everyone desires happiness. but at what cost? smoking costs dearly. smoking is injuriousto your health.. ..to your loves ones too. you've to pay dearly for smoking. what happens to this city?either there is ash or smoke. why doesn't anyone say anything? why do they toleratethis smoke quietly?
it's the limit to tolerance. let's douse cigarettes and cigars. there is a ban on smokingin public places. you've to pay a fine. don't smoke don't let others smoke. village madhavpur,a typical indian village. some streets,some houses, a temple.. ..a lake, a river.. ..some people..
..poverty, injustice.. ..and once every four years,politicians. a road near the village.. ..takes you to theland of progress. in this very village manyyears ago a girl.. ..was inflicted witha deadly disease. she wanted to study. study? my foot! "i want to go to school" she says.
i'm not your mother.. ..to tolerate such luxuries. who is going to clean up thehome? your dead mother? she might as wellhave taken you with her. don't stare! start cleaning up. rajjo had a step mother anda helpless father. "what is it?" "don't stare or i'llgouge out your eyes as well"
don't get all mushy with me. he wants to educate her. my foot! 'relentless beatinghad turned rajjo to stone.' 'but nobody could stop her from study.'- what's the matter? move. oh god! she's possessed!!! she's possessed!
she's possessed. "come on out you evil spirit...out". 'they tried every trick in the bookbut rajjo wouldn't listen.' she was adamant. today rajjo has an ashram.. ..where destitute womenare given support.. ..prepared tofight injustice.' 'and children aretaught for free.' the village calls rajjo"didi" (sister)..
..with love and reverence.' 'didi is at peace.' 'and her fatherisn't helpless anymore.' 'this is the story of madhavpur.. ..where rajjo didi and her groupare fondly known as.. ..gulaab gang.' if i see you again..i'll beat you to pulp. get lost i say.- no! go to your mother.
and ask her what happenedto the rest of the dowry. there is no place foryou here. get out. don't piss me off early morning? i'll count till 10. ..or else i'll lose my mind. 1. 2. 3.- no!
4.- where will i go? 5. 6. 7. didn't i say.. ..your son will bring a nicedaughter-in-law? she's college educated. wealth will shower in our house, now. yes.
she's highly educated. heyyyy. hey! come down. come down. if you want to drown,why shallow water? ..come in the boat, i'll drop youmid-river. ma'am.. ..tell us your namebefore you jump. there mustn't be any letter or i-cardin your pocket..
..so how would we know who died? first ask if she can read or write. come. what's up with her?she looks troubled? why do you feel the pinch? you never ask meabout my troubles. you don't look troubled. you are the trouble. if you want to shed tears,stand in the field.
at least the cropswill be watered. why should i live now? live for yourself. forget the past.make a new start. there is no direction to start. you'll see the direction onlywhen you wipe your tears. if you fight sorrow to live life,you'll enjoy it. wanna become"gulaabi" (member). i explained with love first.
then i slapped him so hard.. .. his teeth fell off. look.. 2 times 2 is 4. 2 times 3 is 6. 2 times 4 is 8. 2 times 5 is 10. 2 times 6 is 12. 2 times 7 is 14.
2 times 8 is 16. 2 times 9 is 18. 2 times 10 is 20. once more.- stop! 2 times 1 is 2. 2 times 2 is 4.- yes... what were you thinking? if you accuse me of corruption.. ..will you get back your electricity?
we paid the full amount, sir. there was power for 2 months. then you disconnected it. if the crops wither,everyone will starve to death. mr. mukhiya.. ..as far as dying is concerned.. ..even well-to-dopeople are popping off. but puran.. ..has hurt his own interest..
by filing a complaintagainst me... he has done a daring act. now he'll bring theelectricity. sir, i could talk "didi". yes, go ahead. talk to her. no, sir. he knows nothing. we know you'll make everything fine. but i couldn't make puran come to me.
so how can i summon electricity? insolent! his royalty. king puran singh has arrived. sit. this rti complaint is avery risky business. hurt too much? ok then.. the deal is fixed at 50,000 rupees. 50,000 rupees more..
..after that you can installpump, hand pump and tube-well. shower in glory.. ..and let your mothersand sisters shower too. of course. a for apple. repeat it! look here, not there. did uncle come? good morning, good morning.hello! order tea.
e for elephant.. easy, easy, careful. f for fish. oh..- correct! m for mango..- very good. didi, look what they did to puran. and he's demanding 50,000rupees more. m for mango. uncle..
..change this junk fan. it gives more noise and less air. i'll pray to god tochange the weather, sir. i was thinking of makingthe climate colourful. you know, that didi.. the one that boy wastalking about. let's call her in the evening. how is she? she is stunning.
if she stands here,you don't need electricity. even the fan will spin like crazy. oho! mr. mishra,you too have turned romantic. what is it? sir, she's the one. greetings, collector. i wanted to talk to youabout the electricity. greetings. no, thanks.
..i've already toldthe village head.. ..i'll tell you again. all these things take time. hmm. can i have some water? sure. the weather is just unbearable. it's too hot. it's been 8 months sincethe wires were laid.
now either switch on the poweror return our money. what? are you provoking sir? do you know his power? forget electricity, he can evencut off your water, understood! hey, you..no.. don't be rude.- understood? with love.. ..this 50,000 rupeesis for the scheme..
..of instant power connection. these policemen stake theirlife for the country. but they too have to accountfor every bullet spent. so the government will ask me.. ..if you helped them,then in return.. ..what did you take? got my point? i'll take your leave, sir. charge!!!.
come on!- hey! come on! up! move it. make it quick. get inside. can anyone tell mewhat's going on? what the... do something.
what are you doing? i beg of you. please don't do all this. someone help me. hey! "the volcano simmersfrom within." "some day the lava will erupt." "..with all the embers lying in." "pull the throne slowly.."
"..listen to thesound of the steps.." "..thak thak! thak thak!" "how long can anyone stay mumbefore a government that .." "..blabbers. blabbers." "king is busy with the queen." "who cares for our right?" "they think thethrone is their bed.." "..and sleep day n night." "the starving and the thirstyhold their breaths."
"sighing! sighing!" "whose king and what rule!" "what rules are these?" "politicians have no shame." "we must do our own." "cracking. cracking!" "the palace doorsare cracking." "the walls shake with the din." "o king,your soldiers and servants.."
"..can they reign us in?" "with twinkling stars.." "..the moon stares alone." "we have the fire in our eyes." "which lane.." "which lane?" "where will you fleefrom here?" she's kajri. don't you like saris?
ah..- where did you buy this? what type of cloth is it?is it mix? i don't have much ideaabout fashion. you know "idea". we make it ourselves. the sari is a fashion for keeps. try it. do you understand "try"? try.
wow. how far have you studied? i did college. oh my god. i was saying.. ..if you request my family..- good lord.. if sister talks, they'll agree. "i free a bonded cow.. ..and now it wants to go back."
i would have beaten you up, withgreater care than your mother-in-law. stop this nonsense! be quiet for 2 minutes. sandhya, talk to her family. take vinita along. let's see what they say. okay. first go to the police station.be peaceful. then we'll see.
hey sarju. the tea got cold. i met your daughter on the way. should i have left her for tea? i'm kidding.. some people from the gulaab gangare here. to talk about wife. oh.. forgive me. i made a mistake.
i'm begging of you. apologize to kajri who you've hurt. why kajri.. ..i'll apologize tothe entire village. but today i'm a bit busy. inspector, i have an idea. you apologize to thevillage as my substitute. go. and make sure.. ..you don't hurt anybody's feelings.
look..- what? won't you even let me repent? let it be. bye. hey. what's this drama! huh? son, look at this. your wife has orchestrated all this.
mother, don't interrupt.i'm talking. what's this drama!what is all this? even after enduring all this,she wants to come back to you. if she wants that, why doesn'tshe bring 50,000 rupees? mother, you interfered again. that wench send you? she lives off our mercy and nowis threatening us. if i ram your head against the wall.. wretched..
someone help him. what are you doing? leave my son. now she won't come in this house. and return all the previous dowrywith interest within a week. or else we'll thrash him so hard.. ..it'll be impossibleto tell whose son he is. oh god! she broke my son's hand. you fools! stop watching. sarju's father,aren't you going to do anything?
someone help!- leave me! no! come on. "like oil dwells in a seed.. ..and fire in a stone." "your god resides in you..and you can find him on your own." maam, she's singing. i'm not singing.i'm teaching counting. liar. laughing? eh?want one?
sister, she's doing this. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. nobody sings in class. now you try. very good. kid, get down. help him. did you see?
mother. where are you going? move! kids, get aside. you can't enter. move back. it's fine.- no, no. i have an appointment.- you can't go in. sister. teach them.
rajjo. if you had just phoned.. ..i would have settled theelectricity matter. if i do it without informing,you wanna take me to the cops? rajjo, i never did anythingwith cop permissions. what can i say to you now? you just campaign forme during the elections. then you'll see.. ..nobody can stopme from winning.
mr. pawan, you always win. but we've to fight ourown small battles. food, water, electricity.. rajjo, when we join hands,how can you be alone? we'll step ahead together.you'll see.. ..i'll distribute the sari youmake to the entire country. my son. greet her. i'm setting him upwith madam's sister.
after that, the governmentis ours. i swear,victory bugle will be sounded. i think we've to slaphim under his ears.. ..or he won't hear the bugle. rajjo, you'll see.. ..i'll start a school inthe village for girls. and i've many otherplans. after all madam is a woman too. if she's happy,she'll shower money generously.
if school is built for girls.. ..then this village will change,mr. pawan. kids walk for miles. and i can only teachthem letters. but what's the use of it? they've to do higher studies.. ..become doctors, teachers. let me win once.. ..after that i'll set it all upschool..
..college, university.. .. dispensary,industry, everything in village. many buildings willbe constructed. and if your close one wantsa degree without studying.. ..i can arrange that too. you just make asuperhit slogan like.. .."who'll bring change as we go on?" "mr. pawan, the village don." or else.. "vote for remote."
"gourd is bitter, tasteless fruit,so is pawan, the village brute" what? what? nothing..yours is better. no, there is another one.. ..for example.. "like channels change with remote." "this village pawan will promote." forget poetry mr pawan.. have sweets, the battle is won.
yes!- okay. take it.she has consented. didi gets easily swayed onhearing about school. his face shows histrue intentions. didn't i tell you last night.. ..i went stealthily to meetchaudhary's girl in his house. we had decided about it. i called her at night fromnear her window. a couple of times.
chaudhary himself cameoutside the window. hmm. "how are you?" brother,uncle has warned not to.. ..create a problem till election. troubles don't come up withuncle's permission. i'll be back in a jiffy. 10. 9. 8. 7.
6. 5. 4. 3. bablu! oh god! what happened? what happened? you've disgraced us. that's why you cameto ask for our vote. and .. pasted his name on our huts.
go make a stamp of every drop ofher blood and help him win. make him win. why won't anyone marry her? take my word. i'll get her marriedto any of my men. i accept it's a mistake. now i can't change that. no, you can't. respect and disrespect isjust a state of mind.
it's useless. just think.. ..if she hadn't come and saidanything to anyone.. ..her respect wouldhave been safe. think nothing happened. or else...there will be trouble. and my respect will bedefiled in dust. respect and disrespect.. ..is a state of mind, mr. pawan.
and everyone has to returnto dust some day. it's not a joke, rajjo. everyone stay mumtill this election. madam shouldn't findout anything. that's all i ask for. back ache? fitness is very importantin the police force. give him sick leave. a long one.- okay.
please come. can't you bend? it hurts you there? this is the game of growth and toil. but for you - neither food nor oil. with deception and fraud,the government may run. but they forget that thearms of the poor may be short.. ..but their curses aren't. and when people curse together..
..then crowns are tossedin the air.. ..the throne vanishesfrom underneath. and then.. ..the throne awaitsa man who comes as a messiah. who can feel your pain and sorrow. the true son of soil.. ..may not be with us anymore.. ..but no one should think.. ..that his dreamswill be unfulfilled.
brothers and sisters,your victory is our victory. and my defeat willbe your defeat. now tell me.. ..for whom will you vote? the one who holds the remote. why are you so worriedabout my voice? i don't have to singat your wedding. if needed.. ..i'll make the groom our singer.
wait, it's your father-in-law'smissed call. i just mentioned the son andthe father calls. strange attachment. yes, fine.i'll talk to you later. god bless you. yes, pawan. hello.. hello.. when i tried to call you.. ..it says your phone isout of coverage area.
so i thought.. ..how can you go outof my coverage? is the bride up?- arun? yes, he's ready since morning. we're waiting for you.please come. everything is ready. yes.- okay, fine. we're reaching.- okay. yes. what can i say, mr. sharma?
we're getting her married intosuch conceited people.. ..i don't understand if we'reforging a family.. ..or making a coalition. and those insurance guys.. are they all dead? madam, it's getting a bit delayed. why? what's the delay? madam, sir's death wasn'tnatural.. so they.. so?
so what? what, mr. sharma? you can't cash in onsympathy for a widow. no, ma'am. we're trying.it will be done soon. so many payments are pending. greetings! i'll kick you so hard,it'll light your backside up. didn't i tell you not to drinkand create commotion. you're creating the commotion.i was peacefully drunk n asleep.
my dear, once the marriage happens.. ..we both will bathe in a bar. who? you and madam? no, me and my dead dad! watch your language dad? now i've lost my mood for a shower. get his clothes. i did that last night.it's hanging. hanging..
will i have to throwyou in the well in a towel? ok i'm going. to the pond.the shower is dripping. go. move. get aside. come, madam. i'm so grateful that you came. can i call you my in-law now? the idea of involvingthe gang..
..in the election campaignis very smart. women will come forward easily. even the low castconsider her their do-gooder. your win is guaranteed. is arun getting readylike a bride? no, madam. he exercisesevery day to stay fit. must be on his way. madam, rajjo is here. gulaab gang.
rajjo devi. i've heard so much. me too. strange.. ..we stay in the same region but.. ..never got thechance to meet. that's why i came today. you are bigger thanthe law here madam. we've come witha lot of hope .
what's the rate forrapes this year? 20,000 rupees, madam. but, she's a minor. sorry. 30,000. inflation. it's a painful thing. and then she hascome to us herself.. ..and it's anauspicious day. so..
..50,000. give her 50,000 rupees. tension over? and rajjo.. ..life is just a gameof fate and timing. it's better speak up in timethan to shout otherwise. now it's that girl's fate.. ..that all this happenedbefore the elections. and the timing is yours.
that you came and reported at once. we have the party fund now.compensation will happen fast. if all this had happenedafter the elections.. ..to gather this small a fund.. ..i'd have to rob someone. right?- very well said, ma'am. yes, ma'am. rajjo, the saris are amazing. if i get you a contract fromthe shop in the city..
..the demand will be morethan you can ever supply. disconnect the phone. can't you hear? disconnect it. why are you rambling?i've just phoned didi. she'll tell us whatto do with you? if it's disconnected.. stop it. ma'am is giving you generously.
take it. can i get a glass of water? my throat is parched. bring water. it's cold water. drink it. it will keep your mind calm. let me. i've to talk to uncle. uncle,i looked around the lake but.. he left the mobileon the terrace.
ma'am, actually.. ..while going for exercising,he must've gone too far. he'll be back soon. "the eyes wander allaround in quest." "o silly, first search.." "..where you've stepped." your brother has doomed.here.. - brother! brother! brother!- help him. be careful.
hey.. what is it? mr. pawan, we had such troubleto get him out of the river.. .. we've no words to describe it. never mind. we've brought the groom on time.how about some rewards? right?- brother. let me help myself.. enough! what happened to you?
i don't know about the pain.. ..but he can't hear thesound of wedding bell. as for the rest.. i'm ashamedto say. you tell them. son! mr. sharma. what's the rate for rewards nowadays? come! "come, keep away fromevery inhibitions." "it's time to live the dream."
didi, we've no food left. i'll get it from the market. where is the foodgrain? did i fill my pocketwith foodgrain? why are you staring me wheni said i don't have it? yesterday 2 truckloadsof foodgrain came. did the rats eat it? village head,i've sold everything. understood? look, already i'm losing my mindbecause of the election.
i'll lose my mind. i know very well whosehouse you.. ..fill with government foodgrain. really? you know everything? then go and publishposters against me. paste it everywherein the village. or else lodge a police complaint. and if you can go tomr. pawan's house. go and shout there.
do whatever you can.i've no foodgrain. you want foodgrain? they've harassed me. child. what do we do?i don't understand. "the breeze flowsaway with drape." "the heart is floored." "don't restrain now." "do whatever you wish."
"don't hide now coyly." "don't be timid." "the heart and soul is yours." "this isn't the first time." "even world praises this damsel." "plunder this treasure." "the world calls them.." look who is here? have you come to buy sari?
go and ask kajri. you'll get discount. kajri. how are you? fine. but the day got worse afterseeing your face. i've realized my mistake. really? then jump in thewell on your way back. what do you want? tell me.
ah.. my 12 labourers and i.. ..are on contractual workat mr. jamuna's place. when it was time to pay thewages, he went back on his words. why did you come here? i didn't come to askfor anything. did you come to share your grief? nobody is ready to come with us. and that sir's bodyguard isbuilt like a wrestler. so we think, if you say oncewe'll get our wages.
i'll come with you. but on one condition. when he has gone deaf,he won't listen to anyone. now they can understandonly sticks. they too have sticks and bullets. just talk to him once. if he listens,we can avoid a fight. how can we avoid fights,village head? a farmer's feet bleeds whileploughing the seeds..
..but if that farmerdoesn't get grain.. ..it's better he useshis scythe as weapon. you just find out in whichdirection the trucks are going. what are you saying? we came to ask for your help,but you.. - brother.. don't show tantrums. should we lose our wagesbecause of your honour? they all are our own people. they aren't outsiders.listen to them.
good! 2.- harder! 3.- slap more powerfully. 6.- it's more fun to give. 7.- harder! 8.- wow! 9. 10. don't you get enough food?
you slapped 10 times,yet he's standing straight? why do you think before slapping? he slapped you and kicked you. he burnt you with cigarette. if there is still love left,go in the room and chit chat. let's go. the deal was of 10. 11 is an auspiciousnumber for us. when you go to toiletearly morning..
..you can find another teeth. give me cigarette. i've quit. did you leave cigarette or wife? so what are you holding up to?- quiet. i'll slap you if youtalk of cigarette. it stinks so bad. why are you scolding infront of everyone? not in front of everyone..
..he isn't our son-in-law. if i kick you between your legs.. ..you'll shed tearsall your life. - disgusting! are these what the kidslearn in school? i'll stitch up your lips. is it a sin to talkof daily routine? how do you get such wordsin your vocabulary? i don't want to argue with you. and you. go with him.
and hold fingers. understood? yes.- and listen. come home soon in the evening. foodgrain was stolen. we've to get it back. hey. stop there. get down everyone. i say get down quickly. hand over the truck to me.
i've the warrant. give me the keys. can't you hear me? listen to me and handover the keys. here you go.. you.. here.. come. come on. do you want to hear lullaby?come. ..mr. pawan hassupported us for years.
if you want to getcentral government then.. emotional? mr. sharma. i too was doing well. expensive saris, foreign holidays. but to bm a leaderin politics isn't easy. if there is time to become the king.. ..then leave allthese weaknesses behind. politics has no place forrelationships and friendship. let them fight it out.
the winner will get the post.. ..and my blessings. no, ma'am. i felt very bad. he's calling since morning. so i thought of telling you. greetings, mr. pawan. some tip.. - get lost! mr. pawan. did you take ma'am's appointment?
do i need appointment to meet ma'am? ma'am is a little busy now. what busy!she doesn't even answer my phone? doesn't reply to text either.- madam, who is shouting? look.. - everything is alright? it's nothing. there will be thunderingin rainy season. look, come and have tea with me. is everything fine at home?
mr. pawan. - move aside! just a minute. mr. pawan! - move! leave all this. we'll talk later in peace. okay, ma'am. - phone me. come outside. come, mr. pawan. ma'am, i wanted to talk..- you want to come in.. this is the only door for you.
vimla. make door for our mr. pawan. mr. pawan, life runs on adjustments. come on in. ma'am, are you joking? get up. now let's go in. after all, she's helping the law. but she believes in violence.
don't you feel that govermentis encouraging entire gang. look, there is weaponin goddess durga's hands too. but people have devotion for her. when a woman moves ahead,people try to defame her. you said police is yours. but something else is seen on tv. in politics i'veonly one friend. timing. make friendship with time. truck, grains, business, men, women..
..and money.. ..will come and go. rajjo is becoming famous. so don't be envious. accept the situation. something is better than nothing,mr. pawan. so control your anger. or else.. ..you'll be fizzled.
it will be telecast on tv at 9.30.watch it. tv is here. everyone watch in this big set. it's your wedding. i should have brought gift for you,but you got a present. you just stitch apink loincloth for me. oh. shouldn't i stitch shorts for you? "the pink attire cast a spell." "the beloved steals eye with me."
"don't talk to me." "i am of tender age." ma'am has called you. why are you going alone?i'll accompany you. ma'am. come! - please sit. they say, love is blind. i never liked this relationship. but what can i do?
my sister is so naive.. ..just like you. come to my office some day. if you say,i'll put a seat for you too. instead of pawan,i'm giving you the remote. let's help each other out. it's called alliance in politics. organisation is your strength.. ..but alone, are you scared stiff?
if i join hands with you,their problems will increase. if we sit and talkof contracts of grains.. ..business of drugs and alcohols.. ..then will talk of them. fine, fine. if you live up to my expectations.. ..i'll fulfil thewishes of your people. we'll open a school. don't you want this?
let's it's decided. mr. sharma, celebrate it with sweets. sweets is a great thing, ma'am. whenever a question comes on my lips.. ..someone puts sweets in my mouth. question and answeronly waste time, rajjo. eat sweets and stay happy. once you win the election.. ..you'll learn everything.
money will be in the hands.. ..which has the power.. fine. we'll play.. ..the game of election. but you're such a big player. if i play with you,i can't learn anything. so i'll play against you. if i win, i'll send sweets. to reach here..
..i've seen a lot and change a lot. i can bless you with bounty.. ..or with my fury. rajjo, when the high and mighty give.. ..they shower you with their all. and when the lowly wants to take.. ..they take more than all. i'll talk to you,when you fall flat on your face. mr. sharma, you should eat sweets.
don't waste time inquestions and answers. "sky and the world.." "iron melts in the hands." "don't be disappointed." "determination is everything." "courage lies in my heart." "don't underestimate me." "you are oblivious to this obsession." "gulabi!"
"the earth and sky is mine." "where can you hide?" "from the land.." "..your existence will be wiped." "not the sound of anklets.." "..you'll hear theclanging of swords." greetings, ma'am. i heard rajjo is contestingelection with your support. women and low caste arealways suppressed saying..
..that whatever injusticeis being done to you.. ..it's written in their fate. who can try to change the fate? one who does not evenknow to write her name.. ..how can we expectthat she'll write her fate. but to fulfil our dreams.. ..at times you resort to violence too. is it right? ..crime is crimeand justice is justice.
there is an old saying.. "everyone bows to the stick!" rod is god! didi, now we've to work peacefully. by the way.. ..we don't want to run thecountry so why get into politics. we're handling everythingeven without doing politics. should i fight the peopleall my life with a baton? without the sticks and swordspeople should hear our voices..
..that's why i wantto contest elections. did you understand? winning doesn't meanfighting anywhere. we win with knowledge and wisdom. right, didi? - look.. ..if anyone doesn't understand you,break his head. he'll understand everythingonce he get whacked.. ..even if they'reeducated or illiterate. we need money for school.
for that we've to keep peace. and making sari and spices won't help. then remove the sticks,we'll loot a moneylender. listen.. ..when you were born.. ..was your mother wrestling? you? - hey! anyway, we've to get you married too. anu is waiting with hope.
how long will you make him wait? you're very concernedabout my marriage. even before becoming politicians.. ..you're showing your true colours. if you win, government goonswill be around you with gun. then you won't need us.you'll send us away. you'll go even before that. i don't want to go anywhere.i don't want to get married. i'll stay with you.
i'll teach fightingwith sticks in your school. will you learn fighting? what do you think? after you all this will be mine. i'm enjoying even with marriage. now we've to explain to anu.. ..to keep some funfor ever after marriage. how dare you talk likethis in front of them? close your eyes. - quiet!
you shut your mouth. close your eyes. you left all the chores. greetings, ma'am. - greetings. ramlal is taking charge ofthe police station from tomorrow. congratulations. did you explain everything to him? good morning.bring some breakfast. sit. great.
hello. greetings, ma'am. reporting to duty. pull over. left. from here. you got married. not yet. what is the matter? why do you shy away? go ahead.
the heart got carried awayafter seeing the pink sari. if i slap you,you'll come to your senses. get lost! let do one thing. let's take them with the saris. if i ran this on your throat.. ..everything will turn pink.understood? you want to shoot? mishra, what did you do? - let's go.
hey! - get up. what happened?! mr. pandey, they didn't fire the gun.the gun must have misfired by itself. trigger must havebeen pressed by mistake. can't blame a personin intoxicated state, can we? let bygones be bygones.. ..and let's pay attentionto work at hand. come on. you can't take it so casually. you've to be careful, sumitra.
relax, sir. i'll handle it. mr. sharma, what kind of henchmenhave you kept on payroll? those idiots got a little drunk,and fired a bullet? tomorrow if he smokes pot.. ..will he fire the machinegun on the entire gang? it's election time. we need to sortthings peacefully. ma'am, i want revenge.i can't bear this insult quietly. get drunk instead.that you'll manage better.
and then go sleep for some time. did you forget my lectureabout time? let me think. ma'am, we can ensnare them all witha case of smuggled arms from nepal. we will just put a .56 in there. then see how i drag herby her hair to police station.. how many times have i told younot to come drunk.. ..on duty? you haven't done that till date.
and this isn't your father'svideo game.. ..that you keep firing bulletsfor every small thing. in politics everything should be donewith love and peace, ramlal. do you understand love? yes, i understand. bullshit! make arrangements forthose guys quickly. send them to the citytomorrow itself. go!
"o beauty,your youth makes me yearn." night good. good night.- good night. "this tender age is very risky." "your swagger is alluring." he is singing for you. won't you show face? show me. don't hesitate. show it.
why? were you interestedin buying sarees? vinita, give him a sari. look didi. come on, wear it now. wear it now!! you fool. why did you stop your song? you were singing for me right?continue. take both of them with the saris.
"my life.."- now dance. "my life."- dance. dance. "your beauty is my life." "your beauty is my life." dance. "your nose-ring is my life." dance.- "dance for life." "so dance for this life." if they had escaped to the city,we couldn't have nabbed them.
but what's the useof shedding all this blood? will our wounds be healed if wehurting them? if we kill them,they'll kill us. do you think i am not enraged? but this isn't mypersonal battle. i am nurturing the dreams of all thegirls in the village. i don't understand anything anymore,didi. what's right, what's wrong.. ..i can't believe myself anymore.if something is..
..wrong for rajjo,how can it be right for mahi. because it was rajjo who taughtright and wrong to mahi. everything's going awry becauseof this election. didn't i tell you i feared this.. that one day rajjo won't need mahi.. ..didn't i say so? why are you crying?i'm here for you. i hope nothing badhappens to didi. nothing bad will happen to anyone.
look what i brought. here. put it on me. marry me. let's elope and get married. it won't happen so easily. there will be festivitiesand merriment. and celebration. i'll adorn you like a bride. and then i'll make you wear it.
i won't let you drink liquorafter marriage. understood? you're talking to me as if.. ..i run an illegal brewery. how can i know anything about it? i've ordered an inquiryin this matter. the police will investigate now ..and as soon as there's any news,i'll let rajjo know. i pray that god neverinflicts such hell upon anyone. and yes, please tell rajjo..
..if she ever needs anything,all she has to do is ask. and i will be there for her. "eyes.." i don't want to go anywherenor do i want to get married. i will stay here with you. "o friend, my eyes yearn." "why did the flame flicker?" "there is a clamour." "now these embers won't douse."
"now the heart won't be appeasedwith fake promises." "eyes. blank eyes." "i am all alone in thislonely night." tell me quickly what it is. ma'am, as per the company policy wewant to make some investments. we're thinking of starting somethingin field of education. mr. pandey.- yes. his file must be in the cabinet.please check. it must be in the lower section.
10 crores. talk to mr. sharma, he'lltell you how to make the payment.. ..and how you can be of serviceto me. - ma'am. what happened? did you find it? hurry up.- yes. 10 crores is too much. i've to answer to my seniors too. please try and understand. what are you doing? hurry up.
ma'am, i'm looking for it. tell me.. ..file, file, come to me. say it. file, file, come to me. louder. guys who wear tiesare usually servants. i prefer to talk to the owners. out!
well done, mr. pandey. i just found the file.its right here. get up. mr. sharma,who are you talking to so fearfully? is that your wife? ma'am, it's anu on the phone. who's anu? ma'am, its anu. he's textingfor more money. rajjo is travelling to the city,ma'am.
she's going alone.it's a good opportunity. we had that chance long ago,but you told us not to act on it. mr. pawan,i warned you against burning that.. ..home grown trash inside my house.. ..so that it doesn't hurt my eyes. but i don't mind if you burn it faraway from here. now go. students. she's our ex-student.
she has come to ask for donationfor some school kids. kajri, please don'ttake too much time. its time for lunch break andall of them are very hungry. ma'am, did you talk to them?i mean.. look, kajri.. ..you are contesting electionsagainst one of our biggest donors. so i can't do anything officially. but you can appeal to them directlyand see if they help. why do you guys always comeat high noon for sales pitch?
quiet please. you all are very hungry? why don't you sit here andlisten to lectures all morning? then you'll understandthe meaning of hunger.. i'm not talking of the hunger.. ..that you feel betweenbreakfast and lunch. it's very difficultto tolerate hunger, right? you can't bear itfor a few moments more.. there are many kidswho experience this hunger..
..and they wait patiently for thehunger pangs to die. they don't have the slightesthope of getting food. hunger is.. ..that, when under the blazing48 degree weather, mothers.. ..hold protests outside school.. ..against summer holidays.. because, if the kids are at school,they will atleast get one time meal.. ..even if its filledwith stones in form of rice.. ..and lentils, dripping with water..
you will all becometeachers after b.ed, right? then learn hunger management. and visit our classroomson any given monday. i don't know to silence those childrenwho have been hungry for last 2 days.. but you might learn howto do that in your course. we want to open aschool in our village. so that the children don't haveto fight hunger. we want to fight for those kids. if you feel like it, do help us.
sorry for coming in atyour lunch hour. carefully. stop. stop. hey. move aside!- hey you. go! stop, stop. just stop. didi. give it to me. let's hide here. you know how to ride a scooter?
this one?- come, come, let's go! kajri, you wait right here.don't move. do you understand me? okay? who was wearing the sari?was it you or her? it was her? and the pistol was in your hands? no, no, never mind. no, you don't need to apologize.
no. it's fine. you are too good mister. you had your fun and then youkilled her too. actually.. ..i was fed up of her. anyways.. ..now i love kajri. really? great.
wow. very nice. if you ask me to kill her.. ..i will charge more for it. just saying. fine.don't send message to ma'am. why not? i should have some proof too. its a question of my insurance. show it to me.
give me my phone. you want the phone? take it.- give me the phone. give me the phone.- take it. my phone.. phone.. give me my phone. why are you gettingso possessive? i was just kidding. take it. you can't trust these big people. you should be wary of them too. okay?
why are you coughing so much, anu? i think mahi must missyou badly. that's why i drink frompersonal bottle only. because there's no chance ofdefiling one's religion. anu.. sir, what's the result? - be patient. the winner of this election is.. madam, we've won. hail madam!
congratulations, madam. what do you want? my son's admissionin engineering college. your one call and it will be done. how, mr. pandey? why didn't you tell him to study hard? price of one seat is a million rupees. it isn't a joke. sumitra, if not you,who else should i go to?
anyway you know that everyoneis demanding a recount. but i'm there for you- give me your wallet. remove the wallet. give me the phone. these mobile companies havenow put a camera in every phone. get going. out. go on. out. drive.
but ma'am,if you want to reach centre.. what ifs and buts, mr. sharma? if there is a re-election.. .. you think rajjo hasthe strength to contest again? and do you know think i'lllet pandey enter the state again? relax. applaud! you're getting gifts. you don't have to give anything.so be happy and applaud. that's okay.
click photos. clap your hands.they're taking pictures. here. - take this. go here. what are you doing? - youwon't go to school from tomorrow. hey, leave her. if she stays, she'll get killed. why? it's better to beilliterate than be here.
you like school? didi teaches you well? won't it be better if theschool has it's own building.. ..fans and uniform? didi, they've has come fromthe company.. - hello, madam. ..for the school. we can only provide the means,but you're the one who has to teach. we've collected a millionrupees for the school. ma'am, it's for building the school.
she got the papers too. she got the funds. will she build her school in air? she needs land. is the land rajjo's paternal property? should we get it annulled, madam? put up tents.call media and rajjo too. she wants permission? i'll give her. permission.
since childhood i'vehad just one dream.. ..to open a schoolfor kids in this village. and today i want tocongratulate you all and rajjo.. ..and i want to assurethat from me and the government.. ..you'll get whatever help you need. rajjo. please come. still angry? who is your war against? you've become a rebel is it?
you think only for the school. the chief minister will comefor a pic with you twice a year.. ..but to see that electricityand water supply is on time ..to ensure that no one putspoison in your student's meals ..who else but meto guarantee all that. you just have to put myname on the school nameplate. sumitra devi girls school. how's it? mr. sharma, get her sweets.
first let me fulfil thepromise made to mr. pawan. ramlal, lodge reportsand get them arrested. madam, it's holi season. they keep their doors ajar.people come from afar to celebrate. just plant a rifle there. fear will spread so far andwide that all the village women.. ..will exchange theirpink saris for utensils. come, inspector. raju sir, you?
come on in. happy holi. how are you? what brings you here? i came to pay my respects. this is a party office. not some poetry conferencethat you've come to pay respects bow before her. she's the madam. you'll be blessed. come on , sir. please come. don't be scared. come.
bend! bend, sir. yes. very good. keep the hands on her feet, old chap.don't slide it up. you get me? i'm leaving. sister, a big conspiracyis been hatched. they're coming here.we don't know what they'll do. to save the schooland to avenge the deaths.. ..this is our only chance.
whether the uniform stays or not,i'll be there. can i get water? my throat is parched. we'll play. come on, put it in. mr. pawan, chintu was goingto take these guns, right? through the back road. why are you taking them? what if something goes wrong? "the bird has turned colourful."
"wings are green her beak pink." "her tail is yellow at the brink." "even the people are colourful." "colour is in the air." "cloud of colour floats high." "all the lanes are filledwith colors everywhere." "i got into a spell." "the eyes swooned ." "the colour on me.."
"..brings memories of a home." "where a trapped bird ina net." "was deceived to the bone." "i went out to shower colour." "i went to play." "but i saw discoloured people." "in varied shades of grey." "they caught me." "and shot me."
"the bird that turned colourful." "the bird had turned colourful." happy holi? it's sweets. what is in it? its sweets.do you want to check? - show it. look. hey.. move! - you! leave..
mr. pawan, put down the gun. put down the gun. hey. come. why are scared?give the gun? - not the gun, madam.. what are you staring at? i'm going to jail not to hospital. they don't let youmeet everyday in jail. keep writing lettersand keep me informed. i'll reward the one whosehandwriting is the best.
and if anyone mixes her vowels.. ..i'll slap her. understood? sumitra bagrecha,daughter of harkishan chauhan.. ..on charges of planning and.. ..committing murder,for planting illegal weapons.. ..for entrapment.. ..smuggling illegal armsand influencing local election.. ..she has been convicted. for which she's convictedto a lifetime of imprisonment..
"your hand should hold destiny." "your heartbeat should hold pride." "your breath shouldhave the audacity." "to reach out andmake the world yours." "victory be yours.." "victory be yours."

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