thick dense forest wherecrows cannot penetrate thick and dense forest whereants cannot enter severe penance by gopalam bench for lord krishna to standwhen he manifests and grants boons oh krishna my salutations to you oh merciful radha krishna my salutations oh bestower of good thingsoh brave and mighty l am too small to praise you too much flattery willarouse suspicion about your honesty
so no flattery ask what you want -only one boon. l want radha-ask her father why penance and boonsfor such a small thing? they are very rich.they don't oblige me then abduct her l too did the same in the case of rukmani kidnapping is an offensemoreover l am a lawyer! why do you want to marry then?love her from a distance
the fruit not obtainable is more sweeter love is wonderfulmarriage is boring then, why did you marry eight times? my gosh! you find fault with me!! you don't learn like thisexperience it good. l am giving you radha. there she is!!! oh universal love!oh splendid beauty! oh sweetie oh graceful virtueyou are bewitching
you descended tothis earth to become my wife l am stunnedoh darling welcome to you... oh eclipse less moonyour face is so smooth after seven penance and prayers god gifted you as my wifeyou are a packet of chocolates oh! pinky lips your checks are likehardened cubes of creamy nectar lips are like fresh coral shootsand my love is possessed then oh your cheeksand your blushes
like milk sweets and pista milkthey are like hibiscus they dance with graceand naughtiness in cheeks! lovely mouth and beans like nose!! firm and striking nose fuming and fretting is her birth right she is straight and dignifiedcontoured stylishly her giggles and smilesmake the flowers feeble even the nine gemsfade away like empty shells the abode of cupidsoft and luring waist line
and is almost invisible her feet shining withthe colors of red marigold her dance reflects theheart beats of bharatha sage forgive the mistakes of thy servant welcome, hearty welcome gopalam she is a rich girl judge's daughter and a prospective lawyer she abandoned everything for you
will you continue her educationand make her a lawyer like you? surely -will you take care of her properly?-more than my life need not be excessiveshould be at par with yours such a beautiful girl. . ... listen!. . . once you get heryou may see her differently roses have thorns screw pin has sharp teeth lotus may not be that clean
you have to bearthem too and love her oh lord! don't worry about me whatever she may dol will worship her with flowers l will accept her snubs with smile good. lf you fail, l will rollback the time, cancel the marriage.. . . .and l will send her back to dad remember men andwomen are equal, ok? husband and wifeare surely equal. bye! like lord siva andgoddess parvathy in one body
like seetha and ramanbecoming one like scriptures and chantslike lamp and light like necklace and the thread like speech and connotations... like melody and expressionslike east and sunrise like flower and threadlike sky and blue color... and you as my soul husband and wife.... while tying the sacred threadwhen the fingers touch
on the pretext of tying the threadyour fingers fondle.. the young girl with defiance the time of rice strewing ritual the hands are held togetherand the attire ends are knotted together... while walking the seven feet while embracing for the first time.. then, now and always it is ecstasy for hundred births this marriage would last jasmines really showered, 1 4750
what is that? the dreams l had in night and day. . . . . . since l saw you first are 1 4750 today they have became real so, dreams turns realwants are fulfilled poetry comes spontaneously once desires are fulfilledlt becomes stale oh no, not borelt is an yawn -lt is 1'oclock, getting sleepy-what do you say?
no, nothing. not younot to you not getting sleeptell something you are a great loverplease tell me everybody thoughtthat l was a landlord my life style was like that always surrounded by cronies hundreds of letters from fans state cricket hero, you know! dozens of love letters,scent bottles, kerchiefs and mischiefs
l was called mischief minister one night l was traveling in a train l was in the upper berth ln the other 3berths, there were ladies -aunties?-no grandmas! what happened next? after it got darktwo got down ln the next upper berth, there was a girllooked like a kerala girl -ammu kutty?-may be!!
after sometime. l felt a touch that was kerala girlshe woke me up you are insulating meask me what happened next? no curiosity? sorry, really very sorrywhat happened next? -can't you guess?-did she ask for the time? poor girl, my golden girl,that is why you are like this not only your body, your soul isalso very beautiful. lnnocent soul!! -what about you?-getting sleep
atrocious, cheatingwhat is that? l shared my romances and secrets please tell me your love stories how can l tell youwhen l don't have any! you are so beautiful,didn't you have one or two affairs? -no! my lord!! -l don't believel don't agree, l told you my secrets because you had, is it a mustthat l too should have? you must be definitely having ok, l remember one thing
we went for a marriagein simhachalam temple come out like thatln the marriage function. . . . . .there may be so manyromances, illicit affairs l also said 'twice for you' what happened?tell me who is that fellow? -my brother in law-was he your brother in law? may be well readwhat did he do? -he asked me for a kiss-asked or taken? -asked! you said he asked for it
did you give?or did he take it? that means? lot of difference between the twogiving means you giving it willingly taken means taking byforce without your consent, kissing you have you understood?tell me now -ok!! -who is it?ls it your brother in law? hello, radha's husband gopal speaking aunt here, you never listento me and slept in open lf she catches coldjudge may put you behind bars
-he has a foul mood already-ok. keep down the phone aunty what happened next?hello, did you give or did he take? tell! lt has dawnedoh dear get up you may sleep afterwardsyou may sleep. . . gopalam, get up sleeping while sitting?did you fall down? or did she push you down?your grandpa is also like this get up!
-grandma, has she gone?-nonsense, what are you saying? l meant did she get up?has she gone inside? yes, but not inside,she want out for a jolly walk say she went for a walk there was a phone callslipped into trousers and went away when l asked her 'where'?she said 'police station' where are you going?sit down how did it happen? -one at a time please-we went to a second show movie
there was power cutso we were delayed by an hour we were coming in an auto please speak out clearlythis fellow booked us in brothel case.. ..and has locked us here -greetings sir-greetings this is unfairthey are college students my friendsplease leave them everybody feigns innocence roaming alone in thenight without any male escort
what will you think? only by the smell you candifferentiate between toddy and milk will decide once the sl comes before that they will lose there dignity lf they have one, they won't lose come tomorrow morningwe will not leave them now lmagine if your daughteror sister is in their shoes will you talk like this?l don't have a daughter l don't have a sister. even if l have,she won't roam in an auto in midnight
hello mister, be carefuldo you know who l am? l am a news reporter you have illegallydetained family girls over night. . . this will appear in all papersunder the caption 'police atrocity'. like to see cry please. cry loudly please look at yourphotos in the morning paper who is that? kalyani?she is sp's daughter why didn't you tell himthat you are sp's daughter?
lt didn't come to our mind why didn't you contacthim over the cell phone? -we were scared-nonsense who is sp's daughter? not sp's daughter,mla's daughter is also here she is our editor's sister you are also here?pwd chief engineer's daughter do you know? you have locked upmany atom bombs
one bomb is enoughto see your end trying for transferwhich place you want? dammula gudem?koyyala gudem? or andamans? get me the sp on line not requiredkalyani ring up daddy no, no, you please come this way please go, please go good, very goodare you senseless? an housewife goingto police station in the midnight?
that too on her nuptial night they are my friendsrang up me for help how can you just like that goare you performing the 'gajendra moksham'? . . .are you lord vishnu...? you could have woken me up they called me. so l wentwhy should l call you? radha you areno more a college student you are an housewife suppose if they imprison you also?
l will knock out his teethl will skin him his intestines will be removed going to fight like 'vijayasanthi'suppose the colony people comes. . . . . .to know about thisthink of my prestige gopalam, you promisedto treat your wife on par on nuptial night you have insulted meon the pretext of equality ok. ls it wrong tospeak out my mind? seems you have seenour house's front yard there, here and our everywhere
oh coffee!! lt is hot!! yes, looking at beauty and joy close quarters is very painful don't sit on the doorsteplt is goddess lakshmi's seat, get down how can any husband keepquiet, if you laugh like that? that day that man askedfor a kiss and stopped at that lf l were in his place,l would have leapt like a lion hugged and drenched with kisses you mean he is not a rowdy like you
ls he your sister's hubbyor your aunt's son? l think you don't have sister's? what does it mean, yes or no? where was the kiss?ln the train! on the upper berth not that. was it on the cheeks,on the neck or on the lips? what happened on that day? has he kissed or you kissed him? guess!!! -stop, you have not answered me-l might not have answered
l don't think, you will answer! -touch one finger-why? -ls it given or taken?-nothing, please go demon, devil! has the angel becomea devil over night? as a lover she was pure gold became goldplatethe next day after marriage no satire? my radha is gold then,now and forever. . . . . .always pure gold
looks like a clerk and very dignified with this you can guesshow great, will be the lady lawyer? she may be costlydoesn't matter, go ahead good morning ls madam inside?who are you? l am dharma raomy enemies call me, adharma rao but l always fight for righteousness ls she inside?please sit down he is upper court papa raohe always appeals to the upper court
he sold 25 acresof land 2 buildings for litigation ls the madam inside? you may wonder whyl am particular about the madam she hails from our placewe know her father justice jagannatham when he was a lawyer,l took two murder cases to him he hit me with the slipperhe is a straight forward man l kept the slipper back at his feetafter that he started giving respect to me ls she in?brief me the case, l will explain her definitely, god can beapproached through priest only
look at this dried yam. lt may looklike a rat but the case is a jumbo he planted this yam in his fieldthat extended to neighbours field and. . . . . . yielded there,unaware of this they consumed it lt was in his field, what is wrong in it? but that was planted in our fieldbut the yam was in his field but the plant belongs to us they both had tussle and each calling names lt developed into a quarreland that fellow's hand was cut they filed a case against himhe wielded a stick and his leg was broken
thereafter courts, suits, adjournments but this man is at fault may be, but we will definitely win,if madam takes up this case she is the daughter ofjudge jagannatham you know lf she knows that he isat fault, he will be driven out you have to make her agree don't bother about the money. you will get 100/0 commissionand you give me 20/0 what do you say?
trying to bribe me!-yes of course l will make a drum with your skin he is like the judge come this way l am the clerkhe is the public prosecutor. how can you bribe him directlywhat an audacity!! lt was a mistake, lgnorance!! will you give thecoconut directly to the god? priest offers it to the god
so what, ultimately it goes to god lf you give it to priest it is legal lf you give to the god it is illegal may l know who you are? please sit down. l am the clerk his matters, her matters and. . . . . .the matters of the judge livingin hyderabad. l attend to everything deal everything with me. l am all in all ok. l have 100 more cases with me
don't shout. lf hesees you, it will be your end come to the court. we will discuss there-ok sit down-what for? -how about money- how much? -rs 200/- rs 200/-?yes get me 400/- why?don't shout l have to pay him take this 200/- what is that?-this is also keep that
let us go. this way lost a big client unnecessarily that client is a rowdy. hooligan. cases exists because of rowdies and vandals they came to see mel would have taken up -how can you take up?-why? -you are not a lawyer-why? -you have not completedthe course -why? she didn't pay the fees
l am going to pay the fees l will make her study,make her write the exams well.. ..get her the law degree lf a crime is committed under provocation what are the laws applicable. . .. . . -time is 1 1'o clock-4 more pages to go too much of study is badyou will forget everything l will set the alarm at 4.30 a.m. studying at morning will be good
lf you read on page that wouldbe equivalent to reading 100 pages please stop reading start dreaming not like yesterdaytoday l have to get up why this dress? pantsand shirt in the midnight! just like that. thoughtl will wear something different write down pregnancy may be terminatedto save the mother's life, otherwise read what you have written
termination of pregnancy. . ... very bad! all wrong otherwise - pregnancy termination is a crime did you write properly? no, you can't get through like this are you tired? study in the morningshall l set the alarm? the rooster gave the calllt is around dawn stop indulgingplease sleep
listen to my pleasplease sleep oh handsome man go to sleepoh moon, go to sleep! house to be washedyard to be sprinkled with water gopala, rangoli to be drawn coffee to be brewedtiffins to be made leave my sari gopala leave the sari and let me outl will come back by dusk decked in a nice sari and jasminesl will thrill you and pour the love from my heart
oh my dear leave my sari l am yours, oh my dear the envious sun has comemoon light turned red jasmines turned black the lotus has witheredbecome pale and dull all are eagerly waiting to sleep oh play boy go to sleep night is not overmorrow is long away oh sun! why so hasty?
why did you come oh sun!oh sun! who has called you? what work you have here?what work you have here? go away sun, go awaycome on sun, come on -go away -come on-go away -come on -come on - go away-come on - go away -mr.gopalam-what my dear -no alarm please-why dear? let us study thosemorning lessons now itself not getting enough sleep
l heard your case. you said you have100 more, tell me about one this man and his brother in lawsit down this man and hisbrother in law were fully drunk picture will run for 100days.. his brother in lawdisagreed there was a dispute ls it all lies? ls it original or dubbedoriginal one our men were enraged andbroke the bottle on his head and he died to prevent arresthow much should l pay you?
ln case jailed, to bail outhow much should l pay? ln case of no bail,how much should l pay for. . . ..a/c, cell, whiskyand women in the jail tell me the rate for five star range . . . how much for single star range? 5 star, high class costs 10,000 per day.. single star costs 2500/night payment in cash 50/0 commissionfor me. get me 200 rupees has any transaction been done?
that will cost more.this is for telling the rates give me 400/- your 200/- please -what is this?-that is also 200/- -what more-there is a step mother in our village very beautiful. but she isa widow. she has a step son against her advice, he marrieda girl from different community temple marriage or registered one? exchange of garlandshe has got a boy
-male or female-l told you he is, a boy the whole property is with him this lady has kidnappedthat boy and threatens to kill wants half share in the property you have to hand overthe boy to his father.. ..and hand over the lady to me section 316, 413, 886read with 1 16, very easy she can be easily jailed but it will cost more
how much? doesn't matter.get me 10,000. take this 5000 l have couragelet me speak out now elections were held in our village opposition candidate should not win but he will surely win so l exploded country bombs and killed many how many died? adults, children, old people,cattle all put together 300 died
-then is it a faction case?-yes our madam will not agree l too don't agreekeep your money with you once given it is never taken back two will be hurled at you alsoif you don't deal this case properly 200 bombs are left out what did you do to the lower court's lawyerwhen he didn't deal with the case properly? you chopped his head andbroke his clerks legs. ls it not? the other day. . ...where is he?where did he go? daughter of a judgegrand daughter of a retired judge wife
of assistant public prosecutor.radha devi has also become a lawyer they say education suffers after marriage but this lady graduated in lawafter marriage and has secured state rank ls sugar ok? ln case sugar is not enoughwill you go and fetch it? won't the coffee becomes cold by then?nonsense! don't you know to bringsugar along with coffee! forgot the paper. take it away what menu you want for lunch?
brinjal, mutton or cabbage?-do what you wish! always thinks about cookingwon't you read papers or listen to news? why news for me?am l going to rule the country? being a judge's wife, if youdon't read the paper, my prestige my prestige would be at staketake the paper why are you so particularabout me reading the paper? does it contain any new recipe details? dear, our radha has passed in 1st class so much money l have spentls it great to pass?
look at that cup,it might have broken l told you thirty three times,to replace the cap of the tooth paste l don't care! forgot to replace the cap carelessness! look. this is a very bad habit this is because,you haven't replaced the cap useless ladyhave you got it stop it! can't you wash the coffee cup? you could have removed it
you saw itwhy didn't you take it then? look at your saree.could not even wear it properly! gopalam you could have adjusted her saree would be thrilling also! can help her by cutting vegetables! can assist her in her make upsorry not to me, say it to her. go and do it where is the saree? weren't you irritated inthe morning about the saree?
that was in the morning. this is night.saree will be beautiful in the nights anyway come in my darling, when l get irritated.. do things l like you will become an ideal wife our pretty radhamma's melodiesare the songs of lord muvva gopala the rhythms of the handsare the up beats of love -coming...-don't move ... -you are lovely-your smile is lovely
-ln tress-jasmines are lovely -your dress is lovely-your 'bindi' is lovely -your rebukes..-..are like nectar earth revolves around the sungopalam revolves around radhamma lf the waist sways,it is 'katha kali' lf the tress sways,it is 'kuchi poodi' lf head sways it something... oh wonderful, wonderful cutting vegetables fosters intimacy
fingers are cut, mouths are happy spoon feeding is lovelyproblem leads to kisses beautiful is the apathy of dear oneslovely to scold a victorious wife rhythmic dance of togethernessthe heart is the 'mangalyam' ln the game of lovehugs solve all the problems oh ladies these are... ...a pretty and lovely couple the tides webs and loss.. the ocean of family life
grandma! lt's my first case todayl am going to the court l see, good. best of luck did you pay obeisanceto the god? what is this? not to me!do it to the god you are my god oh my honey,my golden doll! why this dress?will you go like this? what is wrong with this? courts are the sole property of men folk
lt would be great winning a casewearing saree that represents feminism go and change the style of saree is uniqueothers won't equal it in beauty.., dignity and decency wear saree like goddess lakshmiand apply 'dot' like goddess parvathi. be graceful like saraswathithe goddess of knowledge talk in english fluently the judge will be stunned this would help youto win the case for 500/0
good, looks likegoddess of victory! oh my dear bye! going to a court or to lady's club? grandma what is this gesture? you touched god's feet,you touched grandma's feet how about hubby's feet? see again!! no, no, need not pay obeisance to me
lt is an insult to me,because husband and wife are equal -ls it not?-ls it not? -greeting sir-please sit down oh god. he has comefor your first case! he is like a tiger, a cunning foxtricky fellow very difficult and dangerousbe careful. you may lose that too, in yourfirst case. sorry gather courage to bolster you up proceed mr. dharma rao
he is innocent and cannot talk some people leveled seriousallegations against him am l correct? come to the pointdiscuss about the case l am coming to the point he is a cash keeperin a small scale industry he disburses salaries ten days back he withdrew3 lakhs from the bank to give. . . . . .salaries and to payinterest to the investors
don't be afraid he has 5 wives and 2 children.he is telling about them somebody dropped a 10rs note,while he was starting the vehicle ..drew his attention to ithe thought the money was from his wallet he bent down to take it then he hit him on the backof his head with an heavy weapon this man fell down. the thiefran away with the cash bag lies, all lies company is demanding him to pay the money
how can he pay the moneytaken away by the thieves? the complaint is the manwho hit him was his accomplice yes sirsit down lt was done by people whowere against him and wanted his job he was honest and waswith them for the past 21/2 years .. that is 30monthsthat is 1000 days how can he commit such a crime? there are cheats who tell99 truths to prove one lie as true he is not like that
he has to spend his lifeas a handicapped person jobless, he has to beg for alms will anybody invite such acalamity for the sake of a small sum? please have mercy and acquit him grant him 10lakhs as compensation mr.subba rao!!! yes or no? -speak out! -l couldn'tunderstand even a single sentence how did you reply?yes, your voice is clear now
got it, you have lostyour voice and your waist! while you were coming afterdrawing 3 lakhs from bank.. when you were taking scooterhow did the thief dropped the rs10/- note? how did you bend down to take itand how did the thief hit you? could you show us once? lmagine l am the thief rs10/- note l am handicapped. couldn't walk, please don't try to kid me
can't you even walk for 2 feet.? not 2 feet l can't walk even for 2 inches can't you see the bandages on my waist? don't play tricks with a crippled may lose your vision l am sorryl am really sorry l thought like your voiceyou might have regained your walk also the thief that hit you is caught! can you recognize him? he was having long hair-was it a wig or natural hair?
my god, l don't know anything.l don't remember anything l have 2 kids and 5 wives 5 wives!!are you a draupadi? look here dear, do you know!look here-oh dear, here please why do you shout like that? they said in the tv that thejudge's daughter won her first case of course! won the first case.we heard. they rang up not only passing the law
careful, coat may get spoiled not only did she pass law, she haswon the case and proved her mettle proving what? she scared him with a snake. just a trick! no law points, no arguments and they said that she was my daughter how that seasoned lawyergot fooled by her trick? he must be a fool a lizardoh god
preparing snacks? make sweets also and distribute. but don't praise your girlso much. not good for her sorry darling, l am writing diary.will finish in 5 minutes and go why 5 minutes, you maysit for 1/2 hour. no problem l will just keep the book and go! l forgot the file. you need notget up. l will take it oh god! save me from getting angry. . . . . .at those who stealthilyread other's diaries and letters
l have not read it.l came for the file. that's all lf you haven't read how did you know this? caught red handed? gopalam l know what you are going to do l know your mind this is too bad to enter mybedroom and pull my leg l did not enter the room.but entered your mind forget about that brother in law's kiss otherwise you will lose your peace of mind-lmpossible
lt is wrong to read other's diaries she is not an outsider.she is my wife. nothing wrong ok. carry on did you find out? radha, please come inside you fool, we are inside only l too can become angry ls reading wife's diary a crime?ls it wrong? whyshould there besecrets between husband and wife?
why do you fuss so much about this? the fuss is created by you no use, she is not responding but you are sounding the horn repeatedly even if she hearsshe will not adjust -what did l do?-you are not accepting your mistake -l didn't commit any mistake-this is another mistake ok, you are not wrongbut accept it for her sake peace of mind, safety and gain
she may take me for granted!!why is she so stubborn? very bad. look ahead have you informed your house? -forward or backward-across -come in -who is he? -don't know!thought him to be my brother in law without knowing you sat in the pillion got to know him only after that.good fellow. he didn't ask for a kiss do you know how manyspeed breakers are on the way? don't know.sat backwards
-this is not just for you-for you too!! what is wrong in this?why should you hide secrets from me? we must know each otherlike the lines in the palm you only know the lines of the palm. what do you know about thenerves and blood beneath them? what secrets you havethat are not known to me? what is behind the blouse? behind the veil, there willbe the invisible heart there is a heart behind the blouse
you know only my body god resides in everybody's heart there will be light in it you may see a naked bodybut nobody open up their heart. they can't. neither manor woman or even god did she shout at her husband like that? after that.. don't sit there! why?
she is angrylt is dangerous to sit near the feet l had an experience yes, yes, l saw in were hit by 'jamuna' not 'jamuna'it is 'sathya bhama' this is not 'sathya bhama.this is radha no problem even if she kicks l think l am at fault let me agree. kicks arebetter than scoldings. that is better now you are right
sorry, l kicked you no dear you have not kicked.l got kicked l am sorry, sorry l am also sorryvery, very sorry l am sorry.l have hurt you pronounce 'hurt' correctly l will pronounce like that only ok. as you like a kiss on thisoccasion of rapprochement
-cool drink?-no forgot to give you theflowers purchased for you wear it after the train departs why can't l see and enjoy? ls it only for others to enjoy why do you snub me?do l look like a dog? nonsense the other day you madechicken curry. lt was heavens
l wanted to ask youto cook it again oh l forgot,snacks for you. eat am l to eat these things before your eyes? joking!! come to that door once.come on. get up please hold him the saree vendor came tothe shop to sell a saree l asked him go to my housemy wife will also purchase one -did he come?-what does also mean? apart from me?
what are those harsh jokes?whom can l have apart from you you are my 1st wife and100th wife. l swear. -fool, the train is about to start.where do you go? -dad.. he is not ours.our son is inside. senseless fellow. can't you differentiatebetween your son and mine? go man, go -are you blind?-take it they say that one shouldn't bid farewellto a wife without giving fruits, take it -ls it wife alone?-of course, children too
-l have forgotten to ask,give me that chain -why? 100 cement bags arrivedfor our new house l gave my bangles,bracelets, waist band and.. lsn't that house foryou and our children? good omen.give it away l am going that sidel have to go this side the train has started by the time you return,it would be finished on your return you canwalk into the new house
remove that chain please give it quickly that is goodyou are an ideal wife good bye! see you!l am late, oh god! golly! -whose nose is this?-mine!! -whose mouth is this?-lt is yours see this necklace.. this necklace. . .lt is mine
l will kill you.that is mine. that was given by my parents give the chain dear listen to me l will kill you you claim my chainwill you claim my husband? give me my banglesand waist band give me my chain dear, don't hurt her
stop it. -l will kill you-oh god! l will kill you. l willcut you. you are done dear, are you hurt? let us gofrom here. she can't do anything oh god! l am dead! murder, murder! no, don't come oh god, what have l done to you? varahalu in betweentwo females
wife revolts wife beats husband -act a little bit sorrowful-ok don't over do it.weep moderately bye sir even the primary school teacherdidn't beat me like this she is not my wife. she is a demon, devil but for my luck, she could have killed me file murder case against her andsee that she gets capital punishment
seems you are very angry with your wife did you marry without her consent? no sir, she was slim like asugarcane at the time of marriage she because fat like ajaggery basket by the first night why was there delaybetween marriage and nuptial night? her parents delayed the dowry,scooter and steel cup board didn't you ask her about this? l didshe said her yearn for me made her fat didn't you consult a doctor?
she became fatter aftertaking the medicines like a jumbo how can you be soangry about her obesity? knife is not requiredshe would have killed me with her leg do you know whathappened on the nuptial night? l am telling you the truth,since it is a court placed her leg on me andasked how many brothers l have? l said, if you remove yourleg we are 4, otherwise we are 3 not happy with this fat ladylt costs 3ticketes to go to cinema one for me, two for her,double charge too
what is wrong if l keep 'llaka'? won't she become fat? never. 'llaka' will never become fat she wont be 'llaka' if she becomes fat should not talk like that don't say l hate my wife, she is stout you must be very carefulwith the media and the court -l'll come in the evening totake full statement -one minute many thanks madam
-will she get capital punishment?-but you have not murdered then get her 1 10 years imprisonment.get me divorce l will go my own way -with llaka?-no, l swear. he has found out! please don't weep 'kasulu', lot of troubles. how are you? what did you eat in the night? don't weep. don't weep uncle, don't worry about mehow is he? has he taken medicine?
yesterday you were about to kill himtoday you are worried about him why not. he fell into the trap of that devil ln his lust for herhe has ruined my life you know l have two children he has cheated us andtook away the money. . ... lf l weep, she will alsoweep and drench the cloth take her out let her pass it there he has cheated ushe looted my money and gave her he looted my bangles, chain, necklaceand everything and gave them to her
he must be killed and cut into pieces yes l hit him to luck is good. so he survived nothing wrong in killing him 'killing, chopping'should not talk like that why not? can he commit such sins? what if a woman does the same thing? nonsense. dirty words dirty words? ls it not wrong forthe husband to behave like that? he is a man. he is a kingmy husband has two mistresses
do you mean to say ifa man does he is a playboy.. ..and if a woman does, she is a whore? l don't know suppose if a lady smokes?-nonsense! how can women think like this? whatever you talk, this is a male kingdom 'kasulu' don't worry. god will save us he is also a man uncle, if l am hangedyou have to take care of my children
don't be afraid. nothing will happen to you your innocence will save you l will take care, don't worry radha, guess what happened todaylt is you, please guess how can l know? have you not seen the paper? 'kasulamma' had beatenher husband 'varahala rao'. she is arrested. murder case tomorrow l will be the prosecutor
lf husband and wife fightit comes under domestic violence lt will be under family court's jurisdiction how can court and police interfere in it? domestic violence means,husband beating his wife that is natural in the whole worldcourts will not interfere but if wife beats a husband,it is news and case l won't agree. are there differentrules for man and woman? you used to say that all are equal ofcourse husband and wife are equal.
but men have an edge over women listen to me. such an innocent ladyresorted to beating her husband. can't you guess what sin that fellowmight have done? can't you find out? ofcourse we will inquire. he may be cruelcan a woman beat a man like that? she has to complain to the police he has affair with another woman. do you expect the wife to say, 'pleasecontinue, till l come with the police' you say as if you have seen it
how do you know? l got to know! l am going toargue for 'kasulamma' radha, l am assistant prosecutor. do you know thatl have to prosecute tomorrow? l know it now so you took up the case unknowingly. now you know itso leave it not possible not possible!
how dear, how?l gave my word to her now what is wrong in taking up the case? definitely wrong. when me, your husbandis arguing in court. . .., my wife are goingto oppose me in the court? how dare you..? l sympathized and made youa lawyer. and now you are against me don't want to withdrawand you snubbing at me wait. you have gone this farare you a woman?
aren't you a wifeyou don't respect your husband. look here, are you goingto oppose me in public.? will you shout at mein the court and degrade me? what is there to degrade? ln the course of arguments if l don'tagree with you, how can it affect you? don't behave like this. don't be defiant last warning. withdraw from this caseotherwise it will be bad mind you, you are afterall my wife. be careful radha, don't go
please watch after sometime tofind out whether gopalam got back radha oh lord forgive megive my radha back to me, l have learnt oh lord! oh lord!! any other husband would have shoutedthat you are my wife, be careful except me any other husbandwould have shouted like this but l won't shout definitely argueno question of husband and wife. . . . . .mother and son before the god of justice justice is justicel will co-operate, l will help
grandma, look at my wifeshe is going to do a great thing those days rama renouncedkingdom for his father's sake now, for the sake of justice,she refuses to listen to her husband ...encouraged by her husbandshe is serving the god of justice today's case se no:216/2005. state vsseinthaseguru kasulamma respondents . . .seinthaseguru varahela rajuand gajula madhura vani kasulamma is the wife of wholesale jaggery merchant varahela rao -don't weep -don't weepl am here, don't weep though she mothered two children,doubted her husband's conduct
she alleges illegal relation shipwith beema chit fund agent. . . . . .while doing an insurance transaction uncle give the snacks packet to the child don't keep finger in mouthhe will bite the finger attacked them with a bluntknife and attempted to kill them lt attracts murder case under section 302 but as they are alive, it attractslpc 307 under attempt to murder lt is not mentioned in the flr that. . . . . . the accused had intentions
lt states that she onlyattempted to kill with the knife so it means that she merely wielded theknife thinking it as a bunch of flowers -can l ask a question?-yes are men and womenequal in your opinion? my personal opinion bearno relationship to this case as per law not only men andwomen, but also animals are equal our tradition is like thisplease know it, you are young why are you stubborn?give up this case don't be hasty, wait and see
the 1st mistake of prosecution is. . . allegation of murder on the accused she caused injury in a flurry of anger ln a rage of angermurders can also be done but murder didn'ttake place, only bruises the affected are haleand healthy, they are here l seek your permissionto question varahela rao don't shout, l am not deafl am coming oh god! so badly wounded!
-your name and profession?-have youcome here without knowing all this? not for mefor the records of the court answer to the pointno cross questions l shouldn't ask even if l have a doubtor is this also a question? misbehaviour will increasethe punishment, be careful -yes sir -what is yourrelation ship with kasulamma? we are husband and wife-between you and madhura vani -that is. . . no reply?what is there to answer, both are humans -she is the agent for chit funds and llc-l am her client -what?
-l mean customer-yes, yes -thank you mr.p.p why did your wife beat you? she has a bad tongue andan hand always ready to beat l am paying these fundsfor her and her children only her only mistake is she is a woman my wife started naggingto avoid that . . . to avoid that, you invited herto the warehouse! - of course! what do you do there?business, whole sale jaggery business -we had to sign the papers -did you goto warehouse to sign papers? -yes
how many signatures 1000 or 2000? no jokes pleasedon't blush. court wants to know exchanging pleasantriesfor such a long time! l object to the word pleasantrieslt has wrong connotations lf it takes days to get signatures,pleasantries should have taken place lmplied meaning? no other go what did you talk so long in thewarehouse that made your wife suspicious l don't know english properlybut l am a very strict business man -l'll get it translated to telugu andthen sign -why should you hug her?
hugging? when?when your wife saw that is why she got angry oh that onewarehouse is a tiled one, very dark frequent power failuresthat day also power went off lt is warehouse. lt is darkmoreover infested with rats they crawled on to her legout of fear she fell on me l held her from falling. patted onthe back and infused courage. that's all she saw it and mistook it as hugging she is also like that, when shesees a cockroach she hugs me out of fear
what?yes dear l am scared of cockroaches oh! how many timesthere were power failure in the warehouse? how many times power goes off?how many times rat creeps on? so that l can count your hugs will anyone count such thingshow did your wife count? yawns and hugs. . . jokes are crossing the limitl want to question the accused madam agreed thatthey have hugged out of fear he is your husbandand more than your life. . . did you try to killhim by throwing knife?
not a knife but lthrew him on the ground how can you liftand throw a man like a tree? your breath and more than your life. . . yes, my husband and children are my life lf a child innocently keepsthe hand on stove, will l keep quiet? won't l beat. this is also like that why do you laugh? lf your husband keeps his headin a tiger's mouth, will you keep quiet? uncle, keep her down. lf l weep,she also weeps and wets the clothes
your clothes will spoildon't weep, don't weep you are enacting a dramayour uncle pinched that girl this is all tutored tutored things cannot be spontaneous wouldn't you drop the casecome on let's go l won't comel have work, you may go greetings gopalamgreetings! greetinga!! your arguments inthe court were wonderful my congratulations to you asa lawyer and as an husband
come on, come! come!!... oh god! enough, no more not enough!not enough!! my student, my product. . . . . .took the court by storm no bounds to my happinesslt is uncontrollable enough, please leave meplease leave me, leave me enough, please leave mel am telling you only
please leave mel tell you l am choking, leave me gopalam is it loveor dhirtharashtra's hug me, dhirtharashtra's hug? what do you say?dhirtharashtra's hug? what is that?nothing! l didn't say anything grandma! what penanceyasodha did to. . . . . .be called 'mom' by child krishna you have put on crumpledclothes after taking the bath
yes! grandma, your grandsongot you mixer and grinder why do you toil like this?give some of it.. l am not for that grinderthe hand ground chutney. . . . . .and rasam prepared onearthen stove tastes differently how does it taste?ls salt content ok? salt content is okbut the chutney volume is more you, naughty girl grandma, what is meantby 'dhirtharashtra's hug'
after seeing thecrumpled clothes, l guessed no, no, lawyer usedthat word in the court lt seems a love hug but. . . . . .the intention is to crush to death you wanted to showdhirtharashtra's love on me radha, what is this? you are angry with mefor taking up the case jealousy! you wanted tocrush me to death with vengeance
not only men we too are sensitive didn't l apologise? -please listen to me-need not say anything you weep just like thatlt is a weapon for women tears always roll down readily don't think l will getmollified by your tears get out, get out hand ground chutneyshe said salt is less, taste it now did she ask you anything?
yes, she told me some one uttered'dhirtharashtra's hug in the court -did she ask it's meaning?-ls salt ok? -lt is very spicy-l am to be blamed for asking you face is like moonnose is like sesame flower lips are like ripened cherryseyes are like lotus flower cheeks are like guavaschin is like a jaggery cube neck is like a conch and more and many moretreasure bloom of youth rousing, enticing and killingeverything before me
you and only you are in the rear. why? you will tweet my cheekswill squeeze my nose will suck my lipswill bite my chin kisses, pinches, tweetslf queried.. ln the name of loveyou will whirl me so l am at the back eh long tress, jasmine tress oh serpentine tress,'satya bhama's' tress your anger causes shivers in me
silken tress, lovely tress fuming tressnagging tress why fuss now? to back and to neck andto shoulders you add beauty why these bickering? oh tress! dangling behind the swaying waisttwinkle twinkle tress pity oh tress tinklets of the tress andshapely bums awakens the world what is my mistake? oh tress!
with full of doubtsyou are confused oh tress don't cut my heart, oh tress! magic tress!detective tress! ruthless tress!motivating tress! l am yours forever.... your whirling tresssets my heart aflutter don't arouse passions in me you dance like cobrato the tunes of music oh tress show your face
the bickering areentreats but not quarrels please let me come closer the husband whodoesn't comb the hair and doesn't praisethe tress is a vegetable mass let me comb you, oh tress! you are phasing to the eyes please come to me and get me oh lovely tresslt is enough tress greetingsgreetings, please sit down
-how is madam?-fine, top of the world sir and madam are at loggerheadsshe is proving her mettle l brought a news casewhat is that? -owner of 7 lorries-ls he? -not he, his dad he is a playboy, he has a stepney-stepney? -l mean mistress a weed, wife but not wifehe went with her to a cinema age is like that. madam is alsoarguing the same 'set up' case madam will definitely take up this case lf they appeal to the higher court,her father is the judge there
yes, of courseyou are very lucky coming to the point,this fellow went out in the interval. . . . . .smoked beedi and came backlights were off by mistake he sat in the front rowa lady was sitting there he mistook her forhis mistress and fondled her -you. . .-by now her brother camethis fellow was beaten black and blue not only that, he lodgeda false complaint of stealing her chain.. ..and he had beaten him -has he beaten?-yes, nicely -that is enough for us attempted murderl will see that madam takes up this case
-l will see -please keepyour word, give 10,000 take this 5count that, count that which station?2town police station -which theatre?-shanthi theatre -which show?-matinee that day, my wife wentto cinema with her brother he is the fellow whofingered her navel, l see how dare you touch my wifenot me, it is he -ls it he?... -please stop-rascal, l will kill you
please stop, leave himl will deal with the fellow ls kasulamma's and yours,is it love or marriage? mine is love and hers is marriage how can it be?mine is a whole sale jaggery business l used to weigh jaggeryat the warehouse while packing 50kgs,some jaggery gets spilled she used to buy that and sell in her shop then she was slim and beautiful like'devayani' in the picture 'marriage book' then l fell in loveshe married me with her elder's consent
you loved her whole saleyour life was good how did the other lady enter? that is. . .nothing of that sort . . . . . .madhuravani is a chitfund agent, that's all l have not asked who madhuravani is l asked about the other womanand you are talking about madhuravani that means there is another woman she is kidding an innocent. . . . . .with the jugglery of wordsshe is side tracking the case
ok. you may ask correctquestions and get correct answers did you love kasulammaand get married? -you loved herbut she didn't -yes how can there be marriage without lovewhy not, you married me? lf you have even a semblance of loveand respect for me, leave this case this is court. not a placefor settling personal scores please bear in mind since your marriage day, your wife. . .l looked after her very well with what you are worshipping her?-with flowers -with what flowers?
-all flowers-especially? -with jasmines -never. . .? -deprived her anything-what aspect? -ln every aspect even after marriage? -yes-even after marriage -yes ladies lose charm after marriage though she became fatl loved her very much daily l brought her flowers and eatables no! she doesn't like dance ofcourse l take her to cinemas and circus -does he take you to cinema oryou go by yourself -he used to take me
like what cinemas? to your tasteor to his taste -to my liking only he took her to picturesof her liking but not his oh! he got so much loveand respect from his wife -no please love! nonsense. he leavesme and children inside saying. . . . . .he won't see damn bloody telugupictures and will go out for a smoke -what is wrong in that?-definitely wrong once l had head acheand children were weeping so l came outhe was not there went homenot locked from outside
lt was bolted from insidepeeped through the window he was having a nicetime with that chit fund girl then l came to know their love affair what man?her eyes are affected by jaundice l was getting the l.l.cpapers read in telugu english and telugu words. . . we were laughing atthe english and telugu words by hearing that she mistook us whatever l do it is forher and for her children
but she has no faith. . . ls it a crime to buyflowers and sweets to his wife? ls it wrong to take herto movies and go for picnics? for the future of wife andchildren he was saving money. . . . . .and at this age learning english,having tuitions day and night. . . . . .learning englishls it a sin or crime? -please reply. reply please-speak man speak -what else to speak what she has done to you,how she nagged and tortured how can l mention?
they are like police blowsneither heard nor visible when l go to bathroomwearing towel, she spills water and. . . . . .laughs along with herchildren when l slip and fall pouring salt in the coffee but l didn't drop ember's inone's family like that concubine speak politely, if youcall her concubine l will. . .. . .. lt is wrong. should notuse such words in the court what words to use?you have to experience to know my plight then you will not preach sermons
oh my god!. . ... uncle, give that baby to me don't weep. please don't weep with her weeping sheattracted everybody's sympathy radha is the woman behind this. . . oh krishna, gem of yadava dynasty win or loss, l will be mocked at! lf l win they say you won over a lady lf l lose they laughat loosing to a lady
ls a woman so cheap? no, no. . ..fear so leave this case or at least lose it so you are afraid of my win you are deriving inferences! -you taught me everything-yes of course so, as teacher's fee, drop this case don't.. ask.. that.. one.. thing oh my finger, murder, homicide
you did it wantonlyshall l blow? radha don't play with me, you will lose the sweetness of the first winwill turn bitter with this case bitterness is also a kind of tastedoes everybody win all the cases? listen radha l maybe your husband at home. . . . . .but in court l will be ferocious l will eat away you andyour potato client like chips without effort no sentiments in work
even god cannot save you they say lf you protect 'righteousness''righteousness' will protect us your client is a demon do you know she beats her husband daily he showed his back,full of scars - all lies he is not that innocenthe is monster he was so mean thathis wife had beaten him he must be punished no, not even a singlefly can fall on my client
flies don't fall, they land this is not time for jokinglast warning. leave this case nonsense! this is her second casesecond case should not be stopped hail the grandma you trampled on the cotthe straps became loose both of you tighten it again l am transporter speakingcould you please come over? will be there in 10mts are you angry withgrandma for voting for me?
l am not angry. l won't getno jealousy. l won't get you need not pity me. l don't like no my lord it is about the shirt coat without a shirt islike sari without a blouse l said l am coming gopal rao, wear the lungi grandma it is my will and pleasure oh god!! l don't need your sympathy
l am not running away out of fearl am not angry with you not even jealousl have got work may l know who you are?l am your dad, justice jagannatham hello dad! how are you? you have urgent work herecan't talk it over phone you come to hyderabad urgentlythere is a flight in half an hour ls mom alright?nothing like that. all are ok start immediatelyok that was my father from hyderabad
he wants me thereurgently regarding some case l see just like that he won't callyou please go where has he gone, where is he? you start immediatelyl will inform him he went off in rage sincehe was delayed for his flight have some milk bye! -after a drink one has to sit downfor a while. sit down for a second and go bye!! ask him to make an adjournment requeston my behalf for tomorrow's case
ok, best of luckgo safely either switch off the mute orswitch off the t.v, l am nervous l thought it may disturb youdisturb is a verb, say disturbance don't take my lifewhy english? speak in telugu l am tense. this tvwithout sound causes more tension you . . . you never do anything rightmom. . .daddy radha, please come. just coming??? no, no, she came a weekback was hiding behind the door
you please wait. let me talkabout the work. niceties come next -lt is late, thought she mayeat a little - lt is all given in the flight anyway she has not given usthe opportunity of looking after her ok, proceed daddyl am listening to you don't call me daddy you are not here as my daughteryou are a witness in a case sit down, have this juice would you go insideand bring that file here? you told me that last year one fellowtried to rape you in a dark bungalow..
and you scared him and drove him out l do remember. his name israjinikanth, mla's son, playboy l got into his car unknowingly-when and where did it happen? vizag, beemly road. ln a dark bungalowon january 1st 2004, new year's day on the same day ina farm yard near rajahmundry. . . a murder took placeon the eve of new year's party the same rajini is allegedto have committed this also now this came to my courtls it? oh god! lf that is the allegation, it is wrongthat day he was in vizag
l told you he tried to molest me lf you say the same inthe court, he will be acquitted otherwise may get capital punishment l am telling you the truthnext day l told you about this l too remember he has filed a petitionstating your and my name he stated on that day thathe was in vizag not in rajahmundry l called you for clarification can you give a deposition?
please drink! drink please tell the court whathappened on 1st january 2004 my parents were in hyderabadbut l did my bl in vizag l never revealed that l ama judge's daughter. l was in hostel on 1st january 2004, the eveof new year's day celebrations. . . many students and somelecturers went on a picnic to beemly farm.. ..and spent the day happily evening we returned to house and hostel my scooter didn't startbythe time everyone has left
this rajinikanth cameand offered lift in his car lt was raining and was dark his car stopped neara dark bungalow rajini gave money tothe watch man to fetch petrol l was alone and he wasintoxicated. he tried to molest me l pushed him into a roomand bolted from outside by the time watchman arrived with petrol l snatched the petrol canand filled a near by bucket l splashed petrol intothe room through the window
l threatened to lightthe petrol if he moves his car had petrol inthe tank and was not empty l came home by the same carfurther you may ask that watchman sit down! sit down! -greetings!-greetings! the accused rajanikanthstated that he was in a road side. . . . . .bungalow in vizag on the day ofthe murder that took place in rajahmundry l considered onthe point of 'benefit of doubt' the witness radhagopalam is. . .
. . .the wife ofan assistant public prosecutor she is also a lawyer court believes in her testimony the crime he wasabout to commit on that day. . . . . .turned into a boonthis day and saved him so he is proved'not guilty' in this murder case so he is released radha went to hyderabadhis father rang up like to eat something?shall l brew coffee?
why so urgent?anyone not well? all are ok. just now she rang up may be some court caselet me bring coffee welcome to news. headlines lt is not great to dogood to your well wishers there are bad elementswho harm the well wishers also but, numero uno is he who extendshelp to those who actually harmed him she helped a man in danger . . . . . . who in the past triedto molest her -see our radha
mr justice jagannathan,father of mrs radha devi -hello sir! -hello! you may acquit hundred criminalsbut it amounts to murder by the court . . .if an innocent is convicted for murdercome on dear! come on! mrs.radha devi who gavewitness in the above context l am proud to saythat she is my daughter she gave witnessand saved an accused. . . . . .who once triedto molest her physically who is her husband!nonsense, it is your wife, radha
they could have said that the accused isthe son of mla gandhi that boy looks goodwhy did he behave so! ls he also from your college?hey. . ..l am asking you only l mistook my son in lawand objected to the marriage hello, l am radha's dad,justice jagannathan speaking from hyderabadgood morning! how did l say? you might have watched the tvl couldn't understand you properly
lt is great to sendyour wife as witness to such a case don't feel proud byuncle's flattery, wait till l come don't bring garlandsand band troupe to the airport l will arrange all thosethrough my network girls at low cost don't agree if governmentcomes out with a padmasri though not 'bharath ratna'atleast 'bharath bhushan' is ok what happened? the whole talking is done by youwhat did he say? bye dad. lt is time for the flight
-was he hurt?-no -come here!what dear! - nothing what is all this?ls it your arrangement? l don't know, it was flashed yesterday in tv how did you feelwhen you deposed as witness? l just said what happenedls it a great thing? didn't comehe went to 2nd show movie that cinema was the storyof their 'non detailed' study lt will appear in court tomorrowhe asked me to convey it to you
-ls it? had any fight? -no! dear come here! let me take out jinx ls the case adjourned for tomorrow?tomorrow is sunday, holiday for court l think it is very lateshall l set the alarm? mrs.radhadevi! l wronged you butyou gave me life, greetings! l owe it to you through out my life l wanted to touch yourfeet in the court but was afraid
what is this, this is wrong. please get up l did my duty as a human beingyou need not praise me for this he appeared in tv yesterdaytoday he is clean shaven -greetings -l am her grandmahe is my grandson gopalam why did you do that man?grandma please. . .! your husband is greater than you. l am alive today becausehe has send you to depose no, no gentleman bye madam, bye grandmaok come!
who is he? you heard everything and asking now he is stylish like a cinema hero handsome and goodhe touched my feet too when l ask about himl don't mean his name or his address l mean what is the story?what is he to you? l heard you know. he is a man. an accused an accused, a rapisthave you saved him? why? what for?what do you mean?
don't step mewhy didn't you tell me about this man? what is this- today is couples day-that means like mother's day and father's daytoday is husband's and wives day today we are celebrating this at gardenwe are also invited, you also come flowers and flowerssquabbles of spouses angers and whines dogged and stubborn one sorry bringseverything to normal wife awaits, husband doesn't turn upbecoming furious, offering excuses squalling and covering uppicking up quarrels! raising hue and cry!
shouting and frettingdrizzles turn torrential low through formsand washes away houses at the break of the dawntouches the shores saying sorry and compromising as it nothing happenednight passes away phone rings! answers with a smile!doubts arise and becomes devils digging at things and fuming overspeaking of things that happened long back likes and dislikesretaliate each other! stopping talking evasive tactics! keeping away!and sleeping separately, cursing the cupid
saying sorry and adjusting bowing each otheroverwhwelm with joy draping the sari never endinghusband barks, we hide train departs! jumping in the road!pale and tired! turn to home! trying to appease!wiping the tears! fondling the pillow! -passes into midnight-skipping the sleep -becoming furious saying sorryand becoming cool no more fights, only smilessmiles and kisses -drop this case!-nice joke!
radha, come here -drop this case-l won't last warning.drop it l am saying finallyl won't drop the case -l am your husband -l am radha!a human being! a lawyer! let us hear defense lawyer's argumentstoday she is our honored guest when did you suspect your husband? when he stopped mebeating unnecessarily when he stopped shouting at me
when he started bringingjasmines and snacks when he drew a house sketchin the veranda and started . . .taking my jewels one by onesaying on the pretext of building a house tell us detailwhat happened on that black day? he said there is a raid bytax people on warehouse and house.. ..and asked me to stay atmy parent's house for a few days l protested.he didn't yield when the train was about to leave. . . he took my necklace saying thatthey are required for the korea cement bags
did you give or has he taken? what difference it makes?lot of difference like.. the 'uncle's kiss' speak out, you gave or he took?he got it unnecessary and irrelevant details relevance will be decidedby the court afterwards! -than. . . -as soon asthe chain was in his hands. . . he didn't even wait forthe train to start, he ran away -l got doubt then-what doubt? that it was a ploy to enjoywith her by keeping me away
l got down from the traindid he see you getting down? he was not therehe ran to her how did you knowthat he went to her? because l went there, saw with myeyes and heard with my own ears what did you angry? she would have been translating thechit fund conditions from english to telugu why did he sit in her lap and listen-he is deaf -moreover it is dark -yes what l am trying to say is . . .let the accused continue tell, what did you hear and see?your nose is mine. my mouth is yours
this kiss is mine, saying likethis they were fondling each other what did you do then?she tried to kill with a saber, atrocious ln that situation, everybodywill react like that only ls it not wrong? ls it not a crime?can she kill him, even if he is at fault ls she a police, military or court? please listen me carefully prosecution is striking out lightlysaying 'even though if it is a mistake' for a moment imaginemadhuravani as a man now please think varahalarajucame suddenly to his house
he saw his wife inan amorous posture with another man -whose nose is this?-mine whose mouth is this? will that husband kill them on the spot. . . . . .or requests them tocontinue till he brings the police lf a man kills it is a ragebut if a woman kills it is murder! utter lies, concocted stories she wanted to take revengeand tried to kill with a saber lt is not saber. l told youl lifted and dropped him
will l kill my husband?l have got two children he should be alive at least for them l lifted and dropped himwhatever you shout, l won't believe lt is impossible to lift anddrop such a hefty fellow l am old fashioned fellowl believe in 2 sexes, male and female female is weak and male is stronga weak lady cannot do this ask her to do let her prove it tothe court and to the people l will drop this case if shecan lift a man like that
l will agree her as innocent. . . leave me down! leave me down! prosecution has challengedand the accused has. . . . . .proved thatan angry woman can throw out a man she just wanted to punish her erring husband she didn't aim to kill her husbandshe didn't wield the knife. . . . . .or threw her husbanddown with the aim of killing the court admonishes the prosecution. . . . . .for portraying a smallfamily quarrel into a murder case
the accused kasulamma isproved innocent and hence released prosecution has to pay her the expenses you forgot me to bring l came by autodo you know that? did you feel hurt? l said sorry just by saying sorry,problems will not die -angry?-no! then?more than that
vexed disgust and sickening -vexed?-yes you have cheated! committed fraudto my knowledge, l never lied -you hid the truth-me? yes that day, on ourmarriage day, in the same place l told you about my romantic affairs l asked you to tellyou said you had none now also l say the same how about thisex-lover, that stylist?
he was not my loverhe wasn't even classmate. just a college mate. once hewas a senior to me in the college why didn't you tell me aboutthis love affair on that day itself am l not telling youit is not a love affair lt was a nasty incidentwhat is there to tell? why not! lift in the car,raining in the night, road side bungalow rape scene, petrol, bonfire without telling a single word. . . why did you go to hyderabadand gave witness, why did you save him?
because an innocent will be hanged you have pitied and saved manwho wanted to rape you today you insulted your husbandwhich is worse than the death sentence lt is not intentionaland pre meditated lt just happened in theheat of the arguments, that's all not only that. . .your went to the court with arguments what is this?when once we take case on one's behalf, won't youexpect arguments with the other lawyer? but the other lawyerhappens to be your husband
how do you extend the wifeand husband relationship to court? lt is not a question of court or house lf wife or husband, mother or son,should have mutual respect respect is the corner stone for love you don't have that just to win a case,you made your jumbo client. . . . . .lift me and toss like a scare crow can a wife do like this? otherwise you were notbelieving the innocence of my client
who is important to youclient or husband? you have insulted yourhusband in the open court with the arrogance of victory,you may live with me but with this disgrace,l can't live with you how can l go to the court tomorrow? how can l bear the sarcasticcomments of the colony people? how can you get away with a sorry? today you have won inthe court but defeated in life you did a very mean thing
you did a mockery ofthe sacred profession of law l didn't do it intentionally don't always took me lightly you never cared. lf youhave any respect for me. . .. . . .why should you have. . .it is my illusion l did 'neppance',l meant 'penance' for you lt is me who entreated didn't love me you pitied me and agreedthat's all now our paths are differentwe cannot adjust
don't entreat me andtrouble me. l am leaving won't you listen to me? how many times l have to tell you?no need to listen grandma used to say to leave the godwho doesn't answer your prayers lt is truel'll not press you and trouble you l too have self respect. ok.let it be so. let us part why should you go? this is your house. l came here.l'll leave the same way as l came. stop a little
don't go radha. l am at fault.please forgive me. please forgive me dear! tears are the weapons of notonly women, but also for men -men too know..tricks-you cheat! for whose sake? for your sake.this was the only way left to stop you ln the court in the spur of the momentyou acted like that and won the case at this spur of the momentl too acted weeping and won over you
lf this is wrongthat is also wrong l see! when there is a problemyou try to win with tricks like this! and do you expect meto tolerate it? what lord! that day for a small mistake of mine,you came on a chariot to take her away. today she is refusing meand you are remaining silent you said both husbandand wife are equal why this partiality now? both of you are my children.both are equal.
but as you said earlier,wife is a little less privileged mother is more affectionatewith the less privileged children the same with me you mean to say thatshe did not cheat in the court no, it is her cleverness -does it mean l am a cheat?-no, yours is smartness l see! how about yours? lllusion. krishna's magic please at least tell now, did youruncle give the kiss or take the kiss?
the end

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