smoking is injurious to health all the characters and incidents inthis film are completely imaginary and bear no resemblance whatsoeverto any living or dead persons. any resemblance should betreated as a coincidence we experience the presence of godonly when we have deep faith in him the same is true aboutthe institution of marriage ultimately,marriages last due to trust after speaking to both of youi feel you still trust each other we can save this marriage
to do that,you will have to meet often... feel that you havefallen in love again and consider me as your close friend the one who transmits your thoughtsto your partner very frankly... ...i have no time andenergy to repeat all this i have to get for an auditionand i'm really late excuse me ...bye... ragini...
ragini ...listen... let's give this a little more time good things will happen no ram, they won't good things don't happen;one has to make them happen for that, one has to make... ...the right decisionsat the right time i made a wrong decision i thought...
...we could realise ourdreams if we came together but that never happened i can't make the same mistake again i can't stop now i want to move onand chase my dreams, ram i've already wastedtwo years of my life some of my things arestill lying at your place i'll pick them up sometime i'm sorry !
what? you're still doing this.come on. no, if i come there... ...i'll feel like dancing then you must dance then!do what you feel like, wish for what's happened? it's just a divorce.not the end of life i know ...but still... fine, you decide i'm neither tired nor bored
if you are bored, here are the keys a love story you haven't eaten? of course i did then why are you looking for food? are you going todo this all your life? eat cold leftovers from the fridge give it to me ...i'llheat it up for you i could have done that too
no, we all need our loved ones listen to me ...don't wait for ragini she will never come back this happens ...people don't get along and still if they try to, it's justa marriage ...not real companionship god knows what attracted you to ragini the way she kept fighting with you aai (mother),how can it be all her fault? i too must have made mistakes
we never know; she may come back is this one of your filmscripts... ...where you can make whateveryou want happen? that's not the case here a filmscript doesn'tfall from the heavens the story exists around us we have to look for our story and once we find it...- understood can't argue with you. you're a writer
i can't speak as well as you hm... go to bed. i'm fine what's going to happen to you?- come on rickshaw, andheri west- no, not andheri west no gas- god! rickshaw! where to, ma'am?- where do you want to go? wherever you say- good ...andheri west
please don't cancel yes, but how canwe know unless we talk? we have to give it time yes, you're right; i agree but just come anyway look ragini, i'm already in the court let's just once seewhat the counsellor says please ...please ragini okay. bye. thank you
hey, what are you doing?- i'm sorry! 'sorry'? can't you see- no, i thought... what? stupid ...! actually... ...i was sitting here initially just went there to speak on the phone still... ...i am sorry
sorry no, it's okay i am a little nervous that happens at first you come here often? what? who comes here often?what kind of a question is this! i am sorry again. i didn't mean that got it... it's my second time here
made a mistake by marrying once andnow another mistake to set it right before getting married everythingis just right for both of them... and after marriage,we spend more than half of the time ...trying to find outwho's wrong and at fault for men, marriage issuch a convenient plan, where-in, roaming is freeand local calls are charged whoever discovered this institutionof marriage is a big fool actually,he must have wanted to commit suicide one must marry a sacredbanyan tree instead
thankfully it doesn't talk and importantly listenswhen we talk to it and is happy if weworship it once a year or else, marriages should have anexpiry date at least... i don't think so marriage is not a product tohave an expiry date it's a commitment! that exactly the problem if i can't live my life the way i wantwhat's the use of this commitment? you have to be understandingand give it time
by then,you lose all the time you have but getting separatedis not the answer one can't think of anything else or feel like doing anythingelse at that particular time we all need someone to holdour hands and walk someone whom we canshare our dreams with ragini, my wife,will positively come back i'm certain about that she wants to get separated now
and i won't stop her because getting intoan argument and... ending a relation will neversolve the problem i will give her time because love remainseven if the relationships ends i'm going to waitfor her ...till the end! wow! very good. you should put this in yourstatus on a social network site many people will 'like' it
but it's 'dislike' from me you can either chooseto marry or to be happy and i have decided to be happy god bless you! hi i thought you'd be here what's up? nothing. just bored you should have come to martiniyou get to see pretty girls at this time
all your boredom would have vanished ragini is firm on her decision really? so you are a bachelor once againthat's great! you owe me a separation party, okay don't talk rubbish come on ram this has been festering for ages even your films don't last thislong at the theatre
friday, saturday,sunday ...it's a three-day affair hoardings and starschange ...but you won't look, you're finally done withthis never-ending story what exactly is a marriage? justgoing around in circles all the time i just hate it what is the need to tie yourself up? fall in love andsay goodbye when its over marriage brings unnecessary bonds you can't let yourself go ...what for?
we're back at our usual argument it's no use discussingthis topic with you great, fantastic, superb thank you chetanthank you so much you are going to rock ragini it's my best session this year if i get my desired break this year... ...the credit will be yours my pleasure.but you've a long way to go
i know. but i'll do it this year i hope you get what you want thanks once again- thank you bye- see you what is the work status i have to tell my producer he's been asking me give me eight days.i'll see the film tomorrow... ...and send you a concept note
it's not just a translationi need a little more time okay. one week. that's a commitment have i ever broken commitments? no, you haven't- then? because i take care of you sometimes i feel that i'myour manager; not my producer's ram, i think you need help you've taken on more workthan you can handle i don't get the work i wish for
if i let go of what i get,how can i survive? i crave to make a film on my story but who will make it? i go to a producer full of hope and what happens? i am given a new dvdto write a remake, to copy they look at trends they want to stick to that listen to me.live with this for a while
your day and time will come krishnan,will you talk to your producer? me? okay, fine but you'll have to narrateand convince him done and finish this job in time just one week but remember,you will speak to your producer
promise? against your promise!- you have my word you're still not up? sonal, i'd woken you up when i left come on get up this won't work... i had told you you have to meeta couple of people today meera, did i makethe correct decision?
now that you havemade one don't look back start working i'm asking so much from youa place to live, work... say this again and i'll slap you that's your forte this is exactly what you toldme when i decided to marry samit i should have actually done that would have saved all the trouble you will have breakfast, right?
i'm not hungry, but i will- why aren't you hungry? if you had come jogging with me... ...you would haveworked up an appetite excuse me.where's this address please? upstairs. first floor upstairs- yes thank you hello!- hm... remember me?- yes
counsellor's office- right, counsellor's office dislike?- yes how come you are here for? had come for an interview really hate such peoplethey give you an appointment and keep the office closed do you know any ram subramaniam? yes... that's me
oh! you write? yes. the other dayyou told me to write i started at once okay! but a marathi-speakingsubramaniam? mother marathi;father subramaniam(tamilian) a matunga resident and this translation work? who is the interviewer here? of course. sorry ...really sorry
i can operate a computer everything ...excel, tally... and i can do marathi typinglike your ad asked for is there anything else you require? no. can you write? ofcourse...i can read and write as well! no, can you write a story? a story? no can you listen to one?
if it's good, yes and what's a good story? one which you want to hear if i tell you a story, can you give meyour opinion in your own words? if you are ready listen,of course i can are you telling me one now? no, no, i just asked you i haven't exactly understood... ...what would be my work profile
look, basically, i need someone... ...to manage my back office- okay to help me to organise things i write my scripts anywhere, anytime i write as and when i get ideas and then to compile it, type it... clean up all this mess and when i get ideas, i feellike talking to someone you'll have to hear me constantly- okay
would you like this kind of work at the moment, i would like any work okay. what's your favourite film? sholay sholay. do me a favor. write a note on sholay and... ...mail it to me- a note on sholay? fine... it's ramsu@gmail.com- okay
sorry. i didn't offeryou any tea or coffee it's okay. i didn't come here for that but do you have to go downto get that every time? so that's another job no problem. i make good tea i wasn't suggesting that oh! it's okay okay. i'll get back to you that's all you wanted to ask?
yes. there are two more candidates i'll interview themand then let you know okay, fine. thank you- welcome when will you let me know? soon...- okay i'll expect your call i'll let you know whatever it is- alright today, i'm on top of the sky today, i'm aheadof the rest of the world
look how happy you are to get a job? yes didn't i tell you to start working? you call me a workaholicnow you'll see why meera, please don't give me advice now let's eat, drink wine; let's celebrate we can advise all our lives- hm... do you need a hand? no. i'll tell you if i do
i'm thrilled that you're floating i feel energised you know what's good about this job? this ram guy, has no time topeep into others' lives in other offices,there are people around who will talk about you, listen,ask questions shamelessly thankfully none of that is here he'll do his work; i'll do mine sonal, this ram; ram, right?
isn't he the same chap youmet in the counsellor's office? he's getting a divorce? so? it's a small world and i got big time lucky in thissmall world it's just like you said i'd given up hoping for a good job and now i've now a great one hm ...remember what we agreed on?just work, nothing else are you crazy? didn't you hear me?
i think he'll patch up with his wife he's the kind who has thewife's photograph in the office yes, but you saidhe's clearing his office tell me tomorrow ifher photo's still there you are mad. and you love gossip hurry up now.how long do i just sit here? action a full-day shoot, stressendless cups of tea just the invitation for acidity!
that's an old story.tea now is like nectar for us especially with 'red label' tea... ...there's no question of acidity i insist on that when i am shooting, i only want'red label' on the sets it's tasty as well as healthy 'red label' tea taste that keeps you healthy trolley...
cut, cut, cut... get ready for the next shot supriya ...please get a chair a puff... ragini, ram, here! i have gatheredthe things you'd asked for please come to pick them up. hello and let me know when.i'll wait for you okay? bye you are ragini, right?
yes. you give very good reactions thank you so much. but really... ...you made me so comfortable... no thanks ...thanks ...me feel so comfortable... ...that i didn't have to try hard no, you are a good actor but you should do even better roles
yes. but nobody offers me any jokes apart ...iremember seeing you... many years ago,in a one-act play i suppose? i'd gone to some festival you were a judge there. i remember you had put your heart into that like that role waswritten only for you who was the playwright?- ram, ram subramaniam wonderful! why don't you trysomething like that again?
shot ready yes. i'll just touch up ram, i found thesepapers of 'kalyanam' you'd put them inanother file by mistake oh, thank god- and these are dvds from krishnan i'll just type this sonal,- yes? do you have some time? yes ...why?
come watch this film with me why? it will be a help your work might increase i'll keep asking you questions it's better thati stick to my own work and if... ...this is a part of your work? well, i'd like to.but i've never done this
will i manage? um... ...have you seen 'chori chori' of course. with raj kapoor and nargis correct. and its remake'dil hai ki maanta nahin' with aamir and pooja what did you think? one just feels likewatching it again and again the dialogue, the situations...
...it's so easy to relate to them like it's happened to me... ...or it'll be fun if it happens to me exactly and precisely my point cinema doesn't alwayshave to be very different in fact, it shouldn't be cinema is the storyof people around us what's difficult about that? come load the dvd. i'll join you
by the way ram, ragini ma'am called- when? just before you arrived- what did she say? she'll come in theevening ...to pick up... oh yes ...thank you... please remind me this evening okay- thanks aai(mother) is ram here? he's not back yet.
you...? we were to meet here really ...how come? i mean ...what now? he wanted to talk to me he's really busy these days he gets home late but if you want to wait... he has gathered all your things
i'll get them- aai can i come in for a moment? i want water see ...i've left you at the door i thought you might be in a hurrycome, come in oh god! oh my god, ram. i don't havesuch people around me okay, point taken i agree there was no need to makethis scene so melodramatic
for instance,the scene before the interval it's the hero who is confusedso why confuse the audience? and the comedy scenes are likethey are forcing people to laugh laugh, or else... and the emotionalscenes make you laugh don't they understandthe value of simplicity? but can't help it's work! ram, then why don't you writean original filmscript? if i try to step out of the mould,all the doors close
you'll see... coffee... thanks you know, when i see every film, ijust feel like turning it on its head then why don't you? impossible ...nobody will accept it they want the same kind of films no difference at all all similar to each other
i have a question?- yes why do you recreate old stories i mean, your writing's so powerfulthat you will convince anybody you are genuine! you must tell your story then see how fastthese closed doors open sorry ...i was lookingfor lost...and hidden... ...folders in your laptop.i found this story i read it without your permission
with the first line,i got involved in it even before i knew... ram, anyone would fallin love with your story hello, yes aai... no, i'll tell him. he's just leaving okay. ram, it's your mother... i'm sorry ...i completely forgot you had told me to remind you
but we were watchingthe film and i just... she's gone. you didn't stop her? she's not even answering her phone i called your office what? it didn't ring may be it wasn't kept properly how can that be aai? forget iti'm glad she's gone
she would have insulted you again and,i would not have tolerated it no aai ...i had called her. and... shit! ram, please don't getagitated and blame yourself how come you forgot? i ...i'm working on a new film sonal and i kept discussing... it just slipped my mind ragini went away withoutcollecting her things
i see i'll ask her to come tomorrow morning you really live up to thename i gave you don't you ...'ram' that must be ragini hello ...yes? sonal...tell me? no, he left long ago he didn't say where.didn't he come to work? so call his mobile...
he isn't?okay. i'll tell him if he calls thank you, thank you so much! hello swaraj... hello. who's this? sonal, tell me is ram with you? no. didn't he come to the office? no. he's not home either then he must be in a meeting
i would know. he doesn't goanywhere without telling me he is the great ram subramaniam.he can forget... but he didn't call or leaveany message. anyway, i'll see sorry to disturb you it's all right. he won't run awayjust wait a bit okay! thanks! yes krishnan... ram, we've got your concept note we are okay with it
but there's a small problem the producer wants the film to bewritten from the heroine's point-of-view so we were thinking it wouldbe better if a woman wrote it so we have decided... hang on, krishnan ...we can do that! what are you doing? can't you see? but tea and puff biscuits? ram, where were you? i've exhaustedmyself calling up your house, swaraj..
for a tiny thing like that... ...why did you call everyone? i was in a meeting and, it took more time...- how would i know that? i was clueless i didn't know where to find you the phone kept ringing;you didn't answer i didn't know what was wrong you silly girl!what can happen to me?
they suddenly called this morningand i forgot to inform you i saw your missed calls but i figured that i was coming hereso why call ...unnecessarily... here's a new idea i went to see krishnan the story that we are working on... they are looking for... do one thing.finish your tea and come up we'll talk there
me? how is that possible?- what's so impossible? how can i write? i can only type i can't speak out my ownfeelings in normal course of life how can i write dialogues? you can't speak out?what did you do downstairs? why were you angry? because i couldn't contact you i was worried why? because...
because you are sensitive and that is necessary for writing you are a writer,so you think it's all easy nothing's easy sonal one may be writing for years but a blank pagecan still unsettle one see- you know... ...you meet your characters first then gradually theybecome your friends
many times, you fall inlove with one or two of them you understand therelations between them and then, they start speaking to you you hear them and here, we have readymade characters we just need to see the storyfrom your point of view the note you wrote for 'sholay'... ...from the daughter-in-law'spoint-of-view was unique and with my dialogues...
...the tiny changesyou make while typing... you think i haven't noticed them? you'll do this; i know that when you say that,i actually feel i might don't even wonder if you can do it just start writing there's a romance in that process you must pamper your ideas even as you nurture them,the story forms by itself
just try; i'm here to help i'm sure you can write good! the story involves four people okay a, b, c and d b loves a a likes b but it's c who is in his life however, c is leaving a
and this guy d loves b but b doesn't know that and a, who is leaving c... ...now loves d we have to unravel all these knots from your point of view help each one of themfind their respective love isn't that easy? hm ...tastes really great
thanks. and may i ask why you'reworking on a sunday? isn't your boss givingyou any off-days? he will if i ask. but i'm not asking you are so involved, hm... ...in work? meera, there's somuch i haven't told you have we even met? and when we meet... ...all you do is chant ram's name!
this is the most important periodof my life so far and you know what? i feel... ...i'm getting to do what i want that's something that's everything! ram has involved mein the writing process and i may start writing by and by you never know and what else has he involved you in?
meera, i'm serious me too! sonal, remember how you werewhen you first came here depressed ...wrapped up in your cocoon and now you've turned into a butterfly you have once againlearned to love yourself is this all because of work? seriously that's all, really
but i don't know about him i'll set the table a like b; b likes a a loved c c is now leaving a and d is chasing b suppose he goes to the beachwith his friend and she meets him he ...she ...they need names hm. a likes b; b likes a
c is leaving a a loves c but c is leaving a let's suppose that... a is ram so c is ragini d is after b d is samit and b... ...is sonal
wow! this is so easy nice! hi... hello you won't recognize me you are sonal, right i'm swaraj oh right. we've talked on the phone- right and this is how i look
i'll get you some water water. doesn't ram come to office these days? he does. why? no ...everything's so spick and span must be out of ideas... so this is your doing? actually, ram... ...has gone to a meeting.i know
i told him i'll waitfor him at the office okay... if i'm disturbing you, i'll go inand watch a film no no, it's fine.i was writing all this while it's a break for me too you too write? oh god! shouldn't i write? no, no, you must. that's nice
for a long time, i was telling ram... ...to get an assistant but he always told me... ...that he couldn't find anyone if he found someone,they didn't get along if they got along, there was no tuning i am happy you two get alongand vibe with each other what are you two writing? it's a love story
that's to be expected is there anything differentin your love story? it's a misunderstandingbetween four people and the wrong couples forming but in the end,each one finds their love a little complicated ...but it's fun! have you read 'amidsummer night's dream'? no. what is it? shakespeare's play
oh! your story reminds me of 'midsummer' okay ...i'll read it you must. one moment... yes ram? i'm up in your office she's here.do you want to talk to her? fine. i'll tell her. coming... that was ram. he's downstairswe're going out thanks. nice meeting you- my pleasure
bye ...oh,'a midsummer night's dream' ...bye it's good when you're here, swaraj there is someone to eat what i cook ram is of no use he is completely distracted these days it's like you yourself would say donkeys and mulessink under their burdens that's the case with ram from counsellor's office,to his own office...
and the film producers' offices;he has no life beyond that will you please talk to him he doesn't pay any heed to me at all me? i think of himmore than about myself but does he care?he sticks to what he feels have you finished? i'm starving i'm ready.i'll just make some flatbread hey! okay, eat it!
ram, sonal's a great girl i liked her she's really nice not your kind. and taller than you! so what? she really is a good girl i speak to her on the phone sometimes what's important is that she doesn'tinterrupt when i'm speaking ram, your phone's ringing
hello ram,i've written my first scene ever congratulations! very good! bravo! i know it's crazy but i wantto read it to you now right away i've written for the first time because of you please let's meet, please just for 10 minutes
now? i know it's late but i can't sleep if i don'tread this scene to you where can we meet? you coming? i can't believe it anywhere you say. i'll be there see you in half an hour okay; yes the flatbread's ready
i have to go out. that was krishnan you just said you're starving! yes, but he said it's urgent you begin. i'll be back soon ram, listen...- i'll be back... soon swaraj...- yes? you eat at least of course... b has written something so thata understands how he feels
but she doesn't havethe guts to tell a so, at a college function, shereads it to d as a lark fine- should i start? we've just been meetingfor so many days i liked you when we ran intoeach other for the first time then we kept on meeting atdifferent times, in different places then, i didn't realize what weremy true feelings for you gradually,i only realized that i miss you i wanted to tell you this
remember when i came tomeet you in the library but you didn't even notice me and then you disappeared i called, i left messages butthere was no reply then i knew that i really missed you when you get this letter... ... write back if you feel like it i will wait for your answer forever...
finally, i just wish to say every idea,every thought that i have... ... begins and end with you that's how much i belong to you i can't separate myself from you and if i do, where and what am i? like a puff biscuit dipped in tea... ... i lose myself in you... and you... what's the matter?
nothing wonderful! superb! didn't i say that you could do it? it's all because of you i didn't imagine that i'd writeeven a few words in my life why words? i didn't trust myselfto do anything good any more now when you write a film script onyour own story, i'll assist you okay. good night- good night
ram what! just like that. in the evening dew like the rays ofthe sun hug the shadow like that come close to me like a blank sheet of paper that becomes a poem
speak to me softly the sky bends down there's mist under your feet the sky bends downthere's mist under your feet this happiness... tell me why it is so intimate like that, come close to me i feel the same as you! then why are we silent?
because it takes time for the wordsto travel from the heart to the lips and even to articulate them afterthey reach the lips. yes ram...- yes? can i ask you something? of course you won't get upset?because it's personal can you share what's personal with me? then ask what went wrongbetween ragini and you?
ragini's a wonderful girl.a little different i liked that about her but i couldn't fulfil theexpectations she had of me and if you do,will she come back to you? i don't know let's find a new pathlet me hold your hand in order to wipe out old footprintscome walk along with me it's just now that we havestarted having feelings for each other started trusting each otherstarted sharing
will you ever be able to expressyour feelings for him? i can; but i'm scared- why are you scared? both of us have a past he hasn't forgotten it; nor have i but if you don't talk, how will youknow how much you care for each other? this is it, sonal don't pretend you don'tknow what i'm saying i guess you know it too you're not only involved with workbut also with ram
that's what you'vewritten in your script it's not like that she doesn't believe in marriage,falling in love, living together she told me that clearlyin the counsellor's office correct. that was then i've already told you that thecircumstances were different then and the right relationship canlead to a change of mind swaraj, sonal is just my friend remember what you'd told meabout ragini once?
that she couldn'tbe a good friend to you now you have a friendbut you're running away i'm not running away i'm waiting for ragini;giving her time you were waiting ram, ragini is your past forget her. is she waiting for you? and there's nothingbetween sonal and me we are only colleagues
really? that's all? then when youwere late for work that day... ... why was she so upset? tell me! that day you went to meet her,not krishnan, right? ram is very different he's just like he was wheni met him the first time simple, uncomplicated... and in thecounsellor's office, i made a show... ... of not beinginterested in men any more
that sustaining relationshipswas stupid, etc., etc. i just talked and talked and now if i suddenly tell him... ... i've changed mymind after meeting him that he is not like other men... he will only laugh i don't think youshould make this decision tell him what you feeland unburden yourself i will try...
do you know what you've done ? the man you rejected as a loser... ... the man whose hand you let gobecause he lacked passion... did you ever look into his eyes? there's an honesty in his eyes you won't find thatin any other man's eyes how come you never saw it? because you are blind! you always said that he never wins
i say that he was neverin a hurry to win and you, you were running for victory you ran whenever you couldand now you're on a precipice look down; he's waiting for youwith open arms cut it... let's do this take again with more conviction ragini...- yes? let's do one more takewith more conviction.
okay? roll camera rolling- action do you know what you've done? the man you rejected as a loser the man whose hand you let gobecause he lacked passion did you... did you i am sorry it's great. no doubt at all
the female character'spoint-of-view works nobody can touch youin the world of remakes thank you sir what about the second half? right away sir. in five or six days good sir, there is somethingi wanted to ask you yes, what is it? i have written a story sir
yes. krishnan told me the script is ready. i'll narrate itto you if you can spare some time do it now who doesn't want a new story? even film stars wantsomething fresh these days does your scripthave anything like that? you hear it and decide sir okay then. tell away this is the story of shesh and manasi
but even more, it's the story ofkalika who unconditionally loves shesh so it's shesh, manasi and kalika swaraj, don't talk; just listen i just narrated my storyto my producer who does remakes my own story... yes you won't believe it but heloved it so much... ... so much that he wants to shoot itbefore his other films and you know what he said? he said that people will fallin love with this story
you know who'd told me this first? sonal... yes my mind keepsquarrelling with my heart but now i've decidedto listen to my heart i'm going to the office to tell sonal we'll meet tonight in martini.okay. bye didn't we speak on the phone? why did you have to come here? you keep giving excuses all the time
i wanted to meet you today this is not right okay... can't you even understand... ... that it's wrongto barge in like this and who gave you this address?- i found it. it's not difficult what's wrong? yes? oh hello; i'm samit- ram subramaniam ram, samit is here to see mehe's my husband
hello... samit, this is ram's office he's a writer and i work with him yes, you've told me...whyare you repeating it? interesting job anyways, glad to meet you same here sonal, i'll waitfor you at home tomorrow today is really extraordinary
you had told me that doorsopen when one knocks i narrated my storyto our producer today and he loved it... ... so much that he wants toshoot it right away oh wow! congratulations congrats to you too i came here with good news andi saw some more good news now actually,i should have called you before... i was waiting for your call
my mobile rang. i thought itwas you; but it was samit he said he'd come to our office i said 'no' but he didn't listen he wants me to givehim one more chance... ... and to reconsider our decision i heard him out calmly andi wanted to tell him... ... that now my life is differentit's like i want it to be but he spoke very genuinely... ... and i thought of you
you speaking calmly and genuinelyin the counsellor's office saying "a marriage may end butthe relationship endures" you, willing to give... ... ragini time then i thought i had to talk to samit hear him out but i keep wonderingif i'm doing right what do you feel ram? am i doing the correct thing?
what can i say sonal?this is your personal matter that's why i'm asking you we all need someone to hold our hand someone who shares our dreams remember you had told me... what do you think?should i give samit another chance? that's very difficult to say, sonal i can only say that i trust you and that you won'tmake a wrong decision
can i go now? you'll close the office? see you later why is the face of happiness lost? why do i look forsigns of you all alone? i lose out on what i want i win yet i lose; this is an old story oh my love i'm thinking...
... of you once again my heart can't accept this this wretched love... ... will not let me go i look for a new road then why does it end? even before i can tell someone like one's breath dies out the moments that are past
all fly away from me once again i seek... ... a new loneliness why do i get so attachedto this sorrow why am i the only lonely one my heart, please tell me i win, yet i lose that's an old story guptaji just messaged
he's sending someone over toaudition for manasi's role it's a very important role hm... she has to empathisewith both the other characters it may seen secondarybut it's an important role ram... surprise!- hm... ram, isn't the worldreally a small place? but you have become so big glad to meet you...
... again sonal... ragini... sonal sonal is my associate in my writing oh really! hi sonal- hi nice meeting you- likewise you've really crossed a lotof distance in such little time and you even have a secretary now she's my associate
together, we...- and this big film banner they are investing so much moneyin your story really ram, you're amazing congratulations once again to tell you the truth... ... i'm so happy tobe here with you today ram, i'll leave now. in any case,we are done with today's work okay- bye
when you called me... ... you didn't mention all this sonal, i'll call you tonight even if it's late were you two doing somethingimportant and i interrupted? no, nothing like that come. black tea for you? i'll have some too oh wow!
so you don't have thatoverboiled tea with puff biscuits... ... from downstairs anymore? and how's your acidity? no, it's gone since i drinkthe tea you advertise so lots of changes... hm... how are you? what's happening? i'm trying hard.doing a television show maybe you've seen it
but that's just for the time being i'm expecting a lot from this role the role also expects a lot from you and i'm positive that you'lldo justice to it ram, i am very excited for one, you've written the film i have an important role in it it's a good banner.and even more important... ... we are workingtogether after years
do you remember... ... the play you wrote? wrote and directed? my first playit happened because of you and now my first film? it's you again okay, tell me when do we start working from tomorrow when we're discussing...
... i'd like sonal to be here we are writing the film together okay, fine. tell me what time i'll wait for your call tea... by the way, i'm sorry that day you were coming home...but i you left all your stuff behind? it's okay. we'll be meeting now- hm.. tea
my beloved,my heart thinks of you again it just won't stop this wretched love won't let me be hey sonal, your phone's ringing it's ram- it's ram? hello, yes ram? hello ragini i left the office and all my keys are insideaai's not home
will you give me the office key? i'm waiting below your house i'm coming ram, the keys- thank you and sorry i...- no problem... i was awake okay, see you tomorrow sonal, i said 'sorry', because icalled you 'ragini' just now i am really sorry it's okay
"the relationship may get over,but love remains" good night- good night good morning- good morning ragini has left her script here no, she's coming back today oh...- we didn't talk yesterday it was quite late. i thoughtyou must have had a discussion we discussed... but not the script she behaved a bit strangewith you yesterday
don't bother about that she's like that i'm glad you're accepting that i didn't let it bother me ram, did i leave myscript behind yesterday? yes, sonal has it so sweet of you. come on shall we start right away?
you know the importance of yourcharacter in this story kalika may be reallyinterested in shesh... ... but he is waitingfor manasi and... sorry. it's samit. excuse me and then? what was i saying? shesh and... he's waiting for manasi if you consider this situationyou will realise that...
i have realised it ram that i was wrong i was really wrong ram i didn't realise how it happened but you too didn't... ... point out my mistake at first, i thought it was your fault but now, looking back,i hold myself responsible what are you like, ram?
look ragini- you're so passionate about love, relationships but then why couldn't i see it... ... in your behaviour, your words? why did that happen, ram? i've asked myselfthat a thousand times let's move on i am ready to move on. take me with you
i'm talking about the script i'm talking about us you... so the tensionsbetween shesh and manasi... i'll make some coffee black tea for me- sure manasi's role,her character, is multi-dimensional manasi leaves sheshand kalika enters his life why do you call again and again? i can't answer when i'm busy at work
what can i do?i even called last night you didn't answer. look sonal, i have to talk to you and if you keep avoiding me,how can we talk? when will our fights get over?- then please don't call any more if we are destinedto get together, we will fine, then at leastdon't stay with meera come here i don't like you staying therewhen we have our own house and if you live here...
... only then we can work out... ... the problems we have time is the best healerof the deepest of the wounds i need time to think if i feel like it,i will come back to you but not if you keepon behaving like this okay, okay take as much time as you wantbut come here and do it look sonal, if you stay with meera,
the distance between uscannot be bridged i'm leaving. now i will call you. please don't keep bothering me ram, your breakfast...- tonight no, tonight's not possible do one thing. come home forbreakfast tomorrow. okay, bye aai, swaraj is comingfor breakfast tomorrow and don't wait up for me tonight i've started working on my new story
so the discussions with the directorand artistes are on "keep this, not that" ideas, arguments, fights.don't even ask yes of course... fights are a must! ragini is doing your film, right? she must be coming too so the quarrels must be on who told you? how does that matter?you didn't! fine!
look aai,we are in the same profession we are bound to meet sometimes they have cast her; they have sent her i didn't call her she didn't even want to talk to you. then why is she there now? opportunist! aai, people change;circumstances make them change have you changed?
i thought about whatyou said this morning but see, though kalikahas fallen for shesh... ... his eyes tellher that he loves manasi and kalika loves him so much that... ... when she realiseshe is waiting for manasi... ... she herself takes manasi to shesh and so my dialoguein the last scene... sonal- hm... ? are you having trouble concentrating?
no, i'm listening to you what are you thinking of? ram, what if thisfilm begins at the end? where manasi and shesh come together and where kalika leaves? no, where kalika comes back to shesh what are you saying? manasi and shesh get together...not kalika... okay, then... ? that's what i don't agree with
kalika should come back to shesh because she loves him beyond anything but shesh is waiting for manasi then this automatically becomesthe story of shesh and manasi she may do what she chooses... ... but she still gets shesh and kalika...she doesn't get her love you're not getting what i'm saying we'll stop for now. tomorrow...
we'll discuss this tomorrow sonal- yes? can i give you a ride where to- home... meera's aai left early?- hm... my aunt's hospitalised she's gone there swaraj... ... i can't thinkof a title for my story you know what ram? you peopleget tense over little things
and you pass it on to others think of somethingeasy and simple and use it but my story is not easy and simplelike other love stories those are a dime a dozen my story is different you know, the way i've toldthe love story in this... love story... call your film 'love story' no...
yes. look ram, don't createa confusion and riddles over the title that's what other people do your title will instantly clarifythe theme of your story no confusion .. a direct commitment you're telling a love story,aren't you? 'love story' i need to consider it i will ask sonal toolet's see what she says yes, ask her soon!
no, nothing... your fried egg is ready not again...! what's wrong with you sonal? i'm trying to explainthis to you in different ways but you can't get it kalika comes in shesh's life aftermanasi leaves, correct? correct- she showers her love on him but still shesh remains unaware is that what you're saying?- you're confusing matters shesh can see kalika's love
but he is involved in manasi ram, manasi has neverreally understood shesh the strength of his love,his honesty as a human being and also how much he really loves her finally...kalika, tells manasi about shesh she points out manasi's mistake to her it's due to her thatmanasi rediscovers shesh and most importantly, kalikaloves shesh with all her heart agreed; but that doesn'tmean shesh and kalika
have to come together in the end shesh doesn't get kalika but does that meanher love for him ends? that's why this is not a storyabout individuals, sonal it's a story about the concept of love this is a story about love yes, that's why i feel... ... it should end when... ... kalika comes to shesh
shesh chooses manasi? really? why be unjust to kalika? not unjust sonal manasi is in shesh'slife from the beginning kalika comes into his life but his love endures and that's what kalikapoints out to manasi she makes manasi realise whatkind of man shesh is that's why there's no injustice to her
and that's why she is the heroineof this story. try to understand fine! then i'll shut up sonal... why are you doing this? you have read my story properly?have you? hm- tell her what's wrong with this girl? but i don't agree with you that there is greatstrength in love, etc.
where is it in your story? even if kalika's love is strong,shesh can't feel it he is still waiting for manasiwho has walked out on him and kalika is desperate to get him can't he see that? your hero is a fake, ram! want some tea? no, no. i'm listening. this is more interesting than tea i'm sorry.
we met you for a discussionand it's we who are talking no, no, it's okay this discussion willhelp me with my role for sure! isn't it sonal? okay. if we're takinga break here now, can i go? okay. i'll leave too. actually... ... it's quite late sonal, we have tosit with the dialogue how can i write wheni have doubts in my mind...
please understand what else do youwant me to understand? okay, we'll talk later your script- oh! i forgot...again are you leaving?- no, i have to write okay, good night- good night good night- sonal are you upset with me? no, not that. i'm upset with myself
i am not able to conveywhat i exactly i feel... good night are you not convincedwith the story at all? no; i still like the storybut not shesh's decision how can that change? a person doesn't change becausewe want him to you are looking at the storyfrom your point-of-view but can't there be various anglesof looking at a story, right! fine... i may be wrong
but this is my angle... what i feel okay. we won't write tillyou are convinced. let's stop okay, let's do that this is beyond me you could have avoided all this what was the need to recitehis own philosophy to him? which he had told you, when youdidn't even know each other now, you have a manlike ram in your life you have fallen in love with him- yes
but i don't know if he hasfallen in love with me shouldn't he tell me? i go say something like an idiot... ... and what if he'snot feeling the same? shouldn't i know atleast? did you even give him that chance? when there was a chance...what did you do? and he had come to tell you sonal didn't you get it then?
or did you expecthim to hold your hand... ... and take you awaywhile samit was there? come to that,why didn't you go with him? we haven't spoken a wordto each other since that day we are avoiding looking at each otheror we just can't speak and not even thatfor the last two days this one day holidayalso seems huge to me i am missing ram i'm a big fool!- that you are!
here isn't it good we came here? or you would have satin your office all day... ... dipping puff biscuits in tea it's so nice and relaxed here we can enjoy the view. sorry, sorry... ram...- hm...? isn't that sonal? now don't go calling out to her
who's that?- ram which one...?-the one in the yellow shirt please be good why are you my friend? you'll know the advantagesof it very soon. hi.- hi. hi, what're you doing here?- shopping oh yes, of course hey, why don't you join us please
yes please coffee? no, we just had some oh oh, meera... ram... ram... meera hi...- hi... we meet at last. i've heard lotsabout you from sonal me too
i've never heard sonal talk about you that's meera- hi meera congrats ram! sonal told me the producer has liked your story yes, thank you so, now you can tella story as you wish? but we can't always tell a storythe way we wish to, right? sonal, why are you so quiet?
how can she talk? when you are doing all the talking oh... oh sorry so it's a problem if i talkand if i don't... ... it's still a problem sonal, did you read the storyi told you to? yes. 'a midsummer night's dream' it's a bit different from thestory i'm writing when the juice of a magical flowergets in their eyes...
... they find their love finally, that's a fantasy it's all false here, we're in the real world i don't know where i'll findthe flower in my story? fool!- i mean 'phool' - 'flower' it will happen i am sure you really don't want coffee?
we have to be there. should we leave? it was a pleasure to meet you- same here same to you ram, you are an idiot even a donkey understands whensomeone is in love with him in fact, donkeys probablyunderstand better you talk so much about love;you write dialogues and when you're offered loveyou don't want it quarrelling, cutting off relations,separating, doesn't solve problems
i have always said that now, after listening to me,if she wants... ... to give samit one more chance... ... can i ask her not to do that?because i... what will she think? hey, have you forgotten me? sorry krishnan- or have you become a big man now! have you deleted my number? okay, i hope you remember
our script reading is next month... ... with the dialogue version,in front of the full star cast yes... i'm writing good. i just called to remind you everyone's excited- yes bye then- bye i can't fathom why my mindslides into old memories intoxicating emotions.how do they blossom? leaving me feelinglighter and carefree?
the bonds of love are formed a sweet relationship... ... of a lifetime hey, sit down... what samit? what's this? a gift? it's our wedding anniversary oh! i forgot
this time, i remembered aren't you going to office today? eat this.you haven't eaten since last night how did your meeting go? your film is happening, isn't it? yes, they are doing it but nowi don't feel like it now what's wrong? did sonal call for me? no... why?
i thought you'd tell me soi waited for two days i'm not asking where you're going just tell me when you will be back i'll be late. don't wait up ram! hi- come in no, it's okay. is sonal in? no, she's not she's gone to stay with samit
why does the sky comes down;the heart bleed? why are the embers within me on fire? will my tired being be able to sleep will someone understand... ... the sadness within me? why do we suddenly want something? remember the moments of togethernessduring these lonely moments? oh my beloved,i am thinking of you once again this wretched love will not let me go
she will call, i'm sure she's not answering your calls,replying to your messages sonal's not that kind of girl ramshe will definitely call but it's good that she's backwith her husband and happy it's appropriate. i too shouldforget what happened you too? and what are yougoing to do to forget? ram, don't tell me that you'restarting the ragini chapter again
your film is about to begin, okay instead of thinking about all this,concentrate on the film yes ragini? tomorrow. of course we can meet no, what's the occasion? hm... come on... cheers cheers for your bright future,great achievement and great success what's all this for?
what do you mean? your film's been announced.i'm working on it i'm very happy. and i wantto share that with you are you happy or surprised? frankly speaking... both. i've always wanted you to excel but i never thought... ... that would happen
ram, it's happened now and i am here with you we are together how do you feel ram? i don't feel anything i don't want to celebratedo you know why? i know. remember i'd asked youwhy things went wrong between us? i've found the answerin the last few days
ram, you can write a love story;you can't live it you understand things but youcan't act on them your mind and your heart areconstantly fighting each other and your mind wins even now, your mind knowswhy you are not happy but your heart refuses to accept it it's surprising that you knowwhat my heart feels isn't it? then you tell me how do i know?
i saw it... ... in sonal's eyes... ... and in your eyes you were out? hold on... i'm talking to you what's all this? what have you decided? i haven't decided anything yet what is there to decide?
isn't everything theway you want it to be? i don't see what your problem iswhat's exactly wrong with you? why can't you be happy with me? have you seen your face? you sit in the house all daywith this long face just speak... speak out for once only then we can patchup as soon as possible or you have decidednot to listen anything. i have changed.you wanted me to and i have
but you haven't is this understanding each other? is this giving each other space? you can't changeby just saying you have why should i change myself? instead, it's only meaningfulif we accept each other as we are that's called 'givingspace to each other' great! now you teach me... ... what things mean
obviously!you're working with a writer now so you've suddenly become oversmart look sonal,you tell me once and for all are you coming back to me? for good? how long should i wait? i want your answer now why don't you understand ram? i... oh! ram... don't you ever do that again!
now you listen to me i made a mistake by coming back here i can't come back to you andlet you do what you want i am a fool, a big fool but thankyou samitfor showing me my mistake. honestly... ... why did i waste my time with you? i had started believing in dreamsshown by someone else... thinking those are mine too
and if you have any shame at all... ... you won't show me your face again ram, when i came to you first,i definitely had some expectations i wanted us to get back together but i immediately saw... ... that i was on the wrong pagethough the story was the same you eyes are just not the same... and they don't have the lovefor me anymore but when i see the two of youi know you really love each other
you have changed ramthings have changed accept it you put a love story down on paper but you have remained as blank as ever what are you doing here? you should be with sonal right now go... thanks. ram... ? you're sonal, right?
yes. is ram in? he's not back from his office oh... office... okay. thank you do you want me togive him any message? ram, what's going on with you? what happened? sonal came here looking for you at our house? yes, i told her you were in the office
ram and sonal... ...now i don't need to keepcoming here to understand my role i have understood it! and sonal... ... it is kalika who returns to shesh,not manasi! ram may have written the storybut you have written its end and it's the right one! i agree with that! i am the rain waiting... ... at the turning to your house
let the water... ... in your palms, overflow once again your end is the correct one! forget those showersof tears in your eyes come home to me! now, let's really... ... get to know each other take care of memy beloved new flower i will be your shadow
i will walk alongside you speak to me softly!

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