since ancient times! 'she' was made nude using chisel strokes.. the sculptor outlined 'her', bygiving all possible things.. ultimately, he vitalized itsince he felt some deficient.. but, he never treid to dress her up.. i am an "orphan". sorry dear.. it got bit late. fine, come on lets move. i have just come down from office.
don't you feel like, openingour car door for me!.. oh, come on, i am your beloved wife!.. i should handle everything right? it is extremely hot.. what a stingy husband?does'nt on the a/c too. stop it. our home is here only right? house is filled with roomsand rooms are full off beds. a compound around the houseand a coconut tree inside it! these are not necessary for a house..
but a "car" must be thereinfront every house. then only, people will respect us.. and you are parking our carinfront of neighbor's house.. oh.. i just forgot to close the car door.. can you close it and come? please!! close it slowly, its a new car! where did i keep? .. i am a bit mad oh dear.. oh dear.. you, locked the door in the morning right?.
get the key.. where is the key? i found the key.. come.. we have entered the homeand reached room too.. sat and smiled also.. beyond this also, should i only teach?? if it sounds from kitchen, it is said that, the couple won'tbe happy for even 3 days.. where as if it sounds from bedroom,
the couple will live happy forever.. leave it dear.. please leave me.. what have i caught to leave? leave me dear, i will bring milk for you.. don't you need milk now?.. if you dont leave now, niether i willget milk, nor i will romance with you. leave.. please.. dear.. there is no sugar for themilk, kindly adjust please..
dont look like a peeping tom.. you are sitting shirtless todrink this sugarless milk.? is it so hot..? this always rings to disturb us! just hold this, i will screw him and come. idiots, they never allow me spendtime with my husband too! oh..! you stopped here staring at me? what do neighbors think about me?? don't they think that i made my husband tostand outside..
come in dear.. come.. come dear.. why are you feeling shy?? where am i asking you to come? to our bedroom only right.. come dear.. hold it!! what is this? jasmineflower is so dark? oops, it stinks!!
these people doesn't allowme to give milk to my husband.. i will come in a minute .. who ever it is? has it from me now.. what is the time? what is the time now..? don't you know that, wife is alone at home? i will panic as it darkens.. ok come dear inside.. come in please enough, come here dear... wow! she looks awsome in saree!is she our aunty?
hey.... aunty there is a no water in my home.. can i fill a pot of water? ok! come.. go there and get filled.. ok aunty!! where are you dear? just now he was combing his hair here. where are you?
with whom is she talking? oh shit!!.. run.. run.. run!! oh you are here? husbands should not do allthese wives stuffs!.. stop aunty!! aunty!!!!!.... wait there! wait aunty!!! where can you run? i will see now..
aunty please don't playwith me, i am tired. oh, deepu what happened? aunty, whom are you calling..? to doctor.. what is the need of a doctor forthese small injuries aunty..?? they will charge a lot bytelling numerous treatments.. don't worry.. you will be treated freely.. free?? aunty, now a day's who will treat freely..?
my husband.. hello dear, where are you? here only, near car parking.. please come soon.. deepu's leg is injured.. where? in our bed room.. has he come up to the bedroom..? yes dear.. poor fellow.. ok! come and open the door..
ok, coming.. come.. come dear.. why so late?. had lot of work? i was waiting for you tohave to dinner together.. why are you looking so dull? you will never listen,if i saynot to eat in those hotels.. look at yourself, you are so weak.. if you want lunch box, will i not give you? what have you lacked from me..?
don't i love you..? will i not kiss you whenever you ask?.. speak up, what is wrong?do you need a kiss..? i feel like sleeping with you forever.. sleep dear.. 1,2,3, who are you all?? i know you were hiding below the cot. come so, we all have come here unknowingly.. looks like some uncle..!
then who is it, with aunty in the bedroom.? it seems like her husband's photo.. why are you getting up?i am not yet satisfied.. please sleep dear.. niether you will romance,nor you will satisfy me dont get up..!! i am telling that i am not yet satisfied.. no, you can not satisfy me.. when you can't satisfy a single woman?
what kind of a man you are..? no, it's impossible from u. inspite of closing allthe doors and windows, somehow everybody used toknow, all the happenings. and it was heard till the road end. and thus, these uncivilized people, whoknew about me used to broil on me.. do you have any manners?you whore, you bitch,.... we know, whats going onbetween you and him. how much you charge for an hour?
tell! whore tell.. no!, i am not a prostitute..i am geetha.. you are neither 'geetha' nor 'seetha'. you are a "corporate escort" no.. no.. no..!!! what no? inspite of transportprovided by your office, why were you coming in auto with him.? not only the transport person..
everybody, including manager tothe attender, had an eye on me.. to escape from them iused come in the auto.. if it was so?, then whywill he give flowers.? infront of the house itself.. daily pick up and drop.. moreover, it was free of cost for her.. he used to kiss her amidst public.. what does all these mean? how do you calculate?per hour?
daily or monthly basis? a monthly salary and a side business too.. you are like that i am not like that yes, you are that kind of a women! noooo!!! i am not..0:21:07.580,1193:02:47.295i don't earn at road. i believed him.. but, he gave a wrongperception to my innocence.. as days rolled on..
he completely took me to that perception.. he used to smoke on my face. he used to feed his spat tea. he stopped his auto wherever he felt like. i feel ashamed to tell. he used to take me to watch race.. he never took the auto charge from me.. i felt it was not right, and was waiting for other autos..
but, other auto's neverresponded in fear of him.. if i sit without his knowledge,he used to chase them.. you could have come by bus..? when he does'nt allow meto come in other autos, will he allow me to come by bus? leave, ticket charge saved.. he used to give free service.. but we know that, yourservice is not free.. you must have earned very high..
what earning..? what youare speaking about..? who will show their extra earnings sir?? no she will show every day.. i have seen.. what will you show to that cable operator.. always he will come to yourhome only for repair.. he does'nt come even though we call him.. what will you show him? what i can show.? he will only show me saying,that he will give more clarity
he keeps breaking it and repairing it.. he keeps doing it, whenever he comes.. what will you be doing at that time? you had given him liesure, to smoke, booze and sleep at your home.. what can i do? he used to never go, inspiteof pleading him to leave.. you should have complained to the police.. they demanded bribe tocontinue the business..
so, you put up that board..? he was responsible for that.. i wasn't if you allow, they will putboard and letters also.. who is he? we hardly get any letters.. but, you will get 10, 20 letters per day.. what kind of affair you have with him? illicit relationship!! he wrote those letters inorderto have an affair with me..
those letters full of erotic words.. he described about my features erotically. and enjoyed reading it infront of me.. he sent sex magazines and cds.. he enjoyed with my used saree's.. he misused my weakness.. watever? whether it's your innoscenceor his cruelness.. that poor student had to clean your house.. he himself came..
to clean my home alongwith the remaining phenol. he used to get vegetables everyday.. he washed my saree and ironed it. and i had to taste all his preparations.. you could have tasted right? .. you must have cleared all his doubts.. do you know, what kindof doubts they were?? he used to ask, how children were born? he saw my body parts usingtorch, during night..
you are only the culprit.. though you were facingthese sexual harassment.. why didn't you oppose it? why did you allow them into your home? she also needed.. her age was asking for it.. and she used to get bonus too.. these are all her business tactics.. she must have got lots ofbranches across the bangalore..
all these issues, provesthat you are a 'prostitute' you are a "corporate slut" .. look, its better you shift from here, else we will have to protest against you.. mrs.shanthamma, did you inviteeveryone for your son's marraige? almost done.. i am goingto invite geetha now.. you are inviting geetha? why? she has affair with four of them..
is it..? let her have another affair we will rename her as "draupadi". you are going to invite a whore? let people name me as "draupadi"or as a "corporate slut". i will stay here only..i will not bother.. but i feel, that my life is beingcontrolled by those four idiots.. respect is the most importantjewel for every woman... while i was trying to gain respect..
these four idiots entered my life.. auto driver was readyto give away his auto. cable rascal, gave a monthcollection just to spend a night. courier idiot, gave his wife'snecklace along with his salary.. and that college idiot showed condoms... and the dog's began to bark again.. dont you feel ashamed, whore, you bitch.. hey corporate slut.. shift your head office hey.. "draupadi".
people feel ashamed to cross your home.. vacate your home, orelseyou will be thrown out.. i had to prove myself to thesepeople that i am not a slut.. if a widow like me, has tosurvive in this world.. she will have to faceeverything and stand still.. hence, for the same kind of reasons.. i have changed numerous offices and home.. if i am running away in the same way.. i will not be able to settle at one place..
inorder to prove myself infrontof this idiotic world.. i have lost myelf.. i turned monstrous infrontof same crooked world i portraited myself as a whore.. inorder to prove my righteousness.. i had to do all these.. i knew that in future, thesociety would accept me... in faith that my title "prostitute",would vanish one day.. i was forced to do it all...
whatever i have done till nowis just to help myself.. is just to prove my honesty and integrity.. i am ready to face all theconsequences due to this.. i will never leave this house nor my job.. i will stay here and prove.. some or the other day, this idiotic worldwill accept my honesty and innoscence.. greetings sister! a year later.. mrs. shanthamma..
have you invited everyonefor your grandson's naming ceremony.. except that whore geetha i have invited everyone.. you will be slapped! if you call her as whore.. she is geetha.. "a noble woman"

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