water... bakka, water... bakka! kesar... hey, hey..ae kesar! don't give up kesar.i can feel the dampness we will find water.get up kesar don't strain your mind.this heat is driving you mad don't give up kesar.we will find water
you don't believe me! how do i believe you, bakka? your tongue is also parched this child inside me needs water get water for my child, bakka i, bakka- the god of water i give water to all o goddess meledi! have mercy..give me water! we live in thewilderness of kutch
the vast silence andemptiness of the desert sends shiversin the body faraway on the horizon,a sand storm is brewing sometimes, salinewater from the sea... ...makes its wayinto the desert creating a lake of saline waterin the midst of the desert 'flamingo' – a beautiful,migratory bird that flies thousands ofmiles from home, to come here perhaps, this land feels likehome to them
people living in the desertknow how to survive but these birdsare our guests i am bakka.people call me 'god of water' i live in this desert and quencheveryone's thirst jal , jal, jal(chanting for water) we pray to you o god...(chanting) give us water,give us life at last! this is wherewater is hiding..
chief!we will find water here you found water?- yeah we found water!long live bakka! c'mon say it... kheema bhai! he has found water.now say, 'long live bakka'! nonsense, where's water? if there is any..go jump in itand die! this rakla has gone mad... bakka..there is no water in the desert!
this burning desert canonly take away life.. ..doesn't give life bakka.. you have donethis many times.. ..beating drums in thename of finding water tell us if there is no water chief! swear on you... ..we will definitelyfind water here c'mon now!say long live bakka!
long live bakka! madam, photo... this is called ‘flamingo city' (russian) wow! it's unbelievable.here are the long legged flamingos only english, madamno german, no russian. we call them 'surkhab' madam the long, pink-legged 'surkhab' (russian) so many!- noga? ma'am, where?
what the ...! madam, wait. listen.it's dangerous... ..there aresnakes out here can't we stay here?- no, no, madam they will run- run? oh..you mean fly- yes, same thing first actually they run,and then they fly actually, water is a big problemin the desert sea water comesand goes..
..and rain water comes & goesbecause the sand sucks, like... suck... i mean go- where? where suck?inside the earth so, no water so, now there's water,but later no water so, the water problem madam! water.. you weirdo!why are you scaring her? her legs look colorfulthrough this glass
see madam,this is your area here we are this is your area & your tent camels are here,birds are here water is here you are the queen of thisarea, madam why are you ogling at her,you idiots? haven't you seen awhite chick before.. ..in those foreign cdshave shown you twice..
porn film!they showed it all! ae bakka! who's there?- chief! you have reached the bottomof the earth. where's water? we'll definitely find water the earthquake in gujarat... ...has messed up the entiresystem of this place but we'll surely find water.. just got to dig deeper
she's here to makea film! with us? are you sure?- yeah. i swear! great! did you tell anyone else?- no ..just him sit! don't utter a word toanyone else - okay is she really from those foreign cds?- yes great! all men in the villagewill be ready to drop their pants..
wait till your wife lajofinds out... don't tell anyone... doesn't take much to createa ruckus in this village we will just take bakka along.he's our friend! ae bakka,get here. quick! we'll spend thenight in the desert hurry up... a madam from those foreign cdshas come here!- really? i will get your filmmade with her
rakla, i amnot interested get my film made with kesar.i love her have you gone nuts?you will get us all screwed stop dreaming about a girlfrom the enemy village!! stop being hornyabout kesar forget local.. come; sample the foreignstuff with us i heard shewears a red bra looks like a freshrose in the dry desert
no, rakla if i don't findwater this time.. ..the chief will make me wear a bra& parade me through the village come if you wishor go to hell you don'ttell anybody ae manga, ae parnami,ae rakla you are off to meet that‘foreign chick' without telling me who the hell...told him? sorry brother.
he is so oldwon't be able to do anything ask your mother, who is old!take me there.. ..i will show what i can do vela bhai! didn't you justturn grandfather? - yes got a grandson and stilldrooling over young chicks! so what! am young at heart-fine, come tell me nowif anybody else knows no, no i swear- okay. let's go then rakla bhai!i just got married
introduce me tothe ‘foreign chick' for sure why? my wife is off to her parentsi need some entertainment so, use yourhands for entertainment shut your eyes- and miss the sight! no! practice at home first,then think of riding a wild camel wow! she is pinklike a flamingo vela bhai, come outof your fantasies it's time for you to go up....not ‘up and down'. bloody old man!
madam... earlier these flamingos... ...would come herein large numbers now, the numberhas gone down about 50 miles from herethey still come in huge flocks do you want to see?they are all alive yeah, lots of them.that way.. yeah! on the other side ofthe salt water lake he's right.when i was younger...
...there were thousandsof flamingo flocks coming here shut up all of you!madam is worried madam, i knowlittle english earlier, many touristscame here... ...they used to pay100 rupees a day ...i will show youlots of flamingos (radio playing folk song) madam your servant is here
ram khiladi...- why are you bothering madam? ram khiladi...- stay away look, madamneeds laborers she'll pay 4 euro per person.equals 250 rupees! go and get laborersfrom the village. why four,madam said five? who knows english...me or you? she said four- no, she showed five fingers she might showfifty fingers..
...when i say four,it means four anyways, there arejust four fingers in a hand look... 1,2,3,4...finish and what's this?- thumb.. what else? she is saying work for 4 euros elsethere are many other villages ..we will get as manylaborers as we want okay? go...- then why did madam say 5? madam, didn't you say five?- yes, five. 5 euros won't let me earn a little...bastards!
everyone will get 5 euro.okay? now, go and get everyone you fix the deal now! see... foreign money hasits special sound don't pull, it'll tear chief! this foreign moneyequals 300 rupees white madam said she'll pay300 per day to everybody
we can buy water from the enemyvillage with the money you want to be friendswith the enemy village? drink their water? kheema bhai!when a man gets the urge... ...who cares if it's the enemyvillage or their women money is powerful! listen... we'realready tired we trusted bakka, and now yougot this strange news we got no water to drink
and what's money'sworth without water? chief! as it is we are notable to find water... if the men go and work theywill bring money to the village my sister is right kajri, madam is some kind of'bird-doctor'. cries when they die so tomorrow, i will takeeverybody there not everyone. few will go sukhiya & ganiare stoned all day... take them for sure- yes
look everyone,wet soil oh wow! it's dry sand. but we'll surelyfind water idiot! get water ordie in there dare you come out! madam, these are cows. in india wecall them 'mother'. 'mother of india'! gani bhai will you be able to work?- yes fine, go...
name- sukhiya hey you... stand properly manga...- yes dare you stare at her legsor elsewhere by yourself... greetings!i am vela bhai ok, move on... parnami.. ok, who's next? (folk song)
you!what are you doing here? where else should i be?in afghanistan? why did you hit me?i will bust your head! scoundrel! what are you staring at?tell me your name? write... rakla that i know.give me your full name.- rakla bhai c'mon... do it... pull it out. hurry up! hey manga, give it...
sukhiya,don't you want foreign money i don't understand... ...what will they dowith the dead birds? they will sell the meat...what else? you know nothing, uncle these birds come here fromtheir country in the winters madam wants to save,not kill them so, madam will save the birdsand what about humans? who will save you all?
bakka will save you! rascal! what have you done foryour village? we dug up half thedesert on your word where is water? listen...6 out of 10 times,i find water fine!don't believe in me! no bakka.it's not that you keep our hope alive,that we will get water last summer, more humansthan birds died due to lack of water
even these clouds are biased they rain everywhereexcept here and whatever little rain we getis sucked up by the desert even this waterwill dry up, i tell you true! but why doesn'tanybody come to save us? hey let's go... manga, come on gani bhai never saysanything good lots of birds have died.these graves will be dug every day
but it's okay.the birds will keep dying we will keep digging graves& getting money... good.. the rest of our lifewill get easier why do you want to live offsomebody's death? ae rakla, where is she going so late?- she is upset about the chicks dying hey get up.madam is missing look around... get up let's look for her..
kim... hey puniya!look, its bakka! the god of water! there is no waterin your village... so, you havecome here to die! you are savoringthe ‘foreign chick' it takes a manto savor a woman nobody is man enough,in your village if you need one from theenemy village, let me know
bastard!just one strike.. ...and you will see stars in thebright desert sun stop it puniya!stay in line! when did icross the line? here people can kill for water.it must be clear to this woman now ...and to her well-wisher let's go, puniya hey! be careful infront of our women hey flamingo!
stay away... dare youcome near our well! thank you what is she doing? such a loose woman!falling over every man... when will it be my turn? "the cuckoo sings on a mango tree"(folk song) "my prince sits on the fort wall,watching†(folk song) be quiet!-why be quiet? the boy has turned 20.c'mon girls, let's sing...
shut up! we are all in troubleand you are... (mock sings) as if we were livingin paradise earlier... what hashappened now? shut up youilliterate woman! stop itae rakla! yes chief, it's bakka's fault shut up rakla!it's all because of you because of me!
yes, you were the oneshowing us foreign money now what...? your madam has pollutedthe enemy's well bakka...show your wound ae bakka!how did this happen? this wound is amessage from the enemy if it is,we will reply to it these banglesare our weapons not sure ofthe village men
but we will definitely answer them- yes let's go aunty... we'll draw waterfrom the enemy's well how is it their fault? bakka had goneto their village what? you went tothe enemy village! these guys will get us killed.take a decision, chief yes, i have decided!
rakla, tell your madam,from tomorrow.. no man from our villagewill work for her what! why?- why not? stop!let's go out what happened?- why are you disturbing them? i want to meet madam idiot! she is discussingsomething serious and you are barging in... you know,babies are dying?
whose babies are dying?- the birds... you wait...illiterate person! hey what'shappening in there? in sometime, these birds andwe all will die - what! the desert is turningour water salty... so, the algae that grows,dies and becomes hard when flamingo chicks eat it...they choke on it and die also, the excessivesalt and algae ...gets deposited on their wings,making them stiff..
and the birds fly awayleaving their children behind these poor chicks can't evenfly before they die see! such a serious topic theseenglish people are working on what is going on?- i don't know we all will die?-yeah the birds will die- yeah you will also die? that's difficult butyou will surely die... ...by my hands!
nothing... you go.i will see what's going on all of us will die, vela bhai! remember? mangat ram died'coz of a stone in his stomach yeah! it was this big this madam is workinghere on this problem good, good...she should i'll go & see what else theyare talking about - yeah, go parnami, did you hear?we will all die? you will go first- shut up, you...
all the water has become salty?- yes. all of it algae becomes hard......like a stone flamingo chicks eat them and itgets stuck in their throat so, they eat that hardalgae & die we'll all die really?- yes don't forget listen everyone...! dreaming about the white woman!- what happened?
kajri, my sister...help me... she is our guest. so what ifi showed her some concern? stop, stop! hold it lost your mind? look,white madam is here namaste- namaste, namaste madam wants to know whyare you beating this beggar? i am not a beggar.i am rakla he was calling out hername in his sleep... see, lajo. she isgoing to be his other wife
you scoundrel! listen everyone, madamneeds labourers to save the birds who will save us? answer that...!who will save us? he is right if the men from other villageswant to work, it's up to them but no one willwork from here you are our guest. have water- thank you... look, chief
sweet water isneeded to save the birds for that, the earthneeds to be dug these people willmake wells and ponds and you peopleget to earn money there's no water for us...where will they find water for birds? tell this to her! madam, no...later... look, chief.she is pleading... ...looking for water
she won't carry it backin the airplane after the birds leave, water willbe all ours to have fine... if it's a matterof saving lives then some of our menwill go and work long live the chief!- wait! bakka, neither you... ... nor your madamwill go near the enemy village congratulations, madam they've agreed to come- thank you
where are you from, madam? he's asking, which countryyou are from? she's from russia- where's that? there's no sand there.just snow, everywhere that's why sheis white as snow we also have snow here.do you want to see? hey! don't makea fool of her we are dying for water& you are talking about snow yeah, i will show her snow...
(chant for water) ae rakla!i have news for you don't scream!calm down machine that digs outwater is coming... "we pray to you, o god!" "hear the desperate criesof our parched souls" "it's a desert of burning hopeswith raised arms & imploring eyes" "we gaze at the cloudless skygive us water, give us life." come...
that's richardand she is kim "we pray to you...give us water, give us life" the machine hascome to find water look for another job!nobody needs you now fine go! this machinewill give you water even i don't want tolisten to your abuses get lost now!get lost! what happened?even you don't need me now? fine, go!roam in the desert alone
idiot! how will this machine dig water? come, let's ask sir... sir...- hey! keep your hands away how does this machine work? grrr...grrrrrrrrrrrr...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr that's how! now, shut up & sit quietly- sir is joking! ram khiladi, take them away.they are chewing my brain
it's a computerized machineit will dig a well overnight! don't create a ruckus.be quiet! it's for you people... hail 'goddess dashamata'! machine is here... but they won'tfind water here what are you saying? rakla, there'sno water here you saw the blackrock we found there is no water,where black rock is found
even if they do,it will be saline water mark my words! this bloody black rockis a curse "great land, great is the musician.great music, great are the words" (folk song) "o goddess! your kind eyes andsweet voice fill me with warmth" (folk song) "o dear mother! i will prayto you all my life" (folk song) "my beloved is going to a distant placemy man wants to see the foreign land" (folk song) "it saddens my heart to see him go"(folk song) "but i know, wherever he goes,he will always be mine" (folk song)
those foreigners,along with our enemies.. ...are digging for wateron the other side they've gothuge machines bastards...claim theycan dig water in a night looks like theywill make ponds if those villagers get waterour pride will be compromised true our influencewill be lost rascals will get waterfor their animals
even if they do, it will be saline.their land is brackish will fill up sacks of salt...losers! leave it... let's go and piss inour chief's ear where is the old man? when the daughter is swinging herhips in front of the entire village... .. embarrassed, he must be sleepingafter smoking pot let's go grab her...she is too hot she's going to be my sister-in-law
sir, do you think thesemachines are of any use? these machines areworth a fortune if they can't, then who elsewill tell where the water is? how stupid! kisna sir, don't mindif i say something say... it needs faithto find water what?- faith since i am sitting with youand eating your food
i must listen to yournonsense! faith!(mocking) so, you want me toget lost with my machine? you find water with yourfaith... hey bakka,madam is very thirsty she is our guest.we must get her water get her water!from where? from theenemy village... let's go butiya
you have lost your mindin her love you get the water.i'll go & keep an eye in the village o bakka, the men will be outwith their herd who will youkeep an eye on? the women here are no less sharp.i'll watch out for them your old wound hasnot healed yet... be careful! that's why i am going.i may find balm for my wound ae bakka,there is a lot of water here.. careful, rakla
even the slightest ripplecan alert the enemy aren't you ashamed ofwatching a woman bathing? saw you dancingin the village fair ...am still troubled what will happen nowthat i have seen you bathing? you've become so daring ...that you have come to myvillage in broad daylight! i am here to steal water raise an alarm;get me beaten up by your father
sit butiya...sit look, you will notfind a man like me... handsome, courageous &true to his word today i am here for water soon, i will come for you can't trust the enemy villageand its men puniya is here! run quick! hide! let us shower together...
it has suddenly becomesteaming hot... is he gone? no you're beautiful...so is your body one day, i will cover itwith gold only gold... just one condition...you will wear nothing else hey, rakla we don't need waterwe've got it
bakka always says,water is there... ...but, very deepinside the earth the rain water is soakedby the desert in no time i've heard this machinedigs really deep what if...we steal the machine? have some shame...you fathead! will we find water? i told you, they willnot find water good! or i would havedug up their graves right here
hey stop this noise! sir, the machinedid not find water? how does it matter to you?you people are getting money machine mistook gas for water.don't get angry our bakka also goeswrong sometimes only bakka knows how tofind water in this desert shut up, you ass!get lost! he will get us screwed. madamwill leave.. ..and we will get neither moneynor water
madam! hey stop... where are you going?got no manners? madam is inside. howcan you go in like this? call her out get lost. go first ask himto shut up madam, bakka knowswhere to find water come with me
it's their way of foolingpeople. you and your bakka.. be quiet! what good areyour machines? you marked so many spots,did you find any water? when bakka marks a spot,you will definitely find water what do you think? sir, sometimes the villagersdo find water this way what do you mean, they do? if they do, after all our hard workit will screw our reputation no problem, sir
what no problem? it seems youlove getting screwed took two cans, brother yeah, it's your father'sproperty! bastard! hey drama king!what are you up to? you think your copper sticksare better than the computer it's easy for you to say,spot 1, spot 2... this constant diggingis killing us all... richard sir... spot 3 where?- right where you're sitting!
ae gani bhai...-what? will we get water?- how would i know, you ass? ae! diesel... (clears throat)diesel! we'll be right back bakka it feels bad to see my godwork as a labourer ...offerings from thegoddess's temple i've prayed for water
may you always remain... ...the god of water i may be god for others i am ready to beyour slave, if you say it's all talk you are a slave to thatforeigner woman nowadays always stuck to her so, you keep a track of me... hey stop this nonsense.nothing's going to happen
(crowd applauds) now...bakka will... sorry... mr. bakka,will say a few words here you go... say it, say it makes me think, when i searchedwater for humans i got abuses... and now when i findwater for birds... i get new clothes... a job
money... and respect great! right, sukhiya? now, find water forthe village too okay... but i have3 conditions what conditions? first condition,party... ...for me, and my friends
i'll tell you thesecond condition bakka's own house! and third- yeah, tell us third... i'll tell youin the village. bakka, tell them yourthird condition now tell them quick... say it, bakka.c'mon... speak up...
marriage with kesar,from the enemy village what is he saying? sit, sit- calm down your urge for kesar,will get us all fucked... kesar! ae puniya.. that bastard'sthird condition is to marry kesar listen everybody... bakka & puniya are fightingin the desert. let's go.. let's kick their ass!
come on come on. you swine puniya, pin him down bastard...i'll teach you a good lesson bakka... ram khiladi...stop them... what.. what happened? we're preparing forbakka and kesar's marriage marriage?
yes it's a tradition madam this is how wefix marriages in our village come out...fast, there'sgood news for you this is a confirmation letter...your government job is fixed hold it properly she is also motherlesslike me once we get married,i'll keep her very happy give it backi will not apply kajri- leave my hand
come here are you reallyin love with me? are you the onlyman in this village? you also have abeautiful body but kesar's beautyis unmatched look chief, we arealways there with you but think beforesaying yes... look, rana someday, bakka will beuseful for us too
our wells will alsodry up someday i've thoughtabout it i am ready fortheir marriage good decision...a sensible one (folk song - partof the wedding ritual) hey vela bhai!- yes did the door open?- not yet keep a watch- yes, i will let me know
bakka didn'tcome to work ? lajo. what are you staring at? they aren't going toopen the door today bakka will openthe door today move aside. move he said he'llcome out today it opened... hello hello- hello
what happened? bakka...my friend is she okay...my sis-in-law? ae kesar... sister-in-law! kesar, how are you doing? did you not need foodor water for ten days? that's themen of our village i didn't openmy doors for 16 days
bakka, you have doneamazing work got wells dug upin the desert... ...ponds built for the birds you are finding watereasily now what did i say... when my heart is happy,i won't let any heart break you are now, a man witha big heart and a big house too you don't come to my houseanymore bakka, everyone was saying...the chief also...
you should talk to white madamabout the machine... once that machinecomes to our village we will also get a well hmm...kesar also has to go veryfar to get water i feel bad she never had toin her father's house there was a wellin her village i must talkto madam see, madam...
snow- it's not snow, it's salt... salt... like snow you are a good man sit...sit... madam, the birds havegot water so, the villagerswere saying... ...if we can get themachine for two days... ae bakka did you talkabout the machine?
madam looked worried so i thought i'll talk torichard sir later bakka bhaigod of water so, you're here sir has awardedyou tip. keep it you keep it- i see talk to richard sir & takethis machine to our village that's it bakka, you've got quite anattitude after you found water
it needs diesel worththousands of rupees, you idiot! it came here to dig upwater for the birds the birds got water & flew off.now, you also take off.... so what!we'll pay you the villagers will pay you sir, water is invaluable the villagers areready to pay just get thismachine to our village sir, we want the machinein our village
look. he will write,put in a recommendation... ...to his superiors. right? sir if you try, somethingwill definitely work out we'll have waterin our village namaste... take the bonus,and your wages and leave, okay? he'll try. go money we got & themachine will come...
yeah...the machinewill come rakla we will get water richard sir has promised, hewill write to his superiors the machine willcome for sure richard sir has promised huh! promise!! if he says he will write,he will never write and even if he does,we'll never get a reply ok kheema bhai...
i have an idea... let's go and stealthe machine at night we'll deal withwhatever happens later no, rakla.i can't steal i would rather waitfor the reply the machine will come but we'll have to payfor the diesel, chief pay for the diesel! but how, chief? we'll needthousands of rupees for that
from where will we getthat kind of money? we barely can afford asquare meal what use is all thisjewelry on our body... ...when we aredying of thirst more than jewelry, women needa well in the village go and get all thegold, silver that you have didn't i tell you kesar... one day i'll cover youwith gold... see i got it
"eyes more beautiful than amillion twinkling stars" "the moon gazes at yourflawless beauty" "the night feels blessedby your presence" "your radiance makes thedesert sand sparkle in the dark" sir, we want this it's not your village scooter,belongs to the water department sir, there's no waterin our village so ask your richard sir to senda machine from london this belongs to the govt. of indiaand it's under my care
we will takeit anyways will you?i will give you a tight one... ae bakka,open the door open the door ori'll break it down what is this ruckus for? bakka is dressed uplike a rockstar you don't need to go towork anymore sir has refused togive the machine how can he refuse?
the machine will come.it's my word ae bakka,what are you doing? tell me... ...what's going onin your mind? can't you see?i am burying the jewelry has all this gold madeyou greedy? are you planning to steal it? look, there is still noreply to richard sir's letter what if we give themall the jewelry...
and then theychange their mind what if they cheat us? oh god! good thinking...here's the mark i got it! go get my shawl & jacket- okay look, we're goingout for a few days so who will be ruling here?- ram khiladi so, who's responsible for all theproperty & the machine - me
go and call sir, go hello, sir sir, we need to talk to you sir didn't evenlook at you these silly villagers... they'll all die in the desertsearching for water you are dressedup like a stud! rascals, you pests... you think i will dressup like you all my life
what do you want?there's no one here i am the kingthey've gone out for 2 days tell me. what do youwant? did richard sir get areply to the letter? forget the letter.no letter is coming bakka he fooled you.that's how these foreigners are they come here, gettheir work done and leave he's right... i don't think we will getthe machine
everybody will make fun of us.what do we do? you were right... so what, if theydon't give the machine... ...we'll take it! what do you mean? i mean, we'll steal it rakla what are you up to? what are you doing? can't you see?i am stealing diesel
this machine isuseless now ram khiladi...listen if i fill you up with gold... ...will you take thismachine to our village? what did you say? gold! jewelry...of the entire village fools...your pants don'tstay on your waist you've got nothing to eat &you will fill me up with gold you'll get all thejewelry you want
trust us! wow! all this is mine half of it... the machine should reach our village- it will reach... ..it will..i promise rakla, put them back the machine's here... "come to me,my heartless lover†"hear the desperate cries..."
"...of my parched soul" what's the matter?you look very happy i have been happy ever sinceyou came in my life, kesar fame, fortune, respectgovernment job all because of you you've changedmy destiny and now, the machinehas also arrived go, look! everyone'sdancing with joy now we'll get water andvillagers' fortunes will change
really kesar!you have done wonders great! let's celebratewith sweets i don't want sweets.i want you ae bakka, come quicklythe machine got damaged there was abig rock in the ground i'll just be back bakka, your machine stoppedworking. - yeah! it gave up back off, you idiots... what should we do now?let's return the jewelry
we've got intoa big problem ae ram khiladi, how didthe machine break down? you said it willdig water it's all your fault & youare asking me... i am only ajeep driver you got me in tothis mess i am doomed. it's such anexpensive machine sir will find out. the policewill arrest me, not you it's worth millions,don't you know?
i'll teach the scoundrels a lessonthey will never forget hello... yes inspector,krishna prasad speaking someone stole thedepartment's machine so you stolethe machine look at him we didn'thave an option.. anyways, we would havereturned it in 2 days right now... just somehowfix this machine and dump it back
else, all of uswill be screwed but...what about water, bakka? you took all our gold-oh drop that here we all are goingto be crucified... and you're worried aboutgold bakka...just takethis trouble away yeah... right! now it has becomea trouble for you till yesterday youwere dying to get it
now that it's broken,it's a trouble for you not after two days,i am taking it back right now come along if anybodywants to rakla you go & take out the jewelry.i'll go with ram khiladi let's go parnami chief, we had goodintentions look! machine...don't spare them don't worry,i'll take care of this what's the policedoing here?
you stay quiet. let me talk hello, inspector i came to see the machinebut it was missing so, i took them along and wentlooking & found it parked there and who are these two?- these are village people bakka & parnami...very helpful they helped me findthe machine the machine's broken! where are you going?
catch them don't let them get away bloody rascals have the cheekto steal the govt. machine & break it give them a good bashing- they are dangerous people really?- yeah! bury people alive see...he is guilty but i am not guilty.i am a respected man... ram khiladi and him,they planned this together government employee, huh
you think you arebigger than the government! are you my boss, that you will takethe machine without permission? lock them up for twodays & kick their ass they will talklike parrots and your job's temporary.you're on contract it can be taken awaythe way it was given to you you can keepyour job you used us to get water forbirds & when we used the machine ..to find water for our village,you call us thieves
i, bakka foundwater for you what happenedto your letter? so, you'll steal it? i didn't steal it i made a mistake,so i am resigning from the job we're leaving now let's go, parnami so, i'll also leave? leave it sir, they aredangerous people
rakla... the stone was here.. where are the jewels? ae rakla! rakla! you drama king! passed out aftersmoking pot? hey rakla, get up... you're not serious..right?
villagers didnot get water the jewelry is missing... ... and rakla's dead i just buried hisdead body how will i facehis wife, lajo? i will telleverybody the truth come, let's go to the chief- no bakka use your head don't tell anyone,anything
everyone will think youkilled rakla out of greed tell everyone,the machine will come time will set everythingright i...i will talk to my father.he will take care of everything bakka! you won't tellanyone anything who did this? this is how i killed him one hit and he was dead...bastard! you are not abad man puniya
this desert heat gets to everyone.makes the blood boil listen, puniya... don't hit mefrom the back i won't die with one blow.then i'll have to take you along so, just let me takemy share & leave oh! i am scared!take your share... good...goodbye here begins...the story of bakka's destruction i am bakka!
come out... rakla's missing he is not home yet where could he be? you were with him,weren't you? the machinebroke down, so... he must have gone to thecity with sir, to get it fixed he doesn't botherabout us... no one cares anymore
chief... it's been 15 days.forget about the machine let's start diggingon our own hello, lajo looks like rakla's fledwith the foreigner woman i will drag him back even ifhe goes to heaven work's going on infull swing where have you all been? everyone needs water...
i am the only one diggingsince morning come on,give me a hand ae manga...you bastard!- you are the bastard! chief, let's bury him right here.don't let him get out you scoundrel,you'll bury me stop! bakka. what is this? what greed made youkill your friend? buried his dead bodyin the desert..
speak up bakka chief...- tell me! we have nothing to dowith you any more you lied tous every time chief, i...- keep quiet we know thatyou've been fired no machine iscoming to the village and where is the jewelry? where's our jewelry?the villagers' jewelry...
tell us.. somebody stole it tell us, why didyou kill rakla? i didn't kill him he is lying... cooking upyet another story no, it's true the jewelry isreally stolen i got scared when i saw hisdead body in the desert believe me.i am not lying
i brought the machine...didn't i? i did everything for thebenefit of the village for whose benefitdid you kill rakla? kajri i did not...- don't! just shut up... aren't you ashamed? he let you live in his house, raisedyou. you didn't even spare him? kajri i did not...- no...quiet! i came to you thatnight asking about him tell me...why don't you say?
you knew... ...you knew that rakla wasdead. didn't you? every day you saw his wife gettingdressed like a married woman... didn't you feel guilty? come.. wipe off the vermillionfrom her forehead do it.. chief, take a decisionright now.. this thief can't livein this village!
killed my friend rakla! his wife is a witch fromthe enemy village... she is a bad omen.. ...has ruined our village let's throw them out of the village- yes yes, banish them chief! bakka, take your wife& leave this village you don't belonghere anymore maybe you didn't kill rakla..
...but you are responsiblefor his death why don't you allbelieve me? we'll get sweetwater from this well i'll dig water for you bastard! we've allworked hard for it chief, we will not let him take asingle drop of water from this well! his wife is expecting.. we'll give him only one bowlof water for the unborn baby ..every day!
you are right.. let's go please believe me.i am telling the truth you'll spare me waterfrom my own well! come kesar...we'll goto your village i am their son-in-law bakka belongsto them now see, chief you did whatyou wanted..
you said, "he's the god of water.he'll get us water!" "he's a govt. employee!"i didn't say anything.. he isn't capable offinding water.. nor is he a govt.employee any more... this bastard is a thief,who killed his own friend look at the blunder you'vecommitted at your age, chief! bakka and kesar will not beallowed inside this village even if you allow, i won'tlet them stay here.. let's see,what you can do
yes chief, we won't allowthem in this village go back.. leave! dig up the entire desertand find your own well.. drink all thewater you want get lost..! water! bakka, water.. kesar, i can feel the dampnesswe'll find water. get up! you don't believe me?
how can i believe you, bakka? vela bhai..did you find water? there's no wateranywhere.. who's there? who is it? give me onebowl of water just one- you! my child needs water- stealing water from my house! my child will die..
bloody thief! vela bhai- look there he was stealing water chief, bakka hascreated a nuisance keeps sneaking intopeople's houses chief, please give me oneextra bowl of water today my child is growing...needs water chief, pay heed.. ..and do somethingabout him
otherwise hewill ruin us all first it was rakla... then the gold... and then this drought think of something! vela bhai is right.- do something chief! teach him a lesson! tie this rascal & drag himto the middle of the desert ae kesar..
water...give me water, puniya your father did notgive you any water? my...my child's thirsty give me water i am thirsty too shall i quench your thirst? shall i? don't run... oh...what are you doing?you are carrying a child. it will die
kesar, careful... you'll get hurt spare me today; i'll let you do another day...- no, no...not another day not fair... i have to quench mythirst today don't be scared. it'll be fun,sit comfortably i've waited for youfor so long be calm.we'll do it gently ae puniya!
you scoundrel!leave her... what the...!what's her problem? you stay...wait listen... go towards the desert and find somebodyfor yourself... i had heard there is justone lion in this desert have you givenup hunting? ...living off leftovers?
why are you after my life?what's your problem? an old lion, you've become ...setting up bait... ...settling forwhatever comes your way look at her, she's so helpless.she's pregnant. hungry and thirsty you are a man, right? want to showyour manhood? do you? show me then! i am a virgin
keep giving water! lion made the kill! i'll take the burden of thisfavour to my grave, kajri bakka has been a part of mesince childhood if you were not carryingbakka's child.. ..i would not have evenlooked back here...give waterto your child i, bakka.. i was called 'god of water'
i found water for othersand today.. since i was a little girl,i have been hearing.. ..bakka will find water bakka is the god of water!what's happened to this god? you are the hope of this dry,burning desert it's not bakka's fault, kajri it's my fault! your prayers helped him.this was your right. i took it away now you perform the rite...
then bakka will find water we got waterin our well i got water for you... rain in desert!how is it possible? see, there is waterin our well kesar, kesar! get up kesar! see, we got water.. kesar, get up!
bakka, the god of water...who found water for everybody he was neverseen after that hello...is this bakka's house? yes...

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