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Friday, November 10, 2017

hey baby, i'm on my way. shall we meet directlyat the restaurant? sanjana, i am sorry. we'llhave to cancel today's dinner plan. i have an importantmeeting with the client. i can't miss it. baby, its my birthday. we can at least have dinner together. sanjana, we can celebrateyour birthday tomorrow. this meeting is important.i need to go. i'll see you at home.

and yeah happy birthday. happy birthday to me. happy birthday! anu! oh my, god! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear sanjana. happy birthday to you! thank you. thank you so much,'s so sweet of you. don't thank me, thank your husband.

he has organized all this. kabir? but he's busy with some..he knew he'll be late. that's why he organized this party.. ..and called us all here. come on. cut the cake beforeyour birthday gets over. cut my birthday cake without kabir? never. sanjana it's hard tosay who loves whom the most?

you both are mad. absolutely crazy. honestly you twomake me really jealous. by the way meet my cousin chitra. hi. happy birthday. thank you. i am sorry for coming here uninvited. are you mad?you're most welcome. thank you. sanju, she's an experttarot card reader.

if there's anything you wantto know anything about yourself. here she is. she knows everything. i hope you don't mind.i don't believe in these things. why learn about yourself from others? and i've got everything.and i'm doing good. of course you are. but don't you want to know whether you'llalways have it or not?

you always end up losing everyone you love oris close to your heart. right or wrong? a bit of both. have you lost something? strange, because this card indicates that you're going to find what you lost. may be someone's coming back.

the moon's missing from the sky. and descended in my home. kabir, i want some us time. i've told you a thousand times before. i don't want nothingand no one between us. just you and me. but you can't live with me. there's always some surprise,or party, the people. and then there's yourcareer your meetings, your job.

sanjana, you wantedto flee from kerala, right? you wanted to come here. to start a new life.a better life, better lifestyle. isn't that what weneeded to be happy, right? but for that, one has towork, stay apart for a while. i don't want to stay apart. i don't want this. i just want you. your time, your company.

am i asking for too much? fleeing from kerala didn'tmean that we grow apart too. what do you want me to do, sanjana? quit my job and stay at hometo assure you nothing has changed. everything!everything is still the same. or let's go to kerala?would you like that? no. the root of this problemis this place. let's just go back. neither that city, nor that house.

that place is litteredwith anjana's memories. everywhere. i won't go back to kerala. no! hello. okay. what happened? mom's in the hospital. we'll have to go to kerala.

you okay? i cannot forgive myself. i am selfish, kabir. not at all. if i hadn't insistedfor an operation then anjana would've been..sanjana. i wasn't you, it was the operation. no one wants to be born like this. no one wants a life like this.

it was an accident. a mishap. not selfishness. look, she suffereda serious blow to her head. shes paralyzed neck down. she can't speak or walk. also, theres a bloodclot in her brain. we found it in her mri scan. we need to operate on her. thank you, doctor.

sanjana. come on, leo. yes, i'll take that. thank you. yes sir. shall we? 12345! anjana! sanjana? are you mangala?

how are you? i'm okay. and you? i am fine. its alright okay okay. how's madam? she's being treated. it's serious. she's my daughter-in-law. hello. my son's biggest mistake.

they got married three months ago. so i brought her here,to work with me. i see. do you knowwhat happened that day? that accident? i've no clue. but there was a big storm that night. it was such a fierce storm.. that the outhouse ceiling collapsed.

madam was lying outsidethe outhouse, unconscious. outhouse? why do you always keep it locked?why don't you open it? how can we, sir? its been closed for 7 years. i've been workinghere for only 5 years. i asked madam once, and she said this was sanjanaand anjana's playroom. after anjana's death,sanjana locked this place.

she said, this place isfilled with anjana's memories. her toys, and and anjana! what nonsense.anjana too! please open it. sir.. get the key, please. thank you.let's go. who is it? oh kabir!

oh, god! you scared me. and you amaze me. what are youdoing here at 2'o clock in the night? kabir i heard some noises. what noise? are you crazy? really, kabir. i heard some noises, and came to inspect.sanjana. i would've heard them too, right? you didn't hear anything?no. come on.kabir, trust me.

i heard some noises. it must be comingfrom some other house. let's go back to sleep,come on. mr. kabir.yeah. there have been some complications.we need to operate immediately. i think you should gether as quick as you can. what? paging for sister parvati. sister parvati pleasereport to ward 5.

yes, mohit, go ahead. no, mohit, you can't take a leave. kabir! sorry. mohit, firstly i am not in the office.and now you want a leave too. those are very important clients. somebody has to bethere to handle them. who will do it? i don't know.i am stuck in this god damn place.

and why did all the momshave to fall sick at the same time? i just don't .. i'll call you back. sanjana, i am sorry.i didn't mean that. i am sorry. actually, i am quitestressed because of the work.. just go, kabir. don't worry about me. i'll handle everything here.

and anyway, what will you do here? just go. i wanted your support, not your favor. come on, sanjana,you're making a big deal out of this. i am not going anywhere. and i won't go untilmom doesn't get well. but i will stay distracted. i can't help that. i know that.

i am used to it. dealing with my problems alone. keeping my emotions to myself. for god's sake sanjana,all i said was excuse me. the operation was successful. but you can't meet your mom right now. in the meantime, you cancomplete some hospital formalities. please okthank you.

i'll take care of it. it's alright. i'll do it. sanjana, i said i'll take care of it. namir sir?you? it's..i can't believe it. how are you?good, sir. good. but, sir you justdisappeared for years. no contact or anything.what are you doing here? what are you doing here?catch your breath first.

well.. after seeing you,i am perfectly alright. you haven't changed at all.still the same. looks and wits. what are you doing hereat this hour? well, sir, my mom-in-lawsbeen admitted in this hospital. you don't worry, she's in safe hands. this is a good hospital. and then i am there. let me know if i can be of some help.i'll do it.

thank you so much, sir. i know. butfirst tell me what are you doing here? i am a psychologist in this hospital. and i also run a healinginstitute in kottayam. healing institute? yeah! these days i do everything. spiritual healing, etcetera.. i have students, i also teach. keep my card.thank you, sir. i will call you, sir.

sure? we'll definitely meet. yeah! okay. you take care. okay? it was nice seeing you, sir.same here, kabir. kabir. kabir. i saw her in the lift.saw who? she's there?who? can i say something? will you believe me?

what is it? she's here, kabir. i can feel her. feel who? anjana. sanjana, please. we're educated people.don't talk like an illiterate. kabir how long will it take to fix this?

maximum 3-4 days. oh okay. please start work.okay. leo. where is he? stapu! i am sorry to say,but your wife has had a miscarriage. kabir. didn't i tell you.. i told youshes in this house.

kabir, she's trying to harm me. kabir, please believe me. i saw her last night. last night,in the courtyard downstairs.. we've had a miscarriage! we lost our child! why didn't you tell me earlier? i wanted to but i was scared.

i didn't want nurtureany deformed kids. like anjana and me. whether deformed or abnormal.. ..but, they would've been our kids. you hid such a big truth from me.why? you were drifting away from me. after the child, you wouldvedrifted further away from me. the truth is,kabir, i can't stay away from you. i can't let anyone come between us.

between us! what madness is this? and children don't create rifts. they fill the void, sanjana! you could've done it too. you've bloody lost it, sanjana. and it's all in your head,not in this house. because it's completely empty. it's filled with negative thoughts,fear and illusions. there's nothing here.kabir.

and look at the consequences. we've lost our baby.kabir. sanjana dear my mom once said to me.. if you keep a knifeunder your pi'llow.. won't see nightmaresabout ghosts and evil spirits. will you try? here. kabir, she..

you're bleeding. kabir, i..what, sanjana? there's no one've lost your mind. she.. i am going crazy. i am crazy. i am going crazy.calm down, okay. kabir... please help me.

so sanjana, tell me somethingabout your childhood. what do i say? i have so many childhood memories. so many untold stories. who were you closerto in your childhood? your mom or father? my sister, anjana. anjana.what? we'll never separate.

promise?promise! just one sip. please, dear. so why did you two decide to separate? i.. okay, okay, okay stop. enough for today. well continue inthe next session, okay.

now, relax. it is a very delicate case. we need to handle it sensitively. shes been through a lot. sister's death her miscarriage. mom's accident. for sometime.. ..believe what she says. but, sir..listen to me, kabir.

just agree to what she says,what she thinks. don't fight with her.even if you don't believe, understand? yes. another thing. i think she needs a break. take her out, in the open air. let's see if staying awayfrom this home makes a difference. where are you taking me? ready?ready.

kabir, this this is a dream,where there is you, me and no one else. this is your time. not even mine. i am really sorry, sanjana. i didn't try to understand you and left you alone. please, it was my fault too.

i wanted to impart love instead i just became a burden. i always thought about myself. i should say sorry.enough. we're done apologizing. please forget everything. kabir, mom? if there's an emergency,the doctors will call us. i've taken care of it.

trust me. and your trip to mumbai? changed your mind? i changed my mind. about returning to you. what happened?kabir that was a hand. kabirthere's nothing. it's nothing.

it didn't make a difference, sir. she thinks anjana'sfollowing her everywhere. sir, it's said that,if one of conjoined twins die the other doesnt live for too, i know i know this is all ahold on. you will have to understand that anjana and sanjanawere connected together even by soul,and not just physically. don't you see?

although through fear,but they're sti'll together. sir, i admit you're right. but sanjana's problems startedafter we arrived in kerala. do one thing. consult the doctor and see if sanjanas' mom can beshifted to one of mumbais hospital? i could do that. all your work done?yes. everything done properly?yes sister. all done.

mangla. lock the doors. sorry, madam. i forgot. i'll lock the could i forget? doc, i just want to know if we can shift her to mumbai? its important for me to go. and she'll get treatment as well. mr. kabir. treatment is one thing. but she is no condition to travel.

sorry. i can't take that risk.i understand. when you met kabir first time? sanjana.anjana. happy birthday. this is for you. hey.. sanjana, i'm going tolondon for higher studies. london? but why didn'tyou tell me this earlier? and now suddenly..after my parents divorce

dad shifted to london. he got me admissionin the leigh university. so i have to go.but for how long? years! won't you come to the airport,to see me off. of course i will.i will see you there. thank you, bye.bye. kabir's going to london, for years. he's called me to the airport.

i don't want to go anywhere. anjana, let's go please. no. anjana,! anjana, let's go after that it was difficultfor us to stay in contact. i could neither writea letter or an email. nor call him. anjana!anjana, please give it to me. anjana.even mom didn't like it.

so i would hide the letters i wrote. perhaps! time went on. kabir had been away for 10 years. and one day. hi. kabir, you? guess what? i am coming back.

to you. you're coming back. when? i can't believe this. i am coming back soon, sanjana. and this time youll haveto come to the airport to receive me. i don't know how,but you will have to come. okay? yes, i will come. i definitely one can stop me this time. good.

okay, i'll have to go now.i'll see you soon. okay.bye. kabir is coming back. and he wants us to receive him. you can meet him, not me. anjana, stop being so obstinate. we're no longer kids. i want to meet him, anjana. he loves me, and i love him so much.

this time i will meet him, anjana. even if it means separating from you. and that's when you decidedon separating from anjana. yes, it was my decision. and i blame myself for her death. yes, i killed her. if that's true, then you sti'llhave no reason to feel so guilty. it's not wrong tothink about yourself. sometimes it's not acrime to be selfish either.

you're human, not god. i was trying to be god. made a decision aboutsomeone else's life. she could've lived her life,still be alive.. ..but i took it away. but she's back now.she's following me. she wants to take me with her. sanjana. sanjana. please try and understand.

it's the effect of her deathwhich you're still carrying along. your fear is just the burden on your heart. the day you stop blaming yourself. you will stop seeing anjana as well. sanjana! sanja.. sanjana, wake up. wake up.

sanjana, what are you doing here? kabir!why are you here? i do'nt know, kabir. i don't know. i don't know.kabir, i am scared. enough. enough.stop crying. enough. calm down. enough.enough!

what?isn't one ghost enough in this house? oh mom,your records stuck to one thing. i told you a thousand times there'sno such thing as ghost. but no. madam said it forthe sake of her child. the sister said forthe sake of her sister. so why won't you believe it? mom, everyone has a soul. in their body. once the body perishesthe soul won't come back.

you confused me now. inside the body or outside? leave this.first go make breakfast and serve it. go. body or outside? what are you looking at? you. because i want to... what else you feel now? im feeling affectionate.

there are so many things in my heart. i want to say everything. sanjana, what's stoping you? stay with me forever. sanjana, i have to go. go.. ..but come back soon. i promise. mom. mom.

mom. what is it?mom. i saw sanjana madam. she was lying on thefloor in the outhouse clutching on to hersisters clothes and toys. and when i went closer she stared back atme as if she was possessed. enough about ghosts and spirits.hold this. mom.. mom, mom believe me, im telling you the truth.

be quiet, keep this plate. mom, take a look.please come take a look. mom! you dropped the plate. where's your mind? sorry, madam,'s alright. it happens sometimes. next time, concentrate on your job.. ..not the people in this house.

you.. what.. no one can love you as much as i do. and no matter howmany times i say this it's not enough. no matter how muchi express my love its never enough. no one will come between us now. only you

and me! what's wrong, sanjana? something's different about you. don't know. there's something... but can't go away from you. i'll go see the doctor, okay? mom. i don't know.she was trying to say something.

i don't know what happened.yes, doctor. yes..okay, doctor. doctor everything is ok?yes. i mean nothing to nothing to worry. the good we reach on time.otherwise... so, how's sanjana now?she's much better now, sir. meaning. i mean the guilt about anjana. the nightmares, depression

it's it's all gone. disappeared. and i just want to thank you, sir. you're the reason whyi found my old sanjana back. thank you so much. coffee. hi, sanjana.hi. sorry, excuse me.

yeah, mohit. tell me. divya was speaking about you. she was saying let's invitekabir and sanjana for lunch. well, that's not my problem. i said good idea,let's plan it out today. just send them the logistical plan she was also planningon watching a film. but but, there must be a different way.

i am sure there'ssomething you can do. your husband is a busy man. you must feel lonely, right? seriously, mohit, i can't handle it. i know your moms sick,but until i come back. you know this projectis very important for us. we cannot afford tomake any more mistakes. and the requirementsfrom their company. i'll make the i'll make it.

and, did the customsrelease the shipment? are you okay? yes. i'm absolutely fine. after a decade i am finally happy. sorry, sir, it was an important call.couldn't avoid it. leo, shut up. shut up! i wonder what's wrong with leo. he suddenly got violent.

started barking at sanjana. i think he needs counseling as well. kabir, this is serious. animals can see what humans can't. it's called extra sensory perception. it's weird that hegot violent like this after seeing sanjana. maybe he sees the change that you did. something isn't right.

sir such drastic change insuch a short time is not normal. such people hide things. something goes on in their mind but, they don't reveal it. they want people toconsider them normal, but, they are actually not. sir..sir, i don't understand. watch her.

keep an eye on her. and keep this between us. help. help. kabir. sanjana. kabir, help me! help me.leo! leo, stop it. leo. no, me, kabir. no, leo.

mom! mom! mom, i. why areyou shivering in this weather? are you sick?i won't work in this house. you won't work here?why? mom, i am scared of sanjana madam. scared of sanjana madam? why? mom, i was collecting my purse and looked out the window. help. kabir, help me!

leo! kabir.leo. leo.leo, leave her. what do you think, kabir?i don't know, sir. i can't understand.i mean... there's something alwayshappening in this house. one thing's overand another springs up. i just don't know what to do. sir..

yes, mangla. sir, i don't know whetheryou believe in these things or not. but someone has castan eye on this house. with your permission i'llconduct veneration in this house. and everything willbe fine after that. fine. just like here aretwo kinds of humans. similarly,there are two kinds of spirits. good and bad.

bad spirits often possess weak bodies. trouble them. and later kills them. the way your wife's getting weak she's getting seriously i'll.. it proves that her sistersspirit is possessing her. but she won't posses her for long. soon she will kill her. we have very little time.

this bhoot puran hasbeen written by ascetics thousands of years ago. we can use the chants writtenin them to control the spirit. destroy all thebelongings of her sister. cover every glass in this house. mirrors, photos everything. because, as soon as i start reciting the spirit will tryto hide in these things. and this shouldnt happen.

i've bounded all thecorners of this house. we'll have to destroythis spirit right here. once i start reciting the chants the spirit can lie,try to distract us. she'll try to scare us. but we'll have to be brave. cover her face. mantra kabir!no

kabirdon't go! leave me! help me! kabirhelp me! no let her go. you don't belong to this world. go back to wherever you came from. i can't.

leave her and go back. go back to your world. i won't go untili don't kill her. be quiet. go awayor else i'llturn you to ashes. go! find the truth. you'll get me out of her body but,how will you get me out of this house? she killed me!killed me!

she killed me. took my life. try to find the truth.the truth. the spirit is out of her body but, she's not in my control. she's still somewhere in this house. my head's paining. the effect won't wear off so soon. what happened with me, kabir? sanjana's returnedto me after a long time.

let me take her in my arms first. then i'll tell you what anjana did. she killed me. killed me. she took my life. did anjana's truth scare you,or sanjanas lie? what do you mean? whats all this? all i got was lies, so i thought to know the truth, i must lie too.

stop talking in riddles. be specific. even i am trying to solve the puzzle. tell me what you did?who did you kill? what was the liedid you always tell me? tell me, sanjana! i never lied to you. you didn't lie to me, butyou didn't tell me the truth either. anjana's spirit isstill in this house.

and she won't leave you aloneuntil you don't speak the truth. sanjana,i don't want to argue with you or, raise my voice. it's even your responsibilityto keep this relation intact. now the choice is over. the truth might not keep us together but, a lie willdefinitely shatter it. okay, sanjana. your silence hasconveyed your decision.

but sanjana,everyone has to pay for their deeds. you'll have to pay for yours. but i still love you. kabir, stop. please don't go. i love you very much. please don't leave me. i will tell you the truth. i will tell you everything.please don't leave me.

please don't leave me. i will tell you everything.please. kabir is coming back,and he wants us to receive him. meet him. you can go, not me. even if i have to separate from you. kabir doesn't love you. he just wants to separate us. so he's pretending to love you.

otherwise,what else could be the reason that he loves you instead of me. what's wrong with you, aanjana? have you lost your mind? he only loves me. he only considersyou as a good friend. you snatched kabir from me. you came between us. because i know he loves me.

and i love him. that's not true. kabir only loves me, not you. no, then i'll make surethat he only loves me. save my child. i beg you. that day mom saved me because it was an accident. i didnt want to kill her. i was only trying to save my life.

sanjana, why didn'tyou tell me this before? because i didn't want to lose you. so sorry, sanjana. i didn't know that my love for one.. ..would be the causeof death for another. remember one thing. anjana really loved you. and i love you. this means anjana's spiritis here to take revenge

and, she won't leave without it. theres something anjana'sspirit is tethered to. before she attacks sanjana again you'll have to findthat thing and burn it. sanjana, he's saying there's.. it's coming from here. mom.. we'll have to burnthis body right now. go, get the kerosene.

walk faster. come on, mom. mom jaya! jaya! mom why are they taking so long? i'll take a look. thank god you're here, sir. we found anjana's dead body.

we just need kerosene.. kerosene. you have the kerosene? i found this wheni went in the house. i you should never try to fool your kin. sanjana!burn her body. move! go! kabir, are you okay? what do i call you? sanjana or anjana?

kabir what are you saying? that's sanjana's body, isn't it? no, kabir. i am sanjana. lie. how many times are you going to lie? please tell me the truth now. tell me the truth. kabir..tell me the truth.

no, then i'll makesure that he only loves me. mom, please. from now, i am sanjana. i could not help it, kabir. i loved you like crazy. i wanted you. i couldn't live without you. you couldn't live without me but, you could kill your our relation,our marriage it's all a fake. no.

all these years i was deceived because, it was all a your whole existence. it's nothing but a kabir. please don't say that. what's the differencebetween me and her? we were both the same. then why didn't you love me? having the same face doesn'tmake you the same person.

people are always different. and like you said no one can replace anyone. that moment, that day that year. all the time that we spent together. don't they have any importance? every time you said you love me .sn't that worth anything? say it,

it's worth nothing. because i always loved sanjana. even when i was close to you,i wasn't with you. and you knew it. that you had taken sanjana's place. not yours. fine, then give me my place. forget her, and accept me. this locket. adorn this locket to me,like you did to sanjana.

do it.anjana. do it, please.anjana. there's place for onlyone person in the heart. and no one else can take it. nor the moments together orthe nuptial rounds. please kabir. just let it go. because this and me belong to someone else.

you can't can't leave. i won't let you go.i won't let you go. say you love me.say you love me. say you love me! say you love me, kabir. sanjana! sanjana. you never knew how muchi loved you. if you can't be mine.. ..then, you can be no ones.

you can't be anybody elses! kabir!sanjana!

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