hey there everyone, i'mstaff sergeant traci keller with your lookaround the air force.an expeditionary u-twoserving in the u.s. air forces central commandhas reached a historical milestone--completingthirty thousand hours of flight time---whilefighting isis in southwest asia. the u-two's dailysorties have directly impacted the fightagainst isis by gathering information used todisrupt revenue streams
and create organizationaldysfunction. so far, coalition-backed iraqiforces have liberated more than fifty percent oftheir territory from isis. this is the second u-twoto reach this milestone, but this achievement wasthe first while serving air force centcom in anexpeditionary environment. the first was last yearwhen a u-two with the fifth reconnaissancesquadron out of osan air base, republic of koreahit the thirty thousand
flight hour mark. move,shoot, and communicate are three of the military'smost basic tasks. and without reliable andsecure communication, successfully completingthe other two tasks are virtually impossible. inthe february edition of airman magazine, you cansee how members of the joint communicationssupport element provide premier communicationsto forces, no matter if they're on the ground, atsea, or in the air. you
can watch the full videoand read more on just how these tacticalcommunicators keep the total force connected atairman dot d-o-d live dot mil. air force officialsare looking for nominations for the 2017u-s-o service member of the year award. the awardrecognizes specific acts of heroism by e-fives andbelow from each service branch. each majcomcan submit only one nomination, which are dueto the air force personnel
center by april fourth.you can find more info on this and other personnelprograms on mypers. and that's your lookaround the air force.

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