"i desire to reside in your heart." "i desire to reside in your dreams.. ..embrace, breath, and warmth." "i want to say something." "i want to say something. "i want to say something!i want to say something." "should i tell this toyou or the zephyr?" "or should i tell this toyour shadowing tresses?" "i will surge and keep surgingin the storm of your love."
"i want to say something!" "who let the dogs out?" "who! who! who! who! who!" "who! who! who! who! who!""who! who! who! who! who!" "who! who! who! who!" i am getting tense.- why? we need dancing partnersto enter into a disco. and we all are single. don't worry, dear. there will bemany boys in this disco who..
..won't havedancing partners like us. we will select any one of them. welcome! welcome!- yeah! girls, you want dancing partners? yes!- okay, come on, boys! "who! who! who! who! who!- who let the dogs out?" yeah! my dear girls, now get readyto select your partners. - yes! come on, boy number one.
"and the girls responseto the call!" no!- oh no! boy number two! boo!- oh no! boy number three.- no way! "who let the dogs out?who! who! who? who!" yes! jolly good! very good! very good!
okay! enjoy! "who let the dogs out?who! who! who! who! who!" that is strange, these girls havestill not selected their partners. girls, you still didn't likeany of the dancing partners? we liked one! who?- he! "feel the rhythm." "let's dance! let's dance!" him? he is my darling,personal nephew.
come here, my boy. come here. you have got lucky. yes!- oh! oh my god! i want him! father! what are you doing here? karan, you nincompoop! how longwill you loaf around in the disco? i am loafing around?no, father, it is you. hey, lazybones!it is 9 o'clock in the morning. do you have any plansto get out of the bed?
inept, at least study sometimes.. ..rather than eating, drinking,sleeping and playing.. ..the drums all the time. come on, out of the bed! oh god! hail lord shiva. hail lord shiva. good morning, brother. hail lord shiva. brother, you are a well establishedcomputer engineer in mumbai.
but you haven't left prayingbecause of father's fears. okay see you, brother. write me a letter whenyour prayers get over. okay bye-bye. oh!- bye! "mother, i bow to you!" you awake?- awake! hail lord shiva.- mother, i am all ready, steady to go! but what is wrong witheveryone at home today, mother? everyone is chanting'hail lord shiva'.
fool, today is lordshiva's veneration festival. come get yourselfblessed here as well. mother, you knowi don't like all this. son, you don't fearyour father at all. look mother, he is your husband.you should be scared of him. why should i get scared of him?- you don't get scared.. ..that is the reason whyyou get scolded daily. mother, i am bored ofhearing his taunts and scolding. but he doesn't get boredof scolding me every day.
son, he says so becauseof your own betterment. because he loves you. he loves me! has he ever placed his handon my head affectionately? son, try to changeyourself and then see. mother, if there wassomething i could change.. ..i would changefather first of all. what did you say?- what did he say? no. no nothing, father.
i was just saying that todayis lord shiva's veneration so.. ..why isn't mother givingme the lord's blessings. good. very good, son. here you go.- mother, devotion should come from within. it should not be imposed. what is this?a bell ringing in uncle's room! hey uncle, even you arepraying out of father's fear? that is not the case, son. the thing is that your father isa very good and religious man.
he doesn't take me to be hiselder brother but his godfather. that is why i pray to please him. and then i have a personalmotive behind praying as well. motive? - i want you to have avery nice and beautiful girl. one? uncle, last nightitself there were so many girls. where?- at home. hey then why didn't you tell me? they came in my dream.- darn you. and you were therein the dream too.
what was i doing there? listen on. then father came.what was i doing there? listen on. then father came. he slapped me and i woke up. your father doesn't evenspare you in your dreams. uncle, why is father after mylife like the lord of death? no, son, don't saythat about your father. your father is like a coconut.hard from the outside. and soft inside.
and do you know why these.. ..prayers arehappening in the house? i know, because today islord shiva's veneration. and along with that you arebeing given a new motorbike too. what! where is it? go and look down from the window.it is kept below. go. thank you, father.thank you very much. for what? you are giving me a motorbike,aren't you?
that is why. before accepting themotorbike have you considered.. ..whether youdeserve the same or not? your elder brotherscored 85% marks.. ..to be a computer engineer. and i didn't evenbuy a cycle for him. and your sister scored 95% duringher premedical entrance exams. and she didn't even get a watch. and then there is you!you have scored 36%. just passed.
and you aredreaming of a motorbike! you are not evenworthy of a state bus. go away. i have kept themotorcycle for household chores. krishna, give me themotorcycle's keys. brother..- give me the keys. please don't mind, brother,but you have spoilt karan. you know your darling nephew.. ..has just passed with 36% marks.
at least he cleared it! and then why don't you thinkof it from the other angle? our son is improving.- improving? then what! last year he scored 35%. and this year he scored 36%. so didn't heimprove by one percent? huh?- you won't get it. sushma, get him aglass of cold buttermilk. karan. hey, karan dear,hold on just for a minute.
karan! wait, karan. at leasttake the motorcycle keys. i don't want it. son, this motorcyclehas been bought for you. i won't ride any bike!- hang on. uncle, one dayi shall leave this house. don't mind what your father says. poor fellow is caught upin the ways of the world. let him grumble. we belong toa different class altogether.
anyway, this motorcycle wasnot bought by your father. i bought it from mypersonal provident fund. really?- yes. and i just wanted him to giveit to you with his own hands. so that miserwould hold some respect. but i think his luck is bad. and my luck is good.here, have the keys. thank you, uncle. thanks a lot. good morning, karan.
good morning, sir.won't you congratulate me? what for? for this garland? no, sir.. below that.- oh you have bought a new handle. no, sir.. below that too.- hey that is a completely new bike.. ..you have bought! congratulations...you have bought! congratulations. now on this joyous occasionjust turn around and see.. ..that there is a wonderfulcollege behind this canteen.
come on, let usattend a class today, son. don't worry, sir.we shall fulfill.. ..this desire ofyours before you retire. come on, karan, let us go.- yeah. listen, son.. if you want i can get yourclass shifted to your canteen. no sir, don't do that. or else we will have toshift the canteen to the class! huh?- you should leave, sir.
the empty classroomis waiting for you.huh?- you should leave, sir. the empty classroomis waiting for you. hey dabbu, if youdon't pay up this month's.. ..canteen bill then i willstop your basement rehearsals. don't stress, i will pay up...canteen bill then i willstop your basement rehearsals. don't stress, i will pay up. "shoot the brain.- shoot the brain." "the brain is messed up." chiku, what songare you rehearsing?
what? - the song for thefunction is different. you are worriedabout the rehearsal. and here our life is in danger, pal.- why, what happened? our ayesha..- who ayesha? the encounter specialist inspectorbhende's daughter. - yes. - so? our hrithik haswritten her a love letter. yes.- so what? he is asking so what! so what! her father has killedthousands in encounters.
now he must be looking for usto shoot us along with hrithik..her father has killedthousands in encounters. now he must be looking for usto shoot us along with hrithik.. ..in an encounter too. that is why we are singingthis song before we get shot. sing nicely, my friends. "shoot the brain!" but where is hrithik? i am sitting behind this drum. and he is sitting behind that drum.
come, my dear.- where? - there. here is hrithikbut he doesn't seem.. ..bright from any angle. hey, why did you do this?- actually, she used to stare at me. even a circus clown is stared at. you took it seriously when yourmother named.. ..you hrithik (name of an actor). you wrote her a love letter.- yes! we will get killed justbecause we are your friends.
look at him! he has startedexercising out of tension. why?- to run away. look man, if theyraise a hand against me.. ..i will go on to their side.look man, if theyraise a hand against me.. ..i will go on to their side. and i will tell you, hey you,how dare you write love letters.. ..to my sister! hey, leave him!- hey, dabbu, leave me! what are you doing, buddy!
he has loved andcommitted no crime. he is already scared and youall are making him more scared. can't police inspectors'daughters fall in love? why won't they? i have read itsomewhere in the library that..why won't they? i have read itsomewhere in the library that.. ..about 2,33,000 cops'daughters have fallen in love. what data collection, man! our hrithik's ayesha is here!
my girlfriend is here.- come on, let us go. get aside! - move, man.she is my girlfriend. - hey! let me see. oh, my darling. she is coming here all alone. what have you gotyourself into, dude! look at her and look at yourself! why what is wrong with my face? my mother says thati am one in a million.
she is right.there can be no one like you either. hey! hey a letter! a love letter! should i go?- go. should i go?- go! go!- hurry up! hey, the letter! a love letter! bahadur, get cold drinksand sandwiches for everyone! yes!- read it! - read it! should i read it?- yes. yes.
read it. fast.- come on, read it. hey why are your hands shivering? dude, because this is thefirst love letter of my life. there is no reasonto get scared in it. read it.- okay. should we call for anambulance from the mental asylum? 'my dear hrithik.' what happened?- what happened to you? are there springsattached to the letter?
'have you seen yourface in the mirror?' 'and then you write me alove letter in english!' 'there are so manyspelling mistakes.' 'who advised you towrite this love letter?' 'first of all kickhim on my behalf.' oh god!- why did you kick him? i have beeninstructed to do so in this. 'had someone elsewritten this love letter..' '..i would have spoken tofather and got him arrested.'
'but it is more than enoughthat your name is hrithik.' 'my heart starts tinklingwhen i hear the name hrithik.' 'i love you, hrithik. i love you.' hey! "love! the heart seeks love!" "love! the heart desires love!" "life will only last for four days." "king seeks for his queen.""life will only last for four days." "king seeks for his queen."
"there should be a beautiful withwhom i should fall in love!" "a lover turns into a fanaticalwithin a day." "his heart beats in thecollege and canteen." "he can only see his belovedin his books." "he always stays lostin unseen dreams." "he is ready to fallfor someone's eyes!" "he stays awake whenthe world sleeps." "he runs behind unknown faces!""he stays awake whenthe world sleeps." "he runs behind unknown faces!"
"his heart beats, it needs love!" "he acts crazy. he is a fanatical." "wonder when and to whom hewill confess his love." hi, karan.- you! how did you land up here? move ahead,i will tell you on the way. get down. come on, get down. hurry up, i am getting very late. should i break the signal for you? the signal is green, move on.- oh.
oh no, you don'tknow how to ride a bike. you are driving itlike a bullock cart. speed up. please karan,i am getting late.you are driving itlike a bullock cart. speed up. please karan,i am getting late. hey, firstly youforced yourself on it. and now you are ordering me! catch a rickshaw ifyou are in such a hurry. i will drive at the same speed. please, karan, i am already late.
even i am getting late. tell me, where do you want to go? keep quiet.- even i am getting very irritated of you. stop. stop. stop. that is it. you are late, priya.the movie is about to begin. sorry, dear. i couldn'tfind a rickshaw so he.. so she found me. who is he, priya?- karan. my sweet,innocent, foolish brother.
hi, karan!- hi. karan, go straight back home. i will be back in the evening. okay! 'straight home?'- come on let us move. 'you come homethen i will show you.''straight home?'- come on let us move. 'you come homethen i will show you.' greetings, uncle. hello, mother! this is strange! no one is ready totalk to me properly in this house.
what is wrong with all of you? what has to happen?nothing has happened. fine. i am a nobody in this house. i am going back. did you hear that?i am going back to my hostel. i heard it. i am not deaf. she said she would come lastweek and she is coming now. oh! so this minor thinghas got you all to sulk! you call this a small thing?
we sent you to thehostel as you insisted.. ..that your studieswould get affected here. and now the hostelmeans everything to you. the house and yourfamily mean nothing to you! mother, if i stay in thishouse then uncle and karan.. ..will keep playing songgames with me all day. and my studies will suffer.- yes, that is true. mother, your daughterwants to be a doctor. and it is not easyto study medicine.
i know. i know that youare going to be a doctor. but doctor, the week you don'tturn up we all turn into patients. so i have come togive you your medicines. mother. mother!- what happened? two strands of white hair.why don't you dye them? go on now, have a bath. i am cooking okra for you. "what brings you to my courtyard?"
greetings, uncle!- bless you. tell me, dabbu, did you finda suitable girl for yourself? uncle, i did find a fewbut they all go astray. fool, love them then therewill be plenty to choose from! uncle seems to be in avery romantic mood today. what did you say? nothing. nothing. i was justenquiring about karan's whereabouts. dabbu dear.- greetings, aunt. bless you, son. bless you.
did you have some important.. ..work with karan thatyou have come to meet him? yes, aunt.. i havecome here to study. very good, son. you alwaysconcentrate on your studies. and karan always getsscolded by his father. put some sense into him, dear. i keep doing that, aunt. but he doesn't listen to me. and uncle, if itell him something..
..then he teases meby calling me a geek. and as far as mystudies are concerned, aunt.. ..i am engrossed inthem 24 hours a day. if there is no powerat home, i go outside.. ..and study under the street light. very good. very good. wonderful, son, your parentsmust be very lucky to have you. aunt, i am likegod's blessing for them. you!- flee, dude!
where are you going?- he is karan's friend, dear. he has come here to study.- he has come here to study!where are you going?- he is karan's friend, dear. he has come here to study.- he has come here to study! has he ever even seen a book? he stands outside ourcollege and looks at girls. he shamelessly stands there.. ..even aftergetting thrashed by them. i have to endure the insultbecause he is karan's friend. what are you saying?- yes.
she is joking, uncle. just joking. joking! didn't a girl just thrashyou with her slippers yesterday? she? i am going steady with her.. going steady with her?- you saw, mother, finally he confessed. how will my brotherfollow the right.. ..path if he stayswith such friends? dare you come here again!- got it? brother, how was your journey? what journey!the train was late. stop here, mister.
hi, karan. greetings, brother.- dabbu, you? where were you? i had gone to pick up brother.what happened? chiku tried to commit suicide. what are you saying! where is he? he is fine. come let us goto his house to see him. come let us go. hurry up. calm down, sister. thank godyour son was saved. - yes. aunt, what happened to chiku?
what should i tell you son,he failed in a subject and.. ..he felt so bad about it thathe attempted to commit suicide. hey chiku, what happened to you? i have seen your mark-sheet,you scored 40% in math. thirty-six in english. 38 in hindi. then in which subject did you fail? in the subject of love. what does that mean? pinky's father wants pinkyto marry somewhere else.
i thought, what is theuse of living, karan.. ..when i can't have pinky. hence i decided to commit suicide. but your mother wassaying something else. had he told the truthto his mother then.. ..he wouldn't havehad to commit suicide. his mother would havestrangled him herself. karan.. karan, please do something. don't worry!you both will get married.
and i take the responsibilityof bringing the girl. oh god.- karan, where are you going? where are you going in the middleof the night with your motorcycle? father will wake up!- but where are you going? today is chiku's birthday party. so?- all his friends are coming. so?- if all the friends are coming.. ..then his girlfriendshould also be there. - so? so i am going to pickher up from her house.
forcefully?- yes. her parents are not allowing her. this means you will kidnap her! you are right.- have you lost it? father will wake up! as it is father isalways angry with you. if you mess up more he will fume.- that is his daily routine. i won't let you go.- priya, please understand. chiku needs my help. let chiku go to hell!i won't let you go.
hey, what is this argument about? here, even uncle has woken up. uncle, come. come here.now you can't go! karan, where are yougoing at this hour?uncle, come. come here.now you can't go! karan, where are yougoing at this hour? first send this problem inside.- problem, you go in. but uncle, he..- go in. i will handle him. now tell me.- come closer. - yes? i am kidnapping a girl andgetting chiku married to her.
hey that is a greatthing you are doing. and there is another great news!- what? i have taken rs. 5,000from your cupboard for this! very good. very good.. hey! hey what is this!the girl is in a veil. i can't conduct this marriage. i am a hindu priest,not a muslim priest. don't worry, priest.she is a hindu. her name is pinky. and her father's nameis brij mohan sharma.
yes, if you don't believe methen here is my identity card. everything fine? yes everything is fine butchiku hasn't come as yet.everything fine? yes everything is fine butchiku hasn't come as yet. what chiku hasn't come as yet? karan, now what will happen? pinky, you need not worry.he said he will be here on time. where are darshan and hrithik? they have gone toarrange for the cops.
oh darn! we are committing a crime. and we ourselvesare calling the cops? i think they are here. father. look, uncle, pleasedon't put up a fight. son, i am a politician,i haven't come here to fight. i have come here tosolve this matter. thank you, uncle.- this means you agree to this match? uncle, if you hadto agree so easily..
..i unnecessarilyjumped your boundary wall. climbed up the pipe. used a sari as arope and got pinky down. arranged for the veil.- the veil.. all that is fine, butwhere is the bridegroom? uncle, he will be here any moment. he won't come. he is already here. look over there.- chiku! go and ask him whether he isready for this marriage or not?
marriage! uncle, he iseven ready for his honeymoon. chiku, why are you sitting inside? come and take the nuptial rounds andseek your father-in-law's blessings. what nuptial rounds? father-in-law? what father-in-law,buddy? what happened?is there some problem? i was a fool! i thoughtyou might not be able to.. ..get pinky so i went there myself. and this minister caught me.
he made me sit, stand, liedown and beat me up so badly.. ..from all angles!what should i tell you, buddy.. okay, so this is the case!you stay here, i will set him right. uncle, you turnedout to be a hypocrite. after all you are a politician. you used politics evenfor your daughter's love.after all you are a politician. you used politics evenfor your daughter's love. shut up! that dwarf does notdeserve to be my son-in-law. if a flower headgear isplaced over his head..
..he will look like a bouquet. come dear, let us go from here.- no, father. no uncle, please..- get aside. hit them, karan! hit them! inept! donkey!why don't you go and die! why are you after our lives? is this the reasonwe got him a bike! so that he can kidnap girls on it. no one in our family hasever gone to a police station.
and he stayed back in the lock-up. you should be ashamed of yourself. krishna, why are you scolding.. ..him on the occasionof 'diwali' (festival)? what will theneighbors say if they hear you? let them hear.let all of them hear it. only then will hecome to his senses. son, you go back to your room. go. priya, go and help your mother.
and are you sittinghere to have sweets? go outside and check whetherthe lights have been put or not. yes. yes, uncle.- go. krishna, even greatleaders have been in the lock-up. and then our son didn't gothere for something bad.. ..but he went infor something good. what, to kidnapsomeone's daughter is good? hey who has told you that he.. ..kidnapped someone's daughter?
he united two lovers.he has done a great thing! indirectly i amfeeling very proud of him. brother, it is because of yourfreedom that he is getting spoilt. so you mean that all thisis happening because of me? then what! fine, lord ram hadreturned to ayodhya.. ..from exile today, andtoday i will leave this house. hey.. brother, you.. yougot angry for no reason. you are saying such thingsthat will make me angry.
now why are you staring at me? go and makearrangements for the veneration. yes. yes, i am going, brother.- go! captain balram singh,you are too good, man! stupid! how much did itell you not to go last night! but you were notready to listen to me. priya, chiku needs my help!have you helped him now? i wonder how long you will keepgetting involved.. ..in your friends' problems.
father will keep scolding youand uncle will keep saving you. rickshaw! hold on a second, mister. come on, now change your mood. come on.- you go i will come later. but where will you go tonight? and then theveneration will begin soon. i will pray later. you go.- come on. i told you to leave!- okay. okay, i am going. why are you yelling at me?
come on. come on,i will change your mood. yes! yes! yes! come on. come on.come on, kids! come on. come on, sit in the car. hey karan, why are yousitting in the middle of the road.. ..like a lunatic,lost in another world? nothing, brother, actually..- forget all that! i have been looking for you all overthat now i am almost out of fuel. fool. you got so upsetwith what father said!
come, everyone is waiting for youto offer prayers to goddess laxmi. sit. sit down.why are you looking over there? sit. sit down. hurry up. i wonder what you weredoing sitting over here! the prayer is to start at 9:40,we have just 10 minutes left. now we will get scoldedas soon as we go there. father is already annoyed.i wonder what all he will say. "from the time i have seenthe moon in your hand." "i haven't seen themoon in the night."
"i have lost my heart.it has become unaware." "such was the moon ofour first meeting." "i haven't seen themoon in the night.""from the time i have seenthe moon in your hand." "as the breeze entersfrom an open window." "the fragrance of drape enters.." "you have spread such a magic." "that i have been acting crazy." "the sky has bent down." "the time has stood still."
"there was an apparent movementand my heart started beating." "sometimes in the garden,sometimes amidst the buds." "sometimes on the way,sometimes in the lanes." "sometimes amidst strangers." "sometimes amidst the family." "sometimes in my memories." "sometimes in my dreams." "i keep looking for you. i see you." "i desire that these distancesshould end soon."
hey what is wrong with you?we were winning that match. - yes. we couldn't win the matchbut surely made more enemies. from when.. - they will thinkthat you hit the ball on purpose. yes.- what were you thinking of.. ..if not about the batsman? dabbu, stop the car.- hey.. - why? i said stop it. now what new thing is this? what happened to him?- what is wrong with you, pal?
leave me alone, man.- but.. forget it. who are you! excuse me, ma'am, you haddropped your pouch there. oh my god, thiscontained my tickets.. ..credit cards andall other things. thank you.- it is all right. excuse me.- yes? madam, i don't want a tip.
i am not offering you a tip,i want your autograph. my autograph!madam, i am not a hero.. ..that you would want my autograph. according to me everyone who does.. ..something good is a hero,you did a good deed. autograph please.- okay. pooja, where have you been! we have been waitingfor you since so long. why are you so late? - sorry, akash,i got late because of my project.
the party is no funwithout you, pooja. sorry, simmi.- yes. dear, all the guestshave been asking.. ..since so long thatwhere is ms. pooja.. ..in whose honor thisparty has been thrown? dear, i am the one whoasked that the most. did you recognize him? oh uncle chandra mohan.from shimla! that is great! - wow!- she immediately recognized him.
how could i not recognize you! father would often talk about you. about your friendship,college stories.. even our family albumshave his photographs.. ..from his childhood to recent years. father reallymissed you a lot, uncle. yes dear, raj saxena was a very,very dear friend of mine. a great scholar. dear, i felt very badwhen i heard about your..
..parents death in the plane crash. i have lost a wonderful friend. this is whathappens after marriage. yesterday i went tomy girlfriend's house. roll number seven. her mother made me sitvery lovingly. just then the junk sellercalled out. madam, do you haveany old junk to sell? then her mother said,"brother, we have something.."
"..ancient but hehas gone to office." very nice joke! very nice! you all are joking around.did you see karan?very nice joke! very nice! you all are joking around.did you see karan? forget him, nowadays hestays in a different world. so at least try and enquireas to what is wrong with him? okay, my dear. come.- karan! - come. come. come. come.- karan.
karan, why are youbehaving like this? let us know if youare facing any problem. did anyone tell you anything? i don't know, man.i can't concentrate these days. what is wrong with him? hey mister, thissmoke is of no use. not a single mosquito will die.- why? as the pollutionhas increased so much.. ..even mosquitoes roamaround with gas masks on.
what a joke! hey! stop! stop, please! i said stop please! play it properly. you don'tplay it properly nowadays. now what is wrong with him? hey! hey! hey! hey!where are you going? what happened?- tell me what happened? leave me, let me go. tell us, where are you going?
she will get away, man.- who? she! "he is not affected by cold,cough or malaria." "he is gone, buddies,he has fallen in love!" "he has fallen in love!he has fallen in love!" congratulations. congratulations. friends, now we are all inthe same boat. - yes. - yes. only karan was left among us.- yes. but he too has fallen forthis unknown girl. - yes!only karan was left among us.- yes.
but he too has fallen forthis unknown girl. - yes! it is not at all whatyou are thinking it to be. i just wish to talkto that girl once. i want to ask who she is!what is your name? how are we related thati can't get you out of my mind.. ..even for a second! why are you givingme sleepless nights? karan, my dear, you havecompletely drowned in her love. right? right? right?
okay, tell me,what is her category? category?- oh! professor chiku. - yes. it is time you give a nicelecture on the category of girls.. ..and their general knowledge. students, our campusconsists of seven girls' colleges. six junior colleges and14 co-education colleges. in which about 14,810 girls study. they have different categories. which i am now going toteach this new student about.
the first category is 'a'that is the deluxe category. i have no words todescribe these girls. no words are enoughto describe them. and i will fall short of words. there are 2,810girls in this category. the second is category 'b'.. ..the number of girls inthis category is 3445. because of them thesecosmetic and beauty parlors run. had it not been for them..
..beauty parlors wouldhave had to shut down. it is because of them that powder,lipstick, cosmetics, etc.. ..sell so much. the third categoryis the 'c' category. the lowest category of the lot. this category belongs to him like.. ..the third classcompartment of a train. this category contains themaximum number of girls. that is 4,445.
even if you look atthese girls from any.. ..angle they don'tlook like girls at all. thank you, professorshankar mahadevan. don't be breathless.now tell us, what is your category? 'a' category. - done for!- you are done for, dear. i belong from 'c' category. i lost half my hairbecause of 'c' category girls. and you are after an'a' category girl. wonder what all you will lose!
chiku, i want to meetthat girl at any cost. my dear, you don't know her name.. ..or her address.. wherewill you look for her? where will you search for her? hail lord shiva! here, mother.- you too come, son. the veneration is about to begin. mother, you go.what will i do there? don't say that son.if you pray earnestly..
..you will get what you desire. i won't get her in the temple...you will get what you desire. i won't get her in the temple. get her? i mean the thing. come on, son, orelse you will have.. ..to hear yourfather's scolding again. that is his daily habit.you leave, mother. the prayer is about to begin.
"you came closer.you smiled at me." simmi, where is pooja? excuse me.. are you karan? yes.- someone is calling out to you. karan.. karan.. karan,you are sitting over here. your father has beenyelling for so long. come it is time for the veneration. mother, you were right,you get everything if you pray.
thanks, mother,for bringing me to the temple. karan, where are you going? pooja, where have you been? sorry! what a beautiful temple!i got so many photographs. come on, we are getting late. come on, let us go.- come on. look over there. hey! useless! you don't mend.. ..your ways even in the temple?
what is there? father, that..- come on, pray.what is there? father, that..- come on, pray. useless.father, that..- come on, pray. useless. manu, will you drop metill friend's colony? i have a veryimportant interview, pal. why, has your fatherpaid me for the petrol? go by bus.
the interview was at12 and it is already 12. why are you crying, don't worry.the interview was at12 and it is already 12. why are you crying, don't worry. your work is done. here comes the innocent angel. hi, karan.- hi, karan. - hi. what is up, you havebecome the talk of the town. why?- i heard you are looking for a girl.what is up, you havebecome the talk of the town. why?- i heard you are looking for a girl.
did you find her?- no. did you go to 'swapna lok'?did you find her?- no. did you go to 'swapna lok'? what is there?- there is a jam session.. ..there every saturday afternoon. especially for girls. all the city girls go there.why don't you try there?especially for girls. all the city girls go there.why don't you try there? where is this building?- in friend's colony.
wait. he too is going there,drop him. sure.- go. - yes. - go on. what man! poor thing fell for it. okay, karan, myinterview is over here. you wait here,i will be back in half an hour. then we will go and lookfor that girl of yours. sharma, come here. had you told me clearlythat you have an interview..
..here in 'narayan mazil'then wouldn't i have dropped you? i am sorry, pal.- what sorry! it is fine, but next timedare you try to trick me! now leave, best of luck.- thank you, pal. i think she must be on the top floor. "oh my love, my darling." "this crazy heart seeks you." "it's difficult to hidethe anxiety of love." "i have kept quiet for so long!"
"now i can't stay hushedany further." "climate kept on changing,the heart kept on getting restless." "i kept on being perfervidin your thoughts." "now i don't wish to endure thepain of separation anymore!" "i want to say something.""i want to say something." "i might cross my limits." "i might get stilled in time." "i might die squirming without you." "i wish to forfeit my heartand reside in you!"
so, after seeing that girl,you have spent sleepless nights.. ..and lost your senses,etc, etc, etc.so, after seeing that girl,you have spent sleepless nights.. ..and lost your senses,etc, etc, etc. in short, you have fallenin love with her, right? right.- which movie does this scene belong to? movie scene?i am telling you the truth, priya. my dear, sweet,innocent, foolish brother. what you think is love, is reallynot love, it is only attraction. just attraction.
attraction?- what else? just attraction?- of course, what else? let us go, priya. where are you going? stop, please. priya, i have lost controlover my heart and mind.. ..from the time i saw that girl.priya, i have lost controlover my heart and mind.. ..from the time i saw that girl. i feel as if timeis standing still. i feel i am awake when i sleep,and dreaming with my eyes open.
i get lost in an unknown world. and you say thatthis is just attraction? karan.. priya, i thought you,of all people, would understand me. that i would feellighter after confiding in you. but.. - karan, i am sorry.i misunderstood your feelings. do not worry, i am with you.i am with you. anyway, what is the girl's name? i do not know.- good.
where does she stay?- i do not know. very good.parents, family, anything at all? i do not know.- superb. excellent. if you know so much..i mean,do not know so much about her.. ..then it is confirmed thatyou have fallen in love with her. thank you. why are you thanking me? i was just fulfilling a sister's duty. anyway, whatever her name is..
..she is now myfuture sister-in-law! listen! listen! hello! hello! oh, god! listen! 'i must take his autograph.' excuse me, mister.- yes? - please call him. mister, call him.- mister, call him please. excuse me, please call him.
mister, call him. hi, karan.- hi, priya. - hi. priya, what brings you here? can you drop me tomy hostel, please? sorry, we have rehearsals now. why don't you takean auto rickshaw? please ask one ofyour friends to drop me? come, i will drop you.- hey, just a minute. priya, you traveldaily by rickshaw..
..so, what is the problem today? the thing is, karan,i did not want to tell you.. ..but some boystease me on the way. come with me.- karan. please, karan. stop, karan. karan..- sit down. let me see who it is! karan, stop it.please karan, stop it. oh! ho! these are the boys, right, priya?
please, karan, stop it.stop, karan, these guys are crazy. he is scared. bloody coward. hey, whom did you call a coward? what did you say?whom did you call a coward? take the name of the lord.- hail to him! i will not spare you. i will not spare you..you are dead! we are here. - stop!- enough. let us go from here.
you arrive when the fight is over!- dabbu! stop it! come on. come on, let us go now.- just stop it.you arrive when the fight is over!- dabbu! stop it! come on. come on, let us go now.- just stop it. come on. come on. bhaskar, i am very worriedabout my younger son, karan. what happened to karan? he does notconcentrate on his studies. i want to send himto shimla, to you. if he stays with you andstudies for a few months then..
..he may get bettermarks in this years' exams. don't worry, send him immediately. thank you, pal. priya, i don't understand why.. ..you all are forcing meto go when i don't want to? because if you stay here, neither.. ..you nor your friends will study. and dear, if you don'tcome first this time.. ..then neither i nor unclewill be able to save you..
..from father's scolding. priya, why don't you understand.. ..there are things, otherthan studying, in this world. i know what work you have! you are thinking about that girl. don't worry. we will both lookfor her after your exams are over. that is fine, but whatif she falls in love..don't worry. we will both lookfor her after your exams are over. that is fine, but whatif she falls in love.. ..with someone else after i leave?
i will then haveonly her name to chant. you don't know, priya, nowadays.. ..the competition is so tough.. ..that boys have to stand inqueues for a beautiful girl. girls don't love like that. look at me. do you think iwill love anyone who comes my way? hey, i was talking aboutbeautiful girls, not you. what!- sorry. sorry. sorry. pooja, is there any emergency?
why have you suddenlydecided to go to shimla? uncle chandra mohan is avery dear friend of father's. he is not well. i will stay with him for afew days to give him company. karan. karan. karan. hey, priya, thisdoes not have my name! no reservation.come, let us go home. hey mister, thiscompartment is s-4.no reservation.come, let us go home. hey mister, thiscompartment is s-4.
and your reservation is in s-2. come, let us go there. come on. why don't you leave?- there is still time left. hey!- yes. - hello! hello! excuse me. hello! - oh my god.- pooja. - pooja. pooja, where are you going?- where are you going? come on. come on, go in. hello.. who was he, pooja? who was he?
the autograph guy?- yes. come on. come on.- come on, the train is about to leave. bye, pooja.- bye. - bye.come on. come on.- come on, the train is about to leave. bye, pooja.- bye. - bye. you take care of yourself. okay, pooja?- bye, take care. bye-bye. - bye. "follow me by my trail andwatch before you come." how long will it take, mister? only the car knows that. she is upset.- hurry up. you are just singing songs.
sir, the car belongs to the mountains.only a song will make her work. what nonsense! he is strange! it would have beenbetter if i had taken a bus. mister, keep on singing. i will hitch a ride to shimla. no, son, no. don't take a lift. there areterrorists in some vehicles. they may kidnap arich boy like you. i will not let you go.i will take you, man.
oh god, i missed thecar because of you. father had to punish me like this. even priya did not listen to me.she dumped me in these mountains. i could have found thatgirl had i stayed in delhi. why is the car reversing? hi. hi! - did your car break down?can i help you? well.. i want to go to shimla.- all right, i will take you. driver.- yes, madam. - help him.
i will drive the car.- okay, madam. come.- yes. okay, mister. see you later.bye-bye!come.- yes. okay, mister. see you later.bye-bye! great! he started speaking englishas soon as he saw a girl! hi, i am pooja.- karan. - nice to meet you. thank you for this great help. or else i would have beenstuck in these mountains. i have learnt from you thatone should always help someone in trouble.
from me?- yes. you remember you saved a childfrom falling off a bike in chanakyapuri? yes. now see howpeople unwittingly.. ..lose their most precious things. like me.- like you? what else? i ran afteryou to get your autograph. but the traffic light changed,and you left. then i saw you atnizamuddin station. i called out to you. ieven ran towards the door.
but i saw that you vanished again. karan, i think your work is done. and then, we met ina temple before that. yes in the temple.and after that, in these hills. karan, you are so interesting. oh god.- oh god! karan!- pooja! pooja, brakes!pooja! be careful, pooja! pooja, brakes!
pooja, get out! hold me tight, pooja. pooja, go! go, pooja.. come on, pooja, try. pooja, go up. pooja, try. come on,pooja. come on, pooja. try, pooja. come on. try, pooja, try! come on, pooja! come on, pooja. come on.pooja! pooja, try.
come on, pooja.- karan! pooja, come on.- karan. pooja, hold me.pooja, come on, try. pooja, come on. pooja. pooja!- karan! good evening, mr. singh. how is my niece, doctor?has she regained consciousness? don't worry, she is all right.- yes? come.- thank you. pooja.
dear pooja.. boss, what took you so long? it is not easy to cutand load sandalwood trees. come on and sit down quickly. hey, who is he? he was hanging from a tree. i think he must havetried to commit suicide. is he dead or alive?- he is still breathing. we will drop him ata nearby hospital.
come on. uncle, any news of karan? all this happened because of me. he was going his own way.i gave him a lift. who was he, where does he stay.. how devastated his parents will bewhen they come to know! i feel very scared when ithink of all this, uncle. it will come.- chiku, did you find out? we searched all thebungalows in the city.
but we could not find her anywhere. someone's father abused usand shooed us away. - yes. someone sent dogs at us. what else! there is not a place leftwhere we have not looked. i think she is not in this city.- yes. who says that the girlis not in this city? i do.- you fools, nincompoops, donkeys! if you all losehope so easily then..
..i will use my slippers andthrow you all out of this house. karan, i have foundout about the girl. what!- her name is pooja, is it not? i told you her name. but you did not tell me thatshe is from america. - no. and you also did nottell me that she is here.. ..doing a research on indian culture.- no. and you did not tellme that she is staying.. ..with her uncle ranavirendra pratap singh.
then you must alsoknow her address. no, son, that is the onlything i could not find out. why? - because theymanaged to get our address! what?- yes! hi, karan. how are you feeling?- better. much better. a lot better now. i am sorry, karan. the truckdriver was driving so rash.. ..so fast.. suddenlyhe came in the front..
..and i lost controlof the steering wheel. i am sorry, karan. son.. i have no wordswith which i can thank you. you have done me a bigfavor by saving her life. autograph, please. autograph?- yes. whenever she meetsa nice person she.. ..takes theirautograph to remember them by. even i will start thishabit from tomorrow.
but i will takeautographs of rude people. krishna.- yes? the first autograph will be yours. brother, really, you.. this one is for today. i need asecond autograph for the day.. ..you saved that child's life.- oh. boy, this is great! the girl you were looking forcame here looking for you.boy, this is great! the girl you were looking forcame here looking for you.
now don't play this lovegame like a test match. play it like a one-day match. what are you thinking of? tell her in your next meeting,i love you. you fool, listening touncle will do you no good. has he ever romanced anyone in hislife that he is giving you ideas? then tell me what should i do? look karan,pooja is a smart and mature girl. according to me you shouldtry to become her friend..
..before saying i love you. deepen your friendship first. it may take time.. ..but don't worry, when you getcloser to her heart as a friend.. ..then that will be theright time to say i love you. then she herself will say,i love you, karan! your sister is adoctor not a philosopher. she can cure just colds and coughs. you fool, do you know what willhappen if you listen to your sister?
what will happen? it will take you sixmonths to befriend her. another six to get close to her. and when after six monthsyou will say i love you.. ..she will say, i am gettingmarried in the next six months. hey, why are you all talkingrubbish and chewing his brains? priya is more intelligentthan all of us put together. she will be correct,no matter what she says. yes, he is right.- yes, mr. undecided.
so first friendship,and then i love you. but dabbu, howwill i know that she.. ..also wants to be my friend? brother, if she hasany feelings for you.. ..she will surely cometo your house today. if she comes, then think that she.. ..too has somefeelings for you, my dear. and what if she does not? if she does not, then she doesnot feel anything, my friend.
come on in. so, youfinally found time to come home. father, i had myorchestra rehearsals. breaking your bonesdid not satisfy you! if you really like to play in aband so much, then stop studying. and start playingdrums in wedding parties. then at least your hobbywill bring in some money. now, why are you staring at me? eat and go to sleep. useless! and listen, she was here.what is her name.. pooja.
what? pooja was here? why do you need to get soexcited because of pooja? no. no, nothing like that. when did she come, father?- i forget when she came. forget about pooja and tell me.. ..are you attendingthe tuitions i paid for? i will go, father.i will go from tomorrow. priya.- yes. - did pooja come here? yes.- did she say something?
yes she did.- what? she said, priya, where is my love? where is my karan? now that i am here,i must marry him. stupid, you alwaysjoke about everything. hey, crazy lover, be careful. uncle. uncle, was pooja here? did she meet you? was pooja here?she did not meet me.
then whom did she meet? father said she was here. hey, naive, you stilldon't know your father. he is a very shrewd man.extremely shrewd. he took pooja's nameto know your feelings. he wanted to see theexpression on your face. and you thought that hewas telling the truth. son, you get upsetso easily. come here. come here.. sit down.pooja did come here.
what? - and she sat withme for a very long time. she had snacks, drank tea.and she was talking about you. really, uncle?- yes. yes! yes! your hand! priya, pooja was here! you have won love's semi-finals. now prepare for the finals. the finals.- yes!
"your eyes really enchanted me." "i am not the one to be blamed!" "you had fallen for my beauty!" "you gazed upon meand you stole my heart!" "and took away my soul!" "i am not the one to be blamed!""and took away my soul!" "you are so beautiful and stunning.."you had fallen for my beauty!" "you are so beautiful and stunning.. ..that all the entire worldis crazy about you!"
"my beauty is overwhelming that onecan't help to fall in love with me!" "tell me about your own experienceand forget about the world!" "you'll know my feelingswithout telling you!" "oh i am the special one!" "just tell me that you are mine." "i don't know who hasstolen my heart?" "i have never seen one whohas stolen your heart!" "why do my anklets chime,can you tell me?" "why don't you come near mei will tell you in your ears!"
"don't you touch my beautiful arms!" "so why don't you giveme your heart instead?" "you had fallen for my beauty!""i am not the one to be blamed!" "i am not the one to be blamed!""your eyes really enchanted me." "i am not the one to be blamed!""you had fallen for my beauty!" oh dear, i think you work too hard. come on, why don'tyou go to sleep now? well, uncle, i will justsend this email to my friend! friend or a boyfriend?
uncle! oh well, i mean it is late and.. ..your eyes look lost. i can see dreams aboutyour boyfriend in your eyes. you are absolutely wrong, uncle. i am a 21st century girl. i know the value of time. i am not dreaming about boyfriends. i have more importantgoals to achieve in life.
oh, i see! and may i know whatyour goal is, dear? uncle, i would like tofulfill my father's dream. i would like to tell the whole worldabout our great indian culture. i want to get admissionin harvard university. so that people say with pride.. ..hey, that girl isfrom the pratap family! what is the matter, uncle? well, you are justlike your father, raj!
he had the sameconfidence and dedication! i am proud of you, dear. i mean, you are sodetermined at such a tender age! i am confident that you willfulfill raj's dream! hey, karan, meet my friends!they are from my hostel. hi, girls!- hi, karan! all right! don't youget too excited! relax! karan, my friends are herefor the 'teej' festival. why don't you wearsomething suitable?
what will they think? this dress isperfect for your friends. priya, just see, you lookso beautiful in this photo! you know, the album is fullof photos like that. is it not so, brother?- yes, of course! shall i show you some morephotographs? - yes! yes! 'well, she is full ofself praise, is she not?' 'i have a plan!' look, this photographis from my school days.
oh, priya, you look so smart! girls, would you like to see anotherbeautiful photograph of priya's? she is bald in that!bald, you know! yes, yes, why not! no, karan! pleasedon't show that photograph! why not? what is wrongwith the photograph? i will hit you ifyou show it to them! all right, then let meshow it to them. here it is! i will get you for this!you just wait!
try and catch me! come on, priya! catch me!- just you wait! what is this spectacle? come here! priya, come here!what are you two doing? - mother! look at him, mother! remember that photograph.. ..which you had taken after myhair was shorn off! - yes. well, he showed that to my friends. everyone willtease me about it now!
karan, why do youalways pester her? come on, stop dancing aroundand apologize to your sister! yes! - come on!- mother, did you see that? karan! i will get you for this!- catch me! i will get you for this! karan! come out!you teased me in front of my friends! priya! this is it! throwing color on me? who do you think you are?
hi, pooja!- hi, priya! why is he looking like a cartoon? she has done this to me! oh, very good! very good! welcome, dear pooja! welcome! god bless you! well, i must say, youstay in america, but.. ..you have notforgotten our indian culture! uncle, i am doing the research on..
..our culture, so how can i forget it? so, i think this place isperfect for your thesis! what is going on here? dear, today is the 'teej' festival! all the women andgirls adorn their hands.. ..with henna, wear banglesand do their shopping at home. they sit on swings andsing seasonal songs too! wow! i also want toparticipate in this. yes, why not! take partand write about it too!
hey, why do you look like a monkey? just go and wash your face, okay! come out of the cartoon channeland re-join the family channel!just go and wash your face, okay! come out of the cartoon channeland re-join the family channel! go! run! karan, i really felt goodcoming to your house today. i have never been so happy before. you know, one never gets to.. ..see this kind of loveand affection in america!
it becomes difficultto spend time there. hey! karan is with a girl! oh! buddies! i think he has her! i am sure he will takeher to a matinee show. so, tell me, what do you do? well, i am supposedto be studying now. but i don't enjoy it at all. so my father keeps scolding me. well, at your age, youngfolks focus only on studies.
so, what interests you? well, i don't really know! who are thesefellows staring at us? they are all loafersfrom the neighborhood. you know, they arefrom rich families. they don't study atall and just fool around. what do i tell you? i just don't pay anyattention to people like these! you are very sensible tostay away from such company..
karan! karan! oh you! you called us ruffians,goons! - what happened? well, the moment you see the girl,you give her your heart.. ..and ignore us? the moment you get her attention,you discard us? you did not evenintroduce her to us? stupid fellows!first let me find out.. ..if she loves me or not! i am just a friend now.
and if i introduce you to her.. ..you will be her friends too! then there will not be anydifference between you and me! that is why i was avoiding you! where did you disappear, karan? well, i had just gonefor a drink of water. for a drink? pooja, tell me something.for a drink? pooja, tell me something.
you live alone in america. don't you have any boyfriends? of course! there isthis harry, my classmate! he is a really nice fellow. he always scoresmore than me in studies. i really like him.he is my best friend! hello!- yo! greetings!- greetings! we are not loafers, weare karan's friends!
karan, are they your friends? yes, i mean, kind of.. why are you stuttering?he won't introduce us to you!yes, i mean, kind of.. why are you stuttering?he won't introduce us to you! so we will do the needful. yo! i am chiku!- chiku? i am ronnie!i don't want to praise myself! sandy, why don't you tell her? well before his birth,his father wanted a boy..
..and his mother wished for a girl. so you know, god got perplexed. so god sent him withqualities of a boy and a girl both! well i am dabbu! and let me tell yousomething about him. well the governmentcouldn't fulfill their.. ..five year plan, but hemanaged to fulfill his! and how is that? well, when we met him, hewas five years senior to us!
but just for our friendship,ma'am.. ..he waited for us inone class for five years! and from that moment on,we are all together! it is really nice to meet you. well, you will jump with joy,when you will hear our orchestra! orchestra?- yeah, didn't karan tell you? he is a very good guitarist! karan, you are so talented.why did you hide this from me? so where do you guysdo your rehearsals?
right there!- there? great! but pooja, i don't think youwould be interested in all this? what do you mean?but pooja, i don't think youwould be interested in all this? what do you mean? well it means that you are thestudious and intelligent type! well i am studious! and i am intelligent! but i am not boring.
if you guys can rockwith musical instruments.. ..then i am a very good dancer too! wonderful! this is perfect! we need a girl for ourcollege function tomorrow! that is it! you willhelp us, won't you, pooja? i sure will! see you on the floor! "it's not yellow, it's not blue!it's neither black nor it's white!" "my drape is just spic-and-span!"
"it's not yellow, it's not blue!it's neither black nor it's white!""my drape is just spic-and-span!" "my soul is moving!and so is my body!" "my body is moving!and so is my soul!""my soul is moving!and so is my body!" "my body is moving!and so is my soul!" "if your heart really desires.." ..then come forward andcolor my drape!" "yeah, just color my drape!" "if your heart really desires.. "people are just crazy about me!""my drape is just spic-and-span!"
"people are just crazy about me!" "they are ready to giveup their life for me!" "be quick before someone comesand steals my heart!" "but nobody has won my heart yet." "it's been years, since i hadawakened with feeling of love!" "i have guarded my heartwith lot of care!" "if you want me withheart and soul!" "i welcome you with my heart open!""if you want me withheart and soul!" "i welcome you with my heart open!"
"just marry me and take me away!" "my soul is moving!""and so is my body!" "my body is moving!""and so is my soul!" "my soul is moving!""and so is my body!""my body is moving!""and so is my soul!" well, according to your sister's planyou have befriended pooja! so when will you say'i love you' to her? tell me! well, everyday youpark your vehicle.. ..in front of her house,but you never go inside! why? dabbu, i really have no idea.but i feel jittery you know!
hey, what are you afraid of? she had come to yourhouse twice, right! so just tell her thati was just around here. and so i thought imight drop by to say hello! well, what if she finds outthat i deliberately did this? hey, what hashappened to you, buddy? remember, you had abducted themla's daughter for chiku! - yes. so if you can help him,then why don't you help yourself? now go! be brave! just goinside and tell her everything!
come on, go! oh god! just help him out!i beg of you. wow! uncle, what a shot!- that is a beauty! hey, come on in,karan. how are you? uncle, i am fine. harry, meet karan!- yes! this fellow put his own life indanger to save pooja's life! - okay! daring young boy! hello.- nice to meet you!
karan, harry is soongoing to be our son-in-law! 'well there is this harry.he is my classmate!' 'he is really a nice fellow.' 'i really like him.he is my best friend!' mr. chaudhary, i think we are reallyfortunate to have met people like you oh thanks a lot! forgive us, if there has been somemistake from our side. - oh no! oh here comes our most beloved son! hey, where were you?
oh come on, can't you controlyourself in front of guests? mr. chaudhary, this ismy younger brother karan! hello!- hello! please come, mr. chaudhary!- yes. come.- okay! see you! brother, who are these people? well they had come to see priya! and the alliance is confirmed too!well they had come to see priya! and the alliance is confirmed too!
with whom?- he is right there! dr. rajesh! him.. bye! come on! 'mother, i am goingto marry a pilot!' 'i mean he musthave deep blue eyes..' '..be handsome, have stylish hair!' 'i guess we will haveto design such a special..' '..pilot for you on the computer!' 'no dear, we will getyou married to a doctor!' 'no, mother, i will remainunmarried all my life..''no dear, we will getyou married to a doctor!'
'no, mother, i will remainunmarried all my life..' '..but i will never marry a doctor!- why?' 'i mean, he will behavelike a doctor at all times.' 'even when he comeshome from the hospital!' 'but how can we find you a pilot?' 'well, what is he there for?' 'my dear, sweet, innocent, stupidbrother! he will find him for me.' mother! mother! why are you marrying priya toa man who does not deserve her?
hey, you, he is not a nincompooplike you! he is a doctor! and he makes a lot of money. father, don't you interfere!i am not talking to you. priya can't be forced to marry a man justbecause you have chosen him for her! karan, how can you say this?- yes, mother i am right! hey, karan, why are you arguinglike this? come on over here. uncle, you don't know! but i know priya's choice very well. so i will never letfather ruin priya's life!
hey, karan,why don't you listen to me? do you think we areforcing priya to marry him? priya has taken her own decision. no! this can't be! priya! priya! priya, what is all this?come and tell father that.. ..you are not ready for thismarriage! come on, priya! are you mad?- yes! because i know your choice! and you are taking this decisionunder father's pressure!
come on, priya!- karan, this is my own decision!and you are taking this decisionunder father's pressure! come on, priya!- karan, this is my own decision! yes! this is my decision! rajesh is my senior in college! for the last three yearshe has been in love with me! and only a few days ago.. ..he managed to tell methis with great difficulty. so what? you should have told him.. ..that you don't love him,and he can find someone else!
if pooja says the same thingto you, what will you do then? i guess, you are evenafraid to think about it! yes, even i thought that i shouldn'tbreak his heart and agreed to marry him! so it means that,just for his happiness.. ..you are ready tosacrifice your own life? no it is not a sacrifice! i felt love for him when isaw that he adores me so much! and looks don't matter! i know that he will keep me happy!
and i will be happy with him too! hey, why are you so upset? i know. because yoursister won't be here, right? don't worry. when i leave after marriage, poojawill come here after marrying you! son, i am not really getting this. why are you leaving for mumbaiwhen your leave is not over yet? mother, you don't understand! if i go earlier this time,then i will get..
..extra leaveduring priya's wedding! mother, why are yougiving me this pickle? you get everything there! brother, i would also like tocome to mumbai with you tomorrow. why? what don't you have over here? no, it is nothing.but i don't want to live in this city. thank god! finally he realized this! pankaj, take him with you. father, don't takehim so seriously!
hey, everyone from thishouse has done well in studies! will you at leastget your degree or not? do you think it is a greatachievement to get a degree? well, i say, you go and bookhis ticket tonight itself. hi, karan!- oh, hi! well, uncle told methat you had come home? and when i called priya, she toldme that you are going to mumbai? is there anything special? i mean how come yousuddenly decided to go?
no! nothing special. i mean, for how long cani take father's taunts? he has to face a lot oftrouble because of me. well, you tell me,so when is the wedding day? no, you tell me first.you met harry, right? so how did you find him? he is very nice! honestly, karan, i reallyfeel that anyone will be.. ..fortunate tohave a man like harry!
i can't really tellyou how nice he is! i had introduced him to uncle.. ..when he came for thefirst time to india. and that was when he fell in love! and you know what? uncle wasnot ready for the marriage! but i didn't budge and told him.. ..that the wedding will bepossible only with harry! karan, can youimagine how lucky simmi is? simmi? - yes, simmi! sheis getting married to harry.
simmi? well, why are you so surprised?you talk as if you don't know simmi! no! no! i do, i mean,i know her very well! wait a minute! just one minute. just one minute, i will be back! oh man, god is great! yes! karan! it is time forthe train, where are.. oh, pooja, you and here?- hello! hello!- hey, brother, one minute! - what?
pooja, just a minute!- what is it? brother, i am not going to mumbai! what? but why not? if i go to mumbai, mystudies will get affected. you guys studied as much asyou wanted. why shouldn't i then? oh i see! father was absolutely right! he said that you canchange your mind at any time. i stood in thequeue for six hours.. ..to get your tickets!and now you don't..
i am going now! bye, pooja! bye! - brother!- what is it? you know what,my pocket money is over. so why don't you leavers.2000 with mother? oh i see! fine! okay, brother, see you! come on, karan! karan, will you call mewhen you reach mumbai? mumbai? who is going to mumbai?
you? - well, i am notgoing to mumbai! - why? well, brother was getting worried. he said i am a kid now. there isstill time for me to start working! first complete your studies,and then you can get a job. so what have you decided? i thought the same. you know, pooja, i mustconcentrate on my studies now! karan, where are your friends? i can't see them around!
today is sunday,so everyone has gone to the disco! and you are not going? well, don't you know one needsa partner to go to the disco? and i don't have a partner. you really want to go to the disco? okay then get to my place by6.30 in the evening tomorrow. i will be your partner for the disco.- yes! sorry! only couples! hey, you! come, pooja!
"o' dear god!" "o' dear god!" "what should i call this love,this passion?" "o' dear god! o' dear god!" "how can i appease my restless mind?" "i feel lonely and passionatejust because of you." "all i can think is you,you and just you!" "i really feel helpless becausei can't tell you my feelings!" "you are close to my heart andyet you're so far away!" "my silence is not enoughto convey my feelings!"
"my love for you has nowcrossed all the limits!" "you have no idea, thathow much i love you?" "i have become so engrossed in you.. ..that i can hear yourheart's desires!""i have become so engrossed in you.. ..that i can hear yourheart's desires!" "and i don't know how tosatisfy that desire!" hey, karan, there is aparcel in your name. what! wow, my parcel has come. hey, have patience.first tell me, what is there in this?
postcards! only postcards. postcards! okay then i will givethem to your father.. ..he can use them to write letters. no uncle, pleasedon't give it to him. then tell me first,what is there inside this? i will tell you!first give it to me. shall i give it?- please, uncle! so take it! hey, these are so manypieces of card board!
have you decided to leave your studiesand become a scrap dealer? no uncle, there is abeautiful picture in these cards. actually, tomorrowis pooja's birthday.what do you mean? actually, tomorrowis pooja's birthday. i want to gift her this andwithout saying anything verbally.. ..i will express my love to her. how?- i will show you right now. wow! so uncle, isn't my lovegetting expressed through this?
who made this design, son? one of my friends. your friend is a fool. why? son, you can put all this together,but if you give this to pooja.. ..she will make a mess of her face.son, you can put all this together,but if you give this to pooja.. ..she will make a mess of her face. these are all old tricks!be a modern lover! modern! have you seen that movie 'darr'?- yes.
in that, actor shahrukhhad written the name of.. ..his beloved on his chest,k.. k.. k.. kiran! think something like that. think son, think! idea! hi, karan! oh hi, pooja!happy birthday to you. hey, what is all this?suit, shoes and sun shades..oh hi, pooja!happy birthday to you. hey, what is all this?suit, shoes and sun shades..
..today you arelooking like a hero. hey it is all because itis your birthday today. yes it is! pooja, i was thinking that youbelong to a very rich family.. ..i was expecting a very bigparty and lots of people.. ..song and dance, justlike the way it is in films. but there is nothinghappening over here. karan, come on.come, karan, come in. look at this, it is for you.for our friendship.
hey what is this? itis me who should be..look at this, it is for you.for our friendship. hey what is this? itis me who should be.. ..giving you something today. doesn't make any difference. no! no! don't open it.go home and open it. i won't like it.- okay! yes, where is my birthday gift?i am not going to leave it. hold on, hold on. here it is.- wow! open and see it, i will like it.
okay. oh how nice! something special? see it properly.there is something special in it. really? karan, you.. i have written it with my blood. what! what a silly joke!how disgusting! are you mad? have you gone crazy?i had never imagined that.. ..you would do such a stupid thing.
why do you upset me, karan? why! karan, i don't like all this.i don't like all this! karan, you have gone crazy buddy, she is very different. her sensitivity and sensibilityeverything is different, karan! these hindi film gimmicks,don't make any.. ..difference to her, brother. thank god he had onlywritten happy birthday.
if he had written i love you then.. then she would havekicked him out of the house. my dear, i have toldyou so many times.. ..that don't fall in lovewith an a-category girl. hey what is this? pooja had gifted this to me.hey what is this? pooja had gifted this to me. oh! she must have gifted youthis for getting angry with you. hey bring it here! open it.- open it. - open it. open it!
what is inside this?- come on! hey karan, trumpet! there is a letter also along with it. 'my dear karan,i can never forget you.' 'because i owe my life to you.' 'you have such a beautifulheart that cares for others.' 'karan, i know that youare a very good musician..' '..but you are notconcentrating fully on it.' 'you have to become abig musician in life..'
'..because everyperson has a goal.' 'this gift of mine will alwaysmake you remember your goal.' now do you get why shewas angry with you.. ..and why she scolded you? buddy, if she can thinkabout you till such an extent.. ..then you can imagine howmuch she must be loving you?buddy, if she can thinkabout you till such an extent.. ..then you can imagine howmuch she must be loving you? now don't waste time, goand tell her 'i love you'. why are you getting scared?be brave, karan.
by writing this letterto you, she has given.. ..you the green signal, my dear. karan, all systems indicatea go-ahead.. ..get on with your love story, be patient..- come on! ..go to her and tell her'i love you'. go, karan. hey, you scoundrel! where are yourushing to on your bike? can't you see that wehave blocked the road? are you going to attend somebody'smarriage with this trumpet?
hey he is getting angry as thoughhis beloved has gifted it to him. here take it, sir! with love from pooja!oh! pooja! pooja! oh my god! getting angryfor such a small thing! no! pooja, whose letter is it? simmi! simmi! oh my god! oh my god! you have gotadmission in harvard university. congratulations! i will goand call up father, okay!
yes, call him upbut don't tell him.. ..i want to give him a surprise. okay! hi, pooja! karan, what timing! youhave come at the right time. as soon as i got thegood news, you have arrived. i have got admissionin harvard university. i am going back to america. oh!
do you know, karan, i was waitingso eagerly for this day to come. i had been studying dayand night for this day. today i am very happy!i can see my destination very clearly. hey how did you get this wound? oh! it is because i metwith a small accident. it will heal. karan, i hope you are notangry with me because of yesterday. see it was your fault!don't do it again, okay? my dear, congratulations!okay.
my dear, congratulations! uncle! i have gotadmission in harvard university. wow, that is lovely!- i am going back to america! let us dance and shout! greetings, welcome! welcome!- hello! hey not to me,go and give it over there. hello. hello..- what are you doing? what! go and speak to her.
welcome!- congratulations! congratulations! hi, karan!- hi, pooja! how are you? hello, uncle.- pooja! - hi, how are you? congratulations!- thanks.hello, uncle.- pooja! - hi, how are you? congratulations!- thanks. congratulations.- thank you. now congratulate me. for what?- first congratulate me. but why?
i have got admissionin harvard university.. ..i am going to america. karan, priya is calling you. priya! what is the matter,why have you called me here? karan, pooja isgoing back to america. oh! so you have calledme to tell me this? come. you are taking it so easy asthough nothing has happened. now what has to happen in this? in any case she had to go back.
has pooja refused? no. did you tell her ornot that you love her? so i will go andtell pooja right now. no priya, please! and you had only told me tobe friends with her first.. ..and after becomingpooja's friend, i came to know.. ..that it was one-sided love. priya. pooja is so excitedabout going to harvard that..
..i don't want to hurt herby expressing my love to her. i believe that shewill be more happy with.. ..her choice of liferather than my love for her. if you wanted to be herfriend then why did you.. ..follow her like amad man all these days? do you know, priya,what is the meaning of true love? to see your beloved happy. and pooja is my true love. i want to always see pooja happy.
by hurting yourself! certainly! i would never want pooja.. ..to know about my love for her. i know that you willalso not tell her anything. promise! hey, pankaj, come here. yes, uncle. - go and tell theminside that it is time for the.. ..farewell ceremony, be fast. okay. - and i am going topriya's in-laws' place..
..along with the truckto drop all the baggage. okay, uncle. - hey you fools,have you kept all the baggage? yes uncle, we havecounted and kept everything. well done! well done! very good!yes uncle, we havecounted and kept everything. well done! well done! very good! god bless you, my dear. be happy. mother, will you come to meet me? what are you saying dear?how can we forget you? where is karan? where is karan?
dear, he must be somewhere around.. ..stop worrying about him,it is getting late, you go. how can i leavewithout meeting him? but, dear..- karan! where are you going, priya? priya!- everybody is waiting for you! what are you doing over here? won't you come to bid me farewell? priya, you are also leaving me? priya!
why is all this happening?why is it happening with my brother? if i had known earlier that.. ..all this is goingto happen with you.. ..then i would havetold you to go and.. ..express your love topooja that very same day. i wouldn't have toldyou to befriend her. your state is because of me! why did i stop you?why did i stop you! no, priya! no!don't say that, priya..
..you have not done anything. priya, what had to happen hashappened. it is my luck, priya. don't cry, priya, don't cry for me. i am sorry, priya, i got late. wish you a very happy married life. come, dear. priya, take care of yourself. father, pooja has cometo take your blessings.. ..tomorrow she is going to america.
be happy. god bless you, dear. god bless you, dear. god bless. where is uncle? he has gone to priya'sin-laws' house to drop her.. ..he will come back tomorrow. don't worry, i will tell him. okay, uncle. all the best, dear.- i will make a move. okay, karan, i will get going.
don't forget, the flightis at ten tomorrow morning. bye!- bye. son! karan! father!- my son! karan.- father! no, my son. no, my dear, no.i am proud of you. pooja! pooja! where are you lost? akash, will you take care of uncle? of course, pooja, you don't worry.
my dear, what mistake have i made.. ..that you have asked menot to come to the airport? i didn't like it, dear. uncle, it is because youcan send me from here.. ..by encouraging me. what will happen if you are notable to control yourself over there? i won't be able to control myself.. ..if i see tearsin your eyes, uncle. then maybe i won't be able to go.
oh it is fine! i am very brave. i am not so weak, dear,as you are imagining be to be. take care, uncle. you also take care, dear.you are going for a very good cause. i want that when you completeyour studies and come back.. ..your studies andyour research should be.. ..beneficial for our country. okay, simmi. pooja! pooja, don't go.
crazy girl, will you send offyour sister crying like this? you are making uscry and then leaving. that fool decided notto express his love.. ..and you all didn't say anything! what could we do?he had told us not to say anything. i will see how he stops me! brother, come on, brother!- now where are you going? my son's beloved is going away andi shall watch everything silently? i will go and stop her.my son's beloved is going away andi shall watch everything silently?
i will go and stop her. even if i have tobow in front of pooja. hey, you romeofrom the ancient era! you still have time,before the flight takes off. you also check in, buddy. means, you go and tellher that you love her. and if you don't have the couragethen we will go and tell her. yes!- come on! dare any of you go andsay anything to pooja.
i think she has heard everything. i pray to god shehas heard everything. coffee.. here. thanks. what are you thinking, pooja? i am thinking that irefused all my family members.. ..and even uncle tocome to the airport.. ..but i didn't refuse you.why is that? very simple. it is becausethey all are attached to you.
and it pains a lot toseparate from the one.. ..who is attached to you. and us? we are just acquaintances. and it doesn't hurt whenseparating from such people. right?- right.and it doesn't hurt whenseparating from such people. right?- right. you have learntto talk a lot these days. krishna, put the motorcycleon the stand and come fast. okay.- come on. come on.
hey! hey! where are you going? i am going inside.- where is your ticket? my brother is getting the ticket. you can't enter without a ticket. my brother is getting the ticket,i won't go in without a ticket.you can't enter without a ticket. my brother is getting the ticket,i won't go in without a ticket. security, get him. take him away. i am a retired captain. listen to me.- get out. pooja's flight will take off.allow me to go in.
karan, chiku is crying a lot,we will have to handle him. what happened?- no. no. nothing. i will be right back. chiku, what are you doing?- he doesn't understand.. control yourself. karan, he wants totell everything to pooja. i have told you allso many times that.. ..no one will tell pooja anything. but you still don't get it, do you?
why don't you wantto tell her, buddy? karan, she is your life support. how will you livewithout the support? karan, we are yourfriends we can't.. ..see you leadinga suffocating life. you can stop me asmuch as you can, karan.. ..but i will tellher everything today. chiku..- stop, chiku. have you gone mad? you will see me dead if youtake even a single step forward.
karan..- karan, pooja is coming here. pooja.. say it, karan. pooja is coming, wipe your tears. say it, karan.- wipe them fast. what is wrong with chiku?why is he crying? no.. just.. justbecause you are leaving. yes. yes.- oh chiku, how sweet. pooja, would youmind if i say something? oh god.- yes, say it.
you won't forget usafter going there, will you? how can i forget,you all are karan's friend. i will cherish eachmoment spent with you all. hey i forgot.. your autographs. autograph please. now won't you give me one?- why? what have i done now? sometimes even the doerisn't aware of his deeds. please.
pooja, what happened? karan, i don't know why but i feelas if i am leaving something behind. i have a strange feeling. as the time for mydeparture is coming closer.. ..i feel as if somethingis going away from me. 'air india flight number 753to new york.. ..is ready for boarding.' 'passengers are requested to proceedtowards the security check.' okay, karan, i will make a move.
okay. bye, pooja. take care. what happened, pooja? i remembered,karan.. what i was missing. and even you knowwhat i was missing. you do, don't you? you love me a lot, don't you? i love you, karan.- i love you, pooja. i love you. go, pooja.your flight has been announced.
no, karan, i will stay here.now i won't leave you and go anywhere. no, pooja, you will have to go. did you hear that?you will have to go! we can unite later. but the opportunitythat you have got today.. ..you will neverget the same again. and then you had only said thateveryone should have an aim in life. today, because of you,i have an aim in life. forget waiting for days,months or years..
..i can wait severallifetimes for you. karan. 'calling ms. pooja saxena.ms. pooja saxena.' 'passenger traveling by air indiaflight number 753 to new york..' '..is requested to boardthe aircraft immediately.' go, pooja.. our love will help usachieve our goals. bye.- bye. come here, son. come here. yes!- very good. very good.
uncle.. father.- bless you, my son. bless you. good that she initiated itor else you are so naive.. ..that you wouldn't haveconfessed your love all your life. he is still naive that iswhy he does everything wrong...that you wouldn't haveconfessed your love all your life. he is still naive that iswhy he does everything wrong. but this thing that he didwas very good. whose son is he after all! wonderful, dear! now that he has done something goodyou claim to be his father.
and if he does something wrong then... then it is because he isyour nephew after all!

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