you damn english man! you have to accept our demands ...or else we will have tokill them one by one you have made our men to suffer very much ras bihari! tamil nadu home minister! do you know why you have been called here? to spoil the peace of indian citizens we have done enough bombings in... ...delhi or madras in the northto threaten the nation
our next target to show ourfull strength in bombing in south... ...is chennai, the most important city,where nobody can expect i know it! you have brought me hereas i am the right person to do all this i am sure you cannot find a nasty guylike me in the whole of chennai nilagiri is full of ganja estates! in 4 factories they dothe adulteration work by eliminating the former home minister ...i became the home minister it will be our rule next year
as you have said,i want my bank balance of 5 billions ...to become 50 billions tell me what should i do for that there should be bomb blastssimultaneously in chennai at various places the entire india should tremble from fearseeing the end of chennai caused by us that is it! we will changetamil nadu into a graveyard! holy war...! chennai jasmine flowers is 10 rupees per yard
be careful!- okay! give me a kiss sir! brother shines wellin acting, is not it? the home minister ras bihari rushedto the site where the tragedy occurred i feel very happy to see thatyou have done a great job though it is a new kind of work,they have done it the right way this is only the beginning we have to do a lot of work now on we can make it grand brother
the terrorist attackswere only in the north india till now the attacks have spread in tamil nadu too what are you looking there?look here these were taken on the spot,at close distance! if shown these the dailieswill rush up after these! - what bharathi?- is it for this raghav ...we are working freelanceafter throwing our jobs? until he boarded the flight her fatherwas compelling her to go with him ...saying that he would get hera job in new york times
did you not see that today morning? we have ignored all that, we should dogood with journalism instead you give this more importance what do you say?this too is journalism! do you want to publishthese photographs just as news? instead of just satisfying the readers ...we must attempt to offer a solutionto those affected in the problem that is the success of the journalists! we will prove that in our maiden project
this is a place not reachedby any media till now we have to be very careful keep the money and take material- ok brother drive them all out of here take her away! comelift her away please leave memy marriage is on the next month please leave me what are you looking at?- come, show it well items of now are better than theprevious ones, right bro?
bring that girl from back. why not? bring those girls here where do you hide?sait, look at them how is she?- the girl is good looking! the media people have entered- is it the press media? not even their corpses should go out come bharathi start the vehicle let us not go together
show the news channel, what we shot arun and i will goto the nearby police station 2 boys and a girl... i think they are press people.- press? tell me bharathi they have come to the police stationyou have to be careful oh god! they have come here- you come out with the tape do not get caught have you come out?- i am on the way
we will be waiting near anna universityfor you i am scared go fast no, do not do that it is his bike! raghav! we have made a mistake we tried to extinguish thinking it was firebut they seem like a volcano they can be confronted only in imagination go away! do not get caughtby them and get destroyed
you are always in search of news we can give you a superb news than this! the day before yesterdaya bomb blasted in gandhi nagar we only had kept it there- this is only the beginning another bomb will explode next friday there will be several blasts after that you are dashed us without knowing about usand who else are behind us they are all big shots! go straight upwards and telecastthrough satellite what has happened here
our work is done, let us leave another bomb will explode next friday! then, there will be several blastsin a row in chennai is the news enough for you? the news that i got now,i will not leave it as a news matter warning! i have killed the 3 peoplewho have killed the innocent people ...who blasted the bomb yesterday? i know that they willblast a bomb on coming friday
i will stop that too as a weapon against the injustice forever... veer singh, super hero i have killed these peoplewho have killed the innocent people ...by blasting the bomb yesterday i will stop that too veer singhsuper hero a super hero has come to destroy thosewho are doing atrocity i have started the big work trusting you where did you do the mistake?
no one knows this matterexcept those 4 guys i do not know how he has written that i feel frightened beforethe next plan brother. i am not afraid of the governmenti will not get scared for this guy plant the bomb as per the plan i will see which super herocomes to stop that i can use sickle not only tokill people but to reserve a seat too are you booking the seat?you have booked the seat well you sinner!
sister!- brother! come dear! i have put the sickle in your seatgo and sit there veer! if i touch her handi would get a shock i will cover my hand touched by mistake.- why do you dash against me? i am your fiancã©e who else can touch you? it is not enough that you alone feel it
it should be felt here also then you feel it clearly now go and sit there go move aside- come uncle i will not touch the hand thatsay my daughter sat or not? i am honest come aunty here, we are coming should i formally invite you?
you come, give your hand- who is he? next? who are you?you are not in the list are you teasing a ticket checker? have you seen your face? it is me why did you stop the train? why would we pull the chainif you stop the train in our village? you have stopped the train, is not it?then give me penalty and ticket amount money!- do you not have money?
then get down how dare you ask him to get down? do you know who he is? who is he?- he is our hero what?- he is the lion of this village super hero who rules this villageand our hearts and he will rule this... i am stopping because you said so even if he is the ruler...
...he can cross this villageonly if he gets the ticket from me why should you talk to him?spread this towel put the money here come on take the money for ticket beat the drums oh god! the whole village has come to see him off is he a big man?
they are seeing him offto get rid of his torture what? are they sending him outfrom the village? yes! they were scared that he wouldget down from the train for some reasons what has he done? give me your hand i will tell you beautiful village peace loving people he did not allow them to be like that stop, do not run
stop, stop there what happened dear?why is the noise? veer has come. - you fool me?ok, dear take care of son in law ok dad none should have a dad like you these kids of present days not you, but came to catch the hen dear! it is caughtcome and catch it you move aside- i will move, come
you will move, is not it? you will move, is not it?- come catch me you made me miss the chanceto catch that hen have you done all this for a hen? no, for my sister for his sister!- yes! his sister has brought up the hen as pet did you get it?
i got it why are you getting shocked for this? if brother and sister join togetherit is not only danger for village ...but it will be a danger for the well also i have given the milk to society i have deposited the moneyin the finance company why are you pouring the water on the floor? leave it manif i tell, you will not believe that first you tell me
there is gold in the well really?- i swear on my sister there is gold in our well veer is telling by swearing onhis sister - is there gold in our well? come fast veer is very kind without keeping with himhe is sharing with whole village our seniors named our village as pavunurby knowing it is fountain of the gold you are pouring milk to whole village
you should not draw out the plain water you go, we will take care of it do not talk, draw out the water quickly hey, it is gold. gold is glittering move aside see there it is not goldthat is his bald-head fool! take him- my dhoti hit him stop it
you crazy! do not you feel ashamed? if you do like thiswhen will you draw out the entire water? use pump set and draw the water come, let us catch the goldbefore it goes somewhere you too catch it if you catch like this, how can we?catch it correctly first you cover your bodi will take care of the gold do not break my head did you get the gold?where?
i got the sister's ring.found the gold you made me call the whole villagefor this 200 rupees ring ...and fooled the entire village! this is my sentiment ring this was the ringmy brother bought for me i am really impressed by theway you called whole village be prosperous! because of that beating, he returnedhome only after 2 days in the dark i have not seen such a brother andsister affection had just heard
well said these brother and sister oncewent to watch movie in theatre brother! i cannot live without you i will be with you only in our nation brother is considered as father this scene is very touching! i want to watch the scene once more
hey operator!- tell me play this scene once more how can we watch the scene again and again? hey priest! you saw that adultmovie 5 times, did i say anything? keep quiet and watch it who is he? that day you were romancing withlady in last seats then do you not feel ashamed? speak with respect, i am sarpanch
you should have thoughtbefore doing that poking hey operator! my sister wants to watch that sceneplay that scene sister, in our country i am giving this entire reel to you please do not come to this theatre again oh god! he tortured you too much has none said him anything? the day also came for that
the lion of our village is going toparticipate in the running race he only gets the first prize every year we should save our dignitysomehow you must win that is it!- why do you talk like this? are my prestige andyours different? i will rock the competition winner of the other villagetoo is now before us we shall see who winsthis race so the competition will be a tough one- how is it?
first prize is teak wood cot and the cup...- come on! see this cot if my fiancã© wins the first prize,i will kiss him publicly i will celebrate my wedding night in this- will you do it publicly? i will kill you how dare you? you are talking about kiss...will you kiss him on cheek? no, i meant lip to lip come, let us move- smart girl! she will excel! you are her dad, is not it?- no, i am uncle! i am uncle for veer
you are uncle for only veer,or the entire world? - get lost! competition is going to start- veer! our village competitor veeris rocking the race first prize teak wood cotand second prize is bureau with mirror third prize is grinder fourth prize is big vesselfifth prize is small vessel our veer who is going to win... brother, i want second prize bureau only yes, i am sure!
what is it?he is running backwards he is rewinding the race veer, move forward- dear, go forward why did you do like this?it will be a shame for our village every year my brother runsand gets first prizes for our village let him run and win the prize for my sake move fast!- you have some plan you...! run fast thank you, brother!
brother, you are in 4th place run fast to 2nd place go fast! you lost the first prize cot veer, we could not endure your mischief if you repeat this, you might embarrassour village in the forthcoming festival too so, you both are banned from the festival you both will not come for the festival sirpanch, please... do not changethe judgment
he has participated in the running raceand dance competition only for his sister why is he going to chennai? this is also for sake of his sister you do not feel bad aboutyour brother after your marriage do not worry! i will take care of him do not feel too much!- who else would, then? careful! what brother? what is it, brother?
you have been worrying thatyou have not seen our mother is face look there! do you like the girl? we have inquired about your familyto the villagers sister, we are donelet us search some other groom nobody told anything bad about you not blamed us? how can we blame you? you played pranks on us
but we could not see affectionatesibs like you yes! your parents passed awaywhen you were 8 years old we know how you sufferedand brought her up you are a good example for our children if you are ready, we willperform the marriage in a grand way yes, it is our pleasureto get such an alliance if your parents are alive,they will perform the marriage but the entire village will get togetherand perform this marriage do not worry about finance
i have deposited money in the finance companyfor my sister is marriage i got notice from the head office, in chennaito come and get back the money that is why we are goingto chennai with family terrorists threatened of a bomb blast today in chennai the city life has got affected highly temples, parks and beachesseen normally with crowds are empty colleges and schools havebeen declared a holiday our livelihood is affected for the day will bombs explode today?- no one knows anything
bombs should be present- what are you saying? yes mom, bombs should be presentsuper hero should remove it then only those who planted bombswould get scared of him totally all the press people are here for one bomb blastthey criticised us thoroughly did you take any stepsto sort out this problem? i have given orders to tightenthe security in all corners of the city i taught our professionto all our 3 sons similarly these 2 people work hard to stealand increase our wealth
our family got popularityto stick wanted posts on us but that 3rd sonhas not come in a bit notice beware of thieves what do you lack?you look like a king (raja) definitely you will rob millions of money he is very alert i have to throw this stealing bagon my father is face you always scold me thati come empty handed what will you tell today?
truly this is an empty hand people need not to be afraidthat bomb will blast today security has been tightenedeverywhere in the city public are scared whether the bombwill be blasted or not... and they are waiting eagerlyfor that super hero to come to remove it brother! i forgot my bag in the train- what is this, dear? uncle! you go and sit there with the luggagei will go and bring the bag you go with them remove the bangles fast biscuit works well
sir! what are you doing here? we are waking up the passengerswho are sleeping here you seem like stealingand not waking them up you do not know who we are leave the place see! you too do not know who i am who are you man?are you a don? come on, show me i go for tussles quite normallybut you are insisting me now come on do it man
come quietly let us escape - biscuit!?- no at this age... what is going on there? please come sirthey only gave intoxicated biscuits i will take care, take them- thank you dear be carefulhey! it is my bag oh god! he has seen me you did such a great job tell me your name
vel... super hero- super hero? hey yellow shirt move aside how did he get the bike? super hero is going there, catch him thought i will catch him and get promotedbut he makes me run like anything how will you come through this way on bike? as told earlier, veer singh saved all of us did i run like an olympic racefor a snack pack?
i can tackle anything with our brilliance run fast your snacks bag is here. come here where is he?has he escaped? will that thief go walking?he has escaped already thank you very muchto save my bag and return it to me why do you chase so hardfor just a snack pack? if there was gold in this,would you chase in helicopter? as you think, this is not just a snacks bag
it contains 1 .5 million rupees 1 .5 million rupees!?what are you saying? i deposited 1.5 million rupees in chit fundcompany for my sister's marriage it is receipt is in this bag i have to get that moneythat is why i came to chennai anyhow i have to fool him and get that money- okay, i am leaving if you go in your waywhere can i come and search you? for what? tomorrow you are going towithdraw 1.5 million rupees
chennai is not a calm placeas you think, it is full of thieves why are you looking at me?chennai is on that side, look there it is okay! i have come with my family tomorrow i will get the moneyand leave this city i am too telling the samestay with me until tomorrow after getting the moneyyou can leave the city do not compel me...- okay, go i saved your bag and returned it to youstill you do not believe me why are you looking at my face?will not you stay with me?
okay, go crossing my dead body okay, we will stay with you- is it? what!? bomb? in the station?- has the bomb got blasted? how many people have died, leader? thank god! no one is deadveer singh saved all of them if he had not done thatwe would have lost our portfolios did they catch veer singh?- they lost him more important than that, we have to findthe culprits who planted the bombs
hurry up- okay leader having killed 3 rowdies who causedfor innocents' deaths ...in the recent bomb blast andas written in his letter ...veer singh, removed the next bombthat was planted by the terrorists ...and saved many people’s lives the bike was next to us veer singh took that far off andsaved us from danger though he was with uswe could not see his face may god bless him
i only saw veer singh in person he went on that bike when i was there sir! any militant group tookthe responsibility for this bomb blast? we are investigating we got freedom forour nation at midnight... the super hero that tamil nadugot at midnight is veer singh my grandpa has his two wives problem he wishes to sell that house now you stay there. later i will sell that
why do you roll downlike coming out from cow is womb? how much it is?- rs 250 you have home as a guestyou should not spend money better you could hit me with your slippers you are insulting me why do you talk so deep for this?you pay him look! all this money is for you please come in it is my grandma’s house i cannot stay in this house- what happened?
we too cannot stay here- i am too will any human being stay here?is this a house? is it amazon forest?it is a house, there are windows and doors there is no entertainment here- wastrels want entertainment go pack your luggage- wait sir keep quiet, uncle whatever you tell they will find faults you do not worrywe will go and find some other house go, go crossing my dead body
why do you do like this often as in movies? then what? you made me pleasurethat you will stay in my house but if you leave suddenly i will get tensed when i see the actions you do... ...you remind me ofbajanlal seth of our village assume me as him- still... do not bother about moneyit will go today and come tomorrow will you not get your moneyfrom chit fund tomorrow? - yes you go and take rest
you go! i will take care of themtell me! what do you want? this purse was full of money thennow they have made it empty shall i ask you something? my fiancã© does not mind me at all he should circle me always give me an idea for that- is not he coming close to you? you look like an idol made of butter your father is with black complexion,a nose like broken chair... ...mouth like a cave andface like demolished bungalow
if you are like him then he can avoid you what is this background music? he feels like dwarf kamal in'appoorva sahodargal' film he is hearing us secretlyand walking on knees get up and go greetings bhai! sir! your partner is coming do not let my partner know about this load it fast close the door
come and look here it does not look like fake notesit is perfect using my power i brought this till here using your business talenttry to make it double king dasaratha used this seed mixerto make love with his 4 wives i asked you to guard himbut not to smell this you may drink it go away do not get angry, brother- take this - give me go make him drink this milk
then everything will happen as per the plan dear! you are stuck with me today- dear! - what dad? is she going to hit the sixer now? if you have self-respect,you should commit suicide in this hall ...when i was mixingthat powder with milk i am scolding you but you are smilingas you got some award do you have another powder pocket?- for what? go man okay, go
i am leaving. you sleep well something is happening to me why are you sleeping beside me? you do not let me sleepnear you in real life cannot i sleep near you even in the dreams? dreams?- yes dear! no, there is no dream why do you lay your hands on me? i am telling you, this is a dream- nothing like that
it is a bad dream! is this also part of a dream? no - yes dear!- trust veer this is a dream i am also sleeping in the next room but i am coming from the fridgereading a news paper you are cheating me your girl is very near to you are you going to give the judgmentusing that bowl?
i am not hurt it is a dream did i give the powder to hit my face? i wrote a name to make fearin wrongdoers heart but you have sent a real manto eliminate that offenders who is that veer singh? i do not knowwhether i could believe it or not listen god! i will not changemy words now and then i always stand on my words my party should win
you mean what party?it is my sister her life should be happy the money that i saved for her...- there is a new plan to steal it respected manager because my legs got brokenunexpectedly in a mishap i request you to give my chit amountrs 1 .5 millions to this speed ...who brings this letterand be a honourable person with regards veer today your legs will break
do not worry, everyone use youfor the digestion the food but i will use you to become a rich person it is said fruit slips into the milkis it that one? leave me few guys come to the temple for this! stop there he is patting her backlike patting a bread fell in the soil what are you doing? saffron coloured on your backthat is why i patted it
will you pat if it is there? you and i only knowthat my hand touched there but if you go out with that colour designthe whole place will know i will kill you go away you are the best in everything sir! i wish to makea programme about super hero this channel needs good persons like you noe be careful what will you do afterwithdrawing the money?
i have to buy jewels, sarees, cot andbureau for my sister before that i have to steal that money i meant you withdraw moneyfrom there, sit down if a boy sits on your lapyou would have made a fuss here see! how gentle boys behave!look before you sit now sit it is said to look before you sit may i help you?- do not remove it will hurt me if remove it myself slowly
sir! this is ourskeep it here and go i cannot bear your sincerity i am not stealing iti myself will remove it and give you sir! your cheque is ready- give it to me for what purpose you have come here?- it is my sister is marriage i have come to withdraw the moneythat i saved on her name wait for some time- okay brother! nowadays even parents thinkthat girl children are problematic are there lovable peoplelike you these days?
you? - i deposited rs 0.2 millionsin my daughter is name is it for her marriage?- i saved it for her marriage... but now i am not withdrawing for that my daughter is admittedto the hospital in chennai doctors said that she would be aliveonly if the operation is done sorry sir- it is okay, brother whatever happens... i will be glad if her operationsucceeds and she recovers soon everything will be alright- thanks brother
sir! md is calling you okay brother! come tomorrowand get your cheque sir! i have to buy many thingsfor the marriage i will be glad if i get it by cash okay, do one thing you come on mondayi will give you cash - okay it will be blasted sharp at 12:30pm why did you wear dhoti today? please welcome- greetings sir!
i am very glad that you have come to my shop he only brought us here- is it? he is taking care of us wellin this chennai nandry (thank you) brother this is our country (nation)we do not need that why is he laughing like thatfor a foolish joke? do not bother for money let it be any cost buy whatever you wish what seth?
you came here withthe yellow bag from your native now your shops' bag is in every house when people go to buy household thingsthey take your bag along with them which actress are you going to bookfor your shop is ad this year? i know everything it is a magnificent smile - why are you standing here?- they are not allowing us to go inside people who buy sarees for their paramoursand house maids, go that side people who buy sarees fortheir sister only should sit here why are you sending them away?
he will do a bigger purchase than all of them - is it nice?- i do not like this colour - this colour is good, brother- yes, it is okay uncle! i selected this sari for cauveryhow is it? does not matter who selectsit will always look pretty on her - how much does it cost?- you ask her are you a bigwig?do not you feel ashamed? dear! come here - why did you call me?- come inside - i will not come
first time i wore churidhari want to show it to you, come in - come outside and show me- please come in, dear - come in dear- wait i am coming - look at me dear!- i have seen what happened to you, veer? is not it the girl you pattedon her back in the temple? yes, today i saw her front without shirt henceforth you cannot tellthat you have not seen her properly - do not you feel ashamed?- no, it is very nice
that day you patted on my back,today you came to the dressing room - i did it by mistake! - i do not leave youi will call the cops and teach you a lesson what mistake have i done?then look at my chest to avenge me - look at this carefully- crazy guy! is what you saw andwhat she saw now the same? i have not ever seen a hero like youto avenge like this you took revenge very well - shall i make bill for everything?- okay, do it - sister! how many sarees are yours?- twelve
- you nandini?- fifteen you take them carefully andkeep it safe with you within 4 days, i will come,to pay the bill and get it okay move! let us go to the next shop will not you come to the metal store? - to select and keep it safe there?- yes, yes you go, i will come later seth! we are going toyour brother's metal shop - i am leaving sir- oh god!
brother! someone kept that box therebut forgot to take - who is it?- that specs worn guy - he is here- it was here only do not remove my dhotiwait i will give it to you - suitcase!? - someone forgot itand you kept it safe with you - you are right- give it to me, i will handover it to the guy sir! you forgot your suitcase what sir? what do you want sir? - allow me to go in- i cannot do that
the guy who went insidefrom that car forgot this suitcase - what is your name sir?- super hero - what happened?- okay, it will be blasted in 10 seconds sir! somebody asked meto give this suitcase to you - who is it?- super hero super hero? come on, run sir! here someone is breathing his last how did this happen? - come on, tell me- super hero?
- there is some sensational news- what is it sir? with the bomb, super hero blastedthe godown that housed fake notes super hero? sir! the guy who saw super herois alive in the hospital he is in critical condition we could not get any information from him his name is veeri told you that i met him in the chit fund - is it marriage for your sister?- yes, in 10 days i do not knowwhether i will be alive or not till then
do not tell like that the pains that your father takesto save you will not go futile did you see super hero?how does he look like? come on, tell me! who is he? damn it! he shows me lordinstead of super hero the world has born for mebrother! give me a strong tea why did you sit on my lap?go sit on my head - i cannot sit there, brother- get down a godown full of fake notes
which was blasted by super hero- raise volume destroyed the fake notes along with rowdies fake notes too have burntinto ashes it is known that super herodid this - he is the real hero- he is the real man my name is also super hero is it you super hero?you have trembled when you see a dog everyone will mock at you,if you say move away!
speed, when did you come? i came when he was abusing you - why do you try this?- what is this nonsense? exhibition cum sale of king traditional dresses and jewels exhibition discount offer for gold and diamondshurry up! what is this?why cops are standing here? in this exhibition we will gettraditional dresses and jewels come, let us go and choose
you used to see the shop as exhibitionwhy do you want to go for exhibition? no problem, i will go alone - go! you are always going alone- yes! - how will you go to finance company?- i will go alone i will allow you to go,only if you cross my corpse what is this?your activities reminds me... do you remember bajanlal sait?yes, it is me why do you get angry always? i was joking i will be with youcome let us move
this is the traditional dresswhich the kings used to wear for wars i am sorry! my son! sorry, my dad!what are you doing here? let me answer you - what are you doing here, brother?- let me answer - brother, what are you doing her?- i will answer for that - let me inform about you to police- stop! why do you tease me then?why have you come here? see there! we came to grabrs 150 millions worth diamonds
3 idiots! it is not possible for yougo back home son, you do not know our plan explain him i am in a electrician is disguise i will cut the laser light connectionto stop the security alarm sound i am in housekeeping is disguisei will spread smoke in the hall i will be ready with jeep waiting outside if they come out, we will escape happily who will take the diamonds then? oh god! son, i did not think about that
- who will do that?- do not worry! whoever kept the diamonds therethey will take it back with him son, why do not you steal that and give it? - why do not you do this help for us?- i will do only sorcery to you did not you abuse me as useless? you said to fall on his feet and learn, right? i felt like being slapped by slippersat your questions yes, you are right he wasslapping you with slippers do not feel for that! i will help youto take the diamond
clear the place this bag is with me- open it! why did you bring time bombin the public place? this is not bomb,he brought lunch for us from home we will have food in lunch timeand do our work the public who came to see the exhibitiondid not bring anything with them do you want lunchwho came to steal the diamonds? - no, do not throw it!- why? - wafers will be crushed- will not you get reformed?
what is the price of this necklace? what are you thinking? i am thinking how to take out this diamond? take away like this why did you take that?police will shoot us - keep it!- will cop shoot us? do not run, stop! - is it you?- no, i am not stop!
i have to go back to native safewithout getting into any case and complaint where is he? it is a dirty and stinking one are you standing here? sir, super hero is going catch him god, take me home safely super hero is going...- super hero! horse can break signals.run fast go slow!
it seems if i travel little morei will reach my home town - are you from press?- have you come to see this place? no, do not come near me come on! do not move, i am trying to feedand you are trying to get me hit see the power of super hero now someone is beating our guys move fast come sir! super hero planned well and made uscome here to catch them red handed
is it you veer, super hero? super hero did such a great work but he helped you to catch 5 terroristsstill you are... please stop projecting super hero as a hero we should find who is that antisocialelement working behind these terrorists get into the van! veer singh living normal till date helped the cops to arrestthe terrorist and their arms go down it will be a final warningfor the racketeers
hello, i am here! - what is the matter?- i came to meet you - seems you are very simple- i am always simple super hero, how many bombsdid you find today? how many public did you save today? do not play with me?go! why did you go to that place aloneand get caught? i feel scared to involve in tussle i have beaten them to pulp to save your life
- you are acting smart- i am the king of my village... i will make it grand andwin even it is a dance or fight - 2 special tea- village? it is an ordinary villagesuch a wonderful place i am facing many problemsafter i have reached chennai when got down in railway stationsomeone snatched my bag then what about bike? yes, i chased him on the bikeand got back the bag i did not know whose bike was that
did you go to cit nagar, few days ago? cit nagar! yes! someone has lost his suitcase and gone i handed over that to him in cit nagar then what about yesterdaywho came to save me in horse? i did not drive that it drove me there it was useful to save your life how do you know all this? someone called veer singhis the super hero of this city
do you know that? yes, i have heard about him did you meet him? today public are talking and praisingthe hero of the city veer singh it is none other you, veer singh a special team from central government has been taken over the terrorists undertheir custody who we caught them in the fort what do you say? inspector sinhais going to handover them we are helpless nothing can be done
home minister is waiting stop the vehicle we are on the way to airport to handoverthe terrorist who we caught in the fort he is our next leader you should have committed suicidewhen you were caught - it is too late- do not shoot the bike was near to us he has saved everyonethrowing it to a long distance not only that daytoday i only saw him at first time those who are not scared of encounterare scared of super hero
he is also a criminalwe will arrest him also super hero is superb if i think it is a miracle you are going to change the peoples' destinywho are living as it is fate why are you laughing? then? you are telling somethingand talking high about me i did not come to achieve andreform this country and save this people because of my sister's marriage... i am an ordinary milk vendor in village
you are not an ordinary manyou are honest and brave good thing has happenedbecause of you without your knowledge... ...why do not you doby knowing everything? why do not you change as super herofor the people who believe you? hardly it is not completed 10 minutesthan my sister's calling me - tell me dear- where are you? - come fast- i will come i am her world and she is my world if you tell anything elsei will not understand it
what did you tell me? you can do anything in chennaibeing my driver no one will question you that day you said thatno one will question me but he is asking questioning one by one he has spoiled everything who is he? without knowing super hero's address... ...thousands of people have sent theletters to my office have you seen this?
they wrote this with blood do not you understand their agony? do you not worry about themwho are believing you? in this world there is no adulterationonly in the belief without conscience some politician,educated people... ...rich people, saints, police,doctors, and someone... ...they are playing with peoples' belief you are also asking me to do the same thing i am telling you to change as veer singhto make it real
they are many placeswhere wrong things happen i cannot destroy them toby changing as veer singh ten incarnations were not enoughfor god himself to destroy injustice - how can i...?- what do you want me to do? you kill that veer singh i want veer singh super hero is good in stories and not in reality let law and order do its work i am common man and want to be so
you finish the storythat was started by you no fear when super hero is alive beat him he has only mud in his head - cauvery!- yes brother! we have to go to our village get ready - ok brother!- will our work get finished before that? - it will finish- ok why should we need policewhen super hero is doing everything? he has killed 10 people against the lawas if helping all
what are you doing to catch super hero? - we are tracing- you can do nothing you do not have qualificationto be the police why? after studying up to 5th grade,are you trying to rule us? people like you are the reasonto get bad name for us you have killed many peopleto get minister's post but super hero killed 10 peopleand saved 10,000 people do you want to catch him?
i have to beat you with slippers hey feroz khan why are you silent? we will catch him soon - you have to involve fullyto catch super hero - ok sir - you can do anything- ok sir i will take care of your promotion it is very important for usto catch super hero than the police i will give you 5 millions who kills him
- stop it- this will not stop for your threatening you are the only onewho has seen super hero if you see him againyou have to inform us first that is why we give rs 0.5 millionsthis is only advance why did you show the sickle for me? if you give the currency i could show him you got money, is it not?show him is he going in front of me? - super hero is going- where? - that red color shirt
do not leave him catch him who are you?why are you beating me? - hey, not him- not him? when he has not beaten youyou should know he is not super hero - go and see that side- you do not need to go any way if i see him again i will call you because only i saw him only i can identify, come when i call. understood? - he said he will call me, let us move now- did not you get any other shirt?
super hero will protect us i have deposited my money believing you... go from here i am telling youdo not create the problem here leave this place listen to me - give my money back- leave my leg my daughter is condition isvery serious in the hospital if you do not give the money she will die - i beg you- leave my leg
- sir- get up - sir- go away from here - sir- brother he gave me this chequein your presence, did not he? i have deposited the cheque in the bankbut it has bounced my daughter's condition isvery serious in the hospital the investors are asking their moneywhat happened to our money? this is a fraud company they have swindled your moneyyou do not get your money back
is this enough? go man we will not go from heretill we get back our money i do not know what i can do you have closed the company suddenly i feel very badseeing at investors sufferings their curse will not leave us if their curse had been truei might have died long time ago they are fools they invested their moneywhen i offered more interest for their money
i will take care everything what? have you closed the finance company? i bought this finance companyto earn some money and close it i would have closed it before i accepted for your dealthat you said you will give me fake notes in the mean time super hero enteredand burned all fake notes i will not give a single paisa to anyone leave it, how much will we get? approximately 10 billions
who is it? i will give you 5 minutesyou should go from here else i will take severe action upon you do not you listen to me? instead of giving security for usyou are sold and acting favour to someone? do not you feel ashamed? how dare you speak against the police? if we ask moneyyou are beating us by the police why do you do atrocity like this?
stop, everything has gone i have lost my lifemy daughter is also going to die why should i be aliveafter my daughter's death? it is better if she dies as an orphanthan dying when her father is alive no, do not do i am coming to you lakshmi sir! you got the blame for his deathgovernment might not help us and your police, even god might not help us
but someone will come for us super hero! our super hero will come he will take revenge againstfor the atrocities we suffered it is said in our quran that we willget the salary before our sweat get dry i swear on allah, super hero will come he will ask the accountsfor every paisa you cheated us you may come with many guysand having many weapons but our super hero will destroyall of you with single-handed
train is readyto leave for mumbai from chennai at least tell me now,why do you send us alone home? it may get delay 2 or 3 daysto get the chit-fund money only one week remains for the marriageyou go and do the arrangements - i will be back soon- okay you will come soon, is not it? super hero is not dead have you solved the problem?take care of the money sir, this is our fort
even a bird cannot enter into this beyond us what happened? a vulture has entered into our fort - vulture!?- super hero has come people have deposited their savingsin your company ...not for desiringto get your 0.5% interest just a small belief to lead a happy life hard worker is sweat is morepowerful than the mother's milk why did you swindle their money?
if we feel thirstywe can drink a glass of water you are very greedy have it no, i did not get a chance to see his face but he made me to distribute the moneyby myself and saved my dignity if i had not got this money, i would havecommitted suicide with my family i called my brother totell that i have lost my money but he did not pick the call but i do not know about this super herohe has done a great job this money is my 5 years savings
if i had not got this money,my son would have worked with me in the quarry i deposited my pension moneybecause it would be helpful in my end days he should be prosperouswho got this money back operation got successyou can discharge her in 2 days thank you, doctor if super hero had not got the money back,i would have lost my daughter he should be prosperous super hero, this magic word is thetalk of the entire tamil nadu there is no history as getting back moneyfrom the cheated finance company
first time, public got their savings backwith the help super hero you are the only reason for their happiness it is not me it is you you changed this veer as super hero not only me...but my 2 friends also there we had anger to stop the atrocitybut we do not have man power we had enough couragebut we could not make a master plan not only this! the atrocity whichwe tried to reveal the outer world ...it is still happening
i feel scared to tell this to you young girls are being kidnappedand auctioned there are girls who left their homeafter fighting with their parents... ...and girls from orphanages andgirls who got cheated by their lovers small girls...i have seen the death fear in the girl is eyes ...those who got kidnapped why are you crying?do not make noise - send them fast- go! what is this?why did you bring the blind?
we could not evenget a good price for good girls am i doing the businessor running a ladies hostel? keep her aside i will use her are you mad?why do you ask for a blind girl? all girls get scared seeing my faceand spit on me she is blind!let her think me for a while - come on!- leave me! leave her!please leave her - do not spoil her life- get lost
leave me! why do you behave like a dog?she is a blind girl how arrogant you are! - sweetie!- leave me! our brother veer singh has come to save us show your mighty to himthen if you are alive, do as you wish we will stay here go inside! go, show your strength
give it to me! beat him to pulp thrash him - who are you?- i am super hero everyone is eagerly waitingto see your face though you are standing in front of my eyesbut i am not able to see your face i feel very sad about my blindness today do not worry! it is very beautiful to see the worldfrom our heart than the eyes we were helplessbut veer singh retrieved us
i wonder how to thank him brother... brother! - tell me, sister! - when will youreturn to our village, brother? i will come soon - what about marriage arrangements?- it is going smooth - is anybody near you?- yes, vaithegi give the phone to her - give it to me!- i will deliver the milk cane and come back tell me, dear!
i hope you will take care of her well!that is why i am staying here i will take care of her - dear!- give it to me how are you, brother? do not worry!here is a girl to take care of me she is everything for me - she gave a new meaningfor my life - who is she? i will bring her with mewhen i come to the village a special show about super hero veer singhwho gives belief to good people
...and he instilled fear to outlaws instead of waging a war... if they create economic fall that countrywill struggle many years to revive super hero has blocked fake notesto stop our country is economic fall my son wanted to start a hotel for long super hero is the reasonfor starting the hotel not only for me you cannot buy the happinesseven you give crores of money... ...you can see the happinesswho got help from him
hence, whoever does a wrong thing... if anybody thinks to do wrong thingfirst you go out from here else our super herowill kill everyone like a dog why did you leave me alone? i begot only one son and you left me alone hence, this will happen to youand those who believe you find out the bombswherever it is kept, will you? i have planted the bomb inthree places in the city if you can, take that
you have started the hotelwith the money given by him - now you are dead- put down the body - has his relatives come?- his mom has come i have planted bomb in three placeskrupa, see your mom if you can take that bomb rascals mom! - my baby!- mom we should find the other two bombs
please come with me where should i search? school, hospital, beach,temple or market where? do you want me to search everywhere? not bomb! i have to find outwho kept the bomb there veer singh? in which place? i have caught super herothat you were searching for this time it will not missi have locked him i do not want advancecome with your boss with full amount
come man - minister brother!- take your money - where is he?- he is inside kill and chop him come boys why did you lock the door? you are asking who is super hero he asked me who was searching for him i should show him what super hero?
who? it is him i wanted to know who has announcedto give 5 millions to kill him... ...that is why i took rs 0.5 million this money is nothingcompared to helping super hero where did you plant the other two bombs? do not lose your life tell him how dare you casually kill people? tell me it is a lie that he has kept two more bombs
lbrahim is the reason for this he has diverted you and policethat there are bombs in the city... ...and they are hijacking a train as per our plan we will go to this factory they are manufacturing dangerousand poisonous chemicals if this factory is chemical container blasts30 to 40 villages will be destroyed all new born babies will have defects security will be tighten in the factory if we have to go inside the factorywe should go through goods track way
when this 1000 ton weighttrain blasts and clashes... ...with that chemical containerat 200 km speed... ...it will be a pleasing sight to see this will be a great achievementin jihad group within few minutes ameer and sultanwill kill the next station master if we cross that last stationwe will get full control of this train - mom!- all of you go to the last compartment go fast that route station master is notresponding to us to inform him
increase the speed bring the helicopter i am searching for you you are not searching for mebut the god of death how will i stop the train? pull that black wire you the destroyer have no rightsto say god is name allah do you know one thing? you cannot see a hinduwho do not have a muslim friend
you are going to spoil that sir, greetings super hero asked me to hand over him to you he said that this guy feel giddiness forhalf an hour because of his beating it will take some time for himto get consciousness that is why i caught him take him if you see super hero tell him thati am also his fan among millions of fans ok sir brother has come
that is it - why are you dancing?- no, we have some influence in our place they will not listen to me adorn the garlandmove away do you need respect as you have comejust 3 days before the sister is marriage? - this is for the groom- has the groom come? hold it for a minute give it to me, how longwill you hold this garland for me? what groom?how is your journey? - music arrangements are nice- come groom
when i see the crowd,i think he will get more gift money i will steal the gift moneyand get what i have lost the people in our place catch goat and hen will you catch this filth in your town? are you teasing me?you damn it! you are giving pose like sivajito do this filthy work i have to retrieve carefullywhat i lose in this village - dear!- nandini did not i tell you about my fiancee?
she does not know english, come - brother!- see her tears! - uncle- tell me son-in-law where will we arrange for groom to stay? i have been telling for 7 daysthat he will stay in my house but our leaderwants him to stay in his house i will not bother where he staysbut i will arrange his food - these decorations are mine,how is it? - it is nice make the arrangements
groom, come with me we will go to my home everyone likes you, is not it? how can i say thanks for this? - did i not tell you that someoneis taking care of me? - it is me she is the one - it is becoming as a big issue- correct - i will not leave just like that- you do not dear, she will stay in my home we should take care of the personwho took care of you
then i will also stay herei have to do a lot of marriage works why do you leave me on the waylike a snapped slipper? - brother, come home- tell me, will they allow you in your home? they will allow me we will sleep together i can sleep out instead ofsleeping with you will you take me to dothat filthy work? go man - sister!- brother! - i have kept the auspicious sariin this bureau - okay money is in this bureau
i will take it and escape from here why were you waiting for so long? did you see me before hand? you have kept the bureau openedwhen money is inside i am standing here for security i know that thiefwill search the money in bureau that is why i have kept themoney on the bureau top how is it? what happened?wait, i will take that
if we take it ourselves fingers will be cut i could not steal the money in day timei can steal only at night is anybody there? what granny?why are you shouting? what happened?oh god! why are you shouting? i will become a murdererbefore i become a thief what granny? why are they sleeping herewhat happened granny?
i am blindi called someone to accompany to toilet have i hit myself for this blind granny? bring the jeep - only one question!- stop believe what i tell you i made him a driver to my brotherbecause of money there is no connectionbetween this and my brother how can i face him from now? - i do not have any rights to live- what are you doing?
yesterday we got lbrahimthe leader of terrorism... ...in this situationwe are suspicious about him ...that he workedwith the minister as a driver... as per his brother is statement police havediverted to enquire minister is brother veer singh has been praisedwho caught the terrorist he will be also a brave manwho he named my brother name cheeky girl!she is gesturing him with her eyes i will pluck your eyessee, what i am going to do? have you mesmerised my fianceby wearing pant and shirt?
you are bharathi but i am rathi(beauty) why these coconuts are smallfor my sister is marriage? coconut will be smalleven ambani is sister gets married do not torture me dear, actually... superb! you have changed as a village girli like this this is nice, is not it?i asked her to wear this who is she? - dear!- nandini!
what happened to you? this is your uniform which you worein your 1st standard class, is not it? - yes brother! it was that uniform- why you need this? see her! how she is looking? learn from her, go andchange your dress, damn! - brother is on the line- tell me i have told in the morningwhat you asked me to tell everyone believed thatyou are not involved in this matter, is not it? if you die, they wouldbelieve whole heartedly
am i a thief? or have i cheatedmyself telling i am a thief? is it a daze or griefor a confusion in mind? is the life fearful?is it a daze or grief... even gemini ganesan is conscienceirritates separately only are you irritating me in multiple imagesbecause of technology development? i will show you that i am a thief i became a thief hey agnate! he has stolen that money you do one thingyou inform all our relatives
if thief has caughtthey will inform the cops why do you inform your relatives? - super!- give your hand long live thief! did you know before that i am a thief? i know! you are not fit to be a thief you have to dowhich work is suitable for you - have you understood?- why did not you tell in 3rd reel itself? the money that you stole by hard workis yours that was kept ready to give you
...for spending us money in chennai was i trying to steal my money? no thief would have got insultedlike this in the whole of asia i have a doubt you tell me often thati remind you of bajanlal seth can i see that sait? go! put 10 paise and go else you will go crossing my corpse me!
i have suffered and worriedhence, i have reformed bye seth are you sleeping peacefullyto mesmerize my fiance? this is black magic egg if i keep with you you will forget my fiance and my fiance will forget youshe must forget him - take that- i have put many saris here how does she look like?at least tell about her complexion like her complexion
it matches youthen it will be suitable for her too my fiancee nandini she thinks about me more thanshe thinks about her mom she loves me very much i too love her you are an important person in my life i wanted to gift this sarito her through you... ...after my sister is marriage gets over... ...and i will propose to her before that i want to play with her a game
nothing! you should act asif you are my close friend this will be the last game with herbefore our marriage your fiance has bought this sarifor the one who he loves that is not me as you think, that is you - really?- yes! hence, you will not need black magic egg pardon me - sister-in-law!- you too joined her, is not it? then, can you marry my brother so easily?
- dad!- god bless you dear! what is this? you have told everythingwhen i thought to irritate her more dear!do not run stand there! - mom?- please come anybody let us see who will come here you have your sister is wedding tomorrowdo you expect a kiss now? be responsible
bhai, i can release you now cbi has enquired seriouslyafter my brother is arrest - that is the problem- do what i say do not move!stop! put the gun down feroz khan! are you muslim?i am also muslim are you trying to stop me? i am struggling for the entiremuslim community and welfare - i am fighting for you too- for what? when compared with your countrymuslims live freely and safely in india
you could not even save bin ladenwho you wanted to live but terrorist kasab is still alivein india whom we hate for my beloved country... i should arrest a muslim terrorist like youand handover to my government i will feel proud to bea true muslim only then - you are going to lose your life asan indian - you can kill me easily but you cannot escape from death super hero will destroy everyone do not you worry of dying alone
i have done all the arrangementsto send super hero with you entire town will accompany youjust wait for them if you promote me to his posting,i will go up go! i am dead now, is it not? you have to do the formalitiesin your father is position boys are there to take careof the arrangements come on, sit here sprinkle water on fire and worship
brother! hold this! who gave this to youbefore the wedding gets over? - who gave this?- one uncle gave that to me do not stare! give it to her it is getting late! i have to sendbride to change wedding saree i will not allow you to escape are you trying to escapeafter giving the gift? - come on!- let me go i will not mind even you talk in hindi!you should have lunch and move
you came for veer is sister marriageyou should not go with empty stomach i am telling i do not want foodwhy do you compel me? what is the problem? i do not know whati compelled him to have the feast ...and he slapped me heavily what are you doing here?come out with me - come out!- no, i will not come - it is okay! come on, kill me!why do you stare? your house will blast in few minutes
gift! i gave you the gift of death that day you have savedlot of people from death if you can save your family and villagers,come on, go ahead still one more minutego, die with your family brother...!why he has kept his mobile here? is it my brother super hero? brother, do not come near brother, you go away
oh my god!what happened to you cauvery? are you that super hero?are you alright? nothing should happen to you i should be fortunate to be your sister now i am the sister of super herowho saves the entire place i do not want anything else than that cauvery! dear! if the bomb had burst inside,the entire village would have destroyed she has sacrificed her lifeto save this village people
i am going to share you a good news the terrorist lbrahim who came to destroyour country has died in an accident i am going to produce super herobefore you all who caught him red handed welcome you all minister ras bihari has invited allto see veer singh live the information is spreading like fire we expect a lot of peoplewill come to see him not one or two... millions of people willthrong in to meet super hero
they will be very eager to meet him you should not take any actiontill i order you long live super hero! what is this, veer?who are they going to meet? they should be awarewho the real veer singh is you have destroyed everythinglike my wealth, weapons etc... but you gave a more powerful weaponin my hand instead of all this that is the title super hero you only know i am a terroristi am super hero for others
i came to destroy the peace of this nation people are talking with courage and belief you are the one who gave courageand belief to them if you destroy that yourself,that will be a big destruction no one should believe that one will cometo help them and save from danger you have tortured us very much who is that idiot attacking me from behind? if you have guts, come before me i am not a coward
- do you abuse me as coward?- is this distance enough? give the tape to me talk to our managing director andask him to telecast this live in the channel i will go to the stadium andreveal it to everyone she should not escape.- take care of her now super hero whomyou are eagerly waiting to meet... ...is going to appear before you all do not lose your life you should see how they are goingto die who have believed you a lot
your super hero is going toappear here within few seconds here he is...super hero here is your super hero i know you all like super hero but just now i came to knowyou are madly affectionate with me i am very happy about this what i have done so far is nothing big but today you are going to get satisfied fullyas you have believed a lot no, he is not super hero
i am sure he is not super hero i know his voice very well - he is not super hero- yes, i am not super hero i am the terrorist musafir lbrahim i came here to destroy your chennai super hero has saved you all from death but today your super herois going to die with you brother...! nobody can escape from here alive
i have planted bombin every nook of this stadium if i operate this remote,the whole stadium will be destroyed - die all of you!- do not be hasty! let us move to a long distanceand press button search where is thevideo out of stadium is lcd screen? here is the lcd out do not do! we will die stop it! you all came hereto meet super hero, is it not? someone has tried to cheat youas super hero
but you have believed his wordsand decided to lose your life you have started to praise when you see me you want me to dump your problemsand are trying to escape, is not it? i thought super hero is someone elseand searched everywhere but finally i foundsuper hero is not someone ...the guts inside meis the real super hero if i am not trying to make you aware... no use of trusting meand my effort will be a waste one super hero is a common thinglike the air we breathe
a girl explained this to me she has fought against the enemieseven in the last moment the guts she had is the meaningfor super hero my sister has sacrificed her lifeto save me and my village the sacrifice which she did for usis the meaning for super hero do not see my appearance and looktry to give life for my emotions too once i was an ordinary milkman when i realized myselfand proved guts is the only super hero cannot you realize yourself?
we have food for our hunger we sleep when we get tired we enjoy our life but when we are furiousand find some faults... why do we expect someone to fight for us? no, we should fight for our rights when we show our anger oncein 5 years the government changes show your fury oftenthe politics will change he said i can defuse the bombif he plants in one place
will many super heros come to defuse bomb,if he plants bombs in many places? we have to prove them thousands ofsuper hero will come to save the nation he is right thank god! super hero has saved usand our country from the terrorists let me show his words in action we both have same thinking andworking style for people is welfare i have killed the home ministerand came in this posting he is not coming... reduce the population
i have planned to increase my bank balance but why did you interfereand spoil my plan? everything is going to get destroyed today this stadium is surroundedwith full of bombs we will fly somewhereand destroy this land through remote see this! he is an enemy buthe was faithful to his nation but he is a traitor whobetrays his own nation you know what to do with a traitor, right? wake up the super hero in you
hey, thrash him! get down!

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