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Thursday, October 26, 2017

rohit! amit! hey, amit! get up or you'll get late for school. brother, have you forgotten that it's sunday today? you also go back to sleep. is it sunday today? - yes. i'm sorry. i unnecessarily woke you up. go to sleep. where are these kids! they'll come. - good morning, uncle.

good morning, rohit. good morning, aunt. - good morning, rohit. you didn't bring you younger brother. where is he? aunt, have you also forgotten that it is sunday? sunday. he's sleeping. - does sunday come two days in advance now? what! - he fooled you. he made a fool of me? he's very naughty. wake him quickly or he'll get late for school. there's just one advantage of getting retired.

it makes no difference whether it's a friday or a sunday! amit! you fooled me! you say it's a sunday on a friday! you lie! brother, a small lie is fine, isn't it? that too, early in the morning! shall i say something? - yes. anybody can fool you! why? is it apparent on my face? because you are too innocent and simple as well.

why insult me in installments? can't you say it in one go? i enjoy teasing you. really? you enjoy teasing me?! shall i say something? when you tease me,.. ..even i enjoy it a lot! good morning, uncle. good morning, aunt. good morning, child. - good morning. come. please sit. what aroma! i think aunt has prepared omelete today. see? - brother, aunt is very great.

with the omelette, she butters & applies jam on the bread, too! hey, amit! stop buttering me. there's no jam today. no problem. brother will buy me a chocolate on the way. aunt, did you see that? after you, i'm his next target! indeed! he is very smart! he knows how to get his work done! shall i say something? if you have to survive in this world, you've got to be smart! and to be smart, it's very important to eat chicken.

oh! i understand! i'll surely prepare chicken for you in the evening. uncle, what does the newspaper say today? how many people.. forget that. rohit, there's a good news for you. your boss, the owner of that five star hotel.. ..wants to hire a singer for the night. look, he's advertised for it. why don't you try, man? hey! how many jobs will this child do?! you remain idle but employ others!

as it is, he works in the day. will he work in the night, too?! lady! for once in your life, just listen to what your man says! the job that he does in the day is his livelihood. but he'll do this job in order to fulfil his dream. what will you understand, you domesticated woman?! music brings happiness to life! music is the food for life. "he stepped into my motor shop, it's the grace of god"

"sometimes, i'd see him, and he.." what are the wordings? forget it! it's great that you have come here, sirjee. you have changed all your habits but you still call me sirjee! oh, i forget! tell me, what brings you here? i want a car. - forget car. i can even give you my life! rohit, come here. - yes, sir. he's my star salesman! one look at him, and the girls buy the car! and he is my best friend! my companion, my buddy, saxena!

he is a millionaire. show him a splendid car. yes, sir. please come. you are fortunate that various new models have started coming to india. look at this - a lexus gs-300. it's the latest model. please take it, sir. it's nice but.. - then, please come here, sir. the mercedes, c-180. it's automatic.. ..and it's colour suits your personality, cent percent! take it, sir.

what kind of a car would you like to buy? an auto rickshaw, sir. not you. i know that you will buy only an auto rickshaw! you! - sir, if i had the money, i would have liked to buy that car. look, sir. it's small and zooms, too! that's more like it! - then buy it, sir. i have. it's mine! rohit, you've spoken to your boss for the job of a singer, haven't you? yes, but his son, atul, handles the hotel business.

we'll have to speak to him. come in, rohit. i will call you later. bye. come. dad had called me. both of you are here for a singer's job, right? yes, sir. - please listen to us. all right. get your band, and i'll take the audition. band? - yes, your band. we have no band. i sing, and tony plays the flute.

please hear us, sir. look here, friends. this is a five star hotel. all the musical shows here have a band. electronic gadgets, synthesizers.. that's what works in today's world! no way, buddy. this is a hotel business. it's the question of our reputation. it is not a joke. i am sorry. i would advice you to go and try in a restaurant. good luck. - thank you, sir. daddy, what is all this?

happy birthday to you. happy birthday to you. happy birthday, dear sonia. happy birthday to you. happy, birthday, my darling. - this is a real surprise, daddy. anything for you. what's your programme for this evening? atul is giving a party in my honour at his outhouse. that's fantastic. - that's fine. but where is my birthday present? it awaits you at the door, my child! really? - go and enjoy your gift! you are so sweet, daddy.

hello. how's the gift, sonia? extremely beautiful! how's the colour? clean and immaculate, daddy! why don't you take a ride? do you function with a key? that depends on your temperament. what! i don't understand such difficult words!

i know. will you please take a look at your present now? i already am. wow! what a beauty? what do you think? - it's very beautiful. but please don't ruin it with fake embellishments. because true beauty lies in simplicity. point noted. mr.. - rohit. excuse me, miss.. - sonia. happy birthday. - thank you.

what happened to the flute? - it was fine a while ago. come on, play it. who is it! should i give you one! thank you. go over there. hey, rohit! isn't he our boss' son? oh, yes! he didn't want to hear us sing but he will have no choice now! how? got it?

happy birthday, sonia. - hi! thank you. - many happy returns of the day, sonia. thank you. - happy birthday. - thank you so much. thanks. hi. - hi, sonia. - hi. many happy returns of the day. - thank you. looking very pretty. i have never seen you dressed this way before. yes, even i realised today that beauty lies in simplicity. really? - yes.

hey! what's the matter with the sound? excuse me, sonia, i'll go and check. - yes. music! music! music! "the moon and stars. flowers and fragrance ." "the moon and stars. flowers and fragrance are all outdated." "a new bud has bloomed." "i am crazy about her." "clouds, the rains.. the monsoons.." "clouds, the rains.. the monsoons are all bygones."

"she has new styles." "my craziness for her is new, too." "my craziness for her is new too." "she has worn the crown of youth." "her childhood has passed happily." "songs and hymns are all outdated." "songs and hymns are all outdated, she has her new songs." "her face is so simple." " beautiful her soul must be!"

"her face is so simple.." "without any jewellery or make-up.." ".. she looks like a bride." "kohl, bindis, bangles, ear-ring.." "kohl, bindis, bangles, ear-ring are all ancient." "the moon and stars.. flowers and fragrance all are outdated." what is the matter? why did you call me here? because we are in trouble. i think you have not read the newspapers.

the drugs that the police were to burn tonight got burnt last night. got burnt! - yes. but i've taken advance from the party already! - don't worry. we've managed to salvage narcotics worth rs.100 million. we are worried that somebody may find out. so have those drugs taken away today itself. and give us our share. share! share!! like always, you will get your share even this time!

lily, hear this! the drugs worth millions which the police had seized.. .. were burnt last night by them. disgusting! i know it all! they print this only to deceive us! you're worried about the whole world.. ..but not about what we are going to cook at home! will i boil the newspaper and prepare noodles of it?! rohit hasn't paid this month's rent or the money for food! how am i supposed to manage?!

what're you saying! if he hasn't yet paid, he will pay later! he, himself, must have not got his pay. the expenses are very high now! that's exactly what i'm saying! the prices have skyrocketed! everybody comes to eat, but how am i supposed to manage? what's this? - my piggy bank. take all the money but don't speak ill about brother! what did you say! what did you say! a small boy like you flaunts money to me! what do you think i am! come on, eat your breakfast!

no! i don't want to eat! i don't want to eat. hey, amit! listen!.. come back! - amit, listen to me! what's the matter, aunty? amit is angry with me. he didn't even have breakfast; he's left like that only. i'll go and see. amit, why did you leave without having your breakfast? aunt is so upset. what's the matter?

then why does she talk ill about you? what did she say? that you haven't paid her. she isn't wrong. - yet, i don't approve of that. amit, there's something called helplessness. i'm helpless because i'm unable to pay aunt. and she is helpless because she doesn't have money to run the house. you have seen her temper, not her tears. she is like our mother.

like our mother, but she's not our mother. but she is no less than a mother. brother, why did our mother leave us? what do i say? the truth is that even i don't know. perhaps it was our destiny. first, mother left us, and then, father did. perhaps it was god's will. but i promise you one thing.

i will never ever let you feel their absence. he loves me. he hates me. whom are you doing this for? guess. - rohit, of course. how did you know? - come on, dumbo! the way both of you were looking at each other last night.. anybody in the world can guess. sending messages with the eyes! am i right? a little. - atul. boys. the cruise tickets have come.

yours and yours. the cruise leaves exactly at 9 o'clock for singapore. okay? - okay. but i don't want to come. what! - come on, sonia. don't spoil the fun. but i'm not in the mood! fine! don't come! neither will rohit! what? rohit? - yes! rohit will also be coming with us on the cruise. i've engaged him as a singer. are you sure rohit is coming? - am i?

i have already paid him rs.10,000 as advance money. you're coming now, aren't you? when did i ever refuse! rohit has still not come! now what, atul? it's time for the ship to leave. suppose he doesn't come, then? - stop talking rubbish! he must be on his way. captain. could you please delay the ship just for five minutes? i am expecting a friend. he will be here any minute.

just five minutes, captain. please. - i am sorry. i could not delay the ship. the ship has to sail on time. there's no chance of him coming now. - no chance. i've lost my 10,000, too! stupid! you're more concerned about your money! stupid. idiot. he missed the ship! all my planning has gone down the drain! now, what will i do alone on this stupid ship?! why did he do this!

rohit is here! rohit is here! rohit is here! idiot. "in a love boat.." "in a love boat .." "..amongst high tides.." "..along the roar of the winds .." "..together we went.." "..far off in the sky."

"..along the roar of the winds.." "far off in the sky." "will we find love there, will flowers bloom?" "the one my heart is looking for, will i find that lover?" "there dreams will come true, everyone will be dear to you." "the heart's wish will be fulfilled, you will get your lover." "i heard.." " - what did you hear?" " what you said" " - what did i say?" "we have to go far off."

"in the boat of love.. amongst high tides.." ".. along the roar of the winds .." ".. together we went .." ".. far off in the sky." " far off in the sky." "if i get your love, may i never lose it." "if we get together, may we never part." "where everyone is in love, how can we lose our love." "where all are lovers, how can we part?"

"then come, let's go." " - yes, let's go." "together, like this." " - yes, together. drowned in happiness!" ".. amongst high tides.." "..far off in the sky" "oh god!" "oh god! - oh god!" "oh god! -oh god!" thank you. oh. see you!

where were you? i was so afraid. how did you get late? why did you get late? late? i had reached here three hours earlier. - what! actually, i was unable to sleep the whole night. - me, too. it's the first time, isn't it? - what happens the first time? there's restlessness and a feeling of joy as well. you are voicing my feelings. you, too? - i just cannot tell you. sometimes i feel that..

.. all the stars in the sky have fallen on my lap. and sometimes i feel that.. come on. come on, rohit. one photograph. what are you doing! stop it! stop it! leave him alone. enough now. go from here. go! rohit, let's pose. - am i looking fine? - ready, girls. smile. one more. one more. nice. - one minute. ready. - what are you doing?

put up your hands. wow! that's a lovely titanic pose. - wow, titanic! stop it. enough now. - what's going on! oh, no. - how mean, friend. miss j. there's nobody here. so where were we? i think you were talking about the stars. forget about me, tell me what you were thinking about. what do i say? i never thought my dream would be realised. what! has your dream been realised?

not fully, but at least, it has begun. even i feel a little.. but you must have gone on a cruise so many times. - cruise? and seen many a ships, too. - ship? were you talking about cruise and ship until now? yes. what did you think? i thought.. well, you.. you.. me.. hi! hi handsome. - hi. - come. come with me. - what's this!

you've got me totally smitten! what a voice you have! - thanks! you are present in every breath i take! etch your name on my heart. what! - i mean here. pen. - sure. i knew this scene was inevitable but i didn't know it'd happen so soon! just look at the way he's writing his name on her heart! not her heart, he's writing it on her hand!

yes! the matter begins with the hand only! oh! how sweet! thank you. excuse me. hey, sonia! go to hell. listen to me! what a silly girl! let's go. my parents are waiting for you over tea. what! - let's go. please! "my young, pudgy brother, i am in the land of dreams here."

"let alone the ship, the entire city seems to be running over water!" "i miss you terribly." "if i ever become successful,.. .. i'll surely take aunt, uncle and you on a cruise." "hey, guess what! do you remember the girl at the signal?" "she's also on this ship." "her name is sonia but all her friends here call her miss j!" "she is so irritable and gets angry at the drop of a pin!" who does he think he is!

he isn't the only boy in this world! he flirts in front of me! i'll show him what flirting is! he doesn't know me! it must be him! he must have come to apologise! i am sorry. i am sorry. you! - why? were you expecting somebody else? when you're around, can i expect anybody else? you have made my evening by coming here! you are sounding quite different!

just watch! if i don't drive you crazy, then i'll change my name! aren't you ready yet? will you wear this and go for the party? hey, get up! hurry! will you wear this coat to the party? why not? this is my best sunday coat. i bought it from the flea market. i wear this even to the church. it won't do here. - then what will? read this. the dress code is a dj.

dj? - a dinner jacket - which means a bow and a suit. do we have that? we don't. does that mean, we cannot go for the christmas party? sit. both of us will celebrate christmas. idea! laundry, sir. laundry, sir. laundry, sir. free pressing, sir. christmas time, sir. laundry, sir.

yes? - laundry boy sir. merry christmas, sir. free ironing. free pressing. free ironing? excellent. shirt, sir. - shirt? yes. take this. pantaloon, sir. pants. - pants. come back soon. see the moon. see the moon? but there isn't any moon? yes, sir. somewhere in the sky.

you keep watching it. i wish you a merry christmas. i wish me a merry.. laundry, sir. yes. - laundry, brother. wow! look who's here! my god! he is so handsome. me, too. hi! - wow. wow! a special gift for someone so special.

for me? - yes. thank you. - welcome. excuse me. - yes. this rose is for you on my behalf. one does not give someone a gift presented by somebody else. exactly! one does not give someone a gift presented by somebody else! but sonia, what will i do with this rose? it looks so beautiful in your hand.

but you know.. you know that i am.. .. allergic to roses! hello. hello. ladies and gentlemen, your attention please. the two magicians who were to present the magic show here.. ..they have been delayed somehow. please bear with us as the magicians will be here any moment. laundry, boy. laundry, boy. - laundry boy! this is for you. - me?

this rose has travelled the hall and come here! it's befitting only on you. please take it. thank you. but how did you find out my name? this is called the magic of love! fire brigade! oh my god! pigeon! pigeon! - pigeon. pigeon. pigeon. pigeon. pigeon. oh no! oh no! take this. - yes, thanks.

thank you. what's happening! where did you get these clothes from? i think it belongs to the magicians. they were to perform. magic? how cute! - one more magic, please. - one more magic, please. wow! - how sweet. that's great. thank you. merry christmas! merry christmas. merry christmas!

merry christmas, sonia. wow! - merry christmas. mr. atul, merry christmas. what happened? won't you wish me? your face has become a poster! there's no space left to wish! okay, tony. relax. merry christmas. cheers! sonia! he tries to act too smart!

his face is fully covered with lipstick marks! and he wants me to wish him! who does he think he is! - sonia! what are you doing there? - why are you shouting from there? if you're a man, come here and talk! what are you doing? can't you see at night?! i'm drinking! what's the occasion? why are you bothered if i drink in joy or in sorrow?

go and flirt with those stupid girls! but what can i do if girls run after me? indeed! girls are after you! have you seen your face? you look like a baboon! what did you say! one minute! and what were you doing?! openly flirting with atul! why? were you offended? why should i feel offended? do as you please! what are you doing?!

hey! if you finish my bottle, then i will finish you off! finished! - you! what's wrong? oh, no! it is gorgeous. - ship? where's the ship? can't you see in the day either?! it's gone! gone? it left us behind! - yes. you are responsible for all this! if you were not to drink at night.. wouldn't have been tipsy nor would you have sat on this boat! mister! you're forgetting one thing!

if you were not to flirt, i wouldn't have drank! neither would i have been tipsy.. ..nor would i have come here on this boat! i think you're still high! you talk nonsense! you don't know the trouble we are in! trouble? where is trouble? blue, blue skies above, gusty breeze! water on all sides! indeed! when you feel thirsty, drink this saline water!

when you feel hungry, eat the gusty breeze! and when you feel cold at night, wrap the blue, blue skies! why are you shouting? if people hear you, what will they say? that you are crazy! and anyway, who will hear us?! there's nobody here! you speak, and i'll listen. just shut up, and let me think what to do! shall i tell you what to do? let's play hide-and-seek. shut up!

did you find out anything? - no. excuse me, captain. we need your help. rohit and sonia are not to be found on the ship. - what? yes. - have you searched the whole ship? wow! how beautiful! for how long will i keep rowing? i don't sight any place! island! look, there's an island over there! superb! wow! what a shore!

it appears that on every shore.. written the names of the people who will be here! bravo! go on! heave ho! heave ho! - hey madam, don't scream! one swat, and you'll stop doing that! swat? my, my! what a romantic word! i've heard it for the first time. where did you learn that word from? damn! romance in every thing!

what are you looking at? get down and push! she keeps rattling like a parrot! come on, push! she's gone crazy! is somebody here?! hey, wait! wow! superb! this is so lovely! right, rohit? just like adam and eve, both of us are together in this eden,..

.. much before the world came into existence. remove your skirt. what! skirt? have you taken me so seriously?! we are not the actual adam and eve! heed me, and remove your skirt! what! are you crazy?! you are trying to take advantage of a beautiful.. ..lone girl in a desolate place?

heartless, shameless! that's it! i don't know any more words! - you won't heed me this way! no! don't touch me! rohit! leave me! rohit, what are you doing?! leave me! what have you done?! you! i will kill you. - sorry. what do you mean by sorry?

swine! you idiot! i will kill you. can't you see i'm hoisting a flag? a flag? but why? if they come to search for us, they may sight this flag. and they'll know that we are somewhere nearby. maybe, we'll be saved. understood? but i don't want them to come and disturb us. i don't want to go back. - meaning? i'm happy here.. extremely happy!

look there! our tree house will be built atop that hill! we'll stay there! you will leave for work in the morning, and i will wait for you. and at dusk, when you return tired after cutting the logs.. .. i will look at you and smile. you will light the firewood, and i'll keep watching you. then you will cook, and i.. will you do anything or not?! i will. - what? - eat from your hand!

yes. then i will sing you a lullaby and put you to sleep. i'll wake you at dawn by singing 'raag bhairavi'. and when you still won't wake up,.. .. then i'll give you two slaps! slaps? how mean! why will you slap me? a person needs to be slapped to snap him out of his dreams! hey! where are you going? to fetch a hamburger from mcdonald! will you eat one? yes. but get me a vegetarian one.

hey, helicopter! oh, no! where's the flag? hey, sonia! what are you doing?! catching fishes for dinner. with that flag?! - yes. i had put up the flag as a signal! the search party came and left! foolish girl! - you called me foolish?! yes, i did! you are a foolish, crazy, haughty girl! you push me! huh?

push you? i'll kill you! - you'll kill me?! help! rohit, i can't swim. rohit! how do i save you? i can't swim! - help. here! he's actually drowning! rohit! rohit. rohit. rohit. oh my god! rohit! rohit! rohit. rohit.

rohit! you're all right, aren't you? thank god. stupid. idiot. fool! when you can't swim, why did you dive into the water? i was just kidding! why did you risk your life for me? why? answer me. because i love you. what! what did you say? say it again! why? did i say something wrong?

repeat what you said! i love you. say it again. - what? say you love me. - i said i love you. that's it! just keep saying it, again and again! "my heart is eager to hear all the time. say you love me.." ".. say you love me." "yes, i love you." "in your sweet talks there is an impulsive consent."

"say you love me." "if love wasn't there in this world then tell me what would there be." "there would not be any heart beating then." "my heart beats for you. oh darling, come to me. "this is my confession of love to you." "two lovers, ones crazy in love. what do they do, tell me!" "why ask me, ask your heart!" "i know what you are waiting for." "if we hadn't met, what would have happened, tell me."

"to tell you the truth then my dream wouldn't have come true!" "my heart says our union is the memorable forever." already counting the stars, are you? i'm looking for a face in them. whose? my mother's. i don't understand. mother used to say that.. ..when someone close dies..

..then he turns into a star. even i lost my mother in childhood. will she also.. - she must have also become a star. and today, these stars have brought light into our lives. then, make me a promise. that this light will burn bright in our hearts forever. i promise. like these stars, forever! i love you!

hoisting a flag. - why? so that i can return to the city.. ..and tell the whole world that i love you. what's wrong? today, i don't want to go back. - what are you saying! yes, sonia. because in that city and world, there are many barriers between us. where are the barriers? i don't sight any. tell me now, is there any barrier?

daddy! daddy! malik, sack rohit right away! don't worry, saxena. i have already decided to do that. and i will also try and see that he doesn't get a job anywhere else. good! let him roam in the streets! daddy, i have never seen this side of you. daddy, i cannot tell you how nice rohit is! you don't know him.

your hatred for him prevents you from knowing him better! there is no need for me to know him! i know you, and i know myself! i have decided that you will go to new zealand, to my brother. to complete your studies. i have made all the arrangements. okay? good. sonia, here's your passport and ticket. i have spoken to brother.

they'll come to receive you at the airport. i know that you are feeling miserable now. but try and understand that we are poles apart. do you see the difference?! you are in a luxurious car, and he rides a godforsaken cycle! look! he is on land, and you are.. there's no difference now, right? great! he took away sonia right before your eyes.. .. and you just kept watching! you didn't even try and stop him!

malik, i had no time to think! i thought my daughter.. anyway, it's still not too late. inform the police immediately. or they'll get married and come here to seek your blessing. you are wrong, sir. we sure have come back. but we didn't get married. eloping and marrying would be belittling our love, sir. i love sonia, and i respect my love. i will marry her only when i start earning.

and i guess you need my help for that? no, sir. i don't need your help. i have confidence and faith in myself. rohit, i am very impressed with your talks and feelings. i am really, really impressed. i promise, if you succeed in your purpose.. ..then i'll willingly give away my daughter's hand in marriage to you. daddy. oh, daddy! you are a sweetheart, dad.

i love you. - before leaving, i would like to tell you something. do not consider me coming here, a weakness. i entrust sonia to you as a possession. i will be honest, and so will you. i promise that i will definitely be honest. anyway, honesty is my profession. am i right, malik? indeed! bye, sonia. rohit, what you did was absolutely correct!

and i'll help you. - but how?! he has his voice, and we'll take it to the people. will he stand at churchgate station and sing?! no. but he can at least stand on the stage and sing. idea. we'll record his voice in a cassette.. .. and distribute it in all the colleges! and discos too! - and near traffic signals as well! when his voice gets popular, we'll have a stage show. fantastic! and i'll organise the show!

this is called a stroke! well, rohit is the one hitting strokes! go anywhere in the town, and it's rohit! i think he will succeed in achieving his goal! and you will be forced to fulfil your promise! malik, i made the promise, after giving it much thought. we will decide his success and goal. and his goal is still very distant. hello! - this is shinde speaking.

i just met commissioner verma. he's been enquiring a lot about you. i fear he may take some action against you. don't worry. before he can do that, fix a meeting between us. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - look, who is there! sonia. hi! sonia. rohit. sonia, why have you come here?

i'm meeting you after so many days. please don't ask no questions. just let me feel the experience of being with you. rohit, i cannot live without you for even a moment now. when you are not with me, nothing seems good. and, do you think i can live without you? i am doing all this only to be with you. i don't know why i am feeling scared today. aren't you feeling the same? i used to feel scared.

whenever i'd wonder.. ..whether i'd be able to sing before people or not.. ..i used to feel really scared. but you've filled my heart with so much love today.. .. that there's probably no place for fear. i am not at all scared today. sonia, we will be victorious. there is no need for us to feel scared. because you are with me.

and i'm with you. and with us, are the stars. and us as well! luck is also with us! all the tickets for the show are sold! the show is house-full. oh, i forgot something! what's the time? 5 o'clock. i had to pick up amit. do you have your motorbike? yes. - may i borrow it?

here. - thanks. i'll be back in a jiffy. - come back soon. i will wait for you. come on, dear. let's get ready for the show. welcome, mr. commissioner. i'm grateful to you for making time to meet me. even i wanted to meet you.. .. but not at such an unsuitable place. this is indeed quite an unsuitable place. but secrets are let out only at such places.

your secrets are no more a secret. because i very well know that.. .. most of the drugs disposed off from my department.. .. to be set ablaze reach you instead! so why don't you arrest me? i have come here to do that only, mr. malik. but if you become the state witness and reveal the names.. ..of the men from my department who supply drugs to you.. .. then i can have your sentence reduced.

you are indeed talking for my well-being. but if i reveal the names before these officers, will it be safe? of course! both of them are reliable! sirjee, rohit has witnessed it all! kill him. drive faster. faster. faster. rohit! rohit! rohit! rohit! everybody is here but there's no sign of rohit!

sonia! sonia! rohit is.. - yes? what's wrong? - rohit has met with an accident! accident! no! please wait! - where's rohit?! - you can't go ahead. where is my rohit?! what happened to him?! he fell in the water?! but rohit cannot swim! atul, rohit cannot swim! please save him! sonia. sonia. - save rohit! he cannot swim!

sir, we didn't find the body. amit! my child! doctor, why doesn't he say anything? what does he blankly stare at? rodriquez. what has happened to our children? why did god do this?! why?! why did god do this? "my heart says .."

".. our union .." ".. is memorable forever." "say i love you." saxena, i have some very good news for you. kadam and shinde have had closed the commissioner's case.. .. saying that he was killed in an encounter. there! we've won this case, too! malik, this victory has devastated a father. it's been a month now.

sonia has become lifeless, grieving for rohit. as if life has severed ties with her. my friend! time heals all wounds! change her surroundings. send her somewhere far away. you may be right. i'll send her to my brother. sonia! - why are you shouting? cool it, mom. sonia! sonia! daddy, where is sonia? - she must be in her room. she isn't! that's why i'm asking you! - careful!

don't worry, dad. i'm destined to keep falling! sonia! sonia! where are you? she has gone mad. sonia, why are you standing here? we have to go out! come on! we'll get late. i'm not in the mood, neeta. you carry on. oh god! what do you mean by you're not in the mood? do you know, sonia you've been here for 2 weeks.. .. and you've not stepped out of the house even once!

i don't care. we are going out. and for god's sake get out of that 'salwar' (indian dress). hey! by the time this signal turns to green.. .. i'll call mother and inform her that we'll be late. rohit? all right. i am going. i told mother that we'll return by two o'clock. come on, baby. time to rock and roll. what's wrong, sonia?

i'm not feeling too well. if you want to go, please carry on. you're too much! this is new zealand's best disco! if you listen to the music, you'll be perfectly fine! come on. let's go, man. "life lasts a moment, then you have to leave." "what gift can you take along.." "we came empty handed, we will go empty handed." "only words of love will be immortal." "then smile and make everyone smile too."

"oh my heart you sing along.." "i dream of my love.." "i have someone in the world." "a special face, close to your heart." "i desire her, i hope to meet her." "but there is no place you can find your mate." "life is a breeze of happiness." "and this breeze is an illusion." "what happiness is this that you don't get.."

"happiness you get, but you still feel deprived." "but friends, don't worry, come what may." hi! so we meet again. who are you? they call me raj chopra. this is a strange coincidence. i mean, if i'm not mistaken, then this is our second meeting. but i haven't seen you around. you are not from here. are you? naturally, raj. she is my cousin

sonia saxena and has come from india. she will be staying with us for some days. fantastic. if seems as if the taj mahal itself has come here! india must have become prosperous. idiot! not prosperous but empty! i mean, it must've become desolate. sonia, don't mind what he says. he's got a passion for speaking in urdu!

you won't believe it, he's been trying to learn urdu since a child. but he has still not succeeded! hi, nita. - hi. i will catch you guys in a moment. okay? anyways, it was nice to meet you. raj, have you had your breakfast? yes, mom. done that. david! who is it? madam, a very cute young girl. asking for raj. hello, aunty! - hello.

i am sonia, neeta's cousin. i have come from india. i wanted to meet raj. he has just left to go skiing. please come in, my dear. why are you standing there? - thank you, aunt. please. what a beautiful house! - thank you. for how long have you been staying here? we left india around 25-26 years ago. we came here after marriage, and settled here.

didn't any of you ever go back to india? we never got a chance. raj was born a year after we got married. raising him, his school and college.. husband's business. time just went by. and raj? didn't he ever go to india? no, my dear. raj has never been to india. and anyway, whom will he go to? we don't have anybody there.

hey! raj! hey! nita. - hi! how are you? here i go again. - gosh. what happened? are you okay? nothing. as usual. when i was born, the priest had said.. "neeta is, where injury is!" but why is she absent in your presence? who? oh. sonia!

she disappeared in the morning itself that's why i'm quiet. but why are you so pensive? because of your cousin sonia. - why? what has she done? ask what she's not done! she doesn't let me sleep at night, eat, ski or drive! wherever i look, i see her! that's funny. but you've only seen her. i know. that's what i am saying. i'm unable to fathom a thing.

one look from her has worked wonders! neeta, i just can't tell you the way she was looking at me! i just cannot forget those eyes that held so many questions. there were so many things apparent on her face. so simple. so innocent. and then, the way she just walked away. i mean it left so many questions unanswered, you know. too much. wow! raj. that is so romantic.

if you were to say the same to sonia, she'd have fallen unconscious! nita. you've got to help me. i want to meet her, get to know her.. i want to tell her something, i want to hear something! all right. all right. if this is the case, then i will have to help you. at the waterfront this evening. all right? - all right, then. done. what! a girl from india had come to meet raj? and her questions seemed like.. .. she wanted to decide something about raj.

amazing! raj has never mentioned her! there he comes. welcome, gentleman! hi, dad. hi, mom. what are you hiding from us? who is that girl? girl? which girl? stop pretending! sonia had come to meet you. sonia! - yes. you mean nita's cousin, sonia. - yes! the one who's come from india? - yes!

she was here! - yes, she was! well. mom, she.. she came here.. it appears that the flame burns bright on both the sides! dad. dad. relax, dad. there's no flame! all right. it seemed so from her talks. what do you think? of course. what did it seem like, from her talks? you're caught!

dad.. do you think she must be also feeling the same way that i do? yes. this is what love is. is this love?! - yes. i don't believe it. ma, is this love? really, dad? - yes. finally. okay. bye. hey! where are you going? - don't ask me, dad! i am in love.

"why does the wind blow?" "why do the clouds sway?" "why does the heart throb?" "neither do you know nor do i." "why do flowers blossom?" "why do we crave?" "why does one fall in love?" "this solitaire, this loneliness.." "..who's shadow does it adhere in it's threshold?"

"this wet weather is conducive to love." "i know not where love will lead me to." "why is every path lost?" "why does one get engrossed?" "why does one enjoy?" "my heart beats and craves as well." "why does it go astray then?" "it's fragrant and glowing, too." "but does this heart even understand loyalty?"

"why do eyes meet?" "why does it invoke love?" "why does it cast a magic spell?" come on, sonia. change your mood. for how long will you remain dejected? i'd say, you have to face things bravely. you'll have to live for at least.. .. the ones who love you if not for yourself. then watch how amazing life is!

and who knows, when and how a miracle takes place! a miracle has already taken place, neeta. that's why i'm scared. you don't know the game that fate is playing with me. i hadn't even got over grieving for rohit. and in front of me was.. hi, raj. hi, nita. how are you? - what a surprise! what are you doing here? - this is called coincidence.

coincidence number 3. this is our third meeting. right? hi. hey! what's the matter with her? does my face appear fine? - let me take a look. yes, it's perfectly fine. then why does she run seeing me? - i'll go and see. sonia! sonia! sonia, what is the matter with you?

why did you run away like a fool?! sonia, raj is a very nice boy. he is my best friend. he also hails from a good family. girls covet him but you're the one he's crazy about. please, nita. don't say such things. i don't like it. why don't you like it? what's the matter with you, and what are you doing to yourself?

you will have to forget the past and live in the present. but the same raj does not let me forget my past! whenever i see him, my past stares right into me! raj! what does raj have to do with your past? he does! he has a lot to do with my past! because raj looks just like rohit! and whenever i see raj.. ..i think about my rohit! what did you say? rohit looks like me! really?

so even he has two eyes, one nose, one mouth and two ears, right? there's nothing to laugh about, raj! there is nothing to laugh about. that's why she runs away when she sees you. she says that your face tortures her. yes, right. i see. nope. she is not interested. she doesn't want to meet me. these are only excuses. they are not excuses, raj.

i have seen rohit's pictures for myself. it's unbelievable. the same eyes, the same nose, the same face. what are you saying, nita? that is impossible. i'd like to see those pictures. where's sonia? i am here! hey! where's he gone? stop laughing! you scared me! you got scared! suppose i were to look this way, then?

then i'd have looked at you in the same manner! and suppose i looked this way? then i'd have looked at you in the same fashion! and suppose this is how i were to look, then? then this is how i'd have looked at you! you can barely see your nose! how would you have looked at me? i don't need eyes to see you. i can see you even with my eyes shut. do you love me so much?

i love you so much that you are all i can see everywhere. and how much do you love me? i love you so much.. .. that whenever you'll open your eyes, you'll find me before you. you'll see me. i would like to see rohit's pictures. that's enough, sonia! i want to see how my face tortures you! how it reminds you of rohit!

come along. look at this! and this too! how is it possible! my face! unbelievable. even i had thought, how could this be possible?! when i saw you for the first time.. .. i felt that my rohit had come back. that he got saved from getting drowned.

my happiness knew no bounds thinking that my rohit had returned! but when i realised that you were not my rohit.. .. then.. .. then i lost it again. it is a carbon copy. i had heard that two faces look alike. but such uncanny resemblance! i hope it is not a joke. it is a joke, dad.

that life has played on me. i fell in love for the first time, dad. and i lost her even before i could win her. because my face reminds her of rohit! she doesn't want to meet me. she runs away from me, dad! no lover in this world must have ever faced such a dilemma! where his own face has let him down! you tell me, what's my fault?

what do i do, dad? what do i do? as far as i know you, you have never conceded defeat in life. you have always got what you've wanted. you love her, don't you? yes, dad. - then don't give up, son. go and get her. come on. nita! nita!

yes, raj. - hi, aunt. is neeta at home? no. she has gone to see off sonia at the airport. airport! oh no! any drink, please. - yes. coke please. what about you, sir? a coke for me too, please. thank you. you! - hello.

you have followed me even here?! and what's this? well, some people see my face and flee. therefore, i had to take the hint from this moustache. i mean, i had to take the help of this moustache. however, if this isn't enough, then i have brought a beard, too. stop all this nonsense, raj. remove all this! okay. okay. if you are offended, then i'll remove it. but i was only trying to make you laugh.

raj, i totally disapprove of jokes. please. leave me alone. sonia, i know that you have endured a lot of trauma. i may not even be able to gauge what you must have gone through. but you forget one thing, sonia. you forget that life is still with you! you are alive. and there surely is a reason and purpose behind it! which will certainly bring back the smile on your lips.

i want to lend you a hand in finding that purpose. the choice is eventually yours. look. look. funny. - very funny. really, very funny. raj, i wanted to tell you something. its okay, sonia. i know what your answer is. perhaps we were destined to be together only until here. i'll spend the night at some hotel and return by tomorrow's flight.

anyways, it was nice meeting you. take care. taxi! these are some of your pictures which i had clicked. perhaps i have no right over them now. but yes! the memories are mine. you take these pictures, i'll take the memories. driver, stop the taxi! raj!

raj! raj! are you all right? raj! come on! police. police. come on! get up! inspector kadam. kadam, this is weird! i saw rohit! what! have they found his body? not a dead body but a moving one! he's alive! what rubbish! are you out of your mind?

i know that unless i catch him and bring him before you,.. ..none of you are going to believe me! kadam, just do me a favour. deploy our forces outside rohit and sonia's homes. and yes! tap their telephone lines, too. hello. - daddy! where are you calling from? you didn't even inform me about the flight! i have reached mumbai, and i am fine.

i'm on my way. daddy, someone is trying to kill my friend raj! we need you help, daddy! but where are you now?! near globe shopping centre, is a telephone booth. that's where we are. don't worry, i'll be there soon. okay, daddy! let me tie. yours is a strange city! anybody gets shot here!

i had barely landed in india, and this.. if it hadn't missed my heart, i'd have taken off again.. straight up! there's nobody here. did you hear it right? at your behest, i had the phones tapped. she had given this address. kadam, they are somewhere around. what's happening?! i don't understand a thing. some people are trying to kill you. the telephones at my place are tapped!

even i cannot exactly fathom what's happening. who are they, and why do they want to kill me? i've come to india for the first time, and somebody is firing at me! i mean, it makes no sense. neither do i know anybody here nor does anybody know me. why would anybody fire at an unknown person? they know this face! what do you mean? just the way you had wrongly believed that i was rohit,..

.. even they could be misled. they are not trying to kill me but rohit! what! kill rohit?! was he involved in any shady issue? - not at all. he was a very simple boy. how did he die? - in an accident. he may not have died in an accident but got killed instead. got killed? what are you saying! i cannot be certain.

however, the present situation indicates so. else, why would anybody fire at a stranger? and then, they have tapped the phone at your house. there's certainly something fishy. you saw rohit and sonia together at the airport?! you then fired at them?! and then, you dared to tap the telephones at my house?! and pursued them again! yes, sir. but kadam was also with me!

kadam, did you see rohit? no. i did not see rohit. because they had disappeared again. hey! tell me something. explain to me how one can see a dead man alive! this is the effect of your drinking! sir, that is irrelevant! have i become blind? i saw him myself! - shut up, you fool! had rohit been alive, we'd have been behind bars now!

and because of your stupidity, sonia has still not come home! sir.. - now go and seek the help of the police force and bring her back! don't get worked up. we'll find her. they are the same people who were following us last night. yes. but what are they doing outside my house? perhaps they are waiting for you to return home. i think he's deploying his men outside. i hope dad is not in danger. i think we should inform the cops. - yes.

let's go. what is this! what were you doing inside for the past two hours?! what had you eaten? sleeping pills or food?! did you attend somebody's wedding?! you were in for two hours. does this belong to your father? this is for the officers, not for constables! hello! hey! who's this impertinent fellow?! it's all right.

inspector, we are here to lodge a complaint. - really? while coming from the airport last night, a man.. airport. and this is a police station! there are so many facilities at the airport for people, right? they can stand or sit as they wish! there's enjoyment! but here..! hey! inspector, we have a problem. we've been wanting to tell you something for so long. can you hear or not?!

i don't have the strength to hear or understand. i have never controlled before, this is the first time. what is it? we came out of the international airport last night, and someone.. someone.. yes, parab. she is sonia saxena. she has run away with this boy named rohit. make copies of these photos and send it to all the police stations. remember! wherever you see them, arrest them immediately!

i think i have seen them somewhere. where? - that's what i'm thinking, sir. think fast! please don't scream. i'm in such a position that anything can happen. sir, they are right here! they are right here with me! come! where are they? - they're gone. parab! - yes? are you sure it was them? - yes.

look at it intently! turn right! why are the police following us? i can't fathom a thing! the police are pursuing us, and so are the hoodlums. let's go! hey, rohit! hey, rohit! you're alive, rohit?! where were you? what happened to you? answer me!

we wept uncontrollably for you! why did you harass us so much?! answer me! your younger brother, amit. he has become mute, hearing about your death. he doesn't speak a word. if he sees you, he'll be thrilled. come on, let's go. look, what i've got for you! an aeroplane! remember you'd tell rohit, you can't be a pilot without a plane?

so i've brought you one. look at the way it flies! amit! look at this aeroplane! i've cooked chicken for you. you're very fond of chicken, right? yes! inspector shinde. we are pursuing a hardcore criminal. he's hiding in this area. the police force is looking for him. come on, go and search!

but nobody has come here, sir. i mean.. that's for me to see. who is it? what's wrong? - is this rohit's house? stop joking! don't you recognise your own house? sir, we searched the whole house. there's nobody here. what are they doing at your house? let's go from here. i'll tell you everything.

yes, tony. and this is the truth. i just can't believe it! this is god's miracle! he looks exactly like rohit! i feel, the more i think about it, the crazier i'll become! i'll go and arrange for some food. this is.. - rohit's tune. right? but how do you.. - the notes are written in his book. and music is my hobby.

this was the song which he was going to sing at the show. do you remember the lyrics of this song? somewhat.. "the heart.. ..has sent a message." "my destination.." "destination.." " your love." "you're my anchor!"

tony! damn! what do i eat? there's nothing to eat here! an egg. how does one prepare it? 1. 2. is this how you shake an egg in your country? i mean break.. is this how you break an egg here? why? how do they break it in your country? and how do they beat it?

and how do they cut onions? add some green chilly, too. okay? i will! i will eat from your hand! at your fate! am i wrong? i mean, feet.. at your feet! so, what type of an omelette would you prefer? spanish, japanese, cheese, sphagnum, ham.. god, help me. "the policeman."

can't you see that i'm the milkman? i've been here since 4 days but i've never seen you before. that must have been my pop.. my father must have come here. father? but a lady was here yesterday. a lady? that must have been my mother. does your entire family sell milk? make me a constable, sir. there's no extra income in selling milk! go inside! milk!

milk! - yes? whom do you want? i'm the milkman! tony! stop saying tondu! and i drink only buffalo milk! go! don't go in! i'll call the police! - uncle! hey! tony, you! what's the matter? i was wondering if amit.. sir, there! - police!

aunty! come this way. move aside! come on! move aside! don't block the way. move aside! this way! move away! move aside. move aside. get to one side. get aside. get aside. what is he doing?

move aside. move aside. pick him up. sonia, run. sonia. run. how much for this? - 200, sir. sonia? oh my god! sonia, where have you been?! your dad is worried sick about you. all of us are worried about you.. we have been looking for you.. - there's an important announcement.

this is sonia saxena's photo who has been missing from home. the one who provides information about her will be duly rewarded. she's fair, 5 feet 3 inches tall.. - mumy.. ..has black eyes and brown hair. - let's go! anyone who sights this girl may contact at this number. manager! she is the one! stop! take your positions! somebody from here reported about a girl. where is she?

she.. - she escaped, sir. escaped?.. and was there a boy with her? yes, there was. it was this boy, right? no, he wasn't the one. with whose permission did you flash sonia's picture on tv?! sir, i felt it was the best option to catch sonia and rohit. rohit.. rohit.. rohit.. are you nuts?! didn't that lady clearly tell you that it was some other boy with sonia?!

hey, kadam! what is the matter with this fool! looking at your stupidity, i feel like shooting you! hello. - hello, daddy. sonia, where are you? i can't tell you, daddy! your phone has been tapped. and there's a ring of policemen outside the house. i'm perfectly fine. i'll call you again. hello? - what's wrong? have you deployed your force outside my house?

yes, sir. - why?! you know that sonia's life is in danger! then why don't you want her to return home?! there are no restrictions on her coming home. it's for rohit.. rohit again! if you don't stop mentioning rohit,.. .. i'll have you sacked from the force! rohit is dead! sonia! amit?

how have you come here? brother, i have come to take you home. come on. no, amit. it's not advisable for me to come home now. i know. you're afraid that the cops will fire at you again. how do you know that? i had witnessed everything. what? i was waiting for you on the day of your show. you were supposed to take me for it.

i wanted to give you a present. so i went to a shop to buy it. when i returned, i saw.. sirjee, rohit has witnessed everything. who is sirjee? amit, can you identify those 3 men? have you seen them before? no. but if i see them, i will be able to identify them. but where will we get to see all three of them together? there is a way to get the three of them together. i will have to come to the forefront.

they will think that i'm rohit and try to attack me again. and then, amit will identify them. but the question is, how do i come to the forefront? hey! i have an idea. why don't we announce the show which rohit had left incomplete? we'll put posters all over the city saying, rohit is back! that's a fantastic idea! when they hear about the show, they will have to come here! we'll place tv cameras everywhere,

..and those.. what's it called? - close circuit television. yes! amit will identify them on it! hey! good idea, man. good idea. but nobody else, other than us, should learn about it. atul, let's make the arrangements. - let's go. what's the matter, sonia? why are you standing alone? you are going back. - going back? and what about the show? - there will be no show! i will not let any show take place! - why not?

don't you want rohit's killers to be found? yes, i do! but not at the cost of putting your life in danger! anything can happen in the show! i'm not bothered about my life. at least, you'll find out the truth. but why do you want to risk your life for me?! look at this! rohit is back. he's holding a show. all of you slapped me! you thought i was insane!

you threatened to have me sacked! - shinde.. my brains have rotted, drinking! right?! now look! see the messenger of your death for yourself! shinde is so confident. let's go and take a look. fine! let's go! hats off to your common sense! if he is indeed rohit and sees all of you together,.. .. he will identify you. and we'll be in a tight spot then!

i am the only one he hasn't seen. i'll go and see him. rohit! rohit! rohit! everyone knows what they have to do? - yes. all right then. let's go, guys. and let's do it right. good luck. atul, we must start operating the cameras.. ..and the monitors immediately. - okay. and tony.. what's the matter, amit? why are you looking at me like that?

aren't you my brother? who says so? everybody says that you are not my brother rohit. what does your heart say? that you are my brother. even my heart says the same. amit! come on. come fast. we have to go to the monitory room. come. hurry up. that's a good boy. let's go!

all the best. and take care. hey, sonia! your dad is here to meet you. daddy? daddy! - my child! what's all this? you've come here long back but have been missing? where were you all along and with whom? and what's all this about rohit being back and his show?

daddy, he's not rohit but raj chopra. raj chopra? - yes. he looks just like rohit. i met him in new zealand. he's helping us find rohit's murderers. rohit's murderers? two policemen shot rohit? what proof do you have? there is proof. rohit's younger brother, amit, has witnessed it. sonia, the show is about to begin. come on. - carry on. i'll join you.

malik, where are you? - in the stadium. are you mad?! i had asked you not to come here! don't worry. even you will not be able to recognise me! sonia has told me everything but don't do anything foolish. he is not rohit but his look-alike raj. raj chopra! "music will echo amidst a gathering of stars." "my heart sings." "her heart yearns for me."

"here i am." "once again." "my destination is your love." "i'm the ocean and you are the shore." "my feet have lead me to that path." "where we are facing each other." "our eyes have met in secrecy." "your secret is an honour to me." "what do they hint?"

"is my heart an aim or is he aiming at my heart?" "one in love is engrossed." "my heart sings. her heart yearns for me." "here i am once again." are you with me? can you feel it? then let's go for it. "my heart craves to hear you say that you love me." "say that you love me."

"love is what brings us together." "love is what the world rests in." thank you, friends. thank you. it's only your love that has saved me from the jaws of death. this is a kind of miracle, an incredible incident. a dead man stands before you today. a man who was said to have died in an accident. but, friends, he did not die in an accident. he was murdered.

perhaps god kept me alive so that i could tell you the truth. so that i could show you those killers. and reveal their identities to you. so that they could get punished both by god and the law. their.. excuse me, sir, would you please switch off your mobile phone? and now.. .. i'm going to reveal their names. they were three of them.

two of them were police inspectors. and their names are.. their names are.. hey, what happened? brother! - raj. raj. are you all right? - i am okay. i am okay. malik, i'd told you not to do anything! don't shout! you conspire with your daughter to have us trapped! rohit hasn't seen you.

it will be the three of us who will get trapped! now, you watch my maneuver! hello. - give the phone to rohit! raj! there's a call for rohit! hello! - you've been very smart! before revealing our names, hear this voice! leave me! - sonia! you heard her voice? now listen to me! there's a white car waiting outside.

its number is mh-o2-m-3818. memorise the number. she is waiting. come alone. understood? they have kidnapped sonia. oh my god. they've asked me to come alone. - listen. start the car, and do as tell you. turn right. now enter the gate ahead of you.

i'm here! release sonia! no, raj! go away or.. come here and take her away! sir! he's not here! if you don't show up before i count 3.. will see another dead body! one! two!

he won't heed this way! call him! - i won't! call rohit! - i won't! call him! scream! rohit, come out! kadam, he won't come. her death will beckon him here! hit them, raj. hit them. kill them, raj! kill them!

come on, raj! kill them. kill them, raj! uncle? you! yes, me. misfortune and circumstances compelled me to do this. and you're seeing this facet of me. but why do you want to kill us? because rohit had seen us murder the commissioner. i am shocked.

you'll be shocked now, when i tell you.. .. the name of my fourth accomplice. would you like to hear his name? daddy! brother! he is the same man who had called sirjee. so, you are sirjee? daddy, you! you also.. yes.

i have committed a crime. and i hid it from you.. .. and the world, as well. however, i could not hide it from him! nobody knows when he'll punish,.. .. in which form, and how. please forgive me, dear. where are you going, raj? i'm taking amit with me, and going back to my house.

what about me? won't you take me along? i have lost my love once. i don't want to lose it again. say it. say it just once.. say you love me. "my heart throbs to see you." "come, let's unite." "it's an expression of love." "say, you love me!"

"i love you!"

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