
vellimoonga malayalam full movie watch online

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

‘elephant, peacock, camel' 'dedicated to renowned father of malayalam ezhuthachan -' 'to tutors and to parents' (alphabets of malayalam) 'i'm aa, aaa, e, eee' 'a new book, look not boasting, okay' 'i'm not merely a story 'perhaps life of many among you' 'may be your friends, or else your acquaintance'

'will hear the advice as big as mountains but won't value that to a seed' 'it is in that age, over here our hero and his friends' there is a person to get innext vehicle hey prakasha, didn't you get beating from teacher yesterday? hey fool didn't i tell you yesterday?to tie the grass and keep look, we didn't get the beating, come fast will pluck the green what all beliefs were there, on seeing the crow-pheasant it is good while seeing 2 'myna' that is also good look, this is also something like that

while tying the grass, no problem even if you don't study won't get the beating come, come, walk shall i throw that one?hey fellow! go to school boy instead of looking at mango tree hey son, haven't you gone so far? can look at the mango later, you go to school you go -the best time in life is this learning time, will kids understand that? if they study that is good for themthat is correct

then what? they don't want to writetwo line copy and dictation then the beating that is received very often my mother! now the bell must have rang my goodness! never mind son, you go to school when the dirt water was spilled amthurikka, is the last wordon patience but the friends are just opposite of patience my mother, can't bear this one!

what a smell is this? had stamped on a dog's shit and has come my mother! greetings sirgreetings sit what is going on there?sir, it is full of dirt here dirt? smart boy! how did you manage to get this one? stand up and move to this side

very good wash it and come go, go don't laugh boy yeah, the last vehicle has come fellows come and sit what is there?that is our bus stand sir bus stand? go and wash fellow! will jump in some ditch and come

parents don't care also when friends mocked, felt sad the smell of dirt was not a problem to our hero may be because it was the smell of his home all though it was a daily wages work, this was father's job then mother, for the kitchen work, there was no smell of fragrance to eat the rice-gruel and cereals at noon will come here to school you lizard!sit there sir

come inside and sit yeah, come on thomas tellabraham lincoln smart boy all though like this our hero comes to school without any break there was a reason for that one now you might think it is rice-gruel at noon that is not the case, to take bath after oiling to put the 'cutikura' powder one element which prompted him to do that she was it, gayathri

so, what were we saying? under the dim light studied and became a great man he was abraham lincoln hey man, i can't be a great manwhy is that? there is electricity in my home, you can be the one in your house there is only a lamp my son, don't sit and sleep go and lie down and sleep for the attention of father's who have more love what you are obstructing is beautiful dreams

hey balu, stop mani'm also coming what a speed you have? come fast while going fast can visit salam's home why is that? -inside the radio in his house he says there is a person then what? simply boasting - hey fool, without person will it sing? come fast hey balu in the pond at smitha's house there is color fish which one? that girl with lice what?her head is full of lice

while sitting near her she is scratching like anything! this is balu, he opens his mouth to speak unwanted things like some movies of these times today sir will beat definitely you don't worry man, along with you i'll be there poor fellow! prakasha, did you see this? what is this thing? -this is an airplane’s part my uncle is an airplane’s driver

while flying on top, he threw it to medriver of an airplane? show it this uncle of yours hasn't he broke his leg falling from cycle? you give that thing, enough of looking won't believe while telling hey balu you want this 'mashi pacha' (a plant used to clean slate) hey man, used to clean the slate why is that you have lot of love towards me? there is something that i should do

move man, can't you see the vehicle coming? look, there is balugo and study girl in which hand is it?in this hand now i'll do it do you want 'hog plum'? asking you, it is really sour here come on take itgayathri, i'm going did you like it?i like 'hog plum' a lot

then he likes you a lot hey fellow, catch! don't pull - let me ask what happened what is there to happen? on seeing your face will know something has happened hey man, she.. hey fellow, are you coming to play? what man? people are mad here, asking coming to play go man you come manhe and his play

you will come again asking to join for the play you go man, mat pisser! you come here man -did you notice his face? he was blushed there was no need to call him then didn't you say anything?she ate that hog plum fully she didn't say anything -these females won't talk like males you take that thing come on take it why man? isn't it coming?let me take it

herewhat a pencil? give me the goose berry my fear is not that will she go and tell at house? while thinking of her father's face, i feel like shiting so, that is your problem, isn't it? so, that is your problem what is he doing?i'll correct that problem now what is this? you lift that hand - for what?come on lift it now you won't have that tendencyhey man, not that

if she goes home and tells..-hey timid fellow, we are all males, no? for males there should be some guts a timid fellow! my goodness, dingan thoma! leave me, leave me! so aren't you the one who steals egg daily from my lunch box? i won't do it againi'll kill you now on you should never touch my lunch box, did you hear? yes, males should have guts!

look like this! divakaro, will send the money tomorrow okay haven't i told you, not to walk and come? father, school was finished early, that is why okay get on the cycle who are you boy?i'm that chandran chettan's son whoever it is in such a situation, will call own father chetta (brother) then, her father's look and question since it was in a mild tone

it was an incident in life that can be never forgotten if it were in a movie it is an interval punch hey man prakasha! you were standing here? what are you doing here? me, i was doing the home work man so, have you done the home work also? my god, i'll get the beating today also you tell what the matter is hey fool, it has been very long you are after her, no?

at least today you open your mind! by the way from tomorrow onwards there is no class, it is study leave you come, comeokay come statue! dinga!hey prakasha! that is good you called me and you are staying there, no? come hey man it is statue!what? what man? come and touch man come man

still playing statue game he is in tenth standard -you'll also get statue then you'll understandwill you come fast? today anyway i'll make you tell it when i die who is there for you? hey man, she is standing therego man go man, just walk don't stand in the back, go mango, go go manshall go and come back later, no? go and tell gayathri!

what is it?will you come? come on tell man there is a thing to telllook, he wants to tell a thing -yes when the class gets over, come to that narrow lane what matter? look exam is approaching i've got tuition in the evening just go boy! after going behind, like happening to all, happened to our hero also failed miserably in tenth

now what to do? what more to do, will wait at the road side my god, i was scared whether you will win at least today you reveal it go man you listen to what i'm going to say look prakasha, don't waste time by following me, try to pass 10th standard even otherwise there is no match between us if my father knows this he'll kill me you come girl

later what she had told, he didn't hear all that! it was filled with wind in the ear and tears in the eye “on the rice field, on the grain there is mist and sunshine” “that was the time, when there was blanket over it” “during the sunshine at dawn in lush green mist wakes up” “in the middle of narrow lane, you looked at me in a sly manner” “within the heart, doors of love with bells slowly opened without knowing” “slowly opened without knowing” “slowly opened”

“on the tender eyes which were drawn with collyrium” “why did the tear drops fall?” “on the tender eyes which were drawn with collriyum” “isn’t this ‘mashithandu’ (peperomia refleza) -" " - peacock feather, rose flower for you?” “through the paddy fields, you came gracefully on a drizzle” “my beloved long back i have opened the parasol of colorful dreams” you laugh manyou put it on this ear there is only this ear left, no?i'll show in the next game

i'll fail you in that gamebalu, there is no ear left to hang what a pityto put the card, rest i'll show you will see -you put the card, i'll win in the next game i'll show all of you, okayyou put the card why is he sitting like this? didn't you know that? his love is broken balu! i can't forget her you want to forget her now, that's all isn't it?

give rs. 10 -he started collectionno need your love is broken, no? give rs. 10that is to buy milk, man just give rs. 10 only rs. 5give rs. 10 -no man i don't have give rs. 10, beggars give rs. 10no money only 10 is therethat is enough so you want to forgetmust forget be ready to forget okaybalu milk? -stick! go man so, needs to forget, simplecan forget

don't you want to forget? will forget hey balu! but still my gayathri is gone balu?prakasha, are you still upset? but still, she.. don't be weak, don't be weak friend again if your sorrow is not going, then.. when the most desired one is not gained

the friends will be along with us along with some bad habits later this bad habits will be there forever narayanaetta, give one glass of water - is it you? go, there is hot tea in hand will pour on your face last day you puked, i cleaned the desk and bench, my spine is broken get lost fellow! has his father put something to eat? why, does he eat only newspaper? naranetta, which is that boy?

is it that boy who has left? do i need to introduce him? he is that chandran's son -then what is the use of telling him? why is that? son emulates father! yes, will show up like father if he is emulated, kids now a days will go wrong people like him is a curse to the native! medicine for me -first pay the money which is pending after that i'll give the medicine, go, go -i'll pay the money i'll pay the money - several times you have been telling you'll pay

i told, no? i'll pay next time when i come - you go away! go mandon't push me the medicine.. balu! where did you go after going to buy medicine? i was not given the medicine prakasha, you come after paying money only will give the medicine you come, will buy the medicineyou get on the cycle

get on it i saywill go and come i told you, get on it hey fellow, get on it you go that wayyou listen to what i say keep quite fellow! look how the son is comingwhere? lookmy mother he is drunk! prakasha!i will.. father open the eyes

put the last rice roll on the leaf now put the flower on top of rice roll now get up and look at the south and clap hands 3 times just move back a little soul might not have got salvation that is why now if there is anxiety the thought will be what will happen tomorrow which means no one is living in present leave behind the past and future and -

- come to the present life, where we live leave behind the past and the future and come to present whatever that has happened has become a part of history if the youngsters are going in a wrong direction, over here the strong reason for that, what i believe is the public facilities that is disappearing in our native for example, the public library social and sports associations all this has disappeared from our native

the association is for some other things in such a situation, the young generation movements should wake- - up and act the time has come for that that was an awakening then from there on under the 'red flag' the days of inquilab long live the workers union inquilab sindhabad through the social movements the life, through the literature he began to know the words

naranetta, we should celebrate this come fastnaranetta give this to all who comes here that is the specialty today? so didn't you know that? - noour prakashan, got the rank man, i didn't know that chetta ( brother) take that news paper and look, come man who? the son of chandran who was dead? yes our comrade prakashan

naranetta, at that time itself didn't i say, he is smart? the young men during this time should emulate him he is a pride of our native when did he say? the story gets complete here, the hero who is also a story teller to the experiences where he becomes a part of life and story.. with the passage of time, i understood one thing our life, we are the ones who weave that one it is not desires what you should have

for the desires to make it strong, should have strong decisions without over coming adverse situations without confronting the pressures by blaming the financial limitations many among us are hiding away just remember one thing, each one of you are the expectations of tomorrow, you are also the dreams without creating an obstructers for that for each and every small friends i wish you could find success

let me stopthank you and greetings i have opened the parasol of colorful dreams” “you opened it within me” where are you man?long time since seen where you on roaming?no man, i was busy busy? party, alcohol and females that is your busy, no? go man, if you don't expose, i'll tell one thing what man? did you marry? tomorrow is my house warming man

you should come in the morning house warming that is great man mother must be happy, no? actually, i forgot about you, it was mother who reminded me even otherwise only mother loves me in your home hey man you should come early, okay the function is at 10 in the morning morning at 10? hey man at 10 i have an interview have you left that company also?

didn't you get fed up after attending the interview? at least now can't you get settled? hey man, i can't work only for money in our freedom when we do something creative- - that pleasure is there, no? i'll settle on that i don't say such a big philosophy to ordinary people, okay as you are my friend, it is free for you okay carry on which is this company? it is a company which you know, pinnacle

i'm for the first time attending an interview over the phone fully confusedwhy is that? don't know what kind of questions it is over the phone, no? the things are easy, no? can openly say what you have to tell i've also attended one, okayis it so? have you attended? i'm after this for 2 days, can you tell what was your experience? hey man, that is it will not be common questions then if you search on google won't get it also

then?they will know your patience, behavior- -common sense and all they will know without your knowledge hey man what kind of questions did they ask you? say one example if you ask like that, they asked something in a time limit i said something and all- - after the interview no question was there in my mind i understood one thing, how we react that is what they want to know hey man, you might be remembering one question isn't it?

if it is necessary i'll tell you listen carefully, don't ask again and waste my time tell man ram, you are searching for a place middle of the journey, the route got divided into two one route is to true village and other route is to lie village you should reach to true village for the two villagers there is a peculiarity people in true village will say only true, villagers in lie village

they will say only lies in the junction where you have reached , ram sees one stranger ram, doesn't know from which village he is from which means we do not know what he says is true or false you can ask only one question to him with that only question and with that only answer you should find way- - to reach true village what will be that question? how is that? we do not know whether he says true or lies?

that is the peculiarity of such questions also your interviews have you called me to put me in tension? you think, even after interview tomorrow you should come mother will wait, okayokay true village, lie village one question brother, route to this true village? how is that possible?

what if, he lies? julie, are you from true village or lie village? in most of the moves this a property to introduce people who are thinkers i also checked on this site if you learn 8 algorithmanyone can do it on the youtube there are the ways hey girl, there is no brilliance on solving using days and lot of time fast and with limited time, eyes fingers and brain should work together that is the thingif you doubt, you just see

before you count to 100, i'll solve is it so? then i need to see that you count all this is good ram, to solve my father all this is not enough for that at least now you should stick on to any of the company you laugh, my father has startedsearching the matrimonial sites ram, the post you are attending the interview tomorrow, you must get it

don't you know my father? to certain limit i'm also ram, you be serious chinnu, the specialty of cube which is life, can't be solved for years certain algorithms which is not found out so far the time will give that with a short to solve, the life is not to become first with love and attention should make it colorful

ram? what happened to you? you only told me to become serious my chinnu but i like malayalam more then we can continue in malayalam ram has to answer 15 questions the time allotted for that by company is only 15 minutes if you don't understand the questions, i'll repeat it as many times but exactly after 15 minutes -

- you should give correct answer to 12 questions for some questions again there will be time limit which is 10 seconds, 20 seconds 30 seconds, like that only for such special questions, that will be told if you want to know the correct answers for- - wrong questions, ram can openly ask that one but you will be losing your time without any disturbance ram should be on the phone for 15 minutes

shouldn't attend any other calls within 5 minutes i'll call again when ram is in an interview board when i arrive as a candidate ram, what will be the first question that you ask me? mam, can i talk as if i'm in that interview board? that is what we want miss meera, i checked your profile for all the examinations that you had attended had scored above 90% i liked your character also

to prove your skill, this companyhas chosen you, i congratulate you right now meera who has joined as hr executive in future you may be promoted as hr manager at that time meera will be doing all the recruitments for company if that is the case while selecting the marketing staff of the company the mba candidate who comes before meera the first question that is asked by meera what will be that one?

madam, this will be my first question right now ram is standing facing the east from there, after moving 100 meters to left on turning 150 degree walked backwards 200 meters after that 100 meters to left turned to right walked 300 meters forward again turned left walked 100 meters backwards

if that is the case, in which direction is ram looking now? a car numbers first digit's double is the last digit second and third digit is the same the first digit's double is the last two digits if so, what is the number of the car? the meaning of the word 'yahoo' in malayalam? 'human animal' yes, why is meera becoming formal to me? if you need anything say it openly

sir, as you know for the last 3 years i'm working here as hr senior executive i came to know that an interview is called for the vacant hr manager post lot of applicants has also comei've also applied if there is sir's recommendation if i do like that suppose meera think, i did like that what will you give? i'll meet md i'll not violate the rules of the company

meera, don't you know after the death of the father one year is not finished since i took over this company in between that if this company has grown so big the reason for that is company's mission and vision madam, my situation can i run this company by looking at meera's family situation? tomorrow i'm conducting an interview can merra attend that interview? tomorrow's interview time, that is 15 minutes

meera should the company's md tomorrow's 15 minutes will be an interview for meera also for hr manager go and meet the gm, gm will give the questions to be asked mam, that is..yeah, i can understand right from father's times gopakumar is a senior staff i know several things but for the time being i'm neglecting it meera you may go, don't worry i'll call and tell if sruthi is prepared to come, i'll take you to malaysia go sir

i'll call you in the eveningbye madam, had called, hadn't she? if you could give the questions i could prepare it there are lot of questions out of this, 15 numbers meera you may select it the interview is at 10 o'clock morning before the interview, meera should show me the questions selected good! sir!

out of 15, we have to change 5 questions how is that? sir, this only 2 questions the balance 3 oh!the balance 3? that should be created by meera with this short time, sir how can i create 3 questions? must create it, that is not enough meera that should be in such a way that he can never answer it

but if the answer is wrong on the 2 questions which i gave sir, how can that be? without saying the answer what if he says next? to make him speak something what if , if he answers the questions which i create? “for a bunch of dreams, there is no limit in the sky” “who is searching for the other shore?” “inside the burning ember, looking for a support” “who is searching in the darkness?”

“who is that? who is searching in unending dreams?” “who is it and what is it?” “when are the days with no depths?” what is it mother? daughter, how long i was calling? along with panchayat president i had gone to meet bank manager like what president has told they will re schedule the loan but the present salary certificate is not enough, that's what they say if the loan is not rescheduled, house and enclosure will be confiscated this the place where our father sleeps

daughter, won't you get the promotion? i'll come to the office “what are the stories yet to give the reply?” “again what are the routes?” “without knowing the distance, covering certain narrow paths” “which is the shore?” “even in this hot summer, my dreams get blossomed” "who is that, singing at a distance?” “without knowing each other, joins on this journey”

“what is that we search, which is very near” “for a bunch of dreams, there is no limit in the sky” “when are the days with no depths?” even if the answer is wrong for the 2 questions which i gave approximately after 3 or 4 years suppose, think ram becomes the marketing head of this company one day exactly at 6 o'clock ram comes out from the office after traveling one hour, ram has to attend an urgent meeting

with this meeting company gets 50 lakh contract as ram goes out, the security staff wishes you who is immoral suddenly ram remembers one thing your staff who is beautiful is alone at the office she has got urgent work to do in such a situation what will be ram's decision? will stay there at the office as a company for your staff or-? - will you sign the important contract of the company? - madam, definitely i’ll give more importance-

- to the protection of my colleague perhaps if i sign the contract the company might get a profit of 50 lakhs because of the immoral character of the security staff if something happens to my colleague perhaps the very company may be stopped then one more thing, this question is really irrelavent the reason? reason is, i know this company's md is a young lady this lady who is capable of knowing the chances

madam, will not allow such kind of immoral staff to continue there with an intelligent trader, there is 3 sacks each of 30 coconuts in 3 sacks, there are 90 coconuts in total this trader has to pass 30 check post to reach the market in each check post he has to give one coconut as tax per sack which means in one tax point 3 coconuts after covering 30 check post will there be any coconut with trader? if so, how many? how will an ordinary person handle this situation?

very decently he'll give one coconut each from 3 sacks- - in 30 check post then he'll cry like this isn't it? but our hero he'll pass 30 check post with 3 sacks for sure and there will be balance coconut in hand sir, greetings, 3 sacks, 3 coconut now to walk in our native we've to give toll sir, since it is a riddle can't bluff also

for them they need to receive coconut as per the sack, no? why should they look into from which sack it is? so, after covering 10 check post my one sack is empty so the load is reduced and intelligently avoided one sack also now there is only 2 sacks, let them take 2 coconuts "in the native of coconut trees, i have a"..sir two coconuts! now open that gate now my second sack is also empty now in my hand there is only one sack

as per indian check post act, for one sack, one coconut like that from 26 to 30th check post i'll give one coconut each! when i cover the 30th check post and go the number of coconuts in my sack is..! he should be never able to answer that the question created by meera ram, for this question you must answer within 10 seconds in the ernakulam district - - what is the name of mulavukaddu panchayat president?

sorry mam, i don't know not that madam, who is that? your panchayat president's name is k.n dinakkaran the 8th question ram is driving a transport bus from ernakulam to allappey now listen carefully this is math’s, it'll not be repeated in the bus there are12 people totally from the previous stop two people got inside the bus

one person got down from the next stop, 3 people got inside the bus 2 people got down from the next stop 5 people got inside the bus but 3 people didn't have the cash in hand the conductor told 2 people to get down for one person, the friend who was sitting near took the ticket if that is the situation what is the age of the driver?

the bus which travels from ernakulam to alleppy, i being the driver the driver's age is 25! ram, question number 9 within 100 seconds you should say 100 words that does not have letter "a" which is the most densely populated island in asia very near to ram's native- - the vypinkara is the most densely populated island in asia ram with you, there are 2 tablets each for fever and cough all the 4 tablets have same color, same size, same smell

and same weight now ram has to take each tablets for fever and cough i'll cut 4 tablets into two and take half of each tablets my goodness!father! in a room there are 3 people, if they shake hand each other how many shake hands will be there in total? (look, call has come, i'm going all the best) in world which is the toy, that is sold more? invented by erno rubik an architect from england in 1977

“rubik’s cube” is the most sold out toy in the world sir, this question..i..? if ram’s mother is a prostitute yea amma (mother) amma (mother) i'm at home how is the tour and all?it is really cold here you should have also comethen what? go mother in your honey moon journey, why should i be there? hey boy, how is my julie?she is here

you told about some interviewit is going on now, mother is it so?when it is over, i'll call you back mother i'll callokay son hello mamram, why did you cut the phone? that is because the range was cut didn't i tell you initially should stand, where there is range, in the rules? are you answering this or..?yes mam, i'll answer it if my mother is a prostitute it doesn't matter me mam ..i know my mother! my mother’s client will be definitely my father!

then there is one more thing madam, if i say that i may not get job but madam can't refrain from saying it i don't know about the mother who has made this question!! if ram needs, i'll repeat any one of the questions what if he answers the questions which i prepare? mam, i shouldn't ask our motive is not to fail him, how much of his patience, skill - - common sense will benefit the company, only to know that also yours!

ram has given answer for 12 numbers hey man?how was the interview, man? what more to take place? dude, i'm appointed in pinnacle india! then aren't you coming here?yes man hey man, i don't know the route to that place man, don't you know that kadugaloor junction? -yeah on reaching there ask someoneokay man then dude by the way did you get the answer for my question?

my goodness, i forgot that matter is it our true village and lie village? - yeah! before reaching your home, i'll reach to that "true village"! “what is that we search? which is very near” this became just like our question! out of this which is the 'true village' of sukish? hey chetta! (brother) do you know the route to sukish's house? chetta (brother) are you from this place? - what is it son? do you know the route to sukish's house?

which sukish? -today where that house warming is conducted what does that mean? which means, starting to stay in a new house that is the next house of my house i'm also heading to that place, shall i come? so, it was better to ask the route to brother's house, wasn't it? yeah that was enough! why simply asking this long route? so brother are you in 'true village or lie village?' -what are you asking? nothing at all!come on brother, pop in! -okay

hello?did you find the route? found the route and also got the answer! did you get it?then you say it what will be that single question? hey man, to that person who is standing at the path - - just ask him the route to his home! whether he is from 'true village or lie village' - - the answer will be the route to 'true village' won't it be? come fastyeah coming man

son, actually you have come to my home, haven't you? yeah sure! then in that case, take the left! then where does that route lead to?as you said, that is to 'lie village' "after the interval, one more journey..." by the way in the evening just come bit early okay do you know the specialty of this day? - yeah! may 19th the death anniversary of comrade nayanar, isn't it? no, my poor comrade was also born on this day get in, get inokay go, right!

“at a distance..near the hot clouds of sun, which blows out the ember” “near it” “full of..the dreams bestowed by shadows, which silence had sung” “is it dreams?” “when the rain of eyes stops, then comes the smile” “when the words become the shelter..” “at a distance..near the hot clouds of sun, which blows out the ember” tickets, tickets! then what about him?

after 3 years, should take the ticket that is for the movie, no? in the bus there is half ticket, isn't it? that is enough for himhello ooh! here! tickets, tickets!what rupees thousand note? in this morning where will i go to get change for rupees thousand? where can i go? - if you don't have change, buy it from someone don't you have any rupees ten note with you? no, i don't have rupees ten note

shucks!morning itself! when you get inside the bus, come with some change what can i do? if everyone comes with big denomination notes? hey man, i don't have that is whydon't you have rupees ten as change? no, i don't have why did i get into this? -if you don't have, ask someone someone, give rupees ten to this sister! hey man, then why can't you give? then what? he is asking others!

has given rupees ten, return when you get down okay, i'll return when i get down it is regarding the toilet of gopalan, in our third ward, isn't it? i'll ready that one, tomorrow i'm going to thiruvananthapuram i was sure that our party will fail here ruined a sure seat here after playing groupism! if this seat was given to me, i would have won here easily how is that? won't give, no? i'm the "a" isn't it?

everyone in this panchayat knows that you are "a" dude, that was great go man! simply by putting white cloths has come good it is not crowded, how hot it is after 2 more stops, college students will get in at that time the heat will be more is the college on leave? hey fellow, stop there! i have been telling father since few days

regarding the operation of shiny's mother everyone from the school has helped only i have not given anything on 20th the fund is transferred from the school 20th! day after tomorrow! how much?so, forgot that one also? all have given, 100, 200 and 300 shiny is my close friend at least should give rupees five hundred, no?

must give at least by tomorrow ragavettoo! what is it man, happiness on face? did you get anything? take a look! hey man from where did you snatch this one? yesterday night it was there in front of that tea shop will tell the amount later just give me rs. 750 hey man, this cycle belongs here only -

- yesterday night that sudeesh took it later he called me and told it got stolen! he has told he'll pay the money also that may not be this one, all the cycles look similar, no? brother, you take the moneygo man you don't know that person, helpful if you are good if it is the opposite means, you will get busted, okay if he knows i have taken this, then great pleasure for me and you! you try to leave the place

selling tablets in a medical shop! at least should give rupees five hundred, no? people to get down, come close what man?purse! the purse popped out, didn't see that one look, temple of murugan ho lord save! take it to drink? no change

man, to all i give this one no change, all buy this one it is one rupee toffee there is no use of saying he is dumb no? from where he is coming? if was able to talk, could have made money what a miser he is hey lady, who told you to clean here? what lady? my urgent things will get shifted here and there what are you looking?can i tell you that one?

lady, where is my file? move off lady! what man is it okay?no that didn't work out didn't work out? what happened? whom did you hand over that one? to my friend someone tore itwhat are you saying? tore it? if you can't why did you take up that one? i have told the urgency of that, no?

it was very urgent that poster should come near the bank leave it must find some other way what is it sir? -you come to the bank as soon as possible today's locker checking should not take place should create some issue sir i'm busy -what busy? if you had pasted that poster will there be any issue? you will come, you must come okay hell with it, at the time urgency car is faulty

no use with anythingdamn it! auto, auto! where are you going fellow? hey man, at the correct time i'll be there, no problem will be there i said no problem will be there hey man, yesterday when my plan was dumped, nothing will happen how much i have seen this? you cut the phone and come to bank as usual the rest i will managefellow, cut the phone didn't i tell you i'll reach? can't you understand on saying?

how many times, do i have to tell you? if you call me again, i'll not come did you understand? cut the phone fellow if there was a judge here, can make a competition for this we can judge this one taking the pledged ornaments for an urgency - - as far as i’m concerned it is not for first time to return all that in a single day, it is not possible if you are scared you don't come tomorrow, i'll handle it only after asking the manager only, they will ask you

tomorrow's visit is not by knowing anything he doesn't have the guts to reveal everything so it is an ordinary visit from the head office to divert that in that way i have done all that hey man, tomorrow’s discussion will be immoral relationship - - between that deputy manager and accountant why did you get scared? that geetha's husband is a hot tempered fellow also alcoholic

tomorrow he will reach at the bank at the correct time the rest of the things he will do it tomorrow, locker checking won't take place, isn't it? that i will handle it, i have been doing this job for many years you cut the phone, let me find the person to paste this one hey fellow, you have to do an urgent work you don't do it arrange someone boy, move back and play, playing with his car on the path! yeah, have you reached?

sir, what is the matter? it is a cheap play, there is no other way don't you know my rolling? must have cash for the real estate during the times of urgency, i’ll roll the pledged ornaments in the bank that is an adjustment between key holder and me deputy manager has a small doubt he is scared of me, won't tell it out tomorrow there is a visit from head office, i doubt whether it is his silent play tomorrow if there is visit, the discussion should be diverted that's all - sir, by pasting this poster will it take place?

that is not sure, if this is seen near the bank and near the house geetha's husband won't sit idle, must create an issue i know the resthow many are there? that will be 100 numbers, it is only rs 3 to 4 for one, we'll sell it for rs.10 did you get the person? - he is waiting outside, should i call him? no need, you deal all that here 200 advance, the rest after doing the work for the balance 800 should i come again? don't come, if you don't want money will pay the money without doing job!

have i ever refrain from paying money which i have told? go and do the job, fellow! fellow, call me after pasting it what a braking is this?man do it carefully hey boy what is this? coming to die? crossing the vehicle, boy?from where are you coming? go to the backokay take the bus kids don't have the eyes! he is lucky that braked the vehicle on time

ticketsto where? boy asking youto town to town?which town? paravoor -what?cherai boy when you cross the road, should be careful isn't it? father, with this pasting poster can we live rest of the life? change the work why boy? are you ashamed to tell this to your friends at school? no father, stop kidding

i didn't intend that onethen what is it? when there is internet, what’s up and face book- - how long does this poster survive? boy, do you know the population of india? majority of it are belowpoverty line - is it so? only 34% of people use computer only if this poverty exists, our leaders can survive so, as long as today's leaders are there, this poster will have the life then what you said earlier, this internet guy on seeing film poster

he'll look at itthat is true for the next 25 years there will be no change on this then when you become mature you don't do this job study and get a good job let me seeson take that container of glue father will start from here hey boy, look there, he is not seen here so far in our place a guy whom we don't know! boy what did he ask? -his glue container fell down asked for some glue

so he doesn't have experience in this field father, shall i give the glue?you go and paste the poster he will mind his business going to give glue when he does this job regularly, we'll be out of job father will give some no need, i say, listen to me he is helping the compatriots boy don't you have job?paste all this

gone? - you take that glue we'll paste it on other side during this times, never help anyone end the immoral relationship- - of deputy manager and accountant geetha! he and his poster at night has come up with a poster by a person who is unknown there are lot of it, has come prepared to lose other's job father what did you do?this is our place regularly we are the ones who paste here

not only that, it is a cheap poster father for how many bad movies have you pasted the poster? that is my jobfor him also it is a job, no? he might have received money from someone, no? with the money received - - on pasting this, what if he has some need tomorrow? then father also don't paste it hey you! after pasting this only we can survive

first you mind your business then only after that you do this helping others for you and all should eat 4 times, no? do you know from where it is coming? yeah get inget down man -go man today it is colorful don't go, people are getting intell when finished have you seen that blue jeans?okay go okay go, righthow does girls wear this one? what a fashion is it?

there will be changes in each generation, no? during 60's do you have the mind of a 70 year old, now? then what to say on this teenagers? should live without hurting others that is enough - she is a teacher at women's college when management had decided to install camera in the class she opposed to it she is the disciple of our kalam, so there will be more vigor that is not vigor, that is common sense

heard that one also? do you remember today's class? first is math’s then physics, biology tickets fourth hour will be free sometimes ticketsit is st, no? thirumuthamone person is there to get down get up and come here fast just move let that old boy gogod bless come fast will tell the story latercoming don't hurry i can't get down fast okay get in, get in

tell when finishedokay take the bus come, get down fast sister just move back get down fastokay get in fast just get in, come on move forward, okay do it fast one handicapped person is there, someone give him the seat okay tell when finished, someone give him the seat -you sit here okay take the bus my mother?hey fellow, what a braking is this?

what a braking is this? comeit is some issue my phone! what a song? right for the ageokay take the bus someone has mudered in that field, it is fully block man, take that side and try to goyeah will go like that don't know who the person is completely drenched in blood and dirt god! -will gogo carefully man i don't think will get 5 lakhs in one bulk

then will ask in some installments when asking money for an urgency the interest will be high in the block, no one is lending money then will get on daily collection, that is not suited for us, no? -no need of that can't repay it daily can't repay monthly interest, great relief if it is obtained within friday should give it to uncle -who?should give it to uncle brother you remain calm, i have asked several people yesterday night i'll go and come

unniettan at the press sometimes gives cash and helps- - that is why came here no chance telling can't give the cash only with cheque we'll search another one, come yeah, that i'll look into you cut the phone why? any issues? -a warning, one team is behind me can i live? fearing these people

will face it when it comes i'm still surprised, how did you end up in this fight case and all? by today it is the fourth day, riding the vehicle along with brother on saying urgently needs 5 lakhs, as you were waiting on the road i felt sad brother as you don't have any bad habits, how this much debt has come? there are lot of stories on it at the native i don't enquire on the truth of this man, what i intended isi understood that one

as you wish that you shouldn't hurt anyone now you are in debt and a problem maker, then needless to say my case sudeesh! - not blaming anyone why i became like this everything is fun of time till 28 years it is bad time in horoscope after that the time is good so, you also check all this, no? stop, stop, why you are not seen? brother, now i'm bit busynow you are after 1000, 2000 acre man, see any dealing that will take place

if it is 2 or 5 cents can sell easily then on the property that you showed on that day- - arrange the previous title deed man there is a buyer to buy how many properties have i shown? nothing was praticalised you only have to show the property and push off, to crack a deal must go after itmust work on it okay you go, i'll call you take the vehiclehe is a fussy guy

is it so? -he might have disposed the property shown by you while getting the commission, he will forget you i know this person i'll come now may 19th what is it?told will give 3 ;akhs cheque is not enough, should register and give title deed that can be given slowlywill give that one other than that there is no other waytold to go to cherai office tomorrow

we will go if the things are okay day after tomorrow will get the cash what a relief and the balance is only 2 lakhs rupees, no? we'll arrange it why were you looking at that board? tomorrow is my birthday during the time of love and after the marriage, for my birthday - - she will buy me a gift and a treat by me - so, tomorrow there will be a treat, no?

she might have forgotten that one when there is no money to fill petrol, how can i treat? i'm not reminding her that one if you want money i'll give rupees five hundred okay that is not required sudeesh when treating with hard earned money, man there is a pleasure, no? brotheri don't want i'll meet once again unniettan at the press should arrange balance two, no?

my beginning was in a press like this along with that there were several habits also many people will hand over money, i give that on interest look, i have not collected a single rupee as commission when a friend told me to invest money for a drama troupe i rolled the money of a person the idea was to keep it back that didn't happen the troupe didn't play on a single stage

i started to pay the interest, my bad time was started from there whatever i start will fail to pay the interest, i started to take on interest then everything happened fast i was scared to take the details of debt in between that by knowing everything anu also came to life the first story was for her to get a job, i rolled the money many, doesn't know even now she is an ordinary school teacher who is not permanent

in front of people who owes me money, i'm a cheat for them by the way, like you all this wasn't made by time everything is my fault, only my mistake to console me by holding me close, there was no one in this horoscope i didn't have the faith when the bad time started on seeing any astrologer's board, i'll visit i have even gone to coimbatore to check the horoscope look, now the time of birth is put in the pocket and walking only after 34 my bad time will go

now what is the plan? are you continuing in the press? no, the press isn't mine now after this real estate business no deal has taken place, at ernakulam has arranged a small job through a relative of mine in a evening news paper, there is some reading and writing and then self confidence everything should be set rightshould set right brother, we'll see

so, tomorrow 8:30 okay i'll come here okay actually i fear more than this debtors - - this journey on bike with sudeesh many at school has started to ask why going with him like this? there are many people after him while he gets beating, you'll also get, that is my fear when i had debt of lakhs, there was no friends for 4 days he is traveling with me

if i get beating on that, let me get it, i also lack one beating don't say any unwanted things what is it for which you had gone? by friday can we give? tomorrow one team has told to come, but must give property deed for that brother should allow, no? brother has agreed, do whatever i want that brother says debtors has started asking money to brother and mother what did mother say? mother's case is pathetic

told lot of sorrow when i was sitting there that raviettan had come give your kidney, i'll sell that and collect the money i thought mother didn't hear that, when he left, i went to her room mother was crying i pretended i didn't see thatdid you eat anything? went to grandmother, made me sit beside her for a very long time at the time of return, gave me rs. 100 i said i don't want, didn't allow

grandmother used to ask us money for medicine poor one! my mother had called, scolded a lot today is the day of injection when the treatment is discontinued there won't be any results, she was scolding on that matter i forgot that one for the time being nothing is required in the mist of these issues, one more person may be it is not required, the fate

i'll prepare tea yeah sudeeshi will do it man i have told, haven't i? in the mist of this pain this will be a relief i'll come now, i just need to change this pants no taking the vehicle, the petrol is less okay then where are you going? here is teasudeesh has called now should meet a person, must arrange the balance, no?

i'll be bit late to come - do you have to go at this night time? you may sleepwhy are going wearing a loin cloth? it is night no? it is enough brother, you wait here, i'll go and come that is good, i shouldn't be seen what fellow? why are you perplexing over here? came to meet the sir brother are you familiar with pasting this kind of stuff? for the art festivals in native i've pasted a lot

the only difference is it was not for money will get rupees thousand, rupees two hundred as advance the balance i'll collect it for you by the way how will you go? now if i go and take the vehicle, she will catch me we'll take one cycle i've got some other work otherwise i would have joined you cover the head, no one should see son, can you give some glue? the container fell down let me ask the father

brother, father told there is no glue son, a little will doit is not sufficient for us over here there is a tea shop, go and ask shucks! hey boy, don't you have work?come and paste this simply gawking there! brother some maida(flour) and hot water maida, to make the glue tell that bhai, who is inside hey man, your cycle is robbed!

someone took your cycle hey fellow, stop there don't leave himmy cycle! he has gonehey fellow! who has done it like this? sudeesh, made a mistake man someone tore this posters man, the glue fell down i went to shop to buy that one someone robbed my cycle also

haven't you slept so far? -at this night whom were you to meet? that was a gulf returned person that won't work out, he also came to know of my brave stories! by the way what are you writing? vacation class has started tomorrow there is parent meeting ommana teacher has told me to say welcome speech for a small meetings welcome speech - - do you need to write and prepare? for everything a preparation is good, isn't it?

only the preparation of life went wrong, isn't it? okay you close that door man, did you call that manager? i forgot in the morning yesterday night he had called, i didn't pick up the phone i'll just callokay you call hello sirwhat man is it okay? that didn't work outwhat didn't work out? what had happened?

whom did you hand over that job?to a friend of mine while pasting it, someone tore that what are you saying man? tore it? if you can't why did you take up that work? hellohe is really angry while meeting directly will get the balance brother you get on it, we'll go anu! this is also that personyou attend the call

there is mistake on our side also, no? hello sir - it was very urgent that poster should appear near the bank leave it should find some other way what is it sir?you urgently come to the bank today's locker checking shouldn't take place sir, i'm in some other busy schedulewhat busy schedule? you will comeyou must come didn't i say not to attend the phone? saying must go to bank urgently

now what to do? i'll just go and come, we can go in some other office time, is it? i'll talk brother by around 11:30 you come to cherai junction man i'll also come we'll finish the work at bank and return, no? no, no need of that one don't know why he is calling to bank brother you don't come, i'll go and come why? what happened? didn't you go?

he is busy with some other work told after sometime will meet at cherai then today can you drop me at school? today i must reach bit earlyokay then by the way in the evening come bit early do you know the specialty of this day? oh! may 19th, the death anniversary of comrade nayanar isn't it? - nomy poor comrade was born on this day by the waywhat is it?

i've kept rupees hundred in the purse don't give that to some astrologers that is for petrol and food come inside you are coming from the rise of 'kareshan' didn't understand the time is bad, is it your horoscope? no, it is my friend's then i'll openly say it

sreenath thiruvonum aged 30 the time is not favoring which means the death is sure! as per the time and horoscope this person will not cover 10 o'clock! make the planetary deity happy that is the only solution go to any shiva temple “on the wings of sorrow searching the shores”

“on the chariot of time, when seasons change the pattern” “on the slight movement of day time, tears appear..” my goodness stop the vehicle the stop has not come to stop the vehicle - man, stop the vehicle what is the problemmy purse is missing you check in that bag and on the floor it will be there it is not seen here, i have checked it here if someone has taken it, return itthere was rs. 13,000 -move the leg i wanted to go to hospitalrelax man, if someone has taken it

without anyone's notice put it back inside the bus why simply wasting time? for going to police station if someone has taken it, return itwhy going to police station? then brother you search and give it why police and all?we can handle this one no need of all that take the bus to police station - yes that is correct, take the vehicle to police station hello sorry, sorry pleasetake the bus to police station can't get down like that - you can leave only after checking everyone

hey mister, i'm a bank manager, i have not taken it, i don't need it do i look like a pickpocket? can say all that - can one judge the character by dressing and color? go to the station, then you gothat is enough -you go man! i must go! don't create a scenewhere are you going? didn't i say i have not taken it, i must urgently go that only can you say like that? we should also feel like that, no? you go fellow, coming to scare me?move off fellow

i must get down leave me i say! hit himdidn't i say i didn't take it? just accept it the tyre got punctured- - after making people to get down, the bus won't leave hey fellow, didn't i say in malayalam that i didn't take it? move off man! - don't leave him not him, don't leave anyone! boy, did you see it? will get the beating like thisfor what?

on seeing your perplexity will know that you did it return the purse fastno i didn't take it then you will get the beating from police, no? i have not taken it why are you crying? don't cry, have you taken the purse? no! then why do you want to cry?i want to see my father yesterday i and father had a fight, father bet me

at night didn't eat anythingmorning also i have eloped from home father had not known this, father is an innocent person i must return to my home i want to see my father do you know father's number?yes i know what is your father's name?sajan! hellois it brother sajan? yes who is it?move off man, you don't know who i'm

you move off, i'll handle him we are now at the beach road, will you come fast? the bus is lying on the roadi'll come now if the bus leaves, we'll get down and wait that is enough!okay why did father beat you? that is..look got the purse okay it was in the bagdon't beat him, got the purse here leave himgot the purse

first of all should beat you that poor person was simply assaulted isn't it man? hey man, don't beat himleave him now what did happen fellow?it is because of your talking you were lacking onei'll just beat you - go man! look the vehicle got punctured, it won't go all of you get downvehicle won't go, get down sister! get down fast

it is next stop, comethanks a lot no need to change the time i'll somehow reach thereman take that lever okay, okay that white guy was looking at you don't take it seriously what is it? phone?is it gone? the bus is lying here because a person's purse was missing you do one thing go inside and check inside

sometimes it will be on the floorgo what is it? all get down hey man, i'll reach there on correct time there won't be any problem hello, get down how long i'm saying this? can't you hear? stop, stopfather! son!father! thanks a lot come son

son, what have you done? sorry father when father bet me, i was sad father that person is very familiar leave that, why did you go without telling? sorry father bye brother press, press it man look can't you go with someone?no hurry for me do i need to help?no, it's okay

anu! - sree, where are you? how long i'm calling? what is the matter? saw lot of callswhy not picking up the phone on calling? where are you sree, calling you since it is urgent you tell the matterhow was your meeting? i came back, soonnot feeling well a sort of fainting called to say another news what is it? - someone killed our sudeesh at the paddy field his friends and police are on the lookout for the person i'm really scared, you come home fast

someone was killed in that paddy field, completely block why are you not saying anything? by the way that broker sudhakaran came and gave rs. 35,000 the property shown by you was disposed, it is the commission of that sree, there is one more news come fast, will tell after coming as per time and horoscope this person won't cover 10 o'clock “unknown sorrows mingle each other without knowing” “rays of truth becomes the hand of the native” “on the rhythm of day time you also come along”

“when the rain of eyes stops, then comes the smile”

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