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Saturday, September 30, 2017

excuse me - do you knowtil bahadur baniya? sorry, brother.i don’t know him. he said he lived around here,near the pashupati temple. uncle! uncle! it’s me - pashupati! don't you recognize me? i’ve grown up so much. it’s me pashupati prasad. see... look at this.

if every twerp wearing a pashupatipendant claims to be my sworn son, i’ll have to ask at every shop-how many sons have i made today? how could you not recognize me? i’m your sworn sonpashupati prasad khakurel! recognise me now?silly old man! get away, boy! many claim that. you think ishould call everyone my son? your home... go away! or i’ll slap your face!

but you gave me my name!how could you forget? very slippery! rainy season it is. - i won't go.- why don't you go? - i won't go.- you have to! always this ruckus everytime while going to school. who named me pashupati?i’m going to kill him! do you want me tobeat you up boy? he’s even worse in school-throws stones at others, bites them.

god help if anybody doesanything he doesn’t like. couldn't you find abetter name for me? i named you pashupati'd kill your own sworn father? sit down; i will explain. i will explain you everything. explain what? i arranged your parent's marriage. they could not havea child for a long. villagers called your mothernames, called her barren.

your parents cameto me and cried. i took your parents here to seeshamans, healers and doctors. everything i did. nothing worked. i took them toworship at pashupatinath. they pleased their ancestors byscattering seeds in the sacred forest. only then you were conceived. i was in your naming ceremony. i said your name shouldbe pashupati prasad. hit me now, if you still want to.

couldn't you find better name? but, why? my friends tease. why do you pay attentionto such friends? when we die, scatter ourashes in bagmati river. she conceived you because oflord pashupati nath’s blessings. if we could seek his grace, wewould find a place in heaven. don’t talk about dying! turn around!

take it along to your school. - the crops are good.- yes. - how is everybody at home?- all are well. look into my eyes and tell me thatyou are not my sworn father. we wanted to come to visit pashupati,but the earthquake destroyed everything. my parents were at home. i was at work. the house fell downand my parents died. we dug them out after three days.

apparently his father wanted hisashes strewn into bagmati. who reminded him ofsuch foolishness? pashupati said that. they say that gates of heaven don’topen for who die with unpaid debts. will you be able to open thegates of heaven for your father? don’t talk down to mebecause i am poor. i have people in high places. i won’t scatter my parents'ashes until i pay your debts. mark my words!

my parents had a wish to meet youwhile visiting pashupatinath. don't cry. stay here. i’ll come in theevening to fetch you. here... eat something. keep this! listen - don’t go towardsthe cremation platforms! evil spirits will get you. i won't. 'i feed others the foodi love to eat!'

'serve those in need,god shall come to worship you!' what can i serve you, brother? what do you call this? samosa chaat. how much for a plate? sixty rupees. i only have fifty. can i havea little less than a plate? yes, you can. take this.

where are you from, brother? lisankhu, in sindhupalchowk. - oh... sindhupalchowk?- yes. the earthquake destroyedeverything there, didn’t it? yes, everything! your food-cart is so beautiful. who died, uncle? didn’t i tell you not tocome around here? don’t you know when not to dosomething if i tell you? idiot!

go away! please give that to me. - virgin?- yes. how many in due including this? three! ok, don't forget that. i won't forget. i will pay. - please come tomorrow.- okay. let's go to the meat shop.

do you eat chicken? meat? yes. from there. brother! that much? yes... 200 grams. that makes 800 grams. okay.

from tomorrow on,i’ll send this boy. okay. send the money also. don't worry, i will pay. why did you come to kathmanduat a time like this? to earn money. you should have run theteashop in the village. i ran the shop for 6 monthsafter my parents died. people want on crediteven a cup of tea. how could i earn money in aplace like that?

then go abroad! who will loan me themoney to go abroad? and i know how people liveas workers abroad. three of my friends died there. who says you’ll be ableto survive here? well - the big earthquakedidn’t kill me! you have a shart tongue on you! and...? ..and uncle!

who died today? an old man! nonsense questions! see... ..gets angry on nothing. uncle! yes. i made big boasts in the village... like what?

about what kind of great jobsmy sworn father does... when you came to the villageyou wore dark glasses... how do migrant laborers dresswhen they return to their villages? its something similar. for how long will youstay in kathmandu? until i earn money toclear my father's debt. how much is that? fifty-thousand rupees! if your luck favors, you willmake millions through sewers.

or with a rotten luck,you’ll end up like this! father wanted to repayhis debts before he died. the earthquake playedhavoc with his wish. i am still among the living. whatever it takes, i needto repay father’s debts. after that, the gates of heavenwill surely open for my parents. if you have luck, it isn’t hardto earn money in this town. my friend found a gold ring inbagmati and became a millionaire. a ring worth a million?

he sold the ring and started trading. if trade does well, money grows twofolds by day, four folds by night! money begets money. and soon - you’re a millionaire! you’re too young to understand. you’ll have to teach me these things. did you see, how thelord mahadev is! i thought there wasa huge statue of shiva... turned out to beonly the shivalinga!

isn't that enough? there are many placesto roam around. just wait and see! many people got their lifeback and returned home from here. this is the place whereyou find golden rings. see!! he put that in the pocket. people who are not greedythrow those rings into the river. magnets are used to getthe coins from there.

look around. you’ll pick the ways. where can i findmagnets like that? radio repair shopsin the market. you look around. i am leaving. bhasme brother! see this!! bring here. let me try.

wow! how wonderful! dear god, please giveme a nice voice now! wait... i am trying fora better picture. click one picture for me. from back there. - one more please!- okay. please stay back, brother! jay shree ram!! let's go.

do you have coins? take the coins, hanuman! jay shree ram! greetings! what? hanuman! can you really liftthe mount sumeru? please tell me. jay bajarang bali!

you will need a sharpbrain to play this, boys. you need a brain for this. see!! like this. see! swiftly! who's this? let's find out. punch him! don't wait! who gave you permissionto use the magnet? don't pull my leg!

bastard! you bastard!! if i see you here again,i’ll throw you in the river. and you will find money there. no one will disturb you. as if your father owns the place! kick him. get him! don't let him go! what's new brother?

it's alright. i don’t know what to say. people don’t let you earnan honest living here. what happened? those boys - i try to make somemoney, they chase me from there. it’s not worth arguingwith those hoodlums. i'll see them. can i ask you something? ask two things!

how much have you studied? a bachelor’s degree in english. bachelor’s in english! that's why you have such interestingwritings all over your cart. why are you working hereinstead of finding a nice job? to make money, loads of it! couldn’t you earn from a job? trade has infinitepossibilities, brother! make a chat-masala for me.

can’t become a millionaire withchump change like that... from where will i bring athousand-rupee note? if i could start a food cart,i’d make me a good income. start a food cart, then! where’s the money? keep collecting chump changelike this and start a food cart. when you earn enough from thecart, repay the creditor’s debts. then offer your parents’ashes to the holy river. and that’s it!

you’ll be free of debt, will havedone your duty by your parents, and also become theowner of a food-cart! before anything, i wantto repay father’s debts. when have i told youto not do that? if you collect the moneyfor a food cart, you’ll get all of yourwish within six months. whatever money you find,put in that piggy bank. if you have a luck, you’ll alsofind a gold ring in the river. in one stroke, all of your dreamswill come true.

face this side. just a bit. see the camera, son! click a nice snap for me. come here! one photo for us please! banana for you. take the banana away! great! brother! o brother!

he stole your money. - you thief!- the money fell from the pocket. shall i kill you? leave it, brother! separate them! hey thief! steal people’s heartsif you can - not their wallet! - go away!- i will see you! nearly stole the money! get him. fast!

ouch! what are you doing? get him! you daemons! where will you run from me? hey boys! leave him, boys! you bad boy! leave him! take this old woman's stick.

go and die! you bad boys! again? kick me! - hey old woman!- leave him! don't hit him. don't beat him! don't hit him bastards! oh boy! you shouldn’t fightthugs like them, son!

don't fight them again. don't talk to the thugs again. they broke my stick. mother! he is coming. where has he gone? find him! look around! come this way! look there!

there he is... this side! they want to beat me up! run away! run! greetings hanuman! they’re nothing before hanumanwho can lift the mount sumeru! bhasme! i know your remedy now! are you beaten up badly?

wipe the blood. cowards! come to me if you need help. why are we afraid of hanuman? we are four and they are two. we will burn his tail next time. oh really? fight anybody else. but neverpick a fight with hanuman. is he a don?

don’t ask me how or why. if hanuman hadn’t been there,that moron would have died today. i would have killed him. if we find him again, we’regoing to rob him blind... ..and then break his legs. hey! hey bastard! he broke the rule again. you disobedient!

i will see you! lookey here! the boyblocked my punch! what is this? look at here boys. let me taste this. come to the toilet tomorrowmorning to get this ear-ring. fight me single, if you can! leave him. you stand there, boys.

come on! catch, boys! catch him, not me. catch him. wait wait. leave it. i will see. struck with the log. how much do you think thegold earring was worth? a thousand? twelve hundred?

only? must have belongedto a poor bastard. do people still remain rich orpoor at the cremation ground? be glad they were poor - theydidn’t greed after the earring. the rich secretly pocket thejewelry of their dead. see son... ..i’ve burned the rich dead,and the poor dead. old people, children,young men and women... ..i’ve burned them all.

man has to be burnt naked. those who burn them have to makethe dead naked before burning. i have seen sons steal the gold fromtheir dead mothers on the pyres. the wise mankind! people will never learn. what is this nonsense?are you drunk, or what? i just want you to learn beforeyou get to the cremation platforms! if you are so smart, why haven’tyou already become a millionaire? the wise always remain poor.

but - don’t you become like me! whenever you findsmall bits of gold,... ..or whatever coins you find,put them into the piggy bank! so you grabbed him byhis crown jewels! how much longer was igoing to let him bully me? i was willing to die fighting,but he fell after just one blow. i wanted to make him shit outthe gold ear-ring he took. did he really swallow it? he alone knows.

how much does a cartlike this cost? just like this? if you want just like this,it costs a hundred thousand. but you can buy a second-handcart for about fifty thousand. fifty thousand?! hundred thousand? it takes a lifetimejust to buy the cart! how will i ever open a shop? do you really wanta cart, brother?

i don’t want a cart-i want to earn money! i have a bachelor's degree. i'm not preparing for the civilservice exams, but running this cart. i don’t do this just tomake food for people. you need a weapon to make big money. this cart is my weapon for that. please pack two samosas for me. jay shambho baba. jay shambho! stay blessed.

is this iron? can youmake one of wood? yes, i can. one photo, okay? three. okay baba. it's done. for you. want some apples? take it. how did you know thati like samosas?

do you really like them? yes... how are your injuries? my nose bled a little... ..nothing serious. - you shouldn’t fight those thugs!- i won't. they will kill you. let's sit there. what's the matter? you’re working like adaughter-in-law!

you haven't one here. that's why. can you loan me twenty orthirty thousand rupees? what’s the matter? do i look like the god of wealth? i’ve never held three thousandrupee notes all at once. and you ask for thirty! my fate! why do you need it? i’ll start a food-cart.

earn, save, and buy a cart. got it? find me a job, then. namaste, contractor saheb! this is my sworn son.he is in bad days. please give him a job. can he work? he can. he doesn't look like so. he is strong. he can work.

i will see. it's hard to work with me. i will take theresponsibility of that. he can work. come, sit. put him to work from tomorrow. this old man is under my protection. kid - this is your boss. whatever he says, obey him.

jay shree ram! sit down. what are you reading? "made penniless by the casino!" hanuman - what is a casino? a place for gambling. oh. isn’t this a good-looking man? how can a swindler be good-looking? sometimes circumstancesmake a man who he is... won't understand this. i don't understand? hanuman... ..when my home was destroyed,it killed my parents. i became orphaned. creditors bad mouthed me. i left the village and came here. but i haven’t come here tohide, do you understand? some day i will return to myvillage and slap my creditor with

thick wads of money. what kind of a cowardruns away from life! why are you getting angry withothers' matters? sit down! tell me, what's new? new thing? i found a job. what kind of job? there, at cremation place. collecting leftover logs from pyres.

but you always said tradehas infinite possibilities. i need a job to be ableto start the trade. how much will you earn byferrying burnt wood from pyres? this is just the beginning, hanuman. i need to earn - nomatter what it takes. it's not that easy to earn money. can i tell you something else? about how much you get paid? no...

then what? a few days ago, my eyes metthe eyes of a pretty girl... a good joke. i stand with tens of pretty nepaliand... ..foreign girls each dayand take photos. cheek to cheek! like this. yeah - your cheeks are the onlybit of skin that touch! you are funny.

pull it. pull it more. are you crossing the river? no - i’m about to fish. this is the bagmati, boy. you won’t even find frogs here. the lucky one finds fish ofgold in bagmati, not frogs! come here. haven't youcome to work? yes i have.

come here. bring the logs on the other bankand stack them here. quick! take these all there. keep there. ...and you keep playing. hey boy! isn't he the contractor’s own man? yes, he is. and you are hanuman's friend...

come here boy! come come! sit down! do you know how to make it? i will, if you teach me. easy. throw leaves and seeds. fill into this pipe, understand? stay calm here and fill in. we are to work.

okay? boys! we don’t need fellowworker, but a servant. just wait and see, whobecomes whose servant! isn't that so, boys? sworn father... why do you never tellme about your wife? don’t mention her! she was here with her friendsto visit the temple.

she saw me burning bodies. that was it - she eloped. why didn’t you marry again? i’m done with women - forever! but you have me! why are you laughing? you are a boy. you won’t do. it’s for you... spend.

this is for myself. and this is savings-for the piggy bank. put this in the piggy bank, too. i gave you to spend. the sooner you collect the money,the sooner this hellish life will end. keep this. the more chicken-heads you eat,the quicker you become wiser? you have a sharp tongue on you! it will hurt, don't do!

hey uncle! kept on hitting. what a strength in this old age! what’s wrong, uncle? you were born after your parents sowedseeds of auspicious grains right here. the old man is trustworthy - hissworn son can’t be such a crook. if you won’t believe the truth,what's the point of working with you? - isn’t that right, boys?- yes, right. alright - you continue your work.

i’ll look into it. pull it from that side! pull it! ouch! why are you beating me? were you supposed to do this? if i ever see you around here,... ..i’ll make a pyre of these logsand burn you! understood?

just keep working! have sent him to work here... ...sits making the hemp pipes! lazy fellow... you should have been workingwhen the big boss came! you are an idiot, boy! shouldn't you be hiding that? i feel so bad for my little baby! come here, hug me.

come baby, come! if ever you are in trouble -remember the big boss... ..who controls these areas. go now! go! you will see! disappear! where are you headed, mother? you stopped bringing me the samosas.

so i came searching for you. i would have, if you’d sent word. do you have a moment to spare? i do. come with me, then! okay - let’s go, then! let’s go! where is your home, mother? if you don’t know where i live,how will you bring me samosas?

really - where are we going? do you know chabahil? it is just over there. i have a house there. why have you come tolive at the temple? the cremation platformsare closer here. it will be easier to cremate me-nobody will have to carry me. and... don’t you have children?

i don’t. i don’t have my parents, either. our house buried themduring the earthquake.... ..dug them out after three days. is it difficult to walk? i have arthritis. cold days are harder for me. tell me if it difficult to walk.i will carry you. what work do you do, son?

i used to collect half-burntlogs from pyres. but the boss kickedme out of the job. checking to see if youare an evil spirit! let's go! how far are we going? let's see... ok, it will be a holy walk. let's keep walking. you’ve stopped puttingmoney in the piggy bank.

how will start your own cart? bhasme took away the job. he claims all the money throwninto the river as his own. what can i do? someday, i’m going to beat him up. why would you pick afight with a thug like him? don’t play with shit-you come away stinking worse. then find me a job! why should i find you a job?

you’re a grown man-you go look for it! of course i am looking! don’t bullshit with me! i am more worried aboutmy life than you are! stay away! don't disturb me now. nothing. did bhasme chase you again? no.

what it is, then? find me a job, hanuman! i am tired of waiting for somebodyto throw a gold ring into the river. i'm tired now. if i send you to carry the mount,you don’t have the strength for it. - what work can i find you then?- please don’t joke, hanuman! do you really want to work? you can't deny the that okay? look at there!

the cremation platform...there... clothes of the dead beingthrown into the river. collect those clothes, and sell them. who would buy such clothes? you don’t have to say-'look here,i have the deads' pretty clothes!'. there are contractors for it. collect those clothes, washthem and iron them neatly. there’ll be riots over them. if there is so much to be made,why aren’t you doing it?

not everything has a reason for it. tell me if you really want to work. no work is big or small. ..otherwise, don’t talk to meabout work, again. people sell other people here... ..and you’re talking about theclothes of the dead! one of my friends sold away his kidney. the doctor made aclean cut and took it. hundred fifty thousandin the pocket!

it has been eight years since,and he is still cremating the deads. look, son- you can only sell thingsthat can be bought and sold. the important thingis to make money. only when you have money,you can start a decent trade. this is the guy. keep him to sell clothes. you’re not going tocheat me, are you? no, he won't. look at innocent he is! you have my word.

well - in that case!send him from tomorrow. he’ll take the clothes in the morning,in the evening he’ll bring you accounts. is that alright? ok hanuman, i am leaving.jay shree ram! sit down. you got the job sincerely. i will. a merchant's only religion is selling. he should do anything to sell.

you just copied my voice! and you’re an actor too! one-thousand rupees for this. how much for this? eight-hundred for this. and for this? isn't eight-hundred expensive? give some discounts. take this with eight-hundred.

six-hundred for this. - this costs twelve hundred.- and for this? it's a bit expensive. i want to take a sadi for my wife.give some discounts. - i will give you four hundred.- take with six hundred. six-hundred is expensive. ask at shops. you can't get itbelow two thousand. try to recognize the goods. i can't give you below one-thousand.

ok... leave it... he is acting like a mad. won't you give it with that much? you ruined my first sell! leave it. ok.. ok.. here comes the cops again! i said i’ll clean the dishes! i don’t have any money today.

oh... is that why youare doing dishes? i knew today... ..sometimes, even the proudestof us has nothing to show. and uncle? i must have saved some seven,eight thousand by now, right? selling clothes will providedaily expenses for us... ..but it won’t fulfill my dreams. when will i find that ring ofgold, like you said? when they throw it directlyinto your pockets!

see... the angry man! you have to wait. like a vulture waits for a carcass. oh, okay. move from here. why should i? leave it... leave it! i will wash.

no, sit there. son is here for that. i held that. it was of 35 grams. two of you, and youcouldn’t catch one guy? don’t know when he ran off. shankar betrayed us! he tensed us! i’d kept watch like a vulture overa carcass to get that gold ring... ..but he stole it from melike an eagle steals a chick.

if i ever come across him, i’ll feedon him like a tiger feeds on a goat! hey brother! can’t you find an old cart for cheap? sometimes you can. why? are you going to sell vegetables? no - i want to sell food,just like you. if you want to sell food like ido, you need a shiny new cart. just like mine. give me some samosa.

can you find one for me? i’ll let you knowif i find one. but you won't opena shop around here. - how much?- twenty rupees. give me two samosa for me too. eleven hundred...eleven hundred... affordable sadi here...affordable sadi here... how much is this sadi for? fourteen hundred.

fourteen hundred for this? here is one with a lower price. see how beautiful this is! how expensive! twelve hundred. let's try this one, okay? this one is good.let's buy one. okay, okay. let's buy one if he lowers the price.

there is a new brightness toyour face today, pashupati! because she took a photoof me today... click! - really?- yes. i really should give athousand thanks to bhasme. why? if bahsme hadn’t got me kickedout of the log-gathering job, i wouldn’t have met that girl. i wouldn’t have met with mother. you and i wouldn’t have become friends.

tell me - why is bhasmeso afraid of you? why aren’t you afraid of me? i just find you awesome. maybe some other peopledon’t find me awesome. bhasme has gone mad these days. he’d found a pretty big ringthrown into the river, but that boy shankarstole it from him. he’s threatening murderif he finds shankar. really?

a big ring? that’s what’s got him all riled up. if i’d found it! how is the pretty girl? the girl - is she good looking? to look at her is to see salvation! call her 'nani'. okay, nani... is nani?

find her in my eyes! smart... do you know, hanuman? if i were the hero of a movie,do you know what i would do today? what would you do? i’d go to heaven alive. have you gone crazy? i’d walk right up to the gates ofheaven and kick them open. i’d push through thegates my parents...

..who are still stuck outsidethe gates of heaven. what did you eat today? nothing... but i’ll buymomos for you - my treat! - i don't.- you have to. the shopkeeper is awesome! come! sure? yes! two plates of momos - for us.

how is everything? everything is alright. i was waiting for you. i’ve found a second handfood-cart, pretty cheap. for how much? you could probably bargain himdown to twenty thousand. if i am short by a few thousand,can i pay that off later? i’m sure we can worksomething out. you're not going to run awayafter starting a food-cart.

give him momos; ok? i’ll be back. hanuman - sit here andeat your momos! i am leaving. i’ll be back in a minute hey, pashupati! don't put that spicy pickle. take this hanuman! - uncle!- what happened?

our luck has turned! there is a second-handfood-cart for sale. you are lucky, old man! forget about burning the dead -you’ll fry samosas now! how should i break it? on the floor? sure. where did the money go? where’s the money gone?

how would i know? who took the money? you drank it away? paid at the shop? look at me! you are my father. so i can’t raise my hand on you. you didn’t squander away my money-but your own good fortune. after the earthquake,there is no road here.

how damaged it is! here is a short-cut. carefully, or you will fall down. i’ve gone to square one - just likei was when i arrived in kathmandu. naked! just like this broken temple. we'll talk there. watch out the glasses. how beautiful this temple was,before the earthquake!

every temple is damaged now. i lost my balance badly atthe time of earthquake. was about to fall down. bricks were falling downfrom every side. i am alive with the graceof lord pashupati nath. let's sit down here. this is how the world is! my sworn father burnsthe dead, hanuman. till now, with his own hands...

..he might have burned the deads. but he never got to realize. look, brother! the one gets wise is like him. your sworn father knows it well that... ..when people die, they are burnt naked. you have to do everythingwhile you are alive. perhaps he loves to drink. and so he drinks wholeheartedly.

who knows what tomorrowholds for us? neither the yogi buried here saw it,... ..nor we can see it. there is a yogi buried here? not just here - there are manytemples where dead yogis sleep. is that so? yes it is. will you let me stay with you? earthquake damaged thehouse where i lived earlier.

it was a struggle forme to find a room. i can barely stretch myselfto sleep on the floor. i will fold my knees and sleep. and where will i keep my wife? look at my fortune, hanuman! everything was coming together. instead of father i had mysworn father;... new mother loved mejust like my own mother did. i had found a friend in you.

and i was just aboutto fall in love. i had earned a few enemies, too. i had found a cart to startmy business with. in a year or two... ..i’d repay my debts and scatterthe ashes of my parents. everything is ruined! sworn father - are youmy friend or foe? do you have a spare blanket? where will you sleep?

i am a man of grandfortunes, hanuman. i won’t live in rooms anymore. i’ll have a house to myself. take goods in half prices! let me see. come sister! saree. shawl. what do you want?

how much for these? brother, how much for this? one thousand. give it in six hundred. ok... take it. ok, pack it please. keep it in plastic. no plastics these days. if any of you betray me likeshankar did, i’ll cut you down!

just let me come across that bastard. that day, i will bury himby the banks of bagmati. for how long willi run broke!? nothing in here. if we'd given him some bucks... ..he would do as we wanted. oh, as if you know it all!i will punch on your face. he'd do! don't we need money to startour own candy crush gang?

you know that,don’t you, boys? yes, i understand. you get it, don’t you? a little bit. why a little bit?understand everything. or ask me! don't say - i don't understand! i will punch you some, andthen only you will understand. what happened, brother?

i came to apologize. why? what happened? the money i had saved for the cart-my sworn father spent it all on booze. he should be apologizingin that case, not you! whatever may happen... ..i’m going to buy a cart someday. alright - what will you eat today? what else? some chaat masala. do you have some warm water?

will take some time. five ten minutes. takes time? ok then, leave it. my knees pain! please keep this for me! my parents... ..and my citizenship certificate. how beautiful your parents are! and keep this money too for me.

others will cheat me out of it. what if i cheat you too? mothers don't cheat. but they add on that! what a nice voice i had before! the earthquake took away my voice. my parents took me here from muguto admit in a boarding school. they put me in a boarding school.but... ..but life there was worsethan being in jail.

if he told us, we had to eatshit and pretend it didn’t stink. the story in which ganesh has tocircumambulate around shiva and parvati... ..we had to worship himjust like that. did you? yes, but in the oppositedirection. white people paid for and tookaway many boys who came with me. they didn’t take you? who takes the stone whenthey can have the fruit? i was waiting for achance to run away...

..then the earthquake happened. the school owner was buried under thehostel building while playing candy crush. i stole his phone, and now here i am,at the cremation grounds. this phone? yes, this one! live at the cremation ground! thank god for the earthquakethat saved my life. i want chewing tobacco. then have some!

i want to buy somewith my own earning. wow! he’s talking likesomeone from the movies! whom you are taking to? do you know whatis called bhasma? ashes! i’m talking to the bosses - aboutcreating a candy cross gang. you can gorge on whateveryou want after that. pashupati! boys - get him!

bring him here! - bring him here!- hit him. fast! release him boys! how will you... don't let him go! how will you catchthe candies now? punch him! are you going towalk away or not? or, should i kill you?

does the temple belongto your father? where is that? you are finished now! i am going to beat you up like the villainbeat up amir khan in ghajini the hero usually triumphsat the end, bhasme! but today, he’s triumphedin the beginning! run away, bastard ash! my only fear is that... ..i might die before i can collect a lot ofyour earnings and return it to you.

when i save a lot of money,i will start my own business. then we’ll rent a big apartmentand live together, mother and son. if death doesn’t take me,we’ll live together. don’t talk about death! every time... big brothers say we need at least fivepeople to start the candy crush gang. we were four already, butshankar has run away. you boys aren’t going to betrayme like that, are you? no, we won't!

otherwise the candy crush gang... ..will be the candy ass gang. are you afraid? i will kick him first! to whom? pashupati? but first, find out where he lives. go fast! hey pashupati! why do you look so forlorn?

still no sighting of the girl? if you lack the strength to leap,... shouldn’t try to pluckroses from the skies. if i can’t leap, i’ll throw sticksat it until i bring it to me. if you throw sticks at it, it won’t fall-it’ll wither on the branch instead. if the heart desires it, even awithered flower is beautiful. she must be a heart-breaker! she has forgotten me! the rich are heartless.

although he is poor, my swornfather also lacks a heart. impossible, impossible! they said it is impossible to reason witha man in love - and they are right. i had come to ask you for help. can you be hanuman for a day for me? i have business to take care of. take a day off, then. i can’t afford to tick off mycustomers - think of it like that. try to understand.

become hanuman! for me please! take the earnings of that day. how could i deny your request?! i will keep these clothesat ram temple. return those there in the evening. how annoying,... could nottake the photos! let's go then! you...

will you around the river again? i won't! otherwise, i’ll break your legs. hold your ears and doa hundred squats. hundred times!? two hundred times! start! do it!! two. four.

five. six. i have taken this human form to punishidiots like you in the age of kali! understood! will you be around again? say - jay shree ram! i want a photo with you, hanuman! just a sec. our little boy wants a photo withyou. would you please stand up?!

please stand up! ok then, let's takea photo seated. let's sit down then. look at here! ready! boy, look at to hanuman! hanuman, look at here.where are you looking at? i am continuouslytaking photos, son. see! now, you have to givemoney to hanuman.

i’m like the sailor’s wife who falls wichwhen her husband visits after 12 years! why did it have tobe yesterday? you should haveintroduced yourself. what if she had said - "i lovedyou thinking you were human,... ..but since you are a god,good bye, my lord!" and... my little brother inlaw is a clever one! wouldn’t let go of me,relentless for a photograph. do you want to be hanumannext saturday too? no, hanuman, no!

hey brothers! wait, brother!! my business went downafter the earthquake. and how about yours? it was going good... ..and then, came the metro police. they took all the clothes. they didn't want to settle, untili gave two hundred rupees. they cheated on you.

they would have settled for onehundred - but you gave them two! - is that so?- yes! what's in your hands? - this one?- yes. the girl gave me this. she dropped this from the window. let's see it! took this to see together. is that a love letter?

wow!! exactly me!! isn't it? looks alike, doesn't it? the hair is exact!! do you wak around in women’s clothes? sometimes i do this to attract buyers. what is in here? the paper.

maybe a letter. yes, it is. 'i had fallen ill, soi couldn’t go to college. i thought of you constantly. i didn’t get to see you,... i made sketches of you to look at. the girl who always looks atyou from the bus window. - bunu!' that is a pretty name! bunu! you did it now!

- she likes you!- bunu! hanuman, give me your phone number! why did she have todraw me like a girl! five hundred rupees. affordable clothes here! - come, brother!- how much for a sari? - give some discounts.- just a moment... who takes these expensive sari?! take this!

here you are. samosa. where had you disappeared to? your daughter in law had gone missing,... ..i have found her.i’ll visit you often now. this is for you. where did you get this? do i look like a thief? i found it.

if i kept finding gold like this,... would take no time to collectthe money i need for business. sly fox! once i have my own business,you’ll live with me, won’t you? come outside! what is this?! there is a lot here. nothing useful here! nothing is there.

maybe the ashes of the dead. add some hair to nose. why did you have to ruinyour picture? does one ruin his own picture? that too, somethinggiven by a loved one! then who did this? i don't know. they also took my beddings. it must have been bhasme.

i am sure it is him. but i can't blame him withoutknowing for sure. i’ll straighten him out. let him be, hanuman. he doesn’t know whati am capable of. now you will get rice and sugar! "bhasme hides wood and sells it." i swear, contractor! it wasn’t me! my enemies are plotting against me!

i swear, it wasn't me! if i see you around the river again,i will burn you with the second-hand logs! idiot, candy crush! bastard! didn’t you rat meout to the contractor? i told you, didn’t i, boys? get lost from this place! your future isn’t bright if youcontinue hanging out here. are you a soothsayer? why don’t you try to seeyour own future first?

looky here, boy - life isn’tlike it is in the movies. hanuman is coming, brother! no! i’ll pay you back. don't you hear i said no! if you hadn’t drank my money away,... ..i wouldn’t be sleepingon a grave like this. you wouldn’t be burning the dead,... ..and my parent’s soulwouldn’t be languishing.

- i’ll repay your money.- i don’t want it. i’ll never do that again. i am all alone. - let’s go!- i won’t go with you! i won’t go with you -don’t you understand? when i have earned enough,i’ll come to fetch you. go away now! did anyone call for me? today either!

maybe... is awkward to start callingright away in the beginning. ..and - maybe not! you will suffer! how? when a man falls in love,there is no peace in his heart. and when there is no peace,sorrow, hardship, worry,... ..pain and restlessness take its place. really!?

and that’s the reason why the heartaches when it is in love, pasupati! that must be it! hi! if you are free on saturday,... ..will you come to the ramtemple opposite of... ..the cremation platforms at noon? why not?! we will have ice-cream together. - you startled me.- you are really nerdy!

i was only reading the news. isn’t this the man whose photowas in the papers the other day? like... a gambler who is bankrupt now... ..also made his relatives bankrupt. gambling... casino... yes, the same person. why do you read about such low lifes? there are all kinds of newsin the papers.

telling a lie? is he a person you know? no, i don't know him. how innocent looks he has! leave it... no reason to talkabout him. bunu... bunu is in love with me. true. she wants to meet.

- really?- yes! great, then! teach me what i should do. of course. let's sit down and talk. do like this... when you meet her,... ..give her a red rose. red one. give her the rose like ahero does in the movies.

like this? don’t say anything more. don't speak. be a bit shy. that's all. she has also written a letter. - i need to write a reply.- i will teach you how! - how much for this sari?- twelve hundred. please give some discounts.

ok, one thousand then. give discounts, we will buy this. see the quality of the cloth. that is why we want to buy. i have sold nothing yet today. give eight hundred then. we will give you five hundred only. seven hundred is the final price. - give in five hundred.- no, i can't.

we will buy from other place. wear it yourself. what will you wear then? my love for you is wider than the sky,and deeper than the sea. don't get angry if i call you 'dear'. i am sorry for that. how could i refuse such aproposal coming from you? i will definitely come onsaturday at noon. please read these lineswithout being offended.

bran bread is bitter,rice bread is food. village love is okay, butkathmandu love is good! a request... ..on my sketch, please don’tmake me wear a sari again! yours loving pashupatiprasad khakurel. i won’t let you down like earlier. once you have enough, give me afew thousand rupees as advance... ..and i’ll bring the cart here. - my friend has left it with me.- okay.

- may i tell you something?- sure. as you have written there, "what i can eat, is whati serve to others!" that attracted me. i will write the same on my cart. no problem. okay, brother. so, i am buying a cart, okay? it might take me a month.

- i am leaving.- okay. will pay you tomorrow. sir! - do you have medicines for arthritis?- yes i have. which one? it costs 150 rupees. take this one. greetings mother. may all be well with you.

my wife couldn’t come. she sent her remembrance with me. you don’t have to answerquestions i didn’t ask. everything alright with you? you couldn’t come to see me when theearthquake destroyed everything. why do you need toask after my health now? these are for you brought all the way from america. i don't need these, son.

god has been gracious enoughwith everything i need. i came me to you... ..and you are trying to pick a fight. we have a busy life in the us. we haven’t taken you with usbecause you’d be all alone. hire a servant and stay at home. ...or live with a relative if my son and his family thinkof me as a burden,... can others love me?

nothing is good enough for you. you refused to sell the house. you won’t live with our relatives. what should i do now? we have bought a house in the us. if i could take money from here,i wouldn’t have to pay mortgage. nobody understands my problems. i’m leaving now. take this bag with you.i have no need for it.

they said people get orneryas they get older... ..they were right. son... ..every person born into thisworld will someday become old. but i pray that you’ll neverhave to experience... ..the kind of hardshipsi had to experience. who is that man, mother? i don’t know him. and take this, too.

i’m sure we’ll have enough moneyin a few months to buy a cart. after i buy the cart - i’ll earnstacks of new money. i’ll go home and slap thecreditor with wads of cash. after that the doors to heavenwill open for my parents. then i’ll return to kathmandu... ..find a beautiful apartment... ..marry a pretty bride. she’ll cook dinner in a corner. ad i’ll clean and cut the vegetables.

and, you know what? and, mother - you’ll rest ona sofa in the corner... ..and order us around. alright - i have to go now, mother. medicine - for your arthritis transfer the chabahil houseto this boy. pasupati prasad khakurel. who is this boy? if he were your relative,i think i’d know him.

he is my adopted son. adopted son! return on saturday morningwith my consent to transfer deeds. i will also call him here. after we sign the papers, we’ll makeeverything official on sunday. i shouldn’t be saying this... ..but i can’t help myself - may i? please, do. have you thought this through?

counselor... ..i am not an illiterate woman.nobody has coerced me. i built that house with my ownsavings when i worked. only i have the rightsto that house. yes, madam. i’ll be back on saturday. here he is! - he is coming again!- follow me, boys. don’t you understand it when i tellyou to never appear around here?

leave me! just because you have hanuman with you,don’t mistake yourself for the god ram. once you get a knife in your guts froma real gangster, you’ll understand. bastard candy crush! when your gangsters come to fight me,tell to come wrapped in rhinoceros’ hide. i will hit you one day. come. hey bhasme! i’ve always brought you tribute,whenever i’ve earned something.

yes, then? brother... this mobile phone... hostel warden gave me as a prize. these glasses... italian person gifted me. as he liked me. what do you want from me? they are not letting me earn a living.

who are they? pashupati and hanuman. i want to stab them. who? come closer! you want me to stab lordpashupati and hanuman? i’ve chosen the thug life - buti haven’t abandoned my gods. no..., not the real hanuman,or the real pashupati! he dresses up as hanumanto make money by taking pictures.

and pashupati is his friend. but, brother - that hanumanisn’t anyone ordinary. he is very strong. who is he? show me a tougher manthan i am in kathmandu! i want to stab them and stuffthem down the sewer. where does he live? in my area. when should i ?

let's plan for saturday, 10 am. okay? i am leaving. wait... let me take a snap. - what a foolish person!- we have better things to do. bunu is lucky for us. the real thing starts now! i will see you in the evening. running all wet. we’ll live together now.

i just wanted to tell you that. we'll go together in the evening. i am not going. i’ll come to fetch you. pack your things. leaving now. fast. wait. you are a lucky old woman!

but how? now we’ll find a placeto live together... bless me! you have my blessings! give me five-thousand rupees. for what? for something... one... two...

three... four... pack your belongings. we are not staying here longer. i'm leaving. wait! wait! come to visit metomorrow morning. okay, i will. i'm leaving now. take this five thousand. down payment.

please order the cart tomorrow. i am leaving now. father...!! i am repaying the debts! prepare to kick in thedoors of heaven! i want to sell a gold ring. do you have the sales bill? we can't buy without a bill. you can go now.

what do you need, brother? do you want to buy a gold ring? come inside. where is the ring? here. did you find it or steal it? where? in bagmati river. does gold grow in that river?

it is from the fingers of acorpse brought for cremation. and you found it? that’s quite a yarn you’re pulling. for this gold... ..i can give you five hundred. - for this?- yes. and aren’t you the clever one! gold is at 49,500 rupeesper 11 gram today. and this is at least twenty-two grams.

alright - i’ll give you five thousand. cunning person. listen me, brother. what do you need? how much for this flower? thirty rupees for one. thirty rupees! will it wilt by tomorrow? yes, it will.

the flower you like is always beautiful! give me one. do you need it packed? no need. what can i do for you, buddy? i have seen you so many timesat the pashupati temple. i visit regularly. tell me-what would you like? i need to sell a gold ring. let me see it.

did you steal it, or did you find it? found it. i can’t buy somethingwithout a bill of sales. i’ll give you five thousand. if you can’t buy it, why are youoffering me five thousand? know today’s buying rates for gold? this is ten thousand rupees. take this and go, buddy -otherwise i’ll call the police. i didn’t steal this! what will youprove by calling the police?

give me back my ring! just take the ten-thousandand walk away. you’re happy, i’m happy. i said - give me back my ring! buddy - you just don’tunderstand, do you? thief! thief! that man stole my ring! catch him! i didn't steal, i found it.

thief! he stole my ring! somebody catch him! catch him! thief! - where are they?- brother! let them be! let them be. i feel pity on him. he is very thin. sorry brother.

you called me here to bully? where is your mobile phone? let's go boys. stand up, brother. stand up, brother. let them be. he also has to comehere when he dies. insulted us! bastard. how long to wait?

let's move. see the time. what a betrayer he is!

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