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Friday, October 13, 2017

ø§û’ ø¨ù†ùˆ ù…ø§ø±û’ ø¢ù†ú¯ù† ù…ûœúº ø±û’ ø¨ù„ù… ø±û’ ûùˆ(ù…ûœø±ø§ ø³ø§ø¬ù† ø¢ù†ú¯ù† ù…ûœúº ø¨ù„ú© ø¨ù„ú© ú©û’ ø±ùˆ ø±ûø§ ûû’)e banno maare aangan men re bilm re hooh my darling husband stands crying in the courtyard, preparing to leave ø§û’ ù…ø§ø¦ûœúº ø¬ûœ ù†û ø±û’(ûø§ø¦û’ ù…ø§úºøœ ø§ø³ ú©ûœ ù¾ø±ø¯ûœø³ ù…ûœúº ú©ûœø§ ø­ø§ù„øª ûùˆú¯ûœ)e maeen ji nah reoh it makes me anxious to think how he will cope so far away from home ø§ùˆ øªùˆ ø³ø§ø¦û’ ø²ø§ø¯ùˆ ø§û’ ø¨ù†ú‘ùˆ ø¬ûœ(ø§ø³ øµø§ø­ø¨ ø¬ûœ ú©ø§ øªùˆ ø´ûø²ø§ø¯ùˆúº ùˆø§ù„ø§ ù…ø²ø§ø¬ ûû’)o to saaye-zaado re baná¹›o jifor his temperament is as pampered as a prince’s ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ú©û’ ú©ø±û’ ø±û’ ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ(ø§ø±û’ ú©ûœø§ ú©ø±øªûœ ûû’øœ ù„ú‘ú©ûœ)chhori ke kare re chhorigirl, what are you about? ø³ø§ø³ùˆ ù…ø§ù†ú¯û’ ú©ùˆú©ú‘ûœ ø§ùˆ(ø³ø§ø³ ø¬ûœ ù…ø¬ú¾ ø³û’ ù…ø§ù† ø³ù…ù‘ø§ù† ù…ø§ù†ú¯ûœúº)saasu maange kooká¹›i omy mother-in-law wants me to show her proper respect and serve her ù…ûœúº ùˆø§ø±ûœùˆ ø¬ø§ù†(ù…ûœúº ø§ù† ù¾ø± ø§ù¾ù†ûœ ø¬ø§ù† ø¨ú¾ûœ ùˆø§ø± ø¯ùˆúº)main waariyo jaani would happily give up my life for her ú©ú¾ø§ø¤úº ú¯ûœ ú©ù¹ø§ø±ûœ øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§(ù„ûœú©ù† øªù…ûø§ø±ûœ ûœø§ø¯ ø®ù†ø¬ø± ú©ûœ ø·ø±ø­ ú†ø¨ú¾øªûœ ûû’ ø§ùˆø± ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ú©ø³ûœ ù‚ø§ø¨ù„ ù†ûûœúº ú†ú¾ùˆú‘øªûœ)khaaoon gi kaá¹­aari thaare binabut the pain of missing you is so sharp that i can think of nothing else ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø¢ùˆû’ ù†û(ø³ú©ú¾ûœøœ ù…ø¬ú¾û’...)chhori aawe nahfriends, my nights are… ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø¢ùˆû’ ù†û ù†ù†ø¯ûœø§ ù¾ûœø§ ø¨ù†ø§(ø³ú©ú¾ûœøœ ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ù¾ûœø§ ø¨ù†ø§ ù†ûœù†ø¯ øªú© ù†ûûœúº ø¢øªûœ)chhori aawe nah nindiya piya binafriends, my nights are sleepless without my beloved

ø±û’ ù…ø§ø±ùˆ ù†ûœù† øªø±ø³ ú¯ûœùˆ ù¾ûœø§ ø¨ù†ø§(ù…ûœø±ûœ ø¢ù†ú©ú¾ûœúº øªø±ø³ ú¯ø¦ûœúº ø§ù¾ù†û’ ù¾ûœø§ ú©ùˆ ø¯ûœú©ú¾ù†û’ ú©ùˆ)re maaro nain taras gyo piya binamy eyes crave to see my beloved ø³ø§ø³ùˆ ù…ø§ù†ú¯û’ ú©ùˆú©ú‘ûœ ø§ùˆ ûùˆ(ø³ø§ø³ ø¬ûœ ù…ø¬ú¾ ø³û’ ù…ø§ù† ø³ù…ù‘ø§ù† ù…ø§ù†ú¯ûœúº)saasu maange kooká¹›i o homy mother-in-law wants me to show her proper respect and serve her ø±ø§øªø§úº ú©ø§ù„ûœø§úº ûù† ù„ù†ú¯ ø¬ø§ù†ûœø§úº(øºù… ú©ûœ ø§ù†ø¯ú¾ûœø±ûœ ø±ø§øªûœúº ø§ø¨ úˆú¾ù„ ø¬ø§ø¦ûœúº ú¯ûœ)raataan kaaliyaan hun lang jaaniyaanthese dark and dismal nights will now pass away ùˆú†ú¾ùˆú‘ø§ øªûœø±ø§ ù…ûœø±ø§ ù…ú© ø¬ø§ù†ø§(øªù…ûø§ø±ûœ ù…ûœø±ûœ ûœû ø¬ø¯ø§ø¦ûœ ø¢ø®ø± ú©ø§ø± ø®øªù… ûùˆ ø¬ø§ø¦û’ ú¯ûœ)wichhoá¹›a tera mera muk jaanaour painful state of separation will surely end ù†ûœù†ø§úº øªûœø±ûœø§úº ø¯ûœø§úº ù‚ø³ù…ø§úº ù¾ø§ù†ûœø§úº(ù…ûœúº øªù…ûø§ø±ûœ ø¢ù†ú©ú¾ùˆúº ú©ûœ ù‚ø³ù… ú©ú¾ø§øªø§ ûùˆúº)nainaan teriyaan diyaan qasmaan paaniyaani swear on your beautiful eyes ø±ûùˆø§úº ù…ûœø±ûœø§úº øªûœø±û’ ùˆù„ ø¬ø§ù†ûœø§úº (ù…ûœø±ûœ øªù…ø§ù… ø±ø§ûûœúº øªù…ú¾ø§ø±ûœ ø·ø±ù ø¬ø§øªûœ ûûœúº)rahwaan meriyaan tere wal jaaniyaanall the paths i travel lead towards you ù†ú¯ùˆú‘ø§ ø¯ú©ú¾ ø³ø§ø±ø§ ù…ú© ø¬ø§ù†ø§(ø¯ú©ú¾ ú©ø§ ûœû ú©ù…ø¨ø®øª ø¯ùˆø± ø¨ú¾ûœ ø®øªù… ûùˆ ø¬ø§ø¦û’ ú¯ø§ )nigoá¹›a dukh saara muk jaanathis wretched grief will pass away ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø¢ùˆû’ ù†û ù†ù†ø¯ûœø§ øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§(ù¾ûœø§øœ ù…ûœúº ø³ú©ú¾ûœùˆúº ú©ùˆ ø¨øªø§øªûœ ûùˆúº ú©û ù…ø¬ú¾û’ øªù…ú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§ ù†ûœù†ø¯ øªú© ù†ûûœúº ø¢øªûœ)chhori aawe nah nindiya thaare binabeloved, i tell my friends how my nights are sleepless without you ù…ø§ø±ùˆ ù†ûœù† øªø±ø³ ú¯ûœùˆ øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§(ù…ûœø±ûœ ø¢ù†ú©ú¾ûœúº øªø±ø³ ú¯ø¦ûœúº øªù…ûûœúº ø¯ûœú©ú¾ù†û’ ú©ùˆ)maaro nain taras gyo thaare binamy eyes crave to see you

ø§ù†ú†ø§ ù¹ø¨ø§ ú†ø§ù†ø¯ûœ ú©ø§ ø³ø§ ù¹ú¾ù†úˆûœ ø¯ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø±ûœøª ø±û’(ø±ûœú¯ø³øªø§ù† ú©û’ ø§ùˆù†ú†û’ ù¹ø¨û’ ú†ø§ù†ø¯ûœ ú©ûœ ø·ø±ø­ ú†ù…ú©øªû’ ûûœúº ø§ùˆø± ø§ù† ú©ûœ ø³ùûœø¯ ø±ûœøª ù¹ú¾ù†úˆûœ ûû’)uncha á¹­ibba chaandi ka sa á¹­hanḍi dhori ret rethe tall desert dunes, with their cool white sand, gleam like silver øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§ ø³ùˆù†ùˆ ù„ø§ú¯û’ ø¨ø§ø¬ø±ûœø§ ú‘ùˆ ú©ú¾ûœøª ø±û’(øªù…ûø§ø±û’ ø¨øºûœø± ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ø¨ø§ø¬ø±û’ ú©û’ ù„ûù„ûø§øªû’ ûùˆø¦û’ ú©ú¾ûœøª ø¨ú¾ûœ ø³ùˆù†û’ ø³ùˆù†û’ ù„ú¯øªû’ ûûœúº)thaare bina soono laage baajariya á¹›o khet rewithout you, even the blooming green fields appear desolate to me ø§ù†ú†ø§ ù¹ø¨ø§ ú†ø§ù†ø¯ûœ ú©ø§ ø³ø§ ù¹ú¾ù†úˆûœ ø¯ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø±ûœøª(ø±ûœú¯ø³øªø§ù† ú©û’ ø§ùˆù†ú†û’ ù¹ø¨û’ ú†ø§ù†ø¯ûœ ú©ûœ ø·ø±ø­ ú†ù…ú©øªû’ ûûœúº ø§ùˆø± ø§ù† ú©ûœ ø³ùûœø¯ ø±ûœøª ù¹ú¾ù†úˆûœ ûû’)uncha á¹­ibba chaandi ka sa á¹­hanḍi dhori retthe tall desert dunes, with their cool white sand, gleam like silver øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§ ø³ùˆù†ùˆ ù„ø§ú¯û’ ø¨ø§ø¬ø±ûœø§ ú‘ùˆ ú©ú¾ûœøª(øªù…ûø§ø±û’ ø¨øºûœø± ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ø¨ø§ø¬ø±û’ ú©û’ ù„ûù„ûø§øªû’ ûùˆø¦û’ ú©ú¾ûœøª ø¨ú¾ûœ ø³ùˆù†û’ ø³ùˆù†û’ ù„ú¯øªû’ ûûœúº)thaare bina soono laage baajariya á¹›o khetwithout you, even the blooming green fields appear desolate to me ø¬ø¨ ø¬ø§ú¯ùˆúº øªø¨ ø§ûœú©ù„ûœ ø§ùˆø±ø§øª ú©ùˆ ø¬ø¨ ø¢ù†ú©ú¾ ú©ú¾ù„øªûœ ûû’ øªùˆ øªù†ûø§ø¦ûœ ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ø³øªø§øªûœ ûû’))jab jaagoon tab ekli owhen i wake up in the night, i feel terribly alone ù…ûœúº ùˆø§ø±ûœùˆ ø¬ø§ù†(ù…ûœúº øªù… ù¾ø± ø§ù¾ù†ûœ ø¬ø§ù† ùˆø§ø± ø¯ùˆúº)main waariyo jaani would happily give up my life for you ú©ú¾ø§ø¤úº ú¯ûœ ú©ù¹ø§ø±ûœ øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§(øªù…ûø§ø±ûœ ûœø§ø¯ ø®ù†ø¬ø± ú©û’ ø·ø±ø­ ú†ø¨ú¾øªûœ ûû’)khaaoongi kaá¹­aari thaare binathe pain of missing you is so sharp, it nearly kills me ø±û’ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø¢ùˆû’ ù†û(ø³ú©ú¾ûœøœ ù…ø¬ú¾û’...)re chhori aawe nahfriends, my nights are… ûùˆûœø§ ú©ûœ ø­ø§ù„ ù…ûœø±ø§ ø±ø¨ù‘ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ø§(ø®ø¯ø§ ø¬ø§ù†øªø§ ûû’ ù…ûœø±ø§ ú©ûœø§ ø­ø§ù„ ûùˆ ú¯ûœø§ ûû’)hoya ki haal mera rabb jaandaonly god knows what a wretched state i’m in

ù…ûœø±ø§ ø±ø¨ù‘ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ø§(ø®ø¯ø§ ø¬ø§ù†øªø§ ûû’)mera rabb jaandaonly god knows ú©ùˆûœúº ú¯ø²ø±ø¯ûœ ø§û’ ø³ø¨ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ø§(ú©ûœø³û’ ú¯ø²ø±øªûœ ûû’øœ ùˆû ø³ø¨ ø¬ø§ù†øªø§ ûû’)kiwen guzardi e sab jaandaonly he knows the pain i’m going through ø¬ø§ù† ø±ùˆø­ øªû’ ù‚ù„ø¨ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ø§(ù…ûœø±ûœ ø¬ø§ù†øœ ø±ùˆø­øœ ø§ùˆø± ø¯ù„ø¬ø§ù†øªø§ ûû’)jaan rooh te kalab jaandamy heart and soul know what they suffer ø¹ø´ù‚ ø¯ø§ øªùˆúº(ø¹ø´ù‚ ú©ø§ øªùˆ)‘ishq da toon...the pain of love ø¹ø´ù‚ ø¯ø§ øªùˆúº ø³ø¨ø¨ ø¬ø§ù†ø¯ø§(ø¹ø´ù‚ ú©ø§ øªùˆ ø³ø¨ø¨ ø¬ø§ù†øªø§ ûû’)‘ishq da toon sabab jaandaand you know the reason i am lovelorn ú©ú¾ø§ø¤úº ú¯ûœ ú©ù¹ø§ø±ûœ øªú¾ø§ø±û’ ø¨ù†ø§(ù„ûœú©ù† øªù…ûø§ø±ûœ ûœø§ø¯ ú©ûœ ú†ø¨ú¾ù† ù…ø¬ú¾û’ ø®ù†ø¬ø± ú©ûœ ø·ø±ø­ ù„ú¯øªûœ ûû’ ø§ùˆø± ú©ø³ûœ ù‚ø§ø¨ù„ ù†ûûœúº ú†ú¾ùˆú‘øªûœ)khaaoongi kaá¹­aari thaare binabut the pain of missing you is so sharp that i can think of nothing else ø±û’ ú†ú¾ùˆø±ûœ ø¢ùˆû’ ù†û(ø±ûœ ø³ú©ú¾ûœøœ ù…ø¬ú¾û’...)re chhori aawe nahfriends, my nights are… ø±û’ ù…ø§ø±ùˆ ø³ø§ø¬ù†ûœø§(ø±û’ ù…ûœø±û’ ø³ø§ø¬ù†)re maaro saajanyao my darling husband ø±û’ ù…ø§ø±ùˆ úˆú¾ùˆù„ø§(ø±û’ ù…ûœø±û’ ø¨ù„ù…ø§)re maaro ḍholao my dearest love

ø§ùˆ ù…ø§ø±ùˆ ø³ø§ø¦ù†ùˆ(ø±û’ ù…ûœø±û’ ø³ø¦ûœø§úº)o maaro saaeenoo my beloved

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