(melancholy instrumental music) ♪ the lord is my shepherd ♪ now i shall not want ♪ he maketh me to lie down in green pastures ♪ he leadeth me beside the still waters ♪ he restoreth my soul, my soul ♪ and he leadeth me into ♪ the path of righteousness ♪ for his name's sake
♪ yea, though i walk ♪ through the valley ♪ in the shadow of death ♪ i will fear no evil ♪ for thou art with me ♪ thy rod and thy staff ♪ they comfort me ♪ thou preparest a table before me (crying and praying)
♪ in the presence of mine enemies ♪ - [voiceover] i guess you're wondering, how did an upper-middleclass housewife get herself in a predicament like this? well, that's a question i have asked myself on many occasions. the great harlem renaissance writer and poet langston hughes once asked the profound question, "what happens to a dream deferred?"
well, from as far back as i can remember i have dreamed of beinga wife and a mother. you know, a large beautiful home, a loving, supportive husband with 2.1 kids and a dog (laughs). that was my dream, now don't get me wrong, like many of the girls my age i wanted to have a successful career as well. and for the mostpart, i achieved
everything that i ever wanted. - mommy, mommy, daddy's home! - [man] hi, baby. (laughs). how was school? it was good? you finish all your homework? - yes. - good, come on, so tell me about school. - [woman] oh, ooo-oo-oo!
hold that pose, hold it. okay, everybody say "cheese." - cheese! - [man] did you finish it all? - [young girl] (laughing) stop it, mommy, stop! - not until you give me what i need. - what do you need? - i am the sugar monster and i need something sweet. okay, go on upstairs so me and your daddy can talk.
- [man] (sighing) oh, man. - so, did you get the deal? - i did. - [woman] yes! - [man] i did. - no! - [woman] oh, come on. - no. we need new furniture. - no, no, no, no. - meanie. - [man] yeah, you love it.
that was right on time, baby, how did you know that i needed that? - i have a master's degree in nate-tology. - come here. nate-tology, i like that. (laughing) so, how's my little man doing in there? he do any kicking today? - he's actually been quiet today.
he usually doesn't start jumping around until nighttime, just like his daddy. - you know, i'm really looking forward to this baby. i mean, don't get me wrong, me and niki we got a special relationship, i mean like daddy's little girl. but, monday night football and the final four. i mean, i'm like that baby boy. - yes, it's just like having a miniature
copy of yourself in the world. - yeah, my mini me. how do you know that? - i told you, i have a degree in nate-ology and it's one of the things you mentioned on our first date. - what was that? - mm-hmm, you said that one of your dreams was to someday have a son so you could teach him everything you knew andbe there for him the
way your father was never able to be there for you. and i thank god that i will be able to fulfill your dreams. - i love you. so, how was your first day in your new big position? - good, i just think it's going to take my staff awhile toget get used to the fact that there's a new sheriff in town and she wears anne klein and not brooks brothers. - ah, i wouldn't let that worry me too much, baby.
once they realize howsmart and well-prepared you are, they can't help but to fall in love with youjust like i did. - mmm, thank you,honey, you are so sweet. so, you ready for tonight? dinner with anne and her new friend. you know, i don't want to hear it, nate. we have been planning this dinner for weeks. - i was just gonna say i need to go take a shower first.
what time does it start? - seven, i'm getting ready to feed nikki, the sitter will be here at six. - okay, i'll go get ready-- - [woman] go! - i knew-- - [woman] get thee gone, poof! - [voiceover] yes, i achieved all of my dreams. however, that's not where my story begins,
it actually begins with my mother. it was the day of her big speech at the virtuous women's annual convention. - [man] and now without further ado, i bring you the woman who has built this organization from the ground up and has become one of the foremost authorities on women's ministry in the nation. please, join me in welcoming the illustrious
president of the virtuous women's ministry of america, evangelist lois helms. (applause) - good day, fellow virtuous women of america. to my esteemed pastor, reverend alton, the distinguished guests on the roster and to all those assembled. - we love you, lois! - i love you, too.
each and every one of you... see i promised myself i was not going to get emotional. but, when you spend 25 years of your life working with a group of women who are as committed and dedicated as you all are, it's hard. i'm gonna discuss today a topic that is very near and dear to my heart, reaching young women in today's society. and many of you know i am a proud mother
and grandmother, my daughter is a college graduate. - look as miss td jakes up there. - child, it's a mess, ain't it? - what is? - [woman in pink hat] miss holier than thou, standing up there lying between her teeth talking about all that god has done for her. i'll tell you it's a shame before god. - [woman with glasses] but, doesn't the bible say,
"let the redeemed of the lord say so." my gosh, if god has donesomething good for her why shouldn't she tell it wherever she goes? - sharing can sound a lot like bragging when you do it too often. - [woman in pink hat] child, ain't that the truth? - [woman] mm-hmm. - anyway, don't believe the hype. lois is phonier than a 12 dollar bill.
- [woman in glasses] oh my goodness, she's your sister, why are you saying that? - well, for one thing, she just started that good for nothing teddy robbins and i bet you she's sleeping with him already. - and you know that how? - i know teddy. - i bet you do. does she know about ya'all?
- no, none of her business and he's not spending time with a woman unless she's giving up something, you can believe that. - if she's so virtuous she wouldn't even be dating a man like that. - now that's a good point. - [lois] and now in the springtime of my deliverance i am encouraged and blessed by the legacy that my sweet daughter patty
is destined to leave me, as a truly virtuous woman. - i bet. - well, what about patty, she's doing okay isn't she? - well, i'd be doing good, too, if i had a husband as fine as nate. - nice and strong! - shhh! (laughs) - if lois spent half the time with her daughter as she spent running around the
country pretending tobe miss super christian, she'd be better off because, uh (chuckles) quiet as it's kept, allis not well in paradise. - hmm, i heard that. i tell you what, if girlfriend, what's her name? - patty. - patty ever slips up, you tell your nephew nate to holla at a sister. i'll take real good care of him.
- (laughing) girl, you crazy. now, that's your sister, lillie, why don't you call her out on it. - half sister. - excuse me. - and i don't have to, 'cause my mama always said what don't come out in the wash will come out in the rinse. she'll eventually reap what she sows.
- so, lillie, how's your daughter doing? i haven't seen her around lately. - who, bay bay? - mm-hmm. - oh, she's fine, honey,she just got a new job and is about to moveinto her own apartment. - oh! - that's nice! - [lois] but, i am inspired by the words that the
lord spoke to the apostle paul's thorn-pierced soul. "my grace is sufficient for thee." thank you all or listening, i love you. and god bless you all. (slow-tempo instrumental music) - oh, lord! (laughs) didn't i tell you to stop scaring me like that? you're gonna give me a heart attack. - yeah, well, i just wanna see if you've
been paying attention to all the training that i have been living you, apparently not because for the last 15 minutes i've been up in that little observatory right there observing you and you never, ever did notice. what did i always tell you? what did i always say? i said look this way, that way, right, left,
60 meters that way you can notice any suspicious peoples. - look, i appreciate your concern, but if you think i'm gonna walk around like some spy or special agent like you are, you sadly mistaken. - trying to keep you safe, baby, alright. - this is all the safety i need. how'd you like my speech? - magnifique, not only that, you delivered it with the grace and the precisionof a brilliant orator.
- oh, stop. - yeah, so to properly celebrate your retirement i reserved a table foryou and me at b. smith's where we can chow on some nice cuisine, listen to some smooth jazz and then afterwards go to your house and get into a little somethin'-somethin', - uh, stop it now. - what? - didn't we discuss this before?
i told you when we gottogether i'm a christian woman and i don't engagein sex before marriage. - yeah, yeah. - besides, we'veonly been seeing each other for a few months. - yeah, it's more likethree and a half months. like this is the second time around, like 20 years ago now again, come on. - i know.
- how long is a brothersuppose to wait? - well, look, if you want it, you better put a ring on it. (laughter) - okay. - okay? - alright, we'll talk about it later. - alright. (church bells) - [lillie] hey, sis.
- hey! - that was a splendid presentation you gave today. - thank you. - girl, i'll tell you, you're gonna really be missed. - thank you, i'm gonna miss you guys, too. but, like i said in myspeech, there's a season for everything under the sun. now it's time for me to step aside and let somebody else take over.
you'll feel alright, trust me. - i hope so, so what's up next for miss big time evangelist? movies, book deals, oprah? - actually, i was thinking about writing a book, but i think i'm just gonna relax and enjoy nikki. - i heard that, what happened to your dreams of retiring to florida? i guess this economy finally brought you back down to earth with the rest of us, huh?
- (clears throat) - [lillie] oh, excuse me, you're serious ain't you? - [lois] as a heart attack, i have been saving like crazy, i'm almost there. barring any unforeseen circumstances i will be sitting on thefront porch overlooking the atlantic ocean by the end of the year. - well, you go girl, just don't forget about your big sister when you get there.
- oh, you can visit anytime, just don't stay too long. - look, i'm going over here to holler at geraldine for a minute. - [lois] okay.- [lillie] i'll call you later. - alright, thanks. oh, where's this girl? - hey, kids! (cheering) are you ready tosee some tricks?
- [kids] yeah! - anne, where's patty? - i was gonna ask you the same thing. she was supposedto meet me after work but she never showed up. i just assumed she was here with you. - yeah, well she better get her behind here because i've got things to do. (phone ringing)
- (sighs) - [anne] i'm sure everything's okay, miss lois. she probably hooked up with one of her girlfriends from work and just forgot all about me. - nate, it's mom, i was wondering if you know where patty is, when you get this message call me right away, okay, bye. baby, can't you see i'm using the phone, i thought you were watching the clown.
i'll call you in a little bit, okay? - but i'm hungry. - [lois] if you tell me you are hungry one more time-- - [anne] miss lois, look, i came here to pick up breelyn and anaya anyway, so why don't you let me take nikki with me. we'll grab a pizza and go to the park or something while you wait on patty. - would you?
- sure, miss lois. - [lois] thank you. - [anne] no problem. - okay, go on with miss anne, alright? - [anne] come on, girl. - where is everybody? - lois. - yes, pastor. - we forgot to giveyou something. (laughs) - nate, it's mom again,i was wondering if
you heard from patty yet, call me as soon as you get this. oh, man, what is going on? - mr. carter, you havean emergency phone call. excuse me. hello? - nate, where have you been? i've been trying to reach you all day. - i've been in meetingsall day, what's wrong?
- [lois] patty was supposed to pick nikki up this afternoon. i have not seen her, anne came, but she didn't know where patty was. i've been waiting all day for her. do you have any idea where she is? - mom, calm down, mymeeting is almost over, i'll meet you in the house in about an hour, okay? - okay, okay, i'll be there. oh, my goodness, where is this child?
- hello, howard university hospital. - [lois] hello, i was wondering if you have recently admitted a patient by the name of patricia carter. - one moment, please. sorry, we have no one here by that name. - [lois] thank you very much. - [woman] thank you, bye. - [nate] what's wrong? - patty was supposed to pick nikki up this afternoon and she never showed up,have you heard from her?
- no, not since this morning, she was supposed to hook up with anne and then meetyou at the conference. - oh, lord, i'm startingto get worried, nate. this is so unlike patty,she would have called me by now, something's happened. - alright, well, i don't think you need to panic, mom. have you talked to anne? - yes, she was at the conference and she hasn't seen or heard from her.
i have called every friend and family member i can think of. i even called all the hospitals, i would call the police but i don't think they do anything until they've been missing for 36 hours or something, lord. - what about, um, anne'snew friend franklin? he's a d.c. cop, right? maybe he can help us. - i'm gonna call anne. - [franklin] i wish i could more, but that's the policy.
give it another 24 hours, if she doesn't show up i'll do a full report. i'll tell you what, fill out this form. i'll send out a department-wide email. that way all the the officers will at least be aware that she may be missing. - okay, thank you. - no problem, wish i could do more. - [lois] (crying) lord help me, please.
(melancholy instrumentalmusic continues) i love you, patty. where is my baby? i loathe you, patty, why don't you just... call me, oh, god. (crying) - [nikki] daddy, what happened? - [nate] don't touch that! come here, baby, listen. we can't touch anything until the police comes, okay?
daddy's sorry for yelling at you baby, okay? come here, sweetie. - [lois] hello? - ma, hey, can youhold onto nikki for me, somebody broke into the house. (camera shutters) - so, give me full details. - there's not much to give, i found it like this when i got home.
- what time did you get home? - i got here around one o'clockand i found it like this. i immediately called you then i took nikki to my mother-in-law's. that's not all, come here. i keep at least 2,500 dollars worth of cash in here at alltimes and it was empty. - have you noticed anything else missing? - no.
- [franklin] no clothing, nojewelry, no high end equipment? - [franklin] and you'venoticed no forced entry, no broken glass, no locks that may have been tampered with? - no, but i did findthis in the front lawn. - let's take that into evidence. we're gonna do somemore tests on the house. perhaps it's gonna give us a few leads. - but, in the meantime, you should consider changing your locks.
- if i change my locks how'smy wife gonna get in the house? - i'm just saying, man, for the safety of you and your daughter, if i was you. i mean, listen, when your wife gets home she can always go stay at a relative's house or a friend's, until you get there, it's just a recommendation. - fine. (rap music) - [anne] hello?
- anne! - [anne] patty! look, hold on a second,let me pull over. girl, where are you? - [patty] it doesn't matter, where's nikki? - she's with your mother, now where are you? - there's no hope for me, anne. - don't talk like that,now look, tell me where you are, i'm coming to get you.- no!
- i just called to see if i could borrow some money, you know i'm good for it. - well, how much do you need? - about $2,500. - $2,500! hey, i don't have that kind of money on me, i thought you had some money in the bank. what happened to all that money you had saved? patty?
- look, anne, don't hassle me, you gonna give me the money or what? - we'll discuss thatwhen i come and get you, now tell me where you are. - how come nobody cares about where i am until they don'tknow where i am? besides, you can't come where i am. - well, why not? can you speak?
is somebody there with you? patty, are you being held hostage? - yes, how soon can you get me the money? - okay, tell me where you are first. patty, patty! oh, god. yes, i need to speakto lieutenant franklin. - [nate] so, to what do we owe this nocturnal honor? - [anne] i heard from patty tonight.
she asked to borrow$2,500, i think someone may be holding her hostage. - [franklin] that's why we thought it was important to have this emergency gathering, time is of the essence. nate, do you know of anyone that would have been motivated to do something like this? a business partner, an associate, anybody? - no, i mean, my business is pretty cut-throat, but i can't imagine somebody doing something like this.
- [franklin] i'm not shocked, i've seen a a lot of things my 30 years on the force. - [theodore] uh, franklin, i don't know if anyone has mentioned to you,but i work for the fbi. now, although i've usually handled more high-profile cases-- - [franklin] no offense,stay in your lane, this is a local incident and mpd have been trained to handle situations like this, thank you. - no problem.
- nate, i'm gonna need the names of your business associates andmost fierce competitors. ♪ i'm so excited to celebrate forever ♪ with the love of my life ♪ i'm so excited to celebrate ♪ together as man and wife ♪ i always hoped and prayed ♪ god send my way a man made just for me ♪ mmm, fine as can be
♪ my earthly king ♪ and then you came my way ♪ such style and grace ♪ and i smiled inside, yeah ♪ i got my mr. right ♪ he's mine, all mine ♪ i'm so excited... ♪ - hey, ma. - [lois] hi, baby.
- how are you? - [lois] i'm good, did you change the locks? - yes, ma'am, i actually just finished changing them, so i'm gonna drop nikki off in about an hour, okay? - [lois] okay, how long will you be gone? - i don't know, ma, shouldn't be more than two days. - [lois] oh, that's no problem. - okay, see you when i get there. - [lois] alright.
- [patty] i'll be back with your money in five minutes. believe me, i don't want no drama. - [woman] hold up, i'll come in with you. hey, yo, patty, look, this ain't no game, alright? he gonna pump a gat in both our heads! now, look, you just go in like you did last time, alright? you get this money and we out, alright? - i told you, i got this. - [woman] go on now, go get it.
what's going on? - my key won't work. - what the hell! - um, can i use your phone, i need to make a call. - man, what i look like, at&t? - you want your money, right? - [woman] she good for it, youngin, she good for it. - [lois] oh, god. patty, where are you?
we've been worried sick about you! - i can't talk to you about that right now, i'll tell you about it later. - oh, you've got a lot of explaining to do, where are you, i'm gonna come get you. - i'm home, um, i can't get my key to work, what's going on? ma? - nate changed the locks. - [patty] what, what do you mean he changed
the locks, this is my house, what gives him the right to changethe locks at my house? - patty, what do you expect, you've been gone for three days and somebodybroke into the house. - i don't care how long i've been gone, this is still my house. - look, patty, why don't you come over here and we'll talk about it. - no, ma, i need you to call nate right now
and tell him to let me in. - nate is out of town, nikki's here with me so you don't have no choice. you just need tocome home and be with your family, we miss you. - i know, ma, if idon't give these people their money they gonna kill me. - well, how much money do they need, pat? - $3,500.
- thirty...i thought it was 25, when did it go up? okay, pat, if i get the money will they let you go? - alright, alright, where do you want me to meet you? - um, uh, meet me at the corner of 6th and florida avenue in an hour. - [lois] patty, i can'tmeet you in an hour, the banks are notopen, i'll get it first thing in the morning and i'll meet you at 9:30, okay? - patty?
oh! (retching) - got it, my mom's gonna give it to me first thing in the morning. - yeah, i told you she was good for it, i told you she wasgood for it, right cuz? she got this! (laughing) - [youngin] you hoes must think this is a game. - oh, uh-uh.
- [youngin] now see, when we get back around the way you best be coming up with my five g's or else i'm gonna putthis steel to your head. - [patty] five thousand dollars? no, no, i only owe you $3,500. - [woman] yeah. - oh, really, (laughs) no, see, you and shorty smoked that up this morning. now you owe me interest,plus you owe me for
bringing me all the way out here on game time, you dig? - don't worry, i'll get your money. - [youngin] i ain't worried,'cause see if i know one thing, even if you gotta get out there on them streets turnin' tricks,you gonna get my money. and every hour you late, tab goes up. drive! (footsteps) (door creaking)
(slow-tempo piano music) - where are you? - [patty] ma, do you see the man hiding in the bushes? - [lois] yeah. - [patty] he's gonna walk over and get the money from you. - okay, but i need them torelease you as soon they get it. - [patty] it's nothappening that way, ma. - what do you mean it'snot happening that way? - [patty] they're not gonna letme go as long as you're here.
trust me i'll be home in anhour after they get their money. - ya got something for me? (clock ticking) (door bell ringing) (door bell ringing repeatedly) - now is not a good time, ted. - ♪ put your clothes on, baby ♪ we're going out tonight ♪ (laughs) - you're so sweet, but i can't.
- [ted] baby, hey, i am not hearing this. i got tickets for the phantom of the opera, i got dinner reservations before that, i got the chefs waiting, so, baby, ♪ if you wanna go to heaven the curtain's at seven. ♪ - i can't, ted, i can't, i'm sorry. - lois, baby, sitting around the house, i mean, moping, is never, ever gonna make things better. - i can't, i have nikki with me.
- [ted] so, call anne, i'm quite sure she'll take care of nikki for you. listen, i'm not gonna leave this place 'til you say yes, i want you to say yes, say yes, come on, you can say yes, say yes. - (laughing) okay, you make me sick. alright. - good girl. - it's been an unbelievable week.
- hey, shhh, we'll talk about it at dinner, okay? - okay, why don't you fix yourself something while i call anne and put myself together, okay? - [ted] good girl. hey, baby, you got any of that bourbon i left here the other day? - in the kitchen cabinetwhere you left it. - [lois] you're the only one who drinks around here. (uptempo contemporary jazz music)
- [lois] this is sweet, thank you. thank you for being so honest, ted. i really needed this. (laughs) - everything's gonna be alright, baby. - you know, i haven't had a good night's sleep in days. worrying about patty and afraid that at any moment i'm gonna get that infamous call from the police or the morgue telling meto come identify a body. i don't know what to do, ted.
- hey, everything's gonna be alright. - i took all thatmoney out and i thought they were gonna release her. - wait, hold on, all that money, what are you talking about, for who-- - patty, she called me yesterday, she told me to meet her at the corner of 6th and florida and if i brought $3,500 they would let her go. - so...
- i went to the bankand withdrew some of the money i was saving for my retirement. - who did you give the money to? - i don't know, some old hoodlum with a scraggly beard. - wait a minute, i mean,what are you telling me? you took $3,500 in cashand you gave it to some hoodlum with a beard, you know what that is? that is insane. - i don't need your criticism right now, ted.
- you're right, this guy with this beard, think you would recognize him again if you saw him? that's good, 'cause that will come in handy with the investigation. - what are you doing? - calling my man, jackwilson, it's about time we got to the bottom of this. jack, yes, ted, yeah, i'm fine, man, how you doing? okay, good, look, jack, favor,
working on a very important case. yeah, it's personal. my man, okay, i'll see you at the bureau in the morning? terrific, thanks, bye. we're gonna find out who's behind this in a few days now, that i promise you, jack is one of the best agents we got. this is something i should have took care of a long time ago. this is situation is much too big
for franklin and his mpd boys. but, i don't know, something's got me, it's got me puzzled. i mean why would they ask for such a small amount? what kind of hostage takers would ask for only $3,500? it doesn't make sense, unless they're from the hood. what's the matter? - that's what i'm afraid of. - patty's past coming back to haunt us.
- baby, you don't-- - i don't know what to think, all i know is that i'mjust tossing and turning every night contemplating where i failed as a parent. - god, you failed no one. - well, why is it happening then? i don't know, i just wonder if my decision to leave her dad has something to do with this. - oh, i can't hear this one again.
look, that was many years ago. hey, you made the best decisionsyou could do at the time. listen to me, hey, baby,stop reliving the past. besides, you think that old factory worker could ever have afforded to take you to a high class, five star place like this? (laughs) there's my smile, everything's gonna be alright, alright? i love you, baby. (knock at door)
- [franklin] come in, it's good to see you guys. have a seat. - [nate] so? - well, i got good news and bad news. - okay, well, give us the good news first. - [franklin] we got a positive id on one known criminal in the area. she has a long record ofpetty theft, robberies, drug possession, we should have no problem locating her.
- okay, well, that's great news. what, spit it out, brother. - [franklin] well, there's no easy way to say this. the results alsoindicate that your wife, more than likely was with the criminal. franklin, she lives there, of course her prints are gonna be on everything, my dna's probably on everything, too. - [franklin] no, you don't understand.
these tests that was taken was taken exclusively at the crime scene. the cell phone that you gave me, your wife and the suspect's prints were all over it. - so, what are you saying, franklin? - [franklin] since therewas no forced entry, it looks like it was an inside job. - you know what,i'm tired of you coming up with these theories, franklin, what i need
for you to do is solve this case, let's go, mom. - well, no, no, no, no, nate, just sit down, sit down. - [franklin] listen, no disrespect, let me just be very clear, i'm not saying that patty stole anything. these people probably forced her to do it. but, one thing's certain and two thing's for sure. patty and the suspect was together the day of the crime. - this is insane. so, what's the suspectsname, franklin?
- [franklin] diane "bay bay' johnson. - [franklin] diane "bay bay' johnson, she's a well-known criminal-- - [lois] oh, my god, oh no, oh no! - [nate] what's wrong, ma, you okay? - oh, lord, give me strength. diane, or bay bay, ispatty's younger cousin. she's my sister lillie's only child. - i don't feel like playing this anymore.
- [lois] you would thinkthat since patty was the oldest she would have been the leader of the relationship, but that was far from the case. bay bay seemed to have a gravitational pull on patty. - i don't know about this, bay bay. - [bay bay] stop being such a scaredy cat and just drink it. - i don't-- - [bay bay] what are you scared of?
- [lois] it didn't take long for her to graduate. at first it was just alcohol. patty! what, get up, what is going on down here? then it was marijuana and before long... get up those stairs right now! - i'm so sorry! - [lois] look at this, oh my goodness, look at this, bottles under this bed!
what are you doing? oh, my-- - [patty] it's not what it looks like! - you have a problem, patty! - [patty] no, i don't! - [lois] you are smoking-- - [patty] i'm holding it for my friends. - [lois] stop it! you have a problem and you are not gonna disrespect me in my house, do you understand me? - [patty] i'm not disrespecting you!
- don't, don't touch me. - [lois] she seemed so angry and bitter, i thought i was gonna lose her. - i'm leaving. - patty, baby... - [man] so, a couple ofyou have already shared your story, now i wantlilly to share a little bit about how you came to be here today. - my best friend brought me here today,
she didn't like that i do drugs. but, ever since i was little my mom... - [woman] so, how's school? - [patty] it's good. - [woman] okay, do you have any friends? - yes, i have friends. - okay, do you like to hang out with your friends? - yes, i like to hang out with my friends, i'm not a nut case, idon't just stay at home.
- you know what, let's try a different approach. - great. - so, patty, what made you decide to try alcohol? - my little cousin bay bay. - [lois] and then god answered my prayers and things started to change. - excuse me, could you repeat that? - [man] so, we've talkedabout who you are, what brought you here today, now let's talk
a little bit about how we're gonna deal with this. - well, um, i guess youall know how i got here from my little cousin bay bay and now i'm hanging out with people that, you know, focus in school, are in activities and i realized, like, i'm better, i'm a better me. - [lois] we kept her away from bay bay and we got her back on track. she graduated from highschool and she got the
scholarship to howard university. and then met you. i had every intention of telling you soon. the time got away and then after awhile you two were doing so well i didn't want to bring you any problems. besides, i thought patty would have told you by now anyway. i'm sorry, son, nate, please say something. - [lois] oh, god, my baby is out there somewhere.
oh, lord, please take care of my baby. when will this nightmare end, lord? probably not until she's dead. at least then i'll know where she is. (uptempo instrumental r&b music) - what the hell are you doing, sonny, we don't have all day, man. - give me a second, cuz. - [nate] what are you doing, sonny?
- man, chill out, man, you're messing up my swag, man. this goes out for the homies that ain't here no more. - not today, man. - woot-woot, don'tsleep, man, don't sleep. - [nate] play golf, sonny. - man, you done messed up my tips, man. trying to cheer you up, young, lighten the atmosphere a little around here. - the atmosphere don't
need lightening, just play golf, sonny. are we gonna play or what, sonny? - shhh. - (imitates sound) you like that sound, don't you? you need to get out your head, man. stop your crying and you might learn how to do this. come on, nate, man, you ain't been yourself today, man, talk to me. - i don't wanna talk about it, sonny.
- that's why were come out here every week, young, so we can talk about it, you can't talk to me, man, who can you talk to? - why would i talk to you, sonny? i'm a married man andyou're in your late 40's running around here like ateenager trying to be a player. how could you possibly understand what i'm going through? - teenager? i'm a grown man.
- whatever, sonny. - it's hard out here for a pimp, man. - you're sick, you know that? - yeah. - [nate] sorry, man, i didn't mean that. - [sonny] it's all good, cuz. nate, man, for real, what's going on, man, you can talk to me. - i feel like my whole life is
disenegrating right before my eyes, man i don't know what to do, sonny. i didn't tell you this, but, um, patty's been missing, man, and what's worse is she's pregnant. first they said thatit's a possibility that she was being held hostage, i get a call yesterday that says, um... - [sonny] hey, man, hey, it's gonna be alright, man.
believe me, i'm talking to you. - i find out yesterday that my wife was an addict as a teenager. - hey, i'm sorry, man. - fifteen years, sonny. fifteen years i've beenmarried to this woman. i don't know what's true anymore, man. feel like my whole life is a farce. - i'm just not that very good at this
because it's usually youthat gives the advice. but, all's i can think of is what you told me on so many occasions. - what's that? - [sonny] you've got to trust god, man. you're the one that always said that he's faithful and he's never failed you yet. no better time to trust in his faith with us than now. you feel me, man?
- yeah, i feel you. - come on, man, let'sgo play this golf, man. - oh my god. - grandma, what happened? - oh, pastor, this is so embarrassing. - embarrassed about what, we need to call the police, that's what we-- - [lois] wait, wait, wait! it doesn't sherlock holmes to figure out who's behind this.
- you don't think-- - honey, why don't you go next door and play with deborah. - but, grandma-- - look, no buts, nikki,everything's gonnabe alright, okay? just don't tell anybody the way that the house look, okay? - [pastor] lois, youdon't think patty would do something like this, would you? - that's why i invitedyou here today, pastor. it's official, patty's relapsed.
- oh, no. - after all these years. - oh, no, no, no, no. - (crying) it's my worse nightmare. and quite frankly, pastor, i don't think i can go through it again. tell me, tell me when does one stop reaping from the harvest of youthful lust? how long, how loud does one have to yell
before god hears her desperate cries? oh, no, oh, god, it's gone! - gone, what's gone? - the emergency moneythat i keep in that jar, it's gone, every damn bit of it is gone! patricia elba carter i hate you! oh, i curse the day you were born! do you hear me! (sobbing) - [patty] yes, mother, i hear you.
- what is it? oh, there's nobody. - $3,500 wasn't enough for you! - lois, stop it. - you had to come back and get it all. - stop it. - $3,500 of my retirement money! - [lois] but, you need it more. - you need to stop.
- [lois] well, you can smoke away your hopes and dreams, but i'll be damned if you gonna smoke away mine! - mama! - [pastor] that's enough, whoa-whoa! - [lois] you think i'm playing - [patty] sorry, sorry! - [lois] with you, you gonna-- - mom, i'm sorry! - [nikki] grandma, what's going on? - [lois] come here, baby. i don't think i'm gonna make it, pastor.
- [pastor] ah, you will, you're a strong, black woman, but i don't think we shouldfocus on you so much right now. patty, she's gotta be hurtin' pretty bad to do something this drastic. - you think i give a rat's... do you think i care how much patty's hurtin' right now? i'm dying here! - why you talkin' about dying? - these should be my golden years,
i should be on a beach somewhere, relaxing by the water. instead i'm here dealing with a crackhead daughter who's trying to take every dime i got. i just turned 60 years old, pastor. look at me, i used to be an attractive middle age woman, now i look like i'm 75 years old. - you're still very attractive. - thank you, pastor, but i know better. i wanna show you something.
and please, pastor, not a word about this to anybody. - lois, we're gonna have to-- - please, pastor, not one word. (dramatic instrumental music) - wussup, baby girl? she in there? don't smoke it all in one place. (uptempo dramatic instrumental music) (screaming)
- hello? speaking. okay, is everything okay? (sound of screaming) i was expecting your call. ("here i am" by kevin levar) ♪ oh, lord ♪ - [pastor] surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.
and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever, amen. ♪ here i am, lord ♪ [choir] here i am ♪ standing in the need ♪ [choir] standing in the need of prayer ♪ here i am ♪ oh ♪ [choir] oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪ lord
♪ oh-oh-oh-oh ♪ i need your touch ♪ i need you, lord, i do♪ [choir] oh, here i am ♪ i need you, lord, i do ♪ lord, i need you, lord i need you ♪ standing in the need of prayer ♪ oh, lord ♪ - [pastor] father, in the name of jesus, we come in agreementwith you concerning your
anointed vessels singingthe anointed sound. we pray, oh, god, thatthis anointing, oh, god, will destroy the yokes in the lives of men and women, boys and girls everywhere. i pray that the holy spirit will hover over this sound and bring conviction to the hearts and the minds ofpeople, oh, god. causing them to realize that jesus christ is the answer, jesus christ is the lord to the glory of god, the father.
let it go, oh, god, into the far-reaching parts of this earth and allow this sound, oh, lord, to be heard to yourglory, in jesus's name. ♪ thank you for hearing ♪ [choir] thank you for hearing our prayer ♪ thank you for listening, lord ♪ you were listening ♪ you heard us, lord
♪ thank you for hearing our prayer ♪ you heard us ♪ thank you for listening ♪ souls that are in need ♪ if we call on you ♪ you'll listen ♪ oh, you heard us ♪ [choir] you heard us ♪ ohhh
♪ whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh ♪ oh, i'm standing in the need ♪ i'm standing in the need ♪ i need, it's not my mother, not my father ♪ it's not my sister, not my brother ♪ it's me, lord ♪ i need you, i need you ♪ i need you, lord ♪ i need you, lord ♪
- [pastor] see i haveset before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. and, lord, we choose life. - [anne] yes, jesus. - amen. - [lois] amen, oh, my baby. - i think she moved! - [nate] patty, baby, can you hear us? - [lois] baby, we're here.
- [anne] open your eyes, can you hear us? - [nate] patty, can you hear us? - [anne] oh, open your eyes, patty. - [pastor] glory be the god! (laughing) - [anne] she's awake! - [lois] thank you, jesus! - [pastor] praise in his holy name. - thank you, lord! - [anne] oh, thank you, jesus!
- [pastor] glory be thegod, glory be to god. - [anne] love you, god. - uh, no, i would like some of my mommy's really good fried chicken. - [lois] once we get outta here sometime today. - hey, what's up, ted? - you see your teddy bear, baby? - what are you doing here? you know i'm talking to you,
get the hell out of my room. - get out beforei call security. - [lois] patty, what is wrong with you? - i'll see you, see you outside, lois. - patty, what's wrong with you? - he's a no good child molester and a rapist. - [nate] whoa, what? - [lois] what? - [pastor] patty, that'sa serious accusation.
now you can't say that unless you have some kind of proof. - [patty] proof? i'm all the proof you need, pastor. - [lois] oh, god! - [patty] i've been trying to tell everyone this for years, but no one would listen. mom, when you used to leave me with aunt lillie, teddy would sneak into the room with bay bay and me. this went on for years and each time he
would finish with me hewould leave me a gift. he said it was to remind me of him. he said that he was my teddy bear. to this day i can't stand stuffed animals, especially teddy bears. - [lois] oh my god. - [pastor] nathan, where you going? - [lois] oh god. i gotta get outta here.
- why you always running away, ma, huh? it is time for you to stand up and be the evangelist that you claim to be. let the redeemed of the lord say so, ma! let the redeemed of the lord say so! - [nate] teddy! - [ted] oh, wait a minute, what are you gonna do, man? - get off me, get off me! - [ted] wait a minute!- [nate] get off me, get off me!
- [ted] hold on, man. hold up, wait! - [nate] get off me! - i didn't do nothing, man. patty's crazy, you know that! your girl's crazy! - [woman] she can come by and see me at some point-- (knock at the door) uh, i have to go, i have a client
coming in, i'll talk to you later. hello, mrs. carter, i'm dr. williams, i'm the resident psychiatrist here at the hospital. i just wanted to do a routine check-up to see how you're coming along. so, how have things been going? - well... - have you been able to sleep? - okay, let's try something.
i want you to close your eyes, lay back and just relaxfor a few moments. that's right, just relax. now, what comes to your mind? ♪ who am i and where do i belong? ♪ - [young patty] daddy, do you love me? - yes, baby, you know yourdaddy loves you very, very much. - [young patty] how much? - [patty's dad] what's with all the questions today?
- [young patty] i'm just so happy. - [patty's dad] well, happy little girl, you know your mother has dinner waiting for us at the house so we gotta get home and i gotta get to work. but, ill see ya in the morning. - [young patty] mm-hmm. - alright? - [young patty] you promise?
- yes, i promise. - cross your heart? - [patty's dad] cross my heart. - [patty] two times? - [patty's dad] cross my heart two times. - three times? - [patty's dad] look, sweetie, we gotta get home before your mother puts her hands across both our butts. - [patty] i think all my problems
began the night my daddy left. - daddy loves you. ♪ thought i was a loser ♪ and blamed myself for everything ♪ but now when i look in the mirror ♪ i see what god... ♪ - [patty] that was the last time i saw my daddy. i thought there wassomething wrong with me, maybe i wasn't pretty enough, this was the
foundation of all my hurt and pain. and then one morning on my way to work my life took a sudden, dramatic turn for the worse. - [woman] patty? patty, wussup, cuz! (laughs) hey, wussup, cuz, it'sme your cousin bay bay. - bay bay? - [bay bay] yeah! - hey, hey.
- [bay bay] look at you, look at you, in your little girl outfit. - um, how's your mom, how's aunt lillian? - [bay bay] don't know, don't care. she probably off at somechurch somewhere talking about jesus and love, she ain't never loved me. she put me out a long time ago. that's alright, we get all the love we need, ain't that right, baby? (laughs)
you know that's right. - we a couple. - you been up on trinidad lately, huh? - no, i've been working a lot. - i ain't mad at ya, cuz, go ahead, make that cheddar. (laughs) but, hey, look, red's and them back, girl. just like the old days and they got that butter, too. (laughs) come on now, you remember.
so, listen, this what you gonna do, alright, cuz. you get off work, you gonna come down and we gonna light it up, just like we used to back up in the days. - no, i'm good, i'm good, i'm good. - [patty] okay, i'm good. - [bay bay] alright. - you probably right, you go on ahead do the right thing, butyou change your mind, you know where to find me, holla at your girl, alright?
- [bay bay] so, come on, you're good, cuz. give your cousin a little piece, come on, break me off a littlesomething, come on, cuz. we ain't eaten in days, girl, i'm so hungry, like... we're so hungry. - for real though. - ah, you good for it, cuz, thanks! (laughs) - [patty] i realize now that it was no coincidence that i ran into bay bay.
all throughout the weeki kept getting these signs and symbols of getting high. it was as if satan himself was setting me up. - [bay bay's voice] red's and them back, girl, just like the old days,like the old days! and they got that butter, too, right? gonna light it up, gonna light it up, just like we used to back up in the day. you know me now, i'm trying to get at least a 8-ball, right?
change your mind, you know where to find me. - i'm sorry, wecouldn't save the baby. - [nate's voice] monday night football, the final four, that baby boy... (sobbing) - oh, god, no, no! - [dr. williams] look, i think you should come back and see mefor a few more sessions. i think there's much we need to talk about.
- welcome to the na's road to recovery. my name is tony, i'm a recovering alcoholic as well. - hi, tony. - i just wanted to bring you here today to talk about the principle objectives. the first one being to admit the problem. does anyone have anything they want to share? anyone, anyone at all? yes, ma'am.
- hi, my name is patty and some things from my past came back to haunt me and i didn't know how to deal with it, so, i started doing crack. i'd done drugs when i was younger... - mommy! - [patty] you been a good girl, yeah? (doorbell ringing) - i'm glad you could make it.
- well, haven't i alwaysbeen there for you? - i have something very important i need to ask you. - well, go ahead. - [lois] now, i want you to look me in my eyes when you answer the question. did you molest patty when she was a child? - we just talked about this on the phone. - i wanted to talk to you face to face, now i'm gonna ask you again.
did you rape and molest my daughter? ah, you can't believe anything that patty says. i mean, hey,man, she was probably high when she said it, your daughter's crazy! - [lois] all this time i've been bragging to my friends that i finally found somebody i could trust. it's amazing how gullible we women are. i also found out what you do for the fbi.
you think i was so shallow that i cared whether or not you were a security guard or some high level special agent? i loved you, but now i want you to leave. i said get out,because my daughter may be a lot of things, but she is not a liar. so, you get out of my house before i call the real police. - [doctor] i'm sorry, wecouldn't save the baby.
that was the final straw, i knew then that satan had won, i didn't have the resolve to fight anymore, i just wanted to escape. from then on it wasabout escaping reality. i was so disappointed with myself i couldn't stand it. i had to do whatever it took to stay high. (knocking on door) (pounding on door) - [patty] what!
what? - say you good, huh. you got the money? - [patty] yeah! - yeah, i knew you'd come through, cuz. hold up! warm in here, let me think. yeah! come on! yeah! (laughs)
well, come on, don't just stand there, help me, girl! you do that sofa, i'm gonna do this one. we gotta go, come on let's go! why you just standing there, come on, let's go! come on. - [patty] but, as always, the money eventually wears out. so, when anne asked me if i was being held hostage i just went along with it.
yes! so, that's whats been going on. - [dr. williams] you know, mrs. carter, i don't believe you have a drug problem. i think you're sufferingfrom bi-polar disorder. - bi-polar? - [dr. williams] yes, it's a disorder characterized by huge mood swings, from euphoria to severe depression.
when you're in a depressive state, you wanna feel normal again. so, you self-medicate by using drugs. bi-polar is often caused by some form of severe trauma, like the abuse youexperienced as a child. the good thing is, it's treatable with therapy and medication. now, this medication will take about a week or so to get into your system.
however, shortly thereafter you should start to feel your depression lifting and your mood stabilizing. - thank you. (laughs) - [dr. williams] i'll make your next appointment for friday at 10. ("my oasis" by kendra cash) ♪ you are my friend ♪ my lover and my lord
♪ you've changed my life ♪ in so many ways ♪ when i am down ♪ you raise me up ♪ and you give me ♪ the strength to go on ♪ you're my oasis ♪ you're my oasis ♪ - [nate] i wish you were here now, mama.
sure could use your advice. ♪ when i needed you ♪ you were always there ♪ mmm, you are my god ♪ - [dr. williams] and so he started dancing? - ymca-- - he's a really bad dancer. (laughs) - but, he makes you happy. - he does, yeah.
- [dr. williams] that's good. ♪ and when i cry ♪ you dry my tears ♪ and you help me overcome ♪ all my fears - [nate] it's a beautiful day. - [patty] yeah, it is. i'm sorry. - patty, you hurt memore than words can say.
but, yet my love for you is still here, it's still strong. the question that i have for you is, do you love yourself? - i've asked thatquestion my entire life. you know when i was stretched out on my back in that hospital, my dad, my dad came to me in a vision. i feel as if god has given me a second chance.
so, the answer to your question is i'm learning. i'm learning to love myself as i learn to love god. and from now on i am nolonger living my life as a victim, but as the victorious woman that god has called me to be. - how in the world did we get here? - [lois] here you go. - [patty] thank you. - [lois] wait, wait, cheers.
- i'm sorry, mom, i'm sorry for all of the hurt and pain that i've caused you over the years. you didn't deserve that. i have so much i need to tell you, i don't know where to begin though. but, i ask that you just hear me out. - i think all my problems began the night my daddy left. that was the last time i saw him.
but, what's worse is that he never said good-bye and you never mentionedhim from that moment on. why, ma? how come after all these years you never talk about my daddy? - i don't know, i come from a time and a culture when you just don't talkabout your problems. if a man is beating on you, keep it to yourself. cheating on you, you keep that to yourself.
mama was abused by lillie's father. she told me you take your troubles to the lord, nobody else. i'm sorry, baby, i agonized for years over the decision to leave your father, afraid it might have this kind of effect on you, but there was nothing else i could do. - what do you mean? - well, your father, though he loved you
very much was not a good husband. he had many issues, not the least of which was alcoholism. - [patty's dad] remind me i gotta get somebody to come look at this door, baby. - [lois] hey, it's six o'clock, where have you been? - i know what time it is, - where have you been? - it's six o'clock. - i told you i was going out. - no, no, no, you have a family,
you can't be gone all night. - why can't i? - [lois] you're not single anymore, - it's late at night, - [lois] we have a child. - you guys are sleeping. why can't i enjoy some-- - you don't care about us, i'm so sick of this!- [patty's dad] what do you mean - you are so not responsible, - i don't care, baby, look. you are--- calm down, clam down. - what is this?
oh my god. - look, don't get all dramatic, sweetheart. look, i ran into some friends-- - i've been putting up with your lies and your deception all this time! don't touch me! look at this, and there's more, look! look, all thesenumbers of other women! - that's not my--
- you don't! - [patty's dad] those are probably some of patty's friends-- - don't you lie on my child! - i'm not lying on--- [lois] i'm tired of your lying and your deceit, i am so tired of you! i am sick and tired of you! don't you touch me! - sit down!
- get out! get out of my house! this marriage is over, it is over! oh god! (sobbing) believe me, honey, i never wanted things to turn out this way. but, i just couldn'ttake the abuse anymore. now that you've told me what teddy did. oh god, i could just die.
- [patty] it's not your fault, ma. i used to blame you, teddy, myself. but, when i learned in treatment that most child abusers were abused themselves i understood it a little better. not that it hurt any less. - i can never forgive teddy for this. - [patty] well, he's not the only one who needs forgiveness.
- oh my god, i always knew lillie was jealous of me, i didn't know her hatred stemmed so deep. i'm so sorry, baby. i should have spent more time ministering to your needs rather than the needs of others. can you ever forgive me? - of course i can, ma, as long as you can forgive me.
- all this time we've been looking for the enemy and it has been right here with us. well, they say keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer. but, i say keep my family closest of all. - [patty] i love you. - [lois] i love you, too. (gentle piano music) - (retching)
- [patty] when were you gonna tell us you were sick, ma? - um, i started to tell you about it when we had out little talk. but, you two have been going though so much, i didn't want to burden you. - mommy, don't ever think that your problems are a burden to us. we love you, we're a family and we are in this together, okay?
- no more secret then, promise. - alright, i'm gonna hold you to that. - [lois] you'll like that. - [lillie] hey, kids. - hey, aunt lillie. but, ma, we'll be right back. we're gonna go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. - okay, could ya'll bring me some
of that vegan stuff you eat? hospital food is disgusting. - got you covered. - so, how are you, honey? - i'm better. how'd the executive meeting go the other day? - child, gloria showed her behind. she stood in front of the committee and said the reason why she wasn't
voted president was because we were jealous of her. can you believe that? no, she lost the votebecause she's trifling, girl is a mess, just the-- - lillie. how's bay bay? - she's-- - [lois] before you even try to think of a lie, i know she wasbehind patty's relapse. and i know she got pattystarted on drugs in
the first place, but what breaks my heart, is that my own fleshand blood could allow my baby girl to be repeatedly raped and molested. i could kill you. but, what i will do is pray, i'm gonna pray for you because anybody who could do something that evil, you got to be in more pain than i can ever inflict on you. your daughter left thisat my daughter's house
when she staged a break in, make sure she gets it. 'cause i don't ever want to see the two of you again. you can take your damn balloons with you. ♪ finally i see your love for me ♪ finally i believe it ♪ receive it, i breathe with it ♪ and live with you ♪ finally ♪ - i've got some good news for you,
your chemo treatment is working. - oh, i guess i'm gonna see my condo after all. (laughs) - [patty] welcome home,i'm just gonna drop this off upstairs and then i'll be back to get you something, alright? - [lois] yeah, alright. - (screams) - wussup, boo, you know you should have told your husband when he was changing all them locks,
don't forget to change the garage door. now, you knew i was gonna get my money, didn't you, you knew i was gonna get it, huh? - yeah, yes. - see, now you owe me your life plus 30 g's. so, what you say we get my money now, huh? huh, you with that? - [youngin] work that combination, girl, don't look at me. - [patty] get the gun away from him!
get the gun! - [youngin] get up, get up! - start saying your prayers, girl. (gunshot) - [nate] baby, i got him! - [franklin] that's enough, nate, that's enough, let's go that's enough, that's enough, that's enough. this is officer davis, shots fired, send the bull.
- [patty] okay now, mom? - [lois] oh, lord, yes. - [patty] and that's the first time i realized how much you love me. and where did you get all that superhuman strength, yousurprised me. (laughs) - i surprised myself, but i guess i can do all things throughgod, who strengthens me. - especially when it comes to my baby.
what do we say? - let the redeemed of the lord say so. - [woman] wow, you havesuch an amazing story. i do have one more question for you however. - sure, go right ahead. - after all your trialsand tribulations, what would you say is the one thing that's the key to your success? - truth.
- truth? - jesus says, "you shall know the truth, "and the truth shall make you free." today i can honestly say that it wasn't until i faced the truth about myself, my past, that i was really free. - mrs. carter, you are such an inspiration to many women, thank you for your time. - [patty] you're welcome.
as i looked out into the cloudy abyss of my troubled past, i realized the thing that i had feared the most was not worth fearing at all. my mother never got herdream home in florida, instead she got a dream condo with a fantastic view. and she's still really close to us. sometimes i can't help but think that this was god's plan all along. today i really understand the true meaning of the
scripture i heard mymom quote so many times. "i can do all things through christ, who strengthens me." ♪ i want a heart that forgives ♪ a heart full of love ♪ one with compassion just like yours above ♪ one that overcomes evil with goodness and love ♪ like it never happened, never holding a grudge ♪ and lives and lets live ♪ one that keeps lovingover and over again
♪ one that men can't offend ♪ because your word is within ♪ one that loves without price ♪ like you, lord jesus christ ♪ i want a heart that loves everybody ♪ even my enemies ♪ i want to love like you, be like you ♪ just like you did ♪ i want a heart that forgives ♪
(mid-tempo instrumentaljazz music) ♪ you got to do right, go on and live a life ♪ you got to do right, go on and live a life ♪ well, there's no need ♪ standing up for the right ♪ unless you're gonna stand up against the wrong ♪ tell me how you gonna ♪ ever stop from being weak ♪ unless you made your mind up
♪ to be strong ♪ well, you got to do right ♪ 'cause it won't be long ♪ it won't be long ♪ well, let me tell you now ♪ it's easy to hate your enemies ♪ and it's just as easyto love your friends ♪ tell me who you gonna live like ♪ the bible tells you
♪ you gotta let the love of god come in ♪ well, you gotta to do right ♪ you gotta do right, oh, oh ♪ you got to do right, oh, oh ♪ you got to do right ♪ right ♪

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