can i call you doctor? hmm. okay.
look, doctor. only youfind my personality interesting. that means even you havean interesting personality. oh. thanks. please drink anotherglass to celebrate that. no, no, i had enough. how much is it, boss? 20 rupees, sir. give him 20 rupees.you gave me a treat. if we had gone to a coffee shop youwould've spent 200 or 300 rupees.
but here we spent only 20 rupees.- here is the change. isn't this place cool?- hmm. thanks. - lets go. didn't you ever like agirl to fall in love with her? who told you that? i was just asking. those who can't standme or are jealous of me.. ..spread such rumors. i have a problem with girls,i don't have problem with love. i'm not able to find a good girl.
everyone is dying for love nowadays. no girl ever loves honestly. and if she really loves a guy,she becomes so possessive.. ..that she harasseshim day and night. hmm. - i will tell you something.listen carefully. love is like an ice-cream. by the time you bringyour head from here to here.. ..half of the ice-cream melts away. after that guys spend therest of their lives in confusion..
..whether to eat it or throw it. that's why i always preferto eat ice-cream in a cup. huh?- hmm. ice-cream in a cup. hey, wait! i'm right here. i'm here. love makes guysspend a lot of money. a time comes when theguys are totally penniless. so whether their love isgoing to be a success or failure..
..they will have problems. if it is a success,they have to spend money on.. ..hotel, movies, dinner, gifts,mobile bills, petrol and so on. if it is a failure,they will end up spending on.. ..brandy, whisky, cigarettes,drugs and other addictions. all in all, whether loveis a success or failure.. ..the guy will be in loss. but i feel you are wrong. shahjahan loved mumtaazso much that he build..
..taj mahal for her. oh, i know. actuallyit is not shahjahan's fault. if he had a neighboringking to wage war with him.. ..forget about building taj mahal.. ..he wouldn't evenhad time to take bath. look, doctor. true lovehas no value in today's times. the girls of this generationare like paper flowers. as long as the beggarlysage fans incense towards them.. ..they will have nice perfume.
the poor guy's lifecomes to a destructive end.. ..the day the incense stops. we guys try our best notto stop fanning the incense. look, you are wrong. all women are not like that.some are good. yeah, that's right. some are of a different type.- hmm. some are like pure milkand some are like pure poison. a guy ruins his wholelife trying to figure out..
..which is milk and which is poison. but you are like pure milk. you are not poison like other girls. why is that? because you were happyto pay for the sugarcane juice. take this.- oh no, you don't have to do that. take it. if we make agirl pay for sugarcane juice.. ..it will be a hugeinsult to our race. didn't you love anyone?
love?- hmm. me?- hmm. no chance. my friends always say thatif you fall in love with a girl.. ..she will appear in dreams,in the mirror and harass you. what do you mean? i mean, no girl has harassedme in my dreams yet.. stop! stop! stop! what are you doing herein the name of college?
you are smoking too?that's disgusting. i got an amulet for youfrom lord hanuman's temple. tie it. you told me last night thata girl came into your dreams.. ..and harassed you.you told me you were scared. that's why i broughtyou this amulet. tie it. doctor madam, he is my begetter. swati!- sharad, who is a begetter? my dad.
hello! - hello, uncle. is this the girl thatis going to come to our house? she is beautiful. just go home the same way you came. i'm going. that's whyi kept the auto waiting for me. i've been bragging and tryingto make a good impression.. ..and you are insultingme by standing here. go away. i'm going, son.she is a very good girl, you know. she is definitely not like your mom.
please go. and listen, don't lose her.got it? - yes, now go. listen, swati!ask him to stop smoking. - oh god! he will definitely listen to you. take him home and lock him there.- yes, i'm going. you forgot your dadas soon as you found a girl? bye, uncle. why are you laughing? i was.. nothing, nothing at all.
wow! i got selectedfor the next round. oh! congrats! hey, look! i got selected too. is that so?- won't you congratulate me? i'm not in the mood to say it now.i will say it next time. one more thing. when you bump into me next time.. ..don't keep playing withyour hair like this. okay? i'm not in the moodto tell you that as well.
but why am i talking to you? i've changed.i've changed. i've changed. hey, listen! okay, bye. say bye at least. i'm not in the mood to say it.i'll say it next time. bye. - i will go crazy ifi spend a little more time with her. slow down. now tell me. who is that girl?
girl?- hmm. wow! you are a great player, dad. you are making me drinkto know about that girl, right? something like that. but tell me. she is a doctor, dad. whenever she sees someone sleeping,she wakes them up. looks like that doctorgave my son a special treatment. nothing like that, dad. from the day she woke me,i'm not able to sleep well.
you were talking tothat mental man for so long? i feel that you should gofor a mental checkup immediately. come on, madhu. none of you guystry to understand him. he is very nice,but straightforward. you feel that is craziness. you know, i've never spokento a guy for so long till date. but you know,this guy has me all disturbed. hey, wait a minute!what are you talking about?
are you in love with him?- hey, are you mad? yes, you are mad. my heart says that you'llkeep taking love injections.. ..from that doctor all your life. that means you don't love him. i don't think so. how do i know? anybody that takes onelook at you can say that.. ..you are crazy for that girl.
you are madly in love with her. i was in the same statewhen i fell in love with your mom. dad! you held this verysame glass in your hand.. ..and said that love is waste,didn't you? let me tell you something, sharad.listen carefully. a person that doesn'tknow what love is.. ..says bad things about love. a person that finds truelove lives his life very happily. take me for example.why do you look so happy?
because you are in love. now quickly go to your room. or you will see adifferent side of me. i think you drank too much.i'm going down. you go down yourself.don't fall down. don't fall. fall in love.- dad! anyway, if you are in love with him,it's good. come on, i'm sleepy. you go to sleep.i'll come in some time. - okay.
my dad is asking me ifi'm in love with that doctor. hmm. i would've askedher if i had her phone number. i have to talk tohim about this confusion. no. me and love? no, no, no. no chance. i don't love her. so, dear candidates! 100 students were selectedin the first round. but in the second roundonly 10 will be selected. you need to work harder now.
the level of difficultyhas increased. and by the way,as we had mentioned earlier.. ..the most difficult andthe most different project plan.. ..will receive an award. and that award goes to miss swati. congratulations! congratulations, miss swati.please come on the stage. very good. thank you.- congratulations!
thank you. thank you. congratulations!- thank you so much. hey, swati! congratulations!- i won. i'm so happy.- congratulations! thanks.- congrats! thank you.thank you so much. your presentation was very good.- actually that was.. i will be back in five minutes.
okay, come fast.- just five minutes. bye. bye!- huh? i wasn't in the moodto say bye that day. so i said it now. congrats.- thanks. i wasn't in the moodto say this as well that day. actually i thoughtthat you'll get this award. i mean, i'm..
how is this possible?we both think alike. i also thought that i will get it.but some fool gave it to you. hey, no. cigarette smoking is notallowed on the campus, right? yeah.- i know. actually if i was the judge,i would give this award to you. i think you deserve it. so, literally youshould get this award. take it, please.- hey, no!
i'll feel hurt if you don't take it.- no way. no, no, you have to take it. you have to take it, please. i said no. take it, please. please.- swati, what are you doing here? take your bag. let's go. you go ahead. i will come.five minutes. five minutes. will you right now or..
come in five minutes.- sure. stupid fellow.- bye. sorry, i forgot thatyou told me not to do that. it's a habit that ihave from childhood, so.. sorry. forget it. forget it.- huh? listen! can i get your phone number? for what? actually we both are selectedfor the second round, so..
..you know, i can callyou to discuss some things. i'm a commerce studentand you are a medical student. can there be anydiscussions between us? no.- huh? okay. bye. bye.- bye. hey! here, take my number. one second. yes, tell me.- 99..
99..- 00.. 00.. 30..- 30.. 90..- 90.. you can text me.- yes, i will. so what if we can'thave any discussions? did you have coffee?did you have lunch? good morning.good night. we can do that. this is the first timei'm giving my number to a girl.
me too. this is the firsttime i asked for a guy's number. that's okay, doctor.you are not like others. thank you.- you are different. see you. planet venus ison the 12th position. planet mercury and moonare on the 9th position. it is a good match. i told you this is going to happen. hey! why are you singing?
i'm crying, dad. oh, you are crying. but why? i'm becoming likethe other senseless guys. i'm in love, dad. oh god! it is a bad omento cry like this at midnight. you should be happy ifyou are in love like other boys. really? absolutely.my predictions about you came true. i told your mom already thatyou are going to fall in love.
you upheld the honorof our clan, son. as soon as i saw thatgirl i understood that.. ..planet venus from that side,moon from this side.. ..and planet mercury on top.. ..the descending lunarnode on the other side.. ..brightness everywhere.you found a very good girl. this is a correct reason, dad. dad!- yes? she is not like the other girls. she doesn't know to loveone guy in the morning and..
..another guy in the evening. i'm the first guy whosephone number she wanted. that's good. dad, she sacrificedthis for our love. she proved that the awardis sweet but sacrifice is eternal. what are you going to do now? i'm thinking of proposing to him. swati! are you reallyin love with him? you know how genuine he is?
you know, he never usedto talk to any girl in the past. but he likes talking to me.he is so cute. i feel good when i'm with him. okay, okay. what now? now i'm going totell her my feelings. if i propose to her,the image that i carved for myself.. ..in the college will be ruined. i feel like cryingwhen i think of that. be quiet.
look, love ruins nothing.you shouldn't have ego. you should forget aboutyour reputation when in love. you should be soft like clay. it is useless to talk to you. do you know how herplanets are aligned? she will propose to youif you don't do that first. that's good.that's good. i want that to happen. if that happens i can maintainmy image in the college.. ..saying that i wasn't after her,but she came after me.
dad! after how many daysis she going to propose to me? tell me. i will tell him tomorrow itself. i love you so much, sharad. no, swati. look! i told you not tofall in love with him. it's okay. but listen to yourfriend just this once. wait for a few more days. it is better if he proposes to you.
do you know why?because he is totally crazy. let him show that heis ready for a commitment. will he propose to me? look, swati! if you proposeto him and he rejects.. ..that will be a problem. but if he says i love you first,your confidence will increase. so what are youstill thinking about? okay? okay.- then i'm okay.
i'll wait until shecomes and proposes to me. that's good too.when two people fall in love.. ..they should maintain alittle distance from each other. there is a lot of fun inthat as well. i won't say more. falling in love is wrong. confessing your love is wrong. everything about love is wrong. but still i want to do that mistake. i love you, swati.
i love you, sharad. "something is happening." "something ishappening in my heart." "yes, this is magic." "yes, i don't knowhow my little heart.." "..became crazy for you." "i was an eternal bachelor." "you are a beautiful enchantress." "you waved your hairand disrupted my meditation."
"it is time to love.you are a perfect girl." "i forgot the way to my home." "what is this disease?" "i'm helpless." "do i reside in your heart as well?" "why is my heartafraid to tell you.." "..that you are the prettiestgirl i've ever seen?" "everything you sayfeels right to me." "i think i'm in love too."
"what do you mean?" "you disrupted my meditation.i became a bit suspicious." "do we belong to each other?" "what did you do?you have changed me completely." "i don't know what to do now." "there's chaos everywhere,i'm searching for you." "please look at me just once.please look at me." "pay attention to my words." "don't get bored with me."
"we are tied up by love.isn't this love?" only 5 students have beenselected in the second stage. and out of them.. ..the best presentationaward goes to mr. sharad. 'oh god! why is this happening?' good. congrats. congratulations. i told you that he will getthe award. he is so intelligent. you know what happened?- hey, doctor!
madhu, he is coming.i will talk to you later. bye. actually..- huh? i thought you will getthe award in this round too. because your presentationwas very good. but your lecturewas better than mine. i mean presentation. no, they have proved onceagain that they are stupid. if i was the judge,i would've given you the award. so, literally youshould have this award.
hey, you should've got this award.it is yours. please take it. you should never give awaywhat you've won in your life. but there is justice in this,there's one reason. later.. later? later.. no, nothing. take it. i'll be upset if you don't take it. sharad! hey!
shall we go to drinksugarcane juice? no, i have cold. what? you have cold?did you apply balm? - yes. there's one tablet.there's one tablet. let's go to the doctor. sharad, i'm okay.okay? i'm perfectly alright. forget that.tell me why you do you care so much. yes? actually..- actually..
'please say it, sharad.' 'don't lose courage at this time.' it's not care or anything.we say that to our friends. you should take careof your own health. hey! wow! what a catch, boss! if she had got hurt.. look at him!this hero is threatening us. what will you do if she got hurt?
what will you do?what will you do? answer me. there's a problem. look! he is the man! hey! you were tryingto be a hero, right? what will you do now?will you fight with us? i will give you a sword if you want. i never held a sword till date.if i take up a sword.. ..everyone of youwill become invalid. no, no, no..
if dust goes into the eyesof the girl i love.. - no, no.. ..or if a thorn pricks her feet.. ..not only that, if her ownfather raises his hand on her.. no, no, forgive me. forgive me. ..i won't tolerateit and you made her bleed. sharad!- how dare you! sharad, leave him. hey! what are you doing here? go to the hospital quickly.
what is this? you were bleeding.instead of going to the doctor.. ..you were standing thereand watching the fight. no, i was.. take the doctor'smedicines on time, doctor. and if you don't take them on time..- okay. oh god! sorry, sorry, sorry.i keep forgetting it. sorry. it's okay. it's okay.
but, why did you forbidme from arranging my hair? if you keep arrangingyour hair this way.. ..it will keep wounding my heart. i'm not in the mood now.i'll tell you next time. bye. you are a very good person. really? this is news to me. why so? when i meet him next time,i will immediately say.. ..i love you sharad. really. i can't do it, dad.
dad, if i continue to listen to you,my future will be ruined. i will tell her tomorrow. i can't wait for tomorrow morning. should i say it with flowers? no, i'll propose in my own style. we heard about your project. and we have manyideas to implement it. if you can come and meet ussome day, it will be good. - okay. we can discuss more about it.
see if you can take out some time.- okay. don't mind. this place is new to me. so standing hereand talking to you is.. okay, you decide aplace and i'll be there. just tell me.- sure. see you soon. bye.- see you. bye. take care.- take care. sir! come here. what's the matter?
you were talkingto her with a big smile. what did you both talk about? why do you care? why are you beating me? everyone knows thatwe are seeing each other. i'm wounded in her loveand you are trying to.. ..get your wounds stitched? try to understand, please. she came to talk to me.go explain this to her.
now you know,so when she comes next time.. ..maintain a distance of100 meters while talking to her. otherwise i will break your jaw.get lost! get lost! don't they have any sense? why do they try tocome between two lovers? my mood is ruined. darn! why hasn't sharad come today? what should i do? should i call him?
why should i call him? oh dear! swati!- yes? it has been proved thatyour lover is really crazy. why? what happened? did you meet sandeep today?- yes. he was saying somethingand i was listening to him. hmm. so, that's what happened. after seeing you talking to him.. ..that mental man beatup sandeep very badly. - huh?
he didn't stop at that.he also warned him.. ..to stand at least100 meters away from you. poor man. sandeep himself told me all this. yes, swati. that's why i told youthat loving him is a bad idea. if he is so suspiciousabout you now.. i won't say more than that. you try to understandwhat i'm saying.
i didn't get selectedin the final round. but you got selectedon the basis of your talent. swati, concentrateon your project first. you can deal with this later.- no, madhu. i'm.. swati! go to our room now. i have some work,so i will meet you later. okay? hmm.- bye. sharad! why did you do this? everybody that goestowards the airport..
..does not board a flight. just because thatman was talking to her.. ..it doesn't mean thathe was flirting with her. but good, i did a goodthing by giving him two slaps. he won't get any suchideas in the future. even if gets it hewill forget it immediately. oh dear!i was so busy with that girl.. ..that i didn'tprepare for the forum. the final round is coming up.
hello!- 'swati met with an accident.' what? she met with an accident? a girl named swaitmet with an accident. where is she?- one second. first floor, 3rd room.- thank you. swati! careful. careful. careful. careful. others should meet withan accident after seeing you. how did you meet with an accident?
i'm glad you called me. take rest.the final round is coming up. sharad!- sharad! sharad! sharad! i was just..- what's wrong with you, sharad? what did i tell you?- i was.. sharad! sharad! - didn'ti tell you to stay away from her? sharad! sharad!- didn't i tell you that? sharad, leave him alone.sharad, please. don't you get it?- sharad, let go off him. what?
why did you come near her?- what are you doing? nobody can save you from me now. leave him, sharad.- nobody can save you. leave him, sharad. - sharad! stop it, sharad!what is wrong with you? you slapped me? for him? what is wrong with me?i wasn't like this before. i did the correct thing.why were you hitting him? what was his mistake?he was helping me to sit.
you.. you are acting like a savage. why are you behavinglike some monster? you should be ashamed.- stop it! you should be ashamed, not me. because you are behavinglike a betrayer. i thought that youare a very good girl. but you are justlike the other girls. as soon as you find a new guy,you start your flirting. disgusting!
and for him you.. i knew a lot of things about girls.good and bad things. but still i went crazy for you.i wanted to tell you something. but i won't say it now. i want to forget her completely. swati! what are you doing? why are you packing your bag? i'm going back to my village, madhu. i can't be in thesame place that he is.
swati, wait!swati! listen to me, swati. "life is upset with me.it is slipping away from my hands." "times have changed.i have changed." "nobody can stop me." "the world has changed.the people have changed." "don't stop me." "i want to forget you and move on." "i pray that i neverthink of you again." "i'm alone. i don't want you."
"i've forgotten your face." "you betrayed me.you are a betrayer." "i'm glad that youhave gone away from me." "i've started hating this love." "may god give me thestrength to never miss you!" "know this and accept this,you are a betrayer." mr. sharad from indiais a global leader.. ..and the biggest youth icon today. he is in news with regardto the world's economy.
when it comes tobusiness implementation.. ..or our country's progress.. ..he is making indiaproud in the whole world. hi, swati! how are you? i'm fine. how are you? i'm absolutely fine. swati, i have somegood news for you. - what? i'm getting marriedon 20th next month. don't miss it.
oh my god! congratulations! i will definitely come, madhu.of course i will be there. thank you, swati. forget that idiot andstart a new life if possible. he doesn't live in my heart anymore. i've forgotten him long ago. okay, swati. bye. hello! - hello, sharad!how are you, my son? fine, but..
but what?tell me, my boy. what happened? dad, i was so wrong about swati. i wanted her to seeonly me and talk only to me. i had become too possessive, dad. i shouldn't have hit her, dad. i shouldn't haveraised my hand on her. i did a mistake, dad.i did a big mistake. what is done is done. forget all that and come backto india. start a new life here.
i can't, dad. she is my first love.it is very difficult to forget her. "it was a mistaketo start hating you." "i will do penancefor the mistake i made." "i'm confident thatyou will forgive me." "i will come to youwith my hands joined." "i can't take this anymore.i can't bear the pain." "i miss you terriblyafter you left me." i'll inform this to the boss.
excuse me, sir.- yeah? sorry, sir.the meeting which was fixed today.. ..has been postponedto 17th of this month. oh, really?- i mean the day after tomorrow. that's something.. then today is 15th march?- yes, sir. oh. today is swati's birthday. should i wish her?
hello? who is this? 'sharad?' who sharad? tell me. - many, many happyreturns of the day, swati. how are you, doctor? i was scared that you will leave me. it was my possessiveness.that's why i hit you. after raising my hand on you,i haven't slept a single night.
i really love you. i can't live without you, swati.i can't live. i tried a lot but ijust can't live without you. i love you, swati. i love you. hello? hello? sharad, i don't havefeelings for you now. please. i'm getting engaged.don't call me again. oh. okay. i will never let yougo away from me. i love you.
did you read this? some men had beaten up.. ..a businessman frombangalore named sharad. hey, why are you sellingthe evening newspapers now? some people tried to killthe famous businessman sharad. this is very bad. what is the news?- shut up. businessman sharadis in this hospital. we've received news thatsome people tried to kill..
..the famous global leaderand businessman sharad. this incident happenedwhen he was returning from.. ..one of his friend'swedding in mangalore. the police are investigatingon who attacked him. - kaushalya! yes, i'm coming. - but theydidn't find any clue till now. look!- huh? mr. sharad is admitted inthe biggest hospital in mangalore our journalist ravijoshi is present there. and he will tellyou about his condition.
we tried to contactravi joshi who was present.. ..at the crime scene. ravi, tell us what the situationwas after you reached there. oh dear! what happened, ma'am? i feel giddy. you look very weak.come with me. take rest. no, no, i'm fine.i need to take care of him. don't worry about him.we are there to take care of him. okay? come with me.you are a doctor yourself.
you should take care of your health.come with me. please take care of him.- don't worry about him. sister, get the glucose ready. okay, sir.- come on. doctor, he will beconscious in a few minutes. please take care of him. please. please, doctor. swati! swati?
a murder attempton businessman sharad. this incident took placewhen he was returning from.. his wife swati.. swati wants to marry me? sister! swati.. sir, she gave you bloodand was awake the whole night. she is sleepy. she is resting now. i have to meet her. you can't meet herin this state, sir.
i want to meet her right now. mr. sharad, listen to me. you can't do this. as a doctor it ismy responsibility.. sir, i want to see swati. please. - please.i'm fine. i want to see swati. okay, okay. calm down. calm down. don't strain yourself. she is perfectly alright.don't worry. there she is.
mr. sharad, wait a minute. don't strain yourself, please. she is fine. she will beokay after resting for a while. don't worry. i assure you. you may go. take rest. you look very tired. you need rest.- i'm fine. i'm fine. sir, the media is waiting outside. please.- sir..
sorry, sir.- okay. don't be too long. we will wait outside. come on, everyone. let's go out. please. i'm getting engaged. don't call me again. mom, i'm coming to india. famous businessman mr.sharad arrived in india. his sudden arrival hasgarnered a lot of curiosity. sir, why did you suddenlyplan to come to india?
i came to india forsome personal work. you can ask me allyour questions later. okay? sir! sir! sir! sir! one last question. i'm at home. welcome, sharad. hey! wait a minute, son.- oh. may you live a long life! dad!
live for a hundred years. he hasn't forgotten yet. come on, mom.- yes. smile, please. so what is going on in your life? are you blood pressureand diabetes under control? mom, don't give dad oily food. both of you need to be careful. both of you are growing old,so you need to take care.
your dad's bloodpressure and diabetes.. ..won't be under controlif i don't give him oily food. why, dad? did you start an affairwith a new auntie when i was out? actually the planets.. sharad, stop joking. you have earned a nameand so much money for yourself. but what's the use of all that? you think we don't knowhow much you love swati?
i can't see you suffering like this. listen, please get married. we'll find a good girl for you. your dad had two mildheart attacks already. kaushalya! don't keep sorrow in yourheart and smile outwardly. just think about it. we bothare not going to live for long. sharad, we are seeingyou after two years. we still feel thatyou are a college student.
but you don't realizethat you are not that anymore. you have changed a lot. change is an important part of life. i think even swati musthave changed just like you did. so, forget her. listen to your mom. that will be a good choicefor everyone's future. dad, i.. one more thing, son. i don't want a daughterin law for your mom or myself.
we want a daughterin law for your sake.. ..so that you havea sense of meaning in life. obey your mom andagree to get married. he is not going to listen to us. i can understand your worry.but we can't force him. okay, mom. i will marry whichevergirl you choose for me. are you happy now? i'm very happy. i'll find avery good girl for you. you'll see.
god has finally answered my prayers. mom, i'm going out. listen, sharad!take the blessings of holy fire. everything will be good. go slowly and safely, son. where is dad? sir! cancel the flight. i'll go by road. sir, security?
no, i will go alone. we already arranged for it, sir. i told you. it's okay. okay, sir. mom, bye. dad, see you later. go safely, son. this is 'vividh bharati'. 'vividh bharati'?i'm tuning in after so many years.
a village doctor has treated500 people free of cost. wow, good. on the other hand bus driversand auto drivers are on strike. the public is facing somany problems because of that. the bus and auto driverssay that cost of living.. oh god! people of ourcountry are always suffering. when will our governmentcome to its senses? no! no! let go off me!
no! no! please. please. please leave us.please leave us alone. hey! take her. we will have a feast today! leave me! do you think that's easy? she is a girl of this country. here people won't spareyou even if you touch their soil. and you are touching agirl in public! how dare you!
catch the rascal!don't let him escape! manoj!- it's okay. leave! leave me! people of our countrydon't tolerate injustice. pick up your things and get lost.come on. sir! thank you very much. listen! when twopeople fall in love.. ..the guy becomesthe girl's bodyguard. it is not enough to gocrazy and love like crazy star.
you need to learn karatelike karate king as well. so, the moral of the fight is.. ..learn karate withthe same zeal that you had.. ..when you fell in love. okay? sir, your girlfriendmust be truly lucky. go home.- thank you, sir. i saved his lover.but he wounded my heart.. ..by reminding me of my lover. no, no. i will try to forget swati..
..until i go to myfriend's wedding. yes. why are the bus driverson strike today of all days? it is raining so heavily too.it is so unfortunate. look, a car is coming this way. stop! stop, son! stop!stop, son! the car has stopped, hurry up. son!- yes? please open the dickey.we need to put our luggage in. - oh. are you done, grandma?
what's the matter, son? why aren't you startingthe car after giving us a lift? it is my granddaughter'swedding today. i need to reach thereas quickly as possible, son. the wedding guestsare waiting for us. i have the wedding chain. you can stare at her later.drive fast, son. drive fast. listen, son!i've seen you somewhere. me? - yes.
where did you see me? do you act in daily soaps? yes, i used to do thatbefore but now i stopped it. that's why i can'tsee you on tv anymore. what's the matter, son?why are you driving slow? increase the speed. i have something to eat. after eating that youwill drive with great speed. do you want it?
no, no, no. where are you all going? not all of us, son.we three are going to the village. and this girl is going to mangalore. even i'm going to mangalore. i will drop you at thevillage and go to mangalore. goddess durga, you savedus during this heavy rain.. ..and the bus strike.thank you very much. why are you going alone, son?
what can i do? i'm going alone. is that so? get married, son. it is not good to travel alone. now you have a companion. your journey will befun if you travel together. when i was newly married,my husband.. ..used to take me around.. ..on a two wheeler.- i have a headache. and that would makeme so happy, son.
grandma!grandma! the rain has stopped. you also please stop.please be silent for a while. oh dear!are you upset that i'm talking? our village is here.stop, son. stop the car. okay, okay, okay. - stop the car,son. where are you going? yes. - champa!chameli! get down quickly. grandma! she was goingto mangalore, right? oh dear! what happened to her now? dear, why did you get down here?
this son will drop you in mangalore. no, grandma.i'll manage. don't worry. dear, you are alone. how can you go alone? he is a good-looking boy. he won't misbehave with you.- huh? if he misbehaves,just tell him to marry you. if he doesn't agree,threaten him that you will.. ..file a case against himin the police station. - she..
he will be very scaredif you say that. he will quickly agree to marry you. that will be good for you, my dear. oh dear! no, grandma.that is not going to happen. i won't take no for an answer. the bus drivers are on strike today. may they die of worms! come with me, dear.- grandma, listen to me. come on, come with me.- grandma!
listen to me. - he willsafely drop you in mangalore. that's my guarantee.- okay. hey! take the glass down. what's wrong, grandma?- nothing is wrong. look, son!drop her safely in mangalore. if you think of doing anything else,she knows karate. now go. hurry up okay, go. 'i think she is not going totalk to me. i'll listen to radio.'
"there is googly in her heart." "i became a googly in love." "there is googly in her words.." please put off the radio. "there is googly in her looks.." let it be. it matches the situation.- huh? pathetic! a man's heartand a dog's tail are similar. they always remain twisted.. ..no matter how hardyou try to straighten them.
i wonder why god designeda man's heart like this. you won't believe whati had decided a little while ago. i decided that i willforget you completely. but you came before me. you get married as soon as possible. what are you saying? i'm fine. how was the engagement? whose engagement?
your engagement, doctor. you said your marriagehas been fixed. i need to reach mangalore urgently.so i'll go by myself. wait! wait, doctor! why was she shocked wheni mentioned her engagement? did the engagement get cancelled? didn't the engagement happen? wait! doctor! doctor! take your luggage.
"googly." i think you forgot about it. open the dickey. what happened?did the engagement get cancelled? okay. cool. cool. listen! i don'twant to talk about it. i will go to mangalore alone.you go your way. i can go but i don't thinkit is right to leave you here alone. huh?what are you talking about?
look, doctor.the buses are on strike today. you won't get a bus.let's be practical. even i'm going to mangalore.let's go together. please, sharad. just because i'mgoing to mangalore.. ..don't plan to come there as well.go do your work. don't behave like a small kid. this is what i wanted. what they say is right.when you meet a new girl..
..don't give her importance. and when you meet agirl that you already know.. ..don't help her at any cost. here is my invitation. i'm going to mangalorefor my friend's wedding. you are going to this wedding too? yeah. how did madhu invite you?she never.. what did you say? madhu?- yes.
who is madhu? i'm going to my friendnarayan's wedding. narayan? madhu? oh my god! i'm going to the same wedding. 'oh god! what gameare you playing with me?' 'the girl that i'm tryingto forget came walking to me.' 'you made her miss thebus by planning a bus strike.' 'you are sending usboth to the same wedding.' 'looking at this, i feelwe will get married very soon.'
it's good, right? huh? what? nothing. forget it. now let's go. i would do the samething for your grandma too. come on.- okay, i will come. but we will be like strangersin madhu's wedding. done? i will try.- okay. engagement.i'm the biggest googly master ever.
and she is throwing googlies at me. swati, just try tounderstand me for once. after that you sitbehind like a queen.. ..and i'll sit in the front likea driver and we'll drive nonstop. "there is googly in her words.what can i do?" "there is googly in her looks." "there is googly in her style." "life became a googly.what can i do?" "may god give me courageto understand her love!"
"god promise,i gave my heart to you." "you are my lover." "my heart stopswhen you touched me." "i'm hungry for love.what will happen to me?" "my stars have changed.my bp has gone up." "the chances of a heartattack have increased." "when i see your eyes,i want to lose my heart to you." "you open the flashbackby arranging your hair." "this is another factof life for me, really."
"one that you want to listen to." "what's going on, man?the free style is to boot." "at the drop of a bat.at the drop of a beat." "please marry me.become the queen of my house." "listen to the melody of my love." "i'm laila and you are majnu." "listen to my heartbeat." "with you my lifewill be like a dessert." "wow! you won myheart by saying that."
"you have killed me with your eyes." "my heart beats only for you." "i have accepted you as my lover." "if you say we canstart family planning." "forget family planning,let's make a cricket team." hey! stop! stop! don't block the car. where is the photographer? where is the welcoming party?come on, come here.
my friend came from foreignto attend my wedding. i told you not to disturb him.- oh, okay. put the garland around his neck. ward off the evileyes and welcome him. all photos and videosshould be clear. don't worry about the money.- okay, okay. thank you. my friend, i'm so happythat you came to my wedding. you are getting married, not me. you too will get married very soon.be patient.
then let's go. i will getfresh and come in five minutes. let's go.- sir! sir! what are you doing?let him enter the house peacefully. all of you stand there. come in.- hey! don't be too formal with me. i came here as you friend,let me be your friend. i'm so honored thatyou came to my wedding. thanks, my friend. don't thank me, i should thank you.
because my life is goingto take a u-turn in your wedding. it is going to take a u-turn? i will explain later. what? did he propose to you aftergiving you a lift in his car? no. he called me on mybirthday and proposed to me. but i gave him an excusethat i'm getting engaged.. ..in order to avoid him. but, now i feel that maybehe is a completely changed man.
swati, what are you talking about? don't start off again. just think about whathe did and what he said. first i need to scoldmy future husband. madhu! - how did hebecome sharad's friend? forget it.i will make him pay for it later. come, buddy.once you eat food in my village.. ..you'll forget thefood of your village. sharad! where are you going?
to eat food. that's not your seat.this is your seat. a special seat for a special person. who would sit there and eat food?you will never change. i arranged it especially for you. i beg of you. be quiet. hi, sir! hi!- how are you? no matter how successful you are.. ..you are still down to earth.
yes.- yes! i'll be right back. okay.- where did the tent fellow go? is he chatting awaywith the lights fellow? i was saying thathe is a very bad man. are you listening to me? oh god! there is no place.. ..except for the chair beside him. darn! you dropped me here. so, thank you.
i didn't do anything.it is all fate. what's the matter?why did you sit beside me? hello! i came here becauseonly this chair was empty. my heart is empty from two years. sorry? don't be. don't be. we weren't supposedto meet but we suddenly met. we are in a wedding,there's a wedding tent over us. i can hear trumpets from far away.
we have a wedding feast as well. the only thing missingis our wedding clothes. don't you think so? stupid! i think she is upset with me. you are openingbatsman sharad, right? opening batsman? i was a batsman in the past. we see you on tv every day.me and my daughter.
my daughter loves you. she hugs the tv whenyou appear on the screen. i did batting and it came on tv? but i never played cricket. we see it on newschannels every day. you are a famous batsman. auntie, he is a businessman,not a batsman. oh, he is a businessman. if you don't mind willyou click one with me?
a photo. photo! i can't see the photographer.where is he? yes! yes! yes! "mustafa!" yeah! just a minute.i will click a photo and come back. hello! okay. for my daughter. she is mine.what is she doing with him?
yes, i will come. mustafa! what are you doing here? click a photo of us. hurry up. okay, okay. where are you going? - justa minute. i will be right back. but.. listen.. i will be right back. one photo. what nuisance!
he wants to ruin my efforts.i won't spare him. sir, you are very famous.you are very successful. being such a successfulman aren't you ashamed.. ..to kick this poorman on his heart? what did i do? what did you do? the woman that clickingphotos with you.. ..is a very old lover of mine. oh. is that so?
i've been feeding herice-cream from childhood.. ..and i had a loan of 10,000on my head in those times. and i had to flee thecountry because of that loan. after recovery wheni return to my lover.. ..i was told that she'smarried and is with her husband. oh. then? then? the same thingthat happens after marriage. a child.- she? no, i had a child.- how?
since i didn't get my lover,i opened many branch offices. hey! you say you love her. weren't you ashamedto do such things? it wasn't wrong, sir.it wasn't wrong. that's why i camesearching for my lover. then what happenedto the woman you married? she ran away withthe man that she loved. and as soon as i foundout that my lover is divorced.. ..i came back, sir.
oh. so it is a very long story.- yes. alright, but what didi do to make you angry? my lover and i are goingto meet like milk and honey. if you come betweenus like lemon juice.. ..the milk will get curdledand honey will become useless. so it will be betterif you don't come between us. hello! you mean i wastrying to seduce that auntie? even if she is the lastwoman left on the earth.. ..what did you say your name was?
mustafa! mustafa! come here. i'm telling you, i'm notgoing to make any adjustment. just listen to me. look there! that girlin the pink sari is my lover. i love only her, not that auntie.you keep the auntie. well said, sir! well said! thank you very much, sir.you touched my heart. mustafa!- yes?
you are a photographer, right?- yes, sir. i'm world famous in my village. will you do me a favor?- yeah. will you take nice photosof my lover? - already? they will help me when i'm alone. don't worry,i'll start clicking right way. if the photos don't look good..- yes? i will definitelyrun away with auntie. oh no! i won't missit a second time.
i will take good photos. kalpu! kalpu! what is it? kalpi! do you rememberthat i bought ice-cream for you? ice-cream?- yes. many people buy that for me.what is special about you? but.. uh.. uh.. i don't remember it. kalpu! i came backto buy ice-cream for you.
if someone else gives you ice-cream,don't eat it. i will buy them for you. oh! were you buying meice-cream all these years? what can you buy me or feed me? i will feed you. first let me clickphotos of my boss's lover. then i will buy ice-cream for you. where did she go? she is here.
i should click the photosin a way that she doesn't find out. i missed it. i will click from here. this angle is good.- yes? move aside.- please click my photo too. madam, move aside. do i look good? how is my hair?- move aside. click a photo. at least one photo.- move aside. move aside.- what are you doing?
why would anyone wantto click a photo of that face? move aside. she disappeared. you know what happened? it will be easier to clickphotos after taking her permission. it was raining,the buses were on strike.. ..so much was going on.. sorry, madam. i've been trying from solong to click a good photo of you.
please let me click a photo. my photo?- yes. - why? your lover,the famous businessman sharad.. ..told me to clicka good photo of you. swati, is sharad your lover?- yes, yes, yes. what a joke!but still you are lucky. yes, yes, lucky. very lucky. madam, please let me click a photo. madam, if i don'tgive him your photo..
..he will run awaywith my lover. please. where is sharad now? where is she? why did you grow a beard? i'm not getting time. what do i do? that's true. the place i tried..- this is sandeep. i shouldn't havebeaten him up for swati. i will say sorry.
sandeep! why did he come here?let's go. let's go. hello, sharad.- yes, mom. i have the photos of manygood-looking girls for you. i have selected three girls. you can marry thegirl that you like. mom, i don't want tosee the photos of any girls. huh?- i found swati again. what did you say? swati?
i will tell you the rest later.bye-bye. sharad! hello! what happened, kaushalya? it was sharad.he disconnected the call. he disconnected it?what did you say? he said that he found swati again. he found swati? why are you smiling now? where did he find her?where did he find her?
i need to talk to you. i was waiting for this moment. what's the matter, doctor? you called me here to talk to me.. ..but you are on silent mode now. it's okay. i will start talking. i quit smoking.after going away from you.. ..i understood that thereis happiness in living life. we should not waste it with smoke.so i changed.
look, swati!you said that you won't talk to me.. ..smile at me orshow that you know me. but still you called me here. so i feel like hiringa wedding planner immediately. for our wedding. stop it, sharad. please. what do you think of me, sharad? did i ever say that i love you?
why did you tell that photographerthat i'm your lover? answer me. oh god! it is a sin toattempt comedy in my life. he was picking at mybrains so i said that.. what did you tell him? answer me. what did you tell him? that i love you very much. and ever since youcame back into my life.. ..i love you even more..- that's enough.
that is not possible.i don't think of you in that way. and why should i love you, sharad? look! i will never forgetwhat you said to me and.. ..how you raisedyour hand to hit me. you can never comeback into my life again. please don't tellanyone anything about me. let me live in peace. please. please. please. you broke my heartwithout thinking twice.
i don't know what mistakei did to deserve it. i don't know how tolive my life without you. why did you go away from me? i'm yours. i'm yours. i'm crazy for you. i don't care if the wholeworld is upset with me. you are the rainbow of my heart. my life is barren without you. you were my life, my darling.
you were my devotion, my darling. you reside in my heart,you live there. you are my sweetheart. and in return yougave me countless wounds. you were before my eyesbut i couldn't do anything. i couldn't take awaythe pain i gave you. i have been tryingforever to make you my own. please trust me youare very dear to me. come here.
oh god! why did hecome into my life again? i will throw the bottle at you! 'now again he willtell me to maintain..' '..100 meters distance from swati.' come out, i need to talk to you. i said come out. sharad! what are you doing? i'm asking forgivenessfor the mistake i did years ago. sandeep, why did you comeinto my life as a bad omen?
just because i hityou two years ago.. ..my love,my life, everything got destroyed. i have no peace in my life. that's why i'm touchingyour feet to ask forgiveness. sharad, please!please don't do that. please tell me thatyou have forgiven me. swati is here.if she changes her mind.. ..she will accept my love. please forgive me, brother.
if you forgive me, i willsolve all the problems in your life. tell me, what job are you doing? i didn't get a job till now, sharad. you are searching for a job? will you forgiveme if i give you a job? murthy! i have a close friendwho has a twisted mind. give him a job,a home and 100,000 rupee salary.. 100,000 rupees is enough?
i.. yes, give him 100,000 rupees. okay? say that you forgiveme at least now. say it. say it. say it. come on, say it. yes, i forgive you. you forgave me? but what's the use? she is not ready to forgive me. even if i wash herfeet with my tears..
..she will not forgive me. i become a smallkid in front of her. the famous businessman sharad.. ..but for her i'man ordinary egoistic man. did you ever love someone? no.- very good. don't do it. you fall in love like a jockey.. ..but you becomea monkey when it fails. see me.
sharad! shall i talk to swati? what will you tell her? will you tell her thati'm a very good man.. ..that i gave you a joband she should accept my love? today i understood one thing. if girls come to a decision.. ..they won't change iteven if lord brahma asks them to. no, buddy. she did the right thing.it is not her fault. even without knowingwhat love is and..
..how to view the person you love,i loved her very much. and then i gaveher a lot of pain too. and now look at me. though she is before me,i can't talk to her.. ..i can't smile at her,i can't talk to her or forget her. i don't understand what to do. i curse my life. i will never get her in my life. and i can never forget her.
i won't get her. i won't forget her.i won't forget her. i won't forget her.- hey, sharad. i won't get her. sharad..- i won't forget her. it is so difficultto live like this. i wish i could make you mine. life has put me ina helpless situation. it broke my heart. i won't stay here another minute.
i will go to bangalore with sharad. swati! what are you saying? please don't say anything.i will go with him. please. all set. goodbye. sharad, i need some help. somebody needs to goto bangalore from here. can you drop them please?- okay. see you later.- drop her safely.
can you please stopthe car on the side? umm.. i want to saysomething important to you. can you please stop the car? i feel nervous. you'll directly go abroadafter reaching bangalore, right? won't you say anythingto me before leaving? only you have theright to speak, swati. sharad, you know, i'm really sorry. i can't bear this anymore.
when you proposedto me on my birthday.. ..i told you that i'm engaged. but that was a lie. sharad, should i tell you something? i love.. he shouldn't escape today. you like being a hero, right? now show me your hero-ism. thrash this hero!
help! somebody help! leave him. help! stop! stop! what happened, madam? please help. excuse me, sir.sorry to disturb you. we still need to do anmri scan on you. please come. all the specialistsare waiting for you. doctor, nothing happened to me.i'm fine, doctor.
let me sit here till sheopens her eyes. please, doctor. i know you are okay. but we don't wantto take any chance. its small test. the media and press arealso waiting for you outside. we are answerable to them.hope you understand. please cooperate. don't worry about her. she is okay. i assure you she is okay.
slowly, slowly. slowly. come. mr. sharad is fine. okay? he just has a coupleof small injuries. apart from that,he is perfectly alright. we are doing a smalltest on him right now. hey, srikanth! what's happening? look at this.what happened to sharad?
oh! that's about sharad? he is out of danger. father! mother! how is sharad now? they took sharad for scanning, dear. we haven't met him yet. we saw the news on tv and came here. we reached just now. what happened to you?why are you in this state? father..- what happened to her?
nothing will happen to her. she will be fine untilshe destroys our lives. kaushalya, why are you saying that? i'm right. listen to me, swati. ever since you steppedinto my son's life.. ..he hasn't been happyand neither have we. do you want to enterhis life again and.. ..ruin our lives completely? sorry, mother.
kaushalya,you are hurting her with your words. what about our hurt? our son loved her dearly,he cried for her day and night. we were so sad tosee him in that state. did you forget that? even she shouldexperience that pain. look, dear. my son isready to marry another girl. so please, i beg of you.for god's sake, forget him. please let us live in peace.
sit down, dear. do you still havesomething left to say? father! mother is absolutely right. i've already caused somuch suffering to you both. i don't want to be here. i will go. don't say that, dear.ignore her words. please, father. let me go. you've already suffered a lot. i don't want to create moreproblems for you. i will leave.
please forgive me. stop, dear! dear! listen.. sir! the scanning report is normal.just take some rest. no, i'm fine. sharad! - sharad! sharad, what happened to you? what happened to you, son?- nothing, dad. how did this happen?- nothing happened to me, dad.
i'm fine, dad. i'm fine. everything happensfor a good reason. i'll be happy my whole life, dad. i found my swati, dad. i found my swati. you haven't forgotten her, sharad? she already ruined your life once.that's enough. she has left. she didn't tellme where she is going.
now tell him. sharad, become well first. i will explain everything later. mom, i'm fine.first tell me where swati is. why should we care where she is? you promised me that you'llmarry the girl i select. what about that promise? what did you do, mom? everything was fine.
put some sense into him.- where is swati? where is swati, dad? doctor, did you see swati? sir, she left long back.- where? i don't know but she was crying. huh?- i'm ravi joshi. press reporter. you have been on headlineson tv since yesterday. we have live media downstairs. if you express yourfeelings before the media..
..you'll definitely find swati. please come with me, sir. be careful, sir. slow down. slowly. he is here to talk to you.please cooperate. let me go.i'm very disturbed. please. please. swati! i hope you arehearing this wherever you are. it was a misunderstanding, swati. swati, for god's sake,listen to me and come back. i love you, swati.i can't live without you, swati.
anyone who is watchingthis program.. swati's photo. swati.- give me the newspaper. here you go, sir. look, she is swati.for god's sake, if anyone sees her.. ..please tell her 'sharadloves you very much'. please don't forget to say it. swati! please, swati! i apologize for whatevermy mother said to you.
i'm really sorry, swati. look at this photo carefully please. this is swati. my swati. i love her very much. sir, do you have her number? 9845865258. sir, it is ringing. over. hello! who is it?- swati!
there is no swati here.this is a stolen mobile. we found it at mangalorerailway station. railway station?she is at the railway station. let's go, sir. sir, our vehicle is here. come on. drive fast. drive fast. don't worry, sir.- how far is it? just a few minutes away.- faster. faster. cool, sir. cool. listen to me,you will definitely find her.
no, you know nothing about her. i have been sufferingfor the past two years.. ..for a small mistake i did. now one more mistake has happened. i will lose her foreverif i don't correct it immediately. then i will never find her. everything will be fine. give way. give way. move aside. move aside.- sir! sir!
we lost a phone.where are the stolen mobiles kept? you are mr. sharad, right?- yes. a police officer answeredthat phone from here. okay, let's talk to the officer.come with me. okay, let's go.- come with me. move aside. give way. officer! come here! he lost his phonewhich may be with you. i called you justnow and you answered it.
yes, sir. i answered it. where is the man that stole it? tell him. sir, i stole it from a girlwho was in the train that just left. sir, the train leftjust a few minutes ago. if you hurry up, you can catchup with it at the next station. thank you. - move aside.move aside. - let's go. ..is searching the wholecity to find his lover. you search that side.
swati! swati! let's go. hurry up!the train will leave in a minute. some pickpocket stole my bag. i lost my ticket,mobile and everything. hey! i came so farwith great difficulty. instead of saying i love you to me,you are saying.. ..that a pickpocketstole your purse and mobile? sharad! i love you, sharad!i love you.
swati, i can't live without you too. won't you say i love you to me? i'm not in the mood now.i'll say it after we get married. yeah!

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