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Friday, September 15, 2017

hello pinky dear- hi. hello, sir. karan! karan...- pinky? you are laughing at me? wait. i will show you. "these days, months and years..." "shall pass by, my friend" "but do always remember..." "you will liveonly for me"

"you will live only for me" "promise... you willlive only for me" pinky? "our friendship,i love more than this world" "to our friendship,i dedicate my life" "don't ever forgetthe promises we make in love..." "whenever you miss me,do come over to meet me" "in love, the world..." "poses a million question"

"but do remember always..." "you will live only for me" "you will live only for me"- pinky, you.. wait! a two-penny pavement dwellerwants to equal my daughter? what is he worth that heplays with my daughter? because of him,my daughter has taken ill she's burning with fever lf i see him with mydaughter ever again... i'm going to shoot him

i will shoot him. lord, i've brought my pinky to you.please make her all right lf you don't restore my pinky'shealth, i'll never ever talk to you make pinky all right, god... make pinky all right pinky. karan... pinky! who brought me here...?- i... i brought you here

you went delirious with fever see, god has made you all right look, we're returning today.pack pinky's clothes karan...- pinky. we're returning to mumbai today whenever you go away,i miss you so much so keep this. whenever you miss me,look at this thing it even has my photograph wow, it even plays's a lovely watch

i'll never let this remainaway from me but when i miss you...what will i do? one minute here you are. whenever you miss me,pray to god so that we can meet come enough is enough. get in. wait, pinky... stop there! lord, pinky hasn'tcome this year either how do i go to bombayto look for her?

i have no one me the way, lord mr. malhotra...? praise the lord hello, sir.- hello you've visiting after many months?- yes, i come here only on business i delivered some harmoniums atthe saraswati music school... and i thought i'd paymy obeisance who's that boy?- he's an orphan priest! don't you darecall any child an orphan!

we're the ones who give themthis dreadful name i admit, there are millions of childrenwho do not have parents... but there are also millions of parentswho have no offspring had such parents to adoptchildren like him... the word "orphan" wouldn'texist in the world anymore what's your name, son?- karan no, son. your name isn't just's karan malhotra henceforth will you go to bombay with me?- bombay...? sure "love, it seeks..."

"it seeks love" "it's a crazy world..." "it hasn't yet realised..." "how one loses his heart" "i'm not going tobefriend anyone..." "i'm not fallingin love with anyone" "only once in a lifetime,do i make someone my heart-throb" "i haven't seen her yet.i don't even know her" "the thought of hergives solace to my heart"

"love isn't easy, my friend..." "it's difficultto live up to it" "in this restlessness of desires...i spend every morning and evening" "a crazed heart, nobodycan ever rein in" "every crazy lover knows's known everywhere" let brother return...i'm not sparing him yes, dear.just don't spare him today you shouldn't be talking,'re the one who has pampered him not me, it's your mother

yes.- father.. all right, take him to taskwhen he returns today sure, i will. but, please...the two of you mustn't interfere we don't ever interfere...we stand on the sidelines he's here he's here! priya... priya's dead don't you dare saysuch a thing again

why mustn't i?today's brothers' day and i am sure, you have forgotten. i got held up buying a gift for you.- excuse me... i want see.. what great thing is itthat delayed you? brother, this is...- you wanted it six months ago, right? yes, but i forgot all about it but how could your brotherforget what you wanted? but this is very expensive, brother.where did you find so much money?

why? doesn't daddy give me pocket-money?i've been collecting for six months are you going to keep staring at itor tie the rakhi on me? oh yes, just a minute hold this like this,use your fingers on this... try it.- yeah. it is pretty nice.hello, want to buy it? yes, obviously.- expensive. yes, but it is good. wife?- yes!$

what are you doing? just hold it this way from below.- okay. okay, yes. your husband?- your phone is ringing. your phone.- he is mad. just a second i will be back.- okay. take the call- i think he is mad. hello. sapna...?

what is it?go and attend to the customers you get a bout of hiccups now? you got the money, sapna? what are you afraid of?i'm here, aren't i? oh yes, i'm coming over on hundred per cent it's late, son. close the shopand come soon, okay? okay.- we're leaving. come soon yes, father. open the door.- daddy, i'll have dinner with you

bye.- good boy. let us go. hey, my watch!- lay off! look, take as much money as you want.but please return my watch to me lots of dough, eh?- you think it's less? here you are. take this chain too.but return that watch to me, please looks like an expensive watch.must check it out so this is how it is?whose photo is this? that's my childhood love.- childhood love...?

as a young babe, she mustquite a devastation! what are you doing...? get him out of here move from here. no... we'll give it to you here's your stuff.take it. pinky, no one can snatchyou and your love from me ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. now after sheryl from michiganuniversity we proudly present..

..the oxford university girl,miss pooja. oh, yes! "i tell you the truth, friends.should you fall in love with me..." "you can put me to a test" "come to india at least once" "try losing your heartto an indian and see" "the taj mahal... is in india" "the qutab minar is in india too" "chandni chowk is in india" "the best of seasonsare in india"

"laila and majnu... are in india" "sohni-mahiwal are in india" "the heart pines... in india" "the best of ideas... in india" "you'll lose yourself,if you ever fall in love..." "you must put me to a test then" "do come to india at least once" "fall in love with an indian and see" "the chiming of india"

"the best of india" "the holy india too" "songs of india" "the most lively dance forms...are in india" "fun and's all in india" "the colour of best in india" "all those india" "believe me, should you everfall in love..." "you may then put me to a test"

"fall in love with and indian and see" it makes me so happy... to see you celebrating diwaliwith so much of pomp every year it feels as if we aren't in a foreignland, as if we're in india there are so many indiansliving here... but it's only puja who bringsthem all together... and celebrates every festival.she doesn't ever forget her culture tell me something, aunty.when the english visit our country... do they forget their culture?- no

so why must we forget our culturein their country? well said, dear i am so proud of you. happy diwali, pinky karan... c'mon! i rue the cursed hour when shegave you that goddamn watch! ever since, you've always beenclutching that watch to your heart you've never fallen in how would you know? i don't fall into a relationshipthat has no trace of love

my friend, god save mefrom your kind of love you love her with all your heart in fact, you even visit that templeevery year, so you can meet her but did she ever meet you? she'll surely meet me.i have faith i will surely find pinky someday "even for a second,let some one love me." "even it may be a false love." sapna, you're the one i wasthinking about and you've called!

no, not lunch. i've promisedto have lunch with my wife next monday maybe...because i don't work on mondays hello.- hello. how do i look? you're getting more and more romanticin your old age old age...? don't tell me with a wife like you,no man can ever grow old old age will come and go away...and i'll remain forever young that is all right. where are you goingall dressed up on a holiday?

it's a holiday, let me goand meet some friends i'm definitely having lunch with you are "i'm young at heart..." what is the matter, mom?- your daddy's.... showing symptoms of a teenager.he wants to be part of the brat pack what does that mean?- i just can't understand... what he's up to. he has startedspending so much of money of late i wonder where he's spending the money.i think something is fishy i feel so scared

gayatri... lord, are you back?- yes who... is she? sapna (dream)- sapna? my dream... a dream fulfilled god! dressed in a sherwani,i got married in court today come, sapna no!

she's going to stay here and youwill serve her all your life... as her slave.- no! i will not tolerate another womanin my husband's life! i'll douse kerosene on myselfand set myself on fire! very good. you'll set fire to yourselfand i'll take off this garland... and put it on your photograph.your wedding necklace... i'll wear around my neck.- father! what have you done? dad!

papa! just you wait!i'm going to set myself on fire! mother.- mother. are you blind?- i'm not your fault! don't talk rot!- hey mister... your fault, not're in a no-entry zone no entry?- yes. this is a one-way street.- look, i'm in a hurry i am sorry..- shut up.

if you are in a hurry, will you choosea wrong road? take out your license. why do you want my licence?- i'll report you i haven't caused an accident, have i?- i'll report you after you've done it take out your license. the auto rickshaw! my's lying inside what am i to do now?my month's stipend was in my purse how am i to make it to my interview?- i'll give you a lift if you won't take me then who else will? sit here. i'll be back.pass the bike keys

what for?- for the itch in my ears to make sure you don't make a getaway.- what a fix i'm in you mean you didn't find a single girlin all your interviews? i am sorry, sir. shut up! not a girl in all of india? girl...?- sorry to walk in without permission but this concerns my career, sir.i would've been here on time... were it not for this boywho biked into a no-entry zone... and he had to crash into my auto;he even justified himself...

so obviously, there was a fight.naturally, that was a waste of time consequently, i was delayed i know i've missed my interview.but if you wish... you can still interview me hey, you are already selected. without an interview?- you just gave was an interview a lovely, dynamic anchor like youis just what i need. what a girl thank you, sir. thank you. thank you. thank you so much.- are you going to break my hands?

how lucky he is for me! i'velanded the job without even an interview he's lucky and he's handsome too.mustn't give up on him so easily now what do i do...?got to find an excuse... what happened? got the job?- no, i'm late what an ominous day!everything's turning out the wrong way will you let me go now? i haven'tinformed folks at home about this besides, i got to reach my shop!- shop? what kind of shop? music instruments hey, hello.

music instruments?- yes and may i leave now? give my keys back to me.- i lost a month's stipend and the month isn't ending inanother five days. these 5 days... you will give me rides on your bike.- and what happens to my business? and what about me? am i to beg onthe streets? look... i'm in no mood for a conversation.i'm hungry. first give me something to eat.and don't eat my brains. back to life. the hunger was killing.- how about sparing my life? you said something?- how much money have you lost?

it must be around rs. 1200 to rs. 1300. you take rs. 1500 from me.but leave me alone. i'm no beggar! in these five days if i get a job,then i will give you rs. 3000. else i'll make good whatever you spendout of my next month's stipend come on, fix that mood tell me one thing. won't you help a damsel in distress? that's more like it!hey, you got a girlfriend?

she's the one i'm looking for "i wish we never break up" "i wish our bond is never severed" "be it happiness,be it in sorrow..." "i wish we never break up,so just remember..." "you live only for me" "swear it,you live only for me" "i wish these years fly swiftly..." "just remember this..."- hi, pooja. pooja?

"swear it,and live only for me" give that back to me after a lifetime of living abroad,your mentality is still the same ever since you were a child,you've been infatuated... with someone you don't even know,someone you can't even hope to meet not hope, i'm certain.someday, i'll surely find him hi! you...? why have you come here?- strange! you talk to customers like this?- mad... he's mad

you've gone mad!your customer is your god is this how you addressso exotic a goddess? forget him, come to me.i worship goddesses say, how may i be of service? my guitar needs to be repaired wonderful! passing it to mewhile you make a pass at him? poor chord. playing itso mercilessly breaks the string i'm just learning how to play it.- you ought to learn from a good artiste will you teach me?- no time

you can pick it up next week.- i want right now can't be cobbled up like a shoe.- not my guitar. you. me...?- i told you, i haven't got money i need a lift right now.- enough. day before yesterday... you wasted my whole day,took me all over town i'm fed up of you!- not something i fancy i'm helpless! now give me a lift.quick, i'm getting late so you want a lift again? yes.

because you've run out of money? okay. vicky.- yes.. yes. get back afteryou've taken her for a ride no.- yes. yes. lf it's the lift you're interested in,he'll take you for the ride yes. excuse me. he is only talking of leaving you.

i'll even give you a lift back home!let's go. move it, you're getting late come. what are you looking at? sit. sit with a leg on each side. straddle the know i fly it like an aircraft who me...?- why do you ask? sit. grab my waist... move closer- i have held it. bye, bye.- bye. she took the cab?who's on my pillion?

stop whining,take me for my ride band stand. it's a lovers' paradisein mumbai. today we're talking to folks over hereabout love 'this program is sponsored by cocasi..' '..which as soon as you drink,makes you energetic.' how many times have i told younot to watch tv while working? my customer is on tv hello.- hi! the goddess with the guitar

have you ever been in love?- yes. rohit. rahul. nitin. rocky so many?- only half a dozen or so so she has a job yes liar! i'll fix her excuse me. have you ever been in love?- dearly. but one lie and it was over what kind of lie?- sorry, can't tell lies are ruinous, so be careful.- likewise in case of your lies?

karan, listen to me...- not a word you lied to me about your job.- you forced me to lie i...?- yes, you your chivalry, a nice characterand an innocent face... made me feel like going out with you,making friends with you lf i told you the truth, i would'velost you and i never wanted that so i lied to you. tell me,in my place... what would you have done?tell me. why are you mum? can't win an argument with you.- so we're friends?

out of compulsion. you aren'tgiving up on me so easily, are you? want a truth?i never want to lose a good friend puja, we're going to miss you.- i'll miss you too inform us as soon as you're in india.- sure puja, i always made digs at you aboutthat childhood sweetheart of yours now you want to do thateven when i am leaving? no, i only want to share a thought what?- i wish you find your sweetheart really?- yes.

but you got to make a promise.- what...? when you find him, make surei know of it before you tell him done.- don't forget how about getting to the airport?- time for your flight father. puja my baby- father. how are you? why didn't you receive meat the airport? i am sorry, puja.

stuck in meetings, as usual that reminds me. tomorrow morning 10.30khurana, don't forget.. - yes, sir. how was your journey?- the anticipation was fun you take some rest.i'm going to my office okay.- and yes, we will do dinner together. okay.- bye. - bye. karan, i am sorry. lf i couldn't see you once a year,i'll make up for it from tomorrow wait for me, i'm coming

my obeisance.- bless you, karan. a while ago, a girl was here,asking about you pinky! where is she?- she sat here for a while... then she took a tour of the placebefore she left how long ago?- been a while "what if..." "we had met?" "what would it be like?" "i'd never leave you in peace"

"i'd never leave you in peace,nor would i sleep in peace" "i would've inflamedyour passions..." "and i would've lostthe peace of my mind" "how i have spent my days,how my nights were spent..." "i wanted to tell youhow lovelorn i was" "i would've taken you in my armsand i would've kissed you..." "i wanted to show youthe wounds in my heart" "were i not in love with you,would i pine for you in solitude?" "god, please...let him know..."

"how i pine...let him know" "what if..." "we had met?" hello, pooja. found your karan? really, pooja, i am so happy for you. tell me, when you saw him forthe first time, were you bowled over? you held back, because you swore?- nothing of the sort what do you mean?- i've looked for him...

but i didn't find him. i searched for him a lot. - then how will you look for him? i'm taking my story to the magazines.when he reads, he'll find me silly! not even ten percent peopleread magazines i'm not giving upon my ten percent chance you mean your plot is different? yes, sir. there were two others who claimed thatbefore they gave me a reading unlike ordinary stories,it's the story of my life...

the story of my true love.- you mean... what is this?- this is episode 1, sir. yours is the only true love?others have loved falsely? can't say about others.speaking for myself... my love is true.- where are you from? i've just returned to india.i was brought up abroad a foreign love story?- no, the story belongs in india you've been away for a lifetimeand your story belongs in india? while you were abroad,you didn't take psychiatric help?

do you mean i'm crazy?- and you're about to drive me crazy don't drive me pushes my blood pressure then i'll have to call the doctorand i can't tolerate paying him for my sake, i must yetmy story published excuse me, i got work to do i am sorry. what is the matter?why are you crying? just because he is the editor, itgives him the right to trash my story? he called me mad! someone who thinksmy story is trash, is the one who's mad

let him not publish it,but he has no right to call it trash what does he know? my storyis all i got, it's about my love... it's my life you can trust me with your life not to be afraid,i'm not stealing let's go. good morning, sir.- good morning. you aren't shooting?- not now, sir. tell me... do you need a romantic storyfor your magazine?

that story is holding up my print run!- here's a story i wrote you wrote...?- publish it if you like it. i'll give it a glance. bloody emergencyone minute, one cursory look... congratulations, pooja. the editor loved your story thank you. thank you, seema you don't know what a great favouryou've done to me come on, dear between friends, favours aren't countedcome, the editor wants to see you

dear child,i am really very, very sorry. wonderful story... wonderful...but without the climax, it's incomplete the climax is yet to come.- that makes an incomplete story, no? your magazine stands to gainfrom this story how come...? sir, i am sure the readers will love itand they will await the climax in the next edition, carry the climax.your issue will be a sell-out really...?- not a bad idea

no point delaying.i'll publish it right away readers' letters are pouring in,but no letter from karan when will you read our story? excuse me.- yes, sir. you stock the p9 magazine?- yes here. i wanted it for myself.- i only wanted to find out... what's so special about this storyyou want to read? you can take your time over itafter i've read it

father, father.. you want me to buy you something?- no, just listen to my story what a story! what an author!puja! and she's a new author such a brilliant story!i love her, daddy. just listen...the story begins in her childhood and it ends in her childhood?- no, it continues into her youth till her youth? no, i got urgent work,can't wait, i got some meetings read it out to your mother.- none of you have time for my stories your brother is a can give him a reading

good idea?- great idea. thank you. nearly missed this meeting. brother... dear! where have you been?i've been waiting for you for hours and no one wants to hear my story!you got to hear this... come sit don't you budge untilyou've heard my story the story is titled"you live only for me" that's the promise karan and pinkymade to each other when they were kids what a coincidence

your name is karan too the story begins in a beautifulhill station every year pinky and her daddygo there for their holidays that's where she meets karan.the two become fast friends then slowly... the friendship... turns into love.once pinky has left... karan is left with only one thing to dowaiting for pinky the climax will be publishedafter the couple have met

please say a prayer! pray thatin the end, they meet nice story, no?great story... great thank you walkman,you just saved my life channel singh's 16th anniversary!live it up sure, sure. sir, you must havedinner and go. thank you. oh, is it that one?- yes, i see all of them. what you are saying? look into the camera.- yes. ready? one minute.- happy anniversary.

oh, thank you, madam. you're looking lovely may i say a couplet? "what if the one i pine for..." "were to transpire before my eyes?" very nice.- thank you. thank you. i've been looking for you forever!i want to introduce you to my boyfriend come.

greetings.- greetings. - greetings. beautiful house, mr. malhotra!- god's gift simple and beautiful. thank you very much.- nice, very nice. wow! sister, you're looking exotic!your suitor will go nuts i'm scared.- why? my friend's sisterwas supposed to get married and she was so happy. then, justa day before they were to get married...

the boy called off the wedding.she committed suicide what if it happens to me? even i...- are you crazy? don't you ever get these ideas come on, priya. karan,you aren't dressed yet? hurry...- i'll be there in a moment come. - mother..- come. don't be apprehensive come my child my daughter.- greetings, my child

greetings.- come, sit with us come, dear. have a seat.- have a seat. beautiful, isn't she? mr. malhotra, i thinkwe approve of the bride consider this offer firm.- many thanks the girl and the boy oughtto meet each other, so we came i always wanted my son's brideto belong to cultured family... like yours.- you are kind we received proposalsfrom rich families

then we found out aboutwayward brothers and bad fathers but you'd never want an alliancewith families of that sort...? but of course... come son.this is my son you...? this ruffian! he is your son? what are you saying?my son is a perfect gentleman i saw that with my own eyes,when he wrecked my car what is he saying, son...?- daddy, it was a mistake...

mistake...? gentlemen mightmake mistakes. what ruffians do, aren't let's leave. we won't haveanything to do with them, sir, please. i apologise please do not annul this alliance!i beg of you! my sister is a gem karan, what are you doing? out of my way hey, stand aside. lf you have any reservations aboutmy sister, i'll tell you a fact.

i'm not her brother let me speak, daddy.this concerns my sister's life it's too wonderful a match to be spoiltbecause of me! believe me, sir... i'm an orphan!they fostered me... they cared for me like a son!but i am not her brother certainly not!- not only a ruffian... you are also a bastard!- khanna... you have spoken enough,you made my son grovel scoundrels like youaren't welcome

i'd never give youmy daughter get out. i said get out. sir, sir, please. sir.- move. why are you glum?get on with your drink dad, you know. i don't drink.- i know. but i'm trying... and i've nearly had a whole quart.and you haven't touched it? come on. go on. go on. drink it. drink. drink up slow, slow.

at least drink that much.come on, that's my boy a wee bit more i know it is bad. very bad. i know, a father mustn'tmake his son drink now touch your heart,tell me who am i...? father.- father. and who are you to me?- son why did you tell khannathat you aren't my son? the situation was so compelling.- compelling situation?

would that make a son deny his father?can compulsions wreck relationships? you'd rather stab me in the heart.- i didn't mean to hurt you, dad you didn't? but you toremy heart to pieces swear it by me,have i ever denied you my love? never...- then why...? never will i speak it again, i swear.- lf ever you say it again... you will kill your dad. remember.- no... no... son.- sorry, father. let's go home

help me up can't walk on my own anymore where's our car?- over there is the car drunk too?look, i'm driving no dad, i'm driving.- silly! you're drunk i'm driving safely.- no, i'm driving lf you insist... all right.i'll sit here... or is this the boot? not the boot. go on

daddy, comfortable speed?- yes lf you come across khanna,run him over i drink because my wife heckles me!- she drives you mad? yes, endlessly.- why? because i'm hustlingthe neighbour's wife why?- because i like her. excuse me seema, you're way out!you come up with such fresh ideas this episode on drunkards is a hit.- enough of drunks. let's pack up look, 2 drunks travellingin a stationary car

let's interview them goodness! that's karan karan, are you fine?karan, are you okay? karan, are you fine? please help me. please take him to my car i liked your story.- thank you. and climax?- it'll take time okay. - okay. - bye. - bye. that watch... where did you get it?

nice, isn't it? from my boyfriend boyfriend? who...?- karan i introduced you to himat the party karan? great guy i really love him. how long have you been in love?- ever since we met

i fell in love at first sight i missed reading your is it your real love story? who is he?- he was what do you mean?- now he belongs to someone else strange! you wrote your story despiteknowing that he loves someone else? are you so deeply in love? yes, dearly really, puja that's a great love

but what about that guywho belongs to someone else now? he never understood you. my karan would never do that to me i pray to god,whatever happened to me... may never happen to you okay, i will leave. bye. hello.- karan. i have one of your possessions what is it?

where did you find that watch?- last night you weren't in your senses where are you at the moment, seema?- central library i'll be right there karan, you have no ideahow much i love you i love you, karan. i love you. and today i'm going to tell you i love you very much. seema. please give me the watch, seema.- pining for a watch so trivial?

it's not something holds my heartbeats. it's my life so your life's in my hands.lf i wish, i won't ever let go no... i can't give my life to anyone because, it holds my love.- love...? i and pinky lovedeach other dearly, as kids that's when she gave me this memento.and suddenly one day we had to part ever since, i've been looking for her what if you don't find her?- i will find her, for sure i'm dead surei'll find my love someday

we made a promise when we were children.- promise...? you live only for me and i live only for her what...? you want togo abroad again to study? yes papa.- but you had decided to study here right. but after watching thingsshape up, i now know that... my aim will not be achieved here.- what aim? i want to progress,i want to achieve something i'm glad my daughter thinks so high

hello. puja? seema here puja, don't forget to cometo my birthday party tomorrow i can't make it.- what? i'm flying out tomorrow.- i don't care. you must come no, i can't come.- please puja, for my sake okay? bye. take care. kiss the person next to you. yes, come on.

impossible. come on, guys.- come on, come on. come on yes! - oh no! tell us about your love,and sing a romantic song oh no! - oh, yes. no, i don't know all this.i can't sing, please. please, i can't sing. what is this? please leave me. - you have to do it.

please, i can't sing. happy birthday, seema. - thanks, pooja. you landed your boyfriend in a fix.- not mine, he's someone else's but the other day, you said...- misconception karan is in love with some pinky,since childhood. for years... he has held her memento, a watch,close to his heart, pining to meet her "just remember this..." "i wish the passion never ceases..." "let this obsession grow"

"i wish we love each othermore than anything else..." "let this companionship be forever" "when a million questions are askedabout our love..." "let's just remember..." "we live for each other" "take my hand,walk beside me forever" "let seasons come and go,but you must never change" "whether we get happinessor sadness." "let what ever be our condition."

"let's just remember..." "swear it darling,only for me" "just remember this..." "you live only for me..." "only for me..." "swear that" puja, you had promised me thatyou'd tell me before you tell him true love wins finally, neeta.i have found my childhood sweetheart and i've kept my promise too.i'm breaking the news to you

what...? really? how does he look?- he's so handsome know what? he loves meas much as i love him he was as desperate to meet meas i was desperate to meet him but i won't tell himthat i'm his pinky i pined to find my i'll stay close to him... and find out how much he pinesfor me. i want to enjoy it karan, i've found you. but untilyou find me and profess your love... i won't tell you that i'm pinky.i'll wait yes! it'll be fun

it's you. i just remembered are you here to buy a valentine card?- obviously, it's valentine day today. and you?- obviously, i'm here to buy one too. you got a girlfriend?- yes, and no. i mean... the day i find her, i'll give her allthe valentine cards i've been collecting who is your friend?- he's right before me well...?- i mean, the day i find him... i'll give him all the valentine cardsi've been collecting this means, you and i are alike.- no, we are one

well...?- how about eating something? come on.- okay. in only our second meeting, i broughtyou here. i hope you don't mind? nothing of that sort. but i'm surprisedas to what attracted me towards you we read your storypublished in p9 magazine you're a great writer.- may i have your autograph, please? we're excited to know the climax.- i too am excited to write the climax when is it being published?- well... i'm working on it okay, all the best.

thank you. bye. bye. that story in p9? you wrote it?- yes, but i don't think you've read it no. but my sister has read it.she's a big fan of yours she'll be happy to meet you priya. hey, priya.- come puja. recognise her? pooja! oh god!i don't believe this. pooja! silly girl! what have you done?moron. sorry, child.- i am sorry.

it is okay. i'll take her inside.- hurry up. wash it up oh god! silly girl brother's washroom thank you.- welcome. sweetheart. "sixteen? or seventeen?you're terrific" "i've fallen for you"

"seventeen? or eighteen?you're terrific" "you have invaded my heart" "intoxicating eyes,breathtaking style" "i fell for you at first sight" "you're obsessed,and i'm lost too" "my love, i've fallen for you" "fair're terrific" "you're the only one,you're beyond compare" "yours is the namein every tale of mine"

"you are in my eyes,in every dream of mine" "you have robbed me off my peace...oh that sway" "my gait seduces?but you're terrific" "sixteen? or seventeen?but you're terrific" so long? priya must'vechewed her brains go, save puja before she quits writing.- right away, ma that's brother's night suit my sleeping suit...?- my dress is stained no problem. come, have tea.- no, thanks. i'll leave now

have something before you leave, dear.- next time do come.- would you drop me home? sure.- bye. go. stop.- let us in come on, karan. won't you come in?- next time i'll return your dress.- no need. it suits you fine okay, bye.

bye. pooja. papa, he...- i'm not asking you anything, dear i want to explain some things i could've built this grand bungalowanywhere in the city but why here? because this isthe costliest place it speaks of our status i could've got the furniture madeanywhere in india but why from italy? why fromthe world's best furniture company?

to display our status.come, puja dear, i only believe in the best. my vehicles... top of the range,latest models because i know,those who own such vehicles... their status and lifestylestand out of all the universities,why did i send you to oxford? because oxford is theworld's best university. oxford's stamp ison your degree certificate the very best.

change the dress don't cry, my like your mummy i'll dice them you didn't believe me come over, and see for yourself see what?- your husband he's sitting with his family number 2 i can't find words to describe.whatever is to be done, is up to you over and out.

what are you staring at?- today, i'm watching tomorrow, the world will watch.- what do you mean? look...- it's her! but who's baby it is on daddy's lap?- his second son. your little brother what nonsense!- you don't believe your eyes? look at him the affection he's showing on his secondson, he must've never shown on you you mustn't grieve, karan. okay?but you are a goner a shareholder to your propertieshas sprung up

he might usurp it all, you never know.maybe another son is at home another on the waiting list,and one more... stop ma...? how did ma come here?- i called her over damn! aren't you ashamedto pee on me? you ought to be ashamed now i know where your money goesand where you go on holidays gayatri, she...- why didn't i drop dead? how foolish of me!i worshipped you

and you...? you're producing babieswith the other woman? sister, you suspect an angel?you have gravely sinned don't you dare call me sister!and of course, he's an angel to you yes, he's an angel to me and tothousands of orphans like this baby it is because of mr. mahendra's helpthat i rear them in my orphanage as for this baby, someone left himat the gate of the orphanage last night i only brought him hereto show brother mahendra what! good lord!i have gravely sinned... i suspected you.forgive me

sister, i've wronged you too.forgive me not your fault. the real culpritwho instigated you. no problem, i'll fix him later father, i am very proud of you. he's crying. let me hold cute! i approve of this alliance.- congratulations, mr. sharma so we're related now mr. malhotra, let's hold the weddingafter the festival of holi hardly any time left?1, 2, 3, 4...

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 0...only two days to go you too..- laugh, sir. "showers of colours,the festival of colours is here" happy holi, puja.- happy holi not me. i don't play holi.- at least colour my cheeks let me colour them where's karan?- karan hates colours where is he?- in his bedroom. - some colour? no, no please

not pinky, i'm puja oh, i am sorry. i thought you were pinky why are you laughing?am i a clown? this... you did? don't mind. it's holi "o fair lady, as your veil sways,you blush" "look behind, your lovercomes seeking you" "she sways and slithers...i can't get her"

"naughty brat,don't harass me..." "don't..." "don't harass me" let go think it over. lf you don't let go,you'll have to hold my arm forever "slips... my red veil slips..." "sets hearts beating harder" "ever since i entered youth..." "i've been wearing the veil"

"my love, i've been wearing the veil" "her veil" "now i'm sixteen,and in a bad shape" "boys chase me, tease me,harass me" "how do you i save myself?where do i hide?" "oh, where do i hide?" "yes, my love,i've been wearing the veil" "my veil" "come, marry me,i can wait no more"

"get me the bridal dress,paint my hands in henna" "get me bracelets,marry me" "get me bracelets" "yes my love,i've been wearing the veil" you do know my daughter puja?- very well she's one in a million.- i know your son rahul too... who's one in khurana... i want our friendship to turninto family relation fantastic.

so let's shake hands no, daddy. i can't get married to him- why not? rahul is my friend's son.he comes from a good family... which enjoys a good social status.they're our equals daddy, it isn't that.- so what is it? there was someone i fell inlove with as a child, daddy and i've found him now.- what childhood love? who is it? karan. who's karan?- try and recall, daddy

you used to take me to ooty duringmy vacations every year there was this boy there. karan.- karan! the vagabond! the orphan! he's no orphan, daddy. arespectable family has adopted him... and give him its name.they've made him their son giving him a name or making him a sondoes not change the blood in his veins! daddy, karan's love flows in my veins.and i can't change that either shut up, puja! just keep quiet. i'm your father and i'm taking theimportant decisions in your life!

daddy, please don't snatchmy love from me i've prayed for yearsto have him back i don't want to argue with you, puja i don't want any arguments,no pleadings. listen to me very carefully. lf ihear you utter karan's name again... i'll wipe out every trace of him i will finish him. in that case, listen to whati have to say, daddy your daughter's life liesin karan

lf something happens to karan,your daughter won't live either "my beloved is hell with the fair ones" "i'm good enough for hell with the fair ones" listen, midget. lf anyone has complaintsabout food or anything else... i'm going to give you a beatingand reduce you to six inches father?- yes, son. i've brought it.- what? the decorator will startwork tonight very good, son.

here's what you'll do, son...- listen... yes...?- you ought to have met mr. sharma mr. sharma...? what for?- what do you mean? we didn't ask him how he wantedthe wedding procession to be welcomed point. - yes. this is the last time you'vesaid something sensible the last time...?- you need brains for a first time and you don't have any brains.- what are you laughing for? come with me

not among the ladies...go and fetch the plates i told his mother thatmr. sharma is a gentleman... he's not going to make any demands.and you've honoured my word thank you very much. mr. malhotra, you haven't hadany tea or soft drink...? it's enough that you said it did you call me, sir? who were the two menwho were here to see you? it was mr. malhotra.didn't i tell you, sir...?

i'm getting rajesh's with mr. malhotra's daughter that boy with him... who was he? he's the bride's elder brother.karan what is the matter, sir? seema, listen to this! impressed with the popularity ofpuja's story, our managing committee... has decided to makea telefilm out of it! good, sir.- oh, very good. they've also decided that you willhandle the project and make the film

me...?- yes, you i haven't even read the story, sir.- so go ahead and read it. hurry come on.- okay, sir. hi, seema. hey.. you stupid, you idiot. that's okay, but why are you crying?- i'm not crying, karan it is time for celebration. the pinky from your childhoodhas been found! what?

pinky...? where is she? puja's your pinky, karan.look at this... she wrote this storyonly to find you puja's... my pinky?- yes karan, my son...- yes, dad? come home immediately, son- why? what's up? something very strange has happened.come home what happened, karan?- i don't know i've got to go home immediately

mom, what's happening here? my son, the bridal henna hadn'teven darkened on your sister's hands and our joys have beenstruck by lightning daddy, what's mother saying?- it's true, my son mr. sharma called a little while ago,he has turned down the marriage to how many people will we explain... why the groom's folks refusedto go ahead with the marriage... just a day before the wedding? but why did he do this, daddy?- that's what i wanted to know...

but he disconnectedthe telephone all your father has earnedin his lifetime is respect, my son and i'm losing even that today mr. sharma... you take a marriage for a joke? because you're the groom's fatherdoesn't mean... you can play with our honour.we are a respectable family too and you have no right totoy with my sister's life... lf you want to haveyour sister married...

you'll have to forget've got to decide this right now do you value your love more...than your sister? hello, pooja. karan, here. hi, karan. i want to meet you right now, puja me...? what for? today i want to tell youhow i feel how he feels...?i'm at the marriot hotel you can come over and meet meat the poolside

this is the day i'vealways waited for i love you, karan. "i've found the love of my life..." "allah, allah..." "my heart now finds peace..." "spring this timedrives my heart crazy..." "what intoxicationtakes over...?" "allah, allah" "i didn't tell anyone..."

"but my heart always beat for you" "without me, you werein bad shape..." "and i pined for you" "nowhere could i find peace,my love..." "loneliness gnawed at my heartevery moment" "everywhere around me..." "were memories of you" "i longed to meet youevery moment..." "just one thing i prayed forall days and nights..."

"that we meet at the earliest" "may the bridal music playat our union..." "may we have a bridal procession" "there's no one here,except you and me..." "no shackles of the worldbind us anymore" "come, let me take youin my arms..." "i can't take thesedistances anymore" "my beloved is so very innocent..." "allah, allah, allah"

i can't take it anymore, karan i know what surpriseyou want to give me i love you, pooja. i love you too. ever since i saw you at the party... i've fallen in love with you- at the party? yes, puja. your lovehas driven me crazy i feel as if i just can'tlive without you but... seema told me that you liveonly for pinky, your childhood love i was a kid then. as a kid,i made friends with pinky...

we played togetherand forgot all about it i was never in love with pinky.i met her as a child... maybe she belongs to someone else now.and i'm not crazy, am i...? to fall in love with herwithout even seeing her? she could be fat and uglyfor all i know which means you love a girl onlyfor her beauty... not for her heart absolutely! it's beauty you fallin love with, because you see it you can't look in someone's heartwhether it's good or bad, can you? you're right. you can'tlook in anyone's heart...

to know how evil it is but why've you started crying, puja? not puja. i'm pinky what? yes, the one you think is pujais actually pinky i wish i had seen through youas a kid... the one i love is notworthy of even my hatred what a mess! lf i knew you're pinky,i wouldn't have proposed at all but that's all're the one i love, after all

this is why i never separatedthe token of your love from me no! the truth about youhas now been exposed to me you just can't fall in lovewith someone! you have no right to keepsomeone's token of love! i hate you, karan.i hate you. i hate you. what stuff are you made of...? for my sake, you won'ttell anyone about this thank god, we have escapedgetting a bad name my son! this is a miracle.i don't know who did it

mr. sharma telephoned andapologised profusely our honour has been restored.- go and meet priya, son she just can't believe it.hurry up and go to her priya. brother! i am so happy, brother. i am so happy. i'll be back, brother "not to be's the festival of colours!" hello.- hey, pooja

puja, we've decided to makea telefilm on your love-story so quickly write the climax for it i'm sorry, seema.i can't write the climax get someone else to write it.- what...? but why? seema, had i known what climaxmy love-story would have... i wouldn't have startedwriting my love-story at all i don't understand suffice it to say that my love-storyhas ended before its climax i can't write. i can't write.

here's everything forthe ceremony, priest sweets and there anything else you want? no, nothing more.- do let me know if you need something veer, where's karan? he's gone out veerji, you've been karan'schildhood friend he hides nothing from you karan and puja have loved eachother from their childhood and now, there's this problem?

karan has bound me in an oath.but i want to see him happy it's puja's father who hascreated all the problems what do you mean? the guy karan's sister is marrying... was educated and brought up,thanks to puja's after his father works forpuja's father this is what puja's fathertook advantage of and karan made the sacrifice... he sacrificed his lovefor his sister

this is the truth, puja i'm proud of my love.that karan is such a great guy... seema, i want to go to karanright now what do you think my child? i placed a special order with tiffaniand company for this necklace let's go, seema puja, where are you going? - iam leaving the house and going to karan. pooja. pooja, listen to me. you played dirty with me and triedto snatch my love from me

but now i'm goingto my love for good are you out of your mind? you're leaving me and these luxuriesfor that low-level life? you got this swanky bungalow builton the city's prime property maybe it measures up to your level,not mine these mercedes and porsche carsmust belong to your level too not mine. this daughter of yoursis giving up things of your level... and going to her love the vows are over. you are now manand wife in joys and sorrow

karan. karan. i love you. you shouldn't have come here, puja.- i've got to know the truth, karan my daddy played very dirty tricksto separate us he put pressure on uncle sharma andhad priya's marriage annulled for your sister's happiness, yousacrificed the love of our childhood... for which you and i havealways waited why did you do that, brother?i could've married anyone else but you wouldn't havefound your love again

karan, my made such a great sacrifice? my son, what debt haveyou repaid me for? what are you talking about, daddy?not even in seven lifetimes... can children repay theirparents' debt i didn't do anyone a favour...i merely did my duty but your sense of duty has enslavedme to you for a thousand lifetimes not even my own son would havemade such a huge sacrifice you're forgetting something, made me promise... that i would never say such a what makes you say it today?

i'm sorry, my slipped out of my tongue bastard! you think you willsucceed in your designs? sir, i've done nothing.- you have betrayed me! you are the one whohas betrayed us, daddy what do you want toachieve by all this? is this your way of givingyour daughter happiness? no, you're instead snatchingher happiness from her! puja, come with me pooja, just come with me.

let me go!- come on. let go of me! after the vows, the bride goes to herhusband's house. not her father's! what rubbish are you talking...?what vows? which vows? the vows you areabout to witness priest, solemnise the wedding karan, my son!

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